#sorry i promise ill tone back the boobie posting
skeletalheartattack · 2 years
Easy solution to finding the enemy stand user in a crowd: just wait until you hear a train whistle/a "boiyoiyoing" and then immediately deck the source as hard as anything.
i think i get what you're saying, walk into a crowd and if someone manages to get knocked on their ass 15 feet in front of you with a boing then beat the shit out of them with your boobie stand moves.
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glowinghae · 2 years
love grows {part four} ~ stranger things au
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pairings. Eddie x OC warnings. SMUT! Going down (mtf), boobies, almost sex. No protection. Mentions of illness (cancer) and intense bullying. Also angst but also fluff.
etc. This chapter is INSANELY long but I couldn’t stop writing. Also I’m spoiling you guys with my constant posting. I gotta write faster at this rate! And also, there is some very subtle foreshadowing in this chapter so tell me if you find it.
part one - part two - part three
Rosemary had played Dungeons and Dragons two times already in the mere week that had passed. And she couldn’t lie, it was really fun. 
“Okay Rosemary,” Will was sitting at her kitchen table while Dustin and Lucas were playing the Atari they had brought over. In the past week, the boys had decided that this was their new favorite place to hang out. Mainly because Rosemary never told them no and always made them snacks. “I’m almost done.”
Will was helping her flesh out her DnD character and was currently drawing out what she looked like. “You remembered the ebony duel blades?” She asked, glancing over at Will and Eleven talking on the couch. Rosemary was surprised Hop let her out to her house but he seemed to trust that Rosemary knew how to stay hidden.
The boy nodded. He was doing shockingly well since his traumatic experience just over a month before, and Rosemary knew he hated it but she had promised his mother Joyce that she would keep an eye on him. He put the colored pencil gently on the table and looked up at her smiling, “Done!”
Rosemary smiled as she came around the table to have a look at his drawing. She read the description loud, “A disgraced sorcerer turned Rouge, Thorn is a deadly level 10 assassin who prefers stealth mode but will use magic as needed. Came from an affluent elven family who upon discovery of her betrayal had her ears docked. Now she joins quests searching for her shot at redemption. Primary weapon: assault blades, secondary weapon: dark sorcery.” 
The drawing was super cool. The character kind of looked like her but way prettier with hair down past her hips braided into two thick plaits. Most of her was shrouded by a long dark cloak, two blades just visible in her grasp. The character, Thorn, had black smudged all around her eyes and running down her cheeks. Rosemary looked up at Will and tousled his hair, “Badass.”
Will was beaming, “So next campaign you can really get into character. Next one is gonna be so sick!” He launched into telling her the details of what his plans were.
As he spoke Rosemary’s thoughts wandered a bit as she stared at the key fab. Her mom was at work again. But she was beginning to wonder if these ‘extra hours’ were really just her going to the clinic for treatments. 
She and her mom still hadn’t talked about her mothers diagnosis. 
“Rosemary!” Will was shaking her arm and she blinked hard. “Is everything okay?”
“Sorry,” Rosemary sighed, but she wasn’t really ready to tell the kids about her mom. It wasn’t something that they needed to think about, “I just have a date in a couple hours,” Will made a face, “I know, I know, gross. It’s just I haven’t really decided what to wear or anything like that.” It’s true, she had a date with Eddie in a few hours, but in truth she just didn't want to tell the real reason for her mental distance.
Will tapped his pencil on the table, “You should use that hair clip from the last campaign. It was pretty.” 
“Yeah?” Rosemary beamed at the boy who nodded back with a shy smile. “Okay, deal.”
Rosemary was cleaning up after the kids when her mom came home.
She looked exhausted.
The house was clean now that the party had gone home, Rosemary was just placing the dishes to dry. “Hi mom.” She said.
Rhiannon placed her keys on the fab while shaking off her shoes, “How was band practice?” Her tone was off, a little on edge.
Rosemary just shrugged, “it was fine. I got to miss last period for it. The heater was broken so it was super cold.”
“Hmm.” Rhiannon was bundled up tight as it had been freezing out that day, but Rosemary watched as she removed all of her winter wear except her hat.
“So,” Rosemary chewed on her cheek, “I’m um, I’m going out with a friend tonight if that’s ok?”
“Sure dear, just give me a call if you spend the night anywhere.” It’s better that way. Rhiannon thought. I feel terrible, I don’t want her to see me like this. 
Normally Rosemary would ask her mom to help her pick out an outfit for the night, or to paint her nails. But recently Rosemary didn’t know what to say to her mother, she didn’t want to make her exert any extra energy.
“Ok.” Rosemary said quietly.
I have to tell her soon. Her mothers thoughts had been more guarded recently, the only reason she could hear them currently is cause she was actively trying. Rosemary turned away and went upstairs, wiping the blood away from her nose.
It would be a lie to say Rosemary wasn’t at least excited about her date. No one had ever asked her out on a date before.
Well, that wasn’t true actually. As Rosemary hopped into the shower she remembered that a few boys over the years had asked her to the movies or to study but she had just always said no. But now that Hawkins Lab was shut down, she felt like she could finally be more free to be normal.
But she did currently feel a bit foolish now as she had no idea what she was supposed to wear on a date. Was it formal? Was it casual?
One thing she knew for sure was that it was cold out, so definitely something warm.
“Rosemary!” Her mother called for her from downstairs.
Wrapping a towel around her chest, Rosemary bolted downstairs to where her mom was standing by the wall, phone receiver in hand.
“You have a phone call from someone named Eddie.” Rosemary took the phone from her mother, “You’re dripping on the floor.” Rhiannon pointed out before taking a step back.
Rosemary rolled her eyes and held the phone up to her ear, “Hello?” 
“Hey angel.” Even through the phone she could tell he was smiling.
Rosemary couldn’t help the smile that seeped onto her face at the sound of the nickname. “Hey, is everything ok?”
Wait, why is she smiling like that? No boy has ever called the house for her before. Rhiannon stared at her daughter, what have I been missing? Rosemary could feel the sadness dripping from her mothers thoughts.
“Yeah, everything is perfect. I just wanted to make sure you remembered our date tonight and that you weren’t caught up at band practice or anything. ” Eddie’s tone was excited but she could hear tapping over the receiver, he was probably tapping his fingers.
“I remembered.” Rosemary blushed, knowing her mother was listening to every word. “Six, right? What are we doing?”
Wait, six tonight? Is that what you meant by you going out later? Rosemary Sage Price do you have a date tonight? And you didn’t tell me? Rosemary was having a hard time listening to both her mother and Eddie so she held her finger up to her mouth in a silent shushing motion.
Eddie’s laugh rang through the phone, “That’s a secret for me to know and you to find out. But just make sure you’re warm, I don’t want you freezing to death on me.”
Rosemary giggled, “Yeah that might put a damper on things a little.”
“Would definitely add on to the ‘freak’ reputation if I’m found with a dead body.” Rosemary laughed again, and Eddie sighed contentedly, “Okay then, Rosemary, I will see you at 6.”
“Okay, bye.”
The last ‘bye’ was Rhiannon mockingly imitating her daughter's giddy tone of voice as Rosemary hung up the phone.
Rosemary was nervous about her mothers reaction. But her sunny disposition seemed to have returned for a moment as Rhiannon came and put her hands on Rosemary’s shoulders, “Your first date and you weren’t going to let me help you get ready?” Her mother smiled warmly at her but Rosemary could see the fatigue in her eyes.
The girl’s eyes drifted to the floor, “You’ve just been so busy mom, I didn’t want to bother you.”
Rhiannon tipped her daughter's chin up to look at her, “You are the only achievement in my life that truly matters to me. You will always be my priority and I will never be too busy for milestones like this. I’m sorry I made you feel that anything else was the truth.”
Somehow her mother apologizing only made her feel worse. “Don’t be sorry mom, it’s ok.”
“Have you picked your outfit yet?” Rosemary shook her head, “I’ll help you get ready and you can tell me about him, ok?”
“I was thinking hair in braids, yeah?” Her mother said, setting down the blow dryer now that Rosemary’s hair was dry but Rosemary shook her head, “No?”
“Eddie said he likes it down. He said it’s pretty.” Rosemary blushed and her mother laughed as she set down the hair tie she’d been holding, “Can I use your hair clip instead?”
“That’ll be cute too.” Rhiannon said as she grabbed her tortoise shell claw clip and did a half up style on Rosemary’s thick ebony hair, making sure to let her bangs and baby hairs fall out in the front. “I wish I knew where you got these looks from, maybe I could get some of my own.”
Rosemary rolled her eyes, “Says Hawkin’s Heartthrob circa 1968.” Rosemary was working on her makeup while her mom picked at her hair. 
When Rosemary was a little girl, just after coming to be with her mother, she remembered looking through some beauty magazines and seeing a special issue on a girl named Twiggy. That was the first time Rosemary thought about being pretty and what that meant to her. When her mother let her start to wear makeup her thoughts always went back to Twiggy.
Which is probably why she liked to use eyeliner to make little fake lashes along her bottom eyelids which accented her sanpaku eyes.
“Mom,” Rosemary blinked as she looked in the mirror, “I wish I had your nose.” Rhiannon’s nose was perfect, a little upturned at the end with subtle freckles sprinkled across; Different from Rosemary’s nose. Rosemary’s from the front was slender and delicate looking, but from the side had a bit of a tall bridge and instead of her mothers spray of freckles had a dark beauty mark in the space between her bridge and the inner corner of her eye. And after the fight with Billy, it now strayed a little bit towards the left.
Rhiannon guffawed, “What?” She took her daughter's face in her hands, “Rosemary, just because you don’t look like the girls in the magazines doesn’t mean you’re not beautiful.”
Rosemary rolled her eyes, “You have to say that, you’re my mom.”
“True,” Her mother said, “But I also really mean it when I say you have the kind of looks that make other girls sick wishing they looked like you. Not because you look so much more special than anyone else, but because you are so confident in who you are.”
Moving to change into the outfit she had picked, Rosemary hummed, “Thanks, I guess no matter how I look now beats the shaved head.” She said as she pulled the heavy knit cream turtle-neck sweater over her head. Rosemary had always liked how it was a little oversized and the midnight grey leaves embroidered into its design.
“You know,” Rhiannon moved to sit on her daughter's bed, “the guy I helped buy the house on Fleetwood Drive the other day had a nose kind of like yours. He was from Chile.”
“It’s possible.” Rosemary slipped into a pair of dark grey wool stockings before pulling on her black mini corduroy flare skirt, the one with brass buttons down the front. “Whenever I get images from the past the voices I hear are speaking Spanish.”
Rhiannon reached for her daughter's hand and gave it a squeeze, “How much luckier does that make me that you found your way here to be mine?”
There was that weight again, tugging at Rosemary’s chest. She should be so happy right now, but all she could feel was fear. What would life be like without her mom? But that fear shouldn’t stop her from being here in the moment with her, “I love you Mom.” She said sincerely.
“I love you too, Small One.” Her mother stood up, “And since I love you so much, I’m going to let you pick one of my lipsticks to wear.”
Eyes widening in excitement, Rosemary bit her lip, “Really?” Her mother let her do most anything with her wardrobe and makeup but was always a little weird about lipstick.
“Yes,” her mother called from outside the room, “You’re not my little girl anymore, you’re a woman. It’s time I stop treating you like a child.”
Rosemary was stepping into her black Mary Janes when her mother returned holding her tubes of Dior lipsticks. She could barely contain her excitement as she picked out a dark brown color, the bold color looked vibrant against her light olive skin tone as she applied it in the mirror.
“Beautiful.” Rhiannon remarked before playfully tousling her daughter's hair. “Keep it.”
It wasn’t long after getting ready that Rosemary saw Eddie’s lights in the driveway. 
Her mother was in the bathroom and in an attempt to avoid any awkwardness Rosemary simply called out, “Bye mom! See you later!” Before bolting out the door and into Eddie’s passenger seat.
Eddie looked like the air had been punched out of him when she sat down. “Rosemary, you look…” Something caught his eye and he started to laugh, “like your mom is walking towards us in her pajamas.”
Words could not express the mortification Rosemary felt as her mother ran towards the van and tapped on the driver side window. Eddie grinned as he rolled the window down. “Mom.” Rosemary groaned.
You didn’t think you’d get away that easy did you?
She had certainly hoped so.
“Mrs.Price! It’s nice to meet you but you’re going to catch your death out here in the cold.” Eddie said smoothly as he struggled to take off his big brown carhartt jacket, “Here, let me give you-“
Her mother put her hand up to politely silence Eddie, “You’re sweet but I’ll only be a second. And please, call me Rhiannon.” Rhiannon reached through the window and handed Rosemary two twenty dollar bills, “An advance on the chores for this week.”
“Thanks, mom.” Rosemary was blushing hard.
“Now Eddie,” Eddie’s attention snapped to Rhiannon’s face, which was friendly but also stern, “I’m not going to give you a curfew but I would ask you to have her back at a reasonable time, okay? She wanted to plant the tulip bulbs in the morning and she gets cranky if her garden isn’t kept up to par so I’d prefer not to have her in a bad mood tomorrow, understood?”
“Mom!” Rosemary moaned. 
Eddie pressed his fingers to his temple in a salute, “Yes, ma’am! I would never dream of leaving her in a bad mood.”
A shiver ran through Rhiannon’s body as she nodded, “Alright then, have fun tonight and be safe. It was nice to meet you Eddie, I hope I’ll be seeing you again.” She stepped back and Eddie started to back out of the driveway, but Rosemary heard her mother call out one last “I love you” before Eddie closed the window and cranked up the heat in the van.
“Your mom is nice.” He probed and Rosemary burst out laughing.
“No, no, no, that was my mom completely trying to embarrass me.” She said between laughs. This was the first time Rosemary had a chance to look at Eddie. His big coat, the Metallica t-shirt layered underneath the dark blue flannel she had given him the week before and his black ripped jeans. He was wearing a black bandana on his head and from the passenger seat Rosemary could smell his cologne.
Rosemary bit her lip, he looked really good.
“Question though,” Eddie looked at her, “Pretty sure it’s supposed to snow tonight, it’s not really a good time to be gardening.”
“Oh.” Rosemary giggled, “They’re tulip bulbs. They have to be planted in the winter to be fully grown in the spring. It’s the perfect time actually.”
Eddie Munson was going to get in a car accident from how he couldn’t stop staring at her, “I didn’t know you liked gardening so much.” He smiled. That’s so fucking cute.
Tucking a strand of hair being her ear, Rosemary grinned, “Where do you think my name comes from?”
“Wow, your mom must have been psychic.” He laughed but when she just stared at him expectantly, Eddie side eyed her, “You mean to tell me that you picked your own name?”
Her laugh bounced off the walls of the van again, “I had… another name. Before I was with my mom. But I hated it and so did she. But it also took us a while to pick out a new one, she said she wanted one that fit me. So after like, two months, I had been out in the garden so often that Rosemary just kind of stuck.” Rosemary turned a little pink, “That’s why my mom calls me Small One sometimes, it’s what she called me before we picked a new name.”
“Your old name was that bad?” Eddie inquired, “What was it? Hildigraith or something?”
Even though he was joking Rosemary stiffened a little. She was trying hard not to actually lie to him, just to avoid certain truths. But it’s hard when the only name she had until she was ten was a number. Rosemary glanced down at her wrist, rubbing at the cover up tattoo nervously.
“Yeah,” she laughed nervously, “something like that.” Rosemary could feel the slightly raised skin around the now covered ‘005’ and she fidgeted with it slightly.
The movement caught Eddie’s attention and he glanced down, “I saw your tattoo the other night.” Rosemary’s head snapped up in panic before realizing he meant the Celtic knot. Obviously. “It’s pretty. Does it mean anything?”
Rosemary shrugged, “A lot. It can mean the balance between life, death and rebirth. Sometimes they represent different elements. But usually they just ward off evil.” It hasn’t really worked so far for that but at least it looked nice.
“You have a lot of evil that needs warding off?” Eddie snorted at the idea and Rosemary smirked at his innocence.
“Well, it is Hawkins.”
“I don’t understand.” Eddie huffed as he parked the car, “The Christmas Lights in the Park was supposed to start today.” His bottom lip jutted out in a pout.
Seeing him like this brought pangs of pity to Rosemary’s chest, while he was obviously playing up the dramatics, his eyes betrayed him.
This is so lame. She’s totally going to think I didn’t plan this at all. I’m blowing it.
“Hey,” Rosemary soothed, “It’s ok… maybe they just haven’t turned them on yet? They’re all set up.”
Eddie nodded glumly, getting out of the car to try and find someone to ask while Rosemary trailed behind. Eventually an old caretaker of the park came out of his office and Eddie asked him why the lights weren’t on.
“Postponed.” The old man huffed, “Apparently the Technician forgot the main breaker to turn it on and off. Hell of a screw up if you ask me.” Eddie’s face fell, “Believe me, young man, you won’t be the only ones disappointed tonight. I’m gonna have to phone all the vendors that can't come until tomorrow.”
Rosemary looked around, spotting the light strand meticulously set up around the park, “Everything is set up though?” She asked innocently and the old man nodded.
“Just no way to turn it on without a switch.”
Rosemary nodded and Eddie kicked the ground as they walked away, others filing into the park looking around in confusion.
You were an idiot to think you could give a girl like this a good time. She probably wants to go home.
Okay, that was the last straw. “Eddie, I left my purse in the car. Could you just go find it for me? I just need to use the restroom.”
Eddie smiled, “Sure thing, Angel.”
As soon as Eddie was out of sight Rosemary looked around. The old man had said that everything was connected to the power, just no switch to turn it on
Well, that was okay. Rosemary could be a switch.
Reaching out her hand and closing her eyes, Rosemary pictured the park in her mind. Dark and quiet, and then she pictured it how she wanted it and willed it into existence.
And when she opened her eyes it was so. All the lights in the park flicked on, illuminating every space that had once been dark. Lights wound around every branch of every tree, and hung like a canopy above her. Music suddenly began to play over speaks placed behind bushes.
The old caretaker stumbled from his office and looked around. Searching for the words before he whooped aloud in excitement, ushering people in.
Rosemary smiled in a silent glee. What she had just done was risky, but seemingly worth it as the small crowd of people who had turned back in disappointment had suddenly made 180’s to roam the park again, much happier expressions on their faces.
“Rosemary!” Eddie was running towards her, trying not to slip on any ice. “What happened? The lights?!” His face was beaming and Rosemary simply shrugged.
“Christmas miracle?” She suggested with a grin.
“Hold on,” Eddie tipped her chin up to look at him, “You have a nose bleed.” He wiped the blood away with a bandana that hung from his back pocket. “There.”
Not very long afterwards, the vendors started to set up shop and people from all over Hawkins were bustling around Hawkins Liberty Park. 
The smell of roasted nuts wafted towards the young couple and Rosemary practically drooled at the sight of them. “Hold on!” She dropped Eddie’s hand as she ran over to purchase two small bags.
Returning victorious she handed a bag to Eddie who tapped them together, “Cheers to our Christmas miracle.”
“Or just some faulty wiring.” Rosemary suggested with a laugh.
“Cheers to whatever.”
They walked in silence for a moment, Rosemary silently taking in her beautiful surroundings. Eddie, rather, was taking her in. He watched how the lights reflected in her dark irises and the clouds that escaped her lips each time she breathed out. Speaking of lips, that dark shade she had on was captivating.
He cleared his throat, “I don’t think I got to finish my thought earlier. You look damn beautiful, Rosemary.” As Eddie said it, small white flakes began to appear and disappear in her dark hair. It was snow, he realized, but it looked like glistening diamonds against her dark tresses.
Rosemary looked up at him, looping her arm through his, “You look pretty good yourself, Eddie Munson. Especially in the snow.” She laughed, looking up to the sudden onset of white flakes.
Both of their cheeks glowed with pink, but who knew if it was their flirting or the cold? 
Strawberry blonde hair was bobbing towards her through the crowd. Chrissy.
And she wasn’t alone, Jason’s arm was firmly tucked around her waist.
Rosemary felt Eddie stiffen next to her but she only tightened her grip on his arm. “Hi Chrissy! Jason.” She nodded towards them both.
The blonde couple stopped as they saw who Rosemary had her arm looped with.
What the fuck is she doing with the Freak? Jason’s thoughts were intrusive, kind of making her head hurt. Doesn’t she know this makes her look bad?
Jason’s smile never faltered though.
“I didn’t know you were going to be here tonight!” Chrissy said excitedly, her initial shock seemingly gone. Rosemary searched her mind, she’s smart. Rosemary wouldn’t be around someone she didn’t like. Jesus, hopefully Jason learns a thing or two from Chrissy.
Rosemary touched her friend's arm with her free hand, “Sorry Chrissy, I forgot to mention it earlier. This is Eddie by the way, Eddie Munson. He’s my…” Rosemary didn’t know what to say, she didn’t want to assume Eddie liked her as much as she liked him. But maybe saying friend would hurt his feelings. “My date tonight.” 
Eddie smiled a forced smirk, “That’s me. The date.” He laughed dryly. Rosemary could tell he was uncomfortable and after the last time she’d seen how Jason treated him, she didn’t blame him.
“Well you look super cute!” Chrissy gushed, “I wanna borrow that sweater next week, okay?”
Chrissy and Rosemary had grown closer now that things had settled down. Chrissy had finally been invited to Rosemary’s house after years of friendship.  I didn’t know Roe liked Eddie, she never mentioned it. He must be nice then, I’ve seen how she treats people who aren’t.
A memory flashed through Chrissy’s mind of when some student on the way home from middle school had lifted her cheerleading skirt and Rosemary had physically pushed the kid to the ground and began to berate him ruthlessly. What Chrissy didn’t know was that Rosemary had also forced the kid to wet his pants, she thought that was just out of fear of Rosemary.
The same Rosemary who was now trying to stifle a laugh at her friend's memory. “Yeah, I’ll bring it on Monday.”
Don’t think that by getting in good with Rosemary you’re gonna be one of us, Freak. You’ll mess this up somehow. And when you do we’ll be waiting to teach you a lesson for trying.
“Jason!” Rosemary blurted out in a moment of seething rage at listening to his thoughts. Jason looked up at her in confusion and Rosemary rushed to cover her tracks. She blinked and Jason’s nose started to gush blood, “Your nose is bleeding!” Rosemary exclaimed and Chrissy gasped, pulling a tissue from her purse to hand to him as Jason rushed to keep the blood off of his letterman’s jacket.
“Good catch, Roe, thank you.” Jason said through the blood.
“It must be going around,” Eddie remarked, “Your nose is bleeding again too, Rosemary.” He pulled his handkerchief out again to wipe the drop of blood from her nose.
Chrissy tutted, “It’s the dry winter. My knuckles always get so cracked this time of year. Oh jeez, Jason, it won’t stop bleeding” 
“There’s a bathroom over there.” Rosemary pointed out. 
Chrissy was in the middle of running him to the bathroom when Rosemary got a sudden wave of emotion from her.
No. Not emotion. Hunger. 
It wasn’t a thought per say, but an overwhelming sensation that enveloped all of Chrissy for a moment, and it was so strong it made Rosemary feel ill. Like so hungry that she would kill someone to eat, but as though one bite would make her vomit.
“Chrissy! Wait!” Rosemary surged forward, breaking away from Eddie’s arm. Jason was running ahead to the bathroom while Chrissy paused to turn towards her friend, “Here,” Rosemary all but shoved the nuts into Chrissy’s hands, “I-I don’t feel good.” 
Chrissy’s eyes widened and she shook her head. “No! It’s okay! I’m not hungry!” Her tone dripped with cheer but Rosemary could feel the difference between when she was truly happy. 
“Please.” Rosemary stuttered, still feeling the sensation coming from Chrissy, “Chrissy…” Rosemary’s stomach twisted and she spoke just over a whisper, “Please eat them.” The level of desperation freaked Chrissy out.
D-does she know? How could she know? I-I don’t want to disappoint Roe, she’s always stood up for me. How would she feel if she knew I was doing this? Does she know??
Rosemary tried to regain her composure and forced a smile, “it’s just that I don’t want them to go to waste, and they’re sweet like you.” Chrissy nodded, a smile returning to her lips, “Chrissy,” Rosemary paused, not sure what to say next but deciding to just speak from the heart, “Thank you for being my friend all this time. I-I love you.”
Chrissy’s face turned bright red as a smile lit up her face. A real one this time. She loves me? Roe’s never said that before. Is it too sappy to say I love you back?
“Anyway, I need to get back to Eddie. See you on Monday!” Rosemary didn’t want to prolong her awkward feeling and the hunger sensation was making her sick.
“O-okay!” Chrissy had a lot she wanted to say but just settled on a wave and a, “See you!” Before chasing after Jason.
An arm snaked around Rosemary’s neck, it was warm against the biting cold. “Are you okay? You went super pale on me.” Eddie pressed his free hand against her forehead, kind of kidding but his eyes held a little genuine concern.
“Yeah,” Rosemary sighed, leaning into his touch, “Just hungry.”
Eddie grinned, “Perfect, I have dinner waiting for us.”
“I know it’s not much, but it’s my castle. I would say I’m the king but my uncle pays most of the rent so I guess for now he holds the crown. Which is fine, heavy is the head am I right?”
He was rambling.
Rosemary looked around the trailer park as Eddie unlocked his door. So many people lived in such close quarters, they must constantly be running over each other, asking one another for help. No one probably ever felt alone.
It sounded nice.
I hope she isn’t freaked out. I know it’s not as nice as her house, hell it isn’t even a house, but I tried to make it nice for her.
Eddie was nervous enough that his hands were shaking as he opened the door for Rosemary.
When she stepped inside it was immediately fifty degrees warmer, the heat felt nice against her flushed cheeks.
The trailer was a trailer, a little cramped, but Rosemary admired how clean it was. Eddie certainly had tried to make it nice, everything was stacked away nicely, freshly vacuumed and mopped. It smelled like Pinesol, which ironically was one of her favorite smells. 
There was a wall of trucker hats that she beelined to, and beneath it a book full of stamps that someone had meticulously collected.
“Uh, my uncle is kind of a collector. Wayne used to travel a lot for work, hence the trailer home. It made moving easier. But then I needed someone to look after me and he settled down in Hawkins.”
Rosemary found a bin on the floor full of license plates and she enthusiastically began to flip through them, admiring each state she saw.
“He didn’t used to have so many, but I liked to help him find new ones. Sometimes I would go down to the junkyard and look for different ones. I’m only missing three now, Alaska, Hawaii and New Mexico.” You sound so lame right now, please shut up. She probably thinks this is all so lame.
But he couldn’t be more wrong. So many different places, so much stuff to see. Rosemary was fascinated; it felt like when she was freshly free from the lab and every new thing she saw made her feel giddy and excited to be free.
When she turned and grinned up at him, Eddie’s worries melted away. “This place is so cool.”
He could practically see his heart melted and gooey on the floor from the expression on her face. Eddie could feel how sincere she was.
“I mean, I would cool it on the ‘so’ cool part but it’s got its charms. It could probably use a garden out front though.” Eddie teased, eliciting a laugh from Rosemary.
There were two large flat brown boxes on the kitchen counter that was giving off an absolutely heavenly smell. “Is that for us?” Rosemary asked in excitement.
“Yeah, I know it’s not much but I picked it up earlier. I had left it in the oven to keep it warm but it looks like Wayne took a slice before leaving for work.” Eddie sighed, nothing seemed to be going exactly right tonight.
Rosemary hopped over and opened the pizza box. Sure enough a slice of pepperoni was missing, “The man has good taste.” She beamed as she picked up a slice and all but swallowed it.
Eddie shook his coat off and hung it by the door. “We can go eat in my room, I moved the tv in there so we could watch a movie.” He grabbed the boxes and led the way to the back of the trailer. 
When Rosemary saw the inside of the room she smiled. It was very Eddie. Posters hanging all over the place, a guitar hung on the wall with what looked like a shrine. His mattress just lay on the floor but he had obviously cleaned everything up. The bed had fresh sheets and was neatly made, although it had pillows and blankets galore.
And the room was covered in Christmas lights that cast a warm glow across the room. Rosemary was touched by how much care Eddie had put into tonight. And it broke her heart how mean he was to himself, as he currently thought about how much more she deserved.
“Eddie,” Rosemary plopped down on his bed, looking around in awe, “I’ve never had anyone treat me so well before. I don’t think I deserve all this.”
Eddie nearly choked as he set the pizza down on the ground and threw himself next to her on the bed, “You’re kidding right?” He laughed nervously, “Right?”
Rosemary shook her head, her dark hair bouncing around her. She took a bite of her pizza, “This is my first ever date but I honestly couldn’t have imagined anything better.”
‘First. Ever. Date?’ Eddie mouthed in shock, “No. No, see, now I know you’re messing with me. There’s no way I can believe you never went on a date before.”
“What can I say?” Rosemary shrugged, “I’m a freak.”
“Must be.” Eddie laughed, chomping down on a slice of cheese pizza. “But count me lucky I guess.”
Rosemary thought back to what Jason was thinking earlier, “Eddie?” Her chewing slowed, “Why are people so awful to you?”
The boy next to her snorted, “Why wouldn’t they be? I’m poor. I like ‘weird’ music and ‘weird’ games. I actually like to read instead of throwing hoops into glorified laundry baskets.” Eddie sighed heavily, “And my dad did some bad stuff that landed him in jail. So I guess they all think I’m like him.” His tone was no longer playful.
But the next thing Eddie knew, fingers were latched onto his, “My mom always said that doing bad things is like a disease, but not a contagious one. Bad people can’t spread badness to us, no matter how they try. Not unless we breed it within ourselves.”
She was looking at him like she knew, and he realized that she did. Eddie didn’t know what those bad people had done to her but he realized Rosemary must have the same fear; the fear of turning out just like them. 
“Of course my mom says that doing good is also a disease, but a very contagious one with lots of side effects.” Rosemary rambled, realizing how lame it was that she was quoting her mom to a boy she liked. 
But before she could try and say something else Eddie had cupped her face in his hands and was kissing her softly. Rosemary was frozen, mostly because she didn’t know where to put the piece of pizza she was holding. Before she could even react, Eddie had pulled away and her lip jutted out in a pout, disappointed it was over already.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, going back to eating his slice like nothing had happened, “I’ve just been wanting to kiss you since you walked out of your house earlier.”
It seemed the blush on her cheeks was becoming permanent.
Rosemary tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, “You have lipstick on your mouth.” She smiled sweetly and Eddie simply laughed as he rubbed it off on the back of his sleeve. Rosemary glanced around the room and spotted a tall stack of vinyls against the wall, just by the guitar shrine. She slid off his mattress and shuffled towards the dresser next to the stack of music. “Lots of rock.”
“Do you mean metal?” Rosemary hadn’t heard him come and join her by her side. Eddie was smirking, “Have you ever listened to metal?”
The girl shook her head, leaning down to read the names of the vinyls. As she did, she caught a peek of all the stuff Eddie had shoved underneath his dresser. Rosemary stifled a laugh and went back to the music. She really didn’t recognize any of the names aside from Metallica because obviously everyone knew who they were. “Isn’t it Satan’s music?” She said satirically prompting a snort.
“Yes, yes it is.” Eddie said bluntly before a smile leaked on to his face, “And what music do angels listen to, pray tell.”
Red flooded Rosemary’s cheeks, she didn’t want to tell him. His music tastes were different amd unique, “Umm,” she sighed before submitting to the question, “Okay, don’t laugh? I like ABBA a lot,” she remembered as a kid watching them in wonder as they danced across the stage in their bright outfits, “Steve Miller Band, Fleetwood Mac, and… the Cars, and the Police. But I really like The Cars.”
There was a silence as Eddie nodded, “Okay…” and then he laughed, “Not terrible but pretty basic.”
“Hey!” Rosemary’s blush only grew deeper, “I listen to Led Zeppelin sometimes.”
“Better,” Eddie admitted but was still laughing, “But that’s rock, not metal.”
“Pat Benatar?”
“Pop/rock.” Eddie was grinning as Rosemary tried to come up with something to relate to in music. “Hey, listen, at least we both can agree that Heat of the Moment is a good song.” That brought a smile to Eddie’s face.
“True.” Rosemary gave in, “I guess we don’t really have to like the same music.” She laughed, feeling silly, “but maybe some time you could teach me what songs are good?”
That made him swallow hard, “Y-yeah.” Why is that the hottest thing a girl has ever said to me? 
Interesting, Rosemary decided to take that as a cue to move closer to Eddie, biting her lip a little and looking up at him through her eyelashes, “Why don’t you pick something out right now?” She said, her tone lower than before.
Why is she looking at me like that? She looks so hot right now Eddie whined internally, No she doesn’t mean anything by it, she just wants me to pick out some music. “Okay.”
Jesus Christ this guy couldn’t catch a hint.
He picked out an album and set it into his record player while Rosemary went back to sit on the bed, “it’s kinda hot in here,” she remarked, “are you okay if I take my sweater off?” When he shook his head, Rosemary pulled off the heavy sweater and threw it to the side.
Jesus fucking Christ. Eddie thought as he saw the white ribbed tank top she had on underneath. Even worse, the lack of bra. And even worse he knew how good her tits looked underneath that tank top, the image from the van the week before was seared in his brain. He had used the memory shamelessly twice already to help fall asleep.
Rosemary turned red at that thought, never imagining that someone would think of her while doing… that. But the thought made her thighs press together tightly. Eddie coughed and looked away but Rosemary was tired of his modesty. “You can look.” Her voice was barely above a mumble but Eddie heard it all the same.
And look he did. Eddie would never say no to that. He looked at the way her tank top hugged every contour of her body, the deep neck that offered him a view of the valley between her breasts. Eddie licked at his dry lips when his eyes fell on her nipples, clearly visible through the sheer clothing. Eddie sighed, “Angel, you have no idea how good you look. The things I want to do to you.” He breathed out.
Feeling less timid, Rosemary let her fingers run up the side of her body until they reached the straps of her top before letting one drop off the side of her shoulder. “Tell me.” 
Eddie didn’t waste a moment, coming to sit by her legs, “I would fucking love to rip these tights apart.” He groaned when Rosemary let down the other strap on her shirt. The only thing that held the top up now was the curve of her tits, which Eddie was more than ready to see now. “Have you ever had sex before?” Eddie asked, pulling himself out of all the different scenarios he was playing out in his head.
Rosemary shook her head, looking at him with her big eyes.
“What about… has anyone ever touched you before?” Eddie bit his lip when she shook her head again, “Not even yourself?” He said in bewilderment and Rosemary turned red, shrugging her shoulders causing the shirt to drop down even lower. It was barely hanging on now. “What’s that mean?” Eddie laughed.
“I tried once.” Rosemary whispered and he raised an eyebrow at her, “This week. I- I tried but I didn’t know what I was doing.” 
She wondered if he would find it unattractive that she was so inexperienced but his thoughts said otherwise.
Fuck, she’s so fucking innocent. Is it wrong that gets me so hard? The thought of making her cum is driving me crazy.  
His dirty thoughts rattled her body and Rosemary swallowed hard before pulling her tank top down around her wait, “Could you show me how it’s supposed to feel?” She asked.
Eddie grinned devilishly, “Hell yes.” He hissed, coming to hover over her before kissing her hard. His hand snaked around to cradle her neck, and Rosemary succumbed to his touch. His other hand was touching her bare stomach, but it quickly began the task of unbuttoning her skirt. He pulled back for a breath of air and to see her flushed face, “take the skirt off.” 
Looping her fingers into both her skirt and tights, she pulled them both off in one fell swoop, leaving her with her tits exposed, her tank top rolled down beneath her breasts and in her deep scarlet silk panties that she’s discreetly purchased at the mall earlier that week.
Gulping hard, Eddie drank her in. She looked pornographic laying there like that. Especially when he reached forward and unclipped her hair.
“You’re fucking with me right now.” He muttered, and Rosemary blushed.
“What do you mean?”
He ran a hand through his hair, “Those panties? No bra? If I didn’t know any better I’d say you came here to seduce me.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her and she smirked. 
“Maybe I just like red.” 
“Works for me.” Eddie’s tongue darted across his lips, “Works really fucking well for me.” His knuckles began to trail up her thighs softly. Eventually they reach her underwear and they hook into the delicate fabric. Rosemary’s breath hitched and her heart skipped a beat. Eddie’s eyes never left her but sensing her nerves he kneaded her hip between his fingers, “Gonna make you feel so good.” He promised, “I want you to tell me how good it feels.”
His words sent a shiver down her spine and before she had time to process her sudden feelings, he was sliding her panties down her smooth satin legs.
The air he sucked in was fast when he saw her bare before him. And he meant bare. “Did you clean up for me angel?”
Swallowing hard, she nodded innocently and Eddie groaned, his pants so very uncomfortable at the moment. He slowly lowered himself and spread Rosemary’s legs, kissing each freckle he found on the way up to her center. Her eyes followed his every move, her bottom lip tucked painfully between her teeth. 
“Eddie,” she breathed when his lips finally caressed her cunt. Whatever thought she had was immediately cast out when he took a long, drawn out lick. Rosemary’s eyes rolled back and he back ticked a little, a whimper falling from her mouth.
His eyes never left hers as he dove right in, slow and steady at first, letting Rosemary savor the feeling he was sure from her reactions she’d never felt before. But he needed more from her, Eddie needed her to need him. 
That steady pace quickly became ravenous as he sank into her fervently. Eddie smirked in satisfaction when her hips jutted up against him and he sank his ringed fingers into her fatty thighs to hold her down. His other hand snaked up to her breast, grabbing at the sensitive flesh there. “Easy there, angel. Does it feel good?” Eddie asked, kissing her pink folds.
The room felt so hot and musty so it didn’t surprise him that when Rosemary nodded, her hair line was a little damp.
“I need to hear you.” Eddie growled against her, his tongue darting back out to tease her. Rosemary was about to reply when she felt him sink a finger inside of her, his tongue still deliciously going at her clit. A rattled gasp came from her mouth and Eddie tutted, “Come on, angel, tell me how it feels.”
“Shit.” Rosemary finally found her voice, it was higher pitched and shakier than normal, she didn’t even recognize herself, “It feels so good, Eddie. It-It feels really good.”
She’s being so fucking beautiful. Look at how she moves for me, and those sounds. Heavenly.
Rosemary blushed, not that anyone could tell by how flushed her entire body was. Eddie was making her feel amazing physically and maybe it was just the hormones but was it normal to feel like she was floating? To feel both weighed down and weightless?
A second finger entered her soaking hole and Rosemary’s back arched up off the mattress, a shallow moan echoing the room as Eddie pumped his long calloused fingers in and out. “Yeah, just like that angel, make some noise for me.”
There was a coiling feeling in her stomach, a heat that kept building. Rosemary struggled for words between her gasps, “Eddie, I-I think- I feel like-“ her words were lost when he curves his fingers upwards, touching a spot inside her that had her gripping the sheets desperately and letting out what almost sounded like a sob. That heat that had been building suddenly hit a boiling point and Rosemary felt ecstasy flood her body, her climax racking through her chest.
Eddie was watching it all with an almost evil glint in his eye. His hand that wasn’t pulling the last few moments of Rosemary’s climax from her was splayed across her sternum, one of her hands clawing into his wrist as she tried to catch her breath. Jesus Christ, I am not done with you Rosemary Price.
After a moment, Rosemary’s eyes fluttered back open but her breathing was still labored, “Eddie,” she sighed heavily, “Please. I-I need more of you.” She had picked her words carefully and Eddie didn’t wait a second.
Freeing his throbbing cock from her pants, Eddie lined himself up with Rosemary’s core and began to rub the head against her folds, beads of precum mixing with her slick.
Eddie could hardly wait to push himself in, his cock twitching at the thought. The way Rosemary was looking at him drove him insane, so sweet but so expectant.
Everything halted with three heavy raps against Eddie’s front door.
Rosemary and Eddie both froze. Maybe I imagined it? Please God, let that not have been my front door.
More heavy hands fall against his front door and Eddie’s head drops to hand below his shoulders. “Give me one second.” Eddie says apologetically and Rosemary nods.
“It’s okay.” 
Once Eddie zipped back up and bolted out of the room, Rosemary let out a heavy sigh before her heart started to race. Holy shit, she had been literally seconds away from letting Eddie Munson take her virginity. And now she was feeling… disappointed that it didn’t happen?
The intention had been to wait there until Eddie got back but Rosemary suddenly heard someone enter the apartment and arguing ensued. Not wanting to get found literally naked, Rosemary threw on her tights and her skirt and grabbed the closest thing to cover her breasts, which happened to be one of Eddie’s band t-shirts which was way too big on her.
Rosemary got up off the mattress and went to stand behind Eddie’s bedroom door.
“No, no, no! Tabs, I get that it’ll only be an hour but I cannot watch him! I-I have plans!” That was Eddie speaking.
And Tabs was apparently a woman by the sound of her voice, “Eddie, please, Ronnie ran off with his buddies on another bender and there is no one else home tonight. And if I don’t leave right now the store will close and James won’t have diapers until Monday.”
Rosemary could hear the desperation in the woman’s voice. But also the panic in Eddie’s thoughts.
I know she doesn’t have another option but what am I supposed to do? There’s no way she’d be okay with a baby crashing tonight.
Rosemary slowly opened the door to Eddie’s room and stepped out tentatively.
Tabs was apparently a thirty year old woman with long red hair and an exhausted look on her face. In her arms was a baby, probably around nine months old, with caramel brown hair. That must be James.
Eddie was palming his face and looked beyond frustrated. 
The mother saw Rosemary emerge and color flushed her cheeks as she suddenly realized the situation. Shit! Tonight was the date with the girl he was talking about. I forgot! I probably just ruined everything he’s been excited about for a week. But underneath her initial thoughts, Rosemary felt her anxieties bubbling in her stomach, a mothers concern of what she was supposed to do.
“Oh,” Tabs blinked, “I-I’m so sorry to interrupt.” She looked at Eddie, who looked mortified by this whole situation. “You know what, Eddie? I can just go to the store on my lunch break tomorrow-“
“You work at Clarence’s?” Rosemary piped up, nodding towards the woman’s work uniform.
“Yeah.” Tabs shifted the baby onto her other shoulder.
Rosemary stepped forward and held her hands out, “The market is on the complete opposite side of town, you won’t get diapers and have time to eat tomorrow. Go ahead, we can watch him.” 
Eddie’s face morphed from embarrassment to shock. Wait, is she really-
The mother blinked at her, “You guys are busy-“
“We’re watching a movie,” Rosemary shrugged, looping her hands under baby James’ arms, “Nothing James can’t sit and watch with us. And besides, my summer job is working at the daycare over by Main Street. You have nothing to worry about, and an hour really isn’t that long.” She pulled the little boy from his mothers arms gently, turning him around and tucking him against her shoulder.
Tabs was in shock, “Are you sure?” She glanced at Eddie for help but he was still watching wide-eyed from the side.
“Here,” With her one free arm, Rosemary offered the exhausted mother a slice of pizza from the box, “It can’t cure husbands on benders, but it does cure hunger.” She grinned and Tabs gratefully took a slice.
“Thank you.” Tabs looked guilty but quickly ducked out of the trailer and rushed out to her car.
Then it was just the three of them. Rosemary, Eddie and James.
Eddie sighed heavily, leaning against the counter and rubbing the back of his neck, “Tonight has really… not gone according to plan.” He scoffed. “I’m sorry, she- she leaves him here sometimes with Wayne cause her husband is a piece of shit.”
James shifted in Rosemary’s arms and she shuffled him so he was lying in her hands’ makeshift cradle, swaying on her hips gently. “What, you don’t ever help out with him?” Rosemary teased.
“Noooo.” Eddie laughed, “I have no idea what makes a baby tic.” He watched as she brushed a tiny fine curl out of the pudgy baby’s face and couldn’t help the little smile forming on his face, “Apparently you do though. You mean to tell me you’re good with kids too?”
It was kind of impossible for her to be bad with babies, she always knew what they wanted. Rosemary liked listening to baby thoughts because they were always so simple, more like sensations really, sometimes mixed with images. Like right now, baby James had an image of his mother feeding him a few minutes ago fueling his
milk drunk expression.
“Back in um, in the bad place, there were lots of kids there. I was one of the older ones, so I had to take care of them.” Rosemary always told him a watered down version of the truth when talking about the Lab.
“Jesus,” He stared at her, “one of these days you’re gonna tell me what shithole you grew up in and I’m going to go burn it down.”
Doctor Zhivago was playing quietly on the tv and the three of them had settled back on Eddie’s bed. The two teenagers sat side by side and the baby playing with the strands of Rosemary’s hair.
Rosemary was trying desperately not to think about what had happened in this room not even twenty minutes before while Eddie couldn’t think of anything else. 
“I’d heard this was a good romance but it’s kind of boring.” Eddie laughed dryly and Rosemary looked at him, “I’m sorry tonight kind of went off the rails from beginning to end.”
Rosemary touched her fingers to his, “I had an amazing night. I still am!” She pinched James’ cheek playfully and a gleeful coo bubbled from him. “The boy I like and a cute baby? What more can I ask for?”
“Good to know you still like me after all of this.” Eddie smirked, but he squeezed her fingers tightly. “Although, maybe crashing the party was a good thing.” His face seemed distant and panic sprung up in Rosemary’s chest. Had they done something he didn’t like? Did he realize he didn’t like her? Rosemary searched his face and he turned to her, “I like you Rosemary. So much. And I was about to fuck you like your first time didn’t matter.” 
“It was the… heat of the moment?” Rosemary suggested with a lighthearted giggle. She was just relieved to hear that he liked her. “But I like you too Eddie. I-I’ve had a crush on you for a long time, and the past couple times that I spent time with you only made me like you more. I wouldn’t have minded if you took my virginity. I-I- Well, I would prefer it if I’m speaking honestly.” Blush splattered against her cheeks and Eddie kissed where it appeared.
“If you want it to be me I will gladly oblige, but I want to make it special for you. Not on my dirty sheets.” He rolled his eyes. “And hopefully with someone who you deeply care about.” Her brows scrunched in confusion and Eddie looked deep into her eyes, “When I fuck you, Rosemary Price, you will not just like me. I will not cross that line with you until I can tell you I love you while making you cum around me.” His words made her start to sweat at how sultry yet sweet they sounded. Like tobacco dripping with honey.
“Eddie, I-“
“We’re not there yet, obviously.” Eddie laughed, “I mean it is our first date after all. But I intend to give you the best I can, Rosemary. And if you’ll have me, I’ll take you there.”
Rosemary blinked, “Is this all you asking for a second date?” She asked coyly and he laughed.
“Second, third, fourth.” He hummed, “This is me asking for a chance.”
A loud coo echoed in the room and they looked down. James was staring at Eddie, arms outstretched, “I… don’t know what you want from me.” Eddie laughed nervously and Rosemary rolled her eyes.
“Are you really afraid of a baby?” She inquired and Eddie bit his lip.
“Is it wrong to say a little bit?” Before he could say anything, Rosemary was handing the baby over to Eddie’s lap. “Wait, no!” Too late, James was already plopped down into his lap. James looked around before leaning forward, a little too top heavy to sit up on his own.
“Hold him up!” Rosemary’s laugh rang through the room and Eddie robotically moved to hold the baby by his arm pits.
A moment passed before James let out a little whine followed by the beginnings of a sob. “He doesn’t like me.” Eddie said flatly, already wanting to give up.
“No.” Rosemary grinned, reading the infants thoughts, “He doesn’t like to be held by his armpits, put your hands on his ribs.” Eddie followed her instructions and instantly the cry stopped. James lifted his fat arms up towards Eddie. “He wants to see you, you’re too far away from him.”
“What are you, the baby whisperer?” Eddie laughed before leaning down a little. Instantly James gripped Eddie’s cheek in his chubby little fists, letting out little happy squeals. Eddie couldn’t stop the smile that broke out at the sound, although he tried. “Whatever, he’s kind of cute.”
“Kind of?!” Rosemary faked offense, “Look at those thunder thighs!” She exclaimed before jolting forward to blow raspberries into the baby’s legs resulting in even more shrieks of glee. Eddie couldn’t look away from the scene unfolding around him. This was something he wanted in his future, he realized. Maybe a big house wasn’t in the cards, or a nice car, or being a giant rock superstar although he would still hope and dream and work for those things.
But would a little home be so bad? Echoing with the sound of baby laughter, him strumming on his guitar with a chubby legged baby crawling around on top of him. A wife there to talk to, to confide in, to dream with. And maybe that house was small, and cramped but teeming with love. Maybe there was a garden out front. And maybe that wife had freckles and a tattoo on her wrist. And maybe it was everything he didn’t have growing up. That they didn’t have.
Eddie had to shake his head out of his silent daydream, it was too much to ever hope for, but he would guard that little dream in a secret part of his heart.
Just in case.
The hour ticked by almost in slow motion and Eddie was feeling more and more comfortable around the tiny person. Rosemary was explaining to him how to speak ‘baby’.
“And when he makes a face like he’s doing a hard math problem, that means he’s pooping.” Rosemary instructed, her fingers gently stroking James’ silky hair in a soothing manner as Eddie helped him to stand.
“You mean like that one?” Eddie asked and sure enough, little James looked like he was trying to remember the quadratic formula.
Just as the knock on the door came.
“Perfect timing!” Eddie jumped up, James under his arm damn near like a football. But when Rosemary read the baby’s thoughts, he seemed to like it. But only from Eddie. Weird.
Tabs was back, carrying a grocery bag full of diapers and formula. Rosemary was watching quietly from the doorway as Eddie handed James over. The boys mother attempting handing out a ten dollar bill while letting out a string of ‘thank you’s.
But Eddie shook his head rapidly, “Nah, it’s okay.” He handed her back the money, “And I um, I just have band practice tomorrow at five, so if you wanted to drop him off until then, I should be able to handle it.” Rosemary lifted an eyebrow in surprise but stayed silent. As the door was closing Eddie threw out one last request, “I’ll take the money for tomorrow though!”
He turned to find her staring at him, leaning against the door frame, “So not so afraid of babies anymore?” Rosemary asked with a smile.
“No, I am. Just love to torment myself. Makes for good music.” Eddie smirked. “Anyways, I believe I promised your mom to get you home at a reasonable hour.” 
“It’s only ten.” Rosemary pouted.
“Oh I plan on making out in the car for at least an hour before letting you inside your house.”
It had been more like an hour and a half.
Rosemary was laying in her bed as the morning light warmed her cheek. It was Monday morning and she didn’t want to wake up. School sounded like a drag but it had been such a good weekend. 
Eddie had made good on his promise and they had made out in his car before he walked her to the door and pressed a final kiss to the top of her head.
The gardening had gotten done, she’d woken up extra early to take on a special project before the rest of Hawkins woke up.
Saturday night was spent playing Dungeons and Dragons with the boys. Will had made good on his promise, it was an epic campaign that had taken over 12 hours to complete. Thorn had leveled up a lot which made her very proud of both herself and her party. Rosemary smiled thinking about how she and Dustin had miraculously defeated Lord Soth’s army, although he had banished Thorn to an alternate dimension. Next campaign was how the party was going to get her back. Lucas had proclaimed that there would be no rest until the party was together again.
And on Sunday El came over; Rosemary often spent her Sundays with the girl, sure to keep the curtains closed and to take the long way through the woods so no one would see them. Rosemary’s mother taught them how to bake snickerdoodles (Rosemary burnt the batch that she was in charge of: she was a terrible baker). Rosemary had also taught El how to manage her curly hair and they made popcorn chains to hang on the Christmas tree. It really was almost like having a little sister.
But now it was time for school again. At least it was only a couple more weeks until Christmas break.
Rosemary pulled herself from her bed, a little excited to see her friends.
What a different feeling. She was going to see her friends at school today. Rosemary and Steve shared second period together, now that he knew she could read minds they had devised a way to get him the answers he needed help with (which was most of them) and they sat together at the back of class now. Most of her classes she shared with Chrissy, who in the past month had upgraded to her best friend. But after this past Friday she was worried about her. The best period of the day though was gym, because that’s when Chrissy, Jonathan, and Nancy were all with her. People who had once been strangers were now like family to her. 
And obviously there was the chance of seeing Eddie in the hallways. 
Throwing on a rust colored chiffon floral skirt that came just above her ankles, Rosemary quickly ran a brush through her tangled hair. Remembering to pack the sweater for Chrissy, Rosemary pulled on an oversized, heavy denim jacket over her white turtleneck. Rolled over tube socks and white keds were next before she bolted down stairs, skidding to a stop as she heard something that made her heart drop.
More than coughing; hacking. The kind that bends one over and racks the entire body. Just like what it was doing to her mother. Rhiannon was hunched over the counter, trying desperately to catch her breath.
“Mom!” Rosemary rushed over, soothing rubbing her mothers back, giving light taps to try and help whatever was coming up along.
When Rhiannon pulled away the rag she was coughing into, phlegm and blood soaked the fabric.
They stared at each other for a moment, glancing down at the rag as Rhiannon tried to calm her breathing. “Rosemary…”
“It’s ok mom.” Rosemary threw her arms around her mother, tears rushing down her cheeks, “I know.” Her mother was sobbing, grabbing her daughter like she needed her to stay standing. “I found the papers in your closet.” Rosemary was choking back her own sobs.
“I’m sorry.” Was all her mother could say, mixed with strings of ‘I love you’.
Rosemary broke away to grab her mother a glass of water, “I’m going to be late.” She sighed, “But let’s talk when I get home, okay? We can make hot chocolate and wrap Christmas presents, like always.”
Her mother could only nod, and feeling guilty that she could stay, Rosemary bolted out the door.
The walk to school went quickly as Rosemary thought solely about what she could possibly say to her mother that would be enough.
Crossing the street in front of Hawkins High, her thoughts were cut off when a car honked at her making the girl jump about three feet in the air.
A familiar head of long wavy hair was laughing in the driver's seat. Rosemary rolled her eyes and walked over to the driver's window. “Good morning to you too, Eddie Munson.” She smirked before she spotted Garreth in the passenger seat, “Morning Garreth.”
I still can’t believe Eddie managed to get her to acknowledge him, let alone go on a date with him. What the fuck even is this world we live in?
Metal was playing loudly in the car but Eddie could hear Rosemary perfectly, “Let me see your fingers.” He said with a grin and Rosemary held them out hesitantly. Eddie picked them up and inspected, “Just as I thought, there’s a lot of dirt under these finger nails.” Rosemary blushed, looking down at the ground to hide the red, “And what’s more, I came strolling out of my trailer on Saturday morning and there’s this weird area boxed in next to my porch. The dirt was all turned over and fresh.”
“I don’t know anything about-“
His finger pulled her chin up to look him in the face. Eddie was grinning from ear to ear, “Now you tell me, angel, if I were to dig down in that fresh dirt, would I find tulip bulbs?”
“You said you wanted a garden out front.” Rosemary said bashfully and Eddie laughed aloud. 
“I hate to interrupt this love fest, but we’re gonna be late for home room and Eddie already has detention this week so…” Also I don’t think I can handle much more of this. My grasp on reality is starting to slip.
Deciding to release the captive of his torture, Rosemary took a step back, “See you inside, Munson.” She said with a small salute and Eddie made a teasing kiss face before driving off.
When Rosemary stepped inside the halls of the school she made a bee line for her locker. Only to find Chrissy frantically trying to get inside. Come on, come on! She’ll be here any minute! I don’t want her to see whatever is inside of here! The combo should be 09-17-23! Her thoughts were rife with panic.
Something was wrong.
“Chrissy, what’s going on?” Chrissy about jumped out of her uniform. She turned to face Rosemary, her eyes wide, “What’s wrong with my locker?” Rosemary was glancing from the locker to Chrissy.
“I wanted to get into it before you got here.” Chrissy said desperately, “Jason said he heard some of the older basketball teammates talking about how they did something to your locker. Something bad.” She seemed on the verge of tears, “I was trying to get rid of whatever it was before you saw it.”
It was at that moment that Steve Harrington pushed through the sea of students, half out of breath, and slammed against the wall next to them, making them both jump. “I came as soon as I heard,” He was in his basketball uniform, they had a game that night, “I had nothing to do with whatever is in there, Rose, I swear it.”
Rosemary swallowed hard, she’d never been the victim of something like this before, “Well, I guess we can only open it and see what they did.” She reached forward and Steve stopped her.
“You put the combo in and I’ll open it.” Steve said with a hand on the handle.
Nodding, Rosemary twisted the dial back and forth until that familiar click sounded and she took a half step back as Steve swung it open.
The step back had been a good idea because what looked like popcorn came pouring out of her locker, making a pile on the ground. Kids in the hallway suddenly stopped and began to stop and stare at her locker, and then at Rosemary.
“Oh my god.” Chrissy turned away and Steve had a hand on Rosemary’s shoulder.
Rosemary didn’t understand for a moment until on further inspection she realized that it wasn’t popcorn. It was tufts of feathers, held together in clumps by what seemed like glue and…
That wasn’t ketchup.
The word ‘freak!’ had been spray painted in green on the inside door of her locker. The chicken blood wasn’t just infused with the feathers, it looked like they had poured it onto her books as well. Even now it was dripping onto the floor in front of her.
And then there was the doll. It was a stuffed bunny, its button eyes had been plucked out and the word slut was written in sharpie across its torso, along with some crude depictions of tits. And as if it couldn’t get worse, the bunny was hanging by its neck, head lulling to the side, by a piece of twine from the top of the locker. 
Rosemary could hear kids around her gagging in disgust and Chrissy was holding on to her arm, “Those assholes! When I find out who did this-“
“I have a pretty good idea.” Steve grumbled, staring down the hallway. Rosemary followed his gaze and sure enough, there he was. Billy. Billy made eye contact with her and blew her a kiss.
So he remembered what she had said to him. Rosemary focused to try and hear his thoughts from the far distance but it was hard.
Don’t know how… knew about… teach you to keep my moms name out… mouth… don’t worry, stupid bunny bitch… I promised no more messin… consider this… one last hoorah.
Anger and embarrassment were boiling up inside her and she didn’t realize her eyes were stinging with tears until Steve pulled her so she wasn’t looking at Billy. “I’m gonna get coach to pull him from the game tonight.” 
But his words were lost on her as Rosemary spotted someone else in the crowd. He stood a little taller than most of the other kids and was staring wide eyed at the locker and then back at her.
And he looked shocked, upset, sad, and extremely pissed off. Rosemary could feel those emotions oozing off of him from across the hallway. When he made eye contact with her, Eddie could only shake his head before turning his back on her and rushing away.
The tears were threatening to fall, “I’m so-sorry guys, I need to go!” Rosemary said shakily before pushing through the crowd to try and follow Eddie.
Ahead of her she could see him storm out of the doors to the school and Rosemary trailed after him, not caring when she ran into the students flooding in the opposite direction.
“Eddie, wait!” She called after him, practically having to run to catch up to him in the parking lot. He was refusing to look at her and Rosemary finally reached him in the middle of the concrete she had to grab his arm to make him stop.
The moment she did, Eddie shook her off before turning around, “What are you doing?” Eddie hissed and she was shocked to see that he was angry.
“What do you mean? Eddie, why are you mad at me-?”
“I’m not fucking mad at you,” Eddie snapped and Rosemary blinked in shock, “I’m mad at myself.” She didn’t understand. “I’m mad that I thought I could be seen with someone like you and nothing negative would happen to you because of it.”
Rosemary realized that Eddie thought from the ‘freak’ thing that this has happened to her because of him. Because she had been seen with him, “Eddie, it’s not like that-“
“No?!” Eddie interrupted her, “What’s it like then? We get seen together a couple times, you and Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson and suddenly the same insult is being written in your locker? That’s some coincidence.”
“Eddie-“ Rosemary didn’t know what to say, “May-maybe it’s about something else?” In fact she knew it was. It had nothing to do with Eddie and everything to do with her losing her cool and fucking with Billy and now he was fucking with her back. But Rosemary couldn’t tell him that, not without exposing herself for what she truly was. But she couldn’t risk it, not when it would put El at risk too.
“Oh come on, Rosemary.” Eddie rolled his eyes, “You and I are both a lot of things but neither of us are fucking stupid.” Rosemary winced at his harsh tone, she didn’t like this. “You existed in this school for how long without any problems and after one date there a goddamn exploded chicken in your locker.” Eddie ran his hand through his hair frantically, “Jesus Christ, how could I have been so stupid to think this could work?”
That sentence left Rosemary frozen in shock and hurt. “What do you mean?” She said quietly, he feet shuffling, “Eddie, I don’t care about being called a freak-“
“I care! Rosemary, I care!” Eddie was practically hysterical and trying to read his thoughts was difficult, they were moving to fast and anxiously to understand. “I care because you have been through enough in your life. And without me, your life is better. You have Chrissy, and Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington and Nancy Wheeler as your friends. You get invited to parties and people ask to borrow your sweaters.” He spat, “I don’t want to be the reason your life goes to shit. Don’t ask me to carry that on my shoulders.”
Rosemary tried to form words but could barely think, “But,” she finally stuttered out, “I thought you liked me?” All she wanted right now was a moment of consolation and reassurance.
Eddie stared at her for a second. It’s better for her if you stay away. Say the meanest thing you can think of. “Rosemary, you sucked my dick once in my van. If I need that I can get it from just about anyone. I like you as much as I like any other girl who can offer me that.”
She knew he was saying it because in some twisted way he believed he was sparing her. And Rosemary could tell from his thoughts that he instantly regretted saying that. But it didn’t matter. It was a lie, but even lies can hit the bullseye of insecurity.
“Well, in that case…” Rosemary was studying the ground, lip quivering as she refused to meet his eyes. “I um- I-I-“
Fuck. Why did I say that? That was way harsher than I needed to be. I got too worked up, I just don’t want to see them making her life a living hell like they make mine. “Rosemary-“
“No.” Rosemary shook her head, shaking loose a couple tears, “I- I have to go clean up my locker. You don’t owe me an apology for what you said. After all, I’m just some girl who sucked your dick, right?” She sniffled, wiping her tears on the back of her sleeve.
No. No. What have I done? “Wait, I-“
But Rosemary had already turned on her heel and walked away.
Run after her, you idiot.
Run after me. Rosemary pleaded silently, her tears running freely now. Don’t leave me like this.
But Eddie Munson stayed frozen in place, feeling like nothing but a coward.
Tags: @copaceticwriter @endercherries @hellv1ra
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