#okay im shutting up now about my body envy. thank you for listening
skeletalheartattack · 2 years
Easy solution to finding the enemy stand user in a crowd: just wait until you hear a train whistle/a "boiyoiyoing" and then immediately deck the source as hard as anything.
i think i get what you're saying, walk into a crowd and if someone manages to get knocked on their ass 15 feet in front of you with a boing then beat the shit out of them with your boobie stand moves.
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wh0reifyoudontexist · 3 years
Hi!! I am unloved with "Traitor" I was wondering if you can make a part two in which Astoria sees Y/n and Draco relationship through the year, and one day Y/n and Astoria cross path, and you can take it from there.
draco malfoy x bi!fem!reader
past astoria greengrass x bi!fem!reader
no voldy au
angst > a little bit of fluff at the end
request: yes | no
summary: in which Astoria sees Y/n and Draco relationship through the year, and one day Y/n and Astoria cross path, and you can take it from there.
warnings: somewhat toxic!reader, heartbreakk oml, few curse words,
a/n: im so sorry this is late, i was drowning in my school work,,,, not that proud of this but its okay igg
read this first: traitor
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time flies by, they said.
opposites attract, they said.
everything will get better, they said.
lie, lie, lie, lies.
for astoria, time seems to be always frozen whenever she passes you. in every hallway she turns in, in every classroom she enters.
and her eyes always manages to find yours already looking at his silver ones.
she would say her eyes are magnets, always wandering off to you, and her heart would break-- bit by bit. but that's okay, she's used to it.
magnets attract the opposite, north to south, south to north. and i could say you were both magnets, once. it didn't matter what pole you were, you always attracted her. genuine question, does spending too much time with someone make you want to repel from them when too much time has been wasted just being in that person's comfort? because if yes, then we know the reason why you don't want to be in her presence anymore. but that doesn't answer astoria's side of the story.
september 1, 1996
all she could do was glare as you entered the compartment, hand tucked within someone else's.
her arms were crossed as her vision left yours and instead focused on the scenery outside the express. but she couldn't focus, she's itching just to take a glance at you, to see you and your perfect face, with your perfect hair, talking with that perfect voice.
her eyes turned just a bit to see you talking to draco malfoy, who has this smile on his face, he couldn't wipe even if he tried.
what happened this summer?
a few months back, you were so happy with her, your hands intertwined under the table, hidden from everyone else's sight, as you gushed about your family, your vacations.
and astoria's face couldn't have shined brighter than it did during that time, a total contrast to her now.
she tried writing to you, all she got in return was nothing. she always waved it off, saying you were probably busy with your family.
she was just hoping to see you on your first day back. and she did, but you didn't even spare her a glance. as if she doesn't even exist, as if you've never met her.
and all she could do was glare.
october 31, 1996
ah, spin the bottle. perfect game for halloween, no? not for you, or so she thought.
you once told her you didn't like these types of games, you said they're for 6th graders.
but she saw you, jumping and face glowing when you pulled draco to sit beside you as people started gathering around the bottle.
was everything else you told her a lie?
december 12, 1996
she entered the common room, wanting the fire's warmth. hours spent writhing in bed, trying to find that perfect position to travel off to sleep. and failing.
that's all she wanted. warmth. yet she received something else, something she wants to wipe off of her memory. you cuddled close to him, your legs intertwining with his as he wrapped an arm around you.
she gasped, and you turned your head to face her.
"greengrass" your boyfriend had said.
"malfoy," she paused before looking at you, tears starting to pool in her waterline remembering the sight she was bestowed upon "l/n"
you nodded your head, hands tightly grasping draco's shirt. "i'm sorry, i just- couldn't sleep, it's freezing, and i thought the common room would be empty, guess not." she laughed awkwardly, her arms behind her back.
"wait" you spoke and she caught your eyes. finally. "you can stay here, we can just go to his dorm. c'mon dray," you pulled yourself up, your dress hiking up your thigh, as you exited the room, draco in tow.
"thanks..." she sat on the couch frozen, tears leaking out of her eyes. oh the envy that she felt.
she didn't get to sleep that night.
february 13, 1996
"i love you" your voice sounded through the wooden door as you told draco,
she wanted to hear you say that, to her. not to him. and she broke all over again.
june 4, 1996
you were planning to surprise your boyfriend for his birthday tomorrow, when you ran into her.
"glad to know you still know my name."
"i- what are you doing up?"
she was angry beyond relief, "couldn't sleep. i guess i don't need to ask what you're doing." she said as she turned her head to look at the streamers hanged around the common room.
"yeah, it's his birthday tomorrow. i wanted to surprise him."
"i know, i went to some of his birthday parties at the manor"
then it was silent. and it was deafening.
"can we stop, please?"
"let's just stop pretending that everything's fine between us-"
"oh im not pretending, i know that everything's shitty, especially between us. i'm just tired, and all i wanted was to go to sleep but you're here." she turned to walk away, but you grabbed her wrist and she froze. you haven't touched her in forever. and she missed your touch.
"so what, are we not just going to talk about this?"
"what exactly is there to talk about? weren't you the one that left me, pretending that you don't even know me?"
"tori if you would let me explain"
"explain what? that you fell in love with the person who's been treating you like shit ever since first year? what is up with that l/n?" she used your last name. the last name that you once promised her, she would use.
astoria l/n.
you decided not to answer that, "tori, listen he's changed," she scoffed at that but you continued, "if you won't forgive me, then just let me get this off my chest."
"i liked you, you know that" astoria pulled her hands away from you, crossing her arms over her chest instead. and she could've sworn hurt flashed from your eyes. "but i guess a part of me inside have always known that we won't last. tell me you felt it too,"
"i actually haven't. i thought you were my soulmate y/n/n.." she paused wiping her tears frustratedly with her sleeve. "so," you turned your head to face her, grabbing a hold of her hands to let her continue, "you just decided not to talk to me? not even giving me an explanation?" she laughed hurt evident in it.
you let go of her hands, instead grabbing her body and pulling her close to you, so that you were chest to chest. "i hate myself for ever hurting you." you sighed into her head, kissing it with your eyes closed shut. you rubbed your hands on her cheek, astoria immediately melting into it.
"i'm so sorry. if i could take it back i would. i wouldn't think about ever leaving you, i would give us a chance and if we fall by nature, then we fall. i wouldn't be the one that would break us up." she wrapped her arms around your waist again, needing your comfort, and you returned it burying your head on her shoulder.
you decided not to tell her that even if you could go back, you don't want to.. you've already fallen in love with draco.
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captainlevisteacup · 3 years
Oooh, an idea has struck. The brothers reacting to Dom Male!MC reuniting with his childhood bestfriend in the Devildom, only their bestfriend is now a high ranking/powerful incubus who has a fuck ton of influence & money. (Not nearly as powerful as any of the brothers or Diavolo, of course, but you get the point)
And while normally a simple childhood friend wouldn’t be enough to bother the brothers, DM!MC’s Femboy CH!Bestfriend is the optimum of gorgeous, with a lithe & toned body and an “innocent” charm to him.
Spoiler Alert, CH!Bestfriend has been in love with DM!MC since they were kids (though it was just puppy love back then) and is determined to never let him get away from him again, resulting in him being extra clingy and needy.
Another Spoiler Alert, DM!MC’s childhood bestfriend may or may not be a mix of a “Worship” & “Self Sacrifice” Yandere.. (Look up “The Dere Types Wiki” if your confused)
You have some very interesting ideas😂 im so sorry this took so long, I didn't want to post it until I was back up to my full working capacity after getting injured and after breaking up with someone😁
Anyways, without further ado, here ya go😘
The Brother's Reactions to M! MC'S Yandere Childhood Incubus! Friend
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Warnings: Violence, Language, Blood, VERY SLIGHT sexual themes, some non-consentual touching in Levi's section, brief mention of drugging in Beel's
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At first, didn't think twice of MC having a childhood friend
But when he heard the word incubus
He got the smile on his face
You know the one
Lucifer "innocently" is around whenever the incubus is around
Its starts off small
Little poisoned glances from the incubus here and there
But eventually it escalated and turned into him putting a possessive arm around MC's waist
Lucifer snapped
The second the Incubus was alone, Lucifer followed him down an alley
Slammed that fucker against the wall and held him there by the throat
The incubus started laughing, even when Lucifer tightened his grip
"You'll never get rid of me. I have connections to everyone, Fallen Angel. I've loved him since before you even knew he existed, and a prissy peacock like you isnt gonna stop me from making him mine, even if I have to drug and kidnap him"
Lucifer only smiled and released him
The incubus smirked, daintily dusting off his lithe figure
Thinking he won, he shouldered his way past Lucifer
Only to stop short in horror
Deep growls greeted him
Lucifer didn't even bother hiding the screams of the incubus as Cerberus ripped into him
After a while, he signaled Cerberus to stop
As the incubus lies on the ground whimpering, Lucifer calmly says:
"Now that I've shown you just what I'm willing to do to protect MC, I'll make you a deal. MC cares about you, as a FRIEND. But his heart belongs to me and me alone, and mine belongs to him. If you can understand and respect that, I'll allow you near him. But one wrong word, one wrong placement of a hand, and I won't hesitate to finish you off myself. And believe me," he says with a dark chuckle "I won't be as gentle as Cerberus."
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This man immediately is on high alert
Someone trying to take what's HIS?
The incubus makes him more greedy than ever
Decides not to leave MC's side for a second
Even when he's sleeping
When Mammon can't help the incu-bitch (his nickname for the childhood friend) being around, he acts sort of like a child, which makes him look like a dick in comparison to the incubus's calm and innocent facade
Mammon tries to tell MC there's something up, but he just chalks it up to Mammon being Mammon
One day, MC randomly receives news from the human world that his mother contracted something contagious and was placed in ICU
The incu-bitch was, of course, right there when MC started tearing up, letting him cry into his shoulder
Mammon sees this and starts to protest
This leads MC to snap and tell Mammon he's being a child
Mammon leaves them be and thinks hard
Comes to the conclusion that maybe MC is right, and he begrudgingly decides to apologize to the incubus
As he approaches him, Mammon catches a glimpse of the Incubus's *expensive* phone
Unable to resist, he throws a coin against the wall in the opposite direction.
When he turns to look at the noise, Mammon snatches the phone and yeets off to his room
When he gets there, he opens the phone- no lock- and is startled by what he sees
A fake texting app, along with the messages telling MC his mother was sick
Mammon was about to run to find MC, when he heard a slight chuckle
Looking up, he saw the incubus...holding a knife
"You just couldn't stay away, could you? You've been a pain in the ass ever since I got here. But no matter, once MC sees how *cruel* you are to his defenseless childhood friend, he'll want nothing to do with you. And he'll be mine to fuck and own as I please."
Mammon gritted his teeth and ground out "Making MC think his mother was gravely ill just to get close to him when he's vulnerable? You're disgusting. I actually care about MC, and I respect them more than you ever will."
The incubus snorted, and raised the knife.
"Oi! What do ya think you're doing with that?" Mammon yelled
He raised the knife....and slashed it across his own arm
He then threw the knife towards Mammon, threw himself to the ground, and yelled out in pain
Suddenly, MC burst into the room
Mammon sputtered out a panicked explanation, but MC cut him off with a stare
He kneeled down next to his friend, who reached up with a bloody hand to cup MC'S face
MC put his hand over the incubus's....and sharply bent it backwards
He leaned down and whispered into his ear: "I heard everything, you little shit. Now, get the FUCK out of my house and away from my boyfriend, and don't even THINK of defiling my life with your presence ever again"
After he left, Mammon cautiously said "boyfriend, huh..?"
"Shut up mammon"
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Oh, this won't do
Immediately feels threatened and triggered
He is the avatar of Envy, after all
His response?
Prove to MC nobody can know him as well as he can
He does this every single time the incubus is near
"MC, I got you your favorite drink!"
"MC, I ordered you some food. Don't worry, I already know what you like"
Flinches whenever the incu-bitch touches MC. It literally makes him cringe
His suspicions are confirmed when the incubus shoots Levi a malicious glance next time he touches MC
Levi snaps
Challenges the incubus to a video game duel
He surprisingly accepts
He cheats like hell and beats Levi
Levi goes into his demon form and rages
But MC thinks he's just being a sore loser
He tells Levi to back off and to go cool down
Once Levi storms off, the incu-bitch thanks MC for standing up for him
Then, he promptly tries to make a move on MC
He reaches out a hand to unbutton MC'S shirt
MC slaps his hand away, but not before noticing writing on the Incubus's hand
Before he can pull away, MC snatches his hand and sees cheat codes written on them
Gets super upset and tries to get up to apologize to Levi
The incubus pulls him back down by his wrist and pins them to the couch
"MC, don't you realize? You're all I want, all I need. I WORSHIP you, MC. And you're going to be mine. Nobody else can have you. And you're going to love me, whether you realize it right now or not. You'll learn with time to need me just as desperately as I need you"
Starts to take off MC'S clothes in spite of their fighting and protests, the incubus shushing him
"Shhhh, I know you don't see it, but this will make you see."
Levi slams open the door, tail lashing and face white with rage
"Get your normie hands the fuck off of my human. Now."
The incubus nopes the fuck out. He may be a high ranking incubus, but he still isn't as strong as one of the seven demon brothers.
Levi holds MC tightly as they fumble over an apology
"Shhh MC, its okay. I'm here now. Let's watch some anime and calm down together, yea?"
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Do I even have to explain this one?
Is hostile as soon as MC even MENTIONS a childhood male friend, let alone an INCUBUS
Honestly, the Incubus is a bit scared of Satan
But, he decides he wants MC more than he fears Satan
So, he swallows his fear and patronizes Satan in tiny, unremarkable ways
Ways that would only be noticed by Satan
A stray hand here and there that lingers a LITTLE too long
Wiping a crumb from MC'S lips during a meal
Tucking a stray hair behind MC'S ear
Every last one of these actions makes his blood boil
It gets so bad that Satan is just in a perpetual state of rage, never leaving his demon form
Satan starts passive aggressively insulting the incubus's intelligence
"Oh, you mean you don't know how disestablishmentarianism impacted the overall congruence of Midwest society? Thats odd, its fairly simple. Practically common sense."
Is shocked when MC got livid at him, because he was being condescending for seemingly no reason
Starts to get angry at MC
"Can't you see? He's trying to turn you against me. Just LISTEN, DAMNIT!" He says as he grabs MC'S shoulders
The incubus barges in and shoves Satan away from MC
"Are you ok, MC? Did he hurt you?"
The amount of white hot rage in the room was tangible
He can't do it anymore
Slams the incubus against the wall
Knocks him to the ground
But when he falls down
A bunch of photos fall out of his jacket
Not normal photos
Horrifying ones
One of MC while he showers
One of MC sleeping
One of MC changing
Even one of MC and Satan having a steamy moment
MC goes still...and then SLAPS the shit out of the incubus.
He wordlessly turns to Satan, eyes pleading
"It would be my pleasure, MC" *evil grin*
Cue Satan dragging the incubus off by his hair
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He sees this lovely incubus with NEARLY perfect hair, a lithe and toned body, and a seemingly innocent attitude, and he just wants him gone
He's been with plenty of Incubi, so he knows what they're like
Because of this, he doesn't want this one anywhere NEAR his darling MC
Comes up with a plan to use all his fashion design connections to outdress the incubus
He knows they're vain by nature, so he comes to the conclusion that this is the best course of action
But there's a problem
"Is that a statement piece from Priya Lacroix? She hasn't even released her collection yet"
Asmo.exe is not responding
He knows that HE is the only one Priya would ever give an early release to
So why does THE INCUBUS have her statement piece?
And WHERE is his phone?
Complains to MC, but MC doesn't take him seriously because he's too busy catching up with his friend
Asmo gets jealous and storms off to do a stress relieving skin routine
As MC and the incubus hang out, the incubus's phone goes off
Only...the ringtone is sinful indulgence
Mammon storms into the room
"I/N? Why do you have Asmo's phone?"
"MC, you have to understand, I just want you to realize I'm the only right one for you. You NEED to realize you can't be with anyone else. Because you're mine, MC. You always have been."
Screeching could be heard in the distance, then footsteps quickly getting closer and closer
"THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY" Asmo yells as he slams open the door
"As if MC would choose a crusty, obsessive, STEALING, lying, probably STD having Incubus like you over me! Now give me my phone back and get out of here. And while you're at it, take off that Priya piece. There's a reason I'm the only one allowed early access."
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Honestly doesn't think that much of it at first
He thinks its nice MC reunited with one of his childhood friends, and an Incubus at that
But when he meets the friend, something just feels off
He gets a weird sensation, and its not hunger
Its like his senses are on red alert
The incubus was nice enough to Beel, seemingly charming and genuine
But Beel couldn't help but feel rubbed the wrong way, with a sensation similar to seaweed against legs in the ocean
He doesn't want to mention this to MC, because he's convinced he's just overreacting
He feels a little sad that MC is too busy for him, but he does his best to give them time together
One night, he had made some food in the kitchen and decided to bring MC and I/N some
When he neared the door, he almost dropped the plate
He heard a loud thud, and MC saying "Hey, I said no, okay?"
He gently opened the door and looked at MC, who immediately forced a smile to his face
"Hey MC, I brought you guys some food. Is everything ok?"
"Thanks Beel, that's sweet of you. Everything's fine, I promise"
Beel relaxed a bit, although he still knew something was off.
The incubus excused himself to use the restroom, encouraging MC to eat without him
Beel and MC sat down, and Beel scarfed down his portion
Chuckling, MC offered his plate to Beel, who gladly accepted
The incubus opened the door shortly after with an expectant look on his face, as well as rope and a gag in his hands
Upon laying eyes on MC, a shocked expression came onto his face as his eyes darted between MC and the empty plate
"How are you still conscious?" He blurted
Confusion flashed across MC'S face. "What do you mean, I/N?"
"You drugged it, didn't you?" Beel spoke up.
"I thought it tasted odd," Beel continued "but I never would have guessed you would actually drug MC. I'm guessing you couldn't handle that MC rejected your advances, so you drugged the food while MC was distracted talking to me. Am I right?"
The incubus chuckled. "Guess I was wrong about you. You are more of a threat than you seem. Heh, I guess you're not just a talking stomach after all."
A loud smack could be heard shortly thereafter.
But the devastating blow didn't come from Beel
It came from an enraged MC
"Trying to drug me I could keep my cool over. If thats all you did I would have just told you to stay the hell away from me. But the SECOND you spoke to Beel like that, you signed your own death warrant."
Before he could react, MC summoned the brothers one by one, Beel explaining the situation.
"Well, MC, perfect timing as always. I was just beginning to get bored" Satan drawled
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It takes a yandere to know one
Belphie doesn't want to alarm MC though, so he decides to outmaneuver the incubus without him noticing
It starts small, with I/N reaching out to put an arm over MC'S shoulder, and Belphie's arm already being there
Eventually, they start glaring daggers at each other the second MC looks away
After a while, Belphie decides to up the ante
Religiously falls asleep on MC when I/N is trying to spend time with him
Goads the incubus so much that he corners Belphie when he snaps and can't take any more
"Listen, I know exactly what you're doing. But if you think that YOU can take him away from me, you're sorely mistaken. MC is mine whether he likes it or not. And if it turns out to be the latter, well, let's just say he won't have much of a choice in the matter, nor will you have any control over it. Got that?"
Belphie does the one thing he knows will get the outcome he had painstakingly built up to the past couple weeks: he laughs
"Ah, you have a good sense of humor, know that? Funny stuff. All kidding aside, MC already belongs to me. So your child's play isn't gonna cut it. Got THAT?"
With a choked cry of fury, the incubus pulls out a knife and stabs Belphie
Belphie, having planned this, falls to the floor just as the door opens to reveal a shocked MC.
"BELPHIE! Shit, please be okay! What the FUCK is wrong with you, I/N?"
The stunned Incubus could only stammer out a couple words
"I- he...was gonna...tried to take what was mine. Tried to take you..."
MC laughed bitterly and shoved him to the floor.
"I don't know what sick world you're living in, but I belong to Belphie. I love him. And I hate YOU. Now I'll leave you be so you can deal with THAT. Ta ta." He says as he scoops up Belphie and heads out the door
"Deal with what?" I/N nervously asks after him, backing up warily
The incubus stops when his back hits something hard.
Gulping, he looks up...
"Hello, I/N, I'm Beel."
"Nice to...meet you? I imagine you're one of the brothers?" He replies shakily
Beel smiles. The light doesn't reach his eyes.
"Yes, I'm one of the brothers. You see, I'm Belphie's twin."
Across the house, Belphie smiles at the faint screams, MC curled up next to him after patching him up.
He succeeded in protecting what was his. He deserves a good nap. Holding MC tighter, he goes back to sleep.
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veryreallyfuckinbad · 3 years
FIRE AND MOSS // Daryl Dixon X Reader// CHAPTER 6
TW: Strong language, implied abusive relationships, injury.
The Greene farm basked in the light of the impending sunrise, coating the land in a blanket of oranges, yellows and pinks. Birds began to sing, chirping away, oblivious to the dead people stalking every corner, every street, hiding in every shadow. Your heart filled with strange nostalgia and envy,- you wished you could be as free and uncaring as the winged critters. A strange phenomenon began taking place when the apocalypse hit; the world ended only for people. Nature seemed to be thriving more than ever without people slowly but surely killing it. Vegetation grew from cracks of abandoned houses’ floors, apartments previously filled with chatter and laughter were now home to wild animals. Nature took back what was hers quicker than you expected, signs of her healing around every corner, in every single flower, weed, blooming tree, moss. Most of the previously heavily populated areas smelled like death, the sickly sweet-ish stench of rotting bodies, both of the ones that perished forever and the ones that walked. The forest and the Greene farm, however, smelled like the life you knew. Like carelessness, confidence.
Your feet made slow but steady steps, avoiding making too much noise- Daryl was asleep in his tent and the worst thing you could do was wake him up as he hardly ever got any shut eye. You were certain you were the only one awake, so you stepped through the grass with care, avoiding any twigs that could snap and wake the others up. As you made your way to Dale’s trailer, deciding to take watch duty, you heard a faint, familiar sound coming from behind the trailer. Jake heard it too, instantly tensing, ready to pounce at any danger that might cross your path. You signaled the fox with your hand to relax when you recognized the sound- it was crying. You peeked from behind the RV and instantly felt your heart drop.
Carol was sat on the wet grass, crying, her hands on her head as she tried to control her weeps. Deciding it’s best to let her know you’re there instead of sneaking up on her, you spoke in a half-whisper, “Carol? Are you okay?” when the words left your mouth you realized how plain stupid that question was. Her daughter, all she had left, was missing. Carol’s head whipped to face you, her eyes red and puffy from crying, her cheeks stained with many glistering patterns of where her tears rolled down. When she realized it was only you, she sighed with a mixture of relief and something akin to confusion. She tried, immensely at that, to stop herself from breaking down once again and gave you a sad, unconvincing smile. You dipped your head and took a step towards her, taking a seat beside her.
“I’m just so scared, (Y/N). What if we never find her? Or if we do, it’ll be too-“ her voice trembled, just like her hands did.
“Stop it.” You silenced her, choosing your next words carefully. “I’m not going to say that I have no idea what you must be going through- it’s true, but you’ve heard it a million times already” you looked at her and stared deep into her horrified eyes. “Carol, I know you’re afraid. I do. Hear me out, though; you’ve got two grade A trackers at your disposal.” You gave her a warm smile.
“You can track?” she asked, clearly surprised.
You chuckled lightly, “Nope. He can.” you stroked Jake’s soft fur and watched as Carol’s eyes lit up slightly and shimmered with a glimpse of hope.
“How can he do that? I-I mean,” she stumbled over her words, “what does he need? A scent?”
“He’s not trained or anything, but he’s fantastic at finding stuff.” Your hand left Jake’s head when he shifted and stood up, walking up to Carol and sitting between you and her. He must’ve felt how heartbroken she was because he lowered his snout down to the woman’s hand and after giving it a brief sniff, he licked it and bumped it with his nose slightly. You smiled with pride and happiness.
“See? He promised he’ll do his best.” You said and watched Carol’s eyes light up again.
Carol sniffled and dug in one of her pockets, quickly handing you the item she was looking for. It was a piece of fabric, carefully cut around the edges.
“It’s a piece of her blanket. I keep it in my pocket to at least have a piece of her with me.” She explained and handed you the soft fabric. You knew she trusted you- she wouldn’t give the last of what she had left of her daughter to just anyone.
“We’ll go search right now.” You smiled at her and felt her fall apart all over again, this time because of gratitude. She crawled up to you and wrapped her arms around you, engulfing you in a warm, thankful embrace.
“Thank you so much” she nearly cried again. You hugged back and whispered a soft ‘you’re welcome’. Carol let go of you to face Jake and look into his eyes with the same respect she’s given you. “Thank you, too.” She extended her arm to touch him and you were about to jump in to stop her, afraid of Jake’s response, but stopped when you saw him pull his head into her hand, allowing her to touch him. It seemed like he was comforting her, as well as reassuring her he’ll do everything he can.
The farmland was still covered in the pink-orange light when you returned to your tent to retrieve your bag, just in case you found something worth taking. You’d hoped Daryl was still asleep and worried that your shuffling might’ve woke him up, so you carefully stepped closer to his tent to make sure he was sleeping. With each step, it became increasingly more clear that the archer was, in fact, not in his tent- the zip entrance was left open. You didn’t want to be nosy…but you wanted to check if he was okay. At least that’s what you told yourself- you’ve always wondered how his tent looks from the inside. You couldn’t tell whether it was pure curiosity or the burning need to find out more about the man. Before you could poke your head inside, you felt a presence right behind you, looming over you. Daryl stood right behind you.
“Found what ya were lookin’ for?” he asked, his voice not carrying as much weight as you’d expected it to. He didn’t appear mad, just irritated. Or so you hoped. You tried your best to keep your cool and turn around to face him, taking a step back when you realized how close he was.
“Now I did.” You smiled at him but your eyes betrayed you- he could feel your anxiety and uncertainty. He was usually frustrated with how hard you were to read, but the look in your eyes seemed familiar, like he’s seen you do it before but couldn’t put his finger on it.
Ever since the night Jake allowed Daryl to touch him, he was more confused than ever. The archer couldn’t understand how you- someone who’s been through so much, more than you’d let on, could be so friendly and loving towards her group. She never took and only gave, thinking of her fox and the group before herself. There was one more thing he couldn’t wrap his mind around and it drove him crazy- why would she give him special treatment? She opened up to him and him only, never allowed anybody except him see her cry, gave him handmade gifts, trusted him with her beloved companion. Not that you didn’t annoy him at times, but everybody did. Sometimes, you didn’t know when to stop talking and while he tolerated it for the longest time, sometimes he just had to send you back to your tent to give him room to breathe. He loved that you never took it personally, always conscious of his need for space.
“What’s the bag for?” he eyed you and patiently awaited your response before adding, “Ya movin’ out?”
“Oh, I would never.” You smirked at him and crossed your arms. “You’d miss me too bad, Dixon” you teased and expected a grunt or shrug in response, but to your surprise he retorted.
“ ‘f course. Who would sit with me when I cry my eyes out?” he smirked back at you, clearly a jab for the time you broke down in front of him. You rolled your eyes and stood on your tiptoes to affectionately ruffle his hair, much to his displeasure. You enjoyed how you could crack jokes at each other now, he had a dry, sarcastic sense of humor that you found hilarious in his own, strange way.
“You know you love me.” You teased him while turning your back to him and walking away, finally about to go out searching. “I’m going out to look for Sophia with Jake.”
“I’m comin’ with ya.” He said matter of factly, as if you had no say in it.
“If you do, Shane won’t get off my ass for the rest of the day. He already dislikes me, just wait until I ‘unnecessarily take away manpower from the farm’ or some shit like that.” Everything you said was true. You got along with every resident of the farm, with the exception of Shane. He never began trusting you and didn’t even think of trying. He always tried to control the group, but you never listened to him, probably because of the lack of mutual respect. The only people anyone in the group took orders from were Rick and Hershel.
“He can try. Screw ‘im. I’m comin’ with.” His mind was made and you decided not to argue with the stubborn archer.
“To be fair, I can see why you’d want to spend time with me. I’m the shit.” You heard Daryl scoff and shake his head, but once you looked at his face more closely, you realized he was smiling. “C’mon, let’s get the horses ready.”
Hooves hit gently against the ground, the horse’s head swaying subtly as he walked. You felt quite confident on the animal’s back, but Daryl seemed anxious. His broad shoulders looked even wider as he tensed, cautious- he didn’t trust the animal. Jake trotted alongside your horse, occasionally running off to check something out, but always came back. Your trusty knife was sheathed and safely buckled to your pants- ever since you got it back, you didn’t leave camp without it.
“You know, you gotta trust the horse a little. At least try.” You tried to nudge him, but you knew it was futile. If you were honest, you just wanted the awkward silence to end. Daryl looked at you and raised his brows.
“These things are unpredictable though,” he began and shrugged, “Merle ‘n I once…borrowed a neighbors horse, he had a stable or some shit.” He smiled to himself “Fucker bucked me off ‘n I fell right on my ass.” He finished and looked at you, awaiting your reaction. When you burst into laughter all he do was shake his head and grunt in response. “Couldn’t sit proper for days.”
You chuckled some more, your smile so contagious that even he mimicked it. For some reason, he didn’t mind you laughing at his story all that much.
“So it is a childhood trauma?” you nudged him again, half-joking and offered him a playful smirk. To your surprise, that didn’t seem to amuse him, his smile quickly fading before he gave you a sad smile. You realized you probably hit a nerve with that statement. “I’m so sorry.”
“ ‘s fine. What hurt me more was yer laughing at my sore ass.” He turned his head slightly to look at you from the side with the same smile as moments before appearing on his face. Quickly, silence fell upon you once again. This time, it was almost deafening and you didn’t understand why- when you sat with him by the campfire, you felt completely comfortable in silence with the man. It was like the warmth of the flame engulfed you like a soft blanket and made you immune to the man’s frustratingly quiet nature.
Daryl grasped the reins tightly as if to comfort himself- the feeling of leather straps digging into his palm was strangely comforting. The hunter’s hair fell upon his forehead; it was growing longer. He didn’t care but wondered whether it was practical to live in the death-ridden world with strands of hair falling over his eyes. He glanced upon you, your eyes on Jake. You stared at the fox with such love, nothing but pure affection. Not in the way you’d look at a puppy or any other pet- you looked at him as a valuable, fully capable member of the group. You saw him as a survivor, and Daryl admired that. He watched as your hair swayed and jumped gently with every step your horse took. He was lost in his own thoughts while he gazed at you, he wondered why he couldn’t force himself to push you away or tell you to move your tent back to the group. He guessed that that’s what it was like to have a friend.
“So, since we’re gonna be riding for a long time” you began, cutting through the silence and Daryl’s thoughts as he immediately averted his gaze and hoped you didn’t catch him looking at you. You did. “Tell me something about yourself” you smiled at him sincerely.
“Ya sound like a god damn hairdresser” he scoffed and shrugged, “make sure to ask me how’s school, too.”
You chuckled and shook your head, giving him a side-eye. You awaited his response, but it never came. If you had to take one more minute of that awkward silence, you’d rather dig a hole and jump straight in.
“Let me start, then.” You began and rolled your eyes. “I’m (Y/N)” you heard him mumble a ‘wow’ underneath his breath and shushed him with a smile, “For real, though. One thing you might have noticed about me is I make horrible decisions.” You grinned at him
“Such as?”
“Like setting my tent up next to yours” you joked and heard him chuckle- it was a fantastic sound. It made you happy in all kinds of ways, maybe because it was so rare, it was special. “Anything, really. Laying on broken glass that one time”, you grinned at your dry joke, reminiscing about how that very day led you to meeting your new family, “I dunno, anything really. School, back when that was a thing, the people I hung out with, relationships.”
He stilled at that last word. Not because he was uncomfortable or unwilling to listen to her talk about it but because he was worried that someone hurt you.
“What d’ya mean?” he glanced at you curiously, “The relationship part.”
You smiled uncomfortably, unsure whether you should share or not. You mentally slapped yourself for letting that last part come out- you should’ve expected him to ask. Even though you’ve somewhat healed, talking about it out loud was never easy. Moss still grew on your heart.
“Oh, you know. Jackasses that, uh…” you stumbled over your words as Daryl watched you carefully, “Whenever they were mad, they took it out on me.” You gave him a reassuring smile, trying to show how confident you were, how you’ve healed. It was only partially true- sometimes it still hurt. “This one dude,” you began, this time with a chuckle, “got so pissed at me for wanting something stupid, flowers I think, for my birthday.” You smiled at him half-heartedly. Daryl stared at you and tried to decode your expression. He, however, was easy to read at that very moment- he was pissed. Not at you, but at the men you’ve been with. The archer guessed you didn’t want his pity, however. He knew it would only make it worse.
“Ya didn’t lie when ya called him a jackass” he smirked at you for a brief moment, “I get it.”
You’ve finally reached your destination- a small creek with a two-way path. Twigs grew out of the ground where the drop of a small trench-like pit began. Deciding it’s best to split up to cover as much ground as possible, Daryl took the left and you- the right path. You’d promised each other to meet at this very creek later on.
As the hours passed, nothing came of your search. Jake ran around, sniffing the cloth Carol gave you from time to time but found nothing, say for a rabbit that he promptly caught and ate. You couldn’t believe the girl was just gone, without a trace at that. You couldn’t allow yourself to believe that- you’d lose all the hope you had left. With a heavy sigh, you turned around and began heading back through the dense woodland, back to the spot you were supposed to meet Daryl at. The forest smelled fresh- the repulsive stench of death was replaced with the sweet scent of flowers and the gentle smell of grass and trees.
When you reached your meeting spot you looked around and quickly came to the conclusion that Daryl was still out looking. With a sigh, you hopped off your horse and tied it’s reins to a sturdy branch. Before you could sit down and relax, you heard a horrifying grunt coming from the trench. Sure it was a walker, you grabbed your knife and took careful steps, making sure not to slip on the wet, muddy grass. Jake beat you to it, running to whatever was making the noise and immediately beginning to shriek and call for you. Your legs moved on their own, not caring about being cautious anymore. When you arrived to where Jake stood, just over the ledge, you looked down into the hollow and felt your breath get stuck in your throat.
Daryl was trying to climb out of the trench, slipping on the mud and desperately grasping for any branch that could support his weight to pull himself up. He was covered in blood, his mouth was red and something was hung on his neck. Blood was trickling from his side and dripping on his pants, staining his shirt. He quickly noticed you and stared at you. He looked different, no life in his steel-blue eyes. None of the spark they usually had, they were glossy, confused and afraid. Thinking quickly, you grabbed onto a root sticking out of the ground for support and extended your hand to him. He looked dazed, as if unsure what to do, whether he should grab your hand, but quickly decided to do so. You felt his strong grasp on your wrist as you tried to pull him up, heaving and wincing from the pain of his grip on your wrist. Your feet began slipping and you almost fell down the trench. The grip of his hand was so strong that you were sure he would eventually break it.
“Hold on!”
You braced yourself and with one last, painful pull he was out of the creek. He laid on his back next to you, both of your chests heaving and breathing deeply. You didn’t allow yourself to rest though, quickly kneeling next to him and inspecting his wound.
“What the hell happened?” your eyes were full of fear and worry, “Daryl, talk to me. Please.”
He grunted, clearly in pain and in a feverish state.
“Arrow. Fell on it”
A/N: I'm so sorry this took me so long, I was super busy and then had a massive writer's block. This chapter definitely isn't the best but I promise the next one will be much better! <3
taglist <3
@writers-adversary @kimchiwen @mileysnavely @srhxpci
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Erik getting the readers hair wet after she spent all day in the salon getting it done and she flips out on him.
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You went over two years without getting your hair silk pressed but today was the day you and Erik had a scheduled “early 2000’s” photo shoot so you wanted to switch things up. Your hair was almost waist length and you knew it would cost you a pretty penny to get all of that thick 4A hair pressed out.
What you hadn’t expected was for the process to take almost four hours. Clearly, relying on friends to do your hair wasn’t a good idea. Your appointment was scheduled for 9:00 am but as soon as you got there the salon was backed up and it seemed like every woman with natural hair wanted a silk press today. The shit was ridiculous. You waited for about an hour before a booth was actually ready for you. This didn’t include having to get your hair washed and detangled, deep conditioned, steamed, then blown out, and then silk pressed. All of this cost you around $100.
You were finally finished around 3:15 pm, cranky but in love with your silky hair. It was trimmed, shiny, and soft. You allowed your stylist friend to take a few pictures for social media, saying ‘thank you’ to all the women who envied you’re hair. Your 4A hair was actually waist length. Erik wouldn’t know how to control himself once he saw you like this.
Erik: Y/N, where are you? I’m stopping by chic-fil-A to get us something to eat. What you want?
This was Erik’s text to you.
Y/N: crispy chicken deluxe with waffle fries and a lemonade.
Erik: Aight greedy I got you 🙄
Y/N: thank you meany 😘
Erik: You didn’t answer my question though. Where are you?
Y/N: leaving the salon. Remember I told you I’m getting it done today?
Erik: Shit 😂 I forgot that fast. I can’t wait to see it 😏
Y/N: I bet you can’t. I know what you’re thinking.
Erik: I’m glad you know.
Finally home, you pulled out your 2000s outfit. Playboy bunny crop top in pink, pleated plaid skirt colored pink, white, and black, silver rhinestone shades, lip gloss, and a pair of air force 1s.
You needed a quick shower before the shoot and Erik was close. Stripping down, you wrapped your hair, securing it with a few scarves to insure that it doesn’t get wet or frizz up. You enter the bathroom, turning on the shower before entering carefully, pulling the curtain closed behind you. While you washed your body, Erik enters the house, dressed in a clean suit from work at the Outreach, his work bag and both of your food. After placing the food in the kitchen, Erik walks to the bedroom, taking off his bag, shoes, and suit jacket.
Erik: Y/N? You in the shower baby without me?
He could smell the peppermint Castile soap you used frequently. Erik took off his shirt, walking to the master bathroom. He spots you through the glass door, cleaning off your beautiful body. He admired you with lust, more than ready to bend you over the tub and fuck you. Without warning, Erik walls up to the shower, opening the door and wrapping a hand around your waist. You squeal in surprise, soaking wet body pressed against him.
Erik: you taking showers without me, babe?
Y/N: I’m sorry you were taking too long.
Erik: I told you I was close baby girl.
Erik runs his hands all over your ass, titties, and pussy. You moan, hands on the shower wall while he touched you all over.
Erik: bend over baby girl.
Y/N: Erik, wait until I get out, okay?
Erik: I can’t baby I need some pussy.
You suck your teeth, Erik’s lips against your ear while he whispered to you. You loved it when he did that. Erik bends you over, his hand spreading your pussy open to put his fingers inside of you. He put three in there. You gasp, arching back against him while he finger fucked you from the back.
Y/N: oooo Daddy
You made sure your head was away from the shower, moaning deliciously while his fingers got you wet.
Erik: you want Daddy to buss it open?
Y/N: fuck yes
You couldn’t help it he had you fully horny now.
Y/N: hurry up daddy we gotta go to the photo shoot.
Erik pulls his fingers out of you, sucking them before pulling his pants down, kicking them off. His dick was standing at attention, his left hand stroking it while his right hand was on your hips. He slowly enters you, both of you sighing in unison as he started pumping his hips. The sight of your wet booty and warm skin made his dick even harder. The sight of you creaming his dick made him increase his pace, fucking you with you body bent over until your hands were touching the floor of the shower. He was going ape shit inside of you and now was the time to panic. When Erik went Killmonger in the pussy you had to hold on for the ride and pray that you would still be able to walk afterwards.
Erik: This pussy always cream on Daddy’s dick.
He slaps your wet ass causing it to sting.
The more he fucked you, the more your mind became fuzzy. Everything else didn’t matter and clearly your hair included. While Erik fucked your brains out you slipped, head falling directly under the water. You scream, Erik still fucking into you at a rapid delicious pace.
You try your best to touch it but erik was fucking your pussy so good you couldn’t even function.
Erik: shut up and cum on this daddy dick!!!!
You claw his arm, ready to fucking cuss him out but the moment the head of his dick stroked your g spot you lost your mind. You cum all over him, Erik still going. Your scarf was off, silk pressed hair curling back up from the large amount of water. All of that hard work, all that money, down the drain.
Y/N: ERIK! Erik I swear to God I’m gonna kill you!!!! *moans*
Erik: *grabs wet hair* WHOSE KILLING WHO THOUGH?
He was non stop. You looked back at him with a glare, hands pressed to the wet wall while he stroked your pussy. It was so good you wanted to cry. He had the fucking nerve. Your hair was completely ruined now and all he wants to do is fuck the shit out of you.
You were but damn.
Erik got some good dick.
Erik: I’m so sorry baby girl, Daddy sorry *strokes faster*
He said that very loosely. You groan with a mixture of anger and pleasure, eyes low and the feeling of yet another orgasm creeping up.
You cum again, ready to be through so you could punch him in the chest for this but he had a firm grip on you, pumping his dick in and out until the feeling of him swelling stretched your walls. You moan with him, his nails deep in your skin as he cums all inside of you and deep.
Erik slips out, his cum dripping down your leg. The minute he was out you turned to him, face frowning. Erik admired the curly hair, unable to fight a laugh.
Erik: Baby girl don’t be mad at me, I didn’t mean to
Y/N: I spent Damn near four hours in the fucking salon, Erik, four. This shit cost me $100 to get it done!!!!! You don’t care all you cared about was getting some pussy.
Erik: how man times do you want me to say I’m sorry?!! If you want I can pay for the shit again. Damn, my bad.
Y/N: I’m not going to this photo shoot.
You step out of the shower, practically running out of the bathroom. Erik follows behind you, calling out to you.
Erik: *laughs* Baby, I’m sorry.
He gets down on his knees, looking up at your naked frame while you angrily throw your clothes back into the closet.
Erik: you can wear it curly. It looks better curly anyway baby.
Y/N: that’s not the fucking point.
Erik: what you want me to do? You want me to do your hair for you? I can put it in those two buns with some butterfly clips.
You look over at him, scowling. He pouted, hands up in prayer hoping you wouldn’t be mad anymore.
Y/N: Stop doing that. I’m not falling for that shit again. I’m pissed the fuck off.
Erik: I love you.
You roll your eyes. Erik pulls you over to him, holding you against his chest. He smelled good and felt good. You wanted to be so mad at him but the was Erik. He was annoying and aggravating but you couldn’t stay mad at him forever.
Y/N: You get on my fucking nerves.
He laughs because he knew when you said that you weren’t mad anymore.
Erik: Is that your way of telling me you love me?
Y/N: You know I love you.
You did no matter how much of a handful his is.
Erik: listen, I’ll pay for your hair, nails, and those Louis Vuitton slippers you wanted. How about that diamond choker? I can get you one of those too.
He always tried to make it up to you.
Y/N: how about all of it? I mean, I think I deserve that much.
Erik: You do, *kisses neck* I got you baby girl.
You groan, melting from his kisses.
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soundofseventeen · 5 years
13 Days of Christmas (Joshua Hong)
I am very tired, rip. gif credit to owners...im off to cure my cold
Word count: 1676
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You wouldn’t call yourself the grinch, but you definitely hated the holidays. You couldn’t stand how the moment Halloween was over, Christmas trees were not only put up everywhere you turned, but the music seeped from the stereo and into your brain (and sometimes your dreams). And then there was the holiday shopping. There were people who didn’t deserve anything but you still had to get them something because you hung out with them. But then there were those who deserved everything the world had to offer, but you couldn’t afford that because the money in your bank account liked to laugh at you for even thinking it. None of that, however, compared to the ridiculous hours you had to work.
The worst job in the world, you liked to say, was retail. You didn’t mind dealing with people as long as they were friendly and didn’t send you into a panic attack after one interaction. They made your days bearable...and also not hate your job too much. But the ones who treated you like gum under their shoe or a roach they couldn’t kill made you wanna gouge your eyes out...or douse them in gasoline and set them on fire. You were fine with either option. It seemed like they all came out to play during the holiday deals and make your life even more miserable than it already felt. You’d been mentally preparing yourself for these days since July, maybe earlier...you didn’t know to be honest. Time now seemed like a foreign concept. Halloween meant dealing with parents fighting over the tiniest accessories for costumes to screeching for a manager because of a nonexistent discount. And the teenagers who acted too cool for everyone had you screaming into whatever you had in your hands. And November brought angry people who basically cursed you and your future generations for not having a bigger display of Thanksgiving items (despite few people celebrating the actual holiday.)
But those didn’t compare to the month-long Christmas. Christmas, ironically enough, was the holiday from hell. Most of the time, you clocked in early in the morning as the sun rose and there was a good chance you wouldn’t come out until the stars were out. If your manager didn’t have you mopping the floor from a coffee that a careless mom spilled, you worked the register, praying that you had the strength to get through your shift. You envied everyone who walked in or passed through those doors because they didn’t feel dread coursing through their bodies. All in all, if you could quit your job without worrying about your next paycheck, you would’ve walked a long time ago, because sometimes it didn’t feel like they paid you enough to deal with that bullshit. 
Tonight seemed like no exception when you trudged through your apartment door, your feet feeling like they’d give out at any second a little after midnight. You let yourself fall on your couch, ripping off the ridiculous Santa Claus hat your coworkers begged you to wear with them, wondering if you could “lose” it somehow. Your face hurt from the mostly fake smile you wore the entire time. You wanted a hot shower to relax your muscles; you wanted to sleep in to the new year so the stress would go away. You needed to look for your laptop so you could start your Christmas shopping so you could spare the other retail workers. (While customers left you apathetic, the empathy you felt for everyone else who dealt with them skyrocketed and you vowed to make things easier for them.);  you needed food so your tummy would quit whining at you to eat something; you needed to remind yourself that no other job paid above the minimum; you needed the fucking cold to go away so you could be less cranky. You just hated everything right now.
As if your night couldn’t get any worse, a scream sounded next door to you. It wasn’t an, “Oh my god, I’m dying here, someone please save me,” yell but one of, “Oh my god; what is this?!” How that was possible, you didn’t know but it was enough for you to leave your couch and out the door in record time to give them a piece of your mind. Some people were asleep at this hour and some like you wanted to wallow in their self-pity because they had to repeat today tomorrow again. 
You had a few choice words for the white flakes falling from the sky because now you had to officially accept that Christmas was coming and you were gonna die of premature stress. But then you saw the culprit who startled you and ruined your night and yelled out an irritated, “Hey!” with hopes of rolling whatever you could spew at him.
He looked at you, his emotions one of wonder and surprise at being acknowledged, his hand midair as if reciting a Shakespearan monologue.
His eyes were a lot sparklier than the ornaments that decorated the Christmas tree at work and you weren’t expecting that, so your expansive vocabulary of bad words died on your tongue, and the longer you looked at him, the harder it was to form a sentence of, “Why the fuck are you so loud?” or something along those lines...and goddamn it, now you were blushing because you had no idea what to do now. His black hair fell into his eyes as the wind blew and he made zero effort to move it, making him seem more attractive and if you weren’t frozen on the spot, you would’ve gone back in and let the roof cave in over your head.
“Hello,” he finally spoke and you were officially fucked. “Can I help you with something?” That. Lisp. With lips redder than Snow White’s had you melting into a puddle and ready to scream at whoever decided to make your life this hard.
“Yeah,” you hated yourself for how meek you sounded when you meant to sound intimidating. “Why’d you yell? Some of us have to be up early tomorrow.” Or in a few hours...time lost its meaning. All you knew was that your alarm had been set up already.
“I’m sorry. I-I just I’ve never seen snow before tonight. See, I’m from LA and it never snows there. Like, we’d go somewhere like Lancaster or more up north, but this is the first time I’ve seen it fall while I’ve been here.”
“Yeah, but so loud? Was that necessary?” Fuck, he was really cute with his reindeer antlers and you really needed to focus because now was not the time to look like a fool in front of a cute boy. Well, any more than you already have.
“I’m sorry.”
“Yeah well just don’t let it happen again.” You finally found the strength to move and you went back inside to let your neighbor have fun with the falling snow, trying to ignore your racing heart and blushing cheeks.
“Oh, shit this is cold!” 
“Dude!” you threw your head out.
“I’m Joshua,” he waved at you.
“And I wanna sleep.” You sighed. “Listen, I know you mean well, but I have to deal with unpleasant humans tomorrow and the day after that and this whole fucking month until the new year so if you shut up for the rest of the night, then I would appreciate it.” 
He shot you a finger gun and clicked his tongue. “Ahh, you work retail. I could tell by your attitude.” He shivered from the cold. “I’m sorry if I disturbed you; I was just excited to see it-”
And now you felt like a jerk. “No, I’m sorry it was just a really long day and people were annoying and some five-year-old kid almost made me cry and December is just a nightmare and it’s only the beginning. I didn’t mean to snap at you, and enjoy the snow.” You closed the door slowly and opened it again just as quickly. “Also, wear gloves because frostbite is not a joke. Okay, sorry for disturbing you.” *
The next morning, after digging in your closet to find all the accessories to keep you warm, you were running late. So much so, you didn’t even bother turning on your alarm. (It was insured so you weren’t too worried about something happening. And in your haste, you ran straight into...Joshua. Great. 
“I’m sorry. I’ll pay for any damages tonight. My boss’s gonna kill me if I don’t get there soon.”
“Do you ever just take a second to breathe?” He asked you, gently blowing on his coffee cup. The smell of it mixed with French vanilla wafted through the air and into your nostrils. “It’s not even eight yet. What’s the rush?”
“Traffic, and long lines to get breakfast.”
“Well, I have a bagel. Here.” 
“I don’t know you.”
“Well, it’s either take my word for it or you’ll be hungry for hours.”
“How’d you like the snow?” Better to change the subject even if meant getting there a little later than usual. You looked at his bagel a little longer and hesitantly reached for it. (And you realized you didn’t have dinner last night, making it look twice as good.)
“It’s really pretty. I’m kinda glad I live here now.”
“It won’t be like that after a while, trust me. And I really have to go. Uh, thanks for the bagel. I’ll pay you for that.”
“Just don’t yell at your neighbors anymore for seeing snow and we’ll call it even. Good luck at work. I think you might need it. Also, I didn’t get your name.” The cold air left his face red and you hated yourself for how attractive he looked.
“I’m Y/N.”
“Well, Y/N, I’ll probably see you after work. Have a great day.”
You couldn’t tell if he was being sincere or sarcastic but you knew that he was cute and you may have believed in Santa Claus for bringing a cute boy to be your next-door neighbor.
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Bang a Gong//Get It On (SMUT)
anonymous said: Hello! I LOVE your writing!! I was wondering if you could write something about Roger and reader where they're like roommates/friends and one day she accidentally walks in on Roger while he's playing with himself and some sexual tension starts to develop cause like holy fuck that was hot and Rog is like big or something idduno ❤️
(a/n: almost 6000 words so its a big boi i’m such a crackhead i added a little bit more to the request than asked bc I wanted to make it kinda funny hehe okay but it still follows the request don’t worry  ANYWAYS yall im a mess this week hbu? Listen to T-Rex’s Electric Warrior album thx)
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It was late afternoon when you decided to head over to yours to continue your study session with Brian. He’d already graduated, but he had taken some of the same science courses as you, so he promised he’d help you in exchange for a warm, home-cooked meal that Roger had zero part in. Whether it was because he distrusted Roger’s cooking skills or fearing being poisoned since they’d been bickering more lately, you had no idea, but you did know one thing – Roger would most definitely be home at this time. He usually got home an hour or two before you, so he wouldn’t be expecting you and you were just hoping he wasn’t eating any of the food you were planning on making.
The sound of T-Rex’s newest album, Electric Warrior, greeted you when you opened the door to your shared flat, Brian directly behind you. Immediately, you zeroed in on the source, knowing that Roger was most likely listening to it in his room, and you wondering where he’d scrounged up the money for that as you sat your book bag down on the hallway floor, pulling your shoes off individually before sitting them next to the bag. Brian followed suit, grimacing at the loud volume of the gritty-sounding blues song that was playing out of Roger’s speakers.
“Rog?” you called out, making a futile attempt to get a response from him as the music overpowered your voice. When you heard nothing, you sighed and rolled your eyes. “He’s going to go fucking deaf before he even goes blind, I swear it.” Pulling your hair out of the bun you’d had it in for most of the day, you locked the door behind Brian before grabbing your book bag again, heading for the couch.
“Wonder if he can hear the record, maybe he needs to turn it up a bit,” Brian joked lamely, making you snort and shake your head at the attempt at a jab. Not his best work, but the message was clear. You decided it was probably a good idea for you to go ask him to turn it down – if Brian did the same, you imagined it would end about as well as any of their other interactions had recently – in flames.
Dropping your bag at the end of the couch, you heard Brian go into the kitchen for a glass of water while you headed down the hallway, the music becoming almost unbearably loud as you approached his slightly cracked door. You could just see into his room, his disheveled honey blonde hair visible as he had his back to you – the headboard of the bed was directly next to the door, since he was a big fan of the whole ‘run into the room and immediately flop on the bed’ movement. Not appearing to be doing much except for laying there, you rolled your eyes at the fact that he was asleep right now.
“Got your music loud enough?” you yelled teasingly, throwing open the door and almost screaming at what you walked in on. Roger had his trousers and briefs pushed down just a bit, and he’d unbuttoned them as much as he could, fully freeing his cock from any restraints. He was laying down on top of his duvet, at least before he realized you’d barged in, after which he’d scrambled to tuck himself back into his briefs before rolling over away from you and pulling his duvet with him. The frantic action caused him to fall off the bed, and he landed with a thud and a loud groan as he disappeared from your view for a moment.
Your jaw was practically to the floor as you stood there, in absolute shock at what had just happened. The music was still playing loudly, and you felt your cheeks burning with embarrassment as you tried to grapple with what you’d seen. After a moment, Roger’s head popped back up over the side of his bed, and he looked both pleasantly annoyed and humiliated as he stared at you, seeming twice as embarrassed as you were. “You said what about my music?”
The attempt to change the subject was a valiant effort in itself, but was lost on you as you pressed your hands to your cheeks, laughing in horror for a moment. “Shit, Roger, I’m- I meant to knock, but the door was open, so I-“
“You can turn down the music,” he interrupted, giving you a pointed look before glancing at the record player to your right. Still in a mild daze, you nodded and turned slowly, turning the music down as the lead singer’s voice barely whispered out ‘You’ve got the teeth of a hydra upon you, you’re dirty sweet and you’re my girl.’ That only made things far more awkward than they already were, Roger’s piercing blue stare upon you the entire time you moved. It felt so uncomfortable as the singer yelled out ‘Get it on, bang the gong, get it on!’ that you had to shut your eyes for a moment, then open them again and give Roger a strained smile.
“I’m making pasta and garlic bread. Bri is here.” With that, you nodded curtly and scurried out of the room, trying to mask the conflicting emotions on your face as you reemerged into the living room.
“Thank god he listens to you,” Brian remarked as you passed, going directly to the kitchen. “I think I would have gone mad if he hadn’t turned it down. The man’s an animal.”
You almost choked at the last part of his sentence, coughing to cover it up as you pulled out a pot to boil some noodles in. Your cheeks were still bright red as you moved along, boiling the water and grabbing ingredients to make alfredo while you tried to erase the image of Roger splayed out on his bed, in the middle of getting himself off.
For the moment you’d seen him in what he thought was alone time, his face was pleasantly void of emotion, in a state of bliss as he rested back against his pillows. He looked utterly relaxed, careless – and dare you say, enticing – as he played with himself, probably assuming you wouldn’t be home for several hours yet. So when that bliss had erased itself because of you, you felt a twinge of guilt. After all, who were you to deny him that pleasure?
And something else twinged inside of you too – envy? Desire? Something darker, deeper than you’d expected had blossomed in your stomach, which wasn’t new – Roger was by far the most attractive roommate you’d had, well, ever. But this time, it was overwhelming, and you had to shove it down until it was buried when you’d almost finished making the pasta and Roger sauntered into the living room, his eyes immediately on you through the doorway. There was a look on his face, a warning one, and he glanced at Brian before raising an eyebrow at you. You realized he was wondering whether Brian knew, so you shook your head and offered a small reassuring smile, returning to the pasta and letting out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding.
“Oi, Roger, done destroying your eardrums?” Brian teased, Roger rolling his eyes as he started towards the kitchen, still lazily sauntering as if nothing had happened.
“Hello, Brian. Did you know I saw Chrissy today?” Roger remarked to Brian, seemingly offhanded, but you knew he was trying to push Brian’s buttons as he came to the refrigerator, opening it and pulling out a beer. “Talked to her about you, in fact. We had a nice conversation, sweet girl. A bit tame for my taste, but sweet.”
“Really?” Brian asked, trying to mask the anxious tone of voice he suddenly took on but failing miserably. You could hear him hop over the couch and make his way into the kitchen, Roger moving over to get plates down for the three of you as Brian attempted to nonchalantly lean against the doorway and cross his arms. “What did you tell her about me? Fred said he’s been talking me up, but who knows whether that means he’s telling her I’m smart or that I have a big cock.”
You stiffened a bit at that, almost imperceptibly, but Roger noticed. His blue eyes were picking you apart at the moment, noticing every movement, every subtle shift in your body language. He was nervous, afraid that you were going to slip up and say something about it, but you bit down on your lower lip before continuing to stir the pasta. God, speaking of big cocks, who knew Roger Taylor had one? Of all people, my fucking roommate. This is terrible, why am I thinking about this?
“I described you in terms that were positively glowing,” Roger schmoozed, and you turned down the heat to the pasta as you went to go throw in the garlic bread. “Which coincidentally is also how I’d like to see you in hell.”
“Oh, piss off,” Brian grumbled, giving him the middle finger before he went to get himself a beer from the fridge. Peering over your shoulder at the pasta, Brian gave you an appreciative pat on the head before he grabbed the bottle opener from the cupboard, tossing it to Roger once he’d opened his beer. “That looks fantastic, Y/N, you’ve outdone yourself.”
With that, he exited the kitchen, heading to the bathroom to wash up since your sink was full of dishes – Roger was on your case as soon as the door had closed. “Did you tell him? You better not have told him.”
“I- Fuck, I didn’t tell him, Rog, relax,” you stuttered, alarmed by how aggressive he was being all of a sudden. On top of being slightly turned on from how hung your roommate was, now you were trying to fend off even more excitement as he basically trapped you in the corner, his tightly-closed fist resting on the counter near you and making all of the veins in his slim forearm protrude. You finally moved your gaze up from his hand to his face, and he had a stormy look in his eyes, something impenetrable about the emotions flitting across his face. “I know he’d never let it rest if I told him.”
“Good.” With that, he pushed off the counter, giving you a once-over before he grabbed his beer off the counter and popped the top off, taking a drink. “We don’t speak of this, alright?”
“Obviously.” You nodded as you spoke, and he got himself a plate before helping himself to some of the pasta as you pulled the garlic bread out of the oven, your hands shaky. It didn’t go unnoticed by Roger, but he chose not to speak on it, instead just taking a piece of the bread carefully so he wouldn’t burn himself. He then tossed it on his plate, looked up at you, and raised his beer, tapping it to his temple before tipping it at you.
“Cheers.” With a smirk and a final nod, he exited the kitchen, leaving you to wonder what in the hell was going through his mind. He sauntered off the way he came, heading for his room with a sway to his step that hinted he wasn’t nearly as ashamed about what had happened as you’d thought.
And obviously, he wasn’t, because two days later, you walked in on almost the same exact thing.
This time, you were alone, and thank God you were, because Brian would have caught Roger first for sure. You walked into your apartment to find it pleasantly quiet – Roger was playing that same album, but at a reasonable level this time. So, you figured he’d probably be in his room again, and you were right. What you didn’t count on was for the door to be wide open this time, giving you a full display of almost the exact same thing all over again as you approached the doorway.
Roger was pretty much spread eagle again, propped up against his headboard this time – his eyes were closed, his head having fallen back in ecstasy as he stroked his cock at a lazy pace, his grip loose on himself. Long tendrils of blonde hair were splayed out haphazardly across the pillow, and he was just in his boxers and a button up this time, but the button up might as well have been off – it was completely open, displaying the way his chest rose and feel with each shaky breath he was taking.
You debated whether to say anything or not, but you figured you had to talk this out with him one way or another, so you cleared your throat and watched as Roger’s eye peeked open, looking directly at you in the doorway. A sigh left his lips as he grabbed a pillow, covering himself up while he climbed off of the other side of the bed, tucking himself in before turning back to you with a hand on his hip. He kept the pillow placed strategically in front of him, nodding. “Lovely afternoon, isn’t it?”
“Roger,” you replied in a knowing tone, raising an eyebrow as you stepped into his room. “We’ve got to talk about this. What in the hell is going on?”
“You’ve been coming home early,” he shrugged, still standing in that nonchalant pose that was completely disrupted by the pillow. Honestly, you were surprised he hadn’t kicked you out of his room yet. He was still clearly excited, his eyes completely fucked out from how close he’d gotten to his high, so it was a wonder that he was entertaining your conversation right now.
“Not that early!” you retorted, crossing your arms as you crawled onto his bed with a hesitant glance at where he’d just been sitting. Placing yourself near the end, you sat cross-legged facing him and patted the bed in front of you. “Come on, what’s really going on?”
He gave you an eye roll before he carefully crawled onto the bed, imitating your sitting position and keeping the pillow in the same place as he crossed his arms, almost avoiding your gaze. “I dunno,” he offered in a mumble, shrugging again and looking down at his bed as he pursed his lips.
“Roger, I’ve literally been your roommate for a year now. I figured I’d walk in on this sooner or later, but twice in a few days? Your sex drive is…”
“What?” he pried, his head snapping up so he was staring directly at you. “Horrifying? Excessive? Yeah, imagine being the one that wants to fuck like a rabbit. Isn’t fun, thank you very much.”
“No!” you laughed, sitting back and stretching your legs out as you propped yourself up on your hands, resting your head on your shoulder. “Lord knows I can’t speak much on excessive sex drives. You know how many times you’ve almost walked in on me?”
“No fucking way,” he countered, looking at you in disbelief as he uncrossed his arms. “You’re the biggest prude I know.”
“Was Brian not here two days ago, or?” you asked, giving him a questioning look. “Besides, I hide my escapades very well. You’re just unpracticed, is what it is. I’ve had loads of people over that you haven’t even seen – takes skill to hide them as well as I do.”
“You’re lying!” he laughed, looking you up and down for a moment. When you raised an eyebrow and remained as serious as could be, his face was quickly taken over by a look of amazement. “Y/N, a bigger whore than Roger Taylor? Now, that’s news.”
“God, why do you always talk about yourself in the third person? You’re so weird.” You shook your head and laughed as he shrugged, his eyes wandering over your legs for a moment before looking back up to you with an odd, queer look. “What?” you asked, cocking your head as he stared at you as if he’d just thought of the most genius idea in the world.
“Let’s fuck.”
You literally jolted at the statement, not expecting the suggestion at all. Sure, you found Roger hot, and there had been loads of sexual tension between the two of you before, but you chalked that up to just being on your end because you wanted to jump a lot of people’s bones. But with Roger, you guessed it had been sort of different. Never had you held back so much on your own desires – you’d screwed around with plenty of roommates before, but you didn’t want to this time. You wanted Roger around, as much as you hated to admit it. Having him as constant, tantalizing, out of reach eye candy was better than shagging him once and having to move out after things got awkward.
When you didn’t reply, he took the opportunity to continue. “No, I’m serious! Let’s do it. Why not?”
“Why not?” You almost had to laugh, and you closed your eyes as you tried to think rationally. Don’t fuck your roommate. That’s, like, roommate code number 1. “Roger, we’re roommates. I don’t think that’s very smart.”
“I think it’s a great idea,” he replied simply, his slim pink lips parted slightly as he stared at you, a mischievous look on his face. “You’re hot, I’m hot, we’re both horny. It’s a winning situation, really.”
“But what if it makes things awkward?” Roger looked introspective for a moment, mulling over the possible outcomes of what he was suggesting, then returned to his mischievous look.
“Never know if we don’t try.”
He had a point. You tilted your head to the side for a second, wondering to yourself if you were really doing to go through with this, but your body spoke for your mind anyways. “Fuck it,” you murmured, moving to your knees and crawling over to straddle him as he tossed the pillow to the side, meeting you with open arms. His arms snaked around your waist as you smashed your lips against his, taking his face in your hands before threading your hands into his hair. Kissing back eagerly, he pulled you flush against him, pressing your chest against his and digging his fingers into your back a bit.
When you took his lower lip between your teeth and tugged a bit, the sound of his groan set off alarms in your head. On one hand, you panicked because this was Roger, your roommate – this sound should never be coming out of his mouth because of you. But on the other hand, the sound of it was so delicious that you smiled widely as you held on to his lip, lingering for just a moment before you let go.
You were about to say some smartass remark when Roger gave you a wild look, cutting you off by diving straight back in for a open-mouthed kiss, his tongue expertly sliding into your mouth and tangling with yours for a moment before swirling around it. A small noise of pleased surprise emitted from the back of your throat, and Roger’s grip only got tighter on you in response.
After a minute or two of a hot and heavy makeout session to the background noise of T-Rex’s gritty glam rock sound, you felt Roger’s hands sneak under the back of your shirt, pushing it up as he went to unclasp a bra that he soon came to find out wasn’t there. “Ah, no bra? Very naughty,” he remarked, his voice breathy, but amused as he pulled away from the kiss for a moment, looking up at you with an undying smirk on his lips.
“You’re going to be one of those that narrates the entire thing, aren’t you?” you teased, pulling your shirt off over your head and tossing it to the side as Roger’s hands came up to rest on either side of your ribcage, his eyes darting between your breasts and your eyes as he shamelessly ogled at you.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” was his equally teasing reply, and you rolled your eyes playfully before starting to push his button up off, which he shrugged off and tossed in the same direction of your shirt. “Now,” he continued, wrapping your legs around his waist before skillfully flipping the two of you over – his hips pinned you to the bed immediately, and you almost gasped as you felt his clothed erection pressing against your thigh. “What d’you say we see if you’re consistent?” His large hands started to tug down your shorts, and he kneeled between your legs as he pulled them off, revealing – to no shock for either of you – that you were sans panties too. “Oh, Y/N,” he almost growled, watching fixedly as you spread your legs, now on full display for him.
“Spoiler: I am consistent.” He chuckled at your comment, only briefly, before he laid himself on his stomach, laying his cheek against the inside of your thigh before pressing a kiss there. This was followed by a series of kisses, each making you tingle with anticipation more and more, and by the time he’d worked his way up to your core, you were practically squirming.
Running your hand back into his hair, you gave it a gentle tug of encouragement as you watched him hook your legs up over his shoulders, giving you an impish grin. “Now don’t be too loud. Don’t want the neighbors to be calling in a noise complaint,” he murmured, and before you could quip something back his tongue was between your folds, licking a flat stripe up to your clit and making you gasp slightly at the sensation. Placing an open-mouthed kiss to your clit, he sucked just enough to make you shiver softly, your fingers curling up in his hair.
When you felt his left hand ghosting up the inside of your thigh, you giggled softly at the ticklish feeling it left behind, and he chuckled against your core, the vibration making you moan out his name in bliss. In moments, his fingers were in his mouth, briefly getting wetted down before he slid his index and middle finger into you, just testing the waters. But the feeling wasn’t enough, and you whined impatiently as he pumped his fingers in and out of you, his mouth leaving a small love bite on your thigh.
“More, Rog,” you urged, and you heard him make a pleasantly surprised noise before he inserted another finger, stretching you out more and making you hum in appreciation. “Fuck, yes, like that.”
He curled up his fingers as he moved his mouth back to your clit, sucking harder this time and sending all of your nerve endings into a frenzy as you moaned louder, not caring who heard. This man was a god to you right now, his fingers stimulating places you’d practically only heard about in legends. You thanked whatever gods there were that you’d let your common sense take a break on this one, because by the time Roger was crawling back up to hover over you, your face was flushed from pleasure. Splotches of red decorated your cheeks, contrasting with the blown-out pupils of your eyes, which watched him as he smirked down at you, maybe staring a bit too long.
“You going to fuck me or not?” you challenged, Roger laughing before crawling off the bed, easily pulling off his boxers and finally freeing his hard member once again. Openly staring, you realized you’d been correct in your observation that Roger was genuinely huge, and you could barely take your eyes off it as he grabbed a condom from his nightstand, crawling back on the bed as you sat up. He rolled the latex onto his cock slowly, eyeing you as you turned around and got on your hands and knees, peeking back over your shoulder at him and watching as he kneeled behind you, forcing his knee between your legs so he could spread them more. His broad hands came to a rest on your ass, giving the soft flesh a good squeeze before he looked up at you, thoroughly pleased with this whole situation.
“You sure you want to go through with this?” he asked, wrapping his hand around his cock and giving himself a few strokes as he ran the tip between your folds, eliciting something akin to a purr as he brushed up against your clit.
“Please, Roger,” you almost moaned, pressing your hips back eagerly and chewing on your lip. “Can’t just rile me up like this and then leave me hanging.”
“I mean, I could,” he taunted, pulling his hips back for a moment and sitting back on his heels as you whined in frustration, shooting him a nasty look over your shoulder. “I’m just joking, so impatient.” He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he gave you a toothy grin, rising again and lining himself up before pushing into you, just barely. “You just look so pretty when you beg.”
“You bastard, fuck me already!” You didn’t care if you were being impatient – and to be honest, the thought of you needing him was enough to make him a bit dizzy, but he ignored the hazy edges of his vision as he thrusted into you with a tameless grunt, sliding home quite easily and making you cry out in a mixture of surprise and lust.
Thoughts of how sore you were going to be later edged into your mind, but they were quickly overwhelmed by a wave of pleasure as Roger wasted no time in starting to move his hips. Barely giving you time to adjust, he filled you over and over, making your arms wobble a bit as you moved down to rest on your elbows, barely able to support your own weight. Roger’s hands found purchase on your hips, pulling your ass flush back against him with each thrust, and he couldn’t help but groan your name as the sound of slapping skin filled the room and the smell of sex joined it.  
“Oh, Jesus,” you breathed out, gathering the sheets of his bed in your hands and clenching your fingers around them tightly as you let your eyes flutter shut, your eyelids feeling heavy from lust. Roger was the same, his eyelids threatening to close with every passing second as the view he currently had was phenomenal. Moving one hand to your shoulder to gain more purchase, he thrusted again and somehow buried himself at an even more satisfying angle as he leaned over your body, suddenly rolling his hips agonizingly slow. He then moved his other hand to your jaw, then letting it come to rest on your throat. He applied no pressure as he did so, just letting his hand rest on your skin, but the presence of it and the thought of what would happen if he were to just press in on the sides slightly enough to make you moan. “You’re so big, Rog.”
“Yeah?” he replied, his eyes lighting up as your praise swirled around in his mind, boosting his ego and reinvigorating his big mouth – he was never one for being quiet, anyways. “Taking my cock so well. You like that?” A nod from you confirmed his question, and he let out a satisfied grunt as he pulled out for a moment, flipping you over onto your back and running his fingertips down the bare skin of your stomach. He marveled at how this perspective was even better, getting so distracted by the view that he had to remind himself after a moment that you were waiting for him to continue. Pushing back into you with a quiet groan, his swollen lips parted slightly as erratic breaths came and went, a light layer of sweat making his bangs stick to his forehead in places. But he looked unbelievably attractive like this, the sight of him towering over you as he went back to work on you making you reach down to grab his hand, returning it to your throat.
He caught his lower lip between his teeth as he looked down at you, thrusting at an irregular pace as he struggled to stave off his orgasm, which was rapidly approaching. As desperately as he wanted to make you come undone first, everything about you was threatening to pull him over the edge. The way you closed your hand around his wrist, daring him to choke you, the fierce, almost feral look on your face as you gazed up at him. You weren’t afraid of getting what you wanted, and right now, you wanted him to fuck you until you were seeing stars.
His fingers started to press against the side of your neck as he relentlessly fucked into you, your eyes closing as you relished in the dizzy feeling that it brought to your approach to your orgasm. And Roger noticed this blissful look on your face, the sight of it too much to take as he mumbled, “God, sorry love, I might have to tap out early if you keep on looking like that.”
You were too wrapped up in your own ecstasy to care much that Roger was close, but you paid attention enough to tap on his wrist, after which he released the pressure he’d had on your arteries, and you opened your eyes to look up at him, smiling impishly. “Just let go, Rog. Don’t apologize.”
Those words reassured him and kept his hips moving as he reached up, sliding his fingers into your mouth. He groaned in approval as you wetted them down, and he reluctantly retracted them before reaching down to press them against your clit, rubbing it in time with his thrusts and making you moan out his name lowly. The sound of his name leaving your lips pulled him past the point of no return, and he came as he let out a loud groan, followed by a string of curses, his hips stuttering and pushing into you erratically as he rode out his high.
Panting as he came down from his orgasm, he kept his fingers pressed against your clit, applying more pressure and circling them faster as he still thrusted into you, albeit a lot slower. But it didn’t matter too much if he kept going, because you were soon calling out his name as you came too, your orgasm rocking your body to the core and causing waves of pleasure to consume you. 
Roger kept his fingers on your clit as you rode out your high, the already-sensitive nub in overdrive as he crooned softly to you throughout your orgasm, murmuring words of encouragement. When you were done, you finally collapsed back against the bed, exhausted from the mind-blowing, absolutely out of pocket sex you’d just had with your roommate. God, your roommate. Things were about to get real messy.
Roger pulled out of you slowly, making you feel incredibly empty as he left the bed and the room, disposing of the condom in the bathroom before coming back with a wet washcloth, cleaning you off as you watched him quietly, your chest rising and falling with each breath and heart racing as you attempted to catch said breath. When he was done, he tossed the washcloth God knows where before he pulled his boxers on and grabbed his shirt from the floor, handing it to you. You pulled it on gratefully, starting to button it from the bottom up as he finally came to rest next to you. He was about to speak when something in the doorway just past your head caught his eye, making his expression sour.
You turned your head to find Brian awkwardly filling the doorframe, his mouth slightly agape at the sight of you, pretty much fully naked except for the small expanse of skin on your tummy that the bottom two buttons on Roger’s shirt covered. “Oh shit,” was all you could say, and Roger quickly moved his duvet over your lower half as you tugged his shirt to at least cover up your breasts.
But Brian had already seen everything, so the attempt was futile. “Hey, Brian, mind telling me why the fuck you’re in my room right now?” Roger asked irritably, thoroughly annoyed that the tall, curly-headed man was just standing there, gawking.
Realizing that he was being a royal moron, Brian quickly composed himself, but his voice was lightly and apprehensive as he spoke. “Roger, may I have a brief word with you? Out here?”
“Brief?” Roger repeated incredulously, looking at you before sighing and crawling over you to get out of his bed. “I suppose you could, Bri, but I highly doubt it.” Brian turned after a terse nod in your direction, heading down the hallway, and Roger took the opportunity to turn in the doorway, watching as you crawled out of bed too, your ass peeking out from the bottom of his shirt when you turned for a moment to smooth out the duvet. Chewing on his lower lip, he grabbed your arm as you passed, stopping you in your tracks and making you face him.
“Bri’s waiting for you,” you warned, but he took no heed of your words, using the collar of his shirt on you to pull you in for a quick, searing kiss that left you reeling as he pulled away.
“Sorry, had to.” He quickly reached around you to pinch your ass, and you raised your eyebrow in response, trying not to smile as the devastatingly gorgeous roommate of yours sent you a cheeky smile to match his next words. “We’re not done here. Don’t get dressed quite yet.”
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10 with whoever youd like ;w; i only ask that serizawa be in there somewhere
PHOENIX I’M STILL SCREAMING OVER THIS A A A A A A A your reading voice is so freaking gOOD JDKLSDF A A A A A,,,
im just gonna,,, listen to this like 10 more times,,, dont mind m e ,,,,
Reigen lived with the belief that everyone held an equal measurement of potential, psychic powers be damned. He believed that psychics were not above humanity; that they were not some “better form” of human, and rather, humans with only somewhat different capabilities. In fact, Reigen seemed to envy runners more than he envied psychics. 
They come from entirely different worlds, Serizawa and Reigen. Serizawa doesn’t believe he could ever truly understand him.
Except it’s Reigen’s belief—the belief that all people are equal, that no one is more special than anyone else, that everyone is unique in their own way but in no way more important—that leads him to a perilous downfall. 
And, in hindsight, Serizawa should have known. 
Because Reigen sees everyone the same, but one. He sees everyone as having worth, as having importance, as being special, with one exception. 
Serizawa is not used to exorcising spirits. In fact, Reigen probably has more experience than him. But with Shigeo so swamped with entrance exams right around the corner, it had to be Serizawa. Reigen told him he’d be fine. He’d even gone so far as to jokingly ask “What’s the worst that could happen?” 
He has an answer now. An answer and clarity he wishes he didn’t have.
The spirits aren’t very strong, but there are a lot of them. Enough to have Serizawa overwhelmed within the moment they stepped down into the canyon. Spirits with varying strengths and weaknesses, with varying skillsets and tricks up their metaphorical sleeves. 
Reigen has literal salt up his sleeves, which doesn’t do much of anything at all. But it does distract some of them while Serizawa takes them out, two by two, unable to exorcise more than that at a time. And a part of that is his fault. Or, rather, his nature. Because he wants to be careful. Because he isn’t used to this at all. Because he wants to make sure the spirits are thoroughly taken care of and can’t hurt anyone again. 
There are too many spirits. Too many spirits and not enough exorcists to deal with them. 
“Katsuya, there’s–!”
It was bound to happen. But Serizawa still couldn’t have predicted it actually would. 
He’s just exorcised spirit number who’s-keeping-count, and is turning to look over his shoulder towards the shout of his name, but he’s bodyslammed before he can see anything.
His shoulder collides with the dirt and the air is knocked from his lungs. His throat closes in on him, but so do the spirits, and he forces himself into gear and swings an arm, exorcising the two nearest ones. 
“Arataka,” he gasps, struggling to get his feet underneath him, “why did you–”
That was the worst case scenario. 
That was the worst that could happen. 
Because while Reigen was just as human as the rest of them, he was no psychic. 
The rest of it happens in a blur, for a time. Not nearly for long enough, but for a time. Serizawa didn’t mean to, but his aura took the reins of the situation and tore through every spirit like a knife through butter. 
And it somehow overrides his panic and knows what to do, too, because he presses hands over the gaping wound in Reigen’s side and his aura, trembling and scared, winds tendrils around it and seals it. Temporarily seals it, but seals it nonetheless. 
The outburst upsets the sides of the canyon. He barely gets his barrier around them in time before it comes crumbling down, burying them beneath rocks and dirt and dust until no trace can be found. 
And now they’re huddled together, occupying as little space as they can beneath the dome of the barrier. Serizawa has an arm wound tight around Reigen’s shoulders and lets him lean into his side and rest his head on his shoulder, because he’d been struggling to hold it up on his own. The front of his shirt is bloodied, with a giant tear in the side of it where the spirit caught him. If the spirit had been aiming for him, he’d probably be dead. 
“I wish I could take you to a hospital,” Serizawa says quietly, a pit in his gut. “I don’t know how much blood you lost.” 
“Prob’ly shouldn’t mess with it,” Reigen slurs, eyes barely open. His head is a dead weight against Serizawa’s shoulder, and his hands lay loosely threaded in his lap. “I dunno how… precarious it is up there. Don’t wanna risk… bringing down the rest…”
“What else do you suggest we do, then? We aren’t going to have oxygen forever, you don’t have service on your phone–” 
“Someone’ll find us,” Reigen answers shortly, and something tells Serizawa that the promise is more than desperate delirium. Even if he is struggling to keep his eyes open. “Someone’ll find us, I know it…” 
Serizawa bites his lip, but Reigen doesn’t have the strength for an argument and he doesn’t have the heart to push one. 
So they sit, and Reigen breathes. He isn’t very awake, but he’s awake enough to know falling asleep is the last thing he should do. Just before Serizawa shakes him, Reigen has snapped himself awake all on his own, usually with a barely-audible reminder to himself not to fall asleep. 
Time passes, and with each painstaking second, the gnawing hole in Serizawa’s stomach grows and continues growing. Reigen’s skin is a shade it shouldn’t be, a pasty color like old white paint. His breaths are measured, but never steady, nor even. He’s never looked more exhausted. Or drained. 
The arm around him doesn’t feel like enough, and with minimal hesitation, Serizawa brings his opposite hand to settle over both of Reigen’s. His fingers are cold, and that’s not a good sign.
“… Are your hands really warm or did I just lose a lot of blood.” 
Serizawa’s chest is tight. “You lost a lot of blood.”
“Ahhn, makes sense.” 
Serizawa nods, but as Reigen’s head becomes more and more of a weight on his shoulder, his mind wanders elsewhere. Relives the previous hour once, then twice, before he squeezes his eyes shut in a sorry attempt to block it from his mind. 
It doesn’t work. 
He inhales, then swallows, then draws Reigen just a little closer. “You didn’t have to do that.” 
Reigen doesn’t ask what he means. “Mmn, yeah,” he slurs, nodding weakly. “That is true.” 
He doesn’t seem to get it. Serizawa struggles onward. “You should’ve just let it happen,” he says, voice somewhat sharper than he would have liked it to be. “The spirit wouldn’t have been able to do much of anything, definitely not something like—like this.” 
“I knew that,” Reigen says, and his voice is sharp, too, out of nowhere, “but my body reacted on the off-chance that I’d be wrong. I didn’t really… have the chance to… think about it. Y’know. Before it happened.” 
And Serizawa should have known, because that’s just how he is. He thinks things through, he can talk himself around just about anything, but when it comes to other people, he often acts before he thinks. Usually he gets away with it. Usually his impromptu plans work to his advantage. 
But not always. 
Serizawa decides to fight him on it later and instead asks, “How’s the pain?” 
“Not as bad as it should be,” Reigen says. A pause. “… That… might not be a good thing.” 
“It might be my aura,” Serizawa muses aloud. “I’ve never been good at healing wounds completely, but I’ve learned enough. You still need a hospital as soon as we’re out of here, though.” 
“Mm, yeah.” Reigen cracks a weak smile, then smiles and leans into him again. “M’not sure home remedies are gonna be nearly enough this time.” 
“Yeah, I don’t think so either.” 
“But I’ll be fine.” Reigen shuts his eyes, not to sleep, but to rest. “Thanks for the… aura, stuff. 
Serizawa manages a feeble but genuine smile in return. “Don’t mention it,” he says, and lets himself rest his cheek on the top of his head. “It’s the least I could do. Thank you.” 
“Mm, for what?” 
So much, really. So much Reigen doesn’t know. So much that it’d be hard to pin it down with words of any sort, of any magnitude. So much. Everything. 
But that can be saved for later, too. When he has time to express it. For now, he shakes his head and murmurs, “Y’know, stuff,” and somehow, Reigen understands. 
It’s Shigeo who finds them not too long after, calling their names and finally lifting the fallen rocks and debris with barely a flick of his wrist. He’s clearly distressed, and Serizawa only realizes now that it’d been the outburst of his aura that led him here, but he can explain that later too, now that he knows “later” will indeed come. 
For now, they bring Reigen to the hospital.
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all-dead-rock-show · 7 years
Losing Sleep
Summary: Dan can’t sleep at night and Phil takes notice.
Genre: a little angsty but ends with fluff so yeah 
Warnings: swearing and middle of the night thoughts about the world i guess
Word Count: 3260
a/n: okay so my first phanfiction was supposed to be JUST FLUFF but obviously i couldn’t do that so yeah sorry. also since it’s my first fic, please let me know what you think and please help me spread it around! oh yeah and sorry for the shit title my creativity is dying apparently. 
It was becoming an issue.
Dan was staring at his ceiling in the dark, his mind spinning, different thoughts threatening to take control in his brain.
This has been happening for a while now, staying up all hours of the night just thinking about nothing, but also everything.
So, yes, it was becoming an issue.
Dan sighed and turned to his side, only to see his alarm clock blinking at him. The clock blinked at him in bright red numbers, reading 5:07 am. Dan squeezed his eyes shut, and sat up in his bed, the sheets falling down his bare chest. He was already wide awake, there was no way he was going to fall asleep, and his alarm clock was soon going to go off so he could get ready for school, so why not just get up now?
Dan slid out of bed and padded his way to the bathroom. He switched on the light, only to be blinded by the sudden brightness, and turned the shower on.
As he stepped into the warm water, Dan closed his eyes and tried to clear his mind. He didn’t want the thoughts that plagued his mind in the night to follow him into the daytime, otherwise Dan would become a complete wreck. Not that I already am, he thought bitterly.
Dan opened his eyes and began his normal shower routine. He wash his body first, then face, and then his hair. He switched off the water and dried off.
Soon, Dan exited his room to go to the kitchen to eat breakfast. His mum was already awake, pouring herself a cup of coffee.
“Up already, dear? This is the third time this week that you’ve been down early.” She said to Dan as she sipped her coffee. 
“Yeah, I just don’t want to miss the bus again.” Dan replied to her as he grabbed a box of cereal and began to pour it into a bowl.
His mum hummed in agreement and took in his appearance. “Daniel, are you feeling alright? You look sick.” 
Dan mum made a move towards him to feel his forehead, but Dan jolted away. “Yes, Mum, I’m fine. Just a bit tired as I was up all night studying.” Dan couldn’t help but feel a little bad for lying to his mother. But, technically I’m not lying because I did stay up all night, Dan thought. Just not because I was doing homework.
His mother leaned back to her place against the counter. “Okay,” She said. “But if you ever need anything, just remember that I’m here.” His mum gave Dan a warm look that made Dan give a small smile.
“Yes, Mum, I know.”
His mother then nodded, looking satisfied. Dan made his way to the kitchen table and sat down to begin eating his breakfast. After being up all night thinking about this mess of a world, Dan was starving. Also he had skipped dinner because he didn’t have much of an appetite because of these thoughts.
Dan shoveled the cereal into his mouth as his phone chimed. He swallowed the food and picked up his phone to see a text from his best friend. 
“Hey you up? Don’t wanna miss the bus. Again.” 
Dan smiled and rolled his eyes. Ever since Dan had missed the bus a few weeks ago, Phil had never let him see the light of day.
“yes im up. dont have to be a dick about it” Dan typed back.
The message back was instant.
“I’m not being a dick, I’m just helping out some asshole I met a few years back.”
Dan couldn’t contain his laughter after that, and a small giggle escaped his lips.
“oh wow, thanks,” Dan sent back.
“I try.” Was Phil’s response.
 Dan grinned and finished the last bit of his breakfast. “Okay, I’m off.”
Dan’s mum walked over to Dan and gave him a kiss on the head. “Alright, sweetie, have a good day at school.”
Dan gave her a light smile back and told her goodbye. He grabbed his phone and backpack and left the house.
He made his way to the bus stop and his face broke into a wide grin and he picked up the pace of his walking. Phil could always make Dan smile, even if he was a few feet away from him. 
“Hey, dickhead.”
Phil’s shoulders tensed, but  immediately relaxed as he recognized the voice. He turned around and gave Dan a look that said he was not amused.
 “Hey back, shit face.”
Dan raised an amused eyebrow. “Is that the first time you’ve said ’shit face’?”
Phil shrugged but Dan could see a light pink color tint his cheeks. “Just never had a reason to, I guess.” 
Dan bowed his head to hide a smile. “You’re really something, Phil Lester.” 
Phil shrugged again and grinned. “I’ll take that as a compliment, thank you.”
They began chatting about something dumb and Dan couldn’t help but feel glad that he had Phil as best friend. They could talk for hours and not get tired of being around the other. Phil was such a great person and an amazing friend, and Dan felt so lucky to have him in his life. Phil always knew what to say to make him feel better, and could accept him for who he was. That’s why Dan came out to Phil first, because he knew he could trust Phil and that Phil would still treat him like he always had, despite being gay.
The bus arrived at their stop and everyone pilled in. Dan walked towards the middle of the bus and sat in their usual seat. Phil plopped himself right next to Dan, their bodies smushed together. Dan and Phil had always sat close to each other, had always been quite touchy-feely. They were constantly touching, whether it was shoving when they were joking about, or cuddling up together while playing video games or watching a movie. That’s just how Dan and Phil were. 
“I have, like, no exams this week because I’ve been exempt from them all and I know that you’ve been exempt too so can we-“
“I haven’t been exempt from my exams.” Dan interrupted Phil. 
“What? Why?” Phil gave Dan a confused look. 
Dan sighed. “Because I’ve been absent too much and I’m pretty much on the verge of failing physics.”
Phil’s mouth dropped in the shape if an ‘o’.  “I told you not skip school, and I told you physics was gonna be really hard,” Phil began but Dan put up a hand the clearly said “not now”. 
“I know,” Dan tried to say, but Phil kept on babbling. 
“See, if you just tried a lot harder in physics, like I said, you wouldn’t have to take the exam, but no, don’t listen to Phil. He has no idea what it’s like to in year-“
“Okay! Okay, I get it. I should have listened to you ‘cause you’re Phil Lester, the all-knowing one.”
Only then, did Phil stop his rant, smirking at Dan, looking satisfied. The rest of the bus ride was spent sharing headphones and listening their favorite songs. Dan closed his eyes and let the music overtake him. He didn’t even realize his eyes becoming droopier or his breathing evening out…
Dan was woken by something violently shaking him and a voice quietly telling him to “wake up, Dan, hey, wake up!” 
“Dan, Dan, hey, wake up, mate, we’re here. Dan, come man, time to wake up!”
Dan’s eyes cracked open and squinted up to see who was rudely interrupting such a wonderful sleep. He could make up the black hair and sparkling eyes that belonged to none other than his best friend. 
“Dan, hey, you up?” Phil continued to shake Dan and if he was honest, he was starting to feel slightly nauseous.
“Phil?” Dan croaked, voice slightly raspy from sleep. 
“Dan? God, finally. Are you okay?” Phil’s eyes were tinted with concern and Dan squeezed his eyes shut again for a bit s he didn’t have to see such a piercing gaze.
“Um, yeah, I’m fine. Wha-? How long-? I don’t-?” Dan’s mind couldn’t put together why they were still on the school bus. He was confused to how long he was out and if they were late for class. He had an exam in physics today! He had to get to class! He had to- 
Phil seemed to have seen the panic in Dan’s eyes because he put a comforting hand on Dan’s shoulder and said, “It’s only 7:09, school doesn’t start for another eleven minutes. But Dan, you were out cold, what happened? You wouldn’t seem to wake up, no matter how many times I tried to wake you. Dan, this-this has been happening for over a month now… are you getting enough sleep at night?”
Dan shook his head. “Phil, I’m fine. It’s just, you know, exams… and stuff…” Dan’s voice trailed off at the end of his excuse. Phil raised an prefect eyebrow at him, a look of disbelief on his face. Dan always envied how Phil’s eyebrows seemed to look so perfect compared to Dan’s bushier ones, and he doesn’t even do anything to make them look that way. Everything about Phil was perfect to Dan, and it made him wonder why Phil had chosen to be friends while him when he could literally be friends with anyone else.
“Look, Phil, can we just go inside? I’m sure the bus driver doesn’t appreciate us still being on the bus and school starts in a few minutes.” Phil sighed and, somewhat reluctantly, nodded his head.
Both boys gathered their backpacks and scrambled off the bus, Phil apologizing to the driver for being on the bus a little bit longer than planned. Dan got the idea that he had asked the driver to stay while he woke Dan. 
As they entered the school, Dan could feel Phil’s eyes burning into the back of his head. He knew Phil didn’t believe him when he said he was fine, but Dan didn’t want to drop his fucked up thoughts on Phil. Phil didn’t deserve that.
They silently made their way to their first period class, having to split up because Phil was in a higher year than Dan was.
“Good luck on your exam,” Phil said as Dan arrived to his class. “Don’t fall asleep in there.” 
Dan grinned. “I’ll try.” 
Phil smiled softly back and Dan’s heart did a weird flip. He began to head off to his class, Dan’s eyes watching his tall body make its way down the hall. 
“Dan, look I know something’s up, could you please-“
They were on their way to Phil’s house. Dan usually hung out there from after school until his mother called him telling him it was time to come home. Dan stopped walking and turned around, catching Phil off guard and causing him to run into Dan. Dan felt his heart rate increase and the black haired boy collided with his lanky frame. He has been get this feeling a lot around Phil lately, and he has yet to become used to the feeling.
Phil grabbed Dan’s arms and balanced himself as he took a few steps back. He then looked into Dan’s eyes, blue meeting brown, in such intensity that made Dan’s cheeks grow red and he adverted his eyes downward. 
“When was the last time you got a full night’s rest?”
Dan knew this was coming. How could he expect his best friend to not notice if Dan was tired all the time. He was sure that Phil wasn’t the only one who has noticed. People ask him all the time if he’s alright, and he just shrugs them off, saying some kind of bullshit like “oh yeah, just up late studying” or “just a bad dream, it’s nothing.” Not to mention his constant yawning, falling asleep in class, and sluggish body language. And he’s sure everyone can see the prominent bags under his eyes, a sign of losing sleep.
Dan, face down, shrugged and mumbled something that caused Phil to ask him to repeat himself.
“I don’t know,” Dan repeated. “Last time I slept over at your house, maybe.” Phil’s eyes widen comically.
“Dan, that was weeks ago… The last time you stayed over was at the end of April because of my university trips and stuff. Dan- holy shit- Dan, humans can’t go that long without sleep, we-we need it to survive, to function properly, to-“ Phil signed and ran a hand through his fringe. 
“You think I don’t know that?” Dan said quietly, his face still looking at the pavement. Phil tilted his head to the side, ask if asking his a silent question. Dan looked up.
“You think I don’t know that people need sleep to do their everyday activities? You think that I don’t know that this is unhealthy behavior? Phil, I know that I need sleep. And every night I think ‘it’ll be fine, I will sleep tonight’ and then three hours later I’m wide awake staring at the ceiling. It’s just that my mind won’t just shut the fuck up. I just can’t fall asleep. And when I can’t sleep, my mind starts racing. I begin to think about the most fucked up things and I can’t stop. And then suddenly it’s five am and I have to start getting ready for school. It’s ju-just so, so hard, Phil. Sometimes the weight of the world mixed with my sleep-deprived mind becomes too much and I lose it. I…” Dan’s voice breaks and tears start to form in his eyes. He swallows. “Phil, I… I’m sorry for dropping all that on you, I didn’t mean… Here, I’ll just go home…” Dan turns around and, slowly, starts walking to his house. He hears Phil clear his throat, but Dan doesn’t think anything of it.
Why would Phil care about his messed up mind? He doesn’t need to worry about Dan when he has university to worry about. The tears fall more quickly now, thinking about how Dan only has this summer left with Phil. Phil will being attending York University, leaving Dan behind to make new, better friends who don’t cry to themselves at night over the fact that they can’t fall asleep. 
There’s a hand on his shoulder.
It startles Dan, who turns around with puffy, red eyes to see his best friend. He too has wet eyes, tears threatening to spill. But, there’s a soft smile on his face, the one he reserves for Dan only. At first, Dan thought it was a pity smile, as he gives it to when ever Dan does something so Dan that he just has to flash the small smile, but then he realized that there was so much more to it than pity.
There was love.
Phil has always been open about his sexuality, never been scared to express himself. He has always talked about being attracted to both genders, and Dan wasn’t surprised when one day he blurted out “I think I’m bi.”
Phil pulled Dan into a tight hug, squeezing him to his chest. “It’s alright Dan. I’ve got you.”
Phil’s body provided Dan with warmth that his bed has never provided him with. It made Dan feel all fuzzy and warm and he cuddled closer into Phil’s chest. Phil pulled Dan closer and began whispering comforting things into his hair. Dan took a deep breath, taking in the sweet scent that is everything Phil. They stayed like this for a while, Dan’s tears soaking Phil’s shirt, and Phil holding him close, almost like he’s afraid that if he let go Dan would run away.
Soon, Dan’s sobbing became mere hiccups, and began to pull away from Phil. Phil released Dan, almost reluctantly, and tried to make eye contact with Dan. Dan sniffed and looked down at his feet, just like before. “Thanks for…” Dan trailed off and gestured between them. “That.” He swallowed.
Phil gave him that special smile again and Dan’s heart did that flippy thing. “Anything for you.”
Dan’s breath hitched in his throat. Anything? For him? He looked up into Phil’s eyes, eyes that could never decide what colour they wanted to be. One minute they were blue, the next they were green or yellow. Phil still had that little smile on this face and Dan felt himself involuntarily move closer to him. Phil saw this and his eyes widened for a second before he was leaning towards Dan, eyes slipping shut.
Dan didn’t know what was happening. Was he about to kiss Phil? His best friend? His eyes fell shut too, and with a featherlight touch, Phil’s lips pressed against Dan’s.
It was the most amazing thing Dan has ever experienced.
Phil’s lips were so soft and he was so warm and he kissed Dan like he was asking is this okay? and Dan pressed into him harder, as if answering saying yes, this is more than okay and Phil pressed into Dan harder, and Dan felt as if he was going to explode. Dan had only kissed a boy on other time, and it was because the boy’s friend had dared him to kiss Dan.
Phil’s hand came up to Dan’s waist, pulling him closer, and Dan brought his hands up to Phil’s face, cupping his cheeks and keeping his face close. They kissed for what felt like eternity, and then slowly, pulled away in need of oxygen. 
Panting, Dan rested his head on Phil’s forehead, Phil who had his eyes still shut and a grin tugging at his lips. Their breaths mingled between each other as they stood close. Phil was the first to speak.
“Yeah…” Dan replied, almost breathlessly.
“Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for that to happen?”
Dan gave an airy laugh. “How long?”
Phil joined his breathless laughter. “Three years.”
Dan just smiled even wider. “Look’s like you don’t need to wait any longer.”
Phil’s grin looked like it was going to split his face in half. “Yeah…”
Then, they kissed again.
Dan woke up feeling as refreshed as he ever could. He has forgotten how wonderful sleep was.
Dan look over to his right to see his boyfriend still fast asleep beside him.
Dan let out a content sigh. He and Phil have been together for a month now and ever since then he’s been the happiest he’s ever been. He’s also been catching up on his sleep. Now, Dan has been having trouble getting out of bed instead of going to bed. Dan leaned down to give Phil a kiss on his head. 
“Wake up, sleepyhead.”
Phil grumbled something about five more minutes. Dan laughed. “Come on, Phil, it’s 10:00.”
“Wake me at 10:05.” 
Dan rolled his eyes fondly. “No, not 10:05, now.”
Phil let out a long, annoyed sigh. “Dan, love, it’s summer. Lemme sleep.”
“No, I wanna do something today.”
Phil grabbed his glasses from the bedside table to his right and then look over at Dan. “Oh? And why is that?”
Dan rolled his eyes again. “You know why.”
Phil smirked. “I know, I just wanted to hear you say it.” 
Dan shook his head fondly. “Happy one monthiversary, dickhead.” 
Phil pulled Dan onto his chest and kissed his lips deeply. “Happy one monthiversary, shit face.”
They kissed again. And again. And again. And then did some other not so innocent things, but that’s another story for another time.
a/n: sorry if there are any mistakes i’m lazy and don’t want to look through it
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