#sorry reasons im not allowed to plot fic and drive
mhaclownery · 3 years
𝕰𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞𝖇𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝖓𝖊𝖊𝖉𝖘 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖙 𝖘𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖘
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘: Fumikage Tokoyami
𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: Tokoyami x gn! Reader
𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞: You comfort tokoyami during thunderstorm :D
𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙: 616 words
yooo uh this is my first tokoyami fic lol so im so super sorry if i didnt portray?? him?? right?? aaaa,,, also i hope its ok that i made the reader gender neutral ^^ i also left it open for interpretation on weather or not you two were dating lol bc yea
A clap of thunder rings out through the dorms as you swiftly walk through the halls of this familiar school. A beat after the thunder, the yellow lights that lit the hallways flickered. The temporary darkness was almost immediately replaced by a flicker of lightning. The weather report said that it'd be rather stormy like this for the next couple days. As you passed Kaminari's room you could already hear him on the phone will presumably one of your classmates. "Ok, so, for about 1089 yen, I'll charge your phone after Mina's." You chuckles softly, at least he's making money off this.
Once you finally approach your destination, you briefly knock on the door. "Hey Tokoyami, may I come in?" You knew how the boy liked his privacy, and you weren't going to infringe on it. "Yes-" His voice seemed to crack slightly, so he cleared his throat. "Yes." You think nothing of it as you enter the room. You were met with something you weren't quite used to. The usually dark and candle lit room was rather lit by a battery powered lamp or two, the overhead lights were still off though. "Woah, what's with the lights?" You laugh a bit but you're cut off by seeing Tokoyami with his knees hugged to his chest, sitting on his bed. "Oh, Fumikage what's wrong?" You walk over to the bed and sit down, but as you sit, another clap of thunder rings throughout the building. He jumps slightly and his shaking becomes visable to you. "Oh? Is it the storm?" He looks away, embarrased. "Don't be embarrased, Fumi. Everybody needs comfort sometimes." You smile at him in a comfoting manner, and he relaxes every so slightly.
"Would you like some tea? I know it calms you." You asked, determined to distract him. It was honestly the first time you'd seen him like this, though. He nods and you head over to get the items. Since Tokoyami drank tea at least 4 times a day, he had all the stuff he needed in his room to make it. You grabbed the pitcher of water and pour it into the electric tea pot. "What kind did you want? You have Green Tea, Black Tea, Chai, and Chamomile." He's silent for a second, but you know that he's just thinking. "Black is fine." You nod, and gather the things together.
After you finish up the tea, you hand him a cup and take one for yourself. The storm was still going hard, and didn't seem to have any signs of stopping soon. You had turned on some music as you were waiting for the water to boil. Tokoyami had relaxed quite a bit since you had first came in. "Did you finish the book I gave you?" Tokoyami nods, taking a sip of his tea. "Yeah, I rather enjoyed it. The plot was really well written. The main character actually had genuine emotions written for them instead of the usual 1 reason to drive the plot on." You smile softly, excited that he liked the book. "Well, there's 8 more! And, yeah, I totally agree." You two talked about the book for about any hour before you offered to read him the second one. You pulled it up on your phone as began to read aloud.
After 3 chapters in, you feel your eyes getting heavy. You yawn softly, closing the application on your phone. "I don't think I can read anymore-" You look over to see Tokoyami fast asleep. You smile at him, happy that he relaxed enough to allow himself to fall asleep. You drape a near-by blanket over him, and turn off the lamps. "Goodnight, Fumi."
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alitaimagines · 4 years
“I loved your A/B/O fic with Rin!! I was wondering if you could do another one with BNHA? Idc the plot or the character! I really love your angst and when the reader ends up rubbing it in the face of another character so maybe that again?? im so sorry if it’s repetitive!!”
Alpha’s bakugou katsuki, mirio togata x fem! Omega reader
fandom: boku no hero academia / my hero academia 
note / song recommendation: i know I always use bakugou for my shitty characters and i apologize for that but he’s so good to use! / hold up, best thing I never had. - beyonce 
“Well I’m sorry for being such a shitty Alpha!” Bakugou exclaimed sarcastically as the two of you stared daggers at each other. “You know how hard it is for an Alpha to be courting an Omega for the first time!”
You gave off a tired sigh. “It’s not fucking rocket science, you complete dumbass! I know it’s hard! You think it’s easy for an Omega? Especially when their Alpha is basically non existent in the relationship?” You yelled back. “No but I’m tried and I am done with it. I’m done feeling like shit and I deserve to be treated better as an Omega.” 
The entire 1-A dorm watched the two of you argue back and fourth. No one was expecting this argument to happen, especially in the public. Even the top three, Mirio, Nejire, and Tamaki, watched the argument go down. They had originally came to the 1-A dorms to ask Midoriya a question but felt uncomfortable to leave during such a heated time.
“I know I’m not perfect but I refuse to feel this worthless as a Omega.” You continued. You turned to Uraraka and she could tell that you were on the brink of angry tears. “I don’t want to lose my pride but I’m gonna fuck me a bitch.” You marched up the stairs of the dorms until you got your dorm. 
You ravaged your dorm for everything Bakugou had ever given you during the time he courted you and put it in a bag. You were able to tell that everyone was still downstairs watching Bakugou as he remained in place, stunned. 
Once they heard you coming back downstairs, they seen a semi large bag in your hand. 
“I know the Omega is supposed to be the ‘submissive’ person in the relationship but look at us now, Bakugou!” You screamed through your now angry tears. 
“I look like the Alpha now! So, you know what? Everything you ever gave me during the time we courted is in this bag. If I find something of yours, I’ll give it to a beta. From now on, don’t look at me, don’t speak to me, don’t even go near me! Because the next time you do, I promise you, I will fuck you up. Trust me, I know this isn’t Omega behavior but when an Omega is tired of being treated like shit, this is what happens! So to all the Alpha’s in the room, don’t be a Bakugou!” You whispered as you looked at Shoji, Kirishima, Todoroki, Iida, Mirio, and a few others. 
The Omega’s in the room were able to feel your heartbreak and your anger. Everyone knew the two of you were courting but they had no idea how bad the relationship actually was. You gave one final look to Bakugou before walking to the elevators. 
“Woah.” Was all Mirio whispered to Tamaki and Nejire. 
She gave him a sharp look that indicated to shut up. “Don’t be insensitive, Mirio. You have no idea what an Omega is going through.” They quickly told Midoriya goodbye before leaving the tension filled 1-A dorms. 
You had called yourself out sick for a few days. You claimed that you had a really bad case of the stomach flu so when Recovery Girl checked on you, you were able to fake the symptoms enough to get out of dorms for a few days. 
You had went back home and got yourself together, after you explained the real situation with your parents. Once the few days were coming to a close, you asked your mom, a fellow Omega, to help you get back on your feet before you left. 
She suggested that you pamper yourself and offered to drive you to get your hair done and get a complete makeover. 
It wasn’t that Bakugou didn’t let you dress up or anything but once he courted you, you didn’t realize that you let yourself go. You hardly wore makeup, when you didn’t have to wear a uniform, you were leggings with a sweater or interchanged them with sweatpants and a big t-shirt. 
Once you got back to campus, you came back with a new haircut, freshly colored hair, and a bit of your confidence back. The first person who greeted you was Momo, who was taken back by the sudden change in your style. 
“You look great!” Momo said as you followed her to the kitchen. “It hasn’t been the same since you’ve left.” 
You gave her a sympathetic smile. “I know but you know I couldn’t be around Bakugou. If I had seen him during the time that I was gone, I think he might’ve been dead.” You heard other voices coming down the stairs and seen it was Midoriya, Tsuyu, and Kirishima. “Hey everyone!” 
Tsuyu gave you a wave as the Alpha and Omega stood wide eyed. You gave them a quick wave to face. “Midoriya, Kirishima! Hello!” You exclaimed as you snapped your fingers in their face. “IZUKU, EJIROU!” Once they heard your screamed, they zoned back in. 
“Wow, I thought you had the flu.” Kirishima mocked as he sat in the chair across from you. “I’m just kidding, you look great! I’m assuming you’re coming back to classes now?” 
You nodded as Izuku gave you a big smile. “That’s amazing! How has everything been?” You asked the four people in front of you. They looked at each other as if they were having a silent conversation between themselves. “Uh, everything is good! We’ve been doing the usual routine.” 
They were lying, you could tell but you knew not to push it. “Well, I need to go to my dorm and unpack the few things I brought back. See you guys at dinner?” They all nodded but as you started leaving, you seen Midoriya running towards you. 
“Hey, I need to talk to you really quick!” Midoriya exclaimed. You gave him a look of confusion. “So, you know Mirio right?” You nodded. “Well, he was wondering if you could talk to him about something tomorrow. I don’t know about what but he wants to see you.” 
“Uh yeah, sure. Did he say where?” You asked. “Oh yeah! During lunch! He said it’s important!” You gave Midoriya one more thank you before going to your dorm room. 
You woke up in the morning and took a shower before getting dressed and making coffee. Being that you had gotten up early enough, you made a spare cup for whoever you seen first. That person was Kaminari. 
“Denks! Want coffee?” He nodded enthusiastically. “Let’s go to class, I’m sure Aizawa needs to give me all the work I missed and I know I’ve missed a bunch already.” 
He shook his head no. “Not really. We’ve been training most of the week. You’ve missed maybe three assignments?” Kaminari explained. “Great! Second question, do you know why Mirio asked to see me during lunch today?” 
Kaminari knew the reason why but didn’t say why. Kaminari was lucky enough to act dumb and get away with it. “No but I can’t imagine why he’d want to see you. Maybe someone at the company he interns at wants you to become an intern as well?” You shrugged as the two of you walked into the classroom. 
After talking to Aizawa for a while and getting the work you needed, you turned around to see half the class already in their seats. One of them being Bakugou. You snuck a quick glance as you were able to see that he was staring dead at you. Being that you were privileged enough to sit across the room from him, you didn’t bother to look back at him. 
You sat in your seat as Aizawa started the class. For the most part, it went by agonizingly slow and all you wanted to do was get to lunch and figure out why Mirio wanted to see you. 
Once lunch came, you walked to where Midoriya told you to meet Mirio at. You waited for the most part about five minutes until you seen the big three walking down the stairs. You were able to see that Nejire and him were arguing with each other and Tamaki put in his opinion every so often. 
Mirio noticed you standing at the place he asked Midoriya to tell you and immediately his face was plastered in a blush and a huge smile. He waved bye to his friends before running over to you. 
“Hiya, ( your name )!” Mirio’s scent immediately washed over a sense of comfortability over you. “You look different from the last time I seen you!” Mirio muttered as he scratched his neck nervously. 
You gave him a sheepish smile. “I know. I’m sorry you had to witness what you seen a few days ago. I didn’t mean to cause such a scene in front of upperclassmen.” 
Mirio waved you off. “It’s not your problem. An Omega has needs that need to be attended too and I understand that as an Alpha. That’s also what I’ve been wanting to talk to you about.” Mirio muttered the last part even more nervously. 
“About me being an Omega?” You asked confusedly. “I don’t get what you’re trying to tell me.” 
He gave you another nervous smile before explaining why he had you waiting for him. “Sir Nighteye’s company is having a dinner to celebrate third year interns on their future graduation and we’re allowed to bring dates! It’s at his company and since you’re now a single Omega, I was wondering if you’d like to come with me. You’re totally allowed to say no since you just got out of a courting situation but I thought I’d be willing to give it a chance.” You couldn’t help but laugh at his rambling. 
“Mirio, relax!” You exclaimed. “Of course I’ll be your date! Is it casual clothing or should I go out and buy a dress?” 
Mirio let out what was in between a squeal and a manly shout of victory. “No, just business casual. No need to go all out. But thank you for saying yes! I appreciate it!” 
“No problem! Now want to catch lunch? I’m sure you’re just as hungry as I am!” You asked as he nodded in agreement. “Well, let’s get to the lunch line or maybe Tamaki and Nejire will let us cut the line.” 
“We’ll cut the line so let’s go!” Mirio exclaimed as he grabbed your arm and ran towards his two best friends. 
The dinner he asked you too was on a Sunday afternoon and you were a bit nervous to say the least. It had only been a week since your outraged argument with Bakugou but after a few of the Omega’s in your dorm told you it was completely okay to go out, you knew it was fine. 
You were going out on a date, not like Mirio asked to court you or anything! You were happy to finally be out and hanging with friends again, which you hadn’t done in what felt like forever. 
“Hey guys! Are you guys coming to the dinner as well!” You asked Nejire and Tamaki. They nodded yes. “That’s awesome! I had no idea all of the agencies were having it together!” 
The four of you hopped on a train to get to the agency. It was exactly like Mirio said. A bunch of interns, heroes, and their friends and family. It was a relaxed enviornment for Omega’s to be around as you noticed that Tamaki was just as relaxed as you were. 
All of you got a table together, along with the heroes they were training under. You could tell that Fatgum must’ve been one of the funnest heroes to intern for while Nighteye would take getting used too. 
While you were up getting dessert with Nejire, Nighteye whispered over to Mirio. 
“Is she your date?” He asked. Mirio nodded shyly as they watched you talking with Nejire happily. “Not like you’re looking for my approval but I like the two of you together.” 
Mirio gave him the cheesiest smile as you finally sat down at the table. After a while, all of you mentioned to get a cup of coffee and while the heroes denied it, the four of you excused yourselves and went to the shop a few blocks down. 
“So, if you don’t mind me asking.” Nejire said cautiously. “Do you mind explaining why you and Bakugou broke up that night? The two of you were mated for a while so we were all surprised when all of that went down.” 
You sighed. “Well, we had been going strong for a while but after our two month anniversary, I felt the connection between us wasn’t as strong? The only time we would be around each other was during my heats and his ruts. Other than that, he would take me out on a date once a week, maybe if that. It shouldn’t have blown up in the way it did but it happened and I’m over it. I just hope the next time someone decides to court me, the Alpha knows the responsibility that comes when courting an Omega.” You gave Mirio a small quick smile before returning to your coffee. 
Nejire nodded. “I’m sure your next Alpha will be the one you mate for life with! I can sense it!” Nejire joked as you choked on your coffee. Mirio followed as Tamaki and Nejire started laughing. One of the barista asked all of you to hush down which caused the four of you to continue giggling. 
Once all of you were finished with the coffee, it was decided to finally head back to UA. Mirio offered to walk you back to the dorms and while he did, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. A part of you squealing that you would have Mirio’s scent on you and vice versa. 
He walked you to the front of the dorms and the two of you chatted for a bit. 
“Would you like to do this again?” Mirio asked nervously. You nodded as you seen him holding the cardigan he was wearing in his hand. “When you get back to me on our second date, you’ll be getting this back.” 
“Fine, you won’t be getting your necklace back until then either!” 
He gave you the typical Mirio smile before yanking the necklace off your neck and running away. You rolled your eyes jokingly as you walked into the dorms. Everyone was in bed and you knew the next morning, you would be bombarded with questions. 
“So, how was the date?” Jirou asked with a relaxed tone. You were glad that Jirou was a Beta and not an Alpha or Omega who would’ve hounded you down for the answers. 
“Great, he actually slipped a note in my locker this morning mentioning that he was taking me lazar tagging on Friday!” You managed to say before Kaminari decided to blurt it out. “Really! Are the two of you courting already! Is that why you have his sweater and he has your necklace!” 
You pushed Kaminari off his desk as everyone who heard, gasped. “Shut the hell up, Kaminari!” You screeched as you hid into the sweater and covered your face. 
Everyone stared at you before Aizawa called attention to him. Every so often, someone would ask you a question but you gave them a one word answer until lunch time was called 
The class immediately ran out as you swiftly put everything into your backpack and grabbed your lunch out of it. You were meeting Mirio at one of the benches outside of the campus to have lunch. 
“So, you and Mirio?” You heard Bakugou ask. Your body stiffened in place as you turned to look at him. 
“Yeah.” You muttered. You were sure that Bakugou could smell Mirio’s scent but you weren’t really worried about that at the moment. “Why do you ask?” 
“No reason, just wondering.” 
You nodded as you grabbed your lunch and walked out of the class to leave Bakugou to his own devices. Mirio was waiting outside of the class and overheard the conversation. 
“Was he bothering you?” Mirio asked as he put his arm around you and held you close so his scent would emanate more. “Because I can handle it if you’d like.” 
You shook your head no. “No, it’s okay, Togata. Let’s go to lunch before we run out of time.” You knew that Mirio would eventually end up your Alpha and having someone like Mirio sounded a lot better than Bakugou. Bakugou would have to work on himself before he even thought of going for another Omega. No Omega would deal with him for as long as you did and every Alpha deserved to live a happily ever after with their Omega. 
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eltanin-malfoy · 4 years
Epilogue (Kill Or Be Killed VI)
pairing : draco/fem-collegestudent!y/n 
word count : 3.8k!
Table Of Contents
warnings : my sad sense of humour, cursing, a bit of a plot twist
a/n : okay i know IM SORRY I HAVEN”T POSTED IN SO LONG I HAVE NO EXCUSES. i have a bunch of fics fully written which i feel super insecure abt. (even a spicy drarry one) at this point i’ve kind of gotten into this circle of being overly critical of what i write and overanalyzing every detail to the point i can’t really tell if what i wrote has any worth. nevertheless i’ve been putting this off way too long so i’m finally gonna post this! and i hope that y’all like it. this is def gonna be different than what you may have been expecting but i implore you to read all of it!! up till my author’s note at the bottom.
taglist: @acciodracoo @drawlfoy @war-sword @lilyreachelcassidy @socontagiousimagines @andreasworlsboring101
What does one do when they’re on the run, you ask?
Well, Draco doesn’t really know either. It’s pretty obvious. In fact, he isn’t even sure whether you’d call wanting to hide from someone you almost murdered who now wants to kill you “being on the run”. He thinks it’s somewhere between hiding and just.. being a right coward.
He runs a few blocks, takes a shortcut to his house, packs up his belongings and wipes any clear identifiers of him off the place. Driving licenses, passports, just anything. Even those little clear strands of hair he’d usually just ignore. Then he covers his hair up with one of those ridiculous beanies, slips on a turtleneck sweater and covers his mouth with it. (He would have covered his nose up as well if it hadn’t been for his.. giraffe-like neck) 
It doesn’t take him very long to start to venture out of his house, scoping the vicinity for any prying (Y/N) eyes. He’s alone in the alleyway, except for a homeless man sitting at the edge of the road. Covering himself with a blanket. He seems to be asleep until, well, Draco very gracefully stumbles against some cracked up bitumen. The man sits up, stirring slowly. His eyes blink rapidly as he comes to, the sun shining down bright just at the spot he’s decided to rest at. His eyes are a brilliant blue and they almost glitter in the sunlight. He meets his gaze, just for a second. There’s something so nostalgic about it. Something so familiar, yet so very strange.
Nonetheless, Draco is still very much supposed to be getting out of there. So, he turns to the side, and starts to.. jog. Running would be abnormal at this time of day after all.
He jogs and jogs and jogs. His skinny, dainty looking legs are strangely useful for this task. He gets to a tube station just far enough from his place to avoid suspicion. Then, he does what anyone would do, and heads into the public restroom for a nice, long (and mostly silent) cry. He rushes into a cubicle, locks it behind him and then turns to face the door, covering his face. He weeps and weeps and weeps.
He was in love with her, wasn’t he! He was so stupid! How couldn’t he have known! How could he have idolized someone and somehow have completely missed out the fact that the man had had kids! Should he have just left her like that? All alone in her apartment after she’d been crying about him? Well.. it was true that she was planning on killing him. But oh dear god, she’d definitely been near changing at that final moment… oh dear god, what was he going to do? Where was he going to go? 
He thinks he sniffles too loud at one point and an oddly gruff voice in the cubicle to his right just goes “That shit not going too well, son?”, and then he laughs. Ugh.
Draco waits until he’s pretty sure that that man is gone and then he steps out, heading straight for the washbasins at the front. He’s wiped his face with toilet paper enough that he hopes it isn’t too obvious to anyone outside. A man, somehow even lankier than him, is standing at the washbasin beside his, rubbing at his hands so hard with soap you’d think there was something stuck to it. His hair.. isn’t looking too good. Neither is his face. The man notices him step to the front and seems practically captivated by him, keeps staring at him for 10 seconds straight, until he finally says, “You know you’re not allowed to do crack in here, right?”
Draco then blushes a fierce pink.
Draco’s quick after that, topping up his Oyster card and calling his broadband provider to cancel his wifi subscription. He even gets his number changed while he’s on the train. There’s more people there than he’s used to, but he looks ridiculous enough in his get up that most people sit as far away from him as they can. He’s thankful Y/N hasn’t found him yet though. Although, as he’s thought about it now, she probably wouldn’t follow him. At least not too far. 
Then he changes lines a bunch of times and rides the train all the way to Heathrow Airport. Aha! Do you think he’s about to take a flight out of the country? Because he isn’t! Instead, he calls up Blaise and almost cries about needing help.
“It’s an emergency, mate, I swear!”
“Oh my god, Malfoy.”
“Please, Blaise, for old time’s sake. I’m not too far from your house too. I’m at Heathrow. It’d take you five minutes…”
“Are you kidding me? I’ve just woken up, and this is what you’re calling me for? After months of not speaking?”
“I texted you but you never responded, mate. Come on… please? I thought we’d be buds forever.”
Blaise scoffs.
“Fine, blondie. I’ll be there in half an hour. Be at the pick up place when I get there, or I’m leaving. And you really fucking owe me, you know that.”
Draco sighs. “I know… thank you so much.”
“Yeah, bye.”
It isn’t long before Blaise shows up right where he said he would. And Draco is right there! His turtleneck pulled down now. He runs forward as Blaise steps out of his car and throws his arms around his abdomen.
“Oh, god, bruv.” Blaise pushes him back gently. “I was only coming out because I thought you’d have luggage or some shit. Were you travelling light for once?”
“I… I wasn’t here to catch a flight. Or get off one”
“So.. you were going to drop someone off?”
“Oh god, you came here just to get me here, didn’t you? Jesus fuck-” He turns around, assumingly getting ready to leave.
“Bini, please.” He puts a hand on the top of his beanie. 
“I should literally just run you over for that one.” His face knits up slightly and he pauses, before soon beginning to smile. “Okay, I guess. I’ll drop you where you want me to..”
“I.. I kind of don’t have a place to be dropped off at.”
“You don’t? Where you planning on going then?”
“I was… kind of hoping…”
“Draco… always a needy little fuck, aren’t you?” He brings a hand to his temple, pressing his fingertips to it.
“Please, Blaise.. I let you stay over all those times as well.. all those times at my manor when we were kids… ”
“Christ, you don’t stop with the sentimental stuff, do you? Why do you have to know all of my weaknesses… okay. But only because Mum’s out of the country at the moment. If she knew you were staying over.. she would have gotten real mad.”
Draco doesn’t really say anything after that. He supposes Esme has somewhat of a reason to not want Draco around. What his Father had done wasn’t exactly... good for the reputations of those associated with him or his bloodline. But it was definitely nice of Blaise to offer him a place like this.
“Thank you.”
Blaise looks over at him at that.
“Did roughing it up on your own teach you how to be nice, Draco?”
“Maybe it did.”
So, yes, Draco does stay at Blaise’s place for a while. He does come clean to Blaise about everything that happened (“You… tried to what a girl, mate?”, followed by Blaise running out of the room and attempting to hide from Draco, while Draco running after him, trying to apologise and explain himself) And yes, he does agree to go to a therapist. A nice, motherly one who allows him to cry in front of him with little interruption. (Just a little “D’you want some tissues, love?”) And yes, he does spend a lot of time thinking about Y/N. He cries and listens to Harry Styles and Frank Ocean some. (Even though he hasn’t actually had his heart broken or anything of the sort! Draco is one hell of a dramatic little bitch, huh?) 
What he does begin to understand is his own constant self-victimization. He’s always found a way to find someone to blame for every little trouble in his life. His parents were why he was so bitchy and spoilt all the time, Potter was why he wasn’t as popular as he deserved to be at school, Granger was why he wasn’t the best student at school, his mum was why he wasn’t so open to having a girlfriend much too different from him and… well.. this was all bullshit, wasn’t it? 
He was being childish. He was so bitchy and spoilt, well, because he thought he was better than everyone else. He did for so long, all the time. He could only play it down when he needed to, but if he really didn’t like anyone he made it very clear that he thought they were inferior to him. He wasn’t popular at school because he treated everyone like he was better than them and Potter was just… nicer and understandably more famous than him (Draco still hates him though). He wasn’t the best student at school because Granger.. was simply more hardworking than he was. (Hey, he had to accept it at some point, didn’t he?) He wasn’t anywhere near how damn good she was… at everything. 
And he wasn’t so open to having a girlfriend much too different from him because… he was too used to everything being the way it had always been for him. He had grown up in the same house, stayed in a similar friend circle his whole life, always had the same taste of.. basically everything. That’s why he was so goddamn angry when everything just blew up for his family. Everything he was used to… was gone. He was no longer rich, no longer privileged the way he had always been. And again, he reacted by… well… channeling all his anger towards the person who had seemingly been responsible for that. He didn’t need to be as angry as he had been at his father. Sure, he was smuggling artifacts and even keeping some illegal works as decoration for their estate, but it’s not like Draco hadn’t known about it for as long as he had. He’d even been an adult when he… enabled everything that he knew happened behind closed doors. 
But his father did do everything he did for him. He did thinking he would best be able to provide for Draco and his mum that way. It was true that he was never much too generous, but he wasn’t only because he wanted to invest the money towards his own family’s wellbeing. He supposed he could understand that. And his parents were always, always mindful of his wants. Whether it was buying every boy on his secondary school house’s team a new cricket bat so he could get on with them, to what he wanted to study at uni, his parents always had his back.
Obviously, their “work” hadn’t exactly been safe and Draco wasn’t properly insured to be able to keep up his lifestyle without them or their accounts, so that had been irresponsible on their part. But his childhood could not be considered less than good. At all. He was only ever upset because of problems he kept making up himself. And because of him distancing himself from others by thinking he was too good to mix with them.
This whole change in lifestyle had done more harm than good in terms of his personality, in a way. He’d grown a conscience. It had started by him getting angry at everyone in the place of privilege he’d once had. First, he’d gotten mad at his father for getting him where he was, then he’d hated his friends from pulling back from him, and then… well.. he’d begun to hate Y/N for being able to study and afford nice things for herself. 
His stupid fixation on Hoyt was him looking up to someone he really, really shouldn’t have. Instead of looking up to actual great chemists like Lavoisier or Avogadro, he’d idolized... someone who’d used his knowledge of chemistry for all the wrong reasons. Again, him trying to get back at people who’d stayed rich while he’d lost all his wealth. Instead of working to be more successful than them or anything of the sort, he’d gone straight to the extreme and tried to think about how best to kill one he’d grown envious of. 
The interesting thing is, he doesn’t come close to seeing (or even thinking about) Y/N for a while. He lives harmoniously. He writes to Oxford and tries to get back into his second year. He writes to his college there and even applies for a need-based scholarship.
What’s surprising is, he gets it! He gets back in! His grades back then were reason enough for him to be readmitted into the program, and he just feels thankful for a second that Granger was never interested in taking up Chemistry at uni. He gets himself a job near Blaise’s place, rents another apartment, has a birthday party for Blaise there and meets up with his old friends again. They’ve all grown apart a bit now (understandably so, he was sort of.. the one who bossed everyone to be together most of the time). He even grows closer to them than he ever has before. Actually feels like they’re his friends.. rather than his minions.
It’s springtime and there’s still a lot of time until he has to get back to Oxford that fall. Somehow, even with his parents still in custody, everything seems to have somehow fallen back in place. Even better than before. Everything seems… peaceful.
That is, until he runs into Y/N at his therapist’s office! (Yes, you read that right! :)
He’s only sitting in the waiting room, reading something silly on his phone when he hears… that voice. Stepping out of the therapist’s office.
“Thank you so much, again.”
The woman inside mutters something inaudible in response and Y/N giggles softly. Oh, dear god.
He looks straight up at her, slowly pressing his phone into his lap. Oh no, oh no? Should he be here right now? Should he have told Molly Y/N’s name when he was explaining everything? Has Y/N told her about him? Has she connected the dots at all? Has Y/N followed him here? If Y/N actually has no idea he’s here, how on earth is she going to respond to the sight of him? Should he hide, for her sake? Would Y/N think he was stalking her again? Would Y/N think he was doing the same thing now and have some sort of attack in the office? He quickly looks to his lap again, trying his best to somehow hide away from her. Even though he was alone in the waiting room… and he was quite a bit taller than the seat he was sitting in.. and his blonde hair wasn’t exactly subtle. Maybe he really should have dyed it darker, that time he was considering it, maybe he was right about that. Maybe it’d even su-
Oh, fuck.
He looks up at her, meeting her gaze a little slowly, eyes scoping out every plant pot in the back before they finally… reach.. their.. target. His ears are burning now, and it’s so quiet there that he can hear the blood rushing through them. Neither of them says a word, until, well, she does.
“Either this is everything all over gone or this one mother of a coincidence.”
She grips her purse a little tighter but she smiles at him brightly. Draco… then… smiles back. He should be careful, shouldn’t he? She’s lured him in once like this. And there’s no reason for her to be so nice to him. Not… after everything. She should hate him. She really should. Is she on something? Does she take meds? Or is she nicer when she doesn’t think worse of you? But shouldn’t she be thinking worse of him? If anyone should be doing that, it should be h-
“Hello?” She’s waving her hand in front of his face. Her nails aren’t manicured as they were before. “Why do you keep spacing out? Should I call her or something?”
“N-no. I’m just- I wasn’t expecting this today… not exactly… prepared. I- I guess I never really got to say it to you then.. I’m sorry. For everything… I-”
“Draco, maybe this isn’t the best place to… you know… just openly talk about this.” She gestures towards the receptionist in the corner, who looks up for a second, then, noticing the gesture, quickly looks down again. “Why don’t I.. um.. I’ll wait for you outside, yeah?”
“Y-you will?”
“I- well, yes. I don’t see why not. Not really in a rush to get anywhere right now. I have some chores to do round here. Why don’t I meet you at the cafe round the corner after your appointment? It’s an hour long, right? The one facing the Waitrose?”
“Yeah, um.. you’re not scared or.. anything like that? I totally understand if you are.”
“No.. I mean.. we know whom between us is that much better at self defense anyways. And I suppose it’d be best for me to take it in my stride after everything.”
“If you- if you really think so, I’m down for it.”
“See ya then. Good luck.”
And with that, she heads out. She’s wearing a light pair of jeans this time. With a full sleeved green top. The jeans are tight. In the best way possible.
He shakes his head and gets himself out of it. What the fuck is wrong with him? He is not seventeen anymore. He needs to get back to himself. He can’t just get hormonal at the sight of a pretty girl.
He rushes into his therapist’s office, and very soon, begins to pour his heart out to her. He tells her explicitly what happened with Y/N herself. And Molly, oh dear me, is a little overwhelmed. She’s just as lovely, though.
“Oh my. You’ve gotten yourself into something, haven’t you?”
“I suppose-, well, what do you feel you should do about this?”
“What do you mean? What do you think? I’m confused!”
“I- you have to decide what to do, don’t you? I’m here to listen, clear your head about it and let’s help you make a judgement.”
“Draco! Now, go on.”
Somehow, within that space of an hour, Draco does come to a decision. 
The decision to risk it all and try to go out with her again!
He does stay much safer this time around, though. He sends people he’s close to his location. And tells them what to do if he doesn’t wish them goodnight that night. (“just call the police”)
He sits down with her at the cafe and he pours his heart out to her as well. God knew this morning would involve him literally having to do this with two grown woman! Well, at least the one of them was expected. The other… however… also seems to empathise with him as well. To some extent.
“I… well… I suppose I can’t exactly forgive you for just deciding upon killing me the way that you did. That’s mighty fucked up. But… I see the position that you were in.”
“I- yeah.” Draco just shrugs, offering a sort of tightlipped smile. “I get it.”
“It’s amazing to finally be able to wrap my head around it somewhat, though. For so long, I thought you were still lying to me about… the… my father thing. But now I can.. somewhat grasp it. I suppose.”
 “It was extremely messed up.”
“It was. But it’s not like I didn’t-”
“I mean, that seemed more like self-defense to me than anything. Yours made a lot more sense than mine.”
“Oh, that’s for sure. I’ve… kind of always been super paranoid about anything to do with… him. My mother always tells me to be careful so I kind of… took it much too far. That’s sort of why I started going for therapy. I would get such bad anxiety from the simplest of things. I’d taken a long self defense course last year, even though my mom's already had me doing Tae Kwondo since I was in primary school. And you saw what I did with you. I had knives, pepper sprays, everything and anything I would need. I’d set up an alarm system in my apartment and always spoke to someone when I went to sleep and when I woke up. I was just… constantly on edge. And you kind of just… tipped me over it, you know.”
“I know, and I’m so sorry about it. Still. I have no excuses.”
“I appreciate you saying that.”
She smiles at Draco. And he does the same. Something flutters up and down his stomach.
“I’m so glad we could talk this through, yeah? But I should get going. I do have to study and everything.”
“I-” Should Draco give up on this chance. Is this worth it? Could she ever even say yes? Perhaps she would. “Should we trade numbers? Just so we can keep in touch about it.”
“I’m-” She sighs and looks down at her lap, then up at him again. She sets her elbow on the table and leans forward the slightest, setting her chin on her palm. “I’m really sorry… but with the way things went last time… and with my recovering mental health, I just- I wouldn’t feel comfortable with it. I’m so so glad we could go over everything and come to some mutual understanding but… I don’t think I could-”
“Oh, you don’t have to worry. It’s all good. I totally get it.”
To his surprise, his heart didn’t sink. She reaches over and gently squeezes his forearm.
“Maybe we’ll meet again, huh?”
“Maybe we will.”
And Draco walked out of there, not unhappy, but finally feeling like he’d received some closure. He’d erred greatly and he really did deserve what he’d gotten (or not gotten). He’d really tried to get over her already, so it really didn’t sting when she said what she did.
For once, he knew what to expect. And he felt happy about it. Maybe he didn’t get to do bits with her, but that hardly mattered. At least now she knew the truth about him.
What mattered most was that the next chapter of his life was only leading him forwards.
a/n: thank you so so sos os so sososososososooooo much for reading through this series. this is very close to my heart and i appreciate each and everyone who’s managed to keep up with all of it. This final part i also chose to end without really bringing the characters together because… Y/N does not deserve it. for her, that would be the bad ending. i did this because i just think that girls often do not realise that they deserve more than the attractive guy who tries to be bad. this sounds hypocritical coming from well… me… someone who runs a draco blog, but what i’m trying to say is, we shouldn’t settle. a lot of times i feel like we forget to place ourselves in the shoes of the actual character. for what reason would you ever go out or sleep with someone who had ever planned to kill you! their good looks just won’t cut it if so, no? i feel like this is the best ending for the both of them, because draco learns to actualise his potential and to stop blaming everyone else in his life for all his problems, and y/n learns to heal from the struggles she’s had and both their endings are left pretty open. also, i feel like a lot of fanfic endings/plot developments are compromised just to get the main pairing together in the end. so. yeah. also mental health is something i really prioritise, and i thought doing this just does so much justice for both of them mentally. i’d be happy to hear your thoughts and any feedback you have! thank you so much for reading through you all of this as well. love you so much <3
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deniigi · 5 years
Hello! Just about to sit down and read your newest fic, so excited about it! I had a question for you (you very well may have answered this already, so sorry in advance!), but do you have advice for writing? Advice in terms of getting start, plotting out stories, helping get the creative juices flowing? I have all these ideas but seem to lack the drive to get things written out. I know the best advice is to just write, but I'm having a horrible time starting. What do you do in those moments?
Hello my dear!
Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. The lord has blessed me with a head cold and ruined all my plans of productivity for the day, so I can finally answer this ask! I’ll talk a little bit about both how to get started with a story and then some little things that help me motivate myself.
I have started a tag for writing advice here: http://deniigi.tumblr.com/tagged/writing-advice
This is going to be a long post, sorry mobile users.
I am going to preface all of this with the understanding that I am technically a professional writer in terms of like, a handful of ways, but I have absolutely zero training in creative writing, so take everything I say with a grain of salt!
So, I personally find that, on the whole, that psychological hurdle of getting started comes a lot from the anticipation of the kind of response a story will get (how many hits, how many comments, how many kudos) in addition to a bit of anxiety or fear over  theloss of sustained interest in that story (by yourself and/or by your audience). I find that this can be alleviated by really, truly internalizing the understanding that you are allowed to write your work however you damn please, for whoever you damn please.
There will be work you write for others, and there will be work you write for yourself. Not all work needs to be published; sometimes, it is really nice to just write shit for yourself; it is a plus for humanity if you decide to share it with others, but you do not have to do that.
Furthermore, I would like to present you with this:
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This is what my current folder for under fire looks like. And you might notice that there are almost always multiple drafts per chapter. Yes, I did in fact rewrite chapter four 5 fucking times, you bet your ass I did. And I’m not ashamed of it. I think the story is better for it. And that’s the important thing here: you do not need to produce a perfect draft the first time around. You will not produce that perfect draft. Accept this. Embrace this. Embrace it and your cat at the same time to really ingrain it as a warm, fuzzy feeling.
Liberate yourself from the pressure of needing to produce the perfect, most right draft and you may find starting the piece overall to be a much easier, more pleasant experience.
And along with this beautiful, uplifting spiritual advice, I also bring a practical thought: when it comes to getting started, a lot of times, people feel like they need to set the stage, yadda yadda yadda. Ha. No. Fuck that.
That’s a surefire way to bore the shit out of yourself. Start right in the middle of a scene that captivates you if that’s what you want to write. It’s a free platform. No one’s gonna arrest you if you stick Spiderman upside down in trash first thing. They might even applaud you actually, because you didn’t make them slog through some of that ‘It was the evening of the 25th and it was cold out in the streets” bullshit we all learned from Dickens.
Alright. Now let’s talk about actually getting started making words appear on paper.
So, from my knowledge there are generally two ways that folks write creatively. You have what I’m going to call the planners and then you what I’m going to call the monsters (I call them this entirely affectionately, I’m sure there’s a better word for these folks, but I don’t have it atm, all I have is a headcold). Planners are folks who sit down and work out their major plot points, who write outlines, and who create the scaffolding of their work before they set out on their magical journey. I think of these folks as architects.
And then you have the monsters and these are those fuckers who just sit down and write stream of consciously like the heathens all our high school teachers tried to teach us not to be.
I am both a planner and a monster. And a lot of that depends on the length of work I’m going for. I have never in my life planned a one-shot, for example. I just attack that as it is. I follow my heart, if you will. But when it comes to longer chaptered fics, I really do think that some outlining is super helpful.
You might find it useful for one-shots, though, I dunno. Maybe give it a try and see what happens?
The two main fics I’ve done proper outlines for are Inimitable and under fire and I actually find outlining to be immensely helpful in psyching me up to write the story (I go through and re-read my outlines when I start to lose interest or diverge too much from the plot outlined there in the actual writing. 9 times out of 10, re-reading gets me stupid excited to write all over again) and it also helps me keep momentum going throughout the plot.
Here’s a pic of some pages of under fire’s outline.
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Physically writing the work is really important for me because it forces me to only put down key points/feelings/ideas I want to include, whereas typing gives me far too much room to get lost/distracted by extraneous detail. And since my handwriting is a teacher’s worst nightmare and I cross out shit and write huge with emotion, I’ll give you a little bit of what the middle page here says:
there’s something thrumming
vibrating in his ears wherever he goes
-closes his eyes and somehow enters blackness- emptyness (Stranger Things style)
–BACK - everything is gone
closing his eyes doesn’t bring the space back
–it makes him panic. He doesn’t know why. His heart is pounding. He’s sweating He has a horrible feeling of doom.
its gone.
he goes home anxiously. Pretends everything is normal.
his neck crawls
So basically it’s less of a formal outline and more of a collection of stream of consciousness feelings and screenplay directions which I’ll flesh out in the actual story.
Personally, I love writing these kinds of things because they get me pumped for the story I’m about to tell. I get to write out the key scenes and work through all the hard parts first, and then, while I’m writing, I work through the little fun details and banter and I have to write to figure out how we get from one scene to the next and I love the challenge of having to fit those pieces together. I very rarely stick strictly to my outline, (as anyone who is currently reading under fire can tell you right now), but I do try to stick to the main plot points in it and my writing is certainly better for it.
So yes. Outlining is very good, but it is even better when you do it to some kind of music. I listened to What’s Up Danger from the Into the Spiderverse soundtrack on repeat while I wrote this outline to kind of transfer some of the relentless pace conveyed in that song to the piece’s plot.
I highly recommend using music to set the mood of your piece while/before you write a piece of any length. It helps get you in the right headspace (excited or somber or angry) to write. You need emotion to write creatively. You can’t just make that happen sometimes; you need a little help.
A couple other things which might help:
1. Leave your house or the space you’re normally in. Go to a cafe and find a nice corner and have a think and a try in there. Sometimes moving to a different space helps you escape cyclical thinking patterns.
2. Write what you want to read. Don’t bother writing for other peoples’ interests; that’ll just bore the shit out of you all over again.
3. Find an atmospheric mood sound to listen to on Youtube or smth (I personally like Rain on a Car Windshield for slightly somber fics, but you might be into ocean storms or dripping caves or whatever).
4. Heat your feet. I don’t know why but I am entirely unproductive when my feet are cold. Maybe this one is me-specific, but whatevs. Heat the feets!
5. If you’re still having trouble just sitting down and pounding the story out, that’s okay! Maybe it’s not ready to be written yet. Maybe you’re not in the right headspace yet. Sometimes that’s just how it is. One story makes its way out in like, a hour, and the next one takes like, months to finally be written. We all work at different paces. We all write for different reasons.
It might help to figure out why you want to write a story before you write it. Like, if its for attention, it’s gonna be hard as hell. But if there’s an idea that you feel like is important or if there’s a mood you’re trying to work yourself into or out of, then that might be a little easier. For example, I wrote a piece called make it work which is about Fogs finding his motivation to be a lawyer and fight for justice when Kavanaugh was confirmed and I felt super helpless in the face of our present justice system. That story kind of wrote itself and it needed to be written, I feel, not just for me, but for others who were feeling just as helpless.
Writing is catharsis in that way. Maybe you just need to find out what you need to wring out of your soul.
Sorry that got very metaphysical. But I do want to stress that getting started and ending a story are the hardest parts of writing them, so you are definitely not alone if you feel like you’re ramming your head into a wall here.
I hope something here helps you, my dear!
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buzzfeedwheeze · 6 years
The New Teacher - Shyan fanfic
Sorry it took me so long to post the new chapter. I didn't know what to do with the fic (I blame the new Star Wars movie and the WiFi at my beach house), but I think I found my way again!
Hope you enjoy.
You can find it at AO3
Two months passed really fast and Shane got into a new routine. One that he actually enjoyed. Apart from having to give his son up two weeks a month, he was actually quite content. He would wake up earlier than what he used to, just so that he could have breakfast with his kid, generally milk and cereal because it was the fastest option and they were both lazy suckers. Then Shane would drop Andrew at school, go to work, banter with Ryan Bergara on Twitter and sometimes prepare a nice meal for Andrew and his boyfriend Steven. Yeah, somehow the new teacher became a part of his life, whether it was a conscious or unconscious decision of his. Usually at the lunch break he would find himself engaging of multiple discussions with Bergara about aliens, ghosts, movies and one time they even had a passionate debate about popcorn.
After one week of smiling like a teen after he received a new notification of @ryansbergara, he was forced to admit that there was more than simply bantering going on. Their fights didn’t feel real, or maybe they never were. When he took Andrew to school or went to pick him up he would wait to see Bergara arrive and then would tease him on twitter about how he looked ridiculous with his weird love for yellow clothes, especially one vest that he wore a lot. Ryan would always reply with a “stalker :)” and Shane would grin from ear to ear.
Now, he found it kind of hard to look at the man, that being the reason why he adopted the method of avoiding at all costs to get out the car near school grounds. Andrew reacted to this novelty with curiosity at first but now all he did was smirk when he got to the car, always making sure to mention the damn teacher. But although he wanted to avoid Bergara he couldn’t help but show up at the exact time he knew the teacher was about to arrive at school. He didn’t want to confront his feelings, but hey, he could still appreciate a nice body, with a great face, fantastic humor, amazing knowledge, sweet eyes... Ryan Bergara was the closest thing, for Shane, to proof of the existence of supernatural beings. Of course, he had flaws, Shane knew there was no such thing as perfection, but that man was pretty damn close to it.
But today was saturday.
Meaning no Bergara and no need to confront what was going on between them. The only thing planned for the day was a draft of a new cartoon he had to present for his superior on Monday and a dinner at the new restaurant that opened near his apartment. He was going to take Andrew and Steven and they were going to order enough food to make themselves ashamed on the next day.
A great plan. He had a cocky smile in place as he skimmed through the newspaper.
“Why are you smiling like that?” he looked up to find a very sleepy Andrew exiting his room. “It’s kinda creepy since you’re reading the Sports” the boy then rubbed his eyes.
Shane rolled his eyes. “Keep that attitude young boy and you won’t be having any pancakes today”
Andrew frowned. “You wouldn’t dare…” then his dad wiggled one eyebrow. “YOU WOULD! YOU SICK BASTARD!” Such a drama queen… I taught him so well. Shane smiled fondly as his son threw his hands in the air as he grunted on his way to the kitchen.
Shane got up quickly and took over his position on the stove. Andrew had already set up the table and was now resting his face on his hands as he watched his dad. Shane prepared the dough and after a few minutes, full of flips and a lot of cursing, the pancakes were ready.  Before placing them on the table he turned to Andrew.“Want me to cut them on Disney characters shapes?”
“What is the point of eating pancakes if they are not Disney themed pancakes?” he raised an eyebrow.
Shane had to blink a few times because he wasn’t seeing big grown up Andrew, there, right in front of him, was little Andrew with chubby cheeks and small hands. He quickly turned and focused on the task of cutting the pancakes into various shapes to make Andrew’s new favorite character from ‘Disney’. The sound of nervous fingers tapping on a screen and the rhythmically sound of the knife hitting the board helped Shane concentrate and suppress the treacherous tears. It was hard to get around the idea of Andrew no longer being his little boy. I’m becoming one of those dads.
Soon he placed an almost perfect, considering that it was made with pancake, BB-8 right in front of his son. Andrew gasped and stared at the plate he like used to do when he was a kid. “I was going to do a Kylo Ren. But since you are probably going to post it on Instagram, and I know you are not ready to share your obsession with Kylo, I thought it was better to play it safe. A good ol’ bot for ya.”
Andrew reached over the table and hugged his dad. “You are the best”. He snapped a photo and munched on his BB unit quite happily. Shane just ate his regular stacked pancakes but his heart was so warn that he felt like they were made of pure gold.
They ate in silence and after breakfast Andrew washed the dishes and left to meet Steven and head out to Matt’s place. Some other friends were going to be there as well, their friend Adam, Ashley and a girl called Jen. Apparently they were going to have a Harry Potter marathon and survive out of popcorn the whole day. They were living the dream. Shane tried to tag along and Andrew said that even though he was cool there was no chance he was going since he had a project to begin. Boo hoo adult life sucks.
Shane got all his stuff and found a comfortable spot on their dining table. Put on his ‘Thinking Cap ON” playlist and started to take notes of some ideas he had on the past few days. But as he jotted them down he felt like they weren’t exactly very creative or even original. No one would ever bother to invest on a cartoon like that. So he decided to start by designing the main character. It wasn’t how he normally worked but he had a deadline and he needed to present something to his boss. Anything. He opened his memos and found some notes from the briefing he had had last week about the new cartoon. The notes were kind of confusing but at least he managed to get some of the things his boss wanted.
“Supernatural. Two main characters. Diversity. Funny. Not too scary. A bit of sarcasm.” Shane wanted to throw his phone on the street so a car could smash it. “I’m so fucked right now.”
The hours flew by like minutes and he only had the sketches of the main characters done. He opted for two girls. One was blond with a big nose and thick glasses. He decided that she was going to be a bucket full of sarcasm and bad jokes. The other one was smaller, a mix of Asia and Latin America on her features. He didn’t know what to do with her. He stared at the page in front of him and tried to see what was behind those big beady eyes he drew. Maybe she was going to be more like a sidekick, always scared and hiding. Shane was about to to write that, but something stopped him. That wasn’t right. There was more to those characters and without a plot he couldn’t fully comprehend them. Especially the tiny girl. Shane shut the sketch book and decided to prepare his lunch.
After having lunch, Shane did no progress at all. All he had was two sketched and barely filled profile about the characters. He had longed abandoned the notion of having a plot or even having ideas for one. So until Andrew and Steven called for him to go pick them up, all he did was complain, play Disney Crossy Road and watch old episodes of Brooklyn Nine Nine on TV. Their call would be a true blessing. He would finally be free of his responsibility and be able to go out and enjoy his weekend. Or at least his saturday night since he needed the damn project ready.
Then as if by magic his phone screen lit up. Shane turned his attention from the TV to the now vibrating phone. It wasn’t a phone call but a series of text messages from Andrew asking his dad if it was ok to pick them up an hour earlier and that he didn’t want to disturb him now that he was focused on a new project. Shane replied quickly with ‘im already on the car’ and a ‘FREEDOM’ followed by a series of gifs to illustrate his state of mind. He got up, collected the car keys and soon he was driving on his way to Matt’s house.
The traffic wasn’t that bad so he managed to arrive in less than 15 minutes at the fancy neighborhood that Andrew’s friend lived. The house was at the end of Capt. Hugo Vega Street, it was a huge modern mansion that even had some bushes cut in the shape of animals. There was a fucking crab and a flamingo, for fucks sake. Shane pulled over in front of the house and was about to honk when he saw that Andrew was waiting outside. He waved at him and watched as he began to tow Steven by his hand. Andrew sat by his side while Steven took the backseat. Shane watched through the mirror Steven laying down on the seat and chuckled. “So how wa...”
“Dad please drive!” Andrew interrupted him. “If we stay here longer I might have to go inside and kill Matt with my bare hands. Do you want me to go to jail?!” he looked exhausted.
“Let me guess.”
“You wouldn’t be able…”
“Matt’s idea of eating solemnly popcorn was a disaster and you had to deal with a very hungry Steven Lim complaining.” Andrew gasped and stared at him with wide eyes. “I had to travel with you two to a festival when you were little and I know some things don’t change.” with that he drove to the restaurant as fast as he was allowed to.
Steven practically ran inside the place when he smelled the aroma of hot meals being served. They checked their reservation and, thank god, got a great table. Soon a waiter with a fake smile kept on for pure obligation asked for their orders. Eyeing the kids barely keeping it together, staring at the basket of bread as if it was some sort of rare item, Shane picked up the menu and ordered an absurd amount of food. Lots of chicken wings dipped on spicy sauce, french fries with olive oil and herbs, one small pepperoni pizza, medium portion of quesadilla and a basket with a mix of different nacho flavors. It will do. When he finished listing almost all of the items on the menu one very scared, or maybe impressed, waiter left to go deliver his order to the kitchen.
“Food will get here soon, kids, don’t worry.” he looked at them reassuringly.
Steven looked up and his tired expression was replaced by a huge smile, which left Shane feeling pretty smug. He was capable of making those kids feel the joy of life again. Then he noticed Steven poking Andrew on the forehead, which only made the other one glare at him. But it was all he need, pointing at something behind them he whispered something for Andrew. Andrew perked up on his seat and managed a small smile when he saw whatever Steven asked him to look. Shane couldn’t hear what they were saying so he turned to look for whatever got them all so happy. You gotta be fucking kidding me.
“You gotta be fucking kidding me.” Ryan Bergara was there at the hall gesticulating like a maniac while talking with the maître. Shane of course still felt the urge to fight Bergara, but watching the other man arguing with someone, that wasn’t him, made some weird protection instinct kick in. It was almost like it was his duty to protect Ryan Bergara from all evil in the world. I’m so pathetic.
Deciding to ignore the situation was the best option for him, so he turned to look at the boys and noticed that Andrew wasn’t at his place anymore. Steven just shrugged and nodded his head in the direction of the teacher. I raised a snake. Shane thought bitterly as he watched Andrew talking with his teacher at the hall. Bergara was blushing and Andrew looked at him with one of his, perfected through the years, puppy eyes look and Shane rolled his eyes. Surely he was inviting Bergara to sit with them. There was one spare chair and Shane considered throwing it across the room for a second or maybe throwing himself across the room. Lost on his thoughts and still watching the chair squinting his eyes, Shane didn’t notice when Andrew got back to the table with the teacher.
“Hi, Shane… I mean Mr. Madej.” Bergara was blushing and stuttering and all of his previous thoughts of destroying the chair vanished. Boy, he was a handsome man.
“Hi. You can call me Shane Madej.” Stupid mouth. “I mean, Shane. Call me Shane” Shane got up awkwardly, bumping on the table and almost knocking down everything. He shaked Bergara’s extended hand vigorously. Then Shane helped Ryan sit, which obviously made things worse. Internally he was a mess, an eternal replay on his mind of Gordon Ramsay calling him an idiot sandwich.
Steven and Andrew were sat on VIP places to watch the show unroll in front of them. They kept snickering and whispering thing to each other, which left Shane no option but to make small talk with Ryan Fucking Bergara as they waited for the food. When the meal arrived he kicked Andrew on his shins and got the boys to talk with the teacher, who seemed to relax and appreciate better his meal.
After they ordered the dessert and were waiting for it to arrive, Shane noticed Andrew leaning in on Steven’s direction to whisper something then he got up abruptly and announced he was going to the bathroom. But before he left he winked to his dad, and Shane knew this was no teenage hook-up-on-the-bathroom plan. No. It was a masterplan to leave him alone with Begara. And his suspicions were soon confirmed when Steven giving him an apologetic smile left to go to the bathroom too.
When they left Ryan began to laugh which caused Shane to look at him with an arched eyebrow. “What?” he managed between giggles. “It’s just that no matter how many years have passed teenagers will always try the bathroom excuse to go make out.”
“Yeah. The ol’ bathroom excuse to make out” he said through gritted teeth.
“They even try that at school!” Ryan wheezed. “I just look at them with one raised eyebrow and say ‘really? I’ll tell you kid, I invented this excuse. Go back to your work’.”
Shane’s annoyance left just as soon as it arrived. He looked at Ryan with glinting eyes and in a malicious tone asked. “You’re telling me, you skipped class to make out with girls in the bathroom, Bergara? The shame”
Ryan gulped and stared at Shane mortified. And stuttering a bit he managed to spit out the words. “I-I supp-suppose at the time they were girls.” he sipped his cranberry lemonade and eyeing Shane by the corner of his eye said in a much clearer voice. “You can call me Ryan, you know.”
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed. It’s rude.” Shane’s heart was beating so fast that he felt like it was going to escape his chest. “Considering that people always assume I’m heterosexual or just deny my bisexuality, I should’ve known better.” he didn’t want to look at the man sat by his side. He knew the look of disgust people generally had on their faces when he admitted his sexuality.
“Bisexual? That’s nice.” Ryan’s voice was so sweet that Shane had to look up. He was looking at him with those gleaming eyes and soft mouth curved into a beautiful smile. Shane smiled back.
“I guess it is.”
Ryan sipped his drink again. Coughed a few times then turned to Shane. “So, Andrew was telling me some other day after class, that you work at Disney?” then after stealing one of his fries added. “Your son really loves you, he’s always talking about you.”
“Yeah, I do. I work at the animations studio.” he was torn between hugging Andrew and cutting his allowance. He’s basically selling me to his teacher as if I’m a cow.
“That’s so cool! I love Disney!” he now was turning his whole body on Shane’s direction. “You see, I have this friend, Helen, and we go every year to Disney together. It was where our friendship sort of began.”
“That’s really sweet. I, too, love Disney. Otherwise I wouldn’t work for them.” he also tuned his body. Their legs were touching.
Ryan looked at their legs, coughed a bit and blushing continued to make small talk. “Yeah, you don’t strike me as the type of man who would work at a place you hated.” his eyes followed Shane’s movements as he sipped on his green tea. Ryan shook his head. “Hmm… Working on any new projects? The new Moana maybe?”
Shane didn’t listen the question since he was too focused on studying those full lips moving. Quickly, he reached for his tea. When he noticed Ryan waiting for something, he apologized and asked him to repeat the question. Questions about his new projects always got him excited. He would feel like a secret agent when he asked for secrecy and judging by Ryan’s expression, he was probably into it. Shane and Ryan leaned on the direction of each other, and Ryan’s legs were now between Shane’s. They were whispering but sometimes, one of them would laugh too loud (Ryan) and other would smile like a stupid RomCom guy (Shane).
The kids got back to the table at some point, but the two of them barely acknowledged them. Their desserts were left untouched in front of their places. Shane had to admit that maybe Ryan had some great ideas. Well, and some not so great. “What if they are like the ghostbusters?! But they hunt sea creatures instead of ghosts.”
“Are you insane?” The boys would chuckle and Shane would just keep shooting questions at Ryan.
“You said you wanted two girls, right? What about two girls that investigate allegedly haunted locations around the world. The skeptic one could be a ghost that came back to have some fun at the cost of the other girl. Always pulling pranks and ordering other spirits to scare the believer who is obsessed with finding proof of ghosts existence.”
“Ryan Bergara, you are basically telling me to make a genderbent version of yourself.” Shane chuckled.
“Shut up, Shane. There’s more” he rolled his eyes. “The skeptic girl liked to scare the other girl at the beginning. But then they started to go to more dangerous places and she began to protect her and grew fond of the tiny scared, yet brave sometimes, human. I’m not saying there needs to be a romantic relationship, since they are teens, but they can be really good friends.”
“I like this. A lot. Even the romantic part.” then smirking a bit he added. “Now it definitely doesn’t seem like you are trying to be the smaller girl.”
“Well, for me it does sound like genderbent fanfiction of you two” Steven mumbled to Andrew
“What did you say, Steven?” Shane nervously asked as he eyed Ryan. I guess he didn’t hear it. But he’s blushing a bit.
“Nothing.” Andrew replied while glaring daggers at his sleepy boyfriend. “He just ate too much cake.”
“I guess we should be going.” Shane said as he started to look for the waiter to ask for their check.
“Yeah, it’s probably better. I need to take the bus home. We need to see how much I…” Ryan began but was cut off by Shane.
“No need. This dinner is on me. Would like a ride home?” Bergara shook his head. “Then I guess you should be going.” Shane added a bit off.
Ryan got up and said his goodbyes. Shane watched him walking out of the restaurant and something ached on his chest. He left his credit card for Andrew. “Meet me outside kiddo”. Just after he got out of the restaurant there was no sign of the man nearby, then Shane saw a small bus stop in the distance and a small figure walking in the direction of it. Shane ran.
The bus stop was close when he felt a hand touching his shoulder which startled him “Fuck, sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” a familiar voice made him relax and Ryan turned to stare at its owner.
“Hi. Again.”
“Yeah, I could’ve asked you on twitter, but I guess my brain thought it was a better idea to ran after you in the dark.” Shane was rambling. “And you have no clue of what I’m talking about and…” a small hand slapped his arm and Shane looked at Ryan half surprised and half in pain. “What…”
“Just spit it out, Shane”
He looked at Ryan and gaining back his non-justified confidence ‘spat it out’. “I was wondering if you you would like to meet me tomorrow at a coffee shop. It’s a small place, very intimate. We talk about my new cartoon and maybe other stuff.” I can’t believe I’m asking my son’s teacher on a date.
“Like a date?” Ryan’s voice was hopeful.
“No” Yes. “I mean, maybe.”
Ryan smirked and added before making a signal for the bus approaching the stop. “Then DM me the details for our date of Schrodinger, Madej”
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michaelreaderreblog · 7 years
You’re still my brother
A/N: Sorry postings are going to be slow. I completely forgot about the hockey tournament I am taking part in is this week and I thought it was going to be next week but over thinking things here haha. Now I wish I was more prepared and added fics and imagines to my queue. Oh well my fault and wish me luck. I will try and post imagines though, well try.
Word Count: 2,645
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"Y/n, why would we lie to you? Lucifer is out of his cage and roaming amongst fathers creations" Michael says.
He doesn't make eye contact with you because he didn't want to see the disappointment in your eyes as he tells you this.
Before Lucifer's fall, you were a little fledgling curious about your surroundings and wandering around heaven.
Lucifer found you by the golden gates, he ran towards you and picked you up before you curiously walked beyond the gates.
"Where do you think you are going my curious explorer?" He asks looking to you as he held you and walked away.
"I wanted to know what are beyond those gates. Can we go see?" You ask while pointing and keeping your gaze on the gates.
"Nothing important that needs to be seen. C'mon, I'll teach you a few things" He says as he tries to take your mind off things.
It worked, you go all bug eyed and always wanted to learn something from your brother. Especially Lucifer.
Ever since then you two have always spent time together and always been so close. Until Father cast out the one person you loved so dearly but understood it all.
At the same time you were so angry at father along with the rest of your brothers and sisters. For not helping Lucifer. You tried doing everything you could to not let that happen but Gabriel is the one who stopped you.
"We can't interfere with dads plan y/n. I know it sucks. It needs to happen" He says while holding you in his arms.
You remained in his embrace as you cried. While the tears fell is when you felt as though something was ripped apart from you.
Now with Lucifer free, you didn't know how to react to the sudden news. You now know the reason to his fall. After Michael explaining everything to you.
"You have to understand y/n, we need to find him and put him back in his cage" Castiel says to break the silence that has been lingering.
"Before we do that, the both of you have to promise me. You and Michael will give me a few minutes alone with him" You say while looking between Castiel and Michael.
Surprisingly they both nod in agreement. Even though Michael wouldn't have allowed you to do so. For all you knew, he had a feeling you would let him go free.
Crowley has been holding Lucifer hostage since he has put his vessel back together. Along with other added benefits.
He is chained from head to toe in a dungeon like cell. Plotting his way to escape and finally put an end to the one scumbag, once and for all. Reclaim what is rightfully his and finally do the things he has planned for sometime now.
All that time being locked in the cage has given him time to himself to plot out everything. Even though Michael was the one person to distract him from everything.
"I know how we can find Lucifer" You say while finally remembering from eons ago.
He has taught you how to look for him whenever you needed him. Something that no one ever knew, something you have never told anyone about even after the fall.
"I'm afraid to know" Michael says while looking to you.
"How?" Castiel asks with no hesitation while Michael looks to him quickly.
He couldn't believe he asked because he knew how you would locate him.
Michael remembers in heaven before Lucifer was cast out. He saw the both of you spending your last moments with each other. You not knowing what will happen.
He heard Lucifer recite an old spell while he placed his hand on you. Michael knew what he was doing and he was to late to stop him.
Lucifer had transferred some of his angel grace and entered yours. While your grace entered his and they both altered and formed some type of bond but more of a tracking device.
So where ever you were or him, both of you will find each other no matter if there were angel warding. If no one else couldn't find you or him, one of you will always have that magnet between you.
"Before Lucifer was cast out, he gave me some of his grace and mine to him. Combined, it formed a tracking device and no matter the angel warding or what ever warding there was. It wouldn't be strong enough but ours together will out do everything" You tell Castiel while he looked completely horrified.
"I thought that only worked when two angels are bonded together?" He asks looking to Michael
"Not only as mates. It can work when two angels share kinship and who are really close that formed a special relationship" Michael says while looking to Castiel.
As they were talking, you went into the room and begun looking for your beloved brother.
After a few moments, Lucifer felt something he hasn't felt in a while. He hoped he wouldn't have to feel the sensation because he couldn't bare the thought of you lost or near death. And that angered him.
Finally, you snapped yourself away from Lucifer and reassured him you were alright and perfectly healthy. Well for the most part.
"I know where Lucifer is" You come out of the room and broke the argument that was about to occur between Michael and Castiel.
"Where is he?" They both ask in unison.
"He is held prisoner in Crowley's house of chaos" You reply walking out the door and they come following behind you.
The three of you get into the car and drive to Crowley's. You go through the many things you want to say to your brother but didn't know where to start.
You didn't know if you should start off by telling him how disappointed you are or tell him how much you have missed him and just want to forget everything.
Or you wanted to make him change his mind about everything and just run away together so that either of you won't be bothered anymore.
You love the thought of just the two of you together and just have the lost time spent away and finally get to know each other all over again. You wanted to remind him how everything was and remind him how much he means to you.
You loved your other brothers but Lucifer was the one who raised and taught you everything. Even when dad wasn't around.
Finally, you were so close to your brother. You, Michael and Castiel fought your way through the demons that were guarding the place. The three of you killed every single one of those demons and finally reaching the dungeon that kept Lucifer for so long.
"Let me see him first" You say while looking to Michael and Castiel
Michael looked weary about the ordeal while Castiel had the same feeling.
"Alright, we will be right out here. Yell if anything happens" Castiel says while looking to you before you unlock the door.
Finally as you stepped into the room is when you saw your brother in shackles that bound him to a chair.
You could see his true form and remembered how beautiful he was. Except for the tarnished wings he has but either way they still looked beautiful.
"My brother" You whispered as you came closer to him
He didn't want to look at you, but it felt nice to hear your voice.
"You of all people shouldnt have come here" He says still not making eye contact with you
"Why?" You ask in a hushed tone.
When he said that is when you felt yourself go numb. You thought he would be happy to see you again or thrilled to know he will escape.
"I didn't want you to see me this way. I wanted you to remember how I was eons ago, not this form" He says while still not making eye contact.
"You're still my brother and I still love you. I always have and always will" You tell him while feeling a lump in your throat.
While you stood there waiting for him to say something is when you approached him. He did nothing while you undid the chains. With some angel grace all the chains came undone.
“How did you?” He asks in complete shock
“I learned from the best. Nothing is impossible for me” You tell him as he gets up from the chair.
Crowley comes back and sees all of his followers were dead. He knew he had some angels to fry. As soon as he came into the hallway where Castiel and Michael were. He froze.
“Well, well. It isnt Big Brother Michael and baby in a trench coat” He says while looking between the two.
Castiel begins to knock on the door, while you knew that something is up and finally realized that Crowley is right out the door.
“Quick we must go” You say quickly
“Are you sending me back to the cage?” He asks in a hushed tone
“Not me, but brother dearest out there wants you back in the cage. Im not going to let that happen” You tell him while trying to zap the both of you out of there but something was off.
“I knew I can smell Michael from here. Could sense the righteousness” He says while looking to you.
“Right and you have to much pride” You retort while trying to figure out you couldnt zap out.
“You want him back in the cage, fine but I have to kill him first” He says while looking between Michael and Castiel
“No. Not if I kill you first” You say while cutting off Michael and Castiel
“Well, well. It isnt the infamous Y/n” Crowley says while eyeing you.
“I will” Lucifer says while he shows his true form, wings spread out.
You saw how incredibly beautiful he truly is and with a snap of Crowley’s fingers is when his grace stopped for forming.
You, Michael and Castiel were astonished he was strong enough to do that and even Lucifer was caught off guard.
“Like I said, Im ten steps a head of you” Crowley says while about to kill him.
You recite another spell as you raise your hand towards Lucifer. Castiel looks to you and couldnt figure out what you were doing because it didnt sound familiar to him. Michael knew., he did nothing but allowed you to keep going.
The warding that Lucifer had on him was now broken. Crowley didnt believe so he took his chance as containing Lucifer again. It fails.
Michael fears on what else you are capable of doing but you reassured him that you wouldnt go rogue any time soon. Castiel still couldnt understand how you are as powerful as Lucifer.
“Thank you my dear sister. Now something that I have always wanted to do” Lucifer says as he is about to snap his fingers.
You beat him and teleport all four of you to heaven. Your heaven anyway.
“WHY DID YOU DO THAT? I WAS SO CLOSE TO ENDING HIM? DO YOU EVEN REALIZE HOW LONG I HAVE BEEN WANTING TO DO THAT?” Lucifer yells as he comes walking towards you and he doesnt look pleased at all.
“Lucifer that is enough. Let the abomination live for a few more moments” Michael says as he comes in front of Lucifer.
“Just leave us alone for a few minutes” You say while looking between Michael and Castiel
Lucifer is wondering who you are referring to until he sees you looking at them and realizes you mean Michael and Castiel. They leave and do other things that needed to be done. Michael goes back and continues to heal while Castiel assists him.
“Why did you do that for me? You could have just sent me back to the cage” Lucifer says to break the silence
You stand there keeping your gaze on him and couldnt believe you have done the unthinkable.
“Because I wanted to spend a few moments with you. Its been a millennium and I missed my brother” You reply as a soft smile begins to form.
He smiles as well as he releases a small sigh and looks around your heaven.
“So this is all yours huh?” He asks looking around and sits on the bench.
Just like the one he used to sit down with you eons ago while you were growing up.
“All of my best memories wrapped into one big closet case” You reply while a chuckle escapes your mouth. He chuckles as well
“I wouldnt call it a closet case” He says in a hushed tone
“I missed you” You tell him as you wrap your around around his torso
He missed his little sister as well and he couldnt believe he was about to do something that will hurt him forever. He had to though.
“I would stay with you forever but I cant” He says while slowly reaching for the angel blade thats near him
“You can. You can stay here with me, please. No one will find you hear” You plead with him
“I love you. And I already miss you, I always missed you. Good bye my love, please forgive me” He says as he gives you a kiss to the forehead.
He has the blade in his hands, with one quick stab is when he saw your eyes glow.
You felt something penetrate you and saw that your brother has stabbed you with the angel blade that was near by.
Finally he saw your angel grace burst from you, saw your gorgeous wings spread across your heaven and he couldnt believe how beautiful they were, just like his. He couldnt believe how beautiful you were, just like him. In so many ways you were just like him. He places one more good by kiss to you as he releases a soft sob and a lone tear falls. He fleeds.
“Y/n? Lucifer?” Michael says as he looks around for you or even Lucifer but no reply what so ever.
He goes further and once he sees someone laying lifeless on the ground is when he freezes right in his foot steps. His heart begins to shatter as he sets his sight on burnt angel wings. He knew they were yours because he can see a hint of gold and he knew they were yours.
Castiel came as well and he sees his brother kneeling on the ground and wondered what he was doing until he came closer and saw what Michael is seeing. He went running for you but only to see that you are gone. Ashes from your wings are all but dust in the wind.
“LUCCCCIIIIIFIFFEEERRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Castiel yells as he falls to his knees.
He mourns. Michael mourns. All of heaven mourns of a fallen angel.
“I had to” Lucifer whispers to himself as he sits in a field with tall green grass, a light breeze sways the grass back and forth. Its a clear sunny day, its warm and it reminds him of your heaven. He had to or else you wouldnt have allowed him to do the things he plotted out to do.
He saw how you would be, knowing you can do exactly the things he can do and he saw how destructive you would be. He didnt want that for you, you were to pure to be like him and he couldnt allow that. He wondered why Michael or Castiel or the others couldnt see it it. How angry you were at father for casting him out and how that still bothered you today. You plotted as well. He loved you to much for you to be bad. It had to be done. It had to be done.
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