#song tls that aren’t that bad… i think?
deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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just an attempted tl of きっと別れるよ / kitto wakareru yo / they’ll definitely break up
please take this with a handful of salt, thanks~
I chanced upon a picture of her on Instagram
Her cute, round face is just your type
It sure looks like she’s your new girlfriend
I see… You’ve replaced me real quick, haven’t you?
He’s a kind guy, isn’t he?
Plus, he’s really cute too, isn’t he?
But his cheating tendencies will never cease,
So they’ll definitely break up
The sofa, the TV, and the single-sized bed
That lie within the the room with the lingering smell of cigarette smoke
Remain the same as they were back then,
Completely unchanging,
Even if I’m no longer there
I’m so done with you.
The earrings I gave you for your birthday,
The matching couples’ rings that I threw away
I’d be happier if I remained out of the loop
I’d be happier, right?
Of course you guys go to
His favourite restaurant, don’t you?
Do you know about how sensitive he is to hot foods?
Be sure to cool his food down for him, okay?
He has tons of friends
He’s pretty popular and well-liked
That’s why his adulterous ways will never cease
So they’ll definitely break up
The sofa, the TV, and the single-sized bed
That lie within the room with my lingering presence
Remain the same as they were back then,
Completely unchanging,
Completely unchanging.
It’s laughable.
I wonder if you still call that cactus
By the same name that I had given it in the past
I’d be happier if I remained out of the loop
I’d be happier, right?
I haven’t deleted any of
Our pictures together, or our LINE messages to each other
It’s not that I still have feelings for you or anything
It’s completely normal to still be curious about you
I know about everything all too well
So be sure to let me know if you guys break up, okay?
The sofa, the TV, and the single-sized bed
That lie within the the room with the lingering smell of cigarette smoke
Remain the same as they were back then,
Completely unchanging,
Even if I’m no longer there
I’m so done with you.
The earrings I gave you for your birthday,
The matching couples’ rings that I threw away
I’d be happier if I remained out of the loop
I’d be happier, right?
But they’ll be breaking up.
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justicerikai · 21 days
Charisma House - Superhuman Sharehouse Story “Charisma” - #97 Hope
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Please read alongside listening to the drama track on Youtube.
Let me know if I missed something!
TL note:
An other comeback of something mentioned in a previous drama track, aka 山ズボラの助. As usual, it turned into a literary reference for consistency the first time I came across it. (why did i do this. i regret it)
Rikai: Goood morniiiiiing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rikai: Everyone, good morning! It’s morning, time to wake up!
Rikai: Good morning!
(Rikai making the rounds)
Rikai: Good morning, good morning!
Rikai: Good morning, good moooooooooooooo------rning!
(Everyone being sleepy and staggering)
Rikai: Rikai realized! As to why everyone’s acting like Ebenezer Scroungy!
Rikai: That’s because you all neglected to live an “orderly lifestyle”!
Rikai: Wake up properly in the morning! And have a wonderful day!
(Everyone groaning)
Torahime: Ri-Rikai-san… Phew, I have to say waking up early isn’t bad, it feels nice
Rikai: !! You mean that, Tora-san!
Torahime: As expected from mankind’s leader
Rikai: Eh? Naw~
Torahime: Can’t do it without you
Rikai: Please that’s enough~
Torahime: No no I mean it
Riaki: No no no, it’s too much~ Ahahaha
(Iori prepping breakfast)
Rikai: Ooh Saru, aren’t you late now. Good morning.
(Sarukawa sits down and ignores him)
Rikai: ? Good morning.
Sarukawa: ….
Rikai: Saru, good morning
Rikai: Good morning!! Good morning!!!!
Terra: Rikai-kun, that’s enough
Amahiko: Let’s keep things peaceful in the morning
Rikai: Eh? Why are you criticizing me? Greetings are important, no?
Torahime: Yes!
Rikai: Good fences make good neighbors
Torahime: Exactly~
Terra & Amahiko: ….
Rikai: Huh? Where is Ohse-kun
Iori: Prolly in his room
Terra: He’s been holed up in his room again lately
Amahiko: He’s the same as always
(The five of them smiling)
The five of them: !
Sarukawa: Shuddup!
Rikai: This is no laughing matter, I’m worried about him. I’ll go have a little chat.
The five of them: Eeeh!?
Iori: Wait, Rikai-kun?
Terra: Just leave him be~
Ohse: The sole presence of this piece of shit will taint breakfast
Rikai: What are you saying! A delicious meal is best enjoyed together!
(Rikai shining brightly)
Ohse: Aah, my eyes… sorry I’ll go kill myself
Rikai: Hey now! I told you dying is no good, did I not!? Have some hope! Okay!
Rikai: Ah that’s right, Ohse-kun, let’s do some physical exercising outside
Ohse: ….!
(Rikai pulling him by the arm)
Iori: Haaah?
Sarukawa: Oi
Terra: It’s too early~
Rikai: Now then! Let’s work out!
(A mysterious song starts playing from the radio)
Fumiya: What’s this…
Amahiko: You don’t say… Radio calisthenics…
Sarukawa: Ya gotta be kidding me…
Rikai’s voice from the radio: “Part one of Rikai Calisthenics~!”
Rikai’s voice from the radio: “First, an exercise to beat that lazy disposition back into shape~!”
Rikai’s voice from the radio: “Start, hup, one, two, three, four…”
Amahiko: Eeeh…
Iori: What the hell
Sarukawa: How the fuck are you supposed to move here
Fumiya: He's mental
(Terra pummeling the radio to stop it)
Terra: AAAAGH!!
Rikai: Hey! Why did you stop it!
The five of them: Ugh! I had enough! Cut it out!
Ohse: …! ….!!
Ohse: Ah…uh.. excuse me!
The six of them: ?
Ohse: Rikai-san, I’ll get out of my room from now on
Rikai: Ohse-kun! You mean that!?
Ohse: I feel somewhat better from moving my body
Rikai: I told you, no~? Now no more saying you want to die, okay
Ohse: Yes, I got it
Rikai: I’m glad~ Fufufuhahaha
Ohse: Ah, ahaha…
Fumiya: Y’mean that?
Ohse: ….
Ohse: Excuse me?
Fumiya: Ohse-kun, y’mean that?
Ohse: Mean what
(Fumiya poking Ohse in his sides)
Fumiya: Hey, hey hey
Ohse: !
Fumiya: I know the truth’s different, spit it out, you know it too
Ohse: Please stop
(Fumiya poking Ohse in his sides)
Fumiya: C’mon, c’mon c’mon, c’mooon
Ohse: Guh- please stop it!
(Rikai working with a smile)
Rikai: 〜♪
Ohse: I’m happy, obviously I’d be happy about it
Ohse: To think he’d worry about a piece of shit like me…
(Rikai smiling as he’s thinking of something)
Rikai: Maybe this would be best… However…
Rikai: Ah, of course, this definitely must be right! Fufufufu
Ohse: But obviously such a piece of shit like me won’t be able to meet his expectations
Ohse: I can’t give anything back, that’s why…
Fumiya: It makes you want to die more
Ohse: !!
(Ohse looking down)
(Torahime spying on them)
Torahime: ….? Hrmm
Rikai: Everyoneee~! It’s almost time for dinner. Properly wash your hands, rinse your mouth and then have a nice balanced meal--
(Front door opening)
Rikai: ?
Torahime: Leader! Big trouble!
Rikai: Tora-san, what’s wrong?
Torahime: A most awful act of betrayal is happening unbeknownst to you!
Rikai: ? Huh, what?
(Torahime pulling Rikai by the arm)
Rikai: W-what is it, Tora-san. Going out at this kind of hour is--
Torahime: Rikai-san, maybe it would be best to leave that house by now.
Torahime: A magnificent man as you deserves a better place where there’s even more recognition for his righteousness. 
Rikai: Eh?
(The two of them hiding close by)
Torahime: Please look over there…! At that…!
Rikai: …?
(Fumiya and Ohse being lit up by the park’s lamppost) (Mysterious music playing)
Rikai: Fumiya-san…?
Rikai: ….! Ohse-kun…!?
(The two of them start singing)
Ohse: Why I failed to die, is all your fault~♪
Fumiya: I won’t do a single thing~♪
Ohse: Why I failed to die, is all your fault~♪
Fumiya: In your adorable last moments~♪
Ohse: Let me pass away~♪
Fumiya: Help yourself, because I will not~♪
The two of them: Jumping off, hanging by the neck and slitting wrists~♪ It’s Fumiya and Ohse’s Death Game~♪
Rikai: Ohse-kun…! What’s with that song…!
Rikai: You said you wouldn’t yearn for death anymore… I thought you finally understood…!
Fumiya: What an awful song, hahaha
Ohse: Hehehe…
Both of them: Hahahaha…!
Rikai: He’s laughing…
Rikai: You- you’re capable of such a lovely smile…
Rikai: And before me… not once did you… 
(Rikai runs away)
Torahime: Ah
(Rikai dashing through the city at night)
Torahime: (And thus for the first time in his whole life, Kusanagi Rikai had broken his curfew.)
(Rikai painfully continues to run) 
Rikai: ….!! …..!
Torahime: (...Hehehe)
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thatrandomartistjavi · 7 months
Thoughts on Wonderland UK:
TL;DR: Awful
Longer version:
I don’t like the fact that Alice and Jack find Ellie/Chloe immediately when they get to Wonderland. Like no offense makes no sense like what does Alice have to do??? Cause in earlier productions her WHOLE THING was to find Chloe. And even on Broadway with her goal of finding Chloe was put in Act 2, she still wanted to go back home mainly for Chloe. So now that she has Ellie what does she do???
I feel there’s some sort of malice with how they portray Cheshire. While Cheshire and in turn Gato aren’t autistic in canon, I do think that they’re coded very highly as such even if unintentionally. So them portraying Cheshire as an idiot feels really ableist. Like they saw Gato, who was a silly man but still incredibly smart and then in response, they made it so their version of him was an idiot to laugh at. Like Oh man look at this guy look at how strange he is guys!! Just as an autistic man, it just feels as if they’re mocking us idk how to explain it
The transition to songs is soooooo bad from One Knight and onwards
I don’t like how they used the Looking Glass. Like the Looking Glass has never changed people. When Alice went through the looking glass she didn’t change, she was still Alice throughout the entire story
Everyone is so obnoxious. How they mischaracterize everyone is AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Can’t believe Alice finally got a goal 54 minutes into the show
Gato and Caterpillar already had the issue with feeling as if they didn’t contribute much to the plot and now they’re just ensemble characters. So even with their ONE character of color left, they basically make him useless. Yes show you have totally convinced me that you aren’t racist as shit /s
They butchered the SHIT out of Morris and Hatter’s dynamic. Like they’re finally together romantically but at what cost
I hate that Rabbit sings I Am My Own Invention. It makes no sense to Rabbit from Wonderland. Like if you didn’t want to include Lewis Carroll(which I don’t mind I don’t like him being in the show) then GATO IS RIGHT FUCKING THERE
They have like five funny jokes
The fact that like Hatter was only an antagonist for like 20 minutes. Guillotine me thinks
They took the tragedy out of Wonderland fuck you for that fr
Finding Wonderland makes no sense cause for me the reason why that song works cause of her friends back in Wonderland. Like those were her imaginary friends who loved her for who she was and were there for her, and helped her find not only her daughter but herself. And in this musical, nobody feels like her friend. Nobody feels like home so why would Alice sing about how finding Wonderland is like going home again???? THAT MAKES NO SENSE
This version doesn’t have heart. Like at all
It also goes down the mistake of characterizing so many of the Wonderlandians as “crazzyyyyy” to not make them interesting characters
So yeah for people who think that if Wonderland comes back for a revival that should use the plot for this production, I just have one thing to say to you: SUCK MY DICK AND DIE
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vi-sigoth · 1 year
Please rant. (I may or may not have watched it, too)
Okay so if nobody wants to read this, here’s the TL;DR of how I felt about the entire series at the close of the show:
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If you do, I just:
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First off, I see a lot of people bash GRRM as an author, and while I think a lot of it is warranted, a lot of it I think, is unfair. GRRM, like every single other fantasy author who’s penned anything after 1970, has to live under the massive shadow of Tolkien, which is not a very easy shadow to get away from, develop a distinctive style from, or not borrow heavily from, particularly if your flavor of fantasy is high fantasy. But despite my qualms with Martin (how have the Wildlings been separated from the rest of Westeros for 6,000-8,000 years and not developed a separate language at this point? Why is the Faith of the Seven and the Faith of the Old Gods SO fucking lazily constructed? Why can’t Martin keep his numbers straight when he talks about his battles? Why did I have to read a sex scene in which a guy who is still somehow massively obese despite living in a frozen wasteland for a year and a half fucks a girl on a ship and drinks her breastmilk? Jolkien Rolkien Tolkien would have never done this to me) I still love his writing. Because Martin has always set out to explore “the human heart at war with itself” in a fantasy setting, and despite all the problems I have with him, I think he’s done a tremendous job of it.
You see, there are SO many things I could bitch about with this show, so, so many (ask me later why I hate all the blue dresses Emilia Clarke wears) But honestly? None of them really matter as much as what I view as the Main Problem of the show, and actually, a good portion of them stem from the Main Problem. What’s the Main Problem? The Main Problem is that despite George’s pussyfooting lapsed Catholic views (which is why we don’t get, in my opinion, in-universe religions that are fleshed out very well) despite his absolute weeny “war is so mean and bad :(“ Vietnam draft dodger takes, George Raymond Richard Martin is a Romantic at heart, and he loves his readers, he loves fantasy, and he loves putting his characters through horrendous, disgusting, grimy, hopeless situations, because when they come through, beaten, nearly torn to shreds—but alive, he is right there celebrating the unbreakable endurance of the human spirit with his readers. David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are nihilists who hate their audience and who love shoving their faces into mud and filth for no reason other than they take a sick pleasure in the pain and disgust of the people who’s faces they’re shoving into mud and filth.
I don’t remember the exact quote or interview, or which of them said it, but one of the D&D’s said that they were first inspired to develop the Song of Ice and Fire book series into a show when they read the Red Wedding scene. This is already a horrendous start. They were salivating the thought of bringing a scene that was supposed to be so horrible, so disgusting and unspeakably repulsive and wrong that it reverberates around the world and even is witnessed by characters who aren’t emotionally involved nor even geographically near (recall that Danaerys has a vision of it in the House of the Undying long before it happens). But GRRM didn’t write that scene, nor any other awful scene to rub his reader’s face in misery and horror. Recall how the death of Eddard Stark is written. He suffers in a hallucinatory fever for days before his execution, agonizing about the wrong he’s committed in his life. His death is witnessed by his two daughters. From a Watsonian standpoint, our hearts are meant to break, just as Sansa and Arya’s hearts broke when they are made to look on the death of their father. From a Doyalistic standpoint, the death of Ned Stark was nearly inevitable, just as the death of Obi-Wan Kenobi and so many other mentors had to happen, because the death of the mentor is an integral part of the hero’s journey. Ned’s death sets his widow and all of his children upon their paths to their own inevitable triumphs and ends. Furthermore, in any comedy, that is, in any story that ends happily, the hero or heros must travel in gyre. That is, they must travel on a crooked, twisting path to reach the end. If they don’t endure trials before they end, there’s no catharsis for them. Othello travels in a straight line towards Desdemona to place his hands around her neck to strangle her, without stopping. Without thinking that maybe he might check to really see if she’s been unfaithful. As a rule, straight lines end in tragedy, twisted roads end in comedy. The point of what I’m trying to say is that: GRRM didn’t kill Ned Stark to be malicious or to purposely cause pain to his readers. He killed him because the plot needed it. But D&D? Dipfuck and Duckfucker killed Ned, and Ros, and Sandor Clegane, and Theon, and all the people they killed because they think it’s funny when people die and they revel in filth and misery and they hate when things are good. Look at the way GRRM writes Ned’s arrival in King’s Landing versus the way D&D write it. BookNed rides up, and is immediately summoned to the Small Council meeting. He tells the messenger to wait while he changes into nicer clothes, knowing that appearances are important, knowing full well that he’s walking into a den of vipers. ShowNed? He walks right into the Small Council meeting in his travel clothes, brusquely brushing off the messenger’s protestations that he change into something nicer in a thick Scottish accent. Why does he do this? Because Ned Stark is so stupid and so dumb and he doesn’t play the Game of Thrones.why does Show Ned Stark trust people like Maester Pycelle and Littlefinger? Well BookNed doesn’t trust Pycelle, and has no reason at all to distrust Littlefinger or any way to know that he’s going to be betrayed by him. But again, ShowNed is a fucking stupid, dumbfuck hick, and he doesn’t know how to blay the GAMBE of Thrones!!! Why does BookNed inform Cersei that he’s going to tell Robert about the incest, and give her a chance to leave? Because he’s one of the ONLY people who has a kind, honorable, and true heart, and he doesn’t t want to see a woman and children be killed. And again, he has NO possible way of knowing that Petyr Baelish is going to betray him. But ShowNed? Well he does this because he’s STUPID and he doesn’t know how to play the gAmE oF tHrOnEs and only STUPID people are nice,,,,IDIOT!!!!!and this is the problem. (Continued in reblogs)
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roscoehamiltons · 2 months
got tagged by @inloif to answer some questions about my fav kpop group.
tw: child abuse; very brief mention of it in one of the questions
♡: Who is your favorite KPop group?
infinite 💛♾️
♡: Which member sparked your interest first?
♡: Who was your first bias?
♡: Who is your current bias?
hoya is always number one in my heart, despite him leaving the group in 2017 🥲 dongwoo and sungyeol are my tied for my faves after him
♡: What makes them your current bias?
hoya caught my attention from the beginning lol because back in 2011(!) i saw a gif or pic of him here on tumblr and thought that he was yunho from dbsk but then could not find it again, and for awhile i could not figure out who it was so this mystery was stuck in my mind until i finally figured out it was him. aside from his looks, i really liked his personality too lol hard work, ambition, earnesty and a biting wit are qualities that i admire in people even rn and hoya had that in spades. his perseverance in his journey to becoming an idol was very inspiring and moving to me (tw: child abuse, the tl;dr of it was that he wanted to pursue dancing and becoming an idol when in high school and ended up dropping out and leaving home after he had a physical altercation w his dad when they had an argument about his career goals. so he was basically homeless for awhile before he got accepted as a trainee. he also was told initially he wouldn't be able to debut due to having a stutter and then he basically trained himself out of it in a very short period of time without any professional help). he was also the ace of the group, even though dancing was (and still is) his passion, he also was a decent singer and rapper and actor (at least in reply 1997 lol, idk about his other roles. also his role in reply 1997 is literally revolutionary lol i won't say why bc spoilers but i recommend watching it if you like kdramas! he plays kang junhee)
♡: Who is your bias wrecker?
hm ig like i said above, dongwoo and sungyeol. both of them are genuine, earnest and funny in different ways
♡: Which member (s) are you currently obsessing over that aren’t your bias/bias wrecker?
i wouldn't say i'm obsessing over him lol but sunggyu has climbed up the list in the past year or so
♡: When did you first discover this group?
in 2010, when they debuted. 2010 was a time where you could easily know and keep track of everyone who was debuting when it was announced (which is wild to think about how different it is now and how the industry has become so saturated), but they also caught attention because they were being mentored by epik high who were and still are a pretty well known k-hiphop trio. i didn't become interested in them until 2011 though, because i didn't like the song they debuted with
♡: Have you ever been to one of their concerts?
yes, i've been twice. i had to look up the dates because it's been so long lol but the first time was in 2013 and the second time was 2016. honestly one of the best memories of my life
♡: What are some of your favorite songs by the group?
btd, tic toc, julia, paradise, the chaser, destiny, bad, i hate
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hyperfreaksating · 7 months
I have come to the conclusion that :
The Real Tuesday Welds + The Puppini Sister’s- I Don't Get High No More
Is a redbomb song. Like… for the moments where they both think they fucked up tremendously and are never gonna see each other again specifically. Wether it’s the first time Red left to be with the Strawhats, the time she panicked after waking up next to him OR the time Buggy messed up so bad he thought he would loose his little selfmade family, it just has those “We aren’t talking to each other anymore and we are both absolutely miserable and nothing we do makes us feel better” vibes I can imagine both of them having while they were of sulking.
(With some added possibilities for a happy ending because you could also argue that the singer in the song comes to the conclusion that they “had more than enough” and may I wield the canon stick for a minute and say that’s Red deciding that she made her decision to go back to Buggy because HAPOY ENDING por favor.(Also yea this song is probably about someone leaving their wild youth behind and settling down but SHHH it’s a duet and two people are utterly miserable in it it works trust me)
How dare you
1) Read my fanfiction with this much implication
2) Find out a song that fit to Redbombshipping very well and have enough knowledge about their story to argue about it
3) use their ship name
4) make me discover a song !!!!!
Now I'm giggling proudly!!! Like a kid whose drawing was just hold on the fridge!!!!!!
*compulsory add the song to her Redbomb playlist*
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I almost completely forgot to post this, but there’s some info about the Mankai Stage subs I’ve been doing that I’ve never mentioned that I should probably address.
As you can tell, I’ve deleted the individual song posts but left the completion/playlist posts up(with the exception of Sympathy for the Angel). This is mostly because(and don’t quote me on this, I’m not super well-versed in butai etiquette) it would be kinda bad if one of the posts gets popular because Liber is ✨fussy✨, especially with Mankai Stage. That’s why it’s so hard to find stuff of it on YouTube that isn’t unlisted.
I figured it would be easier to just keep the playlist posts up so that it’s at least a little more under wraps(since there aren’t any images in the posts), and so that people can still easily access it. Even then, these aren’t the full shows, just the songs, so I’d encourage you to watch the full lives since there are a lot of funny moments, and the skit/mini-play is always cute!!
So, what will be happening in the future is I will continue to upload on a song-by-song basis, but once everything is subbed, I’ll get rid of the individual song posts and keep the playlist one up. The only exceptions are, like I mentioned, Sympathy for the Angel and anything else I decide to sub outside of the full Troupe Lives, and that’s just for organization purposes. I think that’s it, just wanted to update people.
TL;DR: I’ll still be subbing Mankai Stage stuff, but the individual song posts will only stay up temporarily to be replaced with full playlist posts.
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light-end-dragon · 8 months
"CROSS SHINE" - Madara Solo Translation
SHINE!! 大空の下で 
Shine on! Under the wide open sky 
自由気ままに /  WALK 自然体 Stride 
I'm walking along as free as i please / as natural as is my stride
ひとりで行く /  今日も 悪くない
You know, today isn’t so bad either / traveling by myself like so
すれ違う僕ら心の中では /  泣いてたり笑ったり
In our hearts we missed each other as we passed by / and we cry and laugh all the same 
ありのまま / Feel my mind / なるようになるレッスン*
Feel my mind / See what I'm like right now  / it’ll teach a lesson on how to let things go 
Feel your mind   遅くなんてないさ
Feel your mind /  Oh, it’s never too late for you to do so
We’re all just travelers making a life upon this earth
 交差する 陽射 しの下で /  何を思い何を目指し
"What are you thinking? What is your goal?" / I wonder as our paths cross under the sun
知らずに出会えてるんだ /  世界地図を描きながら
Neither of us realize we met each other / while drawing out our map of the world 
野に咲く花季節の風  / さりげない日々を共有して
The wind blows through the blooming fields / as we spend these carefree days together 
Look at us, we’ve found a sign of something gentle and kind
In this light shining down
自由自在に Change / 多面体のコアに**
It’s like my soul is a many-sided polyhedron / But I am the only one who changes which face I wear 
We're preparing the way / using passion to forge straight ahead 
立ち向かう僕ら傍目からはまだ 危なっかしいビギナーズでも
 Still from someone watching on the sidelines / we are just dangerous beginners as we face them down
“いつも日か...” Free my mind  等身大を着替えて***
“Is it like this every day….” just free my mind / change my look so it’s more true to life 
Free your mind 夢の続きへと
Free your mind /  and head towards the rest of the dream
この地上の王者は 自分自身
The king upon this earth / is me and myself alone 
 交差する道の途中で /  君と出会い君と語り
And here at a roadway crossing  / I’m with you now- What is your story? 
彩りを重ねあって /  世界地図を作り上げる
There are layers on layers of color / that have built up on this map of our worlds 
ありがとう優しい旅人 君さ
Thank you kind traveler / Yes, you my friend 
It’s really a miracle isn’t it? 
That we’re alive, aren’t we? 
 交差する陽射しの下で  何を思い何を目指し
I wonder as our paths cross under the sun / "What are you thinking? Where are you headed?"
知らずに出会えてるんだ /  世界地図を描きながら
Neither of us had realized we met each other / while drawing out our map of the world 
恵みの雨 微笑む愛に / かけがえない日々を共有して
With this blessed rain / and the love I feel in the smile I see / I know there is no replacement for these carefree days 
And the hint of something gentle and kind 
Shines a light down on us as we walk along
TL NOTES :: ((Please note I'm very new to this canon and do not know too much more about Madara than what friends have told me, so I did my best to interpet some of the lines based on my impressions. )) This is a semi-more literal translation, though liberties are still taken with some of the lyrics to have them make sense in english/based on what may be implied in the song
I do not know who this 'kind traveller' madara speaks of in this song. But I'm sure there are probably a lot of hints that i may be unaware of. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, I am still learning this language.
* なるようになる looks to be a set phrase or saying here of 'whatever will be, will be", similar to a quote from Zelos in ToS, I'm assuming. it's saying " A lesson in 'whatever will be, will be' so i chose 'letting go' esp considering the following line.
** This is literally saying 'in/to a core of a many-sided polyhedron.' which is rather vague, but it most likely seems to be a reference to being 'double faced/' having a lot of different sides that he 'changes' like the different faces of a polyhedron.
***Literally, this says 'a change of clothes/changing my clothes to be life-size" 等身大 can mean both 'life-size' literally and figuratively, as in 'true to your own size/self' I can only assume that in conjunction with the other lines, it's sort of saying like 'changing my appearance/outside to be more true to what i am like'
anyway thats it, whenever i get the song myself i may make a version with actual english lyrics that fit the melody, but i also have 1 billion other things im doing so we'll see
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veeeffvee · 1 year
Alright cool here’s that post about what’s been going on while I’ve been gone
(A bit of a warning: none of this is happy)
TL;DR - bad brain stuff and burnout
Hey everyone, looks like I’m back! Not sure for how long, but I sure am online right now!
...Man, I’ve been going over how I was going to write this post a million times in my head, and every version that I imagined just sounded really sad and made me cry just thinking about it, so I’m just gonna try to be more succinct than I originally planned.  
So right after finals week, I did try to get back into drawing the stuff I had planned to post, and I maybe got like... one idea done. There were a few more but the majority of them are still in the rough/sketch phase. I don’t know why, but as soon as I got off of school, I just lost all motivation to draw. 
Okay, that’s a lie---I know why I couldn’t draw anything. See, I’ve been in the GHOST fandom since... late 2018? So that’s three, almost four years now. And I’ve pretty much been posting exclusively GHOST content since then, with hardly a break. As much as it’s helped with gaining the following that I have (thank you all for that, of course!) you’ve gotta understand that posting about literally ONE fandom for four years straight is?? Fucking exhausting??? 
And yeah I know that no one was FORCING me to do that, this is all my fault don’t get me wrong! But just... being someone who isn’t at all confident in anything that I make, it felt like GHOST content was pretty much the only thing I was good at? And you know, that’s what you people followed me for, so obviously the moment I stopped posting it people would leave! And I didn’t want that at all! 
That’s why I tried my damnedest to keep myself interested in this fandom, with my stupid AUs. Mainly the DSAU and Karaoke AU. I was so embarrassed about them because they’re clearly just me desperately trying to make something GHOST-related, even when I had literally no steam left for it. 
And you know, it’s not really that I’m tired of the characters or songs themselves, I’m just... tired of doing the same thing for four years, haha. I’m not gonna stop, especially since everyone keeps saying that I’m one of the few people keeping this fandom alive?? (Like haha no pressure right?) And I do want to finish COLOR-TV, and keep writing for MWTM, and I want to eventually tell you guys the story I’ve come up with for the Role Swap AU, and much more! I still have so many ideas, it’s not like I’ve ever run out! 
I’ve just come to a point where it’s like... have I done enough yet? I’ve made mashups, I’ve drawn so much art, I’ve written stories, I’ve written over a hundred in-character posts, and I’ve gotten into making some videos. Have I come to a point where I can take a break without losing my following? I can never tell, really. I don’t want to take a break and come back with no one remembering who I am or what I’ve done, that thought terrifies me more than anything haha. I’ve always felt like I have to keep making things to stay relevant in this fandom, or else I risk people completely forgetting about me. And if that happens, then what was even the point of me being here, right? 
That’s another thing. Since I wasn’t able to make even a scrap of GHOST content after finals week, I figured... that there wasn’t a point to me being here anymore. “veeeffvee” has sorta just become mainly a Ghost and Pals fan blog, rather than a blog that I can use to fangirl over all sorts of things. And you know that even then, I’ve felt guilty over talking about or drawing things that aren’t GHOST-related. 
So if I couldn’t post what didn’t make me feel guilty, then I figured I shouldn’t even be here. Anything else that I would post would be just a fucking waste of time. Not only personal posts---even reblogs without any GHOST content interspersed made me feel awful. And I’ve already made it clear that I hate talking too much on personal posts (oh the irony right now), and I think I should shut up more, so... yeah. Why should I be here if I can’t give you guys anything good? 
Emphasis on good, of course. It wasn’t like I wasn’t doing anything while I was gone. Unfortunately I’ve started developing my O.Cs and drawing them more during my absence. I don’t think I have to reiterate just how much I loathe my own content, and how much I think that all of it is awful garbage no matter what I do. So that’s even more wastes of time, how terrible! I really hate myself for this in particular. 
...Okay, here’s the part I didn’t want to talk about, ever, but I don’t think I can avoid it anymore. There’s another reason why I’ve been making less and less GHOST content, and it has to do with GHOST themselves. I won’t get into specifics, because gog knows there’s enough drama within the nooks and crannies of this fandom and I really don’t any trouble, but here it is. 
I had a personal interaction with GHOST sometime two years ago where I needed to talk to them about something I needed help with. It was very important, and---for lack of better phrasing---they were a huge dick about it. Just, a complete fucking asshole. And I don’t mean this lightly; I don’t like being negative or talking negatively about anyone (I mean look how much of this I haven’t talked about until now!), but I cannot stress this enough. 
That interaction was such a far cry from how I expected them to be, as someone I had looked up to and made so much content for, it really soured everything in this fandom for me afterwards. I’m not saying that GHOST owed me anything just because I’ve made a bunch of fan content, that’s just absurd, but I didn’t expect them to be that bad. And now, as you can imagine, it’s been really difficult continuing to make fanmade stuff when I really, really despise the creator. 
And I just want reiterate that I’m not saying this to make people hate them too---I’m the last person who would want to spread negativity in this fandom, after how much fun I’ve had in it all these years. And I’m not some demon who’s going to go out of my way to bully them, that’s literally not who I am. I just needed to get this out here to further explain why it’s be hard for me to continue making GHOST content. Because hey, if there truly wasn’t a problem between me and them, why would I stop? 
I guess it also doesn’t help... that all of their recent music has just sounded like utter shit to me? Haha. Maybe I’m a bit biased because of that interaction and stuff, but their instrumentals have just sounded lazier (and WORSE with every STUPID GLITCH SOUND EFFECT THEY PUT IN making my EARS BLEED), and their lyrics have just sounded like word salad. Like cripes, tone it down with the distortion and reverse reverb, it’s getting repetitive and boring and hard to listen to. Plus I’m really not a fan of their current art style. It looks like DeviantArt bases and wikiHow art to me. 
(This last part wasn’t supposed to be a dunk on their current stuff, but I thought I would add it in as even more reasons for my lack of content. Again, I don’t like being hateful, so I’ll try to stop here.)
Anyway yeah, I think that’s everything? Man I hope I won’t regret being honest about all this. It’s been hard trying to keep all of this in, since I prefer to appear as cheerful and happy as my icon! As far as I can tell, no one likes negative people, and negativity drives people away. And I wouldn’t want that! Plus, I really do fear backlash or something for even daring to say anything bad about GHOST. Fans can be cruel, you know? 
I cannot apologize enough for my absence, and I really am sorry for not making anything good while I was gone. I swear that I tried my best, but a lot of this stopped being fun a while ago. It’s just become work now. I promise that I’ll keep trying of course, because what else am I good for, but... can I say for once that I’ll make GHOST content when I can again? It’ll be made when it’s made. 
...Ahh, no, I still feel guilty. Hopefully I’ll get hit with a wave of inspiration, however brief it may be, like I usually do. That typically happens. I just hope that you all can be patient with me for however long that will take. And again, I’m sorry for not working fast enough. I swear on my life I’ve been trying. 
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aeoki · 10 months
Seven Bridges - Hate Control: Chapter 9
Location: Cafe Characters: Adonis, Kouga, Arashi & NEGI
TL Note:
In Japan, it’s considered etiquette to refer to someone you’ve just met or don’t have a close relationship with honorifics. It is commonly seen as rude when not.
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NEGI: “Haha. Kouga, you’re such a good kid.”
Kouga: So you finally called me by name. No honorifics[∗] or anythin’, huh? I guess I don’t really mind, either way.
NEGI: “So that’s how it is. I see… You didn’t like seeing your territory changing and even hated the idea of it disappearing.”
“That’s why you couldn’t turn a blind eye to me.”
“It wasn’t just because you didn’t like me being loved by the crowd more than you – you probably had those feelings too, but you’ve got a just reason to be angry.”
“You weren’t just taking your anger out on me. If that’s the case, then I’ll have no issues facing you head-on too.”
“But your worries were needless.”
“I’ve got the right permissions to perform those Showa-era pop songs.”
Kouga: R-Really?
NEGI: “Yeah. Go to ES or check the other places if you have your doubts.”
“One of the higher-ups of the industry is a relative of mine. Both me and my brother have the power to basically do whatever we want.”
“That’s also how my brother ended up getting into Yumenosaki by bypassing the transfer exam despite being an idiot.”
“I told him not to but there’s an abyss that I can’t step foot into.”
“But he always responds well. Just because he responds well doesn’t mean he’ll actually listen to me.”
“What should I do with a brother like him? He’s still cute, though.”
“...Hm? What, Anzu?”
“Hmm? You say my brother… Hitsugi’s having a hard time? It’s your fault? Because the ‘Peace Party’ people think he’s your friend so they’re bullying him?”
“I do know about Hitsugi’s situation, of course. I’m not particularly interested in it but he reports everything to me even if I don’t ask him to.”
“He just says, ‘Onee-chaaan, Onee-chaaan! Listen to this, listen to this~! …What an idiot.”
“Well, I know he’s just happy to talk to me since it’s something that would normally be impossible.”
“Anyway, the reason why he’s lost his place within the school is his own fault; he reaps what he sows. Don’t feel bad about it, Anzu.”
“If you always think everything is your fault, then that’s arrogance.”
“The same goes for you too, ‘UNDEAD’.”
“No, it goes to all of the Yumenosaki and ES idols.”
Kouga: …Huuh?
NEGI: “You probably don’t see that as a sin, but you’ve hogged all the people’s love with your skills and popularity.”
“You didn’t even realise there were people crying in the shadows of your light.”
“Like the underground idols who aren’t affiliated with ES.”
“And the ‘crappy gramps’ you call the boss or the primordial idol who twisted the industry, the female idols have lost the chance to develop their talents.”
“They– No, we’ve been putting up with this the whole time.”
“No one would look at us, love us and we were treated like something that didn’t ‘exist’.”
“But even so, we put up with it and continued doing what we loved most: performing.”
“We who ‘were treated like we didn’t exist’ finally found a piece of acknowledgement and love.”
“If you can’t even allow that and want to take it from us, then that’s being arrogant.”
“We were hiding in the darkness all this time. We endured the unbearable and suffered the insufferable.”
“I lived like an insect. All the while watching my comrades being trampled over by you guys on the sidelines.”
“I broke into your territory? We were here from the very beginning.”
“But you guys just didn’t acknowledge our existence.”
“It’s foul of you to start complaining now that you’re in the same position and being trampled over.”
Arashi: I understand what you’re trying to say.
Adonis: I also do.
Kouga: Yeah? I only get bits and pieces but I should make sure I understand, right?
NEGI: “Yeah. I’ll make you understand, down to the sole of your shoes.”
“I’ll show you that the sticky unpleasant thing you’ve been stepping on is actually something that’s alive.”
“That’s the reason why I came up from hell – it’s the reason why I’m performing.”
“That’s it. Thanks for the food. I heard what you wanted to say and I understand your question. I’m going back to my stage.”
Kouga: Hold it. You ain’t goin’ home all satisfied from sayin’ what you just wanted to say.
NEGI: “What? Is there something else?”
Kouga: Not really but it just kinda leaves a bad aftertaste to just end things after findin’ faults with each other.
Let me do somethin’ for ya. To make up for pickin’ a fight.
NEGI: “No need. We live in two very different places – we just happened to end up in a minor collision with each other. That’s all.”
“We said we both had it bad, laughed about it together and forgave each other. That’s the end of that.”
“You idols should do your best in the place you belong.”
Kouga: Daaaahh! It’s fine so just let me get involved!
I’ve noticed you guys exist now, so there’s no way I could forget that and be a happy-go-lucky idol! I ain’t gonna be able to sleep a wink ‘cause of this gloomy feelin’!
NEGI: “............”
Adonis: Don’t look at me like you want help. Give it up. You can’t stop Oogami once he’s like this.
NEGI: “It’s honestly just a pain in the neck.”
Arashi: Hm? Anzu-chan ordered something.
Don’t tell me you’ll ignore it and go home pretending you never noticed it, NEGI-chan? ♪
NEGI: “That was unfair of you to say that.”
“...What? Is there something you want to say, Anzu?”
“I’ll lend you my ear. It’s thanks for always listening to my little brother’s silly stories.”
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ← Previous Chapter ᠂ ⚘ ˚⊹˚ ⚘ ᠂  Next Chapter →
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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this is just a ✨very questionable✨ tl of senkou hanabi
To the me, who’s from 10 years in the future
And to the you, who’s from 10 years in the future
As you live your ordinary lives,
Is there anyone who’s beside you as you strive for your dreams?
It’d be nice if you were smiling together
紙に連ねた したいこと全部
I had written my bucket list down on a sheet of paper,
And you had told me that you’ll make all of it happen.
As I reflect on each and every single one of my memories,
I piece together a film comprised of them
We snuck into the school together in the middle of the night
And, inside the otherwise empty classroom,
We chatted away without a care in the world
Cherishing this moment that we had spent together,
I held back my tears
Sparklers are short-lived
So be sure to enjoy their sparks to the fullest until they go out
A momentary sparkler
Illuminates the night with all its got until it goes out
I’m not afraid
紙に連ねた したいこと半分
I’ve completed half of my bucket list
You had accompanied me throughout it all
Being unable to do anything but accept the sad news,
I entrust you with the film of my memories
I had risked my life to save another,
With a smile on my face, despite being soaked to the skin
Listening to you recall the moments of your accomplishments,
I felt a sense of utmost pride
As you told me about your dream
Fireflies have short lives
So be sure to enjoy their glows to the fullest until they go out
The lives of the beautiful fireflies
Illuminate the Summer with all they’ve got till they’re extinguished
Thank you
Sparklers are short-lived
So be sure to enjoy their sparks to the fullest until they go out
A momentary sparkler
Illuminates the night with all its got until it goes out
Fireflies have short lives
So be sure to enjoy their glows to the fullest until they go out
The lives of the beautiful fireflies
Illuminate the Summer with all they’ve got till they’re extinguished
Thank you
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thehavenatwesson · 1 year
Carnival Time
TL; DR Miss Mardi Gal's Guide to a Semi Civilized Carnival
I had a hard time getting into Mardi Gras this year.  I usually go to a lot of parades, somewhere around 20 per year.  This year I went to 12.  This doesn’t count the one I was in or the marching krewes downtownish.  (I am from Broadmoor/Uptown.  Anything on the other side of Canal is downtown.)  It may be that I am getting old but I am seriously feeling over Mardi Gras, particularly the big parades which are becoming downright unpleasant.
First there is the problem of the stuff.  Crowds are becoming seriously entitled.  No one wants beads.  People don’t even pick cups up off the ground.  During Muses I saw really nice throws like tea towels and notebooks get left in the mud.  The demand for the specialty throws, to the exclusion of everything else, has gotten out of hand.  People act like they deserve a shoe (or whatever the parade has that they want) and can get quite angry when denied.  And the begging is pathetic.  As we roll down the avenue I hear constant cries of “I need a shoe!” and I mumble to myself “No one needs a shoe.”  Sometimes I wish I could stop the parade and give my Sunday school lecture I used to call “The Greedy Gimmes” (after the Berenstain bears book) in which I differentiated wants from needs.  (In a sing song voice) “I know you want a shoe.  Everyone wants a shoe.  But do you really need a shoe?  Sit down for a minute and think about that.”
The waste after each parade is sickening.  I appreciate the work that is being done to recirculate throws and I try to participate in this effort.  Unfortunately, we are reusing stuff no one wants.  This year I only bought one bag of generic, prethrown beads onto the float and tossed them at the end, after I’d run out of everything else.  I generally watched them fall to the ground as people dodged out of the way as if I was giving them cooties.  Sometimes, up there on the float, I feel like I’m littering.
Krewes need to throw more useful reusable stuff.  They need to throw more locally made stuff.  But mostly they need to throw less stuff.  This is supply and demand and I’m tired of spending many hundreds of dollars on crap that no one wants.  (I hate to think about how much I have spent.  It’s stupid.)  The supply is too great.  The masses are spoiled.  It’s fun to enjoy shiny trinkets raining from the sky but the next day they’re mostly just laying there on the ground.  And people are so desperate to get something special, that rare thing that will make them the envy of others (and that they can later sell on ebay), that no one appreciates the parade.  Lots of artists spend much of the year thinking of ideas for, designing, and creating these floats.  School bands practice year round.  Yet at the end of the evening all you can think of is whether you got a shoe, and if so how many, and was it more than others.
Our world is being buried in plastic and we are a big part of the problem.  I’ve known this for a long time but it’s finally really getting to me.  But the problem with throwing less is none of the krewes want to be first to do it because it will garner bad reviews.  We aren’t getting paid for this.  We are in it for the kudos.  So, if we throw less, people say things like “They hardly throw anything” and “They were really stingy this year.”  If we throw cheap we also hear about it.  Even though people don’t pick up most of it, they want to see it fall.
Then there are the crowds in general.  Yes, I am getting old, but I am weary of how increasingly uncivilized we are becoming: as a world, as a country, and as a city.  At one of the schools where I teach they give the students a lecture each year on Mardi Gras safety (which I think is great.)  I think all the local high schools and universities should give an annual lecture on Mardi Gras etiquette (and send a summary home to the parents.)  Perhaps we should have a citywide guide to Mardi Gras manners published, maybe as an addition to those Arthur Hardy guides, Miss Mardi Gal’s Guide to a Civilized Carnival.  Yes, carnival isn’t really supposed to be civilized.  Not entirely.  This was started as our last frolic before the pious days of Lent.  (Of course, most of the revelers don’t participate in Lent.)  I’m not trying to be a killjoy.  I love the general frivolity of Mardi Gras.  My favorite thing about being in Muses is the weeks and sometimes months of decorating used shoes with random shiny crap just to hand them to strangers off a moving platform.  Some of my favorite parade memories include watching in the pouring rain as old men cling to the floats, occasionally tossing us things.  Because it’s bizarre and ridiculous and pointless and fun.  (I am a huge fan of random acts of frivolity.)  But there have to be ways for us all to have chaotic, weird fun while allowing others to do the same and respecting the fact that some people live there year round (and need to have big fences installed just to keep you from pissing on their petunias.)  I think that’s the biggest thing that needs to be said to university students.  You are just visiting (except for the locals.)  You will probably leave us in less than 4 years.  We live here.
Other things that should be included in Miss Mardi Gal’s Guide to a Semi Civilized Carnival.  Don’t believe Benny Grunch when he says “There ain’t no place to pee on Mardi Gras day.”  There are, however, many places not to pee during carnival season (or anytime really.)  Do not pee on people’s houses.  Do not pee on people’s cars.  Do not pee on private property.  Do not pee on public property.  Do not pee in a bucket in a tent in the middle of the crowded neutral ground.
There are many port-o-lets along the route.  A few are public.  The rest may involve a nominal fee.  This is the greatest free show on Earth so set aside some of the money you are saving on entertainment and keep them on hand for your toileting needs.  Many churches, other businesses, and a few entrepreneurial homeowners have port-o-lets available along the route.  For $3 to $5 you can relieve yourself without pissing off (so to speak) the locals.  And some places will let you use the restroom if you buy a drink (and drinking probably got you in this conundrum to begin with.)  Offhand I can tell you five places you can pee for a fee between Napoleon and Amelia along St Charles, a distance of half a mile.  (That may be more restrooms than Disney World.)  And I’m not even looking for them.  They’re just that obvious.  Have some dignity.
Pace yourselves.  It is a cliche but this is a marathon, not a sprint.  Carnival officially begins on Twelfth Night (January 6) and ends on Mardi Gras day, which is a moving target that can occur any Tuesday from February 3 to March 9.  The first parades (other than a couple on Twelfth Night) occur three weeks before Fat Tuesday but they are the smaller marching krewes (my favorites.)  The ones on St Charles that draw the big crowds (and the mobs of college students) begin 11 days before Mardi Gras.  During those eleven days, 32 parades will roll down St Charles.  This doesn’t include Endymion which is in an entirely different area of town and which you should all focus on.  Really.  Just camp out over there.  It’ll be awesome.  I heard a rumor that next year they will be handing out the latest iphones and Taylor Swift concert tickets.  But only if you camp out there for all of carnival season.  And then, you know, stay there.  (Sorry.)
Back to St Charles.  We locals think you are absolute idiots when you’re passed out during the day on Muses Thursday, before any of that day’s 3 parades have rolled.  Little old ladies will shake their heads and call you a lightweight as the EMTs load you into the ambulance, muttering under their breath about how, in their day, people could hold their liquor. 
Next, don’t be a space hog.  We all like an area for our friends to gather and hang out.  Most of us take this a bit too far.  Some of us take this way too far.  You may not claim an entire city block.  I don’t care how big your fraternity is, three pledges can’t just skip classes and rope off the entire neutral ground.  And don’t put stadium seats or platforms right on the curb.  People need to be able to move back and forth.  Also, having platforms right at the front means that not only do you have front row seats but now no one else can see anything.  (But perhaps that was your intent.)  Ladders should be for children and they should have space for an adult to stand in front, if only to protect little ones from being pummeled or toppled over.  And owners of St Charles mansions, we see you lining the curb along the front of your houses with ladders, most of which nobody will sit on.  We know you spent a lot of money on that house (or maybe your great grandparents did.)  We know you pay a lot in taxes (or at least you are supposed to.)  That still doesn’t mean you own the street.
Stop with the amplified music, at last during the parade.  Some of us like to hear the bands.  Some of us like to hear each other speak.  And some of you are now competing with each other to see who can blast their music the loudest.  No one wins.
Be nice to those around you.  Locals often have route neighbors who we see every year.  We may not know each other’s names but we recognize each other with a smile or a nod.  Spaces can blur and that’s OK (to a point.)  There are lots of norms around all of this.  We watch out for all little children and make sure their corresponding adults can see them.  If you know somebody on a float, you say to those in front “I know someone on Float ___.”  They then let you move forward for that float.  It is also customary for them to say “What’s your friend’s name?  We’ll help you get their attention.”  You then wait, try to get your friend to see you, and afterward retreat back into the crowd.  It is a particularly nice gesture, if you got a lot of stuff from your friend, to give some to those who helped you.  (And really, any time you get a pack of nice throws, it is considered polite to pass some out to your neighbors.)  If you see a rider trying to throw to a particular person (which is often obvious either because they point, yell, make eye contact, etc.) you do not block.  You move aside.  And if they don’t catch it and you do, you give it to them.  (A personal rule of mine is also that if it hits me, it’s mine.  I have been known to declare this to others.  “That hit me.  Give it!”  This is not a norm.  This is Rachel’s rule.)
Unused chairs should be openly shared with those in need.  Likewise unused ladders.  Don’t taunt the horses.  Don’t touch the band members or their instruments.  Don’t throw beads into the tubas.  (I’ve seen it happen.)  And don’t throw anything back at the floats except for the few that are designed for this  (Bacchus’ King and Queen Kong, Tucks’ toilet, etc.)  When you must cross between encampments, do so quickly with an apologetic nod and wave.  And don’t do this as a float is passing.  Any distraction from watching the floats can cause someone to get a pack of beads to the head.  And don’t cross the street in the middle of the band.  This is actually relatively well enforced.  I have seen officers who have ignored people dashing in front of floats to get something, reprimanding someone for “breaking up the band.”
For my women, watch yourselves.  It terrifies me to watch young women getting absolutely blasted on the parade route then wandering off down a side street to find a lawn to pee on.  Seriously, y’all.  The buddy system and/or safety in numbers doesn’t work when everyone is just short of passing out and can’t keep track of each other.  Take care of yourselves (and each other)!  And, speaking of safety issues, look out for the damned floats!  It amazes me that more people don’t get killed every year.
And now we need to talk about the people who are there to keep us safe.  I brag about the NOPD’s  ability to handle Mardi Gras all the time.  The rest of the year they can be hit or miss but during carnival our officers have a reputation for greatness.  They know how to pick their battles.  (Not everything that is illegal can be enforced on the route or in the Quarter.  Safety issues have to come first.)  They know how to move swiftly, manage the problem, and move along.  I once ended up in the mob of people by Superior Grill during Bacchus (a long story involving Jensen Ackles and a quest which I can tell another time.)  I was on the other side of the neutral ground from the parade and could barely move.  Suddenly, a pair of cops on horseback cut through the crowd to a spot about 10 feet away from me, where they reached down, grabbed two guys who had apparently been fighting, and frog marched them away.  It was an impressive bit of choreography.  No one was hurt.  It all happened quite swiftly and was over.
I had a problem with the police this year.  It has been suggested to me that what I witnessed may have been forces borrowed from other parishes or the state police because we were shorthanded.  I hope so.  During Muses a fair number of police officers were begging for (and sometimes receiving) shoes.  (I saw online a comment that a cop near her got 8 shoes!)  There are times when the street is barricaded to keep spectators back as the floats are turning corners.  Generally a few people slip past the barricades and then get sent back.  This year there were lots of people right next to police officers, begging for stuff, as the tractor drivers were trying to turn the corner without killing anyone.  I tried to throw a pack of napkins to someone and it was intercepted by a cop who then kept it!  Y’all are there for a reason and your purpose is vital.  You need to protect the people from each other and from the floats and you need to protect me from them.  I would gladly be willing to donate a few nice shoes to a cache to be distributed to the NOPD crew that work our route LATER.  Where are they even putting the shoes?  Do they run back to their cars every time?  This really doesn’t belong in Miss Mardi Gal’s Guide to a Semi Civilized Carnival.  This should be part of the police briefing.  Don’t sweat the small stuff but do keep a keen eye out for the other stuff.  And keep your hands free. It is hard to protect and serve with a shoe in each hand.
And lastly, keep the intersections free from structures!  During the parades this year, people had put up canopies, stands, grills, and all sorts of stuff in the intersections.  In case of emergency, first responders need to be able to drive through there.  They also can be a convenient place for people to cross being that you can’t get past all the ladders, etc elsewhere.  Intersections should be standing room only!  I propose that fire trucks should randomly drive through intersections during parades, just coasting, foot off the brake, so people can scatter out of the way but not be able to rescue their huge LSU tent.  Of course, the fire trucks don’t even follow the parades anymore so we’d have to mend some relationships first.
I realize all of the problems listed have to do with the big parades.  I should focus more on the marching krewes.  It would certainly help to regenerate my love of the carnival season.  There are lots that I never see.  And coming home with my little handful of handmade doo dads is so much more fun than lugging home a sack of crap that I have to sort through later and bring most of to the ARC.  But being on the route could be fun again if some people, you know who you are, could just go enjoy Endymion.  Seriously, I just heard that next year they’ll be throwing hundred dollar bills and keys to their Saabs.  But only to people who are truly there for the whole season.  And they can tell.  Go check it out.
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butchmartyr · 2 years
Literally there are so many times trans men have been told to shut up because trans women have it worse.
Granted, a good chunk of those times it’s said by self hating trans men.
Look I’m not saying trans women should never get to speak, but like. Talking about the lateral aggression in queer communities that transmasculine people face is often called transmisogyny, when most of us don’t even mention trans women. You get me?
Idk maybe this makes no sense
second ask and full thoughts under readmore.
tl;dr: that sucks dude and it shouldnt happen but can we please talk about transmisogyny without making transfems do this song and dance about acknowledging trans men also feel transphobia every time we speak up? because ive said what im saying here several times and its starting to get really tiring that tme ppl arent listening lol. transmisogyny doesnt imply that other people have it better or anything, its just recognizing the unique and shitty ways that trans women get fucked over, you shouldnt see this in opposition to you! maybe read this post also
Idk how to explain where I’m coming from; sorry for two asks.
Again, I want trans women to be able to talk about their own problems. My problem is people — mainly people who aren’t trans women! — derailing any conversation about trans men’s oppression and making it about trans women.
For example, trying to change the discussion to be about what words people can use, claiming anyone who talks about trans men’s problems is a transmisogynist, etc.
And look, I think trans men can be transmisogynists, and should be called out. But I feel like… ugh idk how to word it. Like any trans guy who tries having a conversation about our own problems is going to be called a transmisogynist, even if the conversation has basically nothing to do with trans women.
for me, i can only speak from experience and ive seen very little of that happening, but ill trust you when you say that and say, yknow, that sucks, its bad and shouldnt happen? like. if this is about the post i think its about, my comment about that never happening was hyperbole to make a brief point before going back on topic, which is why i also said that if it does happen, then that sucks, because it does/would? like. im not your enemy, im not trying to silence trans men. ive lived my literal entire life constantly being socially silenced and ostracized, thats not what im doing. the focus on a throwaway comment is kind of irritating.
trans men should be able to talk about their unique issues and stigmas and thats a good thing that they should do, no transfem i know thinks otherwise. what ill also say is that what you're describing, talking about "lateral oppression in queer communities" often comes from a transmisogynistic place; my posts about transmisogyny should be about transmisogyny and, yknow, what im talking about, but theres at least a few trans dudes on each of those posts going on about how simply trying to talk with the language of transmisogyny is oppressing them. this is (trans)misogyny. its normal (even if it shouldnt be) for men to assume theyre being oppressed when they see women empowered, and thats whats happening here. like, literally just remove the word "trans" and youll see what i mean, this is an issue of gender and misogyny. you can talk about men's issues without pulling women down and acting like feminism is trying to push you down, yknow? i shouldnt only hear about this oppression and transphobia you face when i or other trans women are talking about transmisogyny, and yet it always seems to crop up in that way or else decry transmisogyny as a concept in other ways. like, the derailing thing you're describing literally has happened on all of my bigger posts about transmisogyny, and other big ones by other ppl as well! its extremely plain to see.
trans men should talk about the transphobia they face and they should be able to do this without getting blasted with oppression olympics but you should also recognize a lot of this transandrophobia rhetoric comes from a transmisogynistic place, especially because its often used and brought up in opposition to a trans woman talking about the extremely common intracommunity issue of tme people leveraging transmisogyny against trans women by leaning back on bioessentialism, clinging to cagab-based identities, and views of us being inherently "male" on some level or another. we are not your enemies, and you are not ontologically incapable of violence
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All Nightnight Town’s special locations, which will be shown off in this post, are references to the things that can be seen in Kuromi’s room whenever she, Hello Kitty, and My Melody hang out. Like in the following screenshots
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034. House of Cards
There’s not much I could say here that you aren’t already thinking of
This song would play in the Hands-On Deck, a small mini-casino (akin to the one you can find under the Skelebros’s sink in the Xbox version of Undertale), where you play Uno instead of Poker. Which is run by the first returning characters from the original Deltarune
Spade King & Lancer!
Because this building’s Light World equivalent is the box that those cards Hello Kitty, My Melody, and Kuromi play with in My Melody’s Bad Day (PART 1) came from
You pay 25 G to play, and if you win you get your money back + a free Lancer Cookie
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I unfortunately never ended up getting anything solid for the game’s music, but I wanted it to sound something like Roll The Credits! from Chapter 1 of Longprose
(Funnily enough I actually conceptualized this song before Longprose was even a thing. That one just happens to sound similar to what I had in mind)
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036. Snack-O-Lantern
The song for a jack-o-lantern shaped shop with the entire upper half shaved off of it (Because it’s Light World equivalent is a snack bowl)
Which would be run by Napstablook
Never fully knew what I was doing with this song, but the motif is Old But Gold from Refractale
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037. Wish & Tell
I couldn’t tell you what “mus_sneaky” or “mus_tension” were supposed to be if I tried. Hopefully I’ll remember to update this if I find out
This title is an obvious allusion to Wish Me Mell’s name, but the reason for that is because of how this game is played
tl;dr: The game would take place in the battle screen, except instead of party members on one side and enemies on the other it’d just be a stage
Wish Me Mell would be on this stage (Since it’d be a lot harder for her to cheat since she can’t talk)
The one running the game (Who I never ended up deciding) would pick a shape of a certain color, and you could ask Wish Me Mell yes-or-no questions about it to try to guess what it is before the time runs out
The game’s Light World equivalent I think was one of the boardgames from Kuromi’s Sleepover. But I don’t remember which one
0 notes
anyways-wonderwall · 1 year
Album of the Week #55
by Vanessa Paradis
Overall Rating: 6/10 TL;DR: Very sexy (derogatory).
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(This is a child. This album cover makes me uncomfortable. 0/10)
Sorry everyone, its finals season :(.
Overall Thoughts I feel like me not knowing who Vanessa Paradis is is one of the things that put my young American ass in place. I knew “Joe le Taxi,” and that she was young, but I didn’t know who she was. Muse of Lenny Kravitz, partner of Johnny Depp, and mother of Lily Rose Depp, and can be defined by much more than her relationships with different men. She was a young child star and model, something that is very very important to keep in mind when listening to this album. This whole album exudes sex appeal in that mysterious French way that can hook anyone. Sexy 80s sax solos fill every song with messages about love (with various levels of sensuality) and relaxing instrumentals meant to seduce. This is a pretty good album vibes-wise and is pretty good to put on the background when you just want to relax. But remember how I said she was a child star? They made her sing these songs when she was just FOURTEEN. Each of these songs was written by industry professionals, every short black dress she performed in was picked out for a reason, and the strange sexy dance she does in each performance is on purpose. Going through the comments of each video is so disgusting, seeing what the world has to say about a fourteen-year-old girl almost 40 years later. I didn’t really know about this until halfway through listening to the album and that changed how I felt about each song. It just left me feeling so sorry for this girl who was treated this way. If I’m to talk about the songs themselves there aren’t many that are memorable. “Joe le Taxi” is the standout star with an incredible bari sax part, a great showcase for her voice, and it is all around a chill song. I also really liked “Mosquito,” which is much more upbeat and catchy and felt like something a 14-year-old would actually enjoy singing. This one is 80s in a good way. I loved “Scarabée” but my god there is no reason for it to be six and a half minutes. It's ethereal and unique with backing vocals to die for. My choice for the silliest song of the album has to go to “Chat Ananas” which even wins silliest title. I looked at it and thought “Look I know my French has deteriorated but I know that says ‘Cat Pineapple’”. And yes it does, because the idea of the song is that those are two things you see on a tropical vacation. It's an attempt at something Latin America inspired complete with a cumbia beat and a boom whacker sounding instrument. Nomination for second silliest is the English version of the title track, with the first line “Marilyn [Monroe] was Russian” because she just wasn’t. (I think she’s actually saying “wishin’” but all the lyrics I can find say “Russian” which is hilarious).
Final Thoughts Ignoring the context around this album, it's pretty good. I don’t think I’d ever listen to the whole thing again, I’m fine with chilling with my favorites since all the other songs on the album just sound like 80s chill background music, but I would not say this album is bad. “Joe le Taxi” still rules my heart, but I’m glad I got to hear about Marilyn Monroe’s tough life as a Russian immigrant.
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minaramen · 2 years
ŹOOĻ [Spring Festival !!!!] Part 1 - Intermission Talk
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Touma: ŹOOĻ live 2022 Spring Festival has finally started!!
Touma: We were really looking forward to this day! We’re happy to meet you!
Guests: Kyaaaaaah!
Torao: Be sure to show your devotion, today
Minami: And dance wildly with us
Haruka: Follow us until the end!
Guests: Kyaaaah!
Touma: Okay, then! Call us right now!
Touma: Ready…?
Guests: ŹOOĻ !!
Touma: Ahah! Amazing!
Haruka You’re pumped up from the very beginning!
Minami: You’re really making us hear your voices!
Torao: Keep on calling us with your sweetest screams
Haruka: We’re the leadoff men for today’s concert, aren’t we?
Minami: Yes. For this live event Re:Vale, Trigger, Idolish7 and us, ŹOOĻ , are divided by season
Touma: So, we’re basically the advance guard! I’m so fired up!
Torao: Who was the one saying he couldn’t sleep due to the pressure?
Touma: W-wait…Tora…!
Minami: I think the same goes for Isumi san. At least, after yesterday’s rehearsal he said something like “I’m sooo excited, I bet I won’t sleep a wink!”
Haruka: D-did you just impersonate me?! I only said that due to the tension of the moment!
Haruka: I properly slept for eight whole hours!
Torao: You’re such a good kid to have taken a good nap, Haruka
Minami: Well done, Isumi san
Touma: Good job, Haru!
Haruka: S-shut up..! By the way, aren’t we supposed to talk about the costumes?
Touma: Ahah, yeah! We’re Spring-themed, so we’re wearing costumes with Easter motifs
Touma: I mean, they're kinda cute, but I can’t deny it’s quite embarrassing…
Haruka: We’re literally wearing bunny ears…
Minami: They fit you all pretty well
Torao: Well, I know how to dress well in any kind of clothes
Touma: You bet! I thought these costumes would fit guys like Haru and Mina, but I must say you’re not bad either, Tora! 
Torao: What do you mean, “not bad”?
Minami: There’s nothing wrong with the way you wear it, Inumaru san. It looks like you’re about to run into the woods just to get caught in the end 
Touma: W-what do you mean?!
Haruka: Well, anyway! We’re always the same bad boys, no matter what we wear!
Haruka: If you don’t pay attention, we’ll eat you up!
Guests: Kyaaaaaaaah!
Minami: Fufu, the aggressive side of rabbits is actually real
Torao: I remember a scene in a fairytale where a rabbit decided to relax on the road…
Torao: But we’re going to stir you up! Listen to us now and you’ll forget about cuteness and other bullshit 
Minami: You’ll be enslaved by our song
Torao: Let us hear your voices! Haruka: We won’t allow you to think about anything else!
Haruka: Let’s go!
End of part 1
TL notes:
The card contents are the same as the event  intermissions + one bonus chat! 
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