#sorry if this kinda drifted from your ask lmao but ye
butwhatifidothis · 2 years
Is it bad that when I got to the last point on your Ch 58 about Cornelia showing up and stabbing Dimitri, I honestly thought for a second you were joking? And I had to go to the chapter to confirm it?
I mean, I’m fine with the idea of what Cornelia says (it would make a neat AU or twist on canon in a vacuum) but she just… shows up, in the middle of two enemy armies, just to… brag? And then kill Demitri so once again, a main character can be killed by someone else besides the ‘heroes’? I. Wow. Jeralt was one thing, but he was at least killed by the same faction if I remember right-
No, it's definitely true - Cornelia does in fact pop up at the conclusion of the fight just to alleviate from Woobiegard the act of killing Dimitri herself.
Now, mind, Dimitri is still alive by the end of that chapter, but spoiler alert Cornelia does kill him in the next one. And Cornelia and Thales themselves just kinda... exist to be threats? But not threatening.
Thales is lauded as this mastermind giga genius who has spies and and eyes and ears any and everywhere and that's why Woobiegard just totally couldn't tell anyone anything about what he was doing... but also she'll just, like, punch him in the face. And face no repercussions for doing so. More than once. He has spies everywhere that can look like anyone, but apparently, um... doesn't know that his spies can shape-shift? According to Kronya? He brainwashes his spies for all of their lives to do what he wants, but also the brainwashing can be completely erased from one singular conversation. He's the leader of Agartha and rules it with an iron fist and the culture is rife with ideas of hatred and vengeance and it's been like this for (presumably) centuries, but also literally everyone not a bigwig can completely reject everything they ever knew because One (1) resident told them that Thales is Cringe. He's the one wearing the pants of his and Woobiegard's partnership and Woobiegard has to act submissive towards him... as he has to ask her to use the Death Knight... and needs her okay to use his men alongside hers... and needs her to consent to using Aymr instead of, like, I dunno, blackmailing her into using it by force or something? Y'know something a bad guy that's threatening would and could do?
Cornelia, in a double-edged sword kinda way, both benefits and loses from not ever being really a thing before the later chapters - there's literally no build-up for her being the one to end up being the bigger threat than Thales so it comes out of nowhere, but there's also nothing to contradict to "make up" for that. But even then she still somehow manages to be contradictory - she was distraught at the death of Thales, but did literally nothing to try and stop it despite her escaping Woobiegard's side from a slight distraction doing more than enough to show off that she very much could have helped Thales during that moment. She has all these golems and all this magic, but then kinda just... gets captured? Somehow?
They're there to suggest the idea that there is something Woobiegard ought to be wary of, but they never actually do anything in the story to prove that they're something that needs worrying about. All of their competence and fear factor that Woobiegard feels about them is left in their backgrounds; Thales conducted the experiments on Woobiegard, Cornelia helped instigate the Tragedy, and because of that they should be feared. But not for anything they're doing now - Woobiegard can Fortnite dance on their mother's graves and they still wouldn't do shit to her, because they never actually do anything to her. They wait until the very last minute to attempt to try something, and once they do Thales is immediately killed and then made into a literal joke. Cornelia only fares slightly better by Whack-A-Moling back into the story to kill Dimitri for Woobiegard, but that's about it.
So while it's HILARIOUS that you thought I was joking I honestly don't blame you for thinking that, because Thales and Cornelia are themselves jokes lmao
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mikalara-dracula · 1 year
(nsfw-ish) Hiii can you make headcanons for the diaboys when they have a wet dream of their s/o?
💦🥵 When the Diaboys have a wet dream of their s/o—
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Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor and aren't comfortable with slight NSFW, sexual arousal, and orgasm-related concepts. This is a fictional work and should not be taken seriously.
Caution: Unfortunately, Tumblr has a history of admins quarreling over completing carbon copy asks due to users sending the same request(s) to multiple admins, thus, resulting in unintentional plagiarism. With this, please DO NOT send the same request to multiple blogs as it can cause unintended plagiarism discord to other blogs across Tumblr. The word “plagiarism” stems from the early 17th-century Latin word, “plagiarius,” meaning “kidnapper.” So please, do not send in the same request to multiple blogs and make admins appear to be “kidnapping” other people’s work when it isn’t their intention. If this is to occur with any of my posts, please contact me so we can work something out.
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Hi there, Anon!
Thank you so much for requesting! I'm very sorry for the long wait! I hope you enjoy reading it. Feel free to request again anytime. :)
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Created with: @liannelara-dracula
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Before we get into this scenario, let’s get into some context about it:
Scientifically speaking, wet dreams or sleep orgasms don’t have to necessarily be caused by having erotic dreams.
However, because the Diaboys are not human, I think this applies to them a bit differently.
@liannelara-dracula and I think that because they’re immortal, having wet dreams is ONLY caused by having erotic dreams.
And because an immortal’s senses and feelings are known to be heightened compared to a human’s, let’s just say their wet dreams are a bit, well . . . messy.
And by “messy” we mean to the point where the sheets have a big stain on them.
Anyways, let’s go on to the hcs.
He was kinda confused when he woke up because he did not see it coming.
I mean, unexpectedly finding this big stain on his pants and bed?
At first, since you were sleeping next to him, he honestly thought you wet the bed.
It took him a minute to realize that that wasn’t the case and that he was the cause of this mess.
Although, it definitely didn’t stop him from waking you up and accusing you for it.
“See what you did? You couldn’t control yourself.”
“Shut up! You’re the one with wet pants.”
Knowing he couldn’t get you to believe otherwise, he changed subject.
“Whatever, it doesn’t matter. Just clean the sheets.” He’d say, closing his eyes, attempting to drift off again.
“Shu, you’re not some baby where I have to wipe your ass for you.”
Being the smartass he is, he’d smirk, “Well . . . .”
Knowing he was being an ass, you’d instantly grab a nearby pillow and start hitting him with it, to which he’d just laugh since he’d find your reaction amusing.
He never thought he’d wake up this way.
I mean, wet because of you?
He never saw this coming obviously.
And he was so embarrassed by it.
And to make matters worse, you walked in and he instantly threw a blanket over himself and the bed stain.
"Good morning, Reiji. Did you sleep well?” You’d ask.
In a tense tone, and with the blanket up to his neck, he’d reply, “Yes.”
Noticing that his response seemed off, you questioned, “Are you okay?"
"Of course!" He'd quickly respond, attempting to keep calm under the pressure of keeping you in the dark about this. “Just give me a few minutes, dear.”
“ . . . Okay.” You’d say walking out, giving him his privacy.
Reiji sighed in relief, and couldn’t think straight for the rest of the day.
He found it so hard to be around you and ended up making himself a tea to calm him down.
Dude should’ve smoked a cigarette after that dream lmao. xDD
You kept asking if he was alright since found his behavior to be bit weird, but nevertheless, he just kept to himself.
“Reiji, are you sure you’re alright?”
“Yes, yes!” He’d reassure, a bit jittery in response despite his collective nature. In hopes of changing the subject and to keep you from asking further questions, he’d deter by keeping you busy. “Now then, let us go for a walk, dear.”
Is not bothered by it.
He's had so many wet dreams anyways considering how long he's been around.
But he’s a little sad that what he was dreaming about was over and that it couldn’t continue.
“Aw, what a shame. We could’ve taken things to the next level.”
He even keeps tallies on how many wet dreams he’s had.
"Well, here’s another one to the list."
He even writes about the dreams that caused them.
He’s amused whenever he has one
But unlike some of his brothers, he’s able to get through the day quite normally, almost like it never happened.
Unless of course he saw you for the day and you did something super suggestive, then it takes everything in him to act composed.
He looks forward to the next time it happens and may try to make it happen by fantasizing about you before going to bed.
But honestly, when is he not fantasizing about you?
Finds it to be a pain since he “wet” himself and finds it a bit annoying.
Definitely wants to be alone when having to handle his wet pants and sheets.
Like, if someone knocks on his bedroom door, he yells at them to get lost.
He doesn't even want the servants cleaning it up because he finds it humiliating.
"They're not worthy enough to see this."
Knowing you caused this, he is beyond sexually frustrated and upset at you.
He literally cannot eat sweets without thinking about what happened.
He’ll be in such a grumpy mood that day.
But if you provoke him, he’ll pounce on you instantly.
He didn’t even know it happened, like, he was very much out of it.
He just kept sleeping on it and sooner than later, he finally sat on the edge of his bed, feeling heavy and not ready to take off for night school.
Laito walked in to tell him to get ready for school since they were already running late.
Of course, with Laito being Laito, he noticed Ayato’s state and had to tease him for it.
“Y’know brother, I thought we were much past you wetting the bed.”
“What are you—oh my god!” Until that point, Ayato hadn’t even noticed and it had been pointed out to him.
Embarrassed, he quickly grabbed his uniform, running towards the bathroom to change as he swore to brother, who was only amused by this situation. “This stays between me and you man. No one else can know.”
Oh shit! You were sleeping next to him when it happened
So how does he cover it up?
It’s simple—he can’t!
He turned red af.
He just couldn’t believe it happened, especially with you being right next to him.
Runs into the bathroom to hide himself.
“Subaru, it’s okay. It’s just-,”
“Leave me alone!”
Isn't ashamed at all.
In fact, he's just amused that you had this effect on him while unconscious.
"Hey babe, look what you did to me."
Blushing hard, you covered your face, not being able to bear with the situation.
“Kino, please just change.”
Isn’t bothered by it, even if you're there sleeping next to him or not.
Is only going to act on it if you make a big deal about it.
“You keep complaining, but you’re the cause of this. You should be paying for this.” He’d saying coming out of the shower only in a towel.
“But I never said anything! You’re not being fair!”
“Oh really?” He’d say mischviously, pulling his sheet of the bed only to throw it at you to get you “wet.”
“Stop!” You’d yelp as you tried to dodge the wet spot of the sheet from touching you as he laughed.
“Eww! Oh my god, Ruki!” You’d exclaim.
He’d laugh approaching you, “C’mere.”
You’d back away in fear, “No, I don’t trust you!” 
If you're not there, he's gonna be blaming you for it all day long in his mind.
Is going to let you pay for it by leaving you sexually frustrated for the day with some intimate activity he’ll initiate and then abandon, not allowing you achieve satisfaction.
“It’s only fair after what you did to me.”
Like Shu, he woke up confused, but quickly realized what had happened.
Recollecting, that dream was steamy, leaving him to comment on it.
“Oh, that explains it.”
Wishes you could see what you did to him.
"Damn, I wish she was here."
Instead, he sent a picture to you about the wet sheets with the caption, “Look what you did to me last night.”
To which would lead you facepalm and leave him on read. xDD
Wants to try out what happened in his dream with you and will flat up try to ask you about it.
“Hey babe, why don’t we-,”
Knowing what he’d want, you’d be quick to deny, “No!”
When he woke up, he was kinda pissed.
Not because he dreamt about you, but because he’d have to clean the sheets since everyone does their own laundry in the Mukami household.
"Ah, shit." He'd hiss, looking at the wet sheets. "I knew I shouldn't of gone to bed thinkin’ of her."
And to his dismay, Kou walked in on him and this scene, and because Kou’s an ass, he has to tease Yuma about it.
“Damn, someone was thinking real hard last night.” He’d joke around.
“Why you!” He’d say, chasing Kou out of his room.
And if it wasn’t Kou who was in his case about this, someone else was bound to.
When Yuma got down to the laundry room, Ruki decided to have his fun because once he saw the sheet Yuma was putting into the washer, he couldn’t help himself.
“I’m surprised you’re washing the sheets earlier this week, Yuma.”
“Yeah, well, they needed a change.” Yuma would say, attempting to the situation up.
“I see. I guess with Y/N on your mind you’re bound to wash them more often.”
Knowing that Ruki had figured it out, Yuma would retort, “Tch!” leaving Ruki to smirk as he walked out of the laundry room.
And knowing Kou, he’d probably have a picture as well of Yuma when he experienced this.
Or, to make matters worse, he’ll just tell you about it when he arrives at school.
“Hey, Y/N, guess what?!” Kou would yell from across the hall.
“You asshole!” Yuma would react, threantening Kou to keep silent, “Shut up before I throw you outta one of these windows!”
He didn’t understand what happened when he woke up.
It took his brothers to explain to him.
“Oh . . . so that’s what . . . it is?” Azusa would comprehend.
Since he was given an explanation, he was happy you were in his thoughts since he finds no better way to sleep.
He hopes he’ll have more of these experiences since they’re centered around his one and only Eve.
"I wonder if . . . she has . . . wet dreams . . . about me? . . . I guess I'll . . . never know."
Good lord, what did you do to make him wet?
He covers it up and pretends that it didn't happen.
He cannot live with himself right now.
And if has to see you that day, he’s not ready to face you.
All he can think about is what you two were doing in his dream.
“Carla, are you alright?” You’d ask finding his behavior to be a little off that day.
“The King of Founders is just fine.” He’d assert, ever so calmly.
“Okay, but you’re acting really weird today.”
“How is that?”
“Well, you seem tense.” Based on this, you further offered, “Do you want a massage?”
Just thinking of your touch on him was enough to make him lose his composure, so he’d refuse despite wanting one.
“No, no, it’s fine, really.”
And if you by any chance do something that turns him on, he’s not gonna be composed anymore.
He’ll give up and try to get you to the bed, or will just take you on a random surface.
He blames you 100% and doesn’t care if you find it embarrassing.
Given how the morning is starting off between you both, he isn’t going to let it go.
“The one who should be complaining is me, after all it is uncomfortable to be left with such thoughts.”
“No, what’s worse is knowing just how deep your mind travels to something like that!” You’d argue, blushing at the thought.
“You should be honored that you were in my thoughts, love.” He’d smirk, making you shocked as you’d throw a pillow at him. 
“I would be if it was in the sense of sentiment!” You’d retort, looking away.
“But making love to you is sentimental, even in my dreams.” He’d tease leaning closer to you, leaving you to blush harder as he laughed.
Not being able to take it much longer, you’d try changing the subject, “Would you just clean up already?!”
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ravencoloredroses · 1 year
Left Alone
Nyx x Reader
Summary: While the Inner Circle goes for a night out at Rita’s, Nyx and Y/N stay back home. 
Warnings: none :) (let me know if I missed anything)
Word Count: 990
A/N: I hope you like my first ever post! I don’t really see a lot of Nyx x reader fics on here so I figured this would be a good first for me! It's kinda short because I'm just testing the waters lmao. Please let me know what you think! <3 
“How many times do you want me to say I’m sorry?” I cry out in between giggles as Nyx climbs on top of me.
“Hhm, probably at least three more.” Nyx laughs as he continues tickling me. “Maybe after that I’ll think about accepting your apology.” He tries his best to hide that beautiful smile.
I squeeze my eyes shut causing a few tears to drip down my cheeks. “Okay, okay! I promise it won’t happen again-” 
Nyx kisses away my tears. “You’re damn right it won’t, or else.”
“Or else what?” Nyx and I both whip our heads to the stairs to see his dad and the rest of the Inner Circle staring fondly at us. 
“Uh oh Rhys, looks like we walked in on something.” Cassian sends me a wink while Nyx sits us up on the couch. 
“Why aren’t you guys ready to leave yet?” Mor asks with hurt in her eyes. They are going out to Rita’s for the night and the plan was for us to join them, but-
“Because they’re not going,” Nesta says, strolling past everyone towards the front door. 
“I’m sorry Aunt Mor, but Y/N isn’t feeling well and I need to stay back with them” Nyx looks over at me pleading for me to back him up.
“*cough* *cough* Yeah, I don’t feel so good. Sorry guys.” 
“I don’t know what you guys are up to, but I know I don’t like it.” Rhys says with a smirk. He walks over and puts an arm around Feyre. “We’ll only be gone for a couple of hours. Please for the love of the mother, stay here and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do-” 
“Woah, don’t give them any ideas” Cassian cuts him off. “Just be sure to use protection. Oh and Y/N, I don’t know if Nyx showed you, but if you scratch right about here on his wing it-”
“OKAY, thank you for that Cas” Azriel butts in before Cassian can finish his demonstration. “But seriously, if you want me to leave a shadow here, I’ll be more than happy to”
“That’s okay uncle Az.” Nyx says as he scoops me up into his lap. “I think we’ll be okay.” After a nod from Rhys and one more wink from Cassian, they finally walk out the door.
“Do I still have to pretend to be sick?” I laugh, looking over at Nyx as soon as the door closes. He shakes his head and smiles at me for a few seconds before he's pushing me off to the side so he can get up. I watch him go up the stairs and disappear down the hallway into his bedroom. A minute later he reappears with a book in his hand.
“How about we read together? I was just about to start this one. Do you want me to read or do you?” He grabs my favorite pillow as he walks back over to the couch.
“Can you? All this talk of me being sick has me feeling sick.” 
Nyx throws his head back laughing. “Aw baby, let me take care of you.” He gestures for me to stand and then lays us down. I snuggle myself between his legs with my head on his chest. His heartbeat is a steady drum in my ears as he wraps his wings around me.Nyx clears his throat and flips to the first chapter. “Once upon a time, a very handsome and charming heir of the Night Court-”
“That is not how it starts!” I try to look up to see his face which I can tell is smiling ear to ear.
“How would you know? Have you read this one already?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact I have. Twice! Now start over.” Nyx laughs and rubs a soothing hand up my back as he actually begins to read the story. His baritone voice is lulling me to sleep no matter how hard I try to stay awake. It’s not often Nyx and I get time completely to ourselves, so I try to savor every moment that we do. 
About an hour into the book, I’m just drifting off as Nyx leans down to drop the book on the floor. He shuffles down lower onto the couch and threads his fingers in my hair. “I love you so much, goodnight my love.” He places a kiss on my cheek and I snuggle more into his chest. 
“That is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire existence.” A loud whisper fills my ears.
“Shhhh Cas! Don’t wake them up” 
“But Az, look! Tell me that’s not the cutest thing you’ve ever seen in your entire existence. Rhys! Come look at your son and tell me that’s not-”
Nyx places his hand over my ear to muffle the sounds. “Uncle Cas. Please be quiet. I don’t want them to wake up.”
“It’s a little too late for that” I mumble as I peek my eyes open. Cassian is sitting on the couch across from us with his hands on his chin, staring with a now shocked face.
Feyre comes over and pulls Cassian to his feet. “We’re sorry dear. We’ll leave you two alone now.” With that the rest of the crew file up the stairs. Feyre looks back one more time, probably visualizing this scene as a painting. Rhys stops on the bottom stair and a look of fondness flashes in his eyes. 
“Alright, goodnight you two.” 
Nyx continues playing with my hair and places a kiss into my hairline. “I’m sorry they woke you up honey.” I hum and kiss the back of his hand in response. Nyx chuckles. “If you want, I can tell you that story about the handsome and charming heir of th-”
“You know what? That’s okay baby, maybe some other time.” I feel Nyx’s chest shaking with laughter. 
“I love you.”
“And I love you.”
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momomoring · 9 months
a/n: ok so i accidentally deleted the request while trying to post this LMAO i dropped my phone, it did something, and i was trying to undo it and then accidentally deleted the whole ask. but either way @nr1chaedickrider here it is i rly hope you like it and i’m so sorry i accidentally deleted the actual request
from memory what the request was: thinking about service top chaeyoung with f!reader, chaeyoung’s pretty fingers, and possibly with exhibitionism cause she probably loves being watched by her members
cw: smut, service top!chaeyoung x f!reader x jihyo, oral sex, praise(ish), kind of exhibitionism (jihyo watching, she kinda gets more involved than I’d initially drafted but I’m going w it), kind of overstimulation?? possibly??
Service top!chaeyoung is the type of service top that likes being yours, likes making you feel good, likes helping you. She’s the type that wants you to tell her just how good she’s being and how much you like her fingers inside of you. Chaeyoung likes how you start out coherent and telling her exactly what to do, before growing more and more needy. She likes how you whimper her name, saying, “please, baby,” and “fuck it feels so good.”
And when there’s exhibitionism involved, Chaeyoung loves it when the members watch her fucking you because of how proud they are, and how gentle they are with her–at least, how gentle some of them are gentle with her. She definitely likes it when some of them are less than gentle too (*cough* nayeon), but the gentleness is something else. The way that Jihyo likes to stroke Chaeyoung’s hair as she’s going down on you, Mina’s quiet and methodical praise, how Sana likes telling her exactly what to do and how good she’s being. It gets Chaeyoung even more turned on, their smooth, delicate tones and words. She just wants to be good for them and to make you feel good, just how her members want.
Chaeyoung likes gentleness when your eyes are rolling back into your head, four orgasms in, and she’s begging you for another one. There’s a slick mess between her thighs and her arms are pressing your hips to the bed to keep you still. You’re nearly incoherent with pleasure, your voice husky and dazed. Her cheek rests on your thigh, her mouth inches from where you need her most. The last of your orgasm is fading, and Chaeyoung’s thumb is already rubbing light circles into your clit.
“Please baby, one more, I need it,” she begs, eyes watching her thumb. She shifts closer so she can reach further down and collect more of your wetness before continuing with her lazy stimulation.
Your body twitches when Chaeyoung presses down slightly harder on your clit and your words slur together as you murmur, “fuck I’m so sensitive, I don’t know if I can.”
“Yes you can, please,” she whispers, her hips pressing into the mattress, her stomach tight with desire. She glances over, to where Jihyo sits on the bed next to you, nonchalantly flipping through a book like none of this has any affect on her. Jihyo glances over and locks eyes with Chaeyoung before turning her gaze to you.
“Just one more, okay? You’ll feel so good, I promise,” Jihyo says, eyes back on Chaeyoung as she leans down to run her tongue through your folds.
You moan deeply, hips surging upwards and hands reaching down to tangle in Chaeyoung’s hair. It’s almost too much, everything is so sensitive, but at the same time, it feels so good and Chaeyoung is so desperate. She uses her forearms to keep your hips still, her eyes slipping closed as she presses her tongue against your clit.
The corner of Jihyo’s mouth tugs into a small smile as she watches Chaeyoung eat you out, a hand drifting over to carefully brush your hair out of your face as you squirm on the bed. Jihyo can feel her own wetness between her thighs, but that’s part of it, the whole point being that she’s a leader through and through; she’s there for encouragement, for help, whether it’s coaching you through Chaeyoung begging for more orgasms than you have, or telling Chaeyoung what a good job she’s doing and how pretty she looks, all aching and needy for your pleasure.
But until you need someone like Jihyo to help you, she just likes to watch. She likes watching how Chaeyoung shifts one of her arms from around your leg to press her fingers inside, brushing against that one spot, and how your eyes screw shut in response, teeth digging into your lower lip to stifle a moan.
Jihyo makes a small noise, murmuring, “don’t do that, I want to hear you.”
Chaeyoung pushes in again, deeper, nipping at the inside of your thigh right as she presses against that one spot again. A loud moan rips itself from your chest, your hands sinking even further into her hair as she dips her head to suck your clit into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the bundle of nerves, those damned fingers slipping in and out.
“Fuck, that feels so good,” you whimper.
Chaeyoung pulls away, just enough to see your half-lidded eyes staring down at her. An eyebrow quirks as she murmurs, “yeah?”
You nod, telling her, “you always make me feel so good, Chae.” Your head lolls to the side to look at Jihyo. “Isn’t that right?” You ask, and Jihyo nods and flips a page in her book, a small smile on her lips as she shoots a glance to Chaeyoung and then to you.
Chaeyoung presses in deeply, making a low noise at the back of her throat. The vibrations of it on your clit make your eyes flutter closed and your hand tightens its hold on Chaeyoung’s hair.
She pulls back and her fingers slip out of you, her index finger finding your clit, rubbing small circles over it. She dips her tongue into your entrance, lapping at the wetness dripping out of you. She lets out a low whine at the taste of it, her hips pressing into the mattress, the knowledge that she’s one making you this wet, this turned on, this needy going straight to her core.
Jihyo hums from next to you, idly commenting, “you look so pretty like that, Chaeyoung-ah. Making our y/n feel so, so good.”
Chaeyoung makes another noise and presses your clit harder for a split second before licking up to your clit, thrusting her fingers inside harshly, hitting that one spot. Your mouth falls open in a deep moan, hips pressing up, your hand holding her head closer.
“Good girl, Chaeng, keep doing that and she’s not going to last,” Jihyo hums, setting her book down and shifting closer. She reaches out, using her index finger to trace along your jaw to your mouth, where she presses her thumb against your bottom lip.
“You look so desperate like this, y/n,” she murmurs, “why don’t you tell our Chaengie how good she’s making you feel?”
With that, Jihyo ducks down to press a kiss to your neck and a stream of words falling out, telling Chaeyoung how good she is at this, how good her fingers and mouth feel, how pretty she looks. You’re barely conscious of anything you’re saying; there’s just something about having Chaeyoung’s fingers inside you and her tongue on your clit and Jihyo’s mouth on your neck that has you rambling.
Chaeyoung groans, her head feeling fuzzy on how she can feel her own slickness making a mess between her thighs, how your barely coherent words heighten her aching need. She fucks into you again, grinding her hips on nothing but the bed, her thighs rubbing together for even some semblance of relief, unable to stop the quiet moans and whimpers that spill out.
Hearing her like that, feeling the desire every time she fucks into you, her fingers hitting that spot, pressing deeper and deeper like she needs it more than you do, it makes your back arch, hips surging upwards again, letting out a choked moan as Jihyo’s hand moves up to cover yours on the back of Chaeyoung’s head.
“Can you let go for me?” Jihyo asks you quietly, and you nod, releasing your hold on Chaeyoung and instead grip the sheets. Jihyo makes a contented noise, telling you, “just lay there for us, yeah? Let Chaeyoung take care of you like the good girl she is.”
You glance down to watch Jihyo push Chaeyoung’s hair out of the way. Chaeyoung looks up at Jihyo, and Jihyo smiles. “So pretty, Chaeyoung. Just how we like it, fucking her so well.”
Jihyo guides Chaeyoung back to where you need her, her mouth back on your clit. You let out a breathy moan, your hips jumping. Her fingers continue their steady rhythm in and out.
Your stomach tightens even further as Jihyo starts talking for you, informing Chaeyoung of how close you look, how your eyes roll back into your head, how you’re gasping and letting out all these broken whimpers and whines, how your hand finds the collar of Jihyo’s shirt and pulls her closer.
Jihyo hums and leans in, kissing you messily, lips dragging from your mouth along your jaw and to your neck, where she bites down and sucks your pulse point into her mouth. You gasp, head pushing back into the pillow, baring your neck for her.
“More,” you moan, “more, Chae, I need more.”
Chaeyoung readjusts her hand that’s trying to hold your hips down for a better hold a moment before she thrusts into you harder and deeper, right as she sucks your clit into her mouth. She makes a low noise that you can feel, and your hips press upwards against her arm.
Chaeyoung barely pulls out halfway before her fingers thrust back into you harshly, your wetness leaking out to soak her hand, warm and slick and clenching around her, aching for harder and faster. Jihyo’s hand on the back of her head presses her closer against you, murmuring, “just like that, Chae, you’re doing so good.” Chaeyoung lets out a broken gasp around your clit, her fingers fucking you deeper, scissoring inside, your walls tight and warm and so wet around her.
Your nearly incomprehensible jumble of words, your head thrown back, your hips pressing upwards, your gasps and broken moans, Jihyo’s quiet words, telling her how close you are, how blissed out and fucked you look, how desperate you are for her, how good she’s making you feel–all of it encourages Chaeyoung, drives her more and more insane, to the point her brain feels foggy with need and desire.
She lifts her head, just enough to see your eyes closed tightly and your open mouth, a hand holding onto Jihyo’s shirt tightly. Jihyo says, “make her come, she’s so close," and Chaeyoung bites down on her lower lip, feeling your back arch. She dips back down, her tongue working over your clit, fingers continuously finding that spot inside you. There's a coil in her stomach, tightening and tightening as she watches you gasping under her.
“Fuck, Chae,” you cry out, “I’m gonna–”
Your orgasm cuts you off, hitting you harder than ever. Everything tenses, your vision going pure white for a second as your back comes clean off the mattress. You moan loudly and deeply, just barely noticing the way Chaeyoung is still pressing inside you, working her tongue against your clit, her hips grinding on nothing.
You barely register it when Chaeyoung pulls away and crawls up your body, her fingers still inside you as she presses an open-mouth kiss to your jaw, wet with your juices. She keeps thrusting her fingers into you, making you cry out from sensitivity.
Chaeyoung’s thrusts begin to carry more weight and it isn’t until you shift your leg further up that you realize she’s grinding on the back of her own hand every time she presses into you.
Jihyo notices it at the same time, based on her quiet mumble of, “fuck, that’s so hot,” before saying at a normal volume, “getting yourself off like that, huh Chae? You’re just so desperate aren’t you?”
Chaeyoung nods against you, a small whimper on your cheek. “Just need her,” she says, voice quiet and broken.
“Yeah, I bet you do,” Jihyo says, smirking, “you’re just so needy.” She runs her hand through Chaeyoung’s hair as Chaeyoung whimpers once again.
And it’s the way Jihyo just keeps watching Chaeyoung trying to get herself off, desperate and broken whines spilling out of her mouth on and onto your skin, it’s your gasps and grunts as you’re barely able to fully come down.
It’s the way your eyebrows furrow together, the way you push your head even further back, the lines of your neck standing out, that one vein becoming more prominent. It’s the way you’re soaking her hand down to her wrist, the way your walls keep fluttering and clenching around her. It’s your hips, still shifting upwards, seeking more, without you meaning to. And it’s especially the way she’s the one who made you like this, who made you desperate and incoherent.
It’s Jihyo and her gaze, heavy and warm on Chaeyoung. Her husky voice betrays her composure as she tells Chaeyoung she looks so pretty when she’s this desperate. It’s the fact that it’s Jihyo, her leader, who’s watching her, telling her she’s doing so good.
Chaeyoung can feel her stomach tighten even more, her slickness making a mess between her thighs as she grinds on the back of her hand, eyes tracing every line of sheer pleasure on your face and neck. She burns with the knowledge that she’s being good for you and Jihyo and making you feel so good.
You murmur out her name, and it’s the way Jihyo’s hands drift up from her back to push her hair from her face and it’s the way you murmur, “come for us, pretty girl,” with your dazed, post-orgasm voice that has her crying out brokenly as her own orgasm hits her, eyes screwed shut and body tensing and shuddering as Jihyo runs a hand through her hair.
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cain-speaks · 1 year
❣ 𝘾𝙍𝙐𝙎𝙃 ❣ || Wukong x Reader Oneshot
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» crush (ethel cain) « 0:21 ─〇───── 3:20
╔⏤⏤⏤⏤╝❀╚⏤⏤⏤⏤╗ AUTHOR'S NOTE ╚⏤⏤⏤⏤╗❀╔⏤⏤⏤╝ ➤ One day I'll decide how I wanna format shit lmao. ➤ This is a oneshot. ➤ This is romantic. ➤ Reader is gender neutral (except for one use of "maiden" in reference to you). ➤ This oneshot includes Dragonhead/Triad!Wukong, who is apart of the Triad AU belonging to @skittlescripts! ➤ This oneshot in based off @dumplingsjinson's 4th unrequited-but-not-actually-unrequited-love prompt!! I originally had it here but decided to delete it incase you'd like to go into this kinda blind lol. ➤ If this is dumb I'm sorry I haven't had a genuine crush since like 2nd grade /gen. Also romance is NOT my strongsuit despite how much I read LMAO. ➤ TRIGGER WARNINGS include profanity, denial of feelings, avoidance, lying, self-deprecation, angst, and crying. ➤ Word count: 4,300
❝ Camo jacket, robbing corner stores; hard odds to beat when you're on all fours .❞
You didn't want this.
You didn't want this.
It started off innocently enough—a blush when you caught the Great Sage's eye, a bit of a tremble to your voice or your knees when his hand brushed yours, squealing into your pillows when he gave you gifts. Embarrassing reactions, yes, but not surprising. Afterall, whole gods have found themselves swooning for the Monkey King even if they've a snowball's chance in hell at actually gaining his affections—what chance did your mortal self stand against the demon's wicked charm? But surely your little... celebrity crush didn't mean anything significant.
Except it did.
You barely ever had crushes growing up, much less attractions so passionate you could call them love. But with Wukong, it came far too easily. You loved the way he spoke, the way he held himself, the way he managed to create a community of loyal allies despite his many enemies. But then you also loved the simple things—his real laugh, the one that made him clutch his stomach and cackle until tears were dripping from his eyes; the way his tail swayed like a dog's and curled into a heart when he was excited; the way he smelt of peaches and flowers, as if he was a whole world just for you to—
No, no, no!
This is how the greatest friendships crashed and burned. An insistent crush and a hopeful heart and a two-timing brain poisoning you with sweet what-ifs and flowery dreams is all it takes for you to make one irreversible, permanent step; for you to pour your heart out only to hear we can still be friends! and watch him drift away.
Well, not you. You weren't going to risk breaking your heart nor your and Wukong's friendship over a crush, no matter how serious. So after many sleepless nights of brainstorming (and daydreaming... goddamnit, brain!), you finally devised a plan to squash your feelings for the Monkey King.
1.) Create distance physically.
You tap your fingers against your thigh anxiously, fighting the urge to scratch angry red blotches into the skin while you wait for Wukong to pick up your call. You thought this method would be easiest for enacting Step 1, hoping Wukong and Macaque wouldn't be able to pick out any lies over the phone, but with how long it's taking him to answer, maybe it'd be easier to avoid him the hard way—
"Hey, peaches!" Wukong's cheery voice greets over the line, making you huff in relief. "What's up? You're not calling to ask if you can come up, right? Because you know I've told you you can just come, riiighttt?"
Your heart swoons ridiculously, and you have to aggressively remind yourself that hanging out with Wukong is the exact opposite of what you want to achieve.
"Yessss, I remember," you force out in a nasally, cracking voice that you pray sounds convincing. "But no, that's not why I'm calling."
"Oh, peaches, are you sick?" Wukong asks worriedly, and you can feel his furrowed eyebrows through the phone.
"No," you snark, and then you force out some rough-sounding coughs, grimacing at the way your throat stings. "This happens every year. Sometime near spring I get super sick for like a month—might be the pollen or something, I dunno."
"I never noticed," Wukong replies softly. "I'm sorry, peaches. I woulda helped you before if I'd realized."
Your heart flips again and you lean away from the phone to form a silent scream before returning. "It's—cough—fine. I'm a big girl, a little springtime bug isn't going to kill me. But it is gonna keep me in my house for a few weeks."
"In that case, why don't I let Macaque handle things for a bit and come over—"
"No!" You snap out, your hand immediately smacking over your mouth at the outburst. Fuck! You think, mind racing to recover from your fumble. You let out a series of coughs as you think, then lick your lips. "S-Sorry... while it means a lot that you'd do that for me, when I get like this... it's just easier to handle it alone. I don't really have the energy to be around people or have them around me."
You cross your fingers, your opposite hand gripping your clothes in a white-knuckle grip as a few beats of silence pass. God, let him believe me so I can hang up—
"Alright, peaches," Wukong replies softly, and you have to lean back so he won't hear the relieved huff of air you let out. You're so busy rejoicing you nearly miss what he says next. "But I'm still going to drop food off to you, alright?" Seeming to sense a coming argument from you, he adds, "I'll just drop it off at your door and send you a message."
You sigh, a small smile forcing it's way on to your face despite the situation still not being as perfect as you'd hoped for. "Guess I can't stop you, sunshine."
"Nope!" Wukong laughs, popping the p. "Get well soon! Who knows what mischief I'll be up to without my angel to keep me on the path of grace?" He cooes with a subtle purr to his words. A wild blush blooms on your face, burning your ear tips as you soak in what he said.
"You're supposed to be able to do that on your own, Great Sage," you croak out, burying your flushed face in your unused hand even though the cheeky monkey isn't here to see it.
"What's the fun in that?" Wukong snickers. Then his voice softens, squeezing your heart. "But seriously, take care of yourself, peaches. If you need space, that's fine, but if you need help, ask. There's nothing you could do that would chase me away."
What he says is sweet, so sweet, and dream-like. His words make you think of a fairytale, with you a fair maiden and him a brave, persistent, dragon-slaying knight.
But life's not a fairytale, and things won't go your way just because you wish on a star.
"Will do, Wuks," you say quietly. "Bye."
"Bye, peaches."
Step 1... achieved.
2.) Create distance emotionally.
You couldn't just get rid of your crush (well, you probably could, but that'd entail some magical mumbo jumbo you're not quite desperate enough for yet), but maybe you could weaken it by limiting how much exposure you had to Wukong. Hard, considering how popular he was, but surely not impossible!
So, to start off easy, you got rid of your merch. You were able to sell most of it online, but the more stuff you got rid of, the more... upset you felt. Which made sense, sure—it was stuff you loved, of course, and if you hadn't fallen in love with one of your best friends, you'd never part with it—, but your thoughts felt... insane. You found yourself wondering if people would take care of it, if they'd love it and find the same joy in it that you did.
The idea of someone doing anything less made your skin crawl, and for a few brief moments, you considered doing full deep dives on buyers to make sure the merch was going to a good home. Then you reasoned you sounded absolutely obnoxious, like some creepy fangirl and not a close friend of Sun Wukong, and gave the rest away without any further hesitance.
Goddamn, did it sting though.
True to his word, Wukong stopped by your house once every few days with food and medicine. At first, you were worried he'd try to talk to you or ask to come in, but the only way you even knew he'd been there was when he alerted you with a message. You were grateful for it, but words couldn't describe the relief you had that he left no gifts in the bags.
If he had, that might have set you right back to square one.
Your house felt... empty without Wukong's memorabilia, but you chopped it up to your distaste for change. Obviously the nearly crippling discomfort in your own home was because of the now-barren walls (no way it was because you'd just given away dozens of priceless items...), so you bought some pretty posters of bands, artists, and games you liked and hung them on the wall. It wasn't the same, but you supposed that within time, it'd become your new normal.
You decided to ignore the way that settled on your body like gloomy fog.
Now... for the harder part.
Aside from merch, Wukong had gotten you plenty of personal items. Clothes, jewelry, perfumes, cooking utensils you'd been eyeing, plushies, that sort of thing. You knew just by looking at it that it was expensive, probably things that would land you in debt for life if you'd bought it yourself, and rare, too. Likely some one-of-a-kind stuff, knowing Wukong.
You spent three nights despairing over what to do with them. Giving them away to the masses felt disrespectful to say the least, and with the way your heart shrieked, you decided to listen. Throwing them out didn't feel much better, neither did burying them (yeah... you were thinking of everything)... but you couldn't keep them. No, no, no, it'd just encourage your stupid crush if you caved and kept anything, especially the personal stuff!
So you did the only thing you could think of: give it to your family.
It still didn't feel great either way, but at least you knew they were being cared for. And if Wukong happened to ask for any of it back, it'd be easy to retrieve.
You expect to feel relieved at having found a solution, but it only fills you with dread.
All that's left are the notes.
You keep them in a pretty box in your desk. It's a deep red covered in bright splashes of color meant to resemble fireworks, with bright iron hinges on the back so it could open and close. It's perfectly pristine without so much a speck of dust upon it, its well-cared-for appearance taunting you as you lift it out of its drawer and sit on your bed.
You know you shouldn't look at them, but it's not like it'll change anything—you already have them memorized by heart, anyway.
Dear (name), "Sunshine", huh? Can't say it reflects much of who I am as an infamous, invincible god, but I'll take it over "simian" anyday! I think I'll call you "peaches" in return. It has a nice ring, doesn't it? Sunshine and peaches. Like two peas in a pod. Anyway. I hope you like the clothes!
You laugh softly as you read the note. This had been after you mistakenly let your unspoken nickname for him slip after one of his meetings, flustering both you and the unprepared Dragonhead. Despite your furious blush and profuse apologies, Wukong had made you explain your reasoning behind the nickname (which was mostly Macaque's fault—damn him and his "sun and moon" bullshit). You were mortified, thinking you'd set your and Wukong's relationship way back, but when he started calling you peaches...
Sunshine stuck, and you two really did become peas in a pod.
You've torn through the whole box of notes by the time you realize there are tears running down your cheeks. When realization hits, you bend over and press your hands to your face, open-mouthed sobs wracking your body.
Why'd it have to be him? You could've fallen hopelessly in love with anyone, and your heart chose him?
Wukong isn't the problem. No, not at all. Next to you, the Monkey King seems wild, volatile, too much. But that's only because you're a, well, mortal, incapable of shining even half as brightly as he does. Wukong's a god, an immortal king, a being who'd felled thousands in mere moments—your best friend deserves someone who could meet him at his level, not force him into some domestic role.
Someone better than you.
The thought sends a sharp wave rocking through your chest, but with it comes some rush of desperation—you don't know if it's to fight for or against something, but it leads you to pluck one of the notes from its place on the bed,
turn it over so you can't see the words,
and fucking shred it.
That night, as you lie amongst the torn pieces of paper, you can't help but feel like a sole survivor among a ruined city.
Step 2 is done.
3.) Find somebody else.
You have to admit, Step 3 was definitely a desperate plan B if nothing else worked, and, well...
Nothing else was working.
Your "sick" month had passed, and you were now three months into cold-turkeying Wukong. You were honestly surprised the Monkey King hadn't broken into your house yet, but based on some demon conflicts you'd seen on the news, you figured he was busy.
But that wasn't the problem. What was the problem was your crush hadn't waned in the slightest! In fact, your attempts to get rid of it had only made you want to run further into Wukong's arms, where you'd be drowned in the scent of peaches and flowers and the feeling of soft fur and a strong body against yours and—
Part of you felt... tired; sick of what you perceived as dramatic and begging for a break from the heartache. It whispered to you, questioning how good Wukong was to keep around if he would cut you loose just for a crush—even saying that it'd be good for you! Save you the trouble and put you on the path of healing before it got real bad... whatever that meant.
But the other half of you fought and it fought hard. You wanted Wukong, even if it meant you could only have him as a friend. He made you feel good and you'd die before giving that up—that was why you'd started this whole mess in the first place!
Besides. You were a mortal, temporary and simple. And adaptable and well-aged as he was, Wukong was still a several-millennium old god. Rules, unspoken or otherwise, were bound to look different for various relationships, and as far as you were concerned, falling head-over-heels, squealing-into-your-pillows and feet-kicking in love with one you called your best friend was written in big red letters right under no.
So you're here at a café (far away from Wukong's headquarters, you made sure), sitting across from... your date.
They're gorgeous. With fawn-colored skin, soft brown eyes, and blonde, orange dipped wavy hair, they make you think of summer, of singing birds and beach days and ice cream in the park. And they're sweet, easily cracking jokes with you and complimenting you without overwhelming you.
But they're not Wukong, and the way you remain acutely aware of that as you share sweet treats with them destroys any hope you had of growing out of this crush.
You're trying to think of ways to let them down gently when you hear the door chime go off. A new customer isn't earth-shattering (it's a public establishment, after all), but a chorus of sharp gasps and your date's frightened stare looking past you makes you turn.
And, god, you wish you hadn't.
Wukong walks into the café calmly, his face unreadable as he scans the booths. You're fairly certain you already know why he's here, but when his eyes meet yours you just know you're fucked.
The café owner bee-lines to Wukong. "G-Great Sage!" They greet, bowing low. "What brings you here?"
Wukong doesn't break eye contact with you. "Nothing to do with you," he answers smoothly before approaching you in long strides.
You can do nothing but watch as he approaches, pinning your tongue between your teeth as you hold the intensity of his stare. Your date, seemingly noticing the tension between you two, reaches out to grasp your hand, but you gently pull away with a shake of your head.
"I'm sorry," you whisper sincerely, sliding enough money for the meal towards them just before Wukong reaches your booth.
The monkey eyes your date, unblinking. If this was any other situation (one where you hadn't avoided him for three months), you'd give him a gentle kick to the leg or something so he'd knock it off. But the situation is too tense, his presence too damning, and you're grateful for the few seconds you get from out beneath the demon's fiery gaze.
"Peaches," he finally murmurs, just loud enough for you to hear. "We need to talk."
You get up without a word, placing your purse over your shoulder and heading towards the front door with your eyes on your feet. You can feel everyone's eyes on you—or rather, the two of you, as Wukong walks beside you until you reach the door, which he opens for you. Then he follows you out, staying just far enough behind you that he doesn't step on your heels.
Neither of you speak until you get to a bridge, void of people and surrounded by cherry blossom trees. Wukong stops beside you as you peer over the edge.
"Peaches," he says, his voice still soft. "What's going on?"
You immediately deflect. "How did you find me?"
You hear him suck in a breath.
"How?" You hiss out, glaring up at him.
He stares at you in silence for a moment, then turns on his phone. As he presses a button, your phone vibrates in your hand.
"You tracked my phone?" You ask, blinking owlishly.
"You weren't answering me," replies Wukong simply, pocketing his phone again.
Your face flushes in frustration. "I was out—"
"For three months?"
That makes you go silent. Your phone vibrates again, making the screen light up. You can see Wukong's name in your notifications, but you dare not look to see how many there are, lest it condemn you further.
"You know, I went to your house," Wukong carries on, his voice thickening. "All the stuff I got you is gone."
Fuck. Fuck, fuck.
"Yeah," you mumble, your gaze falling to the ground.
"Why? Did you not like it?"
You're torn between honesty and further denial. In the end, Wukong speaks before you can make a choice.
"You didn't throw out the notes."
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"It took—" his voice chokes out for a second. Your body tenses, your hands turning to white-knuckled fists at your sides. You don't look up. "It took a lot to put them together, surprisingly. Were really dedicated when you tore 'em up, huh?"
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
"Did you lie about being sick? Did you... were you just trying to get away from me?"
"It's not like that," you say, rushed, and you know as soon as the words leave your lips that you shouldn't have spoken.
"Then what is it like?" Wukong chokes out in a thick voice, but you still refuse to look him in the eye.
"I... needed alone time," you mumble.
"Why couldn't you say that?" Wukong replies, a bit of sharpness to his tone, and you can't help but feel like you've opened up the floodgates. "Do I make you feel so unsafe that you'll lie to get away from me?"
"Don't assume things about me," you snap hotly, your eyes flickering to his. They glow with a subtle red color, fixated on you, a testament to his growing emotion in the situation. But that's not what gets you.
It's the tears collecting in his eyes.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
"What else am I supposed to do?" He grits out. "You ignored me for three months. You didn't even text back to say if you were still sick, or if you just wanted me to stop contacting you—"
"Wukong, I—" you try, taking a step backward when the monkey flings his arms.
"And you didn't answer MK or Macaque, either!"
"You scared the shit out of me, peaches!"
"And I'm sorry for that," you bite out, managing to shut him up for a minute. You gulp, your grip on your purse tightening. "But I had... I have a problem I have to fix—"
"What is it? If you would just tell me I could help!" Wukong exclaims, reaching towards you.
"No!" You shout, twisting away from him. "You can't help, Wukong!"
"You don't know that!"
"I do! I do know that!"
"How?! How could—"
Wukong falls silent. Still. Your hands slap over your mouth.
The two of you stand in silence for what feels like forever. The river feels deathly silent, and not even the wind blows. Finally, you remove your hands.
"I-I mean, I can fix it, don't worry," you say quickly, the words spilling from your lips like water. "T-These feelings are temporary, I promise. They're just, uh, a b-bit more stubborn than I was expecting, y-y'know? But they're nothing serious, I swear! I-I know I've been difficult these past few months, I know, I'm sorry, just, please, Wukong, don't leav—"
"They're what?" is all Wukong utters, his stare burning through you.
You startle for a second, hands dropping to your chest. "T-They're temporary," you repeat. "Not serious, I swear. Nothing has to change."
Wukong doesn't reply at first. Then:
"What if I want them to be serious?"
Your heart nearly stops in your chest at the force of your surprise. "What?" is all you can get out, staring owlishly at the demon.
"I said," he speaks slowly, stepping towards you. "What if I want them to be serious? To be permanent? What if I want you to be head over heels for me, hm?"
You shiver as he stands before you, hands ghosting over your hips.
"What if I want it all to change, peaches?"
Your heart thumps in your chest, your mind desperately trying to make sense of what he's saying.
Surely he's not... he doesn't mean...
"I don't understand," you whisper, your hands hesitantly pressing against his chest.
"Oh, peaches," he cooes softly, leaning in until his forehead rests against your's and all you can see are his eyes.
"I love you, (name)."
Your breath catches in your throat, your mouth falling open in shock. Your entire body freezes, your thoughts halted as you process his words...
and then your heart soars.
"Me?" You crack out, a blush warming your skin exponentially. It's a bit overwhelming, the mix of love, surprise, and unfiltered relief. So much so that you can't stop the tears from building up in your eyes and slipping out as you stare up at him. "You love me?"
"Of course," Wukong says softly, his fingers reaching up to brush your tears away. "How couldn't I?"
A sob leaves your mouth at the question. "'C-Cause you're... I'm—"
"Simple?" Wukong ventures, frowning at your nod. He huffs, his thumbs stroking your cheeks. "Peaches, you are anything but simple. You're brilliant and talented and witty and a quick-learner. You keep me guessing even now, and I've been around for a while," he soothes sweetly, a breath of laughter to his voice.
You can't help but laugh a little with him, your heart swelling at his compliments. Your hands slide up his chest and his neck, feeling the soft fur slide through your fingers, and settle on his cheeks. You mirror him then, your thumbs petting his cheek bones and brushing away the wetness in his eyes. Another wave of fresh tears overcomes you when he leans into your hands.
"You're the closest thing to perfection I've ever seen," Wukong murmurs emotionally, one of his hands retracting to engulf one of your's. "You're my girl. My peach. My qíng rén."
A sob breaks free of your lips again as you pull Wukong against you, hiding your face in his chest as you cry. The Dragonhead curls around you, as if shielding you from the outside world, which you're thankful for.
Damn. All of this to find out the great Monkey King loves you back? You're not complaining, god no! Despite your tears, your heart is doing tricks, somersaults and great leaps and cartwheels. It's just...
You definitely have some communication skills to work on, you think.
That can wait, though, you think then, your crying finally tapering out. You manage to tilt your head enough to see Wukong's face, the demon smiling down sweetly at you. Your fingers fiddle with his tie for a moment before drifting upwards and holding his face again.
"Peaches," Wukong calls softly, holding your gaze. "What're you thinking?"
You pause before answering. "I... I want to kiss you," you admit, watching the monkey's face turn a red hue similar to your's. "Can I?"
His ears wiggle, his nose twitches, and then he nods, and you can feel his tail wagging by your legs.
The time for picking on his adorable monkey mannerisms will come later, because right now all you're focused on is bringing Wukong's lips to yours and finally knowing how it feels to kiss the Great Sage.
It's done at an awkward angle since Wukong didn't let you go, the both of you straining a bit to meet each other in the middle, and you break away fast, but it's perfect to you. Maybe not how you imagined a requited crush kiss going, but it's your greatest wish come true in spite of that.
"I love you," he breathes.
Your breath catches again, your heart still flipping ecstatically. "Say it again."
Wukong grins, fangs peeking out of his smile. "I love you, qíng rén."
As you bring the Dragonhead into another kiss, you think of one thing.
Maybe fairytales do exist after all.
❝ Good men die too, so I'd rather be with you .❞
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chuurroez · 1 year
୨⎯𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬⎯୧
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╰┈➤ pairing: Seok Matthew x gn!reader, Kim Taerae x gn!reader (seperate!)
╰┈➤ genre: super duper fluffy, set in the real world (where dating isn't a damn scandal) !!
╰┈➤ summary: What would your boyfriend do when you fall asleep during a movie night? How would he also react?
╰┈➤ notes: this was requested by an anon but for some shitty reason, my laptop accidentally deleted it?? (i def need a new laptop) i also think i might've got carried away with Taerae? idk huhu. anyways, thank you for requesting! <3 (Requests are open right now! ^^)
╰┈➤ word count: 942!
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.ೃ࿐ Seok Matthew:
: ̗̀➛ Your boyfriend getting day offs are usually spent inside your guys’ shared apartment cuddling and watching movies and/or tv shows you guys were interested in watching and these was one of those days.
: ̗̀➛ Renting the new Spiderman movie, you guys got blankets, pillows, and snacks to your living room. You would fix the couch to be much more comfortable for the two of you while Matthew turned on the tv and set the movie up while also opening the chip bags and other snacks you guys had!
: ̗̀➛ The movie was super good but you couldn’t help but feel tired because of all the work you had to do in your job today, you didn’t want to disappoint your boyfriend by sleeping not even halfway through the movie but your droopy eyelids said otherwise and you drifted away to dreamland.
: ̗̀➛ Your boyfriend on the other hand noticed your sleeping figure and made you more comfortable, “hmm? looks like they fell asleep.” Matthew says in his mind as he carries you bridal style to your shared bedroom and gently laid you down on your shared bed while putting a blanket over your body.
: ̗̀➛ Matthew then after shuts down the tv, cleans up the leftover snacks you guys had, put the blankets and pillows away, and then cleans himself up to quickly be able to sleep beside you.
: ̗̀➛ When you woke up from your slumber, you saw a sticky note on your bedside table saying 'Hi darling! If you read this, I'm sorry I couldn't be there when you wake up, I had to leave early to go to the studio. :( I made you some breakfast too! You can just reheat it if it gets cold, Love you sosososo much baby &lt;3', You couldn't help but feel so happy knowing that you had the best boyfriend in the entire world !! :D
.ೃ࿐ Kim Taerae:
: ̗̀➛ Getting invited by your boyfriend to their dorms for a movie night was one of the best days ever! Your boyfriend, Taerae, invited you after their manager said that they could have a movie night and a day off after.
: ̗̀➛ He invited you through facetime because of how excited he was! "Baby!! Are you free tonight? I hope so, because our manager allowed us to have a movie night and a day off after! I asked them if I could invite you and they said yes!" your boyfriend enthusiastically said and you knew you couldn't say no and he was over the moon when you said you could come over!
: ̗̀➛ When you went to their dorms, you knocked on the door and you were greeted by Jiwoong who told you to come in, you saw Zhang Hao, Gunwook, and Matthew who all greeted you a 'hello', but most importantly, Taerae was there who almost immediately greeted you and hugged you after, he kissed your forehead, ''I'm so happy that you could come over baby! I really needed this, you know? Have you eaten yet? If so, then change into your pjs to be more comfortable!" your boyfriend tells you.
: ̗̀➛ After you changed into your pajamas, you quickly went to the living room and cuddled up with Taerae. The both of you along with Matthew and Yujin, waited for the other members. Gyuvin seeing the both of you cuddle said sarcastically, ''Really, rght in front of my eyes?" ''Your just jealous you don't have anyone to cuddle with, lmao'' Ricky said with Gyuvin hitting him after. ''Okay, stop you two, you really want to do this in front of our guest?" Hanbin scolded them both, ''No no! It's okay, it's actually kinda funny hehe'' you say to Hanbin. Taerae was relieved knowing you didn't take what Gyuvin said to heart because he would've shouted at him (LMAO)
: ̗̀➛ When all of you were in the living room, you guys watched the first 2 movies, but during the 3rd, you were feeling a bit tired. You leaned onto your boyfriend's chest, you didn't want to disappoint your boyfriend by sleeping so quickly into the night but your droopy eyelids said otherwise and with that, you fell asleep.
: ̗̀➛ Your boyfriend on the other hand, noticed your sleeping figure and gave a quick kiss on your head before hugging you closer to him for you too keep warm.
: ̗̀➛ A good 15 minutes after you fell asleep, Yujin was humming to the song that was playing in the movie loud enough to wake someone up who was lightly sleeping. ''Shh! Yujin, y/n is asleep! They might wake up!!" Taerae scolds the boy, afraid to wake you up. "Sorry hyung! The song is just so catchyy'' Yujin apologizes to Taerae.
: ̗̀➛ When you woke up from your slumber, you were on Taerae's bed, and beside you was your boyfriend sleeping peacefully. You got up to go to the bathroom and when you were done, Hanbin and Jiwoong greeted you 'good morning', you asked them what happened after you fell asleep, ''Well basically, we watched 2 more movies after you fell asleep and we got to bed at about 1 o'clock? Taerae carried you on his back and onto his bed and that's basically it!" Hanbin answered. You thanked Hanbin for telling you what happended last night.
: ̗̀➛ You took a shower and got in your work uniform and thanked the members who were awake for inviting you for the movie night and for letting you stay for the night! You asked Matthew to tell your boyfriend that you had to leave early for your job to which Matthew said he would tell Taerae. You also sent him a text so he was extra assured you were safe. The text said "Hey baby! If your reading this, sorry I had to leave early :(, I had to go to work early because of a meeting, I promise you I'll bring you home some sushi and ice cream!! Love you! &lt;3", Taerae was relieved knowing that you were safe and texted you almost immediately after he read your message! :DD
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likes, comments, reblogs, and feedbacks are greatly appreciated !! ♡
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baileypie-writes · 11 months
Mind if I request a José Carioca x male reader, where they both have a nice picnic together?
Not at all I’m so happy that you requested a fanfic for José! The Three Caballeros is so underrated, so thanks for giving me the opportunity to write for it! Btw, this my first time writing for a male reader, so please forgive me if it’s not great😅
~ larkyparky
~Autumn Picnic~
Human!José Carioca x Male!Reader
Fandom: Legend of the Three Caballeros
Reader: Male
Relationship: Romantic
Synopsis: You’ve been working nonstop for an entire week. But now, since you finally have time to spend with your boyfriend, you’ve decided to have a picnic with him.
Warnings: Smoking(José), Reader and José having wine(no mention of them actually drinking it), kinda cringe, me not knowing Portuguese but trying my best lmao
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~Art by chacckco on DeviantArt~
(Correct me if I’m wrong)
At last, it was the weekend. You don’t think you’ve ever had a week this busy in your life. Your work just seemed to never end, you even had to stay late twice!
You sighed, deciding to stop thinking about your job. You were finally free, after all. Instead, you focused your attention on looking for your boyfriend, José. You guys had decided to have a picnic in the Quackmore Institute’s park, since you hadn’t seen each other all week.
After about a minute of walking around, you spotted him. He had a picnic blanket in one hand, and a cigarette in the other. You saw him take a puff of it, before extinguishing it on the ashtray on top of a nearby garbage can. After looking up, he spotted you too. A smile spread across both your faces, and you walked towards each other.
“Hey José!” You greeted.
“Hello, meu bem(my dear)!” José embraced you in a gentle hug, before kissing your lips. “Here, let me take that for you.” He was referring to the picnic basket you had around your arm. Such a gentleman.
“Oh no, that’s okay! I’ll carry it, you can just set up the blanket.”
“As you wish.” He smiled, then stuck out his arm for you to wrap your free one around. You gladly obliged.
A little ways away, you found a nice spot under a tree. The leaves were starting to turn a beautiful orange, a sign that autumn was beginning. José spread out the blanket, then you both sat down. You open the basket, and pulled out two glass plates and two wine glasses.
“Woah, I didn’t know we were being fancy.” José chuckled.
You laughed too. “Well, we haven’t seen each other all week, so I wanted this to be special.” You took out the sandwiches that you made, and started unwrapping them from the plastic wrap. As you did that, José placed a kiss on your cheek, then rested his head on yours.
“I really missed you.” After placing two sandwich slices on each plate, you tilted your head up to kiss his jaw.
“I missed you too baby. I’m sorry I was so busy.”
“Oh, it’s okay meu amor(my love). It can’t be helped. Everyone gets busy sometimes.” You let out a hum, then reached into the basket and took out a bottle of wine.
“Want some?” You asked. José chuckled, before holding out his glass.
“Yes please.” You popped the cap off, and poured it in his glass, then yours. It was then that José noticed the label on the bottle. “Did you know that this is my favorite wine?”
You smirked. “Maybe.~”
He sighed happily. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
“I try my best.~”
You two sat in silence for a few moments. A small gust of wind blew, causing some leaves to fall off the tree above you, and start drifting to the ground. The two of you looked up, admiring the beautiful sight.
“Eu te amo, meu lindo namorado.~(I love you, my beautiful boyfriend.)”
“I love you too, José.~”
A|N ~ I hope you enjoyed it! If anyone knows Portuguese, please correct me if I made any mistakes!
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Hi mom... it's been awhile! How are you? I hpe you're doing great because... I'm not, not really. I thought I was but clearly I'm not.
I want to rant but idk where and I can only think of ranting here :')
So um... Here's the thing, ever since I was little, I've always been alone. Workaholic parents and no siblings until the age of 11. And so I've always had trouble with connecting with people. Often came out as 'strong', 'loud', annoying and some said pushover. I...tried to connect... tried to change myself for the better...but idk. I'm about to turn 20 next year and it's fucking terrifying you know? I'm alone in university (i got no Friends that's from my highschool or during my foundation year) so I basically have to start over.
That was when I met my 'friends' and we immediately have group consist of 5 people including me. I thought everything was okay. Untill they slowly drifting apart from me... And I can't help but keep on questioning myself.... Am I at fault here? Is it me? Am I the problem? I know people would say 'let it be, know your worth' or 'they are probably busy, they have their own life too' and stuff like that but srsly? To the point that ignoring me, going out without me...it makes me feel like they're avoiding me. And it hurts...a lot. I tried not think too much about it but..yea. I can't-
A few days ago, one of them uploaded an edit of them doing some trend that required then to answer google form like... "Who will die first in Zombie apocalypse" kinda questions and then shows the statistics with their pictures (idk how to explain lmao) but in that video...Every girl was there. Like everyone was there. Even the one that's not even in the original group of 5. Everyone except me. And that has to be something... And I think I know where I stand now. Plus...
A few hours ago, I uploaded a status that said maybe I don't have any luck in friendship department. And guess what? One of them replied and she said
"Not everything needs luck, sometimes manners and attitude will do"
And of course I was weirded out cuz what the hell was that supposed to mean? So we talked and she told me about how maybe there's something wrong with my attitude and how I should change and stuff and then we came to the topic about 'am I annoying?' I asked her. And she said yes I am and that sometimes she can handle it but other than that no. And I was...like oh I see so I am the problem. Which is not really surprising because huh... It's always like that
And I told her I understand what she was trying to say and told her that I like being friends with and she said the same which is good but then she said...she liked my confidence but she doesn't like my confidence to the point that I 'downgrade others' and tbh I don't know if I ever did that Because i don't think I ever did that? Not that I know of... Because I swear even if I did...i did not mean it and it was unintentional...but now that I think of this their attitude as of late really said it all...idk anymore.
Maybe idk...maybe I should just stop making friends in general and just accept things the way it is?
It's not that I don't have friends at all..I do have but just that, just...Friends. not the type of friends that will literally be at your beck and call you know? Not friends enough to be able to call "my people" kinda stuff like oh she's my best/great friend! Idk how to explain but i hope you get the point.
Some people might be fine not having anyone. But I'm not. I don't like being alone. It's lonely. I've been living with loneliness ever since I was little and I don't want it anymore. If some people can live with that then good for them... but not me... I don't like being alone. It's more like it's scary to be alone.
I guess that's all...sorry for dumping everything I just need to let it out.
-Tendou anon
First off, I’m doing well! I’m so sorry you are having a difficult time and I promise you can always vent here. It might take me a while to get to it, but if it helps to vent my asks are always open! Everyone needs a safe space!
Second off, I’m going to respond with complete honestly here because that’s how I am as a person and my philosophy isn’t to sugar coat things because I don’t think it helps address the issue.
So there problem here isn’t you, it’s that this group of people you associate with might not be the best fit for your personality and style. There’s nothing wrong with being loud, outgoing, awkward or “annoying” because when you find friends who work with you, you realize that those things aren’t issues in your friendship.
I’m in my 30s and I have two really good friends. I have several online friends but I have two REALLY SOLID friends. One I’ve known for 16 years and another I’ve been friends with less than 2 years (actually I met her on here). My one friend I see maybe every few months and my online friend I chat with everyday and we video chat as well. I have a lot of support from online friends as well that I simply chat with.
Now this works for me, I’m a pretty social and outgoing person. I’m blunt and kind of chaotic but my friends aren’t bothered by that because we compliment each other.
I’m not saying these friends aren’t nice or couldn’t be good support but it almost seems like they want you to change or that they are saying you are the problem which isn’t ok to say. It would be one thing is you were a complete bitch or rude to them every time but it doesn’t seem that way. It seems like they want you to fit into a certain box that you just don’t fit in.
Also, I’m an only child and I was left to play alone a lot as a child so I understand how hard it can be to socialize. But believe me when I say that you will find friends who appreciate you for who you are! You are still so young and now is a great time to find yourself, go out, talk with random people and be outgoing!
Being alone is scary and right now it might feel like you will be alone forever but you won’t be! College is sometimes just as bad as high school, people form groups and think that everyone has to conform to that but in reality, you are all learning to be adults. Technically from the age of 18-25 is considered a “young adult” which means you are still developing, still learning how to be social and function in society!
I know me saying this isn’t really helpful but try not to put so much pressure on yourself. If there’s one thing I wish I could tell my younger 20 year old self, it would be that it’s ok to be weird, it’s ok to be loud and it’s to make mistakes! Be yourself and put yourself first!
I apologize for how unorganized this is 😅 I literally have zero sense of organization 😂
Xoxoxo and just know, you are very loved and we appreciate you 🖤
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allisonlol · 3 years
Hii can I have hcs for Chuuya and Fyodor (u can add others if u want) about how they’d treat their s/o the morning after sexy times 😳 Like if s/o was in pain from the previous night or something, Thank you😊
a/n: awe yes u can !! i love this request sm <3 i went and added ranpo to this bc…ofc i had to
warnings: none, really?? vague mentions of sex, nothing explicit tho
- Morning After HC’s -
(Chuuya, Fyodor, Ranpo)
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Chuuya Nakahara
he’s gonna feel really bad if ur in any kind of pain the morning after :(
the second you wake up he’s gonna be asking if you are alright
if he sees any discomfort on ur face he’ll panic internally a bit
he knows he can be pretty rough & aggressive sometimes although he tries not to be
(unless ur into that, in which case he’s all for it 😌)
however, chuuya is super soft for u so seeing you in any kind of pain (especially bc of him) makes him feel really guilty
a worried bby :( he’ll keep softly asking if ur alright occasionally throughout the day
“do you feel better now?? i didn’t hurt you too badly right??” 🥺
he hella overreacts too
if you try to do ANYTHING that exerts yourself he’ll literally YELL at you for not letting him do it instead 😭
like chuuya sweetie please calm down,,,this is ur fault in the first place
10/10 boyfriend tho, he just really cares about you and gets concerned easily <3
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Fyodor Dostoyevsky
writing for him is sm fun lol
if you wake up the morning after with any kind of pain he’s gonna be so proud of himself lmao
this mf will SMIRK at you
“aww, does it hurt?” (😳)
tbh i feel like he has two different sides in bed ?? like he’s either slow & gentle or rough and fast paced, there’s no in between
usually the latter tho so expect to be sore 🙄
he will low key make fun of you for being in pain </3 it’s just harmless teasing tho he still cares for & loves u
after awhile tho if it still hurts he’ll feel a tiny bit sorry…emphasis on tiny
will kiss your forehead and softly express that he feels bad about it
“i apologize for any pain i’ve caused you, dear” <3
don’t let this fool you entirely tho,,,he’s still very self satisfied that he was able to have such an effect on you physically lol
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Ranpo Edogawa
writing this one from experience bc i’m a ranpo fucker 🥳
jk i wish
anyways the morning after ranpo would probably completely forget what even transpired the night before 💀
he’d be getting ready for work when he sees you sit up and look a bit pained
literally tilts his head to the side and says “what’s wrong with u ??”
you just give him a look like “…” & then he remembers lol
cue flustered ranpo 🥰 the cutest
he gets more serious at this point and checks to make sure you’ll be fine enough to go to work with him
(you are)
i cant see the pain being TOO BAD with him bc like…idk he doesn’t seem like he’d be that intense of a person in bed
not saying it’s impossible tho 😳
he’ll share ALL his snacks with you to compensate for it
also kinda hovers near you throughout the day (he does this usually tho so it’s not that out of the ordinary)
wont apologize but that’s just bc he’s not sorry for what happened,,,if u catch my drift
a/n: AHH i had sm fun writing these, ty for the request 🥰 hope u enjoyed
song i listened to while writing: nosebleeds by rainne
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Thank you!
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f1nalboys · 3 years
Okay, okay! So I love your poly!Ghostface dark/angst, but I wanna see you do some poly!Ghostface dark/fluff too(if that's a thing?)! Still unhealthy/toxic relationship, but one where their feelings are at least actually true and genuine. Trio vs the World shit. Best Friends to Lovers blah blah blah cause you know Im a slut for that lmao. NSFW too if you're willing 👀
AHH so glad I finally got to this request I'm sorry it took me so long :(( HOWEVER i had fun writing it!! i really hope you enjoy (ps, no smut unfortunately i tried to add it and it was coming out wrong ahhh) flashbacks are italicized! 
WARNINGS: toxic relationship, kinda cute moments between the three of you, cursing, little bit of stalking, threats of violence, no nsfw because i was a little lazy sorry :,(
Had someone told you five years ago that you'd be dating not only Billy Loomis but Stu Macher as well, you’d have laughed straight in their face. And yet here you were, curled up on the couch between the two, your legs thrown over Billys and your head resting on Stu’s shoulder, watching a horror movie. You smile softly as you feel Billy’s hand grip your thigh slightly. He never seemed to realize he was doing it which made it even cuter.
“Remember the day I met you guys?” You question, head moving off of Stu’s shoulder when he turns to look at you. He gives you a goofy grin and nods, kissing the tip of your nose. “Sure, baby. Why?”
“Did you think we would have gotten together? Like, back then?”
“Definitely,” Billy says, poking his finger into your side. You raise an eyebrow at him, catching his hand and holding it in your lap. He sighs, grinning slightly. “Alright, maybe not the day we met, but I knew pretty soon. Why? What’s got you thinking about it?”
You shrug, not really sure yourself. Something about the situation you three were in at the moment made your mind drift to those few awful god damn weeks. “You two really sucked then, you know? Honestly, I’m surprised I didn't kill you both.”
Stu gasps, throwing himself back with a hand on his heart. You roll your eyes; ever the dramatic. “You would have hurt us? I can’t believe this… the betrayal!” You elbow him and he sits back up, laughing, and wraps his arms around you, planting a few sloppy kisses onto your neck.
“We weren’t even that bad, babe.” Billy says, eyes widening as you glare at him.
“Not that bad? Do I need to remind you of the first thing you said to me when we met?” You shoot back, sitting up closer to Stu. You had already forgiven the two for how they acted then, but that doesn’t mean you can’t give them a hard time.
The first day you met Billy and Stu, it had started out good. You still didn’t have many friends but that was perfectly okay with you. You were sat in the grass outside one of the buildings where your next class was held, waiting. Thirty more minutes and you got to go to math; yay. You were leaned up against a tree, headphones in, trying to relax, when two men stood in front of you. They were pretty cute. One was tall, wearing a thin sweater and a goofy grin, while the other was shorter with dark hair and a smirk. The tall one's mouth moves and you pull your earbuds out, about to apologize for not hearing him, when the shorter one speaks.
“Pretty stupid to wait for someone to talk to you before taking your headphones out.” His smile was still there but it was clearly masking his annoyance. Your eyebrows raise in surprise at the gall of this dude. You don’t even know him and he thinks he’s owed a conversation?
“Excuse me?”
“What? You’re deaf and a bitch?” The taller one slaps the back of his head immediately and he grumbles, rubbing the soreness. You scoff, shaking your head, fuming. Was it just this dude or were most people here dicks? You didn't want to find out.
You stand, grabbing your bag and pushing past the two, heading towards the building. Your eyes instantly roll into the back of your head when you hear the sound of footsteps behind you. “Hey, I’m sorry about him, really. That’s how he jokes and sometimes it comes across as mean. I’m Stu and he’s Billy.”
Stopping in your tracks you turn to face Stu, the taller one, and take a second to think of a response. Glancing over at Billy, who had finally caught up with you, you can see what resembles regret on his features. “Well, he didn’t come across as mean, he came across as an asshole.”
Stu laughs, nodding. Billy shrugs, giving you that same weak smile he had shown when he approached. You shrug your backpack up higher onto your shoulder, the weight of it starting to get to you, when Billy grabs ahold of it and yanks it off of you. “What the hell? Give me my shit back!”
“Least I can do is to carry it for you. You going to class?” He asks. It’s like he wasn’t taking no for an answer. You give a large sigh and nod, silently thankful for the weight off your shoulders. “Which building?”
“Sycamore.” He nods and begins to walk there, you and Stu trailing behind him. “Is he always so...?” You ask Stu under your breath, trailing off, unsure of a word that could describe the man. He grins and nods. “Annoying? Mean? Stubborn? Yes, yes, and yes.”
Billy groans at the memory, annoyed. He hated when you brought that up. “I told you I was just having an off day! Come on, you’re acting like Stu didn’t offend you too! Do you not remember when you got food with us, like, that night?” Stu punches Billy in the shoulder hard, pissed that he had brought it up.
“Oh yeah! I kinda forgot about how much of a dickhead Stu was,” You say, leaning back against the couch. It really was a shock your relationship with the boys got to where it was now.
Billy and Stu followed you around all day. It seemed they were trying to apologize for Billy’s attitude earlier but, if you were being honest, it was kind of unnerving. After your math class, where they had walked you inside the building and only left when the professor came in, you saw them waiting outside under the tree you had been at.
“Can you guys stop following me?” You had told them the third time you noticed them, this time at the small diner you stopped by after your last class. Stu’s face turned red and he looked behind him as if there was someone else you could be talking about. “Yeah, you two.”
“We wanted to apologize for earlier,” Billy said, motioning for you to join them at their table. You had to choose which one to sit next too and, after your not-so-pleasant meeting with Billy that morning, you sat next to Stu. He sticks his tongue out at Billy who rolls his eyes.
“You already apologized. It’s getting kind of creepy.” You say, placing your elbow on the table. Before the boys could respond, the waitress walks over, placing down their drinks. She flashes you a smile and takes your order, walking off with a sway in her hips, much to the boy's enjoyment.
Stu throws an arm over your shoulder and you shrug him off, ignoring the pained look he gives you. “We just wanted to make sure you really knew we were sorry! Billy here never acts right around a hottie,”
“Stu you fucking idiot.” Billy spits, throwing something at him. Stu laughs, holding his hands up in mock surrender. Billy looks at you and gives you what looks like a real, genuine smile. “Sorry about him; he can’t seem to think with his upstairs brain.”
“Don’t need to when my downstairs one leads me to be sitting next to a smoke show,” Stu says, holding his hand out to you for a high five. Your face flushes and you ignore him, scooting away from him slightly. He was cute, sure, but way too forward. “What? Can’t compliment people anymore?”
“Not when your compliments are preceded by stalking.” You mutter, a part of you hoping he doesn’t hear it. Unfortunately, he does. You see his face change in your peripheral vision and your eyes flick over to Billy. He grins at you, sitting back in the booth, and taking a sip from his drink. He was enjoying this.
“Stalking? You’re fucking with me, right?” His rant is cut short by the return of the waitress who hands you your drink and places the food the boys had ordered onto the table, completely oblivious to your discomfort. She leaves and Stu grabs a fry from his plate, chewing loudly. “We’re not fucking stalking you - trust me, there are better ways to spend our time.”
Billy throws his balled up straw wrapper at Stu, catching his attention, and you let out a soft sigh of relief when Stu’s demeanor changes. He was back to smiling and laughing as if he hadn’t just been attempting to tear you to shreds. “Sorry about that… I’m pretty tired, that’s all.” Stu says, playing with his fingers.
“S’okay, I guess.”
“Why don’t you let us take you on a date? You know, as an apology?” Billy chimes in and Stu grins, nodding. A large part of yourself was screaming no. There was something off about these boys, something dark just under the surface, but you were intrigued. And so you smile.
“Yeah, I guess you two can do that.”
Billy had his arms wrapped around you, laughing at the excuses Stu was stammering out. He was obviously getting frustrated at the memory and you opened your arms to let him join in on the cuddling.
“You know, I really am glad we stuck together. I don’t know what I’d do if it were for our nightly cuddle sessions,” You say, your words muffled by Stu’s sweater. He pulls back and gives you a kiss, Billy swooping in to take one from him as well.
“Yeah, I don’t know what I’d do without our fuck sessions,” Stu hums and you groan, punching him in the shoulder. What a way to ruin the moment. “Wait, let’s not act like you were a saint in all of this! I remember you being pretty awful at one point.”
“What?! No way!”
Billy nods, tickling your sides for a second. “Sure were, babe.”
Two months into the relationship was your breaking point. You really did like, if not love, the boys and yet you were still an outsider. Walking into the shared apartment just for their whispered conversations to stop. Late nights spent in the living room with hushed voices while you tried to sleep. You felt as though you only knew a portion of the two people you had come to like; no, love.
You admit it was petty. It wasn’t the right thing to do in any circumstance, but you did it because you knew it would get a reaction. You had packed a bag and sat in the living room. You wanted them to see you leave. Wanted them to see how much their secrecy had taken. You had been together only a short while and yet you felt so at home with them that the idea of actually leaving, of breaking it off, nearly tore you apart.
The door opens and in enters Billy and Stu, wrapped up in their own conversation. Stu waves at you, carrying on before realizing what he had just seen. “Babe? What are you doing?”
“I’m leaving.” Your voice was confident, not a waver in sight, and you knew it was because you weren’t planning on leaving. Some would call it manipulation, sure, but you were backed into a corner. Stu’s mouth drops open and Billy stares at you, his eyes narrowed.
“What? What do you mean you’re leaving? What’s wrong? Did something happen?” Stu rushes to sit down next to you on the couch, not wanting to accept the idea that you were leaving them on your own volition. His arms wrap around yours and you shove him off. “Babe?”
You shake your head, standing from your spot on the couch, grabbing ahold of the bag. Billy was still standing near the door, his arms crossed, watching you. “Don’t call me that. The two of you… It’s like I’m not even in this relationship. I’m an outsider with the two people I love and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.”
“Where the hell is this coming from?” Billy questions, grabbing ahold of your arm when you try to walk past him. His voice is thick and you could see the vein in his forehead throbbing. He was angry and you hate to admit it but that’s exactly what you were hoping for.
For the next two hours the three of you talk about your relationship and the future of it. Stu cried, you cried, Billy sniffled a few times, and then you came to an agreement. No more secrets. They told you things that they hadn't told anyone before that they hid behind a vague threat of ‘once you hear this you’re stuck with us,’ and you told them things you had planned on taking to your grave. To say you weren’t shocked at what they told you would be a lie.
Murder wasn’t what you thought they were capable of and especially not murder so gruesome. But, oddly, you felt better about being with them. They trusted you, loved you, enough to let you know their biggest and darkest secret. And you loved it.
Knowing they wouldn’t hesitate to kill for you was a major turn on, which they soon found out.
“Wow, I really was kind of horrible, wasn’t I.” You mutter as Billy recounts the memory with a few interruptions by Stu. You didn’t remember it that way but the more they talked the more you could tell they were being honest. “Well, good thing we stuck together, hm? Would have been pretty bad if we hadn’t.”
“Yeah because we would have killed you,” Billy whispers into your ear and you shiver. He’s telling the truth and that’s what makes the relationship the way it is; they choose to be with you, to keep you around, to love you. “Yeah, we would have given you a call a while ago,” Stu says, his finger making a slicing motion across your neck.
You roll your eyes not because you don’t believe them but because you do. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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sungsungie · 3 years
NCT Dream’s reaction to you being sleepy — — — — — — — — — — — — —
nct dream x gn reader !!
fluff (*^▽^*)
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omg. he LOVES this.
when your little drowsy self sluggishly walks in you guys’ shared room to cuddle he can’t help but find you adorable !!!
“hey baby, tired?” he says, as a smug smile and wide eyes sits apon his face.
“mhm” you lazily nod while crawling ontop of him to rest your head on his chest and closing your eyes.
*soft mark activated*
absolutely MELTS
running his fingers through your hair, he asks “long day, huh?” in a quiet tone.
you nod your head, all while feeling his hand in your hair and another beginning to rest on your back.
you open your eyes as a surge of happiness and content runs throughout your body, looking up at mark and smiling.
“I love you” you say, softly giggling, admiring his features.
he smiles and leans down to softly kiss your lips.
“I love you too.”
he comes home to you about to fall asleep watching TV in the living room.
istg he’s literally crying inside you’re so cute stop AAA
giggling and smiling, he slowly walks up to you and sits beside you on the couch.
“whatcha watchin?” he says suddenly and startles you, waking you up from your half sleep-half awake trance.
“uuughh Renjunn!! you made me spill my popcorn” you say with a frown.
he does a tight smile, trying not to laugh at your jumpy nature. “aww i’m sorry, you’re so cute you know”
giggling, you lay your head on his shoulder as his hand comes up to keep your head still on it.
feeling so safe and content with Renjun, you feel yourself starting to drift off to sleep.
he takes notice of this and looks down at you. “goodnight sweetie” he says, leaning his head ontop of yours, joining you in dreamland.
after a long night of talking and laughing, you start to get sleepy.
“i’m tired” you say as you scoot closer to lay your head in jeno’s lap.
he looks down at you and runs a finger along your jaw.
“and very pretty”
you giggle and turn your head over to hide the redness that has creeped up to your cheeks.
“nooo let me see that pretty face y/n~~” he says, gently turning your head back towards him.
at this point I think it’s safe to say if you look him in the eyes for any longer your heart may burst out of your chest.
on that thought, you turn your whole body to lay more comfortably in your boyfriend’s lap.
“goodnight jeno”
he smiles and caresses your cheek. “goodnight y/nnie”
definitely stares at you sleeping for the next 10 minutes before getting some shut eye himself.
not in a creepy way tho🥺
you walk into haechan’s room, shutting the door behind you.
you see him gaming on his pc.
walking up behind his chair, you rest your hands on his shoulders, making him look up at you.
“hi babe” he says, smiling while pulling you into his lap, facing him.
“hello” you say laughing. “someone’s happy to see me”
“i’m always happy to see my favorite person” he says, turning around with his back facing the pc so there’s more room.
he starts kissing you all over your face, making you giggle.
“stop hyuck that ticklesss”
“he smiles and keeps kissing you, until he hears you quietly yawn.
he leans back in his chair. “is my y/nnie a sleepy baby?” he says teasingly while looking up at you with doe eyes.
“stopp” you say as you hide into the crook of his neck shyly and proceed to laugh.
after sitting in comfortable silence for a bit, haechan breaks it by saying “night night princess… I love you”
“I love you too hyuck.” you say as you close your eyes.
on the ride home in the limo, jaemin noticed you getting a bit dozy and pulled you in closer to him.
he rests his hand on your thigh, sighing.
“aghh today was tiring wasn’t it y/n” he says softly, looking at you.
“yes it was” you say, letting your head and body go limp on him.
he smiles, reaching a hand up to move the hair out of your face, kissing your cheek.
“you’re so beautiful” jaemin says proudly.
you sluggishly open your eyes and back up to look at him, eyes still refocusing as you grab his face and pull him in for a kiss.
the kiss was long, soft and passionate, making you smile.
slowly pulling away and resting against jaemin again, you fall asleep.
he realized how quiet you’ve gotten, so he looks at you and just watches with pure love in his eyes.
he gives you another quick peck on the lips. “night, cutie.”
you and chenle had been having a quick pre-sleep makeout sesh, which had gotten kinda heated at the end, leaving you both breathless and tired.
as you both lay beside each other, looking at the ceiling, one of you finally speaks up.
“so.” chenle says, looking at you.
you both laugh and you quickly reply with “so..”
“that was tiring” he says, still quietly laughing.
“ya think? you reply in a jokingly sarcastic manner.
chenle sits up on the bed, looking at you.
you look at him and smile, also sitting up and placing yourself beside him.
“did you know that flies buzz in an F key?”
you laugh and start playing with his hands “no I didnt, you should sing a duet with one sometime”
he cackles and kisses you on the forehead as he feels you put all of the weight of your head on his chest.
“you’re SO heavy oh my god I think you’re gonna crush me” he says jokingly
you turn to him and do a cute-angry face and lightly slap his cheek. “yeah right bighead”
you both laugh and sit there, just enjoying eachothers presence until the two of you drift off to a comfy slumber.
sung comes home from a long day of practice, placing his bag by the door and walking into you guys’ room.
as he walks in, he sees you on your phone sleepily watching asmr.
you’re the most cute amazing perfect person to him i swear
he silently giggles to himself and walks near you, laying beside you on the bed.
you look over to him and and smile, putting your phone down and wrapping your arms around the pretty boy.
“I missed you!!!” you say, kissing him.
he smiles as he feels the heat come to his face, kissing you back. “I missed you too”
you slide down to lay on his stomach, as he puts his long arms around you, engulfing you in his warmth.
gently picking up his arm to draw shapes on it with your fingertips, you are filled with satisfaction just from being with him.
you look up at him and back down at his arm, sliding your hand up to reach his and slowly interlocking them.
you rest both your hands on your stomach and turn your head to the side, closing your eyes.
jisung looks at you and can’t help but watch in awe at how gorgeous you are while sleeping.
“I love you so much, y/n.”
ahhhhh i’m sorry if it absolutely sucks this is my first post lmao
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I've finally finished it lmao. It only took forever 🙃 but I'm finally feeling productive so hopefully I'll be able to push out a few more things soon (no promises but we'll see)
⚠️WARNINGS⚠️: It gets kinda angsty with Seungcheol thinking he's weird for liking both of you at the same time but there's a happy ending
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Sensitive Pup pt. 3
Ever since that fateful night with you and your lovely boyfriend, Seungcheol's brain had been buzzing with thoughts. Thoughts that had left his heart in the pit of his stomach as well as a headache crashing through his skull. Everyone had noticed their leader's distress as he fell victim to his own insecurities, but no one knew what to do about it. Everytime they asked he would wave them off, claiming he just hadn't been sleeping well. Since the boys couldn't figure out what the issue was, they turned to the one thing that always lifted his spirits- you.
     You had been pretty confident in your ability to get the truth out of him since he had always been closest to you, aside from Mingyu of course, but one step into his studio told you it wouldn't be that simple. His head snapped over to you as soon as you entered the room, and a sudden tension smothering the both of you in the small space. You sent him an awkward smile.
     "Uh- hey! The boys were telling me how worried they were about you; I just wanted to make sure you were alright." 
     "O-oh, uh- sorry to bother you I guess. No need to worry though, everything's fine here." He said with an obviously forced smile. You raised a brow as he seemed to shrink into his chair, knuckles white from his death grip on the armrests and his shoulders almost up to his ears as he refused to make eye contact with you.
     "You sure? You seem a little… tense. You're not sick are you?" You asked, stepping closer to him to rest the back of your hand on his forehead. The feeling of your soft skin against his made his heart do somersaults as he fought to keep all his blood from rushing up to his face. He hurriedly grabbed your wrist to push it back to your side.
     "No no no I-I'm fine really, just a little tired. Now if you'll excuse me I have- uh- work to do. Yes! Very important work so- uh- I-I'll see you later." He didn't give you any time to respond before lightly pushing you out the door, leaving you standing there, dumbfounded by his actions. Were you the reason he was acting so weird? Your heart sank at the thought, trying to think of anything that you had done to warrant this behavior from him as you trudged down the hall. 
     Seungcheol, on the other hand, was still standing at the door he had just pushed you out of, heart lodged in his throat as he pressed his forehead to the smooth wood in front of him. He pushed a shaky sigh past his lips to stop the tears that had built up from falling down his face. Why her? He thought. Why now? Another deep sigh fell from his lips as he sat down in his computer chair. Why do feelings have to be so difficult?
     It had been three days since you had checked in on Seungcheol, and according to the rest of the boys he had more or less returned to his old self. He would still catch himself drifting to thoughts of you and that night but had ultimately decided that his new plan would be better for the both of you. Sure, one might say that ignoring someone that had been your best friend for years because of a silly little crush is childish, but at the moment he could think of no other option. To him, the plan was foolproof- he'd ignore you until these feelings went away and then you could go back to how it used to be. 
     He was currently in the practice room with the rest of his members, taking a water break after about an hour or so of practice. Woozi had sat himself next to him, talking about anything and everything as they both caught their breath. Eventually Jeonghan and Wonwoo also joined in the conversation, quickly shifting it to revolve around their eldest member.
     "Yeah, what was up with you? You barely paid attention to us and just sulked everywhere you went." Seungcheol nervously shifted in his spot at Woozi's question, letting out a small chuckle to ease his nerves.
     "Don't worry about it." Jeonghan rolled his eyes with a groan at the answer that the leader had repeated probably a million times by now. Seungcheol only sighed in response. "Look, I was having a little personal issue but I'm taking care of it now. Trust me, everything's fine." Wonwoo just shrugged as he took another sip of his water.
     "Whatever you say…" 
     Seungcheol's attention was suddenly on the other side of the room as the sound of laughter echoed off the walls. All the younger members were on the opposite side of the room laughing hysterically as Hoshi did an over dramatic reenactment of the dance they were learning, making him chuckle as well. Their laughter was boisterous and could probably be heard three rooms down, but one laugh in particular rang in his ears the loudest. His eyes drifted over to Mingyu, who was laying on his back with his arms wrapped around his stomach and tears collecting in the corners of his eyes from how hard he was laughing. 
     Seungcheol let out a sigh as he looked at him, a smile unconsciously stretching across his face. The younger suddenly opened his eyes, coming down from his laughing fit and locked eyes with him, a smile lighting up his own face as he jumped to his feet. He excitedly joined Hoshi to reenact it for the members who had missed it. How cute. The leader thought to himself. His heart skipped a beat as he focused on the younger's smile that brought energy to everyone in the room. Seungcheol froze, smile falling from his face as he finally processed that his heart had skipped a beat.
     If you weren't worried before, you definitely were now. It only took a day or two for Seungcheol to go back to locking himself in his office and shrugging off everyone's concerns. The only difference was that this time he refused to even look in yours or Mingyu's direction, and would even deliberately avoid you by walking in the opposite direction as soon as he saw either of you coming. For you, that had been the last straw. Seungcheol could avoid you for whatever reason he wanted, but the devastated look on your boyfriend's face when he realized that his hyung had been avoiding him made your heart shatter in a million pieces. To stop this childish behavior, you had rounded up the boys and concocted a little plan. 
     Their laughter rang through the hallway as they returned from practice, on their way to the car to start heading home after a long day of work. As they reached the vehicle, however, the youngest suddenly got a look of panic on his face as he patted himself down.
     "Oh you've got to be kidding me." Dino exclaimed. The others turned to him with confused expressions.
     "What's wrong?" Jeonghan asked.
     "I think I left my phone in the practice room." The pout that took over his face made the others laugh. "Hyuuuuung, could you go and grab it for me?" Seungcheol raised a brow at his younger member as he gave him his best puppy dog eyes while tugging on his sleeve.
     "Why can't you go get it yourself?"
     "Because I need to talk to him about something! It's really really important." Jeonghan interjected, pulling Dino into the car seat beside him. Seungcheol let out a sigh as he realized there was no winning this argument before turning back to the building.
     The leader grumbled to himself as he entered the empty room, wanting to just grab the phone and get home as soon as possible. He scratched his head after a quick scan of the room. It wouldn't be that hard to find; it's not like there were many hiding places here. He jumped at the sound of the door closing behind him, head snapping up to look at the wall of mirrors in front of him. You could see the blood drain from his face as he locked eyes with you through the mirror.
     "I think you have a bit of explaining to do." You said with a glare, leaning against his only escape. His mouth opened and closed like a fish as he struggled to find the words to say. A sigh escaped your lips as your eyes softened. "Look, I'm not really that angry with you Seungcheol, I just wanna know what's going on. Everybody's worried about you." The man in front of you winced. You hadn't used his full name in so long it sounded wrong coming from your lips- with you he was always Cheolie. I've really fucked this up, haven't I? 
     "I- I can't- you wouldn't-" as he tried to find the words to explain himself, he could feel his throat tighten and the tears start to build. You noticed how his eyes glazed over and his lips quivered as he wrapped his arms around himself, almost like he was trying to make himself smaller.
     "Just talk to me. I promise you, there is nothing you could possibly say that would make me think any less of you." You were directly in front of him now, hands softly rubbing up and down his arms in a soothing motion. Suddenly the floodgates opened. A loud sob ripped from his throat as he seemed to crumble in your hold, his nails digging into his own skin to prevent himself from latching onto you as the reality of the situation hit him full force.
     There was no winning for him. He could either tell you how he truly felt, the thoughts of you and your boyfriend that had been keeping him awake at night and get rejected, ruining his friendship with you forever, or he could refuse to tell you and start avoiding you again, ruining your friendship forever. He hadn't even realized the both of you were now on the floor, your hand rubbing circles on his back as he caved in on himself. The sight was truly heartbreaking. You wanted nothing more than to hug him and let him cry into your shoulder, but the death grip he had on his own arms told you that that's not what he needed right now.
     The both of you stayed like that for a while as you waited for him to calm down. When his breathing finally leveled and his sobs turned to occasional hiccups, you moved to sit directly in front of him. You gently caressed his face, wiping the tears from his cheeks while he unconsciously nuzzled into your palm. Keeping his eyes closed, in fear he would lose all confidence the second he looked at you, he took a deep breath. 
     "I- I just- god (Y/N), I'm in love with you. At first I thought it was just some stupid little crush that would go away if I avoided you for long enough, but no matter how far away from you I am, I can't stop thinking about you. From the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep you're the first thing I think about. A-and I know I shouldn't be feeling this way cause you and Mingyu are already together but the more I thought about it, the more I realized it wasn't just you." Another sob wracked his body as he curled in on himself even more. "I-I haven't been able to sleep or eat o-or do anything without thinking of the two of you. You just- you look so happy together and I don't want to ruin that with my stupid feelings; I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry…"
     You hurriedly wrapped your arms around him as he lost himself in a mantra of "sorry"'s, letting him cry into your shoulder as he shakily wrapped his arms around you. You gently combed your hand through his hair as his nails dug into your back. His body was pressed impossibly close to yours as he tried to return to a normal breathing pattern. Once he had finally been able to do so, you softly pushed him back by the shoulders so you could look him in the eyes. A small sniffle escaped him as you delicately cupped his face in your hands.
     "Seungcheol, honey, look at me." You gave him a minute to fully collect his thoughts before he opened his eyes to lock with yours. The soft and caring look you gave him almost sent him into another crying fit; thankfully he didn't have the energy for that right now. "There is absolutely no need for you to apologize to me, okay? There's nothing wrong with the way you feel- there are plenty of people that feel the exact same way. I mean come on, there are so many beautiful people on the planet, do you really think everybody is only attracted to one?" He let out a small chuckle, looking down to the floor as he wiped a few of the tears from his face.
     "Heh, yeah I suppose you're right." 
     "Hey," you said, lifting his chin so he locked eyes with you again, "I'm glad you told me. Even if I did have to force it out of you." You both laughed at your comment before a brief silence passed. Seungcheol silently opened his arms and you immediately dove into his arms with a smile. 
     "...thanks for not freaking out." You nuzzled up into his cheek that he rested against your head. 
     "No problem. Just- don't keep things like this from me again, alright?" Seungcheol hugged you tighter. 
     "I won't, I promise."
     The two of you stayed like that for a couple more minutes, melting in the comfort of the other's embrace before you pulled away as you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You let out a small laugh at the notification.
Is everything alright in there??
I don't wanna be rude but it's not getting any warmer out here >:(
     "Cheolie, is it alright with you if I give Mingyu a quick rundown of the situation before coming back in with him so you can talk things out with him?" A smile bloomed on his tear stained face at the familiar nickname. 
     "Yeah yeah that's- wait, is he outside right now?"
     "Yeah, he said he wanted to be able to talk with you without the others around so you wouldn't be too uncomfortable so he just waited outside in my car. Which apparently isn't good enough for him cause he's complaining about it being cold." You said with another giggle. "Alright, I'll be back in just a moment." With a quick pat on his knee you jumped up and jogged out the door, letting the wide smile you had been bottling up spread across your face. You had a small spring in your step as your brain ran wild with all the possible outcomes of Seungcheol's confession. 
     Ever since Seungcheol started avoiding you (and long before that if you were being honest with yourself), you had started to rethink your feelings for the charming man. You had always found him attractive and couldn't deny that the way he laughed made your heart flutter the tiniest bit but after Mingyu had confessed you had assumed those feelings would go away. Surprise surprise, they didn't. When you had finally decided to bring it up to Mingyu a few days after the night you three had spent together, you were relieved to discover that he felt the same way. It had been a little awkward for a while but a quick google search let you know that you weren't alone in these feelings. After sharing this information with your boyfriend you talked about what this could mean for your relationship, both of you coming to the conclusion that it was at least worth asking the other man to join you guys as a throuple. Of course right after this discovery was when Seungcheol started to ignore you. Hopefully now that you'd settled that issue you'd be able to bring it up.
    Mingyu saw the dopey smile on your face as you approached the car, giggling at the way you skipped to your side. The joyful sound was muffled as you pressed your lips to his the second you could reach them. A small giggle left your lips as you pulled away, seeing that your boyfriend now mirrored your expression.
     "What's got you in such a good mood, what'd he say?" You couldn't help the squeal you let out as you excitedly tapped on Mingyu's leg with both your hands in a drumroll type motion. You took a deep breath in to calm yourself down before telling him.
     "Okay okay so- long story short, he likes us! Both of us! ROMANTICALLY!" Mingyu's jaw fell open as his eyes opened comically wide. 
     "NO WAY!"
     "YES WAY! He said that he was just confused about his feelings and didn't know what to do so he started avoiding us!" Mingyu went slack in his seat, an overjoyed expression slowly taking over his dumbfounded one. Caught up in his emotions, all your giant puppy of a boyfriend could do was pepper your face with a million kisses. When the two of you finally calmed down, you looked each other in the eyes with so much love it would give any onlooker cavities. 
     "Are we really about to do this?" You were almost certain that your face was gonna be sore tomorrow from how much you were smiling. 
     "I think we are." You shared one last kiss before jogging walking to the practice room where Seungcheol was waiting.
     The longer you took, the more anxious Seungcheol grew. What if Mingyu wasn't as accepting of these feelings? What if he starts to think Seungcheol will try to steal his girlfriend and start shielding him from you? The longer the leader sat in the quiet room with nothing but his thoughts, the more he started to regret telling you. He was quickly snapped back to reality at the sound of the door practically flying off its hinges with how forcefully it was pushed open.
     "Sorry! Sorry I- I didn't realize how hard I pushed it, heh." Seungcheol stared wide eyed at Mingyu as the boy sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest, from the loud noise or the younger boy's cuteness he couldn't tell. After a few seconds of silence, Mingyu cleared his throat. "Sooo… is it true then? You like both of us?" Seungcheol tensed as the floor suddenly became the most interesting thing in the room.
     "Uh- y-yeah. That's not too weird, is it? I don't want things to get awkward because of this. I just-" he took a deep breath, "I just want things to go back to normal now that I've gotten this off my chest." There was a moment of silence.
     "...what if I don't want it to go back to normal?" Seungcheol was sure that his heart stopped at the younger's confession, every worst possible scenario flooding his mind. He snapped his head up to see that Mingyu had seated himself directly in front of him while you were leaning on the door frame, a soft smile on both of your faces.
     "Well~, we've been talking about this for a while now," you started, pushing yourself from the doorframe to walk to where the boys were sitting, "and we were wondering, if you're okay with it, if you would like to join our relationship. As our boyfriend." Seungcheol sat there for a few seconds, eyes almost popping out of their sockets as he processed your words. Suddenly a small, sad excuse for a laugh broke the silence.
     "You guys don't have to do all this just to make me feel better. Seriously, I-I'll be fine." You and Mingyu shared a look before he leaned closer, gently cupping the older boy's face in his hands. 
     "Seungcheol, we're serious. I really like you- we really like you, and we want you to be with us. You don't have to right now if you still need time to sort through and understand your feelings, but we'll be here whenever you're ready." Seeing the overflowing amount of love in the younger's expression made tears well up in his eyes again. A small sob left him before almost tackling the boy in front of him, grabbing his face and kissing him as hard as he could. You laughed at Mingyu's wide-eyed expression before he calmed down and started to return his kiss. They both had to catch their breath when they pulled apart, resting against each other's foreheads as Mingyu laced his fingers with Seungcheol's.
     "Soooo, I'm guessing that's a yes?" The leader chuckled, more tears flowing down his cheeks as he nodded his head. He was barely able to mutter a small "yes" before you tackled him in a kiss. A waterfall of giggles left him as you pulled him up so he was sitting in between you and Mingyu so the both of you could pepper his face in kisses. This had not been the outcome he had been expecting but he couldn't be happier as he was showered with all the love he deserved from both of his partners.
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kayfabebabe · 2 years
I am definitely not the best person to be sending an ask for this bc i kinda suck at titles most of the time, BUT- I had two words in mind that I just, combined- but uh 'Burning Soul'? ~Cryptid (i know its probs a title somewhere but that's the best i got off the top of my head lmao)
Chaaaaaase ( @cryptidofthekeys ) - I’m so sorry this took forever to write. My brain was being an asshat and I couldn’t string a sentence together. I don’t know what this turned into, but I remember you saying something about wanting to hold Kane’s hand so... Here we go! <3 
Kane X Male Reader
Kane believes himself to be a relatively smart man. Smarter than most? Probably not. But there was a complex - albeit somewhat fractured - mind constantly at work behind the mask. It allowed Kane to read through thick, complicated books with no trouble. He could recite formulaic equations from memory and understand them. Hell, he’d even passed the theoretical portion of the driver’s test without a single dropped mark. Despite what others might say about him, Kane is smart.
However, he is completely struck dumb when you hold onto his hand for the first time. 
The pair of you had been trying to navigate your way through a busy airport terminal. Kane hates airports. He always dresses in the largest sweatshirt that he owns in hopes of hiding himself from the weight of people’s eyes on him. It doesn’t work. It was far too crowded and Kane knew people were openly gawking at him. A too-familiar heat began to creep into Kane’s system when everything froze from you grabbing his hand. 
What were you doing? 
“I think we’re over this way, Big Guy."
You acted as if holding onto Kane’s hand was the most natural thing in the world. He was too shocked to do anything other than allow you to drag him over to the baggage carousel. Even when you reach the right place, you don’t instantly let go. The only person who ever dared to hold Kane’s hand in public was Tori before the unfortunate business with X-Pac. (We won’t speak of that time.) 
But you weren’t acting like Tori. You hadn’t dropped Kane’s hand as if his fingers scalded yours at the slightest touch. In fact, you stood closer than normal to Kane’s side and your joined hands hung between you. Kane can’t help wondering why you’re holding his hand. Yes, you wanted to gain his attention and direct him to the correct place, but...
You still haven’t let go. 
The longer that you stood together, hands entwined; the more Kane silently questioned your choice. Why were you holding his hand? Everyone would agree that you’re a handsome guy with a blindingly bright soul and a comforting warmth to your presence. You could easily have a relationship with anyone. And yet, here you stood, holding the hand of a monster. A man whose own soul had been burnt into nothing, but cinders. 
Kane will deny the sudden sharp disappointment that cuts through his chest when you, finally, dropped his hand in favour of grabbing your bags. His suitcase soon followed on the conveyor belt then came to the task of walking back through the airport. Do people really have to stare so much at Kane? He was simply trying to live as normal of a life as possible. Just as Kane began to drift off into his own thoughts, your hand returned to his and he was quickly brought back to reality. From the outside, the pair of you looked like any other couple travelling together and, for once, Kane felt normal. The itch from scrutinizing gazes was ignore and forgotten.
Kane might not understand why you chose to hold his hand, but he did enjoy it. 
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scaramoucheslove · 3 years
Oo hello!! I discovered your Albedo fic while on my scroll, and sheeesh 😫😫 made me feel things,,,,, but I digress, could I request how Xiao or Albedo would deal with a bratty sub?
And,, if I may,, could I be 🏵 anon? ;0
A/N: Hi, Love! Tysm for your support <33 I actually thought no one liked or even read the Albedo smut lolol. Also yes ofcc!! Hello my first anon :D also I’m gonna make this as a HC/drabble thingy hehe
also I’m so sorry if it’s shitty aaa 
How they would deal with a bratty sub (HCs)
(Xiao, Albedo)
What to expect: Rough shit, Petnames, Dacryphilia, Overstimulation, Degradation, Dumbification, facefucking, Exhibition kink pls tell me if I miss anything ^^
Smut beneath the cut
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·         Really easy to get on his nerves tbh.
·         Would definitely not tolerate your behaviour. Especially if you’ve been good.
·         “Stop. Behave.”
·         His punishments would lowkey highkey hurt </3
·         He’ll give you the rough treatment, choking, marking, overstim, you name it. Maybe even toys??
·         D E G R A D A T I O N <33 you will be hearing no praise from this man.
·         Humiliation too omgomgomg
·         Will most likely use the name “Pet” “Doll” “Bitch” “Slut” “Whore” etc
·         And you’ll have to call him master in bed, but today we’re going to pretend that you just didn’t feel like it.
·         “Tsk, seems like my pet is misbehaving again”
·         I feel like he wouldn’t like physical roughness as much, since he’s not much of a sadist. But if he felt the need to remind you of what your position was, then he’d probably only go as far as spanking.
·         If you cry, he’ll humiliate you for it
·         “Are you crying? Where’s your act now, brat? Continue counting.”
·         Deep down, he loves lives to see you cry.
·         He’d continue to overstimulate you with his mouth, fingers, and dick until you were begging, crying, screaming, thrashing.
·         He’d mark almost every part of your body
·         He WILL choke you and bite your neck as he’s pushing himself inside of you.
·         Mans has no patience, will go ALL out on you. Who cares if his hands and tongue were too much anyways? You were the one who wanted to act like a brat.
·         “If you don’t keep that little mouth shut, I’m going to stuff your slutty mouth with my dick you whore.”
·         And if you keep pushing his buttons? He would.
·         Completely facefuck you until you’re all fucked out, crying and out of breath.
·         He loves to see himself in your throat.
·         The type to hold your nose while he shoves his dick down your throat  <3
·         Not the best at aftercare, but he still tries his best.
·         Will apologize to you even if it’s half assed, gets you cleaned up, and brews you a nice cup of tea.
·         You probably drifted off to sleep already once he brought you tea.
·         Will smile and hold you close and even though he doesn’t sleep, he would still just lie on the bed and appreciate every moment with you.
                                             “Xia- Master- ah- please” you didn’t even know what you were begging for now. For him to stop? For more? You didn’t know. What you do know is you’ve been begging for over an hour now, your voice was hoarse and tired after all your screaming. Your eyes were watery and begging for forgiveness. But alas, it went from one ear to another. The room sounded so sinful. The two of your sweaty bodies collided, your arms clinging onto his neck as he continues to pound into you. Faster. And harder. “Stop. Fucking. Shouting.” He said while he thrusts in every word. Annoyance clear in his voice. “Shut up and take it, will you?” He said before moving his arms from your hips to your neck and applying pressure. “Dumb little sluts like you don’t even deserve anything from the likes of me.” Seeing your drooled up face, he couldn’t help but say “Look at you all drooled up, doll. You look so stupid like this. Who else can fuck you stupid like I do?” “O-only you mas-ter” you managed to say. He smiled momentarily before his other hand reaches your clit to rub it as your mouth fell open. Fighting the urge to call you his good girl.
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·         He’d just be like 🤨🤨.
·         Usually completely unaware and uninterested so he’d continue to do his work.
·         You have to be a real brat to really test his limits.
·         I think he wont be rough intentionally. He’s just rough without realizing he is. Even on your daily sex life.
·         OKOK NOW if you DO manage to break him somehow, here’s some of the punishments he’ll prolly do.
·         Humiliation.… degradation… bc chile… he ain’t much of a talker but SHEESH if he dirty talks it’s over. Oh but he won’t go too far. I hope..
·         He also sometimes uses you to help with his experiments.
·         Spanks, chokes, slaps, and other physical things but not too roughly, just for “research purposes.” And sometimes for punishments too if you ever got too out of hand.
·         Loves to see you tied up tbh <33 really likes to see you all helpless.
·         Gags on occasions (if he’s working on an experiment or punishment and he’s not in the mood to hear you moan or make a noise or anything)
·         Dumbification?? without him realizing it?>@>@*&^$^$% 
·         Petnames <33 plspls i beg u call him sir or master bc that’s such an ego boost for him. I mean you don’t have to but like,, why wouldn’t you.
·         Also loves the thrilling feeling of someone catching you two.
·         Toys,, sometimes.
·         Imagine being a brat in your daily life and one day he just snaps.
·         As he was doing his work, you, being the brat you are continued to test his limit. From asking him dumb questions to “accidentally” smashing/destroying his experiments.
·         He just sighed, cleared his table and said,
·         “Y/N. Come here.”
·         You would be so shocked that you froze in your spot.
·         He never really paid attention to your actions, just casually answering your questions from time to time.
·         “I said, come here.”
·         His voice was stern, but calm.
·         “Don’t make me come over there myself.”
·         You, along with your shaking legs, were slowly making your way towards him.
·         “Sit on my lap.”
·         You did as you were told. Hell you were too scared to do anything he didn’t say you could.
·         “Say, did you know the things you broke?”
·         You just shooked your head as your legs kept shaking.
·         “Since you don’t know how to keep your hands to yourself, I’m gonna force you to keep it to yourself, brat.”
.         Anyways probably kinda good with aftercare.
.         Will apologize if he’s too rough and shower you with attention. If you’re lucky enough, he’ll skip his work that day and the day after to spend a day or two to make it up to you.
                                       Albedo continues his ministrations on you. “Master- fuck slow down” you panted. Your hands tied above your head. you were sprawled on his table as Albedo continues to insert 2 fingers inside and out of you. “Oh? Were you not searching for my attention then dear?” He inserted another finger as you whimpered. “You were the one who happened to mess with my experiments, after all.” “But I-“ you didn’t manage to say anything else before he has his tongue on your clit. He had kept your legs open with a tool so you had no power against him. “Albedoo~” You whine once more which caused his other gloved hand to slap your clit. You flinched a bit, but fuck that felt good. He stopped moving his hands and said “You better be quiet before I gag that mouth of yours.” He continued to thrust three fingers in and out of you again as you rolled your eyes back and moaned. “Fuck, you look so dumb, doll. You look so pretty like this.” You heard the door knock and you immediately looked at Albedo while shaking your head. “Come in” you heard him say. A man went inside the room and stood still with some files in his hands and clearly distracted on whatever was on the paper. “Sir, we have a prob-“ Once he saw what was going on, he looked a bit terrified. “Continue. What is the problem?” Albedo asked calmly as he pumped his fingers in and out of you. They continued to talk about some things you couldn’t register because you were slowly losing your mind little by little, although the man did sound a bit flustered. By the time they were finished, Albedo just said his thanks and told him to close the door. His mouth latched onto your clit once again surprisingly fast and your mouth fell open. You were sure drool was everywhere. “I’m going to keep going until you’re all brainless and unconscious. But before I do-“ just as about you were about to reach your high, he pulled out his fingers and gave you a look. You whined at the lost of contact. “You better be ready, my love.” That was all he needed to say before you realized, you were in for one hell of a ride.
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darthkruge · 4 years
Okay :3
Could I ask for some quick little hc’s on the reader getting hurt on a mission?
I just need worried and protective Ani rn 🥺
Thank you Butterscotch 💞💝
Anakin x Reader Who Gets Hurt on a Mission Headcanons
Warnings: I mean talk of injuries but no in depth ones discussed. Mainly just protective and worried Anakin with some soft Ani thrown in there too because I physically think I’m incapable of not adding that. 
Words: 1.3k
A/N: Yes my love of course!! I love worried and protective Ani <3 I know you said quick little headcanons but I fucking love protective!Anakin and the getting hurt on a mission thing is one of my favorite tropes lmao so this kinda took on a life of its own. 
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gif credit i really like this gif- like a lot- 
Okay first off Anakin is already so protective. He hates that you’re in dangerous situations when you go on missions and he hates it when he can’t go with you. That being said, he knows you’re powerful and competent and he would never doubt your abilities as a Jedi. 
Honestly, his protectiveness says far more about him than you. He’s not worried that you’re not strong enough; he’s worried he’s not strong enough. If you get hurt, he thinks he failed somehow. 
As soon as he sees you get hit, he’s there in an instant. If it happens in the middle of a battle, getting you to safety is his main priority. He’ll scoop you up in his arms and get you out of there immediately.
If it’s more like someone hurts you directly, like a one-on-one thing, he’s going insane. Picture someone stabbing or hitting you to the point where you’re unconscious and bleeding on the floor. Anakin immediately flashes back to losing his mother, to when he wasn’t able to save someone he loved. 
He will kill them if they’re still a threat to you. If not, it’s not like he’s letting them just walk away. He’s infuriated. He first steps in front of your body, shielding you from them. And he��s livid, he’s glaring at them and anyone could tell he’ll fight to the death for you.
His lightsaber ignites, illuminating his enraged expression and they just know they fucked up. 
Even so, you are his priority. Revenge never comes first when it’s between that and keeping you safe. His thought process is: deal with danger as quick as I can so I can go make sure they’re okay. 
He runs up to you and, if you’re unconscious, he’s gently trying to coax you awake. He’ll whisper softly, all “Can you hear me?” “Open your eyes for me, baby.” “Please, Y/N, please let me see your gorgeous eyes.” “Come on, angel, let me know you’re okay” 
His eyes are scanning your body, looking for any possible injuries that he needs to attend to. 
Regardless of what the injuries are, he’s picking you up. He’s not letting you walk or put any pressure on any parts of your body. 
He scoops you up as gently as he can and moves as evenly as he can while rushing you back to the ship, trying not to jostle you around too much.
If you whimper or hiss in pain from the movements, he looks at you so apologetically and whispers an “I’m so sorry, just a little longer, okay?” 
And you’ll nod at him with tears in your eyes and it just makes his heart ache. He hates knowing you’re in pain and that he wasn’t able to stop it or take it away. 
When he gets you back to the ship, he’ll lay you down and try to attend to your injuries as best he can. He’ll grab some gauze and bandages and wrap your wounds, desperate to stop the blood loss. If there aren’t any supplies, he’ll just rip parts of his shirt off to use as bandages. After he did that once you secretly hope they forget the supplies again because-
After he finishes that, you’re normally really cold and exhausted from the blood loss. He wraps you up in all the blankets they might have and pulls his Jedi robe off and puts it around you, too. He knows it brings you comfort and, honestly, it’s really fucking warm. 
He talks to you to try and keep you awake. He’ll tell you stories and although he tries to be strong for you, you can hear his voice shake and his words become faster, sure signs that he’s fucking terrified. 
That’s honestly what gets you to stay awake, more than anything else. You don’t want him to panic. You’ll try to hold his hands, if your injuries allow, and constantly move your thumb against the back of his hand as he does the same to you. The constant movement reminds him you’re alive and conscious and okay. 
As soon as you land on Coruscant, he immediately brings you to medbay. He doesn’t care, you can complain about how much you don’t want to and how you’re fine all you want, he won’t hear it. He got a little upset once because you were desperate and said “please, Ani, please don’t make me go. I just want to go back to our bed and have you hold me. That’s the only thing that could make me feel better right now.”
He was upset because he hates turning you down, especially when you ask like that. The only time he’ll turn you down is if he’s trying to keep you safe. 
He tries to force them to let him stay with you as they run diagnostics, literally yelling out and attempting every trick in the book. Even so, it doesn’t work. They calmly tell him to go sit in the waiting room and they’ll get him when the tests are finished.
He watches them take you away and he paces in the room, chewing on his fingernails and running his hands through his hair in worry. He normally somehow ends up finding his way into a chair and he ends up breaking down. He’ll have his head  in his hands, tears streaming down  his cheeks as he prays to the Maker that you’ll be alright. He’d do anything, so long as you’re alright. 
When they finally call him back, saying your tests are done he’ll run back into the room. You see his disheveled appearance and bloodshot eyes and you immediately reassure him that you’re going to be okay. 
As soon as he can take you home, back into his arms you go. Once again, you’re not walking, so don’t even try it. Further, he just wants to hold you. You normally  kind of turn your head into his chest, embarrassed that he has to carry you through the Temple where anyone can see you in this weakened state. 
Meanwhile, Anakin is staring daggers at anyone who even attempts to look in your direction. His arms tighten around you, keeping you close and you’ve honestly never felt safer.  
He gets you back to the apartment and gently places you on the bed. He looks you over again, just making sure they didn’t miss any of your injuries before he pulls the covers up and comes next to you.
He’ll get you some water and a bit of food, wanting you to get something in your system to help replenish your body. He stays with you the whole time, making sure you eat and drink at least a little bit. 
Even though the medical droids helped, you’re still in pain and he tries to help in whatever way he can. He can see your eyes screwing up as you try to move and get comfortable in bed and he’s just “I know it hurts, baby. I’m so sorry, here, let me help you, okay?” “What can I do to make it better” 
He helps you get settled, pulling you with him in his strong arms until you find a position that allows you to sleep. 
Sometimes you’re shaken up from getting hurt. You’ll tell him how afraid you are or, more frequently, he just knows. He tells you “You’re safe now, my love.” “No one’s going to hurt you ever again.” “It’s okay, I took care of them, it’s okay.” “Look at me, angel. They’re gone, alright? It’s just you and me, right here, safe.” 
As you drift off, he reminds you how much he loves you and you say it back. He’s always the big spoon on those nights. He puts himself closest to the door, shielding your body with his.
Nights after you get hurt are always very special. He holds you to him as tightly as he can, granted this is mostly dependent on your injuries. And you just love it. You feel safe and he feels like he can keep you like that. 
Basically, if you get hurt on a mission, Anakin’s got you. And an enemy has to be pretty stupid to try and hurt you. Not only are you exceptionally badass, but if they somehow get to you, Anakin will hunt them to the ends of the galaxy to ensure they never harm you  again.
the link to join my taglist is in my pinned! if you would like to be taken off/edit your response in any way please dm me or shoot me an ask <3
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@saltybreaddream @buckysbeloved @lolquarth @sodaoverstars @artiza-n
anakin tags:
@anakinswhore @kennedywxlsh @coldlilheart @adamgetawaydriver @chokemeanakin @gayidioot @starwars-whore @katelynnwrites @haydens-moles @serpntines @anakinlove @rowley-with-ackerman @dexthtoyounglings @babykinskywalker @cluelessgurl @april-showers-and-flowers @ungodiys @beiroviski @mystic-writings @thejediuniverse 
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opluffys · 4 years
Reverse Captain- Killer x Reader x Eustass Kid
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okay okay this is like the last old story from my archive account that i’m posting here *maybe? lmao idk* :,). i’m head over heels in love with killer so i got like ten wips for him lololo. lowkey don’t like how this one turned out, but it’s a couple of months old so idc anymore hehe. anyway i hope you guys enjoy! oh, also sorry if the spacing looks weird, i was too lazy to go through the whole thing and edit it...
You felt deliciously full and sore, the quick sliding of your captain's cock against your tight walls nearly made you lose consciousness.
"Fuck... Kid..!" You yelled, feeling his girth stretch you.
He grunted behind you and continued to thrust into you wildly, almost as wild as that red hair of his, which was now stuck to his forehead.
Your breasts were flush against the table of his office, rocking back and forth, creating a wanted friction that fueled your desire.
It was no surprise that Kid was rough in bed, just one look at the man and pretty sure anyone could tell. But you just weren't ready for it all, the way his cock just hit every spot inside of you so perfectly... When he leaned down to nip your ear and leave harsh markings on your neck, you felt like you couldn't keep up with him.
You broke the eye contact you had with countless papers and unfinished works in progress on Kid's desk, and looked fervently for your sword. You took that damn thing with you everywhere you went, you would risk your own life for that sword.
When you finally made eye contact with that beautiful blue casing, your face illuminated, you quickly grabbed it, using the hilt of the sword to press against Kid's chest.
"What the fuck..." He started angry, then stumbling backwards onto a stray chair in the middle of the room that fell victim to you and Kid.
"I think you need to slow down a bit, Captain." You said, your voice like sweet honey as you sauntered over to where he was sat, straddling his thighs.
"So you used Sea Stone to tell me that?!" He snapped, about to get up before you pressed the hilt against him once again.
"Ah ah. Feisty are we? I think it's my turn to take charge for the night, don't you, my Captain?" You asked, raising your hips to line yourself up right against his shaft, teasing the redding head with your slick entrance.
"Damn woman..." He growled, trying to get up again, but you were barely faster than him, trailing the hilt of the sword all over his body, making him groan tiredly.
"I would fucking end you if you weren't such a good doctor." He grumbled, still attempting to take charge every few minutes, evidently failing.
"That's all I am? Your doctor?" You responded, faking a disappointment tone. You still continued to rub your folds teasingly over the painfully hard head of your captain.
He raised his hand and you raised your sword, he almost chuckled, instead sending a smirk your way.
"Relax, princess. If I still wanted to actually take charge, you would've been screaming my name over my desk years ago. I guess I'll let you dominate this one time, but next time," He leaned into your ear, nipping it and taking the sensitive cartilage into his mouth. "You're gonna be wishing that you had done it my way." He finished.
You gulped nervously, the tone of his voice nearly made you want to bend yourself back over that desk, forgetting the thoughts of ever wanting to dominate your captain ever again.
Kid let out booming laughter at your reaction, about to come up with a snarky retort, but he was soon silenced by a grunt of pleasure as you finally decided to lower yourself onto his hardened arousal.
"Oh, fuck... So tight..." He whispered, biting his lip as he tried to silence his sounds.
You shuddered noticeably as he filled you to the brim, no, even further than that. He never let you ride him before, because 'You're too slow.' as he said. But as of now, being slow worked in your favour, making the red haired captain begin to lose his cool, grunts and groans of frustration leaving his full painted lips.
"Oh! Oh Captain!! Yes!!" You yelled, feeling his strong arms just tightly wrapped against you and feeling his warm pants fanning across your equally warm face just did something for you.
"Keep talking like that... I won't fulfil my end of the deal." He panted, hands attached to your plush hips, grinding against him thoughtfully.
"That'd be a shame, Captain... Because next time, I'm up for whatever you wanna do. And I mean anything, Kid." You said, sultrily pulling him in and out of you, your wet insides protesting him pulling out every time.
That seemed to shut him up for a while.
"So I've been thinking." You started, bottoming out on his lap, hissing in pleasure after feeling so full. "Your first mate, Killer... He doesn't like me much?" You asked, warming his cock, leaning your forehead against his pectorals.
"I know how Killer ticks. He doesn't hate you or anything, just no reason to make conversation with you. Why do you ask?" Kid replied, unconsciously bucking his hips upwards once in a while, earning you to pull your sword out and poke him with it a couple of times.
"No reason. I just think he's kinda sexy. What's under that mask leaves my imagination running wild, ya know." You said playfully, using your agile hands to tweak and pinch every inch of his built torso.
"What are you really getting at, (First Name)." He said, tone now completely serious, and even though he was stilled inside of you, length twitching and just dying to ravage your insides, the captain's voice never faltered, remaining serious.
"Okay, maybe I daydream of being pinned under your first mate, childhood friend, whatever. But hey, I admit it that he's really, really hot. Okay, happy now, Eustass?" You groaned, hitting your head against his chest in embarrassment, ready for him to scream at you for wanting to have sex with his best friend.
"Yes, I deserve whatever punishment you think is fit- wait, what?" You paused, thinking that you didn't hear him properly.
"I was your first, but by no means were you mine. So if you wanna fuck another dude, at least do it when I'm gone, or some shit." He grunted, rolling his eyes when he saw your surprised expression.
"Fuck, Kid. Please bend me over and fuck me as hard as you want." You whimpered, feeling so pleased at his response.
"With pleasure, princess." He replied, sending a wicked grin your way, harsh hands attached to your sides.
You stood at the edge of the ship, waving goodbye to your captain, who stood alongside Heat and Wire, going into the next island that you all had drifted to.
The two of you decided to hatch up a not too great plan of leaving you and Killer alone on the ship, which was 'I leave with Heat and Wire to the next island, because I'm captain, I do whatever the fuck I want.' which, had actually worked out well.
He sent a shit eating smile your way, then turned around to take his leave, the two other men following their captain.
Killer stood by your side silently, he was never one for being chatty, you knew that much. You took a few looks at the man, his plain black shirt hugging his muscles so tight, that scar on his arm made you tighten your legs, feeling an undeniable warmth flood your senses. You continued your not so subtle stares, the way his blonde mane fell down his broad shoulders and framed his body looked phenomenal, and the only thing you couldn't see was that damn face of his. You stared at the dozen holes on the striped mask, almost like trying to see through it.
"Is something the matter?" He asked, sounding more like a statement than a question. You stiffened, looking upwards towards the blonde, feeling so small in his presence.
You didn't get to be in bed with Eustass Kid for feeling small, though.
"No, Killer." You said, dragging his name out from your tongue, walking closer to his stature. You leaned against his strong chest, a gentle hand laying on his rippling muscles.
"But I think that you have something the matter with me." You said, taking your hand off of him, giving him a sly smile.
"You must've imagined it." He replied coolly, walking away to his quarters, not even giving you a chance to further your attempt at a conversation.
You clicked your tongue and walked past Kid's lackeys, who were all staring at your ass while you passed by, going to wandering into the kitchen.
You turned your head to look at them, smiling at how painfully obvious they were being while gawking at you. If only Killer sent a single gaze your way like these men here, it'd make your job of seduction a lot easier.
You took a seat in the kitchen, a stray chair in front of the stove. You picked at your nails, desperately waiting for someone to scream for your help, claiming they've been injured and needed your help. Though it was a bit bad to wait for someone to become injured, it was your role to assist them.
You didn't know when, but you leaned your head over onto your hand and started to doze off for a while, only jolting awake when you heard the sound of running water from behind you.
"Finally awake?"
You turned to where the voice came from, swallowing hard when you saw that mess of blonde hair.
"There's a plate in front of you, if you're hungry." He said, continuing to wash dishes. Yes, of course you were hungry, but not for food.
You hummed softly, getting up to smooth your skirt and walk over to Killer, offering your hand to help. "Maybe later. How about some assistance?" You asked, settling next to him to dry the wet plates. He shrugged lightly, his blonde tendrils swaying along his strong shoulders. Oh, how you wanted to just grab onto those shoulders while he thrusted into you wildly, grunting and groaning in your ear how you took him so well-
You snapped out of your daydreams and took the plate from him, drying it off and placing it onto the shelf.
The two of you sustained a steady rhythm of washing and drying for a while, until you accidentally had dropped a glass cup, seeming to smash into a million pieces upon impact.
"Shit." You mumbled, crouching down to pick up the glass with your bare hands, of course, a bad idea, but you weren't weak, you could take a few cuts as long as you cleaned the mess.
Killer stood silently behind you, admiring the view of you bent down, even though he really shouldn't be. He pulled you up by the arms, surprising you, nearly dropping the glass shards.
You looked at his mask with a perplexed look on your face, dropping the bits of glass into the trash bin, dusting your hands off.
Killer started walking over to you, and you, being confused of what he needed, continued to back up, until your back hit the wall.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to drop it or anything. Besides, I cleaned it up. We all good?" You asked, looking up at him.
"Why do you do this, (First Name)." He asked, grabbing your chin in his calloused hand, forcing your wandering eyes to peer into the mask.
"Do what?" You replied, resting your hand atop his sculpted arm, his muscle twitching at your touch.
"Make me want to pin you against the wall and fuck your brains out." He said, not moving his hand from your skin.
You froze in place, it seemed your job was easier than you had thought. "So do it, Killer." You smiled, tracing your hands over his strong torso.
"I can't." He answered, moving away from you, back to the sink to dry the rest of the dishes. You frowned, your painted lips then creating a flat line as you stood in thought.
"You can. I'm the captain's girl, right?" You said, walking behind him, trailing your nails through the material of the black shirt, feeling his muscles tense under you. "And you're captain when he's gone." You said, standing on your tippy toes to nip at his strong neck, leaving a barely visible mark behind.
You were sure you didn't even blink before you were over the counter, Killer's arm against your back, preventing you to move. A smile spread across your features, sighing contently as you felt his other hand squeeze and pinch along your clothed body.
"Mm, Killer..." You whimpered softly, grinding against his crotch. His breath hitched, but he easily retaliated, a loud hiss of pleasure leaving your lips as you felt a stinging sensation on your ass.
"I guess you're just like captain. Always wanting to take charge." You sighed, feeling the cool air hit your dripping cunt, accommodating the size of Killer's digits. "I guess so." He said, his gaze on how you took his three fingers.
You moaned loudly, biting your lip while shifting your weight from foot to foot, unable to take the torture any longer. "I didn't come here for your fingers." You grumbled, closing your eyes as he curled his fingers deep inside of you.
"Yeah, but this is probably the only time I'm going to be able to enjoy you. Gotta take it nice," He stopped, pulling his fingers out to circle your clit. "And slow." He finished. You were sure he was smirking underneath that mask.
"It doesn't have to be." You whimpered, backing your hips against him again, feeling his bulge rub against you. You heard him take a sharp inhale, contemplating whether to continue the teasing, or to just give in.
"Please." You begged, placing your forehead against the hard table.
And he had his answer.
The sound of a fumbling belt buckle behind you put a smile on your face. "Finally." You mumbled, feeling his tip press against your entrance. You bit your lip from letting out a scream as he suddenly filled you, a shaky sigh leaving Killer's lips.
"Ah... Fuck, Killer!" You panted, your hands grabbing the counter harshly. His tan arm lifted from you, now squeezing your hips tightly, pulling you back against him, relishing in your warmth.
"Killer... Fuck... You stretch me so good!" You yelled, moaning when you felt him fill you over and over again. "You're awfully quiet back there, am I not what you expected?" You said, a fake tone of sadness lacing your voice.
"Unlike you or Kid, I'm not so vocal." He responded, trying not to show the strain on his voice, even when you were wrapped so tightly against him, your pussy dragging him in deeper and deeper with every thrust. "You're even better than I thought, (First Name)." Killer said, pushing himself into you deeper than what you thought possible.
"Isn't this position boring? Why don't you pin me against the wall and fuck my brains out like you proposed? You can even have me do the work and ride you, or even-" You were cut off when your mouth was filled with Killer's long fingers, taking your tongue between them. "You know, you make a good point. I can't see the faces you're making." He said, pulling out of you slowly.
"Why don't we go somewhere more, private." He said, his deep voice making your legs shake. You nodded fervently, pulling your panties up and adjusting your skirt. You tried to take a step forward, but your wobbly knees betrayed you, nearly making you fall down until Killer took your hand, pulling you up gently. "We weren't even going for that long." He said, making sure that you could stand before letting you go. "You're big, what do you expect?" You mumbled, rolling your eyes.
When you were stable, you tried taking another step under Killer's gaze. Again, you failed and your hands flew to his extended arm. He sighed audibly and lifted you up, carrying you like a bride. "What a gentleman." You giggled, your hand wrapping around his neck softly. He didn't reply as he started walking back to his room, obviously attracting stares along the way.
"Killer..." You whimpered, feeling his cock push against your womb, making you see stars. Your back was against the cool wall, seeming to steal the warmth that radiated off of you. "You're tight even when you and the captain go at it everyday..." He grunted, his hips snapping against yours. You would've laughed if you weren't pinned against the wall getting fucked. "Yeah, sorry about that... I know I can get a little, ya know..." You said timidly, a warmth settling on your cheeks after getting called out for being so loud.
"I've always wondered what your lips feel like." You sighed, feeling him stretch you so good. "Not today, (First Name)." He said, biting his lip softly, trying not to let out too much noise, even though you couldn't even hear him. "Come on, Killer. All I've wanted to see was your face the second I joined the crew, and that was years ago, that says something." You said, trying to sound angry, but that was seemingly impossible with a huge cock inside of you.
Killer seemed to stand still in thought, wondering if he could actually show you his face. He didn't hold any negative feelings toward you, but he wasn't sure if he trusted you enough. "And if I do..?" He asked, not moving any longer, his cock deep inside of you. "If you do, then I most definitely think that we would enjoy ourselves much more." You replied, hands squeezing his strong shoulders tightly. He made a sound of disapproval as he pulled out of you again, walking away from you. You barely stood, only with help of a chair next to you were you able to stand.
A confused face took over your gentle features, pondering if you had said or did something wrong. "Damn it, how the fuck did I mess this up so badly..?" You sighed, starting to gather your clothes slowly, silently wishing Killer was here to help you out. It was the least he could do if he didn't want you anymore.
"(First Name), do me a favour." You heard him, he was out of view, for some reason. You hummed, signalling that you heard him. "Close your eyes, just for a little while." He said, his voice coming closer to where you stood. You complied, used to taking orders, especially on a ship where Eustass Kid was captain.
You felt a rougher hand tangle with your soft one, leading you somewhere. You trusted Killer, but you had no clue what he was going to do.
You were stopped for a moment, then brought down onto muscled thighs, your hand still tightly wrapped with Killer's. It took you a moment to realise that you were straddling his thighs, your cheeks adapting a sudden warmth at the intimate pose you two held.
You felt warm lips against yours, your abdomen knotted tightly at the feeling. His tongue softly pushed against your own, his lips tangling within your own in a fierce dance, the two of you seemingly unable to get enough of each other.
Your hand still laced with Killer's, you squeezed it harder unconsciously, feeling your lungs start to burn after not inhaling enough oxygen. Your open hand wandered lower, tracing Killer's strong abs and his beautiful V-line, finally finding his rock hard length, your hand softly pumping it when he released your lips with a groan. 
"Fuck, (First Name)... Just like that..." He whispered, his pants warming your face. His breath smelled of a cool mint, opposing your captains fierce cinnamon scent.
Your eyes were still shut, though you were dying to take a small peek, you were sure he was just as beautiful as the rest of his body.
You continued your ministrations while Killer ravaged your soft lips, his lipstick mixing with yours. Any time while the two of you locked lips, you felt his cock twitch in your hands, obviously wanting to be back inside of your warmth. You subtly raised your hips, lining his cock up with your entrance. Just as you started to lower yourself, Killer thrusted his hips forward, sheathing himself inside of you quickly. You yelled against his lips, separating the two of you.
He would've laughed if he didn't dislike doing so. "You know I can see what you're doing, right?" He asked, his harsh tone of voice seeming to disappear.
"S-Shut your damn mouth..." You whispered, closing your eyes tighter than they already were. You opened your mouth to speak once again, but you were silenced by a pair of lips against yours once again. It was as if he couldn't get enough of you, each kiss was like air to him, his lungs burning like a fire until your cool lips met with his scorching ones. It was weird how you were the one who wanted to kiss him so bad, but he was the one who kept initiating it.
He pulled back from you, leaving your lips slightly agape and stinging, a sensation that was welcomed by you. "You can open your eyes now." He sighed, worried about how you'd react.
Your (eye colour) eyes strained open, the light making it hard to fully open them on command. You squinted, then little by little opened them fully, eyes resting on Killer's tanned chest, your mouth wanting to leave markings on the skin. You just realised that your hand still laid on top of Killer's gently, you muttered a quick apology and looked up at him, your eyes meeting his.
Your mouth hung open slightly, seeing his blonde hair fall into his face perfectly, his long eyelashes tickling his strong cheekbones, his full lips swollen after meeting your own countless times.
"So handsome..." You mumbled, seemingly forgetting that he was still inside of you. You noticed his cheeks get warmer, as you sent him a small smile. 
"Thank you."
He looked at you, confusion written all over his pretty features. "For?" He asked, his now free hand caressing your hips, tracing small shapes with his tall fingers.
"For trusting me... I know we never talk, but I trust you as much as Captain." You sighed, your forehead against his chest. "And well, obviously the other two." You laughed, referring to Heat and Wire.
He didn't know what to say, but he began to feel slightly bad. "Why did you never talk to me, anyway? When I first joined you used to at least make small talk with me, but then it stopped." You said, looking up at him with an undeniable sadness in your eyes. He sighed, averting his stare. "I knew something like this were to happen if I continued to talk to you. When you and Kid became a thing, I had to back off, respect that you were his, or the temptations would overcome me someday." He said, returning his gaze to you.
You hummed, satisfied with the answer. "At least you don't hate me." You said, raising your hips to be able to kiss him again, lips against his own with fierce intent.
"Please fuck me, Killer." You whimpered, unable to take just his stationary cock inside of you any longer. He didn't respond back to you, but began to assist you in moving on top of him, your arms resting against his shoulders as you started to bounce on him, his cock going inside and out with such a lewd sound.
Killer's hands gripped your hips tightly, lifting you onto him easier than if you were doing it alone. "Fuck..." He groaned, feeling your fleshy walls tighten around him, warmth over flooding his entire being.
You felt him push against the spot that nearly induced you into a deep unwanted sleep, letting out a loud moan, unable to form words to tell him to keep hitting that spot.
He knew what angle to go out now, abusing your wet walls with every snap of his hips. He moved his hand lower to circle your clit slowly, hearing you give a wanton whisper of his name fuelled his need to make you finish around him.
You felt your leg twitch as you felt your inevitable release creep up on you. Your moans and whimpers grew to a higher pitch, with a raise of your hips, Killer met your lips against his once again, you never growing tired of the feeling. One more deep thrust inside of you, and you couldn't take it, accidentally screaming into Killer's open lips, you separated from his mouth and whimpered again as you came around him, your arousal dripping down onto his erection and onto the both of your thighs.
He continued to lazily drill into you, filling you to the brim until he was satisfied. He bit his lip as you tightened onto him harshly, almost like not wanting to let go. You moaned his name, feeling sensitive with every move.
"So fucking good." He whispered to himself, getting lost in your soft insides. He too felt release coming sooner than he thought. You were just so good around him, smaller than him and still able to take him better than initially thought.
A few more thrusts and he pulled out, grunting softly as he came on your stomach, thick white ropes of his sticky seed on your naked body.
He got up to bring you a towel, finally feeling the after effects on him, collapsing onto the bed beside you gently. You smiled, your lipstick was slightly smeared and your hair was tousled messily. You cleaned yourself up and laid next to him, locking lips again softly, feeling him being so gentle with you made you feel like you could take him again right then and there.
His eyes were on yours after you backed up from the kiss, a smile on your face as you closed your eyes.
"I could get used to this."
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