#sorry but i unapologetically love bridgerton
densewentz · 10 months
where is my Dreamling Bridgerton!au with Diamond of the Season Dream and rakish Duke Gadling who pretend to form an attachment after Dream's meddling sibling destroys his marriage prospects and he is left pursued by none but the wretched Lord Burgess
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moirindeclermont · 2 months
The beautiful exploration of sensuality in BridgertonS3
BridgertonS3 thoughr of today, and thank you @biiancamariiee_ (on threads) for prompting this reflection.
As much as I'd personally like for Pen to be more educated about sex, in the show she didn't have a clue. And her crush for Colin was romantic but not sexual up until she read stuff in his diary I think.
Another clue that she is coming into her sexual being is how she looks at the dancers during the Eros&Psyche dance.
During the carriage scene she has a taste (I can't stop talking in innuendos, I'm sorry) but it's still very abstract, because then in the mirror scene the "is there more?" Is here to reminder us she is absolutely clueless.
But, even in those scenes that are just the beginning of her sexual life, there is the hint of the woman she is becoming. I love that they made Pen a very sensual person. She loves those moments of connections with Colin; She mentions them in her speech to Colin; She has agency and she use it.
And then, of course, we have the "save a horse, ride a Bridgerton" moment, that was deeply appreciated but that also inform us she found her own power in her sexual being and she is now in control.
And I love that this journey for her was full of love and connection and intimacy. The narration never condemnes her for wanting this or for express her desires. She is unapologetically sensual in all the best way possible.
And while Colin was/is a good partner in all of this, the passion and the sensuality is all Pen. Colin leads but it's never predatory or forceful. It's a shared experience, always.
Gosh, my standards were high before, after them they are just astronomical.
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kmomof4 · 5 months
Krystal, I am so glad you reblogged this, because I loved this set of questions and wanted it to get circling. Apologies if I ask you several…
For the Bookish Asks: A, C, H, T, U, V, and Y
I’ll never forgive you for this, Marta 😜 kidding!! Thank you so much for the ask! This really did look fun so I’m thrilled to answer so many!!!
A Author You've Read The Most Books From
Probably Stephen King. I started reading him my freshman year in college and by the time our first was born in ‘97, I’d read pretty much everything he’d written up to that point.
C Currently Reading
Does fanfiction count? 😜 but seriously, I guess you could say I’m currently reading When He Was Wicked, Francesca Bridgerton’s book by Julia Quinn, since I’m adapting it to a CS fic…
H Hidden Gem Book
So, I went back to my homeschooling days for this one. In the Reign of Terror by G.A. Henty. We only read a few of his books when the kids were growing up and they were all wonderful, but this was our first one we read aloud and it was just phenomenal !!! All of his books followed a young person living during momentous times in human history. This one was set during, you guessed it, the French Revolution. HIGHLY recommend.
T Three Of Your All-Time Favorite Books
The first two are easy peasy… It and The Stand, both by Stephen King. From the first time I read them to when I started having kiddos and no time, I read them both at least once a year. It’s now been well over 2 decades since I read either one and I could probably give you a pretty detailed description of what happens in each and every chapter.
For the third, I really don’t know… but I’ll list several that I LOVE that jump immediately to mind.
The Horse and His Boy C.S. Lewis Chronicles of Narnia Book 3, takes place during the reign of the Pevensies in Narnia.
The Lord of the Rings J.R.R. Tolkien yes, it counts as 1 book, sorry, not sorry…
The Viscount that Loved Me and An Offer From a Gentleman by Julia Quinn. Anthony and Benedict Bridgerton’s stories, respectively.
And finally, Nora Roberts O’Hurley’s series, that, as you know, inspired my A Family Affair fic series. I read the series, except Trace’s story (the older brother), before I was married, and when I found the last book, it rekindled my love for the entire series and it held a very special place in my heart all these years.
U Unapologetic Fangirl For
Bridgerton series
V Very Excited For This Release More Than Any Other
If you’d asked me that about 9mos ago, my VERY LOUD and EXCITED answer would have been the Special Edition release of the Bridgerton series in hardback that Chris ordered for me for Christmas, which also answers your last question. But, since you didn’t ask me that 9mos ago 😜 and it’s been so long since I’ve bought any real-hold-in-your-hand-book, I don’t really have an answer for you. Sorry?
Y Your Latest Book Purchase
See above.
Thank you again for all these, Marta!!!
Send me a bookish ask
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mermaidsirennikita · 3 years
If Penelope wasn’t white then she wouldn’t have been promoted this heavily, I can say that with guarantee. Sure plus size representation matters but not at the expense of POC representation especially a dark skinned female lead. This has put me off with Penelope and season 4 in general. If they wanted to they would have put JB and Simone on the covers from the start but instead they doubled down on Pen and Polin the white couple. They want to harp about the diversity of the show but do the bare minimum to promote the diverse actors/characters. I also have no hope that the Feb 14th event will have either JB or Simone as special guests.
Honestly, yeah. It’s a bit disturbing to me that people are trying to play it like fat rep is as important as racial representation, and for that matter representation of people with darker skin tones (especially women). Speaking as a woman who isn’t much smaller than Nicola…. They’re not the same. It is important, but at the end of the day whiteness gives you a huge fucking advantage in much of the world. Even in many countries where white people are not the majority, colorism is still very much a thing. I’m not South Asian and I can’t speak for South Asian people, but I think it’s pretty widely acknowledged that in much of South Asian cinema (I’m thinking primarily of Bollywood but it goes beyond that) women who look like Simone are not well-represented. Then you go into western cinema, where South Asian women in general get nothing…. And when they do, they normally look like Priyanka Chopra, let’s be real. This doesn’t mean that lightskinned people of color don’t struggle with representation and general racism, but look at season 1 of Bridgerton as an example. Almost every person of color had a pretty light skin tone. This has been a pretty common critique of Shondaland shows in general—the lack of couples that pair a poc with a poc for one thing, versus a poc with a white person (which is something Bridgerton inherently continues because allll the Bridgertons are white) and the colorism issue.
I’ll be transparent and say that there was already no way in hell I was watching Penelope’s arc lol. I think she’s actually…. Atrocious? Fat rep? Like Penelope is fat, and even though she’s quite clearly a pretty girl she’s jealous of Eloise (“not all of us can be a pretty Bridgerton”) and Marina and resentful of basically everyone. Please for the love of God give me a fat woman who has insecurities that have nothing to do with her looks. Give me a fat chick who’s like well I’m objectively hot so yeah I can find a husband but I actually don’t feel like I’m worthy of love because I was raised to be a commodity. I’m so tired of the jealous, insecure fat girl and that’s literally all Penelope was in season 1. Oh thank you Colin I was getting bullied and you saaaaved me, poor me, a fat girl you have deigned to dance with!!!! Gimme a break. Never mind the fact that there’s a pretty marked difference between the love interests cast for other girls and the one cast for Nicola—we’ll see where their progressive sex scenes sit in season 4, I suppose.
But like……….. barring something truly insane, she’s getting that season. That’s fine, that’s set, there’s really no reason to promote Penelope as heavily as they have been until then. She will literally be the leading lady. Because honestly? It’s not just EW, but even her tagging along to ****~~TUDUM~~**** before then, and now Julia caping for her on Instagram lol. It’s a pretty clear strategy. Was show!Penelope THAT insanely popular? Because uh, they’re pushing that narrative and from what I recall there was one person EVERYONE was talking about last season, and it wasn’t her. And sure, other people were discussed…. But not to the degree that he was lmao.
It actually would’ve made a ton of sense to have Phoebe promoted with JB, Charithra, and Simone versus Nicola. She’s in this season, she was the leading lady of last season. Have her pass the baton to Simone. Make it like a Reigning Miss Bridgerton gives the crown to the new one kinda thing lol. I know they’ve decided to build suspense now by teasing a love triangle, but the jig is up lol. Everyone who watched the ****~~TUDUM~~**** thing was told this was this love story of the season. It was basically stated when the casting was announced. The only people who won’t know that going in are the people who aren’t watching much promo… at all lol.
I’m sure there is some desire to avoid another RJP level fallout by promoting Pen as this uniting factor between the seasons. Because real talk, this will probably be a four season show, ending with her being unmasked. Buuuut even if that was the sole intention (and I can’t believe that’s true knowing what I know about this show) the fact that nobody was like, idk, relegating Simone Ashley to a zoom call about a dog while the white woman everyone knows gets the cover and promotion as the ~center of the show…… seems bad lol. Honestly, if you had to have a white woman on the cover with Simone and Charithra, Phoebe or Claudia, the Bridgerton girls… would make sense…. For Bridgerton lmaoooo.
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thekatebridgerton · 2 years
So you've done a Star Wars AU and a Mafia AU which are all fantastic. But I had another thought after talking with one of my friends and we somehow got into a discussion about which Bridgerton couple would star in what romcom. Like I argued a Ghosts of Girlfriends Past or When Harry Met Sally would totally work with Kathony as the main couple while my friend thought 13 going on 30 would totally being Colin and Penelope. So I decided to ask one of the best AU writers for Bridgerton what they thought. What Bridgerton couple would star in which romcom?
For the purpose of this post, i'm going to list my favorite rom coms, so if when Harry met Sally isn't in here, just know, I didn't like the movie, sorry and as the unapologetic mainstream rom com consumer that I am you are going to find that I'm as basic as it gets. Also, I'm not adding prompts for Franchel, Grucy and Hyraeth in this post because I don't have the energy. So Kanthony, Polin, Benophie and Saphne fans. this one is for you
so here we go under the keep read button. you guys are going to love this post. its a masterlist of rom com prompts for your creative minds to get working:
Kanthony rom coms au
10 things I hate about you: Prince Freddie pays off bad boy Anthony to seduce Edwina's sister Kate, so he can date Edwina because Mary won't let the youngest date of the oldest doesn't approve. Anthony thinks Kate is the greatest love challenge ever. But he slowly falls inlove with her dry wit and charm. they have a pretty amazing relationship until Kate discovers why he started dating her in the first place. Cue the infamous poem that gave the movie its name
It's a boy girl thing: Kate and Anthony hate each other, Kate is the straight A student who wants to get into Harvard. Anthony is the meathead trust fund Quarterback who couldn't care less about his future. They get into a fight in a museum, and some mysterious statue curses them to swap bodies. Kate and Anthony of course use the opportunity to screw with the life of the body's owner. But in the end they come to understand each other's trauma and realize that they're not so different after all. getting together and their souls swap back bodies when they kiss.
Just Like Heaven: Anthony's new luxury apartment is haunted. That's the only explanation he can find for the beautiful but infuriating woman who can walk trough walls and keeps claiming that the apartment is actually hers!. She makes his life miserable, she's completely evil and worse of all, she wont leave!. So Anthony figures out that to get rid of Kate Sharma he has to help her find her way to resolve her unfinished business. Except that the more he gets to know her the more he falls inlove. She's helping him more than he could help her (lol Kate is not dead, she's actually in a coma after a car accident, and Anthony can see her ghost because they're #Soulmates, she's going to wake up with the power of true love when Anthony figures that out)
Yes I agree 13 going on 30 would be the perfect Polin movie but I prefer it more genderbent: Colin used to be the nerdy loser guy in school and the only one who hung out with him was actually his neighbor Penelope. But after a birthday in which the popular kids trick him into playing 7 minutes in heaven with Penelope. He goes to bed frustrated and wishes he could be 30 and already sucessful like So yeah, Colin wakes up as a 30 yo, single, he learns that he's a world traveling Celebrity photographer. He doesn't talk to his family, he's got like 10 different girlfriends, and for what it looks like, older him is everything he ever wanted. He's also kind of an asshole. So Colin looks for the only person who's always got his back in any mess. Penelope. Who is a now a small town reporter for the mayfair times and hasn't spoken to him in ages. Cue Colin turning his life around, learning his lesson, realizing he's always loved Penelope. And when he returns to his life at 13 yo, he confesses his undying love and promises to cherish and appreciate her forever.
Sweet home Alabama: Penelope is a high rise CEO who has everything in life. She's a self made stock market millionaire. Set to marry the son of the British prime minister. Except that she can't set a date for her wedding with Thomas Dorset until she gets rid of one tiny problem namely that she's technically married already. You see back in highschool when Penelope was a nobody with writing aspirations in the small town of Mayfair, she used to be best friends with Colin Bridgerton and his sister Eloise. They did everything together. She and Colin got married as a joke in Scotland during their graduation trip and everything was going well. Until Colin said that thing in video to show off with his friends during summer vacation and Penelope moved to London heartbroken. But what happened in Scotland apparently didn't stay in Scotland because the marriage certificate they signed as a joke is still legal and until Colin Bridgerton divorces her, she can't marry Thomas. And Colin has refused to sign the papers every time she mails them to him. So here she is, back in Mayfair ready to track her old highschool crush/ best friend down and make him sign that divorce. She just never expected Mayfair and Colin to feel so much like home. And Colin never expected the love of his life to show up again infront of him.
Definitely Maybe: Colin Bridgerton fresh of his divorce to Marina, is left babysitting his favorite niece Amelia, and after running out of ways to avoid the topic of why Aunt Marina is no longer Aunt anymore. Colin decides to tell Amelia the story of the only three women that he's ever fallen inlove with in his life. Highschool sweetheart Jenny, the successful Clara and his best friend Penelope. It's up to Amelia to figure out which one of these women is the one he married and just divorced. And which one, is the woman he's always loved and never got over.
Sleepless in Seattle: Oliver and Amanda call the radio show Phillip listens to every night to tell the radio to help them find their dad a wife and Eloise hears him talk about his life, and how hard it's been after losing Marina. And she feels a connection, she sends him a letter and is surprised when he replies and they become pen pals. They spend the whole movie looking for each other and missing each other. Oliver and Amanda like her without knowing her and Phillip knows she's the one, but he's afraid she wont like him, Until at last, at the end. They finally after many hit and miss, meet at the London Eye.
She's the man: Eloise and Colin could pass as twins, and all she wants to do is attend the Oxford Political Science program. Sadly it's only open for men in the faculty. So when Colin hightails out of town to backpack trough Europe with her best friend Penelope (Colin how could you), Eloise decides to pose as her brother and take his place in Oxford. Cue Colin's nerdy hot roommate Phillip Crane befriending her thinking she's just a normal guy. Phillip who is somehow terribly unlucky with women despite being chased by them anytime he takes off his shirt to work in the faculty greenhouse ends up asking her for love advice. Now Eloise has to attend class without being discovered. Fool her family into thinking she's taking debutante classes seriously and try not to fall for her hot roommate who doesn't know she's a girl!. Okay, she totally failed at the last one but the other two are doable...right?? right??
Runnaway Bride: Eloise as the four times runnaway bride, who never seems to make it to the altar without pankicking. And Phillip as the jaded divorcee writing a piece jornalism piece on her antics. Now as Eloise prepares for her fifth walk down the aisle and Phillip follows her around writing down everything about her life. She realizes that none of the guys who proposed to her ever let her be herself, or tried getting to know her beyond the surface. Not like Phillip. And as for Phillip, he finds that he's falling inlove with the commitment phobic wonderfully crazy Bridgerton sister everyone warned him about. He wants her forever. But will Eloise want him forever too?
2 weeks notice: Benedict as the eccentirc manchild billionaire who can't do anything without his secretary. And Sophie as the long suffering Harvard graduate that's been his secretary for 5 years. After one too many getting high infront of investors dinner and calling her in the middle of Posy's wedding. Sophie decides to hand in her two weeks notice. Making Benedict to think that got 2 weeks to convince her to stay... Only to realize he actually wants her to stay because he loves her and that's why he cant live wthout her.
The Wedding Date: After a life of struggling in her teens under her step mother's reign of terror Successful Heart Surgeon Sophie Beckett is tried of Araminta and the rest of her family harping about her inability to keep a man, so she decides to post an ad for an escort in the Mayfair times before Rosamunde's wedding. Benedict replies to the Ad after overhearing Sophie talking about her problems on the phone and falling inlove at first sight. What follows is Benedict the escort charming all the rich snotty relatives into approving of Sophie because she's finally has a prince charming. But Sophie thinks he's a high paid escort and Benedict doesn't know how to tell her he's really inlove with her and doesn't want the money.
When In Rome (why do all my Benophie rom coms involve weddings?): Tired of her bad luck in love, after a disastrous wedding day of her sister Posey, in which both her and some bloke named Benedict almost ruined the whole thing. a drunk Sophie picks up the coins from the fountain of a love deity and suddenly men start to fall inlove at first sight with her left and right without leaving her alone. Including Benedict. But how does Sophie know if Ben's love is actually the real deal and not the effect of the fountain magic? And how does Benedict convince her that he's been smitten since he met her long before
The ugly truth: Daphne as a celebrity reporter who beleives in love, Simon as the love cynic who tells everyone that love doesn't exist there is only sex needed for a relationship to work out. And then the tv network forces them to make a tv show together.
Leap Year: Daphne, who has been dating perfect investment banker Friedrich King decides to surprise him with a proposal while he's on a business trip to Ireland. And then she meets Simon Basset, a gruff tour guide who doesn't believe in romance and thinks she's a crazy Brit. They have a road trip in which they end up falling for each other.
Honorable mentions:
Kanthony, Something Borrowed, While you were sleeping, Sabrina (the one with Audrey Hepburn, not the one with a teen witch) Polin, Just Friends, Made of Honor, Benophie: Dirty Dancing, Maid in Manattan Philoise, the sound of music, You've got mail, Raising Helen, Saphne, The proposal.
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newtonsheffield · 4 years
Hi, I was wondering if you could write something about Mary and Charlotte having boyfriends and Anthony being over protective and stuff.
So I’m doing something super Lazy and combining these Questions, 
Since Edmund is his father’s son in every sense of the word did he inherit his dad’s overprotectiveness towards his siblings?
Because I can imagine Charlotte ranting to her laughing Aunt Daphne because her moronic brother tried to ruin another date
because I feel I can’t do one without the other. So sorry about me. But I am super glad you guys are enjoying all of this! 
Charlotte Bridgerton was 15 when she started dating David Williams. He looked at her in English class one day and sent her a note that said  Do you wanna go to the movies Saturday? And Charlotte had nodded excitedly across at him, she’d liked David for ages and she was really excited about the date. Until she got home. She’d walked into the kitchen a little nervously where her Dad was chopping vegetables and her Mum was sitting at the counter cross legged, balanced precariously as she always was, Charlotte had always found it a bit heart warming and embarrassing that after 4 children and nearly 20 years of marriage, her parents were sickeningly in love. Who knows Anthony maybe if you’re very lucky I’ll let you- MUM Please don’t finish that sentence! Charlotte cut across her indignantly. Kate turned towards her daughter a little surprised, but rather unapologetic Hi Honey! How was school? Charlotte had shrugged nervously again and then said. Umm can I go to the movies on Saturday? Kate had smiled and said Of Course Honey. turning back to the paperwork in front of her. Charlotte had smiled broadly and gone to leave the room but Anthony had stopped her Who are you going with?Charlotte had sighed, closing her eyes a little before Answering, no one-I mean-someone obviously but just- a friend from school. Kate had gasped loudly spinning on the stool excitedly. Charli, are you going with a boy?! Honey is this a date?! Charlotte had winced at the Thunderous expression on her father’s face as she nodded. You’re not going! You’re far too young to be dating! Kate had scoffed and said Anthony don’t be ridiculous! Don’t listen to your father, of course you’re going now come and tell me about this boy! Anthony’s scowled had deepened and then said loudly Well I want to meet him! Which is how Charlotte came to be standing in the hallway of her house awkwardly, as her father and Edmund stood arms crossed with identical scowls on their faces, interrogating David Williams. Kate finally intervened with a pleading look from Charlotte, pushing the pair out the door. Anthony turned on Kate nearly immediately This is your fault I hope your realise Kate! Kate had scoffed, loudly How do you suppose that?  She looks exactly like you! That poor boy probably couldn’t help himself! Your fault! Edmund hummed slightly then grabbed his coat and said I’m going out! Might just ahhh check out that movie looks okay. Anthony slapped his son proudly on the shoulder, and Edmund left with a That’s my boy! 
Mary? Jonathan? Fancy seeing you here! Edmund’s voice rang out across the park. Mary groaned, Jesus Edmund was absolutely relentless, she saw him striding over to him and resolutely held Jack’s hand tighter, even as he tried to pull away. Well, I’m suspicious You’ve seen Mum today who told you exactly where I’d be. She said smiling sarcastically up at her brother. Who ignored it in favour of glowering at her boyfriend, Jonathan, good to see you. Mary scoffed Can you please just call him Jack?! You’re not Dad, Edmund! Edmund sent her a sarcastic expression I think I will take a seat! Thanks! He said, forcing his way between the couple to sit down. Edmund! For god’s sake get away! Mary said pushing against her brother, who settled more resolutely in his seat, leaning closer to Jack and whispering something to him. Jack shot up from his seat. Mary I just remembered that my Mum wanted me home by 4 so I have to go, I’ll text you later! and sprinted off into the distance. Mary turned to Edmund. Edmund I cannot believe you! Edmund smiled, unaffected, Come On Mare, we’ll go and get some ice cream. And just as he said it, Their father’s voice rang across the park Mary? Edmund? Fancy seeing you here!  YOU TWO ARE UNBELIEVABLE! Mary Yelled startling several birds
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adelindschade · 4 years
Inspired by THIS scene and how much Cece & Schmidt (New Girl) remind of Anthony & Kate in a modern sense (waggles fingers to Bridgerton & Sons AU plotted and published for all to cherish by @newtonsheffield)
I just had to write. How else is a girl to celebrate her two days off?? Enjoy the shenanigans. Script was slightly tweaked. 1,930 word count! 
He wished he had opened his eyes when Anthony heard the very sharp click of the door handle turn. He would’ve anticipated who if he only spied sooner the figure crossing the panel of glass. Unfortunately, he prided his lids open too late, and he went rigid with the worst kind of anxiety.
Don’t be his brother. Don’t be his brother.
A fitted jogger suit came into view. Slimming. Stunning.
A curtain of hair wisped from shoulder to shoulder – long and dark and tied up into a ponytail, like a perfect waterfall.
Thank God.
“Oh my God!”
He couldn’t help himself. It was a guttural reaction.
The groan was much louder than he anticipated, prompting her to pause under the arch with the most perplexed expression.
It was kind of cute, especially when no words came out of her mouth despite it being ajar.
“Are you serious right now?” He exasperated.
She blinked.
He continued before she could interject, more so to acquit himself than anything.
“How is it you still look this good under fluorescent lights?”
“I’m so, so sorry,” she began to pour out, a mix of panic and remorse. It didn’t suit her, he thought with furrowed brows. That wasn’t his Kate.
She had all but pushed the rolling divider that separated them to the wall in her haste to meet his side. “This is all my fault!”
Just as she took in his bedridden form cloaked with an unbecoming hospital gown, her big brown eyes descended to the cast of shame. The brazen baby blue ice pack atop it was another insult. He tried to suppress a wince as she herself paused mid-sentence.
“I thought-” she had just begun before her eyes settled. Her face contorted into heavy confusion. “What happened?” She asked, more sternly than before.
“Yeah,” he stammered, unable to form words. He had yet to master a reply despite having all morning to formulate something. He swallowed but it sounded by a grunt. “Um,” he prolonged, “here’s the thing… Um, this is embarrassing…”
The words were evading him and looking up at her inquisitive expression did little to help. God, how was it she looked this good, this cute, and also simultaneously this gorgeous all at once after jogging in summer heat?
He tried to talk with his hands, palm out but even then, his message fell flat. She was not impressed and hiked a brow.  His lips were reluctantly to take over.
“I broke my penis.”
Really, the placement of the cast should have implied as much.
Honestly, the woman was designed to torture him. Both physical and mentally. First, she broke it, and now she was making him voice it aloud. He felt humiliated. And also, oddly beguiled. It should be a badge of honor for someone to ride a dick so hard for it to break.
And she hadn’t even been there to witness the aftermath.
He thought it was a mere cramp. They took a break. She didn’t press the matter further. They slept it off. She left the bed early for her ritual morning jog – how the woman had energy left was beyond his comprehension. The moment he rose, as did his dick, he felt the agony that came – no pun intended – and no sooner did it begin, he foolishly called Benedict to assist him to the nearest hospital since he didn’t want Kate to see him in such disarray.
“You… what…?”
Dear God, she was going to make him repeat it! As if neither believed it in the first place.
“I broke my penis,” he stated more clearly, agitated with the whole fiasco. Why was he placating her part in this? He wasn’t the one that purposely bent it at an unnatural angle!
“Things were just out of control last night,” he explained – even though she was there! Her memory was just as fresh as his! He shouldn’t be the one doing the talking!
“And there was like, this one moment, where it was just…” he rambled both in words and ambiguous hands signs, “I woke up this morning with blinding pain; another moment I was watching myself, remembering last night. I think I finally understand what the tree of life is about.”
She was huffing, looking up and around, just as finished with the situation as he was. That was the Kate he knew – the sarcastic, expressive, and glowing woman he knew and loved. It was an art she could still look so radiant under just unflattering light and miffed with frustration.
“I can’t be certain of this but I’m almost positive your vagina contains a right angle,” he dared to speak into existence, looking at her dead in the eyes.
Anthony was not above Vagina-Blaming.
“I’m leaving,” she declared with a glare. Her arms crossed – damn her – unintentionally lifting the national treasures he considered her breasts. “I can’t believe I came-”
He was speaking over her in protest.
She was leaving. Her back was to him.
“How are you upset right now?”
God – he knew he was in for it given the velocity of her ponytail when it swung back to the other shoulder. Her eyes bore into his, lips curled into a scowl.
“Kate, you did this! What do you want from me?
“I didn’t think this would happen! I don’t want this to be a thing…” she waved between them. He nearly lurched forward; brow raised in disbelief as a swell of reactionary rage began to bubble.
Only, he realized, while Kate’s eyes were on him, she kept gesturing to his castor-padded shaft. She deflated and her voice softened uncharacteristically. “Because” she exhaled, “I like you. A lot. ”
Her head shook, distracted by the tacky tile pattern underneath them. She was comprehending her own words. A betraying smile fixed itself onto her lovely features, however brief it may have been. He saw it – it was there – even if she masked it with a stern line no sooner did it appear. “I can’t just always say what I feel…. It’s just, whatever, Anthony.”
She hid her expressive eyes by looking sideways, purposely  avoiding the connection between them. Her words were weak and her posture anxious, shifting from one foot to the another. Always moving, he thought fondly. His Kate was never one to stay still.
“You like me,” he repeated with an unapologetic grin. She loved him. Her loved her. They both knew it. Yet, neither were willing to speak it first. Fortunately, both were happy to set such a slight aside, knowing the truth between them, no matter if silent.
Was it he who made the first move? Likely. Or Kate – she was spontaneous like that.
Either way, he wasn’t complaining when their lips met and skipped passed the gentle delicacies that usually came after a quarrel. Mouth open and tongues in happy collusion, Anthony was quite pleased to revisit where they had last left.
Her hair was just as perfect and silky as he remembered when it wrapped it around his hand and pulled her deeper into their . Her hand on his chest for purchase, striking an electric sensation within him.
A crack disrupted the ambience of the lover’s reunion. A loud, unsettling stiff crack and then the jolting, sharp pain that followed within seconds. Blinding, burning, terrible pain!
He hadn’t even registered how hard her pushed her away but he registered the volume of their combined shouts as he jolted upwards, rigid as humanly possible. His eyes squeezed shut, still processing the intense discomfort that was as sharp as the first.
The pained whine that escaped his throat was too embarrassing for him to admit. Thank the Heaven’s she was the only one to bear witness to such an emasculate scene. She was nearly as rigid as he, coiled defensively in surprise when she took him in.
His voice cracked in between the segment of uncharacteristically high-pitched agony, verifying his worst reality.
His hand slapped the uncomfortable hospital bed in protest simultaneously as she apprehensively poached the question “what happened?”
It was his turn to look away, averting his face to the uninhabited side of the room, and his eyes remained squeezed shut for dear life. His knees were arched and his hands curled into the plastic sheets beneath him.
“Oh my God, why?” he protested, regaining some edge in his voice.
Her hands were up in the air as if surrendering. Her eyes scanned over his form, unsure of what to do next.
“Oh!” he fumbled. His hand jetted out and then returned to his hair, combing his back while his body arched instinctively. The pain reverberated and all he could muster was wide, panicked eyes and mouth agape, hoping no more unsettling sounds flushed out.
“Uh…” she chewed over, “what…?”
Her hands crossed and then one rose to her lips for her to anxiously bite at an immaculately polished nail. Then another until both hands concealed her mouth but her eyes were vivid with shock and worry.
“Oh my God, my penis is having a heart attack,” he grumbled back. His hand propelled outwards, halting her from coming closer. “Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me! You got to get out of here!”
“Alright,” she fluttered about, slow to turn back around.  Both of her hands reciprocated the gesture, as if to hold herself at bay until her feet could shuffle the other direction. Purse – where’s her purse? Big, black purse – can’t miss it– ah! There!
He wasn’t sure what words he was trying to verbalize. It was all a stuttered mess until she began to bend down to grab her oversized bag near the door.
Then his reaction was visceral.
“Don’t bend over!”
She nearly jumped out of her skin and looked at him, aghast.
“For crying out loud,” he lamented, averting his eyes to the ceiling. “Are you nuts?” He tried his best to blink the image away. Her pert little ass – not really, not little – ugh, forget it! But he couldn’t!
Thankfully, her hefty purse consumed the upper half of her body, concealing her blessed breasts.
“I’m sorry,” he cracked apologetically. His eyes were pleading. “It’s the yoga pants!”
She was awkwardly shifting from the room to the hallway, weaving in and out as she scrambled to retreat.
“I’m sorry for this,” she rushed out the words until her entire body was outside his room. Still, her head poked through, and then pass by the glass where her words were still quite clear. “I like you!” she tried to end on a good note, offering a smile through the pane.
“I like you, too, so much,” he assured, however gravel and pain he sounded. She was still peeking through the glass, optimistic and glowing and loving…
“Call a nurse!” he pleaded aloud, leaning outwards to project his voice. “A male nurse! Probably a heavy-set male nurse would be nice!”
She was contorting her body awkwardly to muster a wave, not quite ready to depart.  The bag was still in her arms, obstructing her chest. God Bless her. He never thought he’d say such a thing regarding her heavenly bosom but now was not the time.
“Bye,” her muffled voice sang sweetly from afar.
He was lurching more outwardly now, to the point of yelling.
“Describe it to them as like uh… as uh…battered highway cone!”  He pushed out hurriedly once she was out of frame.
He leaned back, eyes squeezed and body tight. He winced multiple times in a row. He uttered another unbecoming groan, flinching as he verbalized just sounds of peak discomfort.
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anabelsbrother · 8 years
hi! uh so I kind of want to read some historical romances but I have NO idea where to start, so could you recommend me some of your favorites?
Well hello friend you made my day with this, 
and you also made my romance co-blogger bestie @cammiemorgan​ happy with this because to say that Eri and I love historical romance would be an understatement but 
ANYWAY, here’s a list (in no particular order because I don’t rate my faves it’s too hard) (links in bold):
1. Sarah MacLean
Nine Rules to Break While Romancing a Rake (Love by Numbers #1) - this is my first MacLean book and I love it so much because Callie is so relatable I love her. also, the whole story is so much fun because Callie’s like fuck the society and starts masquerading as a man and do fun stuff like going to gentlemen’s clubs and fencing
A Rogue by Any Other Name (The Rules of Scoundrels #1) - old childhood friends, estranged for years, marriage of convenience……..or so Bourne thought because NOBODY decides for Lady Penelope Marbury. sexual tension is strong with this one (and angst).
One Good Earl Deserves a Lover (The Rules of Scoundrels #2) - I still haven’t read this one but it’s Eri’s favourite, and the preview chapter is fun so I’d probably love this one too by the time I get to it
2. Tessa Dare
Any Duchess Will Do (Spindle Cove #4) - hero duke with a meddling mother who’d love nothing but to see him settled down, issues a challenge: if ma manages to turn heroine barmaid into proper duchess material, he’d marry. MY FAVE. actually the whole series is one of my faves but THIS BOOK. MY BABY PAULINE TOO PRECIOUS FOR THIS WORLD, TOO PURE. ONLY WANTS TO OPEN A LIBRARY. also kinky sex. I just have to put it in there.
A Week to be Wicked (Spindle Cove #2) - unapologetic rake. scientist heroine. dirty talk in mathematics. 
Do You Want to Start a Scandal (Spindle Cove #5) - AGE GAP. Charlotte is my fave because she’s so astute and clever and basically just amazing. also Piers is a secret agent. noiceeeee
Romancing the Duke (Castles Ever After #1) - it’s been a while since I read this but I remember it being adorable and fluffy and it’s also the first Dare book that Eri finished so it’s something
3. Julia Quinn
To Sir Phillip, With Love (Bridgertons #5) - I’m a sucker for relationships that started with letters. Also Sir Phillip is the embodiment of the #youtried meme.
Romancing Mister Bridgerton (Bridgertons #4) - I love Colin Bridgerton because his passion for food and traveling. also Penelope Featherington is precious and must be protected at all costs.
Because of Miss Bridgerton (Rokesbys #1) - prequel to the Bridgerton series. longtime childhood friends/nemeses/neighbours suddenly having not-so-nemeses-y feelings for each other. much fun. also the second book is coming out soon so GET ON THIS ONE
4. Lisa Kleypas
Devil in Winter (Wallflowers #3) - The Wallflowers series is my first LK and I love them so much I’d still rec the whole series but THIS ONE IS MY ULTIMATE FAVOURITE (it needs all caps I’m not sorry). READ IT FOR SEBASTIAN ST VINCENT THE NOTORIOUS RAKE AND EVIE JENNER THE SHY WALLFLOWER WHO BROUGHT HIM TO HIS KNEES (in both ways)
Love in the Afternoon (Hathaways #5) - now Eri and I love the Hathaways so much, but this one is Eri’s ultimate favourite. it’s one of my faves too, but my ultimate one would be Tempt Me at Twilight (Hathaways #3) because Harry Rutledge is a ruthless son of a banshee but Poppy Hathaway got him handled
Devil in Spring (The Ravenels #3) - newly released. it’s about Sebastian and Evie’s son Gabriel, the new Lord St Vincent who’s got the best of both worlds: his father’s looks and his mother’s temperament, and basically just wonderful. and Pandora Ravenel is not your typical hist-rom heroine. 
4. Courtney Milan
but if you want some place to start then Unraveled (Turner #3) is my ultimate favourite, I say this very calmly. and I can’t pick my fav among the Brothers Sinister series because they’re all my children I love them equally-
Eri also would like to mention Bitter Spirits by Jen Bennett which is set in the 20s San Francisco, and Wicked Intentions by Elizabeth Hoyt for the dirty smut lmao
we didn’t go overboard at all with this, did we, Eri
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Ok but Molly the Walk to Remember mention made me all sorts of emo, because imagine that but tpwith Kathony. The absolute pain!!!!!!!!!
I love a Walk to Remember unapologetically! Though I realize this is a very old reference to make now! I’m sorry, I’m old (I’ll be 27 on the 16th) I Don’t have any other teen references!
But also: I do not want to imagine a Kathony Walk to Remember AU
I do not want to imagine Anthony slowly falling in love with shy Katie. And Mary and Edwina being wary of him because they know what’s coming, they know what’ll happen and Katie’s going through enough without Anthony Bridgerton ruining everything. And Anthony asking his Dad to just help Katie, please please just help Katie. If he’s ever done anything worthy of love, let this be the way he’s loved.
No thank you. I cannot. Oh what have I done.
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