#sorry mobile peeps
rinisdrawing · 1 year
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cozy summer afternoons
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 8 months
a glimpse for the mobile users who have no idea what theyre missing out on
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aonokumura · 6 months
Welcome! \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
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🌀 Rules || About 🐈‍⬛
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thelonelywiz · 9 months
“Death and grief, I find, is inherent to vampirism. I’ve seen many die young and old, naturally and unnaturally. It may not look it, but the beast follows me yet still.”
In a world where monsters and humans coexist, anything can happen. Especially in the brownstones of Brooklyn, New York City. 
The famous vampire poet, Virgil, lives with his roommate, Bea, a werewolf and former rock star drummer of BLUDHOUNDS turned grade school teacher. With his very last chapbook in the works and an award ceremony to attend, Virgil has a speech to write. But when his literary agent and best friend (and Bea’s on and off girlfriend), Calypso is found dead, he and Bea are spun into the world of murder mysteries and conspiracy. The threat of succumbing to their monstrosity increases as tensions and risks run higher, and Virgil and Bea must learn to face their grief together despite their differences. With the help of Bea’s brother, Seven; a fairy from the Bronx, Juno; an unlikely ally, and an eager human barista, a team of monsters (and Aaron) is just what the five boroughs need to defeat The Hunters once and for all. 
In this romantic comedy turned murder mystery, The Poet Virgil tells a story of death, love, and what it means to be seen as a monster.
Started: Feb 2022
Format: screenplay
Word/page count: 256 pages
Genre: urban fantasy
Themes: grief, justice, friendship, family, generational trauma, love, hope
Content warnings: transphobia, heavily implied child neglect, on-screen child death, domestic violence, on-screen violence, blood & gore
(the following character art was made using wervty’s picrew, the first two are commissioned art by @fesenmoon)
Virgil (he/him): An introverted vampire poet born in 1888. He likes baked goods, all things gothic, and has a special interest in the arts; art history, piano music, and of course, poetry. Protagonist and foil to Bea.
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Bea (they/them): The former drummer of the all-werewolf punk rock band BLUDHOUNDS, now they’re a grade school teacher. They are the oldest of 8 and have lots of issues because of it. Deuteragonist and Virgil’s roommate (and foil).
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Calypso (she/her): A human who would do anything to protect her friends. Her death haunts the narrative. Virgil’s literary agent and friend, Bea’s on and off girlfriend.
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Aaron (he/him): A human barista who’s flirty but so incredibly awkward. A mama’s boy through and through. Virgil’s love interest.
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Seven (he/him): The former lead singer of the all-werewolf punk rock band BLUDHOUNDS, now a college dropout. Second oldest out of 8 but is pretty chill about it. Not dissimilar to Beastboy.
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Juno (she/her): A nature fairy going to community college. Has a special interest in insects, specifically beetles. Hates being called cute, don’t call her cute.
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Belladonna (she/they): A water nymph who does get paid enough for this, but it’s not worth it. Morally gray, knows her way around a silver bullet. Works for the enemy…or do they?
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Orpheus (he/him): A human musician that’s too obnoxious for his own good. Has a weird obsession with monsters. How he hasn’t gotten himself killed is anyone’s guess.
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Minerva (she/her): A half beast that’s been severely brainwashed. Very bloodthirsty and weirdly into her boss. Has killed and will kill again.
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Pandora (she/her): A human woman who really hates monsters, like really hates them. Main antagonist, manipulative and uses eugenics to get her way. Used to be a cop…enough said.
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Feel free to send me asks or prompts about this project! I did a lot of worldbuilding on this and I think about it a normal amount (lying)
Soundtrack: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1irfe7yT2sWBlh506wOJVF?si=iZ5NXL-xQ06fmmIvaven-w  
Pinterest board: https://pin.it/1FzCle5 
Main tags: #tpv
Taglist: @calenhads, comment or write in the tags if you want to be added to the taglist :D
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devourensarc · 7 months
🧍I lost my other one, so consider this a new dynamics call. open to romantic, platonic, etc. both canon and his hsr verse are available. like and I will bother you in dms.
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captainseamech · 8 months
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reginrokkr · 2 years
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As of lately something has been weighing down a lil bit on me, so apologies for having to read one more posts of these as I have noticed some issues lately. Promise it’ll be brief. In past times I was told that I’m intimidating, not sure if because of the writing, headcanons, it doesn’t matter. I know that it’s not meant to be taken as something to take offense from and that it should be taken as something “positive” instead, but this is pushing a vibe of being unapproachable that is undesirable for a RPer that looks forward to interact with people.
I have my moments of insecurity or writing or moments of wanting to focus the writing with a very reduced circle of people for a while for xyz reasons like the next person. I can have my downsides too as well as I can have my troubles irl, I’m just not as vocal about them. So please, if you ever feel the way I described earlier, don’t hesitate to approach me. Let’s interact!
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yelenasdiary · 4 months
For the AU request, what about nervous Wanda asking Natasha to take R out just the two of them. Maybe they just go to the park or to a movie. R being 5 :)
Can't Say No
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Daughter! Reader, Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Wanda wants to get to know you a little more and asks your mom if she can take you out for the day. 
Warnings: None | 2K
Translations: милый (darling), мед (honey), 
AC: Thank you for sending this! I love the idea; I hope you enjoy it! x
A Widow’s Sunshine Masterlist
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"Do you want cheerios or porridge for breakfast?" Your mother asked with a soft smile as you took a seat at the small wooden table in the kitchen with your favorite stuffie sitting beside you, "uhm, porridge please!" You replied with a sweet smile that your mother loved so much. "Coming right up!" She said, reaching for the cupboard. You weren't much of a fuzzy child which was something Nat was a little thankful for, you'd eat most things, you loved your fruits and most of your vegetables, but you weren't too big on meat because you didn't like when it would get stuck in your teeth. 
While the porridge cooked in the microwave, your mom poured you a small cup of orange juice and placed it in front of you just as the microwave peeped. "Thank you, mommy" you said before you took a small sip of your drink. Your mother returned with your breakfast in hand, placing a kiss on the top of your head, "it's a little hot милый, we'll just give it a moment to cool, okay?" She said. You nodded, not too fussed. 
"What are doing today mommy?" You asked, looking up at her. 
"Well, baby, mommy has to go into work and do a little paperwork so I thought we could go to the park afterwards, how does that sound?" She replied, stirring your breakfast around. 
"Can Dory come?" You asked. Your favorite stuffie named after a character from one of your favorite movies. 
"Of course, милый" Natasha smiled right as her mobile began to buzz, placed your breakfast in front of you and reached for her back pocket. "Be careful baby, if it's too hot, give it a few more minutes, okay?" She said, you nodded but it was just right to eat. Natasha looked down at her phone, butterflies fluttered in her stomach when she read Wanda's name on her screen, and she wasted no more time before answering. 
"Wands, hi!" Your mother said in a sweet tone as she slowly wandered out of the kitchen, 
"Hey, sorry if I called too early" Wanda replied. 
"Don't stress, I just finished making Y/n breakfast, is everything okay?" 
"Everything is fine" Wanda replied and Nat was sure she could hear the soft smile through the phone, "I was just calling because you mentioned yesterday that you were gonna head into the compound today and catch up on some mission reports so I thought and of course if you're not okay with it, I completely understand but I was wondering, you could be okay if I took Y/n for the day? That way you can get as much work done as you need, and Y/n and I will get some time to get to know one another more. But like I said, it's completely fine if you're not okay with that, I just thought I'd ask" She added. 
"Actually, that would be really helpful, let me just ask Y/n" Natasha couldn't help the smile that tugged at her lips. Having you meet her partner was a big seat for Natasha and it meant the world to her to know that Wanda wasn't put off about the idea of Nat being a single parent and she loved knowing that Wanda wanted to get to know you more. 
Your mother came back into the kitchen and smiled softly at you, "мед, would you like to spend a few hours with Wanda today instead of coming to work with me?" She asked. 
You enjoyed Wanda's company, you liked her long hair and the funny faces she could pull, you nodded instantly with a growing smile, "yes please!!" You almost jumped out of your chair, making Natasha chuckle. 
"I'm not sure if you heard that but I have a very excited little girl who would love to spend the day with you" Nat said back to Wanda. 
"Well, I am glad! Tell her I am very excited too! Shall I come by and pick her up in an hour?" Wanda asked. 
"Sounds perfect to me, thank you detka, we'll see you soon" Nat replied before hanging up. 
An hour later and you were waiting by the front door of the small apartment you lived in with your mother, dressed and full of excitement for your day with Wanda. Your mom braided your hair just like she did hers, as requested by you of course. "She's here!! She's here!!" You called, jumping up and down when you heard a knock at the door. Your mom chuckled at your excitement and grabbed your backpack which had some snacks and your drink bottle in it before opening the door. 
Wanda smiled instantly when she saw just how excited you were, "Hi Wanda!" You greeted her with your stuffie, Dory, in your arms. "Good morning, Y/n and I believe that is Dory?" Wanda replied. You turned and looked up at your mother with wide eyes and a dropped jaw, "she knew Dory's name mommy!!" You said with shock. 
Both adults chuckled, "I told you, she can read minds" Natasha smiled. Of course you didn't think she was being serious. "Make sure you're a good girl for Wanda, okay?" Your mother kneeled in front of you and placed a kiss on your cheek, "I'll be the best mommy! So will Dory!" You smiled. 
Nat handed your backpack to Wanda and explained what was inside while you waited so patiently to spend the day with your new friend. You said goodbye to your mother and took Wanda by the hand before the two of you began to walk down the hall to the evaluator and out into the busy street. 
"Is there anything you would like to do today?" Wanda asked while the two of you walked hand in hand down the street to her car. "Mommy was going to take me to the park today" you said, but not too sure on what on earth you wanted to do besides that. 
"Well, how about we do to the movies and then after that we can have lunch in the park?" Wanda offered, your eyes lit up and your smile only grew bigger as you nodded. 
Wanda took you to see Shrek 2, she let you pick the movie, and it was a hard pick between Shark Tale or Shrek 2 but when you saw Puss in Boots on the cover, the choice was made. You enjoyed a small soda and shared some popcorn and giggles with Wanda throughout the movie. To Wanda's surprise, you weren't tired at all after the film, in fact it was almost as if you had more energy than before but then again, you are the Black Widow's daughter. 
After the movies, Wanda let you pick what the two of you would have for lunch. You picked the small pizza restaurant that was only a short walk from the cinema. Wanda brought you a slice of your pick and then it was off to the park. Of course, Wanda didn't let you run off to play until you had some of your pizza and some water but once you did, you were off making friends with many of the other children on the playground. 
"Wanda!" You said, running up to her while she sat watching you from the park bench, "can you please look after Dory?" You asked, face red from all the playing you had been doing, "I don't want her to get dirty" you added. 
"Of course, I can" Wanda smiled as you handed her your stuffie, "I will look after her with the best of care" she added with confidence. You thanked her and then it was off to play some more. 
When it was time to start heading home, Wanda noticed you playing in the bushes by yourself, she frowned slightly as she walked over to you with Dory in one hand and your backpack in another, "Y/n, is everything okay?" She asked, startling you. 
"Look, Wanda!" You said, pointing into the bushes. Just as Wanda kneeled down, a small black kitten popped out of the bushes, you giggled when the little kitten brushed up against you which brought relief to Wanda who wasn't sure what to expect at first. 
"Can I take her home to mommy, please?" You begged, catching Wanda off guard. 
"Oh, uhm, I'm n-"
"Pleaseeee" you begged and honestly, who was Wanda to say no too? 
"Well, alright, but we should get you both home before it gets too late, I'm sure your mom would like you to have a bath before dinner" Wanda smiled, reaching for her phone and texting Natasha right away, "just know, I tried to say no" she texted before the two of you started walking back to her car. 
Natasha could hear your little voice in the hall, which brought a smile to her lips as she opened the door to greet you but what she saw you in your arms made Wanda's text message make sense. "Hi мед, who is this?" Your mother asked as you smiled at her. 
"A kitty I found at the park, Wanda said I could bring her home" you replied honestly. The small kitten took Natasha by surprise, you had already fallen in love with the little animal that she quickly noticed how Wanda tried to say no.
"I tried" Wanda whispered. 
"Can we keep her mommy, please?" You begged, placing the kitten on the floor. 
"мед, we don't know where this kitten has been, we would need to take it to the vet first" your mother replied, "she was in the bushes" you said back, not letting any excuses pass by, "please mommy, I will let you name her!" You offered. Wanda tried to hide the smirk that tugged at her lips, you were most definitely Natasha's daughter, that's for sure. 
There was a moment of silence, your mother unsure how to tackle this but on one hand, she didn't see the harm in allowing you to have your first pet. "How about you go wash your hands and I'll have a think about it, and we can talk more about it after dinner" your mother offered and just to win your mother over, you did exactly what she asked. 
Wanda stayed for dinner, the three of you enjoying some lasagna while you fed tiny pieces of mince to the little kitten, both Nat and Wanda noticed how the kitten didn't seem to leave your side, even when you came home and placed her on the floor, she was by your feet which to Wanda is more of a sign but to Nat it was going to be harder to tell you that you couldn't keep the animal. 
"Look mommy, she has the same eyes as Wanda" you pointed out after dinner, now your mother definitely couldn't say no. Wanda chuckled, "that is pretty cool" she said but your mom just smiled softly as she placed the dirty dishes into the dishwasher. 
When the time came for Wanda to go home, you didn't want her to go but it was almost your bedtime and Wanda promised to come see you again another day. "Thank you for all the fun today!" You smiled before giving Wanda a hug, "you are more than welcome, thank you for the fun" she replied.
"милый, how about you and Liho go get ready for bed and I'll be in to read to you in a few minutes?" Your mother smiled softly at you as your eyes widened, "we can keep her?" You asked, earning yourself a nod from your mom. "Thank you, mommy!!" You hugged her tightly before running off to your room with little Liho running shortly behind. With you distracted by your new little friend, Natasha was able to show Wanda just how much she really appreciated her help today, kissing her deeply, something she had waited all day to do. 
"Promise me on thing" Natasha said, her hands placed on Wanda's hips. 
"Depends" Wanda bit her bottom lip making Nat lightly chuckle, "next time you and my daughter hang out, no more pets" Nat replied (not so) jokingly. 
"Hey, if you couldn't even say no, how do you think I'm supposed too? Besides, it got me a little extra date so I'm not complaining" Wanda replied with a playful wink. "Great, now I have two people I can't say no too" Nat rolled her eyes playfully before giving Wanda one last kiss for the night.
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Taglist: @koinsss | @liloandstitchstan | @marcia-maximoff | @skittlebum | @katethewritersblog | @taliiiaasteria | @nova-kyle | @daddipantherr | @riyaexee | @sgm616 | 
If you want to be on the taglist for this series, please see the masterlist. It's linked at the top of this post.
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astrophileblogs07 · 6 months
Astro Observations pt.21
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Back with some very random Astro observations 😁
⚫ Saturn aspecting the 7th house actually can dislike 9 to 5 jobs or corporate office jobs. They are better with freelancing. Its coz they can't take orders. Sorry not sorry. 💀(Ig that's a Saturn 7H thing 😆)
⚫ An interesting thing I observed: Among two siblings, the elder one has Leo rising which means Scorpio 4H and the younger one has Scorpio moon. And their Mom is a Scorpio moon too. She's a nice lady though but is such a control freak. (I know I am one too, but like when I met her the second time that "controlling" vibe just hit me like a big yellow school bus 🚌😭😭). That was so funny lol😂. -All the more her birthdate is a single digit 1.(these people are the alpha type, always lead and never follow and hence are dominating, one to have the last say) which is cherry on top. -She is fiercely protective of her kids. Can't emphasize enough on "fierce" part. Very strict. Rules are to be followed very religiously. {She can't stand any one of them doing anything without her knowledge. She even monitors whom they interact with what they do on their mobiles etc.(from what I suspect)} (obv Scorpio moon mom traits) (sometimes Leo moon moms too){nothing unhealthy here, just Mom's way of showing they care 😂}
⚫Saturn and Workout: -Workout 🏋️‍♀️requires CONSISTENCY. Saturn LOVES consistency. -In fact the best remedy for Saturn is sweating. JUST SWEAT by hard work. No matter what it maybe: workout, walking, jobs, cardio, sports etc. 🤸‍♀️🚴‍♀️🏋️‍♀️
⚫ Whilst on the topic of Saturn, people who follow a time table for literally everything the planet doesn't harm them much during its Dasha (even if its your worst one). I mean obviously you played by the rules 🤷‍♀️
⚫ Magha is the only nakshatra for which you don't need in depth compatibility match. They get along with everyone.
⚫Scorpio Venuses/8H Venuses are paranoid. They notice and suspect everything (sometimes things which are not there/imaginary). (For eg, me, who thinks that someone is peeping thru my curtains even when nobody is there and all my curtains cover my windows properly. 🤣).
⚫Also as a basic Scorpio Venus behavior: while writing chats/texting, I always think- "what if someone else reads it?"..so I just don't give much details in texts. (Gosh, sometimes I think somethings wrong with me 😭😭)
⚫The proven way to hurt a Leo moon: compare them with any other person and tell them that the person is wayy better in a certain thing esp if it's a triat that the Leo is proud of. 🤣 (P.S don't do that, its mean and the Leo will hunt you, which you don't want 😀.)
⚫Why do Aries moon men have a bunch of good friends for life and Aries moon women struggle with having at least one good genuine female friend for life? (I'm jealous)
⚫ Maybe its becoz they get along more with guys than gals so the girls are jealous of them...so hence no good female friends. 😢🤡 Aries moons are the best-est people for friendships you'll ever get.
⚫ People born on a Saturday look melancholic.
⚫ You can NEVER mislead a Leo rising. They study litreally everything: what you say what you do, and why you do so. Similar to Scorpios
⚫If you see a person having graceful and "royal" way of walking or behaving, they're are sure shot to have a Magha Ascendant.
⚫Connecting the dots here: as I said in one of my previous posts that Maghas get framed even when they have done nothing, what I interpreted is that Maghas are actually the definition of royalty. They literally have that ✨grace✨, that kinda magnanimous personality and similar struggles to a monarch. Totally King/Queen typa energy here. So with that, the usual consequences in a Kingdom is conspiracy against the king, which the Maghas face. (Enough with Maghas ig, started observing them recently so..✌🏻💀)
That's it for today, until next time! (like,comment and reblog loveliesss❤❤😘)
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partycatty · 8 months
I have this idea:
Johnny Cage x tomboy (can be gender neutral reader), I see the reader as a introvert, gamer, a bit of a nerd that prefers to wear comfy pants than elegant, tight dresses/skirts. Johnny likes to talk to them cause they can play games together (I believe that johnny being a bit of a gamer is a fact stated in mk1, when we have a Cage's Mansion tutorial?) and so he decided to invite reader to a red carpet event created because of the launch of his new movie. It's first time in their life to attend such thing and they really don't know what to do... (the rest is up to you, they can either fuck before the event while reader is trying to pick a good outfit or just go there and have fun or whatever<3)
johnny cage > zip me up
johnny's not used to seeing his best friend in anything but a hoodie and sweats. what happens when they have to dress outside of their comfort zone?
warnings: nsfw... :3, exhibitionism?, hardcore praising LOL, awkward reader (no rizz ...), reader is written as curvy? LONG POST LOL
notes: i physically cant write dom johnny without it sounding super ooc LOL ALSO!! im so sorry if the formatting is iffy, ive been forced to use desktop and the formatting is completely different than my usual mobile writing
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honestly, it's hard to gauge what games he'd actually play, so a part of me believes he mainly plays... mortal kombat. and yes, since he is canonically responsible for the franchise existing, he would main himself. or maybe he'd play fortnite, lord knows he'd have his own skin.
"come on, man! you can't keep picking general shao! you can just say you hate me," johnny groans, staring at the character select screen. his favorite thing was to drop tidbits about the characters and compare them to the real life counterparts. "i'm still mentally recovering from witnessing his ugly mug."
you chuckle and lean back in your chair, pulling your headset mic closer to your lips. "would you rather i picked one of your buddies? kenshi, or as you called him, sexy face two?"
"and now you're asking me to beat up my best friend," johnny sighs dramatically. you giggle, and it makes his heart flutter and cheeks redden. thankfully, today was a day your webcams were turned off so you were none the wiser. you make a comment that he's the one that wanted to play a game that features his real friends and actual enemies which earns yet another groan from him.
"if you're gonna be annoying, we could switch to something else?" you offer teasingly. "not my fault you choose to stare at yourself every game instead of learning combos."
"oh hush, you love me," johnny replies, earning a little peep from you out of surprise. he loved to push your buttons and flirt with you. it was in his personality, sure, but because of it you did have a massive crush on him. it was innocent and purehearted, but you just couldn't see yourself risking your great friendship over some silly feelings. "you love it when i'm difficult, don't lie to yourself."
"...shut up," you pathetically try to retort, sinking into your seat and fighting the flush on your face. "are we gonna run another round or what?"
"actually, i had something to ask of you," johnny says, tone suddenly serious and almost unreadable. you feel a pit in your stomach at his tone, wondering if maybe you're in trouble. your mind spirals as you nervously fidget in anticipation. "well, two things actually. could you turn your camera on so i can properly ask you?"
you shakily turn your camera on in discord, anxiously glancing between your monitors and camera lens. johnny smiles to himself, leaning forward get a closer look at you as if you were sitting across the table from him.
"good girl, there we go," he says encouragingly, making your thighs clench as you use your sleeves to hide your face. "no, come on, don't hide. here, let me-" he clicks on his own camera button and his webcam blinks to life. he smiles directly into the camera, and for a moment you're winded at the reminder that you're best friends with a celebrity. "-there. now it doesn't feel like i'm talking to my computer."
"well, you are-" you speak up, ready to go on one of your famous tech tangents. johnny holds up a single finger, shushing you instantly. as much as he'd love to hear your voice for hours on end, he wanted to squeeze out what he was going to say first.
"-hold your tongue, my dearest nerd," johnny quips with a wink. "my favor first." you tense up before he speaks up again. "i've got a movie coming out. finally, right? point is, cris is an absolute no-go, and my assistant couldn't find a damsel to hang off my arm in time for the red carpet. so, next best thing, i was wondering if... you'd be my plus one."
"i-i don't dress up, johnny," you protest, looking away. "all those cameras, all the shouting... not for me."
"it's not all bad," he insists with a smirk. "you'll have me. all you have to do is stay close to me and smile."
you stammer, trying to spill out more excuses for him to give in and stop asking.
"i don't have a dress-"
"i'll buy you twenty."
"nobody knows who i am-"
"eyes'll be on me."
"what if someone laughs at me?"
"doll, have you seen some of these hollywood clowns? you'll look just fine."
you tug at your hair, exasperated. he came prepared with every response, had every reason to bring you to the carpet. you wanted to say no, but truth be told, you missed johnny dearly. you don't get to see him in person often, given your medium distance and his constant work. a meek "fine" escapes your lips and johnny cheers to himself, his excitement painted all over his face. it made you warm how well he was at showing his appreciation at times.
"i knew i could count on you, sweetheart. this means the world to me. i'm getting you tomorrow at three, okay? we're gonna get you a nice dress, i'll get a matching suit tailored... oh, it'll be like prom all over again!" he's gesturing wildly as he hypes himself up over the plan.
"i never went to prom, johnny," you chuckle to yourself, eyes on your keyboard. "i wouldn't know the experience."
"well that's ridiculous," johnny looks surprised at this fact, for a reason you can't pinpoint. "i would have asked you if we knew each other then."
"i'm sure," you agree shyly, turning away to try and hide your blush. "i'll see you tomorrow, johnny."
"see you tomorrow, doll," he smiles at the camera again, and you catch a glimpse of it as you weakly return the expression. then, johnny leaves the call, leaving you huffing and blushing. he just asked you to be his plus one on the red carpet, for his movie, for his fans... all eyes will be on you. the thought terrifies you, but maybe you could push through for your friend. you were a software developer, mostly confined to your dimly lit bedroom. this was a whole new realm!
you roll around on your bed and kick your feet, wondering why you're always so awkward around him. if you fumble at all in public, your world might just fall apart. sleep doesn't come easy for you, but it eventually overpowers your anxiety.
sunlight creeps through your windows. despite your usual tendency to sleep in, your nerves shot you awake slightly earlier than that, and you tried your best to negate your shakiness through games and squeezing in any work projects you could make up - before a firm knock was at your apartment door.
you fly to the door and swing it open, excited to see the only man that gets your heart pumping. he's matching your energy with a cheesy grin, immediately charging at you to embrace you in a bear hug. his cologne makes you tingle as you breathe in his shirt fabric. when he pulls back, he chuckles to admire your attire. you're wearing your usual sweatpants, hoodie, and slippers.
"you clean up nice," he compliments you sarcastically. "it's nice to finally see you, honey." you shrug with a shy smile at his endless pet names. "let's get you into something more flattering, yeah?"
he encourages you to his car, it's one of his nice sports cars with his name printed across the seats. you always felt out of place in his luxurious lifestyle. however, even through the two hour car ride back to malibu, you found yourself familiar and comfortable alongside johnny.
"you didn't have to drive four hours just to see me," you insist quietly, voice muffled against the window as you admire the waters. "it's a lot of trouble for one night."
johnny seems to genuinely seem taken aback by your deprecating comment. he leans over and slides one hand on your knee, patting it gently.
"you know i'd do anything for you," he speaks in that dangerously low tone, stealing quick glances as he desperately tries to focus on the road. "i want you with me."
even after his comforting pat, his hand lingers for a moment, sliding up your thigh with feather touches. you cover your lips with your finger to muffle any whimpers that threatened to escape. you always hated how touchy he was, and by hated, you mean it turned you on embarrassingly easily. as the road straightens out, you realize he's staring directly at you with suspiciously blown out pupils, but snaps back into reality as quickly as you noticed. he clears his throat and removes his hand, settling them both back on the steering wheel.
perhaps he just missed me and wants to be closer, you thought. he's always clingy, he probably just... you're having a hard time justifying his needy glances. they looked off. it's been a stupidly long time since someone eyed you down like that.
after what felt like a thousand years, the city comes into view and johnny parks at a luxury outfit boutique. it's small, but the window mannequins alone make you swallow nervously.
it takes quite some time to decide on a dress, because you internally decide that every possible option is unflattering. each time johnny pulls a dress from the selection, you cringe and shake your head. the sleeves were either too long or too short, the skirt was too flowy or too loose, or the color wasn't quite right.
"how about i pick one for you?" johnny offers, a little exhausted at how difficult you were being. "you just go sit in the dressing room, i'll slide you a couple dresses and don't think too hard about this. you'll look great in anything, my dear."
you agreed with his idea. maybe it'd be best for the celebrity that's known to dress nice to put you in something that'll definitely turn heads and keep you confident. it was unfamiliar territory for you, after all, since the last flattering thing you wore was a one-piece swimsuit on a beach trip with your family.
after some time of fidgeting in the dressing room, johnny slides the curtain aside and greets you with a smile, his veiny arm holding about a dozen dresses. he's got his iconic shit-eating grin as it seems he has something devious in mind for you.
"don't look so afraid," johnny shrugs, nudging you playfully. "i'll treat you right, pinky promise." he holds up the first dress, a flowy one with off-the-shoulder sheer sleeves. it looks like something out of a fairytale, and you're reluctant to deny his suggestion when he's cheesing so damn hard. you smile back and shove him back behind the curtain, giving yourself space to change.
you slide into the dress, catching it on your hips momentarily but pulling it past without tearing it thankfully. when you pull it up to your chest, it takes quite a bit of tugging, seeing as the fabric isn't as stretchy compared to what you're used to. when you fall silent as you try to pull the dress up, johnny assumes you're ready and slides the curtain aside, stepping in eagerly.
"how's it-" he cuts himself off when he gets a good look at you. you're flushed from trying to squeeze into the fabric, and your breasts (that he didn't even know you had) were spilling out of the front. his lips get sucked inward as you witness the gears come to a screeching halt in his head. his eyes may have been hidden from his sunglasses, but you know for a fact he's checking you out. "i like that one." his voice is too monotonous for him to truly be emotionless. it's like it's taking every ounce of his being to be normal.
"i don't," you mumble, continuing your fruitless attempts much to johnny's delight as your boobs ripple with each pull. "i can't get the stupid zipper up in the back, either."
eager hands shoot out to you as johnny takes quick strides to stand behind you. your front is facing the mirror, your hands resting atop your breasts and eyes focused on the man behind you. when his head tilts town to get a good look at the zipper, you notice his eyes are far darker than the typical warm brown.
his hands fumble tremendously as he tries to keep his shit together. he uses one hand to keep the parts together and the other to get the zipper sliding.
the sudden jerk catches you off guard and you're far from balanced. thankfully, your palms press against the mirror to keep yourself upright, and johnny lurches forward as his grip is pulled with you. his hands fly to your waist to ensure he doesn't topple you over.
you would have gotten up like nothing happened, and maybe apologized, but during the scuffle you felt something hard and warm through your skirt. johnny's nose is tucked in the nape of your neck when you fully realize your predicament.
as you sputter out his name to call him out, you feel his lips smile against your back. his hands loosen momentarily, but don't pull away.
"uh, sorry, doll," he mumbles into your skin, not sounding all too apologetic. "pretty girls in dresses just... gets me goin'."
"i'm not pretty," you mutter, averting your gaze. johnny lifts his head and looks at your reflection incredulously.
"you're joking, right?" johnny replies, brows furrowed. "babe, look at yourself." he grabs your jaw from behind and angles your vision on your body. "i didn't know you were carrying all this. i almost want t'take you out and get you a whole new wardrobe just to get you out of those garbage bags you're always in. pardon my french doll, but you're fuckin' hot." as he speaks, his hand snakes down your throat, your shoulder, and then settling firmly on your hip, not even hiding the brief sweep he made against the flesh of your chest.
you're left staring in awe. he was always charming around you, but never outright flirting. you glance toward the curtain; what if someone heard all this? you swallow thickly, moving back to look at johnny apprehensively. he's biting his lower lip, suddenly thrusting more against your body, letting a shaky breath as his face is now buried in the crook of your neck as he tries to hold it together.
"you got me all riled up seeing you in that, you know," he warns you in a husky voice that dampens your panties. "so you can't say you aren't pretty. feel what you did to me." the air feels intensely different than it was when you guys were just friends. he's confessing something he'd implied to feel for quite some time, but you never envisioned the day it'd come to fruition. you can't really say you were complaining when he pulls your hips toward him, letting him use your ass to grind down on ever so slightly. your stillness throws him off for a moment, and he looks up at you through the mirror with concerned eyes. "you don't seem into this. i can stop."
"n-no!" you yelp out, sounding a little more desperate that you'd like to admit. "this is okay."
"just okay?"
"well, no, but - i'm sorry, i don't know what to say."
"do you want me to stop?"
"good girl."
he presses a little harder against you, keeping you upright and stopping your knees from buckling with his rough hands. abruptly filled with a primal hunger, johnny tugs the long flowing skirt up in bunches, gripping it tightly to get a glorious view of your ass. this interaction was not prepared for, so you couldn't help but feel flustered when your boyshort panties are fully on display. johnny just chuckles to himself as he grabs a shameless handful of one of your asscheeks anyway, squeezing hard enough to leave red prints behind. you bite down on your lips to stop any noise from coming out, but a moan of surprise slips through.
johnny wraps one arm around your midsection for stability, and the other flies up to your lips to hold his palm over your mouth.
"if you want this, you're gonna stay quiet, is that clear?" he growls into your ear, head tilted toward you but eyes fixated on your reflection's eyes. all you can do is nod. "i'll show you how fuckin' pretty you are."
he slides your panties down with ease, expelling a shaky groan when he watches a trail of your wetness follow the fabric. his cock is swiftly freed from his dress pants and he slides his throbbing tip against your folds, creating a sopping sound to the trained ear. if the store was quiet enough, the entire building would know how soaked you were for your best friend. all you can do is whimper and gasp as your noises are muffled by his hand. johnny leans forward and gently shushes you, lips brushing against your ear.
"you can do it, princess," he assures you in that husky voice before holding intense eye contact in the mirror. "you look so good like this, don't you think?"
your pupils were blown out and your cheeks were stained a deep red as you're bent over for the actor. you didn't feel pretty, still. you felt... needy.
you pressed back against his cock, and it slips between your folds before catching on your aching hole, making you twitch. the sloppy friction makes johnny moan against your skin as he hungrily matches your movements. he slides his hand down and toys with your clit, wetting the area with your own juices which seems to be plentiful. he sticks two fingers inside, not bothering to ease you into the process at all. he needs you now, and if "now" is in a clothing store, then so be it. your pussy burns from the sudden stretching, but you take it because it makes him happy to see how eager you are for him.
"i should've put you in a dress sooner," he mutters, hazy eyes staring right through you as he relishes in the way your walls embrace his fingers. "you look beautiful, my dear. angelic. i wanna ruin you so bad, baby, but i can't. not here." his words already bring you closer, but as you feel the tension building inside he leaves you empty and sopping... but not for long.
his tip slides in with ease, and he has to bite down on your bare shoulder to stop himself from losing it entirely. it's the first time in a long time a pussy has been too good for him. he's stuck his dick anywhere and everywhere, but you take the cake. his bite deepens when he slowly but surely bottoms out, his own knees buckling at your gorgeous insides.
"mmf, so fucking good," he groans into your flesh, eyes clenching shut. "my pretty girl. all mine, yeah?" you nod lazily, too entranced in the fact that his cock is buried inside of you. you'd had sex before, but it had been quite some time. years. and his dick just felt impossibly big.
"i could stay like this forever," he mumbles, almost forgetting to thrust. you remind him quickly when you shake your ass needily. "ah, but i shouldn't. you deserve to feel good."
he pulls out slowly, admiring the thin coat of juice painting his shaft before thrusting back in. he's careful to move just enough to hit deep, but not enough to make the slapping sound too obvious.
"there you go," johnny encourages you as he starts to slowly pump into you. "you take me so well, so pretty with my dick buried in you."
you almost wanted to pinch yourself to see if you were dreaming. just yesterday, he was your duo in your favorite game. and now, he was fucking into you in public. the thought makes you dizzy and you have a hard time keeping your head upright, that is, until johnny pulls your face up to the mirror again, still muffling you with his palm. you want to say you're the one enjoying it most, but that might be johnny. his once cocky demeanor is now down the drain as he fights for his life to not cum with every second of friction. you were just so good, he's already pussydrunk. he seems to be living in his own heaven when he lazily peppers kisses and licks all around your back, neck, and shoulders, breathy whimpers and moans warming your skin up nicely.
his thrusts grow increasingly sloppy as he completely loses himself against you. his eyes are swapping between you and him in the mirror as he admires your wetness dripping down your thighs and splattering against his own front. he would be mad you were ruining his nice clothes, but he's just going to buy another suit with you anyway.
"you wanna cum on me, doll?" he huffs into your ear, letting go of his fear of the slapping noise and now progressively slamming into you harder and harder. "let me feel it, baby, i'm real close."
johnny's arms readjust, one snaking under your armpit and over your shoulder, and the other rhythmically swirling circles against your clit. what once was hungry groans is now turning into needy whimpers from the both of you as you cum simultaneously. your lower half feels warm as he cums deep inside of you, watching it drip and splatter out with every finishing thrust. your vision becomes tunneled as you see stars, head thrown back as each throb from the orgasm makes you forget you're in public entirely.
he holds you both there for a moment, breathing in your damp skin. you both feel dazed, but incredibly satisfied. johnny kisses your cheek from behind, dancing his way to the corner of your mouth and then captures your lips in a messy, brief kiss.
"you know i didn't need a dress to want you that bad, right?" johnny asks against your lips, his fingers brushing against your bare thighs. "i really do think you're beautiful. always have."
you nod, taking in a quick inhale of breath to gather yourself. "i wasn't sure before."
"well, i hope you are now," johnny chuckles, and kisses you again. "at least, i hope so - hey, hey -" the embrace stops as he steps back and notices his semen dripping down your leg. "don't get that on the carpet. and definitely don't get that on the dress. we're buying that one for the red carpet-" he checks his watch. "-that we're late to. shit."
he doesn't really regret it.
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inkmonster21 · 4 months
Sing for Me
12. The Wasted World
Cooper Howard × Fem!Reader / The Ghoul × Fem!Reader
She's a singer the nation adores. He's the actor everyone respects. What happens when these two get entangled in a heated affair? Passion, regret, rage, and even murder will commence. From before the bombs drop to the vast wasteland, these two souls live for one another.
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Tagged: @fallout-girl219 @harmfulb1tch @themadhattersqueen @one-of-thewalkingdead
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The synthetic bot of (Y/n) sits inside a run-down house on sand, confused and alone. The sparks misfire in her brain shooting different emotions and memories. They play like pictures, like a silent movie in flashes. Two different lives collide. After a while, she sits against the wall silently, her server still shorting out, but no idea what to do or how to fix it.
For two days she sat there. Could she die? Maybe. She was begging God to take her from this torture. Alone and confused. No purpose or quality of life. What was the point? Was she being punished?
"Hey." A sharp poke at my stomach woke me up. I stand within seconds looking at the figure. A young boy stands with his knife high. "Are... Are you hurt?" I nod slowly, my head and limbs twitching, small sparks coming from my neck. He holds his hands up showing innocence. "I can help, My older brother used to work on Snyths."
I back away, twisting and twitching. “Synth?” The boy looks at me with sadness in his eyes. “I can help you.” I reluctantly take a seat in hopes of the best, but expecting the worst. To my surprise, the young boy was able to fix the problem. "Just a fuse." He mumbles as he reaches in and replaces the damaged fuse. “Your memory storage is full too. We can find someone to help with that.”
I look at him as he backs away, "That should help." I look at my limbs, moving to test my mobility. "What's your name, kid?" "Connor."
“Well, Connor, you came into the story at the perfect time. Just as the plot demanded.”
At that exact moment, where was Cooper Howard? He was being buried by Dom Pedro. Buried alive for the next 30 years tortured by the memory of her. Why had he lived this long? He hoped it was a sign of her existence somewhere. When she breathed, he did as well.
Wilzig trembles in the heat. Reaction from his missing foot and the cyanide he just took. “People will come after you. I have a contact, a friend if you will. She will help you. She’s good-hearted, and she’s strong. Show her my head, and she will help you.” Lucy shakes her head in doubt as she watches the doctor's light leave his eyes. She stiffens up, clouding her thoughts as she grabs the saw. “Okie dokie.”
“Uh, Miss?” I turn around looking at the ghoul in charge of guarding my door, in fact not by the damn door. I cross my arms with furrowed brows, “why the fuck are you not at the front?” His thumbs twiddle. Poor kid, couldn’t have been more than 17. “I- I’m sorry I just, there’s a girl here, she’s asking for you.” “And you know I only take visitors AFTER the show is done.” He shakes his head, “No, see she’s not a fan. She’s asking for- “
A polite, gentle voice peeps from behind the teenager. “(y/n) (l/n).” My blood runs cold hearing my name, my real birth name. “I need to speak with you immediately, please.” I stare at the girl with wide eyes, full of confusion and shock. A blue suit lined with gold, and big hopeful eyes. A fucking Vault Dweller. “Leave us.” I snap and the kid quickly pushes her in and shuts the door. I grab my knife from my table, stalking up to her slowly. I smile as I flip her hair, and trace her cheeks. “Pretty,” I mumble as I circle her. She rocks on her feet, fear brewing in her. “Now,” I settle myself in front of her face, pushing the knife into the skin of her throat, “how the fuck do you know my name?”
She stuttered at first, raising her hands to show her innocence. “My name is Lucy MacLean. I’m looking for my dad. The Doctor, Wilzig, told me you would help. Please, you’re my only hope.” I watch her eyes as she speaks, reading her emotions to ring true. MacLean… well I guess there is a god, and he just so happens to be giving me a gift.
I slowly remove the dagger from her smooth, pale, skin. I laugh lightly as I turn to the door, opening it just a crack. I look at Conor who stands outside. “I’m going to be a few. Hold them over for me.” He nods without a second glance.
I turn back to Lucy with a smile. “Lucy, huh?” She nods, “Yes ma’am.” I scoff at that term. I may be over 200 years old but shit! That term makes it real. “Don’t call me, ma’am.” “Uh, okay, (y/n), then.” I raise my finger, shaking my head, “Nope, you can’t call me that either.“ Lucy tosses her hands slightly. “Then what can I call you?” I stare at the reflection in the cracked mirror. “Nothing right now, because I’m just not too sure about you, Lucy. Not a lot of people know my name. Have to make sure you're a good one.” “PLEASE! He said you could help me!” I stare at her, seeing the frustration in her eyes. I glare at her, “I don’t like your fucking tone, Lucy.” I turn back to the mirror, batting my lashes and straightening my hair. A knock sounds before Conor’s voice rings through the old wooden door, “They’re getting impatient.”
“I’m coming! Goddamn it. Never slows down.” I motion at Lucy. “Come with me.” She follows me through the door and down the narrow hall leaning to the stage. I push her down to sit in a chair, "Sit here, don't move, and most of all, enjoy the show." I turn to Conor, "Don't let her out of your sight." He nods and leans against the wall silently watching Lucy. Lucy looks up to meet his gaze with a shy smile. "Hi there." Conor just stares blankly.
The music starts and I show one leg through the curtain, letting the show begin. I step out, the makeshift stage light illuminating my frame in the old dress. The crowd loves me, they always have, and always will.
Lucy claps as I exit the stage and step behind the curtain. The roar of applause and cheers makes me smile. "That was amazing!" Lucy stands with a smile. "I never expected to see anything like this up here. You’re phenomenal!” I walk past her, and she follows behind me. "And you never will anywhere else. Unless you travel to Goodneighbor. They tried to replace me with some washup. She’s no good.” “How long have you been out here?” “30 years.”
As we enter the small dressing room again Conor closes the door behind him. I sit on my stool as Conor moves my hair away from my neck. Lucy watches in curiosity, eyes wide as she sees the small opening at the base of my neck. "You're not… human."
"Good insight, Lucy MacLean. You are correct. I’m what you’ll come to learn is called a synth. Synthetic humanoid. No blood running through my body, just wires.” As I’m closed up I roll my shoulders back. “I still have a beating heart and a working brain. Call me special. They were the only two organs they thought were worth a shit.” Lucy looks at me with sorrow, "Who would have done this to you?" I smirk at her, oh the perfect world she lives in. "Wouldn't you like to know, Vaultie."
I go behind my privacy shade and change out of the performance dress. "So, tell me why, Wilzig gave me up to some random girl." "He told me you could help find my dad. He said you were good-hearted." I roll my eyes at her words. Dumbass Wilzig, he knew exactly how to get my ass in trouble. "Well, he might've been exaggerating a little." I exit the privacy shade, clad in my new attire. “So where’s Wilzig now?” Lucy bites her lip and pulls a large lump from her bag. She opens the cloth to reveal Wilzig’s decapitated head. “Oh, wow.” I pick up his head and press behind his ear, feeling the electric bead. “Well, what do you know? You’ve got some kick to you, don’t you, Lucy?” As I inspected the head, Lucy looked at my photos on the wall. The small memories I was able to escape with. The belongings from my home the stole meant to tease me.
"Is this your husband?" She asks pointing to one picture in particular. A faded photograph of Cooper and I huddled by a Christmas tree the day we got engaged. My eyes begin to water, I force my emotions down. "Enough snooping around my shit. Go in that cabinet over there and fill this bag up with food, water, and those boxes. After that, you can take a shower, and get some sleep." I toss a brown bag her way. "Why?" I stare at her in disbelief. "Because we're going to be hitting the road in the morning to find your dad."
Lucy jumps over to me, bringing me into her arms in a tight embrace. "Thank you! Thank you so much! I knew he was telling the truth about you. I could feel it." I pat her back awkwardly. "Okay, you're welcome. That's enough touching." I push past her and plop myself on the couch watching as Lucy rushes around gathering supplies, with a dopey smile on her face. I look to my left, seeing the old faded photo, a smile ghosting my lips as I remember the good days.
My eyes open and raise my head. The lights dimly lit the room. Conor stands behind me, giving the proper maintenance to my server. Lucy lays on the couch dozing lightly. “You’re really going to help her?” Conor asks in a hushed voice. “I was supposed to travel with Wilzig. Technically still am.” “She’s a MacLean.” “Yep, I’ve got that fact noted.” “What will you do?” Conor slips my jacket on before dismissing himself to pack his own bag. I grab my shotgun, placing it over my shoulder. “I’m going to gut that mother fucker, and string him up with his intestine.” I move over to Lucy, kicking her leg lightly, “Rise and shine, sleepyhead.”
Lucy wiped her eyes and sat up. I could tell she was energetic and excited. Almost makes me sick. “Let’s get going. Sun will be kissing the horizon soon.” Lucy swings her backpack behind her and smiles, “Okie dokie.”
Conor trails behind me, silently. Lucy furrows her brows, “I thought it was just me and you.” “He goes with me everywhere. No exceptions.”
Lucy smiles, “Oh, that’s nice to know marriage is still valued out here.” I look back at Conor and I begin to laugh. “Oh, shit. No, he’s not my husband. I am NEVER getting married again.” “Did he die?” I stare at her, hatred ready to spill. I could kill her, but that wouldn’t feel nearly as good. I shake my head, “Nope. That demon still slithering around somewhere.” Lucy stays silent until she begins another round of conversation. Friendly fucking vault dwellers. “I’d really like to be able to call you something.” Lucy pushes. I ponder on the subject. “If you have to, you can call me Melody.” It wasn’t a cover. I truly didn’t feel like (y/n) (l/n) anymore. It was easier to be known as Melody the Wasteland star in that little town. Being known as (y/n) meant remembering him daily. I could only handle the late hours of the night filled with tears.
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
ler!chigiri w/ an s/o reader with really stiff shoulder and a sore back and he massages it for her but he gets a little too close to sides/neck/lower back and NO IT TICKLES SO BAD and then hes like teasing her (u can do g/n too) and stuff and just ASJHAS
(for the limited requests thing)
{REQUEST ARE CLOSED! This is an older one!}
No cause the way I couldn't freaking find this dang thing until now-
ANON! :D Hi! Yes! This lovely request! :3 I thought Tumblr ate it and then I found it through mobile and just- anyway! I love Chigiri so much, and this request is beautiful! I did end up making it more a proper tickle fight, but I kept in a good portion of Ler!Chigiri for you! As all of my Reader fics, they are gender neutral for inclusivity! I hope you like it :D
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@cupcake-spice13 @chibisstuff @imjusthere07 @riisada
“That’s a new position.” Chigiri blinked at you over his book, watching you back bend as far as you could with a low groan. “Trying out for the next exorcist movie?”
“If the pay is in spa tickets, sign me up.” You leaned back a bit further, only to lose your balance and fall. Before you could hurt yourself, Chigiri was right there, catching you in his lap. “Whoa- my hero.” You smiled up at him- it fading some at his concerned look. “What?”
“Does your back hurt that bad?” He asked gently, brows furrowing when you nodded.
“Thought if I tried popping it it’d feel better, but I was wrong.” You sat up, rolling your shoulders and neck with a small groan. “I’ll be fine- I just need to run a hot bath and take some painkillers. That’ll solve it.”
“Sounds good..hey, do you-erm..” Chigiri took your hand before you could stand, suddenly shy. You watched him fumble with his words, cheeks pink as he cleared his throat. “Do you want me to erm…help?”
You blinked. “With my bath?” You asked, grinning slyly as you watched him blush more and stammer.
“No, with your back! I can massage it for you.” He quickly got out, slightly glaring as you giggled. “I used to do it all the time for the guys back in Blue Lock- what, what?” He fumed more as you laughed harder, a hand over your mouth to hide your smile.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry- I’m still thinking of your face!” You snickered, leaning in and pecking his lips before he could fuss. “But seriously; if you’re offering. I’d love a massage, Hyoma. Thank you.”
Chigiri tried to stay pouty, but another few pecks to his face had him giggling softly and lightly shoving your shoulder. “Okay okay- fine. Get on the couch.”
“Hmmmm..” You let out a low sound as he dug at the knots in your shoulders, the initial pain fading into relief as he went. “That’s nice…”
“I’m glad- any way I can help I will.” He smiled down at you, comfortable sitting on your hips as he pressed along. “Let me know if I need to lighten the pressure.”
You gave a lazy thumbs up as you rested, closing your eyes. He had magic hands, you’ve decided at that moment. His earlier comment came back to you then. He gave massages to the guys back in Blue Lock?
Team Z must have been truly blessed.
While you lingered on that thought, you didn’t notice Chigiri’s hands getting closer to your armpits- the touch growing lighter and lighter until…
“AH!” You arched with a squeal, arms shooting down and a foot kicking. Behind you, Chigiri giggled. “Hyoma!”
“Sorry- I was thinking of your face.” He threw your earlier words back at you as he carried on “massaging” your armpits, prodding and pressing as you squeaked and thrashed beneath him. “You’re just so cute when you laugh, I wanted to see it again. Or at least- hear it anyway.”
Aheahhahahhaha! H-Hyohohohohoma-AHAHAH!” His hands dropped briefly to your ribs, running up and down your sides as you twisted against the couch. It was a precarious development; you didn’t want to send him flying at risk of his knee injury, but also didn’t want to remain lying there and taking it! Decisions decisions..
“Heh, you’re really adorable when you laugh, (Y/N). I could do this forever.” Chigiri dropped his hands to your hips, squeezing. “I just might- I wanna tickle you until the sound of your precious laugh is forever ingrained in my brain. I wanna be able to hear it even when you’re not around.”
Oh hell no, he did not just sweet talk you-
Face on fire and heart racing, you felt yourself filled with a new sense of determination as you twisted, somehow flipping onto your back without knocking him over. “Cohohohome hehehere!” You cried at his surprised expression, grabbing into his sleeves and pulling.
“Wait, wahhait the masahhahahahahahahhge!” Chigiri yelped before bursting into giggles, weakly pawing at your hands as they squeezed his sides rapidly. “(Y/N)! Aheahhahahahah!”
“What? Huh? Sorry- I was too busy laughing at your face!” You crooned back, bursting into giggles once more when he went back to tickling. “H-hhehehey, no! It’s miihihihy tuhuhurn!”
“Nohoho wahahahy! Yohohou geheheht th-ihiihihihihihis! Ehehahahhaha nohhohoho!” Chigiri laughed just as much, both tickling and trying to block your hands from his knees. “Nohohohot thehehehehre!”
“Yhehehes thehehe-EHEHEHE!” Your efforts to go for his worst spot were thumped when he went for your stomach, making you crumble. “STAHAHAHP!”
Your tickle fight carried on- both of you laughing and attacking each other. Eventually though, it all came to an end; both of you simultaneously giving up and collapsing into the couch.
“Ahehehe..ehhehehee..ghohohd.” You groaned, chest light and body feeling significantly better. “Hehehey, I feheheel behehehtter.”
“Pfft- grhehahhat.” Chigiri laughed, scooting up so he could lay beside you, pulling you into his chest. “Glahahad to hehelp.”
“Hmm.” You smiled and closed your eyes, legs intertwined and arms around each other. You could fall asleep like this…
“Hm. Hyoma?” You poked him gently, watching him open an eye. “I’m hungry. Can we order food?”
He blinked, then he laughed, pressing his face against the crown of your head. “Yeah, we can order food.”
Thanks for reading!
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
Cravings & Foot Rubs
☆ The Baby Fever AU ☆
Loki x Y/N
Summary: Pop-Tarts, foot rubs and massages. That's all you are craving - and Loki is more than willing to fulfill your wishes.
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff, pregnancy things, Loki being an overprotective lil' beb, ladders?
Word Count: 1,2k
a/n: To celebrate the release of the Loki Season 2 trailer, I thought I'm gonna post a lil' story! ☺️
This was an idea @eleniblue had. ☺️ She texted me the thing with the foot rubs and massages - and well... That's what the writing department in my brain spat out. I love it. I hope y'all do, too! 🥰
Baby Fever Crew: @km-ffluv @lokisgoodgirl @eleniblue @vbecker10 @loz-3 @jennyggggrrr @lokisninerealms @peaches1958 @multifandom-worlds @fictive-sl0th @lovingchoices14 @simping-for-marvel @stupidthoughtsinwriting @coldnique @kimanne723 @lou12346789 @lady-rose-moon @mostclevermiss @aagn360 @acefeather2002 @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @chennqingg @lokiforever @anukulee
Peeps, I think might like this... @mochie85 @smolvenger @muddyorbsblr ☺️
Baby Fever Masterlist °☆• Loki Masterlist °☆• Masterlist
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With a low grunt, you stepped on the little ladder, in order to reach the top shelf, in which the Avengers had stowed away the Pop-Tarts. They had to hide them away. Unless Thor would've eaten all of them - and he wasn't the only one who liked the sweet treat. You did, too, for example.
Unfortunately, was the mission ahead no easy one for you - at least at the moment, with being almost eight months pregnant... This far along in the pregnancy was almost everything a difficult task.
"Uhh, getting Pop-Tarts, babe... We ran out of them and, uh, I desperately wanted some, and I know where Tony hides them, so..." Loki helped you step down from the ladder; his strong grip not ceasing. Once your feet touched solid ground again, you turned to face him. "So, you decide to climb a ladder in order to get some?!" "Uhh, yeah?" Troubled blue eyes were looking down at you. The expression on his face told him that he didn't like this at all.
Taking the next two steps with a grunt, your hand was finally able to reach the top shelf. You let out a victorious giggle and grabbed the Pop-Tarts you craved - chocolate and strawberry.
Just when you wanted to take a step back again, in order to get off the small ladder, you suddenly felt two very strong hands gripping your hips. "What by the holy roots of Yggdrasil are you doing, love?!" It was your husband, of course. The pitch of his voice told you, that he was not amused... And worried.
Your lover took a deep breath to calm his nerves. "Darling... This is dangerous..." He started; both his palms wandering from your hips to the swell of your stomach. "You can't just climb a ladder, being so heavily pregnant... You could've fallen! I was just down the hall. You could've asked me - or hence, even him to help you!" Loki turned to nod at Bucky, who sat quietly on one of the bar stools; eating chocolate pudding. He didn't want to just interfere in your argument, so he kept his mouth shut and played 'Subway Surfers' on his mobile. But when Loki called him out, he lifted his head to face the 'fighting' couple. The god looked at him with a rather mean gaze, while you had an apologetic expression on your face; mouthing 'Sorry, Buck.'
Bucky immediately lifted his hands in surrender. "Hey, don't put this on me, man. I tried to help her, but she told me she was fine, so I accepted her decision." Your husband turned back around to you. "Y/N!" "I'm sorry, babe! But I wanted to make this on my own. I am not sick, just pregnant." Loki sighed; "I know that, love, and I can understand it as well - but..." his hands found your baby bump once more. "I just want you two to be safe. Next time you're craving Pop-Tarts, please tell me. I'll get them for you, yes?" You nodded; getting his point. "Yes." Loki smiled, "Good girl." and leaned forward to peck your lips. "Now, is there something else my beautiful wife is craving, beside Pop-Tarts?"
Believe it or not, but the god loved to give you any kind of massages you desired. He loved the feeling of your skin underneath his palms and fingertips, and the fact that he was able to ease up a lot of your pains. Those magically hands of his, were always able to make you feel good. In more than just one way.
Your cheeks turned slightly red because of Loki's flattering words, as you thought for a moment, then smiled; biting your lip. "Foot rubs?" Loki nodded; smiling brightly as well. "Foot rubs it is."
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"Lay down, my queen and I shall give you what you desire." Loki guided you towards the sofa and even helped you lay down. He stacked up another pillow behind your back to make sure that you were comfortable. "Is this to yours and our child's liking?" You giggled like a school girl, nodding. "It is, Lokes. Thank you." "Perfect." The god moved down to your feet then; placed them on his lap. Gently taking off your socks, he started to massage your swollen, hurting feet. Not even a minute had passed, when the first satisfied and utterly relieved moan slipped past your lips. Loki just chuckled and lifted his head to meet your gaze. "Does that feel good, love?" "Heavenly..."
He continued to massage your feet for a while, before he moved up to work the muscles of your calves. After making sure that he gave them enough attention, he went to slip your maternity shorts easily up, bending one leg after the other and massaged your thighs. "Baaabe..." You grunted in satisfaction. "You are so good at this. Have you ever considered to work as a masseur? Those hands are magical - literally. Please don't stop." You pouted; looking down at him. Loki just chuckled once more and shook his head. "I do not intend to stop, darling." Of course, the god was utterly tempted to let his hands travel even further up, but he didn't, because he wanted to help your muscles relax and to give them - you, a break.
"Want me to give your back a massage as well?" "If you'd be willing to do that..." You stated; smiling sheepishly. Loki's lips twitched into another smile. "Turn around, sweet girl." You giggled and did what he said; turned on your side. "As your husband and father of this little wonder you're growing, it is my duty to do everything possible, that makes you feel good - which includes countless foot rubs and massages."
"Don't go..." You mumbled. "Stay." Loki's heart skipped a beat at your words - like so often. "Shall I join you?" A sleepy smile crossed your soft facial features. "Please..." He gave your hand a squeeze, "Alright." and let go of it, in order to lay down beside you. The god didn't slip underneath the blanket, but grabbed a pillow and slid down, until he was face to face with your bump. Pressing a lingering kiss on the roundness which was his child, he wrapped an arm around your hip and hugged you - or well, rather your baby close. You smiled at this gesture. It was something Loki loved to do.
Loki gently lifted your t-shirt, "The small of your back again?" "Uh.Huh." and started to do his good work. "Hips too, darling?" "Yep." "Alright." His hands gently kneaded the muscles and skin of your lower back first, before he moved further to your hips. Loki massaged your left hip first, then the right.
By the end of his soothing and much-needed massage, you were totally relaxed; your sore muscles eased. Hence, you were on the verge of sleeping in - what didn't slip Loki's notice, of course. You didn't even realise, how he stood up and draped a blanket over your body. Only when you felt his cool lips pressing against your forehead did your sleepy brain react. "Take a nap, my love. Rest a bit." Before he could walk away, you reached out your arm and grabbed one of his large hands.
You buried your hands in his long, wild raven curls; massaging his scalp gently. A satisfying groan rumbled through his chest, as he buried his face in the fabric of the blanket, which covered your bump.
Sometimes, words weren't needed and a gesture was all it took. That was such a moment. With your heart filled with love and adoration, you watched the love of your life cuddle with your unborn baby and slowly drifted off to sleep.
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jopetkasi · 2 months
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yung mukha ko na gutom and at the same time galit na galit...
so itago nalang naten sa pangalang Richard (yes, ikaw na kaba-bata ko na ubod ng landi!!) yung friend ko na yan naka iwan ng mobile phone sa kotse ko. hindi ko nga alam na naiwan until the phone rang and guess who was calling? "yung ex ko na hindi ko naman ex kasi pinerahan lang ako" sorry na sa haba ng adjective.
amputa! he was calling Richard not once, not twice but there were 6 missed calls while I was driving! like I was so distracted that I have to pull over and answer it.
me: yes?
ex: chard saan ka? kantutin kita!
me: drops call.
alam nyo guys, time is the ultimate truth teller no? i mean of all the places na maiiwan ng friend ko yung phone nya, sa kotse ko pa talaga and it was not even locked!
i know peeps, what i did was bad but I went through their convo and tangina talaga, during the time that the ex and I were together, they were screwing each other! and the rest of convo? boy, too graphic! it's like reading sex stories from wattpad. did I mention that I also checked the photo/video gallery? (oo sorry na, nadala ako ng galit) it was a fucking revelation! the friend who claims to be a fucking top was a power bottom himself and did a lot of acrobatic stunts in bed.
if ever the ex and the friend have only fans or a telegram account, I will subscribe, seriously. they both do wonders.
consumed by anger i wanted to make sugod sa house ni Richard. yung kakaladkarin ko sya palabas ng bahay nila tapos ending sampalang matinde?
pero siempre di ko ginawa. kaka nood ko yan ng tagalog movies eh.
so i went home and took a shower. a friend suggested taking a long hot bath when one is angry just to release whatever tension is possessing you.
it worked. it calmed my nerves. it got me thinking.
past 9pm i drove to Richard's house and handed him his phone.
me: i know, richard. i know everything.
richard: i am really sorry, jopet. i did not mean to hurt you.
me: you lost not only a friend but a brother. please huwag kana magpakita sa akin.
.....and that is how you end a friendship that lasted more than twenty years.
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detectivebambam · 4 months
hey welcome back
now you all know Bam Bam is the President of the Keverejeandreil Polycule Club
so here's Andrew and his boys
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Jean's fashion sense is dare i say worse than Neil's, but he deserves to be comfy
Andrew deserves cute hair I'm not sorry
peep the mobility aids because that amount of torture isn't gonna have you able bodied (I'm a high level athlete and sometimes use a cane so i promise it's possible)
idk if TSC mentioned Jean's eye color but in my mind he has dark brown eyes
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synthsays · 6 months
Red Dead Modern AU: Synth Edition!
Sorry it took me so long to get it out there but it's here now and I love what I've made up so far >:D
They live out in the country first of all. Let's just say the town is Valentine (cuz I like the name). Dutch Hosea and Susan all co-own a big two story house (similar to the shady belle one but smaller and better kept together) and they own a decent plot of land where there's a handful of mobile home style smaller houses that the rest of the gang live in (some have tents and cars and stuff like that too) They also have cows and horses on their land too. There's and old run down church not far from the camp that's near a creek so they had a stock hold of stuff there (Reverend chills there too cuz I said so).
Now to get into the individual peeps.
So the town of Valentine is pretty far out there so they don't have a fully functioning police system, Dutch offers his men to help with standard stuff and to still have crime control without having to call out an actual squad of police (kind of like in Rhodes with the Grays) Colm Odriscoll also has a couple of his men in the basically volunteer police department so there's some rivalry there. The real rivalry started with a bar fight in the 90s between Colm and Dutch that ended with Annabel and Colm's brother both dying (they "took it outside" into the woofs so there were no witnesses besides them and Hosea) Basically they were both like "I won't turn you in if you don't turn me in" so it was a stalemate. Colm ODriscoll owns one of those all boys reform school ranches that turn out to be abusive, that's where Kieran works as a stable hand of course (Colm has his gang of people aside from the school). So basically Ducth has somewhat control over this town plus a rivalry with Colm. He's still a little crazy so he basically how they get Kieran to join there side is threatening him with incriminating evidence agaist him (dutch knows the reform school is bad so he's like "Hey kieran ur gonna get arrested big time cuz u work there even tho you didn't do anything we have this fake evidence agaist you so join us instead) so now he just is a stable hand at a different place. Now as I mentioned Strauss is the most tech savvy of them all (surprising ik) because he basically scams people online. So strauss is usually on the family computer which is just a clunky 2000s pc Hosea bought cuz he wanted to be cool and impress the kids. How they met John is that he was about to get dragged away by some police officer cuz he didn't have a guardian around or something but Dutch ran up to him like "That's where you are! Moms worried sick. Don't you ever run away again r- uuuuh *looks to Hoseas* rrrip...Van Winkle! Let's get you home, thank you officer." And the rest was history ig
Arthur: helps mostly on the farm with the cows and stuff (cowpoke lol), owns a really beat up truck (John crashed it)
Dutch: no license lol, manages money for the farm, selling etc., is a conspiracy theorist he has one of those red string boards, probably stays up all night looking at his phone (facebook), tries to be "hip" but fails miserably, infinite amount of Hawaiian shirts where dies he keep getting these-
Hosea: used to own a motorcycle, crashed it unfortunately, shoplifts because he thinks it's funny, is actually cool unlike Dutch, has a garden.
John: dropped out of highschool rip, ran away 100 times as a kid but always called when he was like somehow 15 miles away like "mom come pick me up I'm scared", duct tapes whatever is broken no matter what it is. Works with cows on the farm but usually let's arthur do the actual work
Tilly: most put together of the main family. Student teacher at the school, likes hunting and has deer antlers in her room, helps mostly with the horses on the farm.
Charles: national park ranger (works at the nearest one even though it's still a 2 hours drive or something like that so he wakes up really early), has a blog about nature and park rangers stuff.
MaryBeth: has a book club (they meet in the cafe every Friday 3 pm), fanfic writer, would have a pretty huge following
Pearson: owns a cafe (saves a table area for Mary beth on fridays), has a huge postcard collection, watches cooking TV shows religiously lol
Susan: facebook gossip (has one of those old lady groups), principal at the school, cigarette mom
Sadie: Works for animal control, owns a cabin with Jake
Kieran: loves bass pro, works as a stable hand, plays those stupid horse care mobile games, has a yt channel (centered around horses)
MaryBeth: has a book club (they meet in the cafe every Friday 3 pm), fanfic writer, would have a pretty huge following
Susan: facebook gossip (has one of those old lady groups), principal at the school, cigarette mom
Sadie: Works for animal control, owns a cabin with Jake
Kieran: loves bass pro, works as a stable hand, plays those stupid horse care mobile kids games, has a yt channel (centered around horses)
Trelawny: van life style travels around the country in a caravan, also has a yt channel the videos usually only have a couple likes, maybe one or two comments (centered very random stuff mostly magic tricks)
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