#song lyics
lostbutterflyutau · 1 month
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I always knew That it'd be you two in the end I guess the joke's on me Stripped of my dignity Oh, what a sad story
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I've seen this movie once or twice Someone gets broken in "goodbye" Everybody else moves along Don't even notice that she's gone
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If that's my destined role in this Then I already know who wins 'Cause she was always Who you'd choose
I'm just the other point of view
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I was never meant to win your heart I was counted out From the very start Really never meant to be Such an intruder If you had been honest I would have left sooner
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Living in a story That's not told for me I'm not the happy ending That they want to see
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I'm just the villain Built to come between you two
I'm just the other point of view
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chaos-carat · 1 year
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My fave lyrics as gif-sets
Good Enough - Xdinary Heroes
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sofullofloveicould · 2 years
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"oh, but darling, running ain't enough to escape from the monsters in my brain."
Lyn Lapid (In My Mind)
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kouyou-translations · 2 years
【びす×奏音69「ネクロの花嫁」歌詞】 【Bis × KANON69 "The Bride of Necro / Nekuro no Hanayome" Lyrics】
Original YouTube link Our YouTube lyric video
Kanji, rōmaji, and English translation by kouyou-translations   ↓ ↓ ↓
Kanji and rōmaji
物謂わぬ口唇に 生気を吹き込んで  mono iwanu kuchibiru ni iki wo fukikonde 今宵「あなた」は甦る あの頃の姿で  koyoi "anata" ha yomigaeru ano koro no sugata de
白肌の娘が咳をした「この身体貴方に捧げるわ」  shira hada no musume ha seki wo shita "kono karada anata ni sasageru wa" 白服の医者が囁いた「迎えに行くよ」  shira fuku no isha ga sasayaita "mukae ni yuku yo" 白肌の娘は朽ち果てた 世界の誰にも見棄てられ  shira hada no musume ha kuchihateta sekai no dare ni mo misuterare 白服の医者は憐れんで 誰も知らない居場所で眠らせた  shira fuku no isha ha awarende dare mo shiranai ibasho de nemuraseta
朽ちてもまだ美しい顔で  kuchite mo mada utsukushii kao de ふたりしかいない霊廟で医者は恋をした  futari shika inai reibyou de isha ha koi wo shita
それは永遠の恋か 禁断の行為か  sore ha eien no koi ka kindan no koui ka また逢いたいと願うだけ それが罪なの、でしょうか?  mata aitai to negau dake sore ga tsumi na no, deshou ka?
物謂わぬ口唇に 生気を吹き込んで  mono iwanu kuchibiru ni iki wo fukikonde 今宵ふたりは結ばれる 祝福もされずに  koyoi futari ha musubareru shukufuku mo sarezu ni
「腐り堕ちた眼孔に青い硝子を…」  “kusari ochita gankou ni aoi garasu wo…” 「破れかけた腕に絹の肌を…」  “yaburekaketa ude ni kinu no hada wo…” 「侵された内臓に綿のガーゼを…」  “okasareta naizou ni men no gaaze wo…” 「宝石で飾った純白いドレスを…」  “houseki de kazatta shiroi doresu wo…”
朽ちゆくたび取り繕って  kuchiyuku tabi toritsukurotte 恋を謳ってまた医者は手を染め続けた  koi wo utatte mata isha ha te wo sometsudzuketa
やがて暴かれたのは 醜悪い怪物で  yagate abakareta no ha minikui kaibutsu de 「それ」を造り上げた医者は辯駁を叫んだ  “sore” wo tsukiriageta isha ha benbaku wo sakenda
「これは永遠の恋だ!彼女の願望だ!  “kore ha eien no koi da! kanojo no negai da!” 「死にゆくと決めたお前らが見棄てた女じゃアないか」  “shi ni yuku to kimeta omaera ga misuteta on’na jaanai ka?!” 嗚呼 哀しき花嫁 物謂えぬままで  aa kanashiki hanayome mono ienu mama de
今宵ふたりは裁かれる 彼女を見棄てた人達の正義で  koyoi futari ha sabakareru kanojo wo misuteta hitotachi no seigi de 正しいのはだあれ?  tadashii no ha daare?
I'll blow life into your lips that no longer speak And tonight 'you' will be revived to how you once were
The white-faced woman coughed, “I offer this body to you.” The white-clothed doctor whispered, “I will see to you.” The white-faced woman began to rot away, forsaken by all in the world The white-clothed doctor sympathised with her, taking her to a hidden place where she could sleep in peace
Although decayed, the woman’s face remained beautiful In the mausoleum that only the two knew of, the doctor fell in love
Is this eternal love, or a forbidden act? I merely wish to see you again, if that’s a sin, for what reason?
I'll blow life into your lips that no longer speak Tonight we will be wed, without anyone’s blessing bestowed upon us
“Blue-tinted glass to fill your decayed eye sockets…” “Silk ribbons to mend the torn skin on your arms…” “Cotton gauze for your damaged organs…” “A bejewelled white dress for you…”
Should she decay, the doctor would simply fix it Professing his love, he continually dyed his hands
In the end, an unsightly beast was uncovered The doctor who created ‘it’ passionately protested
“This is our eternal love! This was her wish!” “Weren’t you the ones who forsook this woman and left her to die?!” Ah, the pitiful bride remains silent
Tonight the pair will be judged by the righteousness of those who forsook the woman Who in this case is truly in the right?
You’re welcome to use this translation/transliteration in your works! Just credit us; leave a link to our account/this post somewhere in your work and do not claim you created the translation. Thank you for reading! <3
- Kiyoushi
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ma-mariarie243 · 9 months
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Me when im "Searching for the chime that rings in your heart, underneath a tearful winter sky"
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muttsomnia · 3 months
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edenpoise · 4 months
EY YO- i just found this song about eve and its original song and its so goooood! lydia the bard is always a pleasure to listen to.
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alexanderpearce · 1 year
songs that should be as big as bohemian rhapsody:
the d'ampton worm song from the lair of the white worm (1988)
desperation understand destination isn't ending get the sword get the sword from island of death (1976)
cam ye o'er frae france (traditional)
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letomimusic · 7 months
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lyrics-planet · 8 months
Like the little schoolmate in the school yard We'll play jacks and UNO cards I'll be your best friend and you'll be my Valentine Yes, you can hold my hand if you want to 'Cause I wanna hold yours too We'll be playmates and lovers And share our secret worlds
Fergie, Big Girls Don't Cry
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jetcat-14 · 8 months
Can I just say I hate it when you
love a song but there is always one Lyric that is bad and makes my brain go WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THAT.
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galaxxies18 · 2 years
「Amidst the Clearing in the Rain」 - Rindou
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Ignite A Noise who? Don't know her-
After a whole year of playing I finally have Rindou's initial 5* fully bloomed :D
pt. 1
Rindou Are you headed home? It suddenly started raining, so please be careful. Do you have an umbrella? I can lend you an umbrella if you’d like. MC Wouldn’t it be troubling for Rindou-san? Rindou I’m fine. My house is nearby, so it’s easy to run. More importantly, I’m more concerned about you catching a cold. MC I’ll be sure to be careful. Thank you. Rindou Ah, I’m sorry. I feel like I’ve intruded too much. My family has always been prone to catching colds. I’m sorry. Please, just be careful. MC Then, shouldn’t Rindou-san be careful as well? Rindou I’ve always been quite healthy, so I’ll be fine. Besides, I don’t dislike the rain. You could say I like looking at it. It feels like everything is being washed away. Though it is a bit silly to let your emotions be swayed by the weather like this... I feel like the truth is very close to this, surprisingly. You can’t go against nature. Ah, I’m sorry. I got in your way. If my umbrella is alright with you, it’s in Unei’s office. If you ever need it, please just take it. Well then, please take care. See you tomorrow.
pt. 2
Rindou When it rained yesterday, were you alright? It suddenly stopped as I was about to head home. However, when I left the store, it started pouring again. It caught me a bit off guard. I ran as fast as I could because my house was just nearby, but when I arrived my clothes were soaked heavily. MC Are you alright? Rindou I’m alright. I’m a very healthy person. (coughs) MC ...You’re not okay. Rindou I’m alright.
MC Please don’t overdo it. Rindou Fufu, this is quite refreshing. In Starless, you’re responsible for your own physical condition. Because we fulfil a variety of roles, even an understudy needs t be able to stand on their own. If you're unable to stand on the change, they'll change the starting line up without hesitation. So, I don’t have time to get sick. (coughs) MC Rindou-san...? Rindou I think it’s a bit dusty in here. I’ll be sure to clean up later. (dancing) ….Huh, where did I leave my water bottle? MC Ah, isn’t it this here? Here you go. Rindou Thank you very much. I’ll go grab it. Ah, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hold on to your hand. MC Your fingers were very warm. Do you perhaps have a fever? Rindou (angry) I don’t. I’m fine. Rindou (calms down) ...I’ve caused you to worry. I’m sorry, but I really am alright. I will return to the lesson. Please watch over me if you’d like. MC ...You’re alright, huh.
pt. 3
Rindou (looking around) It...It should be around here somewhere.... MC Rindou-san? Are you reall okay? You've looked pale even before you went to take a break... Rindou (shocked) ...Ah, apologies, you caught me off guard. It seems I've scared you as well. I've been looking for something, but it looks like I'll just have to ask Un'ei later. I'll go back to my lessons. You should also- (collapses) MC Rindou-san!? Are you okay? Rindou Sorry...I'm just a bit... MC You have a fever, don't you? Please take a seat and relax. Rindou Un'ei-kun should have cold medicine, so I thought of looking just for that... MC I'll look for you. Please just sit down. Rindou I'm sorry, I'm troubling you again... I'm always so helpless... MC Hm? Rindou It's nothing. (MC hands over the cold medicine to Rindou) Rindou I'm sorry to bother you, but the cold medicine really helps. I'm grateful to Un'ei-kun for having a medicine box ready. ...Break time is almost over. I was just in time. MC This doesn't work immediately, though? So why don't you just rest for the day? Rindou It's alright. Sitting down made me feel a little better. I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused you. And one more thing...can you please keep this a secret from the others? MC But... Rindou If I'm not in my best, I will be disqualified from being out top. I don't want anyone else to know about this. MC D-disqualified... Rindou I won't forgive myself if that were to happen. I don't want to be taken away from the stage. ...Hah, it looks like it'll rain heavily tonight as well. MC (Rindou-san...)
pt. 4
(backstage, a rearrangement of Niji no Kanata E plays in the bg) Rindou Welcome, MC-san. I'm glad you could make it to the show. MC Uh, are you alright now? Rindou Fufu, I'm alright now. There's no need to worry. The cold is our little secret, okay? MC Please just don't overowrk yourself, okay? Rindou That's right...I don't want to show you such an unsightly view. MC That's not what I meant... Rindou I should really be careful, because I don't want you to be so worried over me. It's embarassing to be seen so weak like that... But, it made me a bit happy. Thank you so much for worrying for me so unconditionally. If you ever got a cold, I should be the first one to know. I'm sure you'll be worried over it, but please let me take care of you as well. MC I hope it doesn't ever get to that. Rindou Speaking of rain, are you alright? It rained a bit a while ago in the morning. MC I was fine. Did Rindou-san get drenched this time? Rindou I had an umbrella with me today, but before I knew it, the rain stopped, and suddenly... Between the buildings, I was able to see a rainbow. It had been a while since I last saw one, so I was really happy to see it. I wish you were there. I wanted the two of us to see it together. I wonder what you would have said at that moment. I really can't hate the rain. The atmosphere during it is so nice. It feels like everything will be washed away as well. It's not good to be so easily swayed by the weather, despite having rain or not... But, if I'm able to see such a beautiful rainbow at the end, then I'll be happy. Like being able to see you smile. You're going to watch the show, aren't you? Please, I want you to keep your eyes on me. Please, only look at me, okay?
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anawanky · 2 years
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“Oh My God” by (G)I-DLE (2020)
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vibrantvenus · 2 years
I can't belive I'm limited to only thirty tags what a heinous crime I almost finished the song fuck u tumblr 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
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babblybird · 1 year
I saw a great big wall there
It tried to stop me
It was painted
Said private property
But on the other side
It didn’t say nothing
This land was made for you and me
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wonuwrites · 4 months
"Love Me Anyway" Song Reaction (Hip Hop Unit)
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WOOOO the final part of Love Me Anyway reactions. I fucking love this song and I hope y'all do too <3
Requested from this anon x
vocal unit || performance unit || Hip Hop Unit
warnings: it's cute :(
Just like the others members parts are in order of song lyics
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ღ Wonwoo: "I love you because you have those Polaroids of me inside your nightstand."
Wonwoo loved taking photographs of you. Specifically, he loved taking various Polaroids of you. He had so many of him so he could take them with him wherever he went. If he was out and in a hotel, he would have a few that he would leave scattered around the nightstand so he could look at you for comfort when he missed you. At first you found it a bit cheesy but after awhile, you would help him pick out Polaroids to take with him. You also would do the same when you went on trips. It was just y'all's thing. <3
ღ S. Coups: "I love you because when I say 'I don't wanna talk' you always call me."
Sometimes, talking took too much brain power and Seungcheol knew that however, he never wanted you to let a misunderstanding or fight go on longer than it needed too. He is a big believer in communication and even if you told him you needed space, he still would call just to make sure you were okay. You would see his name light up on your phone and you couldn't help but smile a little bit even if you were annoyed at him. You loved that he found that you were worth fixing things even when you were being distant. <3
ღ Mingyu: "Sometimes I forget, wasn't always this way. It's hard to admit, I was the one to blame."
You looked over at your boyfriend who was laughing at something on the television and you could not help but go into "simp mode." You stared at his beautiful features and just admired how handsome he looked. You just couldn't believe someone like you could pull someone as amazing as Kim Mingyu. It was crazy because this moment potentially never would have happened because well... you were super against dating him at first. You thought he was too good to be true and it literally took him to get down on his hands and knees and beg you just for a chance. You were so thankful you ended up saying yes to him because life without him would have been just so boring. <3
ღ Vernon: "I would never give you the chance, you still la-love me anyway."
Hansol and you were polar opposites. You were the type of person who needed everything to be perfect every time whereas he was more of someone who went with the flow. His perceived lack of care of things used to annoy you because how the hell could someone be so relaxed if things went awry? It made you cautious on even thinking about dating someone like him. However, Hansol didn't want to give you up so similar to Mingyu, he pursued you for awhile. When you finally decided to give him a chance, you realized how much you would've missed out if you let your differences keep you apart. You were so thankful for his efforts. <3
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