#sorry cheap joke but I needed a caption
frogtennant · 3 years
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Yeah he pretty much is (x)
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realcube · 3 years
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characters ♡ bokuto, tendō, matsukawa & suna
tw ♡ gn! reader, timeskip! bokuto (all sfw tho), swearing, reader wears makeup (matsukawa), swearing, mentions of death & food 
cred ♡ thanks to anon for this request <3
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♡ he was literally counting down the days to your birthday, he even took the day off practise to celebrate it with you so imagine his surprise when the special day finally rolls around and he wakes up to an empty bed
♡ at first, he thought that perhaps you were just around the house somewhere but nope, the place was completely empty and even worse, all signs pointed to his theory that you had gone to work/school on your birthday 
♡ outraged. he was absolutely outraged. 
♡ firstly, he tried calling you but you wouldn’t pick up, even after his many attempts so his next resort to call your place of work/school reception 
♡ obviously he managed to get a hold of you then-
♡ he was originally gonna yell about how you lied to him about taking the day off on your birthday but there was no way he could be angry at you — almost ever — so instead, he made the quick decision of telling you to have a nice day before hanging up 
♡ you were kinda pissed that he wasted your time like that but how could you stay mad at him? he’s fkn adorable! he blew you audible kisses over the phone for good luck!
♡ you laboured your way through the day, putting in great effort yet through it all, the only thing on your mind was how much you wanted to just pass out on the couch with bokuto as soon as you got home. you weren’t even sure if you had the energy to change into your pjyamas.
♡ however, when you finally did arrive home, there was no need to put yourself through the onerous task of changing clothes as the first thing you were greeted by when you stepped foot in your own home was a chorus of cheers of ‘surprise!’ followed by people spilling out into the foyer from the kitchen and living room 
♡ then there was bokuto, the loudest of them all leading the crowd, blowing into the party horn while dashing up to, throwing his arms around your shoulders to pull you into a tight hug, ‘happy birthday, sweetie!’
♡ a light gasp escaped your lips at the sudden hoots, and the unfamiliar — and frankly uncomfortable — sight of many friends swarm towards you had you on edge but when you felt bokuto wrap you in his warm embrace, you knew you were home
♡ he held you close until you were forced apart by many guests tearing you away to personally wish you a happy birthday
♡ now that the initial shock had died down, you noticed that there wasn’t as many people present as you thought, it was a humble gathering of all your closest friends 
♡ there was a massive pile of bright-colored gifts lying on the stairs, and it was hard not to immediately acknowledge them as the sheer mass and number of the presents scattered across the steps prevented anyone from being able to go upstairs
♡ the following day, you were made aware of the fact 90% of those presents were addressed from ‘your best ace husband ;)’ which was pretty straight-forward considering you only have one husband; kiyoomi sakusa. 
♡ jokes, you married bokuto but sakusa was also at the party. he originally just wanted to drop off his gift then leave but bokuto persuaded him to stay, though he seemed to be regretting it now as almost everyone at the party now shared an unspoken goal to slam sakusa’s face into one of the cupcakes that decorated the circumference of your cake
♡ speaking of the cake, bokuto remembered what type of cake was your favorite from the wedding planning and he was so chuffed with himself. in fact, he was so confident in his cake picking ability that he ordered a massive 3-tier monster of a dessert 
♡ neither of you would be able to finish it before it goes bad so you ended up cutting it up into pieces  and sending each guest away with a little goody-bag with a slice of cake inside lmao 
♡ once you had finished your goodbyes and everyone had filed out of your home, you flopped onto the couch and let out a deep sigh of relief. well, it was only a sigh for a few moment as it became a wheeze when bokuto laid down on top of you 
♡ ‘happy birthday, (y/n). i’m sorry if i tired you out.’ he hummed, fiddling with your fingers as his lips curled into a shaky smile
♡ ‘i’m a bit sleepy but i had an amazing time. thank you so much, kō.’
♡ bokuto smiled, his heavy lid falling shut as he finally rested his neck, being able to fall asleep comfortably now that you’ve told him that you had fun
♡ unlike bokuto, he’ll actually mention your birthday a few weeks prior to the celebration so he can plan the perfect date :3
♡ ‘so do you wanna go to the aquarium or the theme park? because i know we’ve went to the park before but they remodelled it apparently. plus, maybe the aquarium is a bit underwhelming for such a special day, but it’s up to yo--’
♡ ‘we won’t really get to spend much time in either. if you consider the time school finishes, the train ride and the time the aquarium and park closes so maybe we could just chill at my house instead.’
♡ tendō deadpanned for a moment, the most unamused look taking over his features until he suddenly burst out laughing, cackling as if you just told the joke of the century, ‘seriously, (y/n)? you’re gonna go to school on your birthday.’
♡ ‘yes, of course.’ you replied in all seriousness, resulting in tendō awkwardly beginning to stifle his chuckles.
♡ he frowned, slumping back into the seat beside you, ‘c’mon, it’s your birthday, though! you deserve the day off.’
♡ you shook your head, kindly declining his suggestion, ‘i have a test on that day.’
♡ ‘all the more reason to ditch!’
♡ now it was your turn to deadpan
♡ tendō tossed his head back while letting out a sigh  of defeat, draping his arm around your shoulder to lovingly pull you to his chest, ‘alright, then. whatever you want, dear.’
♡ you smiled, glad that you didn’t need to disagree with him any longer — and you were even happier on the day. even though you insisted that he keeps things small on your birthday, he still managed to find a way to make things extra asf by getting you a massive plush that was about half the size of your stature and a hamper of homemade chocolates ><
♡ honestly, he’s never been the best at giving gifts but he tries extra hard for you 
♡ like if you off-handedly say that you are cold during class, he’ll buy you a bunch of new jackets, jumpers and gloves
♡ or if you say you need more mascara, he’ll buy you exact same one you usually wear 
♡ he’s observant enough to notice and remember the exact shade and brands of all your cosmetic products but he’s not observant enough to pick up on the subtle hints you drop as to what you want for your birthday 
♡ you can never guess what he’s gonna get you and that adds to your anticipation for the day 
♡ if your birthday is on a school day, he’ll bring in a batch of homemade cupcakes (which hanamaki helped him with) and stick a candle in one of them for you to blow out 
♡ he offers you one but they are all pretty stale- just smile and nod while your teeth feel like they are being shattered trying to bite down on the cupcake 
♡ it might set off the fire alarm but oh well, just count that as another present
♡ oikawa will probably get you something like a bouquet and try flirt with you so at that point, matsukawa and hanamaki begin using the cupcakes as weapons 
♡ they are a two for one deal so you’re going to be spending the day with both of them tailing you like lost puppies
♡ (requester specified) your birthday is on the same day as his so ofc he’s going to be a little salty abt it 
♡ you both created a game to see who receives the most birthday wishes and whoever won gets ¥1500 from the loser’s birthday money
♡ for the past few years, he’s usually been the winner by just a few but this year, you made it a point to befriend all him teammates in order to ensure victory 
♡ having to pretend to be friendly with atsumu — who wasn’t very good at hiding his massive crush —was definitely a challenge but you powered through 
♡ in fact, you may have played the role too well as both the miya twins gave you a gift 
♡ osamu gave both you and suna a plastic bag filled with some food he made and water bottles
♡ as for atsumu, his gift to you was a massive hamper filled with an assortment of many different luxury confectionary which didn’t look cheap at all but it didn’t feel appropriate to question the price so you simply took it from him with a bright smile
♡ of course, suna was excited (and very hungry) as he expected the same gift but he was more than disappointed when all he received was a bag of chips and a slap on the back
♡ he goes out of his way to tell every teacher it’s your birthday in hopes that they’ll make the class sing happy birthday to you 
♡ but it pisses him off to no end when you add that it’s his birthday too so he ends up getting roped into your misery 
♡ also your thumbs are going to be sore at night swiping through all the various candid pics that suna took of you throughout the day (in less than flattering poses) which he uplaoded to almost all of his social media stories with stupid ass captions 
♡ but dw bc he’ll eventually post a nice photo of you with a sweet message
♡ ‘happy birthday to @(y/n) . i would die for you, bitch (even though you annoy the hell out of me every single day 🤠).’ 
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slashermovieslut · 4 years
Third Time’s The Charm - Chapter Two - Joe Goldberg x Male Reader
(A/N: This chapter contains some NSFW content! I tried my best to be neutral about reader’s genitals, so I didn’t imply one set or the other. This chapter also contains triggers for the reader being kind of mistreated by their roommate, but nothing intense. And as always, the standard obsessive stalker triggers that come with our favorite creep!)
Your Facebook is public, which is good for me but also bad, because what if some creep used it to stalk you, (y/n)? You don’t post on it anymore, not for ten months, but there are plenty of things on it that tell me more about you. You go to college at St. Joseph’s, so your hoodie really was from your college, and your status is single, thank god. There are plenty of pictures of you on your profile, almost all of them years old. You left Facebook when your parents and aunts started joining, just like most people your age. Your family tag you in all sorts of posts. Events, photos together, chain mail letters, jokes… you don’t respond to all of them, and I hope if I tagged you in something you would respond to me, but it wouldn’t be some cartoon character talking about getting wine drunk in the middle of the afternoon.
Your aunt, the one with the wine memes, she likes to check in when she goes places. She should really stop doing that, (y/n), because it puts you in danger. Your address is just out there for everyone to see, because on September fifteenth at 2.34 in the afternoon she checked into the Statewell apartment building with the caption, “Moving my nephew into his new apartment!” But the Statewell apartments are close, and they are in one of the bad areas of town, which I don’t like. How much do you worry at night that something bad will happen while you sleep? If I was with you I would protect you, or better yet, move you out of that dangerous little cardboard box apartment and into my place. 
I watch you sometimes, in secret. It’s not hard, not like it was with Beck. I don’t have to wear disguises or hide, I can stand out in the open without worrying about being recognized. On a street like this, people mind their business. Except me, of course. I’m minding your business, and your business is beautiful, (y/n). You’re as dirty as I thought, sitting on your living room couch with your laptop propped against the coffee table, pleasuring yourself to the tinny sounds of porn through the laptop speakers. God, everything about you is fucking perfect, isn’t it? I could watch for hours, even if all I can see is a silhouette through sheer white curtains. I really need to buy you better curtains, so other people won’t see you like this, because I don’t think you even know they can see you. You’re self conscious, I can tell, so I bet you don’t even think they would care to stop and look, but you’re wrong. You are worth watching, probably too worth it, because now I have to worry that I might not be the only one watching you. 
Your apartment is on the first floor, right on the corner, so you have two windows. The front one is lit up and neat looking, but the side window is covered with boards, nailed haphazardly by someone who hardly knows how to hold a hammer. Was that you, (y/n)? I want to see inside the house, but the curtains block just enough to keep me from picturing the little environment you remain cooped up in all day. I peek through the cracks between boards instead, peering into a darkened room that looks like a disaster zone. Is this your room? If it is you are messy, but I can forgive messy if I have to because it’s you, and I love you already, mess and all. 
I am acting casual, acting like I have stopped to grab a newspaper from the box in front of your apartments when I see that you have company. He pulls a key out like he owns the place and he unlocks the door, walking in and not even wiping his feet, tracking mud in on carpets that look freshly vacuumed, and I hate him right away, even more than I would hate him just for existing near you. He doesn’t respect you, I can tell, and I don’t care if he’s a friend or something else, you deserve better. He steps on the backs of his shoes to remove them and marches into the house, splaying out on the couch, your couch, the couch I’ve seen you masturbating on every night this week. 
“Hey, do you have rent yet?” You ask from the hall. You sound nervous to even ask, and I can’t tell if you’re just anxious or if you have a reason to be worried, but if this man gives me any more reason to hate him I might have to do something about him. Still, if you need a roommate in a cheap little place like this, you’re in worse of a place than I thought you were. 
“No, I don’t have rent yet, stupid, I thought I told you already that I’m still looking for a job.” He replies, and I want to tear his tongue out for talking to you that way, but I just stand next to the box, pretending to read a newspaper, but clutching it so tight it starts to rip at the edges. Who the hell is this guy and why does he think it’s ok to use that tone with you? Does he think you’re his servant or something? I need to know who the hell this guy is, and what he is to you. If he’s your boyfriend, you’ve got terrible taste, (y/n). I’m going to show you how a real man will treat you, and you’ll never want an asshole like this again. I am spending too much time near your house. It’s early morning and I should be taking care of opening the shop but instead I am on the other side of the street from your apartment, watching your door and waiting to see you again. I’m losing it, I know, and I should be trying to stop this, or somehow slow it down, but it’s like an avalanche, once you start it you really can’t stop it, and I have already started falling in love with you, (y/n).
You walk right past me as you leave, and I almost hope you’ll recognize me, but thank god you don’t. As you pass I reach out, slipping the phone out of your back pocket and into my jacket, and I think you would hate me for this if you knew I’d done it, but you will never know, because I’m going to be more careful this time. I’m going to hide this in the shop, not in my apartment. I’ll keep it in the cage, with all the other precious things I own. As I walk away, toward the bookshop, I scroll through your phone, taking in the little slice of your life stored within the screen. You have two missed texts from someone named Hunter, “I’m sorry” and “I just need a little longer.” I don’t need to read anything else to know who it is, but I open the messages anyways, because I want to know who he is, what he is to you. There’s years worth of messages here, but it only takes me a few minutes of scrolling to find what I want to know… 
This is all the information I need to make my decision. As soon as I possibly can, I am going to make sure Hunter is never a part of your life again. 
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calypsoff · 3 years
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Robyn asked and I didn’t forget what she asked me, she wants to go away for the weekend so like the good husband I am. I am taking her away for the weekend which wasn’t cheap, hotel wise. I wanted her to get some peace and quiet, and this place will give her just that. Placing Robyn’ case in the trunk, I swear I am in love with both of my cars but this one. The Urus will be used the most because of my family, I can’t be making my wife, well my pregnant wife sit in the Aventador. But this will be used the most, it’s only a weekend away so I just put my clothes in the case with Robyn which she then started saying I am creasing her clothes, she was being dramatic for no reason, but I am excited, we get to spend time together alone. Rorrey is still here, he is getting into my business a lot, in a good way though. He just minds his business too, like with Mel. I like her but she was always randomly in my bedroom or asking Robyn to stay in the bedroom with her and it was a little annoying but at the same time, she isn’t a bad person. Rorrey just sleeps here and then we see him downstairs, that is normal but it’s whatever, I like him being here anyways, but he said he will be going soon. He said he will look after my business while I am away for the weekend, its’ kind of him to do that “all packed up eh” looking behind me “yeah, I can’t wait to drive this big girl. This car it amazing, look at her. Robyn chose well, what you finna do anyways on your own here” pressing the button so the trunk can close “I think I am going to have a party here, joking. Just going to relax, watch your numbers rise on your website, you’re doing well you know. Making a name for yourself, just got to ignore Rakim. Catch him on the streets don’t attack him, he is wanting you to do that, you know how many times you have dodged a sentence” I snorted laughing “I know, I got it. I am going to be good” Rorrey is right, I need to be good.
Opening the car door “you wany anything from inside?” I asked Robyn, I just pumped some gas which isn’t cheap, I ain’t used to these prices actually “maybe Icee please? Some snacks, I feel a little snacky” I snorted laughing “snacky huh, you know you can’t eat in this car?” Robyn looked over at me, I know behind those shades she is glaring at me “so you going to let me be hungry is that it? Your daughter has to remain hungry because you don’t want dirty marks on your car” grabbing my card, I cringed closing the car door. I will let Robyn rant on her own, she is being very snappy with me. I think she is hungry; I will put it to that. I locked the door as I walked off, I don’t want nobody kidnapping my wife now. I laughed to myself, shaking my head as I kept laughing because imagine that happening, I mean I would be panicking “thank you” I said as some guy held the door open “you Chris Brown?” looking up and at the guy “uh yeah” I said confused “oh wow, you Rihanna husband. You a cool dude” he got his hand out, shaking his hand “thank you” I laughed “man, I am visiting and I meet you here” nodding my head smiling “thank you brother, thank you” he seems a nice man “thank you for stopping” walking off smiling.
Opening the car door with the biggest grin on my face “you locked the door why?” she is so moody “because I didn’t want anybody to kidnap my wife, that is all baby. But I bought you a bag full of snacks and a large Icee” holding it out to her “mhmmm thank you” she snatched the drink and bag, getting into the car and closing the door “what is wrong? Tell me” she has been extra moody “you said you would rub my feet and you didn’t, you did not nothing but play games with my brother. Then you said you would get me breakfast, then you didn’t” letting out an oh “I am so sorry, it slipped my mind. I am sorry, this weekend is about us. I am very sorry, your brother is a bad influence” I get why she is mad now “yeah, I hope this drive isn’t long. I don’t want to be in the car for too long, please” I chuckled “baby it’s not, it’s about two hours, or even less. Come on, we can have fun and sing together” Robyn looked over at me and she couldn’t help but smile “see, how beautiful do you look smiling. I am sorry, I am. It’s about us” I want us to have a good time, I don’t want Robyn to be moody “well I feel like we haven’t spent time together, it’s a little annoying you know, but I will let you off” thank god she will.
I chose Santa Barbara because it’s not that far but also we can spend time together in peace without anyone around, I think we will be staying in the hotel for the weekend. I booked The Ritz-Carlton that has ocean views, the room itself is a lot of money, I hope she likes it. We had to walk up the steps to the room, it’s so private too and we are overlooking the beach, it’s very peaceful here. Robyn is looking at the hotel room with every details, she is making sure it’s what she likes “so?” placing the case down “I am happy” I grinned “I have to admit, it’s breath-taking Chris. I love how you always think of every detail and when you choose you think of everything, we can walk down there at night. And oh my god from here we can see the sunset. Also the open fire on the balcony, oh my god. I love it” wrapping my arms around her “you love it then” pressing a kiss to the back of her head “I am in love” I cooed out “with me or?” I dragged out “no, not you. Why would you think that?” now she is a damn lie “did I do good though, don’t worry. I will massage your feet and whatever the hell you want me to do, you all pouty and shit for no damn reason” she is spoilt, that is all I know “you better, I am getting all nervous about giving birth. I need to use the bathroom; I will be back” nodding my head letting her go.
Pulling my hood over my head as I blew out the smoke from my lips, I am sat outside having a blunt. Robyn is still in the bathroom, that pussy bitch Rakim is really just pissing me off, like he out there doing the most for what. Like using that I cried, it makes no sense. Placing the blunt between my lips, I look rough as shit on camera. I ain’t think I look that bad, taking a selfie. Adding a caption ‘Hiding from the pregnant wife’ pressing send, just as I was pressing send Robyn come out. Looking up from my phone “what’s up?” pulling my blunt back “sit there, not too close now. I am smoking” she is so moody “I am constipated again, and I got haemorrhoids, I am in pain. So much pain” biting on my bottom lip, I am unsure of what that is “what is that?” I am confused “I am struggling to use the toilet Chris, because I am straining this has happened. I think I have been eating badly during your birthday and when my family has been hurts, so I am now struggling. I can’t sit properly, my butt is sore” letting out an oh “that means no sex huh” Robyn scoffed and got up in a huff “I didn’t mean it in that way, come on Robyn” too late she is not happy once again.
Once I put my blunt out I thought I would see to the pregnant wife, I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I just instantly thought of sex, I shouldn’t be so selfish when her body is going through the change and mine isn’t “Robyn, come on. Don’t be like this with me, what I said was a joke, I promise you I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I just said it out loud, I promise you Robyn I didn’t mean it I am so sorry if I offended you. It is not about sex every time, I just find you sext no matter what. Like even if you having issues I still love you” Robyn’ emotions is everywhere, now she is crying “hey, stop. Why are you crying now?” crouching down to the bed “because I am in pain, I don’t think sitting in the car helped. And then I know you want sex but now I feel useless, don’t look at me” she hit my arm away “I will go and get you something to help yeah? You just lay here, I will get something to help with it, don’t worry about it. I won’t look at you either” getting up from my position, my wife is going through it so let me be as supportive as I can be in this moment of time, it ain’t even about sex. I just really want us to have a good time.
Waiting at the counter to get some help, I ain’t know what to be buying at all so I need the help. Too much shit to choose form in CVS “next” the lady smiled at me, pulling my hood over my head and I got to the counter “hey uhm, my wife is pregnant and she has haemorrhoids and is in real pain, like she is crying a lot, she can’t go toilet so I need something to help her with that, anything really” the lady smiled nodding her head, I hope she doesn’t know who I am “so she has the burning sensation?” I shrugged, I have no idea “erm, I guess. She is crying” the lady smiled “ok, just give me a moment” she walked off, looking around me sighing out. I do not want people knowing who I am and start writing posts about this shit, Robyn will not be happy about it “so we have this cream, this will soothe and shrink the haemorrhoids. It needs to be reapplied every time she uses the bathroom and I suggest you use the wipes too, for around the area. Tell her she needs to have brown breads, things that it will make it easier for her to pass, but I recommend these for her, this will help. Lots of rest for the mother” nodding my head, I will take anything right now “this will hopefully work, it needs too because she ain’t doing well” I chuckled.
Pushing my hood back as I got back into hotel room “twin, I am back” making my way to the bedroom, I love this hotel room. It’s like an apartment too with a beautiful view “I am sorry Chris” she apologised as soon I got to the room “it’s ok, don’t be. I can only imagine how much pain you are in, it’s not nice for me to make jokes and stuff but I got some stuff for you to use, it will soothe you butt” Robyn breathed out smiling “really?” grabbing the cream out of the bag “here baby, so you want me to do it for you?” throwing the cream on the bed “don’t be stupid, I don’t want you to do that” I shrugged “let me, I mean I do eat your ass out so what? Let me put it on and then you sleep good, also use these wipes for when you go to the toilet” getting the wipes out “I don’t deserve you, I have been in so much pain. Like I thought I would be ok but sitting in the care for so long really put me in a bad way, then when I went toilet. I cried, I cried so much. So it’s been making me moody, but I think once this kicks in I will be ok” I feel bad “sorry for like making the joke about sex, it’s not always about that” I can be so dumb sometimes.
Robyn didn’t want me to put cream on her butt, so instead I am just snuggling her in bed “you’re a good husband Chris, like honestly. I have really won in life, no matter what I know I have won because you are so good to me. I appreciate you so much” I chuckled “so when you sucking my dick then?” Robyn hit my leg from behind “you are so annoying but really, I have won. Thank you, you deal with my moods and you are taking it well, I love you Poppa. Our daughter is so lucky to have you as a father, you are going to spoil her in love, and I can’t wait to see it. You are so caring towards me, and always there to run out of the door to help” she is really praising “my head is getting bigger and bigger, thank you twin. I don’t ever like to see you in pain, and I would do anything to take it away, just rest Robyn. You need it, then tomorrow we can have a fun day” pressing a kiss to the back of Robyn’ shoulder “I will hopefully feel up for it, sorry about this mess” resting my head against her shoulder “stop it, I don’t care” she is being stupid now.
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hellishvu · 4 years
Imagine BTS: when they have a boyfriend in university
a/n: ahhh writing this makes me miss college :( a lot of these could be full blown stories akfkskd like yoongi’s or hoseok’s or even seokjin’s! ahhh online school does not hit the same as in class :( but hey i’m glad i’m still getting education :> so that’s a bright side ! stay safe everyone and love yourself !!
Kim Namjoon: <3
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˚✧₊⁎ Namjoon and you would always text each other late at night during finals week. Due to all the studying you two barely got enough sleep but you somehow manage to function.
˚✧₊⁎ Sometimes throughout the week you would stay at each others houses. Namjoon bringing a sport bag carrying mostly his textbooks, his ipad to check his notes, and his clothes. You happily brought him in while spending a little extra on food.
˚✧₊⁎ “Ahhhh ahhhhhh” Namjoon moans out while you look up seeing him rub his temples. “You’re stuck?” You ask seeing him nod. Getting up from your desk you looked at his topic being the one you’re quite good at.
˚✧₊⁎ Guiding him through the question you hear a small “oooh” come from his mouth. You were glad you could help while he kisses you as a thank you.
˚✧₊⁎ Hour passes by and you were burnt out seeing Namjoon was the same. You came from behind him wrapping your arms around him resting your head on his shoulder. “Let’s take a break.” You suggest the idea while Namjoon agrees.
˚✧₊⁎ “I deserve a kiss from all those questions.” Namjoon looks up still sitting down while you gave him one. He whines wanting more while you grin giving him a longer one. “There.” You smirks seeing Namjoon happy.
˚✧₊⁎ The door was knocked at midnight, causing you to groan opening the door. Namjoon jumps into your arms cheering loudly before he realized how late it was. “Baby what is going on?” Your deep voice penetrating his ears.
˚✧₊⁎ “Guess who got 100% on his Literature final? I did!” Namjoon kisses you not minding the sleep breath. You kiss back while he cheers a couple more time. You couldn’t be more prouder though, even if you couldn’t show it.
Kim Seokjin: <3
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˚✧₊⁎ “Why do we always go here?” Your friend, Yoongi, curiously asks wanting the details. “My boyfriend works here, got to support his loans.” You explain while you made Yoongi turn around to see Seokjin in his cute work outfit.
˚✧₊⁎ “Wow you hit jackpot.” Yoongi chuckles going back to his studying. You see Seokjin look at you, signaling you to come close to the front. “I’ll be back.” You tell Yoongi while he looks up, “Get me a smoothie.” Yoongi winks knowing what you’re doing.
˚✧₊⁎ “Hey handsome.” Seokjin smiles brightly finally getting your attention. You wish you could kiss him, he’s so sweet, but he’s working. “Love could I get a smoothie and-” Getting cut off by him already knowing your favorite drink.
˚✧₊⁎ “That will be $5.43” Seokjin calls you bringing out your money realizing how cheap that sounded for two drinks. “Seokjin, wasn’t my drink 4 dollars?”
˚✧₊⁎ “Darling it’s on my tab. You don’t have to worry about paying here okay?” Seokjin passes your drinks, your cup specially made by him. Small hearts drawn around the cup. “Thank you baby.” You smile thankful for him every single day.
˚✧₊⁎ Passing Yoongi his smoothie you sat down. Yoongi seeing the receipt and the hearts on your cup. “He paid for you?” Yoongi asks you nodding in response. “And not for me?” He jokes around as you laugh. “Just enjoy your smoothie.” You snickered going back to your homework.
˚✧₊⁎ After his shift you came back wanting to take Seokjin out. Waiting just outside his job seeing him shocked to see you. “Y/N you scared me.” Seokjin held his apron in his hand. “Oh! Sorry. I just wanted to take you out.” You ask. “If that’s okay of course.”
˚✧₊⁎ “Of course it’s okay. Thank you.” Seokjin kisses you, while you take his hand leading him to the best option that is in your budget.
Min Yoongi: <3
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˚✧₊⁎ Ahh college parties, never really Yoongi forte, certainly not ballsy enough to go to one alone. He was a first year barely getting to know the campus. His friends had invited him to come yet minutes into the part had completely left him behind.
˚✧₊⁎ “I swear I’ll kill those idiots.” Yoongi looks around seeing massive amounts of people, searching for any face that bring comfort. “You seem new.” Yoongi jumps turning around seeing you sitting on a high part of the building.
˚✧₊⁎ “Come up here.” You invite him from the massive chaos from the bottom, passing him a red cup that you got fresh from the bottom. “It’s empty you can check.” Passing the solo cup to him.
˚✧₊⁎ Yoongi fiddles with his cup, unsure what to say or do. You were obviously a higher year into college “What are you studying?” You sip from your cup raising your eyebrow to see Yoongi pour some into his cup.
˚✧₊⁎ “Music.” Yoongi speaks passing back the bottle to you. Somehow the party gets louder and more people show up, you clearly see the anxious body language from Yoongi. “Name is Y/N by the way.” You get up stretch.
˚✧₊⁎ “You seemed lost so call this a favor. Let’s go get some burgers or something. You like pizza?” Checking your wallet you signal him to follow along, walking to the near pizza place. “My name is Yoongi.”
˚✧₊⁎ “Well Yoongi you’re cute.” You confess opening the door for him. This had to be date.. maybe? Yoongi’s first date at college ahhh he’ll have to gay panic later.
˚✧₊⁎ “I’ll pay for you. You can pay me back by giving me your number though.” You smile seeing Yoongi blush from the compliment sharing his number.
Jung Hoseok: <3
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˚✧₊⁎ Hoseok was your typical jock boyfriend, being on the football team he was charming in all senses. You had met him through a volunteering event he had to do for his football requirements. He only joined your event due to your very cute smile.
˚✧₊⁎ All the times you said you would never date a jock to Seokjin went to shit when he asked you out. He was all in his cute jersey after a very intense game that you had been invited to by him.
˚✧₊⁎ Hoseok became one of your biggest supporters. Through many study halls and many breakdowns about money, studying, or anything he was there to make you feel better.
˚✧₊⁎ “Hey Hoseok are you joining us at the club?” Hoseok’s teammate asks after a successful game. He nods no giving the response he had something planned already.
˚✧₊⁎ The plan was coming to your arms, already laying in bed at the dorm room that was near Hoseok’s room. He knocks on the door while you get up with his varsity jacket comfortable on you.
˚✧₊⁎ “Congratulations. I saw the game on TV.” You kissed him while he hugs you. Enjoying the time with you. “I still can’t get over how good you look in my jacket.” Hoseok chuckles bringing you to the bed.
˚✧₊⁎ During practice you would always try to make it, wether it’s doing homework on the bleachers while watching him. Hoseok would always look up at you while he’s seated to wave at you.
˚✧₊⁎ “Who’s that guy? He’s quite cute.” Hoseok heard one of his teammates say causing his head to turn quickly. “Uhh... he’s-” Jungkook, Hoseok’s teammate, tries to mention the relationship status but that was cut off when you turned around to grab your backpack.
˚✧₊⁎ “Oh-” The teammate saw the big letters on your back “Jung” and his team captions numbers. “Yeah. He’s my boyfriend.” Hoseok smirks seeing the teammate start running laps around the track.
Park Jimin: <3
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˚✧₊⁎ You were in a crisis. This math problem has been eating away at you, it was the very last problem you needed to finish for your math class. Desperate times calls for desperate measures.
˚✧₊⁎ Acessing the school forums you saw the tutoring blog where not a single soul posts there. No one likes to admit when they need help supposibly. Tutoring was closed during the weekends so this would have to do.
˚✧₊⁎ “Hi! My name is Y/N. I can’t figure out this math problem. I can’t upload a picture of it on this forum but I’ll pay you if you come to the Library :( please?”
˚✧₊⁎ While waiting patiently at the library you saw a response, seeing the username being ‘ParkJimin’. The response having his description of looks so you could tell who he was when he walked in.
˚✧₊⁎ Jimin walks in, and you didn’t expect him to be this attractive. You look at your outfit being in clothes you haven’t changed from the past night due to not having time. Meanwhile Jimin walks in with fashion that deserves to be a runway.
˚✧₊⁎ “Hello, I’m assuming you’re Y/N?” Jimin asked while he sat down. You not realizing how adorable he was. Giving a late response you nod. “Math? Was it?” Jimin asks looking at your closed textbook. “Math?” You question him. “The subject you’re struggling on.” Jimin points at the textbook, while you hide in embarrassment.
˚✧₊⁎ Jimin and you grew closer, becoming official study buddies. Things moved from the classic Library to visiting his dorm. Sometimes you would do him a solid and help him on his projects. Growing closer to Jimin, you always felt your heart pounding when Jimin smiles at you.
˚✧₊⁎ You were the first one to make a move on him. Seeing Jimin’s eyes blink a couple times before answering your question to go on a date. Small butterflies flies in Jimin’s stomach when he said yes.
Kim Taehyung: <3
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˚✧₊⁎ Taehyung and you started dating early into the semester, already knowing each other during the summer. He had helped you moving in only just for a small price.
˚✧₊⁎ Many people knew already knew and it had taken you back. Learning that Taehyung proudly announces and talks about you nonstop with his friends. It became known to everyone that you two were dating.
˚✧₊⁎ Sharing a class was purely a coincidence. Arriving early already picking your forever spot for the quarter. You looked up seeing Taehyung walking in, giving you a quick wink.
˚✧₊⁎ “Oh my god he’s checking you out.” Your classmate, Hoseok whispers to you. “Yeah we are haha.. dating.” You tell Hoseok the newer student here at the university.
˚✧₊⁎ As the class progressed you saw small notes arrive on the side of your desk. Opening them to see small writing of different sweet messages such as “teehee ur cute <33”.
˚✧₊⁎ After class you met with him, Taehyung chuckling seeing you hold his notes. “You’re such a flirt.” Placing the notes in your bag saving them for your box. Taehyung shrugs his shoulders. “It’s funny seeing your reaction love.”
˚✧₊⁎ Next class you turn to Taehyung seeing his eyes staring at you. He had a dreamy look while you signal him to pay attention to the board not you. He sticks out his tongue focusing back to the subject.
˚✧₊⁎ Taehyung sees a note slip to his desk, seeing it he looks up to you. Seeing just your back, he opens it up. “I love you baby - Y/N” with a heart eyed face.
Jeon Jungkook: <3
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˚✧₊⁎ “Someone is stealing my snacks all the time. And I’m this close” You show your fingers being close together. “from snapping Namjoon.” Throwing yet another bowl of empty ramen. Your favorite flavor too? A monster.
˚✧₊⁎ You shop around with Namjoon, finding new snacks to last the quarter. Bought them with your own money passionate to keep them. “Bun wanted banana milk.” You search through the isle trying to find your dear boyfriend his favorite drink.
˚✧₊⁎ Coming back to the dorm you placed the groceries on the rack, signifying a little note of ownership. Closing the door you walked back up seeing Jungkook resting on your bed.
˚✧₊⁎ “Bun is tired.” You clear his part of the bed seeing empty food wrappers and ramen cups. Quickly recognizing your favorite snacks eaten by no other Jungkook. “Jeon Jungkook wake up!” You yell causing Jungkook to jump up.
˚✧₊⁎ Jungkook knew he was in trouble when he heard you speak of his last name. He quickly rubbed his eyes seeing your snack that he was gonna throw away before you got home. Jungkook was caught red handed.
˚✧₊⁎ “Haha.. Y/N..” Jungkook rubs the back of his neck, you crossing your hands. Minutes later Jungkook is kicked out of the room, pouting behind your door with just his boxers and your shirt.
˚✧₊⁎ “Don’t leave me out here!! Y/N!” Jungkook whines while trying to cover himself up. Checking the halls to see if any of his classmates could see him.
˚✧₊⁎ “Y/N I’m sorry I took your snacks! I was hungry and I didn’t have money at the time. You weren’t at the dorm and I was starving.” Jungkook explains while you set the bag of new snacks on the bed.
˚✧₊⁎ Quickly opening the door you grab Jungkook by the waist dragging him back in your room. Jungkook welping out while you press a kiss on his lips. “I forgive you. Check the bag there’s banana milk.” You winked at him while Jungkook sees the sweet delicious milk brand through the bag.
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ms-rampage · 4 years
Eden's Gate: Left Behind Chapter 1 - Welcome to Hope County
A new series!!!. Take place 2 years before the events of Kidnapped.
I created "Hope County University" for this series, and a few other locations that aren't in the game. Because its all headcanon shit.
Warnings: None
Word count: 1.9k
John Seed slightly out of character. (That's what happens when you encounter a Winchester 😂😂)
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Hope County, Montana, February 2018
*Arizona by Hey Monday plays on the radio*
A black 1970 Monte Carlo with a small trailer attached to it drives down the road with an Arizona license plate on it "ARIZONA E34R90D". 
19 year old Kate Winchester, who just moved out of her aunt and uncle's house drove 7 hours from Jackson, Wyoming to Hope County, Montana. Drumming her fingers on the steering wheel to song. 
Starting her new life, leaving the hunter life behind her, she applied and got accepted at Hope County University. 
Hoping to get her Master of Science degree in Psychology, and then move on to get her Doctorate Degree. 
Luckily her aunt and uncle were able to cover her tuition for the whole year. She even told them that she was willing to pay her own rent, and which surprisingly is only $750 a month. Hell her rent is cheaper here, than Arizona and Wyoming put together, but of course they're willing to pay for it, even though she refused, so she saves some money there.
She’s been attending college since she was 15 years old. She lied about her age to get a head start, with the help of her aunt Laura, and her grandmother Eliza. She attended community college in Wyoming before wanting to get transferred out of state.
She was able to rent out a small 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom house with a decent size backyard that is owned by the University, which is why the rent is pretty cheap usually it costs a lot more, and she also got a job at the University's café & diner with starting pay at $14.50. To her that seems very unrealistic but she’ll take it, she ain’t complaining. 
She drives down the road with her dog Haley in the passenger seat with her head out the window trying to bite the wind as they drive down the road.
"Smell that fresh Montana air Hale" she says with a smile, Haley pulls her head back in and lets out a bark, her eyes widened and has that look like she's smiling. 
You know that look dogs do with their tongues hanging out making them look like they're smiling. 
Driving down the road, off on the side, a huge billboard sign with a photo of some man with the caption. 
“We Love You and We Will Take You”
"That's very welcoming" she jokes.
Kate turns onto a small side road that leads to her new home. 
She drives slowly, while looking at the GPS on her phone. 
After a few minutes she finds the house.
"Here it is" she says, pulling into the driveway. 
Shutting off the car, and getting out. 
"Come on Hale" she says, padding her thigh. 
She takes the house keys out of her pocket, and opens the door. 
It's a decent size house for someone who's living on their own, the house is slightly furnished. Her uncle Brent sent some of their old furniture to her new house.
A coffee table, a few chairs, few lamps, a night stand, and a full size bed with the frame, head, footboard, mattress and box spring.
The backyard is bigger than she thought. She opens the door, and lets Haley out to the back. 
"Go sniff around" she tells her.
The 2 1/2 year old German Shepherd sniffs the corners of the fence, looking for a spot to do her business. 
Kate goes back inside, leaving the backdoor open for Haley.
She checks out the rest of the house, the 2 bedrooms, the bathroom and washroom, luckily a washer and dryer comes with the place. So at least she wouldn't want to buy it.
She goes back to the living room, and sees that Haley came back inside. 
She goes to close the backdoor, locking it, she heads out to the front and unpacks her trailer. Boxes, boxes and boxes of her stuff, clothes, books, her WiFi router, personal hygiene products, small furniture, stuff for school, some groceries she has in her mini fridge, some of Haley's stuff, her toys and food. 
She finishes unpacking around 3:30pm, her room is all set up, her bed is fixed, all her clothes are put away in the closet and dresser, she has photos of her friends, family and posters of bands she likes hanging up on the walls. 
She set up her 60inch TV, the box and WiFi router in the living room, she put up curtains on all the windows, and put some plants out on the front porch. 
She has all of her hunter stuff in the 2nd bedroom, her angel blades, demon blades, holy water, bags of salt, her books, her dad’s journal. Bullets filled with rock salt, and all of her other hunting supplies.
She has everything set up, and all she needed now was a kitchen table, a couch and maybe some appliances like a microwave, toaster and a coffee maker. 
She sighs in relief, lays back on her bed, Haley jumps on, laying next to her. 
"You wanna go into town?!?" she asks the dog, she looks at her while tilting her head to the right. 
"You wanna go for a walk?!?" she asks again, she tilts her head to the left while still looking at her. She lets out a loud bark which catches Kate off guard, and jumps off the bed.
Running back and forth down the hall, jumping at her on the bed in excitement. 
She gets up from the bed. 
"Okay let me find your leash" she says, while going into the living room. 
She goes through some of her boxes. 
After a few minutes, she finds her leash and puts it on her collar. Debating whether or not to take her in the car, or walk into town. 
"It's only a 10-20 minute walk from here to town" she says out loud. 
After a couple of minutes, she decides to drive, just in case some stores don't allow animals in, she can leave Haley in the car with all the windows down of course, or maybe leave her outside.
They drive into town, and she parks her car next to a gas station store. 
"Come one Hale" she says. 
She jumps out of the car, Kate locks it up and they walk past the small shops. 
A grocery store, a pharmaceutical store, a gun shop, an autoshop, and  lastly a bar called "The Spread Eagle". 
She looks around, and sees an appliance store, she really does need those appliances. 
She walks closer, and sees a sign on the door saying "Sorry, no animals allowed inside". 
"Of course" she says to herself. 
She ties Haley's leash to a parking meter under a tree 
"I'll be right back" she says to her, petting her head. 
She goes inside the store and looks around. Right off the bat she finds a toaster with 4 slots, and it costs $30 in which to her is a steal. 
She finds a coffee maker and a microwave all that costs a decent amount, less than she thought it would be. 
She pays for her stuff, and goes back outside to untie Haley, they walk back to the car, and put the appliances in the backseat covering them with a blanket. 
They continue to walk around the small town of Falls End located in the Holland Valley region. They cross the street to go onto the opposite side. Up ahead Kate sees a small group of people walking into a church on the other side of the street. Thinking nothing of it.
While on the other side of the street at Falls End Church, John Seed is standing outside of it holding the Book of Joseph, preaching.
"Sin must be exposed so it may be absolved. We must wash away our past" while some of his men escort some locals into the church. 
"You will know the power of Yes, you will confess your sins" he continues.
As he looks around he sees Kate with Haley walking on the opposite side of the street. 
He stares at her as she walks by, a smirk appears on his face. Perhaps he is engrossed by her?. He gets a weird feeling in his stomach but he ignores it. 
He continues to watch her as she walks further down the street away from the church. 
He shakes his head, snapping out of that trance, and continues to preach to the sinners.
Kate walks down the street towards a different market. Once again they don't allow animals in the store. 
So she ties Haley to a small iron fence in the shade "I'll be back'" she tells her again. 
She shops for about 25 minutes, she doesn't like to keep her dog outside that long especially out in public, she grabs bread, eggs, orange juice, fruit, cereal, milk, breakfast sausages, bacon, dog treats, grounded coffee and butter. 
Typical stuff you would buy at a grocery store. 
She pays for her stuff, goes outside, unties Haley putting the leash around her wrist. 
"Here you can hold your treats" she says, as she gives Haley her bag of Beggin Strips. 
She carries it in her mouth making the bags less heavy for Kate, and they head back to the car. They cross the street, now walking on the church side. John steps out of it, and sees Kate walking towards the church. 
He gets a better look at her, she's really cute. Actually she’s more than cute, she’s beautiful. Black hair past her shoulders, brown eyes, looks like she could be 19-22 years old?. Could she be a college student?. He's about to say something to her, but it gets ruined when one of his men calls out for him. 
"John!!" they call out. 
Turning his head to look back at him. 
He quickly looks back at Kate who is too far for him to call out to her. 
He rolls his eyes in annoyance, and goes back inside the church to see what they want. 
Kate walks back to her car, and puts her groceries in the back seat. 
Haley jumps into the front seat, and they drive off. 
They get stopped at a red light in front of the church, John looks out the window, and sees a black 70 Monte Carlo with a German Shepard sticking its head out the window. 
He quickly recognizes the dog, and sees Kate in the driver seat. 
Quickly, he goes outside before the light turns green. He doesn’t know what to say to her, so he yells out "Nice car!!". 
Kate can't see who yelled it because Haley is blocking her view from the passenger side, and is barking at some of the peggies outside the church. 
So she yells back, "Thank you!!" followed with a honk of the horn. She in a way acknowledged John even if she didn't really see him. 
She continued to drive down the road heading back home. 
After a 10 minute drive, she makes it home, and puts all her groceries away, hooks up the appliances and sits back on one of her chairs for the rest of the day watching TV with Haley chilling at her feet. 
“What a day Hale” she says, resting her feet on the table.
*3 in half hours later*
That night John is baptizing, cleansing some sinners, making them a step closer to being a part of Eden’s Gate. He’s doing his usual thing, making sure they are cleansed, and washed away from their sins. 
He can’t seem to get Kate off his mind, he finds this very strange because these are some new feelings, that he has never felt before. 
After he finishes the baptism, Joseph notices something is off about his younger brother. 
He approaches him once he’s finished.
“John?!” he says, approaching him. “What is troubling you brother?”.
John doesn’t know what to say, he stumbles with his words “Nothing, Joseph”.
He places his hand on John's shoulder, their foreheads touching. 
“It’s about a girl, isn’t it?” he asks, sounding like he already knew what this was all about.
John looks down, and lets out a soft sigh.
“Go to her. She can be your other half, when we cross Eden’s Gate” he tells him, before walking away. 
John looks up at his older brother as he walks away, leaving him to contemplate with what he should do next. 
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strikinginredph · 3 years
And now were just strangers again
“Aiko ano ba kasing naisipan mo't nag bar pa tayo may bahay naman e sana doon na lang. Mamaya ma shenglot kayo jan problema ko pa kayo.” alangang sabi ko sa kanya na pangiti-ngiti lang habang nag-iintay sa table na pinili nila.
“Sus ang hilaw na 'to hanggang ngayon wala pa ring pinagbabago. 'Di ba girls?” nagtawanan naman sila nila Andj, at Rizel na tapos ng umorder ng beer habang ako ay juice lang ang inorder. “Stop being KJ Cali! Nandito ka na sa pilipinas kaya dapat lang na mag celebrate tayo, ikaw naman kasi maisipan mong umuwe wala ka man lang pasabi. Edi sana nagpa catering kami 'diba?” mas lalo pang lumakas ang tawanan nilang tatlo na ikinakunot na lamang ng noo ko saka inilibot ang paningin ko.
“Ma'am eto na po ang order ninyo. If may gusto po kayong ipagdagdag tawagin nyo lang po ako. Nga pala mga ma'am may promo po kami ngayon para sa barkada bundle kaya later mo malalaman nyo ang freebie sa inyong magbabarkada. Enjoy!” pagpapaliwanag naman ng waiter na nagserve ng beer sa mga bruha at kinindatan pa si Aiko.
Eww kailan pa naging wild ang bruhang Aiko na 'to?
“Kaya pala dito ka nag aya kasi may promo ang bar. Tell me nga Aiko kailan ka pa natuto matuwa sa guy na pakindat kindat lang sa'yo? Ano ka aso? Duhh. Hindi ko alam na cheap ka na.” inirapan ko pa sya saka sumimsim sa pineapple juice na inorder ko at kumuha ng nachos.
“Hoy Cali the Madre shut up ha! Hindi ako cheap.” bwelta pa nya. “Ang gwapo kayo nung guy malamang isa sya sa mga owner ng bar na 'to argh! Can't wait to see them later.” bahagya pang napatili ang bruhilda kaya naman kinurot ko sya at bahagyang napa pikit sa sakit.
“Nako Cali hayaan mo na 'yan si Aiko, ganyan na talaga 'yan simula nung lokohin ng bf nya. Ayan hindi na sya naging matino. Tatlo nga yata ang kaharutan nyan e.” paliwanag naman ni Rizel.
“Collect and select nga raw kasi, ano ba kayo?” napangisi pa si andj na abalang abala sa pagttype sa cp.
Napairap na lang ako sa hangin saka nagpakawala ng malalim na buntong hininga. Ilang sandali pa narinig ko na ang iritan at palakpakan ng mga tao sa loob ng bar na 'yon.
Huh? What's going on?
“Oh Gaaaahd ayaaaan na! Nanjan na ang Vlad Band.” mahinang tili ni Aiko na napakampit pa sa kamay ko.
Nananatili namang magkasalubong ang kilay ko at nakikitingin sa gawing tinitignan ng lahat. Ang spot light ay nakatutok na ngayon sa bakanteng stage ng bar kung saan may mga instruments na nakalagak.
Oh! May live band pala dito lagi.
Binalewala nya lamang ang nag-iiritang mga tao sa loob ng bar na 'yon maging ang mga kaibigan. Kinuha na lamang nya ang kanyang phone saka nag selfie na kasama ang mga kaibigang halos mabaliw na kakairit sa kung sino mang poncio pilatong banda.
IG CAPTION: I thought it was my celebration for coming back here in the philippines *rolled eyes*
Bigla akong napatigil ng marinig ko ang boses ng nagsalita sa stage. Nagkakamali lamang ba ako ng narinig or nabosesan?
I glanced at the guy who's speaking now in front. He was holding a guitar. No!
“Grim?” mahinang naitawag ko sa pangalan ng lalaking kailan man ay hinding hindi ko maaaring makalimutan.
Napatingin naman sa'kin si Aiko. “Oh! Sorry Cali I forgot to tell you na si Grim mo ang band vocalist ng Vlad, take note isa rin sya sa may ari ng bar na ito.”
Hindi ako makapaniwalang sa muling pagbabalik ko sa pilipinas makikita kong muli si Grim at hindi lang 'yun basta na lang ganon dahil sa dinami rami ng lugar at pagkakataon ay ngayon pa kami itinadhanang magkita.
Nagpabalik sa'kin sa reyalidad ang narinig kong notification sound galing sa cellphone ko. Sunod sunod iyon kaya naman agad kong binuksan.
Ilan lamang iyon sa mga komentong nabasa ko sa IG post ko kani-kanina lang. Si Grim nga ang nakikita ko ngayon na nagpeperform sa entablado.
Nanatili lamang akong tahimik at walang kibo sa sulok na iyon ng kinauupuan namin. Abala ang lahat sa panonod sa nagpeperform halos lahat sila ay 'di na kumukurap sa bandang pinanunuod nila.
Malaki ang ipinagbago ni Grim hindi na sya ang long hair na Grim na iniwan ko noon hindi na ren sya mukhang wasted. Mukhang naka-recover na sya sa mga nangyare makalipas ang sampung taon. Kung sa bagay matagal na panahon na rin iyon para naman hindi pa sya maka get-over.
“Hoy Sis! Okay ka lang jan? Kanina ka pa walang kibo jan ah. Nandito tayo para mag-enjoy. 'Wag ka sanang KJ. And oh! Mukhang uulanin ka ng mga fans mo ngayon.” agad na bungad ni aiko sa akin matapos mag perform ng Vlad Band sa unahan. Nagpalakpakan ang lahat kasabay noon ang pagtayuan ng mga fans ng banda at ang iba naman ay akala mong mga langgam na nagdungawan sa table namin.
“Wait isa isa lang okay? May jet lag pa itong Author ninyo. 'Wag nyo sya ipressure baka mag collapse 'yan.” pabirong wika naman ni Rizel.
Napangiti naman ako sa kanila habang nakatutok ang mga camera sa akin, ang iba naman ay may dala-dalang papel at tissue na may kasamang ballpen.
“Hello po Ate Cali! Welcome back! Sana po hindi na kayo umalis ulit dito sa pilipinas para maituloy nyo na po 'yung naudlot ninyong grand booksigning. Marami po kasi ang umasa 'nung araw na 'yon kaso biglaan naman po ang pagmmigrate ninyo.” request pa ng isang reader ko na nagpapacute sa'kin.
“Nako isang buwan lang ako rito pero susubukan kong maire-sched ang grand book signing natin para sa inyo okay? Basta magintay lang muna tayo sa date. Makikiusap muna ako sa publishingna humahawak sa akin. Okay ba 'yon?” nagthumbs up pa ako sa kanila.
“Waaaa super thankyou Ms. Cali.” sabay sabay na pagkakasabi nila habang tumatalon-talon pa ang iba.
“Ms. Cali marami po ang nac-curious kung 'yung last story mo po bang ipinublish ay isa sa mga Vlad Band ang tinutukoy ninyo. Totoo po ba 'yon? Nakita ren po namin ang IG post mo at nakuhanan mo po ng picture si Grim. Aksidente lang po ba 'yon? Or tadhana?” naghihiyawan pa sila at patuloy ang pagkantyaw sa akin.
“Nako kayo talaga. Mga kaibigan ko lang sana ang kukuhanan kong kasama ko kaso 'di ko naman alam na nakasali pala 'yung idol nyo.” pagpapalusot ko pa dahil hindi ko ren naman akalaing eeksena sya roon.
“Bro, sino ba 'yung pinag uumpok-umpukan nila doon sa dulong table?” tanong ni Grim na nakatanaw sa dulong table na animo'y may sabong sa dami ng taong nakadungaw sa table.
Napangisi naman si Genesis. “If I'm not mistaken may Author tayong guest tonight, and sa pagkakaalam ko kakauwe nya lang galing Canada. I think you know her.” tinapik pa nito ang balikat nya.
Makalipas lamang ang ilang sandali matapos ng kanilang performance ay unti-unti na ring nag alpasan ang mga tao na nakadungaw sa dulong table. Maraming nakalatag na tissues at paper sa table ng mag-alisan ang mga tao roon. Bigla namang nakaramdam ng iritasyon si Grim. Kaagad syang tumayo sa kinauupuan at nilapitan ang dulong table.
“Bro saan ka pupunta?!”
Siniko naman ni Janes si Genesis at sinenyasan na hayaan na lamang si grim.
Labis na pagkabigla ang naramdaman ni Cali ng tumayo si Grim sa tapat ng table nila. Nananatili lamang syang nakatunganga rito.
“Excuse me Miss, pwede ba kitang makausap. Sandali lang. Sa labas tayo.” walang emosyong bungad nito habang nakapamulsa.
Hindi agad ako nakahuma sa sinabi nyang iyon kaya naman mas lalo akong nagulantang ng ibagsak nya ang kamay nya sa table namin.
“OMG! Cali sige na. Hihintayin ka naman namin dito.” tarantang wika ni Andj na dali-dali akong pinatatayo.
Wala na akong choice kundi ang tumayo dahil pinagtitinginan na kami ng mga guest.
Hinaltal nya ako sa labas ng bar na iyon at dinala ako sa parteng walang gasinong tao na nadaan.
“Grim ano ba?! Kailangan mo ba talaga akong haltakin?” reklamo ko pa saka ko hinawakan ang wrist ko na ngayon ay namumula.
“Bar ko ito, if you want to have a booksigning or having a fan meet, magpareserve kayo ng restaurant na pwede nyo arkilahin the whole night. You ruined our night. Kami dapat ang pagkaguluhan at hindi ikaw.”
Nagsalubong naman ang kilay ko. “Kinausap mo ako para sabihin lang 'yan?”
“Why? Ano pa bang ineexpect mong pag-uusapan natin?” he grinned.
Sandali akong natameme  sa tanong nya. “I thought magiging masaya ka sa muling pagkikita natin Grim, I'm happy sa mga na achieve mo.”
Sarkastiko syang tumawa. “Me? Magiging masaya sa pagkikita natin? The hell! Ni hindi nga sumagi sa isip ko ang pagkikita natin e. I don't care about your existence anymore Caliza. You left me not just once.”
“Grim, hindi kita basta iniwan dahil sa gusto ko lang.”
“Yeah, I know. Iniwan mo ako because of what I did to you right? Cali, it was just one mistake.”
“Isa?” sarkastiko akong napangiti. “Isang beses lang ba? Grim ilang beses kang nagsinungaling sa'kin at ilang beses rin kitang pinatawad at binigyan ng chances, once? Twice? Thrice? Grim higit pa sa tatlong chances! Yeah I admit it. Palagi kitang iniiwan everytime na ganoon ang nangyayare sa'tin noon. Why? Dahil hinahayaan mo akong maramdaman 'yung mga bagay na hindi naman dapat. For the fifth times pinatawad kita. Anong ginawa mo? Mas lalo mong pinalako lahat! I trusted you! Pero pinili mo pa rin ang magsinungaling sa'kin. Ano bang akala mo? Joke lang 'yon?” hindi ko na napigilan 'yung luhang kanina pa nagwawala sa paligid ng mga mata ko.
“I already forget about us. I don't know you anymore so please, 'wag mo ng ibalik pa anumang meron sa nakaraan. I'm okay now. Mas na-realized ko ang lahat when you left me. After you left me mas lalo mong pinaramdam sa akin na wala ng ibang magmamahal sa'kin. You see this? Ito, itong mga tattoo na 'to lahat 'to dahil sa'yo! Now let go out of my life. I don't need you anymore.” he walked out.
Ilan lamang 'yon sa mga ala-alang sumagi sa isipan nya habang nakaupo ngayon sa silya kung saan naka break ako for 15 minutes bago ako babalik muli sa book signing. Naalala nya lahat ng pangyayaring iyon ng huling gabing nakausap nya si Grim. Ang akala nya ay sa muli nilang pagkikita ay muli nilang maibabalik ang lahat kagaya ng pinangako nya sa binata bago nya ito iwanan pero hindi nya akalaing kakalimutan na pala talaga sya nito. Ang mas masakit pa ay muli silang nagkita sa booksigning kanina kung saan kasama nito ang girlfriend daw ni Grim. Halos manginig ang kamay nya kanina habang napirma sa libro ng gf ni Grim. Wala itong idea marahil ng tungkol sa nakaraan nila dahil ganoon na lamang sya yakapin ng babae. Parang hindi nya kayang ngumiti ng magrequest pa ang babae na magpicture silang magkasama dahil si Grim ang kukuha ng picture. Kitang kita nya ang walang emosyong mukha ni Grim na ni segundo ay hindi man lang sya matapunan ng tingin.
Agad syang tumayo at nagpaalam na pupunta lamang ng comfort room para mag-ayos dali-dali naman syang pinayagan ng kanyang manager kaya mabilis pa sa alas quattro syang nagtungo roon. Habang naglalakad ay hindi na nya napigilan pa ang mapaiyak sa sakit ng nararamdaman nya. Mabigat sa pakiramdam ang presensya ni Grim kanina lalo na ang itsura nito. Idagdag mo pa ang ala-alang mas nagpapasakit ng damdamin nya ng basta na lamang syang iwanan ni Grim sa labas ng bar habang umiiyak ng gabing nagkausap sila. Na mas lalo pang sumakit ngayon na ang dating lalaking nangako sa kanya na sasamahan sya sa lahat ng booksigning nya ay iba ang sinasamahan ngayon para magpa pirma ng libro. Parang unti-unting dinudurog ang puso nya.
Habang papalapit sya sa Rest room at panay ang pagpahid sa kanyang luha ay nagulat sya ng malikuan si Grim na batid nyang hinihintay marahil ang gf na nasa loob ng rest room. Napatigil sya at sandali silang nagkatitigan. Ang akala nya ay lalapitan sya nito ngunit tumindig lamang ito dahil lumabas na ang gf nito. At doon ay parang hangin lamang syang nilagpasan ng lalaking huli nyang inibig.
#filipinaaspiringwriter #strikinginredph #writersontumblr #aspiringwriter #bleedingpen #write
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Jim Mason+Influencer! Reader:
(A/N): Hello lovelies!
I am very happy to have you back in this last episode of this miniseries, which I really hope you’ll like, alongside, again, if you have more ideas and want to send asks about this verses... I AM READY FOR IT, BRING IT ON BITCHES!
Also... I have said that this fic might be a bit self-indulgent and it is because, although I am not an influencer of any kind, I am very active on my social medias (mostly instagram, if you want to follow me or anything, and we are mutuals, just DM me) and this July I ended up hitting a very bad kind of exhaustion from that platform.
I honestly ended up feeling extremely shitty, alongside discovering many fake people who were around me, and for this reason I am happy that I managed to get here on tumblr (although there are some fake people on here, but like I don’t have to interact with them).
So, although the cyberbullying part of the story is only fictional, the exhaustion that took over reader, ended up being a reality for me, a bit ago, and although I am all better (better than before), I just wanted to remind you to take healthy pauses from social medias.
Also please don’t shame people who work on them, alongside use them as an outlet for anxiet and stress (like me).
I really hope you won’t judge me too badly, after this...
Also I’ll just remind you to show some love, if you like this, with hearts, reblogs (possibly saying something) and if you have anything to say about these, my DMs and asks are always open!
Much love!
SUMMARY: Jim Mason takes care of his social media exhausted girlfriend.
WORDS: 1,7 K
WARNINGS: Mention of Cyberbulling And Exhaustion from Social Medias (I WASN’T CYBERBULLIED, although I had my fair share of assholish comment, NOT HERE, but the cyberbullying was only fictional, whereas exhaustion is something I experienced back in July)
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Jim knew of his girlfriend’s social media fame.
Although he wasn’t informed about the entire thing and how it worked, being more focused on staying in the moment and living it, he was proud of what she achieved with her photos and captions, even going as far as helping her shot a few.
He still remembered the way she smiled gently meanwhile he tried to take photos of her, meanwhile she pointed out each cheap tip she knew, starting with “shoot from a lower angle than my height, so that I might appear taller” and “make sure to take the right light”.
She might have seemed shallow to others, but whenever Jim cried his heart out in her arm, she only had the sweetest words for him, calming him down enough that they fell asleep calmly, next to each other in her simple pull-out.
She cuddled closer to him, whenever she understood he needed it and made sure to always be there, next to him, her entire attention focused on him.
He had never checked her profile, mostly because she had pleaded with him not to give it a look.
“It’s silly” she had mumbled, meanwhile she had tried to get his phone off his hands “… and embarrassing!”.
And Jim had respected her wishes, offering just his help with photos or ideas, but whenever they were together, the entire social media thought was off the rack between them, preferring a direct conversation, although sometimes she got in overload and at that time social medias were her outlet.
But sometimes they were also her damnation.
Jim had noticed the difference in his girlfriend’s mood, since the start of the week: quieter and definitely less happy, a mumble being her way to speak, if she spoke up, clearly not energetic in the slightest and definitely not focused.
His knowledge of drugs and their effects had made him think that she might have been under those, but slowly the unfocused glaze had moved from rage to sadness: one day she was moping on the beach and another she almost got into a rage-filled fight with whatever was not working.
Jimmy had tried his best to understand her, but she didn’t want to talk about it with him so he tried to stay close to her, but the bad week moved to two bad weeks and there Jim had thought about searching through her social, mostly due to the fact that she focused on them more, even neglecting herself and him a bit.
“I just need to write the last paragraph” she had mumbled, meanwhile she had refused to stop writing to sleep a bit or “I will eat after I edited this photo, I mean… I don’t need food”.
It all got Jim worried, more and more.
And then he had decided that he had only one chance to discover what was going on.
He had opened Instagram, her major social network, and then had moved to her profile, the public one (she had a private one, full of photos that made Jim’s heart jump: candid of them together, not professionally taken but… Jim loved them all the same) and had gone through it.
He had first seen that she hadn’t any stories going on, which was unusual since she did her best to try to at least show a bit of her everyday life each day.
“So, my followers don’t feel left out” she had mumbled and although Jim had thought it was a strange voyeuristic idea, he had just hugged her and called her “angel”.
“Angel” was also part of her username on Instagram, due mostly to her followers, which had started calling her “angel”, because of the intrinsic sweetness of her posts and the personality she showed on the social network.
The stories thing had been already strange, but also her follower count had diminished, nothing too bad, but he had heard his angel protest about that.
“I just can’t believe that these people unfollow me just because I don’t follow them back and you know what is worst… I have talked to them… I felt like… we were friends”.
But he had soon discovered the true reason behind his girlfriend’s sadness: the comments honestly made him angry.
The most recent ones were ruthless: “you are fat”, “kill yourself” “you are annoying”…
And they went on, although some were sweeter, clearly (Y/N)’s true fans.
He had honestly hoped it was a troll, nothing but a joke.
But those comments had been serious, since he hadn’t been able to recognize the familiar path of a troll, instead they were real people, under fake accounts or their real accounts sharing that hate.
He honestly hadn’t been able to stop himself from feeling furious now that he understood what was going on, and meanwhile he had signaled each negative comment, he had seen the stories light up, the first one of the day.
A photo with a writing on it: “guys I just wanted to let you know that I will be taking a pause, due to all the hate I have been getting, I don’t know when I will get back”.
Although the text has been intelligently written and concealed her emotion, he had clearly known she was crying meanwhile writing it.
He knew how much work she put into the social media, although it never was her job, she had started, long before meeting him, using it as a relief method from her own problem, so to be let down this way….
… it obviously hurt her.
After he had signaled enough accounts he had just tried to let the rage burn down, meanwhile he had created a plan to make his angel feel better: his first idea had been to go out, knowing that an expensive dinner and a few dances might get her distracted, but this would just push just the argument further.
So, he had just organized a home-made dinner (which meant him ordering take-out), bribing her to attend it with the promise of a lot of cuddles and a make-out session and most importantly to watch for the umpteenth times her favorite movie.
She clearly felt a bit better, when she finally walked in his house, being swept off her feet by an ecstatic Jim, who gently kissed her forehead, before he had put her down, leading her to the little kitchen of his apartment, the one his father had gotten him once he had gone out of rehab.
It was nice, although pretty small, but Jim loved it all more, and since he had met his angel it had all been better.
They had made so many memories, alongside she had helped perfecting it all.
“Ma’am, please sit down” he helped her to the dinner table, taking her jean jacket and her bag, coming back with an open bottle of wine, which he poured in their inadequate glasses, and with the first course, (Y/N)’s favorite course.
“Oh, you went all out” her smile didn’t reach her eyes, but she was indeed grateful, holding out her hand to grab his, which was kept tangled with his for the entire dinner
She talked about her day, chirping happily meanwhile she avoided carefully the social media argument and Jim didn’t pressure her, just watching her eat, in peaceful silence and only when they moved to wash the dishes he grumbled lowly:
-… sweetie, I checked your page on Instagram- he felt her grow stiff next to him -… I know that it embarrasses you, but I thought that you had been so gloomy these past weeks and I thought that your social media might have been bothering you, extremely… so I had to do something…-.
-Oh Jimmy! – she was avoiding his eyes, clearly ashamed -… I am so sorry you had to see all that… it…-.
-You are getting hate thrown your way for nothing, (Y/N)- he wanted to make sure she knew it wasn’t her fault In the slightest -…I can’t honestly fathom people doing this to you, whereas you have been nothing but an angel with them-.
-I am not sure… I mean…- a sad smile was on her face -… I am pretty sure that many people will call me a bitch with no problem…-.
-… well I am gonna fight them all, babe- he brought her closer and smacked a sound kiss on her head -… you don’t deserve this hate, believe me, I spent two hours trying to ban each asshole-.
-That is incredibly sweet, Jimmy Boy- she giggled, but a few tears shone on his eyes -… but I don’t think that it will stop the hate from spreading; that’s why I decided to take a holiday-.
Jim saw that an honest smile shone on her face and moved the rag onto its hook to hug her better, bearhugging her and gently caressing her back, gently, and shushing her cries.
-Angel of mine, I am so so sorry I was not able to know more about this- he mumbled, feeling a low protest -… I honestly thought it wasn’t that bad-.
-I didn’t even talk about it with you- she justified softly, getting a bit of distance between them to be able to watch him in the eyes -… I wanted to handle on my own, because, at first, I thought it wasn’t anything worrying, and then… I just felt like social media were a thing I needed to solve alone, my thing-.
He knew this came from all the prejudices linked with her passion for social medias: he had heard about some of her friends annoying her saying not only she was asocial, but also self-absorbed.
She hadn’t been very open about her life on them with him, also because of this, thinking that he would be making fun of her, exactly like her “friends”.
-I know that you take pride into your profile, but… you can lean onto me, I am here for you- he promised her looking at her in the eyes with extreme seriousness, before hugging her close, keeping his lips on her forehead, a comforting gesture -… I am still extremely proud of you for recognizing that you were having troubles and deciding to distance yourself from that… you are one smart angel-.
She giggled at the nickname, before freeing herself from his hug, although she still felt extremely bad, a smile shone on her face.
-Now you better get in your comfortable pajama, because this smart angel wants to watch for the umpteenth time (Y/F/F), with a lot of cuddles- and she turned around, getting a slight slap on her ass from Jim.
-… don’t forget the make-out session! -.
Hello lovelies!
Thank you for coming this far, in my self-indulgent mumbling and thank you for sticking me all through this series, I really hope you enjoyed it, and in case some of you want to read the previous chapters, you might find them here! (Duncan) (Michael)
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fly-pow-bye · 5 years
DuckTales 2017 - “Treasure of the Found Lamp!”
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Story by: Francisco Angones, Madison Bateman, Colleen Evanson, Christian Magalhaes, Bob Snow
Written by: Christian Magalhaes
Storyboard by: Jean-Sebastien Duclos, Mike Morris, Sam King
Directed by: Jason Zurek
Part 1 of the big catch-up!
This episode's title is going to bring our hopes up a lot, since it's an outright reference to Treasure of the Lost Lamp, the movie for the original DuckTales. I am sorry to admit, I did not watch that movie. I will defend myself by saying that most of this cartoon's target audience is not familiar with it, either.
With that aside, let's see what this reboot does with a certain character from that movie, as the episode starts out with him.
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We see this cloaked man making a long trek, traveling through a desert via a motorcycle, sneaking into a boat, and jumping across trees. It's a pretty powerful opening, I'm not going to lie, these are some pretty dynamic scenes, and a great introduction to this character.
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It turns out that this stranger was heading towards the McDuck Manor, as he reveals himself to a red hat/sleeping cap hybrid wearing boy brushing his teeth. I did learn two things: ducks do have serrations on their bills that happen to look like teeth, and Googling "duck teeth" is not recommended. Huey is so used to this, that he immediately calls for Uncle Scrooge to ask what his visitor wants. Cue the theme song.
The next morning, they all gather together for this intruder to introduce himself. This is the reboot's version of Dijon, or Faris Djinn as he's called here. From what I've heard, not only does he has a very different personality and morality from the original, he's not even the original character in-name-only. Let's just say he never loses his pants in this one. He did lose one thing, though.
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TThe main point of him being here is that he was sworn to protect the Lamp of the First Genie, a clear reference to the titular lamp from the old movie, and he needs to find it. The major difference is this journey to get the lamp was already done, as Scrooge found the lamp and placed it somewhere in his manor. That's why this episode is called Treasure of the Found Lamp, after all.
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We see Louie and Scrooge trying to find it somewhere deep in the garage. Louie does manage to find a chest filled with a bunch of lamps, including the Ferryman's Flame, a lamp that acts as a portal to the land of the dead. Unlike most of the items he has found, Scrooge found nothing supernatural about the lamp, and saw it as a mere "cheap bobble". Djinn seems to disagree throughout the episode, which does add some intrigue to the object of the week.
Once Scrooge gives a description, Louie at least recognizes what it could be. That's the good news, and the bad news can be read right from his worried facial expression. They decide to tell Djinn at least the partial truth: they lost the lamp.
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Yeah, that was not what he wanted to hear, as he starts to slash through the house, saying he'll raise this home for it, brick by brick! I love this guy's dramatic flair, and I won't be alone even in-universe. Left with no choice, Scrooge and the kids decide to come up with a story he would accept. In short: it must have been stolen by the Greek gods! It's clear they're making this up on the fly...
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...but Djinn buys it completely, and, not phased by the aspect of having to travel all the way to Ithaquack to get it, begins the great fake quest for the Lamp. The real quest will be put on the triplets, because Scrooge reveals to them and the viewers that Louie told him he sold it.
While he's away at Ithaquack, the triplets are tasked to do the actual quest for the lamp, which won't nearly be as fantastic. It's like this mystery, where people have these alibis of what happened, and the first stop is Louie.
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Louie decided to take the lamp, because Scrooge didn't care about lamps without genies or portals to the dead in them, and decided to sell it at a garage sale. About a few minutes into this garage sale, he gets bored, so he decided to give the job to Duckworth. I would think having a ghost would scare away many potential customers, but that's Louie for you. Huey scolds him for being so lazy, while Dewey makes this prose about having to confront the soul without a soul. He's desperate to find a role in this episode, and trying to act like Djinn is not a bad one.
If only there was some mystical item that can guide them through it, like a flame of some sort. Louie might have an idea about one, and I'm glad to see it wasn't just some random gag that didn't really have a joke.
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They make it to Ithaquack, and Webby guides them. Djinn seems to take all of this seriously, as if this kid knows all the secrets. Well, she mostly does, but he wouldn't know that. To him, the Ifrit’s Dawn is coming, and if he doesn't have the lamp, the consequences will be dire. Mostly in his words, he has this dramatic flair throughout the episode.
One major aspect of this episode is that there's a few returning characters in this, including Selene, the Goddess of the Moon, who decided to take the job as an actress for this charade. She had a big deadly temple, and she had to use it. She's not the only one, either.
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Turns out, Charybdis is happy to play a part in this charade, too. You know, the big monster that turned out to be a nice person once people don't want the sword he was guarding. He's not a good actor, as he constantly has to ask for his lines from Webby. Eventually, this leads to Djinn, unphased by his poor acting but phased by his stalling, desperately slashing at this monster, while the monster complains that this wasn't a part of the script. Selene doesn't seem to be good at improv, either, seems to be a thing with the residents here.
While Scrooge, Webby, and anyone they can coax into this elaborate stalling can deal with Djinn, the triplets use their plan to get Duckworth to tell them his side of the story: use that Ferryman's Flame from a few scenes ago! See, there was a point to showing that. After accidentally unleashing a dragon, mostly so there would be some sort of tease before the commercial break, Duckworth appears.
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Duckworth: (in his demon form) How dare you interrupt my long overdue vacation!
However, he does regain his composure and his usual form once they ask about the lamp. He tells his story.
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He says this fellow bought it, with a $20 bill that managed to land right in his empty wallet right when he opened it. Even the triplets know only one guy has that much luck.
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Gladstone Gander has been lucky enough, yeah, I had to say that, to be in a few cameo appearances, but this is the first time he gets more than that since his first episode. It wasn't like he was a likable character, intentionally so, but it's neat to see him back.
One of the best bits is when he offers the kids all of the valuables he accidentally came across, like winning lottery tickets, and a bunch of diamonds he found in a bag of ice, and Louie tells him there's no time for such things...as he pockets some of the diamonds.
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He traded it to some rich kid with a treehouse with really, really sticky fingers. The triplets realize in fear of the only person that could possibly fit that description.
So yeah, the triplets parts can pretty much be summed up like this: the character does one gag, the triplets get their next big hint, go to the next location, repeat. It's more mundane than the other part, but it's not not nearly as interesting since everyone just gives them the information without much trouble.
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Speaking of the other part, as Djinn got past the monster, Webby has moved on to the Appendix B of her great quest: the riddle of the Minotaur! Scrooge and Selene have to team up for this one, doing the classic "two people in the same suit" gag. They come up with a riddle so hard, Djinn couldn't possibly come up with the answer.
I am more powerful than the gods
more evil than the demons
the poor have me
the rich need me
and if you eat me, you shall die.
He may be naive enough to believe this is a minotaur and not a Halloween costume, but he proves almost immediately after being told this riddle that he's smart enough to know the answer to that one. I wouldn't want to spoil the answer to this riddle, so I'm saying nothing.
Aw, phooie.
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I will say this episode does a decent job at balancing these two plots, though in different ways. There's more comedy in Djinn's parts, while the triplets just deal with...Doofus Drake. If one doesn't know, they completely changed Doofus's character to this weird spoiled and sheltered kid nobody wants to hang around with. He's not a pleasant character, needless to say, and their reactions to having to go to Doofus Drake's house give people who didn't watch his debut episode an idea of that.
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Once we see him, he outright proves that idea, as he forces the boys to watch his hour-long Theremin performance, while his parents are forced to dance to it. It takes him a while to realize what they mean by "lamp", because he knew it syrup boat. Thankfully without any attempt to kidnap the boys to be his one true friend, he reveals that he threw it away, because his father's hands worked better. The context will not help you.
On the plus side, the triplets now have a good answer for Scrooge McDuck, because they know it must be at the junkyard, the home of the Beagle Boys. Well, okay, it usually goes to a landfill, but we do see a Beagle Boy on the truck, so it could be just a good assumption. It's a good thing they got to this, because his quiz is starting to run on Djinn's patience. It probably doesn't help that he's using a joke book now. It’s too bad we don’t hear how he solves those "riddles". "The chicken wanted to get to the other side, of course!"
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Selene tells Djinn, reading from a card Scrooge gave her, that Ma Beagle stole it, and they have to go all the way back to Duckworth. It's funny how the Goddess of the Moon is relegated to poorly acting how the lamp was stolen while he was busy with the minotaur. After so many questions from a "Minotaur" who was definitely not stalling him, this poor acting, and how this "Ma Beagle" was able to sneak past him, does he buy it?
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Short answer: yes, he does. Maybe he doesn't suspect a thing, or maybe the importance of getting the lamp outweighed everything else. One can interpret that in any way, really, though the former seems a little more likely.
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They come up to the landfill/junkyard where the Beagle Boys live. As soon as Ma Beagle hears that this lamp is called the Lamp of the First Genie, her interest gets piqued immediately. She wants better kids, much to the chagrin of the Boys.
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Djinn finds out that the lamp was discarded in the trash, and it is here that Djinn finally makes the connection that maybe that whole quest was just a diversion. He asks Scrooge if it was true, and Louie admits that it was, and that Scrooge tells him nothing.
Oh no, it's one of those Liar Revealed scenes. Got to prepare for that five minutes of moping, and then Djinn realizes, hey, the journey might have been bunk, but getting the lamp is more important.
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Djinn: For the lamp!
(Djinn jumps down and attacks a Beagle Boy)
Okay, never mind, he thankfully skips to the end of that. He really wants that lamp, or dire consequences will happen! No time for moping!
A fight scene ensues between Djinn, Scrooge, and the Beagle Boys, including Big Time and Bouncer Beagle making appearances. It would have been cool to see the Tuggle Bums or the Black Arts Beagle, but sadly, there's just the generic red shirts. I don't believe I saw Burger either, maybe they couldn't find something for him to do.
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Hmm, a lamp on top of a pile that looks like the hill Scrooge and Glomgold climbed up in the original's intro. One can easily guess where that is going, and that's not a bad aspect at all. Who manages to take the lamp? Is the lamp really supernatural? You’re just going to have to watch the episode for yourself. It did feel like a giant cop-out at first, but an explanation did make it a lot better.
How does it stack up?
I found this episode entertaining. Both plots led to interesting places and characters that were nice to see again, there's a lot of jokes I left out of this review that are pretty funny, and Djinn is a pretty good character with a bit of potential. I wouldn't wish for anything better.
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Next, we see another character that hasn't been seen in a while.
← The Shorts 🦆 The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck! →
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inspired-aspirer · 5 years
Z Berg and Ryan Ross Concert Masterpost
hello and I am sorry that I promised to post before Christmas about my experience of flying to LA for the Z Berg and Friends concert where I saw and met Ryan Ross. Here is a breakdown of the night and how it went from what I remember and if you have any questions after I post this I will do my best to answer them and if I cannot I will tell you and perhaps someone who can answer you question better than I.
1. anything before the concert
So I know many of the people reading this are not in fact, from Los Angeles California, and I can say I am not one of those people. I live in the middle of nowhere, better known as the state of Oklahoma. So the trip in and of itself was my Christmas present and cost ten times over the price of the ticket to the concert itself. I decided to purchase the tickets after Ryan Ross posted to instagram his photo of the Bad List shoot with “…Gonna play some new ones” as the caption to his post on 30th November. I then convinced three of my friends to come with me, flying from Oklahoma, Georgia and another from Alabama. We found some cheap ass tickets that ran about $250 each and convinced some family friends to let us use their beach house for a weekend and we were off. The tickets were $15.00 before taxes and fees, afterwards they rang up to be a grand total of $18.21.
It is notable that the tickets sold out prior to the day of the concert so I would recommend with any of Z’s concerts in the future, to buy your tickets weeks in advance to avoid anyone not getting a ticket.
2. the day of the concert
a. before doors open
The location of the concert was at the Pico Union Project which my friends and I looked up the night before to scope out the place. I recommend looking up the places around it if you plan on camping out for the day for a restroom and most definitely pack snacks. I ate lunch at noon and made the mistake of not eating again until 6am the next day which really was not a good thing. So pack snacks and take care of yourself. We got there around 3:30pm and there were already about 30ish people. We just missed Z coming out early to see everyone and take pictures, but nonetheless, we got a pretty great spot in line. I will say that for the most part, all of the people waiting outside the concert were lovely, and we all had a great time talking about what we were looking forward to and where everyone was from. I met some chill locals who had been to these things before, a guy who had been to every single one of Z’s concerts and a girl who, like me, got this trip as a Christmas present and flew with her mom all the way from Massachusetts.
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*We all added eachother on insta and facebook so 10/10 quality people.
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I will however, point out some things that were not good or respectful, and I hope people in the future will refrain from doing this in the future. 
1. Being disrespectful to people passing by, especially to some of the homeless people we saw walking by throughout the evening. 
2. Wearing new Panic! merch (I’ll get into this later because there was an issue to be dealt with during the meet and greet time.)
3. Playing new Panic! songs while people are trying to listen the pre-show sound check and rehearsals, or just playing new Panic! stuff in general
4. Also I overheard a group of girls say “Honestly, I am more of a Brendon fan, he is sooo hot. And tbh fuck Ryan Ross haha” and I get it, everyone is entitled to their opinion and such but if you are going to have that attitude, please keep it to yourself. I didn’t hear such negativity during the meet and greet from them but it really put me in a bad mood when I heard that.
The doors did open right at 8 o’clock and everyone was really good at staying in their place in line and not rushing the door. Have your tickets ready to scan and phones at full brightness. (Bring battery packs because you will need your phone for a ticket scan and probably for pics of the performances and if you want to meet them later so save it for as long as possible.) Due to our great spot in line we sat in the fourth row back which was prime seating and we had the great luck of sitting behind Z’s family which was really fun to hear them talk about the work put into the show and other fun tid bits. There was even a point when her grandmother said something like “I don’t know why they insisted on leaving so late to get here. I think they should have left early and had a nice lunch before all this” and I thought that was the most adorable and grandma thing to say. Also if you are 21 or older, you can get a wristband for alcohol, if you have your ID out and ready to show them when you first walk into the venue when they scan your ticket. I also recommend getting into the line for merch quickly because things do sell out and the line does take forever. I immediately got in line when my ticket was scanned while my friends snagged seats and it still took me about 20-30 minutes to get everything I wanted. Also I recommend taking cash to buy things, it makes everything go faster.
b. the concert
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The concert itself was amazing. Z hosted the entire first half from the balcony in an exact replica of Sharon Tate’s wedding dress as I am sure you have seen photos of. I will confirm, it was magical. She curses like a sailor in front of a backdrop of pure grace. She interacted with he audience the entire time and genuinely enjoys just spending time with her fans and the people that came to hear some good music. The first half of the show was the “& Friends” portion of the show, with majority of the people playing one song each with a few exceptions such as Azure Ray, Jackson Browne, Alex Greenwald and of course, Ryan Ross. 
So throughout the concert, people in the concert/show (idk what I would call it officially???) would come in and out from backstage to watch each other, which I thought was wholesome. Ryan did not come out to watch like everyone else and my working theory is, the one time he did poke his head out the door, first of all, me and like 10 other people saw him, he smiled and winked (I died) and then went back in, after that people stopped paying attention to whomever was onstage and so I think he didn’t want to take away from the other acts performing. It's admirable and I understand why he stayed backstage until it was his time to go and then would promptly exit after his numbers were done. 
In the first half Ryan came out with Alex Greenwald and played the guitar for him. Everyone screamed and cheered despite the wonderfully melancholic mood of the crowd mixed with the beautifully crestfallen music that had preceded them. Alex jokingly said “wow you guys are so nice” after we screamed following the remark someone in the back made along the lines of “I love you Ryan”. Let’s be honest, we were all thinking it and she had the courage to say it. So as far as the number, he sat and played his guitar in a suit that looked one size too big and jet black hair that was perfectly out of place. It was heaven. Following Alex’s song, Ryan ditched the guitar and joined him to sing “Lonely Moonlight” as a duet. He made jokes prior to the song saying they wrote it “18 or 25 years ago”. Alex agreed and laughed to which Ryan amended “actually it was the year 1825 when we wrote this” and the crowed giggled with them. 
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What I’m getting at is this entire concert, there were moments when you felt like no one else was around and you are sitting in any one of their living rooms, having a good time listening to them play their music and laugh with each other. “Lonely Moonlight” was beautiful and the hall was silent a part from them, no one dared speak until Ryan smiled and walked off the stage and disappeared backstage again. A few more beautiful songs later, many which Z sang in followed and then there was a brief intermission for approximately 15 minutes. 
The second half of the concert Z came back on stage to the “Overture” from Nightmare Before Christmas and I died. Her voice is literally angelic and I just want everyone to know that while you damn well know that she knows she has the best fuckin’ voice ever, she remained absolutely graceful about it in any duet she did and didn’t try to out do anyone and remained humble the entire freaking time and I’m gonna cut myself off right now because she is my role model. 
Anyways, so I’m just gonna tell you she brought Ryan on stage with one of the most iconic ways you could bring Ryan on stage, “Um, haha, I think I need a little baby Ryro” *everyone screams* “I do that to when he walks into a room. After ten years it is getting pretty fuckin’ annoying” and he smiled and laughed and everyone was probably either screaming or crying or a combination of both. She and Ryan sang “Calm Before the Storm” together, he just sang with her and she played the guitar as well. After his bit in the song was done, he just walked to the back of the stage and sat on the floor and just smiled at her and did some funny gestures, (Again, I have this on video, I just don’t know how to link long videos in a tumblr post). The crowd was amused by this and it caused Z to turn around to see what was going on, and they laughed. 
Again the atmosphere was pure enjoyment and I wish everyone would get to experience that at any concert. Then he walked off stage while Z said “yeah we just love to watch you walk away” and truer words have never been spoken. The final time he did come out to perform was, of course, for “The Bad List”. 
c. The Bad List
Yes I am giving this one song an entire thing on it’s own because I just have a lot of things to say about this performance of this song. 
First of all, during the soundcheck while we (all the crazy fans) were outside we heard the song resonate outside the walls and the sound was angelic, so you could only imagine what it sounded like inside the venue. 
Second, everything before, during, and after really just was surreal and thank god I have the whole thing on video (and I mean the WHOLE 7.5 minutes) because it is NOT something I want to ever forget. Ryan came onstage, and hugged Z and everyone awed, and then she went into this adorable and heart-warming speech thanking her fans and the people coming out tonight while Ryan tried to move his mic to the other side of her. 
This was hilarious for two reasons. 
First, any footage I have seen of Ryan Ross, out doing normal people things has just been gold because just like the rest of us, I would imagine, he is on the struggle bus every day going nowhere fast. So he had a time and a half trying to move the mic stand along with everything else to the other side of the stage. 
Second, Z was completely oblivious the entire time he was trying his best, to move the mic. Adorable really. He also chimed in at the end of her speech that “She means that it’s all she has been talking about all week” which apparently embarrassed her but let’s be real, she is two perfect and sweet to even think abou tbeing embarassed. Don’t worry, she got him back by calling him out for saying they should turn up the piano “a weenie bit”. Then she announced they were going to sing “The Bad List” and everyone cheered to which Ryan responded with a sarcastic “Wait have you heard it yet?” and yeah, the song began. 
It was divinely depressing. It was perfection.
Videos of the preformance don’t do it justice. We were the first and so far the only audience to hear it live, and everything I did to get there up to this point was worth it. It was the best performance of any song I have ever witnessed. I will navigate this hell site and hopefully figure out how to upload the video without getting copyright to take it down on my youtube channel and link it below so you guys can watch it. 
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As many of you know, the song it super personal to them and a few times, you heard Z’s voice break from the truth the lyrics spoke about their life, and when each of them sang, the other really didn’t look at them. It was moving to see the emotion that drove the lyrics to the song and to hear which lines bled the most to each of them. In the piano instrumental part of the song, Ryan broke up the melancholy mood by asking Z to dance with him and they smiled and had a blast (or so it looked). She eventually went limp in his arms to play dead and you could see Ryan laughing at the theatrics she pulled. 
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After the song ended, the smiled, everyone cheered, and they exchanged a few words which I couldn’t make out before she pulled everyone on stage for the final number. Ryan, ever the smol bean, walked to the side of the stage and did his best to blend in when everyone else from the evening piled on stage.
d. last number and Post-concert
Ok so I am almost done, I promise. The last number was “All Out of Tears” which everyone came up on stage for and sang with her on. Everyone stood up from thier pews for the last song and everyone clapped, danced, and sang along with her. The guitar and bass from the speakers were so loud that the “Z” hanging above the stage fell down in the middle of the performance, to which Alex Greenwald played the tambourine to throughout the second half of the song. Z promised that she would stay until the very last person got a picture or hug or autograph and wouldn’t leave until then. 
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The concert ended on a high note unlike another. 
side note: so I know there is a joke about Ryan not being able to clap, and let me tell you, I made a point to look at the big ass rings he wears all the time when I met him, and yeah it would make me not able to clap normal either. In the video I have of them preforming “All Out of Tears” he at one point shakes his hands and mouths “ow” because I’d imagine his poor hands hurt. So yeah, still funny but give the guy a break.
After a breif break they all came out from backstage and made their way to the Christmas tree. They (Ryan and Z, the rest of the people left before I could get their autograph) kept their promise. Ryan came out chugging yellow red bulls and Z was a new woman after ripping off her straps to her dress (she told me and my friends this). I waited two and a half hours in line to meet Ryan and Z. It was at about two in the morning when I finally got my turn to speak to him. I noticed throughout the evening, he was never short with anyone, and if someone seemed overwhelmed and nervous (@me) he would take a pause, ask for your name and listen intently to whatever that person had to say to him. I was extremely nervous to have him sign any old Panic! merch and I have a few things to say about Ryan Ross and Panic! merch at the concert.
First off, don’t wear it, especially if it is new. Now I am not one for gatekeeping on a lot of things. However, I did see an individual (my hero) make a girl take of a new Panic! lanyard before she went up to see Ryan. It is disrespectful and frankly insensitive for anyone to do that to him in my opinion. The entire time he was patient, and understanding and omg if you ever get to hear his chuckle you will surely die and go to heaven, but I am appalled at anyone who would wear new Panic! merch or have the audacity to have him sign it. Thankfully, she took it off and I didn’t see anyone ask him to sign any new Panic! merch.
Second, Ryan is more than delighted to see The Young Veins apparel. One of the people I met at the concert was wearing a Young Veins sweatshirt and I saw some albums and CD’s people brought to him to sign and he had no issue doing so. 
Third, on the issue of Panic! merch he WAS a part of, such as AFYCSO and Pretty. Odd. albums, he signs them no problem. The girl right before me had all three CD’s (afycso, pretty odd, and take a vacation) and he said “Wow haha, you have all three of them” and laughed. I split up the stuff I wanted signed between myself and three friends so I got four things signed. One was my 2007 Rolling Stones issue where Panic! made the cover, I flipped the magazine to the page that had his face on it and when I gave it to him I had the best reaction. 
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Well, first I totally blanked out so I only remember this because one of my friends videotaped the whole thing. Anyways, I said “hi, don’t hate me for what I am about to have you sign” among other things, gave him a letter and a bag of sour patch kids, and he said, no worries and just continued talking to me like it was no big deal. when I handed him the magazine he went “Oh man, I haven’t seen this photo in a while.” and even was stumped as to where he should sign it. He took the time to talk to me and let me say what I wanted to say to him. I asked to hug him and he said ok. Just so you know, he lets you take any kind of photo you want (within reason). Unfortunately I don’t have a single photo where we are looking at the same camera, but I have a 10/10 photo of Ryan Ross giving me a hug and let me just say, I am blessed. Another of my friends got an afysco vinyl signed and another got the booklet to my Pretty. Odd. CD signed without any issue or trouble. 
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Now, my friend had a silver sharpie which I gave her before to sign a poster I bought of the cover of The Bad List with him and Z on it and she said he went to sign it, started to, then saw the silver sharpie, and went, “that is a silver sharpie” and she went, “it is” and then he said “I want to sign with the silver sharpie” so he signed my poster AGAIN in silver sharpie. Then, she went to Z to have her sign it, and she signed it and said “Wait, did he sign this twice? Well now I have to” and she signed the poster at the top in the middle and again on the picture. So that is the story of how I got the poster signed twice by both of them. 
e. Tid bits
I don’t think you want to hear all of the tid bits I have from talking to them on and off for an hour or so but here are the highlights.
I also got to hear Ryan say he made the Christmas playlist that was playing in the background. 
At one point, Z said, “I have to go to the bathroom, but he will be mad at me if he knows I left. Don’t tell him” and ran to the bathroom. Well Ryan did notice and went “where did she go” and we said “She said we can’t tell you” and he laughed and went back to signing and talking to whoever was next in line. 
Before I left Ryan I said to him “by the way, I can’t wait to hear the new music” and he chuckled and replied “Soon, I promise” and smiled before I left, so there’s that. 
Also might I add. I got the best hug of my life from Z. I spent like two solid minutes with my fiends telling her she was absolute perfection (there are no lies in that statement) and gushed over how amazing the show was and everything else and then she game me a solid, and I mean solid, 30 second hug and to be honest I didn’t want to let go. Then we talked to her some more and had a good time and then realized we had to leave because we had about 2 and a half hours until we had to be at LAX for our flight out. I cried on the way back because hello? I met Ryan Ross and Z Berg and you best believe I will do just about anything to make sure I can go to any more of her concerts.
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So yeah I will try to post videos later. Thank you for your patience with me and uploading it. If you have ANY questions, please send me an ask. I won’t mind answering them at all. I hope everyone had a wonderfully dreadful Christmas on The Bad List and I can’t wait to see what music Ryan has in store for 2019.
much love ♥♥♥
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skyecrandall · 5 years
A Choices Halloween - Choices Fic
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Books: Features characters from many different books
Words: Around 3000
Genre: Comedy
Summary: Kenji Katsaros is hosting a Halloween party where other influential persons like Thomas Hunt, Kamilah Sayeed or Sloane Washington are attending. Unfortunately things do not turn out as the hero hoped to.
"Hello everyone! I hope you guys are ready for the best Halloween party of the world!" Said the man coated in bronze, generally known as Talos to the general public. "Yeeaaah!" Yelled the crowd gathered on the dance floor. "I would just like to thank all of you for coming to this event! It is all thanks to you that this party will be considered as such! After all, how can you make an awesome party without super awesome people! Am I right?" Said Talos. "Yeah!" Echoed throughout the crowd. "I won't hold you guys down any longer! However let's just have a souvenir selfie!" Said the superhero as he turned his back to the crowd and lifted up his phone so that it could capture him and part of the crowd. "Everyone say Spooky Socks!" He said as he clicked the selfie. "Now... Party hard everyone! Just try to not break anything!" Said Talos as he got off the stage.
'We are having an amazing party here! Totally not missing you two!' He typed in the picture before sending it to Eva. A few seconds after the seen marker pop up but no reply, even after five minutes. 'At least reply if you've seen it!' Typed Kenji and after a few seconds Eva replied with a photo. The photo's content was her in the corner of the frame and the main target being Alex, in a very revealing demon outfit. It also had the caption: 'Sorry can't speak to you right now. There is someone more worthy of my attention 😏' This caused Kenji to nearly throw his phone away when a tap on his shoulder. He turned his head around and saw cute girl in a regency era costume.
"I am Imogen Wescott and I would like to personally thank you for hosting this amazing party!" She said with a bright smile. "Ugh thanks? But how did you get to the backstage? Weren't you on the dance floor with the others?" asked Talos. "It is too early to head for the dance floor. Plus too many sweaty people out there currently, maybe later. Moreover I wanted to thank the host personally," said Imogen brightly. "Thanks! And yeah, I should have probably looked for somewhere with a better dance floor?" Replied Talos. "Also I'm wondering do you have any superhero buddies who works around Pine Springs or Westchester? Weird stuff have been happening in the region lately," she said. "Not really, but we will see if we can come by someday," said Talos. "Sweet. Now if you'll excuse me, I saw a butler with really cute snacks on it," said Imogen as she waved to the bronze clad superhero before chasing after the butler who were serving certain pair.
"Oh my god Zack! Look how appealing these snacks are!" Squealed Madison at the skull shaped mimi-muffins in her hand. "They are so well done that I'm getting willies just by looking at them," frowned Zack before throwing the cake away while no one was looking. "I know right. Thanks again for coming with me Zack! Nobody wanted to come with me to the party," said Madison. "No problem. I'd be a fool to miss out an opportunity to have fun with someone like you! I wondered why you didn't take Becca instead with you," asked Zack who was dressed as a pirate. "She has an important assignment for her courses later this week and preferred to prepare herself instead of coming with me. She is working really hard for it and I respect her choice. She even got Sarah to come around to help her. I also couldn't get anyone from the Sorority since they are having their own party," explained Madison as she munched down the skull. "With Sarah around, I doubt she'd be able to focus much," smirked Zack. "Maybe," smiled Madison.
"Oh my god look at that girl! She looks just like you, except maybe a few years older," said Zack as he pointed towards two woman who just entered the party. One of them was wearing a green swamp monster outfit while the other blonde one was wearing a skin tight cat outfit. "Oh wow, you are right! And look at their outfits! We have to go and introduce ourselves!" Beamed Madison. "But they are across that massive crowd," said Zack shocked. "It will all be worth it! Come on!" Said Madison as she dragged Zack by the hand towards the crowd.
The two women those two were talking about were none other that Sereena Patel and Brooke Williams. "Yes! This party looks so fun! And all those wonderful costumes!" Squealed Brooke. "Wonderful costume? Most of the outfits that I have seen would probably have the sexy adjective stuck onto them. Modern Halloween is just an excuse for the patriarchy to be able to look at women in revealing out-" said Sereena before she was lightly slapped by Brooke. "Listen Sereena. This is a girl's night out. We are here to have fun and unwind ourselves. Especially you need to do so after stressing out so much these last few days. Plus if we went to Cole's party instead, I'm pretty sure a skimpy outfit would be obligatory..." said Brooke. Sereena was angry that her best friend slapped her, but deep down she knew Brooke was right and that she'd rather be in any other party than Cole's. "It is just that I'm losing my mind every time I'm seeing something sexualised. I mean do you know how many sexy nuns I have seen today! Wasn't The Nun a horror movie? Not a sexy romance one? And aren't nuns supposed to represent chasit-" argued Sereena before she was slapped yet again by Brooke. "You. Me. Have Fun," said Brooke threateningly. Sereena was going to blow up when suddenly a girl a Starfall outfit and a guy in a pirate outfit came.
"Wow your costumes are amazing!" Said Madison. "Am I already drunk? Why do I see two Brookes? "More important is that a Starfall costume? It looks so good! If Ben was here with us he would be so proud!" Said Brooke. "Wait you know Ben Park! I'm such a fan of his artwork for Venus Corp?" Squealed Madison. "Yes! He's part of our friend group! Oh, I'm Brooke by the way!" Replied Brooke. "And I'm Madison! Come over! I think we'll have a good time together!" Said the other blonde as the two of them walked away, deep in conversation.
"I guess it is just the two of us now," said Zack amazed by how the blondes got along so quickly. "And before you even try it, I'm not interested in you," said Sereena, annoyed that her partner left her alone with another guy. "Why would I even try to flirt with you? I'm only interested in guys. Maybe if you looked like Talos it would be another case," said Zack. "Oh sorry. It is just that I'm tired with men coming to me and flirting," apologized Sereena. "I can feel you. Heteros and their hetero bullshit assuming everyone is straight like them," added Zack. "I like you. My name is Sereena," smiled Sereena before reaching over for a handshake. "And I'm Zack! Let's go have a drink! We have to talk more," said Zack as both of them started walking towards the bar. As they walked towards there, Sereena noticed an odd trio consisting of two women and an old man in Santa outfits. They seemed really familiar but she'd rather focus on the man she just met.
"So guys, what do you think of this party?" Asked one of the women of the trio. She is known as Priya La Croix and is one of the most famous fashion designer currently. "It is nice but the host baited me hard with his 'Bloodwine'. I expected real blood in it, not a blood red wine with hints of pomegranate in it," said the Baron as he took a sip of his drink. "He is not really a vampire, so it is not really surprising that his appetizers do not really appeal to us that much. Still it is a rather decent party," said Kamilah. "We should host our own party and get him to taste real Bloodwine. Can you imagine his face when he discovers that he actually drank real blood," said Priya. "We should replace the human blood by rat blood instead. It would be even more fun," joked the Baron. "We are not going to ruin such a fantastic drink by mixing it with cheap rat or chicken blood. Furthermore, we should very likely not talk about this out open in the public eye. We do not want to look suspicious," said Kamilah. "No, I think we are good. If there is anyone suspicious out here, it is those two by the corner there. They look fishy with those electric blue lines on their face yet they are wearing a medieval outfit," said Priya.
The persons Priya was talking about were the Elara siblings, Pax and Eos who came back to the past. "That was cool of you for inviting me on your trip to the past Pax. I'm glad you are trusting me more," smiled Eos. "The only reason I brought you was because that would prevent you from telling Nova about my machine. Trust me, I'd rather take Holmes with me that your ugly ass," said Pax a little annoyed. "For your information, I have a nice ass. Zekei can attest to it. Also are you sure this medieval outfits will help us blend in?" Asked the elder brother. "I think they will do good. It is a Halloween party, so even if we came in our regular clothes is would be okay," replied Pax. "How did you get hold of these anyway?" Asked Eos. "Oh these outfits? I went back in the past as a test run and brought these as souvenirs," said Pax. "Wait! You used it without consulting us? What if you got stuck back then? How the hell would have we been able to bring you back to our era??" Exclaimed a shocked Eos. "Shut up! Someone is coming," said the younger sister as she noticed a woman approaching.
"Wow! Your costumes of Val Greeves and Will Jackson are so good! And I'm also a fan how you decided to give it a more sci-fi look with those blue bands. Oh sorry where are my manners. My name is Imogen Wescot," said the woman. "I'm Eos and this is my sister Pax and we are hapoy that you like our costumes" said Eos. "What are you doing in such a remote corner though! You guys should be strutting out your amazing costumes! You guys deserve more attention," said Imogen. "Uh this what we are trying to avoi-" continued Eos before Pax secretly elbowed him in the gut. "Oh I know your type! You want to be part of the fun but also don't want to be in the spotlight. How about you guys come with me on the dance floor? At this time it is not that crowded and people will barely notice you. So how about spending some time with me?" Asked Imogen. "Why am I getting the feeling that we will have to pay 20 diamonds to be able to do that?" Said Eos but he was ignored. "Sure! We'd love to!" Said Pax with a smile as she started following Imogen. Eos quickly walked towards Pax and whispered in her ear, "Shouldn't we try and stay hidden? What if we cause a time paradox?" "Its okay Eos. Time paradox only occurs in sci-fi movies. Plus Nathaniel Hoealot already debunked this stupid mytho. It does not exist. Let's just have fun," said Pax. "Why do I feel something bad is going to happen later on though," sulked the elder brother.
Eos was not the only one a little worried. By the entrance, a certain highschooler was also anxious. "Are you sure we are at the right party Micheal? I can't really see anyone we know here," said Maria Flores. "I think they might just be friends of Payton's sister. I heard they once invaded Autumn's party," said Michael. "Still, I'm not sure Payton would have been able to get us such a grand place for the party," argued Maria. "If you are that worried, why don't you just call her?" Said Michael as he started walking towards a nearby snack table. "Good idea. Aw come on! I forgot my phone! Let me use yours," said Maria after digging through her purse. Michael took out his phone and then shrugged. "Looks like we have the worst luck ever. My phone just died out. No battery," he said. "Ugh. Is this karma for when I returned an application half an hour late," replied Maria. "Listen.I'm sure it is her party, let's go deeper inside. The group will be there," continued Michael. "I don't know... I think I'm just going to wait outside for a little bit," said Maria as turned around, nearly bumping into someone in a black ghost outfit.
"Oh my god, Micheal. I don't know what to do. They are kinda scary," whispered Maria into his friend's ear. "Let me take care of this," whispered Michael back. "Hey there! Sorry for the little incident," said Michael in a friendly tone to Redfield. "Your costume is so good! It almost feels real!" He added as he went closer to the spirit and tried to grab what he believed was cloth, but his hand ended up going through the spirit's whole body. "Wh-wh-what the hell???" Said a panicked Michael. "It's not a p-p-person, it's a real ghost!" Yelled Maria as the ghost's face suddenly lit up in flames. "Maria! Run!" Yelled Michael as they both started running away.
Redfield using his levitation power lifted the table and tried throwing it at them, fortunately missing the highschoolers. However this caused the a mass panic at the party. The noise from the screams caused Redfield to grow more angry and attacked the persons closest to him. He took Thomas Hunt before throwing him across the room. He then grabbed Sloane Washington and then threw her on the snacks table. His gaze then soon trailed onto Drake Walker. "Me choke you, ugly man," said Redfield as he grabbed Drake by the neck. "But...Riley said...I was...gorgeous" said Drake as he tried escaping the ghost's grip. "She lied! You look... like a rotten potato!" said Redfield when Talos tried to kick him but ended up passing through the ghost. "No one is getting choked in my presence. Even ugly people," said Talos as he jumped back to his feet. "Go away!" screeched Redfield as he threw Drake like a slingshot on Kenji, knocking both of them unconscious.
"Should we not try and stop this ghost from killing those humans?" commented the Baron before sipping on his drink. "Since it seems to be an immaterial being, I doubt we will be able to accomplish much," said Kamilah. "The how about we ditch this party and crash another. I heard some high school students are hosting one nearby,"said Rpiya while checking her phone. "Seriously? High school students? Didn't you say that you had standards Lacroix?" commented the Baron. "That's where the fun is at. We will crash the party and show them how to really have fun! We'll even bring in some Bloodwine," suggested Priya. "Hmmm Let's go!" said Kamilah and the group of friends started walking towards the exit while dodging the flying furniture.
"Oh my god, we need to do something?" said Pax. "Eat that!" roared Eos as he fired his plasma gun at Redfield but that only succeeded at making the ghost more angry. "When I said that we needed to do something, I was talking more about running away! Wait? where did Imogen go?" yelled Pax. "No time to think about that! Let's go! That thing is now coming towards us!" yelled Eos as he activated the time travel device and they both disappeared back into the future before Redfield could get to them. Imogen was actually hiding in the corner texting Tom. "Hey Tom, big problem here. Ghost like monster. Immaterial black body," she typed and very soon after Tom replied. 'Redfiled? What is he doing there? Listen Imogen, find a safe place and remain hidden there and in absolutely no instances play any games with him!' typed Tom. "Why can't I have any parties without any monsters," she mumbled to herself.
Confused by the sudden disappearance of his pray, the spirit looked around and found two persons who seemed to be still having fun. It was Sereena and Zack who were in one of the private isolated booths. Somehow these two were so deep in conversation that they did not notice the carnage outside. Red field barged inside, scaring both occupants. "What The H-" was Zack able to say before Redfield swatted him away.
"What the hell are you doing!" yelled Sereena, angry again. Redfield was going to grab her when Sereena raised her voice again. "Don't you dare touch me!" she said. Redfield decided to roar at her but his attempts to make the lady scared were in vain. "So this is how it is eh? I'm not scared of people who think they can scream their way," she said. Redfield was going to grab her yet again but Sereena didn't let him. "I said, no TOUCHING!" she said as she grabbed her drink and threw it on the ghost's face, somehow making it wet. "I'm sick of your bullshit. Now I am going to talk and you are going to listen. I had finally found something redeemable in that party, something being Zack and you probably got his a ticket to the hospital. I was already angry that I was forced to come in this party where most persons are sexualised from head to toe. This is especially nerve wracking since a majority of those are women outfits but then now you come in and decide to make me even more angry? This is just wrong and rude!" she yelled as she now took Zack's drink and threw it on Redfield's face again. "You know what you are? Just a petty little bitch. People like you try to showoff how much of an alpha they are. But deep down they know that they are just a puny little bitch inside. They try to act tough thinking this will hide their insecurity but oh boy they are transparent," said Sereena as she tried reaching out for her glass. "God dammit, I'm out of drink thanks to you now. Why do I have to be sober right now, ugh? Anyway ghost dude, I want you to take your trashy little ass and get the fuck out of my way before I get really angry and let me tell you that me being angry is the worst thing that can happen to people understood. I don't care that you can fling people around because I know that deep inside you a just a little bitch who throws temper tantrums around to sound interesting however you end up being really rude and become an attention whore. What are you going to do now? Try to fling me around too? But I bet you have no balls to do so and you will just end up running outside to cry," added Sereena and as she said, Redfield ran towards the exit with a distorted cry.
"Wow, Sereena... you scared an actual ghost away," said Brooke who slowly crawled towards Sereena. "What? It was a real ghost?" said Sereena shocked and Brooke replied with a slight nod. 'Anyway can we just go some place where we can get some alcohol? I don't think this party will be serving now," proposed Sereena. "Let's go to Double Tap . My treat," said Brooke as the two walked away. "With your sphere of prettiness we will likely get those for free, but I don't really mind," smiled Sereena.
3 Hours Later
"Don't Worry Imogen! I'm here and I brought some friends along!" said Tom with an ax raised behind him. Along with him were also the rest of his Westchester friends. "Looks like Redfield is looking for more ass kicking," said Stacy. However the group were shocked to find the villa free from any ghosts or people. "Oh hey guys! Sorry, no after party this tie. Can't really party with broken limbs," said Kenji who just arrived from the noise, in his crutches. "But what about Mr.Red? Where is he?" asked Lily. "The ghost? It ran away crying like a child after a woman berated him. A really scary one," said Kenji. "Oh--okay... Let's go then guys," said Lucas.
Finally managed to rewrite the whole thing after I forgot to save the draft the other time. BTW I hope you gus had fun reading this. :3333
Tagging: @choiceslife and the neutral squad @wlwkateomalley @teamtomsato @lovethemarshalltwins @nuttatulipa
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s0mebodyto-love · 5 years
a/n: I’m back with a Ben fic to output my emotions about real life things lmao so here you go!! My actual experience ends with the post, so I’m hoping something actually happens lmaoooo. Here’s college!Ben with some childhood friendship and some fluff thrown in too.
WC: 1750
Every Thursday night, the bar right across the street from the bus station hosts a karaoke night, and on many an occasion you find yourself there with your little crew. It’s you, your roommate, and some of the girls you sing with in an on-campus choir for non-music majors. The drinks are cheap and everyone goes to sing and have a good time right before the weekend hits.
The little Irish pub lowers its lights and the prices of drinks, and fills quickly. Bursts of cold air blow through the door as it opens and shuts, regulars going in and out to smoke and college students pouring in.
You and you friends swagger in, wrists donning loose orange paper bands showing that you’re the right age remain inside and order drinks. You get a beer, while the others in your group sip on vodka crans and ciders, and you all commandeer a table towards the raised dining area acting as the stage tonight.
At this specific location, karaoke can be anything. Throughout the night, you see people singing their hearts out to Disney, ABBA, and Fifth Harmony. Anything goes, and everyone is singing everything. It even comes down to a group of nearly thirty-somethings singing “I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 29” that leaves you in stitches as you sing along.
However, the song you sing hits a little bit more towards home than you expected.
This week has already been a little bit rough. You’ve been on your period, and you reminded yourself of your on-again-off-again feelings for someone back at home… Ben Jones. You’ve known each other since the earlier days of schooling, back when you were 10 years old and him 11. Over the years, it snuck on you slowly just how much you liked him. Your families get along, and have known each other just as long as you two have.
You don’t talk a lot, and most of that has to do with the fact you go to different universities.
But whenever you’re both home, you find yourselves sitting at a high-top at the local coffee shop or shoved into a tiny booth at a local restaurant to sit, eat, and talk for three hours at a time, at the very least. There’s no one else you’ve ever been able to do anything like this with, and that’s made a large impact on your love life.
Any attempt at a date with anyone else is a comparison to Ben.
So this week, karaoke. Right.
You sang Maroon 5’s “Payphone”, rather poorly but you kicked major ass at the rap (which no one expected), and you got to sing it while an old flame from freshman year was in the room.
“Whatever happened,” you wonder, “to those plans we made for two? A load of bullcrap.”
The crowd tapers off from the pub around 1 AM, as a pair of girls sing Madonna’s “Like a Prayer” and as your crew decides to venture into the cold drizzle to get late-night pizza. At this point, you’re tipsy, two of your friends are drunk, and the last two of your friends are sober.
The pizza parlor is packed with college students leaving other bars in groups of 5-6 and pack into booths with the steam still rising from slices of pizza. Your crew stands in the front and orders, then moves into a similar booth and get to talking about anything and everything.
And you get to talking about Ben, after talking about a different date you went on that was okay but clearly was no comparison to the boy you know from home.
“He’s just… everything I guess? My person?” your rambling begins.
“I don’t know, he’s just always been one of my good friends, he knows my family, he’s known me forever… If I’m still attracted to him after all his bad hair phases, I think that means something?” You bring up pictures on your phone too, trying to make the point that one you two would be so good looking together, and two he’s just so attractive to you and you absolutely have to show that off to anyone who will listen.
“Like, see?” They do.
The conversation moves forward after that, but you’re stuck. As you always have been.
You’re quiet the rest of the night, your thoughts stuck throughout the car ride back to campus.
As soon as you and your roommate walk through the door to your apartment, you book it to your bathroom; no longer shared after one of your other roommates moved out at the end of last semester.
Drunk you pees, then sits on your phone for five minutes, typing away on a caption for the finsta post you know Ben will have access to, but unsure if he’d ever read it.
i know you can see this and i hope i’m making this obvious enough. because here is where im most open, and if i don’t get it out now im afraid i wont. liquid courage. its you. it has been you since i realized i cant spend three hours with anyone else in a starbucks and get away with it. no one compares to you, and no one will. and i get you probably don’t feel the same. but if i don’t say anything i know ill regret it. youre the person i see when im singing all these dumb fucking love songs, and im sorry. and here i am, i guess. im sorry. ignore this, or maybe tell me what you think. im sorry.
You smash period and enter repeatedly so the block of text isn’t the focus of the finsta feed, and post.
It’s like in “We Bought a Zoo”. Twenty seconds of courage, even if it’s the liquid kind.
The next day sees no response from Ben, and you’re not surprised. He’s not on social media often enough, let alone that he’d actually see your drunk post. But you let it be, because you’re almost afraid to know what his response is.
A week passes by, and still nothing. Your friends are wondering about it too, and you have no updates for them.
And you’re too afraid to text him.
Friday night sees you driving four hours home, and mid-drive it appears.
[@yourfinsta] @bennieandthejones has liked your photo
And then, a text.
I think we need to talk. When are you home again?
Your heart pounds, and before you can think about it, you call him.
Within one ring, he picks up.
“I’m literally driving home right now. I have a busy day tomorrow, but I can squeeze you in at noon-ish. Lunch?” Your voice shakes a little, but then so does his.
“Um, yeah. Okay. Usual place?”
“Yeah, I think this calls for real food and ice cream.”
“Ok, I’ll see you then. And y/n?”
He pauses, hesitant and unsure of what he wants to say.
“Nevermind, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He hangs up, and your heart starts pounding again. That night at home, your sleep is rough but you make it through.
At 12:03, you arrive at the local diner you and Ben frequent when you catch up. He’s already sitting in a booth, wearing a maroon sweater and dark wash jeans. You slide into the bench opposite him.
“Hey.” You greet him.
“Greet” he says in response. An inside joke, a good start you suppose.
“So… I guess I have some explaining to do?” you ask, and he nods.
“It’s just… I want you to know I don’t want to force you into any of this. I was drunk and when I’m drunk, a lot of my feelings come out whether or not they should. And that’s what happened that night. And you’re stuck in this because of that. I’ve had these feelings on and off for years, which is why I never really pursued it. But recently… I felt those feelings really strongly, especially after I ended up on a date and then I realized that all I really wanted was for it to be you, and not this random grad student I went out with.” You take a deep breath.
“Long story short, I think I’ve liked you longer than I actually know. And not telling you was kind of killing me. Please respond.”
Ben looks at you very seriously, closed fists pressed against his chin and elbows propped up on the table. He takes a minute to think, and the minute starts to feel closer to an hour. He starts speaking slowly.
“Did you know”, he questions, “that I started having feelings for you back in high school? You were dating that kid from the high school in the town over, and I remember feeling this immense jealousy because it should have been me. That never went away, and I remember you two breaking up because college was looming and I knew that starting something wasn’t a good idea. I was leaving too, how could I ask you to start something when I was about to leave? And then you ended up going to school far away and I couldn’t ask you to tie yourself to me when there’s so much to experience. I took what I could get, and that was this. For us. I’m sorry.”
Your eyebrows furrow together.
“You have no reason to apologize here, you goof.” You look down at the table, skin flushing slightly. Ben makes his way from his side of the booth to yours and carefully puts one arm around your shoulder, while grasping at your hand with his open one.
“I’m apologizing for not doing this sooner,” he mumbles, gazing at your lips before looking back into your eyes. “Is this okay?”
You nod yes, and verbally confirm.
“I’m good, yeah.” You whisper, leaning in closer towards him. You two are still maintaining eye contact, and your heart is pounding.
He leans in quickly, pressing his lips against yours briefly before pulling away. His lips were softer than you expected, and they were sweet too.
“Still good?” he asks, arm still around you and with no apparent plans to move back to the other side of the booth.
“More than, yeah.” A small smile is on your face, cheeks flushed and slightly bashful. You’ve never been one for PDA, and this was more than enough for you.
“Good. Where does this put us then?”
“Together, I think.”
“I like the sound of that.”
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gripefroot · 3 years
The Milan Job
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The first thing Bucky notices about Stark’s Milan penthouse is that there are no doors. 
Well, there’s a door to the bathroom. But there’s not a single bedroom - the main part of the loft is open and surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the city, and a set of glass stairs lead up to a balcony where a half-dozen bunks are lined up neatly, beds made and looking pristine. 
Bucky hates it.  
“Are we serious about this right now?” Sam blurts, rolling his suitcase in as he stares at the balcony. “Because I did not come prepared to listen to Steve snoring for the next four nights.” 
“I don’t snore,” Steve protests, walking in behind Sam. He takes a look at the sleeping arrangements, and grimaces.  
“Wear ear plugs,” Tony says from the open kitchen, where he’s mixing himself a drink. “All the hotels are booked for fashion week - this is all we got last minute. For the record, it’s normally just a king-sized bed up there, because Pep and I don’t usually invite guests to our vacation homes. If you don’t like the bunks, we can switch it out and get sleeping bags.” 
“Oh, a sleepover!” Your gushing voice enters the penthouse next, trailed by Natasha. Bucky presses his lips together as he runs his fingers through his five-hour-flight hair, wanting to joke with you but feeling rather constrained in the setting.  
So much for mission sex.  
“I don’t believe you for a minute,” Nastasha slides her sunglasses up on her face, arching a brow at Tony. “If you wanted to get us hotel rooms, you could have.” 
“Maybe,” Tony says with a sly shrug. “But this is like a team-building activity. Six adults, one bathroom. If we can make it through this, we can make it through anything.” 
“So no hot dates, Sammy,” you tease, wandering over to admire the city view. “A city chock full of models, and you’re on a chastity leash.” 
“Aw, c’mon, 28,” Sam protests, as Natasha sniggers and even Bucky cracks a smile. That open bar Tony has stocked is looking mighty fine. “Where’s your imagination?” 
You turn, back to the windows as you send Sam a sly smile - your eyes flicker to Bucky. There’s a funny feeling in the region of his stomach, and he smiles back. 
“I wonder,” you say woefully.  
“This place is tiny,” Natasha reports, measuring her strides from one wall to the next. “Are you even allowed to have six people here?” 
“You don’t call the fire marshal on my penthouse, and I won’t call the police on those knives you snuck through security,” Tony deadpans, taking a sip of his drink.  
Natasha rolls her eyes. 
“Anyways, we’ll have a briefing tomorrow morning from my friend,” Tony adds, striding around the bar and into the living space. You’re still standing there, arms crossed, and Bucky fancies that you’ve been admiring his behind. Makes him wanna wiggle it, just to hear you laugh. Can’t do that here. “Then we start our patrols in the evening. White tie, remember.” 
Bucky remembers. He’d packed the tuxedo Stark had made him buy two years ago when he’d first joined the Avengers.  
“This place is whack,” Sam complains. “What’s the use in keeping an eye on bad guys if I’m being suffocated by a bow tie?” 
For once, Bucky agrees with Sam. 
“I don’t remember you telling us white tie,” you interrupt, attention now on Tony as a little frown forms between your brows. Still cute. “I brought my normal gear.” 
If we’d packed together like we normally do, I could’ve reminded you, Bucky thinks, but doesn’t say.  
“Milan Fashion Week has strict dress codes,” Stark explains. “All security is in Armani, minimum.” 
“Does Pepper keep a suit here I could borrow?” you ask.  
“No, because when I bring Pepper to Milan, she’s not on duty.” 
Bucky sees Steve’s face pinch and his ears turn bright red all the way across the room - and the temptation to laugh is quickly smothered into a cough.  
“Come on, 28, we can go shopping,” Natasha suggests. “Scope out the town. Rustle up some food. Leave these bozos in this shoebox to smell each other’s breath.” 
“Excellent idea.” Your smile is beaming. Bucky feels like scowling - losing you already? Not fair. And he’s stuck with Steve and Sam and Tony - even worse. He doesn’t support this idea, not one bit.  
He supports it about fifty minutes later, when his phone dings and he gets a text from you: a picture taken in a fitting room, involving a red dress that shows off your legs and thigh holster - a little coy smile on your face, as if daring him in some way or another.  
Bucky coughs, nearly launching himself off the couch where he’s been lounging since you left. His face feels like it’s burning. Quickly he shuts off the screen, and tucks it back in his pocket.  
“So, long story short, he fixed up my jacket and I gave him a bottle of whisky, and we’ve been friends ever since,” Tony explains of his friend Auernon. “Gave him a ref to get into fashion school, and so here we are. It stands to reason he would call upon an old friend when those bomb threats started rolling in…” 
Bucky’s phone dings again. He’s gonna have to silence it. But curiosity overwhelming his caution, Bucky pulls it out of his pocket ever so slightly, staring at the picture that pops up. A teal dress this time, one that flows to the floor but shows off your shoulders. That smirk in the mirror - to die for. You know what you’re doing. He gulps thickly.  
“Sorry,” he mutters, aware of Steve’s eyes on him. Quickly he shuts off the sound, adjusting the way he’s sitting ever so slightly as he pretends to be interested in Tony’s story.  
The phone vibrates another half-dozen times. A velvet burgundy suit, with a slit in the white blouse down to your navel. A gold ball-gown, regretfully captioned with ‘can’t take down bad guys in this.’ An emerald green number that Bucky supposes is meant to look old-fashioned, with a bright-pink petticoat showing beneath the hemline. It makes his mouth water, thinking of getting his head beneath that skirt… 
Anyway, Bucky didn’t listen to a word of the conversation. 
Six hours later and the skyline is getting dark, Stark has ordered a dozen pizzas (ten and a half of which are gone), and you and Natasha finally return. There’s a bustling of bags and packages, and giggles, and when you stride into the kitchen to dump a tower of boxes on the counter, a complaint: 
“You guys only saved us anchovies?” you protest. “Rude.” 
“Double rude,” Natasha agrees. “Would be a shame if those fishes slithered into certain pillows, tonight.” 
It’s been long enough since your last photo that Bucky is comfortable enough to stand - which he does, carrying his plate into the kitchen as he eyes you up and down. There had been no indication which dress you had bought - and by the sparkle in your eye as you meet his for the tiniest moment, Bucky can’t help but feel a sliver of anticipation.  
“Sheesh, you buy enough to outfit the entire team?” Sam asks, refilling his drink as he pokes around some boxes. 
“Nope. White tie at a fashion show is no joke,” you inform him.  
“That’s true,” Natasha says. “Just don’t tell the Depression Grandpas how much you spent. We’ll be up all night arguing economics and moralities.” 
“Since we’ll all be up all night listening to Steve snore, anyway,” you joke.  
Bucky leans over, trying to peer into a bag - but you reach over and snap it shut.  
“Nice try, Barnes,” you way warningly. “But that’s private.” 
He likes the sound of that.  
“Did you call me a ‘depression grandpa’?” Steve asks with a frown, moving towards the kitchen as well. “What’s that supposed to mean, Nat?” 
“Only that you’re stingy.” 
“Cheap,” you add. 
“Obsessively frugal.” 
“Tacaño,” Sam offers, and the room silences. At the confused glances his way, he shrugs. “Four years of high school Spanish, baby.” 
“28 spent nine hundred euros on her dress alone,” Natasha informs the group at large.  
“Nat! I told you not to tell!” you protest, but you’re laughing at the general shocked outcry. Now Bucky has to see the dress - it had better be worth it.  
“Was that really necessary?” Steve asks, brows furrowed. Bucky answers in his head: yes, and he hasn’t even seen the dress yet.  
“Wow, even I’m shocked,” Sam says.  
“When in Milan,” Tony calls over from the living area. “Nice work, 28. I look forward to seeing it.” 
“At least someone’s supportive,” you say tartly, sending Steve and Sam (and Natasha) all severe glares. Then your eyes land on Bucky - he quirks a brow, ready. “And doesn’t Grandpa Two have any reprimands for me?” you ask sweetly. Bucky interprets this as, “Did you like the pictures I sent?” 
“Several,” he says, when in fact meaning, “Thanks for the public boner, babe.” 
Your smile stretches across your face as Sam starts to snicker.  
“You could’ve fed three families with that cash for a year in my time,” Bucky begins. His intended response: “I just wanna eat you up right now.” 
“Times have changed,” you point out, and he sees the glint in your eyes: “I wouldn’t complain in the slightest.” 
“Still could’ve done something better with that money. Donated it. Saved it.” Bucky is grinning, hoping you hear the hint: “When are you gonna let me take it off of you?” 
“I suppose,” you allow. “But I needed a dress, and now I have something to wear to all future work functions.” Oh, he loves this playing. He knows exactly what you mean. 
Bucky is so ready. To show you how much he enjoyed those pictures, to wrap his fingers around Tony’s throat for booking lodging with no freaking doors. 
“Can we see it, at least?” Sam asks.  
You grin, and pick up the boxes to take up the stairs. “You’re gonna have to wait for the mission, Wilson.” 
Oof. Bucky doesn’t like that. Without any privacy, he’s going to have to wait, too.
He hates this mission. 
The next evening’s security set-up at the catwalk doesn’t lessen Bucky’s disgust. Sam was right about the bowties - Bucky is sliding his index finger beneath his collar every ten seconds just to try to get some air. Not that the air is any good, anyway; it stinks like too many people and too much perfume. There’s sweat on the back of his neck, and the com device in his ear isn’t staying put. He can still hear Stark’s voice, though. Hard to ignore, unfortunately.   
“Can we please try not to kill anyone today?” Tony sounds peeved. “I know you’re scowling, Barnes. This is my friend’s first show and no one wants a bomb.”
“Well, you’re no fun,” Natasha says sardonically. “You mean I don’t get to use my knife for anything more exciting than cutting grapes?” 
“I want a bomb,” says your voice, stationed somewhere else. Bucky suppresses a sigh. “I haven’t seen a single suspicious person. This is boring.” 
“Keep your eyes up, 28,” Tony barks. “No jokes.”
“Wow, this must be serious,” Natasha says dryly. “Stark can’t take a joke. Oh wait - he never can.” 
There are grumbles from Sam in agreement. A trace smile flicks at Bucky’s lips - but he continues to stand stoically, eyes on the opposite wall as frivolously dressed models and uptight makeup and hair artists follow them around. There’s at least four people crying; someone is shouting, and he’s pretty sure that girl that just walked past in towering heels has a sprained ankle. Too late to back out of the show, though.  
“Aerials are clear,” Sam reports.  
“Parking and valet are clear,” Steve next.  
“Sitting in the audience is the most boring job,” Natasha states. 
“Once I finish with Auernon, I’ll swap you,” Stark says.  
“Basement is clear,” you say.  
“Backstage is terrible,” Bucky mutters, hopefully not loud enough that anyone near him can hear.  
“I’ll trade with you, Tin-man,” Sam jokes. “I’ll take models over electricians.” 
“Let Bucky stay,” you insist. “He needs a date more than you do, Sammy.” 
Wow. Just, wow. Bucky’s face is burning, but he’s struggling to suppress a smile, too. “I can get a date on my own, thanks,” he growls, and there are snickers audible from Sam and Nat. And you.  
“Which means he won’t,” Steve clarifies.  
“Ten minutes to showtime,” Stark snaps. “Stop bantering and do your jobs.” There’s a fizzle, and a click. Stark has left the conversation.  
“Wow, tetchy much?” Natasha snarks. 
There’s static in Bucky’s ear - he winces, and then your voice, whispered, comes through: “I got us a different frequency, Buck. We’re muted to the team.” 
“Wow,” he murmurs back, impressed. “You must be bored if you’re fiddling with electronics.” 
“And you’re having such a great time, huh?”  
“No. I miss you,” Bucky says, and his voice is petulant - he doesn’t care. The night before had been awful; not just Steve’s snoring and Sam’s sighing and tossing and turning and Stark’s annoying watch lighting up practically the entire loft - but Bucky had been able to watch your bunk all night, but powerless to do anything. Not even to say anything. Yes, he’s grumpy - and he’s not even sorry.  
“Oh, baby,” you sigh. “Don’t worry about that. The show’s about to start.” 
“What does that have to do with anything?”  
“You’ll see.” 
Bucky likes the sound of that - and he’s smiling like a dope as models run off last minute towards the blaring music and flashing lights of the state. There’s still crying from inside the make-up room. It’s making his head hurt.  
A voice can be heard from the main stage area now, jabbering in Italian over the speakers. Bucky doesn’t care to listen, so he doesn’t. Absently he turns to walk down the hall, peer down a corridor, take note of no bombs, and return to his place.  
Boring. Completely boring. 
No, not boring at all - exciting! Enticing! Captivating! Bucky’s jaw drops as he catches sight of you moving down the hall towards him, shaking back your coiffed hair as your lips curl into a smile. Forget the show. Forget the mission. This. This.  
You had not sent him a picture of this particular dress - Bucky would’ve remembered it. Dark blue and glittering like stars with glitter all over - or whatever fashion people use to make dresses glitter - swooshing on the ground and showing off at every other step...a slit on the side, showing off your leg, and which goes… 
...all the way up to your hip.  
Bucky is drooling by the time you pause in front of him, his clasped hands covering his crotch and your eyes sparkling brighter than the glitter. Hands on your hips, and he drags his eyes away from the skin of your thigh. You must be wearing the holster on your other leg...he wants to find that out first hand.  
“Worth a thousand dollars?” you purr.  
“A million,” Bucky says, his voice thick and rough. “I want my head under there so bad - ” 
“Bucky!” you interrupt with a laugh. “Save it for when we’re alone.” 
“And when will that be?” he growls back. “Stark’s dumb penthouse - ” 
But you don’t give him a chance to finish that rant - winding your fingers through his, you arch a brow in challenge and start to lead him down the hall away from the show.  
Yep. Forget the mission.  
“I’ve had a chance to scope things out,” you say over your shoulder with a grin. “Security here is pretty pathetic.” 
“Not surprised,” Bucky says, but he doesn’t want to talk about security. He’s watching how you swerve and sway and sparkle and he wants his hands all over you about five minutes ago -  
A metal door. You punch in a key code - and it swings open.  
“Supply closet,” you whisper, dragging him inside and it clangs shut. “All the seamstresses have been sent off to the next designer. We’re safe here, for about twenty minutes. ‘Til the end of the show.” 
Bucky is tracing around the curve of your waist and hips - not as smooth as your skin, but that dress. “Enough time,” he mutters, dipping his head to nip at the soft flesh of your neck and throat.  
“Bucky…” It’s a sigh, and makes heat rush through his middle. His favorite noise in the world. “Don’t mess up my dress. I spent big money on this.” 
“My reckless girl.” He trails hot kisses up your jaw, loving the way your softness melts into his arms. “Spending so much money on something that can get ripped up.” 
“Buck, don’t you dare!” 
“I was speaking generally.” 
Your eyes are sparkling as he pulls away, grinning at your beaming smile. His metal hand slides between that slit in your skirt, and he nearly groans at how hot and smooth your thigh feels.  
“Babe,” he says huskily, lips ghosting over yours as he tastes your breath. The tips of his fingers find lace blocking his way, and he nearly growls again.  
“Bucky,” you coo back, your own hands tracing a pattern along the lapels of his jacket before moving lower. And lower. And finding his very apparent reaction to your appearance. Sucking in a breath, Bucky finds that his blood is rushing almost unbearably hot, his vision tunneling. Without thinking he gives the lace a tug, and it snaps apart in his fingers as you blink in surprise.  
“Bucky!” you say, scolding now even as you laugh. “I didn’t bring a spare pair.” 
“Don’t care.” He tosses the ruined underwear over his shoulder, and steps forward until your back is against the concrete walls, eyes daring, and his thigh between your legs.  
“So much for going fast,” you tease. “You could be here all night, huh?” 
“Yup. You too?” 
“Uh huh.” You slide down the zipper of his trousers, eyes never leaving his as he twitches painfully.  
“Without messing up our clothes?” Bucky grumbles.  
“We’ll manage,” you promise, your breath hot on his lips. That’s enough for him - he dives back in for a kiss, tongue tracing yours as he pushes back the rest of your skirt, tracing up your thigh holster as his throat closes over entirely.  
“Babe,” he grunts, and as his trousers are pushed down to his knees, he hoists you up around the hips so that your feet are dangling, and your lip is caught between your teeth as your legs wrap around his waist.  
“You really do like my dress, don’t you?” you purr, eyes all dark in the dim light. “Show me, Bucky. Show me how much you want me; how much it kills you we can’t be alone in the penthouse.” 
A challenge. He likes that.  
A little more roughly now, your back is pressed against the wall as Bucky guides himself into your already wet, heated core. His legs nearly gives out - but with a grunt he thrusts inside, and your eyes flutter shut with a whisper of a moan. Then the worst possible sound reaches his ears, and your eyes pop back open.  
R - i - i - i - p. 
Horrified, Bucky looks down - the slit hovering to your waist now where your skirt is riding up, is about an inch longer than it was earlier. He can see three or four popped seams, and he swallows.  
“Shh.” He buries his face into your sweet-smelling neck, rocking into you as your thighs tighten around his hips. “I’ll buy you a new one, babe.” 
A husky laugh from your throat, turned to a lengthy moan as Bucky speeds up. Can’t really help it, at this point.  
“You sure you wanna spend money on that?” you gasp, fingers tight on his collar.  
He manages somehow to choke out, “I only spend money on necessities. And you, in this dress, is more important than oxygen right now.”  
Bucky is sounding like a clumsy idiot, he knows - but your giggle in his ear is worth it. Then there’s no more energy for teasing; he’s about ready to explode, and your breasts are heaving as you breathe, sharpening and growing louder and -  
This time, his legs really do give out - with a grunt and a curse, Bucky’s arm tightens around your waist as he falls to his knees, dragging you down the wall as you laugh. Figures. But he’s spent and a little drained, and doesn’t move for a minute. No, he’s happy to taste the salty arousal on your throat, careful to leave no marks, as you pulse around his extra-sensitive bits, your fingers caressing the back of his neck, his ears, his jaw… 
“Bucky…” a sigh, and your lips are on his cheeks. He grunts in response - he can hear the distant clamor of the show, but he doesn’t care one bit. Even if someone were to walk in right at that moment, he wouldn’t be the least bit bothered - unless it was Sam, of course. Bucky would not be ashamed for anyone else to know how lucky he is to have the best girl in the world, who wants him. Anyway, they’d probably be jealous, anyway.  
“My dress,” you say mournfully after a few more moments, and regretfully Bucky pulls away from sniffing your hair, and examines the damage.  
It’s really not bad. The slit is just higher than it’s meant to be, and without your underwear, a little too revealing. Well, a lot, in Bucky’s opinion. No one else needs to see you but him. He frowns as bit as he smooths over the torn seams before holding out a hand to help you to your feet.  
“Wait,” he says, a sudden idea striking. Hurriedly he tugs back up his trousers, striding over to one of the many shelves. It takes only a half-second to find what he needs, and belt hanging loose, he kneels down in front of you and yanks a needle and some dark blue thread from the little case.  
“Didn’t know you could sew,” you tease, and he pokes the thread through the needle.  
“Used to repair my own clothes all the time,” Bucky replies easily. “Ma made me start doing it when I was eight. Got sick of reattaching buttons and fixing skidded knees. Then in the army, didn’t have much choice if I didn’t want a brisk Russian breeze ‘round my privates.” 
“Well, it’s kind of you to make amends for ruining my dress.” 
Bucky snorts, tugging the seams back together as you stand absolutely still. It’s an easy repair - only takes about two minutes until you’re appropriately covered again, and he smirks in satisfaction. And then slides the skirt aside again, to kiss your soft thigh several times in further amends.  
“Hey,” you half-protest, laughing softly as he moves closer to your center - he doesn’t even care that you’re still hazy and loopy. He could drink you up all day.  
“You wear this dress, you’d better be ready for me,” Bucky says matter-of-factly. “This is serious.” 
“So serious.” 
You’re salty on his tongue, and your voice sweet in his ears and Bucky is sure his trousers are gonna get a little dirty on the knees but he doesn’t care, and -  
He pulls away, licking his lips as he tilts his head to listen. Already you’ve stiffened, a hand on his shoulder for support as the tromping sound of several heavy bootsteps are heard outside the door.  
“Doesn’t sound like models,” you whisper. Bucky is already doing back up his belt as he stands.  
“Finish later?” he asks lightly, as blaring alarms start to sound, along with shouts and screams. Your lips curl into a feral smile, and you whip back your skirt to tug out your little pistol.  
“I’ll hold you to that, Barnes. Bad guys first.” 
Bucky smirks, and yanks open the door.  
It’s a sunny morning at Avengers Tower two weeks later; you’ve been enjoying a lazy breakfast with Natasha (Bucky is in the gym, unfortunately), when one of the peons from downstairs comes up the elevator with a massive white box, wrapped in pearl-sheened ribbon and a tidy, though enormous bow. “That must be for me,” Natasha says, hopping down from her stool at the kitchen bar. 
“Agent 28,” the peon says, reddening slightly.  
Oh! A surprise. You stand to take the box from the peon, who is breathing heavily as they return to the elevator. A smile tugs at your lips as you give the box a once-over.  
“They scan for bombs and other tech downstairs,” Nat informs you.  
“A perk of living here, really,” you joke, tracing your fingers over the ribbon. “That and all the pizza Stark buys.” 
Natasha peers over your shoulder. “Well, what is it? Let’s see.”
“I really don’t know,” you admit. “Wasn’t expecting anything.” 
With a swoosh and a swipe, the knife at your waist has cut through the ribbon. Absently you push it away, sliding the knife back into its holster. The lid slides up easily, and a crinkle of tissue paper makes your heart skip a beat as Natasha gasps.  
Folded neatly beneath the layers of tissue - burgundy layers of chiffon and silk with a high-end brand stitched into the nape of the neck. Very impressive. As your heart begins to hammer in your chest, you bite your lip and tug out a thin white card tucked inside the blouse. Typed in 12-point Arial font, probably on any old computer, reads: 
You laugh. 
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movietvtechgeeks · 6 years
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'Supernatural' Various & Sundry Villains: Kill Your Darlings
Okay, I’m going to be upfront, I was ready to be super underwhelmed by last week’s Supernatural episode “Various & Sundry Villains.” All of the promotion focused on the love spell, and frankly, we’ve been there, done that. In fact, I’m shocked that showrunner Andrew Dabb let this pitch go to script given that he wrote the controversial episode “Season 7 Time for a Wedding”, an episode that I can honestly say has only one truly redeeming quality: Leslie Odom, Jr. was in it. While this was arguably derivative of that episode, giving this the go ahead was risky on Dabb’s part. It paid off for writer, Steve Yockey, because this love spell outing was much better than the last. In the opening of this episode we meet the Plum sisters, and I hate to say this, but despite watching this episode three times I don’t actually remember their first names and I could barely tell them apart anyway, so we’ll just call the one Dean “falls in love with” Harley Quinn and the other one we’ll call… Harley Quinn’s little sister? Yeah, sure, why not? Between the cutesy valley girl verbiage and the bloody sledgehammer, I’m sure we were supposed to get an Arkham Asylum vibe off these two. At least, I really hope that was the intention. I’ll be honest, I was not impressed with these characters and I’m not sure if it was off writing, off casting, or off directing, but they felt really forced. From their overly stereotypical Millenial way of speaking to their overtly blatant mirroring of Sam and Dean (yes, we get it, one is younger and brainy, they other is older and protective, they’re obsessed with their dead mom and it could go badly, was that a hammer they were using or an anvil?) the Plum sisters, unlike their Winchester counterparts, came off as grating. Maybe they were supposed to? Again, I hope so. I will say that as a horror buff I enjoyed the return of Rowena’s mad dog spell and the demise of the Plum sisters at each other’s hands. I saw a lot of people say it was too much, too gratuitous, too gory. And perhaps it was, but given the movies I regularly watch and enjoy, well, I embraced it. While I will say I’m glad the love spell portion of the episode was short-lived, it’s always fun to see Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki show off their comedy elbow chops; Ackles with the perfectly timed glibness he brings to Dean Winchester and Padalecki’s Sam Winchester, ever the earnest Abbott to Ackles’ Costello, was subtle, stoic faced gold. Ackles and Padalecki got to play off each other magnificently in this episode; from Dean walking in practically floating on a love cloud, to Sam trying desperately to remind Dean they’ve been down this weird love spell road before, to Ackles’ delivery of “‘cause she’s got a sister”, to their tussle in front of the Impala (though, dang, these boys horseplay hard given the butt dent Sam left on the hood after Dean rushed him) the two actors smoothly show how well they work together no matter the material. But the star of this episode was Rowena. Her entrance was stellar, and she stole every scene. Ruth Connell is delightful in this role and for the most part (we’ll get to that later) I was glad to see her back because I was sorry to lose her last season, especially in such a cheap, off-screen way. I’m hard-pressed to fall for new characters, but Rowena is one that I really enjoy. Connell was able to give us comedy and tragedy in this episode, going from snark to desperation fluidly. I also have to give Steve Yockey heaps of credit for having Rowena not only ask about Crowley but allowing her to have an outburst about his death. Hearing her say that she’d rather have him alive than to have died a hero hit really close to home given that the lack of Mark Sheppard as Crowley has been quite the gaping hole this season. Take a note from Yockey, other writers, because I’m still waiting for Castiel to ask about Meg… Speaking of Castiel, he and Lucifer were locked up. Now they aren’t. And like, they had a whole big penis to penis measurement contest and Castiel for some reason tried to hurt Lucifer by telling him that Jack doesn’t even look like him, which… um, Lucifer is in the image of a seasons dead vessel so, of course, he doesn’t look like him. And also, when did you get to know so much about Jack, Castiel? I think maybe the writer accidentally gave Misha Collins some of Sam’s lines to say. If I sound like I was less than moved by any of these scenes, it’s because I wasn’t. The scenes weren’t objectively bad or anything, and not only has Mark Pellegrino has found his footing as Lucifer again, but he and Collins play extremely well off each other. Unfortunately, their scenes simply didn’t mesh well with the “A” plot and the dichotomy crashed the episode’s momentum. Although, I did enjoy both characters reminding each other what untrustworthy, hypocritical screw-ups both have been. Again, I appreciate it when Supernatural is self-aware like that because fallibility gives depth and interest. Now, you didn’t think I was going to review this episode and not talk about Sam and Rowena sharing their trauma, did you? Because that was a scene that many Supernatural fans have waited years for. In season 11, Sam was forced to not only work with Lucifer, but he had to allow Lucifer into his home, into his room, and wasn’t allowed to voice any grievances about it and while Padalecki did a phenomenal job adding little twitches and moments of tight body language and subtle distance, it was all too obvious that the writers were wary of taking Sam’s trauma seriously because at the time Lucifer was possessing Castiel’s body and the “Cassifer" version of Lucifer was played mostly as a joke throughout that entire arc, nothing but a bratty teenager throwing a tantrum, while Sam Winchester, the boy who had every reason to rip into both Lucifer and God, just stood on the sidelines silently like he was totally fine. But he wasn’t, he hasn’t been, and watching Sam and Rowena both delve into the trauma and abuse they experienced at Lucifer’s hand was fantastically written and acted. Yockey was able to give the characters just enough for them to convey, through their tone, inflections, and facial expressions how much they were, no are, broken by the Devil himself. Having them both admit to seeing Lucifer’s real face, while giving no descriptive details was brilliant. Both Padalecki and Connell were able to communicate to the audience how horrific it was for their characters without any unnecessary detail. Such a great “show, don’t tell” moment; it’s so much more frightening for the viewer to fill in the blanks. And Sam explaining that it isn’t that he’s okay, it’s that he never gets the chance to fully deal with his trauma because the world is always falling apart was both heartbreaking and much needed, not only for Sam to say it but for the audience to hear it. At the end of this episode we got to see the other side of the Ackles/Padalecki chemistry, their ability to rip your heart out, when Sam and Dean have a frank discussion back at the bunker about what to do going forward. Dean knowing that Sam gave Rowena the spell she wanted and instead of yelling and belittling him, he’s simply honest and direct with him and doesn’t question Sam when he says that if Rowena played him again, he’ll personally kill her. It was also good to hear Sam be open with Dean about how defeated he feels, about how he tried to mask that with conviction and hope, but that he can’t fake it til he makes it anymore. And while Dean’s words of encouragement and confidence may seemingly ring hollow to Sam, it’s not because Sam doesn’t have faith in Dean, it’s that right now he can’t see where Dean is coming from. Dean knows, because characters have told him for years, how important he and Sam are, how they keep this world spinning, but Sam has never heard it directly, not from God, not from Amara, not from Death, not from Billie. Those declarations have only been uttered to Dean and then conveyed by Dean to Sam, so Dean knows that they’ll figure out a way, that it’s basically destiny and Sam has no choice but to take Dean’s word for it. I could go on and on about the isolation of Sam Winchester, but that’s an article for a different day. [caption id="attachment_53290" align="aligncenter" width="696"] Photo: Home of the Nutty[/caption] Overall, this was a mytharc episode done well, slightly overstuffed as most mytharc episodes are, but coherent and well paced with a fantastic blend of horror, levity, and angst. That said, the last thing I want to touch on for this episode is something that was absolutely no fault of the writer, Steve Yockey, but I think is an increasing problem on Supernatural; the element of surprise is gone, as are the stakes. Supernatural was once known as a show where rocks fell, and everyone died. It was also a show where Jim Beaver once hid his reprisal of Bobby Singer by trying to convince fandom that he was in Vancouver shooting an abominable snowman movie so that his return to the show wasn’t spoiled Fast forward just a few years and the cast, crew, and network PR are spoiling character reveals weeks, even months in advance. Instead of being shocked by Rowena’s return we all went into this episode waiting for her appearance, and while we saw Castiel stab Lucifer with an angel blade; saw the red light go out of Lucifer’s eyes; it’s all for naught. Lucifer is the focus of the promo that aired right after the episode, and the synopsis for the next episode lays out exactly what he’ll be up to. Even last season finale, no one believed Castiel was actually permanently dead. Hell, it took Mark Sheppard declaring that he refuses to ever reprise his role for fans to believe Crowley was truly dead. No stakes means no emotional payoff. No secrecy means no shock and awe. Take a page from some of the greats, Supernatural, including yourself: what’s dead should stay dead, so kill your darlings and if you must bring them back, stop telegraphing their returns. Check out this week's Supernatural Devil's Bargain trailer above.
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timetogoslumming · 7 years
another fluffy little sprace oneshot for you! 
race finds out that spot missed out on a vital part of childhood. 
For the first few weeks that they were dating, Spot never saw Race’s apartment. It just made sense for them- Spot lived alone, and Race’s roommates could be a little bit intense. One evening, though, after they had gone out for pizza, Spot was clearly uncomfortable as they walked back toward his apartment.
“Don’t you live like, a block from here?” he asked.
Spot worried his bottom lip between his teeth for a minute. “Okay, I don’t want to tell you this-” he started.
Race looked down at him, concerned. “What is it?”
“I really have to use the bathroom,” Spot said. “Can we please just go back to your place tonight? I really don’t want to walk the rest of the way back to mine holding it.”
“Oh, my god. Fine.” They took a left at the corner and were quickly back to Race’s building. Spot stepped back while Race unlocked the door. “Just… sorry in advance about my roommates,” he started. “They’re kinda- anyway, they’re probably going to interrogate you.”
But his worries, as it turned out, were unfounded. The apartment was empty. Jack, he assumed had gone to Davey’s- he had been doing that a lot lately- and Albert just sort of disappeared sometimes. He would be gone for days at a time, then come back saying he had run out for a bagel. Race knew him well enough to know not to question it. Al would probably come up with a story about being abducted by aliens or something if he asked too many questions.
“My bathroom’s the one at the end of the hall,” Race said, pointing, and Spot walked, a little bit too quickly to be casual, toward it.
“You have a space shower curtain?” Spot yelled from inside.
“Yes! Don’t judge me!”
Race wandered aimlessly around the kitchen while he waited for Spot, eventually starting up the Keurig for a cup of coffee. Not too long after, the toilet flushed, the sink ran for a minute, and Spot emerged, looking much calmer. “Little late for coffee, isn’t it?” he asked.
Race shrugged. “No such thing as too late. Besides, caffeine calms me down.”
“Fair enough. Show me your room. I want to see if you’re as big of a nerd as I think you are.”
Race led Spot to his room and stood awkwardly in the doorway as Spot looked around at his various posters and photos on the wall. He occasionally asked who someone in a picture was, and Race would answer, but aside from that, it was mostly silent. Race had learned when they first got together that Spot liked to know his surroundings like the back of his hand. Unfamiliar spaces made him nervous, so he took the time to thoroughly explore every new place he found himself in. “Why do you have four calculators?” Spot asked, pointing at the stack of advanced graphing calculators on Race’s desk.
“In case three break,” Race replied, only half kidding.
Spot stopped at Race’s bookshelf, picking up a ratty teddy bear, which had once been white and was now a sort of greyish-brown. He held the bear up to Race with his eyebrows raised. “Really? You still have a teddy bear?”
Race made a grab for the bear, but Spot was faster and yanked it out of reach. “Fuck off,” Race said. “I got him when I was a baby.”
“It’s a him, huh?”
Race grabbed for the bear again, but this time, Spot let him have it. “Yes, he’s a him,” Race replied, smoothing the bear’s fur, which had gotten sort of patchy in old age. “His name is Barney, in case you were wondering. But seriously, everyone still has some kind of stuffed animal.”
“Not me,” Spot replied, taking a seat on the end of Race’s bed. “But then, I never really had any.”
“What do you mean?” Race asked absently as he carefully placed Barney the Bear back on his shelf.
“Never had like, a teddy bear or anything.”
Race spun around so fast that his neck cracked a bit. “What, never?” he asked. “Not even when you were little?”
Spot shrugged. “Nah.”
“Well, when your mom is in prison and your dad thinks that kind of stuff is too sissy, you don’t get a whole lot of teddy bears.”
A pang of sadness hit Race straight in the heart. “That’s… really shitty. Every kid needs a teddy bear. Or something. I think Al had a stuffed fish, but still. Seriously, what are you doing tomorrow?”
“Uh… nothing?”
“We’re getting you a teddy bear.”
Spot shook his head. “We really don’t need to-”
“We’re going.”
The next day, after a long lie-in in bed and a massive breakfast at IHOP, Race dragged Spot to the mall, making a beeline for the Build a Bear Workshop. Spot stopped just outside, staring at the display of Pokemon in the window. “Race, I really don’t want to do this.”
“Too bad. Every kid needs a teddy bear,” Race replied, shoving Spot inside.
“I’m twenty-two.”
“Yeah. We’re making up for twenty-two years of lost time.”
Inside, Race pointed to the wall of stuffed animals, telling Spot to choose the one he liked best. Slowly, they walked along the line, occasionally picking up a bear to make a joke. “This one looks like you,” he said, gesturing to a garish tie-dyed cat.
“Shut up,” Race replied, picking up one that was meant to look like the Beast from Beauty and the Beast, but really just looked like a mistake. “This one looks like you.”
Finally, though, Spot settled on a classic teddy bear with fur the same color as Race’s hair, although neither of them made that connection out loud. An overly cheery teenage employee rushed over. “Are you ready to bring your bear to life?” she asked.
“Uh… sure,” Spot replied.
“Okay!” she enthused. “Come choose a heart for your friend!” She gestured to a huge bowl of red hearts.
“That’s… not necessary.” The employee started to protest, and Race nudged Spot. “Okay, fine.” He grabbed a heart at random.
“Great!” Race was beginning to suspect that the girl was a robot built by Build a Bear’s corporate headquarters. “Now warm the heart in your hands!” Spot hesitantly closed his hands around the red heart. “Good! And now whisper a wish to your bear’s heart.”
Spot jerked his head up. “You’re joking. Do I really look like the kind of guy who whispers wishes to little hearts? Who do you think-” “Dude,” Race said, interrupting him. “Will you just… be cool?”
“Fine,” Spot snapped. He brought the heart up to his hands. “I wish for cheap booze and good sex,” he whispered with a grin, quietly enough that Race and the employee couldn’t make it out.
“Now seal it with a kiss!” the girl said perkily. Spot bitterly gave the heart a quick kiss.
“What’d you wish for?” Race asked.
“Oh, no!” scolded the employee. “If he tells you, it won’t come true!” “Yeah, Race. I can’t tell you,” Spot confirmed with a smirk.
The poor girl helped them stuff the bear, but was quickly rebuked when she suggested that Spot give it a hug test to see if it was full enough, and then weakly suggested that they give the bear a bath.
Spot stared at her, slackjawed. “Give it a what?”
“A bath,” she replied, pointing toward a blue trough shaped vaguely like a dog groomer’s tub.
Spot held up the bear, which had just been stitched up. “This is a stuffed animal. It’s not real. I just bought it. Are you telling me this bear isn’t clean?”
“Spot,” Race hissed.
“It’s not really water,” the employee responded.
Spot nodded. “Okay, great. Can we pretend for a minute that I’m an adult and don’t want to give a stuffed animal an imaginary bath?”
The employee actually rolled her eyes, her robot exterior cracking. “Go pick out clothes or something,” she said dully, gesturing to a wall of clothes.
As soon as they were by the wall, and the employee had gone back to the register, Race nudged Spot. “Why are you so mean?” he asked quietly.
“I’m not mean,” Spot replied as he looked through tiny outfits. “This is stupid.” As he dug through the clothes, he froze and did a double take, looking back at Race. “Hey, look,” Spot said. “It’s your shirt.”
The tiny shirt he held up was weirdly similar to Race’s, although not identical. Race’s shirt was a diagram of Saturn, with arrows and captions pointing out various parts of the planet. The bear shirt was just a picture of Saturn. “I’m getting this.”
“Aw, so you can cuddle with me even when I’m not there?” Race teased.
Spot scowled. “Fuck off. No. It’s because this is stupid and you’re stupid.” He held the shirt up to the bear like he was trying it on. “Besides. I don’t cuddle.” Which, for the record, was the truth. Spot liked his space.
They shopped around for a while longer, before finally settling on an outfit, which was nearly identical to Race’s. After checking out with the employee, who by this point, was completely done with them, and after a quick apology to her from Race, they left, carrying a box shaped like a house.
“Want to walk around the mall a little?” Race asked.
“No,” Spot said quickly. “I don’t need anyone to see me carrying this shit around.”
Back at Spot’s apartment, they unboxed the bear. “Okay, well… cool,” Spot said awkwardly, letting it sit on the couch between them.
“Admit it,” Race urged. “You love it. You finally got your teddy bear.”
“Get out of my home.”
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chongjojunsalsa · 7 years
mon chérry
word count: 2694 words
pairing: seokjin/jimin (jinmin), seokjin/everyone (super mild, they’re just thirsty as fuck and exist through the group chat)
park jimin would no doubt consider himself to be the biggest fan of eatjin, but he doesn't have a fucking clue what to do when the rest of the world starts competing with him for that title.
or, seokjin leaves jimin tongue-tied.
note: best if you read on mobile or read it on ao3 and leave a cheeky kudos!
Park Jimin would no doubt consider himself to be the biggest fan of EatJin, even more so than the thousands of people that come online just to watch him shove spoonfuls of cheap ramyeon and packaged kimchi into his mouth, all the while spouting out the lamest (and in Jimin’s opinion, severely under-appreciated) uncle jokes. He wears this title proudly.
Park Jimin is also the regular guest.
And Park Jimin more often than not finds himself having a hard time doing both at the same time, trying to maintain a cool façade and a safe distance away from Seokjin while admiring his side profile. Most of the time, he manages, settling for a pat on his knee. Sometimes, he gives in to lowly temptation, throwing himself into Seokjin’s chest in a fit of laughter whenever he tells a joke. One time, just one, he kind of maybe overdid it a little, allowing his hand to slide from Seokjin’s chest down to a careful amount of centimetres away from his crotch just because Jeongguk was flush against Seokjin’s chest, giggling away, and he kind of maybe felt a little territorial. (He still doesn’t know if he regrets what he did.)
Mostly, Jimin’s an EatJin enthusiast because Seokjin only ever considers doing fanservice with a camera in the vicinity. Whether it’s unintentional or on purpose, Jimin takes it all.
Except that he doesn’t, because he doesn’t own the untouchable title that is the maknae.
Not that he ever acts like one, Jimin would think bitterly when Seokjin and Jeongguk play around, Jeongguk overpowering Seokjin in terms of sheer strength by wrestling him to the ground, their laughter mixing together like chimes in the wind. And yes, Jimin wants to be Seokjin’s favourite dongsaeng, that’s why he’s always his special guest on EatJin, seizing every opportunity he can get to get closer to his hyung, especially when Jeongguk steals all of Seokjin’s attention at any other given time. The same Jeongguk who tells him that trying to gain Seokjin’s favour by appearing on EatJin all the time is cheating. Taehyung absolutely agrees, Jimin absolutely doesn’t.
Fanservice, Jimin learnt, isn’t all about sliding your hand over your hyung’s crotch, it’s grazing your hand over his knuckles for a split second, only to crave contact immediately, it’s the gaze of adoration sent in his direction whenever he does something goofy and everybody else cringes. And while their fans do appreciate it when they act out lines from a makeshift script together, it’s the subtle moments that really sends their minds reeling.
Or that one time they almost kissed on a Gayo. That sent their minds reeling too.
Today, it’s fruits, and when Seokjin says fruits, he means one bowl of cherries and no bananas in sight. Remind Jimin to never get his hopes up with Seokjin.
(“It’s barey a mukbang if all you eat is a bowl of cherries,” Jimin had snorted, earning him a flick in the forehead.
Seokjin puffed his cheeks up in annoyance, crossing his arms over his chest and huffing, “It’s EatJin, not EatJimin, so I get to decide what I eat.
Jimin simply threw his hands up in defeat, an amused smile playing on his lips.)
It’s halfway throughout the liveshow, after six uncle jokes, that Seokjin finally succumbs to the need to satisfy his viewers’ (and Jimin’s, don’t forget Jimin) thirst.
He pops a cherry into his mouth, makes a guttural sound about how sweet this batch is when all of a sudden, his eyes light up like he’s found the cure for cancer and he turns to Jimin. “I almost forgot, I learnt a new special trick.”
“What is it, hyung?” Jimin’s eyes sparkle in anticipation.
Seokjin holds up one finger, giggling under his breath. “You’ll see, give me a moment.”
Jimin’s fingers drum on the glass table impatiently, in patient wait of whatever his hyung had prepared, a mischievous grin because he knows the others would kill to be in his position right now.
Seokjin stares into space for a while, as if focusing on something, and finally, finally turns towards Jimin, a satisfied grin and all, and Jimin prepares himself for something amazing, and underwhelming as it may seem, it’s more intense than anything Jimin could’ve imagined.
But then Seokjin pulls something out of his mouth and sets it in his hand, satisfied grin and all, and Jimin wouldn’t have noticed that that little thing was Seokjin’s party trick if he hadn’t been staring at Seokjin’s cherry-stained lips. Jimin’s smile almost falters.
It’s a cherry knot.
A fucking cherry knot, but that innocent little stalk sitting in the palm of Seokjin’s hand is the least innocent thing in the room right now, not counting Jimin.
“Hyung, do you know what this means?” Jimin asks, lips pressed into a thin line as he lunges for the phone, reading the comments frantically. Oh. The comment section is swarmed with comments, most of them Jimin can read, some of them he can’t, but he can more or less tell that they know exactly what a cherry knot means.
Seokjin senses the panic in Jimin’s voice, and immediately leans in worriedly, pressing the back of his hand “No, Jiminie, is anything wrong?”
Jimin looks up at Seokjin, holding his curious and worried stare for a few good seconds before replying, “It means you’re really good at kissing.”
At this, Seokjin bursts into his squeaky laughter, Pacific Ocean shoulders shaking, hand intuitively reaching over to Jimin’s knee for support, but not before smacking him in the shoulder. “Jimin-ah, you scared me! Of course I’m good at kissing!”
Seokjin blows a flying kiss to the camera.
[ you received a message from eatjin! ]
eatjin yoongi-yah did you watch my vlive~ (◕ᴗ◕✿)
suga&spice no
eatjin 。゚(゚'Д'゚)゚。 as expected from my yoongichii
suga&spice just kidding i watched it till the end hyung i even gave you hearts
eatjin ( ˘ ³˘)♡ as expected from my yoongichii~
[ you recieved a message from seaguk @ emergency meeting! ]
chimmers it’s still hyung to you maknae
sunshinehobi it should be illegal to leave hyung with you
sunshinehobi how could you make him do that
taelien and oN NATIONAL TV
chimmers fucking drama queens he did it himself just admit yall jealous
seaguk BITCG
chimmers everyone: 0 jimin: 1
suga&spice yoongi: 100000
chimmers bitch pls i did an eatjin with him
suga&spice forwarded a message from eatjin: ( ˘ ³˘)♡.
sunshinehobi SHUT UP and can i just say yoongi hyung's a lucky bastard only because he's roommates w seokjinnie hyung
suga&spice we’re forever roommates hyung said so so yall dont stand a chance
chimmers wait a goddamn minute im his go-to for eatjin
suga&spice two words roommate privileges
taelien on jin hyung’s lap
seaguk :)
sunshinehobi it was nice meeting u tae
taelien what lol
suga&spice looks like the maknae wants to reclaim his land
rapmoney wait what’d i miss??? i was sleeping, sorry taehyung’s incessant screaming woke me up it’s as if he’s being bloody murdered
To Jimin’s dismay, knowledge of Bangtan’s eldest member ability to tie a cherry knot spread like wildfire, the flames of the rumour licking at every corner of the internet, sparing nobody from the endless GIFs of Seokjin popping a cherry into his mouth and pulling a perfect little knot out, more often than not accompanied with a flustered Jimin’s reaction and a simple caption: ‘same, Jimin’.
Soon after, cherry knots became a trend, with idols trying and inherently failing to tie a cherry knot and ambitious fans following suit, to no avail unfortunately. And then all of a sudden, Seokjin of BTS was known for his cherry red lips and what had long dissolved into a simple ‘amazing kissing skills’.
Antis undoubtedly called Seokjin out for faking it, calling it a cheap trick, well, not that it mattered when #CherryJin had been trending as number 1 on Twitter the day they did the livestream, and Jimin is almost sure that Twitter had considered making him a little emoticon.
So how the hell did Jimin not see this coming?
“Why don’t you give us a taste of your amazing ability, Cherry Jin?” the show host – Jimin had already forgotten her name – exclaimed with an enigmatic grin, perfectly manicured fingernails tippity-tapping against the plastic cue cards clasped in her hands.
Jimin had been invited onto a mukbang with Seokjin, their ulterior motive of having the ever so famous Cherry Jin in their studio disguised as clasped hands and charming smiles and the fact that their chemistry on other shows surpass many others. Needless to say,  Jimin was more than delighted to guest-star on another show with his hyung, even if he kind of felt like he was cheating on EatJin.
That day, they had guests from different idol groups come to make some sort of dessert with the theme cherry - of course - in mind. Seokjin and Jimin had won, much to their surprise, because Jimin was pretty sure that the group from EXO had done much better, but the producers probably thought it impolite to let the Cherry Jin lose at cherries.
“It’s nothing special!” Seokjin chuckles, ears tinged red with gratification, the shit-eating grin on his face saying otherwise.
“You’ll do it for the biggest fan of EatJin, right?” she giggles, placing a wretched hand on Seokjin’s godly shoulders, and Jimin grunts in displeasure, fighting the urge to stand up and remind them that this is a mukbang, not a talent show.
Seokjin grins smugly, turning his gaze towards the camera. “Anything for ARMY!"
The woman claps her hands like an overeager circus seal (Jimin is unapologetic), her smile plastic.
Somebody off-stage quickly passes Seokjin a bowl of a-little-too-red cherries, and Seokjin offers a polite nod.
Who cares about Seokjin's cherry knots when Jimin's stomach is tying knots here and there all by itself?
Swiftly, Seokjin slips a cherry into his mouth, plump lips wrapping around it before it disappears into his mouth. Jimin notices that the expression on the host's and the other guests' faces looks exactly like Jimin's when he had been watching Seokjin the first time around, and he doesn't exactly like it.
In all his daze, he hadn't noticed Seokjin had finished his pony trick, content smile and all, until he heard the host lady squealing in what appeared to be incredulity, the other guests gasping along. When it finally registers to him that he's being filmed by a camera to be watched by thousands, he plasters on a smile and claps along with the host. All in good fun.
Jimin can't help when his smile falters a little the moment the cameras turn away from him. Making Seokjin perform something like that - a moment that Seokjin had shared with and only with Jimin just a week ago - in front of a bevy of cameras just rubs him the wrong way. Jimin would rather attempt to tie a cherry knot all by himself than allow Seokjin to go on stage and do that in front of the masses.
But, of course Jimin always speaks (thinks) too soon.
"Jimin-ssi, would you like to try doing what Seokjin-ssi has demonstrated for us just now?" the host interrupts his train of thought with her nasally voice and flicks a clump of blonde hair off her shoulder.
Jimin almost visibly frowns, this host was starting to get on his nerves, what makes her think he'll do it?
... is what he thinks until he sees Seokjin's face, lips pursed into an excited little smile, and he gives in even before Seokjin can utter a single plead. God, he's so fucking whipped.
If Seokjin the virgin (a well-known but surprising fact) could do it, how hard could it be?
Turns out, it's really hard. Jimin accidentally swallows the knot along with the cherry, sending him into a coughing and sputtering mess, and his life flashes before his eyes, until he manages to finally choke it out, tattered with teeth marks. The host's and other guests' cheeks are puffed up with laughter they're very politely holding in, and Jimin realises that maybe it's better if he'd just died. Then again, dying from a cherry knot? He'd be ridiculed by all his ghost friends.
The awkward silence in the studio is finally broken when Seokjin speaks up, voice trembling with laughter. "I hope you finally learn how to cherry-sh your life."
Good news: everybody groans and forgets about Jimin.
Bad news: Jimin himself bursts out laughing, drawing all the attention back to him.
Good news: Seokjin's head is buried in Jimin's chest, allowing for an overwhelming warmth to fill his chest.
Bad news: Jimin is just resisting the urge to get Seokjin to show him just how good he is at tying cherry knots, if you know what he means.
The host laughs uncomfortably at this turn of events and tries to steer the conversation back on track. "Looks like Jimin-ssi has to take lessons from Seokjin on how to tie cherry knots."
Bad move, lady. The hidden implication behind what she says races through Jimin's mind and he bites down on his lower lip to clear his mind and get rid of unnecessary thoughts in his head. A glance towards Seokjin sends his mind reeling once again as he tries to process what his hyung may have meant by a wink in his direction.
Or maybe it was the trick of an eye, because Seokjin merely turns to the camera, puckers his lips and blows a kiss.
[ you received a message from taelien @ emergency meeting! ]
chimmers ohmygod dont bring that up
seaguk i could probably do it they shouldve asked mE to go
chimmers of all the things to bring up why THAT PART
sunshinehobi i want to be mad at you for being on the show with hyung but there is only pity
suga&spice maybe we can get #cherryjimin trending
chimmers blocked and reported for cyberbullying
seaguk #cherryjimin
sunshinehobi #cherryjimin
chimmers really
taelien #cherryjimin
rapmoney you did well on the show jimin!
suga&spice namjoon stop were bullying him
rapmoney oh i see
rapmoney #cherryjimin
chimmers left emergency meeting.
suga&spice added chimmers to emergency meeting.
chimmers sigh #cherryjimin
In the end, Jimin realises that what Seokjin had meant by a wink was quite literally a lesson on how to tie cherry knots.
"Why? Were you expecting something?" Seokjin has the audacity to ask, spitting out the fifth cherry knot he's churned in two minutes.
Jimin has to stop himself from saying yes, but seeing the keen little smile on Seokjin's face is fulfilment enough for him. He rests his elbow on the coffee table and his chin in his palm, gaze fixated on Seokjin, eyes roaming from his eyes to his nose to his cherry-stained lips, resting on the last-mentioned a little longer than necessary.
"Is anything the matter?" Seokjin asks, worry lacing his voice, bringing Jimin out of his small daze. Crap, he got caught staring.
But he only smiles. "Love you, hyung."
"Love you too, Jiminie!" Seokjin shoots finger hearts at Jimin, smile so wide it forms crescents in his eyes, which sends a pang through Jimin’s heart, when suddenly his face lights up. "Do you want to be my special guest in the next EatJin?"
It doesn't take an ounce of hesitation for Jimin to fling an arm around Seokjin's shoulder (it's a long reach) and nod very fervently. "Of course, hyung!"
Yes, Park Jimin would no doubt consider himself to be the biggest fan of EatJin.
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