#sooo fun to think about
moonsvillain · 1 year
one scenario i’ve made up in my head [don’t care how out of character this might be i fear i’m only here to write things i like] is that smokey and cobra got close as a result of their generally shared values [loyalty to their respective groups, deep care for the people around them despite seeming nonchalance, etc] and after smokey died, the people at nameless city would need a bittt of time to reacclimatize to the change in leadership, grief etc. 
in my head i’ve decided that eri—since cobra was close with smokey in this scenario—would stay with him while recovering from her sickness. something or other about she needs somewhere stable to stay while sick versus cobra still being hurt himself needing to recover [after getting kidnapped and basically tortured] but stay strong versus having to deal with the grief of losing a friend. 
blah blah tldr cobra sad and miserable. i love propagating fanon on here
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fudgecake-charlie · 8 months
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I wasn't actually planning on posting my traffic zine piece, but after seeing martyn react to (most of, hopefully he does the unread fics another time) the zine, I'll post it here :D @trafficzine This was so much fun, even if i had to super rush it because of IRL things!
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shaylai · 2 months
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House pets 🌈 📻
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ruporas · 1 year
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tri-trans! happy#tdov 💘
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aterfish · 5 months
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I'm not ever careful and I can be rude, yeah
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tizzymcwizzy · 2 years
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your past is back and she's coming up swinging
obsessed with this new look of his, also i was totally going to do a luz and hunter illustration but my brain kept drawing comparisons between his golden guard mask and the owl one that i blacked out for the entire day and now im here
i really like the way this turned out! haven't done smth this clean in a hot second but it was nice to spend a lot of time on it :)
also a red vers!
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robinfollies · 3 months
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Been really pondering Fantoccio and the cursed citizens lately… like, if you’re stuck in a city for 15 years with some of your only company being these cursed globby versions of the people that used to surround you normally, you’d start to Notice Things that remind you of who they used to be, right?
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martin-tma-liker · 2 years
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Martin Blackwood Idol of the Lonely
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thelien-art · 5 months
Nahar; Steed of Orome
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White in the sun, and shining silver at night 1 - the sleeping earth trembled at the beat of his golden hooves 2 - the fire that was stricken from the hooves of Nahar was the first light that returned to Valinor 3
 J.R.R. Tolkien; The Silmarillion, "Valaquenta: Of the Valar"
J.R.R. Tolkien; The Silmarillion, "of the Beginning of Days” 
J.J.R. Tolkien; The Silmarillion, "Quenta Silmarillion: Of the Darkening of Valinor"
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iizuumi · 17 days
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Enough general kn8 art, time to make everyone look at my weird little ship hello
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humanmorph · 11 months
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"[high pitched and tinny] Let’s dive in. Let’s dive in. It’s time to dive in. Get ready to [audio distorts and slows] dive. Diiive. Diiiiie…" (The Road to PALISADE 20: City Planning Department)
so that's what i've been working on for the past 2 weeks! i wanted to draw something for this intro ever since i first listened to it (as a companion piece to my other gur drawing, though it of course ended up being way bigger in scale), but it only really gripped me about halfway through PALISADE ep 18. the next morning after that i listened to this narration on repeat for about 45 minutes and then made a big sketch on 4 sheets of paper at my desk at work.
anyways, i haven't listened to the new episode yet but i think i'm probably ready for whatever they're gonna throw at us with the next sortie. i'm gonna believe, against it all, in millennium break. for gur
(i recommend listening along while scrolling! + transcript btw. if anything is hard to read)
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simplydnp · 5 months
who's hand is in this picture?
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A Mathematically Rigorous Proof That I Spent Too Long Writing
welcome to university math: dnp hand edition
(no, don't leave, you'll be fine i promise)
to begin, we need a statement to prove. we have two options:
- the hand is dan's hand
- the hand is phil's hand
now, for most proofs in university math, you are told a true statement, and you must show why it is true using logic rules, definitions, and theorems. but, we do not know which of these statements are true, so we have to find out.
to prove that a statement is true, we must show that it is always true for the situation presented. to show a statement is false, we must present a single instance where the statement is false (also known as a counter example).
a quick not scary math example:
definition: a prime number is only divisible by 1 and itself.
statement: all prime numbers are odd
(this is false, because 2 is a prime number and it is even. you don't even need to check if there's any others, all you need is one single case where it isn't true to disprove it)
so now that we have a little background on proofs and how to prove and disprove them, we go back to our two statements.
the thing with this situation is, one of them must be true (unless you're gung-ho on someone else holding dan's face while phil takes a picture on his phone of dan in his glasses, in which case, i applaud your commitment, but in actuality this proof will cover that option too)
the full statement we have is: dan is touching his face or phil is touching dan's face
now, because this is Real Life and we have a picture where a hand is touching dan's face, we know already that one of these options is true (as mentioned above) but! using symbolic logic you could also come to this conclusion.
this type of statement is an 'or' statement, and if you're curious, you can look into 'truth-tables' and see why, but at least one of the options must be true.
back to the proof at hand (bah-duhm-tss)
okay. now, proofs also must be 'general' in order to mean anything, really. these are statements of truth of the universe, not just for individuals. so, we will prove this generally.
we have 2 people involved, so individual 1 (dan, the owner of the face and potential face toucher) will be labelled as 'D' , and individual 2 (phil, the possible face toucher who does not own the face) will be labelled as 'P'. thus, this can be true for any such D and any such P.
so with our 'or' statement, in order to prove it, we pick one of the options and say that it is not true, and we have to show then that the other is true.
step 1: let's assume this is not P's hand. (assumption)
step 2: thus, it must be D's hand. (what we take from our assumption)
step 3: now, if it is D's hand, we look at what a hand on one's own face is capable of appearing like. (a definition or true fact about step 2)
the position in the given photo shows the hand with a thumb on the cheek, and a finger on the forehead. so, we find an example of a person with their fingers in the same position (or close to) and see if this supports our claim.
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now, with this image, you can clearly see how the subject's right hand has the thumb on the temple and index finger on the top of their head, however, it is a close enough position for our case.
from the view of the camera, the closest finger to the camera is the edge of the pinkie. in fact, it will always be the closest finger to the camera in this position, assuming the subject has all fingers and no additional appendages.
step 4: we now compare this to our photo (we verify if this holds to our claim or contradicts it)
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in our photo, the closest appendage to the camera is the edge of the thumb.
step 5: thus, it cannot be the case that D is touching their own face. (what the evidence says)
step 6: as we assumed it was not P's hand and have shown it cannot be D's hand, and as this is an 'or' statement both of these claims cannot be false, we can therefore conclude it must be P's hand. (our conclusion: re-stating the statement and assumptions and conclusion)
step 7: we verify that P is true (optional step but in beginner proofs you generally show why your case works)
to do this, i will show a picture of a person touching another's face, and compare it to our image.
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now, this image is not exactly the same, similar to above. however, P's left thumb is on the cheek, with their index on D's temple. the closest appendage to the camera (if it were in a similar perspective as our original) would be the edge of the thumb.
comparing it to our original:
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our comparison holds.
thus, we can conclude that the true claim in this statement is that P must be touching D's face, which, in particular means that:
phil is touching dan's face in the image
thank you for partaking in phannie mathematics. we now know. i am not sorry.
phil has a hitchhikers thumb and dan doesn't so why was this necessary at all 🤡
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s0ckh3adstudios · 2 months
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normal pair of siblings wanted by the law who collected their own families and will argue who has the better dad /j
(And of course Alexander was spawned by @capt-summer)
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medicalunprofessional · 5 months
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juggalo nemesis (…evil augustus) and horror punk butcher. Very important i think
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vaguely-lavender-er · 5 months
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I see your Klavier: “Sparkle on!” art and counter with Simon: “Fuck off.” art
Here’s a still:
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And here’s the OG post 😋
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gallery-in-the-forest · 7 months
Me:*reads a bunch of silly fics with Coby’s parents being characters we know*
My brain:Hey, you know who we haven’t seen yet AND has pink hair?
Me:No-Oh god
Brain:Oh yes
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Anywayyyyssss what if Coby was one of BM’s kids?
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