#sorey figure
dailyfigures · 1 year
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Sorey & Mikleo ; Tales of Zestiria ☆ Alter
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grailfigure · 2 months
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Sorey // Tales of Zestiria
ALTAiR (1/7) by Alter & Amie
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kresnikcest · 1 year
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BSY is just really good at outfit details and it makes me cry
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kaevch · 1 month
okay but i literally cannot, for tfe life of me, draw people kissing like how does that occur.
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ka-pweeeen · 2 months
Hi!! I just wanna say that you're actually so cool and I'm crazy into your stuff. I loved your performance at Battle of The Bands, wish I could've stayed to watch but unfortunately my manager's lame and I can't just completely pause touring to watch someone else's show. What can you do, I guess. -- w/ ♡, your biggest fan.
(really hoping you don't mind other rh askblogs interacting with you dkshafuidshfduifa)
☆ hehey, i'm glad you could come! sucks that your boss is a buzzkill. i'd like to have a word with them someday.
and hey, maybe someday i can go to one of your shows. it'd be a fun little surprise for everyone. ☆
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chromaji · 10 months
3 final members have been added to the Havoc guild… We’ve got ourselves a:
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Survivalist, as they’re the only class that uses bows & I wanted at least 1 bow user for eventual Shot Command shenanigans once we get subclassing.
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Ninja, as I want to try Ninja/Buccaneer shenanigans…
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and Harbinger, as I thought another character w/ healing abilities would fit well. Also, the team was definitely lacking in debuffs.
And these 3 help fill up the back row whenever they’re in the team. Everyone in the Havoc guild is happy to see 3 people who don’t need to fight for the front row…
unless I decide to eventually learn scythe skills or dodgetank skills.
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damiemontclair · 1 year
Not my little sister (unintentionally) rubbing it in my face that she is picking up figure skating again when I have just been forbidden from doing any and all sports aside from swimming crawl literally last week... "want to go buy skates with me?" "want to come skate with me this afternoon? We can grab you rental skates" "finally picking up my skating passion again after 10 years"-instagram story... I had to explain to her that I couldn't, and even then she still tried to convince me to go anyway. Like asking enough times would suddenly make it ok. I want to scream. Do you think I don't want to? Do you think I haven't been thinking about it for years now? That I haven't looked into lessons? Do you think I'm just saying no over and over again because, what? You're the one asking? Do you think it doesn't hurt me to see you go do what I wish I could but never got around to and won't be able to do for at least a year or two or maybe more? Maybe ever?
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shadowmoses · 2 years
okay i need to like be self indulgence and make myself a wol for Me. no trying to slot other people in no trying to make them palatable enough for rp. for Me
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mxdotpng · 1 month
the zestiria anime fixes and also messes up many things at the exact same time its actually kind of impressive i have to salute them for it
#.text#zestiria#i mentioned this elsewhere but i really really loved sorey and mikleos argument in the game.#like i love it so much.#mikleo is angry because sorey wont let him fight for the sake of protecting sorey - and. to be honest. himself. he is much less#in danger of succumbing to malevolence as a sublord - and sorey is angry that mikleo doesnt understand that he doesnt want#him to be put into danger especially for the sake of. Sorey. of all people. he wants mikleo to be safe. much like how#mikleo wants sorey to be safe#and i wish mikleo had been more fussy abt sorey being so. like. 'willing' isnt extreme enough of a word really.#but how he was so willing to make alisha his squire at the sake of his own health and his own life#whereas he outright refused mikleo wanting to be his sublord at every chance. because. well if i were mikleo thatd piss me off so. much#mikleo never blew his casket though even though he wouldve been in the right so u know maybe hes better than me#but i also do genuinely love how mikleo realizes hes lost. Without all of that. and it isnt entirely because of sorey either#i think mikleo does suffer a lot from. hilariously. having a character too ingrained into sorey. much like woman love interests go figure..#so him realizing that his entire life has been with and For sorey and now that he has this destiny & they stand on diverging paths#mikleo doesnt know what his life is supposed to be or what kind of person hes supposed to become. is good. thats good.#and i like it a lot#but oh my god i MISS that argument it like. said so much about sorey and mikleos characters#it pretty much set the stage for soreys self sacrificial tendancies and how he has little regard for his own safety#and mikleos devotion and loyalty. as well as his fear of losing too early the one thing in his life he knows he wont have for long#does this make any sense im just saying words now#idk im still watching maybe itll happen in the next episode!! if it does then DISREGARD EVERYTHING IVE SAID#tho the anime DOES mess up a lot of things -- im not fond of the way the bersy section played out#it isnt bad that its different however some choices feel ... absurd ? to me#ok back to my hw bye!
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dailyfigures · 1 month
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Sorey ; Tales of Zestiria ☆ Kotobukiya
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bondilluns · 8 months
so like she got the call and then she threw her jacket on stormed down the hall also they got they got the call and picked him up at 4am and tore off the road and all the angels say uhhhh uhhh you are all to blame cause al thw angels say uhhhh uhhhh you are all to blame she wenta lone and went to the emergency and parked thw car in the dark they told her "please he only has but minutes more you might just say goodbye" cause all the angels say uhhhh uhhh you are al to blame cuase all the angels sey ughh uhhh you are all the same and if you maybe figure it out would you still explain?? and if she said she was sorey now would you still complain??? and if you open up your heart and stay so far away but you are all the same and ifyou maybe find a better way to love me, then you are all to blame cause all the angels say uuhhhhh uhhhh you are alto blame uhhhh uhhh you are all to blame or whatever
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Etho: Vampire Hunter AU (Reader-Insert)
Female reader.
Word count: 932
“You’re up late.” A low voice broke the silence of the night.
You looked up from your work maintaining the chapel’s pews. “Etho!” He looked tired, green and black clothes splattered with dark stains, cloak hanging off his body in ripped shreds, and reddish brown smeared all over his bare hand and forearm. 
Adjusting the mask covering the lower half of his face, he smiled with his eyes. “Sister.” Like all your friends, he called you by your title rather than your name—just as you preferred. As far as you were concerned, Sister was your name, not the pretentious mouthful assigned to you by the Church when you came here years ago. Hiding your identity was a drag, although preferable to being claimed by the powerful vampire queen who had marked you as a child.
“I take from the bloodstains all over your clothes, your hunt was successful?” Tossing your screwdriver onto the wooden pew beside where you were crouched, you leaned back to get a better look at your friend; it seemed none of the blood was his this time. Good.
He laughed, almost sounding embarrassed. “It doesn’t feel successful.”
“Rough kill?” You threw your long hair back over your shoulder, keeping it out of the way as you returned to work.
Running a blood smeared hand through his white hair, Etho’s mood darkened. “Even when I know my target has lived for over sixty years, and killed seventeen innocents, it’s not easy to drive a stake through the heart of a creature who looks like a ten year old girl…”
“The abbess always says you’re too kind for this work.” Picking up the screwdriver, you gave it a little flip in the air, catching it neatly. Gently running your left hand over the pile of screws, you grouped them as you counted in your head. 
Etho walked towards you. “Uh huhh. It’s hard to tell when she sends me out every week to kill monsters.” Sighing, he squeezed past your kneeling body to tiredly sink down onto the pew. “I shouldn’t have specialized in vampires.”
“Etho, don’t sit—!”
Splintering wood and the crash of ancient planks smacking beautiful tilework flooring interrupted your warning, as the pew gave way beneath him. “Ohhhhh.” He sounded pathetic as he lay on his back on the floor, gazing up at the decorative ceiling and gripping the pocket watch hanging from his belt. While you knew Etho must be a fierce and capable warrior, you found such an image hard to combine with the slightly hapless, and very nice guy, you had befriended over the years.
You groaned. “I had removed most of the screws attaching the seat to the end of the pew, so I could replace them with slightly wider screws, ‘cause the whole thing’s been getting loose, and had already been jury rigged before I ever came here…”
“Sorey.” His accent always came through when he apologized. “I’ll explain to the abbess it was my fault.”  
“Thanks.” Leaning back against the chapel wall, you mulled over how long it would take you to fix the pew, assuming you had the skill to properly fix something so old, delicate, and ornate—which you doubted.
“And speaking of the abbess, I got permission to take you with me on my next assignment.”
“Really?” At his words, all exasperation fled your body. Usually you were forbidden from leaving the abbey, on account of the mark on the back of your left hand. “Why?”
“You’re good at clerical work, right, Sister?”
You nodded eagerly as he continued.
“My target tonight had quite a library, and chests of saved correspondence. I needed someone to help me catalog all of it tomorrow, and since they made the mistake of letting me choose my own assistant…I chose you.” Propping himself up on his elbows, his eyes crinkled in a smile. “You do want to see more of the world, right? I don’t know why the abbess always keeps you cooped up in the church compound, but I figure I ought to show my friend a bit of the outside world if I can.”
Without thinking, you gripped the back of your left hand, imagining the green symbol on the other side of your half finger glove. “I’d love that.” 
Rising from the rather destroyed pew, which now littered the floor, Etho stretched. “I need to wash up. Wouldn’t want to talk to the abbess looking like this.” He pointed at you. “Now go get some sleep, we have a long day tomorrow.”
“You’re going to talk to the abbess now?”
“Some of us aren’t night owls by choice, Sister.” Etho chuckled. “If I have to work this late, she can wake up to talk to me in the middle of the night from time to time.”
Grateful for his friendship, and this opportunity to leave the abbey, you wanted to hug the lanky man before you, but decorum held you back. The last thing you had ever wanted was rumors of being romantically involved with anyone, and years of practicing such thinking left little room for nebulous gestures like hugs—no matter how platonically you intended them. “Hm, you’ve always had fun being a bit of a pain.”
“Just doing my job.” His smile shone through in his voice as you packed up your toolbox.
“See you tomorrow, Etho.”
With a jaunty little wave, he strode off, leaving you to wonder what the next day held.
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bunnihoshiki · 1 year
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🐰 . . 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 ⋆ @milkandcookies-post "I was wondering if I could request a poly with CREEK (tweek + craig) thats full of fluff and silliness yk? Like a small one shot about reader (gender neutral btw!!) where they really like both of the boys but are embarrassed but end up with them. Also maybe the reader is the balance between tweek and Craig"
💭 . . 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐬 ⋆ Creek (tweek and Craig) x Reader
🐰 . . 𝐒𝐲𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ⋆ so you happen to fall in love with the cutest boys in the town? Lets see how it turn out!
💭 . . 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐬 ⋆ Reader crying but for a happy reason. the headcanons is just filled with silliness! it MAY be a little ooc since shiki tweeked their personality a bit so reader can be with them! Haha get it? Sorry for the bad pun
🐰 . . 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 ⋆ this was very cute ty for the req^_^! (don't mind hoshiki using random pictures and sorry if you didn't wanna get tagged;'3) oh and one more thing, ki realized he doesn't know what one-shot meant so he made both headcanons and scenario-y? Sorey he isn't fluent ALSO ALSO he doesn't know if this is angst or not-
Navi | Masterlist
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Lead to a disaster! Well, not really. You're more of a disaster. Not as much as tweek tho. The fact that you're in love with both of them and that they're already a healthy and cute couple AND you don't know if whether they were an open relationship or not makes you overthink and the whole situation is overall overwhelming! Does that mean you'll stop? No! Will it be hard for you? Yes!
Since they're both ussually seen together you would be extra flushed and that certainly didn't help.
Even if they're both already dating you still had a bit of hope blooming inside of you, you were really in love with both of them and you're rather eager to date them. That would lead to you doing small helpful things to them to full on giving them a high-quality gift. On rare occasions you'd have to invite your friends to help.
Your very first step on getting closer to them is talking to them! You knew you shouldn't be direct and straightforward with it but how else are you supposed to get closer to someone?
You'd practice all day infront of the mirror and decided to test it out with your close friends to avoid fucking it up but guess what? You fucked up hard, figuratively.
The first time you tried to have a conversation with them didn't go exactly how you planned it to be, it was rather awkward and you almost always somehow fumble your words.
"gah! O-oh, hey Y/n" Tweek jerked his head to the said. He backed up as soon you appeared behind him. Of course he was beside Craig. Tweek seemed normal as he's just shaking and Craig had his usual poker face.
"oh uh- good morning... Tweek! And Craig..." you chuckled, obviously nervous. Your face started to heat up when both males just stared at you like they're waiting for something else.
"you want something?" Craig questioned in his monotoned voice.
"no..?" you replied confused. Well fuck, you've forgotten what to say.
"uh okay" He simply sighed and went back to getting things from his locker
"..." Tweek seemed to stop his twitching and looked at you. Waiting if you're gonna say something or not. It was dead silent and the only thing you can hear is chatting from the people walking by and lockers clacking.
It was so awkward you couldn't handle it, you didn't want to see them so it seemed that the best choice was to just ran away.
You closed your eyes as you sprint away from the scene, you could feel eyes on you. it was another fail and you're running out of time since summer break is nearing. You need to do something right now— well not now but now and quickly.
You decided went to put your mind at ease at the playground but one thing you hadn't realize was that tweek was running after you, it was—of course— surprising since tweek was always labeled as 'The paranoid' and 'overthinker' but a part of you was overjoyed that one of your crush went after you.
"gah- I'm sorry Y/n! It was just... I just wanted to... UGHH never mind!" Tweek shook at his mistake but was quick to discard it as he immediately went beside you.
"I don't... Really know how to comfort people but I'm sorry it was awkward back there...ahhh how do I say this?!" Tweek struggled with his sentence and rubbed the bridge of his nose, you did admit it was cute seeing tweek all annoyed. "oh right, uh- as I was saying it was kinda awkward back there but I er... Decided to go after you since you seemed like you wanted to say something back there..."
"oh... Well about that.... Er it's kinda embarrassing b-" as you were about to continue your sentence was cut off by Craig "Honey! You ran off without giving a warning what happened?" though the tone hasn't changed— and his expression was left untouched— you could tell Craig was genuinely worried.
"o-oh hey babe! Y/n was about to say something." Tweek signaled the other man to come sit with him. You'd be lying if you said you didn't feel jealous when they used pet names with each other.
Now that both of your crushes was beside you. Your face suddenly turned warm, you looked down and fiddled with your fingers. It would be even more awkward to admit your inlove with two people that are dating. The fact that they're beside you was a cherry on top.
"er... I guess...." your voice slowly became quiet. "uhm... How can I say this infront of you two..?" you simply crossed your arms, pretending to think.
"go on..." Craig was patiently waiting for your confession awhile tweek seemed a bit impatient but he tried his hardest to wait.
"I just... Yknow" you let out an exaggerating sigh and slowly turned irritated trying to think of a metaphor.
"fufk! Ok fine I'll admit it! I have feelings for both of you!" you felt overwhelmed that you straight up admit it without realizing. You audibly gasped and covered your mouth as soon those words came out of your mouth.
Both went silent. Tears rolled down your face and you wanted to die right now but then
"actually... We both feel the same way..." Craig broke the silent first. You didn't know how to feel
"What? What do they mean?" Was all you could think
"oh uhm... You see, we both liked you even before the... Yaoi situation, we sort off— didn't like each other since we both liked you and all but because of the Asian girls making fanarts of us we somehow ended up together. That didnt meant our feelings for you disappeared. " Tweek confirmed, his twitching seemed to calm down as he said that and you full on sobbed from happiness.
"it's okay Y/n, let it all out." Craig comforted you with his words and both continued to embraced you. You felt safe around their arms, you felt happy knowing that you weren't weird for liking both of them.
While you all weren't sure about revealing your relationship, you might as well risk it since it isn't the others choice for your relationship! While other thought it was weird they still gave you a nod of approve but some did object to the idea.
At the early stages of your new relationship Tweek seems to be more cautious while Craig was... Craig. But later on tweek seems more honest and a little more laid-back around you but he's still the normal tweek and Craig let's out more of his emotions with you.
Now that you were all together, you also needed to pamper tweek alongside with Craig. You gotta admit it was pretty tiring but you actually loved it.
While you give attention to both men, tweek is aware you were even a little stressed due to him being paranoid all the time do he would give you, Craig or both of you something that would help you calming.
Sometimes the item in question is something very random, mostly rocks since it's common. You would even join tweek into the rock giving ceremony
Ever since you became apart of the relationship you became aware of some things they've kept secret. This would be a weird thing to say but you've been married 20 times now. Apperantly ever since the girls made them marry in 4th grade it became a tradition to pretend marry at a certain time and date. Which you found funny so you played along. They seemed serious about it tho...
Let's just say you compliment each other's personality really well!
© 𝐁𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐢 2023 do not repost, copy or modify without my permission. All rights reserved.
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mistbow · 5 months
The Storyteller of Time in Zestiria is a person who watches over the history of the world and also passes on the truth. (I also believe Sorey became one in the ending.)
But do you know that the Japanese term for it (刻遺の語り部) has a deeper meaning than just mere storyteller, dissecting from a Shinto perspective?
First off, let's get the first part (刻遺, which got translated as mere Time in English). I've explained this before, but the word "time" being written as "刻" has a specific connotation related to divisions of time and carries a sense of carving or engraving (for example, 刻む can also be used metaphorically to mean to engrave something deeply in one's memory or emotions), and as for 刻遺 in its entirety, it implies "abandoned in time" ("刻に遺される") or generally not affected by time = their long lifespan. They're also not allowed to directly interfere with history (time itself) and their existence is akin to a taboo, therefore basically making them forgotten by history itself despite the one being preserving it.
The Storyteller (語り部) part is actually more interesting that you might have thought, since Zestiria is very much inspired by Japanese history (I've talked a lot about this too), there actually exists a concept of kataribe (語り部) in ancient Japanese too.
In ancient Japan, kataribe serves as shokugyoubu (職業部), which were government-owned civilians belonging to the Wa royal authority (倭王権, Yamato kingship), engaging in social specialization with the special skills and techniques necessary for maintaining the kingship, however, they typically lead everyday lives as commoners, contributing periodically through labor or offering specialty products, in support of the royal authority; within the Shinabe (品部), a caste within the kingship. Kataribe's responsibility is to recite ancient traditions and present them during court ceremonies, during a time when written records, possibly using characters predating kanji (Chinese characters, which obviously were imported from China), were not well-developed too. They recite eulogies called yogoto (寿詞) during ceremonies that were associated with imperial rituals such as miare (御阿礼, advent of noblemen/kami) and minie (御贄, sacred offerings presented to kami).
One such kataribe member was Hieda-no-Are as mentioned in Kojiki (古事記, the oldest record text in Japan, I talked about it here). Interestingly, Hieda-no-Are is one of the instrumental figures of Kojiki, being that they were one of the compilers themself, yet very little was known about them, not even their exact gender, with their ancestry possibly tracing back to Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto, the kami of dawn and arts. Hieda-no-Are was a Shinto priest who served the Imperial House (this kind of priest is also known as 舎人, toneri/shajin), and at the age of 28, they were entrusted with the recitation and study of texts such as the Teiki (帝紀) and Kyuuji (旧辞) due to his exceptional memory. During the reign of Emperor Genmei (元明天皇), by imperial decree, Tai-An Maro (太安万侶) recorded Hieda-no-Are's recitations, leading to the compilation of the Kojiki.
The presentation of specific kataribe activities is also found in the Engishiki (延喜式), which notes that during the Senso-Daijousai (践祚大嘗祭, the largest festival ever held in an Emperor's life, as it is the first time after ascending to the throne that the Emperor dedicates new grains to the Tenjin, including Amaterasu, and partakes in the festival by consuming the harvest, a significant ceremony occuring only once in the reign of each Emperor), the Sukune (宿禰) of Tomo-no-miyatsuko (伴造) and Saeki-no-atai (佐伯) clans led eight members from Mino (美濃), two from Tanba (丹波), two from Tango (丹後), seven from Tajima (但馬), three from Inaba (因幡), four from Izumo (出雲), and two from Awaji (淡路) (btw these are all places in old Japan) to recite ancient verses (古詞, furugoto). The content is not explicitly detailed, but it likely involved traditions and legends spanning the origin and inheritance of spirits of the past Emperors.
With the introduction of foreign religions, the traditional kataribe evolved as well, and terms such as shukugo (祝詞, liturgical prayers) were used for traditional rituals in Shinto, while those that reached the common people transformed into saibun (祭文, festival documents), shichou (詞章, poems), and katarimono (語りもの, storytelling), each with different purposes. Nowadays, in the modern Japan, kataribe basically refers to people who carry out activities to pass down the lessons of history, particularly of disasters and incidents, and I feel all this is in line with how kataribe is also like in Zestiria, and another reason why Sorey ending as a kataribe is a fitting conclusion for him--the game is about turning legends and traditions into hope (伝承はいつしか「希望」になる is the tagline after all) and that history is more than just a record of a past, but something to learn from too.
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I'm going to throw Kat at the mercy of the wheel, I think, I feel too guilty throwing Lars or Jimmy... (sorey, Kat!)
Oooh.... very interesting.
Whump wheel came up with.... Buried Alive! Now that could be fun...
The Whump Wheel
____ Entombed
Word Count: 1.8k Tags: Whump, blood, claustrophobia, captivity, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending
Before she could react, there was a hand gripping her hair.
"Ah- hey!" Katherine blurted, more startled than truly in pain. That changed all too quickly, though- the grip wrenched her up, out of her seat, dragged with a pace too fast to keep up. Katherine staggered, fighting to get her feet under her. The pressure on her scalp was agonizing, so intense she wondered if something would tear. With her hair, thick and healthy and natural as it was, she worried that something would be her scalp.
She clawed at the fingers in her hair, digging her nails in deep. Her attacker flinched, grunted, but didn't release their grip. Katherine's feet skidded on the tiles below her, unable to find traction.
Katherine shrieked. It was a high, piercing sound- that quickly dissolved into a helpless cough as her attacker spun and drove a knee into her gut. She only caught a glimpse at the figure, everything but their eyes (brown eyes, like seventy-nine percent of the world had brown eyes) covered in a thick black ski mask.
And then they were moving again, even as she coughed and sputtered and staggered. She didn't dare scream again. She had a feeling her punishment this time would be worse.
Rough hands dragged her down the hall at the same too-quick pace. The pain was blinding every time she slowed. Katherine felt warm blood running out onto her fingers, but still her attacker refused to let her go.
It wasn't until her eyes caught stone walls, engraved in cobalt and ochre, that she realized where she was being taken. Here was the place her lover called home, the roost of the gods that wove her history, the place she'd spent so many peaceful hours...
Here was the place with a great stone coffin, just the right size to contain a helpless girl.
With a single harsh movement, half-drag and half-shove, Katherine found herself tumbling into the sarcophagus. She fell into a ruin of rotted cloth and crumpled papers, saw stars as her head hit the stone base of the box.
Shadows slid over her, accompanied by the cacophonous growl of rock scraping rock. The lid was closing, inch by terrible inch. Katherine shoved at it, kicked at it, tried in vain to slow its momentum, but couldn't find the slightest leverage against her attacker.
Her sliver of light trickled away.
Soon it was gone. Soon she was left in the dark. And as the footsteps of her attacker echoed down the hall, soon she was left in silence.
Suddenly the space felt so much smaller. The stone squeezed her shoulders, pressed bruises into the slopes of her hips and thighs, bent her neck at a strange angle. Katherine took in a breath, fighting hard to keep it under control. Each inhale sent fresh, sharpened aches through her ribs and shoulders. She was shorter than Ahk, but also quite a bit curvier, and this space wasn't made for her.
The urge to scream filled her so suddenly, so violently, it struck her like a bolt of lightning. It took everything in Katherine's power to battle it back. She didn't know where her attackers had gone, and she couldn't bear to waste oxygen in such a confined space. She could not afford to panic now.
She'd been through worse than this, she told herself. She could handle this. They'd taken the locks off the sarcophagus years ago. All she had to do was push the lid aside. Ahk did that every night.
She could do this.
Katherine planted her hands on the stone and pushed, pushed with everything she had, every ounce of strength she had contained in a body that barely cracked five-foot-two on a good day. She pushed until her shoulders burned, until those sore spots on her hips and spine screamed in fresh agony, until she was panting and gasping for breath in the musty air.
And it didn't move. Not an inch.
"Fuck!" she screamed, unable to help herself. The sound just ricocheted back at her, with all the force of a slap to the face. Her ears rang.
Ahk did this every night. Every. Night.
But he was built taller, built stronger, built with muscle where she had softness. And he had a space that fit him, while she was cramped and bent and aching.
Katherine twisted, trying to get her feet planted against the lid of the sarcophagus. She had more power in her legs than her arms, she always had, and even just an inch of space would be enough to give her the leverage she needed.
Her hips were screaming in pain, wedged between unyielding planes of rock. Her shoulders were the same, worse with even the smallest twitch. The sarcophagus was too shallow to get her feet planted against it- she only succeeded in thoroughly bruising her knees.
It had never felt more like a coffin.
Panic flooded her all at once. It had been manageable enough, with the promise that she could create her own escape, but now that promise had shattered. It felt like she was breathing more dust than air.
"Help me!" she shrieked, now veering on desperation. Her fists pounded on the stone, scraping rough edges and drawing blood. Her breath came in roughened gasps, choked with tears of pain and fear. She wasn't sure her voice even escaped the box that held her.
"Ahk! Larry! Somebody!" Her screams ripped through her throat, so sharp and violent that she tasted blood. Katherine continued to drum on the stone lid above her, kicking and shoving until she felt her skin tear.
Panting and sweating, another thought struck her. Katherine fought hard to manage her breathing, pressing her trembling and bloody hands to the stone lid above her.
"Sekhmet..." she whispered, closing her eyes though the box was already unfathomably dark around her, "Give me strength. Please. I need to get out of here."
Gold light rippled through her mind, and she felt it flare bright around her... and then it was gone. Katherine tried again to push at the stone ceiling above her, praying that maybe she'd been granted some unseen strength, but it still didn't budge.
She found herself sobbing in the dark. She was stuck. That was it. Stuck. Not strong enough to escape on her own, and the gods couldn't or wouldn't help her. And she had no idea what had been done with her friends, if they'd met a similar fate.
The air was thick around her. It felt like breathing pure concrete, and Katherine's head spun. She wasn't sure how much longer she had before she ran out of air entirely. Would she drift off into unconsciousness? Or would she simply lie here, panicked and choking, until she died?
She shrieked until she didn't have the breath to shriek, pounded on the stone until the pain in her hands grew to a fiery agony, twisted until the bruises on her hips and shoulders felt bone-deep... and then she stopped, exhausted. Sparks danced behind her eyes, flickering in the darkness. She could have been drifting to the bottom of the ocean, with that dark and the pressure around her.
Katherine didn't know how long she'd been trapped here. It could have been moments or it could have been hours. All sense of time had drifted away. Faint stars flickered in the dark. Despite all her aches, the rough stone pressed in too close, the space suddenly felt endlessly open. Maybe that meant she was losing her mind.
At least she wasn't so panicked anymore. Her head was too foggy to find the emotion within her. She felt her senses extend, like a plane breaking through the veil of clouds above it...
A lion prowling the halls, gleaming gold. A burst of sparks flickering on the end of its tail. A growl- no, not quite, just a rumble, a come-here sort of vocalization. Figures, many figures, first wandering and then sprinting.
Familiar golden light filled the sarcophagus, flooding her senses. Then came another growl - thick and harsh and rocky, a jackhammer into her skull.
All she could manage was a sort of wheeze, cringing as she was doused in blinding light. All she could see were silhouettes above her, hazy and looming.
Lean arms grabbed her tight and heaved her out of the box. Fresh air flooded her lungs, and Katherine coughed and gasped until her ribs ached. Her throat tasted of iron and dust. The tile floor was cold beneath her, and quickly became smeared with blood from the rough scrapes all down her legs.
"Oh, my love..." Ahk murmured, taking her hands and running his fingertips featherlight over the many scrapes he found there. Katherine blinked at him, fighting to let her eyes adjust to the new light around her. His face was bruised, like he'd come from a fight, and he was missing his cape and crown. His knuckles were split, the cuts welling with crimson.
"Who..." That was all she could manage. Her voice came out as a harsh croak, and she tasted blood.
"Some sort of intruder. Perhaps looking to loot us for valuables." A voice answered from high above her. Teddy. She hadn't even noticed him there. The edges of her vision were still faintly fuzzy, and for a moment she wondered if she'd pass out. The sensation bloomed and waned, impossible to predict.
"We've taken care of it," Ahk promised, and she was reminded again of his bruised knuckles. Yet his hands were gentle as he checked her over, gracing along the cuts and bruises. "I'm so, so sorry, my dear. I should have gotten there sooner."
"Not... your fault." she gasped, taking in another shuddering breath. It helped clear her head a little. Katherine found herself staring at her hands, caked in half-dried blood. Some of it was hers. Some was her attacker's. She remembered the feeling of digging her nails in, feeling them flinch but still not let go. She hated feeling so helpless, especially in a place that had become such a home to her.
Ahk's careful fingers cupped her face, lifting her chin until she was forced to meet his eyes. That helped too. It was easier not to see the wounds. Already she felt a little less shaky.
"Larry's grabbing the first-aid kit. Just wait here a minute." he told her, sliding a little closer as he did. He'd been hesitant at first, she could sense it, not wanting to crowd her after she'd just been so enclosed. She knew he struggled with the same claustrophobia. Now she understood it all too well. Her bloodied fingers fumbled for him, and he clasped his hands around her own.
"I'm alright..." Katherine croaked, finally managing to catch her breath. She cleared her throat, wincing at the fresh pain. "I'm alright."
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lnkedmyheart · 7 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Thanks....
In no specific order. Did i take this opportunity to post pics of these characters? Yes.
Revy (Black Lagoon)
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A dual wielding gunslinger from Roanapur. She is badass and deeply unhinged. A seriously traumatized woman with solid character flaws and a weirdly pseudo romantic relationship with the guy she kidnapped for a ransom and is now desperately trying to protect without realizing that she can't save his innocence, because he was never innocent and pure.
Fredrica Sawyer (Black Lagoon)
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A cleaner from Roanapur, uses a chainsaw as her primary weapon, cannot talk due to a severe injury to her larynx and uses a voice synthesizer. An adorable and creepy goth girl who may or may not have in universe ties to the Texas Chainsaw massacre. Which yes, implies that black lagoon is set in the same universe as the TCM movies.
Dazai Osamu (BSD)
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Love the depiction of depression and mental health problems with the guy. Love how he is constantly present everywhere and is seen through everyone else's perspective and yet we know so little about him. He is a dork and a brat and so annoying. He is usually aloof and distant but deep down has the capacity to be tender and kind that is only seen in the rare moments of vulnerability. But he is so hopeful and yet completely convinced he deserves nothing.
Chuuya Nakahara (BSD)
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He's such a tragic character like his life is one compromise after another as he gets pushed further and further into a bad situation but he will not let that stop him from making the best out of his situation. His compassion and empathy for even those who hurt him is so powerful but his brutality and intelligence is another aspect that makes him stand out against the other characters of his kind. And then you have his incredible loyalty where he will cross all boundaries to protect those he considers his people. Gorgeous characterization honestly.
Yato (Noragami)
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Another extremely tragic character and one who is trying so hard to change his fate despite everything. My guy does NOT catch a single break through the centuries he has been alive and he is still so hopeful. Not to mention letting Bishamon despise him for so long just to protect Kazuma, a guy he barely knew at the time. UGH. And his whole thing for Hiyori and his affection for Yukine. Kill me!
Yukine (Noragami)
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This was the first time I cried honestly. His backstory had me curled up in my bed unable to eat for an entire day. And his growth from an annoying unlikeable brat to one of the most lovable characters is crazy. Also no, I will never not cry over Yukine calling Yato 'dad'.
Jeremy Pascal (Tales from the Gas Station)
I didnt realize how much I liked him till I thought he died. In that regard I'm like Jack I guess, neither of us realised how much we cared for this adorkable himbo ex cultist. The fact that he is genuinely heartbroken that his suicide cult abandoned him and committed without him is so...oddly endearing and just the energy he adds is charming. He's also such a great friend to Jack, man better start appreciating him more.
Sorey (Tales of Zestiria)
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This is my son. And my sun. He is the most precious, sweetest boy to me. Aside from being ridiculously gay about Mikleo, the guy is what you'd think is a typical hero figure in such a setting. Pure, celibate, sweet and even tempered etc. But he is snarky as hell, constantly teases others, is NOT oblivious contrary to popular opinion. He is also irritable. I also love that he is an archaeology nerd.
Irma Lair (W.I.T.C.H)
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I dont remember too much about her but I always really liked her. Enough that she is still amongst my absolute favorites. It probably helps that she was made wlw in the tv series and has some shippy moments with Cornelia in particular.
Balalaika (Black lagoon)
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Listen, she is an ex military woman, who went MIA with her entire squad of loyal soldiers and now runs the fucking mafia in Roanapur. Woman is gorgeous and has acid burn scars all down her face and body. And she is terrifying. She will break necks with a smile and values loyalty and efficiency above all else. But she is such a deeply damaged woman who deserved better. But see, the people in Roanapur are there cause this is their last stand before they end up dead.
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