#sorry i love him i have to bully him a little
mirotilo · 2 days
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Don’t Think I Will - Theodore N.
being bent over against a random locker in the quidditch changing room was not an unknown situation for either of you. it was familiar and warm the way his warm hands gripped and held up your waist, the tip of your toes touching the floor, cheek pressed against the locker as he coos and groans while groping your bum.
“this… yeah this is the best view i’ve had in a while. makes it allll worth it y’know?” he coos, pressing his sweaty chest against your back, his breath warm on your neck as he leans down, like a vampire next to attack his next prey.
slow, deep strokes is what you’ve gotten used to with him, tip tickling against your slimy walls, his hands still sticky with the lube he rubbed on his length, now reaching up to hold your breast, same breasts that so repeatedly get used as his personal stress balls during your naps and cuddles.
“i take it the g-game was good?” you murmur, trying to keep your cool, even with him being balls deep in you currently. “was okay… you’d know if you had watched it.” he hums, pressing warm, open mouthed kisses on your neck and jaw.
“stupid tests, not allowing my girlfriend to watch me play…” he mumbles, removing some hair from your shoulder, kissing your skin. “soooo pretty though, so ‘s all forgiven, cioccolatino…” he hums, your own response muffled by his hand going over your lips, shushing you gently, going even slower with his deep thrusts, your hand snaking down to touch your desperate clit, neglected by his warm touch.
“so how was studying, hm? read all your smart little books, piccola?” he hums peacefully, making you whine against his grip, hating and loving how nonchalant he acts, even with his fingers toying with your nipples.
“sh-shut up…” you grumble, his index and middle finger being placed on your tongue to keep you quiet as he, very condescendingly, shushes you, like he was soothing a baby fussing over having to eat something icky.
“noo… no, i don’t think i will. i think you like my voice on your ear and my cock in your pussy.” he hums softly, beginning to pick up his face, which makes you whine even more, your cunt being practically bullied by his cock, his hips grinding forwards and back.
he mindlessly rubs and caresses your hip with his other hand, thrusts getting deeper the more he leans down to hide in your neck, taking in your scent with a low groan, removing his spit covered fingers from your mouth and and replacing your own fingers with his, playing with your clit.
he rolls the nub between his fingers, your own spit making it all the slicker and more pleasurable, you grind your hips, wanting more and more friction between you both.
sorry to edge this fanfic. i’m really burnt out and have FOUR tests this week, all of which i need to study for this weekend. luv yall
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bridget’s sister - part IV
pairing: james hook x fem!reader
summary: final part of bridget’s sister!
type: angsty then fluffy :)
CW: bullying
WC: 3.8K
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | not proofread!
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“I don’t know what happened, B!” you sobbed, blowing your nose into a tissue before throwing it into the mountain of tissues next to you. “H-he said that he wanted nothing to do with me!”
Bridget sat down next to you, placing a fresh box of tissues in your lap. “I’m so sorry, Buttercup.” You laid your head on her shoulder, crying into the sleeve of her shirt. You were clearly handling your first heartbreak well. “I just… I thought he was better than that! That he would never do this to me!”
Wrapping her arms around you, she pulled you into a tight embrace. “I know that it really hurts, I do. But, if it makes you feel any better, he doesn’t deserve someone as sweet as you.” You looked up at her, your lip quivering like you were a lost puppy. “I lo- liked, I liked him, Bridg. Why would he do this?”
“I don’t know, I really don’t. But, he’s missing out on a really great girl.” Bridget got up, grabbing your trash can from over by your desk and going over to the other side of your bed, swiping the mountain of tissues in. “I love you with all of my heart, but you’ve been in bed for the past three days. You’re not going to feel any better if you sit here and mope. You’re going to get up, take a nice shower, and we’re going to go out and do something.”
You shook your head, pulling your comforter entirely over yourself. Bridget huffed, grabbing the ends of your blankets and ripping it off of your bed. “Come on, put the pout away.” she said softly, grabbing your arms and not so gently dragging you off of your bed. “Get in the shower, right now. You smell like the Black Lagoon.”
“That’s not nice!”
“I love you, but what my nose is smelling isn’t nice. Come on, shower time.”
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You followed behind Bridget as she led you out of the dorm building, bringing your hands up to shield your eyes from the sun. “You haven’t been outside in three days and all of the sudden you’re a vampire?” Bridget asked, giggling. You rolled your eyes. “Shut up, B. I don’t understand how this is going to make me feel better.”
“We’re going to go to that nice little cafe that they just opened up. I heard that they have the best danishes. Ella is going to meet us there, too.” Bridget grabbed your hand, continuing to walk with you. Across the courtyard, the VKs were walking around, presumably looking to find their next victim. Your eyes wandered over to Hook, and he was staring right back at you.
“Buttercup, let’s go.” Bridget noticed your wandering eyes and wrapped an arm around your waist, forcing you to keep moving. “Yes, you’re going to see him around school. But, we’ve gotta move on.”
“I guess…” you mumbled.
The two of you made your way to the cafe, the smell of warm croissants and hot coffee hitting your nose as soon as you walked through the door. “It smells heavenly in here, B. Like, I think I just actually died and went to heaven.”
“Hey, guys!” Ella called out, waving at the two of you from the table she was sat at. “I got you your favorites.” You sat down, immediately digging into the chocolate chip muffin in front of you. “How’re you feeling?” Ella asked, looking over at you. You shrugged, shoving bites of muffin into your mouth. “Like I got my heart stomped on. But, this muffin is pretty good.”
“Well, that’s better than yesterday. What was it yesterday? You wanted the eels in the Black Lagoon to tear you apart? Yeah, I think that was it.”
“Not nice, Ella.” you mumbled. “I think I feel a little better. I just don’t understand what happened, we were fine.” Ella shrugged, reaching over the table to hold your hand. “Everything happens for a reason. He’s just a villain, don’t get so worked up over it.”
You huffed, pushing your muffin aside. “No, but he’s not just a villain, and he showed me that! I don’t know what, but Uli did something to him. He’s evil, not a monster.”
The girls stayed silent, eating their pastries. They knew that you were upset, but there was nothing that could be gone. You lost Hook, maybe forever.
“I just… it sucks. It really, really does. Things were going really great, or at least I thought they were. But, hey, we weren’t even together for that long. I’ll get over it.” you grumbled, stirring your drink with your spoon.
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You sat at your usual table during your lunch, this time a lot more alone. You hadn’t been alone in so long that you forgot what it felt like. What was once peaceful was now just… depressing. Hook usually sat with you, telling you about his day and sneaking little bites of your food from you. Now it was just you, or so you thought.
“Hey, princess!” Maleficent swiped your lunch off of the table in one fell swoop, sitting in its place. “Sitting all alone? Such a shame…” she snickered, the rest of the VKs slowly joining her. They were like fruit flies; once one is there, more are bound to show up.
You avoided their eyes, opting to stare down at your lap. “Go away…” Hook scooted closer to you, his hook finding it’s familiar spot under your chin. “Easy there, lass. Why so glum? Hmm?” You pouted, feeling a pit of anger bubbling in your chest. “You’re a jerk, James.”
He put on a fake pout, acting offended. You rolled your eyes, moving your head away from him before standing up. “They’re right. You are nothing more than a vile, evil human being. It really sucks, I thought you were more than surface deep. Fooled me.”
Hook’s eyes flickered, showing the tiniest bit of remorse before he went back to his cold demeanor. “Boo hoo, princess! Cry us a river.” Maleficent smirked, moving closer to you. “You’re lucky Uli isn’t here, she really wouldn’t be happy with the way you’re talking to us.”
“She knows where to find me. If she cares so much, she can say it to my face. Oh! By the way, James…” you went into your backpack, rummaging around before pulling out a dark red sweatshirt. “This is yours. You left it in my room. I should’ve fed it to the eels, but I’m not a horrible person.” You shoved it against his chest, forcing him to take it. “Now, uh, if you’ll excuse me. I have better things to do than… this.”
Hook watched you walk away, his jaw dropped. Morgie giggled quietly behind him. “Hoooooooook, you really messed up.” James sneered, shooting a glare at Morgie.
“Well, if he doesn’t want Uli to hurt her, he’ll do as he’s told.” Maleficent moved in front of Hook, staring him down. “Isn’t that right, James-y?”
“I don’t think spelling him was a good idea.” Morgie whispered to Maleficent, loud enough for everyone else at the table to hear.
“Shut up, Morgie!” Maleficent reached her hands up, covering Hook’s ears. “It’s for the best. It’s not like the little princess is going to figure it out, she doesn’t want anything to do with him anymore.”
“But, he really likes her. What if we just, like, kept it a secret?”
“I said shut up, Morgie.”
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“Alright, class. It’s time for everyone’s favorite thing… partner work! Everyone get together with your station mates and study for the upcoming exam. I will be at my desk to answer any questions!” Merlin announced, making his way over to his desk and sitting down. You grimaced, your eyes slowly glancing over at Hook.
Pulling out your notes, you finally turned to face him completely. “Alright, James. Do you even know how to do literally any of this?” you asked, your eyes involuntarily looking him up and down. He immediately noticed, a smirk growing on his face. “Enjoying the view, darling?”
“You need to knock it off.” you growled. “Was this all just some sick little game to you? What? You befriend the lonely girl and make her think you care before ripping her heart out? Fun game, Hook.” You turned away from him, reading your notes. “I don’t even care if you fail, I’m done with you.”
“Less chatting, more studying!” Merlin called out.
Hook looked over at you, feeling a pang of guilt in his chest. But, once again, that feeling was quickly overtaken. It was like there was someone in his head, controlling his every thought and movement. He sighed, pulling out his own notes. He did start paying attention in the class just a bit more after he met you.
After an hour of sitting there and not talking to each other, probably the longest the two of you had gone without talking since you met, you shoved your belongings into your bag and raced out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang. You couldn’t stand to see Hook any longer. No matter how much you tried to push it aside, you were still hurting. Seeing him made all of those feelings resurface.
On your way out of the room, you bumped into someone, making your drop your bag on the floor. You really had to watch where you were going. You groaned, looking up at who you had bumped into. “Oh, uh hi, Morgie…” Morgie giggled, picking up your bag and handing it to you. “Hey, y/n! How’s it going?”
“Your best friend is a big jerk, Morgs. You’re cool, though. Always will be.” You gently nudged his arm. Hook sauntered out of the classroom, a scowl growing on his face when he saw the two of you talking, and how you had your hand on his arm. He walked up to the two of you. “Well, this is nice and all, but Morgie has to get to class. Goodbye, Morgie.”
“But, I do-”
“Goodbye, Morgie.”
He nodded, waving goodbye to you before making his way to his next class. You glared at Hook. “I will never understand you, James. I told you when we first got together that this was a bad idea. You said you didn’t care. So what gives? You’re torturing me over here.”
Hook just stood there, like his mouth was physically incapable of saying the words. “Cool. I’ll see you around, James.” you mumbled, walking away from him.
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“What did you do, Uliana?” Hook asked, stomping into the lair. “What did you do to me?” Uliana turned to face him, rolling her eyes. “Hello to you, too. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” James snarled, getting in her face. “Don’t act coy, Uli. You did something to me.”
“I made you better, Hook. Well, Mali made you better, I just told her what to do.” she giggled, putting a hand on his chest and pushing him back. “She was weighing you down. Like I told her, it’s for the best.”
“You don’t get to decide what’s the best for me!” Hook all but screamed. “I can’t even talk to her without her hating me more and more! You’re ruining people’s lives, Uliana. Whatever you did, you need to undo it.” Uliana scoffed, “I don’t understand what the big fuss is about. Need I remind you that you are a villain, Hook?”
He groaned, his hand running through his hair. “I know what I am! I know! She liked me for who I was. I… I loved her. But now that’s over, so thank you!”
“You’re welcome.” she replied, sitting down. “Now you can focus on bigger, better things.”
“You’re a monster.”
“I know, it’s my best quality.” she giggled. Hook bent down, gripping her shoulders. “Listen here, squid face. I don’t know what kind of spell you put on me, but I’m going to fix it. I’m going to fix it, and you’ll be sorry.”
“I’m going to fix it, and you’ll be sorry. Grow up! Get out, or you’ll be sorry.”
He rolled his eyes, standing up and making his way out. He needed to find you.
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“I’m totally done with him.”
You were with Bridget in her dorm, helping her test out her newest cupcake recipe. “I mean, I’m not going to let some boy ruin my life.” You shrugged, scooping up some batter to put in the cupcake tins. “That’s good. He doesn’t deserve you, you’re amazing.”
“What’re these cupcakes again?” you asked, staring at the bright pink frosting that Bridget was mixing up. “They’re my newest Fabulous Flamingo Feather cupcakes. The feathers are super rare, they’re magical.”
“Looks yummy.” You reached your hand over to dip your finger in the frosting bowl, earning a gentle smack from Bridget. “Not yet, Buttercup. Have some patience.” Groaning, you pulled your hand away. “You know I can’t resist your baking, B. You’re too good at it.”
She giggled, picking up the cupcake tray and bringing it over to her mini oven. “They’re going to be delicious.”
Bang. Bang. Bang.
The two of you jumped, looking over at the door. Bridget put the cupcakes in the oven before going over to the door, opening it slightly to see who was outside. “Hook?” she asked. Your eyes widened at the mention of his name. Hook tried to look over Bridget’s head into her room. “Is y/n here? She wasn’t in her room.”
“I don’t think she wants to talk to you… at all.” Bridget went to shut the door but he pushed it all the way open, inviting himself inside. “I need to…” His thought trailed off when his eyes locked with yours. Bridget noticed, quietly observing him. “Hook, I don’t want you in my life anymore. You hurt me.”
He sighed, mentally trying to push away whatever was controlling him. You scoffed. “Cat got your tongue? I’m mad at you, James. I liked you so much, and you hurt me. Have a good day.” You grabbed his shoulders, turning him around and walking him out the door. After you shut the door, you turned to look at Bridget.
“Y/n, he’s spelled.” she said, walking over to her bookshelf. Your eyes could’ve burst from how wide open they were. “What? That’s crazy.” Bridget pulled a book off of her shelf, opening it up. “Hate spell. You said that Uliana was up to something. Well, this is it. She, or someone, spelled him.”
“Okay, so… how do we fix it?” You took the book from her, reading it carefully. “It doesn’t say.” Bridget mumbled. “Whoever cast the spell would know, but you’re not going to get that information out of them.” You groaned, throwing the book on her bed. “This sucks! He was being a complete jerk and it wasn’t even his fault! I feel awful.”
Bridget grabbed the book, putting it back on her shelf. “Don’t beat yourself up, you didn’t know. None of us knew. But it makes a lot of sense. The sudden attitude change, the way that he couldn’t even speak unless it was something negative.” You sat down on the edge of the bed. “I’ve gotta do something about this.”
“I thought you were, y’know, totally over him?” she asked, sitting beside you. “Well… not totally. I really liked him, my feelings weren’t gonna go away that easily. Unfortunately.” Bridget smiled, wrapping an arm around you. “Well, I guess we’ve got a spell to break.”
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It was around a week later, and you still hadn’t figured out how to break the spell. You spent countless nights staying up late and reading books to try to figure it out. The VKs certainly wouldn’t help you, so you were stuck trying to figure it out on your own. You and Bridget were sat at the Enchanted Lake, enjoying the beautiful sun on your day off from school.
“I’ve stayed up every single night the past week, and I’ve still got nothing. I mean, we can’t talk to Uliana.” you sighed, looking over at Bridget. “No one said that love was easy, Buttercup.” she responded. You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. “I already told you that I do not love him. Especially right now.”
“I don’t think you’d be going through all of this work for someone you just like. It’s okay to love someone, love can be amazing. Like how I love you.” She pulled you into a hug, much to your dismay. “I don’t know if I love him. I haven’t seen the real him in quite some time. I don’t know if I’ll see the real him ever again…”
Bridget squeezed you tighter, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. Whether you wanted to admit it or not, Bridget’s hugs did make you feel the tiniest bit better. She was one of, if not the best, big sisters. “We’re gonna figure this out, okay? It might take some time, but I’m gonna help you.”
“Thank you, B. I love you, more than you’ll ever know.”
She giggled, smoothing your hair with her hand. “I think I have a pretty good idea. But, I love you too, Buttercup. I’m glad that I got someone like you as my little sister.” You grinned, slowly pulling away from her. “Alright, now we’re getting too sappy.”
“You need to open up a bit more. Not that I don’t love you for who you are. But, you shut people out a lot. This is the perfect place to make friends, I want to see you surround yourself with people you love.” She pinched your cheek gently. You groaned, batting her hand away. “I have you and Ella. That’s good enough for me.”
“Y/n!” A voice called out from the distance.
You looked over, seeing Hook make his way over to the two of you. You groaned again, putting your head in your hands. “Oh god…” Hook stood in front of you, a smirk on his face. “What’s got you all bothered, darling?”
You hesitated before standing up. “I know what happened, Hook. I don’t know how, but I will fix it.” Hook wanted nothing more than to leap in your arms and kiss you, but his body only allowed him to scoff in response. Bridget watched the two of you, her heart breaking for you. It wasn’t easy seeing your little sister get her heart broken… repeatedly. She looked down at the water, not wanting to watch anymore.
All of the sudden, something clicked in Bridget’s head. The Enchanted Lake was, well, enchanted. Almost any spell could be washed away in the water. She quickly got up. “Y/n, push him in the water.” Hook glared at Bridget. “I’m sorry, I don’t think anyone was talking to you.” Bridget ignored him, focusing her attention on you. “The water is enchanted. Push him in.”
Your jaw dropped and you turned to face Hook. “Don’t you dare, lass.” he growled. Wrapping your arms around him, you let out a quick apology before pulling him into the water with you. The cold water but at your skin, reminding you much of the night of yours and Hook’s first date. When you rose to the surface you quickly looked around for the brunette boy. “James?”
He popped up behind you, brushing his sopping wet hair out of his face. You spun around, a pit of nerves bubbling in your stomach. Hook stared at you for a second, his face blank. “James…?” you mumbled.
“Oh my god, it’s you!” Hook wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into the tightest possible hug he could muster. “I missed you so much, I am so sorry.” You could’ve sobbed right then and there. Hugging him back, you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
“I feel absolutely awful.” He pulled away, holding onto your arms. “I don’t expect for you to take me back, but I will spend every single day proving to you that we’re meant to be. Uliana can take it or leave it, I’m not losing you again.” You nodded, your heart beating a million times a minute. “James… I love you.”
“I love you too. There’s not a single doubt in my mind that you’re the one for me, my princess.” He held your waist, leaning down and kissing you. You immediately kissed back, your hands trailing up to cup his cheeks.
“Eeek! This is so exciting!” Bridget squealed, watching from the rocks. You both pulled away, looking over at her. “Sorry, sorry!” she apologized, getting up. “I’ll, uh, I leave you the towels. Yay for love!” She folded up the towels before blowing you a kiss and running off.
Hook looked back at you, the grin that you missed so much plastered all over his face. “This’ll be an interesting story for the kids, huh?” You raised a brow, your hands toying with his wet hair. “Kids? You’re thinking a little far there, Hook.” He shrugged. “Maybe. Now, where were we?”
You rolled your eyes, pulling him into another kiss. All of your bad memories from the past week had faded away, being replaced with every single good memory you had of Hook. He wasn’t perfect, but he was yours, and that was all that you needed.
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“And that’s how me and your mama met.” Hook said, holding the tiny boy in his lap close. You walked into the room, putting your hands on your hips. “James, I told you to put him to bed almost half an hour ago. C’mon, Harry. It’s bed time.” The little boy crawled out of his dad’s lap, running over to you. “Come on, princess. I was just telling him a little bedtime story.”
You picked Harry up, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “You tell him that story almost every night, I’m surprised that he doesn’t have it memorized by now.” James got up with a groan, making his way over to you. “We just love you so much. Isn’t that right, my little pirate?” Harry giggled, making a hook shape with his finger. “Aarg!”
“Wow, you spend way too much time with your dad. Okay, say goodnight.” Harry looked over at James, blowing him a kiss. “Goodnight, papa!” James ruffled his hair before blowing him a kiss back. “Goodnight, H.”
When you came back from putting Harry to sleep, you found Hook sitting in your bed, looking through old photos; Castlecoming, your graduation, your wedding. You grinned, sitting down next to him. “Wow, we’ve gotten old, James. Good thing you’re still as handsome as ever.” He rolled his eyes playfully, his arm snaking around your waist. “I love you too, darling.”
“James, do you ever think about how different our lives would be if we didn’t break that spell?” you asked, looking up at him. He thought about it for a second before shaking his head. “No, I haven’t. I think that one way or another, we would’ve found each other again. Like I said all those years ago, we’re meant to be together.” You giggled, pressing a short kiss to his cheek. “You’re such a sap.”
“Maybe. I just love you a lot. Always have, always will.”
“Shut up, James… I love you, too.”
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a/n: AAAAAAND THATS THE END!! thank you so much for reading! aaah i had such a fun time writing this. they are probably my favs, i’m so sad to say goodbye to them.
taglist: @skellseerwriting @sleepyking @ljaylmaoo @lesbpotmurdocklokistan @yokolesbianism @eretsupremacy89 @descendantsramblings @thegoddessofnothingness @1luvkarina
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acciocriativity · 2 days
-> When they reject you…
... but it wasn't a confession (WOOSAN version)
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Genre: angst-ish, bittersweet endings, unrequited love (hard to say from each side tho)
Tags/ Warnings: angsty; bittersweet endings; implied bullying in San's part not done by him; implied body shame in San's part not done by him; San's a coward and don't do anything about it; i don't even now what to say about wooyoung's part, that's a warning?
WC: 1,4 k
N/A: I said that I'd make more of these and here they are (after 8 whole months, I'm so sorry). I didn't forget about the lovely people that loved the MATZ version, this is for you guys!
Please reblog my work if you enjoyed it, it helps to reach other people <3
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MATZ Version
Ateez Masterlist
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You heard the soft buzz of your phone on your beside table, yet the only thing you did was turn around and adjust the thick blanket under your chin. It was getting cold by the minute and a simple thought crossed your mind before you closed your eyes once again, maybe you should see him one last time.
If anyone told you a week ago that you’d be ignoring Wooyoung’s calls, you wouldn’t believe it, but here you are. You could’ve just block him for once and for all, but a little sick part within you liked to hear the proof of his neediness and desperation. Every call were the solid evidence that it wasn’t all in your head, in fact, he was the once who always seemed to cling to you.
The silence filled the room for barely five seconds, then the phone started ringing again.
You wish you could say you slept well that night, knowing that he wouldn’t leave any voicemails, that little prideful jerk. Instead, the same scene appeared over and over in your mind.
You still could feel his hands around your waist. He made it all so casual, natural and comfortable, like it was supposed to be that way between friends. However, you knew he only ever called you late at night, sometimes just to talk when he couldn’t fall asleep, others to beg you to come pick him up and somewhere in between those moments, he made you believe you were special to him. How special or in what way was a work in progress, you were unsure if his actions should worry you, if maybe it was more than friendly, until he made it all clear a week ago.
It was his birthday, so you did everything you could to make a memorable night, even baked the giant birthday cake yourself. Sometime after the loud music turned into background noise, he found you by the kitchen, then asked you to wait upstairs for him. His room was the only one locked in the entire house, so he left you with the key after sending one of his cheeky little winks your way. You still remember how giddy you felt, because you just received the perfect opportunity to give him that one watch he was thinking about buying it for months now.
The whole day you couldn’t really get a hold of him, something you can not blame Wooyoung of all people for, still, it was dangerously close to midnight. Was it too much to ask for some time with you best friend on his birthday? No, no it wasn’t. You weren’t asking for anything much than a simple conversation and a little bit of appreciation, something you were yet to hear from him. So you waited as much as your patience allowed.
Bu he didn’t show up.
And you knew exactly where he was, most likely having the time of his life surrounded by all your mutual friends, and you did love that about him. You’d always say that he was like your personal ray of sunshine, people like him would always have the spotlight and you also knew he enjoyed that very much. How can you wish something else for him on his day? You wish he had all the fun in the world and maybe share a bit with you as well.
So after waiting for fifteen minutes, you decided that you gave him enough grace already. Wooyoung could get lost in the moment sometimes, so you decided you were going to remind him in the pettiest way you could think of.
But none of that mattered when you laid eyes on him, standing at the bottom of the stairs. He held close one of your mutual closest friend, closer then you remembered them together before. They both were in a small circle by the wall, laughing at something he whispered. Were they a thing now? How did you not know? But there was a larger question taking all the space in your head. Is this how you look like beside him? You were used to the closeness, you enjoyed the intimacy, it could easily be you there right now.
Yet, it wasn’t you and it won’t be.
So why the hell can’t he accept that and deal with the consequences of his own actions? You were giving him what he asked for, space.
Still, he’s calling again.
The moment your existence intertwined with San’s back in college, it felt like people’s perception of you changed all of a sudden. You were nobody to most, then became somebody to him and as a consequence, someone to his friends and acquaintances. It would be fascinating to watch if it wasn’t your own life and if it wasn’t so freaking depressing. A frequent comment you’d hear was ‘how odd the two of you look next to each other’, and there was nothing you could do against a sly remark like that, specially when it comes from his so called friends, and you knew San always took that as a light joke about your differences in personalities.
You don’t remember how it happened, one day you sat beside him at the very back of a class you, so desperately, wanted to skip but couldn’t, the other day you both were attached to the hip. And how could you not? Never in you life you thought you’d describe a man as sweet, not with you at least, but there he was, every day, proving you wrong.
To be in the vicinity as someone like him was a once in a lifetime kind of experience, but to be his friend was another thing entirely. San was one of those people that can make you feel at the top of the world when he pays attention to you, the kind of person that truly seeks connection with those around him and when someone talks, he listens with all his body.
You tried to keep those pros in your mind, but more often than not you caught yourself pondering if it was still worth the headache after all those years, like right now.
You promised yourself you’d come to this stupid five-year college reunion, because otherwise San’d whine about it for a whole month, like you not coming would make him lonely somehow, like that was even a possibility.
Then, it started.
It always does one way or another.
This time was a “innocent joke” about how you glued yourself to San back in the day. They all laughed including yourself, you did not want to make a scene, you never do.
Then there was the stares at the two of you sitting beside each other. That was the funniest part for them, the simple thought that you could still have some hope for something to happen between the two of you to this day and age was hysterical. You could tell since the very start of your friendship what those people thought about you and what your place should be.
Maybe if you ever felt anything towards San in that way, it’d hurt you deeply, but you didn’t and still don’t, so it just pisses you off to no end. However, you don’t have the courage to bring it up and perhaps you should’ve done then, but now you barely see any of them, so what is it one more day?
“You’re good?”, he leaned towards you and his hands caressed your lower arm like it was second nature to him.
You nodded, then whispered as you grabbed your purse, “I’ll be back in a minute”.
It was a long walk to the nearest bathroom, outside of the gymnasium, long enough to calm yourself down and to think clearly.
All the while San was downing a drink after the other, laughing at something he barely heard from across the big table of 9 he was in. Red in the face, coughing like crazy in the middle of the chaos, he did not see you walking up to him.
“What?”, he asked the third time, leaning in to hear his friend better.
“Just admit it already, do you like her, don’t you?”
It took him a few seconds to figure it out what that was about, then a flash of you came into his mind and the recognition on his face was clear to them all. He sobered up quick and sat upright, putting his body weight on top of the table.
You don’t hear what the answer was and you don’t need to. Their laughter, his laughter, echoed in between the song change.
So maybe he wasn’t that innocent after all.
Taglist: @h3arteyes4mingi
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comfymoth · 1 year
can we see more werewolf quackity please 👹 he's gorgeous
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all his good looks and charm <3
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just-null · 8 months
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Kokichi, similar to Noritoshi in the sense that they're analytical and kinda tsun, but that's mostly it. This is another Megumi and Noritoshi situation where, on the surface, they appear to be very similar, but you squint and realize they're extremely different.
Whereas Noritoshi isn't as bold because he still holds remnants of pride, Kokichi is just shy about it since it's so new. He won't back down from it, just hesitate.
[Long ass rambles under the cut! + bonus doodles.]
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When referring to shyness, Kokichi leans into the awkward and stiff type. There's always confusion and slight fear in his eyes when he's experiencing something new or romantic. He doesn't want to mess up, but if he does, he just hopes it works in his favor.
Being born in a body where he was under constant pain and stress, someone touching him was the last thing he wanted. He'd never known the loving touch of another because the heavens decided he wasn't allowed to.
After meeting you, that yearning to be next to you became too much. To hell with his restrictions. He'd to do whatever it takes to be able to be with you even if he had to sacrifice others to do it.
In retrospect, he feels like he should've done it sooner. Being touched or even grazed doesn't feel like his skin is falling off anymore.. Plus having both arms and working legs is always a good thing. It's new and odd, but not terrible. His mind never once wandered back and regretted those he's thrown under the bus because why would it?
Unfortunately, when his body was being healed, Mahito made him healthy.. and that's all. Knowing Mahito, he'd leave Kokichi to struggle with catching up to the rest of his peers by working for his own stamina, weight, and strength from square one. Though Kokichi isn't complaining much about it. He'd still take this rather than being stuck in that god forsaken tub for a second longer.
He used to hate being fussed over because of his illness. He prefers to do things on his own and now he can. Yet, Kokichi still gets pitiful looks on other's faces when he's too weak to carry something. It makes him want to spit at them, he can use Mechamaru to do his heavy lifting for now. He doesn't need a beefed up body to do it.
Unless you're the "beefed up" one fussing over him.. He doesn't mind it when it's you. In fact, Kokichi feels grateful when it's you, endeared even. He never feels belittled or pitiful when its you.. Only you.
Judging by how he treated panda for having the ability to interact with others in person despite being a cursed corpse, Kokichi has a number of insults and creative verbal abuse he's ready to spew out once someone tries getting a little too close to you. Scratch that, he's rude in general to those he isn't familiar with.
Kokichi has a lot of anger for those he deems ungrateful. What do you expect from someone who thought he was gonna rot in a bathtub for the rest of his life to do? Not harbor resentment? Luckily, he holds just as much, if not more, love for you who he's unbelievably grateful for!
Your affection is so odd to him, a new experience that he never knew he could grow to yearn for. It's not terrible, quite the opposite. It's so wonderful he can't get enough. Every time you're around, he wants to have at least one hand on you at all times. Doesn't matter where, just as long as he feels you're around. Safe to say, he's extremely touch starved.
Oh how Kokichi would drop everything for a walk with you. He'd use every Mechamaru he had just to make sure no one disturbs either of you. Murder is just a side effect if they get too persistent. He just wants to spend time with you!
Though he likes walks, he still gets out of breath easily. Walking is nice, but he still needs time to get used to it. Offering to help will only cause him to lean against you, it's not too difficult, he doesn't weigh much for better or worse. He loves when you lend him a hand, it's just another reason to get close to you.
When you part, it's only natural that Kokichi gifts you a little trinket he made. Rejecting it will only reward you with the most devastated frown, so just accept it. If you get rid of it when coming home, it somehow always finds its way back to you? Destroying it will lead to Kokichi giving you another one.
Yes, it follows and watches you, but it's just to keep you safe! Who knows what could happen. Whether or not the little trinkets are subtle, all depends on how you reacted to him asking if it was alright to know your location at all times when he's not around. Kokichi is understanding if you're not okay with it. He'll just make his gifts extra subtle so you wont know he's watching.
He just wants to be by your side constantly, even if he's not able to be there in person. Watching you through a screen gives him a sickly familiar feeling in the pit of his stomach, but it's better than not knowing what you're doing. He can even pick up little things about you this way for when he sees you next time! This is nothing but a win-win in his mind even if others beg to differ.
Kokichi never felt blessed. Not once since the day he was born, not until he found you. You who he feels is truly a gift from the heavens. You who he would give up everything to have. In a way, Kokichi is delusional. He sees you as the reason he got a heavenly restriction. It was as if other worldly forces tried to keep him at bay from pursuing you, but you're also the reason he broke his restrictions. He now has the body he wished for thanks to you, his drive, his motivation, his purpose, his love.
[extra shit]
Kokichi’s so fucking low key about being a chuunibyou. you're telling me he named his mech after an anime he watched. half his attacks have ultimate or ultra in the name.. HE MADE A FUCKING MECH. Your ass can't tell me he didn't watch anime while growing up and got inspired to make it a reality. He probably watched Evangelion or something.. Woah, anime dates with him where he makes your favorite creature and uses it to his advantage.. woah.
[Bonus Kokichi verbal abuse]
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introspectivememories · 9 months
tddk hc that tdrk is the ultimate "i wanna show you off" bf. king of kissing izk in public places to tell everyone that izk is taken by him. possessive bastard. purposely lends izk his clothing and everyone can tell bc while izk is bigger width wise, tdrk has always been taller. convinces izk to leave hickeys in visible places just so he can come to class the next day, shirt half-unbuttoned, so that everyone can see. makes direct eye-contact with the business ed student who will Not stop asking izk out, as he kisses izk.
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sulphur-and-honey · 1 month
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1x3 | “Dead Weight” 
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brofightiscancelled · 2 months
fighting yowai....
#what must it be like to be 10 years old only child#and then suddenly you have a little sister that eberyine adores and fawns over#like i just kniw they spoilt totoko so bad (canon) and neglected fighting for it (my delusion)#he probabky tried to bully her and got heavily reprimended by his parents for it#probably would lead to him still being childish at 20... suddenly not getting attention anymore -> regression and acting out#maybe anger issues too. hence boxing#idk. i feel like he mustve grown upcresenting her to some degree#little girl who gets everything#i mean their parents did let him live at homr still at 20 but that seemed contingent on him inheriting the fish shop#idk. im hallucinating. im delusional. but man. what must their relationship have been like...#now that theyre both adults they can get along as equals. but oh.. the gaps from childhood they cant fill#considering their age difference i wonder if they even felt like family at a certain point....#tragedy of the spoilt girl and her forgotten brother....#the way it ruined theur lives (potentially) in different ways#sorry. im thinking too hard abt it im hallucinating. sorry#aughhh i love totoko as a study of a spoilt girl grown up though#the sextuplets and her both pampered as kids and never grew up#vs fighting at 20 who wanted to be an adult but didnt want to grow up.. now with child..#potentially reconnecting w parents for first time in years??#sorry. im thinking too much abt a character who showed up for 3 seconds. sorry#sorry i started relating the character w 1 manga appearance to my own personal familial dynamics and now im invested. sorry
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variousnumbers · 2 years
any other autistic babes find themselves INCREDIBLY attached to dream of the endless due to his being inherently defined by and made of strong emotions but also kinda bad at showing or understanding them, only when it comes to himself personally?? no?????? just me???????
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linagram · 1 year
[𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚜𝚊𝚔𝚒 𝚊𝚒𝚖𝚒'𝚜 𝚝𝟷 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊] 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚍𝚒𝚎 𝚝𝚘𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛
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writing her vd was kinda hard tbh.. i'm still trying to figure out what i want her character to be like, at first she was supposed to be, like, a cute and cheerful girl who is also kinda creepy, but here she's more.. quiet, i guess? i like her vd a lot though! i actually got chills while writing the last sentence and one thing she says to eiji
also, after this vd i will post akio and aimi's interrogation! so again, you can send them questions if you want!
(divider link)
Aimi: ♪~
(door opens)
Miki: S-sorry for being late!.. We, um.. had some problems to deal with..
Aimi: Ah, it's okay, don't worry about it! I haven't even noticed that you're late actually.
Aimi: May I ask what happened though?
Miki: Um, I'm not sure that I'm allowed-
Eiji: Akio passed out right after we extracted his song.
Miki: Eiji-san, you're gonna scare her!
Aimi: Oh, really? Is he okay?
Miki: Y-yeah, it just turned out that he was, um.. m-more "fragile" than we thought.
Eiji: He's just weak, that's all.
Eiji: I don't think it happened because of the machine, he most likely just had some health problems before he even came here.
Eiji: Or he just knew that we will vote him guilty and got too scared, haha.
Aimi: I see..
Miki: But don't worry, I'm sure you're gonna be fine after we extract your song!
Miki: At least I hope so..
Eiji: Anyway, enough about that guy.
Eiji: So, Prisoner 002, Hanasaki Aimi. 16 years old, first year of high school, just like Prisoner 001.
Eiji: By the way, what do you think about him? Prisoner 009 is also still in high school, if I'm not wrong.
Aimi: Hm.. Akio-kun is a good guy! I can tell that he's.. well, not the most friendly person, but I'm sure that he just needs some time to get used to this place and other prisoners!
Aimi: And Kuroki-san is so nice to me! He treats me well and he always listens to me no matter what I say..
Aimi: Overall, I like this place a lot! I'm having so much fun with everyone!
Miki: You're surprisingly relaxed for a situation like this..
Aimi: Well, this is just some kind of game, isn't it? Oh, maybe this is a theme park or something like that? I've never been in a prison-themed park though..
Eiji: *sighs* When will you all accept that this is a real thing and you can actually die if we vote you guilty?
Miki: D-DIE?? Eiji-san, they won't actually get executed, right? RIGHT??
Aimi: Die, huh..
Aimi: Well, it's not like I mind.
Miki: .. What?
Aimi: If it means that I won't be executed alone and other prisoners will be with me too..
Aimi: I would be happy to die with my best friends by my side.
Eiji: ...
Miki: ...
Aimi: Ah, sorry for scaring you like this! Please, ask me anything you want. I will answer as honestly as I can.
Eiji: .. Right. So, about your crime.
Eiji: I'm looking at you right now and I'm trying to figure out what you did.
Eiji: .. You sure have a lot of injuries.
Aimi: Haha, yes, I do.
Aimi: I'm just a little bit clumsy, that's all.
Eiji: We just started and you're already lying.
Aimi: Huh?
Eiji: You got these injuries because of someone else and not because of your own clumsiness, didn't you?
Aimi: ...
Aimi: Haha.. Speaking from experience, Guard-san?
Eiji: !
Eiji: You-
Aimi: Sorry, sorry. It's just that you also look like you had to go through a lot.
Eiji: How.. HOW DARE YOU?!
Miki: Eiji-san, stop! She's already hurt, don't make it worse for her!
Eiji: .. Fine.
Eiji: (to Aimi) Give me your hairclip. The candy-shaped one.
Aimi: W-why do you need it?
Eiji: If I can't punish you physically, I'll just do it this way.
Eiji: And something is telling me this hairclip is important to you.
Aimi: .. W-well, if Guard-san says so..
Aimi: I would be okay with getting beaten though.
Miki: Eiji-san, please, leave her alone!
Miki: .. P-please, just give him the hairclip, Aimi-chan. You don't deserve to get hurt even more.
Aimi: !..
Aimi: "Aimi-chan"..
Aimi: I've never been called that before..
Aimi: Okay! Here, have my hairclip, Guard-san!
Eiji: ...
Eiji: You gave it to the wrong guard.
Miki: Why did you-
Aimi: Because you wouldn't look good with it, Guard 001-san!
Eiji: You did it just because she was nicer to you, didn't you?
Aimi: So, about my crime.
Eiji: Hey, don't ignore me!
Aimi: I.. can't tell you much about it. Sorry.
Miki: Why? Are you scared?
Aimi: Not really. I'm not scared at all actually.
Aimi: It's just that I'm not even sure if you can call it a crime.
Eiji: You're in Milgram and that means it is definitely a crime.
Eiji: And not just any crime, but murder.
Aimi: Murder..
Aimi: You're right. I did commit murder.
Eiji: I wonder who you killed though.
Eiji: .. Did you kill someone to get revenge on them?
Aimi: .. Haha, who knows.
Eiji: Was it one of your classmates?
Aimi: NO!
Miki: Aimi-chan??
Eiji: Finally, I was worried this interrogation will be boring.
Aimi: I was friends with all of my classmates! They loved me! We always had so much fun together!
Aimi: I.. I loved them.. I really did.. And they loved me..
Aimi: It.. It wasn't one of my classmates..
Eiji: .. Weird.
Aimi: What's weird?
Eiji: You see, sure, I can just say you killed someone because you were bullied and you wanted to get revenge on that person.
Eiji: Reminds me of that last prisoner.. But I doubt that he really was bullied, he was just mad that people loved someone more than him.
Eiji: But you just.. don't seem like that type of person.
Aimi: What do you mean by that?
Eiji: I can imagine you snapping and finally showing your bullies how angry you are at them, but something just doesn't add up.
Eiji: Did you notice it too, Guard 002?
Miki: No, I didn't.
Eiji: ...
Eiji: *sighs* Fine.
Eiji: In short, you're too weak to actually kill someone yourself.
Eiji: I can't think of anyone who could be your victim except your bullies, but again, you say that your classmates loved you.
Eiji: So that means you either killed someone from a different class or a different school..
Eiji: .. or someone helped you realize how bad your situation really is.
Eiji: Hey, Aimi..
Eiji: Did you also have an accomplice, just like Prisoner 001?
(bell rings, machinery sounds)
Eiji: I'm waiting for your answer.
Aimi: ...
Eiji: Aimi!
Miki: Eiji-san, she needs a minute-
Eiji: Prisoner 002, Aimi, sing your sins!
Aimi: I was told that it would be nice if they all just died.
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kazuichikazuichi · 1 year
Kazuichi for the Character Bingo
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THANK YOU FOR ASKING ME ABOUT HIM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA literally my favourite character of everything ever he is my special guy he is everything to me
under the cut for a non kaz thing:
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yeah, they're my cats, and thank you!! and lola says thank you as well 🐈‍⬛
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daydreamersparasie · 2 years
it’s a different experience to have Alan say doe eyes in game vs seeing fan art IDK MAN SMTH JUST HITS ME DIFFRENT like god BLORBO NUMBER FIVE THOUSAND COMING UP INTO MY I LOVE YOU LIST
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happy bday ash! i hope u enjoy ur cake ^_^/ 🍰
how does maxi celebriate ur bd? i know leixia and the kids would probably plan something special for u <3 (@goldenshrine)
thank you!!!
Hehe I'm always so excited to talk about my special guy! Maxi just really wants to make her feel special (he always does such a great job at that) and spend some quality time with her. After the events leading up to sc5, time is the one thing they haven't really had together.
Maxi would like to get her a good meal, take her out for a nice day out in town, or maybe take her out stargazing at night. After all, their first kiss more than 20 years before sc5 was under the stars. Ash handles most of the cooking for the kids, so I think that Leixia and the gang would try to make her food! Xiba eats like half of it while they're prepping, Natsu is ready to nap, and Leixia is determined! Maxi is very serious about making sure his partner has a good day.
Also, if possible, he'd like to get some time away from the kiddos for a bit too. Just some time to chill with his girlfriend. Ash has changed a lot by SC5 and I think what they both want is just some time to enjoy each other's company.
(Maxi also enjoys the thought of a romantic walk at night because he gets to drape his jacket over her shoulders. One of his favorite sights ever. Ash always playfully scolds him about never wearing a shirt, but he just shrugs.
"I mean, hey, it's not like you don't enjoy the view."
Ash can't deny that she does.)
Overall he just wants her to take a break from the road and the world and just love her for a bit. He also teases a little about how she's getting old. It's funny, since although Maxi is older than she is, guess whose aging slows down by SC5- Ash still very much looks like a woman in her 40s.
It's a fun day and Ash absolutely loves it! She couldn't stand the kids at first, but over time she's really grown to care for them. She's their Cool Aunt figure LMAO. And to be able to spend her birthday with the love of her life? She doesn't have the words to describe how it makes her feel.
One thing to note about SC5 era Ash is just how different she is than her previous appearances. It makes sense since she's nearly 20 years older than she was in SC4, but she's almost more bitter in terms of personality? Her temper is shorter, and she's just... tired. Tired of the cards she's been dealt. She was bleeding out and watching during Maxi's SC4 ending (Maxi touches the scar on her back from Astaroth a lot), her friends are off doing their own thing, and now she's stuck playing auntie to these dumbass teenagers trying to save the world after losing her lover for a decade?! Seriously?!
And so a big part of her character is just her becoming a bit more happy and cheery again, more similar to what we know Ash's character to be. She's quite smiley on her birthday. She just can't help it!
To be able to set down her sword for a while and spend the day with the people that she loves makes her so happy.
(But also, even after all these years, being with Maxi and holding his hand, hearing his laugh, kissing his cheek, kissing his lips... Everything. It all makes her heart flutter so much. They were both so different now, her having gone through everything and Maxi having the whole Soul Edge situation, but their love and understanding for each other hasn't changed.)
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chiropterx · 2 years
I see.
Send me “I see” and I’ll tell you how my character perceives yours
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"Mary Dahl? Yes, the name does ring a bell. She was that actress, wasn't she?" Emphasis on the was. Kirk's eyes brighten with recognition as he thinks back to the articles he's read about the woman, of the various late night bulletins popping up on the news about her criminal exploits. Mary Dahl, better known as 'Baby Doll' from her earliest role from Love that Baby! had aired roughly a decade ago, before she'd quit and the show ended up cancelled as a result. Francine had been distraught. She'd genuinely enjoyed the programme and it had taken some time for her to get over it. Kirk hadn't been into the show nearly as she'd been but he still found the young actress fascinating due to her own personal nature. Systemic hypoplasia was a rare genetic condition and Miss Dahl had provided valuable insight in the science community thanks to her career. Things clearly hadn't worked out for her unfortunately and deep down, Kirk felt a pang of sympathy for the young woman, doomed to remain looking like a child forever even when she grew old someday. His lips pursed at the thought. To miss out on so much because of something that couldn't be helped... he supposed it made her actions that little bit more understandable, though it was unsettling to think about how such an innocent-looking face could be just as capable of causing just as much chaos as Gotham's most ruthless criminals. 'Child' or not, Mary was certainly not somebody he wanted to cross anytime soon.
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The little one hadn't been nearly as defenceless as he'd thought. Man-Bat rarely saw children, especially not out so late at night so when he saw the little blonde-haired girl in her carseat, she proved too tempting a target to ignore. The sound of soft footsteps caught his sharp ears as she slid out of the protective confines of her vehicle, tiny heels tapping as she trotted down the street alongside a woman Man-Bat thought to be her mother. Turned out he'd chosen the wrong human to be wary of. Against his better judgement, the mother did not spring to her pup's defence though she was quick to notice the looming threat nearby. The child however was quicker, taking matters into her own hands by pulling out a toy and shooting him square in the shoulder before he could sink his fangs into her tiny body. The sting of her bullets had been more than enough to convince him to try his luck elsewhere, Man-Bat chittering curses as he beat a hasty retreat into the darkness, the sound of the child cursing right back as she sent him on his way with more bullets that narrowly missed. Very unpleasant. The experience of a failed hunt taught him to be more careful in future, and to stay away from the little ones lest he get another nasty surprise.
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liesface · 2 years
leo when frank is in the room vs leo when frank leaves
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edducard · 2 years
Would you mind if I wrote you a TomTord drabble...like do you have any specific requests..
I will slit my wrists for u if u give me a top tier bitches fighting over the stupidest thing but when alone w just them they just kind of sit in silence watching a movie like no words they just kind of look at the other every now n then n sometimes that Look is smn a little Different and then they get caught staring and look away all flustered and when asked what's wrong they start fighting like wtf bro ur so mean!!!!! but like edd can fucking SEE he can TASTE that tension brother u aint slick
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