#sorry to my neglected listener designs I’m so sorry-
spookybeandoodle · 1 year
Oh no! I dropped my Alexis! I hope someone doesn’t pick it up and look at it and see my doodles of little ole Alexis! That would be so so so bad-
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But in all seriousness here she is! Sorry they are messy I honestly really rushed these last night cause I was sleepy!
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bangtaninborderland · 6 months
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Summary: You disobey both of your doms, your boyfriends on their only day off, earning a difficult punishment only it goes wrong, leaving all three of you struggling.
Warnings: smut, angst, fluff, misheard safe word, oral, degrading names, mean doms jikook, spanking, hair pulling, choking, face slapping, humiliation, pet play, collars, d/s dynamic, threesome ish??
A/N: I’d had this in my drafts and decided to finish it, what do ya think? Also I’m sorry this was supposed to be all smut but I can’t help giving them angst, there is a happy ending.
BTS Masterlist
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You knew when you got home you would be in trouble, both Jimin and Jungkook had firmly told you that you couldn’t go out tonight, that they both wanted you home so you could enjoy some free time together.
You didn’t listen.
In hindsight, the idea of disobeying both of your boyfriends, your doms, seemed great in the moment but as the taxi edged closer to home you felt both excitement and guilt pool in your stomach.
Realistically you knew that you’d wasted a day of their only free time, both of them having vastly different schedules now due to the solo work meant that it was a rarity for the three of you got to spend time together other than to sleep but you felt neglected, even if you wouldn’t voice it out loud you needed them to pay attention to you and if that meant a little disobedience to push them into punishing you then so be it.
You hadn’t gotten drunk, in fact, you’d chosen an empty corner of the club and sat there all night. Ignoring looks and offers alike.
The taxi pulled up outside the apartment complex and you were sure that the journey went a little faster today. You paid the fare, selfishly dragging out the time it took you to find the exact change.
You opted to take the stairs rather than the elevator, something you slightly regret as you climb to the tenth floor, forehead a little sweaty as you push open the front door.
You knew they were both home, the shoes stacked up at the door informed you of that. You slipped your own off, along with your coat and hung them on their designated hooks. Jimin had punished you more than once for throwing the items on the floor in your excitement to join them with whatever they were doing.
You lightly tread through the apartment, ready to exit up the stairs towards the bedroom when a hand grips your shoulder. “Where do you think you’re going.”
“Kook.” You breathed out, stomach in knots as you spun on your heel to look at him. “I-I was just going to freshen up.”
“Is that what you really want to call me right now?” Jungkook's voice was low. “In the playroom, you know how we expect you.”
“But-“ you started, cut off by a firm grip on your throat.
“I will bend you over right here and make your ass the darkest fucking shade of red.” Jungkook cursed. “Don’t push me right now.”
You nod in response, the second he releases his grip you make your way to the spare room jimin had converted into a playroom. You still felt a in awe every time your foot crossed the threshold, the carpeting that had once covered the floor had been ripped out and replaced with wooden flooring, and washable rugs placed around the room.
The queen-sized bed was against the wall directly in the middle of the room. Draws lined the right wall, they had been filled with a variety of things ranging from toys to collars, to condoms and lube, even a closet in the corner filled with the most delicate outfit, all of which were hand-picked by your dominants. The entire room was a display of just how much they cared for you and loved you.
You stripped down to your panties, folding your clothes and placing them atop the small bedside table. You shifted to your knees, your body faced away from the door, your head down.
The one thing the room lacked was a clock, you hated that more than anything. You had no way to tell just how long they kept you waiting, kept you on the edge, mind overcome by anticipation.
The door was pushed open and you could hear footsteps behind you unfortunately whatever one of your boyfriends it was didn’t speak. You couldn’t ask who it was, not if you didn’t want to face adding to your punishment so you sat there staring at your hands.
A light touch to your neck had you even more puzzled, Jungkook's nails were shorter than Jimin's, and Jimin's fingers were softer than Jungkook's but you couldn’t figure it out. Not until your hair was being tugged pulling your head back giving you a clear view of the perpetrator.
He grinned. “What is my name.”
“Sir,” you answered.
“See.” Jimin clicked his tongue. “Jungkookie thinks you have forgotten how to address us. Is that true?”
“She has Hyung.” You strain against Jimin's grip to search for Jungkook but it’s to no avail. Wherever he is, you can’t see him. “Called me Kook earlier even though the little slut knew she was in trouble.”
“Now Jungkook, let’s not be hasty hm? Let’s give baby a chance to explain herself.” Jimin looked back at you, his eyes holding a familiar darkness.
Regardless of what you say you know he’s going to make your punishment hurt. You opt for silence, eyes focused on his lips.
In his dominance Jimin was powerful. His height, his build, and his physical strength had absolutely nothing to do with it. No, see, Jimin didn’t need to be muscly to be powerful. One look from him had you ready to drop to your knees and beg for forgiveness for whatever transgression you’ve committed. He was harsher than Jungkook, he was a sadist of sorts. He would never hurt you enough to make permanent marks but he revelled in the way he could turn your skin shades of red and purple.
Jungkook was entirely the opposite, he knew the strength he possessed because of his muscles. His form loomed over yours like a predator ready to attack its prey but still, he didn’t need to use his strength, he knew how to punish and play in other ways. He would ask you a question only to slap you whenever you opened your mouth, he would whisper sweet nothings all whilst choking the oxygen out of your lungs.
And you fucking loved it. You loved the way they both knew how to mould your body to their will, how to play off one another to keep you excited, and on the edge.
The only downfall was that they had picked up traits from one another, so much so that at certain times jimin would act more like Jungkook than Jungkook himself did, still, it only fuelled your fun.
“Sir asked you a question.” Jungkook reminded as he came out from behind Jimin.
“I-“ you began to answer before stopping yourself instead of opting to shake your head.
“That’s not much of an answer is it?” Jimin feigned a pout. “Is that a “no I don’t remember.” Or is it more of a “no I haven’t forgotten?”
You looked between Jimin and Jungkook before Jimin released his painful grip on your head, taking a step back as jungkook half crouched to meet your ear. “Did either of us permit you to look at us? You act disobedient and think you have the right to look at us whenever you want. Look at the floor, I don’t want to see you so much as move your head”
You bit back a whine as you focused your eyes on a spot on the floor between your legs.
“Now back to my question.” Jimin was further away now, you couldn’t see where though. “Have you forgotten how to address us?”
You shook your head again, not wanting to risk extending your punishment any further by speaking without permission.
“Speak puppy.” You could hear the smile in Jungkook's voice as he spoke the pet name. “You can talk.”
“I haven’t forgotten Sir.” You respond, still looking at the floor.
“Who am I, baby?” Jungkook asked, his voice low. “What do you call me hm?”
“Master.” You can’t stop the flush of red that graces your face as you mumble the title.
Jimin laughs, his stare is cold. “You say that but your actions prove otherwise, I can’t help but think you’re lying. Kookie, baby, what do I always say about liars?”
“They should be reminded of their place.”
“That’s right, I think we should show her exactly where she belongs and who she belongs to so for the next 24 hours you aren’t going to do anything without either of us permitting you to do so. If you need a break to use the restroom then tap one of us twice, if you’re restrained or we are out of reach then you have permission to tell us verbally but other than that I don’t want to hear you unless you’re told to speak, I want to see you on your knees unless we say otherwise.” Jimin takes a few steps closer, voice softening as he caresses your hair. “If you want to safe word out you can at any moment you can, if you don’t want to go ahead with this tell me now and we can choose alternative punishment.”
“I’m good Sir.” You whisper, leaning into his touch. “Thank you.”
“Have you eaten?” Jimin asks, crouching down so his face is in view.
You had, but not since lunchtime. “I had lunch, nothing else, Sir.”
He hums, thumb brushing over your lips. “Have you drank?”
You shook your head, you really hadn’t. Getting drunk hadn’t been the aim of your disobedience.
“Words darling.” Jungkook reminds.
You so badly want to look at them. “No Sir.”
“Okay, I’ll heat up some food, your master will keep you company.” He presses a quick kiss to your cheek before standing up. “Be good.”
And with that he is gone, leaving you alone with the younger of the pair. “Why did you disobey us?” Jungkook wonders, you hear his footsteps as he walks closer to the bed.
You debate ignoring the question but your doms hated that just as much as they hated lying. “I wanted attention, Master.”
“Little embarrassing, don’t you think? We were so excited to spend the day with you, even had it all planned out, only for you to choose some sleazy club over us.” One thing you learned about Jungkook as a dominant was that his words hurt just as much as his spankings, he never let you shy away from the reality of your words and actions. “You’re lucky we have another free day tomorrow.”
You perk up at that, unable to stop yourself jerking your head up to look at him. “Really?”
He stares at you, as though anticipating your every move. His mouth went from a forced smile to a blank canvas. “No, but now you know how hopeful we felt at the idea of coming home to you only to find the apartment empty. Head down, if I have to tell you again I’ll tie you up here and leave you all alone.”
You looked down immediately, heart heavy and stomach-churning despite the empty threat. You knew neither of them would breach one of your limits and being restrained and alone was one of them.
You hear the sheets shifting as he sits on the bed. “Crawl to Me.”
You don’t hesitate to move, the floor rough against your bare knees.
“You’re going to keep my cock warm until your food is ready.” He explains, unzipping his hands and laying back.
You spring into action, giving his cock tiny kitten licks eventually lifting his shaft to wrap your lips around his balls.
When you’d first become their submissive they had both given you a month of ‘training’, each of them showing you just how to please them. At the end of the month, they decided they would do the same, the four weeks had been spent in a state of overstimulation as they tried out every little thing they could, eventually focusing on what made you most desperate.
Jungkook groans, his hands falling onto the bed. “Fuck puppy.”
The sound only encourages you more, you take the head of his cock into your mouth before letting its length fill your throat. Within a few seconds your nose was brushing against his skin, he gave you a few seconds to adjust before bringing his hand to the back of your head and guiding your movements. You wince a little as his grip tightens when you moan around his cock.
Somehow you get carried away with time, jungkook alternating between having you cock warm him and slowly sliding his length in and out of your mouth. Your lack of a gag reflex came in handy for whenever he wanted to use you like this.
You don’t hear the door open so the sound of Jimin’s voice has you jumping in surprise, reflexes making you pull away from his dick. Jungkook is quick to stop you, hand gripping your neck before you can move away completely. “Relax.”
You go limp on his touch, letting him guide you back down. “It’s a shame you can’t be this good all the time.” He brushes a few strands of hair out of your face, thrusting a few more times before cumming down your throat.
You swallow it as it comes, choking only once as it hits the back of your throat. He pulls you off as soon as he is finished, Jimin already beside you with wipes. “Here.”
You turn your face to him, gaze still on the floor where he has set your dinner tray. It was rare food was ever brought into the playroom, both Jimin and Jungkook being meticulous about the mess it could cause. You let Jimin wipe you clean, you yearned for both praise and reassurance but considering this was a punishment you were sure you’d get none.
When he was done with your face he began putting your hair up, his hands gentle as he brushed out the knots, you let your eyes close for a few seconds before opening them again to watch as the steam flew away from your food. “You can eat now.”
You can’t deny the food looks good, they were both amazing cooks but the lack of utensils has you frowning. You want to ask but the earlier warning speaks to you in your mind, you take another breath before reaching a hand out to pick up a piece of meat only to have your hand smacked down.
“Did I tell you to use your hands?” Jiminn asks, Jungkook still in his previous spot on the bed. “You’re so silly, you can’t even figure this out without help. You’re going to eat like a good puppy, okay?”
You put your hands back on your thighs before bending to lap at the food, you can’t help but want to die from the sheer humiliation of it. You had expected a punishment, you’d expected to be spanked and probably denied a few orgasms but you hadn’t meant to get a punishment this serious, you only wanted their attention.
You lost your appetite fairly quickly but you knew how much pride Jimin took in taking care of those around him so you continued to force bites down, the bitterness of your actions weighing on you heavily, if you had just listened and stayed home this wouldn’t have been happening.
Jungkook's voice pulls you from your thoughts as you force down another mouthful. “You can finish that and then I will shower you, you’ll sleep in the guest room tonight. You didn’t want to be around us all day so I figured one extra night wouldn’t hurt.”
You wanted to argue back, to tell them that wasn’t why but instead you stayed quiet, it hadn’t been a question and you hadn’t been asked to speak. The next 24, now 23 hours were looking very long.
You ate as much as you could before pushing the plate away, being practically naked was never an issue but eating your food practically naked was a humiliating feat and you were sure your doms knew of that, they knew what they were doing.
“We will be back soon, don’t move.” Jungkook picks up your plate, Jimin trailing behind him.
The door closes with a soft click, the silence is deafening. You couldn’t help but wonder what they were talking about, you always wondered what kinds of discussions they had in moments like these, you were sure they had them ‘dom discussions’ you had begun calling them but you’d never been privy to one and probably never would be.
Once again the lack of a clock in the room becomes apparent, not even the simple ticking of a clock to keep you company.
You missed them, you missed them so much that all you could feel was anger towards yourself for your actions, your stupid actions.
You were left alone with your thoughts for a little too long and by the time the duo returned, washed and dressed, you were on the brink of tears.
“Shower time.” Jimin declared, he helped you stand before detracting himself completely, they walked in front of you as always. “Be good.” He warns before walking off to the main bedroom, the one you all shared.
Jungkook had already had the water running, the temperate a little colder than usual but still relaxing. The dominant washed your hair, the whole shower passing rather fast as he wasted no time getting you clean.
“How do you feel?” He asks, tone still firm.
“Okay Master.” You mumble back, enjoying the few light touches you got as he washed the soap out of your locks. It wasn’t a complete truth but punishments weren’t supposed to feel good, you weren’t going to complain any more when you had brought this on yourself.
He grunted in response. The water turned off when he deemed you finished. “Out.”
He wraps you in a towel before walking you to the guest bedroom. “You won’t need clothes tonight. Don’t come out of the room until one of us gets you.”
You nod, it was simple instructions really. He caresses your cheek for a second before turning around and walking away, you want to call out for a hug or a kiss but you can’t. “Goodnight.” He mumbles, closing the door behind him.
You stare at the door for a second before looking around the room, it is empty, no one other than Hoseok stayed here one night the previous year, you could hear Jimin and Jungkook laughing with each other and it created a ball of bitterness in your chest.
You turned the light off and climbed into the bed, the sheets cold and scentless. The annoyance you felt at yourself had multiplied, tripled and then tripled again, you know realistically you could safe word but that wouldn’t be right, you deserved whatever punishment they see fit.
It was safe to say you had never slept as badly as you did last night, you spent the majority of the night tossing and turning in between crying fits. Despite the fact that the loves of your life were just a few feet away you’d never felt more alone.
Jimin and Jungkook had to have been awake for at least two hours by the time they remembered you, the door opening slowly enough for you to drop into a suitable position on your knees.
“Good morning,” Jimin mumbled, pulling back the curtains. The lack of pet names hurt but you ignored it.
You tried to sound happier. “Good morning Sir.”
“Did you sleep okay?” He asked, rummaging and dropping a nightgown into your lap. “Put that on.”
“Yes Sir.” You answered to both questions, you could suck it up for another day.
He waits until you have the fabric over your head before giving you your next instruction. “Go downstairs, your food is ready in the kitchen. You can walk down the stairs but I don’t want to see you standing the rest of the way.” He gives you a little nudge when you hesitate.
You get to the kitchen as fast as your body will allow, still lacking an appetite but eager to please you delve into the pancakes on the dinner tray. Jungkook isn’t in the room but you’re sure he’s in the apartment and you haven’t heard the front door open or close.
“Good morning pet,” Jungkook spoke loudly, making you jump a little before you compose yourself mid-bite.
You swallow your food before responding. “Good morning Master.”
“Sleep well?” He asks, you hear the tap running. “I know I did, Hyung was very warm all night.”
You don’t take another bite after that, you settle for staring at the plate. “Yes, Master.”
“Hm, I think I’ll take your Sir for a morning bath, you can clean up from breakfast.” And with that, he leaves the room and you are alone with it.
You fall back on your ass, the coldness of the floor not bothering you. You wait until you hear the water running to cry, you tried to hold back, it was a punishment, one you earned, but it hurt.
All you wanted was time with them.
You gave yourself another minute of crying before brushing the tears away, splashing some cold water on your face and beginning the dishes. There weren’t many but you took your time, this was something you could do perfectly.
You finished within 20 minutes, not sure what to do you chose the safest option and sat back on the floor, head hanging low as you mapped out the design on the tiles. You’re thankful for the little clock that tells you that you have been waiting for an hour and 25 minutes when the two return hand in hand. The smell of their body wash is strong, and comforting.
“Oh look, you can do something right.” Jimin praised backhandedly but still, you took it. “Come, I want you to ride my cock, put a show on for your Master.”
You were led to the living room, a rare occurrence in scenes although not so much punishments. Jimin was already half hard and you were sure it was because they had probably been fooling around in the shower, without you.
Jungkook sat opposite you, Jimin bunching up your nightgown as he pulled you into his lap, rubbing his clothed member against your ass. “Doesn’t she look pretty like this?”
“Useful more like.” Jungkook scoffs, arms resting atop the back of the couch. “She looks best when she’s sitting on one of our ducks, where she is made to be.”
You groan a little at that, the words both sting and turn you on.
“No one wants to hear you, shut up.” Jimin complains, shoving you to stand up as he pushes his shorts down. “I want you to sit here and be quiet, you’re nothing more than a pretty little flashlight for me to enjoy. Toys don’t make noise.”
You bite your cheek, and the feeling of his hardening member inside of you makes you want to rock back but you know better, you take what’s given to you as the pair continue their conversation as though you’re invisible.
“You wanna watch a movie?” Jungkook asks, toying with the control.
“Yeah, not an action though, maybe a romance?” Jimin adds, slapping your thigh as you gasp when he moves his hips. “Actually an action is probably better, to drown out the unwanted noise.”
Jungkook smirks and you bite down the sadness that swims in your chest.
The movie starts and Jimin stays still other than shifting every few minutes, you can’t help the way you get wet.
You drown out their conversation, counting the amount of black spots you can see on the rug only to be pulled back by a slap to your cheek. “You’re sitting here doing nothing yet you still can’t fucking listen?”
“S-sorry.” You stutter out.
“Fucking pathetic,” Jungkook mumbles as he takes his seat again.
The words run heavy in your mind, pathetic, stupid, useless and suddenly you’re silently crying with Jimin still inside you. You’re thankful the movie really does block out unwanted noise.
Maybe you were unwanted in general.
“I’m gonna fuck you now, make as much noise as you want.” Jimin growls in your ear, hands groping your tits as he fucks into you. His movements are fast, a sign he has been holding back for a while. You let out soft gasps and moans, his cock filling you up with more than you can handle but despite that you know, you just know you aren’t enjoying it.
“Yellow.” You whisper, you expect everything to stop but it doesn’t, nothing stops, in fact, jimin speeds up hips stuttering as he chases his release. “N-no” you speak a little louder.
You look at Jungkook, his head snapping to yours and Jimin thrusts inside you one last time and cums, as though just processing everything jungkooks eyes widen. “Hyung pull out now.”
“What?” Jimin asks, confused. “Wh-
You can no longer hold back your sobs, the second they tear free jimin is carefully pushing you off him and cradling you in his arms. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you? Baby, are you hurt?”
You can't muster a response, you just let yourself cry spewing endless apologies. “Sorry I’m-I’m sorry.”
“I think she safeworded.” Jungkook explains, running in with the box of things you’d compiled together for incidents just like this. “Here, water.”
You feel a bottle being pressed to your lips. “Baby, can you drink for me?”
“No S-sir.” You shake your head.
“Not sir baby, just min okay?” Jimin rubs a hand through your hair, Jungkook holding your hand and drawing circles to help you calm down.
“Such a good girl, you did so well, I’m so so proud of you.” The younger of the pair spoke, still holding the open bottle of water. “Please try and drink some for me sweetheart.”
You move your head out of Jimin’s chest with great reluctance, taking a few sips of water before denying it anymore.
“Thank you,” Jimin whispers in your ear. “Are you ready to talk about what happened?”
“Can we- bedroom?” You ask, too drained to explain it all.
“Of course,” Jungkook answers, taking you out of Jimin’s arms and carrying you up the stairs to the main bedroom.
Only when all three of you were settled into the bed, you in the middle with one of them on either side, did they prompt you to start talking.” Take your time darling.”
You don’t exactly know how to explain it to them. “I guess.. it didn’t feel good? I know punishments aren’t supposed to, but this hurt emotionally.”
“Okay.” Jungkook squeezes your hand, his fingers interlaced with Jimin’s behind you. “Thank you for sharing that baby, can you explain when it started to feel like that?”
“Yesterday when I…” you trailed off.
“Sucked me off?” Jungkook supplied and you nodded.
“I just thought I was being too emotional but you didn’t comfort me at all and I had no reassurance. Neither of you touched me more than you physically had to and then being secluded in the second bedroom just made me feel shut out and unwanted.” You feel embarrassed at how silly it sounds, you did wrong and were punished, of course, it would have been difficult for you.
They both take a moment to process it, Jungkook looking a little more sullen. “Fuck, I’m so sorry.”
“Anything else you want to add?” Jimin asks softly. “Take your time.”
“I didn’t…I didn’t act against you because I wanted attention in that sense, I miss you both. Lately, neither of you has been home and I just…I feel so lonely. You get to see each other most days at work but I don’t even have that luxury. It seemed like a good idea at the time but I feel awful, I wanted your only free day and you think I’m just ungrateful and pathetic.” You knew you’d broken one of your own rules, to never take something said in a scene as how they see you or view you outside of it but for some reason, today, it was harder. The mean words and cold shoulders were all you could think about.
“We don’t think you’re ungrateful or pathetic, we misjudged the situation and that is our fault. As your dominants, we have a responsibility to make sure you’re safe and happy and both today and yesterday we failed at it massively. Apologies will only do so much but I promise I will make it up to you every single day, I’m so sorry I haven’t been here for you.” You chance a glance at Jimin as he finishes talking, only to have your heart broken when you see him wipe a stray tear away. You don’t even chance to look at Jungkook, sure he is fairing the same way if not worse.
“It’s not your fault, work is important but I just- I don’t know.” You huff, words and emotions just too much. You let your head drop against Jungkook's chest, his heart beating faster than usual. “I’m sorry we failed you today as doms and boyfriends.”
You shook your head. “You didn’t fail me, I should have been an adult and talked to you about how I felt instead of ignoring what you both said.”
“No baby we did fail you, talking as just your dom, we failed you. We should have been more consistent with our check-ins and should have discussed your actions more before punishing you. I think between myself and Kook we both thought the other was being affectionate so we held back a little so as to not overly indulge you but that was a stupid assumption that will never be made again.” Jimin argues, his hand tracing circles on your stomach.
“I’ve never had a problem with the way you chose to punish me. I like it but this time it just hurt more emotionally.” You explained, not wanting them to change because regardless of how you felt about the punishment you loved them as doms and people.
“And that is our fault,” Jungkook says, not as a question. “And I will never let something like this happen again.”
“I think from now on we will be more comforting even through punishments, even if that particular day you don’t feel it’s necessary I think we.” He gestures to himself and Jungkook. “Would feel better knowing you are okay. I also want you to be honest next time, the second it doesn’t feel right, even if you’re unsure of why, you call yellow okay?”
“But I did…” you mumble, although you hadn’t done it straight away you’d done it when you desperately needed it and for a second it had been ignored. “On the couch I did.”
“I know.” Jimin mumbles. “I didn’t hear you, that’s no excuse but I truly didn’t and the second we realised it all stopped. I won’t say “I’m sorry” for that because no apology would be good enough. Doll if you want to leave the arrangement, you have every single right to. If you feel as though you can trust us then do not force yourself to be our submissive because that’s something based on trust and a mutual agreement. Nothing will change within our relationship if you choose to let go of that aspect.”
“Really?” You eye them both. “You’d stay even if I didn’t want to be your submissive?”
“Baby we aren’t with you because you’re an amazing submissive, we are with you because you’re an amazing human being. You take care of us, you remember the smallest details like when we mention something we want on our diet you turn up with it the second we can eat freely, you brighten up the room just by being there, you’re so hard working and always do your best. You have the most beautiful thoughts in life, you’re strong and honest. You have so many amazing qualities that I couldn’t list them all even if I tried but I am in love with you.” Jungkook stared at you, his eyes conveying everything his words couldn’t. “So am I” Jimin adds.
“I don’t want that, I don’t want to change anything. I love you both and this was an accident, we both did things wrong and next time it will go better. Things won’t be perfect and when they don’t go well we will discuss it and come out of the other end better and stronger. I trust you with my life.” You look at both of them, all three of you smiling stupidly through tears. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” They spoke in unison, both placing kisses on your head. “How about we order food and spend a day taking care of the baby?”
You know the question isn’t directed to you, it always makes you feel small whenever they talk about you as though you aren’t there, small and cared for.
“Yeah I think that sounds good, I’ll go make us some tea. Maybe sit on the couch? I’ll grab some blankets.”
“Couch sounds good. Baby?” Jimin nudges you, drawing your attention back. “Couch?”
You nod. “I thought you had work?”
“Oh no baby, I know I told you that we had only been given one day off but we have the whole week.” Jungkook looks horrified as he explains. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have been spiteful in that way it was wrong.”
“What did you do?” Jimin frowns.
“I told her that we had another day off and when she got excited and asked if I was being serious I told her no. I didn't realise she was truly upset by it.” He explains hurriedly.
“You dumbass.” Jimin scolds, reaching out to slap the back of his head. “Why would you do that.”
“I wasn’t thinking.” He explained honestly. “I didn’t mean to be such an ass.”
“It sucked but I wasn’t that sad.” You explain, both of them clearly over analysing every little thing, yes you were sad but not sad enough to warrant them being this cautious. “I don’t want you to be worried about everything you say and do, I’m normally great at understanding the difference between what you do and say in a scene and how you feel outside of them.”
“It doesn’t mean we should say things that could disappoint you on purpose.” Jungkook retorts, running a hand through his hair as he sits on the end of the bed.
“You were being sarcastic Kook, I can tell the difference. I don’t want you to beat yourself up because a scene went wrong, it happens, this won’t be the last time but I’m okay, I’ll be okay after a week of pampering.” You tease them both.
“You’re far too good to us.” Jimin sighs, burying his head in your neck.
The day played out slowly, all three of you migrating to the couch with a heap of blankets. You’d gotten fried chicken whilst watching a movie, they had agreed to watch whatever movie you wanted, and you’d settled on a comedy that had all three of you crying with laughter.
They had been checking in with you constantly, tending to your every need, whispering reassurance and comforting words to you whenever they could. By the end of their break, the incident had been forgotten and you were already excited about whatever happened during the scene you’d all planned for their last free day.
You’d been sitting in the playroom for a while, both of them coming in and out of the room frequently, more than they usually would have.
“How are you feeling puppy?” Jimin asked, hand running through your hair. “Good?”
“Perfect Sir.” You respond with a smile.
“Let me see your pretty face.” You lifted your head as Jungkook had told you to. “Beautiful.”
Jimin took a step back, not before kissing you softly. “Is there anything you want to try in particular today puppy?”
You bit your lip, gathering the confidence to ask for what you’d wanted for the past two days. “I want.. a punishment Sir.”
They both give you a confused look. “Why?”
“Because I don’t feel good about my actions, I feel unsettled knowing I broke a rule and then safeworded out of my punishment.” You explain.
Jungkook shook his head, moving to undo the collar he had put on you, only stopping when you moved your hands up to cover the buckle. “No, I don’t- I don’t need to stop.”
“We aren’t going to do a scene if you aren’t in the right headspace darling, your safeword is there to protect you, you can use it whenever you want for whatever reason and you will never have to make up for it or feel bad for it.” Jungkook explains, caressing your hands as he pulls them away. “I need you to be absolutely sure you understand this before we play darling.”
“I do, I do Master I do I promise but I just don’t feel right, I want to be good and I don’t feel good and you telling me I’m good isn’t going to help I need to feel like I’ve done good, like I made up for disobeying.”
“Okay.” He gives in after considering for a few moments, and Jimin nods in agreement.
“I think 50 spanks will do?” Jimin asks Jungkook.
“20 with the paddle and 30 with my hand.” Jungkoom responds, a smile across his lips. “You do the paddle.”
“Oh, you really want her ass red huh?” Jimin laughs, grabbing the familiar black one from the rack.
Your heart warms seeing them play around with one another in this way. “Come over baby, lay cross my lap.” Jimin instructs, before you can move Jungkook is attaching a leash to the back of your collar, you begin crawling behind him as if programmed to do so.
Jimin watches your every move, your hips swaying as you crawl across to him and climb into his lap. “Doing so well for me.” You preen at the praise, heart thumping as you prepare yourself for the first blow.
Jimin has a way with the paddle, he wrists flexible enough to swing the paddle on every inch of flesh on your backside. You feel yourself both relaxing and tearing up as the worries in your mind quieten.
You feel yourself being moved from Jimin’s lap and you can’t help but whine, despite the light throbbing on your ass you feel comfortable, relaxed. You quieten when Jungkook taps your thigh. “Hush puppy, I’m going to do your last 30.”
“Sorry Master.” You put as he pulls you over his lap, the rough material of his jeans uncomfortably digging into your skin. “Hurts.”
“You can deal with it darling, take what I give you.” He lands a smack to your ass before you can complain further and as he does all thoughts are knocked out of you.
You’re thankful they don’t tell you to count because once again you get lost in your own thoughts, the repetition of the smacks soothing you. “Taking it so nicely.” You hear Jimin and can’t help but reach out a hand for him, relaxing again once he takes it.
“All done,” Jungkook speaks, you blink away the confusion in your head. “Baby’s out of it.”
“She needed this.” You hear jimin but don’t bother moving from the crook of Jungkook's neck, the smell of his cologne comforting. “Poor baby.”
You loved moments like this, where you were thoughtless, with no worries, no guilt, just the soft buzz of subspace and your doms, boyfriends taking care of you. “Love you. Thank you.” You mumble into his skin.
“Don’t thank me, baby, you took your punishment so well for Sirs. You can sleep okay? We will have a bubble bath when you wake up.” A bath sounded good but sleep sounded better so you let yourself be pulled into whatever dream was awaiting you.
When you woke up you felt warmth all around you. Their bodies pressed flush against yours in the large bed. “Awake sweetheart?” Jungkook whispers. “Hyungs sleeping.”
You look at the way jimin had a hand tangled in jungkoks, his other arm wrapped around your torso. The three of you entwined in one way or another. It was moments like these that made their hectic schedules worth it, you’d had countless arguments before, disagreements, struggles, and bad days but you had an abundance of amazing ones, ones that made every single hard day worth it. You loved them, you were in love with them, and you always would be. “Love you.”
“I love you too,” Jimin mumbles in his sleep making you and Jungkook laugh.
“I love you two.”
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sixosix · 11 months
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tags second chance, angst and fluff, time-skips, DARK HUMOR, lovers to exes to lovers again, profanity
written for art @aanobrain, who i made a bloodpact with saying that if i were to write this they’d write me xiao, so here we are. hope u like it art
a/n wc 4K kaveh lore spoilers but i didn’t follow the canon timeline. kaveh meets al-haitham BEFORE the palace of alcazarzaray. also this has two parts
next part
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kaveh first saw you when he was presenting his nth draft proposal to his fellow group members.
it’s stressful, it’s a mess, kaveh is lost, and so, so tired. this group is certainly the worst one he’s had yet, but he’s too far deep to back out now.
tamara sighs deeply, like a tired mother, and kaveh’s temper flares, “i understand your need to express your love for aesthetics, but don’t you think that it’s unwise to sacrifice practicality?”
kaveh’s jaw ticks. “sacrifice? i’ve already explained that i’ve thought of every detail to consider. give me something to work on, actual criticism, without just slandering my ideals.”
tamara enjoys insulting his beliefs because she is nothing like kaveh. or maybe it’s because he is nothing like her.
it always is like this. snobs treat his proposals—bursting at the seams with unique ideas yet never neglecting quality—like a joke, and they never get past getting called drafts. he never gets past calling any of his first proposals a success.
“the outside world wouldn’t be as lenient as we had been to your designs, you know,” another of them says. one of his mentors. “tamara is right. we don’t have to get too detailed. here, listen, what if you just change up the strange curve of this wall? and this pillar you…”
outside world, kaveh thinks bitterly. he had already dealt enough with the outside world, but keeping him cornered against a wall he had been building against them was far worse than that.
yet he can’t say this. he’s said enough already. if tamara’s face were to get any redder, he’d lose the opportunity for the materials collectively funded by these people.
kaveh sighs, defeated. “i know. i’m sorry i snapped. i’ll take in your suggestions. what did you say must be removed first?”
“hold on,” one of his group mates speaks up. anis leans her chair over to another table, tapping the shoulder of someone kaveh is sure he’s never damn seen before. “hey, what do you think?”
you squint at kaveh’s work, unfazed by anis interrupting your studies. kaveh doesn’t want to, but he can’t look away. “i don’t understand some of it, but it’s nice. this building would look beautiful in the jungle.”
anis returns the front of her char’s legs on the floor. “ahh, you think?” she muses, handing the paper over to you. “well, an outside perspective is just as important.”
with a pen in your grip, you point at somewhere kaveh can’t quite see, blocked off by the back of the paper. it’s blocked off your face, too. “could use a bit more ornamental flora. too little over here if you’re going to already add it. life doesn’t just come from bright colors, but other forms of life as well.”
“spoken like a true amurta darshan.”
you huff proudly, lowering the paper and revealing your smile. kaveh stares, and stares.
knowing how to appreciate beauty as he does is a trait he has always admired. he secretly takes your suggestions to heart, planning to pull another all-nighter for a few sketches. this is the beauty of the akademiya; why he never gave up as soon as he was first brought down—he learns so much every day.
his heart races just at the thought of it. it’s been days since he felt this.
kaveh wonders if he’ll see you again and doesn’t get much time to think about it again when he’s pulled back to reality, back to yet another proposal that’s been erased so many times, it looks more like a smudge of ink than something kaveh would proudly call his.
kaveh sees you again in the house of daena hunched over a book with your face pinched, sitting next to someone, and he thinks that might’ve been when he fell in love.
but no, that can’t be right. that’s not how love works. it takes time, courage, long nights, restless mornings—this is just him a few feet away from someone whose words he admired.
this must be more like passing by a picture that caught his interest. this must be more fleeting, more like what he deserves, like how the yolk is shaped perfectly on his breakfast for the first time in weeks, how the weather is perfect for smooth construction without disaster, or how his mother did not at least cry too much in a day.
he had only been trying to pass by and continue annotating the book he promised himself to get back to, which happened to be slotted on the shelf in front of your table. it’s sheer luck. and he might’ve taken advantage of it.
the student next to you is speaking. cyno, kaveh recognizes belatedly. “do you get it? because wave could refer to the motion of your hands, but it could also refer to an ocean’s wave, or what is the result of the wind blowing over the surface of—”
you clutch your head. with your eyes off the books scattered across the desk, kaveh sees this as a sign to turn away, a small smile on his face as he listens to your voice. it’s pleasant, much more than the ones he hears all the time around him. “please, cyno, have some respect for your senior and have mercy on the bags under my eyes.”
“i am,” cyno says sternly. “i am cheering you up. perhaps it’s because you aren’t under-sand-ing my jokes.”
when kaveh risks a glance, you throw a crumbled paper onto cyno, which he catches with unblinking ease.
“don’t make me call tighnari here,” you threaten, holding a pen to his face.
“is he going to give me pun-ishment?”
kaveh gets his wits about him again and realizes that he had been picking more books than he needed, just in time to hear more of cyno, unfortunately.
“did you not understand? you see, the word punishment has pun in it, which is what i’m—”
“that’s it.” the sound of a chair sliding across the smooth floor echoes in the quiet halls. “you sit there alone. think about your actions; i’m going to get lunch without you.”
kaveh takes a step forward, you do so backward, and you catch each other’s eyes from the synchronized movement.
somehow, meeting your eyes makes his heart jump to his throat. he can’t tell if this is better or worse than when you were just at a different table and he didn’t have the chance to speak with you.
it becomes a moment too long: kaveh gets nervous, spinning around on his heels and pretending to look for more books. this is unlike him. his head aches trying to think about it.
once you leave, kaveh approaches cyno.
“cyno,” kaveh says with a smile.
“kaveh,” cyno acknowledges. “why were you just watching us? was there something wrong?”
kaveh’s blood drains from his face. “was it that obvious? was it?”
cyno nods. “you’re terrible at acting casual.”
kaveh sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “ugh—whatever. cyno, hey, listen. that person you were with…”
“y/n?” he tilts his head. “did you need anything?”
“no, no.” kaveh repeats your name in his head, and files it away for later. “do you want to get lunch?” he asks, which he later realizes is an unspoken invitation for a new side of cyno he wishes he didn’t know. the puns hurt his head more than frustrating clients.
kaveh sits by himself in lambad’s tavern, lazily rocking his glass back and forth.
he’s made friends. plenty. but he’s not sure if he can confide in them if he were to go to them in this state.
he thought could consider al-haitham as one, but that blew over on his own face some time ago. it was a mess. kaveh’s not sure which hurt more: when he felt his own spite with how he trembled in spitting al-haitham’s name, or the fact that someone he almost considered a best friend seemed unfazed at all when they both knew that they wouldn’t talk to each other the next day.
al-haitham removed his name from the thesis, and kaveh tore up the copy he had of it. but unlike al-haitham, kaveh couldn’t bear the guilt and pieced them back together.
now they haven’t spoken for a while.
and he sits here, frustrated to the point of near tears.
he’s never felt as lonely as he feels right now, burdened by the stress accumulated from all those years with no one to tell him that he’s doing something right, that he’s going in the right direction. it feels childish, but when he closes his eyes, he can vividly imagine someone patting his shoulder, telling him he’s proud to call him his son, or someone pulling him close, kissing his forehead, telling him that she’d come back for him.
kaveh picks up the glass and takes a long sip.
“are you even allowed to drink?” someone says, too close to him.
kaveh inhales sharply, unfortunately breathing his drink along with it. he chokes on it, and some dribbled past his lips as he turns to the sound of the familiar voice.
you quirk an eyebrow. kaveh wants to gape.
“it’s coffee, and i’m allowed,” kaveh mutters hoarsely, flustered. how long have you been there? were you just watching him?
“but you’re pretending it is alcohol?”
kaveh looks away. he was hoping that no one would notice his dramatics.
“it’s funny,” you tell him. kaveh wasn’t really hoping to appear funny in his sorry state.
you call for lambad and tell him you want your usual. when lambad returns, he hands you a half-full glass of what kaveh could smell as alcohol. maybe he should’ve done the same, but his goal was to feel awake enough to finish his due project, not intoxicated and slurring his words together.
“well?” you turn to him, your cheek against your palm as your arm rests against the counter. “are you gonna act like it and bemoan your regrets?”
students of the akademiya have started to become familiar with the fact that kaveh is a one-of-a-kind genius. names like light of kshahrewar started to circle the halls loud enough for kaveh to hear it from rumors and to his face when they asked to collaborate with him or when they ask for too much of his time.
he was expecting you to do the same. he wouldn’t even blame you if you tried because he wouldn’t hesitate to say yes. yes, yes, i want to.
there is no liquid courage here, just the presence of you and his muddled mind finding it far too comfortable.
“my mother remarried,” he says.
you blink, pausing mid-way through drinking your fill. “oh…?”
“i’m happy for her,” kaveh says, confident, firm.
“here’s to that.” you clink your glass against his.
you weren’t taking it as a happy statement. he doesn’t want sympathy, but he knows that whatever you’re thinking is the irrefutable truth. perhaps you were mourning with him because he, too, knows that there’s nothing content about him when he has to reassure himself out loud.
kaveh wants to ask so many questions. he wants to pull out the stacks of papers shoved in his briefcase, ask you what you think of it, listen to you tell him that you understand its beauty, but it’d be more beautiful if he weren’t so afraid and confined in someone else’s ideals. he needs to hear you say it because he knows you’d say the exact same thing as he wants.
instead, he sits quietly, watching you from the corner of his eyes, entranced.
and kaveh—he’s longing. or maybe he’s just starting to feel loneliness. 
“so, what happened between you and al-haitham’s group project?” you ask, wearing a smile that spells out you know exactly what you’re getting into.
“oh, don’t even get me started,” kaveh groans.
the night ends with his heart a little lighter than it was before. (this is still fleeting, right?)
it seems like after that, you’re just everywhere and always by his side. kaveh loves it. especially when he’s too caught up with the world and needs someone to distract him enough to remember that the world is splendid.
despite his desperate attempt at drowning himself in coffee in hopes of being able to remodel at least three rejected drafts, he doesn’t get anything done at all.
he knows that giving in and offering to help out everyone who asks him for it isn’t healthy. he knows it, and he sees the effects on his face, the paleness of his skin, and the mess of his hair.
when kaveh stares his paper down, he can almost see himself on it. not a reflection, but a shadow. it looks like a bird’s nest. he might as well get feathers to go with his hair and complete the look.
someone taps his shoulder, and kaveh somehow doesn’t feel like reacting accordingly. “kaveh, is that you? are you kaveh?” the stranger asks, all in one breath.
it takes him a few seconds. breathing in and out deeply. he turns around, hopes the eyebags on his face aren’t as heavy as they feel, and smiles.
“ah!” he recognizes the student. a few years younger than him. he can’t quite come up with a name right now. “thank goodness. they told me that you could help me with this, i knew you wouldn’t disappoint.”
“oh,” kaveh says, quiet.
if any of his friends were here, they’d glare him down, tell him that he’s going to bleed himself dry if he even thinks about saying anything aside from no. but they aren’t, and kaveh’s heart is bleeding out instead.
“what is it?”
you come stumbling in between him and the younger student, whose eyes bulge out of his eyes. he seems to be shaking, if kaveh were to look any closer.
without warning, you throw an arm over kaveh’s shoulder, leaning down to press your chest against his shoulder blade. kaveh’s breath hitches.
you tilt your head to appraise the cowering junior. “oh,” you say, as if not realizing he had been there all along. “daneh. did you need anything?”
“no. no, no, i don’t,” daneh splutters. “i’ll take my leave, i think— i think i should— please excuse me.”
while daneh runs off, kaveh tries to recall his breakfast and the procedure he did in his head to calm down and give himself the boldness to meet your eyes. what is happening to him?
dried fish fillet pan-fried until crispy, served in creamy, white sauce, sprinkled with mint—
“kaveh,” you say. your voice is too close to his ears, which he is sure is turning red.
—kaveh, kaveh, kaveh.
“y/n,” kaveh says, defeated, the grip on his quill faltering. “what was that about?”
he thinks he can feel a grin, and he badly wants to see what it would look like on your face. “i don’t remember telling you my name.”
curiosity wins. kaveh can’t help but smile along with you when he sees it. “you did it on purpose?” then, “cyno told me.”
“you asked around about me?”
“yes, i did,” he says, almost petulantly.
the way your mouth tips to one side more makes your beam come off more smug. “is that so?” you say, and kaveh feels like he’s bared himself to the world. “what’s this?”
kaveh follows where you’re pointing. it’s a mindless sketch he was practicing with; he doesn’t remember drawing half of it. “i was… oh, i don’t know, i just needed a break.”
“this is what you do on your break?” your fingers hover over the page as you trace the curved columns and drooping roof. “green. they look like leaves,” you tell him quietly.
kaveh’s smile turns softer at your sincere awe. “i know.” he wonders what’s going on in your head, then wonders if he’s worth knowing. “what do you think’s missing?”
“i’m no architect, but it could use a bit more of a… splash, you know? color. maybe some—”
“ornamental flora?” kaveh finishes for you. “you’re right. there’s no need to worry about this, though. i must have been on autopilot creating this.”
“straight to the bin it goes? what a shame. it’s stunning.” there’s a seat right there, yet you insist on being pressed against him, bent over, still too close to his ear. you talk about beauty, and kaveh asks himself if you’ve looked at yourself. “i suppose i don’t understand how geniuses work. you are one of a kind, light of kshahrewar.”
then he is suddenly so aware of your hand having trailed upwards, resting on his nape. as you move, your skin rubs absentmindedly on where the hair fades. he shivers.
he hates that title. he feels like he doesn’t deserve any praise he receives at all. yet when you say it—
“you blush a lot,” you point out. kaveh wants to dig a hole and lay there forever. “it’s cute. your expressiveness is charming.”
“don’t—just say that.” his face is so, so red.
al-haitham finds him alone at the same table that night, unable to focus on anything but his racing thoughts. something is wrong with him, he’s sure. he’ll have to pay tighnari a visit and retrace if he’d picked the wrong mushroom.
al-haitham—and kaveh doesn’t know how he’s managed to figure it out so easily—makes a face that would be the closest thing to a smile. “i like y/n,” al-haitham says, out of the blue.
“what,” kaveh says flatly, coiled up like a cat prepared to pounce.
“smart enough to pull you back down and smart enough to make you listen.”
“it’s—” kaveh wants to say it’s not like that, but he goes silent thinking about it. “fuck off. you wouldn’t get it.”
al-haitham tilts his head to the side. “you’re the one not ‘getting it’.”
thankfully, al-haitham leaves him be. they are still on awkward terms, after all.
“oh,” kaveh says intelligently one morning. oh, no.
tighnari’s ear twitches. “the star of the show is here, finally.”
“everyone,” kaveh starts solemnly as the door slams shut behind him. the wind blows, and kaveh’s hair flutters, looking like he came straight out of those films.
“how has dealing with your recent client been looking?” tighnari asks with a smile. cyno and al-haitham nod because they probably didn’t think of even asking that. it’s why tighnari is kaveh’s favorite.
but he is not here to talk about that.
kaveh slams his briefcase on the table, rattling their glasses. “i’m going to confess.”
al-haitham makes a face. “who are we confessing to?”
“not we, al-haitham. stay out of this,” kaveh says. al-haitham’s expression doesn’t change. “i’m going to confess, and it’s going to be so romantic. no one can say no.”
“i would say no.”
kaveh glares, snatching his glass. “al-haitham, just be quiet. the adults are talking. this isn’t about you.”
“you invited us out here,” al-haitham points out.
cyno tilts his head. “to y/n, right?”
“about time,” tighnari sighs.
“yes, to y/n. and what do you mean about—” kaveh huffs, getting red in the face, flustered. “hey, aren’t you guys going to stop me? tell me this is a bad idea and that i’m going to ruin this meaningful friendship i have with y/n?”
“everyone wants you to confess already,” al-haitham says, as if kaveh is stupid for not realizing that. maybe he is.
cyno hums thoughtfully. “if i stop you, i think y/n will murder me with bare hands.”
“oh,” kaveh says, pleased. whatever that means. “alright, then, thank you.” he downs the glass of water—it was al-haitham’s, most likely, judging by the incensed expression on his face—and grabs his briefcase again.
“where are you going— kaveh, hey, where do you think you’re—” tighnari smacks his hand on the table, yelling after kaveh, who’s already by the door.
kaveh’s confession is messy, quick, and probably not as romantic as he had hoped, stumbling over his words and feeling as brave as an infatuated schoolgirl.
“pinning me against the shelf like this is quite the move, kaveh,” you say, and kaveh snaps back to reality. “why are we hiding?”
“sorry,” he splutters, backing off a bit but not enough to have you far from touching him. “i don’t want—someone could see us.”
“now, why are you afraid of that?” you grin, sly enough to make kaveh comprehend that you know exactly what he’s called you over here for. you do the—the thing again, where you trace shapes on his nape, and he shivers helplessly.
“i like you too much,” kaveh says, his face too red to be passed off as sunburnt.
suddenly, all the confidence he thought he had when he left the tavern dissipated. “you know what i mean. can you—no, will you… ugh, i’m not doing it right—”
you meet his gaze, and you don’t look away, the long silence starting to grow distressing for kaveh.
“kaveh,” you say softly, and that’s when kaveh’s expression crumbles. it could be because of how you said it, carving his name with your mouth so tenderly, but really, it’s because he feels like you wouldn’t look at him the same way ever again.
you cup his cheek, pulling him closer to you by his hips. “yes, yes.”
“wait,” kaveh says, “really?”
you bristle, tilting your head down. are you embarrassed? kaveh feels a thrill run down his spine. “yes. about time—we finally did something about the unbearable tension between us. so, if you’re willing to have me…”
“yes, yes,” kaveh says, to all of that. “god, yes.”
embarrassed, you bury your face on his shoulder. kaveh can’t hide how fast his heart is beating when you’re directly on top of it. when you’re in it. “but listen, kaveh, i don’t know if i can stay here in sumeru forever. and i know it will be hard. so if you aren’t—”
kaveh is too happy to think too hard about that.
“no,” kaveh says, “no, i still want to try. please, let’s try.”
“okay,” you breathe, smiling brightly. “kiss me already, will you?”
kaveh prays and prays and thanks their archon that this isn’t fleeting. don’t let it be, not when he has you, and he has already found out your lips meld perfectly with his.
lord sangemah bay commissions him.
in the first few minutes after dori told him that she could care less about what he wanted to do with the place, kaveh didn’t know what to do with himself. he wanted to do everything, but when all of it comes rushing at once, he’s frozen in place instead.
he takes a step in the direction of the house of daena, then another, and another, until he’s sprinting and his heart is racing enough to have a smile crack across his face.
he spends the night in there. he feels crazy; other students can sense madness in his eyes. they all leave him be, as if they know that once they ask, kaveh will never stop talking.
kaveh feels his wrist sore, but he can’t stop. he wouldn’t be able to if he even tried, not when he thinks of a sinking leaf for a roof, windows shaped like petals, and your words—
kaveh pauses, glancing at the clock that has definitely been spinning faster than he remembered.
it’s sunrise. he gets back to work.
“you’re grinning ear-to-ear,” you say, poking kaveh’s cheek. “you’re not telling me something.”
kaveh isn’t. but only on purpose. he takes your hand and uses it to kiss the back of your palm as he blinks up at you, the embodiment of innocence. “what are you talking about? i told you about it. dori commissioned me, and she said that i’ll be in charge of the approval of the design and the construction process…”
while kaveh explains all this, gesturing wildly with his hands, he trails off when realizing you had just been staring at him fondly. his heart skips a beat or two.
“why—why are you just staring like that?”
“it’s hard not to.”
he kisses you square on the mouth, the blueprint of the palace of alcazarzaray hidden beneath his palms, and he thinks he’s never been happier.
(and under the same stars, the withering slithers in, and everything crashes down faster than kaveh could even say please, no.)
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a/n art if you’re reading this i didn’t tell you but this is actually a second chance fic cus i remember you saying it’s one of your favorite tropes 🤧 but anyway ty for reading!
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mooncakesofpan · 1 year
Chapter 2
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The life of a top designer is stressful in itself how much will change when you find 2 glowing eyes peering back at you from your yard.  
Poly!Skz x Tall!Nonbinary!Reader
Series Warnings: mention of abuse, hybrid au, omegaverse themes, strong language, suggestive topics, and themes (see individual chapters for specific warnings)
Chapter warnings: unwanted advances, mentions of food, mentions of stress, anxiety, slight angst, mentions of possible neglect, Reader uses they/them. Use of Mx.
Word count: 5.2k
An: I'm so sorry this took so long my life got really crazy and it took me a bit to recover.
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I stir awake only to feel my throat dry, I reach for my water bottle and go to take a sip only to realize the bottle is empty. I stumble out bed and attempt to get out of the tangle of blankets that adorn my bed. Phone and water bottle in hand as I head out my room, using my phone to light my way through the house to accompany the moon light shining through the windows. As I move down the stairs with soft steps trying to keep to keep quite not wanting to wake the two hybrids. I can hear the soft snoring from Felix and Chan’s room. As I step into the hall I notice a figure sitting on the floor next to the slightly cracked door.
He's curled up against the wall with his knees firmly pressed to his chest. The light from the moon barely makes his face visible, yet I can still make out the stern gaze glued to the front door further down the hall from his and Felix's room. The furry ears on the top of his head twitch hearing the wood creek under my feet. Though his eyes on the door don’t move one bit.
“Hey you okay?” I sit on the wall opposite of him.
“Oh— uh yeah,” He gives me a tired look from his spot.
“Can’t sleep?”
I see his head shake.
“Something on your mind? I’m all ears if you need someone to listen,” I say fiddling with the bottle in my hands,almost dropping it.
“Just stuff from the past you know, old habits die hard,” He sighs with a false smile shaking his head looking at his hands.
“Wanna talk about it?” I say looking back down at my hands.
“One day, but you should head back to sleep. You said you had an important interview in the morning, right? wouldn't you want to be exhausted in the morning.”
“... yeah I do, I’ll uh— head back to bed,” I say slowly getting up from the floor moving to head to the kitchen.
“I thought you were heading to bed” his voice raises in confusion.
“Oh– I came down to fill my water bottle” I say, shaking the water bottle.
Looking at Chan, it’s obvious that he wants to talk about things. I don’t want to push him, but hopefully one of these days he’ll feel comfortable opening up and talking about it. He seems to have a lot of weight on his shoulders.  
I finish filling the water bottle and head back to my room glancing back one last time at the man. Still curled up against the wall, staring at the door. He glances up at me, his eyes soften  looking back at mine as I hesitate going up the stairs wishing I could offer him some comfort.
Chan was right, the alarm felt like a rude awakening, I was way too tired to want to deal with anything this morning . The repetitive beep and the fact I didn't want to wake up to to go to this interview anyway is already making me miserable. I trudge out of bed to change into some dark form fitting slacks, a wide brim hat and a suit jacket with nothing under it. If I have to be in front of the cameras I might as well look good while I do it. I look through my drawers to find a simple chain to clip around my neck. The simple loafers picked out to go with my outfit, makes it a little more practical. I carry the shoes to put on at the garage door.
My thumb flicks across my phone  screen as I look through my notifications as the sound of the coffee maker feels in my ear and the strong smell of the coffee fills my nose.
A quiet “Oh shit,” fills my ears as I move to the island. I look up worried seeing Felix looking at me having spilled a little coffee on the counter.
“Are You okay?” I say hurrying to grab a paper towel to wipe up the small mess. “You didn't burn yourself right?”
I take his hand in mine double checking that the hot coffee didn't scald it.
“No I’m okay, y-you look nice,” he says looking at my clothes.
“Oh thank you I have that meeting today then I have to meet with some model agencies and higher-ups about the status of that project I told you and Chan, I was working on since we're getting closer to the deadline—,” I start.
My hands run down my face, tired.
“God, today just seems like it's gonna be so long and it hasn't even started,” I say with an awkward chuckle leaving my mouth.
The slight pink on Felix's cheeks almost goes unnoticed as I throw the paper towel away.
did he get burned and he didn't tell me?
“Oh uh—Let me know if you guys need anything okay, I might be out late,” I put on my dress shoes and grab my bag giving Felix a hug before he doesn't let go for a minute rubbing his face in my neck a little bit. The motion made my face warm.
I’m about to head out the door wishing I could say bye to Chan but he doesn't seem to be up yet. This seems to be a continuous trend. Waking up a little later than me and Felix
Is it related to him sitting outside the door this morning? Does he do that every night? They've been here for a few weeks. Maybe I should invest in a security system or something? Since he looked like he was watching the front door?
 I shrug the idea off to deal with later as I get into my car and head to the address for the interview. Getting escorted into the building and my dressing room. The morning was already chaotic on top of my interview today. It seems today just isn't my day already and its just started.
I had sat down to check my text messages from Felix and Chan on my personal phone. A text from Felix from about 30 minutes reads on my lock screen.
☀️Lixie☀️: Hey we ran out of eggs, sorry I didn’t realize yesterday that there were only few left.
Me: It's okay I’ll pick them up on my way home.
☀️Lixie☀️: K thanks see you when you get home :)
The sound of knocking reaches my ears.
“Come in!” I say looking toward the door.
A young women in her early 20′s with red panda ears adorning the top of her head I almost miss them as they lay against the braids in her hair decorated with beads that knock together in a rhythm as she peaks her head in.
“Hi Zinnia, I'm here for makeup.”
“Oh yeah come in,” I say with a smile.
She looks between me and her bag and pulls out brushes, palettes,powdersand tubes as I sit looking through my work phone.
“So you work with Script right?” she asks, touching up blemishes on my face.
“Yeah I've been working with them for a few years almost straight out of college.”
“That's cool,” she says with focus making sure I won’t be shiny on the camera.
“How long have you been working here?” I mumble, trying not to move too much.
“I think I've been with them for about  4 months. I just got finished with cosmetology school,” her voice let out.
Her soft voice is quiet as the orange and white tail flicked back and forth behind her, I almost missed her nose scrunching up.
”Do you mind if I ask you a question?” She lets out cautiously, putting some of her stuff away.
“Yeah go ahead,” I urged while watching her move around the room.
“Do you have hybrids?” She looks at me curiously.  
“Uh, yeah I recently took in some a few weeks ago, how did you know that?”  The words spilled out curiously.
“I could smell him on you,” she points to my neck. The same spot that Felix had rubbed against this morning when he hugged me.
“How?!” I asked, a bit with surprise and eyes wide.
The question honestly sounded a little stupid I've been trying to research hybrids but some of it has been hard to find conclusions too. Like, nesting, hierarchical systems, more instinctual stuff I honestly should suck up my pride and embarrassment and just ask Chan and Felix more questions .
“Hybrids have a really good sense of smell, and he scented you,” She pointed to her button nose with a smile.
Scent— I've come across the word but I haven't really been able to come up with a cohesive answer based on all the things online.
“Sorry I've been trying to research about hybrids and stuff since they moved in, what does that mean?” I let out nervously
“Oh, scenting is like trying to mark that someone belongs to someone for a hybrid to scent you; it's typically a sign of trust and a want to stake a claim.” The words left her mouth so casually as she described what it meant.
“We’ll typically scent around chest and neck areas and wrist.”
“So say the hybrid I live with hugs me and like nuzzled into my neck this morning—”
“That would be scenting,” She chuckles.
I nod along listening to her words as she talks about a few hybrid typical things. The conversation eventually moves to interest and I end up offering my phone number so we could keep in touch and talk some more.
“Who’s one of the biggest people you’ve worked with?” she asked, sitting in the chair across from me.
“That’s a hard question, I’ve been brought on a lot of projects but, I’d have to say Rihanna I worked on a project with her. It was a very exciting experience. I was so nervous to mess up. What about you? You’ve been out of beauty school for a few months, who is a celebrity you’ve done work with. ”
“That’s hard, a lot of celebrities have their own make-up teams. I think it might be you,” she gives me a shrug.
“I wouldn’t really consider myself a celebrity though,” there’s honesty in my voice.
I really don’t consider myself a celebrity. As she goes to speak again there’s a knock on the door.
“Mx. L/n you're needed backstage.”
“Okay thank you, it was nice meeting you. let's definitely talk more in the future,” I say, getting up and waving.
The hybrid women waves back as I leave the room and head to the studio where I would be interviewed. The audience of people there  Makes me dread coming to interviews and being on talk shows. Discomfort is obvious in the way my hands fiddle with the sleeve of my jacket.
As I'm told to walk on stage I wave to the audience and make my way to the empty seat.
I shake the interviewer's hand before sitting down in the chair. “So Y/n can I call you Y/n, you've been very busy for the past year haven't you,” her words run quickly out of her mouth
I nod and give confirmation that the use of my first name is okay.
“ Yeah this has been a really big project and probably the biggest of my career,”
I don’t even really take in most of the questions mostly on my work and when the Colra x Script line comes to the public. Then things got personal and I’m a very private person I don't like revealing things in my personal life to the public.
“So, got anyone in your life?” The woman sitting across from me says causing my eyes to widen.
“Oh no I don't really publicly date,” I say, nervousness itching its way back to the surface.
“No ones caught your eye recently?” there was a flirty tone in her voice as our chairs sat closely together. The tone in her voice makes me uncomfortable.
“No, I’d prefer to not talk about that aspect of my personal life though,” I say, voice unsteady with nervousness.
She nods, thankfully moving on to a different topic.  
“We'll, I think that brings us to the end of today. Thank you for coming on and talking with us!” her voice changed back to the tone before she started asking about my love life.  
As she closes out the segment I rush off to my dressing room feeling my discomfort and awkwardness eating away at me and I pack up my stuff and leave the building.
I considered taking the rest of the day off  but decide against it knowing that would just move the rest of my meetings to next week.
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I sit in my studio, reading through my emails, things people want me to do piling up deadlines, new projects, and clientele. I said I wouldn’t take on another project till the one with Colra gets out to the public, but my boss keeps pushing me to work with other clients when Script has already pushed out so much money. Trying to make sure that the Colra is happy with designs, advertisements making sure they showed proper representation of hybrids and humans alike. Along with  how we had to redo everything I need to at least see that this all goes through well.
The knock on the door frame startled me from work in my room. I look up to see a lanky man with light brown wavy hair and a cardigan.
He has a black tie, and seems well put together.
“Uh hi I'm Theo we've been emailing back and forth for a while, and I wanted to look over some promotional material with you being the leader of the team working on this,” he says smiling at me, his British accent filling my ears.
“Oh yeah of course come in,” I wave over to the workbench in the middle of the room.
We stand at the table as he pulls out some of the pictures with the pieces that have been finished. The photos are amazing. The color of the outfits are bright and beautiful, they pop against the background and give a regal feel paired with the elegance of the models  in the photos. The soft purples and whites on the models looked graceful and beautiful. Looking through the photos I noticed that the hybrid models we had hired for this campaign were missing from the photos.
“Theo, where are the hybrid models? We were supposed to have a good mix of both in the pictures, modeling the outfits.” I shuffle the photos he placed out the folder double checking I didn't miss it.
The brunette opened the folder sifting through the contents to find the ones with the hybrid models in them too.
“Great I like these too, they all look great. I know these are supposed to be going out to socials soon so if I can suggest something?” I question looking back up from the table to the male around my height.
He nods in response. I point to the 2 photos of a few of the models in a flower field and one with a few other models on white crystal-looking steps. the photo is well-balanced and has a good diversity of the models that we worked with to do the photoshoot.
“I would suggest these two, Script has a wide range of demographics and I think these will do the best with going out first, they really pop as ones that catch my eyes.”
“Yeah you're right those two will work great. I'll go ahead and let the rest of marketing know, thank you again for taking the time out of your day,” he confirms back to me as I smile kindly at him.
“Of course, happy I could help,” I  respond to him, excited to finally see some of the advertisements going out as he is putting the contents of the folder. his cheeks a slightly tinged pink.
Maybe he's a bit warm in his sweater vest.
As he leaves I decide to put the final details on one of the last designs that needed to be finished and sent out for photoshoots and to models. Some of the remanding sets got sent out to other people in the company to make to take the pressure off of me. I had found out we had money in the budget too and I had gotten an email right before Theo had come in that  the last 2 pieces that had been sent out had been finished and were going to be given to the models for photo shoots tomorrow and I was the last person to send the last piece out, which I need to hem the bottoms and ad a spot for a tail and then it’ll be good to go out. The rest of my afternoon was free aside from finishing the bottoms for the last outfit and which hopefully wouldn't take all night should take maybe an hour. Once the entire line gets sent out things are left in the hands of the stylist for the shoots.
Needless to say, Im glad that the day is almost over, I'm so exhausted. It was 6 and the goal is to finish by 7:30. That way I can still go to the store before it closes to do some light shopping. I get up to move to work on the bottoms for the outfit.
I pin the lace to the cuff of the bottoms and feed them through the sewing machine. The fabric is soft under my fingers. The lace at the bottom is a great final touch. The time spent putting it on with care. The model who was supposed to wear this is a ferret hybrid and has a long tail so a slit is made in the back for his tail. I glance down at my phone just now seeing its  7:20 pm, thankfully I had finally finished everything. I packed up my belongings and grabbed a garment bag and put the completed masterpiece in it. a sigh of relief leaves my mouth, happy that the day is finally over.
My feed carry me through the building as I hold a small smile feeling great about the the line being finished. I'm supposed to come in tomorrow too, which will mean this week I've been in the office a lot. But tomorrow is a Friday and I've had a stacked week. I told the photographer I would sit in on the shoot since I missed the first one. I find the rack for the outfits to go on and place my bag next to the other two  black garment bags. I look around to see if anyone is around, of course there is not, I one of few people still here this late. I peek in the bags getting a good look at the Wonderfull work of the other people on my team.
I head to the parking garage to start to head out. The grocery store is my last stop of the night before going home. I slide into the drivers seat and pull out my phone to text Felix.
Me: Was there anything else we needed? im at the store right now
☀️Lixie☀️: we're getting low on coffee. I think we need some more
Me: Okay thanks, I'm gonna grab a bit of other stuff.
Walking through the store I pick up some more meat, chicken, beef, pork, and bacon. The hope of having more time to cook this next week warms my chest. I found some kombucha squash and put it in the cart thinking of finding something to make with it. The line for check out is short but the store closes in an hour. Most people are home this late in the evening. Most people take this time to enjoy time with their family.
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I work on dinner deciding to use the squash, taking out the onions, beans, carrots, and ground turkey I got at the store to make some stuffed squash. I cut up onions, and add beans and other vegetables to the ground beef and seasoning while the squash sits in the oven roasting. Felix sits on the counter talking to me about things he watched,some of the recipes he found, and what he got up too toda. My brain wonders to this morning and the conversation about scenting I had with Zinna.
“So they ended up not making it to the finals—”
“Sorry it’s on my mind,— did you scent me this morning?” I interrupt his ramblings, and in that moment Chan walks into the kitchen looking up from his phone.
I probably could have handled it a bit better.
“What?” he looks a bit worried at my question.
Felix Jumps surprised by Chan's voice.
“I was asking if Felix scented me this morning, I was talking to a hybrid this morning and she had asked me about it—I'm not mad I was just asking if it was purposeful,” I speak quickly to try to justify why I asked the question in the first place.
Chan is Stands still in his spot and looks at Felix to answer the question.
”Yeah I did sorry I should of asked.”
”It's fine I just wished you had asked I would have let you if it makes you feel more comfortable,” I shrug it off. If it's a sign he's more comfortable with me I'll take it. Im glad he’s feeling more comfortable around me.
Chan sits down, patting Felix's shoulder.
“I'm still learning about what it's like to live with hybrids, just gotta give me heads up about things,'' I admit,with a soft smile
We eat the quash in silence, the feeling of something that hasn’t been spoken into the air yet lingers. I Scoop one of the last pieces of squash in my mouth. I look back at my bag near the garage door reminding me of the work I had promised to my friend tomorrow. I've been out of the house a lot this week. It's definitely weighing on me but I'm worried that the boys are gonna feel like I'm too absent and like I'm neglecting them. Technically they don't belong to me and I frankly don't like thinking of the gross owner pet implication of having a hybrid but emotionally I know that they rely on me— or at least Felix does, Chan I know still has a hard time being comfortable with me. I don't blame him for that of course I don't know his or Felix's history.
For the past few weeks, I've been worried about them feeling stuck in the house.
“I'm gonna be out the house again tomorrow, hopefully next week won't be as busy. I should hopefully be home early” I let out, pushing around a bean on my plate.
“It's okay, we know this week was big for you” Chan says.
“I know I just feel bad like I'm worried you guys feel stuck here all the time alone—” I take pause
“Do you guys feel stuck here?” I question
“I mean it would be nice to get out” Felix says perking up a bit.
“You’d have to adopt us,” Chan said still eating his food not making eye contact trying to seem more focused on his plate.
“Yeah I wasn't sure how you guys felt about that. I was looking into independent hybrid programs and that tends to require prior adoption for about a year,” I say, nervous about their response.
“it would probably be best if you adopted us. I know I'm fine with it, we trust you enough, you don't seem like you'd abuse that title,” Chan explains, finally looking up to meet my eyes.
“Okay then I'll see how to get the paperwork for it and try to get those filed,” I fidget a little under his gaze. Looking back down at my food to keep eating.
I wash the dishes alone. This is the first time today I can truly relax, and knowing that adopting Felix and Chan would at least  be granted a little freedom helps to ease my worries with their adoption. Them being able to go out more should give them some type of freedom.
I got to my room, and open up my laptop to look at what the process to adopt the two hybrids looks like. The page I find belongs to one of the hybrid centers in the city Stating that they help rehome and rehabilitate hybrids and have been rated one of the best in the area;
“Are you open to welcoming hybrids into your home? We’re here to provide you with the knowledge training and help prepare you for a new friend!”
Seem good enough.
“We won’t rehome a hybrid without they’re expressed consent from the hybrid Stating verbally that they would like to go home with you. Knowing that they’re from our own facility we prefer you spend weeks getting to know them and get comfortable with each other, after that we can start the adoption process!”
Bringing in strays or having been aiding hybrids and wanting to adopt them and give them a home will have a similar process! We start with an interview with you and then the hybrid making sure that they are comfortable going home with you! After the interview will be an exam of the hybrid making sure there is anything that needs to be watched or addressed. After The exam we will survey the new home and make sure the place is suitable and livable for your new hybrid! If you’ve made it to this point then you’ll be in the home stretch to fill out paperwork and take your hybrid home! We do checks in 3 weeks 6 weeks 9 weeks and then 6 months and a year check in to make sure everything is going Aye Okay!”
The page was very helpful and it said I can set up an appointment to get things started. I spent the rest of the night filling the form about Felix and Chan filing in the section concerning  their situation and pressing send before I closed my laptop for the night.
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Today was more casual. I pull white pants and a Blue oversized sweater. It’s a lot more casualI seeing as I'm going to watch a shoot and not spend all my time in the office, I prefer it that way.
I got a text from my friend Johnny on my work phone,who's the photographer .
Johnny : Hey make sure you're here at 10 I wanna go over a few things with you.
Me: sure thing I should be there a little early if anything.
The door to Felix’s and chans room opens right as I hit the last steps of the stairs. Chan's back is to me as he tries to close the door quietly.
“Morning Chan you're up bright and earlier.”
My voice must have startled him because he jumps as he turns to me with a hand over his heart. Seeing it's just me he lets out an awkward chuckle
“Oh yeah– I slept pretty well last night actually,” he smiles softly at me. sleep was still slightly evident in his eyes, but the smile made me feel warm inside and something inside me fluttered slightly.
“I was gonna make something,” I motioned down the hall.
”Yeah you should try and eat before you head out. It's not good to start the day on an empty stomach,” he presses.
I had a bit of time before I had to go so making something wouldn't hurt. I pulled the milk out of the fridge with some eggs. Before I could pull anything else out the voice of Felix coming down the hall is hurd by both me and Chan as he entered the kitchen phone in hand.
“Would you mind if I made breakfast?” he smiled, ears twitching on top of his head.
“No not at all, whatcha gonna make?” I ask and move to sit the milk down on the counter and move to the barstools to watch what Felix might be making.
“I found a recipe for pancakes. I wanted to try it,” he continued to check his phone assumingly for ingredients and measurements.
Me and Chan watch him move around the kitchen making the pancakes, the batter being mixed together and fried on a skillet. The pancakes were fluffy and buttery as they pile on the plate .  
 “Felix this is really good,” Chan says digging into the pancakes
“Yeah you did an amazing job.”
Felix’s face is a bit red seemingly from our compliments. I can see a smile as he mumbles out a thank you while still eating the pancakes. The morning was peaceful, small talk about the food and other recipes Felix wants to try and what I’m up to today. It starts getting close for me to leave. I go to grab my work bag just in case but I plan to come home after the photo shoot. I notice the freckled brunette Felix leaned up against the wall near the door.
“Hey Felix, need something?” I say, making sure I had a jacket just in case it rained.
“—Do you mind if I scent you?” He's standing in front of me with space between the two of us the space being filled with quiet but low sounds of his voice.  
“Oh—no, not at all!” I put my stuff down and smile as Felix comes close. He placed his face in the crook of my neck  to rub his face against it  and moves to rub himself against my clothes. He continues for a minute before he decides in his head that I've been scented enough, but before I move he takes the moment to grab my wrist and rub it against his neck.
“Okay I’ll probably be back earlier. I didn't have plans to really stay after this shoot,” I smile as I start to head out the door.
“Tell Chan I said bye!” I walk out the door.
Today feels nice, the sky is still overcast with the late October weather moving into winter.
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Pulling up to the set and getting to see the line together was so satisfying and it made me feel like everything was coming together. Fake sets and lighting stood out, waiting to find Johnny, I started to look around talking to some of the makeup artists thanking them for their help. I start to see some of the models dressed and coming on set, one was sitting in the corner quietly flipping through his phone also seemingly waiting for directions on what to do. He has soft round white ferret ears and a tail that slightly curls to be in his lap and he’s wearing the outfit I finished sewing yesterday.
“Hi I'm L/n Y/n, I'm the top designer on this project. I just want to thank you for working and modeling with us,” I say sticking out my hand.
A soft smile graces his full lips as he reaches his hand to greet mine.
“I’m Hwang Hyunjin.”
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Bismuth Taglist :
@fuck-you-im-gae​ @i-dont-know-me-either​ @betray-jaes
Don’t forget to reblog and let me know how you like it
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4acoffee · 2 years
would you use 47 with todoroki shoto as fluff where he needs comfort?
My Shoulder Fell Asleep
(dammit Todoroki)
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Full Masterlist
Pairing: Todoroki x Reader
Prompt: “Am I a hero or the devil’s son? Can’t figure out what side I’m on.”
Notes: I'm so so sorry this is like three months late, I suck I know.
The steady hum of the air conditioning running at full speed filled the air and left your skin feeling chilled. Your room was dark, long curtains draped over your windows and the soft plush of the mattress covers under you made you feel more and more drowsy by the second. 
You would have fallen asleep like that too, if it weren’t for the warm body currently pressed to your side.
Shouto Todoroki had unexecpectadly turned up at your room, head hanging almost sheepishly, and asking in his soft voice if he could come in. And although it wasn’t unusual to find him hanging around your room at the dorms, he was usually accompanied by Midoriya, or Iida. Your cozy little room was somewhat of a designated rest area for your friend group. Which led you to keep extra pillows and blankets, and the fluffy pink beanbag that Uraraka often curled up on. 
Which is why you had raised a questioning eyebrow at him at first, but let him in nonetheless. 
When he had seated himself comfortably on your bed, you attempted to ask him if everything was ok, and the only answer you recieved was a simple nod. 
He looked exhausted, so you decided to not prod and plopped down on the bed next to him.  He’d tell you himself if he wanted to. 
As you messed around on your phone, over the course of an hour, the two of you had unconciously gravitated towards each other. Soon, your legs were curled up to your chest, with one hand gripping your phone, and the other getting sore because his head now rested heavily on your shoulder. 
You would have believed he was asleep with how quiet and still he was being, but his fidgeting hands on the material of the bed covers proved that he was still awake. 
Even in your groggy state, you could practically feel the current of thoughts plaguing Todoroki. He radiated something anxious and tired at the same time, and you couldn’t help but steal glances at him to try and gauge what he was thinking. 
Just when you figured that maybe you’ll never truly figure out Todoroki, his hands stilled, and he said something so softly you struggled to hear. 
“Am I a bad person?” 
Your eyebrows scrunched in confusion. Did you hear him correctly? 
You tilted your head at him and hummed in question. 
He sighed deeply and you watched as his eyes turned dark and sad. 
“I’m trying my best to be the hero I always wanted to be as a child, but sometimes I wonder if I actually deserve to be here. My family has been through so much trouble because of me. Mom is in the hospital because she always had to protect me from him, Touya left because I had to be better than he could be, Fuyumi and Natsuro, father always neglected them because of me. It’s my fault that we couldn’t be a normal family. My fault the we can’t be together. All the time, I see real families, happy families around me, that need protecting — and I can’t help but think, — do I really deserve to be the one protecting them? If I can’t even keep my own family safe, do I really deserve to call myself a hero? Hero’s are supposed to be good, — am I good?”
You listened in astonishment as he rattled of reasons why he was a shitty person. His speach trailed into mutters and slurred words that you could barely put together. He sounded like he was barely concious and you think that at this point, he was more talking to himself. 
In his sleepy rant of self-deprivation you did catch one thing as he buried his head further into your shoulder. 
“Am I a hero or the devil’s son? I can’t figure out what side I’m on.” He said, dead serious. 
A sputtered laugh was the only response you could muster, why did he have to be so dramatic sometimes?
He narrowed his eyes in indignation at your laughter and looked up at you through his lashes. You grinned apolagetically. “Sorry Todoroki, I didn’t mean it like that.” 
You shifted to face him better, “It’s just — none of that is your fault. You know that right? No, clearly you didn’t know that or we wouldn’t be here.” You said, and he pouted further. 
“It doesn’t matter what your past was like, we’ve all done some bad things in our lives, and what happened to you was completely out of your control. Just because you made some mistakes, doesn’t make you any less of a capable hero than any of us. In fact, it makes you better, because you know what there is to lose.” You reassured him. 
He looked at you carefully, “Oh, you really think so?” he asked you, so hopefully you swore you felt a part of you melt. 
“Of course” you told him, he spared you a soft smile. 
You smiled back and nudged him playfully, “Now if your done moping, could you get off my shoulder, — I lost feeling in it hours ago.”
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pictuajjx · 11 months
Sun HC!!! (Part one)
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🫧🐟📝Hi hello! Welcome aboard!! So yeah, I know I was going to make a headcanon version of LJ but I couldn’t resist making headcanons for the DCA (daycare attendance)!! So yeah, here it is. Some won’t (?) make sense due to me changing the story, but hope that’s fine :3 and yeah, these are just mainly in general hcs, but also random and interaction stuff, btw if your looking for more just ask me in my inbox! This post is also going to be separated by DCA’s!! So this is part one. ~ Debvin!
Spoooooilers?? Maybe? Idk. Also, it’s going to be a pretty long post.
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(hugh jumpscare)
In General???
Okay, just to get this straight, all of their heights are at 7 ft tall. Why? Because I said so.
Because of his height, he’s like really lanky. I mean all of them are so.. not much of a difference.
His name is Sun, just Sun, NOT Sundrop. He doesn’t really mind it if your calling him the candy name, same goes for the others. He actually kinda finds it amusing. The candy name is to just not get him and the others get mixed up with the ACTUAL sun and moon.
Based off the game little battery system, I’m assuming same thing goes for Sun that he has to charge… again, for others as well.
Except, you know how he has to be ON and Moon cannot? And you know how he’s the ONLY ONE taking care of the loud ass kids at the daycare?
Yeah, this POOR ROBOT IS TIRED. He’s also technically dying a bit and getting his energy drained.
He sometimes snaps at kids, acts fucking insane but tries to act cheerfully.
Sun is trying his best to be happy go lucky, I swear he’s really trying.
Actually growls. Not the seductive growl your expecting (sorry Sun simps), but the “GRRRRR RAGHHHHHAYAY RUFF RUFURFU SNARL, SNRAL” rabies dog growl. He does this when he’s stressed.
Sometimes when he’s stressed he curls up into a ball and rocks back n forth at a corner. I don’t even know how I came up with this one.
PULLS stuff out of nowhere, always comically large.
His little sunrays shifts a lot depending on his emotion and feeling.
The only music he has listened to is his daycare music. Nothing else. Would love it if you introduced him to something else though.
A lot of the employees neglect him.
With Kids
Plays with the kids a lot, I mean I don’t know what your expecting he’s the only one that plays with them.
Because it’s little kids they’re going to be dirty.
Sun despises that but tries his best to clean up.
Most of the time kids are afraid of him. (His canon version, but in my hc version they aren’t due to my design change.)
Has scribbles, stains, and handprints all over him.
As much as Sun tries to clean himself after the terrible incident of kids rubbing disgusting things on him, he eventually gave up and went insane.
Not too insane, but clean freak insane. (Clean freak but doesn’t even clean his own room).
References a lot of theatre stuff to the kids, they don’t understand him at all.
With Moon (before corrupted)
In a platonic way ofc, I hc all three of them as brothers.
Appreciated his entire being because that means he can go to resting mode and build up his energy for the next day.
Also didn’t appreciate him at the same time because he says unnecessary stuff to him in their little mindset (which I will explain how that works in another post).
Ohhh, if he could have his brother in a separate body he would hug him then go world-star on him by beating the absolute shit of out of him.
Whenever it was time for Sun to take turn, his body is just covered in stacks of blankets that causes him to overheat a lot.
With Moon (after corrupted)
Missed him a lot, didn’t realize how much he wanted his brother back.
Because he had to stay in light all times, he wasn’t able to transform back into his brothers body anymore due to how dangerous he was.
Because they are programmed into the same body, Sun’s programming was also slowly getting a virus and corrupted.
When everybody else is gone, sometimes he finds somewhere dark, but not TOO dark to plug a nightlight that his brothers face on there.
The purpose of this was to let his corrupted brother see what’s going on, but because it’s not fully dark he isn’t in control and is slowly getting hurt from the light.
Corrupted moon thinks Sun is damaging him on purpose, when Sun just wants to show how much he misses his brother.
Corrupted moon somehow doesn’t have access to the mindset space, so Sun and Eclipse can think freely without him.
Angst hehe
With Eclipse
Doesn’t actually interact with him that much.
Sun kinda wishes he was more like Eclipse, because he’s much more calm and nicer than he is.
Kinda is jealous of him in a way??
I’ve been there Sun, being jealous of your sibling for doing sm better ☹️
Talks to him in mindset space but Moon always butts in and interrupts.
The only person that was there for him when he was going insane.. ☠️
Wished he got to talk more with Eclipse, but their interactions varied little.
OKAY THATS ALL FOR PART ONE!!! Will probably post another part tmrw :3 Next one will be Moon (reblogs appreciated!!)
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someuncreativity · 3 months
howdy everyone it’s your favorite cowboy who’s neglected his Tumble since 2023
Yay I’m fucking back finally
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ok but like y’all sorry I left, I know a whole -2 people were really missing me so I’m really sorry I just abandoned this blog
on the plus side I’ve been doing a lot better mentally since I deleted Reddit and actually started taking care of myself so that’s good
also I’m like making a bunch of covers on YouTube so that’s fun, go check those out
oh right I don’t think I’ve introduced y’all to the new hyperfixation
y’all remember this silly little guy
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this one
right here
so he’s not dead, he’s still alive
but like I got bored with the design and also I’m reinventing myself so like
here you go
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his name is Rey, everyone say hi to Rey
he’s the new mascot, the new silly, the new hair new tee new jeans do you see
and he’s also the face of my new cover album “MEMENTO MORI”, go to my channel if you wanna see that
and he’s also going to be in the next cover album “Kisses to My Lover” so that’s fun
but uhhh I’ve been listening to Morgan Wallen a lot over the past few days and I started thinking like what it I decide to like become country you know
so yeah I’m doing that too, you already saw him in a cowboy hat and suspenders so like you’ve fucking seen it all basically, yep that’s it that’s all that life has to offer just a gay demon man thing wearing a cowboy hat and suspenders, plot twist
anyway I’m gonna go thanks y’all for being there I’ll see you guys when I see you or maybe no
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the-delta-42 · 2 years
War Circle 5
War Circle 5
Michael watched Sam and Bri play with some plushies Marinette had gotten from her room for them, Toby was leaning back in his chair making clicking noises with his mouth, Archie and Mary were speaking quietly with his parents, Skye was making Marinette listen to calming music and Caline watched the toddlers play with the toys.
“Well, I know I had my reservations about the twins being in another country,” Said Archie, after finishing with Tom and Sabine, “but, at least we know they’ll be cared for, and we now know where Marlene was getting all that money.”
Michael paused, before looking at them, “What are you talking about?”
“She’s been getting a load of money from somewhere lately, she always spent it on designer clothes and other trash like that.” Responded Archie, making Michael go quiet.
Toby stopped rocking his chair and looked at them, “Wait, is Marlene that one you were going to propose to, only to find she’d been peddling money off you behind your back?”
“I’m still working on that debt.” Said Michael, scowling, Brianna copying him.
“So, that’s why you don’t have your own place yet.” Said Skye, smirking at her twin.
“I will soon, I’m on the last couple grand of the debt.” Said Michael, folding his arms, “And, besides, there isn’t anywhere within a reasonable distance to my current place of work.”
“You’re on leave from Interpol, right?” Asked Archie, making Michael grimace.
“Apparently, they decided to transfer me to Paris, the only problem being that there isn’t any free position on the force,” Explained Michael, “So, the placed me on ‘leave’ and I got the job as security head-Head of IT support at the school.”
“Ah, so you’re the eyes and ears of the Police at the school.” Said Archie, as Skye scowled.
“You’re neglecting to say you were shot before the transfer.” Snarked Skye, making Michael wince.
“YOU WERE SHOT?!” Yelled Sabine, making the toddler jump.
“It was a minor gunshot wound; it barely scraped my lung.” Said Michael, making his parents gape at him.
“‘Barely scraped your lung’?” Repeated Sabine, as Marinette winced.
“Poor choice of words.” Said Skye, as Michael rapidly paled.
“Bang!” Yelled Brianna, making everyone jump.
The three-year-old was waving a nerf gun around, thankfully unloaded, and pointing it at Michael.
“She’s definitely your child.” Said Toby, as Bri then pointed the toy gun at Archie.
“Bang, bang!” Yelled Brianna, as Sam sat the dolls in a circle and pretended they were in a meeting.
“Has Sam always been so quiet?” Asked Marinette, as Sam smiled as he made moved the dolls as if they were talking.
“As far as we’re aware, he’s mute, at least, the non-speaking mute.” Said Archie, as Sam continued to move the dolls.
A dart suddenly hit Michael in the throat, as Brianna giggled and went after the dart.
“We have to get that off her.” Said Skye, as Brianna cocked the toy gun and fired it in a random direction, the dart hitting Sam on the back of his head.
Sam started sniffling, before he let out a small whine and dissolved into tears. Michael’s legs started acting on their own accord, with Michael crossing the room and gently picking the toddler up and cradling him. Sam clutched on to Michael’s front, releasing quiet, muffled sobs. Michael glanced at Brianna, who’d frozen in place and looked like she was going to cry, as if she expected Michael to strike her.
“Did Marlene ever hit Brianna?” Asked Michael, as Caline crouched next to Brianna and gently touched her shoulder. The toddler turned around and threw her arms around Caline’s neck, sobs starting as she kept saying ‘sorry’ over and over.
“From her reaction, I think she did.” Said Mary, as Caline tried to cradle the bawling toddler, as Michael gently calmed Sam.
“So, where are you staying?” Asked Sabine, as the rest of her children watched their older brother deal with his children.
Marinette groaned as she dropped into her seat, Sam and Brianna had taken a few hours to calm down, before Michael and Ms. Bustier had taken them home. Marinette heard some giggling from the back row, presuming that Rose was showing Mylene or Juleka something.
“I know, when I heard what Marinette had done, I knew Gabriel did the right thing.” Gloated Lila, making Marinette freeze.
“But I heard that what Mr. Agreste did caused two of the brands main investors to pull out.” Said Juleka, frowning.
“Are you calling me a liar?” Demanded Lila, immediately starting the crocodile tears.
“No, Lila,” Said Marinette, turning around to face the Italian, “Juleka was just relaying what she heard, not that she thought you were lying.”
Lila froze, before sickly smiling at Marinette, “But I heard Gabriel issued a restraining order against you, Marinette.”
There were some mutters amongst the class, as Alya glared at Lila. Everyone went quiet when Adrien walked in.
“What did your siblings do last night?” Asked Adrien, looking at Marinette, “Father spent the entire night trying to convince the Ricca’s and the Cheng’s not to pull out, he failed by the way.”
“Yeah, I’m still trying to process it.” Said Marinette, biting her bottom lip.
“Yeah, turns out he’s in a massive amount of debt because of something in the investment agreement that said he’d have to pay it all back.” Said Adrien, frowning, “In other news, I found that my mother left me a metric ton of money before she vanished.”
“Oh?” Queried Marinette, tilting her head.
“Yeah, I’m going to have to take my father to court because he’s been stealing from it.” Responded Adrien, making everyone wince.
“My grandmother is the matriarch of the Ricca’s, I’m sure she’ll be more than happy to help out.” Gloated Lila, as Marinette and Adrien frowned.
They were prevented from challenging Lila further by Ms. Bustier walking into the room.
“I never thought I’d be the reason class was being held up, so my apologies for that.” Said Ms. Bustier, before spotting Lila and freezing, “Lila, when did you get back?”
“From where Ms. Bustier?” Asked Lila, as everyone remembered Lila’s abduction.
“From the guy that kidnapped you.” Said Kim, frowning at the Italian.
Lila sighed, before looking around, “Well, I guess my cover’s been blown.” Said Lila, before claws grew out of her hands. The fake Lila launched herself towards Marinette. The mixed-race girl ducked, before throwing a book at the imposter.
Lila slowly turned to ash, before a woman with a headdress shaped like a Ravens head stood in her place.
“Hello, Nettie.” Sneered the woman, “Remember me?”
Marinette suddenly couldn’t move, her entire body froze with a terror she knew but couldn’t recognise. The woman lunged towards Marinette, only to receive a claymore to the face.
“Harbinger.” Snarled Timber Wolf, from the window, “I was wondering why I could smell your foul stench.”
“Aw, Timmy, you remember me.” Mocked Harbinger, a sickle falling into her hand.
“I also remember Herald.” Goaded Timber Wolf, summoning his sword back to him, “I remember how he squealed like a pig as I relieved his shoulders of the weight of his head.”
Harbinger snarled and launched herself at Timber Wolf, before a loud roar made her look towards the door. A heavy-set woman with white hair and glaring ice blue eyes tackled Harbinger through the wall.
“That was unexpected.” Muttered Timber Wolf, before following Guérisseuse.
Ms. Bustier took a couple of deep breaths, before walking over to an alarm button and hitting it, “Everyone get to the safe zones, now.”
Everyone started rushing out, while Marinette ran to the bathroom and Adrien ran to a closet. Ladybug and Chat Noir arrived to see Guérisseuse holding a bloody side and Timber Wolf and Constrictor trading blows with Harbinger.
“Are you alright?” Asked Ladybug, kneeling next to Guérissuse.
“I’m getting too old for this shit.” Grumbled the older woman, sucking in a breath.
There was a sick cutting sound and Timber Wolf cleaved on of Harbinger’s arms off. Harbinger looked at her arm, before launching herself away. A small trail of blood was left in her wake.
“Don’t try to follow her, little one.” Timber Wolf advised Ladybug, “You only run the risk of being captured.”
Lila didn’t know what happened, she just did as her master told her. She had to make her master happy. Anubis’s clawed hand gently caressed the top of Lila’s hairless head. The scars from where he’d torn her fingernails out had scabbed over and he liked her mouth soft and removed all of her teeth. Lila didn’t have to worry about chewing her food, her master always took great care feeding her.
The door opened and Lila tried not to shiver as the cold air blew across her bare form.
“Getting the pet to suck you off again?” Snarked Harbinger, as Anubis pushed Lila’s head down closer to him and made her choke.
“As if you are one to talk.” Snarled Anubis, “Where is your arm?”
“Your little friends saw through me,” Sniffed Harbinger, dropping her transformation and pulled Lila off Anubis, “I’m going to relieve my stress.”
Lila whined as Harbinger grabbed a knife and dragged her through a door, before slamming it shut.
Michael watched as Bonaventure healed the stab wound in her side, while he idly spun his longsword.
“I’m getting too old for this.” Grumbled the woman, retracting her hand from under her blouse.
“Nonsense,” Dismissed Michael, leaning back, “You’re just out of practice.”
“Too old, out of practice, either of those is not good on the battlefield.” Asserted Bonaventure, frowning at Michael, “I’m going to pass on the Bear on. I’m can’t both be the principal and a heroine at the same time. And, quite frankly, I’m tired.”
Michael was silent, carefully looking over his sword. It had a shining steel blade and a silver cross guard; it had a pale blue grip wrapped around the handle and a wolf’s head as the pommel. The back of the wolf’s head was buried in the handle, at a distance making the wolf’s head look like a oval piece of metal.
“I get the feeling I’m not going to like who you’re going to pick.” Remarked Michael, glancing up at Bonaventure.
“Skye.” Said the Woman, frowning at Michael, not missing how his grip tightened on the sword, “She’s worked with Growll before.”
“I don’t like it, but I suppose it’s up to Growll.”
Tomoe frowned as Lin spat feathers about Gabriel.
“The nerve of that child, threatening my granddaughter because her parents are bakers.” Seethed the Chinese woman, while Kagami awkwardly sat in the corner.
“That’s…very…insulting, Lin.” said Tomoe, internally panicking.
“Tomoe,” Growled Lin, glaring at Tomoe, “that hesitance better be because you’re equally as disgusted as I am and not because you side with Agreste.”
“I do noy know enough of the girl or her family to form an opinion.” Said Tomoe, carefully, “I also do not know enough of the situation to form an opinion on that front either.”
Lin narrowed her eyes, “I’ll take you at your word.”
Tomoe felt a shiver of relief run down her spine.
“But, so help you, if I find out you’ve been lying to me…” Lin let the threat hang in the air, before getting to her feet and leaving the room.
Kagami watch Marinette’s other grandmother leave the room, before slowly looking at her mother.
“Kagami, don’t you have homework to do?” Questioned Tomoe, before getting up and leaving the room as well.
Kagami looked around the empty room, after checking her mother was out of hearing distance, she sarcastically said, “My day was great, thanks for asking.”
Michael spun around in his chair, absently kicking a broken computer monitor, before a stone was hurled though his office window. Michael, against his better judgement, slowly made his way over to the rock. Which he realised was covered in a sheet of paper.
Michael carefully unwrapped the sheet from the rock, and read what was on the reverse.
Hey now, you’re an all star
Get Caline and let’s grade
Michael stared down at the sheet for a moment, before rushing out of the office and barrelled towards Caline’s classroom.
Caline was marking a particularly depressing essay, when Michael barged in and thrusted a sheet of paper in her face.
“Really?” Asked Caline, leaning away from Michael.
“Read it.” Insisted Michael, prompting Caline to take the paper from him.
At a single glance, her heart stopped, “This is Rafael’s handwriting.”
Michael grinned, “He’s alive.”
Rafael nervously stood in front of his parent’s front door. He’d been listed as missing for the past ten years, he heard his parent’s refused to have him declared dead. He hoped Nino was alright. Rafael raised his hand and knocked on the door.
A tall, skinny boy wearing a blue t-shirt and a red hat opened the door.
“Raf?” Asked Nino, as Rafael winced.
“Hey, Nino,” Greeted Raf, “How’s things been?”
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polandspringz · 1 year
If anyone cares about my Anime Awards votes here’s the messiest description of what I voted for so far (did not vote for film and eng VA yet; need to watch deer king this weekend + need to listen to the voice acting performances). And this was just copy pasted from a notepad so excuse the mess again:
aoty- spy x family; brought more ppl into anime + prompted most discussion
original- lycoris; out of the choices this is like, the only one deserving
charater design- ranking of kings; i try to avoid adaptions bc the character designs are just being translated BUT this is kind of a mp100 situation with how they adapted the character designs from the original art + the unique storybook style for the coloring of the characters
animation- ranking of kings; Not only did it have great action animation, they animated the sign language AND it was done by animators who WERE hard of hearing/deaf.
new series- Ya Boy Kongming!; This show was incredible, I'm so sorry but it was.
continuing- One Piece; The animation quality for the recent arc has been spectacular and so it has IMPROVED especially in the episode 1015 from this year.
opening- ranking of kings opening 2; JUST WATCH THE OPENING AND YOU UNDERSTAND. They got that 18 year old Vercreek on that shit I still can't believe they can do that level of animation at that age JESUS.
ending- Kaguya-sama; Listen I hated Kaguya sama and refused to watch it and then this ending happened and I was so hyperfixated on it that I binged the entire series and the emotions shown in the ending + the symbolism/them combining the myth of princess kaguya with a star wars esque fight was so cool
best score- Ya Boy Kongming; This is hard because it's like score so... instrumental? But Kongming was like a music anime with vocals and the rap battle fight was so good but also it had a lot of original songs.
Song- new genesis; Listen, Ado hit those notes
director- Spy x Family; BECAUSE THIS MAN SINGLE HANDEDLY SAVING CLOVERWORKS AFTER THE WONDER EGG DISASTER AND ALSO AT WIT NAVIGATING THEIR OWN CRUMBLING FINANCIAL SITUATION!!! Plus they did deviate from the manga at times and go above and beyond (see the castle episode)
Main chara- Bojji; You have a child prince who is deaf and everyone thinks they can talk shit about him in FRONT of him because they think he doesn't know what theyre saying but he CAN read lips and he defies death + saves his entire kingdom despite his lack of physical strength and learns to overcome many things and isn't "fixed" ever need I say more
Supporting- Kage from Ranking of Kings; ties into the above
Must protect- Kotaro; Anya can handle HERSELF. Kotaro literally was neglected and ate LEAVES he was starving so badly and has been forced to learn how to be independent despite being liek SIX YEARS OLD ARE YOU KIDDING ME.
action- Spy x Family; I didn't give them the animation vote so they're getting this since they excelled in action animation.
Comedy- Ya Boy Kongming; This is the only isekai that matters you've got a chinese war tactician reincarnated into present day and he just becomes a rising singer's manager and he does a fucking rap battle need I say more.
Drama- dance dance danseur; SO TORN because the ending of eighty six was so good for the episodes that DID come out in 2022 but its more Historic Drama? Fantasy Drama? Idk its a fictional war but Dance Dance Danseur deserves recognition too and Jumpei's journey and the conflict between him and the other two protags is staged like a ballet's story etc. etc.
Fantasy- ranking of kings; see everything ive already said
romance- call of the night; This series takes a really unique look on romance by basically having someone who is aromantic trying to fall in love with an asexual, romance repulsed vampire because to become a vampire you need to fall in love with one. And it explores the feelings (although it never outright uses the terms) of being ace well imo.
japanese va- Yor
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ssplague · 3 years
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Have some sexy alpha Katsuki x omega reader that I whipped up at one this morning.
Rated M : The smut isn’t super detailed but it’s got all that good stuff (knotting, heat/rut, a tiny bit of cum inflation if you squint really hard), Slight angst, lightly proofread.
Give me Alpha Katsuki or give me death ☠️
There had to be close to five hundred people in this over crowded ball room, all with their own unique scents. Despite all the pheromones intermingling (Courtesy of everyone’s secondary sex) one stood out. Of course it belonged to an alpha, your alpha. You’d done everything in your power to avoid being near him, after six months you thought you’d undoubtedly made some progress in resisting all things that had to do with him. Apparently not.
You have yet to even lay eyes on him but you knew he was here from the moment you begrudgingly entered the venue. The only scent you could pick up on was his, no matter how many others you’d intentionally gotten close to tonight. That rich caramel scent, burnt sugar and smoke hung so thick in the air that you began to choke on it. Every breath in would inevitably attribute to suffocation, the sugar laced smoke was using all the oxygen to keep itself burning away inside your lungs.
Your face felt hot, a light sheen of sweat began decorating your brow, the beautiful designer dress you wore began to feel uncomfortable and constricting on your skin. You calmly strode over to the double doors that led to the balcony, strictly for appearance sake. Instinct had you wanting to book it outside before you inevitably collapsed, each careful step taking maximum effort.
Relief filled you as your shaky fingers came into contact with the door handle and as you exited that humid room you immediately took in gulps of the fresh night air. In your frenzy to get outside you failed to notice the predatory crimson gaze tracking your every move. Now that he’s finally got a chance to confront you he’s intent on seizing it. Reaching the double doors in five quick strides he slips out and follows the deliciously scented trail you’d unknowingly left behind.
You didn’t want to be here tonight, but it was mandatory for all the higher ranking pro’s to make an appearance. As soon as you picked up on someone approaching, you already undoubtedly knew who it was.
“I came out here to get some fresh air, cant you leave me be and go back to polluting the stuffy air inside?” you didn’t turn around to address him. He comes to stand beside you, much too close for comfort. When his elbow brushes against yours a scorching heat radiates through your body from the point of contact.
“We need to talk”
“I disagree”
You turn to leave, but he pulls you back “You didn’t think I’d just let you get away like that did you?”. “I’d rather have tried and failed, then willingly listen to you” you try to pull away but he won’t budge. “I want to start over y/n, I’m sorry for neglecting you like I did, let me fix it, please be mine again…my omega“ his arms wrap around your waist, pulling your face into his chest. The muffled keen you let out is absolutely pathetic! Inner omega and alpha are elated to be reunited again, but the body of those they reside in are nothing short of terrified.
Rejection can kill either one of you at this point. Six months wallowing in your own personal states of misery had begun to take a toll on each of you. “You have to let go, at this rate you’ll trigger my heat!” Your voice is panic stricken but the response he gives you is nothing but calm; “Tell me you don’t want this, tell me you don’t love me anymore and I’ll let you go”.
“Katsuki, let.me.go! NOW!” you bare your tiny fangs as you snarl. This only proceeds to spur him on further as his hands are freely roaming up and down your sides, “I know you can’t say it because it would be an outright fucking lie”.
This closeness is getting to you, your brain feels like it’s made of playdough. There isn’t even a point in putting up a fight, “Take me home please, I don’t want this happening out here where anyone walking by can see”. Somehow you both held out and spared his back seat. The sheets underneath you are stained with your dribbling slick and coated with drool, he’s too far gone to notice the mess you’ve made on your own. He’ll add to it soon enough, he’s rutting into you mercilessly as you feel his knot start to balloon. “I’m gonna sink my teeth into you this time little omega, gonna mark that pretty neck of yours while I fill your cunt to the brim with my cum” those are promises, no longer simple threats.
All you can do is babble as he continues fucking you completely dumb. You’re crooning like an absolute whore by the time his knot locks you together and his cum begins spilling into you.
“Yes alpha yes! S’good s’full all for you…again again!”. You’re barely able to move enough to deliver the bite you need to give him, but he makes sure you do. Your cunt greedily accepts load after load, you pretty much spend all of three days sitting on and stuffed full of his dick.
When you wake up on that fourth day and the burning haze has left your brain, you can’t help but whimper pathetically at the swell of your stomach. A heavy arm and an even heavier leg are carelessly thrown over you, effectively preventing your escape. “Shhhh omega, it’s not time to get up just yet” Katsuki rumbles from behind you. Your continued struggling earns you a sharp nip to your neck and you yelp at the sensitivity of the scabbed over flesh. Your fingers trace the mark on your neck, it’s as good as a ball and chain being attached to you forever.
You dont think you wanted this, but as that overpowering scent invades your nostrils you start to think “I could get used to this”.
You’d better, since it’s not like you have a fuckin’ choice at this point.
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emeren · 3 years
such a tease - eren jaeger
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👗 anon request <3
pairing: eren jaeger x fem!reader 
word count: 4k
content warnings: 18+, smut, choking, degradation, exhibitionism, unprotected sex, jealousy, possessiveness 
notes: this was an anonymous request and lemme just say, i was SO excited to write this one. i’m unfortunately not super happy with how it turned out, but i’ve been swamped bc school just started back up!
SUMMARY: reader decides to tease eren by wearing a skirt without any underwear for the day, causing her very jealous boyfriend to act out in an unexpected way. 
one look in the mirror was all it took for you to quell your nerves. your fingers ran over the expanse of the pleated skirt, smoothing out any wrinkles and creases. this was bold, even for you, but you knew exactly what you were doing. 
eren had never been particularly shy about his protective nature; he was always making sure people understood you were his girlfriend, wrapping his arm around your waist or glaring at men who stared a little too long. 
you loved that about him, but you loved pushing his buttons even more. he had a bad habit of being an argumentative, hot headed little shit, and teasing him like this was asking for some rough, animalistic gesture. that was exactly what you wanted. 
you’d never neglected to wear underwear in a skirt this short, the fabric stopping just below your ass. you knew you’d have to be careful or you would end up flashing jean or armin, and that would drive eren up a wall. 
you hoped eren wouldn’t notice until you were all out; meaning there would be nothing he could do about it. teasing him was one of your favorite things to do. 
you heard your phone buzz quietly from your bed, picking up the small device and seeing eren’s name at the top. 
lil shit <3: get ur ass out here we’ve been waiting forever 
the eye roll that naturally came to you was strong, giving yourself one final once over in the mirror before heading out of your apartment. you couldn’t help the nervous smile that teased at your lips once you left the building, connie’s beat up minivan sitting at the curb. riding in his car was never the first choice; it was musty and had suspicious stains on the carpeting, but it was the only one that fit all of your friends. 
connie laid on the horn as soon as he saw you, the rest of your friends yelling from inside the vehicle as you approached. you could see jean in the passenger seat, jogging up to the rear door with a knot of nervousness in your stomach. you placed one hand on your thigh to keep the skirt from riding up as you slid the van door open. 
sasha and mikasa were stuffed in the small backseat, armin and eren sitting in the middle row. it was comical to see eren in the spot generally reserved for the smallest passenger, but you had no doubt that he wanted to sit in the middle because of you. he was petty like that - a trait that made teasing him all the more fun. 
“hey guys,” you smiled, sliding into the van as your friends all greeted you at once. your eyes were on connie, who was craning his neck to give you a rather incredulous look. 
you felt eren stiffen as you sat down, reaching for the seatbelt. connie decided to speak up before you had a chance to question it. “dude, come ooooon. what the hell took you so long?” 
“sorry, i was distracted and my phone was on my bed,” you explained, connie resolutely rolling his eyes in response. 
“let’s go already, i’m starving!” sasha wailed from the back, shaking your seat in front of her. you giggled at her desperation, finally turning to your boyfriend as connie sped away from the curb. 
you were surprised to see that eren was already staring at you, a weird glint in his eyes. you gave him a smile, trying to act innocent. “hi.” 
he didn’t say anything, just looked forward and placed his large hand on your bare thigh. it wasn’t that it was unusual for him to do so in front of your friends, in fact it was normal. you just weren’t used to him placing it so high; so high that the tip of his pinky dipped beneath the fabric of your skirt and threatened to inch towards the apex of your leg. 
had he already noticed?
“took you awhile to get ready,” eren commented, his words only being heard by you as everyone else in the car chatted about going bowling. you glanced back up at him, eyes scanning his face. he was wearing a black t-shirt and sweats, the customary ‘i don’t care about anything’ outfit he always seemed to adorn. the cold metal of the ring on his middle finger did little to ease your nerves. 
“yeah, i was just thinking about some stuff and got distracted,” you lied, smiling up at him. he was looking at you from the side of his eyes, jaw clenched. 
“really?” he breathed, his hand shifting ever so slightly up your leg. his smallest finger teased at the crease of your thigh, head leaning down to whisper in your ear. “were you thinking about some stuff or were you forgetting about some stuff?”
your breath hitched, face growing hot as you struggled for something to say. connie, once again, beat you to the punch. “oi! lovebirds! no canoodling in my back seat!”
“we weren’t canoodling,” eren sneered, pulling away and moving his hand to just above your knee. he squeezed the skin generously, your slight embarrassment about eren’s public displays of affection quickly wearing off. “i was just saying, it looks like she forgot a coat.” 
jean snorted from the front seat. “yeah and because you’re a dumbass who doesn’t wear one either, i’m gonna have to give her mine later.” 
jean’s lighthearted words lit a devious lightbulb in your mind, the gears of your plan now in full swing. you leaned forwards, wrapping your arms around the back of the chair and consequently jean’s broad chest. you leaned your head to the side, a grin on your face.
“you really are too sweet to me, jean-jean!” you cooed, the feeling of eren’s grip tightening on your thigh an indication of just how well this was working in your favor. jean chuckled at the familiar nickname, hand coming up to pat your arms wrapped around him. 
you let go and slid back into your spot, eren’s face clearly peeved at your display of affection. for once, you had the upper hand. and you were going to milk it all the way. 
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the local bowling alley was a small, dank building that prided itself on its catering towards college students without much else to do. as connie skidded to a stop in his self-designated parking spot, the legacy of the building seemed to live up to its expectations. 
eren hadn’t said anything else on the ride over, just kept his hand protectively (and respectfully) placed on your lower thigh. you were much more careful sliding out of the car this time, hand blatantly coming down to cover your ass. you knew that eren was watching you, as he was quick to follow you from the vehicle and stand behind your brazen figure. 
he wrapped his arms lazily around your waist, resting his chin on the top of your head as you waited for your friends to pile out of the car. you’d grown accustomed to his touchy nature, suddenly deciding to press your ass against his groin. the gesture was small, but you could feel eren’s dick harden within his pants. 
“careful!” he hissed, hopping back in an attempt to shake away his sudden erection. you snickered to yourself, giving him a glance over your shoulder as you followed your friends into the building. 
the interior was the same as it’d always been; drowned out with black lights and the smell of wax. it was the kind of atmosphere that reminded you of your earliest days of childhood; attending large birthday parties and eating way too much cheaply made cake. 
the attendant was a short man named george, one who’d acknowledged connie’s arrival with annoyance. 
“head to our usual lane guys,” connie pointed, a grin on his features. you all made your way towards lane ten, eren in a sulking tow behind you.
as everyone began to sit down, jean motioned for you to sit next to him. “each side will be opposing teams. we’ve gotta be on the same team, per usual.” he called innocently. 
you and jean had dominated your friend group bowling tournaments each time before, and you figured this would be no different. you started towards him, surprised when you felt eren’s hand wrap around your wrist. 
“she’s going to be on my team this time, if you don’t mind,” eren stated in a quipped tone, something that would normally go undetected by jean due to their frenemy behavior. you knew that eren’s words were coming from a place of jealousy, sincerely trying to hide your sadistic grin.
jean scoffed, shaking his head. “yeah, right, jaeger. she’s going to be on connie and i’s team, like always.” 
you nodded your head in agreement, spinning to face your boyfriend. your skirt lifted ever so slightly at the action, eren’s teal eyes snapping to the garment with an annoyed perseverance. “don’t worry, i’ll take it easy on you.” 
he knew what you were doing. he knew that the thought of a part of you - a part specifically reserved for him - nearly on display for anyone who cared enough to pay attention, was enough to fill him with a primal sense of possessiveness. 
eren had never been particularly good at hiding his emotions. in fact, he’d been known to let them consume him in an embarrassingly juvenile way. as you sat down next to jean, your bare leg bumping his, eren couldn’t suppress the annoyance that washed over him. he folded his arms, the thought of your tight little- 
“eren?” armin called out, eren snapping from his lewd thought process. you took notice, leaning down to tie your bowling shoes. “did you hear me? i said here’s your shoes.” 
you listened to eren clear his throat and apologize, deciding to chat with jean and connie as everyone got ready to play. 
the final straw in your plan hadn’t even happened on purpose. it’d come to you itself, as if the powers that be were purposefully trying to get you rammed into oblivion. it came after the first few rounds of bowling, after a few near misses with jean regarding the skirt, each one sinking eren further into his foul mood. it came in the form of a lanky, awkward looking employee. 
he couldn’t have been any older than eighteen, carrying sasha’s order of nacho fries and your coca cola. he’d meant his comment to be nice as you got up to grab your drink. he hadn’t meant to say something that would send your childish boyfriend over the edge. 
“oh, uh, i like your skirt,” he’d commented awkwardly, scratching at the back of his neck. you smiled politely in response, eyes flitting over to eren. and if looks could kill, that awkward teenage boy would’ve been dead on sight. 
eren’s eyebrows were furrowed, jaw clenched tightly. you felt your cheeks heat as he made eye contact with the boy, standing from his seat. eren was tall, looming behind you as he protectively wrapped himself around your figure. 
“thanks,” he said flatly, pressing his face into the crook of your neck. you held your breath at the feeling of eren deeply exhaling against the sensitive skin, large hands squeezing your hips. the boy quickly looked at the ground, nodding before deciding to leave. eren waited until he was gone to remove himself from you, an annoyed twitch in his eye. “fucking little pervert.” 
you rolled your eyes, taking a generous swig from your coke. “he was just being nice.” 
eren glared at you, watching as you started back towards your friends. “nice my ass. i know you’re doing this just to rile me up.” 
“what ever do you mean?” you snickered, purposefully swaying your hips as eren scoffed, plopping back down in his seat. 
you made your way over to your teammates, sitting down and watching armin finish his turn. a couple minutes went by, chugging your coke and getting ready for connie to take his turn. 
“i think i’m gonna go use the bathroom,” you hummed, jean nodding his head in understanding. you waited until connie tossed the bowling ball down the lane, effectively missing all of the pins. you knew you’d drank the soda way too fast, standing from the bench and making your way towards the dimly lit restrooms. 
they were dark inside, with red lighting like something out of a sex club. you pushed the heavy door open, quickly locking it behind you and relieving yourself. 
as you washed your hands in the sink, you thought about just how riled up eren was getting. it was humorous, in more ways than one, but you couldn’t help the slight guilt that crept up the back of your neck about your actions. 
but then again, it wasn’t like eren wasn’t known himself for being a tease. you couldn’t count the number of times where he’d purposefully made you jealous or grabbed your ass in an inopportune moment. so what was the harm in giving him a taste of his own medicine? 
you flattened your hands against the skirt, making sure it was straight before unlocking the door and heaving it open, stepping out into the dark hallway. 
you jumped back at the appearance of a dark figure leaning against the wall, defensively clutching your chest as you stood in front of your slightly amused boyfriend. 
“mind if we chat?” he asked, voice edging an emotion that you knew you couldn’t get into at the moment. your eyes glanced down the end of the hallway, no one in sight. you looked back to him, his pink lips turned upwards, the word ‘gotcha’ written all over his face.
“we should probably head back out there,” you mumbled, trying to ignore the way eren was sizing you up. he just smiled, pushing himself from the wall and taking a step towards you. all of the confidence you’d had in your teasing flew out the window, swallowing at the downfall of your plan.
“don’t worry. i told ‘em my mom was calling,” he purred in response, index finger coming up to gently trace against your jaw. it was his turn to be smug; everyone in your friend group knew that carla’s phone calls were a draw out, lengthy affair. he’d trapped you. 
you held your breath as he stepped forward, slowly tilting your jaw to place a deceivingly sweet kiss to the skin. you felt embarrassed at the way your cunt throbbed at the action, his lips moving to tease the shell of your ear. “but what about me?” 
“what about you?” eren sneered, his voice turning slightly sour, fingers roughly gripping your jaw as he placed a kiss right below your ear. “this is what you were asking for, wasn’t it? now be a good girl and go back into the bathroom for me.” 
you hesitated for a moment, thinking about your friends bowling a mere 100 feet away. eren’s eyes were dark, and the churning you could feel at the pit of your stomach was only making it harder to resist. 
all it took was the thought of eren bending you over the sink, fucking you stupid for you to demurely shift in place, turning to shove the bathroom door open once again. you could feel your neck burning at the thought of how easily you’d just submitted, but you wanted this. more than anything. 
the bathroom was no desirable place; it smelled like generic soap and had discarded pieces of toilet paper on the ground. eren didn’t seem to care, gingerly locking the door behind himself before roughly shoving you forward facing against the cool, knock off linoleum countertop. 
you could feel his hard dick pressing against your ass, your reflections in the dirty mirror lit under the red lightbulbs. he was commanding; aggressively grinding himself into you, your skirt beginning to ride up at the motion.
eren made eye contact with you in the glass, one hand coming forward to tilt your neck to the side. he slowly brought his lips down, peppering the skin till his mouth met the base of your neck. he made sure you were watching as he pressed his tongue flatly against the skin, your breath hitching as you watched him drag the wet muscle up to your jawline. 
“you’re such a tease,” he growled against you, rolling his hips into your ass. you could feel your skirt starting to ride up even more, the cold air uncomfortable. “’s’hot, knowing your pretty little cunt is so exposed.” 
his hand on your jaw slipped around your throat, squeezing lightly in warning as he flipped the edge of your skirt up.
you squeaked as his other hand snaked between your legs, middle two fingers slowly sliding themselves between your already soaking center. he rubbed at your clit, breath hot against your neck as he forced you to watch him through the mirror. 
“look at how pretty you are,” he mumbled as he plunged his two digits inside of you, the sudden sensation causing a gasp to leave your lips. he wasn’t playing nice; roughly digging his fingers all the way to the last knuckle. his other hand squeezed your throat tighter. it hurt, but you couldn’t help the way your cunt clenched around him, chest tightening. “so pretty for me. n’only me.”
he slowed his fingers, pumping in and out of you, the sound of your slick causing him to grow impossibly harder. the feeling of his cock pressed against the flesh of your ass sent another throb to your cunt, eren smirking in response. 
“needy for my cock after teasing all day?” he asked, stuffing his fingers particularly deep, a strangled moan slipping past your lips. you struggled to nod your head against his grasp, the feeling of his fingers sliding in and out of you at such a rhythmic pace causing you to grind your hips against his hand and subsequently his cock. 
he quickly pulled his fingers out from inside of you, hand growing tighter around your throat. “you were such a little whore today. a little whore who needs to learn a thing or two.” 
you could feel tears prickling in your eyes, eren’s hand that was wrapped around your throat coming up to pry your mouth open. you didn’t have a chance to react before he was slipping his sheen coated fingers past your lips, the saccharine flavor hitting your tastebuds. 
“suck for me, pretty girl,” he said lowly, hooded eyes watching you in the mirror. you did as you were told, wrapping your lips around his knuckles and swirling your tongue around his fingers. the taste wasn’t completely pleasant or unpleasant, your mouth releasing with a smack. 
eren pressed down on your tongue with his fingers, saliva filling your mouth before he dragged the two digits down your chin and throat, leaving a shiny trail in their wake. 
he brought his hands down to roughly grope your chest, your own hands pressing against the countertop to keep you steady. eren gripped the hem of your sweater, forcing the fabric up to your midsection. 
“off, take it off.” he demanded, leaning back from you but still keeping his groin pressed against your ass. you were quick to oblige, pulling it over your head. as you did so, you could feel eren palming your ass under the skirt, his dark eyes fixated on the sight of your little skirt riding up on your skin. 
you dropped the sweater to the ground, knowing you’d regret it later, but you couldn’t be bothered. eren didn’t wait, letting go of your ass to unclasp your bra, the undergarment falling into the empty sink. he palmed at your newly exposed breasts, fingers pinching at your hardened nipples. 
he was watching you in the mirror, the sight of you batting your eyelashes with your saliva on your chin only making him more possessive. it sent a twitch to his cock, hands releasing from your chest to shove you against the cold glass. 
“want me to show this pretty cunt who it belongs to, hm?” eren nearly growled, the thought of jean or that employee ever being lucky enough to see you like this pushing him over the edge. 
you tried to nod against the mirror, your breasts pressed against the cold material only aiding the way your center throbbed mercilessly for whatever eren was about to do. his hand came up to fist your hair, the other haphazardly yanking down his sweats and boxers. 
you could see his veiny cock slap against his stomach through the mirror, the tingling in your clit multiplying at the sight of it. eren smirked at your staring. 
“fuck,” he hissed, his gaze drawn to your skirt pooled around your waist, glistening center ready for him to abuse. and he couldn’t wait any longer, rubbing the tip of his cock between your legs. 
a gasp ripped through your throat at just how deeply eren thrusted into you, his hips hitting your ass with a loud smack. it hurt; his brows furrowed as he completely pulled out from you, just to ram himself back inside your tight cunt. 
“what’s wrong?” eren asked breathlessly, pounding into you as hard as he could. you were jerking against the mirror, mouth open as your nose began to tingle; a tell-tale sign of tears. your boyfriend had a sadistic smile on his face, a piece of hair falling from his bun to rest against his forehead. 
“ah- hurts,” you gasped out, the sound of eren pounding into you filling the small space. eren hit you with a particularly deep angled thrust, the tip of his cock brushing your cervix. he tightly fisted your hair, yanking on the follicles as hit other hand gripped your waist for better leverage. it hurt so bad, but so good.  
“look at you, look at you take my cock like this,” he said, voice gravelly as he began to buck his hips faster. you could feel the hot tears rolling down your cheeks, eren’s hand around your waist moving to guide your knee up onto the counter top for better leverage. the pain lessened with his movement, his animalistic thrusts growing pleasurable. “such a good little whore. a little whore who’ll only let me fuck her like this, hm?” 
you moaned out against the glass, eren yanking your hair as an indication for a worded response. “yes-yes. all for you, only you.” 
eren groaned out at your words, his head leaning back as he slammed into you from behind. he was blurry as your breath fogged the glass, but just the image of him bucking his cock deep within your throbbing cunt was enough to have you seeing stars. 
he was filling you up so nice, pressing himself against you as the veins in his arms grew prominent. you could feel him twitching inside of you, your own center clenching around him as he made sure you knew you were his. 
“such a little tease, showing off her pretty little cunt like that,” eren moaned out, shamelessly loud. he buried himself within you, your eyes rolling back in your head as the building anticipation between your legs became too much to bear. 
“eren-” you heaved, him quickening his pace, hitting your cervix over and over. it was enough to make the tears come back, your vision becoming hot white as he bucked his hips once more, stuffing his cock impossibly deep within you. your orgasm didn’t reach its climax until you felt eren’s length twitch, effectively filling you with his cum. 
the high was incredible; the cold mirror a stark contrast to the hot, burning sensation as eren thrusted out his own climax. 
the two of you stood for a moment, mirror foggy and bathroom humid as you recollected your composure. when eren did pull out, he watched his cum slowly drip down your thigh, fingers attempting to stuff it back inside of you. 
“don’t let it drip out,” he smiled, pressing a kiss to your sweaty cheek. you could only roll your eyes, peeling yourself from the glass. he gingerly pulled his pants back up, delivering a swift swat to your ass as he stood straight again. 
“y’know, you should wear skirts more often.” 
“you should get jealous more often.” 
“sounds like a deal to me.” 
<3 <3 <3
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razorscooteer · 2 years
Dark Lena Luther with f reader please😽
Warnings: Dark themes, manipulation, mention and description of isolation, toxic and obsessive behavior, the reader has no specified gender, pet name(s)
Word count:675
A/N: sorry it took so long I’ve been busy 😗✌🏽and I edited this the best my brain 🧠 could handle
You waited excitedly for your wife to get home. Not long ago she had confided in you that she was jealous of how much you’d been hanging with your friends.
You felt terrible when you saw her shed tears. So you agreed that you should spend more time with her. You quickly fix your clothes and check the area one more time before sitting at the table to wait patiently.
Minutes later you’re tensing at the sound of keys jingling and the door opening. You keep your eyes forward and make no attempt to move just as she had taught you.
“Welcome home my love,” you say, shuddering as you feel her come closer. “How was your day?” She remains silent a little too long for your liking, scared you’d done something wrong you go to make small talk.
“It was fine, what’s all this?” She questions, gesturing to the romantic dinner you had prepared as an apology.
Your heart skips a few beats, did she not like it? It doesn’t matter because you pulled through and answered her as calmly as possible.
“I just wanted to apologize for the way I neglected you” you feel your breath catch in your throat.
She sticks her head into your neck and you feel her smile against your skin. “Thank you, baby, I’m glad you’ve learned your lesson” she gently breathes against your neck.
Your mind flashes to the punishment that followed soon after the conversation. Isolation. She had enough money to trap you in a condo across the city or next door. Either way, it was terrible. After hours of being left alone, you could feel everything and nothing at the same time.
You could hear every person that walked by. You heard every footstep, scream, laugh, and cry there was to hear. No matter how much you cried out for help, hoping someone, anyone heard you, they didn’t.
When she finally came back to retrieve you it seemed the punishment did more bad than good. You were more distant and eager to get away from her in any way you could.
Meanwhile, on her end she had a plan, sure it involved less… intense measures and would take time but you slowly got there. Trusting her how you used to. Letting her hold, kiss, and be as affectionate as she was before.
Slowly but surely she planted herself into your life once more. It started with putting the additional effort into staying in bed till you woke up before going to L-Corp and then taking designated days off for just the two of you and the list could go on about how many compromises she made just to make you stay and love her just as she adored you.
To be honest her tolerance was wearing thin. Though you were intimate again she could still see your hesitation to fully let her back in. Out of fear of losing you completely she began to separate you from your friends and family.
Spreading rumors, bribing, and terrorizing them kept them as far and quiet as she desired to entirely have you to herself.
“My sweetheart? Are you listening?” She asks, pulling you closer. You blink a few times, when did you get in bed?
She gently guides your face towards hers. “Look at me,” she begs. “I’m not going to hurt you anymore, as long as you are my good baby” she whispered.
“All you have to do is listen to me, I’m doing all of this for you don’t be so insensible baby”
Your mind goes blank for a moment. You can’t decide if you should trust her or not. She’s been good to you even before the incident happened. So you gently lean into her chest, relaxing into her embrace and you hope you don’t regret this.
129 notes · View notes
maddiwrites · 3 years
Let Me Go
Pairing: JJ x Reader
Summary: This was requested! Y/N still lives with the Cameron’s following the death of her brother, but she’s being held there against her will. After many failed escape attempts, Y/N finally gets out of Figure Eight, but she’s far from safe. (The request was long so I’m going to link it here so you can see the full summary of what anon wanted!)
Note: I’m sorry this took so long to get out!!! I literally had half of it written and then it all deleted and I’m so upset because my first attempt at writing it was better but oh well. I hope you like it. Again, sorry for the long wait!
Word Count: 3.8k
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You weren’t always like this - sitting up in your unmade bed, staring at the blank wall in front of you like you could see through it, unshowered, trembling from your shoulders down to your toes, feeling empty from the inside out. 
You forget what it’s like to be free. Following the death of your brother, you’ve been trapped like a rat in a cage. Figure Eight is no longer the luxurious part of the island to you. It’s filled with lies, manipulation, secrets, murder. 
You’re still living at the Cameron’s. No, not living. Surviving. Ward refused to give his guardianship of you up. Some people wondered why - why would Ward want to live with the sister of a murderer? Yeah, that’s what they thought - that your brother killed Sheriff Peterkin and tried to kill Ward too. But you knew why.
Ward no longer treats you like a member of his family. He has you locked in your designated room on the third floor that’s basically only used as an attic and storage area. Your own personal prison. Because you know what he did - not only to your brother and his daughter but to your dad. 
You felt like you were losing grasps of reality. You only knew fall was approaching because you could hear Wheezy talking about it to Rose outside your door. You guess the time of day by the sunlight through your window and the meals brought to your room. 
Of course there have been times you tried to escape. You managed to run away a few times. The first time, you went straight to the police station and tried telling them that Ward was keeping you trapped in his home. Of course they didn’t believe you. Instead, they called Ward to come pick you up. He told the police that you’ve been experiencing delusions since the death of your brother. Without a second thought, they believed him and ignored your cries for help completely. The second time, you tried going to Kie’s, but the police found you first and brought you back to Ward’s now that they think you’re going through some kind of mental breakdown. 
By now, you’re exhausted. You’re tired of fighting and arguing and screaming. You feel empty inside, craving some sort of release or embrace of comfort. You haven’t seen your Pogues in weeks, maybe months. You wonder if they still think about you. Do they blame you for leaving John B to go off by himself with Sarah? Do they hate you?
Not only is living inside an enclosed box hard enough, but dealing with the loss of your brother, friend, and father, is killing you inside. You can’t help but feel guilty that you weren’t with them. You and your brother were supposed to be partners in crime and you totally let him go off on his own. You feel like you abandoned him and that keeps you up at night. 
Since your ways of coping are limited, you’re not proud to say you found an unhealthy way of relieving your pain. 
When you were first locked up, you would scream and kick the door that hid you from the rest of the world, begging for anyone in the house to let you go. Never did it work, but one time Rafe got extremely fed up and raced upstairs to make you shut up. You didn’t know it, but Rafe was on the verge of a breakdown himself. His dad complete shut him out as he tried to fix the damage he caused. He assumed Sarah was dead. And Barry basically owned him, making him do all his dirty work. Maybe he deserved it, but he didn’t live a luxurious life either despite living in Figure Eight.
You took a couple steps back when you heard heavy footsteps approaching your door. Rafe quickly undid the locks and barged in so fast that he almost knocked you down. 
“Oh my god. Do you ever shut the fuck up?” Rafe was breathing hard and quickly getting red in the face. You stumbled backwards, suddenly afraid of being alone with him. 
You sniffled. “I need to get out of here.”
“You’re not leaving.”
“Please, Rafe. You got to get me out of here. Please!” You never thought you’d be here, begging Rafe of all people for help. Yet here you were. With no other choices left.
Rafe paced the room and raked his fingers through his hair. “You do realize you're not the only one going through something, right?”
You swallowed back your tears and scoffed at the Kook in front of you. “Seriously? Your family is keeping me locked in here like some kind of zoo animal! My brother is dead -”
“Sarah is too!”
“But that’s not my fault!” You screamed. You pointed an accusatory finger in his direction. “That’s yours!” Rafe froze and turned to look at you. You didn’t know where you grew the balls to keep going but you did. “I know what you did. I know what your dad is trying to cover up. And he’s using my brother to do it.” You saw Rafe’s adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallowed. “Why do you think your dad is keeping me locked in here?”
“Shit,” Rafe cursed. Now he knew why his dad gave him strict instructions to never come up to your room. He started shaking his his head and shaking in his skin. “I didn’t mean to - I - I - it happened so fast.”
You could go on and on about how Rafe would never be able to dig himself out of this hole. How he will never be able to convince you that he wasn’t guilty. But you didn’t. Because he’s the only one who could help you.
“Rafe, please,” You begged. “I won’t say anything. I just need to get out of here.”
Rafe sniffled back his own tears and fears and looked out the one window that looked out into the backyard of his home. He couldn’t let you go. He knew it was selfish, but he had to save himself. 
“I can’t,” Rafe said.
A new wave of tears hit you and you felt defeated. You fell back on your bed and cried into your hands, hunched over above your knees. 
“I’m sorry,” Rafe said, but his apology was as empty as you feel. 
“Just go,” You rubbed your eyes hard enough to see stars. 
You hear something light hit the bed next to you. “I know it’s not much. But this helps me get through all this messed up shit.”
When you didn’t look at him or whatever he gave you, he took that as a hint to leave and quietly left the room. You listened to each lock being fastened again, each one leaving a crack in your heart. 
Rafe offered you something you should have never taken. A small baggie filled with fine white powder. You should have never even considered it. Drugs were never your thing. You wouldn’t even smoke with JJ when he offered a hit of whatever he was smoking. But the idea of anything taking your pain away enticed you.
And that’s how you ended up here. Broken, alone, and craving something only Rafe could supply you with. Literally. He came around every so often, sliding a small baggie under the door for you. It was the closest thing you and Rafe had to a friendship. 
Today was particularly a bad day. It was dark and rainy outside and you remembered John B’s birthday should be quickly approaching. You missed him. God, did you miss him. You would do anything to hear his voice again or steal his clothes or go surfing in the ocean with him. 
You trudged out of bed towards your dresser that held a faint line of coke left over from yesterday. With a one dollar bill, you sniffed the rest of it up your nose and blinked back the sting of tears that pricked your eyes after you did it. A rush of energy sparked up your body, through your toes and up to your head. You immediately felt lighter and that the world was spinning a little faster. But with that rush came a surge of emotions. You went from being sad to being angry real fast. 
You hated Ward. You hated Shoupe. You hated this house.  You hated Kooks. You hated yourself. You hated everything about the Outer banks. You just wanted to leave. 
You find the closest thing to you, a small makeup mirror, and smash it against one of the locks on the door. You’ve done this hundreds of times and by now the door was scratched and bruised from your abuse, but you didn’t care. You didn’t feel the glass of the mirror slice into your skin as you continued to bang it on the metal lock. You didn’t care if Ward and the others heard you throwing another temper tantrum. You just wanted out.
When you felt the lock stumble to the side of the door, you froze in your place. You stared at the broken lock, wondering if this was all a dream or a hallucination from your high. “No fucking way,” You mumbled. You looked down at the door knob and repeated the same movements until the handle completely fell off and clattered to the floor. 
You dropped the mirror and stuck two fingers through the hole in the door where the door knob use to be. While holding your breath, you slowly pulled the door open and couldn’t believe when it moved without any hiccup. 
You never thought that you would get this far, and now that you were here, you didn’t know what to do. You felt scared. Cautiously, you stuck your head out to make sure no one was in the hallway. When the coast was clear, you tip toed throughout the house, listening to the eery silence that filled it. No one was home. 
When you passed Rafe’s room, you stopped. You were out of supply and you needed more. Rafe owed you anyway, you told yourself. So you ransacked his room. Found about four more small baggies and stuffed them in your pocket before leaving.
As you walk through the halls, you pass Ward’s office and paused. It was open and unlocked. Even before all this shit happened, you never remember it being this way. You didn’t know what it was. Maybe it was the adrenaline from another escape attempt or maybe it was the cocaine, but you walked yourself into that office and looked around. 
You cursed at all the accomplishments hanging on his wall, the trophies, and expensive relics of random shit. His desk was neat and orderly despite the major crime he was trying to cover up. You sat yourself in his chair, trying to imagine what it felt like to be him. Motherfucker probably felt like a king. 
You went through his drawers, thumbing through random files you had no business looking through - most of it work related stuff and banking information. You tucked that one in your pocket for later. 
Then you hear something thump against the drawer when you pull it out. A revolver. Small and silver. Cold against your fingertips. You breath hitched as you brought it up to your face. It felt like you were holding a bomb. An object that could change your life forever. Another fresh set of tears threatened to roll down your face but you shook them away. No. No more being sad. 
You shut the drawer hard and walked out with a couple new items in your possession.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
The Pogues were spending another dreary day at The Wreck. The September sun might be out, but their spirits were down. Two of their best friends are dead and the other is trapped with two murderers. They were scared for you and have tried everything to get you back. They tried talking to the cops, they tried breaking her out. But each times the cops got in the way. They were running out of hope. At this point, they didn’t even know if they would ever see you again. They just hoped you were okay. They knew you tried escaping a few times and prayed that you would eventually get yourself out of there soon.
“JJ, you gotta eat,” Kie sighed as she watched JJ play with the fries in front of him. If anyone was handing it the worst, it was JJ. Both John B and Y/N were his best friends first. Hell, he was in love with Y/N. Had been since the sixth grade. One of his biggest regrets is that he never told you. Now he didn’t know if he ever would. 
“’M not hungry,” JJ mumbled. 
The door above the restaurant entrance rang as a couple of police officers walked in for their lunch break. The group of three glared at them as they walked in with their cocky stride and their hand resting on their tasers and guns as if everyone should be scared of them. 
“Fucking cops can’t do their goddamn job,” JJ sat back in his seat and flicked one of his fries down on the table. He hated them. More than he ever had. He couldn’t believe these people took an oath to protect this county. Fucking cowards, all of them. 
“Fucking assholes,” Kie said and watched her father approach them with a friendly smile. 
Pope snapped up when an idea popped into his head. “Sarah’s sister.”
“What?” Kie’s brows furrowed. 
“School starts next week,” Pope explained. “She’s starting high school, right? What if you tried talking to her? Maybe you can -”
Pope paused when he heard the sound of the police radios echoing off the walls from their belts. 
“Code10-92. Runaway teen last reported on Baker’s Street. Proceed with caution. Last seen wearing black sports shorts and a white tank. Suspect may be armed and dangerous.”
JJ’s head snapped back to his friends with his brows pinched together. Could this be you? Could you have made it out again? But what did armed and dangerous mean? That didn’t sound like you.
Shoupe radioed back to the station. “On our way.”
The officers dropped ten dollars in the tip jar before charging out the door to go to their vehicles. 
“We gotta go,” JJ stood up first and stuffed his phone and keys into his pocket. The other two nod and follow him out the door. If that call was about you, they wanted to find you before the cops did. “Okay. Kie, go home. She tried going to your house last time. Maybe she’ll try that again. Pope, go to Heyward’s. She trusts your dad. She might try to find him for help.”
“Where are you going to go?” Pope asked. 
“Everywhere else.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
You trudged through your old home with heavy feet. Nothing in there felt familiar to you - like it belonged to you in another life time. You first went to your room and stared at the girl in the mirror. You didn’t recognize her. Bones sticking out of your skin, dark bags under the eyes, and cracked lips and dry skin. 
Without thinking, you took the gun that’s still in your hand and smashed it against the glass, shattering it all around you. 
Ignoring the stinging in your hands from the shallow cuts on your skin, you moved on to the next room. Your brother’s room. It looked like a tornado made its way through here. Everything was tossed and turned from the police and FBI ransacking it during their search for John B. Nothing felt like it was John B’s anymore. Nothing felt private. And that pissed you off. 
Next you went to your dad’s office, somewhere you haven’t been since you found the compass. Even now, it felt like you weren’t supposed to be in here. If you believed in an afterlife, you would think your dad would be shaking his head at you. 
The office looked like John B’s room did. Whatever belonged to your dad now belonged to the state. The only things left were random files and belongings the police didn’t find of importance. But they were important to you. 
The first thing you found was a picture in a cracked frame of you, your dad, and your brother from when you were ten. Your dad was holding both of you as you blew out the candles on a birthday cake. Looking at the picture, you felt your heart being shredded apart. The picture only brought back pain and grief. You wanted that happiness back that ten year old you portrayed in that picture. But you can’t have it. Ever again.
A cry ripped through your throat as you chucked the picture across the room. From there, you went on a rampage, throwing and kicking anything that was in your way. You took one of the baggies out of your pocket and dumped it on the desk in front of you. Without any precision, you fixed the lines up with your finger and took a long whiff. You gripped the roots of your hair and tugged as you sobbed loudly and felt one of the biggest headaches explode in your brain. 
You paced back and forth in the office with the gun held in your shaky hands. You were mumbling to yourself about your options and how horrible of a sister and daughter you were for leaving your family behind. You wanted to see them. You wanted to be with them and prove to them you never meant to abandon them. 
You didn’t hear the door to the Chateau open or the sound of footsteps following your cries. It wasn’t until you heard his soft, delicate voice that you turned around and stared at your best friend with wide eyes and a startled expression. 
“Y/N...” JJ breathed out. He didn’t see the gun yet. He just saw you, crying and broken and not looking like the girl he knew only a few months ago. 
“What are you doing here?” He didn’t recognize your voice either. Hoarsed and scared. “You’re not supposed to be here!”
“The cops are looking for you! Okay? We need to get you out of here!”
“I’m not leaving!”
“What?” JJ looked at you like you grew two heads. “What are you talking about. We -”
“No! I said I’m not leaving! Agh!” Your hands flew up to your pulsating head and gripped at your hair again. The pounding in your head was excruciating and wouldn’t go away. Between the cocaine, your cries, and the exhaustion, you didn’t think it would ever go away. 
That’s when JJ saw the gun and took a shocking step back. His hands immediately flew up in surrender and he gulped down his nerves. Now he knew why the cops had called you armed and dangerous. Probably because Ward reported a stolen gun. JJ never knew you to be a violent person. It wasn’t in you. You couldn’t even hurt a fly. Which meant you didn’t steal this gun to hurt someone else. But probably...
Then his eyes flickered to the desk where he saw the reside of white powder next to an empty baggie. Now he was petrified because he didn’t know how to get through to you - if he even could get through to you.
“Y/N, baby. Put the gun down.”
“No,” You shook you head. “No, no, no. I need to see them. I need to see my dad and John B!”
“I should’ve gone with them. I should’ve - I - I didn’t mean to leave. I’m so-sorry, John B. I’m so sorry.” You were a mess. Tears and snot and running all over your red and puffy face. 
JJ kept looking between you and the gun. His only comfort was that he knew you didn’t know how to use it. You wouldn’t even touch the one he stole from Scooter Grubs. But that didn’t mean accidents couldn’t happen.
“I can’t do it anymore,” You continued. “I can’t go back there. I won’t. I won’t. I just want to see my dad.”
JJ took a hesitant step closer to you and nodded his head, keeping his hands up. “Okay. Okay. What if I helped you see your dad?”
“H-How?” You hiccuped. JJ didn’t know where he was going with this. He just knew he had to get that gun out of your hand. He took another step closer to you, but this one made you jump back. “No! No! Stay away!”
“Okay, okay!” JJ yelled back at you. “Hey. I’m here to help you, okay? Whatever you want to do.”
“I want to see them. I want to say sorry. I - I’m so sorry.”
“Y/N, they’re not mad at you-”
“I’m sorry, daddy, I -”
With you distracted, JJ took the opportunity to run at you and tackle you to the ground. He ignored the pang in his heart when he heard you cry harder, wondering if he hurt you, but he cared more about keeping you alive. He wrestled the gun out of your hands and quickly emptied the cartridge. He chucked the multiple pieces across the room and wrapped himself around your crumpled body.
“No! No!” You shrieked in JJ’s shoulder and gripped onto his shirt for dear life. “Please! Let me go!” 
JJ held on to your crumbling body as you wracked with sobs. Exhaustion quickly took over you as the adrenaline slowly vanished out of your system. Your throat was on fire from all the crying and the screaming. Your chest felt empty and your lungs heavy. All you wanted was to close your eyes and never open them again.
JJ couldn’t hold back his own silent tears as they ran down his cheeks. He hated seeing you like this. And he hated even more that he didn’t know how to help you.
“It’s going to be okay,” He said as he brushed the hair out of your face. He kissed the top of your head with his soft lips and kept mumbling into your head. “You’re going to be okay. I’m never leaving your side again. It’s going to be okay.”
He didn’t know if he was trying to convince you or himself. He jus knew he had to make you believe it.
About ten minutes later, he felt your body relax against his. When he found you fast asleep, he pulled out his phone and texted Kie to pick the two of you up. 
Until Kie got there, he stared at the delicate skin on your face with such admiration. Rage bubbled through this veins as the ideas of what you possibly went through in the that hell hole in Figure Eight. 
He knew it was going to be a long road to recovery. He knew there was a lot of fixing that needed to be done. But he made a promise that he will never let you out of his sights again. Because today was a close call. And he never wanted you to be that close to death ever again.
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Juleka vs. the Forces of the Universe ch 8
Juleka vs. the Forces of Her Idiot Friend
I'm so sorry for not updating this sooner, and I really appreciate your patience! Life has been pretty busy for me lately, and to be honest, this chapter has had me spinning in circles. This is the sixth complete rewrite of the chapter, and while I'm still not 100% happy with it, I need to just let it go at this point. Perfect is the enemy of progress.
I also wanted to mention, the chapter of my Regency AU that caused me to actually start writing this story is now posted. If you want to see what inspired me to start writing this, you can check it out here (AO3).
On another note, I'm currently trying to switch careers right now, which means a lot of job hunting plus taking some online courses. This is reducing the amount of time I have to dedicate to writing. On top of that, I'm prioritizing spending time with my family right now because one of my sisters will be moving across the country in the next couple of months. Finally, I'm also trying to get some work done on some of my older fics that I've been neglecting. So I might not update this as frequently as I have done in the past, but this story is NOT being abandoned.
I really appreciate your patience and support, you are all seriously the best. And with all that said, I hope you enjoy it!
Juleka vs. the Forces of the Universe (AO3)
Mari 🌸: I thought about asking Luka
Mari 🌸: but I don’t know if he’d want to…
She glared down at the texts pulled up on her phone before flicking her gaze to look over at Marinette.
Her friend was engrossed in watching Luka play, her sketchbook seemingly forgotten in her hands. Marinette’s cheeks were flushed a soft pink, and there was a dreamy smile on her face.
Her Luka smile.
She could practically see the hearts in Marinette’s sparkling eyes. It was nothing like the faces she made around Adrien. Or when the blond was brought up in question.
But it was everything like the dreamy smile on Luka’s face. It was exactly like his Marinette smile.
Luka wasn’t looking at Marinette; he was looking up into nothing. But the smile on his face made it obvious he was thinking about her. And Marinette was obviously not even in the realm of thinking about designs for Kitty Section.
How could neither of them see it?
She looked back down at the text conversation from a couple of weeks ago.
Mari 🌸: I thought about asking Luka
Mari 🌸: but I don’t know if he’d want to…
And where had Marinette gotten that idea?
At the time, she had brushed it aside in favour of getting everything ready for the photo shoot.
Her gaze idly drifted back up to Marinette. Her friend wasn’t even holding her pencil anymore. It had slipped out of her slack grip at some point or another.
It hadn’t been the time a few weeks ago. But now was the time to find out just where Marinette had gotten that ridiculous notion.
Queen of Darkness 🦇: Hey
Queen of Darkness 🦇: Are you free?
Mari 🌸: Yeah! What’s up? 😊
Queen of Darkness 🦇: I’m going thru my closet and I found a few things that need patching up
Queen of Darkness 🦇: Nothing major but do you think you could come over and take a look and see if you could fix them?
It wasn’t a lie. She was going through her closet. One of the pitfalls of living on a boat was limited closet space. And nothing needed major fixes. She had made sure of that. The point was to get Marinette to spend time with Luka, not stress her out with extra work after all. Just a few ripped seams here, a missing button there, a skirt in need of hemming…
Little things that Marinette could easily do while Luka played for her. Because it would be rude to ask Marinette to watch her clean out her closet while she worked on mending her stuff. Listening to Luka play would be a much nicer option. And a totally innocent suggestion.
Sort of…  
Mari 🌸: That’s no problem!! 😊😊
Mari 🌸: I have a couple of things for Luka anyways
Mari 🌸: I can be there in half an hour
Mari 🌸: Does that work?
Queen of Darkness 🦇: That’s perfect
The saying went, ‘no good deed goes unpunished.’
So in hindsight, she really should have known better. Because when she sent those files to the authorities about Adrien’s work schedule, she really should have seen this coming. Because now he wasn’t working as many hours. And while there were way fewer new Adrien ads coming out, it meant Adrien had more free time.
Which meant Alya had more chances to scheme.
And Marinette…
“Come on, Juleka. Marinette can fix your clothes anytime!”
“These tickets for the laser tag park expire today. We have to use them now!” And of course, it was Marinette who had to give up her plans to be dragged along.
“I could call Nathalie and see if she can get us more-“
“They’re probably already sold out. You know this place sells out fast. Anyways, the car is already waiting for us. Your clothes will be fine for a day or two. C’mon, Marinette.”
Adrien shrugged “Sorry, Juleka. I guess Alya is right, but I’ll get tickets for you and Luka next time!”
“That sounds fun.” Luka’s quiet voice nearly sent her a foot in the air; she hadn’t noticed him coming up behind her.
Adrien flashed a model grin, then headed back over the gangplank to where Nino was waiting.
Something that sounded like a strangled squeak pulled her attention back to Alya and Marinette. Marinette’s eyes were trained on Luka, and the spark of fight that had been in her eyes before Luka went and opened his big, dumb mouth was gone. Replaced by crushing disappointment. And…
“But-“ Marinette protested weakly, her eyes still on Luka as Alya grabbed her by the wrist.
“You can help Juleka out tomorrow. Besides, this will be the perfect opportunity! This time everything will be perfect!” Alya hissed, casting a glance over her shoulder before calling out, “We’ll see you later, Juleka! Luka.”  
She didn’t know how the whole Ladybug strength thing worked, but she assumed it came with the super suit. But even without the super suit, Marinette wasn’t a wimp. She could hold her own just fine.
But she didn’t try to fight off Alya’s grip. She didn’t try to argue. She just… wilted. Like she had resigned herself to going. Despite the obvious fact that she didn’t have to go if she didn’t want to.
And, to her at least, it was very obvious Marinette didn’t want to go.
Marinette cast an apologetic shadow of a smile over her shoulder as Alya tugged her along. “I’m sorry, Juleka. We could do this tomorrow…?”
She nodded mutely. She didn’t doubt the sincerity of Marinette’s apology. She didn’t doubt that Marinette wanted to stay and help her and hang out with Luka. She hadn’t missed the way Marinette had surreptitiously looked around on deck when she first arrived, the disappointment in her eyes when she hadn’t seen Luka. Or the blush that had crawled across her face when she told her Luka was below deck.  
Marinette bit her lip as she looked back over her shoulder again. “I’ll- I’ll see you later, Luka?” She hated the way Marinette’s voice sounded, full of false cheer that did nothing to hide the obvious.
Out of the corner, she saw Luka nod before he turned and headed back down below deck.
She narrowed her eyes as Marinette trudged across the deck, trailing after Adrien and Alya.  
She had no doubts in her mind that Marinette wanted to hang out on the Liberty. That she wanted to hang out with Luka.
Which begged the question; why had she let herself be dragged away?
It was a beautiful day; the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, the breeze was cool. Luka and Marinette were out thrifting together, looking for vintage band t-shirts for Luka and anything that struck Marinette’s creative spark—as per her suggestion. All it had taken was an offhanded comment to Marinette that Luka wanted to get some more band t-shirts but didn’t know which thrift stores would have the best selection, and her friend had volunteered, with great enthusiasm, to take him.
It was an absolutely perfect day.
Smiling, she scrolled to the latest post on Marinette’s Instagram.
It was a series of pictures, all of which looked like they had been taken in one of the thrift stores Luka had said they were going to check out. In the first picture, Luka and Marinette were both wearing the silliest assortment of clothes that ranged from a silver sequinned blazer—which Marinette totally managed to pull off—to bright turquoise flares—which made Luka look like he had wandered out of the seventies—and they were both beaming at the camera. In the second picture, Luka was in a tux that was only a little too big for him, and he was standing back to back with Marinette, who was wrapped in what looked like a pink brocade curtain as a makeshift dress. Both of them were doing what looked like some kind of silly James Bond pose.
And it looked like Luka had succeeded in finding vintage band t-shirts. In fact, it looked like he had found more than he had bargained for.
Because in the third and final picture, they were wearing matching t-shirts from Jagged Stone’s first tour.
And she could tell from the slight red in his cheeks and the look in his eyes that he had been close to self-combustion when that picture was taken. And Marinette… she wore her heart on her sleeve. And it was obvious how happy she had been when that picture was taken. She was practically sparkling. 
MariBlossom: Finding the treasure in the trash with this gem @luka.couffaine #whoworeitbest #thriftstorefahsion #newfashioninspo 👗👚👕
She smiled as she reread the caption. She smiled even more as she flicked back through the pictures, taking in the not-so-subtle flush on both of their cheeks. Or the ways their eyes seemed to be caught in the act of drifting to look at the other.
Marinette had posted that a while ago, but it seemed like they were having a successful shopping trip. And they would probably be looking for a place to find lunch about now—also per her suggestion.
All in all, it looked like they were all having a very successful day.
Her phone pinged with the alert that one of her friends had just posted something new to their insta. She had expected—hoped— to see a cute selfie of Mari and Luka at some cutesy cafe or something.
Of course, she had to go and jinx herself.
She glared at the image on the screen. Adrien and Marinette were tightly packed into the camera’s frame. Without a trace of Luka in sight. Adrien was grinning widely, but Marinette…
Marinette looked uncomfortable, sandwiched so tightly between Adrien and what looked like the end of a cafe booth. She could see the way Marinette was shrinking away from the arm Adrien had slung around her shoulders. And she looked… she looked sad.
Fury flooded her veins as she read the caption.
AlyaNeedtoKnow: Getting lunch with these cuties 😘  @AdrienAgreste @MariBlossom @djnino #doubledates #doublethefun
Luka wasn’t even mentioned in the caption! Not even for photo credit! Which meant he somehow wasn’t even there. And she needed to know why.
Marinette could be a pushover- she knew her friend had a hard time saying no. She knew this. And she knew her brother was an idiot.
She knew Alya was almost impossible to say no to—or at least say it and be heard.
But there was more to it than that. There had to be! The fact that Luka didn’t even seem to be there… and the way Marinette looked…
She knew there had to be more to it than Mari being a pushover and her brother being an idiot.
But if she wanted answers, she had to play it cool.
Queen of Darkness 🦇: Hey r you guys still out shopping
Queen of Darkness 🦇: Just wondering if you guys were still planning on eating out or if I should make enough food for you guys too
Mari 🌸: Luka’s on his way home
Queen of Darkness 🦇: You’re not coming?
Mari 🌸: Alya, Adrien, and Nino showed up
Mari 🌸: They wanted us to join them for lunch
Mari 🌸: Luka said to go ahead without him
Queen of Darkness 🦇: WHAT??!!
So much for playing it cool…
Mari 🌸: He said he had stuff to do
Mari 🌸: Homework
That idiot! Why wouldn’t he join them? She had told him not to let Alya push him around… if this was about his not wanting to pressure Marinette…
She was about to start typing out a response but stopped. Marinette was typing something. She watched as the three little dots kept disappearing and reappearing; whatever Marinette was trying to say, she was having a hard time saying it. The image of Marinette biting her lip as she furiously typed and deleted what she wrote was so clear in her mind she would swear her friend was sitting right beside her.
Mari 🌸: That’s what he said anyway
Mari 🌸: But I know he was lying. He finished it all last night.
That idiot. She was going to throttle him when he got home-
Mari 🌸: I don’t know if he wants to hang out with me  
Queen of Darkness 🦇: Hey
Queen of Darkness 🦇: Have you started the math homework yet?
Queen of Darkness 🦇: I’m stuck on question three
Queen of Darkness 🦇: I need help finding the answer
Well, she needed help finding some answers. Just not to the math homework.
Mari🌸: I just started it
Mari 🌸: You have to find the root before you can solve the rest of the problem
Oh, she was sure she had found the root of the problem. Or at least one of them. But that wasn’t enough. She needed answers.
Queen of Darkness 🦇: Do you want to work on it together?
Mari 🌸: Sure!
Mari 🌸: My place or yours?
She looked over at Luka, sprawled out in a deck chair with his guitar in hands, staring up dreamily at the clouds with his Marinette smile. A pile of sheet music and notebook that she knew was filled with song lyrics—no doubt mostly sappy, lovesick lyrics about Marinette’s eyes or something—lay next to him.
Normally she would jump at the chance to get Marinette to come by the Liberty. It was an easy excuse to get the two of them to spend time together. But that hadn’t seemed to help them make any real progress, what with them both being idiots.
And if she wanted answers as to why Marinette was being such an idiot… if she wanted to know how Marinette had gotten the idiotic idea that Luka didn't want to spend time with her into her head... it was probably better if Luka wasn’t around.
Queen of Darkness 🦇: Let’s do your place. Be there in 10
She needed to think of an in; she needed a way to open the conversation without outright asking Marinette how on earth she had gotten the idea that Luka didn’t want to hang out with her or help her with stuff. Her frown deepened as she watched Marinette work through one of the math problems, blithely oblivious to the internal war she was waging. Would it be better to just come out and say it? Or would it be better to beat around the bush until the topic came up organically?
With the straightforward approach, they were guaranteed to actually talk about this issue. But it ran the risk of scaring Marinette off. On the other hand, if she waited for Marinette to bring it up, or at least offer an opening for it to come up, she could be waiting for ages with no guarantee the topic of Luka actually would come up.
How was she supposed to make this conversation natural?
“There’s going to be a flea market next weekend. Do you want to go with me?”
This was it! This was her in! And Marinette had offered it to her on a silver platter.
“That sounds like fun,” she mused, “but I already have plans with Rose.”Not a lie. They did have plans, only for an afternoon, but they were still plans.
“Oh, that’s ok. I can go on my own-“
“I’m sure Luka would like to go. You should ask him.”
Marinette’s Luka smile spread across her face. But then it fell, and her face suddenly dimmed. “I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t want to bother him.”
What? “What do you mean?”
Marinette sighed. “Every time we hang out and Alya comes along, he tells me to go with her and Adrien…” Marinette suddenly seemed to have developed an interest in her bedroom floor, as her eyes were glued to it as she admitted in a soft voice, “I don’t think he wants to spend time with me anymore…” Before she could even begin to object, Marinette shook her head. “Anyways, even if he did, which he doesn’t, I don’t want to you to feel weird or-"
“He loves spending time with you. And it doesn’t bother me.” What bothered her was that their time together kept getting interrupted. But now wasn’t the time to worry about that. Because this was her opening.“I think the two of you are really great together.”
“Oh,” Marinette murmured, suddenly quiet. It was never a good sign when Marinette went quiet like that all of the sudden. “Luka doesn’t like me that way…”
Before Marinette could finish, and before she could say or do anything, the city-wide emergency akuma alert blared from their phones. Of course. Of course, Hawkmoth would choose now of all times! Because based on the look on Marinette’s face and the weight in her voice, she had been about to say something important.
Marinette, whose face had been the very definition of heartbroken mere seconds before, was now staring at her with wide-eyed panic. Because Marinette was Ladybug. And there was an akuma. And she was in Marinette’s room, as her guest. And Marinette was too polite to kick her out even though she needed to-
“I need to…” Marinette’s eyes darting around widely. It was obvious she was trying to think up an excuse.
“Dinner!” She cringed at the way she blurted the word out too loud and too suddenly. But it was too late. She had to commit. “It’s my turn to make dinner tonight! I need to go get ingredients! I need to go to the store. Now!” Marinette looked like she was about to argue, despite the fact that she needed her to leave so she could transform. Hurriedly, she began shoving her books and papers into her bag. “I’ll see you later, thanks for the help!”
She was already halfway down into the apartment before Marinette called out after her, “Be careful!” She probably wasn’t supposed to hear the relief, or the remnants of heartbreak, in Marinette’s voice.
Marinette’s words echoed in her mind with every step she took as she made her way home. And, of course, she had to take the long way home to avoid the akuma battle. She still didn’t know what Marinette had been about to say before the akuma alert went off. But she had plenty to dwell on as it was.
‘Luka doesn’t like me that way.’
Where had Marinette gotten that idea?
Her eyes narrowed as memories flooded her mind. Memories of Luka stepping back or pushing her towards Adrien. Yeah, the idiot certainly wasn’t helping his cause. But at the same time, he wasn’t exactly great at hiding his obvious feelings for Marinette.
Which left her with another explanation, one that fit perfectly into the empty space in the puzzle.
Her friend was an idiot.
A massive idiot.
A stupid, foolish, and incredibly sweet idiot.
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mooncakesofpan · 2 years
Chapter 1
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The life of a top designer is stressful in itself how much will change when you find 2 glowing eyes peering back at you from your yard.  
Poly!Skz x Tall!Nonbinary!Reader
Series Warnings: mention of abuse, hybrid au, omegaverse themes, strong language, suggestive topics, and themes (see individual chapters for specific warnings)
Chapter warnings: mentions of stress, anxiety, slight angst, mentions of possible neglect, Reader uses they/them 
Word count: 3.2k
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Err— Err— Err—
I turn my head to look at the clock
God it's too early
Yesterday was so tiring I wish I could sleep in but it's 6:30 and I would prefer to not mess up my current sleep schedule. I get up and shuffle my way to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready.
I know that I really should go shopping but as I look out the window I can see the rain coming down pretty hard outside. I put on jeans and a warm sweater, almost forgetting about the events that happened last night.
The sun still rises as I scroll through my phone listening to the sound of brewing coffee. The emails from the marketing team came flooding in
‘Thank you, Y/n for contacting us on the events of yesterday's unveiling of the Colra x Script fashion line. You have our hope and sympathy. We however only have a month and a half until we have to release to the public. There is enough in the budget for more fabrics, and as the project manager, it will be your job to finish up the project in a way that is deemed fit to Colra’s standards. Please ensure that at the end of the week you email the creative directors of Colra your design,
Thank you,
Theo Mclaughlin from marketing ‘
That's just great I can probably get the designs finished but getting the entire line done? that's going to be a lot. I can maybe ask two or three people to help me sew the pieces. The line was supposed to include 13 pieces.
I sigh, this was going to be a mess to try and clean up.
“uh hi—” A deep voice makes me jump slightly and turn around.im greeted with dark down eyes and longish hair and a similar height to Chan
“Sorry, didn't mean to scare you,” The male with bat ears apologizes, a smile so contagious I can't help but smile back. The dark bat years sitting on the top of his head were familiar to that of who I help to bed last night.
“Oh sorry, you caught me off guard— uh how are you feeling,” I say remembering how cold and out of it he seemed last night. On top of his head lies dark bat ears and his eyes are also very dark but warm deep and inviting. As I take in his face I see, freckles scattered across his face. Much like his eyes, I find myself getting lost in them..
“A Lot better, thank you for letting us stay here.”
“Of course, you're welcome to say as long as you want. Would you like coffee?” I offer.
He nods, sitting down at the island as I grab a mug.
“ I'm Felix by the way.” he says
 ”nice to meet you, Felix, I’m Y/n,” I say handing him the mug of coffee.
I move toward the fridge open the door and look over the contents, I pull the drawer to the fruit crisper open. the idea of fruit and eggs pops into my head. I gab the ingredient to make a fruit salad out and the eggs from a higher shelf.  I crack the eggs, mixing them up in with seasoning before pouring them into a skillet.
“So how long have you lived out here?” Felix says during our conversation.
“Oh, I think this marks almost 3 years since I bought the house I remodeled some of it though.”
“That's cool, it looks very nice,” Felix looks around the kitchen area.
“Breakfast will be finished in 15, but feel free to explore.”
Felix lights up at the opportunity to look around as I’m putting the eggs on a plate and fruit on the side.
“Chan they made breakfast,” Felix says as the other hybrid walks through the entrance
I push the plates toward the two young men.
“I was telling Felix that after he eats he can explore the house feel free to do the same,” I say smiling.
“Oh—Thank you,” Chan says with a warm smile.
I see the time, getting close to 9:30
“Oh shit— I need to work on some stuff, I'll be in my office,” I say moving around to rush in my office. I just wanted to finish doing stuff before this afternoon.
hours into redesigns I found myself wishing to slam my face into the wall. 
I've redesigned 3 of these outfits and I still have so many left to go, truly I feel like Colra is the bane of my existence.
Hoping I can sort through some of the designs I get up and move to the island in the middle of the room I typically use to lay out patterns and cut on. I hear soft knocks on the door leading me to jump for a second forgetting that two other people are staying in my house.
“Come in,” I say as I mark the designs littered on the table-like top.
I turn my head to face the door to see the wolf hybrid peeking his head in.
“Hey Chan what’s up,” I say slightly concerned, worried that something bad could have happened.”
“Sorry this was the last room,” he trails off looking in still standing near the door, looking around for me 
 “So what do you do?” his arms cross as he walks closer to the table in the middle of the room currently covered in papers and binders. His crossed arms seem tense, as if he was trying to avoid touching things.
“Oh– I'm a designer. Sometimes I put pieces together at home or make my pieces here. It's useful when I'm working from home.”
“Do you work from home? “ his voice raised a bit with surprise at the end of his statement
“Yeah kinda, sometimes I have to go in For things I’d rather not do over the phone like meetings or interviews. But I typically go in 3 days out of the week and from home,” As I let out a sigh I notice his shoulders relax.
“If you’re supposed to be off why are you working?” he asked eyebrows furrowed.
I let out a sad sigh.
“Admittedly, it's my fault. We were working with a company and I, along with my team of designers, we're supposed to do a collaboration project but when it came to the unveiling it kinda flopped,” I tap the pencil in my hand against my tabletop. “I have a little time before the line is supposed to publicly drop so I'm working to fix it and I have around a month and a half?”
“That sounds stressful, yeah?”
I chuckle at the response from the wolf hybrid.
“Yeah, but I can't let my team down. All of them tried so hard and did so well with their designs so I feel a bit guilty I guess,” I say looking up from the papers.
Chan hums softly in response to my statement and wanders around the room looking at the different cubbies and shelves. I quickly remember the idea I had a few hours ago.
“Oh— Chan I was gonna ask for some help trying to order clothes for you and Felix,” I say as I continue to mark the sketches with parts I want to keep.
“Oh you don't have to do that,” Chan says, looking back the different threads sitting on shelves. 
“I may not have to but I want to. those are two very different things, plus you guys are staying here you should feel comfortable while you do.” I looked up offering a soft smile to him.
“Uh thanks,” there's a twitch to his ears
The silence in the room is suffocating.
Did I say something wrong?
“So you live here by yourself?” he breaks the silence.
“Yeah, it's just me.”
“This is kinda a big house for just one person.” 
”Yeah sometimes it gets lonely I guess— but I like the space and I like living out here it's so different from what the environment of my job and line of work is like. Sometimes I find myself in the public eye and its nice to be able to retreat to my house all the way out here.” I ramble off as I continue to sketch up a new design.
a design that I'm finally happy with and think will get approved, I finish a design im finally happy with I place it down and reach for my laptop, Once I gather my things I start to head toward the door. I see Chan perk up a bit his fluffy ears angling towards me before his head turns to me as I go to leave the room motioning him to follow me. We walk to the living room, finding Felix seated crossed-legged on the couch watching the TV. His ears twitch slightly to follow the noise of me and Chan entering the room.
“Hey Felix,” he turns smiling.
“We're gonna order some clothes, wanna join us?” I say, patting the spot on the other side of me on the couch.
We spent next hour looking at clothes and other things they liked. Felix has a more diverse color pallet choosing things in other colors, I can tell he has a love for sweaters and hoodies. On the other hand, There’s Chan who almost exclusively chooses black a good mixture of sleeveless shirts and hoodies. 
I decided that it wouldn't be a bad idea to spend the rest of the afternoon preparing soup for dinner and relaxing. The three of us sit in comfortable silence watching a cooking show that Felix was previously engrossed with.
The night is peaceful and I can tell we're going to get along great, and I've voiced that if they ever feel uncomfortable they don't have to feel forced to stay but they are welcome to as long as they want.
And they do at least for the rest of the week. I don't exactly want them to leave, but I don't want them to think that they're stuck here. I like having them in the house, they both make me laugh especially during days that are especially painful at work. It's been a long time since I've had friends who could do that.
Making Chan smile warms my heart, he wears his emotions on his sleeve he doesn't do a good job at hiding them, and while I haven't asked about their past and I don't think it’s my place, I can tell somethings bothering Chan, 
Despite the way he laughs things off when faced with questions about how he's doing and feeling. When the clothes finally came He didn't seem displeased but his fidgeting and uneasiness made it clear something was wrong. Felix on the other hand, he's a little more open and very affectionate. He likes to hug me when I get home and lay against me if I'm reading on the couch. Which I gladly welcome with open arms. He can be hesitant to accept things or join me in activities, for example, The other day I invited him to come bake with me since I see how interested he is in baking, it took some reassurance to finally get him to come make some cookies.
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I hear my alarm go off, I rush to get ready for work almost slipping down the stairs shoes in hand. I sit at the dining table crossing my legs in an attempt to quickly tie my shoe when a groggy voice comes from around the corner. 
“Oh Y/n before you go, do you mind if I try to bake something today?” Felix asks, rubbing his eyes still filled with sleep. 
“Oh yeah go for it there’s some cookbooks in the living room on the bookshelf near the window,” I respond quickly grabbing my bag to head out the door. I respond quickly grabbing my bag to head out the garage door “See you later Felix, I'll be back by 7:00.” 
When I woke up this morning I had the plan to get Chan and Felix phones, that way they would have a little more freedom and I'd feel better about leaving them at the house in case they needed something or an emergency happened. Waiting out the long day till my lunch I quickly pack my stuff and move out the door heading to my cell provider store. 
I look at the models deciding to get them the same model as mine, reliable and durable. “Uh– i'll go with 2 of these,” I point at the phone in front of me. 
As the lady rings me up I can't help but be worried they won't like the phones, or that they’ll be offended cause they don't plan to stay. I leave the store with the small bag in my hands as I go back to my car to finish my day at work.
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The welcoming warmth of walking through my garage door never fails to relax me. I take off the hat I had been wearing for the day and make an attempt to slide my shoes off. Felix mixed something in the kitchen and Chan crouched near the floor looking in a cabinet tail brushing up against the floor and ears pinned back. 
”Hey guys,” I say, struggling to get my shoes off, leaning against the wall to get a better grip at my boots. “whatcha making?”
“ We found a cookie recipe in this cookbook,” Felix says motioning to the book in front of him.
I was gonna put the pair of shoes back in my room before I came back, but Chan Seems to be looking for something and can't find it,
I walk over with my shoes in hand.
“whatcha lookin’ for?” Chan jumps a little at the sound of my voice.
“Oh do you have some cookie sheets?” he says turning to me.
“ Yeah! they're in this cabinet,” I put down my shoes to look thew the cabinets and stick my hand in the back finding the sheet. 
“I don't use them very much. I'm not great with cookies but I make a good lemon cake,” I say, handing him the sheet and giving him a smile.
I pick up my shoes and head to my room to change. The warm F/c knit sweater I grab hugs me comfortingly and the grey sweats were thick and loose. I walk down the stairs to join the boys back in the Kitchen to go into the garden in hopes of finding a few vegetables harvest with it being the end of the harvesting season approaches. 
“I'm gonna head into the garden and pick some stuff,” I announce before going on the porch slipping on the boots I keep outside.
I kneel in the dirt between the slightly raised garden beds. Picking up a beet with a bite taken out of it.
Weird something must have gnawed at it.
I pick the beet regardless and put it to the side while I pick some more beets. throughout the garden looking at what all the rain has brought for me to harvest, it seems the lettuce and kale are ready for me to pick. The more I look throughout the garden the more I find bite marks and paw prints littering the moist soil, which means I probably have something eating my plants. While it's a bit inconvenient, they must be hungry, and maybe if I put down something to eat leave the rest of the garden alone. I grab a lettuce leaf and the beet I had set aside earlier, which I was originally going to put in compost. Together I place the leaf and beet on the floor in hopes that whatever is eating my garden will accept the offer as it's placed closer to the tree line. I went inside and put the basket full of vegetables on the edge of the counter. Chan and Felix put the cookies in the oven.
“Hey have you guys seen anything in the garden?”
The sound of water rushing as I turn the sink on to wash the produce
“Uh no not really why?” Chan's eyebrows furrowed.
 ”I just found some bite marks in some of the stuff out in the garden” 
” Yeah, no sorry. Do you want us to keep an eye out?” Felix asks, taking the oven mitts off and standing up straight.
 ”Sure if you guys want, I'm sure whatever's munching on the garden is just hungry.” I shrug my shoulders “Oh that's right I got you guys something” I say rushing to my bag still sitting in the hall near the garage and laundry room.
and pulling out the phones and sitting them on the table. ”oh wow,” surprise evident on Chan’s face
“Are these for us?” Felix questions. A big smile on his face.
“Yeah I wanted to get you guys something to one, contact me if anything happens and two, just to give you guys some type of freedom you're staying here but I don't want you guys to feel trapped ya know?”
I hand them the phones “I already set up your numbers with my provider and put my phone in there,”
“No one ever done something like that for us,” Chan says looking down at the phone.
“Well hopefully you guys will put them to good use,” I say smiling and moving through the entryway to the living room.
With the food ordered and eaten and the cookies on a plate in the kitchen, I for once found myself alone in the living room.
The tv plays in the background as I Scroll thru my phone. when I hear footsteps of someone coming into the living room.
I turn my head to see who the footsteps belong to, I'm surprised a bit to see Felix typically Chan is up late.
“Hey Felix, What's up?”
 ”I just want to ask you something,” He says with a shrug,
I scoot over on the couch moving to the side to give the bat hybrid more room. He sits down crossing his legs under him.
“You've been so nice since we've been here, and I guess I'm worried that you’ll ask us to leave,” his eyes are glassy, staring at his hands.
“Felix you guys can stay here forever, don't feel like you have to leave. I would love it if you guys stayed to live here with me. I enjoy your guys' company and I want you to feel like you're welcome, okay? I'm not asking you to leave and there's no plans in the future if you want to leave, that's gonna be your decision ok?” I say taking his hands into mine, ducking my head to try to look into his brown eyes.
“I don't know what the homes or centers have been like and I may never really understand but I want you to feel safe and welcome here,” tears quickly fell down the boy's freckled face as he moves to hug me, mumbling a thank you into the knit sweater that's being soaked by his tears.
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helloalycia · 3 years
lose you [two] // leigh shaw
summary: following her kiss with you, Leigh begins to act unfairly towards you and says something she instantly regrets.
warning/s: none i don't think?
author's note: only one more part after this! hope you’re all liking it, and if you’re not an elizabeth fan, i’ve got a kara danvers two parter coming up after this so stay tuned! also the lena imagine part three one is still in the works, so don’t worry, i haven’t neglected it!
part one | part three | masterlist | wattpad
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Leigh had ghosted me before. She'd done it on and off throughout the first six months following her husband's death, unable to maintain contact when she barely had energy for herself. And I was patient, always, because that's what she needed. But this was different.
Her absence in my life was nothing to do with her grief, but rather the kiss she gave me the day I decided to take her out. It just had to be that, otherwise she was merely being ignorant and I knew she wasn't that harsh without reason.
Whenever I texted or called her, it wasn't with the intention of talking about what happened. She hadn't brought it up and I didn't want to pressure her into speaking about it, especially if it was a mistake (which, selfishly, I hoped it wasn't). I just wanted to hang out with her like we used to, but she was giving me blunt responses or claiming she was busy. It was like she was doing her utmost best to push me away and I couldn't take it anymore.
After about two weeks, she simply stopped responding to my texts. Her 'busy' life was keeping her from even acknowledging my contact and that was when I couldn't put up with it any longer. This wasn't about grieving or needing space, this was about her avoiding me for something she did.
On my day off, I headed over to Beautiful Beast, Leigh's mother's fitness studio where she worked. When I arrived, Jules was sat at the front desk, wiggling a pencil before her eyes distractedly.
"You look like you're real hard at work there, Jules," I commented playfully, smiling at her as she paid me attention.
"I was testing out that whole rubber pencil trick," she said nonchalantly.
"And your conclusion?" I asked, leaning against the front desk.
She couldn't help but smile. "It's pretty cool."
I chuckled at how cute she was. "Good to know."
"So," she began, leaning back in her seat. "What can I do for you?"
"Well, I was hoping you could tell me if Leigh is in? I feel like I haven't seen her in a while."
Jules was about to respond, then her eyes fell behind me and she smiled. "Speak of the devil... there's your answer, Y/N."
I followed her gaze and realised the class that was going on in the studio had ended, with students leaving tired but happy. Leigh trailed out after them, using a sweat towel to wipe her face and push the loose strands of hair from her ponytail out of her face. She approached the desk, but upon spotting me, seemed surprised.
"Y/N," she said, rounding the desk to stand beside Jules. "You're here. Hi."
She was casual, unbothered by the fact that she'd clearly been ignoring me the past few weeks. I decided not to question it, instead offering her a small, awkward smile.
"Hey," I greeted with a nod. "I was hoping to catch you. Are you, er, busy?"
She avoided my eyes as she lowered her sweat towel, now grabbing her water bottle from the desk and busying herself with it.
"I mean, I've got class in an hour," she said with a shake of her head.
"Perfect. Maybe we can grab lunch and talk?" I asked, not giving her chance to decline since there was no reason to.
She furrowed her brows, feigning confusion. "Talk? About...?"
I pursed my lips, raising a brow with disbelief. She was seriously going to play it like this? Judging from the absent stare she was sending my way, she was. So, I glanced at Jules, who was back to distracting herself with her pencil and barely paying attention to what we were talking about, before looking back to Leigh.
"About things...?" I settled on, knowing she'd know what I meant. "I haven't heard from you in a while."
Leigh scrunched her nose, shrugging apologetically. "I'm sorry, I'd love to, but I'm going to be practicing for my next class. Maybe not today."
I kissed my teeth with annoyance. "Hm. Okay, sure. Good luck with your class, I guess."
Rolling my eyes, fed up at her pretence, I said a quick goodbye to a half-listening Jules and left them both to it. I'd like to think Leigh would come to her senses and contact me, but maybe that was wishful thinking. Either way, it was certainly not thinking for now, so I tried not to let it bother me for the time being.
Waiting on Leigh to make first contact was probably not the brightest idea, since I was sure if it was up to her, she'd just ghost me forever. But I was stubborn and I wanted to make a point (clearly not a very good one since she still proceeded to ignore me...), so another week passed without speaking to one another.
The only reason I went over to her house one evening was because Jules asked for my help with something. Since I was a graphic designer, she'd asked me to help design the promotional material for this new set of classes she wanted to start at work. Of course I said yes – in the many years I'd befriended Leigh, I'd also befriended Jules. I was happy to help, even if it meant awkwardly bumping into Leigh.
When I arrived, I was greeted by Leigh and Jules' mum before being led to the dining-room with Jules to help her. I tried to hide the fact that I was subtly searching for Leigh around the house, genuinely wanting to make sure she was okay despite the radio silence on her end, when Jules seemed to notice.
"She's not here," she said, making me look to her, embarrassed I'd been caught out. "She's on some date."
I raised my eyebrows, nodding. "Oh. Cool."
It shouldn't have bothered me – Leigh had been on a handful of dates in the past month, attempting to move on – but it did. Maybe it was because I foolishly thought our kiss meant something to her, since she initiated it. Clearly not, since she was already moving on. It didn't help that she couldn't just act normal with me if it meant nothing to her. No time for her best friend but time for dates with random people? Not cool.
"Did something happen with you two?" Jules asked whilst starting up her laptop.
I hid my panic with confusion. "What do you mean? Did she, er, say something?"
Jules shook her head, leaning on the palm of her hand as she glanced at me. "No, nothing. I just thought I'd ask since I haven't seen you around with her lately. Thought maybe you'd fallen out or something."
So she hadn't told her sister what happened. Maybe she really did want to forget about it.
"No, she's just been busy I guess," I mumbled in response, before pulling my memory card out my bag. "Forget that anyway. Let's see what we can do with your promo stuff, huh?"
Leigh long-forgotten, I showed Jules the designs I'd come up with for her banners and posters, which she was super excited about, and got to work. We mocked up some promotional material for her to get printed soon and she talked me through what she had in the works which was adorable since it was great to see her invested in everything. She'd come a long way from rehab and it was refreshing to witness.
We snacked so much whilst working that by the time I finished, I knew I wouldn't need to eat dinner. Jules' mum offered, but we were stuffed and it was getting late.
"If you need anything else, just let me know," I told Jules as I grabbed my bag to leave. "If you want anything changing, also let me know."
She gave me a thumbs up and a grin. "You got it, chief. Thanks again. I know you have an actual job to do an–"
"Don't do that," I stopped her with an amused smile. "I'm always happy to help you out."
She nodded appreciatively. "Well, thanks. I'll let you go."
I waved goodbye to her before shouting a goodbye to her mum and heading to the door, letting myself out. Only, when I opened the door, I squealed awkwardly upon seeing Leigh making out with some random guy on the porch. The uncontrollable noise that escaped my lips was enough to pull them apart with a start.
"Y/N," Leigh got out with shock, wiping her mouth and clearing her throat. "What are you– what?"
Still dumbfounded, I swallowed hard and looked away. "I– er– sorry to interrupt. I'm just gonna– mhm."
Closing the front door behind me, I quickly walked around the pair and began to leave, trying not to let my surprise, hurt and irritation build up inside of me. It wasn't my business if she kissed somebody else. It was her life – she could do whatever she wanted.
"Wait, Y/N!" I heard her call and winced at the sound.
Pretending not to hear her, I picked up my pace and finally made it to my parked car, fumbling for my keys in my bag under the dimly-lit streetlamp.
"Y/N, wait up!" she called again, and I risked looking up to see her approaching my car quickly, eventually stopping by my side.
Now that I had a better look, I saw that she was dressed up beautifully for her date, wearing a black dress that accentuated her curves and high heels that dared anybody not to stare. Though, when I met her gaze, I saw her ruined red lipstick and was reminded of the stranger she'd just been making out with.
"It's cool, I'm sorry," I repeated, shaking my head and wishing I could feel my keys in my bag already. "I didn't mean to interrupt."
"It's not like that," she said breathlessly, holding her jacket and watching me carefully.
Finally finding my keys, I pulled them out and unlocked my car. "Not like what?" I asked, glancing at her with a tight jaw. "You can go on dates, Leigh. It's not my business."
Her expression softened. "Then why are angry?"
"I'm not angry," I said, before realising it was a little more hostile than I intended. "Look, forget it. Just enjoy your stupid date. I've got to go."
Before I could open the door, she grabbed my arm and pulled me back, eyes darkened with annoyance.
"What's your problem?" she asked impatiently.
I shook her off me and widened my eyes with disbelief. "Are you serious right now? You followed me!"
"Yeah, because you're clearly pissed at something!" she snapped, crossing her arms. "What's your problem?"
For once, I wasn't going to put up with her bullshit mood swings. It wasn't fair how she was treating me and I was going to do something about it.
"You're my problem, Leigh," I admitted with a glare. "I've been waiting for you to call or text or make some freakin' effort to acknowledge my existence, but as usual, nothing. And then to top it all off, I find out you're on some date when you can't even find a spare second to text your best friend that you're okay!"
She scoffed. "Sorry I have a life, Y/N."
Clenching my jaw, I pushed down the anger that was bubbling up inside. She looked so smug, like she'd done absolutely nothing wrong in this scenario, and it was pissing me off.
"You know what? Never mind," I gave up, releasing a shaky breath. "You clearly don't get it."
I tried to move around her and get into the driver's seat of the car, but she groaned loudly with petulance.
"Why the hell were you even here anyway?!" she asked, like she had the right to. "Couldn't you leave me alone for one night?"
I tried not to laugh. "Don't flatter yourself, love. If you'd actually bothered to talk to me, you'd know I was here to help Jules with her posters."
"Sorry that I thought that you couldn't leave me alone for two minutes," she said with a bitter smile. "It's like you don't even know how to function without me in your life."
I clenched my fists with frustration. "Wow, Leigh, big-headed much?"
She laughed dryly, shaking her head. "I kiss you once and now you won't leave me the hell alone!"
Leigh and I had been in so many arguments before this one – it's like they were inevitable with her – but I'd put up with them. I'd let her yell and call me names and treat me like shit because I knew she didn't mean it, it was a heat of the moment thing. But something was different this time. Her words stung a lot more than they should have, especially when they were delivered by somebody I thought I was in love with.
I unclenched my fists and scowled at her. "Go fuck yourself."
Not bothering to wait for her response, I ignored the way her expression changed into one of regret and guilt. I ignored her as she tried to tell me to wait. And I ignored her as her she knocked on my window when I got into the car. I didn't spare her a glance as I drove away, feeling tears prick the corner of my eyes.
Leigh Shaw could be such a bitch sometimes.
"Y/N, you've got a–"
"Whatever it is, I'll sort it," I reassured my new assistant. Ever since my promotion, it felt strange to have somebody work for me, but I was slowly getting used to. "Go have your break, Taylor! You've not moved from this seat all day."
Taylor smiled bashfully but nodded. "Okay. Thanks a lot."
I gave her a reassuring smile as I watched her leave. I'd just finished a long meeting with a client and couldn't wait to get to my office and procrastinate for a bit before getting on with some work. Only, when I opened the door, I was surprised to find someone sat in the seat in front of my desk. Maybe that's what Taylor was trying to tell me. 
"Hello, can I help you?" I called politely, closing the door and stepping inside.
"I like the new digs."
I froze, smile fading when the stranger stood up and turned around. It was Leigh and I wasn't sure how she'd gotten here, but I wasn't dealing with her right now.
it had been a few days since we'd argued and she'd been trying to get in touch, but I completely blocked her number. It wasn't a permanent decision, but rather a temporary solution to a problem I wasn't in the headspace to deal with right now.
Every time I thought about Leigh or what she'd said, I felt so angry and fed up. She had no right to treat me how she did or make me feel like this when it was her fault. Blocking her was the easiest bet until I decided how to deal with everything. Clearly she hadn't gotten the hint though, since she was waiting for me in my office.
"How did you get in here?" I asked through gritted teeth, trying not to roll my eyes at the stupid smile on her face.
"Your new assistant let me in," she said as I headed to my desk, before adding comically, "She definitely has a crush on you by the way."
I narrowed my eyes at her from across the desk. "You need to leave."
Her humour disappeared, as did her smile, when she met my gaze with remorseful eyes. "I just want to talk."
I shook my head, looking down. "No, this isn't the place for this. And I've heard everything you had to say, Leigh."
"Y/N, please," she pleaded, stepping forward. "I want to apologise."
With a stern stare, I said, "Go."
"Please, just hear me–"
"No!" I erupted with anger, making her jump at the volume of my voice. "You don't get to do this! Not now, not here!" Swallowing the lump in my throat and trying to hide the hurt in my voice, I nodded to the door. "Just get out. After all, I wouldn't want you thinking I'm obsessed with you."
She pressed her lips together and looked down to her fumbling hands with guilt. It was quiet, though the air between us screamed with unspoken words. I hated this so much, the arguing, the anger, the resentment. But I wasn't giving in this time. She'd gone too far and she had to learn that her actions had consequences. She couldn't just get away with it. She had to respect my space.
"I'm sorry," she said gently, looking up with a genuine expression.
I clenched my jaw and said nothing as I waited for her to leave. Finally, she pursed her lips before turning around and going. When the door closed behind her, I let out a breath and sank into my chair, feeling exhausted at the short conversation. I wasn't ready to talk to her yet and I wished she'd just respect that.
Following that, I made sure to tell Taylor when she came back from her break to not let Leigh into my office until further notice. Or rather, not let her upstairs until further notice. She wasn't allowed to bother me in my workplace just because she felt bad.
Of course, not letting her in only meant I received more calls. Especially since I blocked her number, so she deemed it appropriate to call my work phone. Every time Taylor came into my office to let me know it was Leigh, I had to tell her to tell Leigh I was busy and end the call. And the times when I wasn't there, I had several messages from Leigh to reply to. It got to a point where I had to temporarily block her number from work, too. It was the only way to have some space without completely flipping out on Leigh.
One day though, Leigh decided to pay me a visit. She was resilient, I'd give her that much.
Taylor asked me what I wanted for lunch when I said I was in the mood to go out and eat and she could join me if she wanted to. She agreed and we both made our way to the bottom floor before leaving the building. But then I saw Leigh hovering about outside the front door, approaching me as soon as she spotted me.
Already rolling my eyes, I tried to sidestep her, but she was adamant on being a pain in my arse.
"Leave me alone, Leigh," I told her tiredly.
"They won't let me in and you've been avoiding my calls," she said, a little peeved. "What were you expecting?" Her eyes flickered to Taylor, who seemed awkwardly stuck between our bickering. Rather rudely, she asked, "Can I help you?"
Taylor didn't know what to say as I glared at Leigh harshly.
"Don't be a bitch just because you're pissed at me," I insulted, before looking Taylor apologetically. "D'you think you can give us a minute, Taylor? This won't take long."
Taylor nodded, glancing between Leigh and I. Leigh had her arms crossed, focusing a hard stare on Taylor as she walked away. When she was out of earshot, I lightly poked Leigh in the shoulder to get her attention.
"That's not fair," I muttered angrily. "She didn't do anything to you."
Leigh glanced towards her again before looking to me questioningly. "Where are you even going with her?"
I squinted at her judgementally. "If you must know, we're getting lunch. It's that time of the day in case you couldn't tell."
Leigh uncrossed her arms and straightened up. "So, what? This is a date?"
I furrowed my brows. "What? No! What are you–?" I glared at her. "This is none of your business!"
"Well, if it's not, you're definitely gonna give her the wrong impression," Leigh stated with a shrug. "She has a crush on you. Is that even allowed since you're her superior an' all?"
I pinched the bridge of my nose to contain my frustration, before meeting her spiteful green stare.
"If you came here to give me your unsolicited opinions, I don't want them," I said under my breath, making sure passers-by on the street couldn't hear us. "Now, leave me alone."
Her spite dispersed and was replaced with guilt. "Wait, no, I–"
"No, Leigh," I told her firmly, eyes silently pleading for her to give me some space. "You have to stop this."
Green eyes searched mine desperately, but I didn't have time for this, so I left her standing there as I rejoined Taylor and hoped lunch would help me forget about Leigh and her impatience.
"Sorry about that," I said to Taylor when I rejoined her side.
Taylor smiled reassuringly as we began to walk. "It's okay, don't worry about it." It was quiet, before she spoke up again. "Do you mind if I say something a little out of place?"
I looked to her curiously. "Er, sure?"
"I obviously don't know the specifics of what happened between you and your girlfriend, but–"
"Girlfriend?" I interrupted with raised brows. "Taylor, Leigh and I– we aren't–"
She seemed to catch on, eyes wide with embarrassment. "Oh! I'm so sorry! I just thought– well, she's very persistent and I thought that maybe you were together and in a lover's spout or something."
Heat crept up my neck as I loosened my collar. "No, nothing like that. She's just a friend."
Breathing out, Taylor said, "Oh. Well, I mean, I guess my advice still applies. She seems to really care about you."
I snorted. "She has a funny way of showing it."
Taylor smiled. "I know. My boyfriend is the same. We once had an argument and he did the same thing your Leigh is doing. Wouldn't stop bothering me. At home. At work. I let my stubbornness get to me and didn't want to hear him out."
I pursed my lips, glancing at her. "What did you do?"
She laughed like it was obvious. "I heard him out."
That didn't sound like an option for me right now.
"She doesn't respect my personal space," I explained to Taylor, glad to have someone to vent to. "She did some... hurtful things. I'm not making it easy for her."
"Clearly," Taylor noted with amusement. "Look, that's just my experience. But all I'm saying is that your friend Leigh seems to care about you a lot. To the point that she'd glare daggers at your very unavailable assistant."
Goddamn Leigh and her ability to embarrass me even when she wasn't here.
"Thanks, Taylor," I said appreciatively. "I'll have a think about it."
She nodded knowingly. "Anytime."
I definitely wasn’t ready to hear Leigh out yet, I knew that much.
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