corruption-exe · 2 years
Historians Wouldn't Call Us Lovers
i know the prompt was "valiant" but you never specified the type of valiant, so i twisted it.
and just so you know, i spent most of my afternoon on this and had a dilemma, so please enjoy it!
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Day 2: Valiant
Sophie, the princess of Havenfield, could hear trumpets coming from the castle walls.
She looked out the window and saw that a special traveling party had come back from the outskirts of the kingdom.
A smile grew on her face and she hitched up her skirts so she could descend the stairs to greet them before her father did.
“Do you think Mare and Linh are going to be there?” one of her best friends, Princess Biana of the Everglen kingdom, joined her as she passed one of the many hallways.
In some of the years prior, Biana had gotten to know two knights-in-training, Lady Marella of the Fluttermont estate and the exiled princess who was adopted, Lady Linh of Solreef, and had confided to Sophie that she was in love with both, but they were in a relationship with each other and Biana didn’t want to intrude.
It broke Sophie’s heart a little because she could sense that both knights had shared affection for Biana as well.
“I don’t care.” Fitz, Biana’s brother, remarked. “I want to see if-”
“If Dex went home, I know.”
“N- no I don’t!”
“He definitely did.” Biana whispered to Sophie and they both giggled.
Fitz had also fallen in love with one of Havenfield’s knights, and Sophie’s cousin, Dex. 
Fitz wouldn’t admit it, but there was no denying how flustered he got when Dex was mentioned in the smallest way.
And, by the looks of it, Dex felt the same, but was better at covering it up by using his one-sided rivalry with the Crown Prince of Everglen.
“Well, a lot of them seemed to come back, so I’m positive.”
They came to a stop as they reached the doors that would open to the foyer.
Sophie could see the doubt on Biana’s face and patted her arm.
“We don’t have to see them if you don’t want to.”
“No, I do. Open the doors, please.”
The three royals hurried down the stairs as soon as the doors opened.
As soon as they passed the bottom step, the knights knelt in front of the princesses.
They were arranged according to rank and Sophie took pride in the fact that they were organized in a straight line. That must have been her lover, Stina’s, doing.
“You may rise and take off your helmets. I want to see the heroes that saved my kingdom.”
The knights did as she said and took off their helmets one by one.
When Linh and Marella undid their helmets, Biana ambushed them both with an embrace, causing all three girls to fall down, laughing.
Eventually, when Dex took his off, Sophie gave him a quick hug and went on her way.
When she looked over her shoulder, she could see Dex blushing and Fitz talking animatedly with his hands.
As Sophie moved to the left, she got worried each time someone took their helmets off and it wasn’t her lover. 
She tried to stay positive, but she was starting to lose hope like she’d already lost her love.
When it came to the last knight, she held her breath as they lifted the helmet and… long blond hair spilled out of it instead of the coily brown hair she was used to.
The face behind the helmet was her lover, Stina’s, second-in-command, Keefe.
His face bore the familiar look of a soldier who lost a loved one to a war and she feared the worst; for Keefe was known for his jokes and smirks.
“Where- where is she?” Sophie whispered softly, willing herself not to cry.
“She- Stina insisted on staying back. She was convinced that she made a discovery about the dragon. I- I tried to go back, but she kicked me away as the cave collapsed. I’m sorry. I tried.”
 Sophie could feel a tear sliding down her face.
It couldn’t be.
How could the gods let this happen to her?
She’d done nothing wrong.
How could the gods take her love away from her? 
After everything she did-
Sophie let out a sob and collapsed onto Keefe.
For the next two weeks, Sophie mourned her lover.
Her mother had tried cheering her up by saying that there was a possibility Stina was still alive.
It was no use.
She was inconsolable and didn’t leave her room.
Food and beverages were either tasteless to her or left cold.
A month later, a handmaid went in and woke her up.
"My lady, a suitor has come. They claim to have done something unachievable before. The king sent me here to get you ready.
Sophie could feel her head nod although she felt numb inside.
Her senses were numbed as she was led away to get ready.
Years ago, when she turned 15, her father had started a contest for her hand in marriage.
Ever since then, suitors had come far and wide in attempts to woo her, but none of them struck her like her friend from childhood, Stina.
Stina was the daughter of the Stable Masters and had made her ambition to be a knight obvious.
Originally, Sophie disliked Stina because she’d caught Stina saddling a horse in a way that made her think that the horse was being mistreated.
She’d come to her father and told him what she saw, but he simply laughed and told her that it wasn’t harmful to the horse in any way.
Sophie, being only 10 at the time, huffed and promised that she’d never ride a horse without its consent. 
Her mother, who was sewing nearby, had laughed and accidentally pricked her finger on the needle.
When she was 12, Stina teased her for falling off a pony.
Sophie ignored her and got back on.
When she was 14, she became friends with Stina and they put their past behind them.
That was also the year Stina started training as a knight.
When she was 15, she found out she was in love.
When she was 16, they became lovers.
At 18, Stina had been bestowed the official title of knight.
But despite the fact that she had fallen in love with Stina and had made their love public, the contest would carry on until she was too old to marry or Stina proposed; which would never happen now that she was dead.
She was currently 21; there was plenty of time until she was illegible for marriage.
As she was preparing to be presented, Sophie couldn’t remember anything. She felt numb and emotionless as she went down the stairs despite most princesses’ excitement at a suitor.
Her father smiled when he saw her.
“You’ll like this suitor.”
Sophie nodded with no emotion behind it.
She was brought into the throne room and seated on her throne.
A knight was brought in after a few minutes of sitting.
They had a familiar figure, that crest seemed familiar, and, wait, was that-
The knight kneeled in front of Sophie and Sophie had a weird feeling that this had happened before, but she forgot when.
“My lady.”
Sophie’s eyes furrowed as she tried to remember where she’d heard that voice before.
“Rise and take your helmet off, please.”
The knight rose, but didn’t take their helmet off.
“I can’t take my helmet off, my lady.”
“Why not?”
“I’m quite hideous.” 
“That’s no excuse to deny my request.”
“I- I do believe that you would not like my appearance. People have fainted at the sight of it.”
“I have seen worse. Take. It. Off.”
They went back and forth over the helmet with the knight changing their argument every few sentences.
When the knight changed their argument once more, Sophie finally lost her temper and stood up.
She walked over to where the knight was standing and grabbed the sides of the helmet.
“Suitor or not, I am your future queen and I am determined to find out who managed to accomplish something that hasn’t been done before.”
Sophie started to pull the helmet up.
“Wait, I don’t recommend-”
But it was too late.
Sophie had pulled the helmet and-
It- it couldn’t be.
She had to be dreaming again. 
Standing in front of her was Stina; the lover she thought was lost.
She burst into tears.
“What- but- how- Keefe said-”
Stina sighed and smiled.
“This was supposed to be dramatic, but I guess we’ll have to make do.”
Stina held out her arms and Sophie tackled her to the ground.
“Never do that again.”
“Do what?”
“Scare me like that.”
“It wasn’t intentional. I found out that the dragon was just lonely. She needed some company, so I gave it to her.”
“That’s so you.”
“She’s also flying above the castle, just in case you didn’t know.”
Sophie quickly pulled away.
“Don’t worry, she’s harmless! She wants to negotiate with you!” 
Sophie sighed affectionately. 
“One of these days, you’ll give me a heart attack.”
“Of course.”
Stina stood up and helped Sophie up, but then went back down on one knee.
Sophie could feel her face turn red and her heart beat even faster; a feat she didn’t know could happen.
“Stina, don’t you think it’s too soon? I mean, I just found out you’re alive and there’s a dragon circling our heads and oh my stars, YES.”
On the day of their wedding, Sophie started panicking inside when she saw Stina in a wedding dress.
Stina had chosen to wear the dress when it had come to choosing wedding apparel and seemed to be bent on keeping it. 
Now, Sophie was glad that Stina had fought to keep it, but was kind of regretting not getting a dress that gave her more room to breathe.
Stina’s cheeks turned pink seeing Sophie and gave a soft smile. 
“You’re beautiful.”
“Not as much as you.” Sophie replied without thinking.
Everything was perfect. 
Sophie finally had things the way she wanted and needed.
Stina was beside her as her bride; 
Biana had gathered up enough courage to confess to both Marella and Linh and all three of them were dating; 
Fitz had finally asked Dex out and were in the over-sweetened beta stage of their relationship;
And even Keefe seemed to have gotten a crush on Linh’s brother, Tam, who had been visiting from their adopted country, Solreef, and they were busy arguing over hair, but Sophie could see that they were both smitten.
Really, there was nothing else the gods could do to make her happier.
@camelspit @heksterweek
People I keep locked up (tell me if you want in or out. Sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged out of loyalty):
@/camelspit (you're already tagged; i don't want to give you extra notifs)
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ravs6709 · 4 months
Ravi's KOTLC Fanfic Masterlist
my pinned post too clogged and i cant even edit it on mobile since too long or too many links or something like that. So here is all like ~40 kotlc fanfics of mine!!!
Organizing by dynamics for easy access. Some fics admittedly better than the others, but I've been writing kotlc fanfic for several years, so bound to happen
*Represents some of my favourites!!!
Hair- Sokeefe Romantic Oneshot (very fluffy, no warnings). 0.4k words.
*Protection- Sokeefe Romantic Oneshot (angsty, fluff sprinkled in, and then more at the end. Caps tw). 1.4k words.
Butterfly Kisses- Keefex Romantic Oneshot (very fluffy, no warnings). 0.4k words.
Marry Me (There's Free Desserts)- Romantic Keefex Oneshot (fluff, human au, food, one swear). 2.5k words.
Don't Need Your Voice To Understand You- Queerplatonic Keefex Oneshot (Canon divergence, heart-warming, non-verbal communication). 0.9k words.
Together- Sokeefitz Romantic Oneshot (light angst, poly-phobic moments + alden bashing oops, but fluff at the end). 1.1k words.
The Days That Come And Go (They'll Be Beautiful)- Romantic Sokeefitz Oneshot (post-canon, fluff and comfort. No warnings. 0.5k words.
Fire And Foil- Kamex (Keefe/Tam/Dex) Romantic Oneshot (very fluffy, censored swearing. Human au). 1.1k words
Cake Eater- Romantic Kamex Oneshot (very fluffy, censored swearing, human au). 0.7k words. (same au as prev, but not connected)
Hoodies- Kam Romantic Oneshot (very fluffy, no warnings). 0.8k words.
*Our Very Own Melody- Kam Romantic Oneshot (fluff with a side of angst, soulmates+human au. Censored swearing). 5.1k words.
*All This Love (I'll Show You How It Feels)- Ambiguous Kam Oneshot (human au, fake dating, shenanigans). 2.8k words.
Tam & Linh
Our Hands Linked, Side By Side- Linh and Tam Platonic Oneshot (mostly hurt/comfort, fluffy ending, not really any warnings but Quan is rude). 1.4k words.
*A Desperate Attempt At Understanding- Tam & Linh Platonic Oneshot (sibling angst, arguing, during stellarlune). 1.1k words.
This Great Distance- Sophiana Romantic Songfic (based off Coney Island by Taylor Swift) (post breakup, angst, no warnings though). 1.0k words.
Sweet Treats- Sophiana Romantic Oneshot (mild hurt/comfort and fluff. No warnings). 0.9k words.
Hidden Meanings- Sophiana Romantic Oneshot (pure fluff, no warnings) 1.6k words.
Labels (Or The Lack Of Them)- Platonic Sophiana Oneshot (pure fluff, no warnings. Human au) 1.2k words
Lights Glowing Bright- Romantic Sophiana Oneshot (pure fluff, no warnings). 0.7k words.
The Stars In The Sky (And In Your Eyes)- Sophitz Romantic Oneshot (pure fluff, no warnings). 0.7k words.
Confessions- Romantic Sophitz Oneshot (pure fluff, no warnings). 1.0k words.
Our Very Own Story- Queerplatonic Fedex Oneshot (fluff, soulmates+human au, one swear). 7.4k words
*An X-Ray Ain't Needed To See Within- Dex Study (ish), Romantic Fedex Oneshot (canon rewrite but with new element, angst, depictions of canon torture and stabbing, copious descriptions of heart). 7.9k words.
Don't Worry Yourself Sick - Fedex Romantic Oneshot (sickfic, no warnings). 0.8k words.
Other (stuff that only have 1 fic)
No Murder Allowed- Marellinh Romantic Oneshot (very fluffy, jokes about murder). 0.3k words.
Imp-Sitting At Rimeshire- Dexiana Romantic Oneshot (very fluffy, no warnings). 0.9k words.
Inventions- Platonic Dexphie Oneshot (mild angst, but then fluff, no warnings) 1.0k words.
Affection- Platonic Keefitz Oneshot (mostly fluff, slight angst and hurt/comfort, no warnings?) 1.2k words.
Within The Background- Platonic Marellinhiana Oneshot (some fluff, deals with Biana's scars so slight injury tw). 1.0k words.
*Euneirophrenia- Romantic Solinh Oneshot (fluff and hurt/comfort, dreamsharing au). 6.2k words.
Way Too Weird (Even For Me)- Gen Oneshot (crack, eating inedible stuff). 0.6k words.
I've Come A Long Way- Sophie & The Foster Family (family feels, no warnings). 1.1k words.
As Pretty As The Petals- Romantic Four Horsegirls Oneshot (fluff, no warnings?). 2.1k words.
Just One More Chance- Romantic Bianuca Oneshot (post breakup, getting back together, mentions of internalized homophobia). 1.5k words.
*Won't You Shine With Me (Oh Distant Star Of Mine)- Romantic Hekster, Kam, Marelliana and Fedex Fanfic (6 chapters, Revue Starlight au, theatre, fluff and angst with a happy ending)
*The Prankster Team- Keefex Romantic Fanfic (Wattpad, and also on ao3) (mostly fluff, but deals with some homophobia (not in detail), abuse (but not in detail) also censored swearing)
*These Feelings Inside (How Deep Do They Go)- Sokeefitz Romantic Fanfic (mermaid+flowershop au, based off Siren's Lament. Fluff and angst. Mentions of death)
*Open Up My Heart (And Let My Feelings Fly Free)- Kam (but relationship type unspecified) Fanfic Oneshot Collection (omniscient reader's viewpoint au, angst with happy ending, check fic for warnings)
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purplesoup-lad-le · 1 year
marellinhiana book of life au
i am LOOKING please elaborate ash honey i need this in my life...
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song-tam · 2 years
i just had the horrifying realization that. dexiana might not become canon. and now im trying to come to terms with it but its so hard
like okay okay listen my dexiana kick was 2 years ago but that ship took over my fuckign soul??? i put a whole summer of tears into them if they dont become canon idk what i’ll do w myself
i also desperately want vindication for all the hours i spent fighting ship wars for them 😔
outside of canon i’m a fedex and marellinhiana enthusiast but in canon?? dexiana all the way they have my heart and soul and entire being. it’s probably gonna be tiana canon and i’m sorry but it’s not for me. in theory yeah they’re a cool dynamic but in practice it doesn’t really work i guess? dexiana just has more chemistry imo
also dexiana is just. YES. you have this perfect beautiful girl who’s trapped in a gilded cage and a dude who’s been treated like shit his entire life ostracized from his world and on its own it would be such an interesting pairing but ESPECIALLY bc it’s these two in particular they make me rot. dexiana my beloveds <3 PRAYING for dexiana canon please shannon
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8, 42, 45?
Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
It was hard to like someone when you tried so hard to hate the very thought of them.
But the only thing you can hate is the fact that you're still in love with them.
What’s your favorite title that you’ve come up with?
to be completely honest I’m not that good with titles, since i find myself mostly relying on song lyrics. I guess the answer to this one is Snapped strings (and mended hearts) then, because I really like that one.
What genre/trope do you tend to write the most?
Friends to lovers on any form is just <333333. I cannot for the life of me write action, so romance/slice of life, the excitement in mundane things is my favourite thing to write because it’s very comforting (Read my free therapy).
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gay-otlc · 3 years
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rusted-phone-calls · 3 years
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My ships do be like:
(The Chinese translate into something like 'Too much to be listed one by one. Meaning that people or things are large in amount.)
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make-kotlc-gayer · 4 years
oh hmm marelliana??
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chain kiss chAIN KISS C H A I N K I S S
(u can dm me for the white bg, flat colors or lineart)
taglist: @rainbowtay-11 @enbies-and-felonies @cadence-talle @keefes-hairgel @dragonwinnie-kotlc @imaramennoodle @never-ever-too-many-fandoms @xonar-verse @anna-without-an-e <3
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cadence-talle · 4 years
Feeling Marellinhiana feels in this chili’s tonight, gonna go reread some of Farris’s fic
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ravs6709 · 4 years
Within The Background- Platonic Marellinhiana
Woo, the last of my requests! Platonic Marellinhiana, requested by @completekeefitztrash (sorry for taking so long, whoops). It's really Biana-centric and deals with her scars that she got during Nightfall. And just all of them being supportive.
I'm not someone who has scars, so if something ends up being a little insensitive, please let me know! Kinda injury tw, but its more of the effects than the actual pain itself
Biana Vacker was someone who was used to standing out. She'd been doing it all her life, she was a Vacker, born for attention.
But with the whole Neverseen thing going on, she wasn't the one with the attention. It wasn't like she needed it, it was just something she was so used to. And you could call her selfish or self-absorbed, but she kind of missed it. It was a little difficult to see Sophie run off with Fitz and Keefe all the time, while the rest of them were left behind.
She wasn't going to ruin things just because she was jealous though. She knew better than to do something like that. She channeled all that frustration, converting it into something more harmless, something she could use to protect her friends.
During Nightfall, it'd been the first time that those pent up feelings had let loose. She didn't even hesitate before going after Vespera, and she didn't realize what had happened to her until after she'd gotten away.
And at first? She felt ashamed. She wore more simple dresses, hiding away the scars. If she was faster, stronger, better, she wouldn't have been injured and Vespera would have been captured. She distanced herself from the others, and for the first time in her life, she hated the attention. She'd wanted to stand out, but not like this. Not for failing.
It took a while for her to mentally recover. A large portion of it was due to the support of her friends.
"What are you two doing?" Biana asked, stumbling across Linh and Marella in a relatively isolate, open place.
"We're trying to practice our abilities," Linh explained. "I'm finally gaining control over the water, but I don't want it to only work out if I'm being enhanced."
"She's also here for damage control, in case my fires become too wild," Marella added.
"Oh, you can continue," Biana said, sitting down.
She didn't know what exactly they'd been doing, but she was astounded. They'd been practicing separately before, but then they turned to each other. Reds and blues shot from their hands, hot and cold and it was all beautiful. If this was just then experimenting, she couldn't imagine what they were capable of in a real fight.
Her fingers pressed together, and her legs shook with a surprising amount of energy. Maybe she should join them? It was more productive then sitting there, doing nothing.
As if Linh had read her mind, she spoke. "You could join us too, if you want?"
Biana smiled softly at that. "My ability isn't as offensive as the two of yours."
"There's other things we can work on than just power. Precision, timing, you could work with it? Right Marella?"
Marella nodded. "No point shooting flames if it doesn't hit anyone."
So during a lot of their free time, they had gone to the open field and practiced their abilities. Biana worked on moving more gracefully, hoping that in a real fight, she'd have speed and stealth to her advantage.
She reached up to stretch, only to wince at the dress' sleeve falling to uncover her arm.
"You... you don't have to hide it from us," Linh told her. "I don't think it changes you."
Biana closed her eyes and thought it over. It wasn't really about ruining the 'perfect' skin. The existence of the scars themselves wasn't too bad. It was what they represented. She couldn't stand to have people stare at her and be reminded of the way she failed.
"You fought really hard during Nightfall," Marella said, her tone a little heavy. "You went face to face with an actual criminal, who has experience with this type of thing. We're all children with little experience, so we fought out best. It's pretty inspiring."
"Neither of us think you failed. All it means is that we have to practice harder," Linh continued. "To me, the scars meant that you tried, they represent how brave you are."
"Which is something that I would have never expected from 'Princess Prettypants'. You've grown from the spoiled selfish elf you were, and that's what matters to us."
Biana smiled. "Thank you."
A small conversation like that wasn't going to change her opinion so easily, but that evening, she managed to get herself to look in the mirror for once and not feel completely ashamed.
The rest of the progress needed to be made would be done by her. But those words were the push that she'd needed.
Their training kept continuing, even if they didn't have many chances to actually fight. Biana was usually invisible, her goal usually to reach Linh while avoiding the water. When Marella's control got better, her and Lihh would trade places.
When Biana had to evade the fire, it was exhilarating. Getting hit by the water wouldn't hurt that badly, but fire was an active threat, and would actually burn. She had to be light on her feet if she didn't want to be hurt.
It was going to be easier if there was the threat of a fire. There would be no tensing up of freezing, because she was used to it now. She could jump straight into action. And if the fire belonged to Marella, it only made it that much easier to trust it.
"That was tiring," Marella said after they were done, and laid down on the field.
Biana and Linh laid down at her sides, and tried to catch their breath.
"We're doing a lot better," Marella stated. "We're getting stronger."
"We've really come so far together," Linh agreed, and Biana noticed that Marella shifted a little so she could hold Biana's hand. Then she offered the other to Biana. She took the hand.
"When Sophie needs us, we'll be ready to help her. Right?" Biana asked.
Taglist- @keefeinnit @my-swan-song @impostertamsong @subrosasteath
Wanna join/be removed from the taglist? Just let me know!
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🌹 (but do not answer until u finish ur schoolwork!!)
*weeps openly* here, I’m sorry in advance for the heartache ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Eventually he lifted Keefe’s hand to his lips and kissed his fingertips, heaving a shuddering sigh.
“I just needed to know you’re here,” He admitted, brokenly, “I love you.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?? /lh (thank you for the ask and motivation)
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faggot-friday · 2 years
because i can’t keep my mouth shut i’ll share a tasting of the kotlc wiki rp- (i’m the same person that said you were in for a treat) (also dw other person who wants to spill the beans i left plenty for you to tell)
i wiki rp biana, liora, coach bora, wraith, and an oc called tish. liora and biana are the most active
so it’s been around for awhile and used to be less rp and more “characters interacting with people” but over the past several months it’s gone into rp and has diverged pretty far from canon. currently five members of the bs are at a ns hideout but it’s empty and some death is gonna go done because why not?? also there’s about three-million ocs floating around that help cause chaos
the council members are all mentally not okay. liora’s about to snap and it’s gonna be messy because she’s already a ball of anger (also she’s a lesbian-oriented aroace)
fedex is a thing but it’s pretty strained-
marellinh is also a thing but we don’t have a full time linh rper so it’s scarce. also i want to make marellinhiana a thing so wait for that >:)
biana’s probably the most stable mentally out of all the rp characters-
i could honestly write a whole book on the happenings there. also like most of the main KotLC wiki rpers are aroace which i find kinda amusing-
Oh wow
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skylilac · 3 years
i had a dream that shannon surprise-released the ninth kotlc book and it was named Surprises and she made kam and marellinhiana canon in it
and then i woke up. and now i’m sad :((
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a-lonely-tatertot · 3 years
the only emotional compensation is the fact that I have a couple tiny fics of Dex and Keefe vibing and also Marellinhiana planned out bc the rest of this is just too much emotional damage and also Ace is gonna sue me
oh valid ace should sue-
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