#song promotion
willanswertosteve · 1 year
I'm begging someone, anyone else to obsess over and appreciate the majesty that is this song.
It's brought me to my knees. I lived long enough to find it. Truly blessed. 🌟✨🌚🌞🌝✨🌟
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chiscribbs · 6 months
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Disaster Twins Karaoke Battle (alt title: Getting Hyped for the Next Lair Games)
These sketches are old, but I couldn't let National TMNT Day pass without showing my appreciation in some way. I drew these some months ago, while listening to the song Stalemate from the Death Note musical yes, that's a thing, go check it out on loop, and forgot to post them. The song is a bop and I could so easily see the twins loving it, and loving to perform it even more. Massive theatre nerds, the both of them, no one can convince me otherwise.
(In my mind, Leo is singing Jeremy's part and Donnie is singing Jarrod's, but it's interchangeable.)
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xtraordinarygrls · 2 months
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KATSEYE Touch, 2024
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localapparently · 1 year
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save me, embrace me
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canneddolts · 1 year
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yesterday twas my mission to completely memorize the (mark 4) hev suit
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Good news! After doing the maths, I realised I could lower the prices even further-
So, yes. Moving from etsy to Ko-fi... messy. And I was (am) really nervous about losing all my good ratings and reviews (though they are still visible if you look at my etsy page, I think?), making no sells at all, etc... and yes that is still a worry.
However. After taking a closer look at the numbers once I made a sale and seeing that the cut paypal takes is slightly smaller than I anticipated, I have now lowered the prices :)
(I also want to point out that the shipping fee is per order, NOT per item.)
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sherrymagic · 4 months
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If saying I like you first means I'm surrendering Then I think our story is like an unstoppable war 💓 ChanyaAya as VIVIE&KAIMOOK in LOVE SEA THE SERIES
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ratwithhands · 8 months
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"It's your duty, you know."
I have been left unsupervised for 5 minutes which means I have made another AU. Anyways who's up for Hypnosis Idol Mas ^^?
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I watched an old Submas cover of "This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee" and immediately had the idea of them being idols thanks to the sound of cheering and roaring applause in the background of the song. Getting to the chorus though, I started thinking about that whole idea of mass hypnosis, and now we're here.
Psychics are an existing thing in pokemon (hell, Caitlin of the Unova E4 has psychic powers), so this AU follows a version of Submas with psychic abilities. Unlike the usual psychokinesis seen in pokemon characters, they have something more akin to telepathy or charm. The idea is that they use their psychic abilities in combination with charisma in order to suggest ideas to people.
In the case of the idol thing, they're doing it as a publicity stunt to promote the subway after ridership starts dropping dangerously low. They're essentially convincing the audience to come to the subway by doing a little song and dance with psychic enhancements.
anyways I'm not really sure what else to add so here's a doodle of Ingo doing autographs after the show
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See you later!
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chimerathing · 25 days
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【Kasane Teto】 This Fucked-Up Wonderful World Exists For Me - n.k 【SynthV Cover】
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chirpsythismorning · 3 months
WSQK Update
The Twitter account for WSQK Radio has reached 100(ish) songs! And while it's currently unknown whether or not this account is in any shape or form associated with Stranger Things, I still want to give a breakdown about it as well as some reasons why this account intrigues me so much, because there are actually quite a few.
For some context about when and how this started, it might be helpful to know that the first (un)official leak regarding the existence of the WSQK filming location occurred on January 18th, the day prior to WSQK making their first post.
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That same Friday when WSQK made their first post, fans also got official 'Week 2' BTS from Ross, which more openly acknowledged the existence of the radio station location in comparison to his previous posts for s5.
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What then followed was a rocky start in terms of this Twitter account’s approach at making posts. Initially, they only made posts consisting of lyrics, followed by another post with a short clip of the song those previous lyrics came from.
After less than a week of the account being sporadically active, they became very consistent and continued their roll-out of lyrics + video, and then adding in + dialogue, every single day. There are a few outliers, with them not making a post on March 14th and March 20th, but the first time they had a big break in between posts was from March 22nd-March 24th, notably with their March 21st's post being related to Will's birthday:
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After the March 21st post, and with their return on the 25th, they officially switched it up from posting every day, to every other day, and more recently with a consistency of every 2-3ish days.
But still, over 5 months later (roughly 156 days), they remain active.
When it comes to the type of posts this account interacts with, they stick to strictly liking and sometimes retweeting/replying vaguely to posts regarding the WSQK location, along with liking the posts of anyone that replies to their posts.
After some time though, I noticed they began posting songs that they already posted before, just with different lyrics and lines from the show along with them. This actually makes sense given that they are acting as a radio station, where songs are known for playing and replaying numerous times.
Which brings me to the most interesting aspect about WSQK, which is that while a good chunk of the songs posted have featured on the show at some point, there are also a decent amount that have not.
Here is a playlist of the songs for reference:
Here are some songs specifically that pique my interest. Some I will elaborate on, while others I might just share and let you figure out for yourself why I think they're worth mentioning.
This song was originally the third song they posted, though it was removed about a week later. Hard to tell why exactly they removed it. Maybe since it was still early on. they mixed something up and decided to get rid of it? Regardless, lyrically there could be some significance to this song choice.
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Since we've obviously heard Kate featured on the show already, I don't think it would be too hard for a fan to include this. Though, it being added this early on is an interesting choice to me. Lyrically a song like many on this playlist that I think have a specific meaning which could fit quite well with a potential storyline in s5. It is also one of quite a few songs that have been posted at least twice.
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While this song did feature in s3 and s4, this song is one of many that are unlisted for the show. It doesn't feature on any official soundtrack or playlist and so you'd have to already know it to recognize it or go out of your way to search it for yourself. And the meaning is also ummmm... yeah.
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I actually got barely any results when looking into this song and its lyrics. Though I did discover that it is most known for featuring in an episode of Miami Vice in 1986.
I could only share 10 songs here, so if you want to look at more or even all of them, I highly recommend taking a look, even if it's only out of mere curiosity. I do plan on going through and confirming all the songs one by one again because I probably mixed up or missed one or two (or more). Scrolling down a Twitter account until their first tweet is not exactly fun, but this should be accurate for the most part!
Something else I want to mention is that @erikiara80, who also keeps an eye on the account, noticed a while ago that they have always followed 11 people, some fans and some connected to the show. There was one time they unfollowed some accounts and then instantly followed some others, keeping them at 11 follows, which means the number could be an intentional choice.
A while ago, it hit me that, if this is a hypothetical radio station, wouldn't they also take requests? So Erika helped me with that by requesting two for them to post, getting this reply:
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And they did in fact eventually post those two songs requested... I'll let you guess which ones :)
Basically, I felt the need to bring this whole ordeal back to the conversation now, not because I am convinced that it is run by someone connected to the show, but because the eeriness around it persists.
Keeping something going on this long would not only require someone to be very consistent, but to also have the willpower to not go over the top interacting with fans (which I don't think most fans have the self control to not take advantage of). This account doesn't seem to have any bias towards anything. In fact they remain completely impartial, sticking to their script. They seem fine with remaining in the shadows with fans assuming they are insignificant or otherwise, all while keeping the act going almost a half a year later.
With s5 getting no promotion outside of Ross's (sometimes) weekly BTS photo-dumps, this season's roll-out has been almost non-existent. Usually we would get phone numbers to call and obsess over, even 1-2 years out from release, and yet nothing.
I find this approach interesting because it does honestly resemble something I could picture the show doing to hype up s5. If the radio station is going to be a prominent location, then it offers up a really creative way to interact with fans as a way to promote the show.
Them humbly leaving hints about the final season through songs via a ‘radio station’, could parallel similarly to easter egg like approaches they've presented in the past. Only this time (the last time) it would have existed and built up for months with most not knowing about it, offering up a sleuth different songs fans could dig into if it was ever revealed to be promotion for s5.
With their being whispers that we could get something revealed in regards to s5 very soon, and with this playlist finally reaching 100 songs, I thought I would celebrate and remind ya'll it still exists in case you need an excuse to overanalyze something new.
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kindahoping4forever · 6 months
5SOS: He's real
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trashabilly · 8 months
in light of all the coelacanth posting im seeing in the last couple of weeks i would just like to recommend the song coelacanthem by the darkest of the hillside thickets
it's the greatest tribute to a fish ive ever heard and it's what they deserve
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anecdote time. When I was younger, my music teacher told me to start songwriting with something comedic. Now at the tender age of fifteen, I’m taking her up on that with the prolific garage band for use and equally prolific feanorians for inspiration.
to cut a short story shorter, does anyone want to hear my crack songs about the sons of Feanor? I promise they’re delightfully bad.
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alchemicalwerewolf · 23 days
perhaps a few more Jeremy hugs. Pleas.
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Bro. Bro do me a favor. Go get a musical Jeremy hug. Go listen to here for you featuring Jeremy Jordan. Go do it now. Go. You need it.
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Here’s your hug. Now off you go, listen to the song
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xx-may4-malic3-xx · 9 months
Getting real fucking tired of all the gross pro ana shit the scenecore community keeps pushing :/
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lopposting · 28 days
The original waltz, "Fascination", written in 1904, and quite fitting to the game: composed by a man who had italian origins, but written in france.
Do you ever think he imagined people still like his song?
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