#sorry for being gone btw i was jsut
michsmeesh · 11 months
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i've been having cowboy thoughts again and recently whilst listening to snuff by slipknot i thought of them and. yeah.
its jovier angst time babes!!
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bylertruther · 2 years
just had a thought. the religious panic is ramping up going into season five and so is the gay shit which means that mike and will are inevitably going to enter their take me to church by hozier era:
knows everybody's disapproval i should've worshiped her sooner if the heavens ever did speak, she's the last true mouthpiece every sunday's getting more bleak, a fresh poison each week we were "born sick", you heard them say it my church offers no absolutes she tells me "worship in the bedroom" the only heaven i'll be sent to is when i'm alone with you i was born sick, but i love it [..] there is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin in the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene only then i am human only then i am clean
#was in the middle of my sorry attempt to be a Human Being In The World when this song came on#and ofc my brain immediately went to my blorbitos </3#that last part makes me especially insane btw .#they're already half-way there tbh. mike makes will feel better for being different and will's confession made mike feel like he's worthy#and that he IS loved for who he truly is. that he DOES matter. that he IS needed and important. that he's not worthless.#as soon as mike realizes it's will and it's always been will it's a WRAP!#the upside down/vecna feeds on shame and pain. their love for each other washes away the shame and pain that they feel.#what they feel for each other will literally make them invincible! it's their shield against the darkness!#asking will to be his friend was the best thing mike's ever done. mike's friendship and love makes will feel like he's not a mistake and#it gives him the strength to fight on. it's literally canon.#mike pulled will out of vecna's hold with just his voice and presence. mike's best memory is befriending will.#mike's home isn't a home without will. his life is weird without will. when he's gone or in trouble he goes to the ends of the world to#rescue him and stays by his side the entire time. when he's states away he calls him even if will never answers or calls back.#he NEVER gives up on will. he CAN live without him but he doesn't WANT to. because it's always been will for him. always.#like. they've been giving us the puzzle pieces this entire time.#'that's bullshit media propaganda' + eddie mentioning sodomy in his lunchroom rant#mike will literally not give a single fuck about any of these mouthbreathers calling him a satanist. once he finds out tht will loves him#back? it's ONNNNNNNNNNNNN LIKE ITS OVER HENRY GO HOME!!!!!!!#(i'm exaggerating a little bit bt. u know wht i mean.)#like i jsut . *explodes thinking abt how it's always been abt byler how it started with byler and will end with byler and how s5#is will's coming of age story which means that he's done hiding from those that he loves he wants to come clean#he wants to tell his truth he destroyed castle byers and outgrew it it isn't enough to live in the world as a lie#he wants to be will byers and as scary as it is to accept that and live that it's . it's what he wants!!!#and he's working towards that he is because he's brave and now that he's going to be surrounded by people who have fought against#impossible odds to save his life time and time again it's liek . it's all going to come together. u kno?#literally how can i think abt all of that and NOT fucking explode . wht th efuck#mine#byler thoughts#writing a gat damn epic poem in this bitch jesus . ok back 2 my cave i go now
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pilotheather · 6 days
we're back
youre trying so fucking hard to set up this unit spin off. im going to be horribly honest with you: i dont really care, and i think this is such a corny way to do it. i think torchwood (the show) is something people see with rose-tinted glasses a lot of the time, but i do think its slower introduction to the characters, completely isolated to its own tv show, made more sense. i feel like this weird vibe of just setting up these big personalities who all neatly fit into the exact archetypes you'd Expect... i dont know. i dont care for any of them. i love big weird non human robot-adjacent entities and i dont even care. and that fucker has cable-like tentacles too. i should be sold.
i think its also cuz they are like so obviously these Scifi archetypes for shows like this which is fine but leading first with a quickfire round of rather than getting a softer introduction to them just sort ofmakes them feel like fake cartoons. i think thats sorta why ive never truly warmed to paternoster gang too.
like i think my issue - and im welcome to be proved wrong, whenever we do get this unit spinoff - is i feel like its leading with the idea of "i want a spinoff" first rather than an attempt to fill a specific niche or hole for stories. i feel like sja and torchwood were both very specifically shows that would be in the universe, but would cater to things that would not suit the proper show, and had their own cast driving it.
like i'll be honest i like kate but ummmm im not sure i like her enough to follow her into a spin off. LOL.
sorry thats my hater era over im 2 seconds in
oh no nevermind i also hate big budget takes itself too seriously bullshit wheres the losers
is rose still meant to be like 15. her in business casual for the day job at unit.
okay The Vlinx.
WHYS THERE A LITTLE BEEFCAKE SECURITY GUARD. IS HE LIKE YOUR LITTLE BOYTOY, UNIT? sorry hes not even my typ. harriets really cute though
sorery i still dgaf
rtd and his anagrams. christ.
ive been laughing all day about a reddit comment that said "rtd is a" and i cant stop laughing at it and i dont know anyone who will find that funny in my life so i cant even
i really fucking hope it isnt susan. people have said it before but i just feel like ive always liked the idea of jsut leaving her be. dont revisit it. its fine.
sorry help me why are they just pulling everything out help me
i feel like theyre trying to be too meta about it and not in like a clever way its just like a lets state the obvious to everyoneits that vclassic TELLING NO SHOWING that i feel like christ it keeps ... feeling like the writing is doing that so much
soery its like not even 10 minutes in and im like already feeling like a hater i just i dont know i feel like so im fine with them cashing in on nostalgia and being a bit self aware in finales sometimes but i feel like this and then the trilogy last year... LOOK most dw finales and special eps of the nu era are kind of rooted in some sort of classic right its like dalek dalek cyberman master dalek lets go to gallifrey for this one but its like still at least one thing sorry im sick of it i dont wanna see mel any more i dont wanna be in unit CAN WE FOLLOW THE DOCTOR AND RUBY see them figuring it out PLEAAASEEE they can point out its obvious its fine but the fucking round table discussion
nevermind i love mel on the moped
ugh ive been wanting a bike for so long but i keep hjearing about so many accidents i wanna kms in a controlled environment
my second thought btw: i think one of my favourite season finales will always be s4's. and yes that does also bank on this big, lets have ALL OF THESE PEOPLE COME TOGETHER!!! and have one huge crossover event even if the story isnt as good. but as ivealways said: that works because its earned through four seasons of building up all of those individual characters. it can stand on that legwork thats already been done. i just dgaf otherwise. its why, and maybe this is controversial, i can never give a shit about a good man goes to war. (although i also loathe that because that storyline does my fucking HEAD IN)
im also hating this so hard im not even far enough in sorry i just love to hateeeeeeeeeee
help e christ if it wasnt for reddit i would not fucking recognise anyones fucking face is hat the same woman i mean rby also isnt clocking her does she have some fucking perception filter on . missus flood what is up with you
missus flood what even is wrong with you
"why did you never go back to see her?"
because susan was lowkey annoying af
i also do wanna know: if hes mentioned her face popping up a lot, are they not scanning their fucking databases for matches. like thats definitely technology they have. lets be so for real
(again with the way s4 finale was handled: i think it was really good the way they had everyone sort of... separated out? they had them all cleanly following their own plots. so it didnt make shit a fucking mess.)
caralas literally chill w can bring carla
Do you have a time window. Ten floors down. classic shit.
i think i also ironically did i say this bit already i fucking hate trying to do big... sci-fi organisations like this trying to fight the aliens or villains or whatever. sorry just a taste thing. like compare this to how torchwood was presented in s2. it just feels like we're thriving in it and im not a fan of them being our unapologeticbesties we swing around and giggle with. can we get some nasty fucking vibes in here please. i loved when capaldi was a cunt with them.
this is also why i refuse to ever engage with the avengers content
christmas eve 2004. god shesso young. (im 4 years older literally).
sorry i also hate mystery box companion bullshit fuck off can we not just get some cunt from the local
i keep thinking about how she looks like jodie i think its the boots with the ankles sort of poking out
thats my bad aura sorry i was hating too hard
theres that irony again of like they'll sit there and do a whle bit like haha duh ofc we know its an anagram DUHHH but then half the dialogue is just fucking . SAYING SHIT STRAIGHTFORWARD AND OUTRIGHT SHUT UP
hes in hell. god damn it. i hate it when i lose my boytoys and he ends up in hell
imagine if this was the beast from the satans pit
what a hilarious hater moment that would be
colonel winston is making me giggle. lke the monkey. guys i dont know anything abou overwatch but that monkey makes me laugh
guys we're on susan watch
shes going to be the dumbest red herring ever isnt she amen shes just nothing please rtd you fuckerr- DOCTOR CALM DOWN
so cool we brought an image of this thing up before and it wrecked our shit lets do it again hell yeah come on
harriet i need you
can we get the tardis a ginger ale
the king innit
her children doubt and dreaddddd so silly
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criquette-was-here · 3 years
Long Due Replies
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Hi everyone! It’s been some crazy few months for me. Real life has taken over completely so I didn’t have a chance to pay attention to my inbox. There are lot of asks on troubleshooting and I apologise for not being able to help on time. I hope everyone who needed help has got it somehow >.< There’s a crazy amount of messages, so I’m going to hide it under the cut.
@shutupshirley said:
Hi Criquette, I’m sorry because this is dumb, but I don’t understand how to install your neighbourhood lighting mod on an installation of Ultimate Collection... do I change out every lighting.txt file I can find across all the expansion and stuff packs? :/
Thank you!!!!
Hi @shutupshirley! I’m not a big specialist on windows version of TS2 and UC but I believe there are two folders you have to look at and they are ‘Fun with Pets’ and ‘Open for Business’
Anonymous said:
What do you imagine residents of Feverfew are called? I keep doing Peruvian but like Ferfewian or some
Oh, yes, I was thinking about this matter at some point! Feverfewian is what I came up with. I even found a wiki article about different names for different town inhabitants to sort of made it up a bit, but I haven’t write down the result I had and now I’ve lost it. I think feverfewians sounds best, it can even have some silly derivatives like ‘fewies’
@3sushiroll said:
Hi Criquette, I'm getting into SC4 and have been getting the hang of it while using the sims 2 hood planner. I've been starting to use bridges and have been using yours. When I put in the tile measurement into the hood planner (ex: 15 tile = 8 in SC4), it doesn't exactly line up in game. Does this usually happen for you and you put in a piece of fake road in the middle or am I just doing it wrong and it should line up super nicely? Thank you for all your wonderful creations!
Hi @3sushiroll! Yes, TS2 parses SC4 roads this way. I always put some decorative road in the gap or I make the shores narrower so that the bride would overlap the road. But to make slopes where the road ends equal, you have to use TS2 terraforming tool to make this flat empty piece of terrain right after the road end into slope so that it would look like the opposite.
Anonymous said:
Hi there, hope you're doing well! I downloaded your simple walkways set and noticed that they float. They don't sit on the ground properly. Is there anything I can do on my end to make them sit closer to the ground? Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
Hey anon! Thank you! Yes, this old set of walkways was made this way. Maxis made neighborhood mode roads float, so I had to do the same with road related decorations. But now you can use these Cobblestone paths or side walks from the Rural Charm, they’re as close to the ground as possible.
Anonymous said:
hey! would it ever be possible for you to create recolors of the cobblestone sidewalks in red brick/cobblestone?
Hi anon! I don’t think so :| I can’t even find the time to fix some Ferverfew related issues >.<
Anonymous said:
Hi Criquette. I liked Feverfew very much. I would like to make some of the houses multi-unit, keeping your doors in place. Is it possible to add the function of apartments to these doors? :)
Hi nonne! As far as I’m aware, you can only default replace those apartment doors which is quite useless. What you can do, is to put an apartment door right behind the front door. This, obviously, would eat up the space but could work as a solution.
Anonymous said:
Hello! I just downloaded Feverview and it's gorgeous! I can't believe all the little details you added, the effort and love you put into this project is incredible. I just had a small question: a few residential lots are fake apartments, I was wondering if you know how to turn them into functional apartments 
Hi anon! I’m glad you liked Feverfew! ^__^ In theory, you can use SimPE or Lot Editor to change lot type from residential to apartment and then implement apartment doors somehow, but since I don’t have AL in my Super Collection, I have zero experience in that.
Anonymous said:
Hi Criquette! :) I just realized recently that if I delete objects in game, I have to delete first the recolors of it. I've already deleted a bunch of objects without knowing about this, so now my downloads folders has houndreds of recolors without meshes. Do you know about anything I can do to find and delete these orphans? (Delphys download organizer just can't make difference)
Hi anon! I’m definitely not a helper on the matter of keeping Downloads folder organised, sorry ^^’‘ I would thing about finding sets of files with similar names keeping eye on the absence of the word ‘mesh’ in the names, and looking at the file size at the same time. And that would take ages, obviously. 
@ardyyy4 said:
Hello Criquette. I love Feverfew so much. But I have a problem. The grass and NHood objects are flickering together and it looks bad. How can i fix it? Thanks.
Hello Arda! That’s because of the neighborhood camera you’re using. I’d recommend you to install this particular camera just to get rid of flickering.
Anonymous said:
Hello! First of great content! Always been a fan! I was wondering if you could give a bit of advice with hood deco, I have downloaded an Ocean floor from Gwenke, and in lot view it only shows up at the very far edges, around my lot it is missing (it does show when render is set to small though). And it shows on beach lots too, I was wondering if you know of way to make it so that it is seen no matter what the view distance is etc? (I have the relevant cheats on btw) Thank you in advance!
Hey nonnie! Thanks :) Have you ticked off object hiding in the settings? Other than that, it could be camera issues.
Anonymous said:
is there a way to stop neighborhood decor from fading? I know there is the „boolprop dontmergenhflora“ cheat, but I still get some fading. for excample when I look at the lot from the street the NH decor by the street fades
That’s definitely sounds like object hiding option from the game settings :}
Anonymous said:
Hey how are you ? I hope all is well. I was wondering how is it that ts2 has no ski deco but in ts1 we had ski slope and skate lake !?? I was wondering can you and the sim community make deco or interactive items such as a ski slope or even snow shoes or just something that goes with seasons n BV pack ?
Hello anon! I hope you’re well too! Ski slope and winter sports related decos is something I wanted to make since 2016, but never had enough time to do so. Sometimes I even think about available TS2 technologies to make an animated ski lift and umm.. may be in the next ten years? ^^’‘
Anonymous said:
hello!! i'm sorry if u already answered something like this (i searched but found nothing) but the better nightlife isn't working for me :(( i put the better nightlife+voielle water on download fold and the decorations still flashing in pink light, i did something wrong? (i use win10) sorry for the inconveniente
Hey anon! Sometimes you have to do these weird steps in order to make it work:
remove Better Nightlife + water mod from your downloads folder,
load the game, load the neighborhood, make some changes, exit game
put Better Nightlife with water back. Toggle day/night with ‘L’ key to see if it works. If it’s not, than the problem is somewhere else. Pink flashing also could be unrelated to Better Nightlife, so I’d recommend to check TS2 graphics setting for Win10 manuals available.
Anonymous said:
Hello there, I'm having a problem with the rural charm, on lot view the roads have yellowish boards (idk how to explain exactly). I saw that was because of CuriousB terrain, but I don't have it downloaded anymore so I'm kinda confused. What should it be? Sorry for bothering,,,
Hello, anon! What’s current season you’re having in your game? It can be the season lighting differences that make roadside and terrain grass colors different. If it’s not, I’d check the Downloads folder to see if there’s still some terrain DRs I’ve forgot about.
@pinkflamingosims said:
Hi criquette! I was wondering if you have any idea why some hood deco cc crashes on mac, like palm 1 to 4 from the tropical 4t2 set by leoz94. Leoz94 says the only difference is the high polycount, but I don't think that's it, it looks a bit high to me but not insanely so, I have  other stuff in that range with no problem... Have a nice - evening?
Hey @pinkflamingosims! I hope you’re doing well! Yes, some hood decos are really make the game crash and frankly speaking, I think that’s jsut package related issues like broken references in the resource tree. The best way to fix this type of hood decos is to make a clean and stable new clone and replace mesh/textures again.
Anonymous said:
Hello and thank you for amazing Feverfew map! I have a problem... ground is flashing red and I cannot fix it, do you have solution for this problem? It's been soooo long when I last played Sims 2 so apparently I did something wrong when installed CC. :(
Hello anon! Thank you! Oh, red flashing could be the result of lighting mod not being installed correctly. I’d start with getting rid of any lighting mods to see if it helps.
@marv61​ said:
Hi Criquette. I just downloaded your terrain of Forkshire, it looks great! I know it has been since 2009 that you uploaded the terrain but I was wondering if you have a completed Neighborhood with houses, trees and all for download? I would love to play your version. Thanks.
Hi Patchman! Oh, goodness no! :D That was 12 years ago, those TS2 files are long gone since then.
Anonymous said:
Hi Criquette, first things first, I love your work thank you so much, you inspire me! Now the question: I have been using the dirt roads from your Rural Lanes set and found that sometimes it is difficult if not impossible to fit them to the slopes of steep terrain. Would it be possible to instead create road pieces as a texture like your Neighborhood Decals? That way they would "stick" onto the terrain regardless of shape. Wondering what you think? Love!
Hello and thank you, anon! The problem with the decals – we can’t see it in lot mode yet. And it must be a DR only so we’d have to ditch one of the Maxis’ decals for dirt road, which isn’t great too.
Anonymous said:
Hi Criquette! Will Betternightlife mod ever be updated to work with lighting mods with dawn and dusk? Is there any that already works with it? I really want to use the light up hood decos!
Hey anon! You can use it with lighting mods that add dusk and dawn to the game. For instance, there’s one here by @dreadpirate​.
Anonymous said:
Hey Criquette! I recently used your template to make lit-up hood deco buildings using the Better Nightlife mod. The day text was great! However, the night texture was being clipped by the day texture. That is, some parts of the day texture was showing through the night texture. Is there a fix for this?
Hello nonnie! I’d recommend to check the meshes to see if day/night parts clip through each other and if they aren’t I’d check if all the day/night TXMT data is correct.
@criquette​ said:
I've installed Fewerfew following all your istructions. Apparently it works but the night lamps are flashing pink even ig I've installed the mod better night light. It seems that this mod does not work properly. Any recommendation?
Being Criquette, you should know the solution to that issue yourself :P Just kidding, sorry, couldn’t resist! If it flashes pink only by night than you have to check your ‘Downloads’ folder for conflicts. If it’s flashing constantly day and night, than I’d better check graphics setting using some windows related guides available across the Internet.
Anonymous said:
Hello, I love Feverfew and it's amazing. I have a problem where Linden Tree 1A isn't showing up in my game even though it's in my downloads folder. Also the railroad tracks are flashing blue, and those are in my folder too. Thanks in advance!  :)
Hello anon! What type of the trees you’re using? Stand alone or default ones? If you’re using defaults, you can find the trees under Maxi’s oaks accordingly. As for the flashing blue railway tracks, check if you have this set in your ‘Downloads’ folder :)
Anonymous said:
Hello Criquette, before asking for help, I came to say that the Brazilian community loves your creations. But, to get to the point, anyway, I have been thinking about creating a Hood (inspired by Rio de Janeiro), so I would like to know how to create Deco Hoods for my game (the statue of Christ), I can't find that anywhere, Would you help me?
Hi there! Ah, most kind, thank you ^^ Well, there’s no big deal in creating hood decos. You have to switch your SimPE to advanced mode and after that neighborhood decoration will be visible in the catalogue to be cloned. I assume you already know how to make lot mode objects and know how to create, edit or convert meshes/textures though.
@hideshio​ said:
Hello! I found your train set (and it's AMAZING) on mts and was wondering if you had a railroad crossing sign? With the lights, X, and the red/white hand that goes down. Or the lights that go across a pole above the railroads. Thank you!  =D
Hello @hideshio​! Well, there is a railway crossing sign with lights and red/white hand included in this set :D it’s not animated though. But still!
Anonymous said:
Hi criquette, I’m a huge admirer of you work and I was wondering if you had any advice regarding road placement. Specifically the difficulty of road pieces that are deco only being able to be placed underneath the actually roads leaving it looking a little off.. if there a way to raise them higher before placing them or some kind of work around? 
Hey anon, thank you! Unfortunately, there’s no way to make decorative road pieces work for lot mode and neighborhood mode at the same time. If you lift them so they look okay in hood mode, they will float in the air in lot mode. Since my latest creations are lot mode oriented, I’ve decided to save my efforts on making road pieces even with neigborhood mode roads.
Anonymous said:
Hey Criquette. I noticed that in my Feverfew none of the buildings across the street of Feverfew Sports Hall show up. I know those are supposed to be hood deco and look like duplex buildings, but I can't figure out what I'm missing. I deleted and redownloaded everything and couldn't fix it. Also the river ends at the first bridge in front of the cathedral, so the boats next to it appear to be flying. What is going on?
Hey anon! There’s definitely some files missing. If you’ve checked and redownloaded all the files, try to replace the Feverfew neighborhood folder with initial one. The game never restores disappeared hood decos by itself. Even if they were placed in the folder after their absence is discovered.
@simping-simmer​ said:
Hi Criquette, am I remembering correctly that there is a trick you can do with SimPE to change the height of individual pieces of hood deco? I’m struggling with putting ships in my dock because if I change a CC ship’s placeability to be able to be on both land and sea, it just sinks, but if I only keep it on sea, it can’t get close enough to the shore to place it in my docks. Does this make sense at all? Lol
Hello @simping-simmer​, you’re absolutely right. You can change the height of placed hood decos via SimPE. Things you need to do are described here and here
Anonymous said:
Hello! I love all your work.  I was wondering if you had ever thought of making some desert roads along the lines of the Terrain Mod: Dusty Roads for Desert Neighbourhoods by Stev84? I love the way this looks in my desert, but unfortunately, this mod makes the road in live mode a floor, which then makes you unable to place driveways.
Hey anon! Thanks ^^ Frankly, I don’t have any plans on creating any desert related CC at all :|
Anonymous said:
Hello Criquette. I would like to thank you for all the amazing work you have done creating content for sims 2. Thanks to you all my projects are possible. My question is: Chainlink fences for neighborhood deco... Do they exist? Searching the web these past day only found for build mode. Do you know of someone who already make some for deco hood? Or kindly will you be able to make some if its not much work? My sports fields and Industrial zones will be pleased for sure! Once again, thank you! :)
Hey anon and thank you! I don’t think hood deco chainlink fences were created by someone yet, but they definitely would be a great addition to the game. I was going to create some while working on Feverfew, but never had enough time to do that. May be i’ll make one at some point in the future!
Anonymous said:
Hello, Criquette. Do you know of any way to place lots without the area around it moving? I downloaded Ousmeo's remake of your Dullsfielde and read his og post using the waytime machine. When viewing that post, Tumblr recommended similar posts, one of which seemed to be a tip to prevent good deco from moving when placing lots nearby, but that post wasn't archived, so I can't visualise it. My guess is that if anyone else knows about this, it must be the best hood decorator that ever was ;-)
Hello anon! Ugh, this TS2 ‘feature’ is driving me mad quite often too! Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to get rid of it. The only way to fix the consequences is to backup initial hood folder and when you finish placing lots, replace spoiled terrain with the initial one with SimPE or HoodReplace.
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HI! ive only been following you for a bit but i love hearing abt other ppls ocs its really cool and fun so if you wanted an excuse to infodump in a post about yours this ask is totally it :p
basically it takes place in this multiverse. its YEARSSSS after the verse that holds earth and the milky way and andromeda galaxies and etc has died out, its still existing but everything within it is jsut dead pretty much
so theres its googolplexianth cousin, Googolverse. and within it resides four trillion galaxies (twice as many as the earthverse, im just gonna call it that 2 keep things simple). the main focus is the Oryanx (ori-yanks) galaxy. it has a bunch of planets and stars and stuff and the Googolverse as a whole operates very differently from the Earthverse, in terms of time and physics and etc, all that stuff im not very intelligent about but yknow fuck it i think its cool anyways.
anyways, in Oryanx galaxy, all planets that inhabit life are very peaceful with themselves and each other. they despise fighting and war. the main planet is Astraunz (Ast-ronz). Astraunzians arent liek the savior or anything. theyre pretty mundane and simple. and the main character is Mizule (mizz-ool), xe is 217 earth years (longest lifespan of an Astraunzian in earth years is around 630 years). the other main character is Prymul (pre-mool), fae is from a diff galaxy but still in the Googolverse
so remember i said they hate war and stuff? welp! it happens anyway. and Prymul is recruited into the enemy galaxys army against faer will. the enemy galaxys mission is to wipe out all the galaxies (which actually wont be as "difficult" as u think bc everything operates differently), and they will recruit all members of every galaxy into their army against their will. the thing with many species in these galaxies is that death is not a decay or a state where they can no longer do anything, its actually just being in a permanent state of emptiness and unhappiness. they become zombie-like and are very forgetful, and when all their memories are gone, they fade away into "dust" (googolverse equivalent of dust).
so! the idea is Oryanx loses their shit! and doesnt know what to do. so eventually they have to abandon their pacifistic ways when they realize what is actually happening, that not everything can end with happy dancing and hand holding. mizule is one of the recruits, xe is a spy, so xe doesnt put up much of a fight when the enemy galaxy ppl take xir away. mizule is very agile and strong and etc despite being of a galaxy that doesnt fight. almost like it was xir destiny! wow
but xe meets Prymul. they get close with each other. mizule realizes that there is more to this than collecting information. its about saving lives. so this is where xe realizes that pacifism is not always right. xe falls in love with Prymul and shit happens, a lot of shit happens, but eventually the war is over and its a happy ending. mizule and prymul fall in love with each other, theyre gay folks!
a lot of this is still in development btw. so it may change. this was mostly thought of on the spot since ive been procrastinating on coming up with everything!! also, another one of the reasons Mizule learned how terrible this war was, was because if all the galaxies in the Googolverse were wiped out, the multiverse would be next. xe picked that up from eavesdropping.
so yea !!! thats. Pretty much all i have? this is long i think so im sorry abt that HSJFKFMGKG but ! i hope this suffices :] let me know if there are any weird implications, im careful abt this stuff surrounding war themes cuz ik it can worry a lot of people and i want to get the message across that im not trying to glorify certain terrible events or sympathize with oppressors who took part in/encourage(d) said terrible events!
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fandom-queenliness · 5 years
*Spoilers* Oni-Chan
Why just why. I have so many issues with this so I’m doing it how anyone would. A full-length essay dissecting everything I can from the subtitles. 
Be aware, I am not very pro-Love Square, and have a large number of problems with the shows writing/Adrien and his Nice Guy/Passive behaviour in general. 
Essay/salt incoming, you have been warned. Read at your own peril. 
For context, in previous episodes, Adrien has had little to no problem with Lila lying and has even gone out of his way so that she may continue lying. Kagami had about zero romantic interest in Adrien upon her first appearance in Riposte, which is, in my opinion, her truest representation. Marinette has been told to not be so jealous of Adrien multiple times, but the narrative has made it clear she has no control of her feelings when it comes to him. All of Adrien’s love interests (Chloe, Kagami, Lila, Marinette) generally all hate each other, are vindictive, cruel, petty and jealous. Adrien does literally nothing to stop them. 
First of all, they expect us to believe that Kagami is in love with the limp noddle that is Adrien? Get out. Just get out. In Riposte, I believe she had about no interest in him. She came here to fence and by gods was she going to fence. But Nooooooooo, Adrien just had to have another love interest, and no girl can be without someone to make her complete. What utter bullshit. I am so mad right now. 
Second, I’m glad that he’s finally taking a stand against Lila (though, still in a passive way. I’ll take what I can get). He’s cut her off, he’s yelled at her, scolded her. Now we just need him helping Mari taking her down, acknowledging his flaws, trying to improve himself, all while learning about boundaries and taking no for an answer. What a wonderful development of his character, Adrien salt is non-existent, the show is saved, the love square is trending. Oh wait, it is physically impossible for the writers to have Adrien improve because “he’s already perfect”. Ugh. 
Third, what a shitty reason to get akumatised. (I love Kagami btw). I mean, yeah, she can be mad, but really, over a guy. A guy who has already stated he likes another girl. (Chat had a good point, Lila and Kagami should have had Adrien’s input on his feelings instead of a game of tag around the city, but honestly does Chat even think of LB’s feelings? Does anyone, ever? A post for another day). But really a better reason could have been Kagami learning of Lila’s lying and Adrien’s passive-fucking-ness and how poorly it has affected Marinette, who Kagami was open to building a friendship with in Riposte. She could have learned what happened and felt betrayed because Adrien was not who she thought he was, and she becomes akumatised to seek revenge for Marinette and to confront Adrien without him being pulled away by his schedule. Bam we have character development and Adrien getting called out on his flaws, plus Marinette has someone standing up for her. So much better immediately. (Sidenote: Kagami’s whole speech about Adrien sucked ass I can’t believe a word of it. Just more of Astruc pushing perfect sunshine boy upon us.) 
Fourth, honestly fuck how Marinette behaved in the first half. I love my girl, she is awesome, but I am tired of her being so over the top and possessive of Adrien. Like, we get it, she likes him, but no girl - especially no girl who is as mature as the narrative is portraying her as - is going to stalk her crush and a girl all the way to his house. She has been told/told herself to stop being jealous in multiple episodes, but it’s undone by the next. Fuck that. Also, let her have some character outside of Adrien because honestly, I am sick and tired of him and how Marinette is made to act around him. So much of her development is around him and it’s not a good message for the age demographic this show is targeted at. It’s just terrible honestly. 
Sixth, Lila had some good lies. Fucking finally. It was about time. I was worried she was incapable. And some back story on her? Wonderful, personally I can’t find an absent mother as a good excuse because the mother clearly loves her dearly but it’s nice, nonetheless. And Lila manipulating Oni-Chan? Great, just so glad that I can actually start seeing her as a threat to something other than the Love Square in canon. And that bit where Gabriel was clearly seeing her as a weapon/ally was like water in a desert, the plot is moving, hussah. God it was refreshing but we all know it won’t last. C’est la vie. 
Seventh, loved the fireman thing. Him helping Mari and LB? Adorable. Hated the reason why he helped Marinette, but it was cute how he comforted her. (Honestly I kinda wanted him to tell Mari if this guy was bothering her so much maybe she should let him go. Idk I’m just so fucking tired man). He can be added to the Marinette protection squad I love how he’s all about the safety. 
Eight, notice how Chat was whining about how no one fights over him. Are we really going there? Really. I just, Jesus. The boy is a model, famous, rich, and has girls and guys fawning over him as Adrien enough, which he clearly does not appreciate. Does he really want that as Chat, or does he just girls he can use to make Ladybug jealous, like dolls to be discarded when he is done? A question for another day. 
Ninth, Tikki finally gives Marinette some good advice but it’s too late and I’m already cringing over the whole trash bin thing. I just—*sigh* 
Tenth, Kagami’s costume? Hurts my eyes. The potential was there but it was wasted. I’m so sorry that Hawkbitch forced my girl to wear that. My poor sword lesbian. 
Eleventh, Adrien continues to be a passive bitch, letting Lila sneak around him room, ignoring Plagg’s warnings, and only getting truly upset when Lila manipulated him into leaving LB. I’m mad about that too, because like, sure he thought she was hurt, but couldn’t he have just set her down on a rooftop somewhere safe instead of the whole hospital bit? Btw, I love fireman guy seeing through Lila’s shit. “This is what you get for now wearing kneepads”. He is so concerned for safety. My boy. 
Twelfth, LB using Oni-Chan’s powers against her was beautiful. We stan a queen. So smart, so brave, I love her. 
Thirteenth, they really made Kagami idolise that fucking rose Adrien gave her. The rose Adrien originally gave LB, the rose he gave her before asking her out on a terrible date. The terrible date where he invited another girl, payed more attention to said other girl, and then made it clear to Kagami that he was using her as a rebound and he was still not over the girl who rejected him. They are really trying to make us believe Kagami the Queen loves this guy? Really? 
Fourteenth, the horn was hilarious. I wish she was stuck with it. Or at least LB video Lila lying and her horn growing. It was a beautiful thing. 
Fifteen I don’t get the whole “Chat ignores the Bien-Joué from LB to help Kagami up is Bad and Terrible”. Like, I hate the implications and subtext behind it. And the way LB deflated over it. It was unnecessary and jsut there to stir up trouble. Just… fuck that. 
Sixteenth, LB abandoning Lila to walk home was wonderful. I wish Mari was allowed to be like that outside of the mask and not get demonised for it. 
Seventeenth, Alya asking Mari why she’s not “keeping an eye” on Adrien and Lila and Marinette saying she “trusts” Adrien with Lila is weird for me. Cause it’s like she was saying it like she was Adrien’s girlfriend and was trusting him not to cheat. It was like she was already laying claim to a guy that she can barely talk to. In fact, they didn’t talk at all in this ep. Mari and Juleka had more exchanges than her and Adrien. Pshh. 
Eighteenth, Gabriel is a piece of shit. Not letting his son have friends. No wonder he’s like this. Plus making a deal with the bitch who feels so entitled to Adrien is a dick move. Fuck Gabriel and his candy cane tie. 
Nineteenth, Lila manipulated Natalie. What the shit. I’m impressed. I’m loving this whole thing. I’m really excited for Lila working with Hawkbitch. It’s going to be either really good or bad as shit. I am worried for Adrien. Just because I don’t like how he’s being portrayed doesn’t mean he should suffer at the hands of Lila. Also her mirroring Gabriel’s want to shield his son is kinda creepy and possessive. Ew. 
Twenty, Adrien: “Lila, you can count on me, unless you hurt the people I love”. Um, how about Marinette? I get you don’t love her romantically but what about your good friend??? Or do you just not care about her?? Throwback to Chameleon where Adrien decided keeping Lila from being akumatised mattered less than the truth and Marinette’s feelings. Yeah, he’s such a great role model and such a wise choice for a love interest. 
As you can see from the evidence, this episode sucked. Kagami and Marinette deserve better (preferably each other) and not the limp blond pasta sucker that is Adrien Agreste. Very sorry if you’re feeling offended by this post, feel free to rant and complain about it and me. 
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mysticdragon3md3 · 5 years
md3 watches Demon Slayer ep1-2
Apparently I watched Demon Slayer last month and I forgot to post my reactions. 1:59 PM 8/26/2019
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Episode 1 – Cruelty
Maybe I shouldn't have started watchign this anime with such high expectations.  I had been passing it up for a while now, even though the "demon hunting" genre used to be *my jam* (before my mental/emotional problems had me watching almost exclusively the iyashikei genre).  But then EVERYONE started saying how good this series was.  And I reluctantly went to go check it off my list today.  Just another thing to do.  And I was hoping it would excite me, more than just being a chore.  
But so far, the character introduction seemed too stale.  Reminded me of what critics have said about Adam Sandler movies, where the beginning of the movie does too much to show "this is a good guy".  It feels too unreal.  And indeed, I couldn't get emmersed.  But I gave it slack, because this is a Shonen Jump manga.  It's about the action to come, not always about characterization or plot---even though the great Shonen Jump manga can do that too.  And anyway, I'm sure in a manga, these introduction scenes would have gone by faster.  Why was I so impatient about it anyway?  Is it because the first scene was an in medias res with high stakes and high tension, but then we're expected to just slow down for this long character introduction flashback?  Usually, I like getting to know a character, especially Shonen protagonists.  They're usually so endearing.  But I guess Tanjiro hasn't been the typical spunky or even quirky protagonist.  His introduction has been all about everyone else showing how nice he's been to them, how trustworthy he's proven himself to everyone, and his sense of smell.  Even his interactions with his family were very subtle, with most of the proactive, more extroverted interactions coming from his siblings.  Then again, such a reserved protagonist is fitting for a serious toned series. And whave I've seen of this series has seemed kind of serious toned.  
Oh, I see.  Seeing Nezuko's character design and Nendoroid all over the place, never without the scroll in her mouth, I wondered if it was a seal so she wouldn't turn into a monster.  I should have remembered that when I saw Tanjiro's slaughtered family.  My first thought was, "They weren't eaten?  What were they killed for then if they still have all their flesh and blood on their bones?"  It was so the demons could proliferate and multiply.  
2:27 PM 8/26/2019
I mean...It's good.  The direction, the charcter designs, the animation, the story,...But I don't care about the characters yet.  
...Until this scene.  When Nezuko is fighting to protect Tanjiro and earlier, Tanjiro's tactics impressing the Demon Slayer were intriguing.  I mean, it's all signs of some good fights to come.  But I don't necesstarily care aobut the characters yet.
UFOTABLE?!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Well, no wonder the animation is so good.  
...I don't know.  I don't feel like watching a second episode.  Maybe later, to kill time.  But I wanted to be exhilierated right now.  I just came back from being depressed yesterday.  I needed something to lift me up.  And this was all tragedy and horror. It doesn't have enough levity for me, and I really need levity in my life right now. 
2:21 PM 8/28/2019
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Episode 2 – Trainer Sakonji Urokodaki
My computer is still booting up though.  So the episode hasn't actually started yet.  
I've decided to give this series another chance.  I mean, episode 1 didn't have enough levity for me, and I need that in my life, especially from what I spend time on as my "entertainment" and "relaxation".  But I don't ONLY like iyashikei.  I mean, I loved Shonen manga/anime for a long time.  So I may as well give this series another chance and see if there's something for me.  Lest I miss out, especially on the Nendoroids whose preorder windows are halfway through _right now_.  If it turns out I like this series and end up falling in love with these characters, I'm going to regret not getting those Nendoroid preorders.  
2:31 PM 8/28/2019
Reloaded page.
Ok.  Opening scene was comedy, so that's an imrovement.  
BTW, what era is this?  When I first saw these character designs without watching this series, their collars looked like gakuran.  So I thought this was one of those modern setting with old-fashioned demon hunter organizations that made their exorcists wear traditional clothing.  But now that I'm watching this series...Is this early Meiji Era?  
Ever since I first noticed the UFO Table name in the credits, I can't stop noticing how nice the animation quaility is.  
Well, that explains the kick pose in Nezuko's Nendoroid.  
I'll say one thing for this series, it very immediately gives teh vibe of a battle manga.  That tone where characters are thinking about strategy, tactics, and you're guessing how they're going to win the fight, what kind of ingenuity the protagonist is going to come up with, etc.  I missed that.  ...that's right I loved the "battle anime" genre.  It used to be the fundamental subgenre I'd watch, with some other kind of genre layered on top of it...or alone.  Now that I think about it, the only "battle anime" I've really been watching lately, has been "Shokugeki no Soma".  The only other Shonen series I've picked up recently, has been "Dr. Stone" and that hasn't proven to be a "battle anime" in several episodes so far.  (I've been really enjoying it from the first epsiode though.  Even more immediately than "Demon Slayer".)  
I mean, everyone---all the anitubers---keep posting how great this series is, so I'd feel bad if I ended up liking it and missing out on the Nendoroid preorders.  But then again, they all love HeroAca, and I gave that series 3+ tries and just couldn't get over how much I dislied Bakugo (and how hard the series tried to frame him with sympathy).  Sorry, bullies are my pet peeve.
So it's one of those demon/yokai series:  Where the demons have some kind of specific weak point.  The demon's body got crushed, and suddenly it's head in another location died or at least felt a lethal blow?  Reminded me of "By the Sword", the manga by Sanami Matoh.  In that manga, the demons had their soul in a spherical jewel and that was their actual weak point.  (You couldn't even crush it to kill them.  You had to capture it, take it to an exorcist, and they would actually destroy yokai for demon hunters.)  Reminds me of the belief that human souls are in a jewel/ball/tama, which usually gets mentioned in kappa stories, about how kappa will try to grab that soul from out of your butt.  
"This kid isn't going to cut it.  He's too kind and can't make decisions.  He's facing a demon, yet the scen tof kindness remains.  He has empathy for even a demon."  Hey, man.  The fact that he's concerned about the suffering of the person he's going to kill is the whole reason I'm now finding Tanjiro endearing.  Sure, it was nice in ep1 when all the villagers showed how much they trusted him and how altruistic he is.  But my pet ideal is Kindness/Compassion.  If a character can retain that, even in the worst circumstances, even towards the worst people, then I'm hooked.  
I guess sunlight is enough.  Oh yeah, Nezuko was hiding from sunlight earlier in thsi ep.  Well, here's the solution to our protagonist retaining his empathy.  ^__^  He jsut has to last until dawn of each fight.  That's fine.  Shonen heros need to show determination through stamina.  
Listen, if the mentor figure is going to slap our protagonist for preserving his Compassion, while the series frames his "lesson" as advocating for admirable Resolve---as Shonen manga/anime are prone to do---then I'm out of here.  I just hope on the obvious hunch that our protagonist is going to prove him wrong, regardless of his standing/experience.  That's what'll make him a Hero...at least the "protagonist who chooses their own option while rejecting the rigid systems" is the type that plays well in America.  "Rebel without a cause" and all that.  Hard to know which way an anime/manga will go until you watch the whole thing.  
Actually, killing Nezuko if she eats a human THEN killing yourself, sounds reasonable.  1, Nezuko already has shown that killing humans for demon food still makes her feel bad enough to cry, so I'm sure if she did it, she'd want to kill herself.  2, Tanjiro would never be able to forgive himself for having to kill Nezuko and he'd want to die too.  Urokodaki then said, "But that must never happen no matter what.  And you'd best not forget."  So looks like he's not going to be that trope mentor who constantly advocates against Compassion as a weakness, just so the protagonist can demonstrate his resolve towards Compassion, by constantly butting heads with the mentor figure.  Good, because battle anime can spend a lot of time with mentors and I don't want their company to be a pain to be around.  
Lost in the thick fog?  No.  He thinks you're going to get eaten by demons on the way down the mountain.  Man, this series did well to establish that association between night and demons, pretty well, if even a forgetful idiot like me can remember. LOL  
Traps?  Wehn did he have time to set that up?  Isn't he just backtracking?  Wouldn't they have set off those traps while going up the mountain???  Whatever.  
"That's why I'm gasping for air like this and feel so dizzy!"  This series does a good job of inserting exposition very quickly and when you want to hear it.  This is going to be an excellent battle anime, isn't it?  
This smoke portrayal reminds me.  I haven't noted how beautiful this art is yet.  I've noted how nice UFO Table's animation is, but these character designs and artwork in general are also pretty nice.  It's nothing fancy like CLAMP, but the draftsmanship is good, everything is very solid in what it needs to do and does nothing in excess...unless needed, when rendering magical things.  Though the artwork during the ending credits shows nice stylized illustration, and not just any "minimums" of draftsmanship.  This nice artwork is also the reason why I want to know if I like this series, before their Nendoroid preorders close.  Because the character designs make the Nendoroids pretty in and of themselves.  The Nezuko Nendoroid is already really cute, without me even knowing who she is.  But I need (to try) to stick to only buying Nenodroids of characters I OBSESSIVELY LOVE from now on, with my budget the way it is now.  As pretty as both the Nezuko and Tanjiro Nendoroids are, if I don't LOVE these characters, then I'll have to skip their preorders.  Of course if the preorders close and I do end up loving these characters, I'll feel pretty bad.  (But I can rely on rereleases, which are coming more often in recent years, and on Good Smile Company's booth sales, like I did for the "Cells at Work" Nendoroid.)  That's why I've gotta get through this series fast!
Still...The preview just ended, and I'm not raring to binge another episode.  So maybe my wallet is looking safe from Nezuko's and Tanjiro's Nendoroids???  o.o???  I don't know...  Maybe I'm just avoidant because indecisiveness is one of my sore spots and Urokodaki keeps scolding our protagonist about it.  Mabye I just don't want to feel bad, wasting all day on binging anime.  I mean, I really like "Dr. Stone" so far, and I don't binge it.  ...I mean, I don't think?  I may have watched 2-3 episodes in one sitting more than I wanted, so....  Ug.  Whatever.  I've got stuff to do, I can't waste time binging "Demon Slayer", and it has yet to grab me enough to make wasting my whole day on it, worth it YET.  
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