#sorry bout that rip
zappedbyzabka · 8 months
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It’s unfair to be that pretty.
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Idk. screenshots to steal.
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ghostorbz · 7 months
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Desperately trying to revive my soul so I can draw
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katsettee · 9 months
HAPPY DL-6 INCIDENT ANNIVERSARY 🫶🫶😍😍🫶🫶🫶💥💥💥😔✌️✌️rip gregory edgeworth
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Why are break ups so fucking Hard man
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rgg releasing pirate majima game on my birthday of all days is so. 🙄🙄🙄 we get it you’re desperate for attention.
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timothylawrence · 1 year
i miss these girls so much... sasha's little wave... Fiona standing so close... aue <3
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kaylakat2 · 4 months
I know, I know that making another vet appointment for my elderly cat would be good because she’s been throwing up more than usual and that means her kidneys are probably getting worse.
But I’m also so scared of what the vet might say about her. Because right now I can live in ignorance and she can cuddle in bed with me and eat treats and chirp and yell at me at 5 in the morning asking for breakfast and I can pretend that means nothing is wrong. And she can keep being one of the biggest comforts to me despite all the deeply distressing stuff that’s happening around me right now.
But she’s 18 and I need to make sure she’s doing well. Her quality of life is the only thing that matters and taking her to the vet to get her levels checked is the best way to ensure that quality of life.
But god. It’s scary. There’s so much that can be wrong in a body as old as hers.
But I love her. So I’m gonna swallow my fear and prioritize her above everything else.
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stevebabey · 2 years
if u were the person in my inbox asking bout @willowherbal’s account i’m SORRY 😭 u caught me on a paranoid day nd i was convinced u were a bot
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nobuverse · 1 year
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@yabokku said: EVEN IF LIFE IS PAINFUL & TOUGH, people should appreciate what it means to be ALIVE at all. ( For : Okita Souji. )
If the statement is supposed to be encouraging, she Okita doesn't find it to be so in the least. The once proud warrior can only meet it with disdain, giving a soul piercing glare in response.
She's on her knees, fingers trembling too badly to be able to properly hold on her tanto. She can still the old, decrepit cat she'd aimed to kill trotting away - proving to her how worthless she'd become.
Had she been trying to put the creature out of its misery?
No. She'd been trying to prove to herself that she could still kill. But it seems like she's fallen so far to this illness that she can't even manage to snuff out a life already half dead.
She coughs as she first opens her mouth in response, crimson splattering all over hands.
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"And this..." she heaves, trying not choke on her own blood
"This is what you would call living...?"
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wetslug · 1 year
code blue down the hall and i almost got run over by a hoard of med students because i was listening to the theme from shaft and not paying attention
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riverstardis · 2 years
who cares?:
looks like i am going to be carrying on with these
pretty sure this is the ep where ethan treats that doctor who kid
yeah it is!!
the grandma calling him doctor🥺
“are we walking or taking the tardis”🥺🥺
the kid asking ethan about being a doctor i love this scene “do you like being a doctor?” “yeah, most of the time” “i wanna be a doctor when i grow up” “what area of medicine are you going to specialise in?” “time travel” “i see, that kind of doctor”
i remember seeing someone say that when they made ethan a big dw fan it was a retcon bc he’s not a fan in this episode but i don’t think that’s true at all bc he immediately knows what the kid’s talking about (tho tbf i think most british people probably would, but like it took fenisha a few seconds to realise the joke in the comic con ep it wasn’t immediate) and he says “allons-y” when they’re setting off in born lucky so they were definitely writing him as at least actively watching doctor who. also in the comic con ep he wasn’t expecting to see anyone from work there and he was embarrassed when he saw fenisha so it seems realistic to me that he just didn’t want to mention it at work, because why would he? just because he didn’t say anything about being a fan himself in this ep doesn’t mean he wasn’t one. another possibility is that his love for dw had a resurgence after cal’s death given how they used to watch it together growing up🥲
“which, for those of us who aren’t doctors“—he looks at the grandma—“is a posh way of saying a broken arm” yeah cause the kid’s a doctor too🥺🥺🥺🥺
dixie, jeff, and big mac roleplaying to prepare for dixie’s hearing thing sjskdkfkfk
“okay i am really sorry, it was misjudged. i’ll never follow my heart again. i will become a robot and care a little less about patients with every passing day, okay?” big mac: “… shall we try that again?” while jeff just stares at her lmaooo
connie keeps offering to do paperwork and sort out complaints and stuff and then making suggestions about it and zoe’s just letting her do it because she’s swamped but she’s always rolling her eyes whenever connie’s just asked her something meanwhile connie just looks at her in disbelief after she’s turned her back ig because she’s surprised that zoe’s letting her essentially take over so easily skskdkdkdj
lmaooo the paramedics get called to a nearby street and mac’s like “it’s hardly worth taking the ambo” and jeff’s like “nah good point, we’ll call em back shall we? tell em to stop being so lazy”
“well look i’m not saying that zoe did wrong but, i don’t know i suppose it’s the surgeon in me but, really, i think you and i know that chest should’ve been opened immediately. and on top of her game so would zoe. surprised she didn’t have the confidence” connie subtly trying to get ash on side ready for her coup
LMAO louise saying “who am i gonna annoy now?” bc dixie’s been suspended and dixie goes “everyone you come into contact with”
connie inviting zoe out for some wine and zoe going “what like a date?” sjskdkfkfk well they certainly have the tension for it
fletch and max organising for the kid and his family to watch doctor who in hdc🥺🥺🥺
connie getting zoe drunk on wine while she barely drinks any to get her sharing her worries and feelings and openly complaining about clinical lead stuff is actually evil genius level scheming like oh my god
on a related note i would LOVE to see connie and stevie go up against each other for clinical lead like zoe was no match for connie and neither was elle but stevie on the other hand… i feel like they’d probably just end up having hate sex tbh (i mean connie and elle nearly got there for sure)
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dailytoge · 2 years
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
Snap. Aoki plush. You can finally dunk him in milk
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ghostedeabha · 1 year
imagine like simon goes into some sort of surgery and has to be put under anesthesia, and when he gets out hes like still high asf on it 💀 and hes being a lil silly goose
okay this is such a cute idea omg, this is 100% based off that tiktok audio where it's like "my wife wouldn't like you touching me like that" "i AM your wife."
thank you so much for the request nonnie, a forehead kiss for you MWAH MWAH
simon 'ghost' riley x reader
wc: 563
warnings: none really, lots and lots of that good ol fluff, mentions of surgery, goofy simon, maybe a little ooc simon (he's high so it's fine)
a/n: i hope this is okay, i'm feeling a bit rusty with my writing but i've finally got back some motivation and energy to do so after the past two months of low energy and bad mental health. if you guys want to know a bit more about it and my mental health (i don't see why anyone would but lmao) let me know, i don't mind making a post about it if you guys want an explanation of some sort or whatever. anywho, sorry this is so short but i hope you still like it!! <3
a/n 2.0: i recently applied for a part time job at a bookstore so y'all pray for me that i get this job because i want it so bad. i am just gonna decide that i WILL get this job, because why wouldn't i?
simon had been out of surgery for just over an hour now, being a soldier you 'd think perhaps he was going under surgery for some kind of wound he had inflicted upon him on the battlefield but no, he was just getting his tonsils removed after a bad bout of tonsillitis ended up with him developing really bad tonsil stones.
so here you were, waiting by his bedside for him to wake up. the doctor and nurses reminded you just as he had gotten out that he may still be a little, well loopy, off of the meds depending on how quickly he woke up. you waited in a chair at his bedside, reading a book when you heard the blankets of the bed rustling just a little.
looking up from your book you see simon starting to wake up and you reach out to grasp his hand, only for him to rip it away from you when his eyes were fully opened.
"uh, si? you okay, hon?" you ask gently, maybe he just wasn't feeling too well after waking up, or perhaps he wasn't wanting physical touch, that happened quite often and you always respected that space he may want when he wanted it.
"don't call me that." simon said, voice hoarse and scratchy from the surgery, he sounded a little angry.
"what?" you questioned, this wasn't like simon, you couldn't understand why he wouldn't want you speaking like this to him.
"i'm taken."
"i know." you replied with a short laugh.
"you should be touching me like that then."
it hit you then, he was woozy from the meds and didn't recognize you. the realization made you laugh a little more. you decided to have a bit of fun with this high version of your boyfriend.
"sorry about that simon. wanna tell me about your partner?"
"oh, (name)? they're amazing, you know they're so pretty. and they're funny too. they always know how to make me feel better, i miss them." simon replies, ranting and raving on and on to you about his partner, about you.
"you love them a lot, don't you?" you ask him with a smile, it felt so nice to hear all these lovely things about yourself, your boyfriend clearly unfiltered by the effects of the anesthesia he was under.
sure he definitely said sweet things to your face, but something about hearing it when he was basically high as shit made your heart pound a little more.
"i love them with my whole heart." simon replies, a goofy little smile on his face.
you can't help but reach out to gently caress his face at those words, body filling up with some much adoration for the soldier in front of you.
"hey! what did i say about touching me. i have a partner!" simon scolds, trying to dodge your touch.
"simon, love... i am your partner. it's me, (name)." you reply with a laugh.
simon takes a good long look at you when you tell him this, he stares at you, looks you up and down before letting out a soft and quiet "oh."
you begin to hear the beeping of his heart rate monitor speed up, his cheeks turning slightly pink as he stares up at you.
you couldn't help but laugh a little more at this. what a sweet idiot. your sweet idiot.
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safyresky · 1 year
me reading the changes post about the keyboard shortcuts going crazy: cool cool cool
me not even 2 seconds later upon choking on my chips: (is caught victim by said bug)
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ba9go · 2 months
texts with fwb to bf!bakugou katsuki (pt. 3)
fwb to lovers 🙂‍↕️ hurt/comfort, bkg brings u ice cream and confesses, getting together, fluff (sfw), fem!reader (bkg asks u to be his gf)
part 1 part 2
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katsuki hears you giggling from inside your room as you make your way to the door. he sighs, though it's mostly in relief. even though you were being annoying and teasing him, he hasn't made you laugh in so damn long.
the doorknob twists and the door creaks open slowly. "who goes there!"
"your ice cream is already melting, but i'll blow it up in your face if you don't open the damn door."
katsuki lets you snatch the grocery bags from him and watches in satisfaction as you realise that he didn't just come with two tubs of ice cream, but also several bags of your favourite potato chips.
"katsuki," you cried dramatically. "you didn't have to!"
"you always sulk when i go to the damn store without buying you those damn chips," he says but crosses his arms smugly, walking past you to sit on your bed. "you better ration that shit, though. m'not buyin' you more chips this week."
"what? why?" you demanded, face contorting as your smile turned into a frown. katsuki's too amused by your sudden moodswing to be annoyed. cute.
"s'not healthy. too much salt."
"i ate takeout everyday for dinner last week and it wasn't healthy either."
this gets katsuki annoyed. he glares at you. "you're the one who asked me for space. don't go complainin' 'bout food now."
"it's your fault that i needed space!"
"you said i didn't do anything! what the fuck am i catching strays for?"
"whatever," you grumbled, sitting next to katsuki with two tubs of ice cream and a spoon in each hand. "chocolate chip cookie dough or ooey gooey cookie."
"you wanted chocolate chip."
"but do you want ooey gooey cookie?"
you hand him the tub of ice cream and you both rip open the lids.
"so," you shove a spoonful of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream into your mouth. you bite down on the ice cream, and you catch katsuki wincing beside you. you ignore him, scooping another spoonful of ice cream but offering it to katsuki instead. "what'd you want to tell me?"
katsuki's silent. he scoops a spoonful of his ooey gooey cookie and finally meets your gaze as he offers you his spoon.
you could make katsuki's life easy and take the spoon from him yourself, but where's the fun in that? so you part your mouth and say "ahh".
katsuki rolls his eyes at you but brings the spoon up to your mouth and feeds you the ice cream.
"it is ooey gooey," you murmur softly. you bring the spoon up to katsuki's mouth and he glares at you before reluctantly opening his mouth.
"it has chocolate chips," he deadpans.
"don't avoid my question," you nudged your shoulder against his. you don't pull away, and katsuki lets you lean your shoulder against his. "you sounded stressed when you texted me."
"i was not stressed."
"fine," katsuki sighed. you feel him lean down to rest his chin on top of your head. "maybe i was a little stressed."
you hum. "what was bothering you?"
katsuki closes his eyes and tilts his face downwards ever so slightly to kiss your hair. "i missed you," he admits quietly.
"i know," you whisper. "i'm sorry. i missed you too."
"why'd you ask for space?"
"i wanted more than what we already had," you said sadly. "i know you weren't using me, but it felt like i wanted you in ways you didn't want me back."
katsuki pulls back to look at you. "how do you want me?"
"in like a for-the-rest-of-my-life way."
katsuki smiles.
"i'd be more than happy to indulge you in that, darling."
katsuki presses a soft kiss to your lips.
"m'sorry for not asking this earlier, but would you be my girlfriend?"
i personally do not recommend the fwb-to-lovers route. that shit messyyyyy. also sorry i like ice cream and potato chips 😋 and i love biting my ice cream HEHE
taglist (thank you for your support!!): @anicaaa67 @maddietries @nemisimp @an-na-bella @valeriyaaak @buggie07 @v3n7s @deimosjay @iguanahykhv @zaiban2989 @girls-overflower @notmeduhh @dreamcastgirl99 @yoyolovesdaiki @busdriver-move-that-ass @atashiboba @kathsuhki @armeenix @channnee @antiwhores @sukunasbottomlefteyeball @kenqki @vikizzy
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