#sophiana anon
moonrose-arts · 2 years
for art requests maybe sophiana?
Ooh i don't think I've ever drawn them before!! Look at them they're adorable <3
Thanks for the ask!
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Still open for doodle requests!!
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myfairkatiecat · 2 months
saying you can’t ship Sophiana because you ship sokeefe and dexiana is literally saying “I can’t ship a lesbian ship, I need my straight ships” do you hear yourself?
Nope! It’s more like saying, “I ship both of the people in this ship with other people, so therefore I don’t ship them together!”
Anon clearly didn’t see my reblog of the Padmé-lesbian-situationship-survivor meme lmao why do you people think I hate lesbians
Also for the record there’s plenty of straight ships I don’t ship. Fitz and Linh? Not my thing. Tam and Marella? Used to be my thing, not really anymore. Marella and Dex? Literally who came up with that that’s so gross ew no they’re friends THEY’RE FRIENDS
Saying I don’t ship one specific lesbian ship says zero things about my opinions on lesbians!
💞For the record I love lesbians. Lesbians are so cool. Lesbians show up to events looking like dangerous sunshine (okay... maybe that's one specific lesbian friend). Lesbians are beautiful. Saying I hate lesbians is cruel to my best lesbian friend Velma Dinkly and her lesbian identity and lesbian relationship with Hot Dog Water from Mystery Incorporated. She might be the dangerous sunshine friend who knows…💞
I should sign off before this post gets too lesbian 🙃
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maxsrainbowsheets · 2 years
2. <3
hi anon :)
top three ships would have to be
1. marellinh
1. sophiana
2. sokeefe
yes i did two for first place because i couldn’t decide okay ???
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pandalilysbox · 3 years
Biana Vacker Secret Math Genius
YES. i may have gone a little overboard with this
- none of the elves knowing how the fuck to do higher level math because they don't teach it at foxfire
- whenever the kotlc crew need math done, poor sophie having to do it all by herself because everyone else is Confused and Doesn't Understand
- biana secretly learning it for sophie's sake
- biana understanding everything sophie talks/writes that is math related while everyone else is clueless
- biana secretly reading sophie's math textbooks from the forbidden cities when everyone's asleep in their tree houses in neverseen
- because lets be real if anyone had an actual braincell in that book the plot would have gone so much smoother
- sophie getting nostalgic for her old life every time she sees a dang math problem
- biana writing her own math problems in little notes to give to sophie when she's missing the human world
- because she has to do something right?
- why not math?
- biana wanting to make the boys look like idiots so she would procure one of those huge whiteboards out of nowhere and she and sophie would write the most complicated algebra equation in existence that fills the entire board and laugh their asses off at fitz, keefe, dex, and tam's horrified expressions
- they then would proceed to solve it in under a minute
- "why is there a tiny 2 above that number??????"
- "keefe that's called an exponent. it means u multiply the number by itself that many times"
- sophie: "x is a variable"
- "there are english letters in this????????"
- biana: "wait until the greek letters come in"
- sophie and biana fist bump
@cadence-talle @pans-pandom @perpetualhearts @venecs @tiergan-andrin-alenefar @steppingonshatteredglass @imaramennoodle @thesandsofdawn @ruewen-and-rising @enbies-and-felonies @jolieharkness @iwnnabeurs @rune-and-rising @shadymcsilverbangs @professionalwhalewatcher @gay-otlc @pencilwritesshiz47 @if-only-wishes-were-answered @crownedstars @milesspidermanmorales @an-ungraeceful-swan @iddragyouwithme@girltual08 @mister-kazually-cruel @daydream-draws @spellbound-fire @silveredviolets @i-love-side-characters @d1luvr @b-blurryyfacee @soul-dreamer @lemontarto
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archived-and-moving · 2 years
ok wait hang on bc i’m so curious about the “sun & moon” prompt for sophiana week— in your opinion, which one of them is the sun and which one is the moon? because i can see it going either way
I thought the same, and I think that's why I picked it! It's honestly up to the creator on how they wanted to go about it, but personally I narrowed it down to these reasons:
Biana could easily be the sun for two reasons.
1. She's in the Vacker family, the golden light of the Elven world. Her influence shines over anyone and everyone who notices her.
2. Her whole nature kind of fits the sun as well. To most she can be snappy and unforgiving, a hot-headed little sister who sticks up for the ones she loves. But to those she does care about, I think of her presence as warm and comforting. She knows how to shine throughout her entire life.
She also depends on the sun for her ability.
By the same logic, Sophie could be the moon.
She was well hidden, and she's quick witted and kind, but in more of a toned down way than Biana. She's calm and collected, relying on her intellect to get her out of trouble. But don't let that stop her, because even though her light might not be as bright she can still be just as dangerous (if not more) even if it's not outright.
I feel like her presence is more of a steady and reliable one, but still not to be messed with. She's not as headstrong or passionate but she will always be there, whether wax or wane.
However, I feel like it could also be perfect the other way.
While Sophie's personality may be calmer, she is powerful, and as soon as she came to the Lost Cities, she shined like no other.
Especially in her later arc (I'm talking Legacy-post Unlocked) Sophie has definitely taken on more sun qualities. She's confident, unlike any of those before her, she's bringing life and energy to a side that had faced so much loss and suffering. She took the lives of so many (Grady and Edaline, Wylie, Prentice, Dex, Keefe, Tam and Linh, Fitz and Biana, Alden) and made them brighter.
At the end of the day, Sophie was the sun. She was (and is) this ever present symbol that has always formed large parts of peoples' lives. As far as symbolism goes even at the beginning of her arc, Sophie was the sun that was rising over the horizon, bringing light and hope over the lives of the people around her.
And so it goes, that Biana could be the moon.
She was always over-shadowed by her brothers, always taking up the spotlight. Biana had to shine, yes, but whenever she tried she was pushed out of the way. Vanishing could have to do with the sun, yes, but it could also have to do with the moon. Because the Elvin world relies upon light and being seen, but Biana is a vanisher, and her entire ability is one of being hidden.
At the beginning of the series she may have been brash and bold and unforgiving, but throughout her arc she's learned qualities of gentleness, compassion, and humility. She's strong and bold as ever, just a little more calmed down.
As for what I chose? I'll leave that as a surprise for when you see my submission.
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ultralazycreatorfan · 4 years
Cinderella, but when she goes to the ball the prince is lowkey an asshole, so after she’s done dancing with him, she goes to a far corner of a room and is just kind of sad that nothing is at all what she was hoping for, but then this really pretty girl comes up to her and they start talking and yada yada it’s the prince’s sister
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silveny-dreams · 4 years
"You look really cute in that sweater." Sophiana
Sophie Foster had to sigh when she caught sight of Biana Vacker in the back booth of the coffee shop. How? How does she always do this?
“What, do I have something on my face?” Biana asked as Sophie slid into the booth across from her.
“No.” Sophie picked at a loose string on her sweater sleeve, flustered. “It’s just...how do you always look so good? How? Does a literal Hollywood stylist dress you each morning?”
Biana’s laugh was a little embarrassed, and it heartened Sophie to see the way her cheeks flushed. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“It is a compliment,” Sophie insisted. “I swear I try to keep up, so you don’t look like the girl with a really cheap date, but...geez.”
Biana tilted her head, gaze fond on Sophie. “You do keep up. You look really cute in that sweater.”
Sophie felt her face and neck flush hot. “Don’t try to make me feel better, it’s seriously fine.”
“I’m not trying to make you feel better,” Biana said, nudging Sophie’s foot with her own under the table. “That sweater is seriously adorable on you. I love the vibe.”
Maybe Sophie was trying not to choke on her own tongue. “Th-thanks. Uh, can we get coffee now?”
Biana laughed. “We can do whatever you like. This date was your idea, after all.”
Thank you all for your submissions! Requests are now closed.
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when-wax-wings-melt · 3 years
Biana grins, and Sophie thinks that even the most beautiful sunset is erased by this new beauty.
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enbies-and-felonies · 4 years
sophiana headcanon: Biana sees that Sophie misses the human world, especially disneyworld so she just takes her and Sophie’s face lights up and Biana just wants to kiss her right then and there -✨glitter anon even though i think i revealed myself✨
(3/5 til you get a line)
(maybe you did??? DID I FORGET???? O_O YEAH, I FORGOT)
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my-swan-song · 4 years
d'you have any hcs?
You didn’t specify what headcannons to give you, so I’m gonna do Sophiana headcannons because I love them so much:
Sophie is buff as hell, I won’t be told otherwise
So she bridal-carries Biana around.
Sophie told Biana about Birthday cakes and she didn’t understand the point.
Biana made a birthday cake for one of their anniversaries because she wanted to take part in Sophie’s human culture.
Sophie thought this was adorable, so now it’s a tradition.
During the Elite levels, Biana regularly sneaks over to Sophie’s room and the cuddle
They think they’re inconspicuous, but all the other students know that they’re dating.
They get engaged really soon (a few years) after they graduated.
Sophie proposes to Biana by bringing her to the roof of Everglen and then asking Biana to marry her.
Their wedding is huge.
Sophie was concerned about it at first, but Biana convinced her.
It happens on a beach
Biana takes Sophie’s last name.
I don’t know how to end these, lol
You can interrogate me or send me a request here
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linh-song · 4 years
“Wait… you want to go out with me?” Biana looked at Sophie, her perfect face blushing a little. Sophie nodded, the butterflies in her stomach doing loop the loops. “Yeah.” Sophie said, a little shakily.“R-really?” Biana asked, looking up at Sophie. Her teal eyes seemed nervous, but happy at the same time. “Weren’t you like… dating Fitz?” (Sophiana owns my life)
“We kind of broke up.” Sophie said looking at her feet. “It wasn’t a bad thing.” She added quickly. “We just didn’t like each other like that.”Biana didn’t respond, awkwardly twisting her hair.“It’s fine fine if you don’t like me like that, I don’t really care phht why would I? I mean-” Sophie said quickly, as red as a tomato.“I like you too.” Biana cut her off.“Wait… really?” Sophie asked, looking up at annoyingly perfect Biana.“Y-yeah.” (Sophiana pt. 2)
————insert cool divider thing here idk man————
Sophiana owns my life as well and- HNHGHNG if you have any writing published out their on the internet pLEASE lmk because that was wonderful-
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coinsoup · 4 years
sophiana or marellinh?
That’s so hard I’ll go with marellinh though
The water fire imagery in marellinh is absolutely stunning
But sophiana has the capacity to be the greatest lesbian pining ever
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maxsrainbowsheets · 2 years
5 and 7 for the ask game!
hi anon! tysm for the ask <3
im just gonna put the main characters bc there’s a LOT of characters
5) sexuality headcannons:
sophie: biiiiiiisexual icon. absolutely. no questions asked.
biana: def a femme lesbian (sophiana has my heart <3)
keefe: pan, i feel like this one is kinda self explanatory? idk i just feel like he wouldn’t care l, maybe unlabeled
fitz: honestly i love gay fitz, but i also love aroace fitz sooo and/or
dex: bisexual (male preference, fedex also has my heart)
tam: unlabeled demi <3
linh: leeeeeeesbian
marella: yet another lesbian
stina: oh look, another lesbian :) <3
maruca: bi, i can totally see her doing the pink purple and blue strands of hair
we have a lot of women lovers here, and honestly, who can blame them, i mean, have keeper girls??? self explanatory
7) unpopular opinion:
idk HOW unpopular of an opinion this is but i don’t hate fitz. i LOVE him and sophie as platonic besties/cognates. yes he has some trouble with anger, but most of that has to do with the environment he was raised in and also EVERYONE HAS FLAWS. nobody ever seems to point this out, like, no matter how much we love other characters, they definitely have flaws, but fitz’s is pointed out the most. his anger regarding sophie and the whole unmatchable thing was unjustifiable, it was cruel to her, that’s why i don’t think they would make good romantic partners, but i just love the idea of them as platonic besties idk it just makes me super happy ☺️ anyways, yea-
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the-keeper-crew · 4 years
Keefe automatically broke into a grin. “You must tell me everything.” Sophie rolled her eyes. “Not now!” Keefe laughed. “Ok, note to self, remind Sophie to spill the tea about her dating the next Vacker sibling.” Tam snickers a little at that. They walk into the dining room, all still teasing each other. “Sorry I’m late.” Biana rushes in, and Keefe raises his eyebrows. Biana sits down next to Sophie, out of breath. “What’d I miss?” Keefe smirks. “Oh nothing” (thank you guys soo much ❤️❤️)
the Found Family is STRONG with this one (the teasing and hHHHH)
~Mod Felony
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martinkate · 4 years
what’s your ao3?
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theunmappedstar · 4 years
your summer sophiana au has cleared my skin, brought my grades up, and has made me wish to be biana
KNSFKNF UHHHH I FEEL ALL OF THESE, NGL. though i kinda want to be sophie and meet a biana so uhhh 
bored? send me an ask!
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