#sorry yall had tl see this but idk
vacantgodling · 17 hours
sjaak facts? *rattles tin* spare sjaak facts?
tw: slavery jumpscare
-i haven’t said it formally yet but sjaak is 23 as of the events of btaf (1811) ; he was born in 1788, was turned into a werewolf in 1808 so he’s been a werewolf for 3 years — probably 2 and some change, cuz idk what actual Month he was born in (i have yet to make an actual timeline wanna feel everything out first before i start REALLY hammering the dates down, but i do know the gist). honestly when i think back to myself at 23, this explains most of his nonsensical behavior HFJFJF
-he is black & dutch. i may have mentioned it before but to fully explain tl;dr his mother was born a slave and was subsequently freed when her former master brought her to the netherlands and during this time period slavery had been abolished so she was good. she still lived as a laborer and worked at a rich man’s estate for poor money. sjaak’s father was actually the master of that estate his mother worked in and his Actual Wife worked sjaak’s mother to death out of jealousy p much. she died when he was 13 and Also explains many of his fucking issues 🤷🏽‍♂️
-first description i have of sjaak in draft 2 bc fuck it he handsome:
the person sitting astride her is hard to make out in the moonlight, but the moonlight reflects like a mirror off of his darkened, wet skin. his eyes are dark but its deep like the pits of an unseen hole, with no sheen in them other than the tears perhaps left unshed. his hands are gripping his pants leg so tightly that they’re near ripped. his hair tumbles out his face in wild, kinky waves, the wetter ends slimming out into stringy strands, that are immune to the frizz that takes root of the middle. his lips are plush and full and his nose wide and strong, and his lashes dark and beautiful almost feminine in their fullness. he wears a simple uniform, reminiscent of the french militia, but it looks somewhat tight on him, as though it is these mere threads of fabric that are holding him back from bursting at the seams entirely. some parts of it appear to be caked in blood.
-when his hair is dry it has looser but still kinky curls and since it’s been a few years since he’s had a haircut it falls into his eyes. like this probably (sorry the quality is ass i just wanted yall to see the hair texture)
Tumblr media
-in the first 26 pages of draft 2 he has thrown himself to the ground sobbing twice LMAOOO there will be more :)
-sjaak has killed three people up until the beginning of the book but it’s the fourth one at the end of the book that’s REALLY gonna make him feel a way :DDD
-sjaak is left handed but right pawed in his werewolf form lol
-azelie was his first time. the only nut he’s ever had as a human lmao 💀 (i rotate this scene in my head a LOOOOT tbh…. i should write it at some point fbdjfjdj)
-even though biscella doesn’t know how to read or write, sjaak has known from a young age, his mother taught him :3c
that’s all the ones i can think of right this second—i’m tired bc of being on the bus + it’s rainy and i just pretty much reread all of btaf’s draft 1 again LOL 💀💀 i just ugHhh i need this to be written already. but thank you for asking!!
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hi kane !! if u were in charge of writing the story for a cars 4 movie, what would u want it to be about ? 🤔 (@dmclr)
Ouughh. Ohhmgugish. I don't know why I'm like all "you're asking ME??🤧"
GENIUNELY NO ONE IS OBLIGATED TO READ THIS. I know the whole "I yap a lot" thing sometimes but this is geniunely like a rediculous length. I mean no one is obligated to read any of my posts but yknow.
I need like two read more bars for this post yall. I don't know why I'm yapping so much. In case it wasn't clear I had a lot to say here and thank you for asking me this(<- more thankfulness filled than I can properly express at the moment, so sorry). I didn't proof-read much of this I'm so sorry if it's like incoherent and has the punctuation of the "I'm eating, Grandma" vs "I'm eating Grandma" grammar tool.
Okay I'm like. Blaming the fact I messed up my sleep schedule and it's 11:27pm and I just woke up like an hour and a half ago and I side-tracked myself like absolutely crazy but keep side-tracking myself into different rants or tangents so it is just a forever increasing ramble, but TL;DR, I actually prefer media that is dead or left alone because I get so anxious when new stuff comes out cause I'm afraid of what they'll do to my faves or if they'll butcher them or add slap-stick love interests, etc., and when Cars on the Road came out(idk how aware people are that it exists), I spent the whole first watch through not really enjoying and savoring it cause I was so anxious over what was gonna happen that I spent the whole time making sure it was 'safe' and I wasn't going to have a pit in my stomach. Which, it turned out lovely and I actually have some things from it that I super love and adore, but I have actually unironically predicted my F/Os so strongly(among other listful factors) that I'd rather them finally put it to rest before it starts getting into beating a dead horse territory, cause I don't know if there's really much of anything left for them to expand on anyway.
My serious answer?: I'm not entirely sure, but I would enjoy seeing them just expand on some more smaller stuff, and I'd like it better if they didn't try to do 'revivals' of characters from past movies(ily Chick but Cars 3 was a bitttt of some injustice to you), I know they're supposed to be more action-y movies but I love slice of life stuff and I'd totally just watch an hour and forty minutes of Lightning just like playing around Radiator Springs or something(every Cars game ever). Though my ultimate ideal scenario is just none at all.
My slightly less serious answer that probabblyyy isn't gonna happen but the odds are never zero(he says humorously)?: They should spend the whole time doing documentary style movie about how it would've gone if I was in the previous movies +sketches/storyboards or reanimated scenes of small moments but I'm thrown in there. ALL IM SAYING IS Cars 2 would've been SO funny if I was in it okay. Would've been exhausted running around the entirety of Europe(+like US and Japan for a moment) nearly the entire time and someone watching would've been sick to their stomach cause the movie WOULD CONCLUDE with it all ending via the power love, and I'm not sorry. Would've had my 'Mary Sue' moment of like nearly every major(and some minor) cast role having SOME sort of feelings for me, most typically romantic. And it being reciprocated. You want an action movie?? There, now tell me THAT ain't action-packed. I refuse to believe the outcome of anything would be predictable. Every last interaction is gonna leave the viewers asking "what the HELL is going on and what will happen next". Pixar(and Disney) I am right here but it's okay if ur busy cause I'm busy too.
The stuff under the cut is basically the same thing I said here(mostly focused on my 'serious' answer bit), but veryy elaborated upon, so it's fairly lengthy. PUTTING MY PHONE DOWN AND HITTING POST NOW BEFORE I SOMEHOW ADD MORE. BUT THANK YOU THNAK YOU FOR ASKING THIS I DIDNT THINK I WOULD WRITE AN ACTUAL ESSAY I AM SO SORRY.
I don't know how much I really mention this, cause I think it a lot but I don't wanna like drive my blog viewers nuts if I say it so much over and over again, but I get like so anxious over whenever knew stuff or content of my F/Os come out believe it or not! There was only like.. one or two medias in the past where I was actually like.. excited whenever the person posted new stuff! Somehow I've had the luck of most things that I F/O from are dead upload-wise. I get so anxious that it'll go down hill(especially if the media has been going on for a while now, which.. Cars starting in 2006 I'd count that) cause I've watched some shows just go downhill or randomly butcher characters or add slap-stick romantic interests that it just makes me far too anxious!! Honestly, I thought Cars WAS finished and through with, but for whatever reason there was the release of Cars on the Road(don't know how many people know of that) and DONT GET ME WRONG I LOVED IT and I still do and think about it fairly often, I actually really really love and adore some of the qualities they expanded on with Mater and Lightning but that's a whole thing for another time probably-, but what I didn't enjoy was being so anxious over it that when it came out I practically spent my whole first watch through making sure that it was 'safe' and something wasn't going to happen that makes me feel like I swallowed a rock and my stomach sinks. Which thankfully didn't happen at all, I loved how it turned out and still rewatch it occasionally, I think they nailed it, but I didn't like the so nervous experience I had in the first place😅
I've heard some people talk about someone who did an interview with someone who supposedly works on the Cars stuff about how they still had stuff in mind they wanted to do with the characters, I'm HOPING I don't somehow jinx myself wildly but honestly I'd muchhh rather prefer it just gets dropped and they let Cars just be what it is for now. Sometimes I question if they just do this stuff because they milk a crazy amount of money out of how well the diecasts sell, which is why they have so many one-off diecasts like the off-roading ones or the glow in the dark ones, or just random sorts of themes. Which, entire tangent for another day, can't BELIEVE they put Jackson anywhere CLOSE do a dirt racing series even if it was just the diecast. But anyway.
TO ACTUALLY ANSWER YOU QUESTION... I'm not super sure!!! I've heard some people talk about seeing more stuff about how Cruz and Lightning race together would be interesting, I think I'd prefer something like that as opposed to a revisit of characters from previous movies or such(ily Chick but they tampered your voice in Cars 3 and I'd argue your personality a bit as well), truthfully I'm not super sure, I've never thought about it so much before!! They should include me in the movie(/hj). Truthfully, normally each movie has been sort of centered around Lightning having some sort of character development arc he has to go through, I'm not sure what else he could be put through! Don't get me wrong, he's absolutely not a perfect character, which is what makes characters so enjoyable in the first place, but he doesn't have as big of a staple thing to go through like he did in the first movie where he was a "I can do it all by myself" i-use-my-ego-to-hide-my-feelings rookie. I don't entirely like how the third movie took it truthfully, with the whole "McQueen is getting older..😢😥..how will he still race?!" Cause like one of the staple differences between F1 and NASCAR is that so many NASCAR racers(especially if they made it good) stay racing until they are like in their 60s+ or their hairs are graying(which, arguably could happen whenever but for the sake of my point, stereotypical age-related graying). And Lightning is like in his mid-30s in the third movie at the LATEST. So I don't know what any of that was about. I know there was the whole new gen of racers thing but he honestly wasn't doing too bad keeping up with them until things got into his head and he freaked himself out(on top of the crash, and the like. Literal depression he falls in to). And then there's the whole thing of he actually had it in him the win the last race in the movie at the Flordia 500 blah blah blah but he wanted to switch out with Cruz so she could have her moment, which, I'm not entirely ecstatic over how they paced Cruz's development, I wish they let it marinate a bit more but I get they had crunch-time in the movie.
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weltonlasso · 1 year
What did Brendan do this time? 😭 I’m still not over his AMA tbh…
Sorry for being a confusing bitch who rehashes shit over and over and over. I don’t know how else to process my feelings. I’m in therapy. But like, she’s new-ish and idk if I’m at the point in our relationship where I’m ready to have deep conversations about television characters and the people who created them so here I am:
It’s just still the AMA responses from him. I thought I’d seen them all but there was a fucking grosssssss one that I had not seen about ethics and dr jacob where he basically ignored the part of the fan question that needed to be answered and doubled down on his obliviousness by saying:
actually you saw it as unethical BUT we actually wrote it as a loyal, normal, lovely thing because it had been more than 18 months and the statute of limitations on being fucking gross ended around that time and so it’s all good.
Hahaha OKAY like thanks for letting us know they didn’t actually choose DR Jacob. That the choice means nothing. ACTUALLY he is just a guy Michelle met at the grocery store. It was never supposed to be deeper than that—we saw what we wanted to see.
(Even tho they focused on it, made it something that shook up Ted and impacted the way he saw himself, his relationship with his ex, their relationship to therapy, Ted’s relationship to therapy in s3… I could go on).
Brendan can literally say the truth, “I’m glad you brought up the ethics of it all, we fumbled that a bit. I can see where that could have made some viewers uneasy. We didn’t mean it to hit quite so hard like that. I can see that was kind of a low blow to Ted. Our intention was to show Ted feeling replaced as a father and husband—to question his place in Richmond. This was a way we could do it with someone that already has a connection to both Michelle and Ted to really get Ted thinking about his home life and his role as a dad.
Hahah him just actually laughing it off and turning it back around on the fan who asked that question with legit concerns. WHY CANT YALL even be critical of your own art??? FFS.
I just like???? see the succ fans and their guy being like ohhh fuck ya u liked that??? XYZ was such mess!?! Cool! I’m so glad you saw them that way!!! I never did!!! That’s so cool! Yeah we did THIS and you saw THAT and we went that way but it’s still cool that went that way and you saw THIS instead.
But it seems like TL creators aren’t open for any kind of discussion or criticism because they have already moved on to the new stories they are planning to tell with out Ted. And that’s lame as fuck!!!!!!
I don’t need an ending they threw together last min so that it can be “left open” for more. I needed an ending the show deserved— one that was true to all the stories and characters.
THEN if they want to bring the show back in a few years it’s up to THEM to pick up their story where they want to have it at that point. But it’s really fucking unfair to fuck it over at the end so that there are loose threads for Apple to tie to new projects.
And then have the audacity to trash the fans who are tying to ask you about your characterizations and the decisions YOU decided on that suddenly didn’t jive with 85% of the larger story.
That kind of bullshit from the creator side makes me literally never want to engage with anything about this show again.
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starseungs · 2 years
hm tumblr must have eaten my ask but could you ship your moots with skz please? or who's compatible with who?
omg hi!! yes i did actually get your first ask 😭 i guess i took too long to answer it sjsjsj sorry abt that but here:
🏹 | shipping my moots w/ skz members !
#chan x @starlighthan — hi ate riel 🙇‍♀️ okay we haven't really talked that much yet but from that short convo we had before you seem really dependable? like i'd totally see you and chan as the parent of the group kind of couple <3 you'd vibe in that way
#minho x @comet-falls — dahlia my wife i literally have no other reason than you've been teasing me lately 💀💀 imagining you with minho is even more of disaster for my well-being but you two would love that wont you- anyway yall would be cute or whtvr just spare me;;
#changbin x @dadonbabysworld — angel baby angel~ from our interactions you seem like the type of person who likes deep talks, or atleast intellectual ones so thats why i paired you with binnie! could totally see late night talks between you two yknow? just a comfortable atmosphere 🤧💓
#hyunjin x @luvrhyune — elle my bff i swear i didnt pair u with hyune just because of the acc theme- both of u r very artistic people and i feel like he'd be able to understand you best 🥺🤍 also in my head hyune is kinda a theatre kid so thats a plus i guess
#han x @zoe8stay — zoe !! paired u with han cause i feel like you two would have the BEST conversations... im talking random but full of interest for the both of you 😌👌 i love seeing your lil updates and sharings on the tl and jisung is the type of enjoy that as well (ive been told we're quite similar so take my word for it)
#felix x @tyuniiz — val and lix its just so??? yes??? adorable, patience, appreciation, just overall fluff vibes. 😩💘 i feel like felix would get you so well,, and you would get him too. and everyone is just happy- sorry i just feel sunshine vibes from the two of u, how could i not pair it !
#seungmin x @starlostseungmin — that should be me 💔 joking ate keisy huehue anyway why this pairing? you two give off the same vibes to me !! idk how to explain it but its calm and neat- you two would totally get along tbh match made in heaven for real theres no denying
#jeongin x @bookishcalls — and lastly for my lovely rim >< jeongin. like i paired you two right away. ur both just so cute and young to me (wow as if im not young myself) so i see a very fun puppy love... highschool sweethearts type of vibe 😻😻
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kurikive · 1 year
kuri imy :(
hi!!! i miss yall too!!:(((( ik ive been gone for sososo long and i honestly dont really have another excuse other than i dont really have any time to write anymore and ive literally been saving my grades bc im on THE VERGE OF FAILINGKSJAHDKS i rlly do wish i could get back into writing:(( idk if im going tl continue the smaus i had planned and all the other stories i also started planning out tho:( if i dont completely abandon this acc im probably going to like reshape it and make it into something that fits me more.. and if not ill probably abandon it and move into a diff acc but i dont want to delete p! honestly... probably am going to delete the smaus i had planned except like maybe one i never told yall abt?? genuinely dont know whats going to happen to this acc but well see and im so sorry ive been so silent abt my whereabouts i genuinely had no energy and i thought yall just forgot abt me cuz i received no dms or asks so i thought oh maybe they just accepted im gone LMAOO TT but im not gone im still here however idk if ill still be here in like a month HEHEHE well see 🤗🤗 love yall tho!!
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elektrae · 3 years
Thank you @flying-nightwing for tagging me that's adorable!! Sorry it took me so long to do it I had some stuff going on with uni mostly skshsjs but hi!!! Hope you're doing fine I miss you on the tl <3
Okay let's go!
1. Why did you choose your url? Just changed it tbh I loved my old one but needed someone else and Nimue Inwudu is one of my fave characters ever, so wanted to have something related to her! And I got lucky i think!
2. Any side blog? Idk if they count as side blogs bc I use a completely different email yk so I could follow people but I have one for friends from twt and irls I'm cool with but still don't want them to see my stories, when where I used to post my stories but it was only mcu related and I wanted to change so now I only go there twice a year to see what's up, and a real sideblog where I rt writing prompts I like and would like to use later.
3. How long have you been on tumblr? With this blog I think one year? Two? Idk tbh time isn't real but I've had several accounts I deleted and my first one is from 2012 so you can imagine the stuff I've seen. That's the root of all my brainrot today.
4. Do you have a queue tag? Yeah sjshsj it's "dancing; even if one's queue is barely tolerable" p&p (2005) my beloved <3
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place? See I used to have one where I posted mcu stories but I wanted to switch fandoms bc the mcu barely holds my interest now (except you loki sweetie I am thrilled to have you here!) so I thought starting fresh was the brightest idea ever except I did it in uni so I never have time to write stuff I like and now I'm sad but on the bright side met some cool people on here so!
6. Why did you choose your icon? Mandalorian armor Obi-Wan sexy. That's all I have to say.
7. Why did you choose your header? Okay I made my header along with 3 other edits to use as my pin tweet on twt except I flopped so now I'm using a fc instead there and I thought well not throwing it away so! On tumblr it goes baby. Also it's about Nimue my beloved so <33
8. What's your post with the most votes? My three jokers jason edit I think,,, as he should! King shit
9. How many mutuals do you have? Imma be honest with you here absolutely now idea how to know who are your mutuals on here but at least 5
10. How many followers do you have? 51 and I have no idea who cursed you to think following me was a good idea I'm sorry for disappointing you constantly like that
11. How many people are you following? A LOT. Idk how many but a lot.
12. Have you ever made a shitpost? Yes and I'll do it again!
13. How often do you use tumblr each day? It honestly depends sometimes I'm more in the mood for twt sometimes tumblr sometimes instagram sometimes tiktok it all depends on the day I've had and the kind of content I crave
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog before? Nop. Now on twt that's another story
15. How do you feel about "you need to realize this" posts? Depends on the topic but usually it's the best way for me to not really read through it like I feel it just a way to act like people care so people feel good by rting it but thats where their activism stops... it's like "rt. Enough activism for today <3"
16. Do you like tag games? Yeah they're always fun tbh and I can freely overhsare so win win for me a loss for yall
17. Do you like ask games? Yeah makes me feel alive for 0.2sec
18. Which of your tumblr mutuals do you think is famous? All of them tbh go legends go
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual? No but you're all my besties
Sorry I talked to much sjshsj I'm annoying kudos to you if you've read all that but also why would you do that to yourself
Tagging @rhymeswithrasonrodd @candlestudy @astroherogirl and @rahdaleigh if you don't wanna do this it's okay just thought that was fun!! Hope you're all doing okay!
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literaphobe · 4 years
Tried to trend she ra again today and every negative reply has been
"im not a poc but after everything that happened i think we should let this die" "tw:shera - are some of yall really trying to bring back spop after the crew came out as incredibly racist? as white people we need to stand with those hurt by this"
honestly i don’t think white people should be saying anything about this. you shouldn’t assume you know what fans of color are thinking, or what all fans of color want. i’m so sick of the whole purity mindset... if you feel uncomfortable trending she ra then don’t do it. but also idk why people are so fixated on demonizing she ra when this all started because some white person who turned out to be racist anyway wanted to incite anger and drama over something they didn’t even watch. and now they’ve deactivated but look where we are now lmao
idk who’s leading current attempts to trend she ra, if it’s white people then yeah. maybe white people shouldn’t be in charge of getting she ra trending again. i don’t think it’s my place to speak on behalf of other communities of color, but i think that while she ra has race issues because its crew is so dominated by white people, what we’re interested in isn’t to cancel and destroy them? it’s to get better diversity in crew? more writers of color?
i think white people need to understand this. for you guys it’s so easy to just cancel people and move on to the next show you think is “pure” and “woke”. poc.... especially those who live in WILDLY homophobic countries.... cannot afford that. because after we’ve cancelled people for slip ups, where does that leave us? we’re still clamoring for scraps. we’re left to debate what move is more worth it because we don’t want to lose momentum or have executives think “it’s better not to do x, look at what happened”
obviously, the move here isn’t to go ask black she ra fans/she ra fans of color “hey I’m white do you think she ra should still keep trending after everything that’s happened????” because i’m sure a lot of them are confused too. don’t put unnecessary pressure on them like that. but if fans of color are trying to trend she ra i think calling them out for it is an Ugly look
anyway what i’m saying is.... i do want to see more she ra. a new season.... a movie.... i’d prefer a season but like idek. like i’m sorry seeing two girls kiss in a cartoon with a very compelling and interesting arc changed my life. i’m sorry for wanting this show to get more clout so that the lgbt+ community gets more accepted and normalized in my country. i’m sorry that there are international implications to a show that was produced in the US. i’m sorry that i’m thinking back to a conversation that me and my friends had a year back where one of us said “you know it’s kind of upsetting when white people make fun of asian countries for being backward because of homophobic marriage laws, etc. because if you look into the history of it a lot of these countries were more or less just fine w gay stuff happening until white people came in to colonize us and called it barbaric or something.” i’m sorry i have to live with homophobia everyday and find myself wanting a girlfriend so bad yet praying i don’t get a girlfriend because what am i supposed to do then? i want to leave this country yet the very notion is terrifying. it’s a lot. and i’m sorry for derailing this ask and talking about myself but tl;dr white people just don’t overstep your boundaries okay
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pwnyta · 3 years
Okay but like……. I want to talk about something, and I have no one to talk about it with so I am here…. Hope you’re okay with this 👹👹👹 Basically, I can’t stop thinking about the fact how dumb was it to change Deku’s original concept bc “he would be too much like Batman” (fights villains with his brain and gadgets, not with super powers) and I am like….. excuse you…… who tf decided that it’s better to give mc backstory of Steve Rogers (I hope you understand what I mean) than make him like a mothefricking Batman…. I mean, okay, original Deku looks kind of like a depressed bitch lmao (I think he was called Yamikumo?), but if you don’t want Deku to remind Bruce THIS MUCH then just let my dude have the same personality as now but just let him be smart and tech savvy. What I mean is that Deku suffered from being quirkless and was bullied bc of it, the beginning of the story shows extremely clearly that without quirk you can’t be a hero, but instead of being like “f*ck you and your quirks, I can (and will) help people even without it!” Hori was like “ah yes, MC suffered bc he doesn’t have quirk… how to fix it? Well, just give him quirk, obv!” IDK, but am I the only one who feels like this is counterintuitive? It reminds about “everyone can be Jedi! except…….not really”. Instead of having MC who uses what he have we now have Deku who have op quirk that he can barely control (I mean, he is better now, but still….) instead of Deku who uses his brains to deal with problems instead of running into troubles head first… I like Deku, I really do, but I still think that it was extremely dumb move that contradicts the whole point that “anyone and everyone can be a hero”. Sorry for mistakes and I hope that you understood everything, English isn’t my first language.
Yall can always come to me to bitch about BNHA....
I dont disagree! The way Hori wrote the world... it kinda does make it necessary for most people to have a Quirk to do anything against Quirked villains so thats one thing...
but thats why Im so butthurt about Mirio getting his Quirk back because even if Deku needed the Quirk boost and have it used like a prosthetic Hori still could have had this storyline with Mirio where him losing his Quirk doesnt stop him from being a hero and could have given him a great connection to Deku and All Might since they both value themselves less because of their Quirklessness when they SHOULDNT. Kind of a bad message....
Mirio has trained and honed his physical skill (strength/reflexes) so fiercely there should be no reason he cant hold his own against a lot of villains especially in the team he usually rolls with.
Are you telling me Mirio is less qualified as a hero than someone like Shinso or Kouda who rely on others to do stuff for them or Ojiros whos Quirk is just an extra limb, Aoyamas Quirk that leaves him open do to the pain it causes him...
But yeah a Quirkless gadget-based hero would have been cool. Its weird that Hori introduced a character like Mei with all these gadgets and not at least brought more equipment into the story to show that thats an important part of Hero society... I mean Dekus got some stuff now with his arm bracers or w/e but like???
And Dekus intuitiveness and ability to strategize because he studies his opponents so closely taking a back seat to his Quirk nowadays does fucking suck. It was a lot better when his Quirk was just strength based the way All Might was... I mean I love the story around it but I wish Hori didnt forget Dekus best asset being his brains and his ability to trust the people around him to have his back and he worked with others strengths and limitations to solve things too.
Thats why I liked Deku taking Overhaul out... because his ability to see Eris potential was what saved the day and it made it clear why Deku was a better choice for OFA than Mirio who kept Eri behind him and sacrificed himself to keep her as far away from the situation as possible (which is sweet and so brave but its the same thing that got All Might almost killed.).
Regardless of Deku having a Quirk or not his most relied upon ability should be his quick thinking and trust in others to have his back (which was what separated him from All Mights mistakes which I thought was the whole point).
(and also Mirio should have remained Quirkless and became a great hero despite that).
You coulda had your cake and ate it too Horikoshi!
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enchantedpendant · 4 years
internal medicine
nearly 2 weeks ago now i finished my IM rotation. sure, it was only the second rotation i fully got through (bcs covid and all that)... but tbh, it already seems like the best. i have a few reasons for that.
the first thing would be how i, at this point, am actually most interested in IM as a specialty, as in i actually do wanna become an internist. i even have a subspecialty in mind — endocrinology! and for this i think i’d have to give a shoutout, with utmost respect, to one professor, an endocrinologist who gave several classes back in preclinical. he was just... very smart, which of course not that im saying others aren’t as smart, but his teaching method is just very effective. his classes were among the few which i’d actively take notes for, thats how invested i get. he was probably the first one that got me thinking “huh... IM seems interesting” when for years before that i thought i wanted to be an OBGYN.
aside from that wonderful teacher, allow me to elaborate more on what i like from IM. all the complex cases with long lists of comorbidities that some would complain about? listen, i love them. not in the sense of “oh theyre easy”, obviously theyre complicated and difficult, but like thats the fun! everything connects and the discussions could become endless. it might sound pessimistic when i say that somehow it would feel like no matter how much i study there would always be something i dont know, something others would know better about... but i dont mind that — the things to learn about are endless. IM is vast, dare i say it’s a large portion of medicine. the patients we come across are extremely varying. i love how these complex cases could feel like giant puzzles. i love how you get to work with other specialties or maybe even subspecialties among the internists for each cases — i love how its like a team game. and the workload feels like it hits a perfect balance — as in, i get to ‘directly’ save lives (hopefully... i mean, dealing with possibly mortal cases could be scary but also very rewarding), but on the other hand the chances of being forcibly woken up at 3AM for an emergency are far less (than, lets say, the surgical specialties... im sorry OBGYN).
last but absolutely not the least, i would like to say thank you to my preceptor throughout this 9 weeks rotation. the coolest dude ive ever known. my senior in junior high and senior high (10 years my senior, to be exact), the dude who went through the same trajectory through school as i did (started school at 5, skipped 2 years, got into med school at age 15)... ive heard a LOT about him (“OH you started med school at age 15? youre just like Alex then!!” i get that from nearly everyone yes his name is also Alex) but this was the very first time i actually got to interact with him. dude’s so smart, he became an internist at age 27 bruh holy shit dude what the hell and he could really teach. dude treated us coffee on our first and last meeting, greeted us on Whatsapp with “gang”... believe me when i say that we were truly shocked bcs... nah mates attendings just dont do that😭 i could go on and on about him, ive bored my mom by talking endlessly about him lmao all on how cool he is, but i’ll spare yall on that. he told us a story on how he decided to become an internist (after initially wanting to become an OBGYN!) and his story made me go... hey.... yeah i could relate to that. i sent him a message earlier today, a nice lil thank you and that im really happy to have him as my preceptor and i hope i could be just like him within the next 10 years. he responded along the lines of “awww! i hope our discussions were helpful, i wish we couldve had more but too bad we dont have enough time😞 see you on top, doc! ideally you dont need 10 years, you have lots of potential👍” which deadass i sent my mom the screenshot of it and i said “look at him and these white lies hdjskdjsksks omg how do i respond” i havent even opened the messages bcs idk what to say🥺😭 tl;dr knowing him has been very inspiring and i feel like ive learned a lot, more than just in an academic sense. i dont get all inspired and motivated often... but he did that.
okay yeah this post is long enough, ive said plenty i think! lol but i think IM deserves this.
imma rate Internal Medicine 9/10... the only 1 its losing is bcs i wish i had spent less time napping etc etc and spent even more time studying😭 like i still couldve done more i think😕 and like holy shit this is wild yall you dont often get to see me retrospectively wishing i studied more and of course with covid and all, we had no night shifts, we were discouraged from doing certain invasive interventions to the patients, so we still werent getting the Full Experience™ you see... but oh well
thank you IM (and doctor Alex!) — i hope i’ll see yall again☺️
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If we’re talking about voice headcanons, do you mind if I contribute too?:D it might be a little different, but I usually read aesop’s voice lines in your blog with a slightly younger voice, kinda like with a tone that says “I have energy to spare if needed, but I really can’t be bothered”, like the voices in this video extract. In a way, the voice should be capable of conveying emotions, but seems devoid of it at a very outward glance. Okay. I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m rambling on and on about a person’s voice like this. Have a good day, bye!
Here’s the link for everyone else to watch XD and yes I would love your contribution klajdhflkhkjfhs 
also idk why yall are like im sorry im rambling when I ramble all the time in the tags I ramble on so so much pls guys I love reading all yalls stuff there is nothing to apologize for kjsadlhfjklas
I love your description of his voice (another description I love is “asmr artist with anxiety” hehehe) I think it’s very accurate and fitting for Aesop XD I think the newer voice in the video would suit him more because the first one sounds like it has a bit of a growl which I don’t really see on the token twink Aesop. I can definitely see it tho!!!! Anyway in case I haven’t already made it clear I love your description of his voice. Like a lot HAHAHAHA thank you so much for this!!!!!! Hope you have a great day too uwu
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For everyone who is going “what about the exorcist event??” aha many gomens. I offer. a small explanation.
SO LIKE I’ve run out of exorcist asks and content because 1.I have work now (for a few more weeks. guess you could call it an intern thing?) so I have almost no time or no energy but very often both 2.comics are tiring. oh and like no motivation or ideas to draw. that’s unfortunately a thing.
Actually it came to a point where even drawing was tiring so this is a real drop from how much I would draw everyday during quarantine and got the comics out so fast. I actually had this problem quite a while ago since I started work but I had a weeks plus worth of content as buffer hoping that would be enough time for me to churn out more stuff but like. that didn’t happen. big oops
Thank you guys so much for your submissions btw they help me with content (because I would really, really hate to call a hiatus) until I manage to get some stuff out. I have the comics planned out I just need to. draw them. which will take much longer aha
SORRY FOR THE LONG POST TL DR I’m busy and can’t draw as much so we’re discussing Aesop’s voice. Feel free to join in and send me stuff until I have time and energy to work on exorcist again love all yall and thank you so much for your support yes
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
OKAY OKAY OKAY OH MY GOD!!!!!! EP12????? MORE LIKE EPISODE PAIN WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!! this was the episode that made me break i actually teared up oh my god yall. okay first of all wave having a camera on pang’s room...... honey i think that’s a crime,,, but yknow what? at least it helped yall at the end so whatever. all of their scenes are basically “you’re so fucking stupid i hate you but also i will help you take down our director because he’s an evil bastard but after that i will continue to hate you like i used to” and i love that (although i would love it more if the fucking fujoshis didn’t comment about these two all the time instead of what’s happening in the drama but we can’t have everything can we),, okay the whole searching for pins exam was so much fun because we finally see more of the twins and how punn and claire’s relationship works (they’re both lowkey evil and i LOVE it), we also see more of ohm and namtaan being like “look i know pang doesn’t want to tell us whatever he’s doing but he’s associating with wave and that’s just Something That Normal Pang Wouldn’t Do and i’m worried about him” which was sweet but also if i was on their place i would just be so unbothered by that like “ok you’re talking with wave now and it’s secret so i’m guessing u’ll tell me when it’s time soooo bye good luck on ur exam” and that’s why i could never be on a drama JKHFJGKFL to something more serious,, what the director put pom through with those experiments was so fucked up oh my god i won’t mention what he did because it makes me sick but the fact that pom then ratted chanon out because it would affect his future and after that erased all of his memories to forget everything including what he did to chanon...... pom is a fucked up bitch but you better believe i cried when pom cried after hearing what chanon had done for him...... his “non, i’m sorry” broke my mf heart yall........... like i hate him but i wanted to hug him at that moment because holy fuck they don’t even tell us what happened with chanon?????? none of his gifted classmates except pom remember him/have heard from him (i don’t remember which one it was) in a loooong while?????? so what happened to chanon?????? just memory erasure or more???????? because the (maybe first and) last time pom had tried to erase human memories he fucked up their brains to the point of no return....... god now i’m wondering because where is he???? where is my good boy?????? oh god oh god oh gODDDDDDD. aLSO. THAT LAST SCENE????????????? WHAT THE FUCK LADDA I TRUSTED YOU FOR ONE FUCKING SECOND AND YOU DO WHAT????????????? TURN OHM INTO A NORMAL PERSON??????????????????? WITHOUT ASKING HIM?????????????????? WHAT THE FUCK. I’M SO SURE SHE HAS OR HAD A POTENTIAL YALL BECAUSE HOW DOES SHE KNOW THERE’S A WAY TO GET RID OF IT???????????????? WTF??????????????? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I SCREAMED SO LOUD AT MY SCREEN I HATE HER ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS NO ADULT IS TO BE TRUSTED IN THIS DRAMA OR EVER. i am still 17 so when my birthday comes around i will just not <3 if i didn’t born. i don’t born bc i did. no i didn’t <3 but yeah fuck ladda and fuck he director and i very much sympathise with the guy who was unphased with the director’s whole existence like yes i also don’t trust him you’re not alone man @ man who looks like he has a foot on the grave <3 okay i used way too many hearts at once but i’m scared of what will happen in the next (and last ;;) episode because when will the gifted graduation be airing????? idk i haven’t watched the trailer so i’m just,, picking up little clues of what i have seen on the twt tl and on here (i saw like 1 gif and i covered my screen while scrolling lmao) so i’m.. excited to see where it goes after the last episode,, okay i think this is long enough so see yall tomorrow for ep13!!!!!!! i’m so excited!!!!!!!!!! bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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cs-discourse · 5 years
since ghost wants a defending post i will also make one
hi! as yall seem to commonly know me since it was my user before i changed it, im star child. im that overgrown cow that's smearing names and causing drama whats up
i would be a mature adult and DM you ghost but honestly i know you'd probably just spend ages trying to defend yourself fruitlessly and also i have you blocked so whatever 
here's the screenshots i have available (sent to me by very kind users in the chat who felt i should know what was being said after i left) and my comments to go along with it
some background: this discussion was happening in a channel called 'real-images'. a place where you would not expect a conversation about docking to be taking place.
i clicked into this channel to see what was happening and as you know, with discord, it automatically puts you on the oldest unread message when you click into that chat. i was greeted by conversations about cropping and docking - choke chains may have been mentioned, im unsure, because as soon as i saw the conversation i began to feel sick and so clicked out without skimming through the convo.
i went into 'questions' and asked if they had a way of requesting certain topics to be tagged and that's pretty much where this begins.
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first i'd like to say 'don't enter the channel' hey ghost, how was i supposed to know that clicking into a channel to share pictures would lead to me walking into a conversation about my trigger? are you really going to blame me for that, huh?
second, this was me literally asking slash 'speaking up' about the topic. why was there any need to get this passive aggressive over it? i put in a request. you could have said yes. you could have said no. you could have said 'sorry we can't blacklist it but we'll try to ask people to spoil it or put a warning'. instead you told me to 'go off' and put :) which yeah we all know what that emoji means you weren't being friendly or subtle
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we all know neons a big advocate for choke chains and shock collars as well as whole host of other mistreating animals. i'll make a second submission on that if people care but neons animal care? whack. bro i hope you grow up and learn to look after your pets.
anyway, mods please tell me why neon was allowed to get involved and say 'they just let their opinions get the better of them and speak out of turn' to be greeted with agreements and being told it was fine when it really wasn't fine.
Spooky Rabbit, i dont know who you are but you're cool. you made me a little less upset but it was a little too late bud
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it's really nice how this convenient controversial chat only popped up after i started talking about the way i was treated in another chat huh. a whole half hour later when i'd already posted screenshots and vented and let people know what happened. love the damage control here
'speak up' once again yeah i did that and look where it got us all, Joke
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something said to me outside of cottontails but this is in retaliation to the 'why didnt you speak up earlier' other than the simple fact i wasnt there lol. neon always likes to talk about these nasty little dog topics. if i'd butted into a convo i hadnt been a part of previously and said 'can we not discuss this?' i'd love to bet a whole 25$ that ghost would've told me to just mute the channel, or neon would've ignored me or told me to "just not argue uwu". either way y'all were going to get angry at me for my trigger. 
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'don't want to butt in with my opinion but-' neon all you ever literally do is butt into conversations its practically your only personality trait other than mistreating ur animals lol. 'made things difficult' 'i'm vocal about my opinions' and then telling me to shut up about mine? okay if you say so.
Adam, 'we can't blacklist every topic users find uncomfortable' I'd like to point out again that a literal trigger is something very different to being uncomfortable! and on top of that it wasn't like i was asking you to trigger tag mentions of a popular character, or a food, or a language, or a colour. i was asking you to trigger tag a very controversial conversation centered around cropping, docking, and choke chains. an extremely heavy topic. not a minor inconvenience.
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cool cool yall were making fun of ppl with triggers. nice
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from a PM from cinna after i PM'd her about transfering my rabbit out of species - no cinna, they weren't blunt, they were just mean. simple as.
ik ppl dont wanna read text walls so this is mostly at ghost who claims im a harrasser and an abuser because i dont like neon using choke chains and shock collars
oh!! also conviently gonna add that "come for our side of the story" - you know one of your staff did that right? they went to a species owner of a species im involved in and tried to get me banned for causing drama? but didnt give any information or screenshots, and i had to provide them all to the owner to make sure the whole story was out? convenient how you just forget screenshots when they make you look bad.
this is long so
tl;dr ghost was p nasty abt the convo. they made fun of people being sensitive. they told me my trigger was a minor inconvenience and not important enough to tag. they only added a controversial topic after i kicked off because they didnt want their asses in trouble. neon got involved and isnt even staff so idk why they did.
anyway that's the news from your local drama queen, im gonna go chew on some grass now moo moo bitch
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unclepolyglot · 6 years
The Secret to Perfect Pronunication in Any Language
(Edited version!!)
You heard me. Perfect. Pronunciation.
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[Retrieved from wikipedia]
I present to you the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). ( IPA website)
Basically this here is the cheat code for all pronunciation of every language
E v e r y.  L a n g u a g e.
How?? Well, each symbol corresponds to one sound.
The table shows you where the sound is located and what your tongue has to do to pronounce that sound.
æ is said at the back of your throat while your throat is around halfway closed (indicated by its location relative to the words “open” and “front). This sound is found in “back“ (in the Standard/General American dialect).
ŋ is said by touching the base of your tongue to where the roof of your mouth gets soft (the velum) and exhaling through your noise while making noise (indicated by “velar” and “nasal”). This sound is found “song”.
As you can see, “ng” in “song” is made up of two letters that have different sounds while separate, but together they make a different sound. And English has some letters that correspond to several sounds all on their own! This is the case on many other languages, and trips up a lot of foreign language learners.
lol sorry for all caps but im excited and this is important so
But how will this actually help you? Because dictionaries are amazing.
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See that? That’s the entry for “language” in my Korean-English dictionary
(edited bc the previous picture had a pseudo-IPA and my sleep-deprived brain didn’t realize it until @korean-with-jangmi​ and @gaybluecolson pointed it out).
language -> \'læŋgwɪdʒ\
Pretty cool, right?
Here are some examples of IPA in action in different languages:
French: deux -> /dø/
Korean: 내가 -> /nɛ-ɡa/ or /ne-ga/
Afrikaans: seun -> /sɪøn/
Standard Arabic:  عَيْن‎ -> /ʕajn/
Ready to try this out for your own?
If you just want to only know how to pronounce your target language’s sounds:
Have a dictionary that uses IPA
When you want to look up a sound, go to the interactive IPA chart here
Learn how to say the sounds in your TL by understanding the column/row titles that they are in on the IPA chart (consonants here and vowels here)
Optional (or if you don’t have a dictionary):
Get the IPA charts for your target language (usually on its wikipedia page at “_target language_ Phonology”. If it’s not there then look up “_target language_ IPA transcription”) 
Example of IPA consonant and vowel charts (Afrikaans):
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[Retrieved from Wikipedia]
It’s a lot less intimidating when it’s the sounds for only one language, right?
REMEMBER: you don’t need to be able to pronounce every sound in IPA to make use of this chart, just know how to make them and what these symbols sound like (more or less) and your life of learning pronunciation will be so much easier
So there you have it:
The Secret to Perfect Pronunication in Any Language
Go, be free my language-learning friends, go pronounce things like natives!
and get rid of that nasty romanization for all my fellow korean learners
(oh and if anyone has any questions about this, send em my way! i know there are a couple linguistics blogs that follow me so if any of yall wanna add smth, plz do!)
yall better reblog the heck outta this bc my hard work CANNOT go wasted ok?? i’ve been researching/writing/revising this for idk how long and my head hurts really bad asjdfsdg help
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taeuhyng · 5 years
idk halsey has been ruined for as an fc for me. i have yet to have a good experience with one. it even got to the point once where i was harassed ooc by one for saying that i was dipping from the tl because of my ooc anxiety and i was going through it then literally any tweet i posted she would reply like no one wants you on the tl and i was just like HELLO?!?! are you okay?!?
ok for starters that halsey sounds like a REDACTED. errr one of my friends was about to play a good halsey in a rp but i don’t think it has high hopes of opening, unfortunately. was really ready to see a GOOD halsey be played… do yall just avoid her in the rpc now ? but im sorry u had to deal with that. some people can be cruel and harsh for noooo reason.. 
send me rp horror/best stories & ruined/best fcs !
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svcrlets · 6 years
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aight round 3 here we fuckin go !! u know the drill already. im tina, ur resident hot mess of an emo mama admin, and i’m here to present to u my little troublemaker ellie ! she’s an old muse that i spiced up for this rp so i’m v excited to see how she interacts with all of ur cute ass muses. all her info is under the cut, so lets get it started ! 
p.s pour one out for lilith, im sorry she was way too boring
before logging in...
ellie grew up in a pretty shitty household in the bad parts of the l.a outskirts (im not american so idk where in specifics but u can just guess idk)
at the age of 16, she met some sketchy people from the neighbourhood. turns out, they were sketchy but they were super nice.
ok now think of that shitty movie the bling ring? they basically formed that. they became infamous con artists that traveled all over the country, stealing from the rich and living large and lavish. she left her crappy family behind, not even looking back at all
they went international too and managed to sneak across borders and she stumbled her ass all the way to japan
so the entire bling ring gang managed to steal some vr headsets and logged into velia together and whatnot, and they found out they were stuck so YEET
after logging in...
so most of the bling ring gang is still alive and well, but they’ve all grown apart and formed new cliques or found new friends are whatnot. they all catch up once and a while but they’ve basically all gone their separate ways
ellie’s still the same. she’s pretty selfish and looks out for mainly only herself? she was FORMERLY in catalyst bc their morals aligned with her but she dipped out to be a solo player bc she no longer wanted to be tied down by a guild?
she became a pretty famous information broker as she’s really good at conning info outta people with her cutesy lil smile and her manipulation wow
surprisingly got recruited for the blood oaths bc of said ability to get info and her fighting ability as well, and she’s just in it so she can get all the tea on the top guild (and the hefty pay, cha ching cha ching)
sells that info for really high prices to certain clients for the right price (big greedy), and she’s only still around tbh bc she can be useful when she’s not being a little shit
basically still a con artist and a thief, with only a SLIVER more of moral after joining the blood oaths
loves money and will do anything for it tbh
top notch information broker and can con anything outta anyone
very two faced? uses her cute lil face to get people to like her and manipulates the shit outta them like wtf
really self driven like does everything outta self interest
an adventurous ass person that’s just living her best life
wanted plots
ex bling ring ass members ok (for ur new muses pls????)
fwbs bc why not
clients that pay good prices
information broker friends
angsty exes wow tina loves pain
online ex-boyfriend that she had that was long distance bc she was a travelling criminal? lmaoooooo
catalyst members who are pissed at her for leaving and she doesn’t really care
catalyst members she’s still friends with
blood oath enemies that hate her bc shes a shithead
idk anything yall want
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harryfeatgaga · 3 years
Idk how you deal with some of the crazy or rude ass messages you get on here sometimes cause I literally cannot handle it 😭
I logged on here yesterday after MONTHS of inactivity to talk about how I had watched the new spider-man movie and [SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU HAVENT SEEN IT YET] how I loved seeing Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man again cause I literally grew up with him as Spidey and almost immediately after posting that I got an ask where the person was like “Oh I like those movies too, but you can tell Tobey was only in it for the money!!!! I wanted to like him but he had zero energy lmao!” LIKE ????????? BITCH first of all I didn’t ask secondly obviously actors like to act but they also like to get paid for their work just like everybody else so 😭😭😭
idk but it kinda pissed me off that someone sent me a message like that just to rain on my parade (cause that’s what it felt like seeing as how I was talking about how emotional and nostalgic it made me to see Tobey’s Spidey cause his movies are the ones I watched as a kid with my late dad). Anyways sorry for the rant but tl;dr you are one of god’s strongest soldiers for dealing with some of the bs you are sent lol.
PLEASJDHBUFJBUFJN thank you yeah idk how I do it sometimes too like ik yall have seen a lot but if only you've seen the stuff I automatically/delete/report JEDNFBHGUJK
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