#sonication and homogenization
kwipdeal · 4 months
Cell Disruption Techniques: Sonication vs. Homogenization
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In the realm of cellular biology and biotechnology, the efficient disruption of cell membranes is a crucial step. Researchers and scientists leverage various methods to break down cell structures, releasing intracellular components for further analysis and extraction. Two widely employed techniques for cell disruption are sonication and homogenization, each presenting its unique set of advantages and considerations. In this comprehensive guide, we explore these methodologies to unravel the intricacies of cell disruption.
Samples for protein and nucleic acid analysis must be prepared in two steps: tissue disruption to liberate individual cells and lysis of those cells to release their cellular contents. Mechanical homogenization and sonication (also known as ultrasonic homogenization) are two common methods used in these procedures.
 Choosing the best approach for your specific application requires significant consideration. Each has advantages and disadvantages, and laboratories frequently utilize these techniques in conjunction with one another. Continue reading to learn how to choose a procedure that will not harm valuable or irreplaceable tissue samples.
Sonication: Probing Cells, Enhancing Cell Disruption
Sonication involves the use of high-frequency sound waves to disrupt cell membranes. The process generates intense pressure waves that create microscopic bubbles in the cell suspension. As these bubbles collapse, they produce shock waves, leading to the mechanical disruption of cell structures.
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Benefits of Sonication:
Precision and Control: Sonication offers precise control over the disruption process, allowing researchers to tailor the intensity and duration of sonication.
Time Efficiency: Sonication is often a quick process, making it suitable for laboratories where time is of the essence.
Scalability: It can be easily scaled for small to large volumes of cell suspension.
Heat Generation: Intense sonication can lead to a rise in temperature, which might adversely affect sensitive biomolecules.
Equipment Costs: High-quality sonication equipment can be relatively expensive.
Homogenization: The Mechanical Force Approach
Homogenization, on the other hand, relies on mechanical force to disrupt cells. In this process, cells are forced through a narrow space or punctured using mechanical blades, resulting in the breaking of cell walls.
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Benefits of Homogenization:
Versatility: Homogenization can handle various sample types, from soft tissues to tough plant materials.
Cost-Effectiveness: Homogenization equipment is generally more cost-effective compared to high-end sonication devices.
Less Heat Generation: Homogenization tends to generate less heat, making it suitable for heat-sensitive samples.
Less Precision: Achieving precise control over the disruption process might be challenging in homogenization, especially for smaller volumes.
Sample Heating: While generally less than sonication, homogenization can still cause a moderate increase in sample temperature.
Choosing the Right Method
The choice between sonication and homogenization depends on various factors, including the sample type, required cell disruption level, and the downstream applications.
For DNA and RNA extraction, where preserving molecular integrity is crucial, sonication might be the preferred choice.
When dealing with larger volumes or more robust samples, homogenization could be the pragmatic approach.
In the dynamic landscape of cellular research, the choice between sonication and homogenization is akin to selecting the right tool for a delicate task. Understanding the nuances of each technique empowers researchers to make informed decisions, ensuring optimal results in cell disruption.
As technology advances, researchers continue to refine and innovate these techniques, pushing the boundaries of what’s achievable in the realm of cell disruption. The journey from intact cells to liberated cellular components is a fascinating exploration that unfolds at the crossroads of biology and technology.
This blog aims to serve as a comprehensive guide, shedding light on the principles, benefits, and considerations associated with sonication and homogenization. With a thorough understanding of these techniques, researchers can navigate the complexities of cellular biology with precision and efficiency.
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deniselabtroncc · 1 month
Automatic Ultra Sonic Homogenizer
An Automatic Ultra Sonic Homogenizer, also known as an ultrasonic homogenizer or ultrasonic processor, is a device used in laboratories and industrial settings for various applications including mixing, emulsifying, dispersing, and sonochemistry. It utilizes high-frequency ultrasonic vibrations to break down particles and create homogeneous mixtures.
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deebbielabtron · 5 months
Ultrasonic power=2-to-150-w-adjustable; Disruption capacity=0-1-to-150-ml; Standard probe/horn=phi-6-mm; Display=4-3-inch-tft-touch-screen; Input method=touch-control; Shop online at Labtron.cc.
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sofiyalabtronus · 7 months
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ultrasonic-homogenizer (sonicator) device has integrated sample temperature control to prevent overheating. With protection device, it offers Self-diagnostic function, program automatic error correction.it has touch screen operation panel, microcomputer control and adjustable ultrasonic power and time .Ultrasonic power=20-to-2000-w-adjustable; Disruption capacity=100-to-2000-ml; Standard horn/probe=phi-22-mm; Display=4-3-inch-tft-touch-screen; Input method=touch-control;Shop Online at Labtron.us
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Comparing High-Pressure Homogenization (HPH) and Sonication for Liquid Formulations
Homogenization is a critical step in various industrial processes, including pharmaceuticals, food, and cosmetics. High-pressure homogenization (HPH) and sonication are two commonly used homogenization techniques. However, HPH offers several distinct advantages over sonication. Smaller Particle SizesOne of the most significant advantages of HPH over sonication is its ability to produce smaller…
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thankskenpenders · 5 months
Happy new year, everyone! Welcome to 2024, the year that will mark the 10th anniversary of Thanks Ken Penders. I'd like to go over my plans for the blog for this year.
First of all: in the very near future, I'll have a post with my thoughts on Sonic Dream Team, and I'm sure I'll write one last Sonic Prime review once the final episodes drop on the 11th. I've also been sitting on an unfinished piece about the Sonic LEGO sets. I wanted this to be longer and more detailed piece that not only reviewed the sets but also went into the weird disconnect between homogenized image of Sonic the Brand and the actual fiction it's based off of, but it'll probably end up getting cut down a lot just so I can put something out. Let's just say I did a fun little thing with one of the sets.
Second: yes, I would like to return to regular TKP updates this year. As I've said many times, I wanted to do this in 2023, but I've been suffering from creative burnout after finishing SLARPG and have generally been unable to focus on any of my creative goals this past year. I'm hoping that this year will be better and I'll be able to get back into the swing of covering Archie Sonic issues. Even doing one issue every week or so would be vastly preferable to continuing the hiatus. I'm still only halfway done!! But aside from burnout, my other main hurdle is that I need to reread my own archive to refresh myself on all these things after nearly three years away. This will take some time.
The thing is, though, this year I'll have an extra incentive to go back through my previous writing and brush up on all things Archie Sonic. Because you see...
I've decided that I want to make a video essay about Penders. The comics, the copyright battle, The Lara-Su Chronicles, everything.
The why
I've thought about doing this before, but I never committed to the idea. I was too busy with gamedev, or I thought it'd end up being too long, or I figured that there were already enough videos on the subject, or I just lacked confidence in my ability to put together a video essay. So I told myself it wasn't meant to be, and let the multiple YouTubers who have cited me as a source on their own Penders videos fill that void.
Recently, though, a few things have happened that have convinced me it might be time. For one, YouTube video essays/media retrospectives/etc. are just getting longer and longer. When Quinton Reviews is out here doing 21 hours of videos on Sam & Cat, a subpar Nick sitcom that only lasted one season, I don't feel so crazy for wanting to make a video about several hundred comic books and two lawsuits that'd be at least an hour or two long lmao. Admittedly, I've also been self-conscious about doing a long video essay like this as a trans woman who has yet to do any vocal training. But these days I feel like I see a lot more transfem YouTubers who have done little to no vocal training, and that's given me more confidence on that front.
But the big one was Hbomberguy's recent plagiarism video. As I sat there watching it, I kept thinking about the time I found a CBR article that was just a crude 800 word summary of my two previous articles on Penders, published by a CBR writer who's put out over 4000 articles since 2019. If I've already been plagiarized before, and my writing is so frequently passed around as a go-to source on Archie Sonic drama, then I wouldn't be shocked if there were YouTubers out there straight up just plagiarizing me. I don't watch other peoples' videos on Archie Sonic, so I'd never know! So if people are just gonna paraphrase me when covering these topics anyway, why not take matters into my own hands and make what I would consider to be the definitive video on the subject? If hacks like James Somerton and iilluminaughtii can churn out these shitty video essays and people will still watch them, surely it can't be that impossible to make my own, right? (And also, uh, Hbomb literally told me I should make the video lol. If you're reading this, thanks for the encouragement.)
The what, how, and when
So here's the plan.
Part of this video essay will be an adaptation of my Medium article on the recurring themes of Ken's Archie Sonic run, with its content touched up and expanded upon. There were a few things I skimmed over in the article because I didn't want it to get too long, but again, people are out here watching ten hour videos about bad Nickelodeon sitcoms now. I can get away with elaborating a little more. I can add a few paragraphs talking about the Chaos Knuckles arc, or throw in a little more historical context I've discovered in the years since.
After covering the comics, the back half(-ish?) of the video will be dedicated to the copyright battles and their ensuing controversies, trying to give an accurate picture of what actually went down, the sheer scale of how bad Archie fucked up, and what our takeaways should be. This will have some similarities to my New York Magazine article on the subject, but I'll be rewriting it from scratch. I REALLY had to keep things short for that article because I was already way over the expected word count, and my tone was a little more straight-laced than normal because I was trying to keep things Professional. I can riff more and insert more of my own opinions this time, like I normally would.
I'll inevitably have to touch on some of Ken's Bad Tweets when discussing things that have happened after the lawsuits, but I don't want the video to just devolve into a list of times people got mad at him on Twitter, so I'm gonna try to keep that to a minimum in favor of focusing on his actual work. Things like the Scourge the Speed Demon incident and his continued statements on certain characters' copyright statuses probably warrant mentioning, though. And finally, assuming that the book really does come out this summer, I would like the grand finale of the video to be about those first couple chapters of The Lara-Su Chronicles.
I don't currently know when this video will get done, but it'll probably be in the back half of the year, especially with me waiting for the book to either drop or get delayed yet again. But I've actually already started writing a bit of the script, and will keep chipping away at it for a while.
So, uh, yeah, look forward to that? Wish me luck?
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mouse-of-dimitrescu · 6 months
𝟷𝟸 𝙳𝙰𝚈𝚂 𝙾𝙵 𝚂𝙼𝚄𝚃𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙴𝚂𝚂 🎄 #𝟼 𝙹𝚊𝚗 𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚜 𝚇 𝙵𝚎𝚖 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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Not my gif
WARNINGS: grinding, strap-on, slight overstim, anything else let me know ❤︎
Two months ago, you joined the Sonic Catering Institute and so far, you have been feeling rather isolated. The three other interns kept to themselves, and when they weren't keeping to themselves they were agruing with each other. Hardly anyone wanted to listen to the helpful intructions of Jan Stevens ( if whom you would happily die for ). In order to avoid any trouble, you kept to yourself too, following instructions and going with the flow. It was also the beginning of December. Almost Christmas. The Sonic Catering Institute was decorated with colourful lights and a Christmas tree even sat in the drawing room. You loved the sight, even though the atmosphere created by the people around you wasn't so merry.
You sat outside in the patio, doing a crossword in one of Jan's food magazines. You scribbles with your pencil in the corner of the page while you were thinking of the next word to write down. You didn't notice Jan approach you and sit down at your side.
" I take that you're doing well?" You heard a sudden voice beside you and jumped, startled. You looked over to Jan and saw that she was wearing her large white skirt with her black short blazer. Her hands were clasped in her lap and her posture made the Queen mediocre.
" Miss Stevens. Uh-huh, yes. Yes. I'm fitting in well." You nodded, closing the magazine, using your index finger as a bookmark.
Jan smiled. " That's lovely. You're a very quiet intern." She noted, examining every feature on your face.
You nodded. " Yes. Yes I am. I'm quite introverted."
" Of course. I only meant that I wish you would be bolder. More of an individual. Less compliant with the decisions of the other interns." Jan explained calmly, gesturing with her hand.
" I don't wish to cause trouble. But I see what you mean." You nodded, going back to your crossword.
Jan smiled when she saw the crossword. " Ah, what word are you looking for?" She asked, scooting closer to you.
" Another word for uniformity." You bit the end of your pencil, deep in thought.
" Homogeneity?" Jan suggested. " Does it fit in the blocks?"
You wrote the word down and it fitted perfectly. " Thanks." You smiled.
Jan got up. Before leaving she turned to you. " Bold is best. Maybe I can...demonstrate one evening." Jan's voice darkened as she said this and you felt yourself blush.
" I'd like that," you nodded. Jan smiled and walked away without saying a word. Your were oblivious to the fact that your pencil had fallen out of your hand and landed on the floor. You gulped and watched Jan walk away, not knowing if she meant the innuendo or if your mind was playing dirty tricks on you.
The following evening, after dinner, Jan and a few other interns were chatting about the next show, you remained at the dining room table, drinking your wine. You didn't want to talk about the next show, in all honesty you were actually dreading it.
Fifteen minutes later, things began to quieten down and the interns left. You heard their footsteps up the wooden stairs and sighed in relief, thankful to be alone fully. No one noticed you — or at least you thought. You heard a pair of footsteps getting closer to you, striding along the wooden floors. You let out another sigh, but this time it was one of disappointment. The disappointment soon ceased when you saw Jan enter the room.
" Hello, dear. You're sitting here all alone. Did you not want to converse with the other interns?" Jan asked, taking a seat beside you and placing her hands in her lap like always.
You took another sip of your wine, thinking about how your should phrase your response. " I just didn't feel like it. I'm not exactly a people person." You gave a fake, dry chuckle, hoping to lighten the mood a little bit.
Jan merely nodded and looked at you quizzically. After a few moments of awkward silence, the woman spoke up, clearing her throat lightly. " Maybe I can give you that demonstration this evening. If you're up for it?"
" T-to work on my b-boldness." You stuttered, feeling as though you had been deprived of air. You had no idea where this would lead, but you were not complaining.
" Yes, dear. Meet me in my chambers in fifteen minutes." Jan gave you a small smile before getting up and walking away.
Your heart trodded in your chest like those damn footsteps you heard — Jan walking upstairs. You knew this wasn't about your ' boldness ' or lack thereof. It was clearly something more — something mercilessly intimate that made your fingertips quiver as they held onto the almost empty wine glass.
You sat there for a short while. It was the longest fifteen minutes of your life. You gulped down the last droplet of wine and walked upstairs, praying to the stars to give you strength. You approached Jan's door and took a deep breath before lifting your hand up, ready to knock.
Before your hand could hit the door, Jan bolted it open with a small smile on her face. She was dressed in her nightly attire and she looked at you for a moment..
" Wait, how do you know I was out here?" You asked, walking inside Jan's chambers and looking around at the large silky bed and the strange, eccentric furniture.
" I heard your footsteps. Now, dear, make yourself comfortable." Jan smiled, gesturing to her bed.
You took a deep breath and sat on the edge of Jan's bed, your leg uncontrollably bouncing, you were clearly anxious for what was to come.
" Nervous?" Jan asked softly, sitting down next to you and taking one of her hands.
" J-Jan, surely this isn't with regards to my boldness." You took another deep breath.
Jan smiled and looked directly at you, maintaining eye contact. " Of course not. I hope you picked up on...what I was actually meaning. I do not wish to give you a boldness lesson this late in the evening." Jan said softly, you heard the high but calm pitches in her voice that made your lips go numb.
" Is this..." You tilted your head slightly.
Jan slightly nodded, playing with the button on your shirt. " If you consent, of course."
" I consent." You said, a little bit too quickly, making Jan smile broadly.
" Good pet. Be a darling and strip for me." Jan said, almost indifferently. She remained sitting while she watched you stand up. You nervously took off your clothes in front of Jan. To hell with dignity. You thought. Once you were in your bra and knickers l, Jan grazed her eyes over your body. It was a painful few moments of self consciousness and doubt. You felt Jan's hand reach for your waist, squeezing it gently.
" Absolutely beautiful." She whispered, not being able to keep her eyes off your figure. Jan stood up and unclasped your bra, letting it slide off you. She smiled and caressed your breasts. You couldn't take it anymore. You needed this woman more than you needed air to breathe. You felt your hands almost wantonly clutch onto Jan.
" Oh...is someone a bit needy?" Jan teased, trailing a line with her index finger down your stomach. You nodded desperately, making Jan smirk. " Words, pet." Jan grasped firmly on your jawline, making you look up at her.
" Yes...I... Please Jan I need you. " You confessed through shortened breaths.
" Good darling. Now, take your knickers off and lie down on the pillows."
You immediately obeyed Jan and removed your knickers, lying down on the silk sheets, your back and head slightly propped up on her pillows. You hoped that you weren't dripping on her sheets. You were already embarrassed as it was.
Jan shuffled through her drawers, collecting a few items before returning to you. She held a strap on red silicone dildo in one hand and some yellow rope in the other.
" Colours of Christmas. Rather fitting, don't you think?" Jan chuckled before coming up close to you. She grabbed your wrist and tied it with rope, tying it firmly to the headboard.
" Do you want this, darling? Are you certain?" Jan asked, genuinely making sure that you were okay before continuing.
You nodded. " Yes, yes, pelase Jan, I want this if you do." You said quickly, not wanting to waste a moment.
Jan smiled and kissed you deeply. " Good, pet. I'm going to have some fun with you. If you want me to stop, say 'chocolate'."
You nodded. " Okay."
Jan smiled and tied your other hand up, standing back and looking at you. " God, you're desperate." She mumbled under her breath, almost in disbelief. On top of that, you whimpered pathetically at her words, enjoying how they made you feel.
Jan smirked and stripped as well. Now it was your turn to look at her. You saw her curved tummy and thighs, shaped by her strong-built and tall form. When she unclasped her bra, her breasts spilled out, her pink nipples were hard and her cunt clearly glistening as much as yours.
" You're... beautiful." You looked at Jan again, unable to take your eyes away.
" Thank you." Jan smiled. " Let me...experiment?"
You nodded. " Okay." You were willing to do anything. Anything at all for Jan.
Jan climbed on the bed, crawled up to you and straddled your waist. She smiled and bent down to capture your lips in a sweet kiss again. You moaned as she but down on your bottom lip and you rugged at the rope, clearly wanting to touch her. Jan smiled at your struggles and patted your cheek softly before pulling away from your face. She aligned her cunt with yours and grinded against you, making you moan out loud.
Jan moaned too and grasped firmly into your shoulders, beginning to grind faster. You attempted to help Jan, bucking your hips up and trying to meet the rythm of her body which seemed impossible because of the restraints and her weight on top of you.
" Jan...oh my God." You moved, feeling Jan's arousal mixing with your own. The way her body moved made your mouth water. You needed more of Jan. You were desperate.
" Oh...fuck, I'm going to go faster." Jan breathed out, increasing the pace of her lips. Moans escaped the both of you, you spread your legs wider, wanting to feel more and more as Jan moved against you, creating a pattern of movements that would soon send you over the edge. Your walls contracted around nothing and arousal leaked down your thighs. You didn't know if it belonged to Jan, or yourself but you were definitely going to ruin the sheets after this night.
Jan's hips were moving at a rapid pace, the need to cum ( for both of you ) was urgent. It was an indescribable hunger that brought you both into a primal state. Your bodies syncing. You tugged at the restraints while Jan gripped firmly on your shoulders, her nails dug into your skin.
" Jan...I'm...going— fuck" you breathed out, feeling yourself approaching your climax.
" Me too, pet. Cum with me." Jan ordered and she came with a cry, which made you cum too. Your slick mixing together, Jan's grinding against you began to slow down as she helped you both to ride out your highs. Your breathing was untamed and your eyes shut in the moment of pure ecstasy.
Jan slowed down to a stop and gently got off you, you both flinched at the feeling and she kissed your cheek. " I'm not done." Jan whispered.
Your eyes widened. You were already so sensitive but you couldn't resist. You needed more. It was always more. More. More. More.
You watched as Jan fetched the strap and strapped it on herself. The dildo end of it was long, wide and extremely detailed. Jan smirked at your reaction and raised your hips, placing a pillow under them for better access. She climbed towards you and forced your legs open wider. You spread them and looked up at Jan, casting your eyes back at the strap and up at her again.
" How many orgasms can I pull from you?" Jan asked.
" Not more than three. But I'll be happy to test that theory." You gave Jan a small but playful smile.
" Oh? Look who's being bold. Good, pet." Jan smiled, using the arousal from your cunt to lubricate the strap, stroking it. She inches her body closer to yours and you felt the large tip moving through your folds and into your tight cunt.
You were breathing heavily. Your chest moving up and down as you prepared yourself to take her.
" J-Jan, what if it's too big?" You asked nervously, feeling Jan slip inside slowly.
" It's not. Especially not when you're so soaked." Jan slapped your cunt, making you jolt and whimper, shutting your eyes. Jan smiled and did it again before thrusting the entire girth inside of you.
You screamed Jan's name and tugged harshly on the ropes again. Your walls cluttered around the faux cock immediately. Jan smirked and massaged your thighs.
" Mm, it's nice to hear your voice. Even if it's just your pathetic screams." She said darkly, in a hushed tone that made your cunt soak in its own arousal even more..
" Please...please move, Jan. Please." You moaned. Jan smiled and made eye contact you, rocking her hips back and forth, you felt the cock stretching you wider upon every thrust, but it was a good pain. A desperate, masochistic pain that made you scream in agony, yelling for more.
" God, you're taking me so well." Jan breathed out, unable to take her eyes away from your dripping sex, she watched as your walls squeezed around it, practically sucking it in.
You moaned even louder at her words and tried to tug at those restraints again. Your cheeks burned, your head moved from side to side as you felt Jan thrust deeply inside of you.
" J-Jan I—" you couldn't finish your sentence, the pleasure was too overwhelming.
" Is my pet going to cum?" Jan asked, teasingly. She made direct eye contact with you and caressed your thighs as she pounded into you.
" Mmm, yes, please....Jan" you mewled, furrowing your browband looking up at Jan desperately. You felt your walls flutterring and clenching around the cock. Your breathing became unbalananced, your legs shook slightly and it was as if your whole body was shivering like a freezing hell.
" Cum for me, pet." Jan said sternly. At that, you let go. The release your body had been begging for had finally arrived. You screamed Jan's name and groaned out vulgar words. Jan watched you intently, she used her hands to steady her legs as she helped you down from your orgasm.
" Good, darling." She said softly, rubbing your thighs in a soothing manner.
You came down from your climax, your eyes were still shut and you were breathing heavily all the same. Jan smiled down at you and removed the strap — the unexpected feeling made you whiner and shut your legs as you rolled onto your side, your body utterly exhausted.
Jan came back to you and held you gently, giving you small kisses of approval.
" Dear, are you alright?" She asked, caressing your cheek. You nodded in response and slowly opened your eyes, looking up at Jan.
" Y-ye-yes. Thank you, Jan." You mumbled against her chest.
Jan chuckled and kissed the top of your head, picking you up.
Jan ran in bath water and she hopped inside the tub, helping you in too. You felt too tired to move, Jan was rough but you loved it.
" You did so well for me." Jan smiled and caressed your hair. " It seems Christmas came early for someone this year." She let out a light chuckle and kissed your cheek. You smiled and kissed her cheek too.
" Mm, almost Christmas." You mumbled happily. Jan smiled and nodded.
" And I think that a little holiday rest will suit you well, won't it, darling? With me? " Her fingers drew lines over your tummy and she squeezed your waist gently.
" I'd like that. " You looked up at Jan who was smiling down at you, slightly amused.
" Me too."
I hope that was okay, wrote it late last week
@aemilia19 @winterfireblond @littledollll @blood-red-ocean
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therummesoccupied · 5 months
Warning: Spoilers Ahead
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This issue was really good! From what I could gather, @spiritsonic was trying some new stuff with her art here, and her hard work really shows! She's always great, but I'm real excited to see what she gives us in the future.
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After all the debate, I still do consider the circumstances surrounding this update somewhat unfortunate, but whether it was brought on by (perhaps unnecessarily) harsh criticisms from the community or not, it does look really good, and Evan seems happy with it on her various social media feeds, so I'm happy, too.
Aside from the fantastic art, this issue also had a lot of stuff I've really been wanting from IDW Sonic!
The story features a single Chaos Emerald hunt instead of just nabbing a bunch of 'em at once.
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I always prefer this to stuff like Starline just bringing them all to Eggman or the Roboticized Masters collecting them off-page. Placing them one by one over time really helps drive home to me how significant these gems are to this world, and makes them feel like part of the overarching narrative instead of a simple macguffin that can just appear whenever it's convenient for the plot.
I guess what I'm saying is I like the setup phase of Chekhov's Gun just as much as the payoff.
As of this issue, we now know the location of three Emeralds - Rouge grabbed the white one in the 2022 Annual, Tails ended up with the purple one in Winter Jam, and now we've got the yellow one here.
We got some nice exploration of Sonic and Tails' dynamic in this one. It's nothing new, Sonic and Tails are naturally seen together quite a lot in this comic, but they're often in communication with other characters working toward a greater goal, or trying to solve some kind of crisis. They're after the Emerald here, but there's no great catastrophe and it's just them... spending time together. They get competitive, they banter, they pick up where the other falters - it's a really great reflection of the strong relationship Sonic points out between Silver and Blaze in Issue 64.
They get lots of little moments in this story, but I especially appreciate this one:
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It's a small thing, but I think this is the first time in the comic's 5+ year run that Sonic has referred to Tails as his "little brother." When you think about it, these two really have spent most of their lives together, and this is a nice reminder of that.
What I really appreciate most in this issue, though, is the
I've always felt that IDW Sonic's world was a little... homogenous, without a lot of the beautiful, fantastical scenery we see in the games.
Even when we DID get cool set pieces, they were usually direct references to the games - not a lot of spectacular, new settings made to fit the games' world.
But this one had a cool ravine with weird hexagonal pillars and old bridges for Sonic and Tails to race through!
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That looked like it could be a game level! Then they get into the cave and we get this cool, glowing, underground green world with a giant salamander stalking around - this is also a really neat way of hinting at how the Emeralds affect the environment around them!
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I know it's gonna be a while before we return back to the main series - the Fang the Hunter mini-series does seem fun, though - but I'm really, really excited to see where it takes us next!
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lizlives · 4 months
I can't be thankful enough that the Sonic Movies are weird and not completely accurate to the games lore. I'm glad we still have Sonic media that dares to be weird/different and do it's own thing. Contrary to others, Sonic media being so varied and different, with different perspectives on it and interpretations of it, is what makes it cool to me, which is a big reason I don't like it how they're pushing for so much homogeneity and pushing so many alternative continuities to the side or outright blacklisting them basically.
Really every time someone talks about how Sega and Sonic Team are tired and creatively spent I wonder how that could possibly be. The fandom is constantly creating and innovating, with whole games, whole comics, whole alternative universes. I blame this on the leadership being restrictive and whatnot, more than I do on the creatives, but yeah, it always boggles me.
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blazehedgehog · 4 months
With this talk of a Generations remaster, It's got me thinking about how recent Sonic games (Colors Ultimate, Superstars, even Frontiers in a way) feel like 'safe bets' on both a creative and brand-management level. Would you say the 2000's era of Sonic games were a creative and/or financial gamble for Sega, or is all of my analysis wrong?
To me, Sega's creativity died after the Dreamcast. When Sega was developing their own hardware, they were really swinging for the fences on all fronts, really pushing for new and innovative and artistically interesting ideas. They were really crystalizing the concept of a "Sega Identity" as much as possible.
PSO? Samba De Amigo? Panzer Dragoon? House of the Dead? Rez? Space Channel 5? Jet Set Radio? Crazy Taxi? These are key games that only Sega could make. They are Sega's entire personality.
And that spirit almost entirely vanished when Sega became a software-only company. What few games came out (like Jet Set Radio Future) were technically already in development for the Dreamcast and got shifted over to platforms like the Xbox after the fact.
Post-Dreamcast Sega was trying to compete in a much wider market and kind of homogenized their house style in trying to appeal to more people across more platforms. I mean just compare Sonic Adventure 2 to Sonic Heroes, you know? That punchy pseudo-realistic "Sonic hates cops" vibe is gone as they basically went back to the Sega Genesis Aesthetic of bright colors and checkerboard hills again, a well they would go back to over, and over, and over, and over in the years to follow.
The entire point of Sega's big multi-game announcement a few months ago was to try and bring back that "Sega Identity" again.
To some degree Sega's had its tail between its legs and licking their wounds over the Dreamcast for 20+ years now.
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themetalvirus · 11 months
You are so right about the sonic girls’ personalities homogenizing…Society if all the sonic girls were oozing unique, contrasting, vivacious personalities that bounced off each other in exciting ways that emphasize distinct flaws and perks depending on the scenario
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crusherthedoctor · 2 months
I'm no expert on color theory but, from a purely personal perspective, I'd say that blue is the way to go, as it feels to me like a bolder color and one that better contrasts her overall green color scheme, thus balancing out the overall design. Think about how Sonic himself has a mostly blue coloration that is balanced out by his skin colored patch on his stomach, his muzzle and his arms
Teal is fine, but it's relatively closer to green so it makes the design feel...flatter? Too homogenous?
I would, however, keep the brown gloves, because again: more color variety without turning the design into a mess
Yeah, I did take that into consideration, hence why I hesitated on it. Well, that and because I still like the blue and don't have any real issues with it. And of course, Amy has been wearing red since SA1, yet no one complains when she's in frame with the red-furred Knuckles.
I can see what you mean about the gloves, but funnily enough, when I initially came up with her design, them being fully brown didn't look right when I pictured it in my head, which is why I settled for making the cuffs brown instead, with the rest of them being a lighter shade of blue than the rest of her blue clothing. Despite her not being royalty (even though she lives in a castle lol), I was going for a Cinderella-esque vibe with them.
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1997thebracket · 8 months
Round 1E
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Björk’s Homogenic: I’m a fountain of blood in the shape of a girl. Homogenic is the third studio album by Icelandic musician Björk. The 1997 album is a masterpiece of experimental and electronic music, seamlessly blending orchestral elements with electronic beats, and showcasing Björk's defining, haunting vocals and avant-garde songwriting. Homogenic is a journey as much as it is a record, exploring themes of love, vulnerability, and national identity, drawing inspiration from Björk's Icelandic roots. Tracks like Jóga and Bachelorette are not only sonically innovative but also emotionally resonant, adding to the album’s visceral listening experience. This critically acclaimed work solidified Björk's reputation as a visionary artist who continually pushes the boundaries of music and remains a milestone in the electronic and experimental music landscape.
The PlayStation DualShock Controller: Did you just feel that? The DualShock controller is a gaming accessory that has been a staple of Sony's consoles since its introduction in 1997. Renowned for its ergonomic design, the controller features a distinctive shape with comfortable handgrips, two analog thumbsticks, a D-pad, four action buttons, four shoulder buttons, and a pair of vibration motors. The inclusion of two analog sticks revolutionized console gaming, enabling more precise and immersive control in 3D environments. The DualShock name comes from the controller's ability to provide haptic feedback, allowing players to feel vibrations and tactile sensations that enhance gameplay immersion. Over the years, the DualShock controller has evolved and undergone refinements, but its design and functionality have made it a symbol of PlayStation and a beloved accessory for gamers worldwide.
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fuzzafterhours · 3 months
Penny's Big Breakaway
First played on February 21st 2024 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1955230/Pennys_Big_Breakaway/ I have... a lot to say about this game... I love it, I love it so so SO much, BUT it absolutely wrecks me to say that it is a little under baked. I will start off by saying I was extremely excited to play it since the words "from the team behind sonic mania" were uttered on that one Nintendo direct. I followed development closely and consumed every piece of content that was drip fed throughout the months. I was absolutely floored when the game was shadow dropped. Now, I LOVE 3D platformers, and I'm inclined to call them my favorite game genre. Despite all the flaws I do have with the Penny's I would put it firmly in my top 10. I also want to mention that I'm a little freak that plays games I like in weird ways so any strange issues I have with it might not apply to the average person. I want to talk about the movement first as it is the most important thing to me in a 3D platformer. the game is stellar... when it works... Penny's is one of the smoothest platformers I've ever played until your momentum is cut off by some random bit of jank, whether that be the roll move deciding to randomly stop, environmental hazards like water and lava having 0 grace period, and clipping into walls, which happened way more often than id like to admit. Its clear to me that the game needed a good amount of polish time before shipping. Level design in this game is largely fantastic although I think its a bit homogenized if that makes sense. excuse the dreaded act of comparison but, a similar game like super Mario 3D world for example, designs its levels with a central mechanic in mind and then elaborates on it throughout a level. Penny's does this sometimes but a majority of levels feel like a strange blend of ideas that leads them to feel kind of unfocused. this Isn't necessarily a bad thing as I think the game has free enough movement to warrant it. The game never got boring per say, but id be lying if I said it didn't lose some steam towards the end. I think another part of the game that gradually got a little stale is the art direction and environment design. again, never bad, but I noticed areas getting less creative in the last third of the game. I do however want to say, despite my gripe, this games visual direction is OUTSTANDING and like nothing I've ever seen. it starts incredibly strong and despite becoming a little uncreative it is always a treat to look at. An aspect that I can give absolutely nothing but endless praise is the soundtrack of course. Nearly every song is masterfully composed and instantly memorable. As a big fan of Tee Lopes previous work there was no doubt in my mind that this ost would knock it out of the park. although it is not a one man show, Sean Bialo was a more than welcome addition, they are responsible for some of my favorite tracks on Spark the Electric Jester 3 so it was great seeing them here. Some of my favorite tracks on the Penny ost are:
Puppet Pioneer
Jig's Up, Penny
Outside The Eidophusikon
Balearic Birds
Penny in a Pinch and my absolute favorite track in the game:
Refracting Feelings (Pengo Mix)
I want to exclaim once again, I LOVE this game, its currently a frontrunner for my game of the year and I don't want a couple of minor gripes to taint the view of what is otherwise an excellent, beautiful, and just straight up fun game. Play Penny's, listen to its soundtrack, share it around. We need more games like it. I think everyone at Evening Star should be more than proud of what they've created. I can feel this game oozing with love and passion for the medium and I don't think any minor issue I have with it could take away from that. It wants to exist and it wants YOU to play it.
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skaruresonic · 1 month
I think the argument about Sonic's inconsistency is, like many things, one of those criticisms that actually was born from a somewhat solid foundation but got warped over time by virtue of the Sonic fandom being what it is
Because to claim that Sonic is an inconsistent series in terms of general quality and direction...well that's actually true. I'd even argue it's undeniable, as the series has gone from the highs of the Classics to the lows of 06, to gaining back its momentum with the likes of Gens and Mania, to losing it again thanks to Boom and others. Even direction wise: sometimes it's silly, sometimes it's dark, sometimes it's both, other times it's who knows what?
Of course none of this is unique to Sonic, but the series has had so many ups and downs (while also being the target of many internet personalities and such) that a lot more attention has been given to it
Let's also consider that most of the fans that we see flinging these takes around are, most likely, folks who grew up with the 2000s games aka the period when Sonic was arguably at his most inconsistent, in terms of tone, quality and even gameplay style, so to many Sonic being inconsistent is like an inherent part of the series' identity, thus making it that Sonic has always been inconsistent...to them
Because to imply that Sonic has ALWAYS been inconsistent since day one, since the early 90s, would not only require some interesting mental gymnastics but it would also be pretty weird: how can a series that is so inconsistent become one of the best selling of the 90s, able to keep the pace with Mario? Able to survive through thick and thin for decades?
At the end of the day this is just another way of unleashing one's own frustrations on and about the franchise, frustrations that are even somewhat justified in some cases but, like it's often the case in the radioactive wasteland that is the Sonic fanbase, these frustrations take on some twisted forms
Let's also consider that most of the fans that we see flinging these takes around are, most likely, folks who grew up with the 2000s games aka the period when Sonic was arguably at his most inconsistent, in terms of tone, quality and even gameplay style, so to many Sonic being inconsistent is like an inherent part of the series' identity, thus making it that Sonic has always been inconsistent...to them
Hello. Hi. I grew up with those games just as much as they did. Just stating for the record that not everyone in this Adventure-era-fan Chili's is like this.
Not necessarily saying that every Sonic game is homogenous, but like... One man's inconsistent is another man's versatile. I had no problem playing gritty ShTH and colorful Sonic Advance 3 side-by-side, because to me it was just Sonic, you know? Not that I didn't have opinions about those games, but back then I was in more of this "yay, more of the thing I like" headspace.
Besides, quality is so subjective, it's difficult to say what counts as "inconsistent" from one person to the next. I for one think ShTH is an underrated masterpiece
I think, overall, as we move forward, we tend to lose the historical context in which these games were made, and that influences people to judge the series through a much harsher lens.
Because to imply that Sonic has ALWAYS been inconsistent since day one, since the early 90s, would not only require some interesting mental gymnastics but it would also be pretty weird: how can a series that is so inconsistent become one of the best selling of the 90s, able to keep the pace with Mario? Able to survive through thick and thin for decades?
I mean. They did it with "Classic Sonic games don't reward instant speed at all times, therefore they're not good games, therefore they only trick you into thinking they're good," they can certainly do that to the games' narratives.
At the end of the day this is just another way of unleashing one's own frustrations on and about the franchise, frustrations that are even somewhat justified in some cases but, like it's often the case in the radioactive wasteland that is the Sonic fanbase, these frustrations take on some twisted forms
Maybe there is some grain of truth in there, but like all needles in haystacks, it gets buried under avalanches of bullshit.
To be completely honest, with Sonic being as old and as storied as it is, I don't see the point in calling it "inconsistent" even on a quality or marketing level. I don't see any reason to single out or focus on the inconsistency as if it's something special. Because if we judged everything according to that metric, every single franchise in existence would be "inconsistent" as well.
That's why I called the sentiment a thought-terminating cliché; it pretends to impart genuine information when people only use it when they want to end the argument. We've already lost the original context in which the argument ought to be used, if it even existed to begin with.
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