#sorry these pics are so dark i don't edit i just screenshot
dylanconrique · 2 years
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i love her... so much!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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thedutchess07 · 19 days
Sim Screenshot Quality?
Hey everyone <3
I've been getting asked how I get my screenshot quality the way I do quite a bit lately, soooooo I thought I'd answer through a general post. Sorry for the long post >.<
Software and lighting mods I use:
Gshade, ADOF* & Relight*
GIMP or Facetune
In-game lighting mods
Maxis lighting
Installing Gshade tutorial here. This video also goes over how to change over to DX11, which if your PC has the capability to do so I totally recommend.
What Gshade preset do I use? Check my FAQs.
*ADOF... okay so ADOF is not a separate software but a shader in Gshade/Reshade. This is one of the common questions I get asked. Check out this Youtube tutorial on how edit your ADOF settings to your preference (15:53 min). For those confused on ADOF, it's what the blurry background of the pics. For ex. below, I like to play around with this setting a lot depending on my mood haha.
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*Relight.. like ADOF, relight is not a separate software but a shader in Gshade/Reshade. This is what takes my screenshots to the next level. Youtube tutorial here and in depth guide here. Now you have to play around with relight a bit to get it exactly how you want it. Depending on the mood I'm going for will determine my placement and color of the lighting. For ex., below I focused on the middle and eye area with a white light...
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I was going for a Catherine Zeta-Jones, Morticia Addams vibe (idk if yall caught that or can see my vision lol)
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Youtube tutorial here and in-depth guide here. Now SRWE is my bestieee lol. For SRWE profiles, that depends on what your computer can handle. The in-depth guide I linked helps you configure what profile is for you. Typically for me I do 3600 x 4800, but depends what kind of shot I'm going for. You don't have to use this esp, if you have a top tier GPU and monitor... I'm in the process of upgrading my PC, so who knows if I'll still be using it.
Tutorial on GIMP and tutorial on FaceTune. GIMP is like a free version of photoshop and Facetune is a photo/video editing application. I use GIMP and Facetune is for the grain effect and sharpener. I will only use the grain effect if it fits the vibe I'm going for, yes I can turn on film grain in Gshade, but I don't like how it comes out in my photos. As for sharpener tool, I only add a touch of it on my pics and not every picture. When I say touch I mean literally lol, I don't like a lot where it gives it that weird drawing effect (???). Like I said, I use this occasionally depending on the mood. A new feature I've recently used on GIMP was the shadow and contrast tool. For ex. below you can see before and after. I darkened the background and added a bit of contrast for a more pop effect on my sim.
Before After
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I use:
Northern Siberia Winds Gentle CAS and Even Better In-Game lighting mods.
Lummia's No Blu and No Glo.
Lotharihoe's Brighter Walls and Foundations, Cubemap Remover, and Out Of The Dark (Indoor Lighting Mod). Which can all be found here.
I don't have Softerhaze's lighting mods, my brain cannot process how to install it hahaha (all jokes aside if you know good youtube tutorial lmk, bc I'm a huge visual learner).
Yessss maxis lighting also plays a role (for me personally). We all know maxis lighting is kinda trash, but it also has its place in things. Depending on the theme/vibe I'm going for also determines the season and time in game. For ex. below these pictures were taken in summer at 6pm (in-game lol). That gave me the perfect lighting from the maxis side to compliment all the other components I use.
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Alright, I think that's it. Sounds like a lot, but it's really not. This is just how I do it, so you will find your own groove and settings on how YOU like your pics. Hopefully that makes sense to you all, and if not shoot me a message through my WCIF/Ask button. :)
Like you, I am learning about all of this. I am by no means a tech whiz, I have to do a lot of research myself to understand things.
Have a lovely day or night ppl!!!
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moonbiscuitsims · 4 months
Sai Yamanaka Modern lookbook + Beast Scroll tattoos (TS4 CC Download below)
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☯So I was inspired by this fanart of Sai by @seoz-gets-artsy and wanted to make tattoos for my modern/cyberpunk au version of him. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
☯Made a version for Upper right arm, Upper left arm, Left leg and Right leg tattoo categories and all are base game compatible. You can have all of them installed for if you need a tattoo category for something else, or choose the one you want.
☯I struggled to get the opacity the way I wanted so included 8 swatches with slight differences (I made a gif but they look much better in game):
-Normal black and white
-Black and white, lower opacity
-Normal only black with transparent instead of white (you can see this much better on darker skin)
-Same as former, lower opacity
☯All four of these also added the same swatches using a different composition method which means it blends with the sims skin colour a bit more for example on Sai's pale skin it becomes a little bit sepia.
☯ I tested on a dark brown skin and you can see the different between the white and non white ones a lot better but the composition method thing is less noticeable:
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☯Designed with male frame in mind; but I didn't restrict the frame, the seams might not align properly though on female body frame because I used the male template.
☯I used EA tattoo textures for the background, all the beast scroll images were found on google, and either fixed in photoshop by me or upscaled with AI, taken from the anime, the manga, the videogames and possibly fanart but it's hard to tell...
☯I did my best to clean up all the seams but sorry if there is still any you can see, I have checked it so many times and redone it. Also if you see strange lines on his wrists or body in the pics that is just Sai's cyberware accessory.
☯I'm sorry I haven't been making a lot of cc and I know this is only one item but editing all the animal pictures and making the tattoo actually took me a similar amount of time as my bigger sets.
☯Please respect my TOU
CC Terms Of Use :
-I don't mind conversions to ts2 or ts3 but please tag me :) If you use it in screenshots please tag me I'd love to see 🖤
☯Credits to the creators of the CC:
@pralinesims @cryptiam @magic-bot @helsoseira @natalia-auditore @trillyke @the-crypt-o-club @mooo-oood @belaloallure3 @simsontherope @darte77 @plushxsims @luumia @madlensims @ashwwa S4AnimeCas for the Weapons and Sai stuff
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rui-drawsbox · 1 year
Hi um I really like the Arashi magical girl au so I hope it's alright if I talk a bit about what's in my head. I wrote down a few scenarios and did a quick storyboard for one (will draw everything out later). er here one of the scenarios I wrote (don't wanna make this post too long)
Scenario based on how Nazuna left Shu and how Mika does the same later
Mika: I still remember that day when Nazuna left…
Dark, dreary bg colors, Nazuna’s back is facing camera.
Mika: Nazuna-nii? Where are you going?
Nazuna pauses. He turns his head a bit. Close-up of his mouth.
Mika (Voice over): His words were a whisper… but I heard him clearly.
Nazuna: Sorry. I hope you'll understand one day...
Back in present. Mika holds a burned photo of him and Arashi. The side with Arashi is burned but bits of her hair and clothes can still be seen. (Shu was the one who burned the photo after seeing Mika look at it. Me thinks he threw it in a fire and after he left, Mika managed to salvage it but the side with Arashi is completely burnt)
Mika: I understand now. And I know what I have to do now.
Um there is a scene where Mika screams at Shu. Mika grabs Shu by the front of his clothes and flings him to the ground. Mika then walks away, now his back is facing camera.
Shu: Don’t you dare take another step or I’ll-
Mika (turns around): Or you’ll what? 
Close-up of Mika’s face.
Mika: I won't let you control me anymore.
Mika walks away.
Flashback to another scene in the past when Nazuna was still working for Shu.
They have come to Earth for the first time. They somehow come across a photo booth. Mika is very excited about what it is and Shu is about to scold him, telling him that their mission is more important. Shu then looks at Nazuna, who is quiet but is clearly interested in photo booth too. Shu relents and they take photos. At first they don’t know how it works so the photos turn out goofy. Then after getting the hang of it, Shu makes them pose a certain way. When he sees the photo strip, he does admit that the humans are interesting to have this sort of method to store memories. He cuts and throws the goofy trial photos away but Nazuna secretly takes them out. Perhaps when he betrays Shu, Nazuna’s final way to move on is to burn those photos, although Mika and Shu do not know. (yes photos being burned for dramatic flair)
In present, when Nazuna meets Mika after he leaves Shu, they hang out. They see a photo booth again. Nazuna makes a small remark about the previous photo with Shu. He asks Mika if he wants to take another photo. Mika asks if the Knights could take a pic with them too. In this pic, Mika is far happier. 
was thinking of parallels for Nazuna and Mika
Nazuna left quietly (was afraid of confronting Shu so he just wrote a note) Mika left with a bang! screams at Shu and grabs him by front of his clothes and throws him on the ground :D The photo that Nazuna kept of him, Shu, and Mika made him stay longer than he would have. Looking at it made him guilty for wanting to leave. Mika's photo of him and Arashi makes him realize that he has to leave Shu.
ok I will run away now. have a nice day :]
hihi! hello ask from 4 months ago haha /sobs/ im glad you enjoyed the au! sorry for not answer before haha,,
actually i loved this idea sm that i made a drawing about this at the time! i didn't liked the result and burned out lol, tried to make like a fake screenshot but it looked wonky tbh
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i edited it a bit today (mabye i went overboard with those two, it looks kinda too dark even for a night and it looks unsettling lol) so it wasnt too gray (and mabye cuz i wanted to use these new cool effect in clip i learned the other day)
and my friend let me say that i loVE when photos have a heavy sentimental value for characters, im a sucker for the burned photo trope
+ Shu, Mika and Nazuna not being from earth makes me laugh for some reason, like, does this count as scifi if arashi is fighting vs technically aliens?/j
but if i think about it it would be like Madoka Magica(?), like, Arashi's cat should be an alien so why not the villians? i makes sense for me at least
also the parallels between Nazuna and Mika?!??!!"?!? im in love!??!?!??! the way they leaved Shu in such different ways?!??! the way their actions get affected by a simple piece of paper that means a lot for them?!?!??! thats my favorite part fr
and yeah go mika go! tell him his truths! he deserves it! *cheer moves*
byee! i loved this sm!! sorry for not answer this before!!!
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xpao-bearx · 10 months
Guess who started being consumed by playing BG3??? 👁👄👁
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In honour of this INCREDIBLE game, here's my Tav!
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(Sorry that the photo quality isn't the best, these are not in-game screenshots! I just took pics with my phone, but I do wanna say that my Tav has a LOT of freckles on her body that the pics didn't do justice)
Her name is Mon'sun and SHE IS MAH FUCKING BABYYY 😭❤️❤️❤️
I plan on writing a fic with her and the star himself (AKA MY DARLING 🥰): ✨️Astarion✨️ I already have a SHITLOAD of ideas, I just wanna play some more first and see how Astarion's romance pans out before I begin! So if that's something you'd be interested in reading, thanks sooo much and deffo keep a lookout for any updates~ Also, their ship name is SunStar which is JUST THE CUTEST FUCKING THING ALSKDJSKLJ
And I just wanna give my deepest love and gratitude to my two queens @kuroosexuall and @matchamocchi 💕 They have been nothing but patient and supportive of all my SERIOUSLY unhealthy fangirling over the sassy vampy elfy as well as my OC 🥲
But for the meantime, while I still haven't written my fic, below are some (*cough* a LOT so buckle up *cough*) stuff I've thought up for Mon'sun! Just to give y'all a fun lil taste of how I imagine her as a character, though I'm sure as I continue to play I'll get even more ideas and I'll probably have to edit this or post more about her, in which all posts connected to her will be tagged as #Mon'sun and Mon'sun x Astarion being tagged as #SunStar so y'all can easily search for them if you're interested. BTW I purposely left out extra details regarding her childhood as well as her thoughts about the tadpole cuz those are stoofs I'd like to reveal and explore in my fic!
And sadly, I'm not an artist, but I'm planning on and SO excited to commission various artworks of Mon'sun and SunStar from some truly extraordinary artists when the time comes so just wait for thy eyes to be blessed! \(^o^)/ Speaking of, if y'all are ever curious about Mon'sun, please don't hesitate to send me asks and such cuz your interest in my baby would be the BIGGEST honour 🥹
Now, without further ado...
Get to know "The Scarred Bard" under the cut!
In the game, I chose Voice 8 for Mon'sun but I headcanon that her voiceclaim is annapantsu (YouTuber who does a lot of amazing song covers!! 🙌)
Her theme song is Love Runs Out by OneRepublic
She does have a last name that she took on in honour from the woman who adopted her in Baldur's Gate but she hasn't found the need to tell anyone what it is
A drow half-elf and a College of Lore bard 🎵
Tends to face a lot of discrimination due to being a "filthy half-breed" and possessing drow ancestry, not to mention her drow parent being Lolth-sworn; her blood red right eye a telltale sign and a deep, angry scar permanently carved across it a merciless reminder of what she resents about herself
Occasionally has dreams and thoughts of the goddess Lolth speaking to her, tempting her with sweet whispers of cruelty and darkness. Mon'sun tries her damndest to resist--to stay on the path of good--but violent impulses erupt when the thin string of her patience (and sanity) snaps and it feels so fucking good
Mon'sun aligns as a chaotic neutral character. While she does try to be good, she is quite an unorthodox heroine in her personal little tale and can be pushed to make extreme decisions should she feel that they are for the better...or just whichever's a more fun option 🤭
Survived a poor and bleak childhood, but full of love in her early years; certain circumstances impacted this happiness which drastically changed everything
One of the youngest in the party, only in her early to mid 20s. And though she's not sure when her actual birth date is, she does consider the day she was adopted--saved--as such
Very resilient and versatile even through the worst scenarios (likely due to her past), but would much rather avoid problems whenever possible. She may be seen as a bit of a coward because of this though she certainly doesn't mind (she'd like to keep her gorgeous head, thank you very much!). However, there are times where she exhibits great bravery, such as standing up for the weak and defending innocents regardless of the consequences. She can also be quite mischievous and defiant with her enemies, truly a bard through and through with her vicious mockery 😈
She tries to see the good in everyone, to be patient and understanding, giving them the same chance she hopes to receive if she ever finds herself in a similar situation. However, some fuckers don't deserve that kindness and a sick, exhilarating part of her deep down yearns for the bloodshed sure to stain her hands. After all... She would only be granting them a mercy by ending their repulsive, pathetic lives...right?
She is proficient with weapons though she prefers casting spells especially ones that can be utilized from a good distance (Fireball being one of her all-time favourites--efficient and hot, both in a sexy way and an "I will feed your barbecued corpses to my widdle baby owlbear" way). She's also a fantastic cheerleader; she will happily let the stronger people on the team handle the grittier scraps of battle while she does a jaw-dropping performance of ✨️Bardic Inspiration✨️ on the sidelines (Lae'zel STRONGLY disapproves)
Skilled in stealth and sleight of hand accompanied by a biting wit (seriously, she has the potential to have been a rogue instead). Tries her best to make an honest living as a wandering bard, but whenever money and options are tight then she's driven to petty thievery. Although, as much as she hates to admit it, there is something in her that utterly relishes in the intoxicating rush of crime
Lockpicking is more so a hobby rather than a necessity for her. Funnily enough, with how much she likes to explore, she probably came across and "collected" the key that opens that mysterious door advancing the party's adventure. However, the key seems to be merely decorative because Mon'sun already opened the door since the shiny lock caught her eye as soon as the party stepped into the room! She'll even lockpick a shabby chest filled with absolutely nothing simply because she finds it to be a fun game to pass the time while everyone else debates on the next course of action (like a child being given a toy to amuse themselves with while the adults discuss boring adult shit). Astarion will even join her sometimes, and they also constantly challenge each other on who gets to disarm a trap first while the rest of the party make bets on who will win
What she lacks in strength, she makes up for with her incredible dexterity
While she is a survivor in her own right, she can't deny that pure dumb luck has saved her more times than a bard has bedded a dragon...which is definitely saying a lot
After travelling around for so long, the vast world of Faerûn has fuelled her curious mind with quite an impressive amount of knowledge along with fascinating stories to tell. But while she basks in the freedom of it all, her heart aches for a true sense of belonging; a home
She loves--and I mean LOVES--looting dead bodies. While their demise is certainly unfortunate, their loss is her grateful gain as well as a much less criminal way to obtain some quick valuables (hey, she can sympathize and get rich. It's a win-win!)
A biiit of a hoarder (perhaps she was a dragon in a past life, she jokes). Her pack is nearly always full of various junk, good and bad. She gets attached easily to these items and keeps making the excuse that "they could be handy or fetch for a pretty penny one day" all while almost never actually trying to get rid of them (DEFINITELY not me projecting myself here 👀)
She is VERY charismatic, successfully deceiving or talking her way out of many toils and even persuading powerful creatures to side with her which makes her pretty powerful, too, in her own right. On the other (much darker) hand... This sweet, cheerful bard has convinced some enemies to literally kill themselves, saving her from aaall the tough work she really can't be bothered with of ridding them herself--and she'll gladly do it again in a heartbeat. Work smarter, not harder as they say! 👏
Confident, outgoing, and playful with a flair for the theatrical; also rather perceptive to the people and things around her, but can be serious and empathetic when needed. Often tries to keep a positive (if not naive) outlook on life and continues to hold hope for a better future against all odds, yet is actually burying a devastating loneliness and pain within the depths of her soul
Can be a flirt and almost never hesitates to sleep with any man interested in her. For her, however, it's not about physical pleasure--it's about intimacy. Chasing after the high of being in someone's strong embrace, their warmth melting the icy melancholy her heart is trapped in; even if only for one, meaningless night
Despite everything, she has a big heart. She has a hard time saying no to anyone in need, her selflessness (or too much of it for that matter) sometimes leading to be a weakness. She particularly has a soft spot for children and animals, as well as being able to understand and communicate with the latter thanks to the "Speak with Animals" spell. And while she is a chaotic neutral, she instantly becomes chaotic good (emphasis on chaotic) when it comes down to animals, literally slaying everything in her path if it ensures the animal is safe from those that hurt it as well as adopting any stray back in camp if it's possible (Astarion hated it at first, until an ungodly swarm of adorable cats eventually started to appear 😹)
Besides her affinity for dramatics and the spotlight, she is usually a pretty relaxed person. That all changes, however, when a party is involved. Bring her to a lively tavern and pump some drinks into her system and she's more than ready to live it up the entire night! Good luck trying (and failing) to rein her back in... She's toootally not banned from a few taverns because of this 🙃
Talented in singing and playing many different instruments, but her main instrument of choice is the lyre. The lyre that she ventures everywhere with is from her childhood, a gift from someone near and dear to her heart. The "Spider's Lyre" as it's curiously called, in which her nimble fingers have nearly been sliced off countless times in her youth while practicing due to its dagger sharp strings, but she cherishes it like her own life
Although music is her passion--her blood--she indulges in other forms of creative art like writing and drawing when she has the time. She proudly showed off her skills this one instance when she doodled on Vlaakith's portrait in Crèche Y'llek. She believes she made it look so much better, but you could say that she and Lae'zel had...creative differences. But was it worth it even though she got chased around by Lae'zel afterwards as the gith maniacally swung her sword, Astarion giggling in the background while everyone else tried to stop Lae'zel? Oh, absolutely!
While she doesn't have much and has learned to make the most out of very little, she's quite vain and puts in the time and effort to take care of her appearance. As a bard, she lives to perform, but stands by the firm belief that her beauty needs to shine as brightly as her stage presence does lest she's hardly a bard at all
Easily makes friends almost everywhere she goes (even with more, um, questionable folks), but difficult for her to open up more and feel that she is genuinely close to someone (until she met the companions, that is)
Has a little habit where she fiddles with her eyebrow piercings whenever she's anxious or deep in thought
She's not a fan of dark spaces. She's not afraid of the dark, but being in any gloomy place for too long makes her feel uneasy and prone to panic attacks, desperate to feel the sun on her face again. One of the reasons why she's never visited the Underdark before, opting instead to learn about such dangerous beauty through books and other adventurers' experiences
When she's being idle...well, she's not very idle at all. She's always softly humming something to herself or slightly bouncing/dancing in place
Keeps the party entertained on their journey through singing and sharing tall tales. Well, "entertained" is a bit of a stretch, considering Lae'zel's always screaming at Mon'sun to shut up (spoiler alert: she won't) 🤐
Has nicknames for everyone in the party: Astarion is Astie (later on "my star" when romanced and Astarion calls her "my sun"), Gale is Big G, Lae'zel is Lae-Lae (*cough* more like Lae-Me-To-DEATH *cough*), Karlach is Spicy Mama, Shadowheart is Shady Girl, and Wyll is Bof (short for Blade of Frontiers). Can't say that everyone's too pleased with what they're so lovingly (and weirdly) bestowed with, but they just got used to it and allows only Mon'sun to refer to them as such
Can be deemed as the therapist of the group. While she absolutely has issues of her own (and plenty, might I add), she chooses instead to focus on everyone else and help them. She is super protective over them (although, one pale elf in particular has caught her favour out of all)
While she cares a lot about everyone in the party, she does consider Gale to be her bestfriend. They just get along really well together; Mon'sun proves to be an eager and like-minded listener/conversationalist to the wizard prodigy's ramblings while Gale is just thrilled that someone (and so pretty, too) is actually so kind and attentive to him as an individual, even helping him with his little--well, BIG--situation. Astarion, on the other hand... Well, let's just say that he's not as thrilled for Mon'sun to be so close to someone else, especially Gale of all weirdos 🙄
She's a pretty colourful person so it fits that her apparel is the same. She'll never be caught dead wearing something so woeful as plain ol' black or white. In fact, being so unbearably boring may just be the cause of her death!
Has complicated feelings about gods. They're interesting, for sure, and she respects anyone's beliefs in them though she wouldn't exactly put her faith in any of them let alone kneel (looking at you Vlaakith). She'd rather put her faith in herself--just like she always has--but that doesn't mean she won't take advantage of any "divine" blessings that may come her way. Such is the case when she obtained the Phalar Aluve sword from the Underdark, offering a tiny bit of her blood in exchange which pleased Eilistraee yet greatly pissed off Lolth (Mon'sun the chaos gremlin definitely got a kick out of that especially since she knows the big scary spider lady can't do anything to her...she thinks. She hopes)
While she certainly revels in having the upper hand in troublesome situations, she's not really a power-hungry person. Although, having power does have its perks. She won't lie, she has played around in her tadpole-infested mind the far-fetched but very possible idea of seizing the Absolute's followers under her own control (I mean, hey, if there's one thing she's learned during this unique little trip is that anything is possible). Not all cultists are actually evil; she likes to think that she could give them a fair shot at redemption, and it doesn't hurt that some of these cultists are powerful people that could potentially be used to "liberate the world of evil"... Blame (or rather thank) Astarion for unlocking (hehe subtle pun) this ambition of hers, though she doesn't think she could ever do this without Astarion ruling by her side--together
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Can we see the Violetshine quote list
ASKLDJSALKJDAS SURE!!! (for context anon is talking abt an ask i sent to @/wc-confessions talking abt violetshine warriorcats where i mentioned i have a quote list for her LMAOOO)
this list is a combination of quotes said by her and quotes relating to her!! just stuff that rly hit me in the mentally ill kinnie brain aksljkldjf (putting under the cut to avoid this post getting unnecessarily long LOL. also all the quotes r screenshots but bc tumblr doesnt let u post more than 10 pics im gonna write em all down manually lol)
Besides, Ratscar's words were still gnawing at Violetkit too sharply to allow her to concentrate on Littlecloud. She's not really one of us, is she? She'd heard the skinny, dark brown elder's meow as she passed the elders' den that morning. He was talking about me.
Darktail stared at her. "What's it like living with Clan cats when you know you're an outsider?"
She tried not to remember how lonely she felt in the Clan. How Pinenose's kits ignored her. How she wasn't allowed near Grassheart's kits in case she passed on an infection. "They try to make me feel welcome." Her breath caught in her throat. Don't they? Darktail leaned closer. "And yet you don't."
I'm not wanted here. I never truly was.
Twigpaw only comes to see me when she wants something. She hasn't tried to find me in the four moons since I left. Hasn't she been worried about me? She huffed to herself. She thinks her needs are more important than anyone else's.
Anger surged through her. Did no cat want her? She'd spent her life being passed around by other cats. First Alderpaw had taken her from her mother's nest. Then Rowanstar had snatched her from ThunderClan. Then Needletail had taken her to the rogues. This was the first time she'd had any choice in the matter, and she was choosing ShadowClan. They were lucky!
She searched Violetpaw's gaze for a reaction, but Violetpaw seemed unmoved. Pity swamped her. When had Violetpaw stopped expecting to be loved?
"Oh, Twigpaw." Sympathy flooded Violetpaw's gaze. "You always want to be close to some cat." "Don't you?" Twigpaw frowned, puzzled. "I guess I just didn't think it was possible."
"Let's never forget we have each other. We're kin, and that's stronger than being Clanmates or denmates. We'll always be close. Nothing will ever change that."
She didn't understand. Twigpaw had said she wanted to be close to her. They'd talked about being sisters--how that was more important than anything. You made me trust you!
"You can't leave!" she wailed. Twigpaw stared at her from among her Clanmates. "I can't stay." Why not? Fury surged through Violetpaw. Why had Twigpaw begged to stay close if she was just going to leave?
Violetpaw bit into her mouse, stung by Twigpaw's words. Violetpaw has always been sensitive. Her sister hadn't meant them meanly but it felt like a criticism.
Violetpaw glanced back at him. Talking about Pebbleshine seemed to have made him happy, even though she was dead. Was that how it was when you lost someone you loved? Her thoughts drifted to Needletail. Even thinking of her friend made Violetpaw's chest tighten with grief. I could never talk about Needletail happily. Not after what happened.
"You're abandoning me again!"
"You left me when we were in ShadowClan. And you're leaving me now. All for your precious ThunderClan! What's so special about them? They're just a bunch of meddling know-it-alls. Why do you want to be with them instead of me?"
"I don't care!" Violetshine hissed. "I don't care if you're not happy! What about me? Why am I never allowed to be happy?" Her eyes rounded as though she realized what she'd said. Her body shook. She dropped her gaze. "I'm sorry," she mumbled. "I just believed that everything was finally going to be the way I dreamed it would be."
Hawkwing pressed against them, soothing Violetshine with a gentle stroke of his tail. "Twigpaw is right," he meowed softly. "We will always be kin. We'll miss Twigpaw, but isn't it better to know she's found where she belongs than to live with her knowing she wishes she were somewhere else?" Violetshine lifted her glistening gaze. "I just wish she wanted to be with us," she mewed thickly.
He'll probably decide to move on, she told herself, trying to ignore the hollow feeling in her chest. Just one more cat who leaves me behind, whether he means to or not.
"He is," Violetshine admitted. "A bit like you. Except he follows through."
Twigpaw gasped, stung by her sister's words. "Look," she meowed, "I'm sorry about leaving SkyClan, but I just didn't belong there, as much as I wanted to." When there was no response from Violetshine, she asked, "Haven't you ever felt that way?" "More times than I would have liked," Violetshine sighed.
"This is for Needletail!"
Anger surged in Twigbranch's chest. "But you can't leave me!" She glared at Violetshine. "How can you go after all we've been through?" Violetshine stared back at her in surprise. "But you left me, over and over."
Rootpaw had heard stories about Darktail and his Kin, and how they had nearly destroyed ShadowClan. And he knew that for a while his mother had been part of the Kin, and that she had eventually helped to destroy it. But Violetshine had always refused to talk about it. Too raw, too painful, Tree had explained to him and Needlepaw.
"I can't do it," she meowed. "I worked too hard to find my kin. I could never leave Hawkwing."
"But if Bramblestar is violet toward other cats, especially those in his own Clan - cats he is supposed to care for - then he must be stopped." Her voice shook a little as she added, "I learned about that from Darktail."
Rootpaw stared at his mother. She must feel very strongly to mention Darktail. Normally she never talks about that part of her life.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
5x7 swan song. I stayed up late last night so I"m starting this watch at around 10. Also no more livejournal transcript but I do have the dustjackets one
Ooh this is fun I like a band WAIT HOLY CRAP I REMEMBER THIS EPISODE FROM MY FAMILY WATCH we just watched spinal tap so we called it the spinal tap episode but I'll call it the rockumentary episode
Love the filming style & I didn't realize at first but then heeheehee it is sdkfjskdfh love this ep
bro you are alreadu here why don't YOU help? btw love his hat
Hold on beckett's car is dark blue, not black & esposito's car is red. P nice. *still filming even tho the cops are here* I think I said "I hope the entire episode is done like this" even tho I doubted it & THEN THIS HAPPENED
KB: Ryan, get rid of the cameras. The prettiest man on earth, looking uncomfy: Yeah, I’ll … take care of it. It must be weird for the actors to pretent to NOTICE the cameras for once, & to act like they are NOT super comfy on camera
JE: How’d you like to try to film with a cracked lens, huh? Huh?
Castle is so good at being on camera
Good old les paul
*ryan trying to hide his face*
Weird accent saying "director"
At least this man holds up his finger to espt & says he needs to go on the phone
Joel Mitas: you know, a hunt for the murderer? People love that stuff. Me: Yeah, I do *gets on the phone with someone DURING THE CONVERSATION*
Lanie *looks at the camera in exasperation about castle* Oh yeah club 27
the cameraone is on the wrong side of that gun
drunk af duh, did you not see her all hungover looking>
I'd have said "cru cru crunch" At least he died happy
You can see that the cameraone is not supposed to be there bc they are hiding behind the wall Poor esposito, walks in with a court order
Gates <3 Ryan & esposito.
Heck yeah she SHOULD give an introduction but ryan looks soooo uncomfy, I want to pic that
JE: ... Welcome KR: .. Welcome
I thought he meant "see something" as in see smth romantic
Why are they all interviewed at the same time remember ithaca
Espt you can just show them the screenshot
JE: All right. (he starts to spread the photos on the table. CASTLE blocks his line to the camera) Just … (he pushes him back) … there we go. Boom. (he circles) the guy in a photo) Boom. (again) Boom. (and again) I like the editing JE, dramatically: We’ve got you now, you son of a bitch. JE to the cams: I’m sorry, can I even say son of a –
clipping the intro for sure
Don't look at the camera keep your eyes on the road *arguing* changing shirt lol each trying to impress the cameras now that they're here
*jumps over a car*
this is freaking amazing
"that ain't ketchup" & sdjfkshdkjfhsdkjfhjds
*beckett watches annoyed while esposito makes nice/dramatic for the camera JE: That’s a gift from me to you. You’re welcome, America. *turns to walk away but his partner is there & holding his face, worth a clip*
Castle shush We haven't seen the roses episode Someone should write a casefic for that Wait I didn't see a cameraone in there, is there a cameraone filming inside the room? Ryan looks so uncomfy he wants to leave *stands in the corner*
Your little girl? Will that be butterfly? This is a great twist I am loooving it "If it's ok with my partner"
I am also happy that we got better shots of the other detectives earlier this episode, I wish we knew their names tho. I might be able to catch a glimpse on the nameplates
Ryan sooo pissed I loooove it ryan the drug cop KB: That’s an interesting theory, but that is pure speculation. RC: Actually, it’s not. Pure speculation would be Swan purchasing thermonuclear technology to have a scientist make him an amplifier that went all the way to 12. This? Musicians buying drugs? (he looks to the camera) That’s just Monday morning’s crossword.
Castle is naturally good at this, "you need to introduce lanie" yk?
*leaning down a bit to show off her rack* Antivax? *looking pretty for the cameras*
Ryan is pretty sam spear cool name *ryan jumps for his keys but espt takes them from him.* JE: No, no, no, no. I got this. You stay here and work on your little research project, you being the nerve center and all. (he turns to leave) Castle? I like how we are getting castito & ryckett, it is nice. (ofc esposito takes castle bc castle is good with cameras) *ryan still standing there with his hand out "holding" his "keys"*
Castle trying to defend beckett (the beckett onion) I can clip "he went the wrong way" but tbh I'd clip everything
Going to be a film Ooh he is composing a SCORE for a FILM!
Ofc he's working with this guy, he scores music
Who the hecking heck writes SHEET MUSIC for ROCK SONGS??? Tabs are more likely. I mean, I'm a fiddler, I have arranged rock pieces on my fiddle, I should record a Holy Grail cover & that You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison cover. Actually I recorded Holy Grail improv to make it easier to score but I haven't written, but I HAVE written Prison but not recorded it. Like esposito would NOT read music I'm gonna sing for y'all later SDFDHSKJHH SO FREAKING EXCITED but also what singers use sheet music? I have some minimal classical training & I cannot sing reading off sheet music. I can play my violin just fine! Actaully,,, I struggle with the timing on written music, but if I've heard the song even once & I have the sheet music, I'd be able to figure it out. I can not, however, sing reading sheet music
the composer sitting in the back while these two talk
MAN DOES AN IMPROV MUSICAL STING HECK FRICKEN YEAH reminds me: my brother took a piano class at my fiddle camp once & the piano teacher loooved making cute dumb jokes so like here: when the geese fly in an arrow, why is one arm longer than the other? Because it has more birds in it Ba dum ts! My brother learned how to quickly hit the button on his keyboard that makes it into drum sounds & then he memorized the keys for ba dum & ts. It was INCREDIBLE (could clip that but I could clip anything)
Ooh I'm liking the music rn I like them. I wonder if they have a song in the bonus features. also the drummer is great great great. All the best drummers are shirtless. This guy tho, he is wearing a vest, a waistcoat. That's the only shirt he's wearing. Beautiful.
Beckett looks nice & good shirt too. DON'T-- BE CAREFUL WITH THE GUITAR mum noticed the tap shoes too!
strut your stuff sdkjfsdlkj
Keith: Really? You gotta film this too? KB, actually liking the cams for once: They can film whatever they want, Keith. You signed a release A drunk witness
Ithaca again ... So... You can't ask this girl...
holy crap does she realize they were filming? oh no gates is checking up on them while they have the porno If I were gates I'd also take people aside & ask them if they are doing ok with the cameras JE: You want action, check this. *starts to turn his copmouter screen* (lol action) VG: Hey, hey, hey. This is inappropriate workplace behavior. JE: This is evidence, Sir. Our suspect’s alibi hinges on this. (he smiles into the camera) VG: Oh. VG, watching closer: Oh. (She is a married woman, y'all) KB: (aside) That’s not the only thing on this video being faked. VG: *looks at her*
Ooh coly crap ryan is pretty again! I mean he always is but it is another plaid type shirt, blues & pinks, & this time he has a tie clip,, "research project" he is mad
Man wasn't a thing until 17?? ITHACA mum: cult? Me: that would explain antivax Castle: it's a cult That's clever! He added the O & the B!
the tension between rysposito
RC: Wait a second. That’s the day Swan died. So John Campbell was in town with a few days to kill. (he takes a beat, then smiles) See what I did there? KB: *sighs heavily and tips her head back in annoyance* RC: That was good. Use that. Don’t use the part where I said ‘see what I did there’. Cut that out, so a hard fade to black, musical sting. *sings the castle theme* ((clipping this)) *He turns around for support from his friends, but they’ve all walked away.*
KR: The Church of Worldly Enlightenment isn’t just your friendly neighborhood cult. It’s also a 20 acre pot farm. Run by the 300 plus members all for Campbell’s personal profit.
cameras CAMERAS his annoyed face as soon as he sees
Smart people are in cults too y'all. Oh of course he'd recruit at a youth hostel beckett still holding up her book in front of her face I love it. I mean they already have your face
Maybe the youth hostel can get rid fo the cameras. Also all the faces of the youths here should be blurred. Runaways, cult escapees, queer kids, probably way too many native ppl, you don't want your face out
I love all the flags Yuck. My church is populated by mainly FNMI people & it's a great church. Kids run on to the platform, priest says "let the children come," each month we do a finance review so we know where our money is going, transparency is important. If your church is full of natives, you want to do right. THIS church is building conciliation & reconciliation.
wanTed revenge, becks. There is a t.
I like how we saw the boom mic
I like how she says "excuse me" before answering the phone OH NO THE ALMOST-KISS
Look at them argue lol
"you" should tell beckett these two are so freaking cute also cute shirt on esposito lol castle moving away from becks what is the name of this detective? The gaunt black guy
Course he's not in the system the roadie!??!?! (but how did the cult watch get a photo of him?)
YOU WERE THE MENTOR? probably plays christian music, I know so many good camp songs... the nostalgia is real, esp as someone who considers themself separate from the roman catholic church but is still a christowitch (& christopagan during lent) & Metis folk catholic... a queer anarchosocialist catholic, seriously? an emo punk like me?
Castle & his musical sting XD
Maybe esposito really can read sheet music Power chords? Seriously? I'm not a guitarist but I'm p sure it would be better to compose smth like that with tabs or just the chord names, tho idk. But castle can read sheet music & understand like what power chords are being played & stuff?
Just grabbed my fiddle. I wish I knew the key. I thought it might be in c bc no sharps/flats but why shouldn't mess with the c in that case, then I thought it might be d bc that's a common note & I played the song in d. I have some classical & sightreading training but I'm mostly a fiddler & I learn my ear, in fact the suzuki method is very ear based. So my timing was off. But I played it & it sounds good, or it would sound good if I had full sheet music & a listen through first, & maybe if I played rock guitar. It is actually pretty easy minus the rests in odd places, but they are not bad for people with better timing than me, maybe it would be hard for guitarists to play bc they don't have bows.
He can play that, IF he has a chance to practice first, caslte you motherHecker! People like that probably don't even use sheet music! It is rare that they do! If they need to read, they will use tabs ALSO HOLD ON WHAT THE FRICK THAT WAS IN THE TREBBLE CLEFF, MY VIOLIN KEY, NOT THE BASS CLEFF WHICH IS WHAT BASS GUITAR WOULD PLAY
they did NOT get their music composer to help with the props department huh.
Give him some time to workshop it! You COULD play it probably! (also who plays with rings?)
Pique de nez
Mikey way didn't know how to play bass when they fisrt started the band "but you sure can handle a guitar" Wow this kid, poor zeke, he is upSET
also this roadie is p darn short Love how we get the tattoo visibility
you need a new bassist & a new frontman lol
Lol gates I love this XD RC: It’s what makes catching the killer worthwhile. Which is strange, because you’d think it’d be catching the killer but no, it’s – OH NO SHE SAW THE CLIP but they are not technically both employees....
castle you YOU CHILD
beckett don't pretend more crap is going on than she knows
Wow. I heard somewhere that dever & huertas did more music together at some point.
btw I need to clip this, but the into happens while gates is yelling at caskett
amazing amazing amazing amazing wonderful phenominal outstanding music them singing in the middle of the bullpen & playing instrumetns & esposito all dramatic & ryan "I taught him how to do that' & the harmonies & the silliness & the prettiness & heck I need a full song of this like holy crap he can sing high also do they.. hav etheir amps here (ryan is not singing despite having "taught" him how) it's just so good & espt is so silly dramatic & ryan is tapping on the chair & sfjkhsadjfshdkjfhdskjfhs
Is that the sstairway ppl like to go to in fanfiction oh no wait she is just locking him in a closet that was a good scene I'd maybe clip it if I don't have to return the DVDs "Hey!!"
sjhalksjdfhalskjdfhlajsdhfljkasdhfkjlh this was a great episode, I know I say a lot are my fave but I think this one is up there with the 40s episode the blue butterfly & sdfjhalkfsjdh I want to rewatch life on the murder scene now aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah this wpisode was great shdjkshfdjh it was humerous it was unique (good change of pace) it brought character & murder & sfjdkhsk music & so much hhhhhhhhhhhthis made me so happy I spent two hours on this ep & I only allow myself an hour & a half (I mean, I did grab my violin...)
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latibulesims · 2 years
Hello the gorgeous Lati! :D Would you be willing to make a tutorial or explain how you take such great sim photos with nice background and crisp lighting?
Hi Anon! <3
I'm going to assume you're referring to the portraits I have of my sims here on my tumblr, and not pictures of my gameplay over at my gameplay twitter (there I usually just take random pics as I play, and crop them. None of the technical stuff like with portrait photos)
How I take my sims portraits is pretty simple also, so i'm sorry if you're expecting more. Either way, I hope this is helpful.
Basically, I start off in an empty lot, and then include the following items:
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These recolors of MixedUp's Screenshot Background Rug. I usually go for the white or the black if they're "serious" pictures (usually of character reveals of my show) but more fun colors when it comes to portraits of my gameplay sims (see below for the difference. Same set up, same lighting, different color background)
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Lately I've opted for a clear background, as opposed to a set. I don't know, I feel like it looks way better when it comes to taking clear portraits of the sims you wanna showcase.
For lighting, I use two things:
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The invisible Floor lamp in soft light, which is just everything to me both in terms of taking portraits and filming. Can't live without it!! And how much light you use really determines the vibe you want to achieve from a certain photoshoot. Here's an example of what I mean: Fun little gameplay portrait (bright) vs. Mystery series protagonist (dark)
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If you would like to achieve different type of lightings (such as bisexual lighting, for example), I highly recommend colored lights such as this, this and this.
Of course, whichever lighting you choose, it helps to have a lighting mod such as this one!
And then, of course, OMSPs are a must-have. These are the ones I use, but there's a HUGE number of OMSPs to choose from. I also use the look at me now mod, to get the sim to look at me (the camera).
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And then, finally, I use poseboxes! There are a bunch of useful pinterest boards with poseboxes, such as here and here! For more whimsical portraits/facial expressions, I use Jaydee's boxes.
I use FRAPS to take my pictures and PHOTOSHOP C6 to edit them!
Of course, editing is also a part of the ordeal. I don't do much, but I think it does make a difference I do things such as change the levels/brightness/hue of the photos, add sharpening, and smooth out any edges! I also sometimes add shadows, but very occasionally.
Here's a side-by-side with a recent sim I took:
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I wasn't using reshade for this photoshoot in particular, but if you get it to work it helps with smoothing out some edges and adding shadowing. If you don't get it work, then don't stress too much about it because I don't think it makes that big of a difference personally! I have it off most of the time when I'm taking pictures, because I enjoy doing my editing in photoshop instead :)
If you do want it, though, here's an excellent video on how to install it for The Sims 2. I use Falkii's Turniphead reshade. The video itself also has a great reshade in the description, albeit one that's less colorful/bright (recommend more for filming than taking photos).
Please let me know if you have any other/follow up questions <3
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