#sorry to the one i missed.. i put my whole soul into this TT
okwonyo · 3 months
moot game! ship your moots with an idol and give them a trope!
hihi! ^^ i didn’t put everyone because i don’t know everyone’s bias.. so mea culpa ><
@byhees with jungwon | rivals to lovers.
yizu and jungwon would both be the top of their classes, constantly competing over which one is going to be on the top of the whole school at a given semester. it’d obviously be the reason they wouldn’t stand each other— well, maybe just yizu because if you ask jungwon, he is quite fond of her actually and this is why he loves, and emphasizes on that word, to come sit next to her during her studying time. claiming that he needs to distract her (he can’t let her surpass him, can he?) but really, teasing her might be his favorite thing in the world.
@okwons with sunghoon | middle school crush (and still going strong)
and don’t get it wrong; if you ask vi about sunghoon, she’d say that she doesn’t really mind his presence and that he is a funny guy. if you ask sunghoon about vi, he’d go on a whole rant about how beautiful she keeps on getting and how he wishes he could give her the moon, and far, far beyond. he’d be so enamored by her that he’d look so stupid whenever she is near— stumbling over his every words and blushing when her shoulder slightly brushes his.. and the worst part about this is that: she doesn’t even notice! and it makes everyone go crazy.
@isoobie with heeseung | fake dating.
heeseung and ri wouldn’t that much of friends.. just seeing each others then and there at parties or at the cafeteria. he’d give her a little smile and a charming wave when he sees there, even if they don’t talk that much. and one day, when they find themselves alone in the school’s library, he’d ask her to date him and she’d go ‘huh?’ and he’d explain whatever his raison may be.. but at a moment during the whole fake dating thing, the line between reality and fake would get blurry— little unnecessary kisses there and there, a tad bit jealousy when ri talks with a guy.. i’ll let you imagine the rest.
@boyfhee with jay | neighbors to lovers.
they’d meet in such chaotic circumstances, there would be absolutely no way that they just go back to normal after that. it’d be the kind of situation where jay hears cael screaming her lungs out because of a small bugs in her apartment, she’d run out of it so hurriedly and end up in jay’s arms, who lives just infront of her and was worried sick about these screams. he’d help her, of course. and ever since then, they see each other everywhere; at the grocery store, at the gym, somehow even at work! they’d even get kissy at the club... hehe.
@hoonvrs with sung hanbin | girlboss x malewife.
saint is that strong, independent, smart, funny, cool and many more, woman that works in a office, where she is very important in and hanbin is her silly husband who makes sure to prepare dinner before she comes back home. i can see them being that one side couple in a kdrama everyone would watch just for them; because they are just so cute and funny— the audience would love to see how scared hanbin would be whenever saint is a little irritated, but at the same how soft she is with him when she annoyed.. she has a soft spot for her cutie husband.
@tyunni with riki | annoyance to lovers.
mj would not be able to stand riki in the slightest, rolling her eyes whenever he talks and scoffing when something unfortunate happens to him. her hate would be justified; he tends to get so annoying with her, pulling a strand of her hair when he sits behind her, stealing her food and holding it really high so she can’t reach it, etc.. poor girl doesn’t even know why he is all over like that but it’s just that he wants her attention, you know! of course, he’d have his redemption arc where he follows her like a puppy and obeys to her every word. the treatment she deserves!
@wonryllis with jungkook | situation (seven ver.)
jungkook would be so obsessed with her, she’d have wrapped around her finger.. for her, jungkook is a just a guy she likes to spend her time with and sometimes, okay, they kiss, but so what? for jungkook, yeonie is the only woman ever on this godforsaken planet— he’d even tend to get a bit clingy and obsessive. following her in the rain after an argument, forgetting his initial destination to follow her whenever she goes whereupon he sees her in the train. he just doesn’t know how to show her that he likes her a lot and she doesn’t make it easy either..
@alaezasmystery235 with sunoo | coworkers to lovers.
alaeza would be that cute girl at the cafe next to the faculty, and sunoo would be the new worker to this cafe— who also happens to be head over heels for her. as nice as she is, she’d help him with all his work, given the fact that he is new and doesn’t really know what he is doing, showing him how things should be done but, the thing is, sunoo wouldn’t even learn anything at all, staring at her hand as she shows him where the glasses are and watching her hair fall beautifully as she leans to look at the exposed donuts..
@euncsace with mingyu | meet cute.
they’d meet each other at the bus stop, where rim goes back home after going to the library and mingyu comes back from the gym. he’d ask her if she knows when the bus is coming and she’d say that she was about to ask him the same question. then, they’d have a little conversation about their day and what they are planning to do next. these cuties would exchange numbers before rim gets out of the bus and never leave each other alone again..
@soov with yeonjun | gym crush.
yeonjun would be that attractive man at the gym who works his biceps and and in a tank shirt and rei would be that new girl who doesn’t really know what she’d doing.. as the gentleman as he is, when he sees a damsel in distress, he’d come to her rescue and help her.. moving her by the waist so he can see the machine she’s using clearly, that only move would send butterflies in her stomach. and, yeonjun, even when he doesn’t need to, would always come help her about something— just to talk to her. let’s hope that the gym crush makes it to the outside!!
@atrirose with wonbin | tutoring au.
seiu, as smart as she is, would offer her help to wonbin, who is clearly failing is tutoring classes. they’d meet at the library or at the cafe, and have some studying sessions together. wonbin, would be far too focused on seiu’s features to even listen to what she’s saying, always answering wrong when she asks him a question but swearing that he is focused.. well, he is, but more on her lips than what is coming out of her mouth.
@seongclb with jeno | grumpy fast food employee au.
jeno would be the type of employee that says that the ice cream machine doesn’t work just because he is too lazy to use it, he’d be so unhappy to be there that it’d be written all over his face. kat would be that nice and breathtakingly beautiful girl who comes regularly and for who, jeno as a tender spot for. he’d always have a wide smile when she comes that his coworkers would make fun of... and she’d be so oblivious about it because as far as she knows, he is the nicest guy she has ever met.
end! ♡
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kyaruun · 1 year
RAAAWR HUG! HUG! qiapyon loves being hugged :3 and squished (is a slime so squish!) hehe you are so nice and soft :>> not at all intimidating
YOU FELT LIKE A BIG BLOG just so very top tier writing. great graphic. whole package deal. there's only two possibilities that happen to follower count when you go ia:
it goes up, because people are finding you
it goes down, because people are not finding you and your followers think you are dead
THE RETURN OF NYA im so excited rawrrrrr tag me in everything
afadsfhsd me big blog... i guess i'm a big blog. i dont know why 1.1k people are still here for my shitposts
ajdslfsdf its only a few,,, a lot of my blogs are ia..... unfortunately.... and i mostly have focused on nazukisser though i literally cant stop writing for enstars its in my soul... i always strive for weekly for every fandom but darn thats really hard with the amount of shit i have going on
WAAAAAAAA i hope YOUR works get the true recognition it deserves (one day you'll write a leo fic that will become known as that leo fic (in a pos sense))
professional.... ate lis told me that i looked professional on my blogs,,, i just try. lots of trial and error and i always try to look fresh. have gone through so many phases its insane. one time i tried replicating an actual site design on tumblr while combining it w my style and it was so hard. stares at my (long gone) tori fs2 theme
RIGHT like the readers were nice, all of the people were so nice... now its too big like who is everyone... but also its kinda dead too like damn... 2023 is not anybody's year... i wish we could return to all being silly....
help me omg big blog. i mean being a writing blog the writing might as well get a pass but the graphics suck and i'm the first one to acknowledge that. i simply don't know what to do with them >< the one and only graphic i'm still head over heels for and is the reason i still haven't remade my theme is the cute cat soren did for me a looong time ago and is my current banner. it's. so. round. so cute. silly but sosososo adorable
i mean my followers have probably accepted i'm a sporadic writer and i don't really have a schedule. it hurts when you try to put out your stuff but it doesn't get attention but aaa this is the internet. there's no point in overthinking that. my one and only concern is that anons that rq something i answer a few months later manage to read their rq :(
JESUS CHRIST QIAN YOU HAVE 1.1K FOLLOWERS?!?!? big big biggest writer indeed. i just checked mine and it's 744 followers which is an insane number for someone who posts so little!! what you said about the leo fic... i can only hope. i personally think i suck at writing leo a lot. and rei. and natsume. my izumi is pretty much a mess too. see? if i love them i can't write them right. but uuuu i'd love to write a series. i've never tried that. i also considered something like a social media au bc that's usually really cute too. i don't think any of my works will ever reach that level of importance buuuuut. i'd love that
i've been working a bit on some sort of new theme for my super due revamp but i hate editing sooo much. whatever you say your themes always look super nice and cohesive <3 they're really nice to look at ;;
the fandom being big and dead (from a writing pov) is just as you said ;; i occasionally go into the tags to look for cute fanart but i don't see any writing and it's very sad. sorry to whoever might be offended by this but x readers actually carried the fandom before engstars. but we all either grew frustrated with the lack of interaction or found new interests
i simply miss that sense of community TT the nuri era... nuri feeding the entire fandom one post a day. bee coming up with the absolute prettiest things (like hello THEIR PROMPTS. i still haven't recovered from those). swanee dropping these insanely talented bombs and leaving us knocking on their askbox like "pls comeback when". soren's blog (which i actually visit from time to time bc there's a handful of fics that carry half of my mental sanity rn). runa ;;;;
see? i miss a lot of people ꒰⁎′̥̥̥ ⌑ ‵̥̥̥ ꒱ on those are only the ones that came first into mind because there are even more moots i miss... that comfy feeling of being able to jump into everyone's askbox and be silly... nostalgia hitting hard ;;; makes me think i should try to join a server(s) to try and interact with people again, even if it's just some talking from time to time
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milkybonya · 4 years
hello smiling anon here :) can i request nct 127 as boyfriends? ur astro as boyfriends post was so cute :)
Anonnie im sorry i made you wait so long TT this is the busiest week of the year so far and i had to stay focused to prepare for it, but i hope you enjoy~
NCT 127 as boyfriends ♡
link to Astro version
Warnings: food mentions
what i listened to while writing: To My Youth by BOL4
sweet to the MAX
always singing around the house and serenading you
multiple movie nights with you in one week where you eat a whole bunch of junk food together and cuddle the entire time ;3;
becomes flustered very easily when you reach for his hand or hug him because he doesn't like skinship
but strangely with you, his heart skips a beat??
helps you when you're stressed by enveloping you in a hug and not letting go until you feel better
not overly clingy but not distant either - he's the perfect bf !!
knows when to give you space and when he needs to invade your space and give you lots of kisses >:)
not big on fancy dates, just wants to bask in your presence
wherever he is, as long as you're there, he's happy
i don't know why but i imagine his hand getting clammy when you hold it because he's so nervous,, then he gets all shy and embarrassed about it :")
always taking photos of you
literally has a folder in his phone named '[y/n]'
so whipped for you omg he literally giggles any time you lock eyes
so EMBARRASSING cause of all the bad jokes he cracks and how tough he tries to act
"[y/n] do you wanna feel my arm muscles?"
waking up next to him each morning would involve you thinking he’s asleep and staring at him until he pulls you closer into his chest and presses his lips to your forehead ;3;
takes you on really creative dates like going to markets, going for drives, walks through unknown paths
if y’all are not seeing each other in person, he’ll constantly be texting or calling you
always sends you photos of things that remind him of you
the type to pretend he’ll give you your coat, then he doesn’t, but then he does because he loves you :”)
quite clingy in the sense that he always wants to be near you, holding your hand, hugging you, kissing you, whatever it may be
such a sweet and loving bf :”)
the type to buy you flowers and be that classy, romantic boyfriend
he’ll leave handwritten notes around the house and will send you good morning texts if you guys are apart from one another
the two of you are definitely the cool couple
but you’re also the couple who laughs hard about the most random things
like Taeil, knows when to give you space and when he should be there for you
will respect your sense of independence and root for you to succeed in your own things!
but also gets clingy sometimes and just wants a few hugs and kisses :”)
acts cute and pouts in front of you a lot 
but only in front of you, never in public or in front of anyone else
listens carefully whenever you’re sad and lets you rest your head on his shoulder, cry all over him - he lets you do whatever you need to do to be happy again, and he’ll try his best to cheer you up too :D
loves reading with you, it’s one of his favourite things to do :”)
sometimes just ends up staring at you which leads to him pulling you towards him which leads to cuddling while reading and for him to kiss the top of your head an infinite amount of times
omg he will let you braid his hair or play with it or do all kinds of things to it
painting each other’s nails !! and searching for unique accessories in stores!
he’ll just buy an accessory and give it to you like “i just know this will look good on you, please try it on!”
i feel like he’ll be very honest with you about everything
so you both have nights when you talk for hours about your thoughts
and in the morning forget all about it by watching something while in bed hehe
will like exercising with you from time to time so you both stay healthy!
always thinking about you and your health, both mental and physical
you might be able to convince him to get a couple outfit :o
Like Johnny, likes taking photos of you but does it a bit more shyly
puts on a cool front all the time but he’s quite shy ;-;
loves to bake with you and actually takes it quite seriously
he’ll chase you around if you smudge batter on his face >:)
makes home dates fancy by lighting so many scented candles that the smell actually becomes unbearable
when you go on walks together, he’ll hide behind you every time he sees a dog, and you always have to apologize to the dog owners on his behalf because he’s scared :”D
likes to lie on top of you when you cuddle, with his weight on his legs which are on either side of you so he’s not crushing you, just so he can trace the shape of your face with his fingertips
if you cry, he cries and if you laugh, he’ll laugh - i feel like that’s how he’ll comfort you, by empathizing :”)
likes to go on car rides with you where the two of you are just singing songs 
always makes sure you’re eating your meals and staying hydrated - brings you food if you’re busy or forget
gets you really thoughtful gifts for special days but also throws a few meme gifts in there
that bf who invites you to watch him play basketball just so he can take off his shirt in the middle of the game and watch as your face turns red
i feel like he’ll tease you in that ^ way a lot - he’s always trying to fluster you
he likes peaches so imagine going peach picking with him !! you’ll take such cute photos together and if he’s taller than you, he’ll pick all the peaches that you can’t ;3;
always trying to cheer you up whenever you’re sad - why can i picture him doing aegyo TT
this one time it rained when you were on a late night walk with him and he took off his jean jacket, held it above your heads as you ran home, but you ended up wet anyway :”)
super comforting whenever you’re sick or don’t feel good
constantly complimenting you and shows you lots of physical affection
always hugs you when he sleeps because if you’re not there, he’d just be hugging the blanket instead
not incredibly sentimental but always tries his best to show his love for you
tried to make breakfast in bed for you and dropped a whole bunch of cutlery on the floor :D
went through your phone and saved his name as ‘peach’ in it
(this is from WayV as boyfriends, that’s why it looks a little different <3)
did i mention he’s soft?
always worried about you 
genuinely cares about your feelings
a lot of “are you okay?” and “you’re not mad at me, right?”
if you’re ever in a bad mood, he’ll run to the store real quick and grab your favourite food for you
he doesn’t like skinship but loves to hold you :’)
too shy to show affection in public tho
will hold your hand at the most
even if he does that, he’ll hold your hand in your pocket because he’s so shy
pls protecc him at all costs
is willing to do anything for you
sometimes you have to ask him how he genuinely feels about something
because he can’t say no :(
please make sure you tell him you love him regularly, or he’ll be sad :(
a lot of stay-at-home dates like watching movies
watchiNG ANIME (if you like it, of course)
“let’s just do whatever you want”
“i beat you! now give me a kiss >:)”
if you also like to eat, y’all will have the most epic food dates omg
literally travelling to countries just to try the food there - that’s what it will be like
most of your dates involve food, but also a lot of walking dates so you can burn it off :”)
yet also many movie nights on the days where you don’t want to walk
he’ll learn your speaking habits and will imitate you whenever you get annoyed or angry 
likes to play soccer with you, even if you’re bad at it (so he can tease you), but if you’re good then he’ll enjoy trying to beat you
he’s the one who roasts you the most yet also cares for you the most
likes to kiss your neck because he can smell your natural scent, but if you hate it then he’ll do it to tease you or he’ll stop if you seriously tell him to
imitates kdrama male actors and actually makes your heart flutter by doing those things
and when you see the actors kissing in a drama,,,, you already know what he’s about to do
when you’re upset, he’ll hug you tightly and stay with you until you feel better
y’all have a shared playlist that you always add songs to so you can listen to it during car rides or when cuddling 
he keeps everything and anything you give him, whether it be a candy wrapper, flowers, a belt, shoes, anything
prepares really sweet gifts for you - a lot of songs or meaningful things
claims that you’re his muse and sometimes just stares at you for 5 minutes whenever you drop by his studio
“you’re my sun, i’m photosynthesizing so just stay right there”
he’s shy and gets flustered easily when you kiss or hug him, even when you just hold his hand
you have a tradition with him each fall where you go to a park, gather all the leaves to make a pile so you can dive into it
usually ends with you falling on top of him and the two of you just laying there for a long time
voice calls that last for more than 8 hours will become a thing when you date him :”)
always jokes about things related to marriage like ‘wow imagine if we had our wedding here’ and laughs awkwardly but he’d actually love to marry you 
takes you on trips that he claims are for him to get inspiration for music writing but he really just wants to spend time with you
you already know what you’ve signed up for, right? chaos, absolute chaos - but in the best way
super clingy, always holding onto your arm or hand
whines when you don’t give him hugs or attention
bought a big plushie that reminded him of you so he can hug it when you’re not there and he misses you
he’s such a baby omg he’ll love being babied by you
makes hand crafted, diy gifts that clearly have his entire heart and soul in them
likes singing karaoke songs with you because if too you’re shy to sing alone, at least when he sings with you, he can hear a bit of your voice
cannot live if you’re sad or upset - he’ll do anything to help you feel better
cuddling is his favourite thing on this planet and he’ll wrap his legs around you so the two of you become an entangled mess, yet somehow are still comfortable
texts you random things like ‘i just saw a dog’ but also says stuff like that out loud to you
acts strong and cool sometimes like when you’re watching horror movies but fails miserably :(
ah, have you made it to the bottom? thank you for reading <3 were you by any chance looking for a sign? because this is it, this is your sign. i wish you luck with whatever it is that you must or must not do ;3;
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
The Ric Grayson AND Talon storylines both end at the same time, and in the same way:
Great Grandpa Creeper Cobb successfully manipulates Ric into position to be brainwashed and become the Talon that Willie the Weenie has always wanted him to be.....this happens for like, two issues.
Then Grandpa Get Ye To A Graveyard Already fucks up....he accidentally brings Talon Ric within sighting distance of the Court’s latest crop of prospective Talon recruits, including a wee baby ten year old orphan being trained to be a future Talon.
And the essential corn kernel of Dick Grayson’s essence, deep down in his psyche, just fucking POPS like its Orville Redenbacher and someone just nuked it in the microwave.
And the real Dick Grayson comes SHRIEKING to the forefront of Talon!Ric’s brain, nothing subtle about it, and the next thing his Rancid Relative knows, he’s being fucking impaled by his great grandson’s blades as said great grandson, who is SUPPOSED to be docilely brainwashed, wtf, is already halfway across the room, diving into the mass of other Talons like they’re a collection of bowling pins and he’s a wrecking ball straight out of a Miley Cyrus music video, but instead of the caterwauling lyrics “I never hit so haaaaaaaard in love,” Dick’s accompanied by a soundtrack of him screaming:
As said smol child is just standing there, staring, like....dude, wut?
And then Dick finishes absolutely DESTROYING everything undead and nefarious in sight like he’s the Tasmanian Devil on meth, and he turns to said smol child and begins the process of Smothering, as his hands flutter all up and down checking for injuries but not touching, like: 
“Did they hurt you are you alright you’re safe now cough once for I’m all good or punch me in the no-no’s if I’m making you feel unsafe, I will make sure you are totally safe from here on out, you are my baby now, I have decided, but like, only if you want to be.”
And smol child is decidedly overwhelmed but Man-Who-Speaks-Like-He-Has-Pixie-Sticks-In-Place-Of-Blood-Vessels seems harmless, if weird, and is definitely preferable to the weird Bird Men who kidnapped him off the streets and tried to teach him how to kill people and make death threats out of nursery rhymes. And he doesn’t have a lot of experience in OTHER subterranean lairs to compare this one too, but he’s decidedly not a fan, so when Dick asks if he would like him to take him to see Batman and Batgirl and Robin and other superheroes who can also reassure him there will be no more homework on How To Torture People Good, he’s like....”yeah I guess. If you want.”
And so Dick scoops him up with glee and takes off through the tunnels, yelling back over his shoulder: “Bye Greatly-Gross-Grandpa, hate you lots, don’t call, don’t write, you’re officially off my Christmas card list, hasta la neeeeeeeeeever.”
Thereupon swiftly grappling across the Bludhaven rooftops, yelling PARKOUR! just because he can and its fun, and its weirdly relaxing for his wee passenger, because look, this dude may be weird as fuck, but he’s clearly got the moves to protect him from the Undead Legions of Ornithologists and he seems too....fun to be evil, like not in the Joker kinda way like he’s seen on TV in previous foster homes where its like, jeez dude, try hard much, but more like an adult who just quit a soul-crushing cubicle-dwelling corporate-craphole job and has suddenly been reminded that the sky is blue, flowers smell good, and there IS a Santa Claus, Virginia.
Thus by the time they arrive at Wayne Manor, with no attempt made to hide where they’re going from his wee passenger’s eyes - Dick has already decided he’s keeping the kid, pending said kid’s approval but look, kids like him and he’s determined to bring his A game to the pitch meeting, so he likes his chances - said wee passenger disembarks in the Batcave but stays close by, clinging to Dick’s side in an ever so slight way that allows for plausible deniability later, once he gets his bearings and also his bravado back.
“Dick?!” Comes the chorus of voices from the rest of the family, who are all there already, by great coincidence and in great defiance of the crapfests in their own individual titles, but also who the fuck cares. And Dick puffs out his chest, cuz he’s putting on a good show for his new kiddo, first impressions are important...
“Tis I, fam! The one true Dick Grayson has returned! Huzzah!”
Look, being completely oblivious to his Greatest Dork Energy coinciding with his Times He Most Attempts To Be Impressive, is like, Peak Dick Grayson characterization, you can trust me, I’m a doctor. 
And Tim’s like, “Why are you dressed like a Talon?”
And Dick’s like, “Isn’t the better question why AREN’T you dressed like a Talon?”
Which makes no sense but shhh, I’m running out of steam here, don’t question the atmosphere, just let it be.
And Bruce is like, “Who’s your friend?”
With like...designs and agendas already in mind, because said wee Talon-to-be is cute and adorable and bravely trying to act like he is not at all intimidated by his surroundings and is in total control of what’s going on like, he meant to be here, this is all according to plan, yes, excellent, everything is progressing nicely....
Which as everyone knows, are the three key essential traits Bruce looks for in prospective adoptees....
So Dick snarls and later blames it on residual Talon-ness, they’re very territorial bird...assassin....people....anyway, the adrenaline is still high and also he has swiftly become attached because whether kiddo knows it or not, Dick 100% credits him with the brainwash-breaking and thus when factored in with the cuteness quotient, what we have here is an instant recipe for Protectiveness slash Possessiveness that would be creepy and inappropriate if this wasn’t pure crack. 
But crack it is, and thus Dick curls a protective arm around the kiddo like the lap-bar on a particularly turbulent roller coaster and applies G-Force sufficient to keep even Superman from prying him out of his hands - but in a gentle, non- ’crushing kinda way that might hurt the kiddo,’ even though physics doesn’t work like that, except look, these are CRACK PHYSICS, they can and they do work like that. 
And he’s all, “I already adopted him, so back off, Bruce, I’ll cut you. But also hi dad, I missed you. In spirit I mean, like I had amnesia and then I was brainwashed so technically its probably a reach to say I missed anyone but just roll with it. Also I can haz hugs now, please?”
And then Damian apparates in front of Dick amid a cloud of Disapproval that’s really just a cover for OMG-I-Was-Without-You-And-It-Was-Terrible-And-I’m-So-Glad-You’re-Back-But-Also-Who-Is-This-Interloper-And-Why-Is-He-Stealing-My-Hug.
“Tt. Grayson. Your absence was...less than desirable. See to it that this doesn’t happen again. Also what is that and why is it here.”
“Aww, Dami, I’m sorry. I promise to install a “please have the nearest available psychic reboot my brain in case of future brain damage slash amnesia” clause in my living will, and soon as I get a free second, I’ll break the fourth wall and blackmail the DC editorial staff into declaring me off-limits for all death, brainwashing and/or kidnapping plots for at least the next four major crossover events. I have naughty pictures. They’ll cave.”
“Hmph,” Dami says. He resumes staring pointedly at the kiddo, who juts his chin defiantly and stares back while clinging more tightly to Dick, because he may have very little clue what’s going on, but he’s a quick one and has at least picked up on the fact that Dick wants him and this other kid wants Dick. Which combined with the rescuing and the kicking of bad guy ass means Dick is probably Quality and In Demand and Of Value, and thus he might as well stake a claim now and worry about whether or not to act on that or skedaddle later, once he’s got more intel. He’s a natural Bat, this one, but then, that’s probably why he was in Toddler Talon Boot Camp, he scored high on whatever weird aptitude tests they used to scope out talent, and by talent we mean murder-skills.
“Dami,” Dick admonishes then, “This isn’t an it, he’s a person, and he was recently traumatized so promise me you’ll be on your best behavior or at least your ‘engaging in shenanigans with Jon’ behavior. And he’s not competition, you’re my Dames and my little bro, and he’s potentially your nephew, which is a whole separate category and no threat to you and your baby bro status at all, so retract the claws. If anything, the real danger is Pops adopting him and thus supplanting you as the official Baby Bird of our generation, so make like an ally and help me get that dangerous “I’m gonna adopt this kid so hard” gleam out of Bruce’s eye before it gets any gleamier. We’re still only halfway through my tearful reunion and having to cut Dad before we even get to cake would be a major mood-killer, but I’ll do it, I swear. Also, get your Baby Bird behind over here and hug me already, I have two arms.”
Damian rolled his eyes but obediently disappeared and reappeared nestled against Dick’s other side in the blink of an eye. The proper application of ninja skills has always been the pursuance of hugs and cuddles. Thus sayeth the crack.
“Hey, I do get cake, right?” Dick asked suddenly, looking around dangerously. “I was amnesiac and also brainwashed, I deserve cake, TELL me there’s gonna be cake.”
“Well that answers whether or not we should be worried about this being an attempted infiltration or not,” Jason says, strolling over casually. “No impostor or brainwashing script-writer could ever duplicate the Essence de Dick so perfectly. Hey squirt. Welcome to the madhouse. I’m Jason, what’s your name?”
“Oh right,” Dick realized, cocking his head. “Hey, what is your name?”
“Really, Dick?” Tim sighed, fondly exasperated. “I realize you like to jump from A straight to Z whenever possible, but steps B through Y aren’t usually just mere suggestions.”
“It hadn’t come up yet,” Dick defended himself.
“Yes, why would it have,” Duke mused from where he was leaning over and snapping his fingers in front of Bruce’s eyes, in a futile attempt at tearing his gaze away from the viable adoption candidate within 20 meters from him. It was probably best that they get this adoption thing inked out and signed off on as soon as possible - it was the only thing that was definitively going to get that “Argh, I’ve spotted treasure ahoy” look out of Bruce’s eyes. And Alfred had been very clear :Bruce was forbidden to adopt any more kids himself until he got a better handle on juggling the six he already had. Which. The past year had...probably not met Alfred’s standards on, so it didn’t seem likely he’d be waiving that requirement any time soon. 
(And nobody wanted to get in between the Unstoppable Force that was Bruce’s ‘must adopt all the orphans’ and the Immovable Object that was Alfred’s ‘must maintain at least a reasonable fascimile of order in this household, even if it is a total sham, appearances matter.’)
“Hey!” Dick protested. “I’ve been busy, okay? There was fighting and then there was parkouring and now we’re reunifying, and it wasn’t like I was just calling him ‘that kid’ in my head, I was calling him ‘my kiddo’ which is a perfectly reasonable identifier and thus more specific detail just....hadn’t been relevant yet!”
“So uh, bee tee dubs, what is your name, buddy?” Dick asked, looking down. His kiddo looked back up at him for a long, measuring moment, and then he shrugged.
“I’ll tell you in exchange for some cake. You said something about there being cake, but I don’t see any.”
Dick got misty-eyed at that. “See? He already prioritizes like me. This was destiny! Also, you heard my kiddo, do we not deserve cake? It has been a very long day, there was murder and mayhem and more. Also, my creeper great grandpa was there being icksome, and you know how much that weirds me out.”
“Come along, Master Dick,” Alfred said then, appearing out of nowhere thanks to his Bat-Butler Magic. “And your young charge as well. I already have your favorite baking in the oven and it should be done shortly. Lemon meringue with raspberry layers.”
“That’s disgusting and I will not participate in any ceremony that treats that as part of a celebration instead of just a weird kind of laxative,” Jason said loftily, though it escaped no one’s notice that he was the first to the stairs.
“Shut your facehole, its delicious and amazing and you will like it or I will kick your ass,” Dick said, equally loftily.
“Boys,” Bruce said with a long-suffering sigh, as the threat of brotherly bloodshed was enough to finally shake him out of his orphan-induced stupor.
“At MARIO KART. I will kick his ass at MARIO KART, ugh, jeez, B, why do you always assume the worst of us?”
“Precedent,” Tim said dryly.
“Who the hell asked the Oompa Loompa Brigade to weigh in with all ninety of his pounds?” Jason called back from the top of the stairs. 
Cass came up on Dick’s left, where the kiddo was one half of the sandwich made by him and Damian on Dick’s other side. She smiled down at him when he directed his still very wide-eyed gaze at her, landing on her after his latest sweep of the cavern and all its contained chaos, as if trying to take it all in - most likely in the hopes that if he could manage that, somehow the last 72 hours of his life might suddenly make sense. He really was adorable.
“Don’t worry,” she beamed at him, reaching out to pat him comfortingly on his shoulder, right above where Dick’s arm was still curled around it like a warm blanket - albeit one with the tensile hold of a python. “They’re all crazy, but only in the good ways.”
Duke scoffed as he slipped ahead of them and started taking the stairs two at a time. “It’s funny how you say that like you’re some kind of exception to the rule.”
“Bold words, little brother,” Cass called after him. He only shouted back from the top in a booming voice, his words echoing down the narrow stone stairway dramatically.
“Am I not Batclan?”
“Oooh, is that a new thing we’re doing?” Dick asked excitedly. “Somebody catch me up, I demand context. I smell a story there.”
“It was Jason’s fault,” Tim said automatically. Dick nodded.
“Sure, that tracks. Continue.”
Bruce trailed after his brood of batlings and birdlets, sidling over to where Barbara was waiting for the elevator. The latter having hung back to watch the commotion with the air of one taking notes for repurposing in the form of future blackmail material. Her ever extending network of spies and informants made so much more sense, suddenly.
He cleared his throat while they listened to the hum of the elevator’s machinery as it descended to their level.
“I wasn’t really thinking of adopting the boy,” he said. Not at all sullenly, nor with a trace of defensiveness to be found.
“Of course you weren’t, Bruce,” Barbara said. She patted his arm fondly, with all the conviction of a kindergarten teacher whose student was attempting to claim innocence on the matter of a paint disaster perfectly matching the paint stains on his hands.
“I wasn’t,” Bruce muttered as she preceded him into the elevator. 
Why did nobody ever believe him?
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artistic-writer · 5 years
Sparking the Pavement :: CS Moto GP AU :: E
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Title: Sparking the Pavement by @artistic-writer Rating: E (eventually) Summary: Killian Jones has everything he has ever dreamed of.  He likes fast bikes and even faster women, that is until almost losing his brother makes him rethink his life choices.  And then a chance encounter with a blonde bombshell on the race track gives him the chance to change and find love, but as usual, team politics get in the way and for the first time in his life, Killian can’t just get what he wants.  Moto GP racing AU. A/N: Ch 2! Sorry for the delay guys, my real life has been a bit...stressful to say the least, but here it is! Much thanks to @hollyethecurious who agreed to beta this, and to @doodlelolly0910 who regularly listens to me ranting about wanting to write when my fingers don’t want to work.
Taglist: @resident-of-storybrooke @hollyethecurious @kmomof4 @hookedonapirate @winterbaby89 @courtorderedcake @initiala @cocohook38 @branlovesouat @teamhook @snidgetsafan @sherlockianwhovian @shireness-says @wingedlioness @lenfaz @therooksshiningknight @ilovemesomekillianjones @bmbbcs4evr @blowmiakisscolin @deathbycaptainswan @onceuponaprincessworld @chinawoodfan  @seriouslyhooked @snowbellewells @wordsmith-storyweaver @jennjenn615 @delightfully-difficult-pirate @doodlelolly0910 @tiganasummertree @hookedmom @thejollyroger-writer @rachie1940 @unworried-corsair @cs-forlife @notoriouscs @killian-whump @darkcolinodonorgasm @mariakov81 @strangestarlighttree 
Emma Swan had endured. Her life had been a rollercoaster of ups and downs beginning with the death of her mother when she was just five years old, something that set her father into a protective frenzy. She could barely breathe with how much he loved her, not letting her out of his sight for even a second. Emma woke up, she went to school, and she came home. Anything else in between was always under her father’s watchful eye down to every minute of the day.
Emma’s family were the Nolan’s and they had carved their name out in the motorcycle world by making some of the best quality crash helmets any racer could own since 1988. David Nolan had started the company after his twin brother, James, had been killed during the famous Isle of Man Tourist Trophy race. The TT, as it is known, is one of the most dangerous motorcycle races in the world, having taken the lives of over two hundred riders since it began in 1907. James’ helmet had been poor quality, the impact of his head with the asphalt at such a high-speed something he would never recover from.
David and James had a bond, a twin bond, that was severed the instant James’ heart had stopped. David had been unable to fly to the Isle of Man that week because of Emma’s school commitments, but he knew the second his brother had died without even so much as a phone call. The TT is one of the most gruelling road races of its kind. Thirty-eight miles of winding roads around the island that have killed both riders and spectators because of the unpredictability of the circuit, weather, and unmaintained terrain, and now James was just another statistic.
High velocity impact trauma resulting in death. That was how her uncle died, officially, on paper. Emma remembers that day like it was yesterday because it hadn’t been long after her mother’s death. Her father’s soul already crushed from the loss of his wife, she wasn’t sure he could take anymore, so she let him smother her for a time, knowing that it was all that was keeping him going. The Nolan crash helmet company was founded some months later and it gave David a renewed sense of purpose that he needed more than anything.
Emma, on the other hand, although happy for her father, was lost. She wasn’t like other girls. Her whole life she had been allowed to do whatever she liked, as long as it was safe, but that wasn’t what Emma wanted. She wanted excitement, thrills, action, and so, through contacts her family company had made in the business, she began riding motorbikes.
It was exhilarating. The wind in her hair as it pulled strands from beneath her leathers and whipped at the shaded visor of her helmet. The way her spine shook as she leaned over the fuel tank, the vibrations of the engine shaking every bone in her body, and the way her heart beat in time with the movement of the pistons between her legs. It was everything Emma had wanted, her escape, her refuge, and when road bikes became too mundane, she set her sights on bigger prizes.
It didn’t take Emma long to get her foot on the racing ladder. She dropped her father’s name a few times, his prestige enough for people to take her seriously when, as a tiny, blonde haired wisp of a woman, she had guaranteed her abilities to some of the sponsors. And she was as good as she promised, at first in small time with the odd race here or there when she could slip away from her father’s protective net he had cast around her life.
But she was a one of a kind and it quickly became evident just how brilliant Emma Nolan was.
She changed her name, without telling her father, to continue to soar under his radar. Emma knew that it wouldn’t be long before somebody in the racing world put two and two together and realised, that with the surname Nolan, she was David’s daughter. She changed it to Swan in the late 90’s and continued to race her way through the ranks just like she had dreamed of.
The world of motorcycle racing is not like any other sport on the planet. It is unique in the fact that there is no gender split, or prejudice, and both men and women race on equal terms. It’s unusual to see many women in the sport, and Emma wanted to change that. The lowest class, Moto3, was a breeze. The small engines were no match for Emma’s ability, her weight distribution almost perfect because of her size against the power of the 125cc engine, and soon she was being headhunted for Moto2 before she even had a title under her belt.
Everybody wanted a piece of Emma Swan. She was approached by no less than four different teams in 2000, all wanting to represent who they felt would be the first female MotoGP championship winner. It had never been done before, and whilst Emma couldn’t wait to rise up to the next level in the Grand Prix competition, she never would.
Ducati, another big name in the race scene, decided to offer Emma the best incentive for her abilities. They were also one of the only teams to not use Nolan helmets for all their riders, so Emma’s secret would be hidden for a while longer. She wasn’t scared of her father finding out, but she wanted to be in the top ranks before he did, because then there would be no way back for her and he would have to support her. Maybe it was a little bit like blackmail, but Emma knew her father wouldn’t be able to cut her career short if she was so invested.
Ducati already had an established team of riders, and even though they were not winning big in 1999, their two front runners had won them enough to stay just above last place. Neal Cassidy and Oswald ‘Oz’ Walsh were the one/two riders for Ducati, and the season had just ended when Emma was signed. The second the guys laid eyes on their new team mate they were impressed with both her beauty and her talent, and when she gave them both the flirtatious cold shoulder, they were smitten. That was, until pre-trial times showed that Emma was consistently faster than Walsh and the team decided to bump him to third rider status before the season had even begun.
The team that Ducati announced for the 2000 season was Neal Cassidy and Emma Swan and it wasn’t long before Ducati was a team up in the top tier of Moto2 once more, and it wasn’t long before, in the thrill of winning, Emma and Neal became an item. Neal was more than just her teammate. He had become Emma’s first love, sharing every win with her, celebrating in both the pit lane and in the privacy of their trailers. It was whirlwind by romance standards and in the buzz, Emma was blindsided by Walsh’s growing greed right under her nose.
Before long, Emma was at one with the bike given to her by her team, and was surpassing Cassidy in every race. Cassidy was becoming second to not only his second rider, but also his girlfriend, something that did not escape the attention of Walsh. He had never had a problem coming second to Cassidy and was happy to take the second seat. He still got paid, he was still making money from sponsors, but when Emma started winning, less and less people knew his name.
Walsh wanted to be back where he was. His revenue was drying up and where other people were being offered contracts for the next season, he was not. No one came knocking on his door, no one was calling his cell phone, and the only way he was going to get his name back out there, was if Emma wasn’t racing anymore. She was Ducati’s top rider and if Walsh wanted to be back in the team’s good graces, something had to be done.
“Think about it,” Walsh whispered into the shell on Neal’s ear as the music around them throbbed out its beat. “I’m just saying-”
“I know what you’re saying,” Neal snapped, a little irritated. Walsh had been going on and on about getting his second seat back all night and it was starting to wear Neal’s nerves thin.
“Then listen to what I’m saying,” Walsh added, slapping his friend on the shoulder. “If she can’t race then that means we can.”
Neal studied his fellow rider with a raised eyebrow. “Obviously,” Neal said with a roll of his eyes. He rolled his fingers over the cold outside of the tumbler glass he was caressing idly, the drink inside starting to warm under his touch. “That’s how race politics work, Oz.”
“Don’t you miss it?” Walsh continued eagerly, leaning forward over the grubbing dive bar table between them. “The crowds chanting your name, the feeling you get when they wave that chequered flag for you.”
Neal gave Walsh a sideways sneer and snorted a laugh through his nose. “How would you know what that feels like?”
Walsh ground his teeth in frustration, his fist balling beside his now empty glass. “I’m just saying-”
“Damn it, Oz, I know what you are saying!” Neal roared. The bar fell silent, all eyes on the two men huddled in the corner for a few seconds before resuming its usual activity none the wiser.
“Do you hear me though?” Walsh insisted desperately.
“Loud and clear,” Neal scoffed. He threw his head back and poured the last remaining remnants of his drink into his mouth, swallowing the tiny amount with disappointment. “What do you propose?”
Walsh grinned, his teammate’s attention full grabbed. “You know these piss tests they make us take?” He nodded eagerly. Neal glanced his way with a narrowed stare. “You can’t race without a clean result, right?”
Neal laughed in the back of his throat, a grunt escaping his mouth. “You know as well as I do, Emma would never jeopardize the chance to race.”
“Not willingly.” Walsh’s words drew Neal’s full attention, his tongue tracing the point of his canine.
“Go on,” Neal nodded.
“The next two races are back to back, so there is no time in between to celebrate a win properly. At the next race, you let Emma win,” Walsh continued quickly, his finger drawing insignificant lines along the dark surface of the table.
“No one lets Emma Swan win,” Neal laughed.
“And then, during the after party, she drinks too much, fails the piss test and you and I get a seat upgrade.” Walsh’s grin was pure elation, like a chimp with a banana.
“Emma would never drink before a race,” Neal said definitely, waving a finger at the barman for another drink.
“Not intentionally,” Walsh shrugged. “But maybe her boyfriend can persuade her to take a sip.” His hand dug into his inner jacket pocket and pulled out a small, folded piece of paper. He pressed it to the table, sliding it across to Neal who eyed it suspiciously before lifting one of the flaps and spying the small pill inside. It was oval in shape, chalky and would easily disappear into the bubbles of a celebratory glass of champagne.
“Maybe I can,” Neal agreed in a small voice, a grin spreading over his features as he screwed the paper back up in his palm.
It wasn’t a plan that Neal thought they could get away with, but it did appeal to him. Neal had already been approached by Ducati’s MotoGP division for the next season, depending on how he finished his current season. So the real question was, did he want to race alongside his friend, who he knew he could beat and would win a title easily, or his girlfriend, who was a far better rider than he ever would be? The plan was simple and his only role would be getting Emma to partake in his drink. She would never have one of her own but she might be tempted by a charismatic smile and a boyish wink from her boyfriend. And she was.
After winning the mid-season race in first place, the team threw a party for her success and Emma was more than happy to attend, sipping bottled water for the entire evening. The next race was the very next day, a gruelling mid-season back to back that tested the limits of every rider on the track. A race was physically and mentally demanding on every rider, so Emma had established early in her career that she would do her utmost to ensure victory each time.
If only she was as strong as she thought she was.
Emma trusted too easily and it was perhaps her biggest flaw in character, something she had inherited from her mother. Walsh had approached them with two glasses, handing one to Neal with a slight nod. A kind face and a smile from Neal was all she needed to lift the glass to her lips and take a sip of the bubbling champagne, a celebratory tipple Neal said she deserved. It tasted good, fizzing on her tongue, but when she swallowed there was an aftertaste of something she didn’t recognise. She had searched her boyfriend’s face for an answer, but it became blurred through the haze of her eyes and the next thing Emma remembered was her disqualification from the next race.
Heartbroken didn’t describe how she felt. Rules were rules, and somehow, despite two extra tests that she insisted on, Emma’s urine analysis said that she was under the influence of drugs. It was impossible. Emma didn’t do drugs. She was a highly tuned athlete; she ran, she swam, she cycled and barely even drank alcohol. And then it all came back to her in a flash of blinding white light.
Walsh had handed Neal the drink. Neal had persuaded her to take a sip.
Before Emma had time to confront them both about how they had sabotaged her, there was an accident. Neal had taken the first rider spot, her rightful place, and Walsh had taken second, but in his arrogance had managed to high side his bike not even halfway through the race. A twist of his wrist had increased his acceleration out of the corner too quickly, his back wheel losing traction before suddenly regaining it again, the torque along the bike’s axis enough to throw Walsh clean over the handlebars.
He would have survived, had he not held onto the throttle, wrenching his shoulder out of its socket and rendering it useless. His limb flopped around as he had flown through the air, landing on the asphalt head first with an almighty thud right into the path of his own bike. Walsh had no chance. The motorbike was still at full speed and his leatherbound ragdoll body was no match for the force applied to it on impact.
Walsh’s death didn’t matter to Emma, but it did to the team. They needed a second rider to finish the season and when asked, Emma said she would have to think about it. First, she wanted to confront Neal, her so-called boyfriend, about how and why he and Walsh had felt it prevalent to wreck her chances at a championship title. She got it.
“No one remembers second place, and I sure as hell ain’t coming second to you. When the season is over, the only name people will be chanting from the stands is Cassidy. Not Swan.”
The more Emma listened to him the more she realised what kind of man her boyfriend was. He was small and manipulative and he would even stoop so low as to blame a dead man, insinuating that Walsh was responsible for her disqualification during the last race. His true colours showed on his face, in his excusatory words, and Emma was nothing if not good at reading people.
She could spot a scumbag a mile away, and Neal was definitely that.
Even worse, he looked her dead in the eye and told her that no one would believe her. It was her word against his and he wasn’t saying a word that might jeopardize his race career.
Emma never raced professionally after that.
It took her two years to find her passion again. Emma felt cheated by the racing world and turned her back on it, but the bug never left her. There was something missing in her life. It was more than a want, it was a basic need to be going fast again. A need to feel the engine against her thighs and her chest pressed against the fuel tank again, body as flat as it could be so that there was almost no wind resistance to slow her down.
Emma missed bikes, the smell of fuel and oil, even the way her cheeks got squashed inside of her helmet, but she couldn't go back to racing, not all the while Neal Cassidy was on the circuits. Two years had been enough time for Neal to make it up to MotoGP and for Emma to leave behind what had happened between them, but the yearning for bikes never left her and she spent the next year training to be a mechanic.
It was easier for Emma than it was for most. She knew bikes like the back of her hand, inside and out, and she could take them apart and put them back together again with her eyes closed. Mechanic school was a piece of cake. Getting a job after she graduated was the hard part. Neal hadn’t just sullied her good name in racing, but he had managed to get her ghosted by the entire race world, and nobody would hire a junkie. Luckily for her, she had completed all of her qualifications in the surname of Nolan, so all she needed was a little help.
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All My Fault 13
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): DC, BatFam - Damian Wayne/Batman
Rating: PG
Notes: (Masterlist) This one is also a tad long, but I’m putting up the gala all pretty quickly so you don’t have to wait for forever to get through the whole event since it lasts for like 3 chapters!
Tag List (Open): @batboys-and-other-messes @nanna-the-batmum @probsjosh @welovegroot
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12
“Oh, you poor darling!” an older woman exclaimed, clutching at her pearls with one hand and my upper arm with the other. “Trapped within time itself for eight years with no escape? That must have been dreadful.”
“Thank you,” I said. I didn’t want to talk about being trapped in the time-stream because it required lies. So I just said thank you. A lot.
My arm was still in Damian’s. People could pull me around to talk all they wanted and he stubbornly hung at my side, exchanging pleasantries politely and acting like a proper gentleman. Most people didn’t even notice that many of his comments contained snide jabs that were so subtle only I would catch them because I knew him.
I couldn’t get over how good he looked in his tux. It was tailored perfectly to suit his physique and he just looked suave. His hair was carefully, lightly gelled out of his way with his thick bangs swept upward. It helped keep attention on his eyes—which were so green I could almost see treetops in them. Damian had grown up into quite the handsome young man—and I really couldn’t help but try and memorize every detail.
He and Jason filled out tuxedoes the same way—like one too-intense flex of their arm muscles would shred the whole thing.
“Miss McCloud?” a familiar voice asked. I turned.
“Diana!” I greeted. I let go of Damian long enough to hug the Amazon around the shoulders. “Lovely to see you!”
“It’s nice to see you as well. Relieved to see you home all in one piece,” she replied. She nodded to Damian. “Young Mr. Wayne. How are you this evening?”
“Adequate, Ms. Prince,” he answered curtly. “Adequate.”
“Well, you should be better than adequate with a woman like this on your arm,” Diana said, smiling at me. Damian blinked, appearing to be at a loss for words.
“You are correct,” he finally said. “I hope you enjoy the evening.”
“I believe I will, Damian. Enjoy it yourself,” Diana said.
“We will,” I put it, smiling.
The music started playing. I turned my smile to Damian. He glanced at Diana. “Excuse us, Ms. Prince,” he said. “I promised her a dance.”
Diana beamed at us—a glint in her eye that I thought I recognized as mischief. “Of course, young ones. Enjoy.”
Damian nodded to her while I waved and he led me to the dancefloor.
“Tt. People can be so suffocating,” he muttered, sliding his hand around to my back and cupping my shoulder blade.
“Diana’s not so bad,” I said.
“No. Not her. Prince is a good woman. I mean everyone else,” Damian amended.
“Careful. We’re in a room full of gossips. Don’t let them hear you say that,” I teased.
Damian leaned down and brushed his lips against my ear. “They won’t,” he whispered. It tickled. I shuddered and snickered.
“Okay good,” I said as he began to dance with me.
We could have gone full-formal waltz to this song—spinning around the room, elbows high, heads turned away from each other, trying to talk and dance well at the same time, and failing at the former in favor of the latter.
But we didn’t. We waltzed in a much more casual way. Elbows more relaxed, the twist on the basic step small and the travelling little, looking into each other’s eyes, talking more than dancing.
“You look a vision tonight, McCloud,” Damian said.
“Thank you,” I said, not even bothering to fight the blush crawling over my face. “You look really nice too.”
He nodded graciously as we continued to dance.
“You’ve gotten a lot better at dancing,” I offered.
That actually earned me a smile. “Thank you,” he said. “Grayson helped me.”
I grinned. “Of course he did.”
We lapsed into silence so he could spin me under his arm. I felt the skirt of my dress brush against his legs as it flared out. When he gently pulled me back into the dance hold, he gave me that intense stare of his that seemed to peer straight into my soul. If it was possible, his eyes were even greener tonight than I’d ever seen them.
As we continued to dance, I paid attention to his leading style. When he was thirteen—at the last gala I attended only a few months ago for me—I mostly led him since he didn’t like dancing and always did so with a lot of tutting.
Now he was strong and fluid. Light and smooth on his feet.
“You know, I think you’ve become a better dancer than Dick,” I remarked.
Damian snorted. “Don’t let him hear you say that,” he replied sarcastically. I laughed softly.
His grip on me was firm enough to lead but light enough to allow me to move. I pushed back against his hand on my shoulder blade as I was supposed to do, even though it had always been hard for me to push back since my natural instinct was to relax against that pressure so it would be easier to be led. Even though it actually was meant to be easier with me applying pressure back to him.
Another silence fell between us, broken only by the other guests and the music—and the rain that had started pouring so hard we could hear it over the music.
We just kind of… stared at each other. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Damian’s. The vibrant, crystalline green with their diamond-shaped hazel flecks drew me in and held me captive. I’d heard the cheesy pickup line that someone could swim in someone else’s blue eyes. But Damian’s were the canopy of a rainforest and it would be extremely easy for me to get lost in there.
It was like the rest of the room ceased to exist. It was just me and Damian, dancing around in a blur of lights and colors.
BOOM! A crack of thunder made me jump so bad that the moment was shattered. I shrieked, clutching Damian’s hand and arm hard and jumping closer to him. His hand around my shoulder blade for the dance slid over the rest of my back to hold me to him on instinct as the rest of the rumble faded out. I set my forehead against Damian’s chest.
“That scared me!” I breathed.
He rubbed my back. “It’s alright,” he said.
I nodded and pulled back. “Yeah. Sorry about that,” I apologized.
“There is no need to apologize, McCloud,” he replied.
The music carried on, so we did too, this time with a big apologetic smile on my face. Damian didn’t seem to mind my little jump at the loudest crack of thunder I’d heard in literal years. Which I was grateful for.
The song ended with Damian twirling me under his arm again and trapping me in his hold.
We were standing a lot closer to each other than we’d been at the beginning of the dance. We could have wedged a dictionary between us at the beginning, now we’d be lucky to fit a homework packet. I was close enough to smell Damian’s aftershave—or cologne. It was spicy and warm. Probably the expensive kind he used to hate wearing and only did so for fancy occasions.
Both of us were breathing heavier than normal from the exertion of dancing, still staring right at each other. Mouths parted with surprise, tiny ghosts of smiles forming on our faces.
“Thank… thanks for the dance,” I said to Damian. “You fulfilled your promise.”
He nodded. “Of course,” he replied.
Dick appeared. “Can I dance with you, Cloudy?” he asked me.
Damian let me go so abruptly I almost fell over in my heels. “Sure,” I replied. Damian nodded to me and retreated to the side of the ballroom.
“You still dance well,” Dick remarked. His dance hold was looser than Damian’s. Even less proper. His hand was more on my ribs than my shoulder blade and he held our hands at my shoulder-level instead of my eye-level (it had to be my eye-level in a proper hold because I was the shorter).
“Only when I have good partners,” I replied with a casual shrug.
Dick laughed. “So unwilling to accept a compliment,” he teased.
I would have elbowed him but I wasn’t in a good position. “Shut up. I can too accept a compliment. But a dance is only as good as its worst of the two partners.”
“That’s not true and you know it,” Dick retorted.
“It is when it’s me and any of you boys and there are photographers here,” I said.
Dick contemplated that for a moment. “Good point.” He looked around. “The cameras are on you tonight.”
“I know.”
“You doing okay?”
“Of course,” I said.
“When are you doing interviews? And with whom? Have you decided yet?” Dick asked.
“Nope. Haven’t decided. I'm thinking I’ll do Cloudburst with Lois, if she’ll take it,” I replied, whispering my alias. “I like her the best. Much as I admire Clark and find his writing style pretty good… I don’t know. I just trust Lois more.”
Dick laughed. “I don’t blame you,” he said. “And what about as Nora?” He dropped his voice to a whisper.
I shrugged. “Dunno. Vicki kinda rubs me the wrong way but she’s Gotham Gazette and, you know, city pride and all that,” I said. Dick spun me under his arm.
“I can understand that,” he said. “Your dress is super pretty by the way.”
“Thanks. Damian designed it.”
“Yeah, but he mentioned you chose the color?”
“I did,” I confirmed.
“Why did you pick green? I mean, don’t get me wrong Cloudy, it looks really nice on you. Especially with the gold accents. But usually you tend to wear blue,” Dick said. I rubbed my lips together and smirked.
“Aw. You jealous, Dick, that I picked Damian’s old color over your current one?” I teased.
Dick snorted. “No,” he retorted. “Just wondering why you picked green when you told me blue was your favorite.”
I snickered. “Well, I’d tell you the reason, Dick, if I thought you could keep it a secret. But I don’t think you can so I won’t,” I said. Dick scrunched his eyebrows.
“Hey! I can keep a secret!” he protested. I snorted and rolled my eyes.
“No you can’t. Not if they don’t really matter,” I said. “Important stuff, yeah sure. But not something like this. It’s not life-or-death so your big mouth will blab.” I smirked as Dick gave me a shocked look. We were both being dramatic to make each other laugh. It was working.
“C’mon Cloudy! Please?” he pleaded, giving me a pout and puppy-dog eyes. I pursed my lips.
“Sorry Dickiebird. It’s nothing personal and not that I don’t trust you. I just don’t need you telling anyone else.”
Dick huffed as the dance ended. With a dramatic flourish, he kissed my knuckles and moved to take me off the dancefloor.
Damian swooped in. “Enjoy your dance?” he asked.
“Yeah. I always love dancing with my brothers,” I said, nudging Dick with my elbow. He laughed.
“Thanks for the dance, Cloudy,” he said. “I’ll leave you two to chat.” He gave me a cheeky wink and disappeared into the crowds.
I glanced at Damian. “I'm gonna sit down. I’ve been standing in these heels for too long and dancing always makes it worse,” I said. My heels weren’t very tall, but they hurt to be on for too long. “You can go socialize if you want.”
“No, no,” Damian said. “I’ll sit with you.” He led me over to one of the nice sofas pressed against a wall. It was empty. We both sat on it, rather closer than we would have been were we alone to be gracious to anyone else who wanted to have a seat.
One of the event photographers came over to us. “‘Scuse me, sorry sir and ma’am, could I get a picture of you two? It’s just, the lady here is all anyone’s been talking about for days,” he said awkwardly.
I smiled. “‘Course,” I replied.
“Could I get you both smiling? Maybe laughing at something one-a youse said?”
Damian looked like he’d rather take a bite out of a ghost pepper than smile and laugh for a photo.
I leaned over to him. “Hey, how does NASA organize a party?” I asked.
“Tt. Likely hiring it out to a professional event coordina—” Damian began.
I cut him off. “They planet!” I corrected.
Damian planted his forehead in his hand and sighed. “McCloud…”
I busted a gut laughing at his reaction, throwing my head back and squeezing my eyes shut. He peeked at me through his fingers and dropped his hand, quirking a small, amused smile at me that actually reached his eyes. I heard a camera shutter go off. Damian shook his head, still grinning.
“You’re quite the character,” he muttered. I laughed again as the photographer slipped off. “Would you care for some air, rather than sitting in here? There is a bench on the terrace.”
“Sure,” I replied. Damian got to his feet and offered me his hand. I took it and let him help me to my feet. He looped my arm through his and escorted me outside to the terrace. We sat down again on the bench, letting the cool Gotham summer night air drift over us. The rain had stopped for the moment.
“So,” Damian started. “Ten days in the future. How are you holding up?”
I licked my lower lip and bit at it, glancing over at him. “I'm okay,” I said. “Nothing too bad yet.”
“I… I hope you stay… alright.”
Our eyes met. Damian’s had a genuine wish in them. I gave him a melancholy smile. “Thanks.”
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rnarvelboi · 6 years
rnarvelboi’s mobile fic rec mp
updated: 07/24/18 this masterpost WILL NOT work on laptops/pcs. i’ve tried but nothing will solve the problem and i refuse to go through and relink every one of these fics because i spent hours putting together this original post and im exhuasted lmao. if you’re NOT on mobile click HERE :))
luke alvez x reader (criminal minds)
by @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars
biting the bullet
take me out
one moment
couples therapy 2
“…falling in love with my best friend”
…the proposal
addicted to love
by @nelsonsmurdock
god only knows
claw marks
sugar daddy
good morning
making you jealous headcanon
missed by @writefasttalkevenfaster on my mind by @madamredwrites a kiss that shouldn’t have happened by @merlxn-emrys
spencer reid x reader (criminal minds)
by @wrecklessimagine
breaking (part one) / and entering (part two)
soft hands
by @mentallydatingspencerreid
because i love you
conflict resolution
by @dontshootmespence
did you hear me?
hands off
a sudden change
by @nelsonsmurdock
not afraid anymore
real life
lolita / real life
by @bookofreid
love in numbers / part two
perfect timing
the doctor & the artist
fortune teller
long way down
handle yourself
by @spencerdamnreid
undercover discovery
let me help
by @brywrites
love looks not with the eyes 
model behavior 
the reid effect part one / part two
close to you
model behavior
by @criminaldaddies
drunken make out? by @make-me-imagine just let me explain by @the-criminal-soldier touchy-feely by @thelovelylittlestorythatcould nerves by @thorne93 for the sake of a kiss by @totalfanfreak four years by @ughthatimagineblog torturous by @irwinsos snowbound by @criminal-minds-fanfiction
matthew gray gubler x reader
by @wrecklessimagine
“i tried my best…”
sex scene
twelve years younger
by @mentallydatingspencerreid
standing out in a crowd
poe dameron x reader (star wars)
by @leiaorga-na
general ‘matchmaker’ organa
by @kboogie09
galactic soulmates
crazy in love
something else
by @justauthoring
when youre back
not today
help us out
thoughts betray you
five versus one
help us out
tired of your games
by @warqueenfuriosa
on flying and falling
kissing sweetly
my heart is yours
by @certifiedskywalker
not enough time
by @theincredibleultron
putty in your hands
you’re a skywalker?
five times you kissed poe dameron
10 things i hate about you
by @shenanigans-and-imagines
i could kiss you right now
i mean it
by @poedameronstories
left unsaid / what remains / confrontations by @rqgnarok kissing by @buckyskywalks interrupted day off by @secretlyheatherchandler sarcasm by @x-dudes worth the wait by @fanfic-shiz two pieces of a whole by @we-are-all-obsessed-here black leader, shutting up by @parker-peter-parker trust me by @hairringtonsteve “why are you crying” by @whirlybirbs nothing more than a pretty face by @theonewiththefanfics
kylo ren x reader (star wars)
by @azurakenway
ask me a question (ben solo)
that’s no way to speak to your senator (ben solo)
watch my heart burn
protector of the apprentice
healing hands
‘did you enjoy the sight of me kneeling before you’
fallen in love
long live the supreme leader
red or black
across the stars (ben solo)
by @kyloholic
royal pains (ben solo)
clumsy (ben solo)
the supreme and his queen
divide and unite
professor ren series
by @justauthoring
come back (ben solo)
just tired (ben solo)
by @bad--bad--man  (masterlist)
pretty baby
ben sorenn, you liar
its my destiny
by @theindifferentdroid  
mad sounds pt 2
kiss on a dare
by @itsaconquestofimagination  
sugar, we're going down
killing me softly
keep in the dark
an unlikely hero
classroom ship (ben solo)
jealous kiss (solo triplets! kylo)
bliss by @darth-dre truly special by @chaostheoryy   somnum exterreri by @loverbug1123   slow burn by @tricksters-captain   pickup lines by @kylo-renegade   till the light burns out by @softestsolo nsfw alphabet by @whirlybirbs   red by @the-new-fanfic-order   discovered by @absolutekylotrash in my head (ben solo) by @leiaorga-na bonded / ii / iii / iv by @wandering-at-midnight
han solo x reader (star wars)
a ridiculous idea by @imaginethestarwars   we’ve got problems by @astxrwar   confession by @sincerelysaraahh
armitage hux x reader (star wars)
by @callmewinchester  
by @whirlybirbs  
nsfw alphabet
hux sex headcanons
by @azurakenway  
little bird
open up to me by @the-new-fanfic-order   never again by @chaostheoryy   golden slumbers by @idontgiveahux   adulterer by @rosalynbair   cat and mouse by @silentwanderlustfanfiction never a good time by @silentwanderlustfanfiction  courage by @accio-zara iron by @zerohuxgiven resolution by @belikesnowbeautifulbutcold21 summoned by @natxpat
dylan o’brien x reader
by @cxddlyash  
the gun range
doggie play date
theo raeken x reader (teen wolf)
hey babygirl by @rememberstilinski  
derek hale x reader (teen wolf)
by @helplesslyinlovewithcharacters 
good enough
sorry to my unknown lover
compared to you
by @perterhale
you are good
make this last
by @fvckingbuchanan
my alpha 
always an us
by @thegreatficmaster
dreams come true
love when you smell like me
play with me alpha by @thelittlehalewolf trained to fight by @stilinskiimagines tidal waves by @spxderbarnes how perfect by @urwarriorangel age restriction by @huntersanonymous taking care by @honestly-lahey watch it by @snipsnsnailsnwerewolftales
issac lahey x reader (teen wolf)
by @maximoff-pan
dating issac lahey (and being a witch)would include
dating issac lahey (and being a mccall) would include
bucky barnes x reader (marvel)
by @ballyhoobarnes
man’s best friend
study break
by @bbbarneswrites
russian muses
mended hearts
by @leiaorga-na
sparks fly
‘best friends’
easy a by @imagine-assembling-the-avengers rooftop confessions by @sebbies   attacked by @theincredibleultron   reward (ft. matt murdock) by @persephone-is-here-omg @irndad ‘s bucky fic masterlist within the smoke by @revengingbarnes fight for you by @revengingbarnes touch by @starrywriting broken by @gaybybirth   two haunted souls by @buckybarnesstar three’s company (ft. steve) by @sugardaddytonystark self defense by @marvelfic   marks by @marvelfic like real people do by @bucketbarneslove
sebastian stan x reader
by @marvel-midtown
private people
bad at love
next door 
no script by @revengingbarnes
matthew murdock x reader (marvel)
warm as the devil by @james-wesleys-sassy-eyebrow  
tony stark x reader (marvel)
press coverage / less coverage by @astxrwar  
steve rogers x reader (marvel)
hands to myself by @leiaorga-na “are you sorry now” by @prettyyoungtragedy coup de foudre by @mattymattymerduck
peter parker x reader (marvel)
by @softboy-holland
badass princess
just a kid
raspberry popsicles
broom closets by @leiaorga-na personal by @peterparker-imagines the mind reader by @strangershield euphemisms by @vinyloider thigh riding by @donttellpeterparker until you fell by @anakin-skywalkers four times by @dej-okay breathe by @something-fanfiction-ie online nemesis by @peterpcrkcr  new light by @marvelellie
tom holland x reader 
by @loserparker 
kissing me by @marvel-midtown   wanna taste by @valar--m0rghulis  honest by @theironholland
frank castle x reader (marvel)
by @avengersandlovers
the breakfast table
leather and lace
bad together by @anakin-skywalkers troublemaker by @astxrwar couldn’t take it anymore by @propertyofpoeandbucky tired by @castawaybarnes
jason todd x reader (dc)
by @maruthor  
precious asshole
i’m just a monster by @dc-hoe always by @yj-tt-batfam-forlife you’d do that for me? by @maybe-its-5sos jason making is s/o cry by @angstytodd jason fucking todd by @alphaabucky
dick grayson x reader (dc)
by @dc-hoe
i don’t have anyone
i missed you
pleasure and ice
by @maruthor  
they never told you / they never told him
one more chance
play pretend by @sheismental   a quiet night by @dccomicsimagines   love by @angstytodd   electric currents by @dccomicsimagines
bruce wayne x reader (dc)
five am light / ten pm glow by @astxrwar for worse / for better / until death do us part by @soriseerakyra sneaky bastard by @ellana-ravenwood mind the gap by @maybe-its-5sos
clyde logan x reader (logan lucky)
to love a writer by @bad--bad--man room 1604 by @adumbdryer curse the cauliflower by @emmytypes
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addicted-to-dc · 7 years
Dick Grayson/Nightwing X Reader- Please Stop (Part 8)
This is the final chapter of Please Stop!  As soon as I saw that request, i knew that I had to finish the final chapter for this.  Enjoy!!  (Also forgive me if the Arabic is wrong, I tried to find the most reliable website to use.)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Warning: Murder, knives, blood, etc.
There were many things that you were sure of in your life, but the most important one was that you had to take care of your little brother no matter the cost.  This was instilled into your beliefs ever since he was born, especially since he started fighting.  No matter how many times you let your inner demons to control you, you would always put Damian first.  This code was what made you who you were, before and after your father took you in.  Damian was never supposed to die, to save your old lover from your wrath.  You had never imagined that you would harm your brother, kill him without mercy.  Not only was his soul fading away was the worst thing you had experienced in your entire existence, it was watching it come back to his broken body.  Black tears fell onto his face, turning normal as soon as they touched your brother’s skin.  
Clenching your jaw, you threw your hand up, forcing everyone against the cave walls, “You will pay for what you have done.”
Placing Damian’s head gently onto the floor, you stood up, keeping your hand raised.  Your instincts were telling you to end it all and send them to your father’s realm for their actions, but something was screaming for you to stop.
“(Y/N),” Dick stuttered, “please stop this.”
“Why should I?  You have lost my trust, and forced me to do the most despicable act I never thought I was capable of.  I have lost everything, yet you want to strip me of my revenge?” you seethed, stomping over to him.  “You have no right to order me to stop this.”
“You’re right,” he blurted, “but you don’t know the whole truth.”
“And what is that?” you questioned, dragging the knife across his cheek.
“I was the one who found out you were gone,” he quavered, tears escaping from his domino mask.  “I was outside your door, contemplating what I would say to you.  I knew I was complete dick to you after that night, especially when I should have been there not only as a friend, but also your partner.”
“You think your apology would just wash away all of the pain I went through?” you muttered, retracting the knife from his face.
“Please, let me be the person I should have been,” Dick begged.  “You didn’t just save Damian that night, (Y/N), you also saved me.  I owe you my life, and if I have to spend the rest of eternity to prove to you that I love you, then so be it.”
“Okhti,” Damian mumbled, reaching out to you.  Sister.
Dropping the knife, you ran to Damian and pulled him into a tight embrace.  As soon as you did this, Dick and the rest of the family were released from your hold.   “Ana asefa,” you whispered repeatedly, running your fingers through Damian’s hair. I’m sorry.
“Maghfūr,” he whispered, gripping your hand tightly. I forgive you.
It felt like the emptiness you had was replaced with something else, something you had never experienced before.  All of the anger, pain and sadness was washed away somehow, happiness and tranquility taking their place.  For the first time in your life, you didn’t have to be afraid of what you were capable of.
“Your eyes,” Damian gasped, watching as the red and black disappeared, flowing down your cheeks as tears.
You wiped the liquid from your face, “You really forgive me?”
“You are my sister, (Y/N),” Damian said, “I will always forgive you, no matter what.”
You turned around and smiled, scrambling up from the ground, “Dick!”
Jumping into his arms, you wrapped your arms around him, burrowing your head into his neck.  He staggered back, wrapping his arms around you.
“Good to see where your priorities are, sister,” Damian grumbled, pushing himself off of the ground.
“Is that it?” Jason grunted, holding his head.  “You have a little heart to heart chat with Demon Spawn and everything is okay?”
“Do you want her to continue to beat us to death?” Tim hissed, your knife still stuck in his shoulder.  “Can someone help me out?”
“I’ll take care of it,” Bruce said, directing Tim to the infirmary.  “Jason, Alfred will check you for a concussion.”
“I definitely have a concussion, “Jason gagged, following Bruce.  “I think I taste coconut.”
“You have no idea how much I missed you,” Dick whispered, holding you close.
“Please stop with your public display of affection and help me, the child with a stab wound in the chest.”
“You are fine, brother.”
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loveinruins · 7 years
Confused is an understatement
So it’s only Wednesday and I’m so headfucked right now.
Basically I didn’t see him for 4 days and I fucking missed him.
When I saw him on Monday, I couldn’t help but smile. I felt like I couldn’t stop smiling and I felt like he couldn’t either.
I had to work the late shift on Monday so he stayed back with me until 6 and took the train home with me. It was cute.
When we were on the train I knew he was really tired and he just looked so adorable. 
He asked me when I got my hair done, I said on Saturday but no one had noticed today at work and he said I noticed, it looks good. I go thanks, he goes all good only my opinion matters anyway, I go what do you mean? He goes oh remember what AC said? I go what? He goes when he asked me if there was something happening between us.. at that point I couldn’t help but I felt like I let my guard down a little and laughed it off.
When he smiles and those dimples come out or he winks at me, I feel like a melt a little inside. 
Tuesday comes and it was fine, same old, then comes Tuesday afternoon and AC and I decided to have a chat and he told me that G had told him that there was nothing happening between us when they went for lunch on Monday.. 
So i’m kinda confused because he brought it up on the train Monday afternoon but yet he goes and says to AC that we had a “chat”.
Umm babe what “chat” did we have? If he was referring to “ I don’t want to bring this up but AC asked if there was something going on between us” I go “what did you say?” He goes “nothing I said we’re just friends”....
His facial expression said one thing and his words were another so I to this day don’t know if he was serious or honest about what he said..
Anyway the point being there was no chat. He just made it up.
So I was kinda taken back by that because I decided to explain to AC what happened when we went for dinner to lamb on chaps and he fell into my little trap on FaceTime.. 
AC said I dunno man you guys are all like up and down, i have no idea what’s going on.
After work on Tuesday, we walked down to flinders and I was being quite affection with him.. I just wanted to test it out, he didn’t respond badly nor did he respond back. I feel like the spark is slowly dying maybe I don’t know..
When we got back to the area I dropped him off to his car and that was it.
So now it brings me to today.
Today he was toast with me in the morning, decides to go on lunch with me and AC started pissing me off at lunch so I just cbf and went quiet. It was so awkward I wanted to get up from the table and leave but I didn’t based on the fact that it would’ve been worse if I had gotten up to leave.
G asked me what was wrong twice and I said nothing.
Fast forward to end of the day, I went over to his desk and he goes are you alright? I go yeah I’m fine and smiled and he goes good to see you smiling.
I had dinner plans with the baker at 7pm back in the area so kinda needed to leave on time. He goes and asks AK if he wanted to go play TT and I said ok well I’m not waiting because I have dinner plans and he goes can’t you just wait for one game? I said ok fine, so I sat with MF and we were chatting a bit and he goes can I play another game with MR? and I’m like fine.. so we ended up leaving and walking to flinders with MF. The whole time it was just banter and I asked MF if she wanted a lift home tomorrow and then said to G well you can come too if you want? and he goes you know what T you know how to piss me off and you do it on purpose! I laughed.
We get on the train and it’s toast convo about work, MF asks him about last Wednesday and i had a gut feeling he went to the movies with a girl on the weekend but didn’t want to blatantly ask him straight out so anyway he basically told us he went drinking last Wednesday after dinner with us and went to crown and picked some girls up. I felt sick to my stomach when he said that but i tried not to react, tried to keep a poker face but it really hurt deep down.
I said T pull yourself together - don’t flinch.
So i carried on as normal, now because he did this I was like fuck this shit, let’s play a little game shall we... When he asked if i was doing dinner with B i said no a friend and smiled coyly and he winked and said friend huh? I go yeah.. anyway so I offered to give him a lift to his car, he accepted. As we were getting off the train and he was talking to MF I changed the bakers name to his initial because  I knew he was going to call me whilst I was in the car with G. 
As planned the baker calls me twice whilst i’m in the car with him - now to be clear the baker is like my best mate but he has no idea.
I wanted to see how he would react, i mean he was inquisitive but i didn’t feel like he was enough to be jealous. The whole point was to make him jealous and i just didn’t get that vibe from him.
So my plan worked but it kind of didn’t work..
He also stated that I was an alpha female.. he goes you’re opinionated and not afraid to speak your mind and don’t have tolerance for people who are a bit slow. He goes sorry for the psychoanalysis after he said it but i made a joke and go so do you just sit there and analyze my behaviour in your spare time lol? He just laughed and said something irrelevant.
I just feel like i cant talk to anyone about this because B is probably so sick to death of me talking about this, it’s literally been like almost 3 months this has been going on and we are not progressing.
The baker things the sparks will fade and the connection will fade but i don’t know i feel like if things are meant to be they will happen.
Sometimes you just know if you ave met someone who is your soul mate and i don’t know if he is mine or not but i have never felt like this about anyone before.
He has such a big heart, i can just feel it. 
He made a comment about how actions speak louder than words and how when i offered to take him to his car that i wanted to spend more time with him..
I just feel like the good outweighs the bad in him and I know he just needs time to mature and nothing good ever comes easy or fast.
I need to get back to my non emotional state again and not let his fuckboy actions affect me because he is not mine. I can’t sit there and get upset but sometimes i just can’t help it.
He said something to me today in the car that resonated with me - he goes you know how I know there’s something wrong, you’re not smiling, enthusiastic or talkative. I go maybe I should stop being so talkative then, I can be quiet sometimes too. He goes no. It’s like he can feel my energy and read me. I really truly deep down feel like we have some kind of connection.
He also got it out of me finally after asking me what’s wrong for the 10th time today and I said nothing, I was just tired and didn’t feel like talking and AC pissed me off - I didn’t want to say anything because I know you’re going to defend him but I just cbf honestly. Before he got out of the car he goes to me don’t let what AC say get to you, just enjoy your last week of being in the team you’re in you may not need to work with him again next canvass.
He was right in what he said.
Oh i totally forgot to mention when he was asking about the phone call in the car he goes why don’t you feel comfortable telling me? i go you don’t tell me anything, he goes what do you want to know? I was really stumped when he said that because I didn’t expect it at all. I put him on the spot about what he did with breaking up with that dumb slut over the phone - I said well it’s weird because you called her on loudspeaker in front of me to make plans with her and then you ended up breaking up with her? I don’t get why you would call her in front of me in the first place, you didn’t call her to break up with her? His face was like laughing and he was trying to justify what had happened. 
Anyway after that I go yeah and what about Hoe? he goes what do you want to know about Hoe, I go actually I don’t want to know about Hoe - he goes you just contradicted yourself - I go ok whatever your mate was the one who brought it up and he goes yeah well he needs to keep his mouth shut and starts talking about how gorgeous this Hoe bird is and I was like yeah k cool.
All I want is to receive the same love that I know I will give - whether that be to him or someone else I don’t fucking know.
0 notes