A Normal Day in Red and Chloe’s Dorm:
Chloe: [Peacefully doing her homework]
Red sitting on her bed bored: Chloe!
Chloe already knows what’s about to happen: [Ignores Red and continues her work]
Red now on the edge of her bed upside down: Chloooooeeeeee!
Chloe: [Ignoring]
Red now standing, smacking two books together to make noise: CHLOEEEEE!!!!
Chloe: [Struggling to focus]
Red startling Chloe from behind, wrapping her arms around Chloe and her chair: CHLOE!
Chloe startled: [Squeak of Shock] Goodness Red what is it ?
Red: Hmmm.. I don’t know. I think I just wanted attention! [Smiles sheepishly and snuggles Chloe]
Chloe: Of course you did.. And to think a few months ago you were threatening to feed me to the Jabberwocky.. [Proceeds to give Red her required Chloe time]
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odetokeons · 2 months
the vampire lestat and chappell roan colab WHEN
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soupandflowers · 3 months
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CHINAS IN CHAPTER 525.... THERE IS A TOTAL OF 35 DIFFERENT CHINAS IN THIS CHAPTER!!!! i think i just experienced the most ethereal feeling ever in my entire life
couldn't fit all the chinas because of tumblr's limit... so here is the other post with the last 5.. thank u to ramen on discord pointing out a china i have missed
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blub-blub-bish · 2 months
I love how in the rise of red, as the queen of hearts, bridget could have, like, fancy carriages and limousines and shit like that, but she decided with a TRUCK.
And she didn’t even need a driver, My girl just drive the truck herself. Like the girlboss she is.
The funniest thing is the fact that she got carried in and out of the castle by her guards, but delivering her daughter (and maybe planning a coup) to Auradon? Nah, she herself would drive.
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quixot1sm · 2 months
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ghetsis back when he tried to become the modern day hero of truth but the light stone thought his aura was rancid and flashbanged him instead
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rochenn · 5 months
Writing real world AUs for SW is the biggest exercise in suspending ur disbelief because of those NAMES.
Obi-Wan? Yeah that's just Ben now regardless of what stage of life he's in. Dooku? Sorry you must mean signore Serenno. Legend has it he's some sort of Italian. Qui-Gon Jinn? Um. Uhhh. He was born to hippie parents in the 70s that's why. Yeah I know that's kinda fucked up. Don't ask about Ben's last name btw
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rewiredmind · 1 month
The critters will be crittering again soon enough🔥🔥 I'm getting closer to finishing Charles, so as soon as he's done I'll get to work on them all !!
in the meantime here's Morgie and Bridget
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I don't know why they're blurred like that but they are
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ratatatastic · 3 months
gustav "adonis" forsling has gone from statue/sculpture to mythical greek god to physical specimen to carved out of stone to "might be a descendant of one of the big three: zeus hades or poseidon" i feel so faint right now
okie admitting the team does say all of these things makes me feel FAINT. OKIE SAYING THESE THINGS.
unfortunately the cats are very predictable and thusly restart the counter...
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NHL Network interview | 6.14.24 (x)(x)
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gustav forsling, deadpannedly serious, saying "no" (with a smile)
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i'd let bearded and fanged ben ruin my life
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antlerclxws · 1 month
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Another… another au.. the voices…
Chloe as Brady, Red as Mac!
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itsalwaysforyou · 4 months
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kenny ortgea, descendants 3 / katy prickett, medieval 'love motto' gold ring found near frinton / x / x / x / 墨香铜臭, heaven official's blessing / mitski, geyser / dove cameron and khalid, we go down together / mitski, i'm your man / anne sexton, 'a letter to w. d. snodgrass' / x / florence + the machine, heavy in your arms / x
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plulp · 11 months
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heres yalls science teacher. have fun go crazy
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nelkcats · 1 year
Not an Atlantean
Since Clockwork informed him that his wail had evolved, Danny decided that he should try it. But he couldn't do it on land since he would destroy the whole place so he flew to a desolate place in the sea. He was sure that he could test it without destroying anything there.
When he finally decided to use it he noticed that his wail had sung to some sort of cry of suffering. Which wasn't much different from before but it made him sound like a wounded animal. Danny frowned wondering if that meant the old ghost with "Banshee".
To the citizens of Atlantis, Danny sounded like a wounded merman. But while some features fit right in as soon as they peeked out of the water (the fangs, the green eyes, and other features), they noticed that he had no tail...maybe he was only a descendant?
Arthur, excited to teach the human about his true ancestry, came out to congratulate him. The halfa was very confused when they led him to Atlantis. Noting that the boy could perfectly survive underwater, the citizens of Atlantis "confirmed" their suspicions. The boy was a descendant of their people, but how could they ask him without bringing back bad memories?
On his part, Danny was very confused, but everyone was extremely nice (he didn't notice that his ghostly features could easily be mistaken for another creature). Honestly, the halfa was more interested in asking how the stars looked like from the open sea.
After a while Danny noticed that something weird was going on (everyone was too shy??) and Arthur kept talking about letting him stay in the palace and learning directly from the King. Well, the halfa still didn't know where he was or what was exactly happening but seeing a King would surely help him when he was crowned so what could go wrong?
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ljaylmaoo · 13 days
It’s currently 5:30 am and I couldn’t sleep so I wrote most of the Charlotte La Bouff’s sister x Hook fic lol, here’s a little preview before I go to bed ;) (thoughts?)
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camille-lachenille · 8 months
It was a rainy day, when Huan walked out of the Halls of Mandos, soft mud sticking to his paws as he walked toward the woods in the distance. The smells and noises were familiar despite all the time that had passed, and Huan happily sniffed at trees and stones to try catch an interesting trail. The pattering of rain on the dense canopy over him almost covered the twittering of birds but Huan could still catch glimpses of their gossip, and he wagged his tail. It wasn’t much but he had a trail to follow now.
Valinor was unchanged, yet vastly different from what Huan remembered. As he ran across woods and plains, he saw new towns and lush fields where there was only wilderness before. He mourned this loss, but he had a goal to reach so he did not pause except for the briefest rest. Always, he followed the chattering of birds, the whispers of the wind and the thread calling to him.
Huan ran and ran, revelling in the feeling if earth under his paws and wind messing with his fur. He had missed being alive, this abundance of sounds and smells; rustling leaves, foxes calls, thunderstorms and bird songs, deer fleeing in the woods, freshly cooked food, dewy grass in the morning and so much more.
At least, Huan picked up the trail he had been searching for as he followed the birds, this unmistakeable scent that meant friend tough diluted in seawater, kelp and bird, with a hint of sadness. The trail led him to a lone tower at the edge of the world, wrapped in ribbons of mist. Huan ran up to the door and shook his fur from rain and dust before barking happily, his tail wagging faster than ever.
It took some time but, at last, the door opened on a small figure clad in white. Huan immediately flopped down, belly up and tongue lolling out, and looked up at the woman. She stood very still in the doorframe, a hand pressed to her mouth and her eyes very wide, like a rabbit caught. After a long moment she moved, as if in a daze, and presented her open hand to Huan. He sniffled it, revelling in the scent of friend, before licking the woman’s palm. She laughed at that, a small startled giggle, but her stance was now much more relaxed as she knelt beside him.
“So you really are the dog from the tale of Grandmother Lúthien,” she said with wonder in her voice. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Huan. I am Elwing.”
Huan let out a soft boof and licked Elwing’s hand once more. This time, her laughter was just a little louder, and she sank her hands in his fur to rub his belly. He could not speak in this new life, not that he had much to say that could not be expressed with other means, but in this moment Huan wished he was able to tell Elwing he was her friend forever.
Elwing stood up after a while and wrapped her shawl more tightly around her shoulders. “Do come in, you must be famished after your journey,” she invited with a small smile. “Truth be told, I expected you to look much more fearsome, not that I complain about your friendliness. But tales tend to make everyone look grander and more awe inspiring than real…” her voice trailed off and there was a feeling of sadness surrounding Elwing. Huan carefully nudged her shoulder with his nose and, when Elwing turned to look at him, licked her face playfully. Her shriek was one he knew well, part surprise, part laughter. Lúthien had reacted the exact same way he had done this trick to her. Tyelkormo would only laugh and muss the fur on his nose, but that was even longer ago.
Elwing’s tower was a nice place to live in. Isolated enough that it was surrounded by wilderness and the inside large enough to accommodate Huan’s size without too many broken vases and chairs. At night he slept on the hearth rug and he would often be joined by Elwing when sleep eluded her. She would tell him tales of her life, in Beleriand and here in Valinor, and what memories she had of her father and brothers, tough only rarely for it made her cry.
“I am glad to have you here with me, my friend,” Elwing whispered in his neck one night. Huan nuzzled her hair in answer as she fell asleep curled against him. I will always be at your side, friend.
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ghoszay · 1 month
I need to magically gain a better drawing ability so that I can draw Soon We’ll Get Better shit IMMEDIATELY. Chloe and Red’s designs are just aaafdsygikl
Specifically Chloe is chapter 7
Yes I know it’s not out yet
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