#sorry for thinking its hot. as if its my fault. etc etc
contagious-watermelon · 3 months
sorry to the person whose blog i just scrolled thru like its my dashboard
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thesimulacrasimp · 6 months
Okay so im gonna just throw randomly my thoughts on sm6 while rewatching it cuz why not, I was doing the same thing for hazbin hotel so why not spooky month too?
Ok im just gonna say: that starting scene with thieves was kinda funny. Also rewatching it, im starting to suspect that this giant spider thing in Lilas attic have her husbands soul, IDK WHY, I JUST FEEL LIKE IT, it just looks so important, it even appeared twice in the ep: in the begining n in the end.
Okay so Skid does know and remember his dad, I just was thinking that his father left/died when Skid still wasnt born or when he was very little so Skid doesnt even know that he had a father, but no he does remember his dad, so that means he presented for quite long time in Skids life.
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Also im really suprised how big Pumps house is, well i mean— he said that his parents work alot so ig i shouldnt be suprised-
Poor Ignacio just wants some peace– *watched the ep a lil longer* Oh hes kinda fucked up actually---
Also for some reason i find kinda interesting that Ross n Rob were kinda comforting Roy every time they were on the screen like "We're here for you, Roy" etc etc, so im thinking maybe something bad happened to Roy? I mean he looked kinda frustrated n angry, so maybe somethng between him n his parents?
Okay but can we talk about how Moloch look so much more scarier than before?
Okay so--- get ready for my rambleling bout my boy Dexter-- HE LIVED WITH HIS MOM N ALOT OF CATS😭😭😭 N HIS MOMS PURE GRIEF BOUT HER LOSS WAS GENIUNALY SO SAD TO WITNESS 😭😭😭😭
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Okay so looking at Skids impression when Father Gregor asked him bout his father-- yeah i think his dad actually died---- but i can be wrong ofc
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Okay- im sorry but-- why does Kevin n Radfords interactions make them look like a couple--- I AM SORRY BUT----
Also the way Father Gregor gave Kevin holy water was really funny to me, it was like: "You know these children?? Yeaahhhh i feel bad for u, kid. Here have some holy water, just in case...." ALSO the fact that ppl started coming in the store ONLY after Radford sprinkled holy water in it-- DOES THAT MEAN THAT THERE WERE DEMONS IN IT THAT WERE KEEPING PPL AWAY???
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Dont mind me guys, im just a little crying :')
Okay but the way how Skid n Pump were SO exited to see Moloch again was really funny n cute at the same time
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Okay... This is the part when i literally teared up. I know it was just Moloch trying to fool Father Gregor to give him kids but idk.... It still made me tear up for some reason, and i even know the reason: i just miss Dexter so much n i didnt expect him to appear so much times in this ep, I just think hes a precious boy who deserved better. I KNOW THAT HE WAS KILLING ANIMALS N I DONT APPROVE THAT AT ALL, but hes still a sweetie idfc.
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Also why would Patty need a gun so immediatly?..
Also that part when Moloch were wandering around the town n Father n spooky bois were trying to catch him was so funny and entertaining
Poor Pelo got ooffed again. Press F.
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And this is the part where i actually cried alot. Poor Skid doesnt know that its not his fault at all.. Also even if Father Gregors words were kinda mean, that Lila is irresponsible mother, I cant disagree with them. Yes, she is an alone mother, but it doesnt give her permission to just leave her child to himself n his friend n go drink n then spent time w her child drunk. Yeah i know, that she leaves him to mr Wonder n Susie, but lets be honest, were here even a single time when the kids didnt just leave the house n cause problem? No. So i think the Fathers words are make perfect sense, n Lila should think bout it. Also a lil thing i just thought bout, why would Lila throw away her husbands stuff? If he actually died why would she do this? Or hes not dead n he just left for some reason? Idk
and so ummm i think thats it. It took me 1 hour to write this lol.
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f4iry-bell · 6 months
Stained Shirt and Two Seats for One
a very long title, im so sorry about the setting of first chapter not being clear and switch of what is going on eacothers heads?? though its written in third person pov. first chapter is very terrible pls bare with me. its just for funies.
this is a regular x f!reader. anyone can read it.
NOTE: after TBH but AU where there is no tgg or anything that involves tgg(no avery's game, or alice being alive, etc etc). reader is 23-24. grayson is 26-27 y/o. im sorry for making gray kinda old ITS FOR PLOT REASONS.
warning: unclear setting 🧍‍♀️.
Y/n blinked rapidly as she was trying hard not to scream out of pain and anger. The hot liquid poured all over her burnt like hell. And the colour choice of her top was definitely not helping. At least she doesn't have to immediately meet her client as soon as she lands in London. Some of the people who passed by looked at her stained shirt and the man in front of her who looked so perfect. No, literally, he might just be perfect.
“My sincere apologies.” He apologised and his tone stated neutral, he sounded apologetic but yet not.
“It's okay.” She says giving him a poor smile while she looks at her top.
“It's not okay, your shirt is ruined.” He states.
“No, I was on my phone while I was walking, it's also my fault.” She said and watched him take his white handkerchief out handing it to her.
“I was not looking as well.”
“Thank you, but I don't think it's going to help.” She chuckled but his face remained neutral.
“I’m sorry again” He kept apologising and she kept saying ‘it's fine’
Finally they both parted ways. Grayson was thinking about the incident and the girl, he ruined a perfectly styled outfit. It was simple and probably comfortable for flying. He remembered that his flight is about to take off in 30 minutes. He can't let that event bother his whole plane ride.
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As Grayson walked inside the flight through the economy, he recognised one person sitting in the middle, the girl whom he poured his black coffee on. She was wearing a cardigan over her stained shirt. Her wired earphones disappeared in her wavy hair. She sat in between a weird old man and a woman with her baby on her lap. She looked so done. He can't imagine how bad her day must be. First, he pours coffee on her and now she has to sit next to probably two worst types of people you would find on a plane. He couldn't help himself. He walked to her seat, fortunately he didn't have to tap on her to make her notice his presence. She looked at him once he was near her seat and unplugged her earphones from her ears with a confused look. Probably wondering why he is here.
“Hi.” She said and gave him an awkward smile as if this man did not just pour hot coffee on her.
“I have an offer,” He said. “For you.”
“Oh. um, oh” He can tell that she was super confused by her response.
“You have a seat in first class” He informed her.
“Huh?” She was still confused.
“You heard me. I have a seat for you in the first class” He was trying to be clear.
She can tell that this man was about to board in first class when he poured coffee on her just by his looks. But why is he offering his seat? Because he poured coffee on her? And where will he sit? In her seat? He looks like he never travelled out of first class.
“Oh you don't have to give up your seat. It's fine.” She smiles.
“Ma’am, I'm not giving up my seat. Take the offer” He ordered, getting kind of impatient.
“You’re not? But you said that you have a seat for me”
“So, your seat”
“Yes. My other seat” He added “You'll be sitting next to me”
“You have booked two seats?” She asked. Was he supposed to travel with someone? His outfit might say that he was supposed to travel with a business partner or assistant.
“I always do. Now if you're done with your questions, we must leave before the airhostess asks us” He said.
She blinked a couple times not believing what just happened. She stood up and noticed the lady with her baby was giving her a jealous look. I mean she can't blame the lady, who wouldn't want to travel in first class. She took her small backpack with her.
She spoke as they walked “So um why'd you book two seats?” She didn't want to pry but she was going to sit next to this man for hours, she didn't want it to be awkward throughout.
“As I've mentioned already. I always do”. He replied. Showing no interest in a conversation. He is giving her a seat in first class that should be enough of an apology for the coffee, right?
“But why?”
“Because I do not like sitting next to strangers. You'll be surprised to find out even people who travel first class want to engage in unnecessary conversations” He told her. She gave a nod. She made a mental note to not engage in a conversation with him.
Grayson noticed it, he also thought that she is quite polite and beautiful too.
She tried hard not to think that he is an arrogant asshole, well he is giving his seat to her so he must be fine. She made sure not to make silly conversation with him or not talk at all. This man booked two tickets just so he doesn't have to engage with others. He must hate people. Y/n was not a fan of people or small talk with strangers either so it's not hard for her to keep her to herself. But if the awkward silence is too loud she won't be able to help herself, she will just say something random.
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The plane ride was quiet as Grayson wanted. He liked the fact that the girl did not try to have any small talk with him. All though he tried his best to mind his own business he kept noticing what she was doing, for the first half an hour of the flight the girl was writing something on her notebook. He wanted to peek but it would be too obvious. After some writing she took out a beige eye mask and then rested throughout the flight. Watching her like a creep he decided to do the same as well.
It was like an unwritten rule to walk out of London's airport together for them. Like the plane ride the walk was also quiet. Grayson had a car waiting for him outside already, the girl on the other hand was waiting for a taxi. He wanted to offer her a ride but he thought it was probably too much.
“I’m once again sorry about your clothes. Have a good life” He started and ended the conversation without even giving her time to speak. He didn't care if she thought he was rude, he will never see this girl ever again.
next part →
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Hello! I feel un gran oso (shame, cringe, etc) for this, but I wanted to request a morpheus one shot hehe. I just NEED this situation to be written or something cause in my opinión its ✨✨
Based on the song Ballroom of Romance of Celtic Woman, where the reader is a human that somehow fell into morpheus grace, and as such she can enter the Dreaming every time she wants through a earring that morpheus crafted, and she wants to celebrate the Day of the Book or the day of the Librarian in honor to Lucienne, and for unknown reasons she gets permission to make a ballroom and well, a lot of dancing and a beautiful dress and Morpheus from his throne like: 🙂 (💓💓💓)
Mutual pining of course ✨
Thank you very much, have a nice day/noon/night!
Here's the song;
Granny's Superstitions
Dream of the Endless x College Student!Reader
Summary: Your grandmother told you stories of how her grandmother was friends with the King of Dreams. You didn't think much of it, not even when you inherited your great-great grandmother's earrings on your 18th birthday. I mean, why would you? They did not correlate. And yet, your granny should have told you it did, so you weren't so surprised when you found yourself in the halls of the Dreaming.
Word Count: 5k+
Warnings: Dark post capture!Dream, fem!reader, themes of misogyny, exasperated college student!reader, reader has a potty mouth, angst, enemies to lovers(?), typos, etc.
A/N: this was an exciting request! I love that you even added a song <3 I enjoyed it very much!! The syncopation in the chorus, its UGH SAUR GOOD. Because of this, I made reader a music major, like me HIHI. I will say, this became quite a dark and angsty fic and for that 😅 im sorry ig. ALSO I CHANGED SO MUCH ABOUT YOUR PROMPT I- ASODHASFOIAHFAHSF:HASF I do hope you still enjoy it my dear T_T [CRIES] IDK WHY I DID THIS TO YOUR REQUEST AND MYSELF IT WAS THE EARRINGS I HYPERFIXATED ON IT AND EVERYTHING JUST WENT BOOM T_T this is literally escapism PS the character Tim Henson in this fic is real, he's from a band called polyphia, which I love, and you don't have to imagine him as Tim, but I sure did LOL
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I was effectively buzzed by the alcohol in my blood stream, and yet no amount of booze would make the unwanted stares from my classmates ever palatable.
Had I known making an effort in dressing up would merit the reaction I got for attending this party I didn't even want to attend in the first place, then they should all be glad that I wasn't in fashion department but in music.
Yet another rando turned to me and smiled, complimenting my outfit, to which I forced out a chuckling thank you.
I don't know why they're so upset that the guy they liked thought I was hot! It's not like it's my fault I got attention I didn't want.
I huffed as I pushed the restroom door open. I wash my hands as I stare at my face in the mirror. I behold the efforts I put on painting my face, on doing and redoing my liner, on perfecting the color on my lips.
I clench my jaw tightly at the feel of tears pricking from my eyes.
I thought they were my friends, finally I had friends, and yet all it took was one guy to ruin all that.
I close the faucet and lean on sink, releasing a sigh. I look at my reflection, watching the sapphire earrings dangle by my jaw.
I scoff at myself. I wore my heirlooms for them?
"Gosh, I miss home," I say, screwing my eyes shut as I straighten myself up. I begin to fidget with the small jewels on my lobes and head for the door. "Who cares if I leave early," I pull the door open, "no one's gonna-"
My ghost leaves me and I still when I see the dark expanse of the hall. There was no way this was the room I just exited, no way it was a dark, high-fricking-ceiling hall with marble floors, and massive stained glass windows that were broken. There was no way because there was not a single piece of furniture or intoxicated student in sight, only debris.
From my frozen stance, I push my hand behind me in an attempt to catch the knob I just let go. When I turn, my heart drops when I am faced with the fact I was in the middle of an empty hall with no door in sight.
Did they drug me?
I begin to pant as I do a 360 of the area.
I choke on my spit and go reeling back when I see a dark face in front of me. I am not nearly fast enough in my movements as the man's large strides allow him to quickly catches me in his tight grip.
"How have you come here, intruder?"
His voice is impossibly loud and deep that it seemed it was spoken by the very room itself. My hands dart up to cover my ears, but his grip on my biceps prevented that.
I open my mouth to speak, but the furrow of his brows and the tension of his jaw bring render me mute.
His darkened blue eyes widen a fraction. He scoffs, "I see. You are a thief."
My brows knit at the accusation.
He steps closer, fingers digging into my flesh, "what did you wish to achieve with those earrings?"
A shiver runs down my spine and I begin to stutter.
"What did you do to its owner?" his voice demands, going an octave lower. My eyes widen when his form begins to grow larger and the room begins to darken, "did you hurt her?"
My sight begins to blur with fearful tears when his pale skin disappears into nothingness, "I never met my her! She was dead before my mother was even born!"
"What?!" his voice echoes, seemingly endlessly.
"I NEVER MET GRANNY JOSEPHINE!" I scream, "I just inherited the earrings, I swear!"
When his form begins to revert, I decide it was do or die. I break away from his grip and manage free. However, when I pull away from him, I fall on my butt and freeze at the pain. I crawl away from him as far and as fast as I can, but as much as I didn't want to, I halt when pain shoots up from my palm. I pull my hand toward me and find blood on it.
"You are her progeny," he says.
When my eyes dart back to him, he is just a man in with black hair and a trench coat.
My pulse quickens when he walks over to me.
In an act of self preservation, I grab a concrete rock nearby and throw it to him as hard and best as I can. I goes right through his form and my eyes blow wider than they already are.
I push myself back, through the pain and blood on my palms, "STAY AWAY FROM ME! I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT BUT-"
"I apologize," his voice mutters, silencing me in pure bewilderment.
I look up to the man and examine his face and his outstretched hand.
He cannot possibly believe I would take that.
I prefer the pain of pushing myself up and make sure not to break eye contact with him as I do. Once I am back to my feet, the man looks at me then the blood dripping from my fingers.
"What the fuck are you?" I shudder out, slowly backing away from him.
His eyes lift back to me and he raises his nose, "I am the King of Dreams."
My body trembles at his words. My hands shake as I chuckle in disbelief, "no way- no fucking way. My grandmother- those bedtime stories- you're-"
"Real?" he finishes for me, "as real as your blood staining my floors."
My eye twitches at his remark. I scoff, still on edge, and yet I cannot withhold the retort in the back of my throat, "you're annoyed by my blood dripping when your your filthy floor?"
The Dream king seems not to enjoy that comment and yet I could not help myself, "my blood is the least of your problems, don't you think?"
I grip my injured hand.
"Leaving unwanted traced of yourself is not good for my domain."
I raise my brows at that, "well if you didn't shapeshift and scare the living shit out of me, then maybe I wouldn't have had to crawl away from you."
"I thought you were an intruder."
"But aren't you all knowing, or some shit," I heave, "so much for a king."
"You dare insult me in my own abode right after I've scared you out of your wits?"
I dare a step forward, "well to be humbled, your majesty, for bringing me here just to intimidate me-"
"I did not bring you here," he cuts me off, diminishing the space between us.
And though my pulse was loud in my ears, I remained steadfast in my place.
His hot breath hits my face as he speaks, "you thought of the Dreaming and travelled here yourself."
I pull my face back as it contorts, "I did not think of this hellhole. I thought of home."
"Yes, and this place is a home for all who are weary."
I hum, "you mean before it crumbled to the ground."
My breath hitches at the sound of his growl, "you inherited not an ounce of congeniality from your great-great grandmother."
The way he knows how far off granny Josephine was to me really struck a chord in me. I press my lips together, "well, I'm glad to have disappointed you so soon so that you wouldn't expect anything from me."
He bellows, "mortality never loses its audacity," he brings his face down to me, making my skin rise with gooseflesh, "I would withdraw the earrings you clearly do not deserve, but out of respect to Josephine, I shall allow you to keep it," he seethes, "but for your insolence you will know how much of a king I really am."
I slam my hand on my alarm and rip my heavy lids open.
I groggily groan as I struggle out of bed.
Ten days it's been since the last time I slept properly. If falling asleep wasn't the problem, then it was trying to wakeup from the horrible nightmares that plagued me.
I slam my books on my desk, making my seatmate turn to me and watch as I sit down next to him.
"Well, good morning to you too, zombie girl," Tim greets with a shit eating grin.
"I am not in the mood, you ass," I grunt, crossing my arms as I lean back on my chair.
"You haven't been in the mood for two weeks," he says, "Don't you think you should do something about it?" he leans on the table and knits his brows in concern.
I wipe my face and give an annoyed chuckle, "what can I do when I'm literally beefing with the king of dreams," I carefully word, "and nightmares."
"Poetic," he rests his hands on the back of his tattooed hand, "a true sign of insanity."
"Go fucking annoy someone else, you rat."
"Nah, if I do, you'll be lonelier than you are."
I shoot him a dirty look as he then places something in front of me.
I look at the grey packet as he explains, "sleeping pills."
I turn back to him and push the medicine away, "don't work. I've tried."
He raises a brow, "without prescription?"
"There is such a thing a over the counter drugs, Tim."
"Spoken like a true druggie."
I scoff.
He continues, "this was why I told you not to attend that snobby party. You ever noticed that ever since then, you've gotten fucked up in the brain. It's no coincidence."
"Again, thank you captain obvious," I slam my hands on the table and turn to him, feeling my head pulse in exhaustion, "and so sorry that not everyone can be a cool and popular as you."
"Why'd you even wanna make friends with them when you-"
"SHUT UP!" I scream, making the entire class turn to me. I feel embarrassment rise up my neck, and was only lucky that our teacher wasn't here yet. I sink down into my arms and bury my face as I mutter, "Enough. Enough! I get it, Tim. 'I told you so.' Geez, just get off my ass."
He calls my name, making me groan, "I'll do something about my insomnia! Just please, shut the fuck up."
"You better," he scoffs, "or else I'll plant a pea shooter in your lawn."
And so later that day, I did what I perhaps I should have the very moment after I met the Dream King.
I called my grandmother.
"Hi, granny," I smiled, holding my phone up to my face as I waved at the harshly zoomed face of my grandmother on the screen.
"How are you there?" she excitedly answers, "I'm so glad you thought to call."
I nod and chuckle, "me too, granny."
She takes a moment before responding, "you look tired. Have you been sleeping and eating well."
"Yeah, about that..."
After explaining everything to her, her voice grills the audio of my device because of how loud it is, "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO DREAM OF THE ENDLESS?!"
"Granny, that-"
"I think we're past apologies. I have to do something more to make it up to him if I'm to ever sleep well again."
"Darn straight," she mutters in agreement, "now, oh goodness, let's see..." she sighs and wipes her face, "PIE!"
I raise a brow, "pie?!"
"My grandmother absolutely loved baking and everyone who ate her apple crumble pie adored-"
"Hello," a voice calls, making me turn to whom spoke. I see a woman with glasses walking over to me and I give an awkward smile as I raise the tray in my hand, "hi... is Dream here?" Once she is before me, she takes in my appearance then raises a finger, "ah, you're the one who inherited the Sapphire Dream Walk." "... do you mean my earrings?" "Yes. I-" "What are you doing here, girl?" I look over my shoulder and see the annoyed expression on the Dream of the Endless, as my grandmother put. "A peace offering," I release a sigh and hand him the tray, "my grandmother said that granny Josephine made you pie and you so enjoyed." The two of them only stare at me. "It's most definitely not as good-" "Lucienne, I don't have time for this," he says, turning to the woman who greeted me. Dream turns about and debris from the room begins to float up. Lucienne places a hand on my arm then gratefully accepts the tray from me, "I thank you on behalf of my master for your most generous gift."
"Yeah, that's not gonna work," I sigh, running my hands through my hair, "I did not inherit any homemaker skills."
My grandmother says my name gravely.
"What? It's true!" I shake my head, "if I did, then I would have been better off marrying a rich man," I dryly joke.
My grandmother ignores this as she suddenly says, "if your baking skills are that bad, perhaps just make an effort to eat with him every lunch."
I make a twisted face, "you want me to waste my precious free time on that emo prick-"
"Hi," I raise a hand, making Dream and Lucienne, who seemed to be getting into a heated argument, halt and turn to me. Dream scoffs, "you again." I awkwardly chuckle and rub my arm. "What? No bribe this time?" he narrows his eyes at me as he walks over. I purse my lips and twist to reveal my backpack, "I bought lunch for all of us..." There is a sound of thunder from the outside. I look away from the stalking man, finding there was even less debris now compared to yesterday, "it seems your efforts to liven up the place are-" "Silence."
"Oh, so you have a better idea?!" my grandmother quips.
"Granny, I can already imagine-"
"You said," I grip my earlobes tightly in my fingers, "you wouldn't take my earring back for the sake of Josephine." "But that was before," he presses close to me that our bodies were nearly touching, "you were turned out to be a meddlesome insect." "How is being friendly to someone who clearly needs friends meddlesome?" "Friends?" his deep voice darkly chuckles, "it is you who needs friends," his voice echoes, "you think I did not sift through your memories to verify your words? I know well the day you came here you were at a party on the pretense of making companionship," he leans in that his nose nearly touches mine, "but they turned you away, did they not?" My eyes glass at his words and my breathing grows jagged at the words he next spoke. "If your fellow mortals do not want you, what makes you think that I would?" "My lord!" Lucienne calls. I do not grant him the satisfaction of another moment of my time and will myself back to my room.
"-how bad it'll be-"
I hold up a cupcake in a plastic container to the man who was reading on his throne. "Your insolence knows no bounds, girl." "Actually, it's chocolate chip cheesecake." He eyes me darkly, slamming his book closed, "you think you can win me over with food?" "I can tr-" "It is by my own power than I am sustained," he stands and swats my cupcake away, "and by my mercy that you have not slipped into madness." I gulp as he adds, "not yet."
"-if I force myself-"
I try to contain my giggles as Lucienne and I sit on a picnic blanket I bought for today. "It's so weird to know that without him, Bach would've never finished his most famous piece, which is so gentle and sweet and-" I finish with a whisper, "unlike your boss." She sighs as her lips press into a soft smile, "you know... he's not actually that bad. He's just... going through something." I roll my eyes, "what puberty?" Lucienne shakes her head "he has been hurting for a long time." "Just because you've hurt doesn't justify the hurt you inflict on others," I mutter, "you don't have to keep defending your petty king." Dream, who had just finally fixed and tidied the last of the rubble, speaks up "you are aware there is no such thing as hushed whispers in my realm?" He turns to us and walks over with a storm cloud over his head, "every crude remark you've uttered as you stuff your face with your cheap, store bought snacks has echoed in my ears." I look up at him, opening my mouth, but Lucienne's hand grabbing mine silences me. "If you wish to insult me as retribution, then perhaps I should darken your mind more than I already have." "Dream! She has not-" "I've had enough of you as well, Lucienne," he quips, "you tell her things that is not yours to tell." "But you have withheld rest from her, my lord!" she says as she stands, "and for what? Because she told you the realm was in shambles, when it clearly was?!" "I shall heed none of your flippant words and continue to do so as I see fit."
"-to hang around him when he clearly doesn't like me!" I exclaim, already frustrated by the idea.
"Then, do something you like... together."
I release a sigh.
"Perform for him, you are a musician after all, and he is every musician's muse."
Lucienne claps as I release a sigh and allow my guitar to rest on my shoulder on its strap. "A splendid performance indeed," she smiles at me. I awkwardly thank her and turn to Dream beside her. "Pitiful that talents are wasted on a girl as unsavory as she." I shake my head and release a scoff, "aren't you tired of being an asshole?" His lips curl in disgust, "perhaps nightmares aren't enough. Maybe taking your voice-" "You think just because you're powerful and fucking old, all your actions are justified?" I remove the guitar strap and begin to put it back in its case, "I just want to sleep! And I've been making an effort to pacify you, but you're acting like a child." "I'm acting like a-" "THEN I'M ACTING LIKE A CHILD, DAMMIT," I heave, "and you are the perfect Dream of the Endless!" I get on my knees and bow to him mockingly, "none could defy his will."
"Granny, that's-"
"Oh! I've got it. I've got it! I remember. The king is absolutely fond of ballroom dances. Perhaps you can convince him to allow you to plan a dance for him."
"Granny, where would I even plan such a thing?"
"The dreaming of course," I press my lips into a smile, watching Dream's dark face eye me impatiently. "I've had quite enough of your games, girl," he snips, "first you bribe me with food, now you're trying to fool me into dancing with you." "What-" I whine, "is it going to take-" I huff, "for your petty ass to forgive me." He scoffs, "well perhaps you could start by dropping the unnece-" "But I have! I did! I tried being nice, but you do nothing but attack me." He scoffs, "and if that were true then you would not be sufferings still." "I JUST WANT TO SLEEP!" I scream, lunging at him as I grab his stupid collar, "you have NO idea what it feels like to be so tired but restless." "I think I would know-" "BUT YOU DON'T! Because you don't need sleep, or food, or anything! You are just an all powerful monster, devoid of emotions and any sense of compassion." He shoves my hands off him and I pull back as I heave. Dream tilts his head at my tear stained face with disdain. "Lucienne told me you were captured-" "It was not her place to tell you anything." "You would know what it feels like to be trapped!" I release a shudder, "or perhaps you are so caught up in your own self-pity that you will never believe anyone else can suffer, at your cruel hands, no less."
I slam my head on the cafeteria table repeatedly until I feel my forehead sting. I feel tears prick my eyes in frustration.
I just want to sleep.
"I just wanna sleep, you royal douche bag-" I whimper, "can you fucking hEAR ME-"
"Hey!" someone catches my forehead, mid head bang, and I crane my neck up to see the worries and breathless face of my classmate, "where have you been? I haven't seen you at lunch in forever."
I groan and straighten up, just to slump down on my chair and rub my eyes in frustration. "I'm so fucking tired, Tim."
"Yeah, no shit," he says, right as the sound of a chair being dragged back fills my ears, "you look like shit."
I let out a whimper, unable to withhold the tears from my eyes, "you think I don't fucking know that?"
I break down against my palms, incapable of keeping my emotions in anymore. Tim stiffens at the sight and lets out a string of curses before placing a hand on my shoulder, "I didn't mean to-"
"Look, if you're here to annoy me too, just leave, Tim."
I rip my hands away and look at him with my wet eyes, "I don't know why you're here, but just leave!"
He scoffs, "you don't know why I'm here?" He crosses his arms, "well maybe because I'm worried about you?! Because we're friends?!"
His brows furrow, "how's that, asshole?"
"... we're... friends?"
Tim's face twists, "are you fucking stupid for real?"
I don't get to reply as my name is suddenly called. I turn to my side and feel my blood still at the face before me.
"You called me," Dream says, turning from me to Tim, "are you in trouble?"
I still and turn between the two, as an incredulous chuckle leaves my throat, "now hold on," I scoff, "hold on just a damn second."
Dream turns back to me and I peer up at him, "are you trying to tell me that you came here because you thought I called you and that I was in some sort of trouble."
"You did call me," he mutters, completely ignoring the rest of what I just said, "I am not one to lie."
Tim turns to me as I laugh. His face is warry as when I stand from my seat. The serious expression Dream's face disturbs me and I chuckle yet again.
"I'm so sorry," I place a hand on my chest, "where are my manners? I should introduce you two first: Tim, Dream, Dream, Tim," I turn to the latter, "you wanna know where I go at lunch? This is the Dream Lord I've been duking it out with every time."
Tim rises from his seat, grabbing my arm.
It seems, Dream does not take kindly to this and shows it by stepping close to the man. As Tim turns to the glaring Dream, I scoff and push the Endless to face me, "you're insane. Aren't you?"
Tim speaks my name softly.
"No," I turn to Tim, "he's the reason why I can't sleep because I questioned his kingliness or some shit-" I snap back to Dream, "in fact I'm so fucking tired I don't remember why you've been giving me nightmares in the first place."
"Okay, calm down," Tim tugs me towards him as he repeats my name, "we should just go to my place now and have lunch there."
"And who are you to take her anywhere?" Dream demands, making Tim's face contort in anger.
"I'm her actual friend, dipshit."
"Except she doesn't have any friends."
Tim snorts in annoyance, "as I'm sure you've been gaslighting her to believe."
With that, we walk away from Dream, even though I was so ready to lunge at him. Tim gave me an absolute earful about something, not that I actually listened. But still, even as his words entered one ear and out the other, I still cringed at the severity of his harsh but concerned tone.
Out of spite of myself, I told him I would skip the rest of my classes and sleep the entire day. After arguing about it, Tim eventually walked me back to my home and I punished myself by actually trying to go to sleep.
You have no idea how shocked I was when it worked.
I didn't realize I was sleeping because I was suddenly in a glimmering black dress.
Lucienne came running over to me with a wide smile, "You did it! You did it, dear, you did it!"
"You've put sense into that old fool's head," she grabs my face, "and convinced him to throw a ball in honor of the reconstruction of the Dreaming."
"Wait," I shake my head, "so I'm-" I grip my earlobes and find only the smoothness of my skin, "dreaming?"
Lucienne beams at me as tears glass my eyes.
"Now, is not the time for sadness," she sighs, grabbing my hands, "today we celebrate!"
Seeing all sorts of beings dancing and making merry in the grand halls with such festive and upbeat music made it hard to resist. Of course I was reluctant and in denial. It was all happening so quickly, But when I was drawn into the middle of the room by Lucienne, who linked her arm in mine, and started spinning around, I couldn't help but laugh and dance with her.
My spirit is livened by the sound of the fiddles and the sweet voice singing to the music.
By the time the chorus comes along, I am relaxed and try to hum along with the music as Lucienne and I giggle at how poorly we were dancing.
I am promptly halted when the arm linked in mine pulls away and I slam into a firm dark chest.
I grip on a pair of biceps and tilt my head up. Dream he looks down at me with an expression I have never seen before.
I pull away quickly, but he catches my wrist, "it was your idea to have a dance," he leads me back near to him, "might you share one with me?"
I'm surprised he actually waits for my response. And so I reluctantly nod my head.
The moment I do, he does the weirdest thing. His lips curve upwards and he spins me to the beat of the music.
All the stiffness and unwillingness begins to melt away as Dream leads me to the music. Though his gaze on me is heavy and scrutinizing, I cannot bring myself to look away.
"It really took a man showing his concern for me for you to finally change your mind," I mutter.
"No," he readily denies, "it was you who made me change my mind."
I roll my eyes, "but it took Tim to set the wheels in motion."
He shakes his head, "you truly could not be farther from your great-great grandmother."
I huff, unable to understand him, "she must have meant a lot to you."
"She did," he pauses for a moment, "she was the gentleness to my indifference."
"So, what? Is this the part where you tell me you're my great-great-granddaddy?"
He spins me around and presses his chest against my back, "if Josephine were here, she would be horrified to know how filthy her daughter's lips are."
"I'm not her daughter..." I mumble, feeling my pulse rise at our proximity, "I'm her great-great-"
Dream spinning me cuts me off. When he retrieves me by my waist, he softly tells, "you were right. I have been cruel and devoid of emotion."
Our dancing comes into a stop as he willingly admits this.
"My own hurt and the unjust expectations I had of you to act like someone you are clearly not is what lead me to be so," he mutters with a solemn expression, "it does not make it right, and it is not an excuse, but I wanted to tell you this."
My brows furrow tightly at his words. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"I apologize for my wrongdoings. I do not enjoy what I have become, and I know I am disgracing the memory of my friend for being so brutal to her child."
I feel a shiver run down my spine. In pure disbelief, I grab his face, "are you seriously Dream of the Endless?"
His teary eyes crinkle in amusement and it causes me further bewilderment, "I am."
When he places hands on my wrists so gently, I feel goosebumps form on my arms.
"You are so familiar yet so foreign to me all at once."
I pull away from him, not knowing what to say.
Just then, the music ends and everyone but us breaks into applause.
When another song plays, I press my lips and extend my hand out to him, "how about another dance?"
Tim was lying on the other side of a cafeteria table, while I was sat opposite to him as I typed away on my laptop. He was playing on his electric guitar connected to his tiny, rechargeable amp, which was propped on the table. His nonchalance while expertly riffing made passersby stop, watch, and swoon. Typical Tim. He sits up just as I turn back when I hear my name get called. A small smile finds my lips as I greet my caller, "Dream. What are you doing here?" "It's lunch time and you have not come to the Dreaming yet." Dream catches the fact that I was not wearing my earrings, just as I chuckle, "and why would I go to the Dreaming?" Tim had already straightened up and stopped playing at this point. I shake my head and shrug, "I'm not going to pretend like I didn't go to you to convince you to stop my nightmares. And now you've gotten rid of them, I won't bother you." I examine Dream's expression, but there was nothing to examine, he was as still as a statue. "You don't have to worry about me. You can do your work in peace now," I nod and turn back to my laptop. Tim's eyes widen at what he hears and he decides to just lie back down and play again. I stop myself in the middle of typing to steal a look behind me in case Dream was still there. When I found no one, I pushed the thought of him away and finished my homework.
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thekidsarentalright · 11 months
Hii! I have some hot and cold takes to sharee. Hope you are still doing that, I don't want to be annoying
1. FOB making literally no shows in LatAm let a bad taste on my mouth. They come only for festivals, and I bet that they have enough public here to play a solo show, at least at the capitals/biggest cities. Probably it lies more on fault of their label, but anyway.
2. Use what Joe said in his book to hate on Mania is disingenuous, since he said similar things about other albums too (IOH comes to mind)
3. TTTYG is not very unique? Like, putting it above most of FOB albums is weird to me, since it's mostly a very standard pop punk album (don't get me wrong, I love this baby made of teenboy rage, but anyway)
4. EOWYG is genuinely bad. Theres literally one of two good songs.
5. Suggesting that a band should break up because you did not like their most recent material is weird, I am sorry. Like, if you don't like it, DONT LISTEN??? And for me, is even worse when it's about FOB, since they are very vocal about how much they like to work, tour and just generally hang out together.
6. The Hush Sound was the best band Pete signed, bless Ryro for sending that link for Pete.
7. Speaking about Ryro, he and Pete have the most intersting relationship from all the relationships between Pete and other band dudes, at least for me
Thats it, thank you for reading <3 I hope its not the worst opinions ever.
def still doing it and not annoying at all, thank you for sharing!!!!
i absolutely agree with this like. while i’m sure it isn’t Their faults personally that they aren’t touring in latam, i’m sure there’s a lot that goes into it that i dont even know about that really doesn’t change that it Is shitty that they aren’t touring anywhere there like. idk if artists like paramore and taylor swift etc can do it i’m sure they could too :/ and i can only hope that Sometime Soon they do
yeah definitely!! his feelings on their albums are honestly probably a lot more complex and nuanced than we could imagine and just using him voicing his thoughts on a project as a way to justify not liking something yourself is kinda shitty!
i have alwayssss felt this way about tttyg (and tbh about eowyg too which will go into my response to the next one fjdnfk), like it shows Promise and isn’t Bad but it also isn’t unique like other fob albums are necessarily. it was a good start but like. they just got better w every album imo
i definitely dont think eowyg as it exists is good either yeahfjrjfndk like i said before. and i think in an ask yday. it has a lot of promise and could easily be good w some tweaks but. isn’t really my thing fjrkfndk
literally if you dont like something and only have mean uninteresting things to say about it dont listen and dont talk about it LMAOOO dont go from i dont like this to well clearly the band should break up like. fob love touring and working together and clearly really love what they’re creating let them be…
tbh have never listened to the hush sound so i will take ur word for this one!!! ryan has good taste tho so im sure theyre good <3
tho i will be a peterick forever and ever i gotta agree pete and ryan are very interesting fr like… there was Some gay stuff going on there man…
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crippleprophet · 2 years
Are there any keywords or special phrases that'll make folks listen to me? Cause I've tried telling people about how my spine feels like it's trying to rip itself from my back every single day and how that pain radiates into my legs and arms. But since I'm a minor all I get is "it's your posture :)" [I sit with good posture all dang day and nothing changes]. At this point I'm taking so much ibuprofen just to function that I fear for my organs. Anything I can do? I'm at a loss.
god, i fucking wish there was something that would guarantee that people listen, i’m so sorry you’re going through this. i don’t have the source on hand at the moment but as much as 80% of people have so-called “bad posture” and that many people do not have juvenile chronic back pain; something is very wrong and i’m sorry no one is taking that seriously.
back pain is classified into two categories: mechanical and inflammatory. mechanical could be something like a herniated disc, due to something like scoliosis, etc; it’s due to a trauma (as in injury) or genetic/environmental/etc factors that are affecting the position of the spine. mechanical back pain gets better with rest.
i unfortunately know too many experiences of egregious medical neglect in general and with scoliosis in particular to assume someone would have noticed that if you have it & communicated that with you, so tbh i’d see if you can find an explanation of checking for scoliosis signs (ideally geared towards healthcare professionals) and an observant, trusted friend and do that with them. other mechanical sources of pain are likely to be caught on an MRI, although no one imaging session is ever a 100% guarantee.
inflammatory back pain is what i’m more familiar with; this would be due to an autoimmune condition such as ankylosing spondylitis or axial spondyloarthritis secondary to psoriatic arthritis, crohn’s disease, etc. the key words you want to use if you think this describes your experiences are:
started gradually; got worse over time. (AS back pain is characteristically described as “insidious” for its gradual onset)
stiffness in the morning that lasts [duration longer than 30 minutes].
gets better with movement and worse with rest. (symptom summaries will say “better with exercise,” to which i say have you met a chronically ill person)
NSAIDs help. (this is just a point of diagnostic criteria, which in my opinion is bullshit because NSAIDs are hot garbage. you & others absolutely might have AS without NSAIDs helping)
any pain in your sacroiliac (SI) joint and/or gluteal muscles.
unfortunately, i have listed these exact symptoms to multiple doctors while having an existing AS diagnosis and been told nothing is wrong. there is no limit to how much they are willing to lie & gaslight you, and in many if not most cases, neglect is not preventable by the victim even if we present perfectly. the neglect & trauma you are experiencing are not your fault, and i am holding you in my heart & hoping that you receive the quality, compassionate, comprehensive care you deserve as soon as possible.
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ac-liveblogs · 1 year
i love lyney a lot but at the same time i can't help but be a little disappointed in how his character is executed bc he turned out differently from what i expected when i saw how he was first described. granted, this was during when i was going off of leaks so its my fault for getting attached this early on but when the only info i knew if him was he was a performer who only cared about his sister i expected he'd act colder or indifferent towards other ppl incl. MC during their arrival, or that he'd have a warmer facade around others which gave the illusion he was a trustworthy person to be around when in reality he acts that way for his own benefit- whether its to get info or plain amusement. his teaser didn't help much either since he messes with a drunk guy for laughs. but idk. i still like him a lot hes very charming but i wish the deception went beyond him hiding he's fatui
Interestingly, Lyney IS supposed to be a character that puts on a warmer facade around others - he says as much in his profile.
Actually, the real me is nowhere near as outgoing or chatty as I appear. More often than not, I only work my verbal "magic" as a means of getting closer to people. Sometimes I think people would feel sorry for the real me. Do you? sigh Or do you find my little games absurd?
Love when this stuff is in character profiles and not the main story.
Anyway, if he does act this way, it's just... not to us. By his Character Quest, which can theoretically be set at any point after you meet him, he is absolutely fine showing how manipulative he can be… to other people, not the player, who he trusts. Kind of skipped over the fun part there, huh. It even jumped right to the heavy implication (or just outright confirmation) that Lyney has feelings for the Traveller by the end of it. The rainbow rose bit, I mean.
Which, like. C'mon, I played this during Fontaine, we've known each other a hot week or something. I guess it's still not as bad as Ayaka.
But I guess that's kind of the point, right, these types of parasocial games really want you to feel special, like you're the exception to the rule, these characters are cold and closed off or manipulative to other people, but not to you, you're important to them. It's just that Genshin tends to shortcut their way right to the "you're special" part without really putting in the legwork to explain how you got there. (@xiao @albedo @ayaka, etc)
It's really unfortunate that following release order (Act I > Lyney Character Quest > rest of Fontaine) is probably going to really muddle the progression of his storyline, haha… Personally, I would've preferred he really was more deceptive to the player, I think that would've been a lot more fun. Well, there's still time for that to be the case, but given Genshin's writing patterns lowkey I kinda doubt it... and I really think given what we've learnt about Arlecchino so far and Childe's framing, the Fatui aren't going to be the villains this time. Or at least, not for most of it.
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destinygoldenstar · 9 months
Responding To Ninjago Hot Takes (Round Two)
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Hey, remember the post I made asking people for Ninjago Hot Takes?
Links here
I said I was gonna respond to some, so well, here we are. I’ll just do a post per hot take, cause some of these I have way too much to say, and I want to shout out people who made these in the first place. (Please support these people, even if you don’t agree with what they said.)
I’m going to repeat this for every post: I’m going to approach these hot takes in two ways: How hot I think they are as takes, and whether or not I agree with the take. Know that I’m just using both of these to reflect on others opinions, which is always fun to see, and I will try to be as respectful as possible to the person. (You guys be respectful too) And as always reblog some of your hot takes in either this post or the other one, preferably the other one.
So I’m gonna go from oldest reblog and onward.
They said:
‘I genuinely really like hands of time’
‘like it's just underrated for no reason’
‘and most retcons aren't that bad in ninjago’
That’s like two separate things. So I’ll treat it as such.
First, Hands of Time being underrated.
That’s a spicy one. Especially from most rankings I’ve seen. So definitely there’s some spice there.
But it’s a little too spicy for me because I tragically do not agree with this.
Don’t get me wrong. I can see how people can like the season. There’s a lot of potential here. I can see people saying the Time Twins are some of the best Ninjago villains. Or the family conflict between the Jiang Smiths. Or Wu coming to terms with his mistakes over the years.
But people who follow me know that I posted about this season a lot, and have and will be rewriting it. I just felt like the pacing of the season was all over the place and hardly justified its ten episode length. There’s a far weaker dynamic between the ninja this time around, which to me is pretty deal breaking. I don’t think Wu’s crisis was handled very well as there wasn’t a lot of resolution to it besides getting lost in time, and it contradicts a lot of his mindset in previous seasons. (Love the short though) The Lloyd focused episode has always been in my Top 10 of worst Ninjago Episodes. The animation is really stiff, and jarring looking compared to other seasons. I made a whole post about how the dialogue was awkward and didn’t work. There were several points where they made the ninja flat out STUPID just to move the plot along. (Why would you trust that the time twins wouldn’t betray you?! You’ve been fighting against them the whole time! You should’ve anticipated a fight!) And I just really hate the twist with Kai and Nyas parents being good all along, as it completely negates their whole struggles this season, the story’s theme before this, and tells us their past doesn’t matter in their characterization at all.
This isn’t my least favorite season though. I do think Crystalized and Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitsu are worse. But I can’t say I fault people for saying Hands of Time is their least favorite season.
You are bold for saying you like it though, and I applaud you.
I’ll give you an 8 for Spiciness
But only a 3 for Agreement
As for the ‘the retcons aren’t bad’
I’m assuming you mean the lore and the plenty of times it’s been retconed?
I love Ninjago. But I think most fans can confess that this shows lore is a complete mess to understand and the retcons do not help at all.
Now yes, said retcons make for compelling stories in their respective seasons.
But you do not need twenty different ways characters can die or be in purgatory. You do not need ten Serphantine species. Etc. etc.
The Merge was honestly the best thing for Dragons Rising BECAUSE they fully admitted to ‘Screw it’.
But the original show? It expected me to take all of this seriously. Like this was always there. Even though it contradicted previous seasons by being there.
I definitely feel like it could’ve been better handled. And it annoys me sometimes when we get a lore dump nowadays as a result. Because I know it’s gonna contradict something previously.
But you’re right in the sense that the retcons don’t hurt the stories TOO MUCH. And it’s not the deciding factor of seasons quality for me. Without some of the seasons themes reinventing the world, Ninjago would’ve ended years ago. But the show is always reinventing itself and that keeps people watching. I’d say some of the worst seasons are when they try to stick to a status quo and what was done before. (Ex: Crystalized. Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitsu.)
You can say what you want about Ninjago. One thing it has rarely ever been for me is boring.
I only ever felt that way ONCE, and that’s Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitsu.
It’s very impressive. And I can respect that.
But I also have to admit when the retcons weren’t very well handled and mess up the lore. That’s not really a good example of good writing moves.
In terms of Spiciness though… not a lot. Because everyone I’ve talked to, love Ninjago or not, have admitted to the lore being a mess. And no one has tried to justify it. I say “The lore is a mess”
And they say something in the lines of “Yeah. I know.”
So I’ll give you a 2 for Spiciness
But a 5 for Agreement
I’m kind of right in the middle.
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st4rbwrry · 2 years
If I were to date you:
you’d be hugged constantly, your ass would be in my palm all the time and i’d tell you because it’s where it belongs
i’d run my fingers along the small of your back just because, when you’re cooking, when you’re busy with chores, shit like that. i’d always be touching you in some way, gently, hard when i need to, comforting and loving, encouraging
i’d kiss you everywhere, knuckles, wrists, neck, back, cheek, nose, forehead, your pretty feet when they’re sore or your thighs when you feel like they’re less than perfect
i’d play with your hair when we’re chilling, help you with braids, taking them out, doing them
you’d get booty rubs till you fall asleep
i’d bite you just for the fun of it
i’d smack your ass and poke my tongue at you when you gimme that stank face of yours
when you try to hit me back i’d grab you and hold you in a the tightest mf hug and shower you with kisses because you can’t ever escape me
i’d make you a playlist on my phone of all the songs you like to belt out in the car, when you’re cleaning, etc.
i’d help you put lotion on, when you just can’t reach those hard to reach places
i’d go shopping with you and be your personal assistant when you need a second opinion
you could put your skin care shit on me and i’d complain and joke the whole time just to see you smile
bubble baths would be drawn for the both of us, or even just you when you need some alone time.
i’d pout and beg you to shower with me, because saving water is important and I love holding you under the water. plus how else are we supposed to fulfil the shower sex quota for the week?
i’d lay you on your lap and while we watch your favourite show and you can play with my hair
have you hauled up in my lap to watch my favourite movie, reciting all of the lines because you find it corny
i’d hold your hand when you’re scared or in pain. Period cramps, get you everything you need, even though i might not know what that is yet.
i’d tell you it’s okay even when it doesn’t feel that way, hold you close or lay beside you trying to gently rub the pain away while waiting for the pain killers to kick in or the heat pack to do its magic
make your favourite food from scratch because i know, just from the way you cook how much you love a home cooked meal
remember your favourite orders/‘usuals’
i’d know you: your body, your mind, your soul
i’d thank god and the universe everyday because i have you in my life
i’d deal with your little outbursts as irrational as they may be sometimes
probably start with sitting you down, whether that me on my lap on on the bed
then we’d try and get to the root of the problem, stress, shitty people at work, Saturn 😑, me, etc.
and i’d say sorry, for everything even if it’s not my fault. “Sorry they take you for granted, mamas. That they think they can use you as they please.” and like i said i’d be there to listen, and if you need advice, i gotchu
then i’d kiss you, soft, apologetic, progressively deeper and deeper till i get you on your back
i’d let a hand wander across your skin, soft and hot against my fingertips
i’d undress you slowly, mumbling sweet nothings as i kiss the unveiled skin of your collarbones, your chest, your stomach, your hips and i’d stop at your thighs just to take you in.
“Fuck, look at you, pretty, all mine. All this just for me.”
then proceeding to take your panties off I’d start from your feet, then move to your ankles smelling the perfume you’d sprayed there for me. Your calves, your thighs, and again i’d stop, so you can feel my breath against you. So i can watch the way your hips struggle to stay still when i’m this close to your pussy.
and when you whine for me, just that little bit I’d run my tongue flat, pausing to suck on your clit, enjoying the way your back arches off the bed and your fingers lace through my hair
i’d moan when you start rocking your hips against my face, my tongue, my lips. My hands moulded to the softness of your thighs, keeping them open when you so desperately want them closed
my tongue would dip inside you, nose brushing your clit as your taste sends sparks straight to my dick
my tongue is replaced with a ringed middle finger, one that entires you slowly but easily because your arousal has already stained the sheets underneath you
then when you’re ready i’ll add another one, the pads nudging ever so nicely at your g-spot that makes your stomach tighten, makes you bite your lip, cry my name and tell me you’re about to cum
and silently i’d encourage you, keeping a steady pace, eyes never leaving your face, so pretty when it’s twisted in pleasure
then when you do come it’s a sight i’d watch over and over again. i let your thighs wrap around my head, revelling in the way your whole body squeezes around me
my tongue would work you through it all, leisurely lapping at your sensitive clit till you whine at me to stop
and with a final kiss to your pussy i’d oblige and come up to kiss you, let you taste yourself on my lips, taste just how fucking delicious you are
then i’d ask if you feel any better. And if it’s a yes, i’d drag you to the shower or the bath (lady’s choice) and we can wash away the bullshit of the day while i hold you
while i run my thumb along your cheek and kiss your lips. have your ass in my hand and say nothing and everything all at once as i look into your eyes
and in that moment i’d tell you. “I love you, baby.”
Sorry that it’s so long but that you for coming to my Ted talk 😁🤍
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whiskeyswifty · 1 year
I see your opinion on Rep the album and it’s very interesting! You made some great points there. It was a necessary album tho it had a very important message to deliver in that stage of her career (getting hold of that narrative) but i mostly admire the Tour of all things in that era, what’s your opinion on the Rep Tour?
that's probably a huge driving force of it, the kanye drama for sure. i will say some of it began to take shape before that all though, like i think so it goes was written in some early form at least while she was at the gillette tour stop for the 1989 tour. something crazy like that, i can't remember the exact details tho. so even though that's what rep became, it wasn't entirely the impetus of that shift into dance pop or the only driving force of the album. as much as i want to blame it as "oh her little side project to get herself through that time in her life" i'm like ehhh that wasn't all it was about. it does make me wonder though what TS6 would have been had the kanye phone call shit not happened. less about the sound, which i think was something she already had been set on. but more like when you take away that vengeful component and the chip on her shoulder, what would it have looked like in the bigger picture? my gut is to say Lover is picking up where 1989 left off, but that's not entirely it either. lover was sooooo bright as a reaction to the darkness of rep, so idk! its fun to ponder.
my opinion on the rep tour is kind of moot cuz i didn't go lol. i had great tickets, for what would have been the saturday new york one, which i think ironically was a rain show. buuuuuut i not only hated the album but also the fandom culture at that time was not for me and i sold them, for something around face value i think, if not a little less than i bought them for (demand was not high for that tour in general, but also a lot of fans got face value tickets over scalpers cuz of that points system, rip). swifties have many harmless faults that i can overlook or ignore, but there's a self righteous streak in many that was on another level during rep. self righteousness really rubs me the wrong way, just a personal thing. and i get it, there was a defensiveness and sense of blind loyalty in the face of her public, digital stoning due to how as much as taylor was attacked, swifties felt equally attacked. turning inward towards community in times of turmoil, etc etc i get it, no judgment. i just don't ride for celebrities like that and if swifties have ever been borderline culty, that was the closest it ever got. no judgement again, it's a harmless, and totally voluntary, cult for the most part, just not the vibe for me. so the LAST place i wanted to be, listening to music i mostly dislike, was surrounded by swifties on a self righteous high for 2 hours in the middle of new jersey.
i did try to watch it on netflix, but fast forwarded through 85% of it tbh cuz of the songs i don't like and also....... ugh hot take incoming probably gonna regret this but.... that tour was not The Look for me iykwim. not that that's the only reason anyone can enjoy a tour but if i also don't like the songs? wtf am i there for if she doesn't look hot to me. like in photos sure! but in motion, it's a hard pass. comes back to the try-hard thing again, i am physically squirming with embarrassment when someone is very obviously trying to be sexy, especially in a choreographed way that isn't coming naturally to them. for me, someone is sexy when they're comfortably confident, doing something they're just naturally vibing with or good at, and it exudes from them without them realizing it because they're relaxed, not showing off, and totally at ease. people talk all the time about the dress performance and i'm just like..... this is just.... not..... it for me, sorry to say. maybe when she dips the mic stand i guess? but it's just soooo theatrical and choreographed i'm like no thanks. i also didn't love a lot of the tour costumes ajdlkfjadfkj sorry! everything looked so cheap, although i didn't see it from afar so i can't judge how well it worked in that regard. i thought the like oversized army jacket thing with patches was cool, the black long thing with silver spikes on the shoulders and the belt was cool, and the opening silhouette of the hood was cool, but i'm a bodysuit hater. laaaaazy and boring imo. i get it you need mobility but be creative!!! it was also very dark and i'm anti-dark tour costumes unless they contrast against verrrrrry bright backgrounds in very color block-y ways.
i'm glad you loved it and so many people have incredibly fond and formative memories of it or of being there so i'm glad you are one of them!! I'm just not one of those people, but i don't feel like given my taste, that i personally missed out on much lol.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
LMAOOO “let’s not be hateful” I could never because I’m sorry to say but some people deserve the hate..!!! Let’s just say I’ll never gossip or shit talk without good reason….
And FR its not like you can’t enjoy a villain without acknowledging the actual. Yk. Villain parts…like let’s not ignore the pile of corpses Sukuna left behind (as an example)!!! And bro those yuki haters<<<<<< like if you’re thinking that then literally any convo could’ve swayed geto..? I mean those types of topics are bound to pop up someway or another in jujutsu society like it could’ve been anyone….if anything I’d also say that Gojo had more influence on him than yuki like?? But you don’t see people blaming gojo??? Getos character has a lot of potential fs but yeah ugh some parts of the fandom…..
LMFOAOAOA WAIT I WOULD DIE FOR A POV SWITCH MOMENT THATD BE SO FUNNY HAHAHAHA im actually crying the “hot but scary neighbor” is too funny
All the other bllkers being like haha wtf and y/n just face palming….imagine he also comes up with more ridiculous excuses like the high quality honey excuse…”oh sorry my cockatiel needs a root canal” “sorry I need to go drive my sister to an appointment halfway across the country” etc OR he keeps using the same lame excuse like “oh sorry gotta take a shit” and at some point the bllkers convene like damn that man really is full of shit…LMAO I guess he’d only be able to pull that off on the more oblivious members/people who don’t care like Nagi Bachira and Isagi though HAHA I can imagine the moment yuki losing it would make me laugh so hard like calm mature soft spoken yuki finally being like “NO!!! SHE LIKES YOU DUMBASS!!! IS YOUR BRAIN FILLED WITH HAIRWAX???? ITS YOU MF!!!”
Omg wait that’s so annoying…I hope your symptoms get better!!!! Actually I mean you probably don’t have any on you but I’ve found that ginger based candy is really helpful for nauseousness!! I’m not a huge fan of ginger myself but I can usually live with ginger candy!! And it helps with any queasy feelings so if you ever wanna give that a shot…but YAY SWITZERLAND!!! Have fun and enjoy the flight!!! See you on the flip side LMAO
-Karasu anon
i fear i AM a shit talker at heart like i’m super nice 99% of the time but the second someone crosses me or my friends i let loose (although not in public and only w people i trust because i’m not trying to start drama!!) 🤫 it truly is part of the human condition but it has to be done properly…some people go crazy with it and just are plain mean
LITERALLY WHAT I’M SAYING like anything could’ve made him snap at that point ☝🏻 it just so happened to be yuki because she was there but it’s not her fault as such because he was already way too far gone atp…people are always like “she shouldn’t have talked abt something so sensitive when he was obviously spiraling 🥺” HOW TF WOULD SHE KNOW?? maybe he just looks like that all of the time she literally has never met this kid plus i’m sure he’s not the first sorcerer to be depressed 😭 just the first to go crazy
no because IMAGINEEE like reader is all blushy because barou keeps visiting to yell at her and she’s like “oh my god he definitely has a crush on me oh my god he’s so fine he lowkey looks kinda murderous but it’s really attractive actually 😳🤤” meanwhile barou is like “you have 13 minutes to clear that snow off of my driveway before i kill you myself”
PLEASEEE KARASU IS NOTTT ESCAPING THE IBS ALLEGATIONS 😭😭😭 i think the first would def be otoya because karasu wouldn’t even need to make anything up to get that date to happen LMAO and as it goes on the excuses get progressively weirder…like with reo he just says smth like “oh sorry i’m feeling a bit under the weather i can’t make it” but by the time we get to nagi he straight up is just like “bro i’ve been kidnapped let’s do smth another time” and nagi is like “okay 👍” HFKSJSJ yuki is a patient guy but he has his limits 😔 one can only take so much two way pining and ridiculous mishaps before they snap 😰
THANK YOUU 🥹 i have been dealing w reproductive system issues for like foreverrrr my periods are so bad 😩💔 apparently it takes abt three months for your body to adjust to birth control and i’m on like month 3.25 so hoping to see some improvements soon 🫦 the flight wasn’t horrible!! def could’ve been worse…excited to be here finally though!! even if i’m super nauseous still 😓
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
August 2005
August 4, 2005
when i walked through the door there was a kid standing therein shorts and an argyle sweater. we went downstairs and played "through being cool" front to back. i knew we would be best friends forever.
this is my first memory of fall out boy. post yours. i wanna know.
yes yes we know everybody is hot. patrick is. joe is. andy is. because they are all good people. and that makes my heart beat.
yes, i am obsessed with the show 24. yes, i want to make a life with kim bauer and have 10,000 babies.
if you can find it inside to vote a couple more times for "sugar..." on TRL we would love you (oh who are we kidding, we do anyway). the info is in the news.
more dates for the nintendo fusion tour will keep being announced, so don't worry your pretty little head.
lets fall in love all over again from the start.
lately i have been feeling like i am just a headache for everyone.
what kind of guitars do you play? And who is better Joe or Patrick
patrick is the love of my life but i cant deny joes doggie style. they are both pretty good in bed i guess.
did you really go out with Frank from my chemical romance?….oh and you and patrick are really hot!!!!
i definitely have a boy crush on frank.
hey pete tell patrick he is hot. and ask him whats with the glasses?
okay 2. i think they help him see
Other Q&As from this time that are undated
August 5, 2005
Hey. Updater.
Florida in august is a sweatlodge. Take my word for it you don’t want to know.
The kids here are amazing.
I lied. I’m sorry, please forgive me. We are selling the clandestine bartskull necklace at the clan booth on warped.
If you get a sec light up the trl lines for us with a couple of votes. You mean the world, either way.
August 12, 2005
I am the koolaid jammer. Romances last terrorist, locked away in the back watching emilio estevez and friends dance on the screen from deep in the back. Heyhey updater: the panic! At the disco record is still better than whatever you are listening to right now. Lets get married and move inside one of their songs. October fall is recording out in l.a. Right now. Get ready for big things babies. Me and patrick have been working on new songs already. Swoon. We’ve got an annoucement coming up really soon about a performance. We also did a pretty big interview that will be out in september… It covers a lot we haven’t ever talked about: getting bigger, me missing europe, etc… We’ve got some new merch coming soon and some special nintendo fusion show offers….
“Swear to shake it up if you swear to listen…”
Yeah I wrote a lyric for that song, guess which one… Ill be honest ryan writes circles around me….
August 18, 2005
dear warped tour,
even though you made us hot and dirty, we had the best summer of our lives and wanted to thank you.
thank you to every single one of you guys that came out, sang the words, crowd surfed, watched or came up to our signing and told us we suck (hehe).
the love is back on.
"we only do it for the scars and stories" still holds true. you don't even know, and im not telling.
- petey
August 19, 2005
Things I have been thinking about lately:
Warped tour was fun. Since being home I remembered that's showering and sleeping are fun too.
My real feelings on the sunburst bass. I loved that thing. But then it started cheating on me with mikey way. I had to hit it. Its not my fault- spousal abuse is an ugly thing. I'm in therapy that includes playing lots of warcraft online.
Writing messages on your arm for someon to see at a show is the new away message - stealing peoples real diary is the new livejournal.
On the topic of computers: lets stop talking like- u r lyKE soooooo Haawt.... My dogs can type bettere than that. And sending this I M "how come you're on my buddylist" or "who is this, is this really pete from fob" - honestly I love talking to people but these ones get instanlty rejected.
See also: peoples whose screenames are like: petehoppuslovespatrick65 - I know what the conversation is gonna be like already. I've had enough of them.
Oh yeah- mikey's screename is not xiheartweedx
I hear were a week away from retiring on trl. Lets do it. Cause honestly I'm not gonna live long enough to get retired from a real job (like 65?) we gotssss to party it up if it happens.
On us playing the vmas: we have this insane idea that mtv is considering. If they let us do it you may see something really insane. (Its not me and frank kissing in wedding dresses, or is it).
I hear there is a turbo voting thing for the vma on our front page.
Ill have a serious update later
August 19, 2005
The Warped tour was fun. Since being home I remembered that showering and sleeping are fun too. My real feelings on the sunburst bass. I loved that thing. But then it started cheating on me in a mikey way. I had to hit it. It's not my fault- spousal abuse is an ugly thing. I’m in therapy that includes playing lots of warcraft online. Writing messages on your arm for someone to see at a show is the new away message - stealing peoples real diary is the new livejournal
August 26, 2005
i should be in miami florida right now. stalking out jessica alba on a beach at night somewhere but instead i am lurking the internet from the safety of my parent's house. sorry i have been gone. there are plans afoot. i hate this hurricane nonsense- when we heard we were playing the VMAs we tried to come up with some hilarious stuff to do- you know- like first we suggested that we throw a big party on stage while we play and have some live deer and maybe two tranvestites dressed up like madonna and brittany spears, kissing- mtv was like: try again. so we rented space suits from a movie company and planned to play in those and kind of just smash eachother with our guitars- but now with this tropical storm mtv just wants us to actually be normal and play- hehe i'm sure we'll think of something. i need to go eat count chocula. we're putting some new gear into the clandestine webstore over at clandestineindustries.com and decaydance.com is up and you can preorder the panic! at the disco record along with the vinyl version of from under the cork tree. my hand has swollen to the size of a grapefruit, but if you think that looks bad, you should see the other guy, or in this case the wall.
if you get a chance, you could make our day and go over and vote for us a couple of times at FBRVOTE.COM - an easy way to do it...
ive got pees on my head but don't call me a pee head. bees on my head but don't call me a bee head. bruce lee's on my head but don't call me a lee head.
i'm crazy for you sparkle.
August 26, 2005
from the retirement home.
have i told you guys lately that you are the best?
our video retired on TRL today ONLY because of you.
thank you.
that is all.
- petey
August 26, 2005
on pete’s friends or enemies blog
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August 29, 2005
Live from the defjam party.
I am in disbelief.
Everytime I question what I am doing, you prove me wrong.
We won the m2 vma. In my opinion the most important award of the night.
We weren’t sure.
I never should have doubted you.
You have NEVER let me down.
You make me proud to be in this band.
We aren’t the biggest. But you make us feel like we are.
We are in love.
More later.
August 30, 2005
the roc is still alive when fall out boy hits the mic.
can we say that we love you anymore.
you rbought it.
did you hear the collective gasp when they said fall out boy.
we were standing up to clap for our friends in My Chem, who we were sure had one.
we then realized we didn't know where to walk to or what to do.
we definitely noticed Usher give us the "WTF?" look when we went by him and hugged my chem.
we didn't write anything down, so we were very nervous when we got to the mic.
we dressed up like harry potter when we played so we would feel the magic.
we drove to the red carpet in a saturn and fell out cause we are broke.
we realize that beyonce quoted us. we wanted to return the favor "say my name, say my name- you're acting kinda shady aint callin me baby..."
jayz is the coolest. but luda is kinda close to as cool. and we have a super crush on christina milian. we are happy to be part of the defjamfam.
we realize that you made the world shake just for a second.
we want to pay you back with more than just a discount in our webstore. let me think of how.
one night can change it all. and you did that for me. so thank you.
- petey
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years
ayyy flint did you hunt down ur lovers shitty dad across an ocean so u could kill him... wrow...
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voughtcorsair · 4 years
feel like this is an odd post to make & it may be worded a little oddly bc im exhausted, but since it’s happened a few times; if you’re incorporating other people’s headcanons into your story, maybe uhh.....ask the original creator? especially if they’re more personal (ie tattoos, outfit alterations, alternate names, etc) as opposed to just worldbuilding ones.
especially in a fandom like danger days which already has so little canon material, and w fans creations being SO canon divergent, i’m genuinely uncomfortable w my redesigns being seen as a free-for-all; this isn’t saying u cant hc party poison with tattoos, but if you are drawing them w sun&moon shoulder tattoos specifically bc i drew them like that. uh. maybe rethink that? (you can design literally ANYTHING else that i’m absolutely sure would fit in better with your characterization rather than ripping me off) & if you REALLY want to add a certain detail solely bc u saw someone else do it first, please just ask the op politely. 
this applies to other people’s redesigns and hcs too, just because they’ve posted em publicly doesn’t mean theyre not completely unique characterizations, stories, and designs. 
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staywhore · 2 years
only good girls get dick 
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han jisung x reader
word count: 2486
genre: hot smexy smut babes
warnings: bratty reader x CEO daddy han, oral (fem receiving), choking, name-calling (ie. my little slut, brat, etc), han on his knees (aka my number one kink having a man on his knees for you), edging, begging if you squint, kinda panty sniffer Han (hey if you don’t like it then don’t read, I totally think he’d do something like that.. )
an: thank you to @hanjisbeloved for requesting!! I'm so sorry this took so long but I promise ill have pt 2 out super soon! I'm going to finish it up right after I post this babes! Please enjoy you dirty hoes, and as always let me know if I miss any warnings! mwahhh luv ya
taglist: @hanniegoo @hanjisbeloved @spiderlilyfics
part two: do you think you have been a good enough girl to get fucked?
Looking up from your desk you saw the most stunning, jaw-droppingly beautiful man walking toward you. His dark eyes were void of all emotion but what seemed like rage as they burned in my direction. The click of his expensive shoes on the linoleum floor matched the slowly quickening beat of your heart. It wasn’t fear that made your heart quicken, no it was excitement. He was pissed, and that meant nothing but a night or two of toe-curling, brain-melting sex. 
My pulse rapid throughout my body, palms wet with sweat, and arousal now soaking through my pretty pink underwear, I had chosen specifically for him, as he continued his descent towards me. I kept my features neutral and tried to focus on the pile of invoices from the past week. The click of his designer loafers stopped and a waft of his subtle Versace cologne filled my nose, causing another jolt of excitement to shiver its way down my spine. 
It took every ounce of willpower I had inside me not to look up at the man now dominating my cubicle. I flip through the packet of invoices, not comprehending a single word. He clears his throat, signaling my attention. Finally, I look up and meet the dark gaze set on his heavenly features. He searches my stone expression for any faults, his eyes traveling down my neck to my low, low cut shirt, showing a.. tasteful amount of breast. His hand's fist tightens until his knuckles go white. “Miss. yln, can I please see you in my office?” He manages to get out through his clenched jaw and pressed lips. “I’m sorry Mr. Han, but I'm rather busy here trying to catch up on these invoices you wanted to be done.” You finish with an innocent smile before turning in your chair back to the paperwork. 
He sighs, just loud enough for me to hear. “Mr. Gyu, can you please cover Miss. yln’s assignments for the day? We have a problem and I must discuss it with her immediately.” I turn slightly back towards him and now it's my turn to burn him with my gaze. “It shouldn’t be a problem since you seem to help Miss. yln out often, am I right? You two seem to be quite the team.” My co-worker looks up at our boss from his beige cubicle wall with wide eyes turned on me. I just shrug as a response, trying to hold in my emotions. 
“Um.. sure?” My coworker says looking between the two of us. “What’s the problem that you need yn’s help and not the team lead?” I look at him with wide eyes. What is this idiot doing?? “Well if you must know Mr. Gyu, Miss. yln thought she could play with something that belongs to me and now I need to give her a..” he pauses, his gaze burning holes all over my body, “lesson. A reminder if you will in what's mine.” He finishes turning back to stare down at the near shaken man in front of me. “Now if you would excuse us.” He grabs my wrist and pulls me out of my chair. He drags me through a sea of beige, as my fellow workers watch us with big eyes. He finally lets go of my wrist once we step into the elevator. Reaching out with the hand that just left me he presses the button for the top floor, where his office is located. 
The ride is quiet except for the thunderous beat of my heart. He hasn’t looked at me once since we got in the elevator. He keeps his face blank and his posture tall. He’s the picture of beauty in his black suit and kempt black hair that is begging for my fingers to run through it. I can see his chest rising and falling quickly as if he's trying to keep himself in control, that’s no fun. The corners of my mouth curl into a smile as my gaze falls to his hands. His hands splayed wide and then curled into a fist. He repeats that action once or twice until he notices my attention on him. He turns to face me. His powerful, burning glare sends jolts of excitement and fear down my spine. He approaches me like a predator would its prey. The frame of his lean, built body encases mine, giving me another jolt; this time to my lower stomach. 
He wets his lower lip as his gaze focuses on my lips, then down to my exposed cleavage. “You shouldn’t have tried to push me like that y/n.” His voice comes out almost hoarse as he meets my eyes. “However did I do that Jisung?” I say clasping my hands behind my back, pushing my chest out, and giving him an innocent look. His eyes flick to my chest then back up to my face. A smirk now decorates his face, sending a chill over my skin. He huffs out a laugh and leans in so his lips are inches from my ear. “You know what you did.” He pauses as he slides his hand slowly up my arm, causing my breath to hitch. “My little slut thought she could entertain some boy when she already has a man.”
 I know exactly what he's talking about. Jisung has been very busy lately and unable and unwilling to give me the attention that I need, so to get that attention I may have caused a bit of trouble… “Did you seriously think I wouldn’t find out y/n?” His mouth moves from my ear and makes its way down my neck, leaving whispers of kisses in its wake. The ding of the elevator interrupted the moment. Jisung stood at his full height, gripped my wrist once more, and walked us towards his office. 
A smokey evergreen scent overwhelmed my senses once the office door was shut behind me, trapping me inside with him. He released my hand and walked over to his desk, taking a seat in his chair as his eyes roamed my body once again. I mimicked his action. My eyes traveled from his clean black hair to his broad cloth-covered chest and shoulders, his desk sadly stopping me from admiring his lower body. I look beyond him to see the sprawl of skyscrapers shining. The sounds of the busy city are no longer blocked out by the many cubicles and fellow employees. 
Han clears his throat again, causing me to turn my attention back to him, now looking even more annoyed. “Y/n, why don’t you come over here?” He pushes back in his chair so there's room for me to stand between his legs. Debating only for a second before I force my legs to obey. I look down at his relaxed form as his hands slowly run up and down my thighs, lifting my skirt ever so slightly the higher he gets. Heat pulls in my lower stomach at his touch. ‘This is what I was waiting for.’ I have to remind myself as fear and excitement intertwine throughout my body in anticipation of his punishment. 
“You’ve been bad y/n.” He says following his statement with clicks of his tongue. “What made you think you could advertise something that's mine baby?” His hands move to my ass, squeezing the flesh almost causing me to moan. “Are you going to answer me y/n?” He says squeezing again, this time earning him a shaky breath to escape me. “You weren’t paying attention to me. So, I got what I needed someplace else.” I try to make the words come out as confident as I can, despite the overflow of arousal clouding my system. His eyes flash with anger, but his face remains neutral. I cross my arms over my chest as his hands fall from my ass. “On your knees.” When I don’t immediately follow his orders he says, “Now. Or else y/n.” ‘I stand there a little longer until I let my arms fall to his muscular thighs, bending at my waist so he has a perfect view of my cleavage. “Or else what Han?” 
That’s his final straw. He stands so fast that his chair slams off of the glass window, making a loud thud. His hand wraps around my neck, his fingers almost touching at the back. He pushes me back so I'm trapped in between him and his desk. “You’ve pushed me too far this time y/n.” His hand squeezing my throat ever so tighter. A broken breath escapes as a smile tugs at my lips. “You want to act like a little brat, then fine. I'll treat you like the brat you are.” With his other hand, he grabs my waist and slides me up so I’m sitting on his desk. He pushes me down on my back with his hand around my throat. Lifting my skirt with his opposite hand, exposing my soaked panties. “Look at how wet you are for me slut.’’ He runs his fingers over my clothed core, I moan at the contact. 
Both of his hands run up the sides of my body and stop at the top of my shirt. Before I know what's happening he rips my shirt down the middle. Then go my bra and underwear with a rip as well. Leaving me fully naked for him, except for the skirt bunched at my waist. He smirks as he looks down at me. I take him in fully. His dark gray suit fits his body beautifully, not a single flaw or wrinkle in sight. My gaze lowers as I see his… large… erection outlined perfectly in his gray trousers. He must see what I’m looking at because he laughs, drawing my attention back to his face. “Only good girls get dick.” I find myself pouting as he continues to smirk. 
His hands ever so fucking slowly slide my underwear down my hips, thighs, and legs, until they are finally off. Instead of throwing them on the floor, he puts them in his breast pocket. I don’t have time to question him before he shoves two of his fingers inside me. I scream out at the sudden burn. As he works his fingers in and out of me, the burn begins to turn into pleasure. My stomach tightens embarrassingly fast and my chest begins to heave. “Is this what my little brat wanted?” He says as his fingers continue, now hitting the soft spot deep inside me. My body begins to shake as I near my end, but before I get the chance to finish his fingers disappear. 
He silences my whines by sliding his now glistening fingers past my lips. The taste of me on his fingers has me humming around his fingers, causing him to groan. “Did you think bad girls got to cum?” He slides his fingers out of my mouth with a pop. They find their way back to my entrance, tracing the hold with his pointer finger. My hips jerk, twist, roll, anything to get his finger back inside me. He chuckles at my frantic attempts before plunging them deep inside me again. 
“Fuck!” I moan, even closer to the edge. Once again before I can finish his fingers disappear. “Please Han.” I say as he continues to edge me once again. “That's not how you address me brat.” He pulls his fingers out, this time waiting for me to give in. I want to keep the power, but when he lifts his fingers to his mouth and sucks... I lose all the willpower I once had. He makes it worse when he moans around his fingers, eyes slightly rolling back into his head. “Please, sir! Please let me cum. I’ll be good from now on I promise!” Saying nothing as he gets down on his knees before me. I can feel the flashing of his warm breath on my sensitive skin, causing goosebumps to trail over the rest of my body. “That's my girl. Now brace yourself.” 
Jesus fuck he wasn’t kidding. My hands gripped the edge of the desk so hard once his tongue met the sensitive bud. When my hold on the desk failed my hands found their way to his soft and shiny hair. Pulling on the silky strands harder than I meant to, I was met with a moan spoken directly into my pussy. It sent me over the edge. I was writhing on top of the desk. My movement was made worse when Han bit at the over-sensitized nerves causing me to arch up in jolts. 
He doesn’t stop there.
His tongue works my sensitive clit slowly while his fingers make their way back inside of me. He starts slow. Gentle movements in and out as my body calms down from the last orgasm. Once my hissing stops and moans replace them, he picks up his pace. He hits the soft spot deep inside of me eliciting loud vocalizations of pleasure from me. I pull at his hair harder, pulling him as close to me as I can. He hums and bites at my clit one final time before I'm almost screaming his name at the top of my lungs, riding his face as I cum. 
He stands before me, his chest heaving and dark eyes on me. He is the picture of perfection. He takes my panties from his pocket and wipes his nose, mouth, and chin free of my arousal. Smirking as he takes a whiff. “You taste so fucking good y/n.” He runs his hands up and down my waist and thighs, gentle squeezing as he goes. My eye goes to his bulge, practically vibrating now. 
I manage to peel my shaky body from the desk and hold myself in a sitting position. My dominant hand finds its place over his dick imprint. He almost winces at the contact. I squeeze his member before turning both my hands away from it, opting to run them up his covered torso and chest. His muscles are hard beneath my touch. As my hands explore his body, his find their way back to me. He places a hand along my jaw, his thumb playing with my bottom lip. His other finds its way to my breast and soon enough is rolling my nipple between his thumb and forefinger. I suck in a breath at the sensation. My hand jumps down to his cock and begins to rub it over top of his pants. He practically growls at my action. 
I slip off the desk and sink to my knees, coming face to face with his cock. I slowly removed his pants, surprised to see he was not wearing any underwear. His cock springs out, wetting his white button-down from all the precum coming from his tip. 
Now it’s my turn to tease.
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shijiujun · 3 years
on the danmei twitter fight
okay guys i didn’t wanna say anything about this and yes it’s that hot danmei twitter translations saga thing that’s going on, because honestly i feel like there’s nothing much to say but when i see dumb posts on tumblr taking about that, by people who present a misleading hot take and their friends or moots run off with it without even knowing what exactly is going on - it really pisses me off.
and also if you shit talk translators for not continuing their translations or locking their translations whatever - the door is that way on your right and left, but anyway here’s a rundown on what happened because i am seeing people make comments without two brain cells put together, without the slightest bit of consideration for the people who bring them translations
here’s my hot take and thesis: if you enjoy english translations made by fan translators, you don’t, in any way, no matter happens, shit talk fan translators. fan translators do this for free, and whatever their intentions are, whether genuine sharing or like some of you like to say, for clout, if you consume, and you enjoy these translations, i’m sorry, you’re not uninvolved, and you don’t get to sit on a high horse and say translators should or shouldn’t do something. you should just keep quiet, honestly, because someone else is doing you a favour, a favour that you are enjoying and taking. that’s what respect is.
i’m presenting both sides or i guess three sides of the story as objectively as i can, altho my support is still for fan translators who were just minding their own business before this blew up.
🔺 what happened:
so it started because one of the bigger translators in the fandom did this poll - i’m not blaming her at all, i doubt she had any intentions of shaming anyone or causing any controversy and was plain curious, but her poll asked english speaking danmei twitter how many people buy the digital, print copies of the danmei they read, and who did not. 
in my honest opinion, it’s not strange at all for her to have created that poll, considering just how much work she’s put into making sure things are accessible for the eng-speaking danmei fandom. i mean i’d be curious too, to know out of my thousands of readers, what the reading and buying behaviour is like. do yourself a favour and don’t read too much into it.
obviously in an era where a lot of people do consume content for free whether the underlying content is profit-making (like anime, donghua, manhua, manga etc.) or not (fanfiction etc.), it was unsurprising to see that the last option - the ones who consume danmei without paying a single cent, came out as the majority. i don’t think this is a surprising result at all, for all sorts of reasons that i will not get into now.
anyway, this is obviously kind of a sore point in the fandom especially for translators who want a wider audience to support their fave author’s works - i won’t get into that for now, but the issue began because other translators or fans started to criticize the majority of people who don’t pay for objectively rather affordable danmei and just consume things for free. 
and yes, i don’t deny that the argument on both sides got really heated and emotionally charged with both sides calling each other names which i believe is uncalled for, but it totally derailed the crux of the issue, which basically is that the majority of english-speaking danmei fandom - consumes danmei for free.
anyway this whole thing escalated and fan translators were brought into this for no fucking reason at all except that the people who didn’t want, or were unable to pay for the danmei they usually consume, made what i call a LOGICAL FALLACY in argument by going to the extremes, i will explain why later.
the end result is that fan translators were brought into this (most of them, the bigger ones i know at least) without even participating in the direct crossfire. and obviously, you can see why they’re hurt and decided to lock their translations. let me explain why
🔺 kind of like four camps:
(1) translators and fans who criticized those who consume danmei liberally but do not pay for them in any way - no merch, no digital copies, no physical copies, no audio dramas whatever
*** their arguments:
danmei is so cheap right, that technically people should be able to pay for it in one way or another, even if not all
danmei and its authors are, at the end of the day, out here to earn a living, and the industry, like any money-making industry, is a for-profit enterprise - and unlike public goods, if you cannot afford danmei, then there is no obligation for others to make it free for you (fan translators or otherwise, it wasn’t super clearly stated while this shitshow happened) when it is inherently a for-profit industry
yes, i don’t deny that some of them did call the peeps who don’t pay at all, “leeches” and other sort of names. personally, i wouldn’t go that far or even like venture there to be honest because in general, if it’s something that i’ll get punched in the face for if i called someone that in real life i tend not to do it, but i’ll leave my opinions, whatever they’re worth, for later
(2) the readers and fans of danmei who do not pay in any sort of way for them
*** their arguments:
some of them really cannot afford, even the dollar or more, to spend on danmei for several reasons: upbringing, culture, money-spending mindsets, real poverty, struggling to make ends meet etc. - some definitely more valid than others (and when i say not valid, it’s because SOME, a minority or like those few stragglers, say they cannot afford and then you see them like idk, throwing $50 on other merch on kpop and stuff - i’m just bringing up ONE example. not shaming anyone for spending more money on one aspect rather than the other, but yeah you can see why some of them, when making this same argument, are a little invalid, that’s just a small number of them tho)
if translators are blaming them for consuming free of charge, then the fault lies, at its foundation, fan translators who translate illegally, which i mean, in that definition, all of them including me 
did i mention that we were called illegal translators like you know in response to being called leeches? anyway-
(3) others translators who literally were just minding their own fucking business before some smart alec dragged them into it
i don’t think most of us had an argument. we were just quietly munching on popcorn and staying out of it and yeah, can you imagine, we provide a service, however illegal it is, for free on our own time, we don’t even check whether people support legally or not, we just... provide, and pray that those who are able to, at least support in some small way or another do so, on their own time. i mean i don’t check, most of us don’t, not the bouncers at your local club before COVID happened do, and then suddenly, to be used to derail an argument, we were called illegal translators. and that we should stop translating, and that it is our fault that there are free riders in the fandom
(4) people who offered to provide JJWXC credits to those who said they couldn’t afford it etc.
honestly i think they were just trying to help - no different than a gofundme. there’s no shame in taking a free thing that people already weren’t intending to pay for. it’s there, just take it!
🔺 the shitshow that led to fan translators locking their stuff up:
i would provide some actual examples in the form of screenshots but i’ve blocked most of them, and i don’t want to direct any sort of traffic to them so i guess you’ll have to take my word on it or go search on twitter yourself but-
(1) the affordability issue: i can understand the frustration at being called leeches, and some if not a majority of people, do have valid reasons for not being able to afford something or anything and end up pirating content they enjoy. hey, i am not about to crucify anyone for pirating at some point in their lives. we all have done it at some point, or for example hate disney+ and that $30 they were trying to rip off us for a subpar Mulan live action. i don’t have anything to say about that. inherently, is it wrong and illegal? yeah sure of course it is. do we call people leeches? i wouldn’t go that far.
if anyone cannot afford, cannot access for whatever reason, fine, i’m not gonna go check if jjwxc truly is banned in your country, or is your postal service so terrible that you definitely won’t be able to receive a hard copy of the book you like at affordable rates.
and if you have to pirate? go ahead. i mean it’s always been a rampant thing. the only thing fan translators and fans can do is encourage, motivate and incentivise as much as possible to get people to support legally. they can only put up REALLY COMPREHENSIVE guides as to how to access jjwxc or taobao or whatever. 
and if you still cannot afford it and pirate, honestly no one cares about the story behind it. you owe no one justification, just as how no other person is obligated to take it into consideration or understand you or empathize with you. i don’t say this in a malicious way - i do think that in general, you just do you. 
(2) the poor people don’t deserve nice things argument: honestly, this was not the point of this entire debacle, altho yes, people were rude to those who could not afford to support legally. but this is not the point of this whole thing.
main point - there are free riders who can support but choose not to because they choose to just consume it for free and if you are able to you should support
everyone going off on a tangent - you guys hate poor people / you guys are leeches
well guess what, no one wins in this argument. 
there were a lot of people saying “reading danmei is our only source of happiness, are you saying poor people who can’t access legally don’t deserve to read danmei” (this is just one example i’ve seen, there are other variations), and it wasn’t put across perhaps in the right way, but the other camp of people were saying “you’re not entitled to it for free if you cannot afford it”, which raised a lot of hackles and anti-poor yellings 
altho i do not deny that there are those who mean it maliciously, i think what everyone is trying to say is - the danmei industry, like any other profit-making industry, is looking to make profits. the people working in the industry, the authors even, are looking at numbers - traffic to jjwxc or other legal platforms, how much revenue they’re making from their live actions etc., comments, rankings, etc. i think @/hunxi-after-hours made a really succinct post on this aspect which yall should read.
it’s the same as - if you wanted to purchase a standee which costs $20 USD, but you cannot afford it = you don’t get it. there’s no way you can get this standee unless some gifts it to you for free. what the camp trying to ask people to support legally is saying, is that danmei is NOT A PUBLIC GOOD. it is a private, for-profit product. it might be intangible, but it is a PRODUCT that has a price that needs to be paid.
if you cannot afford it, you either don’t get access entirely (i’m saying this objectively and honestly from an economic standpoint). if someone gifts that standee to you for free, count yourself lucky - if someone makes a danmei accessible to you for free, COUNT YOURSELF LUCKY. you don’t have to be grateful and treat them as gods or like obey their every word, but it’s not rocket science. someone did you a favour that you accepted and consumed, show some respect. 
if you cannot afford to buy the standee - you do not go on twitter demanding that someone ensures that you have access to the standee for free. do you see how ridiculous this sounds once it’s a tangible product? and danmei novels ARE PRODUCTS. they are not FREE CONTENT. if someone cannot afford the standee, this is the equivalent of people going “we didn’t get the standee for free because poor people don’t deserve nice things”
totally missing the point. i don’t even know how it got to this. once again, i do admit that some users were unnecessarily mean, but going to the extreme of this is ridiculous. in argumentative essay writing we call this a logical fallacy:
e.g. “if you cannot pay for merchandise or danmei, it is a fact that you might not have access to it” morphing into “if we cannot pay for food, does this mean we cannot have access to it?!” - this is a slippery slope, and factors are not equivalent!!!! do they not teach people anything in school
don’t confuse fanfiction with danmei - danmei novels ARE PAID PRODUCTS unless for free chapters, just because it’s released online doesn’t mean it’s free public property, and also selected novels (did you guys know the WHOLE of SCI novel is free? about 500 chapters sorry, random, just a tidbit)
there are of course nuances right, like if anyone told me they were pirating disney+ content i’d be like yeah hey get one over those bloodsuckers, they take enough of our money and produce shit content anyway. the difference is that danmei authors, and the danmei industry itself can still be considered a nascent and not-yet matured industry, with a majority of authors if not all, depending on monetary flow, likes, comments, virality on the sites their content is hosted on, for a living, unlike hugeass MNCs trying to squeeze us dry for content that isn’t even interesting.
danmei is priced rather reasonably - and this brings me to another argument that was made, that the value of money is not the same for everyone. i don’t want to make comments on this because yes this is correct to a large extent. a $6 book might be cheap to most of us, but might be expensive to someone else. i’m not gonna comment on how cheap or whatever it is, if you gotta use your money for other things, definitely! i still maintain however, that a novel less than a dollar should be affordable to most people, a majority of people. and i definitely side eye some users who obviously have money but are just creating noise because they wanna continue free-riding
(4) the “they’re losing out on their international audience” argument: honestly, i feel like english-speaking danmei fandom gives themselves a bit too much credit. danmei has long thrived in china in its domestic market - sure the international audience is a plus to have and i’m sure the authors are grateful and flattered that people who don’t understand chinese love their content and love it a lot, but do they and their companies care about fans who basically don’t bring in money? i’m not sure (okay i’ll get to the fan translators doing illegal shit later okay i got it don’t be impatient)
and international fans are great, i don’t deny that - but when i see arguments like “oh but it’s their loss if they don’t cater or deny access to us, they get more popularity and sharing overseas”, i honestly think they don’t care as much as you think. once again, hunxi made a really good argument regarding non-sinophone audiences, but it really irks me, because this is the same as:
an instagram influencer saying they’ll give a restaurant exposure for free to their followers, if they get a free meal
it’s par for par - danmei authors wants earnings, popularity, tangible results that show that they are succeeding. this is life. if i put something out there for sale, i better be getting returns, simple economic logic. they probably don’t care that a non-paying reader is bringing them greater ‘exposure’ - once again, i mean this objectively. 
and yes if they’re thriving without the international market then why should it matter that people are pirating right? which brings me to the next point~
(5) it’s fan translators faults for so many people pirating, and fan translators are the ones doing the “illegal” work: this one is like... wow where do i unpack this and how-
firstly, we are talking about assholes who can pay but decide to free ride and not pay for danmei, and we assume that if you really cannot afford and have to pirate, no one’s saying anything as long as you don’t go around spreading how to pirate, how the hell did it get to fan translators from “you guys are anti-poor” and whatever
yes, fan translations are indeed illegal, i don’t deny that, and i also don’t deny that there are translators who translate for clout and popularity but putting these aside - here’s what i have seen from people who ran their mouths and made this argument
“if you guys care about us pirating the book so much than fan translators shouldn’t have translated in the first place” and “if you wanna come after us for reading illegally, then fan translators, you guys should go get the copyright for the book and then translate it cuz what you guys are doing is also illegal”
hooooo i’m telling ya, i am all for translators locking up their translations at this point. see how fucking hurtful that is? you eat from my hand and then now you biting at the hand that fed you the gays in love?
honestly if you’ve made this argument or supported this, you can basically go to hell. yes this is personal because what, you think fan translators don’t take out their personal time and effort and hard work to make translations accessible to you? if you’re ever consumed and read translations, don’t be a hypocrite and make this argument. you benefitted from it, now you wanna say it’s their fault? 
most translators want to share and spread the love they have for a novel right, want to show you how wonderful all these authors are, how much enjoyment u get from reading these wonderfully thought out stories of gays in love. yes we all know we are illegally translating, which is why on top of sharing we first, purchase the novels legally ourselves first, and then we try to encourage people to buy etc. and actually put their money to use. it doesn’t make it any less illegal, but we are bridging the gap between danmei and basically the english-speaking fandom, albeit illegally
we aren’t that self-important to ask for gratefulness but some respect would be nice. like i said, you read it, you consumed it, you enjoyed it, you can only access it because of illegal translators - a bit counter-intuitive to yell at these translators, who are simply telling you, if you can, please support. and none of us went “if you cannot afford, begone!”
🔺 some people tried to help by offering jjwxc credits so people who cannot afford as they say, can get legal access: honestly, just take it right, guess what some of these users did in response
they said the people giving away credits are trying to redeem themselves for their comments by giving away free stuff
they also said that we are trying to shame the people who cannot afford it with this handout to them, to show that they are the bigger person - the fact that they think this is a handout to them is TELLING. the people offering this is giving their money not to these readers, but to the authors! that’s the point of this exercise!!!
one of them even said “instead of trying to do these giveaways, here, there are greater world problems out there, donate instead to these causes” - love the initiative, but how did we get from being able to afford danmei and entertainment content to saving the world? i just- i cannot
🔺 so why i get why fan translators are locking up their translations, because wow, so hurtful:
you have no idea how many fucking assholes went “sure, lock up your translations, deal with the consequences” - ermmmm firstly, thanks for making a threat. like who the fuck do you think you are?
the consequences is... the authors still don’t get the money these free riders weren’t going to give them anyway, so no loss, and they weren’t reading on jjwxc anyway so you know, the authors don’t lose or gain any readership numbers or traffic they didn’t already have. instead, it WILL push and force people to pay for the PRODUCT. once again, it’s a product.
this works, and i’d say Word of Honor’s payment model worked marvellously for Youku, because they fucking forced everyone to pay to access content. ALL OF THEM. sure ok some people still pirated it, but how many MORE people paid on Youku, on Youku Youtube, watched on Viki etc. than if they didn’t? even english-speaking fandom were wracking their brains trying to purchase a Youku pass even if there were no subs initially - and other examples that lovely hunxi brought up in her amazing piece
and for translators?! honestly me for one, i’m glad i don’t feel pressured anymore to churn out a chapter every week since we get called names etc. most of us are glad to have a break to be honest. we’ve lost all motivation to translate because it’s a free service, at the very least we don’t expect like hate, or rudeass fuckers. for those who are doing a proof of purchase thing - go for it honestly! 
hopefully it’ll minimize the free rider problem - some people for whatever reasons really cannot buy or support legally, that’s totally cool and they don’t have to justify it, i get that. but for others making the same argument but obviously are just unwilling to pay because they can’t read chinese, think it’s too troublesome when there are guides and translators provide it for free anyway so what’s the point - we all make concessions and make decisions to grab what we like (not talking about the ppl who have their various troubles and difficulties!)
🔺 and those who are saying why is it the ‘rest of us suffer’ from locked translations just because of a few bad apples:
IT ISN’T ABOUT YOU. where the hell were all of ya when we were getting called illegal huh? it’s about us fan translators getting shot at for no reason, and then people still demanding things for free. i don’t see any of the people i’ve seen on tumblr complain about fan translators stopping or locking translations defend any of us in any way. instead, you’re complaining.
it is the translator’s prerogative to start, stop and end translations, unless of course the original author starts to sue i suppose. i see people on tumblr going like if they were gonna do this, they shouldn’t have started in the first place etc. - i don’t what world you live in, but when i do something for free, then get called names and am attacked or get dictated on how i should do something that’s already like free, i tend to be less generous.
i’m sorry, do us illegal and free translators owe ANY OF YOU? i wasn’t aware any of us were being paid for this hobby. readers, especially those who CAN and just refuse to support, don’t get to say SHIT. translators deal with so much shit and so many entitled readers, i say they get to lock whatever they want as long as they aren’t profiting off of this monetarily.
let me give you an example - nan chan, which is translated by lian yin, completed translations by the way for all chapters. it is all free for viewing, and she only locked up one extra and asked for proof of payment. some dumbfuck quotes that locked up extra chapter tweet and said “honestly, this turned me off reading this novel because they restricted access”.
the. fucking. entitlement. the whole of nan chan is free, that’s like what more than 80 chapters. she locked up the EXTRA and the money goes to the author, she doesn’t earn anything. AND HERE THAT BIJ is (yes, i’m going to call them names because you know, fucking asshole who didn’t bother to check) going “yeah i didn’t wanna read because 1/80+ chapters were locked”. 
at the end of the day, translators are not like DYING to translate, not like some of you are DYING to read the translations. once again, this isn’t a “BE GRATEFUL” message, it’s a please be respectful to the people who put in time and hard work for free and share the goodness ya know? what’s the use of yelling at fan translators as if we owe you anything?
some people may need really need to pirate - and no one needs to justify why they cannot afford to purchase etc. pirating happens all the time, translators only hope that when you can, and in whatever way you can, to support legally - in general we don’t ask and we get it! we’re just annoyed that some people think that it SHOULD BE FREE, when it is a paid product, especially for those who CAN afford it
readers are not entitled to shit on translators for what they do with their translations - once again, you’re not OBLIGATED to have it. so what if i start and stop? i’m the one doing the work, i get the only say. don’t be a hypocrite and shit on translators, whose works you’ve read - it’s no loss for translators, we read and enjoy danmei just fine
yes, fan translations are illegal, but you can’t read and enjoy them like some of you have, and then turn around and point the finger at translators - a lot of us are happy to stop translating - this isn’t a threat, but at the end of the day, shitting on translators simply decreases access, and sure, some people can indeed live with you know, MTL or shitty translations from people who’ve learnt chinese for only six months or whatever, but you’re gonna be reading an entirely different book tbh
the people saying illegal translators are at fault - funnily enough, most of them consume the translations, so what the fuck? i mean we know it’s illegal, we’re trying to share the love and trying to minimize the illegalities of it by redirecting people to hopefully support legally. it’s still illegal yes, but i think it’s hypocritical for people who have read translations, stab translators in the back. and now that translators are indeed ‘restricting’ and ‘removing’ their ‘illegal translations’, yall yelling again? and threatening?
fan translators aren’t “elitist” or “classist” - just looking for some respect in a community which seems to have taken them for granted, and also looking for support for their fave authors - and honestly a lot of us were caught in the crossfires truly, don’t be an asshole and demand things from fan translators - who are you talking about? do you know why they decided to lock? do you know know what their locking system is like and what for? 
it’s not EASY to lock the translations up - it’s more admin work, it’s putting together a whitelist of people, if given the choice i’m sure translators would prefer to share everything. but not when there are assholes who have a comment on how they should translate etc. and yeah!!! calling us illegal!! i mean we are but still!!
the last straw was seeing that post on tumblr and people in the comments going like fan translators shouldn’t or should do something, without getting the whole picture, without even considering how hard it is for fan translators being caught in this situation. 
whoever puts in the work gets to decide, and everyone else should leave them alone. 
be nice to the people who really cannot afford as they say so (or just don’t think about it), be nice to the translators feeding you content, and the people who free ride and shit on translators - honestly, i’d say ready the pitchforks.
edit: i forgot to mention this is my hot take and i’ve tried to like present all the arguments i’ve seen so far. i’m definitely not doing all of it justice and i don’t claim to speak on behalf of any of them except maybe one or two- and i’ve definitely left out stuff, but anyway, lmao we’re just tiny people doing what we love. i wish we could solve you know inequality or poverty or hunger or other pressing concerns. if i was that great i wouldn’t be stuck on tumblr or twitter or have to make posts like these like a loser.
thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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