#sona: naru
neolxzr · 2 years
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its white day so remember to spoil ur gf today!!
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tmarshconnors · 1 year
50 Japanese proverbs along with their English translations:
一寸先は闇。(Issun saki wa yami.) Translation: "One inch ahead is darkness."
石の上にも三年。(Ishi no ue ni mo sannen.) Translation: "Even on a rock, it takes three years."
虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず。(Koketsu ni irazunba koji o ezu.) Translation: "If you do not enter the tiger's cave, you will not catch its cub."
出る杭は打たれる。(Deru kui wa utareru.) Translation: "The stake that sticks out gets hammered down."
虎の子を産んでも親は親。(Tora no ko o undemo oya wa oya.) Translation: "Even if a tiger gives birth to a cub, it is still a mother."
花より団子。(Hana yori dango.) Translation: "Prefer dumplings over flowers."
七転び八起き。(Nanakorobi yaoki.) Translation: "Fall down seven times, stand up eight."
猿も木から落ちる。(Saru mo ki kara ochiru.) Translation: "Even monkeys fall from trees."
馬の耳に念仏。(Uma no mimi ni nenbutsu.) Translation: "Buddhist sutras to a horse's ear."
雨降って地固まる。(Ame futte ji katamaru.) Translation: "After the rain, the ground hardens."
井の中の蛙大海を知らず。(I no naka no kawazu taikai o shirazu.) Translation: "A frog in a well does not know the great sea."
急がば回れ。(Isogaba maware.) Translation: "If you hurry, take the long way around."
目くじらを立てる。(Mekujira o tateru.) Translation: "To raise an eyebrow."
虫の知らせ。(Mushi no shirase.) Translation: "News from the bugs."
備えあれば憂いなし。(Sona e areba urei nashi.) Translation: "If you are prepared, you have nothing to fear."
馬鹿は死ななきゃ治らない。(Baka wa shinanakya naoranai.) Translation: "Stupidity cannot be cured unless you die."
起きて半畳寝て一畳。(Okite hantatami nete ichijo.) Translation: "Waking up is half the bed, sleeping is a full tatami."
継続は力なり。(Keizoku wa chikara nari.) Translation: "Continuation is power."
猿も木から落ちる。(Saru mo ki kara ochiru.) Translation: "Even monkeys fall from trees."
言わぬが花。(Iwanu ga hana.) Translation: "Silence is golden."
良薬は口に苦し。(Ryoyaku wa kuchi ni nigashi.) Translation: "Good medicine tastes bitter."
鳥なき里の蝙蝠。(Tori naki sato no koumori.) Translation: "In a village without birds, bats are great singers."
縁の下の力持ち。(En no shita no chikara mochi.) Translation: "The person behind the scenes who holds the power."
馬の耳に念仏。(Uma no mimi ni nenbutsu.) Translation: "Buddhist sutras to a horse's ear."
継続は力なり。(Keizoku wa chikara nari.) Translation: "Continuation is power."
石の上にも三年。(Ishi no ue ni mo sannen.) Translation: "Even on a rock, it takes three years."
人のふり見て我がふり直せ。(Hito no furi mite waga furi naose.) Translation: "Observe the behavior of others and correct your own."
高い山から落ちる石は重い。(Takai yama kara ochiru ishi wa omoi.) Translation: "A stone falling from a high mountain is heavy."
鶏口となるも牛後となるな。(Keikou to naru mo gyuugo to naru na.) Translation: "Rather than becoming the mouth of a chicken, become the tail of an ox."
空鶴も1枚や2枚。(Karatsuru mo ichimai ya nimai.) Translation: "Even a crane dances a step or two."
蛙の子は蛙。(Kaeru no ko wa kaeru.) Translation: "A child of a frog is a frog."
立つ鳥跡を濁さず。(Tatsu tori ato o nigosazu.) Translation: "A departing bird leaves no trace."
二兎を追う者は一兎をも得ず。(Nito o ou mono wa itto mo ezu.) Translation: "One who chases after two hares will not catch even one."
弘法にも筆の誤り。(Koubou ni mo fude no ayamari.) Translation: "Even Koubou made mistakes with his brush."
悪因悪果。(Akuin akka.) Translation: "Evil begets evil."
隣の芝生は青く見える。(Tonari no shibafu wa aoku mieru.) Translation: "The grass is always greener on the other side."
悪事千里を走る。(Akugoto senri o hashiru.) Translation: "Evil deeds run a thousand miles."
火のないところに煙は立たぬ。(Hi no nai tokoro ni kemuri wa tatanu.) Translation: "There is no smoke without fire."
弱肉強食。(Jakuniku kyoushoku.) Translation: "Survival of the fittest."
塵も積もれば山となる。(Chiri mo tsumoreba yama to naru.) Translation: "Even dust, when piled up, becomes a mountain."
意気地なし。(Ikujinashi.) Translation: "No fighting spirit."
逆境に勝つ者は逆境に強い。(Gyakkyou ni katsu mono wa gyakkyou ni tsuyoi.) Translation: "Those who win in adversity are strong in adversity."
転ばぬ先の杖。(Korobanu saki no tsue.) Translation: "A cane before you fall."
時は金なり。(Toki wa kane nari.) Translation: "Time is money."
後悔先に立たず。(Koukai saki ni tatazu.) Translation: "Regret does not come before."
三人寄れば文殊の知恵。(Sannin yoreba Monju no chie.) Translation: "When three people gather, there is wisdom."
乞食の馬鹿は乞食をする。(Kojiki no baka wa kojiki o suru.) Translation: "A beggar's fool begs."
頭隠して尻隠さず。(Atama kakushite shiri kakusazu.) Translation: "Covering the head but not the bottom."
千里の道も一歩から。(Senri no michi mo ippo kara.) Translation: "Even a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
弘法にも筆の誤り。(Koubou ni mo fude no ayamari.) Translation: "Even Koubou made mistakes with his brush."
These proverbs reflect various aspects of Japanese culture, wisdom, and values.
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freckledblueota · 4 years
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When you finally work up the courage to kiss your totally not girlfriend/future wife HAHA
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pikahlua · 2 years
MHA Chapter 363 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 決めてンだよ俺ァ! きめてンだよおれァ! kimeteNda yo oreA! “I’ve decided!”
tagline 倒れた爆豪ーー… たおれたばくごうーー… taoreta Bakugou---... The fallen Bakugou---...
2 勝負は必ず完全勝利! しょぶはかならずかんぜんしょうり! shoubu wa kanarazu kanzen shouri! “In [this] match, [I will] definitely [have] a perfect victory!”
3 4−0無傷!これが 4−0むきず!これが 4-0 mukizu! kore ga “4-0 no injuries! This”
4 本当に強ぇ奴の"勝利"だろ! ほんとうにつえぇやつの"しょうり"だろ! hontou ni tsuee yatsu no “shouri” daro! “is how the truly strong win!”
5 おいウソだろう…! oi USO darou...! “Hey, it’s gotta be a lie...!”
6 ダメでしょそれはぁ…‼︎ DAME desho sore waa...!! “That can’t be...!!”
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1 それはダメだろォオオ!!! sore wa DAME daroOOO!!! “That just can’t beee!!!”
tagline No.363 禦ぐ者と侵す者  堀越耕平 ナンバー363 ふせぐものとおかすもの  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 363 fusegu mono to okasu mono   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 363 Those who attack/invade and those who defend/protect   Kouhei Horikoshi
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1 脈が無い… みゃくがない… myaku ga nai... “No pulse...”
2 心臓をやられた… しんぞうをやられた… shinzou wo yarareta... “His heart was hit...”
3 せめて緑谷くんがくるまで皆を守りきろう せめてみどりやくんがくるまでみんなをまもりきろう semete Midoriya-kun ga kuru made minna wo mamori kirou Let’s at least protect everyone until Midoriya-kun arrives.
4 こんな…畜生…! こんな…ちくしょう…! konna...chikushou...! “Something like this...you bastard...!”
5 今度は死んだ こんどはしんだ kondo wa shinda “This time he died.”
6 今度は委ねたからだ こんどはゆだねたからだ kondo wa yudaneta kara da (Literal) “This time was because you entrusted it to him.” (Contextual) “This happened because you left everything to him.”
7 だからガッカリしたんだイレイザー dakara GAKKARI shitanda IREIZAA “That’s why I was so disappointed, Eraser.”
8 さて sate “Now”
9 こんな…… konna...... He’s such......
10 化物がーーー ばけものがーーー bakemono ga--- a monster---
11 次は⁉︎ つぎは⁉︎ tsugi wa!? “[Who’s] next!?”
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1 誰か緑谷出久のプレゼントになる⁉︎ だれかみどりやいずくのプレゼントになる⁉︎ dare ka Midoriya Izuku no PUREZENTO ni naru!? “Who will become Izuku Midoriya’s present!?”
2 あの時…てめ〜をぶっ殺せてりゃ… あのとき…てめ〜をぶっころせてりゃ… ano toki...temee wo bukkoroseterya... “Back then...if I could have freakin’ killed you...”
3 私があと…一歩速けりゃあ……! わたしがあと…いっぽはやけりゃあ……! watashi ga ato...ippo hayakeryaa......! “If I could have been...one step faster......!”
4 気にするなよ兎山ルミ! あの時は…まだヒーローが沢山いた きにするなようさぎやまルミ! あのときは…まだヒーローがたくさんいた ki ni suruna yo Usagiyama RUMI! ano toki wa...mada HIIROO ga takusan ita “Don’t fret about it, Rumi Usagiyama! Back then...there were still many heroes.”
5 君だけがしょうもなかったワケじゃない きみだけがしょうもなかったワケじゃない kimi dake ga shou mo nakatta WAKE ja nai “You weren’t the only one who was helpless.”
6 ヒーローが減って…あんな青二才すら前線に立たざるを得ない状況の時点で ヒーローがへって…あんなあおにさいすらぜんせんにたたざるをえないじょうきょうのじてんで HIIRO ga hette...anna aonisai sura zensen ni tatazaru wo enai joukyou no jiten de “The number of heroes decreased...even a young novice like that* had no choice but to stand on the front line in that situation” (Note: *I think he’s talking about Katsuki.)
7 死ぬさそりゃ一人や二人 しぬさそりゃひとりやふたり shinu sa sorya hitori ya futari “and one or two like that will die.”
8 君らは先制を仕掛けベストを尽くした きみらはせんせいをしかけベストをつくした kimira wa sensei wo shikake BESUTO wo tsukushita “You tried your preemptive gambit and exhausted your best.”
9 それでも足りなかっただけさ それでもたりなかっただけさ sore demo tarinakatta dake sa “Even so, it just wasn’t enough.”
10 人も… ひとも… hito mo... “Your people” (Note: He means their human resources in this fight.)
11 備えもね… そなえもね… sonae mo ne... “nor your preparation...”
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1 結果的に… けっかてきに… kekkateki ni... “It turns out...”
2 先にお前と闘れて良かったのかもな さきにおまえとやれてよかったのかもな saki ni omae to yarete yokatta no kamo na “maybe I should have fought you first.”
3 ハハ…!やっぱ直に触れると違うんだな… ハハ…!やっぱじかにふれるとちがうんだな… HAHA...! yappa jika ni fureru to chigaunda na... “Haha...! It really is different if you touch it directly...”
4 コツが直感でわかるっつーか… コツがちょっかんでわかるっつーか… KOTSU ga chokkan de wakaru ttsuu ka... “I figured out the trick intuitively...”
5 焦凍くん逃げて‼︎ しょうとくんにげて‼︎ Shouto-kun nigete!! “Shouto-kun, run away!!”
6 氷を打ち込まれる前に…一か八か真似してみた こおりをうちこまれるまえに…いちかばちかまねしてみた koori wo uchikomareru mae ni...ichi ka bachi ka maneshite mita “Before I got hit by the ice...I took a gamble and tried to imitate you.”
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1 これで合ってるよな? これであってるよな? kore de atteru yo na? (Literal) “With this, it’s correct, right?” (Contextual) “This is how you do it, right?”
2 焦凍 しょうと Shouto “Shouto”
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1 オニマーさん ONIMAA-san “Onima-san”
2 ……火力だけじゃなかった…! ……かりょくだけじゃなかった…! ......It’s not just firepower...!
3 そうだ…‼︎ sou da...!! That’s right...!
4 燈矢兄はほとんど独学でここまで"個性"を高めたんだ…! とうやにいはほとんどどくがくでここまで"こせい"をたかめたんだ…! Touya-nii wa hotondo dokugaku de koko made “kosei” wo takametanda...! Big Brother Touya was mostly self-taught and improved his quirk this much...!
5-6 努力に裏打ちされた"センス"が しゅうれんにうらうちされた"センス"が shuuren (kanji: doryoku) ni urauchi sareta“SENSU” ga A good sense backed up by training (read as: effort)
7 燈矢兄には とうやにいには Touya-nii ni wa Big Brother Touya has that
8 スケプティイック‼︎ SUKEPUTIIKKU!! “Skeptic!!”
9 今忙しいんだ話しかけるなファザコンめ‼︎ いまいそがしいんだはなしかけるなファザコンめ‼︎ ima isogashiinda hanashi kakeruna FAZAKON-me!! “I’m busy right now, so don’t talk to me, you damn Father Complex!!”
10 エンデヴァーなら ENDEVAA nara “If [you wanna know about] Endeavor”
11 群訝山荘跡地AFOと交戦中だ ぐんがさんそうあとちオール・フォー・ワンとこうせんちゅうだ Gunga sansou atochi OORU FOO WAN to kousenchuu da “he’s currently warring with AFO at the former site of Gunga Mountain Villa”
12 "敵"に準備させちゃいけないと "ヴィラン"にじゅんびさせちゃいけないと “VIRAN” ni junbi sasecha ikenai to “Don’t let the villains prepare”
13 事を急いた緑谷出久は正しかったんだよたとえそれが… ことをせいたみどりやいずくはただしかったんだよたとえそれが… koto wo seita Midoriya Izuku wa tadashikattanda yo tatoe sore ga... “and rush things was right on Izuku Midoriya’s part, even if...”
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1 徒労に終わると決まっていたとしても とろうにおわるときまっていたとしても torou ni owaru to kimatte ita to shite mo “even if it was decided that it would end in vain.”
2 弊社め私を損切りしたつもりか⁉︎ へいしゃめわたしをそんぎりしたつもりか⁉︎ heishame watashi wo songiri shita tsumori ka!? “Are you planning to cut me off from our company!?”
3 相変わらず脳ミソの詰まっていない連中だ! あいかわらずのうミソのつまっていないれんちゅうだ! aikawarazu nou MISO no tsumatte inai renchuu da! “As usual these guys have miso clogging their brains!” (Note: This is an idiom for calling someone stupid.)
4 このネットワークは私が構築したんだぞ? このネットワークはわたしがこうちくしたんだぞ? kono NETTOWAAKU wa watashi ga kouchiku shitanda zo? “I’m the one who built this network, wasn’t I?”
5 権限を取り戻すなど容易に決まっているだろう‼︎ けんげんをとりもどすなどよういにきまっているだろう‼︎ kengen wo torimodosu nado youi ni kimatte iru darou!! “I can easily decide to do something like regain my authority!!”
6 国外に逃げてまで頭脳を失った会社を存続させて何になる⁉︎ こくがいににげてまでずのうをうしなったかいしゃをそんぞくさせてなんになる⁉︎ kokugai ni nigete made zunou wo ushinatta kaisha wo sonzoku sasete nan ni naru!? “What is the use in keeping a company that’s lost its brains even after fleeing the country!?”
7 保守も度を越せば思考停止の泥人形だ‼︎ ほしゅもどをこせばしこうていしのどろにんぎょうだ‼︎ hoshu mo do wo koseba shikou teishi no doro ningyou da!! “If even maintenance goes too far, it’s just a doll made of mud that’s stopped thinking!!”
8 私は違う!私は死柄木弔を擁立しながら わたしはちがう!わたしはしがらきとむらをようりつしながら watashi wa chigau! watashi wa Shigaraki Tomura wo youritsu shinagara “I am different! While I am supporting Tomura Shigaraki”
9 リ・デストロの本懐を遂げる!遍く人々は平等に能力を活かし リ・デストロのほんかいをとげる!あまねくひとびとはびょうどうにのうりょくをいかし RI・DESUTORO no honkai wo togeru! amaneku hitobito wa byoudou ni nouryoku wo ikashi “I will achieve Re-Destro‘s true longing! People everywhere impartially make the most of their abilities.”
10 それによってのみ権益を勝ち取る… それによってのみけんえきをかちとる… sore ni yotte nomi ken’eki wo kachi toru... “Only by doing that will they win and take their own interests...”
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1 そこにはヒーローも敵もいない真の自由秩序が在る そこにはヒーローもヴィランもいないしんのじゆうちつじょがある soko ni wa HIIROO mo VIRAN mo inai shin no jiyuu chitsujo ga aru “That is where there will be an order of true freedom without heroes or villains.”
2 さっきからシステムエラーが……‼︎ sakki kara SHISUTEMU ERAA ga......!! “For a while we’ve had a system error......!!”
3 何者かがシステムに侵入しょうとしてる! なにものかがシステムにしんにゅうしょうとしてる! nanimono ka ga SHISUTEMU ni shinnyuu shou to shiteru! “Someone is trying to break into the system!”
4 AFO…お前は好きにやれ オール・フォー・ワン…おまえはすきにやれ OORU FOO WAN...omae wa suki ni yare “All For One...do as you like”
5 私も好きにする! わたしもすきにする! watashi mo suki ni suru! “I, too, will do as I like!”
6 革命の後に旧態の残滓を残してはならぬ かくめいのあとにきゅうたいのざんしをのこしてはならぬ kakumei no ato ni kyuutai no zanshi wo nokoshite wa naranu “Leave not the remnants of old after the revolution”
7 とりわけ toriwake “Above all”
8 前時代の言葉に賛同し縋った者たち… やつらのことばにさんどうしすがったものたち… yatsura (kanji: zenjidai) no kotoba ni sandou shi sugatta mono-tachi... “Those who agreed with their (read as: previous era) words and clung to them...”
9 アレらは ARE-ra wa “Such things are” (Note: He’s referring to those people as objects rather than people.)
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1 新たな世界に不要な者たちである あらたなせかいにふようなものたちである aratana sekai ni fuyou na mono-tachi de aru “those who are unnecessary in the new world.”
2 あーもーおとなしくなさい! aa moo otonashiku nasai! “Ah, come on, be quieter!”
3 敵が来たらどーするの! ヴィランがきたらどーするの! VIRAN ga kitara doo suru no! “What will you do if the villains come!”
4 大丈夫だよ先生! だいじょうぶだよせんせい! daijoubu da yo sensei! “It’s okay, Teacher!”
5 だってゴチんコと datte GOCHINKO to “Because Five Weenies and”
6 バクゴーたちが! BAKUGOO-tachi ga! “Bakugou and the others!”
7 絶対勝つからね! ぜったいかつからね! zettai katsu kara ne! “They'll definitely win!”
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1 群訝山荘跡地 ぐんがさんそうあとち Gunga sansou atochi Former site of Gunga Mountain Villa
2 前回の戦いでは防戦一辺倒で ぜんかいのたたかいではぼうせんいっぺんとうで zenkai no tatakai de wa bousen ippentou de “In the last battle, they were completed devoted to defense”
3 何もさせてもらえなかったと聞く なにもさせてもらえなかったときく nani mo sasete moraenakatta to kiku “and you wouldn’t let them do anything, so I heard.”
4 今回は違う こんかいはちがう konkai wa chigau “This time is different.”
5 ………オール・フォー・ワン…‼︎ .........OORU FOO WAN...!! “.........All For One...!!”
6 ヒーローとは禦ぐ者であり ヒーローとはふせぐものであり HIIROO TO wa fusegu mono de ari “Heroes are those who protect/defend,”
7 敵とは侵す者 ヴィランとはおかすもの VIRAN to wa okasu mono “and villains are those who attack/invade.”
8 僕らは夢に向かって突き進む‼︎ ぼくらはゆめにむかってつきすすむ‼︎ bokura wa yume ni mukatte tsuki susumu!! “We push forward towards our dreams!!”
tagline 敵、攻勢‼︎ ヴィラン、こうせい‼︎ VIRAN, kousei!! Villains, on the offensive!!
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blucifer08 · 2 years
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saw the fat cat picrew @meepsthemiqo found and i made naru as a fat cat
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yukino-miyu · 4 years
Dice’s Rap Romaji & Kanji (Hypmic Episode 10)
Feel free to repost (credit isn’t necessary just don’t claim my work as your own)
*I’m a beginner at Japanese so there may be a few mistakes (also spacing for it may be off)*
Oioi oi!
Temee no ketsu 
Temee de fuke?
Ketsu makure
Ketsu made infumu
Information shinji machi kayo inkamu
Gachi de outo shichimai sona
Shachiku seijin Automatic
Kachiku rashiku hate wa shokuniki
Koko de chokuni kuu
Kataya soko no hosuto onna no chiisusuru kasu to riiman
Katsu to ri ni naru? Umami nee jan
Ima nara girigiri de songiri dekin no nikin do nichi mo
Dokutaa no dorei nanda sono giri? 
Information 指示待ちかよインカム
勝つと利になる? 旨味ねーじゃん
ドクターの奴隷 なんだその義理?
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hanak0toba · 5 years
Lyrics Translation: BAD HOP - KAWASAKI DRIFT
*this song contains some explicit lyrics in English
This song is from their BAD HOP HOUSE album (2018).  Side note, I was a little more casual and used more slang than I usually do when translating, but it fits the song style better.
[HOOK: YZERR] Kawasaki matagari zenkoku HANDORU kiri Low kara TOP Kinou no ore furikiru kyou AKUSERU zenkai de ikou Machi no fame, kane ni CHENJI Suruze kono Flow Kowasu chain, fukasu ENJIN Machi wo DORIFUTO
[Verse 1: Vingo] Machi kara kuni e daishibashi no ue Tokyo kara Kawaski-koku nakama no moto e Tokyo ga ore PAWAASUPOTTO Notteru Iketa oto Majime dattara deki ne Orera zenkoku muteki menkyo? Hi wo fuku MAFURAA mitoreru onna Hayasa wa Kawasaki Ninja H.2.R Mieru ore wa toughboy Nokosu TAIYAkon Hisshi ni senaka otteru dake De omae no tabi wa long way Susundara kaerenai Home e Yasunde mo tomaranai tokei Kagami ENEMY Yasumanai oretachi Furikitta mukashi no DASAkatta ore
[HOOK: YZERR] Kawasaki matagari zenkoku HANDORU kiri Low kara TOP Kinou no ore furikiru kyou AKUSERU zenkai de ikou Machi no fame, kane ni CHENJI Suruze kono Flow Kowasu chain, fukasu ENJIN Machi no DORIFUTO
[Verse 2: G-k.i.d] Skrr skrr SATSUyori saki ni Skrr skrr MAFIA ga ugoki Mata yobidashi Naru phone ga mezamashi Chi de chi arai shigaramu machi Furyou kara mananda SHINOGI ni reigi HAMAtteta BARI kara ongaku ni CHENJI Highway kazakiri wataru hashi Mirror utsuru Kawasaki ghetto city
[Yellow Pato] Ima ja kanshi KAMERA no naka tobidashi SUTEEJI no ue shashin wo torareteru oretachi ARAsagashi ni Hater wa hisshi Ogame toki na gamen goshi ni Saki ga nee sarumane dake no fake Tsuruma nee subete ga masayume Orera wa yasuma nee Wakate chuuken karaku okizari KYASSHU de omoi BAGGU Sekai no KAWASAKI
[HOOK: YZERR] Kawasaki matagari zenkoku HANDORU kiri Low kara TOP Kinou no ore furikiru kyou AKUSERU zenkai de ikou
[Verse 3: Bark] Mata dareka ga tsubuyaku Kono machi kara derenai Yokubou ga machi uzumaku Dedokoro na ikegami Gang bitch yokome fukasu weed ni AKUSERU NEZUMI no you CHEDAA ou KIDS tachi no yume ni naru Hi wo fuku Ninja KAWASAKI
[Tiji Jojo] Jamamono tachi furikiru Flow Orera no mae ja subete ga Slow SUPINsuru TAIYA agaru kemuri Kozeni ni surane seikatsu nukete mukau TOP Sodatte kita machi tobitatsu GARUUINGU Antei nante iranai tataka nee ishibashi Yogore teru te de hoshii mono zenbu ubau JENGA no you kane tsumiageru
[Benjazzy] Dou kirinukeru Machi no jiken wa taema nee Dare ga mukashi KATAGI de Katae atama to KORUKU METTO Hayaji ni shite YATSUra no sonae Te wo nobasu furousha to onaji DNA Orera kakuse nee Kenami kara chigee MISUrya ato ga nee GAKI no akogare Mi kara deru sabi de sabita katai chain Tsunagareru nariagari no tameni Orera tomaranee
[HOOK: YZERR] Kawasaki matagari zenkoku HANDORU kiri Low kara TOP Kinou no ore furikiru kyou AKUSERU zenkai de ikou
[Verse 4: T-Pablow] Doromizu kara champagne KAPPU men kara ROBUSUTAA Kawarazu owareru mi Shounen A kara SUPERSTAR Tsugi ni okumanchouja naru RAPPAA dare Mochiron sore wa ore (pablow) Mochiron sore wa ore NINJA hiku RAJIKON Nintendo FAMIKON Ore no machi de wa sugi ni hagare sabite kusaru PACHIMON Kawasaki-ku de yuumei ni naritakya Hito korosu ka RAPPAA ni naru kada ARU PACHIINO janakute ARU KAPONE Yakudzukuri janakute kore wa ikizama I’m a trouble man
[HOOK: YZERR] Kawasaki matagari zenkoku HANDORU kiri Low kara TOP Kinou no ore furikiru kyou AKUSERU zenkai de ikou Machi no fame, kane ni CHENJI Suruze kono Flow Kowasu chain, fukasu ENJIN Machi wo DORIFUTO
KAWASAKI DRIFT English Translation
[HOOK: YZERR] Kawasaki takin’ over the country Swervin’[1]  from down Low to the TOP Today I’m shakin’ off my past Gonna take off with the accelerator at full throttle My Flow is gonna change This town’s fame and my fortune Breakin’ the chain, revving the engine Drifting [all over] the city
[Verse 1: Vingo] Heading to our hometown from the city over the Daishi Bridge From Tokyo to our native Kawasaki back to the place we all began Tokyo’s my power-spot Riding that sound I can do it if I really try, [2] ya know Can we get a nationwide license to do what we want[3]? Ladies so attracted to the flames shooting outta my tailpipe Our speed is like a Kawasaki Ninja H.2.R[4]  I look like such a toughboy Leavin’ behind tire tracks All [you see] is my back as you desperately try to keep up But you got a long way to go [to catch up] If you keep moving forward, you may not ever make it Home Even if you stop to rest, the clock won’t stop ticking The ENEMY is in the mirror So we ain’t never gonna rest [Til] I’ve outraced my messed-up past
[HOOK: YZERR] Kawasaki takin’ over the country Swervin’ from down Low to the TOP Today I’m shakin’ off my past Gonna take off with the accelerator at full throttle My Flow is gonna change This town’s fame and my fortune Breakin’ the chain, revving the engine Drifting [all over] the city
[Verse 2: G-k.i.d] Skrr skrr [stayin’] ahead of the cops Skrr skrr the mafia [5] is on the move Another call comes in Blowing up [6] my phone Their bloody feuds are tied to this city Because of the gangs, I learned how to survive But because of those snags that tore at me, I became a musician Blowing down the Highway crossing that bridge My Mirror reflecting Kawasaki ghetto city
[Yellow Pato] Now we’re busting out of the surveillance cameras And they’re snapping photos of us on the stage Haters always tryna find fault with us While they worship us through the screen First off, yo they ain’t nothing but fake imitators It’d be a dream come true to never have to deal with them Yo, we ain’t ever gonna stop Leaving those trivial, mediocre kids [in the dust] Our wallets fat with cash [That’s] world-famous KAWASAKI
[HOOK: YZERR] Kawasaki takin’ over the country Swervin’ from down Low to the TOP Today I’m shakin’ off my past Gonna take off with the accelerator at full throttle
[Verse 3: Bark] Someone’s bitchin’[7]  again Ain’t never getting out of this town Desire [for more] flooding the whole city My birthplace, Ikegami[8]  Glancin’ at that Gang bitch smokin’ weed as I fly by Chasin’ after that cheddar like a rat Becoming the dream of all the KIDS My fire-spouting Ninja KAWASAKI
[Tiji Jojo] Leavin’ those lame-asses in the dust with my Flow Everything in front of us is movin’ so Slow Raisin’ smoke with my spinning tires Heading towards the TOP to a lifestyle where money ain’t no thing In this town where I was raised, them gull-wing doors [9] going up Don’t need no predictability; I just go for it[10]  Snatchin’ up everything I want with my grubby hands Stackin’ up that money like [I’m playin’] Jenga[11] 
[Benjazzy] How you gonna survive? The trouble in this city is endless [Honestly,] who’s that out of touch with reality[12] ? So hard-headed [it’s like they’re wearing] a helmet[13]  This goes out to all those guys who died too young Reachin’ out my hand to all you outcasts [14] with the same DNA We ain’t gonna hide We can’t change who we are It ain’t no mistake We’re what little punks [15] aspire to be We’re like family[16]; sendin’ this out to all the young wannabes Rust rubbing off on their skin from their tarnished chains We ain’t gonna stop
[HOOK: YZERR] Kawasaki takin’ over the country Swervin’ from down Low to the TOP Today I’m shakin’ off my past Gonna take off with the accelerator at full throttle
[Verse 4: T-Pablow] From muddy water [17] to champagne From cup-noodles to lobster Unrelenting in the pursuit of my true self [I went] from “Boy A[18] ” to SUPERSTAR And then which rapper was it who turned into a millionaire? It was me, obviously (pablow) It was me, obviously Runnin’ you over with my R/C[19]  NINJA [got my] Nintendo Famicom[20]  My town used to be a cheap imitation, rusting and peeling But I’ve gotta become famous in Kawasaki ward [The only way to do it is] to become a murderer or a rapper Like Al Capone instead of Al Pacino[21]  This ain’t about having influence, it’s a way of life I’m a trouble man
Kawasaki takin’ over the country Swervin’ from down Low to the TOP Today I’m shakin’ off my past Gonna take off with the accelerator at full throttle My Flow is gonna change This town’s fame and my fortune Breakin’ the chain, revving the engine Drifting [all over] the city
Translator’s Notes:
 [1] This uses a phrase that basically means “cutting the steering wheel” (ハンドルきる/HANDORU kiru).
 [2] He switches back and forth (as do a few of the other guys) between singular 俺 ore / rough-sounding “I” and rough-sounding plural “we” (using ore with suffixes tachi or ra).  I did my best with the pronouns in a couple places, but it wasn’t obvious if he was saying “we” or “I” in this line.  He said “I” in the Tokyo power-spot line, and then “we” in the certified invincible line next so…
 [3] This seems to be a play on 無免許 mumenkyo, meaning unlicensed (driver).  無敵 muteki means “invincible, unrivaled, undefeatable,” so basically, a license that can’t be taken away or a license to be whatever they want to be without limits.
 [4] The Ninja H2R is a hypersport motorcycle produced by Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.  It’s apparently only intended for closed-course racing and is not street-legal (so you can’t drive it on public roads or highways).  It’s hella fast, with a quoted max speed of 240mph/380kph, and since it doesn’t have to meet sound ordinances for public-street use, it’s also super loud.
 [5] Kawasaki has a yakuza presence and is the home grounds of the Yamakawa-ikka syndicate.  More info here, though the page is only in Japanese.
 [6] The word used is 目覚まし mezamashi meaning “alarm clock” or “keeping oneself awake.”
 [7] The word used is つぶやく tsubuyaku, which could mean either “to tweet (as in on Twitter)” or “to mutter/grumble.”
 [8] Ikegami is a city in the Kawasaki ward.
 [9] Gull-wing car doors hinge at the roof rather than on the sides, so they open upwards.  Some older-model cars (Mercedes Benz from the ‘50’s and ‘70’s) had gull-wing doors; as far as I know the only recent-ish model with them is the Tesla Model X.  This could also refer to the style of door on many Lamborghinis, which open on an angle rather than a real gull-wing (also called scissor doors or Lambo doors.) More on cars with gull-wing doors here and scissor doors here.
 [10] This seems to be a variation of the idiom 石橋を叩いて渡る / ishibashi tataite wataru which is literally translated as something like “inspecting the stone bridge [for damage] before crossing.”  The English equivalent is “look before you leap,” meaning, think about what you’re going to do and weigh the consequences before proceeding.  The way he’s phrased it (叩かねぇ石橋 / tataka nee ishibashi) has removed the verb for “crossing” but turned the verb for “inspecting” to a negative as well – so it’s literally something like, “I’m not even checking that bridge,” which in turn means he’s not being cautious or careful, but just doing what he wants without really thinking about it too much.  More info on the idiom here (in Japanese only).
 [11] Jenga is a game of physical skill where players take turns trying to remove and replace wooden bricks from a stack which becomes increasingly unstable as the game progresses.  More on Jenga here.
 [12] 昔カタギ mukashi katagi literally means “old-fashioned spirit, old-fashioned way of thinking,” which is the kind of thing you’d say about someone who is stuck in the past and doesn’t see what’s going on around them.
 [13] He says コルクメット KORUKU METTO, which is literally “cork helmet.”  Specifically, pith helmets are made of cloth-covered Indian cork, so I assume that’s what it’s meant to refer to.  More about pith helmets here.
 [14] This is a little loose.  The actual word is 浮浪者 furousha which means “vagrant, vagabond, tramp.”  
 [15] This is the noun ガキ gaki, which is a kind of derogatory word for kids.  It’s usually “brats, urchins, little devils” and the like, not typically well-behaved children.  The kids in the tough neighborhoods where they grew up want to be successful like them; they’re not necessarily saying the kids themselves are bad, but the area they’re from is not the greatest, so they’re all kind of assumed (by people who don’t know them) to be punks and hoods.
 [16] This isn’t family in the traditional sense – 繋がれる tsunagareru is defined as “to be tied together, to be connected to, to be related to” but not necessarily in a blood-relative kind of way.  This is like, “We understand where you’re from because we’re from there, too.”
 [17] So, 泥水 doromizu can mean either “muddy water” or “red light district.”  I’m going with water, because these lines are saying “We used to be on the bottom, now we’re on top,” or “We went from rags to riches.”
 [18] The only real references to 少年A / Shounen A I found online were in relation to the Kobe child murders (the murderer was given the nickname Shounen A since he was too young to have his name released in the media) – but I think this is just meant to mean, “I went from being from some no-name kid nobody knew to being a superstar.”
 [19] ラジコン / RAJIKON is short for radio-controlled, often abbreviated R/C.  This is usually a toy (typically a car or other vehicle) that you can control with a joystick or buttons to drive it around.  From the “Ninja” reference, and the references to the Kawasaki Ninja motorcycle earlier, I’m guessing he’s talking about a radio-controlled motorcycle toy.
 [20] 任天堂ファミコン Nintendou FAMIKON was the original Nintendo “Family Computer” platform that was remarketed and exported as the Famicom or simply N.E.S. in the US.  It was one of the best-selling game platforms of all time.  More info here.
 [21] Al Capone (also nicknamed “Scarface”) was a notorious American mafia gangster. Al Pacino is an American actor who plays a lot of gangster-type characters in movies (including a few loosely based on Al Capone), but is not, in fact, an actual gangster.  So one is (was) way more dangerous than the other, who is only acting like a gangster.
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geirutoneido · 7 years
Franziska for the hc thing
[ #death #parents ]
A: what I think realisticallyuuhh i really dislike “manfred was abusive/neglectful/bad to franziska” hcs because imo there’s no reason to believe that at all (except to be edgy) and franziska clearly dotes on and admires her parent otherwise?
i think most of franziskas weird relationship with having to be perfect and everything is mostly because she’s always felt like it was really hard to live up to the von karma name because manfred was “perfect” and really obsessive and hard on themselves about it too (having a mentally ill parent is... a trip, lemme tell you), and people had extremely high expectations of her because of being a von karma, + pressure to perform even better because she’s a girl, + pressure to make up for any dirt on the von karma name
then things got, you know, worse, because manfred turns out to not be as perfect as she thought, she has to deal with people judging her even more for being a von karma, and miles is a good boy but hes dealing with his own stuff all at this time too and she’s way too proud to crash on her brother like that anyway and all of that on top of grieving
i think realistically speaking theres a lot of room for talking about close family death trauma and pressure to live up to the family name and stuff in fran/maya and i wish i saw more content exploring them as mentally ill trauma victims! im glad theres a lot of content but sometimes it feels like theyre just being treated as the complimentary pairing to naru/mitsu and i wish overall fandom treated them with a bit more depth
B: what I think is fucking hilariousdid you see that post about franziska having horse sonas for people?
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friendsspeaking of shared trauma, i said this before when someone asked about yumihiko but i reaaaally want franziska and yumihiko to be friends because their trauma is really similar and theyre similar ages and imo they would get along really well. franziska is extremely independent to a point of refusing help and yumihiko is like... absolutely not in any way and i think they could teach each other a thing or two
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anywayi like to think blackquill mega looks up to franziska because she’s so cool and in control of everything and pretty and they’re like the same age what the shit chief prosecutors little sister is So Amazing. and after blackquill generally comes out to her workplace as a woman she and franziska become really good friends and blackquill becomes really good friends with maya and franziska is just sitting inbetween maya, blackquill and miles marathoning the old steel samurai episodes and she thinks to herself “how did this happen. why is everyone i know a fucking nerd”
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animelyrics · 8 years
Hikaru nara - Goose house  lyrics- türkçe sözleri - (shigatsu op1)
Ameagari no niji mo  rin to saita hana mo  irozuki afuredasu Akaneiro no sora  aogu kimi ni  ano hi  koi ni ochita Shunkan no doramachikku firumu no naka no hito-koma mo Kienai yo  kokoro ni kizamu kara
Kimi da yo  kimi nanda yo  oshiete kureta Kurayami mo hikaru nara  hoshizora ni naru Kanashimi wo egao ni  mou kakusanai de Kirameku donna hoshi mo  kimi wo terasu kara
Nemuri mo wasurete mukaeta asahi ga  yatara to tsukisasaru Teikiatsu hakobu  zutsuu datte  wasureru  kimi ni aeba Seijaku wa romanchikku  koucha ni toketa shugaa no you ni Zenshin ni meguru yo  kimi no koe Kimi da yo  kimi nanda yo  egao wo kureta Namida mo hikaru nara  ryuusei ni naru
Kizutsuita sono te wo  mou hanasanai de Negai wo kometa sora ni  ashita ga kuru kara Michibiite kureta  hikari wa  kimi da yo Tsurarete boku mo  hashiridashita Shiranu ma ni  kurosu shihajimeta Hora  ima da  koko de  hikaru nara Kimi da yo  kimi nanda yo  oshiete kureta  kurayami wa owaru kara
Kimi da yo  kimi nanda yo  oshiete kureta Kurayami mo hikaru nara  hoshizora ni naru Kanashimi wo egao ni  mou kakusanai de Kirameku donna hoshi mo  kimi wo terasu kara
Kotae wa itsudemo  Guuzen? Hitsuzen? Itsuka eranda michi koso  unmei ni naru Nigirishimeta sono kibou mo fuan mo Kitto futari wo ugokasu  hikari ni naru kara
Yağmur kalktıktan sonraki o gökkuşağı ve de 
zarafetle açan o çiçekler ortalığı renk cümbüşüne döndürmüştü,
Oradaki kızıla dönmüş gökyüzüne hayranlıkla bakan sana, işte o gün aşık oldum
Bu dramatik film sahnesinin içindeki bir an bile silinmeyecek, kalbime kazıyacağım çünkü.
Sensin, evet sen 
Bana bunları öğreten...
Karanlık da ışıldamaya başlarsa yıldızlı geceler olur diye
Üzüntülerini gülümsemenin arkasına saklama artık lütfen
Parıldayan her bir yıldız, seni aydınlatacaktır.
Uyumayı bile unuttum
Saplandı gözlerime, beni karşılayan sabah ışıkları ama
Düşen tansiyonumu ve çatlayan başımın ağrısını bile unutuverdim seni görünce
Romantik durgunluğun, sesine bürünüp; sanki çayda çözülen bir şekermişçesine
Yayıldı bütün vücuduma 
Sensin, evet sen
Bana gülümsemesini bahşeden
Gözyaşları da ışıldamaya başlarsa meteor olurlar
İncinmiş ellerimi bir daha bırakma lütfen
Dileğini yerleştirdiğin gökyüzüne yarınlar gelecek
Sen, yol gösterici ışık,
Ben, peşinden koşan,
Farkında olmadan kesişmeye başlamış yollarımız
Haydi, şu an, burada, ışıldamaya başlarsan
Sensin, evet sen
Bana öğreten, karanlık da sona erecek diye
Sensin, evet sen
Bana bunları öğreten...
Karanlık da ışıldamaya başlarsa yıldızlı geceler olur diye
Üzüntülerini gülümsemenin arkasına saklama artık lütfen
Parıldayan her bir yıldız, seni aydınlatacaktır.
Cevap her zaman tesadüf müydü? Gereklilik miydi?
Seçmiş olduğun yol, bir gün senin kaderini oluşturacak
Dört kolla sarıldığımız umutlar da endişeler de
Şüphesizdir ki bizi hareket ettirecek bir ışık olacak
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sasuke-and-naruto · 8 years
Music Tag
Tagged by @snscomix and @pandajelo! Thanks darlings!!
Rules: You can tell a lot about a person based on the music they listen to. Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and tag 10 people.
Lois Nottet - Rhytm Inside
Zaz - Je veux
Scala - J’ai demande a la lune
Cross - Bye Bye
Simon Curtis - Flesh
Adele - Skyfall
Mark Forster - Flash mich 
League of Legends DJ SONA Login Theme
Anna Naklab feat. Alle Farben - Supergirl
Zaz - On ira
This is like the weirdest mix between english, german and french songs someone could come up with but still every song totally needs a chance to be checked out I guess?
I tag @liloloveyou024, @someone-who-is-there, @it-started-over-sasunaru, @sasu-loves-naru, @chubby-naruto, @yoorlx
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neolxzr · 1 year
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quick post naruquin when no ones looking
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1514kuro · 8 years
Star Night Snow Translation
Last time I did something like this I never actually posted about it www. I translated this year’s Snow Miku’s song composed by N-buna x Orangestar! Yes my dream team! 
That set aside, these translations aren’t official. If there’s any mistakes, don’t be afraid to tell me ^^.
I own nothing but my own knowledge and experience, thank you. Don’t forget to support the original vocaP.  NND link is right below. 
mata fuyu ga kuru tabi ni
hora otona ni naru no sa
yuki no te ni nani wo tsukurou katte
furueta koe 
The winter journey’s begun
as it’s time to become an adult
wondering with snow in my hand what I could create 
with a wavering voice
笑って 笑って
hoshi no furu machi wo utsumuite aruku
itsuka mata nakunaraba
waratte waratte
Following the starry sky to the village
If you ever want to cry again,
Now just smile,  c’mon smile
Starlight Stage いつのまにか
Startlight Stage itsu no mani ka
kyou ga kyou janakuttettatte
hai iki ha hora
bokura ikiteirunda
Starlight Stage, whenever it will be
It’s not today of all days 
releasing a breath 
as we continue to live on 
Tsumotte iku omoidasu ga zutto nannen mo kasanatte
chikiyu wo ou made kitto ai wo utayo
Gathered up feelings that have been gathered over years,
Surely singing songs of love until the earth is covered
komi ageteku bakari de 
hora nani mo nokosenai
watashi ha mou watashi no mama de iyou to
hoshi ni negau
Slowly being filled up
There’s nothing to forget
Being me as myself for this time is fine,
As I wished upon a star
sa, shinsetsu ni aashi wo torareru mama
aruku machi ga kirei da
sona kao de waratte
As the new snow falls, the legs move forward
guided through the pretty village
With that face, c’mon smile
White Landscape 追いかけてた
White Landscape oikaketta
kitto nannen sugi sattatte
egaita hi ni hamada
todokanakute ikunda
 White Landscape, chasing after it
How every many years it can take
The day I draw it is yet to come
unreachable as I cry out
yuki ga futta atono ko no sekai ga mada sukidatte
waratte miseru ni ha kyou ha chotto samui yo
Even if the snow stopped I’d still love this world
and show a smile, even if today is cold
星の降る街 夜空に浮かぶメロディー
笑って 笑って
hoshi no furu machi yozora ni ukabu melodi 
ikiteiku douse naraba
waratte waratte 
 The village’s evening melody floats in the starry sky
 You’ve gotta live on, no matter what
Now just smile, c’mon smile 
tsunagatteku hoshizora wo konna funi negameteiru
sore mo itsu no hi ga natsukashi to omou kana
Staring at the connecting starry sky  
I always thought that it was nostalgic
tsumotte iku omoi deni iki kureshiku nara nai you
semete bokura kyou mo tada kyou wo ikiteikunda
Expressing gathered up feelings, makes breathing easier
At least, today of days we’ll keep living
Starlight Stage いつのまにか
Startlight Stage itsu no mani ka
kyou ga kyou janakuttettatte hai iki ha hora
Bokura ikiteirunda
Starlight Stage, whenever you are
It’s not today of all days, releasing a breath
as we continue to live on
Tsumotte iku omoidasu ga zutto nannen mo kasanatte
chikiyu wo ou made kitto ai wo utayo
Gathered up feelings that have been gathered over years,
Surely singing songs of love until the earth is covered
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freckledblueota · 4 years
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Lee is probably one of my longest running like, idk, inspirations??? like i brought the volume of manga where he’s introduced and others with him it EVERYWHERE. I remember being so destroyed when it was damaged at camp but I skill have it Hhahaha
for real I adore him and im sorta glad i just admitted that and let myself ENJOY IT?
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progamertrcom · 6 years
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New Post has been published on http://bit.ly/2TPrnhf
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Dereceli ligleri ve yeni rün sisteminden sonra Riot Games önümüzdeki sezon için bir yeniliğin geleceğini daha duyurdu. Tek bir sihirdar büyüsü üzerinde yapılacak olan basit bir değişiklik pek de önemli değilmiş gibi görünebilir. Ancak bu değişikliğin başta profesyonel arena olmak üzere tekli koridor stratejilerine doğrudan etki edebileceğini söylememiz yanlış olmayacaktır.
Işınlan metası 5. sezondan bu yana, başta üst koridor olmak üzere orta koridor ve az da olsa destek rolünde Işınlan sihirdar büyüsünün seçilmesi ile etkin bir strateji haline gelmişti. Bilindiği üzere Işınlan büyüsü oyunculara belirli bir süre odaklanmanın ardından haritanın herhangi bir bölgesindeki totem, kule, minyon veya petlere ulaşma imkanı tanıyordu. Ancak büyü sadece ulaşım amaçlı değil, bazı durumlarda kullanan oyuncuya odaklanma animasyonu sayesinde rakiplerini korkutma ve devamında büyüyü iptal etme şansı da veriyordu. Böylece oyuncu o bölgeye ulaşmasa bile rakipleri geri çekilmeye zorluyor ve takımına dolaylı olarak yardım sağlamış oluyordu. Ancak geçtiğimiz hafta yapılan açıklama ile yeni sezonda bu stratejinin kısmen değişeceği duyuruldu.
Riot Games dengeleme ekibi liderlerinden Richard Henkel’in yaptığı açıklamaya göre 9. sezonda Işınlan büyüsünün iptal edilme özelliği kaldırılacak. Bu düzenleme ile birlikte büyünün kullanımı için takımla daha fazla koordine olmak gerekecek. Bu da Işınlan büyüsünün turnuva ve takım eşleşmeleri haricindeki maçlarda daha az görülmesine sebep olacak. Sihirdar büyüsü değişiklikleri League of Legends tarihinde sık sık karşılaşılan bir güncelleme tipi olsa da bireysel olarak koridor rollerini ve erken oyun takım stratejilerini ilk defa bu kadar ciddi seviyede etkileyecek.
Işınlan metası son sezonlarda League of Legends arenasını bireysel olarak domine eden oyuncuları takım oyununa adapte olmaya zorlamıştı. Öyle ki son dönemde Faker, Froggen, Ryu, Naru gibi yıldız oyuncular da taşıyıcı kimliklerini bir kenara bırakarak takım oyununda tamamlayıcı rol üstlenen bir tarzı benimsemişlerdi. Değişikliğin hayata geçirilmesi ile birlikte özellikle tekli/çiftli sıralarda Tutuştur metasının geri döneceğini beklemek hiç de yanlış olmayacaktır. Bu meta değişikliği sonucunda da Işınlan büyüsü ile harita baskısı kurmayı seven tank ve bazı büyücü şampiyonların yerini, Tutuştur büyüsünden kartopu etkisi yakalamaya çalışan agresif şampiyonlar alacaktır. Bu da sezon 5 ve öncesinde olduğu gibi bireysel inisiyatifleri ile ön plana çıkan oyuncuların sahneye geri dönmesine vesile olacaktır.
Güncellemenin geliş tarihi ile ilgili kesinlik olmamakla beraber sezon öncesi dönemde PBE sunucularında teste tabi tutulacağını söyleyebiliriz. Riot Games test aşaması ve oyuncu bildirimlerini önemli ölçüde dikkate aldığından planlanan bu değişikliğin askıya alınma ve iptal olma ihtimallerinin de bulunduğunu hatırlatmakta fayda var.
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neolxzr · 1 year
3, 10, and 11 for the ask game ^^
ty for the ask!!!
3. do you have a producersona? -- yes!! my tag #sona tag has all my art of them :3 jsyk though most of it is me yume-ing whoops -- uhh random information abt them they're alkaloid's producer specifically, assigned when they were still considered 'underachievers' bc im just barely above an intern. i bring anzu coffee -- OH and they r roommates with mika and ritsu bc i said so meow. 'producers dont live in the dorms' i do. skill difference (JOKE)
10. which character do you think is the most underrated? -- ALL OF TRICKSTAR theyre the funniest guys ever and i love them. epitome of boys will be boys. i think subaru is probably the most underrated tbh but maybe thats just cause i like him
11. do you have a least favorite character? -- kunugi bc naru likes him. bro my girlfriend laughs at your posts i wish you nothing but misery -- (i like all of the characters at least a little bit!! theres some i dont know much about but i still like em)
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freckledblueota · 4 years
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All the new refs as promised~
Nothing too new about them minus a few edits to the initial ones and a war outfit cause reasons
Ota has so many bags @w@ like what the heck girl (theyre used to carry medical plants and other botany things tbh)
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