#sorry if there are mistakes my english is quite limited
radioactivesweet · 1 year
Hi darling! May I have some headcanons for Sasaki, Buddha and maybe Hades or Hermes dating Nyx s/o? She's the goddes of night and the ONLY goddess Zeus feared ('cause she's older and stronger than him) Sorry for my english :(
Hello! Hope you like it^^ and dw, your English is fine :) I was having some problems with my laptop while writing this, so there may be some mistakes
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Sasaki is abnormally chill about dating a goddess feared by Zeus himself, one of those occasions where you can't tell if this human is brave or just incredibily dumb and reckless. Either way, he actually knows how dangerous you could be, but this doesn't mean he would leave you. You may be strong and ancient, yet one of the few deities he could get along with, not trying to exterminate humanity and such.
Sasaki believes that as long as he treats the way he would treat anybody else, without showing fear and trusting you, you will get along just fine. You are no different from other humans to him, so is treating you as one. You have just the same felings as everybody else and doesn't want to feel different in his eyes.This may lead to him straight up forgetting you are one of the most powerful deities out there and just act like you were the same as him.
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Buddha doesn't really care which goddess are you as long as you gift him candies don't try to give him orders and limit his own freedom. The reason he got close to you in the first place was the fact that Zeus feared you - so having you around meant not getting the latter close to him. Also, believing in his own strenght doesn't really make him scared of you. He respects you though and also sees you as a valuable ally. If you actually gift him food though, that's a faster way to reach his heart. He is even willing to share his with you.
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Quite literally a match made in hell. You're both ancient, strong, feared, related to darkness - with you being the goddess of night and him the god of teh dead - and quite misuderstood. You immediately got along and had known each other for a very long time - before Hades' brothers were even born. It was actually Hades who had later introduced to Zeus, who has been scared of you ever since. At parties you are basically that couple nobody approaches. Even though you actually aren't that scary, everybody seems to think so - which actually grants you both some quiet time together, without anybody bothering you. On the other hand, Cerberus loves you.
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Hermes is used to adapt and deal with a lot of different deities, being the messenger of the gods, so you aren't that challenging to him. At first he was quite interested in youi because of of his father being scared of you - but really he hadn't met any difficulties with getting to know you, thanks to him knowing how to interact with others. He finds it really amusing when he invites you over for dinner - with Zeus and Ares, since he gets to see them strangely and unexpectedly silent. You are usually gossipping together - since you've been around for longer than him and know quite a lot about other deities, old legends and other facts he wouldn't otherwise have never heard of - you are someone he can learn a lot from, which of course has its perks.
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arielstruggles · 8 months
The Dawn of Regret
Pairing: Joel Miller x Fem reader
Summary: You have a crush on Joel Miller and he becomes your patrol partner.
W.C: 3.4k
Warnings: Smut (mdni), P in V sex, fingering, oral (f receiving), Katoptronophilia, praise kink, slight dirty talk, breeding kink, big fat age gap (reader is 26 Joel is 56), angst.
A/N: Happy kinktober folks!. I love angst so i incorporate it in everything :| sorry. I honestly don't know if this will be a one shot or not, we will see. I'm sorry i'm not the best for descriptions. And if i have any grammar mistakes, sorry in advance i am not a native English speaker. Anyway, if anyone reads it, let me know your opinions, love you bye!
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You and Joel have known each other for quite some time now. It has been roughly four months that him and Ellie decided to stay in Jackson, instead of trying to find the Fireflies. Since then, they were joining you at different tasks. Ellie was too young to join the patrols without a training but Joel, as a 56 years old, fearless man; he was the perfect fit. Well, obviously he was a mass murderer too but it was helpful in this situation. But other than that you were nothing to each other. Just a couple of “Hello”s and “How is it going”s  here and there. But you couldn’t help to feel attracted to him. Normally, you were teaming up with Maria and Joel was teaming up with Tommy but Tommy and Joel decided that they were "sick of each other" so Maria came up with the solution that you were supposed to team up with Joel. It caught you off guard. You were so used to went on patrols with Maria that you didn't know what to do exactly. Not that you were unable to protect yourself or anything. You were living in Jackson for more than two years now and before that you basically learned how to survive on your own. No, it was not a doubt that came from your skills, it was because of Joel.
You were a little bit, just a little bit intimidated by his presence. He was not a chatty, lively man. His brows were mostly furrowed, well he was grumpy to say the least. Not that he was rude or mean towards you. On the contrary he knew where to stand. So, he sort of knew when to be nice which was obviously not around you. But you were not sure if you were okay where he was standing, you wanted more. He was a handsome man, grumpy old man to be fair but it didn't take anything from his charm. His broad shoulders, warm brown eyes, the dimple on his cheek which is a shame that you could barely see since he was not laughing around you that much. He was big and strong. His hands, his fingers... The thought of it showed itself as dampness on your panties. You were feeling guilty for dreaming about him from time to time but in your defense, who would not? Gosh those Fingers. “What would happen if he wrapped them around my throat?" you thought, on the couch where you were lying at the moment. "What would happen if he kissed me, or better bite me?" you get so worked up that dipped your fingers inside your panties.
After you came imagining it was his fingers inside you instead of yours, a wave of warmth washes your whole body. You are feeling so guilty. You are about to go on a patrol with this man and you masturbated, in your couch, thinking of him. And you had no idea how he felt about you, you saw him flirting with women before in the Tipsy Bison however none of them were as young as you. They were mostly older than forty. You are in your mid-twenties. Also, you know the fact that he had a daughter which if she was alive would be older than you so this was both unethical and impossible. You shake your head due to your own stupid thoughts and realize that it' almost three a.m. that means Joel and you are about the meet in an hour. You fix your clothes and decide to make yourself a coffee, you have limited supply of coffees so even though you really love it you can't drink as much as you want to but tonight, or this morning to be precise, you need to.
While you sip your coffee with the shame on your shoulders you hear a knock on your door, you leave your mug on the table and walk towards the door. “Who is that?” you ask, even though the low and husky tone makes it clear that it is Joel, you are just trying to be careful. “It’s Joel. I was just checking you if you were awake.” To hide the reflection of that stupid grin on your voice, you clear your throat “Yes, I am.” You can’t help the heat that rises from your core. “Okay, be outside of your door in 30.” He says and you hear footsteps fading away. You realize you didn’t even open the door, let alone kindly inviting him but it was probably for the best. You still feel warm and fuzzy because of your Joel fantasies. You grab your coffee and sip the rest while thinking of him. 
Once you’re done with your coffee, you step outside of your door with you backpack on your back and gun in its holster, waiting for Joel. After a while his big figures approaches which makes you feel giddy. You curse under your breath for feeling like a high schooler who sees their crush. “Mornin’” he rasps, “morning” you say in return. “We’re heading towards east this time. Tommy claims. There are riders.” It is obvious by his tone that he mocks with his brother. You nod as a response to his explanation and you both start walking. You know, silence is better to search the area but it makes you so uneasy. You want to talk to him desperately. “So, why you and Tommy decided to not to be partners anymore?” you ask, your tone is louder than you expected. “You wanna get attention of clickers or sumthin?” he is not mad, it’s his usual grumpiness but still you feel ashamed. Your cheeks burn with embarrassment. “sorry.” You murmur, this time your tone is quiet. “He was being a pain in the ass, I’m sick of his bullshit.” He answers your question without looking at your face, you are grateful for that. You hum in return while you keep on walking. It’s still dark outside and cold. You wish you were in your warm bed. But the man who is walking right beside you seems so unbothered. He doesn’t care about the cold or how dark it is. It is as if he is living for the sake of living. You study his demeanor, trying to be sneaky. “Is there sumthin on my face?” “no, i- I’m sorry.” “well, you should focus on the road not me.” his tone is amused this time, not annoyed, not grumpy. You see a smile dancing around his lips, it is not a smile but it’s the best you got which sort of encourages you. “I can do both” “Aren’t you sumthin?” he chuckles, you made him smile.
That little conversation is all you need for you to have a crush on Joel. Not that you had not anything towards him but it was not a strong feeling whatsoever. But the moment you were able to make him smile. Well, it worsens the situation. For the rest of the road, you are mostly quiet. The sun is about to rise, the sky is turning into a lighter shade of blue. The birds chirping. It almost sounds peaceful. In the middle of an apocalypse. You can’t help but laugh audibly. Joel turns towards you with a questioning look on his face. “I was thinking how peaceful it felt. The sky seems so pretty, birds are chirp-“Joel covers your mouth with one of his hands and yanks you to a tree trunk which sends a shock to your body. While you try to grasp what is the reason behind this, he gestures with his other hand to be quiet. You nod in return and both of you listen carefully. You hear the clickers around. High pitched screams of a bunch of them fill the woods. It’s disturbing. You are grateful for it though, it distracts you from thinking how close your bodies are, how one of his hands is on your mouth. After he gives you the que you wait in silence, you kill them one by one. “Morning exercise I guess.” You say. “Yeah, right.” He replies grumpily and rolls his eyes. Here he is again, the Joel you are familiar with. It is saddening honestly. Witnessing a side of him which he only shows people whom he really cares and trusts, which you crave to be one.
You look at your pocket watch it reads 8.45. Morning sun shines through the sky, it is warmer than a couple of hours earlier. You still have more than three hours and frankly, after your last unsuccessful attempt to make him talk, you give up. Morning sun hits his face in a way that invigorates his handsome features. You want to reach his face and caress his cheeks, kiss tip of his nose. Of course, you can’t do any of that, how could you? You don’t even know him, he doesn’t even know you. It’s just your hormones talking, you assure yourself. “Cat got your tongue?” he questions your silence. “Huh?” “You seem lost in your thoughts. You were chatty earlier.” “I thought you would be annoyed if I talk too much.” “Yeah, you thought that right.” Well, he is honest at least. You don’t say anything back. He breaks the silence when you find an old shed. “I know this is safe, I’ve been there before you wanna rest a bit? Before heading back to Jackson?” even though staying in a small space with Joel for a couple of hours seems like not a good idea your feet hurt from all that walking and fighting with clickers was draining so you decide it’s for the best “Yeah, sure.” He opens the door and checks out the shed just in case then nudges his head for you to get inside. There is a mirror at the corner. It has cracks here and there and sort of rusty but you can see your reflection.
You sit on a moldy couch, it’s not the best thing to sit but at least better it is than floor. He sits right next to you, you are pretty close to each other. This surprises you but considering it is the only somewhat comfortable thing in this place it should not. The silence is too loud. You want to speak, to say something but you don’t know what to say. It’s as if you forgot how to talk, as if all the words in you have lost their meanings. The hand on your thigh jerks you awake from your thoughts. You look at his hand on your thigh then his eyes. He looks at you as if he is about to devour you. Even if you dreamt about this before, it feels different when he really touches you. You feel shy all of a sudden. “Darlin’ you thought I didn’t realize how you look at me?” his raspy tone sends shivers down on your spine. You want to give in and let him fuck you senseless but a part of you still wants to resist. You clearly have no idea how this thing is going to work or what he really wants. “What? You must be dreaming Joel.” You chuckle nervously. “I most certainly am not.” His hand moves up and up till your crotch but he doesn’t touch there yet. “Tell me darlin’” he leans on your ear, his breath tickles your neck, you’re sitting side by side but you want him on top of you. “Tell me you don’t want it and I’ll stop.” “Fine, okay. I want you.” you try not to sound so desperate but the last part of your sentence comes out as whining. “Atta girl, was that so hard?” he murmurs and cups your crotch through your jeans. He doesn’t dip his fingers, not yet. He leaves wet kisses all over your neck. You do something bold and climb on his thigh. His large hands find their places on your waist. You kiss him deeply. Your tongues dance with harmony. You get wetter with each passing second and press yourself on his thigh a little more. He moans into your mouth. “Naughty, naughty” a smirk spreads across his mouth. You grind on his thigh more and more; the tension is unbearable at this point. “Joel, do something!” you burrow your face in the crook of his neck “Do what darlin?” “Fuck me Joel.” Your voice comes muffled. You bite down on his neck. he cradles you and take you in front of the mirror which you saw earlier. You are confused. “What are you doing?” you ask him. “Just want you to see everything.”
You are standing before the mirror; Joel is pressed behind you. His cock is nestled between your ass cheeks. His movements are slow, you still have a couple of hours left and everywhere seemed clear so you can take your time. But you are so restless. He takes off your coat, then your shirt, then your bra. You’re half naked. Your reflection in the mirror startles you. You are as much eager as Joel. He cups your right tit. His calloused fingers brush your hardened nipple while he licks your neck. You gasp with the overwhelming feeling. You’re dripping cunt flutters against nothing. You want him inside. “Joel” you moan. He bites your shoulder in return. You both watch your reflections in the mirror. You take one of his hands that are on your waist and slide it into your panties, he takes the hint, an amused laugh leaves his lips but he does not want to tease you so he starts toying with your clit while leaving wet kisses all over your shoulders and neck. While his thumb circles around your clit and he dips his middle finger to your hole. “Aren’t you a slut, hm? Waiting for me to fuck this hole of yours?” You moan to the vulgarity of his words. He adds a second finger, hitting just the right spots. The overwhelming sensation takes over your whole body, you feel weak in the knees and rest your back against his chest more and more. At this point you look like a body with two heads. You feel your first orgasm is about to hit. “Joel ‘m close, I’m so close.” You coo, “let it go baby girl. You’re such a good girl for me, let it go darlin’” he whispers to your ear. You don’t even hesitate to ruin his fingers with your cum. He takes his fingers off of you and licks them. You see the reflection in the mirror. It feels so unholy. You feel as if a sinner, for letting a man who’s the same age as your father, if he was alive, to finger fuck you. “Now darling, I want more. I want to my cock in that sweet pussy of yours. I want to eat you out.” “Yes Joel, please.” Your voice sounds so needy that you cringe. “I want you to watch baby girl. Every second of it.”
He lays down his coat to the floor and then lays you down on it. Unbuttons your jeans and strips down the rest of your clothes. He starts kissing your neck and makes his way down while leaving kisses on your torso. His tongue finds his way on your clit, it moves with ease. You grip a fist full of his hair and press him against your pussy more. The warmth of his tongue mixed with the warmth of your pussy sends shock waves to your body. He eats you out with such ease and pleasantly. Your moans fill the old shed. Then Joel stops, “time to take my cock darling’” he coos and unbuttons his jeans. Cold air hits your glistening folds, makes you shiver. He takes off his jeans and boxers. His fat cock is up against his belly. Your mouth waters, you want to take it to your mouth. He catches your hungry eyes. “Next time darling’”. His tip shines with pre cum. He is hard as a rock. He checks on the mirror, to see your reflections, you do the same. You can’t name the feels in you at the moment because it feels nice. He leans on your body and aligns his cock with your entrance. “You ready?” you nod eagerly. It has been a while-3 years to be precise- since you last got laid and you don’t have that much experience but you want to hide this fact from Joel. Once he pushes himself inside you, you scream. Then you adjust to his size and he picks up his once slower pace. “So wet and tight for me. So pretty.” He mutters in your ear. “good girl, aren’t you a sweet girl for me, darlin’?” you nod, he grabs you by the throat, “Answer me!” his tone is demanding, his gaze is dark. “Yes, yes Joel” you answer but frankly, you don’t even know what was he saying. Your hips move in sync. He is close “Where do you want me to come, darling?” “Inside” you say. You come together.  He fills you up. After you’re both done, he lays on you. You wrap your arms around his torso. It feels so intimate. You have so many questions you want to ask. But you don’t know how he will respond. You clearly have a crush on him but you are not sure if he feels something towards you or if it was just a bodily pleasure. You decide to wait for him to take the first step.
You lay there for almost half an hour. Then he speaks “It’s almost 11 a.m., we better get going.” You can’t tell if he sounds distant or not. He helps you to get up and you wear your clothes and he does the same. You leave the shed and head towards Jackson. He does not talk; you don’t want to talk as well. But you have more than two hours of walking distance so after a while you are so bored of silence and curiosity eats you alive. “what’s gonna happen now?” you ask expecting for him to say something positive. “Nothing.” he almost barks. You are stunned by the tone of his. “Oh?” is all you can say. “Look, it was a mistake, I shouldn’t be so reckless. You forget what happened, I’ll do the same.” It hurts you. He is so blunt and there is no emotion behind his words. You feel so stupid for even thinking this could have led to something. You feel tears sting to your eyes but try to hold them back. You have no intention to feel smaller in front of this monster of a man. You are unsuccessful though. He hears you sniffing, does not look at you. He does not want to feel more guiltier than this. “Now, don’t cry on me.” he wants to sound harsh; he wants you to hate him so that you will never like him. It does not help. He wants you to be safe and being closer to him is not the safest option.
You can see Jackson, you’re close. That means you can go to your home and cry for hours. Your sadness leaves its place to anger. “You know, you are a disgusting man. You gave me hope and now you’re leaving me like this.” You know that is not the truth but you want to hurt him. “You are right about that. But I didn’t think you could be this naïve to fall for me.” “You deserve to die alone! If your daughter knew all this, she would’ve hated you.” You can see the burning flame in his eyes. For a second you think he will smack you across your face but he does not instead he grabs your arm tightly. “Just because we fucked does not mean you are something to me. You are clearly desperate for attention. You want someone to love you. But that ain’t me. You’re nobody.” He leaves your arm and walks towards his home. You stand there like a fool you tried to hurt him but he did it. You start to walk as well, Maria approaches you. “So, how was your patrol? You seem pale.” “It was okay, a couple of clickers, nothing unusual.” Your voice cracks, she looks at you worriedly. “please, I don’t want to talk.” You explain and she nods. You open your door and enter your house. The moment the door shut closed you start crying.
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A Tale of Two Minds
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: The seemingly shy Dr. Spencer Reid is interrupting you at the library, but don't let his quiet demeanor fool you...
Genre: smut
Warning: crime scenes; talking about murder, heated kiss, made up facts (let me know if I forgot something)
Word 1118 Count: words
A/N: As always, any criticism is very welcome. Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes. English is not my first language. Not proofread.
Anyway, enjoy :)
✧ 🎀 -------------------------------------------------------------- 🎀 ✧
The building was huge. The dull grey walls ran through the whole building, seeming to never stop. You could easily get lost in one of the many departments of the FBI. An outsider would declare this building old and labyrinthine. However, for you, it was home or the closest place to one. Of course, you only have limited access as you’re just a trainee. You could only get inside the school side of the building, but you only needed the library to feel safe. Every possible minute of your free time you spend there. Being surrounded by piles of thick complicated books, trying to study every field of knowledge that exists. 
The sternmost part of the library was your favorite. Nobody was there and you could enjoy your peaceful solitude. This was also the part where unsolved closed cases were located. Reading through them, trying to find a repeating pattern, and making an accurate profile. Hoping the police can then find a suspect that fits the criteria. With this method, you have quite a success and solved relatively a lot of cases. That is actually how you got into the special program of the FBI. It all started when you were solving a case of strange murders your local police couldn’t solve. It turned out the priest took justice a bit too personally. You analyzed the victimology of the murders and started to make a profile. The police just needed forensic evidence, which luckily was found quickly. 
As you were nearly done with your profile on a murder case, in deep focus, someone disturbed your beloved peace. 
“You know sitting on the ground could raise your potential of getting sick by over 18%.” A shy voice stated.
Letting out a breath, you snapped your head around just to see a guy with long blond curly hair. You lowered your glance a bit and saw his ID Card. Your eyes shot open. You're on your feet within a few seconds. “This can’t be true, can it?” you thought.
“You’re Dr. Spencer Reid!”, you said, a bit too enthusiastic.
He backed up a bit, startled by your elation. He hesitantly nods his head. Of course, you heard of him, like everybody did. Maybe you liked him a bit too much, like not everybody did. 
He worked at the Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) of the FBI and was also a professor at the academy. One of his most impressive traits was undoubtedly his intelligence. It was hard not to be impressed by the breadth and depth of his knowledge, which set him apart from others. You would often hear amazing stories about how his mind solved cases. He was incredibly skilled at what he did and a huge role model for many, also for you. Working with him was always a dream for many and again of course you dream about it too, maybe even more than others. “Suddenly, you remember your position. You’re a forensics student and he was an agent, even a doctor to begin with. Another point would be that you had a crush and didn’t want to scare him away.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I was too excited,” you slowly admitted, locking down.
Embarrassment was written across your chubby face. He took a step closer, gaining confidence. He smelled incredible, masculine yet fresh and pine. Just like you imagined.
“I see you’re trying to solve the “Lucifer Case” and have you gotten any further with it?”, he asked, trying to break the awkwardness.
You look into his eyes, trying to read him. Confused why he would show any interest in you, you try to find out any motive by analyzing his body language, but you can’t find anything too convincing. A moment later he was standing beside you, looking through the files spread around you on the floor.
“I was just about to finish my profile before you interrupted, Doctor Reid”, you told him quietly. Your shyness got the best of you. 
“Oh, please call me Spencer, Y/N”, he responded promptly, “and I apologize for interrupting you.”
Your cheeks heated up. Looking at him shocked, he looked back smiling. Too astounded to notice that he had called you by your name, which you hadn’t told him yet. 
“Wait, how do you know my name?”, she questioned him embarrassingly late.
His smile got bigger. Even though he was close before, he reduced their distance some more. Now your back was pressing against the bookshelf, unable to escape his intense gaze. 
“Your reputation precedes you, Miss Y/L/N.” he hushed seductively. 
You swallowed hard, staying quiet. “What could this mean?”, you thought to yourself. Everybody in the study facility always said Spencer Reid was a shy nerd, but now you’re standing in the library with him towering over you.
“I was very impressed by your profile of the Cryptic Puzzle Killings,” he whispered into your ear, “it was a genius profile.” His voice was sending shivers down your spine.
“Doctor Reid,” you stuttered, but then interrupted you.
“it’s Spencer, remember?” You couldn’t think straight anymore. “I was holding back too long, I couldn’t resist any longer Y/N, please forgive me for my bad-mannered roughness,” he muttered as his lip brushed faintly over your neck. This was the moment your breath stopped. Am I dreaming? 
“Tell me if you want to stop,” he muttered as he placed sloppy kisses around my neck.
“No, don’t stop.” That was the only thing you could say; his hands feeling too good on you. How he griped your hips pressing your hips more into his clothed erection. Feeling his touch like hot burns all over your body.
“I needed to use this opportunity,” he breathed .
As you wanted to reply to his confession, all of a sudden, another voice was calling for Spencer.  Your cheeks flushed even more at the thought of getting caught with Spencer at this situation.
“Spencer, I said I would talk to her!” A stern voice was speaking with such authority. 
Spencer quickly stepped back, taking all his warmth with him. You were looking around, overwhelmed with the situation, trying to figure out what was happening. Still feeling hot after your heated situation with Dr. Reid. Spencer was now around two meters apart from you, smiling at you shyly. His duality will kill you someday. 
“Hotch I am here,” he quickly yelled back.
Whispering a quick apology to you before the tall black-haired guy showed up before us. His firm eyes looked into yours. He was standing in front of you with a straight face. Frankly, he seemed like a strict guy who didn’t understand any jokes. You’re starting to get the feeling that you did something bad. Your mouth got dry.
“Are you Y/N/Y/L/N?” the man asked you.
You nodded your head skeptically. Unsure of what consequences it might bring.
“I am Aaron Hotch, Supervisory Special Agent and Unit Chief of the BAU,” he continued, “And I am asking you Y/N to join the team of the BAU.”
Your head began to spin. 
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real-life-senshi · 5 months
EDIT on Jan 3rd: SORRY. I couldn't stand how many mistakes I see in my edit despite multiple checks I've done before Jan 1st... I ended up reuploading the videos instead. Can't guarantee it's perfect now, but it's much better (from the creator's perspective.) Anyone who reblogged before Jan 3rd will have the old link that's now broken.
This is the TV version, aired on CBC in Japan on December 25th, 2023.
Due to YouTube's upload length limit, the show has been split into 3 parts based on the provided commercial breaks. The videos are unlisted on YouTube, so cannot be searched, instead only accessed by the proper web link.
Some notes & disclaimer:
1. I’m not a fluent Japanese speaker, but I do know Hiragana, Katakana, basic Japanese grammar and kanji, and a few good tools to use for translation. All’s to say, all mistakes are mine. Sorry if there’s any!
2. I’m also not a professional translator. Due to the grammar differences between Japanese and English, some sentences will sound awkward in English for the conversation to make sense.
3. This really was a casual chat for the ladies, so they kept talking over each other. I tried to highlight all the chit-chats with colour-coded subtitles matching their Senshi colours. Because of this I tried different formatting and decided on the layout you see now, even if it's still a bit messy, and some subtitles are quite fast-paced. Sorry if it doesn't look good or is tough to read. :(
4. The character “会”(kai) in “戦士会” (senshi-kai) can be translated into: - “Club”, a noun for group; - “Meetup” or “reunion”, a noun and synonym for “event”. Depending on context, you will see “戦士会” (senshi-kai) translated into “Senshi Club” or “Senshi Reunion.”
I will be working on a subtitled version of Miyuu's behind-the-scene video of this program. (JAN 7th EDIT: The subbed version is available here!)
A Director's Cut version will be made available in Japan on Jan 9, 2024. I'll keep an eye out if there's a copy floating around. If there's any difference in that version, I'll also make a subtitled version for sharing as well. If there are any translation mistakes I've made in this current round of subtitling, I'll also take the chance to rectify them in the new version.
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 9 months
With the last breath
Word count: 1577
Warnings: depression, suicide attempt
Part II
At first, I'm sorry for my English. It isn't my native language, so there are mistakes and maybe it wouldn't give sense. Writing this was a real challenge and it showed me my (language) limits😅
For the first actual fanfiction I post here I'd say it's quite dark. I wrote it after fight with husband as kind of distraction. Well, it served its purpose.
Declaration: I write just for fun✌️
One day you were on a way to deliver some documents to Rhysand. He sent a request to the library to look for certain information he urgently needed and when everything he asked for was collected, Clotho asked you to deliver it to him. As the only person who from time to time didn't mind to go out, you had a good relationship him and knew all of the members of the inner circle. You often worked with them and helped them as you knew the library so well as the back of your hand.
Entering the River House you headed to his office. Clotho had sent him a notice of your visit early in the morning, so you knew where to look for him. As you approached the office door you could hear his voice and the voices of two other males. He was there together with his brothers standing around the table with maps and papers on it and discussing something important. You didn't want to disturb them, so you silently walked through the open door and set the documents on a small table right next to the door. Spymaster's eyes met yours for a second as he was the only one facing the door and he noticed the movement. Finding out it's you, as usually, he lost interest and returned to whatever they were looking at together. Rhys noticed his eyes went up and he also turned to you with a big, kind smile.
„Is that the information I asked for?“
„Yeah, it should be all. I checked it several times to make sure,“ you whispered silently, but he heard you.
„Would you mind to stay for lunch since you've come this far? It would be just three of us, Feyre and Elain,“ Rhys invited you.
Your eyes hastily darted to Azriel. His jaw slightly tightened, but you didn't miss that small move. „I'm afraid I need to return back..“ you tried to smile little.
„Are you already going back? Don't you need escort?“ Cassian turned to you too, offering help.
He and Rhys were kind to you and seemed to be happy to see you whenever you met them. Rhys always asked you to join a meal with his family and sometimes you'd accept it. On the other hand, Spymaster has never bothered to treat you with more than a short look or few casual phrases at the best. Even though he didn't seem to be really fond of you, he tended to sit next to you on a sofa or hold a seat for you next to him at the table. But it was a long time ago. Maybe he noticed you eyeing him with interest and that was the reason his behaviour changed over the years from 'I can tolerate you' to 'such a nuisance'. He personally didn't do nor say anything bad to you. But you could feel it from him somehow. You hadn't much of magic in your blood, but you was able to read any subtle signs and understand how people around you feel. That's the reason you stopped accepting invitations and tried to cross his path as little as possible. In the moments like this it was impossible to avoid meeting him and he seemed to be fine with it, paying you minimum attention. But as soon as somebody asked you to join them for a meal or evening, you could feel a slight discomfort from him. You tried to brush it away, but still it hurt.
When you met him for the first time you were afraid of him. As you got to know inner circle better, you learnt there's actually nothing scary about him and that deep down he is a very kind person. His silent, calm and caring nature appealed to you and before you noticed you fell in love with him. You couldn't help it even though you knew you don't have any chance. Masking it as best as you could, you decided to suffer in silence. You knew about his feeling toward Mor and when Archeron sisters entered your lives you noticed his shift of interest to Elain too. You weren't ugly, but there was no way you could compete with such beauties as the two of them. And you were well aware of that. That's why you've never tried to approach him and talk to him properly and after feeling a kind of discomfort from him in your presence, you tried to keep your distance and avoid him.
You excused yourself as fast as you could and turned around to leave. When you were sure that Rhys and Cass turned back to the table, you allowed yourself a single glance to him over your shoulder. His features were relaxed. He was so painfully beautiful that tears welled up in your eyes and the painful hole in your chest got little bigger.
After meeting him you needed some time to calm down and bury those feelings back so deep that nobody could notice them. You were walking around the city till you were sure you regained your peace. And just then you decided to head back to the library.
When you were climbing up the stairs you heard some muffled voices. You've never spied on other people, but this time you couldn't resist it and peaked to the hall to see who could it be. And there you saw them. Azriel stood with his back against the wall, Elain standing on her tiptoes with arms around his neck leaning into him. They started to kiss, slowly at first, but soon enough their passion took over. You couldn't stand it. Tears stinging your eyes once again, you left as silently as possible. When you were far from them and they couldn't hear you anymore, you run to your room as fast as you could. Closing the door you slid down to the ground unable to stifle your sobs. Knowing he has a thing for somebody else wasn't as painful as to actually see them together. It utterly broke your heart leaving you unable to breathe properly. Your life was pretty simple, you didn't have much. Your love for that male and a little faith you held were basically all you had left and the scene you witnessed totally crushed it all.
It took you hours until you calmed down enough to be able to stand up. You opened the door. You didn't know where to go, but you couldn't stand to be here anymore. Your legs took over the control, marching on their own. Suddenly you found yourself on one of the balconies heavily leaning on the railing. You slightly leaned over the edge looking down. The balcony was so high it made you nauseous. You pulled back to the safety. Spending most of the time in the library you've never gave much thoughts to heights at which you lived. You just occasionally had chance to stop and look out the window. Carefully you sat up on the railing back facing outwards. You tried to take deep breaths to calm down, to get through the pain and the shock. You tilted your head back watching floating clouds. As child you spent hours lying in the grass and watching clouds. It used to be so relaxing, but now you felt nothing, except emptiness. There was a bird flying high above you. You sighed. How beautiful it would be if you could fly. You'd took off flying far from this place, far from these people, far from him. What it must be like to feel so free and weightless. If you lean back little more, you could find out. It would be so nice to fly down, to never have to feel anything anymore. You knew you should be scared to even think about such things, but instead you felt numb.
 The bird was getting bigger as it flew closer. You closed eyes and leaned back more and more. Suddenly you felt so light, flying like that bird. Small smile formed on your lips and you stretched out arms like wings.
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Azriel was flying back to the House of Wind when he noticed somebody leaning dangerously on the edge of railing on one of the highest balconies. It was strange, but he was tired so at first he didn't pay much attention to it. He looked away just for a moment and the person disappeared. His throat tightened. He immediately plunged headlong down, but he wasn't fast enough. The person was only few meters away from a certain death. He had to winnow. Stepping into shadows he reappeared few foots bellow the person stretching out arms to catch... HER! There was no doubt. It was Y/N. What happened? Why would she do something so horrible? What if he tries to catch her, but she slips through his hands and dies? He'd never been so scared in his entire life. If something were to happen to her, he'd never forgive himself. All sounds of the world disappeared, he could hear only own heart racing in his chest. It took just mere seconds, but it seemed to take forever. The moment her body collided with his, the time had stopped. He squeezed his eyes, muscles tensing, wings spreading to stop their fall.
When he finally dared to open his eyes, there she was safe in his arms, pressed to his chest. He breathed a sigh of relief.
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noirvouzzz · 1 month
Sunday Morning
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Pairing: Campbell Bain x fem!reader (no use of Y/N)
Summary: After spending the weekend outside St. Jude's, you return to the asylum, excited to see Campbell and give him a small present you got him at a record store. However, when you walk into his room, you find him in the middle of masturbating.
Warnings: Caught male masturbation, implied non-virgin!reader, virgin!campbell, making out, (slight) hair pulling, dry humping, boob sucking, handjob, blowjob, mention of rough oral, kind of public? (they're in an asylum so idk), aftercare, fluff.
Word count: 3.7 k
Author's note: Hi there, it's admin Kyra! I wanted to start by letting you know that English is not my first language, so sorry if there are any mistakes. And I haven't written a fic in forever, so bear with me. I tried to make Campbells dialogues sound like his accent, but keep in mind that I'm not Scottish so I don't know if it's right :'). Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!! :D
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You waltzed into the asylum door, holding your backpack tightly as you looked around the place. It seemed surreal, but you were kind of happy to be back. After getting a weekend pass, you thought they'd have to drag you back to this place, but living there for the past few months made the asylum feel like home. You skipped through the corridors, excited to find Campbell and tell him about the little record shop that you visited on your free weekend. You had picked up a small gift for him — a simple vinyl record keychain. While it wasn't extravagant, your budget had limited your options, and you couldn't wait to give it to him anyway.  Something that you hadn't expected was missing him so much. Seeing him every day made the absence of his presence over the last two days feel oddly unfamiliar. And, walking to the common room, you couldn't help but wonder whether he missed you too.  You tried to anticipate his reaction to your early return since you were supposed to come back after dinner, yet ended up deciding to do it a few hours before schedule. But, where could he be? He wasn't at the radio station because you could hear Francine's voice announcing the next song, and he definitely wasn't in the common room where you were standing. Maybe he was in his shared room, but that would be out of character for him. He wasn't the type to isolate himself in his bedroom, especially not in the middle of the afternoon. You thought that he could be playing the guitar, or he could have got a day pass and not be in the asylum at all. However, you decided to stop overthinking and just check his room; if he wasn't there, you'd just wait for him to return. Approaching the door, a fluttering sensation started filling your stomach while you held the wrapped keychain in your hand. You caught the sound of distant breathy groans and tried to peek through the small window, but the blinds were pulled down. Perhaps he was sleeping, but you still wanted to surprise him, so you pushed the door open and walked inside. 
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Your eyes widened, seeing the scene that was unfolding before you.  The room was quite dark, only being illuminated by a little ray of sunlight that peeked through the closed curtains. Campbell was sitting on his bed, his cheeks pink and his mouth slightly open as he let out heavy, sharp breaths. His back was leaning against the headboard, which would make little squeaky sounds whenever he moved. Your eyes travelled down to his hands. His left one resting on his lower stomach, twitching slightly, and his right one moving up and down under his boxers, palming his cock before stroking it in slow and long motions.  Then, Campbell's gaze met yours. He jumped and quickly removed his hand from his underwear, before pulling up his trousers and draping the blanket over his body. 
“Lass!” He exclaimed and took an anxious breath. “ye're early.” Campbell mumbled with a mortified look on his face. His shaky arms tightly held the blanket to his chest. 
“Oh! So-Sorry I'll leave.” You let out, not knowing what else to do in this situation. Your cheeks were also pink now, and, as much as you wanted to turn around and disappear, your body wasn't responding. 
“Fergus sneaked oot… for the day, and I didn't think ye'd be comin' until dinner, so…” His eyes moved to your hand, and he tilted his head. “What's that?”.  You looked at the present and cleared your throat. With all this situation, you almost forgot about it. “What?… Oh… I got you something.” He leaned forward slightly and smiled.
“Aw, really? Yer so lovely.”
This was weird; should you just give it to him? The most normal thing to do would be to come back later, but you had been dying to see his reaction ever since you bought it. You awkwardly approached the bed and sat on the edge, handing him the gift without touching his hands. He eagerly took it and began breaking the wrapping paper with his still shaky fingers. Once the broken pieces of paper were scattered around the bed, he held the little keychain and looked at it with a huge smile on his face. “F-For the radio station keys” you quietly explained, looking at him. “Do you like it?”
“It’s brilliant; I love it! I'd hug ye right noo, but I haven't washed ma hands.” He responded, looking at you with a big happy smile. He loved it, and his excitement made you want to hug him too.
“I don't care, c’mere.” You opened your arms, and he quickly leaned forward and embraced you, holding you tightly while softly shaking you around. 
“Ye're too sweet!” He told you as he nuzzled the crook of your neck. His fingers started tracing circles on your back, which filled your stomach with butterflies. Campbell had always been clingy and touchy, it wasn't unusual for him to hug you or caress you. But you had just caught him jerking off, and you couldn't deny you liked the sight.
“Ye didnae have to get me anything.” He moved his face in front of yours and placed his left hand on your cheek. “I know, but I wanted to.” His thumb started brushing your cheek, and your breath got caught in your throat. Even though he was usually a bundle of nerves and energy, he was trying to be gentle and caring, as if he didn't want to scare you away. 
“Sorry for interrupting you." You joked in an attempt to make the whole situation less weird, but it didn’t help at all, as regret filled your whole body when that sentence came out of your mouth.  You should've shut up and avoided acknowledging what you saw, acting as if it never happened and never mentioned it again — or at least that's what you wished you would've done. But it was hard to avoid talking about the only thing that was on your mind when he hugged you, when he rubbed his hands on your back, and when you could feel his hot breath on your neck. 
“Oh, dinnae remind me,” he chuckled. "Sorry ye had to see that.” “It's fine; it was just kind of... unexpected.” He looked away and smiled.
“It was embarrassin’, ah'm still embarrassed.” “Don't be; you looked kind of hot.”  You let out without thinking and felt your cheeks burning. You didn't know why you said that; maybe you just wanted him to feel better. He obviously did look hot, that was true, but you would've never said it to his face. You usually tried to be more subtle, with some innocent flirting here and there, never like this.  He smiled, lifting his eyebrows. “Ye're sae mean.” His gaze shifted to your lips. “Teasin' me when Ah'm... like this.” He laughed quietly and briefly looked away.  Your lips parted after you licked them, and your heart started thundering in your chest. “I mean, it was a good sight.”  He lightly pressed his thumb against your lower lip, softly playing with it. “Ye didnae even let me finish before breakin' into ma room.” His hand held your chin and brought you closer. “I didn't break into-” You tried to finish your sentence, but the feeling of Campbell's mouth on yours interrupted you. He placed a quick kiss on your lips and moved away instantly.  “Shit— Ah'm sorry.” He said quietly, his voice barely a whisper, “I wasn't thinkin'.”  Campbell looked down awkwardly, he seemed more embarrassed about the sudden kiss than about you catching him in the middle of pleasuring himself.  You let out a chuckle and took his arm, pulling him closer again. “Shut up.” He looked at you with a puzzled expression, and you kissed his lips again, wrapping his arm around your waist and making him press you onto his body. He moved his free hand to the back of your head, his fingers scratching your hair as you intertwined your arms around his neck. 
You kept kissing for longer, lightly brushing your tongue against his lips, feeling his breath getting huskier and his grip squeezing you tighter. His kisses were a bit sloppy, you could tell that he was nervous and that he hadn’t done much kissing before, well, you knew that. He had shamelessly told you plenty of times how he couldn’t wait to get discharged to go to some party and lose his virginity.  He wanted to get drunk with his friends, meet a pretty girl to get her a drink, and take her home. And he was sweet about it, making endless unrealistic plans of spoiling that girl, taking her on holidays to the beach, and making her the happiest woman in the world. You had always fantasized about being that girl, wishing that he would see you the way you did, and getting a bit sad every time he talked about having to find her when you were right there, waiting. But now you were kissing him, and he was kissing you back. Leaning onto the bed, resting his back on the headboard, and pulling you against him.
Campbell hesitantly bit your lower lip, delicately sucking it into his mouth and trying not to hurt you, while you placed your hand on his chest.
“Y'okay?” He whispered after separating for a moment. He was still playing with your hair as he looked at you with his big brown eyes, eyebrows furrowing in worry.  “Mhm.” You licked your lips and gave him a small smile. “Are you?”  “Aye.” He smiled back and leaned in to kiss you again.  Campbell began to feel more confident, moving his hand up and down your waist and giving little caresses with his long fingers. His tongue was exploring your mouth, and his hand started sliding down your side and lingering on your lower half. You knew he craved to touch you, but he was too nervous to make a move. So you took his hand and moved it to your ass, which he instantly squeezed whilst he held your hair tighter.
You moved closer, sitting on his lap and sliding your hands under his striped T-shirt, sensing his skin quivering beneath your fingertips. Campbell pulled your head back by your hair and moved his lips to your neck, kissing and sucking, sending shivers down your spine. A little moan escaped your lips when he started nibbling your skin, which caused him to make his hold tighter. His eager lips released a soft groan as he pushed his hips up unconsciously, his body aching for some kind of friction to relieve the pain between his legs.  Your hand began sliding down his abdomen, resting on his lower stomach while tracing your fingers along his waistband. The more you moved with him and pressed your thighs against his legs, the wetter your soaked panties became.  You couldn't shake the mental image of him touching himself. You wanted to feel him, to get your hand under his pants, and make him squirm to your touch.  But this was his first time, and you were still in an asylum after all; going further was way too risky, but it was also so really tempting. As you kissed passionately, your bodies kept moving in sync, hips pressing firmly and rubbing against each other, making you both struggle to suppress the escalating urge to moan.  “…can I?” you murmured quietly, your fingers playing with the elastic of his pants while he moved to look at you with an amused expression. “Really?” His breath got caught in his throat, and he quickly nodded enthusiastically, “Aye, o' course.” While your gaze remained fixed on his face, your hand made its way to his groin, pausing there for a moment. “You sure?” You asked again.  Campbell tucked your hair behind your ear. “Aye, please,” he responded eagerly, “but ye dinnae have to do anythin' if ye dinnae want to.”  From his nose down to his neck, you planted soft kisses that turned into gentle sucking, causing small moans to escape his kiss-swollen lips. You then moved your hand to his crotch, pressing and palming it in a slow, rhythmic motion. With a long sigh, he squeezed your ass, his fingers sliding under your shirt to caress your skin. Heavy breaths escaped him as his digits toyed with the hem of your bra. “Can I touch ye? Please?” he requested breathlessly. You nodded towards his neck, feeling his hand slip beneath your bra, cupping your boob, and tracing circles with his thumb around your hard nipple. While you continued kissing his neck, you unbuttoned his jeans, and, with a lift of his hips, he helped you slide them down to his knees.  Campbell held the bottom of your shirt and glanced at you, silently seeking your consent to take it off. Once more, you nodded, raising your arms for him to swiftly remove the shirt and admire your body. “Yer so beautiful.” He whispered softly and began gently caressing your sides, his fingertips gliding over your skin as they returned to your bra. You gently stroked him through his boxers, moving slowly, sensing the tension in his muscles building. Gasping in your ear, he fumbled with his hands, the movement becoming sloppier as his fingers trembled slightly. He brushed them under the hook of your bra, locking eyes with you while you nodded once more. Your bra loosened, and he slid it down your arms, pausing to meet your gaze briefly before returning to fondle your breasts whilst planting kisses from your neck down to the curve of your collarbones.  Moving to your cleavage, Campbell's tongue brushed its way to your nipple. He grasped your breast with his big hand and sucked you into his mouth, flicking his tongue and letting out sharp breaths. 
“Is that okay?” he asked gently, looking up at you with a caring expression.  "Yeah,” you whimpered, and he smiled before going back to sucking on your nipples.  He was getting harder under your hand, wet spots forming on his boxers as you slowly palmed him. You were being painfully subtle, moving slowly and teasing him, enjoying the sound of his eager sighs and groans. So, with a tender touch, you slipped your fingers beneath his underwear, gently tracing along his lower abdomen without moving any further.  “God, lass, ye're killin' me,” he whined, breathing heavily against your chest, “please, jist touch me already.”  Amused by his needy attitude, you decided to cease the teasing, planting a sweet kiss on the top of his head and removing his boxers. Looking at his arousal, you nervously bit your lip, your gaze switching between his hard cock and his hungry eyes. You took a deep breath and spat on your palm, and a sharp gasp from Campbell echoed at the sight. Your hand inched towards his erection, fingers brushing the underside of its length, provoking a responsive twitch to your touch. You softly held him, circling around the head, rubbing some spit and precum on it, and gliding your fingers along his sensitive slit.
Campbell quickly turned into a whimpering mess, attempting to stifle his moans while you barely even touched him. As your grip tightened slightly, moving up and down his shaft, his rhythmic breathing hitched, his body melting under your touch when you started going faster.  “Mmm… Jesus,” he whimpered, his hand trembling as it reached for your neck, caressing it lazily. 
“Is that good?” you asked with a cheeky smile.  His glazy eyes fell on yours, his lips parting slightly. “Mhm,” he whined, “it feels so good.” He jerked his hips in a slow rhythm, gently thrusting into your hand and panting with each motion.  “Really?” you responded in a playful tone, spitting on his cock again to keep your movements smooth. “Want it to feel better?”  Campbell’s eyes lit up, and he nodded almost desperately. His words caught in his throat; all he managed to respond was a faint “Please,” uttered almost silently. You scooted down from his lap, now kneeling between his shaky legs while you set your hair behind your ears. His mouth dried when he felt you placing a kiss on his tip. Moving quickly, he brushed your hair away from your face — putting it in a makeshift ponytail — and a low groan escaped him when he felt your breath on his skin, his cock twitching against your tongue as you brushed it up his side. Then, you made contact with his tip, swirling your tongue around the head and dipping it into his slit. You placed your hand on his hip, balancing yourself and finally letting him into your mouth. 
You began slowly, sucking gently and moving your head up and down while glancing up at him. He was admiring you, his slightly open mouth letting out grunts and sharp breaths when he ran his fingers through your hair. After a few minutes, you started bobbing your head in deeper motions, taking most of his length into your mouth and feeling it hitting the back of your throat. The room's silence was broken by Campbell's breathy moans and the wet sounds of your choking and slurping.
At that moment, everything about you appeared beautiful to him — your cheeks softly hollowing around his cock, the saliva running down your chin from your swollen lips, and your pretty watery eyes. With his free hand, he was using his thumb to gently dry your tears while using the other to guide your head, urging it to move faster. He was holding back, resisting the urge to hold your head and start fucking your throat, but he wanted to be gentle with you and let you take the lead, knowing that you had more experience than him and you definitely knew what you were doing. He wasn’t going to last much longer anyway; the feeling of your mouth and tongue all over his cock was too intense for him.
“Ahh… Ah'm gonna…” he whimpered, his eyes shut and his hand starting to grip your hair when his whole body tensed up.  You pulled him out of your mouth, still jerking him off. “Are you gonna come?” You teased him and kept stocking him quickly as he moaned, “Mmm… Aye, please… ahh” “Come for me, darling.” You groaned, letting him pound your hand until thick strands of come splattered over your palm and his shirt. Your hand kept moving up and down through his orgasm, slowing down until he collapsed onto the headboard with a little smile on his face, taking a moment to catch his breath and recover. “Ah… thank you” Campbell purred and opened his eyes. He glanced at his clothes, letting out a chuckle. “What a mess.” He murmured under his breath, removing his T-shirt and using it to wipe your chin, hand, and himself before planting a soft kiss on your lips.  “You’re so gross,” you laughed, “could've washed my hands.”  “No,  ye're no goin' anywhere." He threw his T-shirt on the floor and pulled you into a hug, holding you and eagerly placing a bunch of soft kisses over your face. “Yer so perfect.” "Relax, Campbell,” you grinned, and he continued squeezing you into his arms.  “I cannae,” he cheered and kissed you again. “Cannae believe this just happened."  “Okay, let’s calm down." When he loosened his grip, you drew him onto your body, cradling him while he rested his head against your bare chest. His pounding heart began to gradually slow down, and his embrace was no longer crashing you, so you covered yourselves with the blanket and kissed his forehead. “How are you feeling?” you asked, and he looked at you.  “Brilliant, Ah'm gonna remember this day forever,” he grinned and started caressing your arm. “Ah'm gonna remember the keychain, Ah'm gonna remember you coming through the door, Ah'm gonna remember yer pretty face…” 
With a smile, you held onto him, watching as he continued ranting and rubbing your skin with his long fingers. And then, you heard the sound of the radio echoing through the corridor's speakers. 
Up until that point, a stream of uninterrupted music had been playing. However, when Francine announced the final song, Campbell let out a sigh and buried his face against your shoulder.  Despite not wanting to acknowledge it, you knew that as soon as the show ended, the corridors would become crowded with patients and nurses. Dinner was about to start, and Isabel wouldn’t hesitate to walk in the room and drag you both if you weren’t there.  “We should get dressed,” you said, and he whined, squeezing tightly, “Come on, we’ll miss dinner."  “Ah'm really cosy,” he protested, nuzzling your neck. "Dinnae wanna move."  “Wanna get in trouble? You’ll miss your cocoa,” you responded, giggling and nudging his arm. He shook his head without looking up. “Get up then.”  Rising from the bed, Campbell began to get dressed, throwing on his colour-block hoodie and jeans. You, too, put your top back on and retrieved his dirty T-shirt from the floor. “You’re never getting the stains out,” you teased before tossing it into the laundry basket.  “I dinnae care,” he responded and walked to you, placing his hand on your cheek, “it was so worth it."  You smiled, he pecked your lips one last time. He took the keychain, adding it to his key, and placed them in his pocket. Then, he took your hand while opening the door. “Ready?” he asked, as he placed a kiss on your knuckles.  “Yeah, let’s go.”  Campbell gave your hand a squeeze and cheerfully walked you out of the room.  “Ach, I nearly forgot! How'd yer weekend go, then?” He asked, lovingly gazing at you while waiting to hear all of your adventures outside the asylum.  When you decided to return to the asylum before you initially intended to, you could've never expected for any of this to happen. However, as Campbell led you through the corridors with the happiest smile on his face, you realized that you had made the right choice, and you would not change it for anything.
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This is the first fic i've written in ages so I hope you liked it. If you have any prompts for Campbell fics x reader fics let me know and ill take a look :). Like, rb, and follow if you enjoyed it, and thanks for reading!
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sweetchildcloud · 1 month
Hi I have a request...well hello... Sorry I don't know what else to say so I'll just skip to the part where I put in my request. I want to ask for Gojo with a f!reader who is also a special grade sorcerer. She felt under strain from her excessive number of missions and was slowly falling to the dark side like Geto, and she always acted like she was fine when she was with Gojo but was still somehow discovered by him. I've been feeling down a lot lately and everything is stressing me out. I'm having lots of negative thoughts. I really need a hug (long hug, lots of hug) or some comforts.
||Don't fall|| written by me
Gojo x f!reader| Minors DNI| TRIGGER WARNING
Tags:overworked reader,depression,Gojo x reader,cute,fluff,swearing
i'm no english native so sorry for some mistakes
please reblog 🔁 and like❤️
P.s: it was kinda difficult writing this but i hope you like it darling and im writing this at 12:12 am
@muzansslxt @candy69gurl @kiwicopia
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You, a special grade sorcerer yourself, have a massive burden on your shoulders. You get assigned an unusual amount of missions and are constantly pushing yourself to the limit. Your resolve is being tested, and you are slowly falling to the dark side just like Geto did.
When around Gojo, you try to act like everything is fine and act like nothing has changed. But somehow, he's still noticed. You're starting to lose hope, and his concern for you is the only thing keeping you from slipping completely.
"Are you okay?" Gojo asks quietly, stepping closer to you. You pretend that everything is fine, but he can clearly see through it. He's always had a way of reading you like a book.
You shrug, trying to hide the fact that you're on the brink of burnout. "I'm fine" you say, putting up a brave face. "Just tired"
"You're working too hard" Gojo says, his voice softer than usual. He's worried about you, and it shows. "I know these missions are important, but I'm worried about you."
His concern is the only thing keeping you from slipping even further onto the path of darkness. You shrug again, trying to pretend like it's nothing, but you know the truth. You're not fine.
"I'll be fine." You try to sound convincing, but Gojo knows you well enough to see through your facade. You're hiding how overworked and stressed out you are, and he knows it. "I'm just tired" you repeat, trying to sound more confident than you actually feel.
This isn't the first time he's voiced his concern about you, but you're adamant that you can handle it. You try to be strong and push through despite how exhausted you are. You want to prove that you can do this.
"I know you're strong…" Gojo says, staring at you intently. You can't help but meet his gaze. His eyes seem to pierce right through you.
"… But you can't keep working yourself this hard. You're burning out. I'm worried about you."
He's right, and now you're starting to admit it. You've been pushing yourself too hard for too long, and it's finally taking its toll on you. You can feel your resolve slipping away, and it scares you.
"I'll… I'll be fine" you say again, your voice wavering slightly this time. You feel like you've been pushing yourself too hard for far too long, and it's catching up with you. Gojo's concern is starting to get to you, and you're starting to admit that you're not alright.
"I promise you" you add firmly, trying to convince yourself as much as him. "I can handle it. I just need to keep pushing."
"You're starting to sound like Geto." Gojo says softly, his tone laced with worry. He knows how intense Geto was when it came to his missions, always refusing to take breaks or time off. He's scared that you're turning into him.
You try to assure Gojo that you're nothing like Geto, but he doesn't seem convinced. He knows you too well to believe that just because you say you're fine that means you really are. He's stubborn, and he won't quit until he knows that you're truly alright.
“I’m not like Geto.” You try to argue, but even you know that you sound more and more like him with every passing day. You can hear the similarities in your own tone, and it’s unnerving.
Gojo seems unconvinced, and his expression remains serious. He doesn't want you to go down the same path as Geto. The two of you have grown closer over the last few months, and he's seen how much you're struggling. He's trying to keep you on the right track.
"Afraid that i will leave you or kill some "monkey"?" You asked sternly
“Both, actually” Gojo replies curtly, a hint of playfulness in his tone despite the seriousness of the conversation. He is completely aware that you have developed a short temper and tendency towards hostility over the past few months. He is also aware that you are slowly descending deeper into darkness.
“The monkey comment was a bit uncalled for though…” Gojo adds, unable to contain a smirk.
"Well that what humans are,monkeys who fights and kill other humans for their own benifith no? so why i cant get rid of those monkeys?" You asked sounding serious looking at Gojo.
"Because that would make you no better than them." Gojo replies, his tone once again hardening. "Humans can be cruel, yes, but that doesn't give you the right to act as judge, jury, and executioner. Killing without mercy simply because you have the power to do so is not right."
Gojo is trying to appeal to your sense of morality. He knows you have the power to do many terrible things, the power that Geto also possessed. But he wants you to stay on the path of justice.
"That's what Geto did, and look where he ended up" Gojo adds quietly. "He became a twisted, vengeful person who only sought to spread destruction."
He doesn't want you to go down the same path as Geto. The last thing the world needs is another Geto. You have the power to do many great things, but you also have the power to cause tremendous damage.
"And what's the difference between me and him?" you ask sharply, your tone harsh as you try to justify your actions. "I have the ability to eliminate those I deem unworthy, so why shouldn't I?"
Your morals have become twisted over time, tainted by the power of darkness. You're slowly starting to believe that ending the lives of people you deem as unworthy is the only way to truly restore peace. Gojo's concern is starting to grow.
"Because you're not supposed to kill those you deem unworthy" Gojo replies quietly, the playfulness now gone from his tone. He's starting to realize just how far you've fallen down the path towards madness. "We're sorcerers, not god. We don't get to decide who lives and who dies."
Gojo is trying to remind you of your duty as a sorcerer, to hunt cursed spirits and protect the innocent. He's trying to convince you that what you're doing is wrong and that it'll only end in more destruction.
"But why are we supposed to protect the ignorant weak mortals?" you ask, a hint of disdain in your voice. "We have the power to punish and rid the world of them, so why shouldn't we?"
You're starting to sound more and more like Geto every time you speak. Gojo's concern is reaching a fever pitch. He knows that if you continue with this way of thinking, there's no turning back.
"Because they're people." Gojo replies, his voice becoming more and more forceful. "They're not animals that need to be punished simply because they're weaker than us. They're human just like us, and they deserve to live."
He's trying to appeal to your humanity, hoping to get you to see them as fellow human beings instead of "weak mortals" that need to be punished. He's trying to get you to remember who you used to be, before you started to fall.
"And look what they did to me,to us! they don't fucking care,even if we kill a spirit they will blame us for other stuff and i work for those fucking ungrateful monkeys!" you shouted as you broke down crying
Gojo listens as you vent, letting down the walls you've built up around yourself. The pain and bitterness in your voice is clear to him, and he can see how much you have come to resent humans.
He's aware of your struggles, the way that humans have let you down and blamed you for things that weren't your fault. It's the reason you now have this deep-seated hatred of them.
He understands your hurt, but he still doesn't think that that justifies taking lives indiscriminately.
“I know you’ve been through a lot, and those humans did you wrong” Gojo says, speaking slowly and calmly, trying to reassure you while also being firm with you. “But you can’t just turn around and do the same to them. That’s not justice. It’s only fueling the cycle of hatred and death.”
He wants you to see the bigger picture, to realize that punishing humans isn’t the answer. He’s trying to appeal to your sense of morality, trying to get you to understand that killing isn’t the solution.
Gojo notices the cracks forming in the ground beneath your feet, and he immediately tries to step in to comfort you. He knows that your emotions are running rampant and that your power is becoming unchecked.
He quickly moves to your side, wrapping his arms around you in a warm embrace. He can feel your pain, your hurt, and your confusion surrounding everything that's happened. He knows that you're struggling, and he's trying his best to provide you with the comfort and support that you need.
"Shh, it's alright…" Gojo whispered, gently running his hands through your hair. "Shh, take a deep breath…"
His voice is calming and reassuring, filled with understanding and compassion that you haven't felt in a long while. He's trying to soothe you, to ease the chaos inside you. He's trying his best to make you feel heard and cared for.
"Look at me…" He says quietly, holding your face gently. "Look at me…"
Gojo wants you to focus on him, to get your mind out of the place it's currently in. He's trying to ground you, to pull you out of the spiral of emotions you've found yourself in.
"Breathe…" He says calmly, gently brushing away the stray tears from your cheeks. "Just breathe…"
Gojo is trying to help you calm down and get your emotions under control.
"Okay…" Your breathing starts to slow to a normal rate, and your emotions begin to stabilize. Gojo keeps his arms around you, continuing to hold you tightly. He's not letting go until you're completely calm and in control again.
He continues to hold you, not leaving your side until you have managed to calm down completely. He's offering you the comfort and support that you so badly need right now. He's not going to leave until you're back to your usual self.
Gojo understands your emotions better than anyone else. He knows how much pain and suffering you've gone through. He knows how much you've been mistreated and betrayed. He knows how much you've been hurt, and he wants to make it all go away.
"I…I'm better now" you say quietly, finally taking a deep breath and managing to compose yourself. You are still in his arms, and he does not seem inclined to let you go just yet.
He keeps you close, not letting you get away until he is sure that you are truly okay and no longer spiraling. He's worried about you, and he's willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that you're safe and in control.
You stiffened when you felt Gojo snuggling his cheek in the crook of your neck and shoulder "G..gojo?"
Gojo doesn't answer immediately, the silence hanging in the air between you as he continued to hold you close. His cheek is nuzzled against your neck, his arms still wrapped tightly around you.
It feels… surprisingly comforting, having him so close to you like this. You've never had anyone cuddle with you in such a manner before… and it feels nice. Maybe too nice.
"Hmm?" Gojo asks after a moment, his voice low and quiet. He's still holding you close to his body, his arms wrapped around you tightly as if he won't let go anytime soon.
You can feel the tension building between you, both emotionally and physically. The way that he's holding you… it makes your body tingle with awareness. There's a spark between you that's palpable, and the longer you are in this position, the hotter it burns.
"no..nothing..just…" you wrapped your hands around his torso underneath his arms "don't let go"
"Never." Gojo replies simply, not moving an inch. If anything, he only holds you closer to his body, pressing you even more firmly against him as he refuses to let you go.
The physical contact between the two of you is intense, almost too much to bear. Your bodies are so close that you can almost feel every muscle straining at the touch. Your hands wrap around his torso, your grip tightening, and he seems to take comfort in the way that you cling to him.
Gojo leans his head slightly down, his cheek pressing softly against your neck. You can feel his breath tickling your skin, and you find yourself leaning into him. He's so warm and close to you, and you're finding it hard to resist the urge to push the boundaries and get even closer.
The electricity in the air grows stronger with every passing moment, both of you feeling the tension between you. Your hands move up to the small of his back, and he holds you even tighter.
He pulls you even closer, feeling a surge of warmth radiate from within his body as he holds you in his arms. His body's heat is soothing your soul and helping to fill the empty void within you.
The exhaustion and depression you still feel melts away slightly as you bury yourself further into his chest, pressing yourself into his warm embrace. You're finding more and more comfort in a position you haven't been in before, and you can feel a slight smile on your face despite everything that has happened.
Gojo continues to hold you tightly, not letting go for a second. His arms are strong, yet comfortable as he holds you to his chest. You can feel his breathing quicken as you lay your head against his body, his warmth seeping into your own.
The fatigue you still feel slowly melts away, replaced by a feeling of contentment and safety. You're starting to relax, to feel at ease. You're feeling more and more comfortable in his arms, and you have a creeping sense of safety that is starting to take root inside your mind.
Gojo continues to hold you in his arms, his own fatigue melting away as well. The physical contact between the two of you is refreshing, easing the weight of the tension on both of your bodies.
You can feel the tiredness slowly fade away the longer you stay in this position, your breathing beginning to slow again and your mind becoming quieter with each passing second. The safety you're feeling is both physical and emotional, his presence offering you an outlet to relax and a sense of comfort that you've been missing for so long.
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strangesthirdeye · 16 days
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ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ɢᴏ ( ᴄʀᴏᴡʟᴇʏ x ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ ғᴇᴍ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)
Summary: when he can't let go of you
Warning: IT'S CROWLEY! OF COURSE WE LOVE HIM, human reader, heavy Angst, sad, bomb, taking a place where 1941, Crowley rescues Aziraphale from being shot by Nazi spies, death reader but alive reader, broken, sad, hurt, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, dark themes? Major injuries, explosion, blood
As usual, I'm sorry if there are any wrong sentences or typos or grammatical mistakes, please forgive me and again English is not my first language, so I try to improve my language and writing in this way.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You always find it charming when Crowley being all shy and awkward around you who is a human who doesn't have any privileges like he is a Demon. He has a miracle which you find quite fascinating while you are just a human working in a cafe near the Church. The first time he told you that he was a Demon, you were silent for a moment. Not knowing how to react but then you said it was a joke and told him that he is an angel in your eyes which he kind of cringed at Angel's sentence.
But then, when he showed you his snake eyes, forking tongue and his ability to perform miracles, you seemed impressed and stunned. Never have you seen that humans can have all these kinds of unusual things let alone make a miracle. But then later, you believe in him that he is a Demon. Although you were a bit hesitant at first because you know that Demons can do all kinds of mischievous things, but seeing that Crowley is not 'that' type (but it is a little) you are finally relieved from the kind of unwanted feeling of caution.
And this made Crowley fall in love with you because never as long as he was on earth did people treat him as well and respectfully as you. And this is leading him to help you with your cafe. The first time he was at your cafe was because he needed a strong shot of bitter coffee which later made him addicted to coming to your cafe until he became a regular customer of your cafe which lead to you getting to know him and so on.
You always greeted him with a smile and eyes twinkling with stars, making his demonic heart beat faster whenever he catches a sight of you. And this also led him to confess his feelings to you which you returned with the same feelings. Not because he is your regular customer or he always helps you, it's because you see the opposite of him that only you can see. Although he is a demon and demons should do bad things but Crowley, he is not that one.
Although Crowley always denied that he was not nice or that he hated the word 'Nice' he sure acted like one which made you stifled your laugh when you remembered that.
Fast forward to 1941, where world war started. Nazi spies everywhere regardless of time and place make you feel threatened and unsafe as your Cafe is close to the Church and well Cafe is a place where everyone hangs out other than a bar. So of course there will be Nazi spies hangout in your Cafe even if you don't know if it is Nazi or not. It's just that they are good at disguise.
You always do your work as usual although you are a little aware of the current situation which makes you a little uncomfortable with all that. You don't see your lover for a few days because currently he has something in another place stating that he needs to tempt someone in another place which left you confused and a little jealous because well it's a temptation what else do you not understand? But knowing Crowley, he's not the type who likes to cheat behind his lover's back.
He's a Demon, of course he can do anything but when it comes to you, he has a limit. Crowley himself did not believe in himself to become attached to human. Never in his life would he fall in love with a normal human being. And he still thinks about that. Most people will be afraid when he tells you that he is a Demon but you. You admire him and love him. Of course Aziraphale sees that Crowley is different from what other beings expect but you. You are just you. A human who always admires someone sincerely, sees himself as a different person that only you can see.
And this just made Crowley grab your face and crash his lips on you desperately. Pouring all his love and everything to you without a care in the world or Hell. And this also makes Crowley smile at himself like a teenager whose love is reciprocated while he is hiding behind the wall in the Church where Aziraphale is exchanging his books that he himself does not want to exchange with Nazi spies that he himself knows and does not know that there are other Nazi spies that he hired as his savior. And his reasons for being in that church? To steal holy water in abundance.
His skin feels hot when his skin is close to the church wall while his two legs fight for their lives to ease the hotness on the church floor.
'dammit, Aziraphale.' He cursed in his heart. He just wants to steal the holy water and go from there and be with you. Simple but well Aziraphale is the one who makes his simple plan difficult. It's not Aziraphale's fault that he needs a meeting at the Church, blame those Nazi spies.
But that didn't last long as Aziraphale, in full panic and helpless surrounded by Nazi spies which led to Crowley to tap dancing into the Church and save Aziraphale.
"In about a minute, a German bomber will release a bomb that will land right here. If you all run away very, very fast, you might not die. You won't enjoy dying, definitely not what comes after." Crowley smirked as he leaned his arm against the bench.
"You expect us to believe that? The bombs tonight will fall on the East End." Glozier said arrogantly.
"Yes. It would take a last minute demonic intervention to throw them off-course, yes. You're all wasting your valuable running-away time. And if, in 30 seconds, the bomb does land here, it would take a real miracle for my friend and I to survive it." he exchanged glances with Aziraphale who caught what he meant.
"A real miracle?" Aziraphale said.
"Kill them. They are very irritating." Harmony ordered.
But then suddenly, Crowley snapped his fingers and pointed his fingers at the ceiling of the Church. The sound of whistle was heard above the sky and echoed in the church making everyone except the two celestial beings confused and open mouthed. Aziraphale looked at the ceiling of the church nervously. Next thing he knows, they both miraculously survived the bomb blast.
The whole place near the church was destroyed and burned. Civilians who did not have time to save themselves were killed in the explosion. In fact everything is chaos and nothing survives but the two celestial beings.
Air raid sirens sound loud and people screaming in the background.
Crowley wiped his black tinted glasses with his handkerchief before putting them back on.
'Fuck, the holy water is gone' Crowley scoffed.
"That was very kind of you" Aziraphale muttered.
Crowley glared at him. "shut up"
"Well, it was. No paperwork, for a start... oh, the books! Oh, I forgot all the books! Oh, they'll all be blown to-"
Crowley grunted as he snatched the suitcase from one of the dead men's hands. It's perfectly intact, like the books inside it. He hands it to Aziraphale sloppily.
"Little demonic miracle of my own. Lift home?" Crowley offered but then he stopped as he realized something.
Aziraphale looked at him confused.
The church, bomb, you, cafe. Crowley quickly rushes towards your once to be cafe which is now only rumble and debris. He knows you are still working at the cafe now because your cafe hasn't closed yet but how come he forgot that your cafe is close to the church.
The explosion was too big to blow up anything close to it and your Cafe was one of the affected. Crowley is not a person who prays but in this situation he prays that you are safe and not at the Cafe even he knows that you are at the Cafe at this time. His eyes widened as he reached the site of your Cafe which no longer looks like a cafe. A raging fire burned everything, stones and debris around the place. Dead bodies everywhere and under rumbles. Everything is destroyed.
Aziraphale gasped for breath behind Crowley after chasing him to get here. He looked around and his face held a horror expression when he saw the gruesome scenes in front of him. He looked at Crowley who was stiff in front of the Cafe.
"Y/N!!" Crowley shouted as he ran towards your destroyed Cafe.
His hands lifted and dug the rumble that gathered there with desperation. Even though his fingers are sore and cut with sharp stones, his hands are still working to find you. Aziraphale looked at him with concern.
"Crowley, what happened-"
"Help me, Angel!" Crowley shouted, the hint of sadness in his tone made Aziraphale automatically step forward and help him.
Aziraphale was a little stunned after hearing that Crowley begged him to help him. He never saw this side of Crowley, helpless and desperate. He doesn't know who Crowley is talking about but seeing him this helpless and broken, he helps him with determination.
As Crowley's injured hands dug and lifted the large stone with the help of Aziraphale, he stiffened when he saw a hand with a ring on a pale and dusty finger under the large stone. The same ring he gave you to show how much he loves you.
Crowley recognized your pale hand before he kneeled and started to lift and dig the rest of the rumble that covered your body quickly. Aziraphale was dumbfounded seeing the scenes before he too helped Crowley to remove your figure from all the rumble and debris.
Crowley's cheeks were wet with tears while his lips never stopped calling your name desperately as he got you out of there. Your eyes are closed tightly, face covered with wounds and debris, blood is flowing from your head and body and your skins pale with how much blood you lost. Not counting how many bones you break in your body.
Your body temperature becomes cold as if you live in a cold place. Warm skins and smiles that you have disappeared. Crowley hugged your sickly pale and broken body against his body tightly. Your head on his chest as he stared in front of him with wide eyes behind his tinted black glasses. Tears fell down his cheeks.
Aziraphale fell to his knees by his side while his eyes focusing on your limp body. "Crowley" Aziraphale tried to call him but he was met with silence.
Crowley still couldn't believe this was happening. The day he dreads when it comes to you. His still too shocked and did not utter any words. His smart suit is ruined with dust and blood. Your blood. Your blood is still flowing out of your body and yet your body temperature drops as if your spirit left this world quickly. Without saying goodbye.
Crowley angling your head upwards to his face while his face looked down to see your peaceful face. His face holds a feeling of desperation and sadness when he sees your face. Thumb stroke your cheek gently.
"no.. no" Crowley whispered before he closed his eyes and kissed the top of your head with anguish sounds heard from his throat indicating that he held himself from screaming.
He sniffles and takes a deep breath before taking off his glasses. His eyes glossy with tears. Aziraphale intended to put his hand on Crowley's shoulder, but he was unable to do so when he witnessed it.
Crowley kept your head closed to his chest tightly without letting go. He's not ready to let you go and he's not ready to watch you leave him. He was helpless and in denial. He cannot accept that you have gone and left him. It's all his fault. If he knows that the bomb will land in the church, of course he will take you away from your cafe. But he knew that the bomb landed in the church and yet he didn't take you away from your cafe.
This is all his fault. He did all this. He is the cause of your death. Crowley digested all the bad thoughts on himself helplessly.
He will not be able to hear your sweet voice talking to him, your laughed, your touched and your eyes that always twinkle with stars whenever he is with you. If only he could turn back time and take you away from this place just to see you live happily would be enough for him.
And then, he froze at the sudden thoughts to give you life. If he can bring your spirit where your spirit is back into your body does that mean you will live again? Crowley snapped his head to see your peaceful and lifeless face. If he uses his miracle and finds your spirit and then brings it back into your body, will Hell and Heaven know? Obviously depending on how big a miracle he did to bring you back to life.
He clenched his jaw tightly. He didn't give a fuck about all those things as long as he brings you back. You have a lot more time in this world. He will make you an eternal no matter what, as long as he and you can be together. He always loves you no matter what happens to you if he brings you back to life.
Crowley then moved his hands to cup your head to his chest before he closed his eyes and put his head on top of your head. He searched for your soul using his miracle in a big way making his energy decrease but he doesn't care as long as he can give you life. And when he found it, he snapped and brought you back.
Aziraphale who was still kneeling next to him without caring about his dirty clothes with dust, sensing a huge use of miracle from Crowley. He panicked and glanced at Crowley.
No, this cannot be done. Bringing back human souls that have been taken to the living is forbidden. Hell and Heaven will know this. It is a terrible curse. Not only does it make the human live forever but they don't know if the spirit they bring back is the same spirit they bring back. It could be another spirit that was brought back. It could be a sinister spirit.
If Hell or Heaven knew this, they would be discoporated forever. Crowley risked his life for this human. Who is she to him that makes Crowley willing to risk his life to save her?
"Crowley.. Crowley, no, Crowley! " Aziraphale tried to stop Crowley by trying to release both of Crowley's hands from holding you but Crowley didn't move instead he tightened his hold on you.
A gasped began to be heard in Crowley's arms as Crowley nuzzled his head on your shoulder with relief. His weakened body hugged you tightly as he whispered sweet nothings in your ear.
"breathe, darling.. that's it, breath. Take as many breaths as you need" Crowley whispered in your ear as you panted to get oxygen back into your system.
Your eyes widen looking at the night sky, mouth agape to get oxygen like a fish being taken out of water before you grunted in pain. Crowley shushed you and stroked your head in a comforting way. Trying to ease the pain.
Aziraphale was dumbfounded when he saw the scenes in front of him. Not only Crowley managed to bring you back to life but with how many problems Crowley will face.
"You're okay, you're fine.. You're back, breath.. " Crowley whispered into your ear.
'what have you done, Crowley?' Aziraphale thought with horror struck on his face.
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jkirschteinsgf · 1 year
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𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝖺𝗀𝖾𝖽 𝗎𝗉¡𝖽𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗂 × 𝖿𝖾𝗆¡𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
synopsis ; you're stressed out trying to plan your best friend's birthday party and end up talking back to denji. what's better that making up with sex?
warnings ; denji is 18 and the reader is 19. using of pet names such as "babe". the reader invokes god a few times. denji tries to be dominant but he's a puppy. vaginal sex. oral (both recieving). 69. nipple sucking. fingering. the phrases "you're so slow at everything" [...] "slow down" are inspired by a tiktok.
a/n ; this is my first time writing smut so don't be too hard on me. it's also my first time writing in english, which is not my first language so i apologize in advance for the mistakes. i wanted to write a hard smut with dominant denji but i just can't, he's such a puppy. that's it, i hope you'll like it.
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you loved denji. seriously, you really loved him madly. but, you know, sometimes he was capable of making things really hard for you, especially in stressful situations.
during your best friend's eighteenth birthday party, for example. you had spent weeks planning that surprise party and you wanted everything to be absolutely perfect, starting with the fact that she didn't have to find out anything.
you knew your best friend since elementary school, that's why you also knew that in eighteen years of life no one had ever been able to organize a surprise birthday party for her, she always ended up finding out everything immediately and her favorite entertainment was to torment you to make things up to you more difficult.
for her thirteenth birthday you were tasked with taking her out while her mother decorated the house and brought the guests in, but she – who had already found out everything – insisted on staying at home, just for fun while you racked your brain to find an excuse to take her out.
but this time perhaps you succeeded. your best friend apparently didn't suspect a thing about the party you and power were throwing for her and in about twenty minutes she would have arrived at hayakawa's house convinced that she was spending a quiet evening in the company of her friends and her crush (hayakawa himself).
in fact, the main problem at the time was denji.
certainly he would never do anything mischievously to get you in trouble, but sometimes his naivety could be annoying, and quite a lot.
he wasn't stupid, but at times it seemed like he didn't use his brain to reason, completely devoid of any rational filter, and for you, who needed all the support you could get at that moment, it was frustrating.
you loved your best friend and wanted everything to be perfect for her special day, but with denji continuing to act like… denji it only got more complicated.
for example he had decided to use your smartphone to play subway surfers and the battery had run out, so you had to retrieve the number of the pizzeria online and call the delivery guy on power's cell phone.
then he thought that the dj that hayakawa hired was hitting on you and almost ended up in a fight with him. fortunately, himeno convinced him to stay by incrementing his pay, but denji continued to glare at him throughout the whole evening.
and last but not least he forgot to put the beers you asked for in the fridge and now, minutes into the party, they were still disgustingly warm.
it was too much for you and, thanks to the stress, the heat and the imminent arrival of your friend, you had blurted out against him.
«i'm sorry, babe. i–» he tried to apologize, but you were really at your limit. «enough.» you sentenced. «is it possible that you are so slow at everything?»
he didn't answer, but put his head and ears down like a puppy and you felt extremely guilty.
you regretted what you said an instant after you did it, deep down you didn't really mean it. sure, denji certainly wasn't the smartest man on earth, but he wasn't a fool – maybe just a little bit every now and then – and most of all he was your boyfriend.
you loved that naive side of him that always made you laugh, even when you were angry and, even if his superficiality had bothered you that evening, many times his levity had brightened your day.
he just had… a particular way of thinking.
you were about to apologize, but, for some reason, you didn't. the delivery guy had arrived and you had to pay, beam was drinking the beers instead of putting them in the fridge and you, on the verge of a crisis, hadn't said a word to your boyfriend.
«oi, angel just texted me, they're five minutes away from here.» hayakawa told you and you had to postpone your conversation with denji until later.
«okay guys» you said. «turn off the lights and hide, be prepared to yell "surprise" as they arrive.»
in the end the party had been a success. your best friend really didn't suspect anything and was happy with the surprise. the dj had played some great music and the pizza was delicious, you all had a great time and danced and drank until late, so now only hayakawa (of course, that was his house), power and denji – who lived with him – were left.
you were going to stay over, and your friend, a bit tipsy, dozed off on hayakawa's legs and seemed happier than ever.
«okay bro, goodnight.» denji said after he finished tidying up the kitchen, hayakawa waved back in response.
«power, don't stay up late.» he added then, turning to the girl. «you're not my dad.» she replied. denji smiled and tousled her hair with a loving gesture of his hand, then he slowly walked towards his bedroom, giving you a look and a nod to invite you to go with him.
you followed him, feeling you had to apologize for what you said earlier. his expression after you told him that thing was enough to haunt you all evening.
denji let you in and then closed the door behind you, starting to undress, first unbuttoning a few buttons on his shirt and then pulling it off his head as if it were a t-shirt.
you observed his toned body in the dim light of the abat-jour as he threw his shirt somewhere in the room, you remained leaning against the door. while your mind elaborated the apology speech to address to him your hormones had very different plans.
you had been drinking a bit that night and were unjustifiably excited by the sight of your boyfriend half-naked in front of you, patiently looking at you waiting for your words.
«listen, denji, i–» but he didn't let you finish the sentence, because with a gentle move he took your face in his hands and began to kiss you sensually on the lips.
you felt your legs giving out and you clung to his bare shoulders to keep from falling to your knees.
«i know you're sorry for earlier.» he said between kisses. «i accept your apology, now try to make up for what you did.»
he grabbed your hair and pulled it back to get more access to your neck, which had started kissing and sucking in some spots.
even though you've been dating for a while, every time denji approached for a kiss or a caress you felt like a cloud of butterflies was flying crazily in your stomach. and you loved it.
«sit on the armchair, let's start.» he commanded. you did as he said and went to sit down, he reached you with slow movements and knelt in front of you, gently placing his hands on your knees and spreading them with unexpected force, making you whine in surprise.
you could feel his warm breath against the sensitive skin between your thighs, quivering with anticipation of the things he would do.
he kissed the fabric that covered your pussy, pulling it lightly with his teeth. you arched your back looking for more, but he held you firmly with your ass on the chair.
when it came to sex you were a little impatient, denji, on the other hand, loved to savor every second of the experience, torturing you with his slow and thoughtful movements.
«you know i won't be gentle to you tonight, right?» he said tilting his head to one side. you nodded vigorously, you just wanted him to fuck you so hard you forget your name. weird way to apologize.
he reached under the skirt of your dress and grabbed the edge of your lace panties pulling them down your legs with sensual calm, throwing them somewhere in the room. «you won't need those anymore.» he added with a smirk.
he arranged your legs on his shoulders and started to lick your pussy as if it were a dessert, slowly driving you crazy under the touch of his tongue, holding you still with his strong arms.
with circular movements he began to stimulate your clit, faster and faster eating you out as if he were drunk on you. you moaned covering your mouth with your hand in order to not wake up the others in the living room, and you could feel denji grinning against your pussy, increasing the speed and the depth of the movements.
he used two of his fingers to penetrate you as he continued to lick you, his face buried between your legs. you had your head thrown back against the velvet-covered back of the chair, holding on to the armrests to keep you from starting to moan loudly.
«oh, fuck. denji, slow down. i-i'm about to come.» you said gasping for air. in response he laughed softly making his voice vibrate against your pussy and making you tremble with pleasure.
«i thought i was slow at everything.» he replied, using your words against you as a revenge, now he was looking straight into your eyes as he kept fingering you, deeper and deeper.
«oh, my love.» you moaned, sighing, you felt the orgasm coming and your velvety walls tightened around his fingers. you would like him inside you, you would like him to make you scream, regardless of hayakawa and power in the other room.
even though you came, he hasn't stopped fingering you, now his fingers slowly slipped in and out of you and denji watched them in ecstasy as you shiver with overstimulation.
«s-stop, i already came. i need a minute to–» but you were too worn out to finish even one sentence that night.
«you came, but i didn't.» denji replied kissing you lightly on the mouth. «strip.» he commanded you again, pointing his warm brown eyes straight into yours.
you did as he said, standing up and pulling off your dress and bra as he went to sit on the bed. now you were completely naked and a little unsteady on your legs, you were about to take off your heels, but he told you not to. «i find it hot. you all naked with your heels still on.» he explained with a little smirk, denji had some weird kinks sometimes.
however, you didn't remove them and walked towards him. denji lay down on the bed, raising his head just enough to see you. «sit on my face.» he said with an eloquent wave of his hand.
you did as he said, crawling onto the bed and letting him guide you to his mouth, to pick up where he left off.
he started licking your pussy again, but in the meantime you could hear him undoing his pants zip.
«do you want me to do it for you?» you asked as you ran your fingers gently through his hair. he nodded and let you switch positions to form a sixty-nine.
you gladly did it, freeing his cock from the fabric of his underwear and starting to masturbate it with the precum as a lubricant. denji had the perfect dick, literally. as he fucked you it felt like he was made for you and you couldn't imagine doing it with someone else.
you liked the shape, the thickness and the way he used it to please you. denji liked giving more than receiving when it came to sex, so you never had many opportunities to suck him off, since all the time it was always him who preferred to satisfy you, and not vice versa.
so you were intent on giving him the best blowjob of his life, if only denji hadn't switched his fingers to his tongue once again just so he could say «let's see who comes first.»
«that's not fair!» you protested. «i've already came, i'm more sensitive!»
«whoever comes first must suffer a penance.» he replied, ignoring your point, then put his mouth on your pussy again and started penetrate you with his able tongue.
you buried a moan by taking the tip of his dick into your mouth, licking the precum that was leaking down his length.
he was too big for you to take it all in, so you decided to focus on the top and use your hand to wrap it all around.
but, despite denji's moans, which gradually became louder, you couldn't help but coming first, trembling and quivering, without being able to keep you on your knees anymore.
denji's dick was about to explode, but you knew your boyfriend's durability and you knew you were far from done.
he left you a few moments to recover, you lay on your back on the bed while denji finished undressing completely and took off your heels, placing them near the armchair, as he caressed your legs and ankles.
your boyfriend was so thoughtful and caring towards you that you were even more sorry that you were rude to him before.
you wanted to tell him and apologize, but before you could, he smiled. «penance!» he exclaimed, happy as a child. «i will choose the position.»
his dick was still hard and you could even see swollen veins on it, looking forward the moment he would fuck you.
you were emotionally drained and you just wanted to have him inside you to feel him close, to feel that he wasn't mad at you. you couldn't bear to hurt his feelings, and you couldn't bear an abandonment in that case.
«do whatever you want, babe.» you said, running your fingers through his blonde and soft hair.
you loved him, you loved him, you loved him.
he smiled back at you, resting his cheek on your hand that was stroking his face. he bent down to kiss you and positioned himself between your legs, sliding into you slowly and taking your breath away.
«oh, god.» you said clinging to his shoulders and digging your nails into his skin. perfect. he was just perfect.
«no, not "god", my love. it's me.» he whispered in your ear as he slipped deep inside you.
«oh, denji.» you moaned, wrapping your legs around his hips. he grabbed your thighs and started moving inside you with deep, strong thrusts.
you were squeezed between his toned body and the mattress, but you couldn't feel happier than in your boyfriend's arms.
he was hitting just the right spot and you had to desperately try not to come so fast, you didn't want it to end, you just wanted to have denji inside you for a little longer.
he was kissing your neck, sucking hard on your throat, while one of his hands was holding your body close to his, the other was grabbing your boob.
«oh, denji, please. i'm coming. oh, lord please have mercy.» you whined clinging to him, feeling your whole body burning with pleasure.
denji smiled and reached up only to grab your hips with his hands and go even deeper with the thrusts, eliciting a scream that surely hayakawa and power must have heard.
«c'mon babe, let's come together.» he said with his smooth voice. you nodded, almost crying out of pleasure, and you pulled him to you to kiss him passionately.
you came first, obviously, moaning loudly as if there were only you two in the house, he came few seconds after, filling you with his cream, gently slowing down with thrusts.
you were gasping for air, shocked by one of the best fucks of your life. denji, exhausted, lay down on your chest, wrapped in the softness of your breasts.
«holy shit.» was the first phrase you were able to pronounce, that made him laugh.
you two stayed like this for a while, with you running your fingers through his hair and him softly kissing your chest, gently sucking your nipples as you liked.
«it was amazing.» he said smiling against your skin.
«i'm sorry, denji.» you interrupted him. «i shouldn't have told you that, it was rude.» «don't worry.» he replied. «you were tired and definitely stressed out. i know that you love your best friend and you wanted to throw the best birthday party she ever had. it was my fault, i was annoying you.»
«no, don't say that!» you said, worried. «don't even think for one minute of justifying me. i know i was burned out, but you didn't do anything wrong. it was a terrible attitude of mine. you were actually perfect. you inflated the balloons, you picked up the cake, you bought plates and glasses, you even bought her gift for me! i couldn't wish for anything better.»
he lifted his head a little in order to look at you, he was so sweet and still so young, but his words made you realize how grown up he really was for his age.
«i know, [y/n], but you too have done a lot. that's why i'm not mad at you, i could never be. sometimes we don't know how to manage our emotions and this makes us frustrated, even if it's wrong, sometimes it happens to pour this frustration on the people we love. it can happen, we are human.»
«you are... much more mature than i'm used to think of you.» you confessed, a little embarrassed by that superficial thought.
you fell in love with denji because he made you laugh, he was free, reckless, and sometimes lacked the brain-to-mouth filter, but now that you two have been dating for a while, you're discovering that there's more to him than just the braggart mask.
he laughed and then dropped his head on your chest again, caressing your soft and smooth skin with his sinful and persuasive touch.
«wanna do it again?» he asked you, hoping for an affirmative answer.
«don't even try!» it's hayakawa's voice coming from behind the door, power's screeching laugh accompanied it and the two of you looked into each other's eyes and both bursted out laughing.
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soleilceirinen · 3 months
When the darkness comes | Tommy Shelby x shadowhunter!Reader - Part 3
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Summary: you are a shadowhunter investigating the sudden rise of yin fen in the Downworld, the trail leads you to Small Heath and a blue eyed gangster. A/N: English isn't my first language, sorry if there are mistakes! Warning: nothing. Part 2
Peaky Blinders Masterlist
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Following Thomas around wasn’t giving you any extra information, he seemed to be nothing more than a mundane man. Given that your encounter in the alley had been a bit awkward, to call it something, it was time to take action and step into his life. 
You got up and dressed nicely in your regular clothes, no shadowhunter gear this time. It was important to appear normal, you thought, as you grabbed your coat and stepped into the foggy street. 
The Shelby Company Limited building raised in front of you, the view wasn’t any special. You took the opportunity to straighten a lock of hair and make sure that your weapons were well hidden under your dress. With your best smile, you entered the building, heading to Thomas’s office. It wasn’t difficult to find, he was the owner after all. 
A dark haired woman who might be his secretary looked up at you as you stood in front of her desk. 
“I want to see Mr. Shelby,” you said, smiling politely. 
She looked you over from head to toe and rolled her eyes. It made you feel a bit insulted but you tried to ignore it. 
“Do you have an appointment?” she asked reluctantly, perhaps a bit annoyed, as if she already knew the answer. Or as if this weren’t the first time that an unknown woman came to see her boss unannounced. 
You ran a finger across the wooden surface of the desk. “No,” you admitted, looking down. "But I'm sure Mr. Shelby will make an exception for me.”
“Sorry but I can't let you see him without an appointment. Mr. Shelby is busy, he probably won't be back for several hours. I can see if he has any free appointments next week…”
“No, thank you”, you cut her mid sentence and turned around to leave. The skirt of your dress fluttered gracefully as you left under her narrow eyed stare. 
Of course it couldn’t be that easy. 
Once outside in the street, you looked for a quiet and hidden place. The first empty alley would work perfectly. You searched in your purse until you found your stele and rolled up the sleeve of your coat. After making sure that no one was watching, you drew a glamour on your forearm. The burning sensation was quite comforting.
Without hesitation, you resumed your way to the building with the difference that this time no one turned their heads to stare at you. 
You walked past the secretary's desk without her noticing your presence, as expected, and carefully turned the doorknob to Thomas's office. It was closed. With a sigh, you took out the stele again and drew a mark on the door surface. Immediately, the lock gave way under your hand. Carefully, you opened it enough to get in without drawing the secretary's attention. 
Then, you drew a mark on the door again, closing it, as if nothing had happened. 
The office was empty. 
You inspected every surface, the room was richly decorated. Since you had no idea of how long it would take Thomas to come, you took your time exploring every corner until you finally took a seat in the chair behind the dark wooden desk, placing your coat on the side. You took off your glamour and looked through the mess of papers scattered in front of you, business, business, nothing incriminatory. 
But it made you smile, the chaos on the desk reminded you of your own mess in your small apartment. At least you had something in common with that man. Given that you didn’t find anything interesting that could help to clarify any of your research, you leaned back, making yourself comfortable, prepared to wait. 
After a while, you heard the secretary's voice greeting Thomas, as well as his deeper voice. You bit your lip expectantly as he inserted the key into the lock and entered the office, without noticing your presence at first. You watched him hang his dark wool coat on the rack, completely unaware. 
“Good morning, Mr. Shelby,” you greeted cheerfully.
He jumped and turned to look at you with his blue eyes wide open. Within seconds, his gun was pointed at you. 
It made you frown.
"Really?" you complained, clicking your tongue. "Why do you have to point that thing at me every time we see each other? I already told you it's not polite, Mr. Shelby. I don't like it at all.” 
Thomas stared at you in disbelief. He lowered the gun and ran a hand over his face, looking exhausted. “What are you doing here?” he asked quietly.
You shrugged. “I just want to talk with you and make something clear.”
He stood by the bottles and poured himself a glass of what seemed to be whiskey. Slowly, you got up, making sure that he was watching every move of your body. In fact, his blue eyes wandered over your figure shamelessly. 
Thomas got closer to the desk, walking around it until he sat behind, feeling the warmth you had left on the chair. So you must be real after all, he thought, still watching you. 
On your behalf, you hadn’t moved. You sat on his desk crossing one leg over the other, letting the hem of your dress rise up a little more than what would be decorous for a lady. But you were no regular lady. 
You stretched your arm, showing him your dominant hand, more specifically, the back of it. Thomas grabbed it as if by instinct, it seemed that he was going to kiss it but he just held your hand in his, still frowning as he scrutinised your face. His hand was warm and wide, calloused too, and his grasp was firm. Almost as if he were trying to make sure that you were made out of flesh and bone, not some sort of illusion created by his mind. 
“I’d like to try something. What do you see, Mr. Shelby?” you asked, pointing to your hand with your eyes. He followed your gaze as he caressed your fingers absentmindedly. There was your first mark, as well as every other Shadowhunter’s first rune, like black ink in the shape of an eye. The Voyance rune. It helped seeing the Downworld. 
After a few seconds in silence, his eyes grew wider and he cleared his throat. “It’s the tattoo of an eye”, he muttered, stroking the black rune with his thumb. You stared at his face in order to find any sort of recognition but there was none. 
You caressed the pale skin of his wrist with your fingertips. “Don’t you know what it means?”
Thomas shook his head, not letting your hand go. Again, it was as if just by holding it in his bigger one, it could make him believe that you were real.  
“I don’t even know what all this means” he said, gesturing at you with his free hand. “Am I losing my mind?”
His words made you sigh sympathetically. “No, you’re not.” 
You leaned forward, stopping a few centimetres away from his face. Being so close, you could smell the whiskey he was drinking and the faint scent of cigarettes. His blue eyes fell on your lips for a second before jumping away. 
“Are you even real or just a demon on a mission to torture me?” he asked, barely audibly. You smiled and caressed his lips with yours before leaning back, resting a hand on the desk behind you.
“I’m no demon Mr. Shelby. Quite the opposite, the blood of the angel Raziel runs through my veins” you confessed. He seemed puzzled, like someone who is not understanding a single word. “A Nephilim, a demon hunter. And this is not a tattoo, it is a mark which helps me fight. Well, it’s more complex than that but for now I think that’s enough for you Mr. Shelby. I have more though” you said, pulling the hem of your dress up. 
You placed your stretched leg on his lap and immediately he traced the intricate shapes intertwined all over your skin, some were as black as the night, those were the most recent ones, while others were starting to fade away and some remained like old scars, almost invisible on your skin. 
As his hand wandered over your leg, he noticed the muscles under the fascinating shapes of the runes, the same way that he had noticed your scarred knuckles and your callous hands. Definitely, you were no ordinary person, at least not like anyone else he had met before.
His hand started moving up your thigh but you grabbed his wrist with a strength that surprised him, stopping him from reaching up any further. A couple of centimetres more and he’ll touch the dagger that you kept attached to your leg just in case. You didn’t want him finding it out and thinking that you were planning to kill him or something, which would probably lead to him pointing that stupid gun at your face once again. 
“So you are an angel then” he questioned, raising an eyebrow. He was now touching your calf, it felt good to have someone, even a stranger like him, touching you like that.  
You shook your head. “Not exactly, a Nephilim. That’s what I am” you repeated, tilting your head to the side. “What about you?”
Thomas gave you a questioning look and lit a cigarette. He smoked in silence and you observed him. He was something to see, this close. It made you feel something funny in your belly. Focus, you reminded yourself. A dear friend of yours, a warlock named Magnus Bane, had told you once that blue eyes and dark hair were the most perfect combination, or something like that. You couldn’t remember his exact words but right now, you couldn’t agree more. 
“What do you mean?” he finally said. 
“Are you a mundane? What can you tell me about your parents, Mr. Shelby? Did you meet them?” 
He let out a cloud of smoke and shrugged, looking down. “I met them, yeah. There’s nothing to tell, they’re dead.” 
“I’m sorry to hear that” you whispered softly. He nodded without looking at you and squeezed his eyes with his hand. 
“It’s alright,” he said. 
What he didn’t tell you was that his mother used to see things, and that she ended up drowning herself. Now he was seeing things too and the idea of losing his mind was frightening him. He needed to stay clear, for the family, for the business. He shook his head and sighed. 
The door opened abruptly, hitting the wall. All the sudden noise was accompanied by strong footsteps. 
“Tommy! We have a problem with the ships, we need you down there… Oh, sorry. I didn’t know you were busy”
You recognised that voice. It was Thomas’s brother, Arthur. You turned your head to look at him over your shoulder while taking your leg out of Thomas's hands, pulling your dress down and pretending to be ashamed by the interruption. Arthur had a big smile on his face, he reminded you of a kid who knows that he shouldn’t be laughing but still finds the situation amusing. 
“I’m not busy, Arthur. Tell me, what is it?” Thomas changed his position in the chair, completely ignoring your presence. As if you weren’t there at all. As if he couldn’t feel the warmth irradiating from your body or smell your sweet scent.  
Arthur made a dismissive gesture with his hand, still smiling. “Don’t worry Tommy. We’ll take care of it later, it wasn’t that important.”
Thomas noticed Arthur’s eyes on you and frowned. You bit your lip, trying to hide your amusement.  
“Something else, Arthur?” 
He seemed to doubt. “Uh, no, I’ll let you two alone.” Arthur turned around and left the office, closing the door behind him. 
Slowly, Thomas turned to you. “Did he see you?”
You nodded patiently. He frowned even harder than before, grabbing his head with both hands. “I don’t understand it. How? I thought I was the only one, that they couldn’t see you.”
You placed a hand on his shoulder. The poor man was almost having a meltdown. “Because I am a Nephilim and I can use marks to make myself invisible. Regular mundanes can’t see me but some have the Sight, they can see the Downworld” you explained quietly, moving your hand up his neck. “I’m not wearing a glamour right now, that’s the name of the mark that makes us invisible, that’s why he saw me.”
He remained in silence, with his face buried in his hands. 
“You said that your aunt could see spirits,” you recalled and he nodded. “Do you know if she can see something else? Has she ever told you stories…?”
Thomas let out a bitter laugh. “Those are just superstitions, gypsy stories.”
You got up from the desk and grabbed your coat, taking a few steps away. “But Mr. Shelby… Don’t you know that all stories are true?”
He stared at you with a softer expression. “Tommy,” he said. It took you a second to realise that he was telling you his name. 
“Y/N,” you said, smiling widely. “I’ll see you around, Tommy.”
Turning around, you headed out of his office. When his secretary saw you she seemed taken aback, a puzzle expression replacing her previous annoyed one, clearly not understanding when or how you got into Thomas’s office.
“Have a nice day” you told her as you passed by her desk.
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melodramaschild · 1 year
Hello, Could I just request a short little dialogue or headcannon thingy about poly!wolfstarchaser x reader in which the reader makes self-deprecating jokes about themselves casually. Just how the boys would react to that
Hii, I’m so sorry that it took me so long and I’m sorry that it’s so short </3 would you like to have a longer version?
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Navigation || Age limit
Warnings: SFW, angst, crying, soft Sirius, Y/n been through a lot
Let me know if I forgot anything
Words count: 1 027
Pairing: moonstarchaser x reader
Read me: If you see any mistakes, please let me know. English isn’t my first, not even second, language and reminding me of some mistakes would help a lot. Also, feel free to reblog.
PS: I hid 3 songs in this, guess which ones
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At first they would laugh at it. It was just a silly little joke. Everyone makes jokes about themselves too.
But as time goes on, jokes are still the same topic, some of those jokes are worse and taste like poison in their ears and a sad truth in your mouth.
“You know.” Remus starts. “I’m actually worried about them. At first it was a joke… like the joke that you’re supposed to brush it off but now I’m really worried about their mental health.” He finishes his speech and his boyfriends agree.
“You know.” Remus starts. “I’m actually worried about them. At first it was a joke… like the joke that you’re supposed to brush it off but now I’m really worried about their mental health.” He finishes his speech and his boyfriends agree.
“You know.” Remus starts. “I’m actually worried about them. At first it was a joke… like the joke that you’re supposed to brush it off but now I’m really worried about their mental health.” He finishes his speech and his boyfriends agree.
So when you make self-deprecating jokes again the next time, they don’t laugh.
Suddenly the silence is too loud and none of them are laughing. The venom is poisoning them again, maybe even more than it is poisoning you.
You turn around, asking why they’re not laughing but their faces are twisted in worries. There’s no sign that they’re going to laugh about that soon.
“We need to talk.” Remus starts and James brings you to his side on a couch.
You get nervous, palms sweating and heart beating faster, suddenly the room feels very hot and you feel like an ice cube.
“Y-yeah, what’s w-wrong?” You stutter out, your mind and not a single cell in your body are ready for any conversation that starts with “We need to talk.”
“Why are you like that?” James blurts out, not even realising that this might not be the right way of asking.
“Excuse you?” you look up at him and Remus’ and Sirius’ shocked expression.
“No, James! Not like that!” Remus swats his arm. “Don’t mind him, darling,” Remus excuses his behaviour. “We just meant to ask… is everything okay? Are you okay?” he asks, slowly and carefully. Like he wants you to understand every tiny little word behind his questions.
“Well, yeah, of course I’m okay.” You laugh nervously, you shrug with yourself and bury yourself further into the couch.
“But why do you talk about yourself like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like when you tell jokes about yourself. They’re… they make us kind of worry about you.”
“It’s alright, they’re just jokes.” You shrug and wave with your hand, trying to brush it off.
“Ych, that’s not true.” Remus scoffs, brows knitted together. Like when he reads a book and tries to understand how Oscar Wild could be gay and give no life into his books, unbelievable.
And Remus is right. It’s not true and you know it.
You know that you need to hide your self hate behind jokes because if you would need to be honest with yourself, honest with yourself to others, you would break. You’re fragile like a bomb and one honest talk would made you cry and wail and throw up and having runny nose for another two days.
It was your power to keep yourself shut. And it was their power to unlock all of your locks.
Sirius takes your hand in his. His hand is quite cool, but when he wraps his fingers around you, you can’t help but feel warm chills running through your body. That’s his power. Making you feel his simple touch all over you.
His thumb moves softly up and down on the back of your hand.
“You know,” he starts, so carefully. Which is rare when he talks about feelings. He’s trying, trying to be careful with you and his boyfriends because he realised months ago that being quiet and angry won’t get him anywhere.
He was so careful, oh so careful with your fragile hand in his.
He is searching for words in his head, perhaps he is lost in your teary eyes. He hates seeing your cry, it breaks his heart into pieces when you cry. No matter if it was from happiness or sadness. He made himself a promise that he will make you and his boyfriends happy.
You eye him, wait for his next words. A wave of excitement and nervousness washes over you.
“You need to work on yourself with this one.” He starts, honestly. His fingers tighten his grip around yours, in a comfortable manner, to make you feel safe.
“You’re not stupid and ugly and useless.” His two other boyfriends are listening to him, their bodies tightening with nervousness too.
“Sometimes people make mistakes and that’s okay, you don’t need to be perfect.” Sirius explains, taking your other hand into his, he desperately needs you to listen to him. James hooks his arm around shoulders, his fingertips ghosting over your shoulder, watching your teary eyes from the side.
“Just because you wrap it into a joke doesn’t mean that it’s not mean. Sometimes people aren’t funny, they’re just mean.” Sirius says. And you realise.
The sudden realisition washes over you. Like wild waves would wash over a ghost on a shore.
A breath caughts in your throat, it sounds like some dying animal and tears threaten to spill on your hot cheeks.
You realise that you were your biggest enemy.
You weren't with your hateful family or schoolmates anymore. They made you think like that, yes. But now you are free and everything is in your own hands.
You kept yourself believing that you were all those bad things that they made you into. But that was far away from the truth. And you realise that you were on your own, you always have been.
Even with the help from your boyfriends.
You were the one who could set you free or hold you like a hostage more.
They can’t help you until you allow them.
“Are you alright?” One of your boyfriends asks, his voice sounds muffled.
It was you.
It is you.
You are the killer and healer.
But you know that the killer didn’t understand.
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lewisconstellation · 2 years
good in bed
summary: being Lewis Hamilton PR was a big challenge. but being locked in a motorhome with him was a much bigger one.
pairing: lewis x reader
word count: 6.4k
warnings: 18+, general smut, angst
notes: i'm reposting this one just because... yeah i kinda like it. english isn't my first language so there are many mistakes here. i'm so sorry for that :(
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“If he wants to prove that he’s a man, I think we should do it out of the car, face to face.”
That phrase, that damn phrase was glued in your mind, disturbing your peace and bringing a sudden panic from the moment you heard it from Lewis’s lips during press conference. 
When you were hired by Mercedes team to be Lewis’ PR, you knew you were going to be dealing with tricky things. You would be taking care of the image of a great F1 team, a team that was winning, dominating the category. You would be taking care of the image of an even greater driver, who was considered one of the best the world has ever seen. And when things were so great, the responsibilities were even greater. But you always liked challenges, liked to feel challenged. 
When they hired you a few months ago, Lewis was having a rough time. The 2016 season was controversial and the Mercedes drivers were involved in a huge battle for the world championship. Nico Rosberg had the win, but it cost a lot. The German driver couldn’t deal with the pressure and decided to retire right after his win. And, Lewis, well. He was a relentless pilot, that was a fact. Aggressive, technical, dominant. One of the best on track. But outside of them, he was still seen as a somewhat controversial figure. He was that kind of person you either loved or hated. There was no middle ground. He sometimes talked too much in interviews. Spit all his feelings, let people know more than they need to. And when you’re a famous person, it’s dangerous. People can’t know that much about you. 
So your duty was to clean up his image. Make him the idol that Mercedes wanted to build. You accepted that challenge. You felt capable enough to do that. And there you are.
The race in Baku had not ended well. In fact, quite the opposite had happened. Lewis was leading the race by a huge margin and was on track to beat Sebastian Vettel, his main opponent that year. However, while waiting for the safety car to leave, the rear of the Mercedes car was hit full-on by the red car. As if that wasn't enough, Sebastian even hit Hamilton one more time, when they were side by side. Even with all the damage, Lewis managed to finish in fifth place. It had been a great run of recovery and damage containment, but he was extremely dissatisfied. One thing led to another, and he ended up saying countless things he shouldn't have during the interview. And it made you extremely angry. 
You were used to it. She was used to fixing things, putting out the flames Lewis lit. Used to handle it well, kept calm. But today, that had crossed all limits. You guys had a damage containment schedule, he knew what to say when this kind of unexpected thing happened. But he just decided to forget all about it and said whatever stupid shit made him look like a damn rockie. You wanted to yell at him, call him deplorable names. In many other moments you also felt this urge. But nothing compared to what he felt this time. Maybe it was the heat of Baku. You didn't like the hot weather. It just made you more stressed.
But you couldn't put him in his place right there, in front of all the media. You knew better than that. She was smarter than he was, after all. Then, right after the press conference was over, you escorted him to his motorhome, as you always did. Side by side, walking together. Both serious, carrying your own frustrations. 
He went in first, leaving the door open for you. He wasn’t a gentleman, you thought. But you accepted the invitation. You went through the door like a hurricane and slammed it shut. So much force that a loud noise echoed through the walls of the motorhome, startling the driver.
“Are you crazy?” The driver asks, turning his head to look at you properly. 
“I should be asking that question, don't you think? Are YOU crazy?” The words came out from my lips, roughly, accusatory. He give you a sinister laugh in response. You don’t like the sound of it. 
“Look, that fucker literally hit me. I should be the winner of that shit race and instead I end P5. Vettel is still the leader. I'm so fucking pissed off, you don’t even know”. He laughs again, this time louder than before. You realized that this was something common with him. He used to laugh whenever he was nervous about something. “So what the hell do you expect me to say? That I'm oh so happy to be P5 when I could win the fucking race?”
“I expected you to say what we agreed before?” You gesture with your hands. Can't understand how someone like him, who's been in the spotlight for so many years, can't answer the media's questions without giving them ammunition. 
He doesn't answer you. That was another thing about him. He just ignored people so he wouldn't continue arguing. You were already used to it. But then, he started taking off his Mercedes white shirt, the toned abdomen now visible, the dark lines of the tattoos decorating his body. Getting ready to finally leave, go back to the hotel, rest a bit before fly back home. 
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Taking off my clothes?”  He answers like it's obvious. 
“Now? In front of me? Right when we're fighting?” 
"Don't act like you've never seen it before." - He says, a naughty smile painting his lips. You ignore the weird shiver that runs down his spine when he looks at you like that. "And you are fighting. Alone. I'm not fighting with you. For what it matters, I don't give a fuck to any of this. My image. What the media will say. What you are saying. I don't fucking care." 
You shake your head in disbelief after hearing Lewis' words. How could anyone be so selfish? Egocentric?
"Want to know? Fuck you Lewis! Fuck. You." You say, upset. You turn your back to Lewis and start walking toward the door in quick, precise steps. Feel his eyes on you during the process. Don't want to be in that tiny cubicle anymore. Can no longer breathe the same air as that man. But when you put one of your hands on the doorknob, you realize something is wrong. The handle does not turn as it should. It looks stuck.
"Ugh, what is the problem with this door? Fuck!" You mumble. Low enough that the rider thinks you're talking to yourself, but loud enough that he hears and comes to your aid. You had your pride, after all. You wouldn't ask him for help even if I needed it to live.
"So stubborn and can't even open a fucking door. What a joke!" He complains but you hear his footsteps, walking towards you. Seconds later, he's behind you. His bare chest inches from your back, one arm outstretched, his hand on the doorknob. You're practically cornered by him. You hold your breath.
"Fuck! This shit is broken. Fucking hell." He says, his deep voice in your neck makes you shiver. In all these months, you've never been this close. It makes your body behave in a strange way, but you try to ignore it. Focus on the problem you need to deal with right now. You're stuck in the motorhome with Lewis. You need to find a way to get out of here. 
"I can't believe I'm stuck here. With you." Your voice comes out as a moan, anguished, anxious to get out of that place soon. You'd  always hated the feeling of being trapped. That's why you used to avoid elevators. And while the motorhome had ample space, Lewis’ presence made it a smaller square than the elevator. And it made you panic.
"You talk like it's not your fault. You're the one who broke the fucking door."
He scoffs, hands still on the doorknob. His body is still close to yours. You turn around at his words. His face is mere inches from yours. You could feel his rhythmic breathing, could see his face perfectly. The pretty contour of the nose, his perfectly plucked eyebrows, bright brown eyes, all the details of his face exposed to you. But what caught your attention the most were his lips. Full, lower lips the same size as the upper ones. Perfect. For a few moments, you imagine what it would be like to kiss him. Would he be dominating, aggressive, just like he was on the tracks? Or would he let you take control?
You shake your head, try to banish those thoughts from your mind. Try to focus on the situation in front of you.
"Why are you always looking for a way to blame other people, huh? What the hell, why do you always do this? Why do you always blame me?" 
The phrases come out of your mouth quickly, without thinking enough before saying them. They've been in you for a while and you’ve been waiting for so long to say it to the driver. Thought this was the right time to spit it out. They didn't make much sense right now. In the end of it all, the handle was broken because you used all your strength to close the door. Too tightly. But you didn't want to think about it. Just wanted to hurt him the same way he hurted you. But your thoughts and your words are abruptly interrupted. Lewis' lips were glued to yours. He was kissing you.
You felt like your whole world stopped. At that moment, all that mattered was the fact that his lips was against yours. He wasn't soft at all, in fact his contact was extremely dominating, strong. It suited him. He parted your lips, his tongue finally dipping, exploring your mouth intensely as his hands slowly roamed your back. He pulled you to him, and seemed eager to take all of you completely. One of his hands gripped the back of your neck tightly, forcing you to stand there and feel everything his lips were willing to give. The other roamed around your waist, holding that region possessively, pressing your body on his. A moan escape from your lips, and it makes him even more ferocious. Your hands, still shy and trembling, reach his shoulders and you decide to leave them there. Feeling his muscles move in your fingers. The sensation is delicious and consumes every bit of you. Your head spun out of control, the feel of his body strong against mine was overwhelming, intoxicating.
You always thought those “enemies to lovers” romances were silly, something that could never happen outside of the books pages. But in that small room in a motorhome, surrounded by Lewis’s scent and taste, you could see a little bit of truth in those romances. The sudden fights, the sexual tension that hung in the air, the strange desire that took over your body. All those silly cliches coming to life right before your eyes. 
When the air is no longer present between you two, Lewis pulls away minimally, just enough for both of you to catch your breath. His lips are still softly touching yours and now both of his hands are on your face, holding you gently. His eyes meet yours and you feel your entire body combust in that moment. There is so much lust, so much desire there and it makes all your senses disappear.
"If I only knew that all I needed to do to shut that dirty little mouth of yours was kiss you.” He pauses, lets his head drop to the level of your neck. Breathes your scent, leaves wet kisses on your skin. You moan once more, completely surrendered to him. Completely at his mercy. "I would have kissed you sooner." He finishes looking you into your eyes again, lingering. But then he's looking at your lips. They were probably red and swollen from his kisses. His lips twisted into a smirk. The one he always gave after saying something bold or after winning one of your usual arguments.
You roll your eyes to him. You should go away from him. Try to open the door again. Yell for someone of the team and ask for help. But you just can't. There's something that makes it impossible for you to simply go away. Maybe it was his smell, so strong and intoxicating. You would never admit it out loud, but you found his scent fascinating, addictive. Even after spending hours in a racing car, he still smelled oh so good. But maybe it wasn’t his smell. Maybe it was his kisses, so demanding that you knew he could do anything he wanted from you. Or maybe it was his hot body against yours. All solid like a rock, muscles carefully built with years of workout smacking your small body. In the end of it all, maybe it was a combination of all of it with the months of sexual tension and mutual desire hidden by your daily fights. That was making you crazy. But you don't want to overthink it. Just tell him to shut up and kiss his soft lips again.
His hands sneak down to the back of your legs. A request for you to jump up and wrap them around his waist. You obey and promptly comply his request. A moan escaped his lips when he felt your hot pussy against his needy, throbbing cock. Even through the clothes he could feel how needy you were, how much you wanted it. Without taking his mouth away from yours, he walks with you in his arms to the small gray sofa that occupied the central area of the motorhome room. He sits there with you in his arms. Kiss your lips in a hungry way again and again. Trace the line of your neck with his tongue. Let soft kisses there. Mumble naughty things in your ear. You feel that at any moment your body is going to catch fire. Every move he makes, every gesture seems to be minimally calculated. Specially designed to set you on fire.
You move slowly in his lap, feeling the hardness of his length against your pussy. Your panties were already soaked. Your juices are leaking through the fabric and running down between your thighs. You suspected it was staining the black pants he was wearing, but he didn't seem to mind.
For the first time he pulls away from you, giving you just enough room to pull the Mercedes shirt off your body. You feel embarrassed when his intense gaze falls on his breasts, now fully exposed to him. You had let go of bras a few years ago, you didn't feel the need to wear them anymore. But in that moment you regret your choices, when he drank the view exposed to him. He looked mesmerized. His face comes closer to your body again, he leaves a trail of kisses from your neck down to your breasts. "You're perfect". he murmurs against your skin. "Fucking perfect." And you feel your stomach tighten. You feel confident again, like you're the most beautiful and powerful woman in the world. His praise sends all your insecurities away. It makes you even wetter, as if that were possible.
When his hands reached your breasts, you were sure that you had died and arrived in paradise. His big hands enveloped it, taking up all the volume. His long fingers brushed your nipples, immediately hardening them. "You like that, don't you? My little whore." Nodding your head, you arched your back, pushing your breasts against his hands, giving him greater access to your body. His hands didn't take long to accept your  offer. Lewis massaged your breasts slowly, making you sigh, moan his name, ask for more. At that moment, your eyes were closed, but you were pretty sure he was smiling. Could feel it. Bastard.
So intoxicated you were by the pleasure he was giving you, that you don't even notice when one of his hands leaves your breast and then his lips enclose your right nipple, drawing a loud moan from you. You lose track of time. You don't know where you are anymore. The only thing that goes through your mind are the sensations Lewis is making you feel. You need to hold back when he repeats the movements on your left breast or you'll end up coming just from it. How can a man be that good?
With your left breast on his lips, Lewis slides one hand down your legs, until he reaches the hem of your black skirt. He doesn't think twice before taking it out off your body, leaving you half naked for him, only the damp fabric of your panties covers your body now.
Unfortunately for you, Lewis leaves your breast, but doesn't leave you in misery for long. The man lets out a loud groan as his fingers make contact with your wet pussy still covered by your panties. He takes it off of your body easily, his hot finger finally in contact with your needy folds.
"Holy shit, baby, you’re dripping… soaking up my fingers." He gently pressed your clit, massaging slowly before sliding two of his fingers inside of your heat. Your lips parted as a moan left your body. Your hadn't been this wet in your entire life. When he starts moving his fingers quickly, in and out of your pussy, you lose control, feel completely dizzy. "Wet like this for someone you hate that much?" 
A million different sensations passed through your body, spreading from each  point where Lewis was touching you. The way he thrust his fingers into you or how he kissed your breasts and your neck. Everything was so intense that you couldn't hold back for long, and in a moment of euphoria, you came on his fingers, your body shaking so intensely that Lewis had to let go of your right breast to hold your waist tightly. You muttered nonsense words, moaned his name out loud, not caring if one of the many employees passing by would hear you. His fingers continued to work furiously on your sodden pussy, sliding in a rhythm so overwhelming it had you screaming.
"You look so much prettier like this, you know? Totally under my control, coming just for me." 
When he finally seems to take pity on your exhausted state, his fingers leave your pulsing center. You breathe hard, consumed by the pleasure he was giving to you. But one movement catches your eye. Lewis's wet fingers reached his lips and then he started licking them. Licking your cum, your taste from his fingers. You've never seen anything so sexy before. "You're so fucking sweet" He said. Eyes glued to yours as he licks his fingers clean. "Even more than I imagined." Oh so he had imagined it before?
He closed his eyes as he spoke, as if he were savoring your taste, delighting in it. That was so hot. You couldn't articulate a decent answer to that. But your hands began to work. You slipped them down to the waistband of his pants, opening the zip and palming his hard bulge. You felt his body shudder under your touch. Realizing that made you feel an overwhelming need to make him feel as much pleasure as he was making you feel.
You hesitated for a moment. Your fingers stopped at the waistband of the black jeans he wore. You looked up at his face, finding his brown eyes glaring at you, pleading, eager for your next move. With that look, you felt something light. You felt powerful there, on top of him, setting the pace. He was at your mercy now. And you were enjoying it. "Tell me what you want Lewis" Your voice is steady, your eyes glued to his. Fingers hovering over the fabric of his pants. He moans your name under his breath, the pleading tone dripping into his voice. He has his pride, he would never plead with you. He just thrusts his hips into your hands, making you feel how hard he is. For you.
You give up any verbal pleading on his part. You already had control.  Didn't need anything else. Finally you slid down his pants and underwear, all at only one time, making his hard dick bounce, hovering in his lower abdomen. See it took your breath away. Your eyes widened at the sight of Lewis's cock, big and thick, throbbing against his skin. Protruding veins covering his entire length. His red and moist tip was covered in his pre-cum. That was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen.
Your fingers circled him, giving him a soft stroke. A strangled moan emerged from Lewis' lips. “Fuck, this feels so good." You stroked him once more, this time with a bit more of strength and savored the feel of his big dick between your fingers, the soft skin and the hardness of his member, throbbing under your touch. You think about how good his heaviness would feel on your tongue. Get ready to be on your knees in front of him. Want to taste him on your lips. When you move to get off his lap, Lewis sighs and holds you down.
Grabbing your hair, Lewis gently pulled it, pressure enough to make you moan. "So eager to have my cook in that filthy mouth of yours, huh?" He asked, his lips hovering close to yours. "I will let you gag on my cook, baby. But not now. Now I need to feel that tight pussy around me."  God. All the blood in your body has pooled in your center, your wet cunt pulsing and piercing every one of your senses.
You feel your entire body getting hot, in an almost feverish state. Can't wait any longer, so you just take matters into your own hands. Hold his throbbing cock in your hands and masturbate his length slowly, drawing a groan from him. Positioned your body so that your dripping entrance is hovering over his cock. Pass his swollen tip through your entrance one, two, three times until Lewis loses his patience and grip your hips tightly, making you slide his length, taking all of him. 
It is so overwhelming that you lose your breath for a few seconds. He's so big and so thick and fill you up so well that you lose all your senses. You swallow hard. Feel him pulsing inside of you, just as needy as you. It was all too much but at the same time it seemed too little. You wanted to feel more of him, you needed to feel more of him. With that, you started moving your hips slowly, trying to feel every single inch of him. The way he fit you so perfectly made it seem like he was built exclusively for you, to give you pleasure.  How could you live so long without feeling this? 
“Shit, baby, you’re so tight” Lewis whines, his head falling over the back of the sofa. You look at his face and just that sight seems to be enough to make you come. Eyes closed, cheeks flushed and mouth slightly open, moaning your name over and over again. He looked helpless there, completely at your mercy. You were in control. “So warm and so fucking tight.”
You placed both hands on his neck, using it for support to ride him faster, harder. You watched his eyes widen at your act, a strangled moan leaving his lips.
"You like that, don't you? You like being my little toy? Being used exclusively for my pleasure turns you on, huh?" You say mockingly, taking advantage of the vulnerable state of that man who was normally so dominant. He groans shamelessly, enjoying the feeling of your warm walls around him, strangling his cock. Seeing him like this, so helpless, desperate to take everything you were willing to give, set you on fire. You wanted to hold back more, you wanted to make him beg, to make him come first, but you couldn't. The feel of his cock touching the deepest points of your wet pussy was too much. You couldn't help it. 
You swallow hard, feel your pussy getting tighter and tighter around his cock as your movements start to be slower, clumsy. Everything comes at once. An overwhelming pleasure takes you off the ground and makes you lose your sense of reality. It feels like a dream. This couldn't be real, it was too good to be. You moan his name over and over, can't stop repeating it, sounding like a mantra in your mouth. 
Still sailing the waves of pleasure, you feel Lewis' hands move up your back, now extremely sweaty, until they reach the back your neck. He holds you tight, makes you look at him. The dark eyes stare at you lustfully, as if you're something precious. He kisses you intensely, takes your breath away before he holds your jaw.
"Did I let you do that? Did I let you come?" There he was, the dominant, controlling man. You smiled, still inert, feeling the effects of your recent orgasm. “Answer me. Did I let you come?”
“I didn't know I needed your permission to do it.” You smile again, enjoy that power game. 
“Oh you didn't know huh? Such a whore, aren't you? I will teach you a lesson and you will never, never disobey me anymore.” With that, he gripped the back of your neck tightly again before move his other hand to have a good hold of your ass, hugging your body completely. You gasp when he starts thrusting up, fast and hard. With the new angle, you can feel his cock touching deep points inside of you, points that have never been hit before. You are still sensitive from your recent orgasm, you won't last long this time.
“Oh shit! You're so fucking deep. It's so good, fuck!”
“Yeah? You like it rough, don’t you?” He asks, even though he knows the answer. He knows you're loving it, intoxicated by every little detail of it. He can feel by the way you’re clenching hard around him. By the way you’re moaning his name shamelessly, not caring about the people walking outside and probably listening to the whole show. Completely dick drunk and obsessed with the way he fucks you. But, he want to hear it from you. His big hands slap your ass, making your eyes widen. "I asked you a question. Answer me"  
“Yeah, I love when you fuck me like that, baby. It’s so fucking good, you’re gonna make me come again” You whimper, running your hands through his short beard, feeling the rough hairs on your fingers. Kiss him on the mouth one more time, make him swallow your loud moans and start to move in the same rhythm as him. You want to feel him coming too. 
“You can come baby. Squeeze my dick one more time, love. I want to feel it again.” He murmurs against your cheek, kisses your skin before moving his lips down to your neck, never slowing the insane pace he’s moving his hips. You moan in relief and, with his permission, come once more, soaking his cock in your juices. Nothing could overcome that feeling. It was destructive, addictive. 
“Lewis, fuck! I can't take it anymore, I can't” He laughed when he heard you whimpering. The tables turned again and now you were helpless, reduced to a whimpering mess. With one swift movement, he flipped you over on the small couch, as if you weighed nothing. He maneuvered your body so that he was on top now, hovering over you. That sight made you dizzy, weak. See him like this, sweaty, so strong on top of you, moving fast. He looked so composed, like he wasn't making any effort. This couldn't be real. You were probably dreaming.
Lewis didn't slow down, however. He continued to fuck you even harder, he never seemed to get tired. You've been with a few men in your life, but none of them have been like that. None of them prioritized your pleasure, none of them were so relentless. Without realizing it, that feeling took over your body again and then you were coming again. It wasn't possible.
“Yes, you fucking can. That's what you wanted, isn't it? Cum around my dick, huh? I wanna feel you fucking dripping.” He states, moving one of his hands to your neck, squeezing. You struggle to keep your eyes open but you feel the need to watch that moment. Want to remember him like this forever. Sweat trickling down his strong body, highlighting the many tattoos he has. The way his muscles moved each time he moved his hips back and forth. Lips parted, pupils dilated. He seemed like some kind of God, sent to earth especially to take away your peace and at the same time to make you achieve it. 
Watching him carefully you notice him changing the rhythm of the thrusts, sometimes slower, sometimes a bit faster, slamming his hips relentlessly against yours. Sometimes his eyes would close and he would take a deep breath, you knew he was trying to control himself. He was just as vulnerable as you were, just as off-limits as you were.
“I will make you cum around my cock again, my little whore. You will fucking cum again and again and again. Until you can't stand on your legs. Until this pretty pussy of yours be sore.” His words had an effect on you. Again, you felt your body come apart, now beneath him. The pleasure was so violent that it made you feel a strange pressure in your abdomen, more overwhelming than the previous ones. Unlike anything you've ever felt in your life. Unable to stop yourself, you squirted on him, drenching him completely. That seemed to feed him, made him even more ruthless. You were so sensitive that any little stimulation was overwhelming. Pleasure and pain mixed together. If he didn't have mercy on you now you were sure you would die. 
“Please, Lew, come for me. Come inside me. I need to feel it, I need to feel you. Please.” You beg your hands gently running up and down his cheeks. The pleasure made you so careless, so out of your mind, it was impossible to contain that desire. You were always controlled, careful. You never allowed a man to come inside you, you didn't like to take risks. But at that moment, you needed it. It was an uncontrollable desire. You felt like you would faint if he didn't pour it on you.
That was not common for him either. It went completely against the careful behavior he always had. But he can't help it. Your hot, wet pussy, squeezing him mercilessly was pulling him to do it. When he heard it from your mouth, asking so gently, so needy. That was the end, he couldn't contain himself.
“Fuck, I’m coming. Mhmm, milk my cock, baby. Take all of it” He muttered before finally pouring himself into you. A deep, high-pitched groan tore from his throat. Your name. His hot seed painting your walls. You did as you were told, squeezing your pussy around him until he had completely emptied his load in you. It made you feel complete in an indescribable way. It was too much to explain.
After that, his body collapsed on top of yours, wrapping his strong arms around your body as if he needed that to live. You accepted and returned the gesture, hugging him too. It felt so natural, laying there, completely naked, hugging him, in a circle of completeness that neither of you could ever understand. You hated each other a few hours ago and now you were here, sharing such an intimate moment. It was weird. But then again, you didn't want to overthink about it. So you choose to live the moment and enjoyed it as much as you could. 
You didn't know exactly how long you stayed there, laying together, silent, just contemplating your existence together, but you know exactly the moment that woke both of you. His cock still hard inside of you, pulsing, begging him to move again. It was unbelievable, that man couldn't be real. Did he not get tired? 
As if reading your thoughts, he chuckled, before lifting himself a little and moving his hips again, slow and careful, drawing a groan from you. 
“Are you insatiable? My God” You protest sounds more like a groan than anything else.
He laughs again, that endearing laugh, looking like a kid who's been caught doing something he shouldn't. He knew he'd impressed you and he liked it. "You have not seen anything yet" With that he kisses you deeply, starts moving faster, uses his own cum to make you more slippery, more malleable.
"Lewis? Are you there?"
Angela's voice echoes off the cramped walls of the motorhome, pulling you both out of the wild bubble you've been in. Your eyes instantly widen and for some reason you can't even move. Nervousness consumes you completely and the only thing you can do is watch Lewis, stunned. You silently ask him to do something, to quickly get off of you and tell Angela some lie, but he doesn't. In fact, all he does is continue moving his hips slowly, thrusting gently into your wet pussy. You can't believe the boldness of that man. He certainly was crazy. And maybe you were even more because you were enjoying it. You were enjoying it way too much.
“Yes, Ang.” He answers. Pause to watch you. Move his hips once more. Can't stop his movements even if he wanted to. Being engulfed in your warm walls is just too good to stop now. And besides that, he finds it cute to see you struggling to contain your groans. “Yeah, I'm here.” 
“Are you ok, Lew?” She asks. Her voice was unsure. Of course she thinks the whole situation is way too strange. In normal conditions Lewis would quickly open the door for her. His sore muscles asking for her magic hands to give him some sense of relaxation after all the stress he has been exposed to. But not today. Today he was receiving another kind of recovery treatment.
“Yeah. Yeah, I'm ok. Just...give me five minutes and I'll meet you in my room to stretch a bit before the meeting.”
“Ok, I will see you then!” You know she’s still thinking it’s a bit weird, but she doesn’t push it.  
After you hear the physical therapist's footsteps walking away from the motorhome entrance, you push Lewis' body off of you, sighing at the loss of contact, making him fall onto the couch. His face contorts, a mixture of confusion and dissatisfaction. You shake your head, laughing. That man was crazy. Did he really expect you to stay there all day? “We need to go back to work” You say, casually, as if you weren't doing anything wrong just minutes ago. 
You get up from the couch but your legs give out and for a moment you think you're going to fall on your knees in front of him. You pray to God that this doesn't happen because if it does you will never get out of that motorhome again. Luckily Lewis' big hands grip the back of your thighs. It keeps you steady on your feet. “I got you” He says, a playful smile on his face. You can’t help but smile for him again. You don't know how long you stood there, facing him and smiling. Good sex really makes people silly, you think. 
You escape from his touch quickly, still naked. Walking bewildered through the small space of the motorhome, trying to find your lost clothes on the floor. You inhale and exhale to calm yourself, but ends up being flooded by the scent of sex that hung in the air. Yeah, maybe breathing wasn't the best idea at the moment.
He watches you closely, doesn't move. Still sitting on the couch, beautifully naked. His cock, still hard, rests on the smooth skin of his abdomen. He seems to be oblivious to reality. And you're not much different. Your movements are lost, clumsy. You should yell at him. Insult him and expect him to insult you back. Start a fight. Follow the common routine you've developed over the past few months. But you can't. And neither does he. The atmosphere between you seems calmer, lighter. You strangely expect it to stay that way. 
"Will you leave me here? Like this?"
He asks, finally. Lewis gestures with his hands, signaling his cock, painfully hard and throbbing, clamoring for your attention. You want nothing more than to be on your knees for him, cover him in your saliva, choke on his thick length. But you can’t. Have been too reckless today. You are already fully dressed, the Mercedes uniform covering your body perfectly. But beneath the dark-colored clothes, your skin is sweaty, clammy. Lewis's masculine scent permeated every part of you. His cum dripping down your panties. You try to not think about it. 
"I need to work." You answer, slowly. "I need to fix the mess you've made." Maybe it seems you’re accusing him, but your tone is playful and you’re laughing. Your daily provocation game is taking a new tone. That was good. “And we need to find a way to open the damn door” You say, almost forgot the broken door. Secretly, you were thanking the gods for making that door break. Without it, none of this would have happened. Maybe your life would be easier if none of this had happened, but what's the fun of it?
Lewis only nods but when his mouth twitches into a mischievous smile, you know he’s in the game already. He starts moving, picks up his own clothes, puts them on slowly as you try to arrange your curls. You smile at each other during the process. When both of you are fully clothed, he kisses you intensely, gives a slight slap on your ass. Smile at you again. Maybe wild sex was all you needed to finally stop acting like two silly kids, you think.
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rogerswifesblog · 1 year
hii! i wanted to ask a drabble from the bingo ‘strange to lovers’ where steve and reader meet like the characters from the movie 101 dalmatians. i know it sounds weird but i thought it could be cute (also sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language!)
Pls I LOVE this idea. It’s the cutest thing ever. I’m so glad you came up with that. Thank you for requesting!
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Btw, you can request ’strangers to lovers’ again, there are no limitations!:)
All drabbles will be posted with the tag “1 k followers special” just look for it on my blog:)
Love on the first splash
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Warnings: none! Just fluff:) and yes, Steve has a golden retriever because I feel like he’d have one
It was a warm and sunny day, perfect for a walk. That’s exactly what your girl thought, too, excitingly jumping up and down when you grabbed her leash. After letting you hook the leash to her collar you grabbed your black hat and put it on. One last glance into the mirror told you you were ready to go out. A simple, black dress with white dots and equally black heeled ballerinas. A bit ironic, since you had a Dalmatian girl.
“Come on Dotty, let’s go enjoy the amazing weather”, you smiled at your dog, leaving your apartment. Your well-behaved girl walked besides your legs, sometimes stopping to sniff something or doing her business.
You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling, unknowingly showing the man who was watching you from his window your beautiful smile.
Steve sighed quietly, averting his gaze from you and grabbing his protein shake that he mostly drank to fulfill all his needed calories.
He had noticed you quite often, especially in the dog park and even once in the café he sometimes got his coffee from. (Now more often since he had seen you there.)
But he started to feel like a creep. Never talking to you, just watching you from his window sometimes. He just never knew how to start a conversation with you. The most he achieved was a smile while jogging past you.
And whenever you smiled back, he nearly tripped over his own feet.
He took another sip of his smoothie, nearly spilling it when his golden retriever boy ran right into his legs with his leash in his mouth. Shaking his head he started assaulting Steve with his leash and hitting his legs. “Ouch! Ouch! Okay-I get it-you want to go out-fine, fine, fine just stop”, he immediately grabbed the leash. “Okay Buddy, let’s go out-but I should change. I'm still in my work out clothes so-Okay! Okay ouch! I get it. No changing I get it-“
With that the two left the building.
Within a few minutes he was already in the dog park, noticing you sitting on a bench, stroking your Dalmatian's head, while she leaned her head on your thigh. He smiled at you, but you didn’t even notice it.
Just then did you take a quick picture of your dog, before feeling someone’s gaze on you. You immediately looked up, meeting the blue eyes of an attractive man. It wasn’t the first time you had seen him here, but you never talked to each other.
The corners of your lips twitched upward, but you lowered your gaze again not wanting to stare at him. This would be rude.
Head shaking you decided to walk with Dotty one more round before going back home. Dotty seemed happy with the walk, especially when a bird started singing sitting at the edge of a fountain. You stopped to admire it, or well, Dotty did. A soft laugh escaped your lips. “What, you like it? Sounds nice, doesn’t it?”, you smiled, also listening to the pretty song.
Just then did a dog walk up to you, making Dotty walk behind you, him following. So did his owner.
The beefy blue-eyed guy.
“Oh no! Dotty, don’t do that!” You gasped when she walked around your legs again.
The leash being long enough for it to slowly wrap around your legs, while his dog still followed Dotty, now even circling the man himself. “Hey Buddy-stop it-I can’t move”, he gasped in surprise, feeling the rope tightening around his legs, making him step closer to you. At this point he could smell your perfume, feel the soft material of your dress tickling him.
“Stop your dog! The leashes are all tangled up now”, you said harshly, trying to push away the (good looking) man who was way too close at this point, your chests pressed against each other. From all the hectic steps and movements you’ve lost your hat.
“I’m sorry Miss, but I can’t do anything-it’s your dog-“ “my dog?! She didn’t do anything. Your dog started chasing her-” “he just wanted to greet her-it’s what dogs do-“ “don’t tell me what dogs do, I’m-oh god” You felt one of the dogs push against your legs, making you stumble forward and step onto the stranger's foot.
You both lost your balance, especially with Steve’s knees hitting the edge of the fountain, falling back and into the water. Being bound together you couldn’t do anything to provide falling onto the man. The last thing that you could hear was Steve’s ‘Fuck’ before falling.
Right into the cold water.
Gasping you tried to pull yourself up, unintentionally pushing steve into the water all over again, making him cough loudly. “Wait-stop your wriggling or you’ll drown me!” That’s when you finally stopped moving, letting the man sit up and unhook the dogs-both immediately starting running and playing together.
“I’m so sorry about all this”, Steve started apologizing, slowly unwrapping the leashes from around your bodies. Even though the water he was sitting in was cold, he felt his blood boiling. His face was covered with red color, the blush creeping up till the very tips of his ears. “I have no idea why Buddy did it- I mean he probably just wanted to get to know your dog-“ “Dotty.” “What?
“Her name is Dotty”, only then did Steve seem to understand, nodding slowly, while he threw both leashes out of the water. “I guess Dotty and Buddy are becoming friends-I’m pretty sure they’re chasing a squirrel”, this time you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing.
And Steve felt like it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard, even compared to all those beautiful bird songs. Nothing was as beautiful as your laugh.
“I’m Steve”, he finally introduced himself, shaking your hand when you took it. “I’m Y/N”, with that he helped you stand up, the dress clinging to your body and pulling you down, nearly making you stumble again, but Steve’s quick reflexes allowed him to catch you.
Your breath hitched when you felt his big palms on your waist, your chest feeling tighter, your hands itching to touch him, but you managed to hold back. Clearing your throat you took a step back, making sure not to fall again. Steve helped you step out of the fountain, water still dripping from your clothes and hair, both of you completely drenched.
“That’s not how I imagined our first interaction to turn out”, you heard the blond mumble, making you look up in surprise. “What-what do you mean?” The blush reappeared on Steve’s cheeks, while he shrugged.
“It’s just…I’ve noticed you a few times but I was too shy to actually talk to you-but I wanted to-just without all the…chaos that came with it”, Steve said truthfully, picking up the leashes and calling for his dog. You did the same. “Well, since we’ve already talked..and our dogs are friends…we should keep them apart, you know”, you mumbled, feeling your own face heat up.
While you hooked Dotty at her leash you didn’t notice Steve’s big smile while he watched you. “So…you want for our dogs to have a dog-play-date?”, he laughed happily. Your own chuckle following.
You nodded and watched Steve’s smile turn into an even bigger grin. “Maybe tomorrow? Same time?”, he suggested nervously and you immediately felt butterflies tingle in your stomach.
“Tomorrow sounds great. It’s a date.”
Just when you turned around Steve called your name. “You forgot your hat!”, he jogged up to you with your hat. Smiling he put it on your head, not noticing the remaining water and coins in it, till it all dropped over your head, making you even wetter, the coins falling everywhere even your cleavage.
“Oh his Steve, that's cold!” “Shit-I’m so sorry”, he immediately apologized once again, trying to brush off the pennies from your shoulders, for a second looking down into your filled cleavage, feeling himself blush a deep red.
You noticed his gaze, smacking his hands away. “Don’t worry about the coins, Steve. I can take care of them myself”, you tried to sound serious, but you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing. Especially when both of your dogs tied you once again with their leashes, pressing you close against each other.
Bonus 2:
Next day
Reader: "What's his real name?"
Steve: "I call him buddy."
R: "Yeah but what's his name tho."
S: "Buddy."
R: "oh you mean... his name is buddy."
S: “okay, Technically it’s ‘slippers’ in his certificate, but I…don’t like it. Buddy is better”
R: “Why slippers?”
S: “It’s a long story…”
R: “we have time.”
S: "When he was young - even younger, like 40 days old, he slips through the bars of his cage, ran into a bowl of oil, and slide all the way from kitchen to the living room, and got his head stuck in a slipper"
R: “It makes sense you’re his owner.”
S: “what’s that supposed to mean???”
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Thank you for reading!
I hope you liked it! Leave some feedback and don’t forget to reblog!
Flood my inbox!:) I’ll try to post one or two drabbles everyday!:)
The second bonus is completely @jamneuromain idea! Give this amazing person some love<3
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adambja · 6 months
It's a quit a long post so in sorry for that and I'm not a native English speaker so please pardon my mistakes......
Hey girl , I have a question and it's not related to aff tapes but I want to ask you this question to know your opinion and hope you give me a solution and guide me on this ..... So
To be very honest i manifest so many things in my life ,
I even shift one time ,
Enter in void state also by doing psych k method i think after 2 and half day ,
Even get results by practising living in the present moment ,
Even I get results from your free tapes.
I'm telling you to know I get results and not telling lie and things that i manifest , good friends to good grades to pass in exams or even allow to sit in exams even after not going clg entire year 😅 and for all this I have all my desires so smoothly even just my laptop have internet when whole hostel don't have and so many more fun things and all......
As for live in the present moment - In my check up I diagnosed diabetic but through live in the present moment I heal myself and when I do next day check up I'm completely healthy...
As for your tape come on girl ... There are so many , don't know where to start 🤣🤣🤣 ....anyways so many things
But my main problem is whenever I tell , share my success stories to anyone it stops happening 😭😭😭 I don't believe in it before but i shift and I tell a friend about it till now I don't shift , it's like 2 yrs now ....
Tell my void success story even just as an anon but still after that I didn't enter in void ....
After telling your aff tape success story I start having more doubts or even sometimes I can't even listen to your tape because people district me or start talking to me and want me to answer them but i prefer to listen to it calmly and be alone , all the symptoms i feel suddenly gone .....
After sharing my present moment success story I don't see any results till now .... Not even with the psych method....
At first i just thought that I don't do it properly or maybe I tell my success story to someone who is a negative person and can't understand all of this law and all so it's effect my process because I'm not perfect in it ( it's a wrong and limiting belief ) ...So i decided if i want to tell someone my success story or tell someone my journey I'll just tell it to people who is like me ... So in the community..... But even after telling people like me ( who believe in loa , manifestation and all ) I still get stuck ..... And I tell my success stories to people who help me and to help others but what now ...... Today i suddenly see all things .......
So what should I do to overcome ...😭😭😭
Thank you for taking your time to read ..... I'm sorry again...
I saw some people on here and twitter having the same issue lmao 😭😭
It's just you are making yourself stuck due to your self-concept you keep putting yourself in a maze and confusion due to your self-concept and it's not about my tape at all BUT I AM GLAD MY TAPES MADE YOU COME HERE AND ASK FOR A SOLUTION 😭!!! BECAUSE YOU KNOW NOW THERE IS A WEIRD THING HAPPENING AND THIS IS one of the benefits in the tape your subconscious mind literally lets you know what is the issue and the assumptions you have to change that's why some people experienced some negativity while listening to the tapes NOT EVERYONE THEY ARE LITERALLY 3 PEOPLE GUYS!!
Anyways let's get deeper into this!
So look you got that belief from someone as if it's like if you say your goals or your success stories they can be jinxed and whatever this is
THE FEELING YOU ARE DEALING WITH HERE IS "FEAR" YOU ARE JUST SCARED OF IT and it's okay your feelings are valid but jinxing isn't even real because nobody is real 😭😭 because THE REALITY ITSELF ISN'T REAL SO YOU ARE LITERALLY SAFE
How to solve this?
"I am safe"
"I am comfortable"
"I am safe saying my success stories to everyone"
"I am comfortable saying my success stories to everyone"
Also congrats on your success stories with my tapes hehehe 🤭🫶🏻 I know you will have more after this
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sparksqfly · 1 year
─ So much for summer love𓆝 part 3
are we out of the woods?
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synopsis: modern au - you meet ellie during a school activity and start getting involved in an intense relationship. warnings! bad words, pet names? (princess, good girl etc), implied sex, teasing, lowkey mean!ellie and mean!reader. ellie and reader gets injured. soo much drama but happy ending author's note: this is the final official part of the story. Possibly sometime this week, i will publish an epilogue for this story because i have a couple of ideas to wrap it up. this part is quite long, and i apologize for that, but i hope you still enjoy it!. again, english is not my first language, so i apologize for any mistakes i may have made. thank you for reading <3 about the story: joel is referred to as ellie's father. references to taylor swift and her music, the reader is a huge swiftie (this chapter is so out of the woods coded hehehhe). there is a big reference to taylor swift, but it speaks for itself :)
wc: 7,2k (im so sorry), taglist: @elliesinterlude @libr4sonsa @erikaar
"i think the guide closing this stage is my father," ellie said, turning around to look at you closely. "so, you have a cover story when you have to tell him that you broke a race limit with a blade," you tease her. "maybe, i was thinking of saying that I found it on the floor, but you're right, i don't have to give too many explanations," she said with a smirk. during what felt like an eternity in the forest, ellie had talked to you about her family. she had never known her mother, but she had given birth to her early, and it had always been joel and her with their two uncles. in that conversation, you had felt somewhat important. joel was one of the race guides who, as a father of a student, had helped the schools organize the outing, and you were his daughter's classmate. to some extent, you were important.
you snapped out of your imagination when you saw two men standing at the end of that stage of the race. Indeed, one of them was ellie's father. she was the one who handed him the collected objects. when she handed him the ribbon, joel simply said, "did you tie them again?" ellie nodded, and they continued looking at the objects as if nothing had happened. "okay, ladies, you can take some time to have lunch. It's around four-thirty in the afternoon, and you should be back by five. that way, you'll complete the final activity, and we can return by 7," he said, and you nodded, looking at him. "where can we eat?" you asked, hoping they wouldn't make you sit somewhere where some activity was going on. you had already dealt with many teenagers during the day. "you have a large part of the forest; there are some boundaries, but as long as you don't go too far to get lost, it's enough," he gave a stern look to his daughter, and she smiled back with arrogance. "understood, let's go eat," ellie said, smiling at you. joel moved aside to let them pass. "what? no money for lunch today, old man?" ellie said, putting a hand on your waist to guide you. "oh, sure! I'll give you 50 dollars to spend at the technological buffet in this forest," joel joked, and ellie laughed, throwing her head back. it was a beautiful sound. she should do it more often.
after a couple of minutes of both of you walking through the forest, ellie asked with a smile, "would you allow me to take you to a place for us to have lunch, princess?" her hand had held yours, and you were swinging them as you walked. "of course, babe, but keep in mind that i'm starving," you said, placing your hand on your stomach. it would start making noise any moment now.
it turned out that ellie knew the forest very well. much better than you could have expected. just before you sat down on the ground and asked ellie to pass you the lunch bag so you could sit on any fallen log to eat, she took your hand and led you away from where you were. when you looked up, you found yourself facing a beautiful river. it wasn't very large, and the water flowed calmly, almost silently. the shore was made of stones, and the trees seemed to have stopped growing in that part of the forest. as mundane as the place seemed, it looked like something out of one of the epic fantasy books you loved to read. "ellie..." you said, incredibly surprised by the beautiful landscape before your eyes. She smiled in response. "beautiful, isn't it?" "beautiful? oh my god, ellie, are you crazy? this is stunning!" she chuckled softly, with a sideways smile. she seemed extremely proud of herself for making you this happy. "i know, i used to come here with joel. I didn't think i'd remember the way, but look, it seems like i do," ellie said, sounding even prouder of herself. you took out your phone to take several photos. some just of the scenery, and when you turned around to take pictures of ellie, you saw her through your camera, taking a photo of you with her phone. immediately, you lowered your phone and covered your face with your hands, laughing at the situation and her beautiful concentrated expression while trying to take the picture.
instantly, arms wrapped around you, planting kisses on your hair amidst laughter. you looked up at ellie and nestled into her body, embracing her neck with your arms and bringing her lips close to yours, placing one of your hands on her nape. ellie deepened the kiss, and you let yourself go, partially opening your mouth to let her do as she pleased. after all, the two of you were truly alone, at least for the moment.
her lips parted in search of air, but ellie didn't stop there. she began kissing the right side of your face, leaving a trail of kisses from your forehead to your exposed collarbone due to the cut of your dress. her kisses continued descending where the fabric of your dress began, and you felt her sucking more on your skin with each kiss she left. as she approached your breasts, she started gently pressing your skin between her teeth. you felt her fingers play with the strap of your bra, which was visible due to your now disheveled dress. you were about to ask her to continue, to stop playing with you and lower that damn brassiere, when your stomach growled with hunger.
when you heard it, you held your breath at first, hoping that ellie hadn't noticed and that she would continue doing what she was doing just a second ago. but you knew her better than that. as soon as you released your breath, she burst into laughter as if she had heard the funniest joke in the world. you huffed, "fuck off, williams," and she continued laughing like crazy. "baby, that was freaking adorable," she said, looking at you with a smile as she gave you a kiss on the cheek. "i'm starving, babe. you've been teasing me for hours. i'm dead hungry," you pouted playfully, making ellie laugh even more. before releasing you, she playfully bit your shoulder and readjusted your bra and dress to their original positions.
she bent down to rummage through her backpack, pulling out the same waterproof coat from earlier and looping it around your waist before tying it at the front. as she tied it, she pecked your lips and you responded with a more aggressive kiss, albeit with a smile. "so you don't stain that beautiful dress," you smiled at her and watched as she sat on a large rock, spreading her legs wide open. she gestured with her head for you to sit in front of her, and you complied. carefully, you sat on the ground, making sure not to touch the water too much, as you had a feeling you'd freeze if any part of your body came into contact with it. ellie took out the lunch bags, keeping one for herself and handing you the other. without hesitation, you opened it, revealing two halves of a sandwich inside and an apple. without thinking, you took a bite of your food and realized that they hadn't given you anything to drink until ellie pulled out a thermos flask of water from her backpack and offered it to you.
you ate in comfortable silence, finding it amusing how differently you and ellie ate. ellie consumed her sandwich silently and slowly, while you devoured yours quickly, as if it were about to disappear, barely taking a sip of water. "this is fucking amazing," you said with a mouthful, without lifting your head. you heard her laugh and looked into her eyes. she smiled and used her thumb to wipe off a bit of mayonnaise from the corner of your lips. you thought about giving her a napkin to clean her finger, but without thinking, she brought it to her mouth. You had a déjà vu of being on the bus with her as you felt your face blush violently at her gesture.
"do you have any music to play, babe?" ellie asked as she placed the first sandwich wrapper back into the bag they had been given. you noticed that she had removed the lettuce, which you found adorable. responding to her question, you nodded and took out your phone from your purse. you realized that you had no signal, probably because they were deep into the woods, so you simply played music from your downloaded songs. "isn't it strange that we haven't crossed any of those purple boundaries to get here? i mean, we've gone pretty far," you asked ellie as you placed your phone far from the water. she nodded. "yeah, it's weird, but i think it's because the others are too scared to venture out so far," ellie said. "anyway, we didn't go that far from where we started," she added, looking in the direction they had come from. you nodded, laughing.
you packed up the remaining bits of your sandwich in the bag and looked at the apple that had been at the bottom of the bag. With a mischievous smile, you looked at ellie. "what?" ellie asked, looking at you. your smile grew even wider. "you know, i actually don't like apples," you started rummaging through your bag for the candies you had packed earlier in the morning before leaving. ellie continued to look at you with a smile, and you pulled out three chocolates for her. with adoration in her eyes, she took them from your hands. "thank you," she said in a deep but relaxed voice. you took out some gummy worms from a small plastic bag deep in your bag. you ate a couple, buying time until ellie finished her chocolates, and then you grabbed one of the gummy worms. before she could even extend her hand, you moved the candy away from her. "come and get it," you said and promptly put it in your mouth, holding it with your teeth and slightly tilting your head forward to show it to her better. ellie seemed excited about the idea, just like you, as before you knew it, she was on top of you, her face inches away from yours, and her two arms planted on the ground behind you, keeping you in place.
in a matter of seconds ellie bit off a part of the worm and swallowed it in record time, you even thought he hadn't even chewed it. anyway you imitated her action by eating the candy extremely fast. still with the taste of that damn gummy in your mouth, ellie pounced on your lips, kissing them desperately. one of her hands that was resting on the floor went to your back, to pull you even closer to her and glue your bodies together.
after what felt like an eternity in her mouth, the redhead changed positions. she gently laid you down on the coastal stones and she positioned herself on top of you. before diving into your lips again, she caressed your hair and placed it on the ground "so pretty..." Ellie whispered through her teeth while she kept touching a strand of your hair that was on your cheek. she kissed you again desperately and moved one of her hands to the same place where she had been fiddling before, your collarbone and the strap of your bra. ellie pulled away from your lips to look at you "can i pull this down angel?" she asked, you saw her intertwine her fingers with the elastic of your bra. "mhm" you said in a nodding manner. ellie smiled sideways and released the elastic, allowing it to fall onto your skin. It made a sound that slightly startled you, and you felt a slight pain as it pressed against your skin.
"mmhm?" he mimicked your tone, using a high pitched voice "babe, I don't understand that dialect, come on. use your big girl words." bitch, you wanted her so bad and she knew it.  you blushed as you tried to formulate a coherent sentence to tell her that she could do whatever she wanted with you. "y-yes. y-you can pull it o-off." Ellie laughed tenderly at your stutter and gave you a kiss on the cheek and then pulled the dress you were wearing, including your bra, down below your shoulders. leaving your breasts completely uncovered. without missing a single moment he took one of them into his mouth, sucking it shamelessly and playing with your nipple between his teeth. causing you a fucking pleasurable pain. with his free hand she began to fiddle gently with the other one.
you on your side with one of your hands covered your mouth, you were already unable to contain your moans and gasps only with your lips. the refuge didn't last long, ellie withdrew the hand that had been on your tit to grab the hand you were covering your mouth with from your wrist. "come on, doll. let it out. we're in the middle of the woods all alone. who's going to hear you?" fuck, she was right. you were lying on the bank of a river with the girl of your dreams on top of you and you at her complete mercy. the thought that you were actually not far away from the crowded area and that anyone could appear at any moment made you even more excited. ellie let go of the tit she was touching to move on to the other one. giving it the same treatment as the other one. biting it and caressing it gently with her tongue.
she suddenly stopped paying attention to your breast and moved up to your mouth, kissing you until you were breathless, while continuing to caress you. sometimes your hair, other times parts of your body, she was driving you crazy. the music paused for a brief second, allowing you to hear the natural sounds of the forest. you heard a sound similar to a breaking branch and abruptly lifted your head, looking towards where it came from. if ellie wasn't on top of you, immobilizing you with her body, you would have stood up completely embarrassed at the thought of being discovered. you felt ellie gripping your chin and turning your face towards her. "eyes on me, baby," she said in a breath, staring at you intently. with her free hand, she began to caress your belly and abdomen from top to bottom. "i want you to feel comfortable," she said, smiling sideways. bitch. "y-yes, ellie. do whatever you want, but just do it," you were hopeless. you needed her right now. "what?" she said, laughing in your face. "yes! ellie, take me, damn it!" ellie seemed satisfied with that, and without waiting another second, she slipped her hand under your dress and inside your underwear.
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slept for a long time after what had happened. as you remembered it, you smiled, and ellie turned to look at you again. "are you okay?" she asked, caressing the lower part of your back as you lifted your head from her neck. "better than ever," you smiled at her. "i think it's time to go," she said, sitting up straight. you didn't know how much time had passed, but it was probably longer than you should have taken for lunch. "right, do you think the others are worried?" you asked as you sat on the ground. you picked up your phone, which was a few steps away, and turned off the music that was still playing. taylor swift's "dress" was playing at that moment. you smiled internally as you heard the last line of the song before stopping it. "only bought this dress so you could take it off."
"ready, babe?" ellie asked you from behind. you put your phone in your bag, and she took hold of both of your hands to help you get up. you stood in front of her, only inches apart. ellie gave you a big smile. "what?" you asked her, feeling nervous. "what, els, you're scaring me." did you have something on your face? maybe dirt on your cheek? or in your hair? "you're the most beautiful girl i've ever seen," ellie responded, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. "you scared me!" you said, gently pushing her. she quickly returned to her place and held you by the waist, kissing your forehead. before you could protest, she grabbed your hand and started walking.
"are you sure you know how to get back?" you asked her. you couldn't help but notice how the sky was darkening, and the path you had taken on the way felt unfamiliar. it was curious how light could change a landscape so much. you felt like you had never been there, even though you had just been there a while ago. despite trusting ellie with your life, you were afraid that she might not navigate well or step on a bear trap, or that the forest animals might attack without the noise of the music to deter them. okay, you were being ridiculous. ellie probably knew this forest like the back of her hand. she had already told you there were no bear traps, and come on, she had a damn knife in her back pocket. perhaps it was the bear that should be afraid of crossing paths with her.
"princess?" ellie's voice snapped you out of your trance. "yes, els, sorry. i was lost in thought. what did you say?" she laughed and caressed your hand. "i was saying it's not a very difficult path. we just need to keep going straight until we reach a big tree, then turn right and walk for about five minutes. we should come across the racecourse." she spoke with concentration, looking at the trees. "sounds good," you said, stroking her hand back. you didn't want to distract her. "but wait," ellie suddenly stopped and crouched down to search for something in her backpack. you saw her pull out that damn waterproof coat again, but this time she helped you put it on and even closed it all the way up. "it's starting to get cold," she said, kissing the tip of your nose. you smiled foolishly, though you were worried about her getting cold on the way. "you're a superhuman and you don't get cold?" you teased her. "i have pretty good resistance, but don't worry. if i really get too cold, i can ask my dad for a jacket. you're my priority," she said, trying to sound serious, but you had already figured her out, especially with what she had just said. she was so sweet.
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say that everything was going wrong was an understatement. the two of you had been walking through that damn forest for over an hour, and night had fallen a while ago. it was becoming increasingly difficult to see where you were heading. ellie seemed to be in a very bad mood and had been pacing around for a long while. you had the feeling that you two were just walking in circles in the forest for hours, but you had no idea how to break that cycle and find a way out.
ellie had let go of your hand fifteen minutes ago, although at that moment, she didn't seem as angry as she was now. her shoulders were tense, and you could hear her muttering curses under her breath. she made abrupt changes in direction without warning. not to mention the cold that had started to set in. ellie's coat kept you warm, but your legs trembled if you stayed still for too long. you couldn't ignore the slight pain that appeared in your chest when you saw ellie chattering her teeth and how her body trembled from the cold.
"els..." you called her with the sweetest voice you had, the last thing you wanted was to distract her, but you felt too selfish with her coat on while she shivered in the cold. "what?" ellie responded abruptly, as if you were bothering her, and that's exactly how you felt. "it's just that... it's freezing. do you want me to give you the coat for a while?" you asked. you were about to touch her shoulder to make her turn and look at you because she hadn't even done that. "what the hell are you saying? no, that's fucking stupid," the words came out of her mouth, sharp as a knife. and a wave of sadness flooded you, but at the same time, you felt a deep anger towards her in your chest. what the hell was wrong with her? she was the one who had put you both in this situation.
you quickly pushed those thoughts out of your head. you were letting yourself be carried away by your emotions and the exhaustion of the moment. it wasn't your fault, and it wasn't ellie's either. It was just how things had unfolded. "it's just that you're shivering, and this is your coat, and..." "oh my god, can you fucking shut up for one damn second?!" she exclaimed. she hadn't shouted at you, but it felt like she had. the anger in your chest grew even bigger, along with the urge to cry. you tried to calm yourself down, repeating what you had told yourself before, but before you could manage to calm down, ellie walked past you. "fucking move," she said. she didn't push you, but it made you feel even worse. the fact that she didn't even turn to look at you made it even worse. where was the girl who had made you blush on the bus hours ago, the one who couldn't go more than 5 minutes without holding your hand? for the first time, you felt alone in that forest and filled with anger.
"what the hell is wrong with you anyway?" you asked, furrowing your brow and using a voice you hadn't used with her until now, filled with anger and sadness. she turned around, also with a furrowed brow, her shoulders tense, and her hands clenched into fists. "i'm trying to guide us on the damn right path. maybe I would be on the right track if you weren't so damn annoying, you know?" she replied. you had never heard her so angry before. your blood boiled. "so this is how it's going to be, huh?" you asked, your voice rising, about to yell at her. "what the hell are you saying?" wllie asked, looking confused, but still as angry. "you fuck me once, and suddenly I'm a burden to you? is that really the kind of person you are, ellie?!" you accused, and you didn't take long to see the pain that appeared on her face. you suspected you had hit a sensitive spot. "no, y/n, it's not fucking like that. i just..." ellie tried to explain herself, but you simply couldn't bear it anymore. "yeah, but that's exactly what you're doing. I'm done with this, williams," you told her, and her face seemed a mix of sadness and anger. without thinking about what you were doing, you started walking in the opposite direction. "oh, perfect, go your own way. i don't even care about you anyway, right, y/n? fuck you," those last words hurt even more than the entire argument they had just had. "fuck you, williams. damn the moment you were assigned as my fucking partner," you said and continued on your way, walking quickly. you didn't even want her to try to follow you. in that moment, you hated her, and you were regretting everything, even though you knew it was just the anger of the moment. just like ellie probably felt.
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when you realized it, you had been walking alone for 10 minutes, you understood the gravity of the situation. you were a girl, unarmed and alone in the middle of a forest filled with wild animals, and you didn't know how to navigate. you had only been thinking about ellie and the argument you both just had, how everything had crumbled in a second just because both of you were tired and in a bad mood. both of you had said things that you didn't truly mean under any circumstances. you knew ellie hadn't used you just for sex, but in the heat of the moment, that was the only thing that had come out to hurt her.
the desire to talk things out with ellie compelled you to continue on your path to find her and discuss what had happened, but you had no idea where she could have gone or where she was. so you decided to implement the only tip you remembered from those shitty tiktok videos you occasionally watched, where they recommended things to do in extreme situations. in this case, if you were lost in a forest, the advice was to find a river and follow it until you reached civilization. it seemed like a terrible idea, but it was the only one you had. you hugged your body, seeking more warmth in the coat and feeling ellie's scent on it. the urge to cry overwhelmed you; this coat was nothing like having her by your side. you thought about how much you would give to have her with you in this moment, and it made you even angrier that both of you were together when this started happening, but you had become too lost in anger and exhaustion to support each other.
somehow, you trusted your instincts that you were on the right path towards the river, so you continued on without looking back. you were terrified of encountering anything; your mind had taken it upon itself to scare you with the worst possible scenarios: ghosts, cults, vampires, wolves, foxes, men, men hunting, bear traps, and so on.
after what felt like hours of walking, you heard a noise. something like a voice. it could have been your imagination, but you swore it was a voice calling your name. you heard it from behind, so you started running in the opposite direction from where you were heading, hoping it wasn't just your mind playing tricks on you. you knew you shouldn't run, especially not in the darkness of a damn forest, but anxiety took over. you sprinted, trying to reach wherever that voice had come from. and as luck would have it, you stumbled on an uneven patch of ground.
for a moment, the pain from your ankle and the confusion were overwhelming. you knew you had twisted your ankle, and you didn't want to look at it. you also knew you had to get up and find a place to sit down at least before the injury got cold and you couldn't move. so that's what you did. you spotted a large fallen log and crawled towards it as best as you could. your whole body was in pain, and you felt exposed because a part of your dress had torn and you were damn dirty from all the dirt you had dragged along. you reached the log and sat down, realizing that you had absolutely nothing left but to pray that they find you quickly. you nestled your face in ellie's jacket, hiding the lower part of your face, and began to pray to be found soon. to be found by HER.
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fuck, I'm such a fucking idiot. i shouldn't have treated her like that. did she really think i was using her for a quick fuck? that i didn't feel anything for her? i'm an asshole. i had the most beautiful afternoon with her. with the girl of my dreams, and i ruined it just because i couldn't control my damn anger. i let her go, let her walk away from me, and i neglected her, letting her hate me for not shutting my fucking mouth.
ellie could only turn those thoughts over in her head. she couldn't stop regretting everything that had happened and the way she left you alone. it was cold, and you didn't have any food with you. she had taken the water and the other survival supplies. she had only left you a jacket that wasn't even enough for the cold in that forest. she quickly abandoned the mission of returning to the race site. it made no sense to go back to her student obligations when she had failed the only one she had, which was to protect you.
she began to wander around the places where she thought you might have gone. she thought maybe you would try to go back to the lake so she could find you, but right now, you hated her. why would you do that? she started running, trying to cover as much of the forest as possible. all she wanted was to find you; she would deal with returning to the race when she had you in her arms. lost in her thoughts, ellie didn't see the cluster of rocks on the ground. she stumbled over one of them and couldn't catch herself with her body before her head hit one of the rocks.
during the time she was unconscious, ellie couldn't say that she had dreamed anything. all she felt was cold, coldness, and distant voices. for some reason, images of what that day had been like kept repeating in her head. her packing her backpack for that stupid school excursion, getting in joel's car damn early to get to school before anyone else, when a grumpy teacher wrote a "27" on the back of her hand, being by your side all day, the way you looked at her, how nervous she was before she grab your chin for the first kiss, your smile when she complimented your dress, your face below hers, how your hair stretched on the rocks, the way you smiled at her while she touched you, you all over her by the river, and the overwhelming pain on your face when you argued.
"miss, miss, holy shit, it's one of them," she heard a male voice say, pulling her out of the dream. she felt herself being shaken from side to side and her face being touched. "hey, hey."
she abruptly opened her eyes, seeing the trees and the moon above her. in a second, a man appeared in her view, looking young and wearing a police uniform. "are you okay, miss?" another man asked, whose face she couldn't see. the buzzing in her ears was slowly fading away. "what? what happened?" ellie asked, her voice sounding hoarse, and her throat felt dry. "she's one of them, yes. look at the number on her hand." ellie slowly sat up with the help of the two men. "what happened?" she asked again, this time with a firmer voice. "it seems you got lost. you went out for lunch with your partner in the woods and never came back. it's been four hours since you went missing." that comment unleashed everything in ellie. "my partner, y/n. where is she? have you found her? she walked away from me, and i don't know where she went, but you have to find her. she's alone and knows nothing about survival. she was wearing a white dress and a brown jacket. you have to find her," ellie started explaining, her desperation growing with every thought crossing her mind.
"miss, listen to me. we need to get you back to where the school officials are. you lost consciousness, and we don't know what condition you're in. you need medical attention," one of the men explained. "i'm not leaving this damn place without her. she's under my responsibility," ellie said. her voice kept getting louder. "listen to me, miss. you weren't far from the race site. most likely, your friend couldn't have gone too far. we need you to come with us so we can take your statement. you are the most important piece in this," one of the men said. "besides, it's possible that by the time we get there, your friend has already been found," the other added.
after staring at both of them intensely for a few seconds, ellie agreed. they helped her to her feet and walked her toward where "the others were."
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you didn't know how long you had been sitting there, probably not long, but you were starting to lose your mind. you felt colder with each passing moment, and the jacket was not enough. on top of that, ellie's perfume had faded from the coat, and you began to feel even more alone. you watched as your ankle started to swell from the impact, and you were incredibly thirsty. obviously, your phone wasn't working, and you had nothing in your bag except for candies.
just when you were feeling most hopeless, you saw your shadow begin to cast on the grass in front of you. you turned around in search of the light that was causing that shadow, and as you turned, all you saw was the blinding flash of a flashlight. "y/n?" a male voice asked from behind the flashlight. "y-yes, it's me," you said with some fear. they knew your name, they couldn't be here to harm you, right? "jesus, kid, we've been looking for you for hours." finally, the man turned off the flashlight and approached you. "joel, thank god," you said, looking at him. you were incredibly happy to see him; aside from ellie, he was the person you wanted to see the most. you knew he would take care of you; his daughter was just like him.
he approached you and noticed that you weren't moving. "is everything okay? are you hurt?" joel asked, getting closer to get a better look at you. "i think i sprained my ankle, it hurts a lot," you said, looking at him. we crouched down to your level; he was very tall, and you couldn't help but feel intimidated. he examined your ankle and nodded. "it's okay, let me help you. there are some men here wandering around. we can assist you together," joel said, and you nodded, trying to move your body while avoiding putting weight on your injured ankle to fight off the cold. "is that ellie's jacket?" joel asked with a smile. although he wasn't saying it accusingly, a huge anguish filled your chest. if you had stayed with ellie, maybe he would have found her by now. after all, his daughter was also missing. you couldn't hold back the tears, and you started crying. "oh, what happened, kiddo? is everything okay?" he asked, putting a hand on your shoulder to calm you down. "it's just that i was with her, and we got lost, and i left because i was very angry, and now i don't know where she is. i'm so sorry, joel," you said between sobs, sad for ellie, but you were also releasing all the anguish you had accumulated during those moments of being alone and desperate.
"its ok, y/n, ellie knows how to navigate this forest, and on the other hand, she knows how to make a scene," joel chuckled to himself. seeing your distressed expression, he continued. "hey, don't worry about her. be glad we found you, and in no time, we'll find ellie. yhey're searching the entire area." you nodded, and just then, another man arrived. alongside joel, they helped you to your feet, and you couldn't help but notice the resemblance between them. "guess what, old man? it seems they found ellie. she seemed to have fainted or something, but as always, that girl is ready for action. she's causing a commotion with the police," the other man said. joel chuckled and turned his gaze to you. "did you hear that, Y/N? I told you she'd be fine." you nodded with a smile. on one hand, you were happy that ellie was safe, but on the other hand, you were damn scared. she had fainted? would she be okay? you were desperate to see her and hold her, but you were terrified that she would still be angry with you.
after walking for a while with the help of the two men, you began to see flashing lights from ambulances and police cars. god, had you caused so much trouble? as the three of you got closer, you heard a voice that was all too familiar, and just as joel had described, causing a scene. perhaps he thought the same, as he chuckled softly as the girl's voice became more audible. finally, the three of you passed through some trees, and you could see the scene clearly. there were several police cars, an ambulance, and several people scattered around the clearing, and there was ellie, your ellie, yelling at a man in a suit and pointing her finger at him. you couldn't help but be taken aback when you saw her. she was covered in dirt, disheveled, and had a bit of blood trickling from her hairline down to her shirt. she had scratches on her cheek, a bruise on her chin, and a split lip. despite being impressed and scared to see her in such conditions, she remained the most beautiful girl in your eyes. your heart found solace in seeing that she was safe and able to stand.
"you're all fucking useless! how long have you been searching for us?! huh?! a whole damn hour and you still haven't found her?! you have one job, you fucking idiots!" she shouted at the man. she hadn't seen you yet but seeing her so worried about finding you from the outside made your heart melt. ellie, your ellie. how could you be so tender? joel and the other man asked one of the doctors where they could leave you to rest, and he pointed them to the edge of the open back of one of the ambulances where they could see the wounds on your leg. it surprised you that they noticed so quickly until you realized that you were noticeably limping on one of your legs. joel and his companion sat you down there, and you thanked them for their help. ellie signaled to you that she was going to talk to Ellie, and you nodded. you had started fidgeting with your fingers from the contained anxiety of seeing ellie so close and worried about you, but not knowing how to get her attention or what to do to talk to her.
you watched joel tap ellie on the shoulder, and she turned around as he pulled her towards him. she allowed it for a moment, her shoulders relaxing. It was freezing cold. how could she be wearing short sleeves? before you had time to process it, ellie turned around and saw you sitting in the ambulance. Without wasting a second, she approached you. not running, but at a fast pace, and she finally enveloped you in her arms. "baby," you heard her say once she had you in her arms. it was soft enough for only you to hear. "oh, ellie," you said. you took a moment to hold her tightly and feel her close. she let go of you to avoid hurting you and took a moment to look at you, caressing your face, and you knew she was brushing off some dirt. ellie was about to say something when a doctor appeared behind her and ordered her to "sit down already." you laughed. you knew ellie had probably refused medical attention before finding you. She sat down beside you and took your hand in hers. a police officer approached to give them a blanket, and ellie covered both of you with it. you looked at her, a bit overwhelmed by emotions, and rested your head on her shoulder. "i know, baby, i know," she said, stroking your lower back. it was clear that they had a lot to talk about, but they couldn't do it here, surrounded by doctors and ellie's father.
a doctor approached to talk to both of you. they had concluded that both of you should go to the hospital to be properly examined, especially ellie, who had a nasty bump on her head. your heart ached at the thought of her being unconscious and alone in the forest without anyone to help her, and she felt a pang in her stomach thinking about the pain and fear you must have felt being injured and alone in the woods. joel arrived and informed you that your parents had been notified and would meet you at the hospital. with the help of ellie, joel, and a couple of nurses, you were lifted onto the ambulance stretcher, and ellie stayed with you to go to the hospital in the same vehicle. you weren't sure if that was the procedure for someone who had lost consciousness from a head injury, but you didn't think ellie cared either way.
once they closed the ambulance with you on the stretcher and Ellie sitting on one of the benches at the sides, they left you alone for a while to retrieve documentation. ellie took your hand. "i shouldn't have spoken to you like that. it was immature of me, and i'm so sorry, y/n. i never wanted to hurt you. i just couldn't control my anger, and it's completely unjustifiable. i'm new to healthy relationships, and i want to learn for you. let's not let it happen again because i love you, and you're the most beautiful, intelligent, and kind girl i've ever known. you were never and will never be just a quick fling to me, and i'm so sorry for making you feel that way. i had the best day with you before this shit in the woods happened. i'm truly sorry for ruining it like this. can you forgive me?" ellie said, looking at you with puppy eyes while caressing your hand. "i love you too, ellie. forgive me as well. i didn't handle the situation well, and i hurt you too." your hand had moved to caress her cheek, and ellie turned her head to kiss it. both of you quickly pulled apart as the driver got into the vehicle to start driving.
ellie rested her head on your lap. it seemed like an uncomfortable position, but it wasn't for ellie. she just wanted to feel closer to you. you stroked her hair to relax her on your lap, and ellie smiled. she seemed like she was about to fall asleep. "we look like we just came out of a bad suspense movie," ellie said with her eyes closed. "of course, because we just escaped an extreme situation, and i'm still perfectly groomed and made up," you replied in an arrogant tone. ellie chuckled to herself. "your jokes are worse than mine," she said. "i know, baby," you replied, tucking one of her reddish locks behind her ear. "do you have any idea how quickly they're going to fire the person who assigned us as partners?" ellie opened her eyes, looked at you, and laughed again. "poor bastard, he lost his job and made me gain a beautiful girlfriend."
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angidrawingstuff · 3 months
Faba Headcanons (mainly past)
Just wanted to get some headcanons down for my imaginations of Fabas Past and random HCs for my Story. (⚠WARNING⚠ . There are a lot of different sensitive topics that are not suited for everyone so please stay safe)
If you see any weird writing mistakes or bad wording, I am sorry :") I easily do typos without noticing and English isnt my first language
-Faba comes from a very unloving home where nothing he did was ever good enough for his parents. When he did well it was just accepted but never acknowledged. When he did mistakes on the other hand he was mostly treated like the scum of the family. But Child Faba still wanted to do his best and make his parents happy even if it was all in vain.
-Petrel and Faba are brothers in this Story, but unlike Faba, Petrel was sick of getting treated like trash, got connections to Team Rocket through the Internet, stole some money and left the Alola Region to join Team Rocket where he was atleast worth something. Their parents didnt care and only used this situation to put Faba under even pressure. "Do your best. You dont want to end up as a criminal as your brother, dont you??" (Faba did crime in the future anyway. yay. Also cant wait for Faba and Petrel to meet again)
-Faba has actually a very bad immune system, is often sick, can't do sports well and is exhausted quite easily. (But his parents didn't care and still forced him to do well and go over his limits)
-Since Faba didnt got any love from anyone, had no friends in school since he was always just the awkward silent depressed kid, he cried pretty often and wished to just shut his head off. After meeting his Drowzee he sometimes asked it to use hypnosis on him so he would fall asleep and stop thinking about how little he is worth. (I have an Angst Comic Idea for this where Adult Faba gets a Flashback of this and jdhufb my heart is aching already because it will be sad but cute in the end)
-He met his Drowzee during a school break in middle school. Some classmates were playing with their Pokemon, while Faba didnt had a single one and was just watching while eating a little. But then a Drowzee came out of nowhere and most of the kids suddenly screamed that theres an evil Pokemon attacking them. They attacked the Drowzee out of fear (because we all know what Drowzee and Hypno are known for), making the Drowzee run away. But..Faba noticed it looked very sad as it left. So Faba walked after it and found it hiding under a tree. The Drowzee panicked once it saw the child and put its little arms protectively over its head. Faba did nothing and let the Drowzee realise that he doesnt want anything bad. This made the Pokemon turn around slowly and saw that the human was offering a little of his food to him, which it happily ate after hesitating a little. Faba took a seat next to the Drowzee, comforting it a bit more and realised it only wanted to play with the other people and pokemon but got treated badly because it was a Drowzee. They quickly became friends and met in nearly any school break until Faba catched it. (I also really wanna draw this as Comic REEEEE)
-Fabas narcissism became a thing after getting to know Drowzee. His first and only friend he ever had. That Pokemon gave him something to fight for in his life but the neglect and ab*se that his parents made him go through nearly every day made it very very difficult. So he started to love himself forcefully and take pride in the things he can do well. At the beginning he could only be prideful of his intelligence but over many many years he became proudful in everything and threw the blame always on someone else when a mistake happend. He became blind by his forceful and fake pride and wanted to proof himself and others that he is a great mastermind...AND THEN DID A BUNCH OF ILLEGAL THINGS LIKE THE POKEMON EXPERIMENTS AND SO ON...YAY!! (Idiot //affec)
-He and his nowadays Hypno are very very loyal to each other. Hypno does literally anything he says. Hypno is also VERY overprotective of Faba since it doesnt want anyone to hurt him as in the past. Colress had a tough time getting its trust but after a long while Hypno knew he could trust Colress.
-Faba is super well with Pokemon that get easily judged and are very feared since he got always ignored and outcasted too
-After Faba was forgiven he actually got hit by depression, a huge amount of guilt, waves of flashbacks and an eating disorder (that he all hides behind acting prideful and acting fine as nothing ever happend). This happend because he couldnt accept that his co-workers were so nice to him and let him stay in the Aether Foundation. Realising the crimes he did because of his Narcississm remembered him that his parents were always right- He is actually just a nothing, a loser that only does mistakes, a scum that actually should just disappear from earth.
-I like the headcanon that Faba does Drag so I add it here too. With the only difference that the Faba for my Story stopped doing it after getting hit with depression and Anorexia. He became unhealthyly thin and rather worked while forgetting/ having no urge to eat. It made him think that his body is very unpleasant and stopped having fun with drag. Thanks to Colress he will start living healthier again slowly and by time, hopefully, show him his love for drag again.
In conclusion he was a very depressed unloved man but thanks to USUM Colress`s Sweetness he will slowly be okay <3 he needs hugs. a lot.
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