#somthimes i just feel like making
dazelvel · 8 months
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I did this on a whiteboard
Martha and pk ;>
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yourwitchjay · 5 months
I wish that people who post about lazy witchcraft or low energy witchcraft would keep in mind that some people can't even do their "low energy" rituals. As someone who's neurodivergent and struggles a lot with executive dysfunction, I can't do low energy spells like making tea or taking a shower. Normally the most I can do is scroll through witch related posts on social media, somthimes I can't even do that.
It sucks because so often I want to practice my craft or get more connected to it, but I simply can't. They're so many things that I want to do, like daily dividation or offerings, but I worry about the disappointment I'll feel when I can't manage it. I try to take a positive outlook, say the reblogs or saved posts are me adding to my grimoire, since my actual one remains blank.
I try my best, but I just wish there was more suggestions that would actually work for me, you know?
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thenamesyuri · 4 years
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
Stranger: What are you doing?
You: Nothin much
Stranger: Why this mask
You: I just feel a little uncomfortable with my face somthimes
Stranger: No
Stranger: Thats okay
Stranger: I cant speak
Stranger: But have to accept
You: true.. mayube i should take this mask off then
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: Hiw old arr you?
You: i cant say
Stranger: Why?
You: it has banned me for saying my age
Stranger: No prob
You: :)
Stranger: Do you pLay game
You: Yes i do
Stranger: Which one
Stranger: Pubg
You: Minecraft, roblox alot
Stranger: Where are u from?
You: sweden
Stranger: I work for a sweden company
Stranger: telecom company
You: telecom?? what is that?
Stranger: Sim card?
Stranger: Dont you use
Stranger: Then broadband
You: Sim card is for phones
Stranger: Have you heard of Telia?
You: yes
Stranger: I work for this
You: oh ok!
Stranger: Software engineer
You: Cool!!
Stranger: What you do?
Stranger: Where are your parents?
You: at home
You: my mom as a joint problem and my dad work alot so his body gets really tired
Stranger: Where he work?
Stranger: I m sorry for your mom
You: Sandnerg & söner
You: it is ok she takes medicin
You: Sandberg & söner
Stranger: What is that?
You: it is where you form metal and give it out to companys liek car companys
You: they make car parts that may be theo nly thing i know that they make
Stranger: Ok
You: they do have somegood hot chocolate!
Stranger: Hot chocolate mean melted iron?
You: no like the drink! hot chocolate
Stranger: Your dad works a lot i guess
You: yes
Stranger: Might be he works in a factory
You: i think so
Stranger: But does he fet good earning?
Stranger: Get*
You: yes
You: good enough to keep us at home
Stranger: So thats good. It matter that you get paid for what you do
You: yes but my dad gets sick easily
Stranger: You should study hard
Stranger: Once you will look after him
You: yes i will! i will study hard to help my parents alot!
Stranger: In which class do you study?
You: soon 6A
Stranger: Mathematics?
Stranger: Do you love?
You: i like math!
Stranger: Mee too
You: Yay! someone finally likes math too!
Stranger: What have you studied till now in math?
Stranger: Trigonometry?
You: wait
Stranger: Algebra
Stranger: Arithmetic
You: i am not english so i gotta translate
You: i acually dont know
Stranger: Study hard
You: i will! :D
Stranger: All these you gonna face in higher studies
You: yes i know my dad told be that
Stranger: Schools are closed?
You: no not here
Stranger: So you go?
You: yes
You: we just gotta stay a bit apart
Stranger: Okay
Stranger: Nice. So whats your rànk in the class
You: rank??
Stranger: Position out of all the students in class
You: i dont think we ahev that
Stranger: Okay
Stranger: You are good boy
Stranger: Help your parents
You: i hear a cat meowing out side my window
You: i will
Stranger: Wanna show
You: show what??
Stranger: 🐈
You: i dotn have a cat but i know my neighbor does
Stranger: Okay
Stranger: Anyway. Keep your spirit up
You: i will!! i wont let anybody take be down!
Stranger: Yesh
Stranger: You gotta gf?
You: no
You: not really intrested in anyone
Stranger: Thats good boy
Stranger: Focus on your study
Stranger: I go. Now
Stranger: Bye
You: bye
Stranger has disconnected.
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houseofvans · 6 years
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With heroes like satirist James Gillary, the father of modern cartoon Hogarth, and American underground cartoonist Robert Crumb, it is no surprise that UK artist Alex Gamsu Jenkins’s illustrations are often dark, grotesque, odd, and pretty darn funny. Using humor as a tool to explore and satirize the world around him, Jenkins’s art is a visual commentary on the world, technology, and whatever else crosses his quick-witted mind. In our latest Art School, Alex shares with us his insight into his process, his art school experiences, and how he overcomes the dreaded– drawer’s block.
 Photographs courtesy of the artist. 
Who are you and what do you do.  Hello there, my name is Alex Gamsu Jenkins. The “Gamsu” is not a bad psuedo name but my mum’s surname as there is another illustrator under the name Alex Jenkins. That being I am an illustrator from South East London. 
How would you describe the work you create to someone whose never seen it? Hmmm, I like to draw odd scenairos which are often of a dark or grotesque nature. But not too much where I percieve it as overdone. That’s why its important to make them humouress or fun so its not overcooked and hopefully not cringey.
You’ve mentioned that your work utilizes humor as a tool to explore and satirize various topics. Do you have favorite satirist and humorists you look too? Who were some of your early artistic influences? I always have a memory of seeing Steve Bell’s caricatures in the Guardian. Particluary John Major in y-fronts , Tony Blair with his stressed bulging eye and more recently David Cameron with his Condom head. I was a fan of how he exagurated their personalities and conjured them into fleshy mass’s with their features. Of course you got your Gillray and Hogarth’s but my hero has gotta be Robert Crumb. His stuff can be looked at as so offensive, but often he’s flipping the script. He would attack and satirize all corners of society and leave no prisoners.
What about humor as an artistic tool do you find so effective when creating your illustrations that sometimes might focus on more critical subject matter? Humour is effective as it can act as a valve and help to balance an image. If the imaginary is 100% violent or macabre, humour can help to disolve the mood and cast a different light on it or make it more acceptable. Also you can probably get away with a load more if it’s under the bracket of comedy. Like Robert Crumb, his characters often delved deep into the taboo (his incestual nuclear family springs to mind), but humour can dilute the offence that is created by the initial image.
What’s your artistic process like and what’s the weirdest thing about your process? I really struggle to think of an idea whilst im walking around doing every day activities. I usually have to sit down and sketch and something will come from there. But I always dread it when my mind is blank and I know eventually I am going to have to sit down and force myself to think of things. I bloody hate the idea of that. I work another job somthimes which involves driving out of London early in the mornings, and strangely I feel in this morning gap (07:00 – 10:00 am) my brain seems more lively and I can get more quick fire ideas down.  I also need to urinate on these car journeys too, so maybe it’s the whole frantic nature of it which forces me to go into full throttle.
What mediums do you love to work with?  I went on a pilgrimage and now I’m fully enveloped into using a very cosmic Wacom cintq.. which is one of the fancy ones with a screen that you draw straight onto. So in a way I have neglected all of my beloved organic materials I grew up with, but I always promise them that we will meet again. I try to carry around a ring bound sketch book and black ink brush pens. I used to see people use the fancy moleskin sketch books with the nice paper. But I think my hands are too big so it would always feel a very uncomfortable experience for me, or they are more for show then being practical.
Can you tell us about your art school experiences, both positive and negative, having recently graduated Camberwell  College of Arts? Before I went to art school, I had these expectations and hopes that it would be a cauldron of talent and expression and that we would be carefully sculpted and guided into successful artists. I quickly found out it had an eerily similair feeling to secondary school. Just my peers are middle class and I wasn’t getting punched in the back on route to lessons. When I trawl over my memories of both secondary school and Art college, everything has dulcit and grey tones to it. Aside from the mundanity I found with Camberwell. It pushed me to have a very good work ethic as the projects came thick and fast. So when it came to being on my own, I still had it drilled into me to try and churn work out.
What makes you smile when viewing art?  Hmm that’s tough. With things like Instagram and the internet at the ready, other peoples’ work is so accessible now that it has the risk of all becoming quite saturated. I think the things that stand out for me are the subject matter and the humour. Especially the quirkier the better.
 What do you think is the biggest misconception about artists? I was always a bit embarrassed when art or illustration would come up in conversation with my friends that I had grown up with from school and that it was something that I had decided to pursue (otherwise it is something that would never of come into convo). I aways feel its something that isn’t taken very seriously, especially by my friends who work normal or manual jobs. Music and film are creative forms which are far more accepted by most, as opposed to illustration which I feel a misconception is its viewed as a luxury or something that isn’t necessary. I would often find myself having to justify it with my friends.
How do you overcome drawer’s block? I dread it when it comes, but I find what helps most is of course sketching and moving onto the next idea quickly. But also if I’m really stuck, then change the environment I’m in. There is nothing worse then feeling stale, groggy crusty and out of ideas. Drink some water, go for a walk, get the blood flowing and then start sketching where ever you end up is what I say.
What type of music do you listen to when creating? I have a routine of watching boxing interviews and opinions on youtube. It can be incredibly mind numbing, but when its looping in the background it almost becomes a white noise and I think somehow, this spurs me on into the twilight hours.
In another life, what would you be doing if you weren’t an artist?  Probably doing something manual but also didn’t involve to much brain power, like garden labouring or something. I remember breifly being in office enviroments and feeling claustrophobic and frustrated. At least with physical work there was always a sense of achievement at the end of the day.
Favorite Vans? I’m gonna be that guy and say Vans Old Schools, probably the most obvious choice one could make. 
What’s next for you? There is lots on my to do list, the main thing is to actually get round to doing them. A solo show would be great and I keep saying getting to grips with animation. I think more for the short term would be to take more time on work, and maybe not focus so much on churning stuff out for the sake of it. Focus more on detail and honing my skills (if I actually have any). Oh and of course to eventually stray away from the wacom.
FOLLOW ALEX | Instagram | Website
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lifesruiner · 7 years
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess It’s a love story baby, just say yes
Well this is to celebrate the birthday of one of the most amazing person I’ve ever known, my queen muffin @sky-girls I love you and hope you have the amazing day you deserve. 
This is something we’ve talked about how these both dorks deserve better than being just third parties and have their heart broken by others, this is a little of girl power and support that I never get enough of it, so hope you like it. 
It was late and she should has been in her home already, but she didn’t even has anergy to walk or to call her parents to go for her and endure the interrogation of why she was so shy, and the roller was almost empty just Nico and some costumers, the rest have left already. 
The news of Simon dating Ambar were out and everybody was happy for them, and even though when she left behind her crush for Simon she was still hurt that the girl she believed was her best friends for years would be capable of betray her like that, and Simon was just a puppy boy that didn’t deserve to be played by Ambar, she left a loud sigh out. 
-Wow that was a hard sigh -Someone interrupted her thinkings, she raised her head to see Sebastián standing right in front of her 
-Sebas... wha.. what are you doing still here? -Jazmín asked surprised, she thought everyone she knew have already left to their homes 
-I like to be on the rink when it’s empy, it’s very inspiring, gives me a lot of ideas for new videos, and  why are you here alone sighing so much? -He asked and approached a chair to sit in front of her -That only means two things 
-What things? -Jazmín asked curious 
-One, is that you are very in love, and two, that I hope it isn’t, it’s the complete opposite -Sebas told her and when she looked down the smile on his face dissapear 
-I wish it wasn’t the second neither -She gave him a sad smile  
-I’m sorry to hear that, but you shouldn’t be sad for someone, no one deserves to shut down that bright smile you have -He told him trying to reconfort her, and it actually worked, a small smile slipped out of her lips without she even realized it 
-Thank you Sebas for try to cheer me up -She told him and he put his hand over the table to hold hers 
-And I mean it, anyone would be lucky to have you, I mean, look at you -He said pointing her all - you are funny, are creative, have a great sense of fashion, are incredible beautiful, you are brilliant, and I could go all night telling how great you are and I couldn’t finish -He said giving her a sincere smile
-Do... do you think I am beautiful? Wait, do you think I am brilliant? -She didn’t know wich of those statements shocked more, like any girl would go crazy if Sebastian Villalobos call her beautiful, to be more exact incredible beautiful, but brilliant? No one has ever called her that 
-Well... yes.. I mean.. I’ve seen a couple of times that you are always the one that discover who is the responsable of things here, and I just think some people should take you more seriously, and of course you are beautiful -Sebas cleaning her throath - I mean, anyone with a decent sight can see that -Jazmín swore that he was blushing and she couldn’t help but felt how all the heat on her body was concentrating on her cheeks too and after a couple of second they both let a little giggle out 
-I think it’s time for me to go -Jazmín said getting up from her chair but neither of them let go on the hand they were holding 
-Yes, it’s late -Sebas said getting up too 
-Thank you, you really made me feel better 
-I am glad to hear it, so.. see you later? -They were both standing in front of the other and looking at eachothers eyes, Jazmín nodeed sightly and they both melted in a hug before she walked out of the roller. 
-Are you sure you didn’t imaginad that? -Delfi asked incredulous 
-Ugh, I’m telling you I didn’t, why is so hard to believe? -Jazmín asked offended crossing her hands over her chest, they both were talking on the blake corridors 
-Because, don’t get me wrong, but you somthimes exagerate about boys, just a little bit -Delfi said trying to not sound harsh on her friend 
-Tell me one time I’ve done that -She asked serious
-You thought Simon was in love with you -Delfi stated 
-Ugh yes, you are right, but this time it’s true I swear -She was saying and got interrupted by the sound of her phone, she took it out and found a message and couldn’t help but smile -You were saying? -Jazmín said showed the screen of her phone to her friend 
“Hey Jazmín, I really enjoyed talking to you last night, I hope you feel better, and wanted to know  if you  wanna hang out after school? Sebas” 
-Oh my god, it’s true! He is asking you on a date!! Answer him now! -Delfi exclaimed excited -But wait a second, do you like him? 
-I...I don’t know, I don’t even know if he really likes me neither or he is just being nice -Jazmin confessed shy -I mean he is famous, he is nice, he is funny, he has a great fashion sense, and is so damn hot -She was saying and got interrupted by herself remembering how he described her very similar and couldn’t help but smile big at the memory 
-Well, that smiles looks like you do like him if you ask me -Delfi said smiling big to her friends, then both held hand giving a little excited scream 
-Hey girls, what is happening? -Yam asked approaching to them, with her was Jim, Luna and Nina 
-Jazmín has a date -Delfi announced playfull 
-Ohhhh -The four girls howled in a high pitch with smiles on their face 
-And who is the lucky one? -Jim asked 
-I don’t know if I should say, girls I am not sure he likes me really and it isn’t a date actually so... -Jazmín was saying, and they all looked weird at her, Jazmín being private? it was a brand new thing, but she didn’t want to put her hopes up and watch them crash again 
-It’s Sebastian Villalobos -Delfi almost shouted interrupting Jazmín 
-What ? -Yam, JIm and Nina shouted in shock
-Finally! -Luna exclaimed making all girls look at her 
-Finally? What do you mean with finally? Why... do you know something I don’t? -Jazmín interrogated Luna inmediatly 
-Sorry, I mean, like that... you know right? -Luna rambled nervous 
-No we don’t, what do you mean? -Delfi jumped to ask for her friend 
-I mean, like you, you know... and Sebas.. you both, Nina help me please -Luna begged to her best friend 
-Sorry, I don’t know what is happening here -Nina said lifting both hands showing her innocense to Jazmín and Delfi that were looking at Luna instense 
-Ugh damn, Sebas told me once that he has a little crush on you and that’s why he came here the first time, just because you asked him -Luna said like it was a race of who talked faster, but Jazmn could hear clear and loud every word, but still it was hard to believe 
-But then why he focused on Ambar when he arrived? -Jazmín asked confused 
-Well, maybe you should say yes to that date and ask it for yourself -Luna said with a playfull smile on her lips, she looked still unsure to her friends, but they all were giving her reconforting smiles
-Come on, tell him yes -Delfi was encouraging her to answer Sebas
-You could be such a cute couple, you are like made for each other -Jim said looking at Yam excited 
-I know, you could do video blogs together, always helping eachother with your projects, and both could go to red carpets -Yam was telling continuing Jim’s idea 
-I would be the best dressed of every red carpet -Jazmín said out loud but it was an idea more for herself 
-You totally would, come on, answer him, NOW! -Delfi kept pushing her and Jazmín took out her phone and wrote.
“Yes I do, thank you, and sounds like a great plan, give me the dets xx.” 
-Done -Jazmín said pressing send, and all the girls made a little excited scream again, maybe they were right and for once she would get her own prince and her own love story instead of being a viewer of everyone else’s. 
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