#sorry yall i'm on mobile
marcescenx-arc · 2 months
Like this if you would like me to make a cute little icon for your blog!
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jitterbugbear · 3 months
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another bunch of artfight attacks/revenges ⚔️
characters (in order) belong to: bugcrimes, vnllbn & Snuf_spirit
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galactic-drops · 2 years
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THIS JUST IN! THE ROBOTS CAN NOW HUG! The little guys in your computer can get head pats now! I have updated the google docs with more information on this update and the note in the file! This will be a new file named "Shimeji Drops with Hugs" found in the same google drive as the first file! (I'll link it here too don't worry) It's separate so that you don't accidentally break any other shimeji-ees you may have. I hope you all have fun with this new feature!
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bonnieisaway · 1 year
wanting to talk or think abt scissor seven but given where we are in the series and how much i've ripped it apart with my claws everytime i open tumblr all I do at this point is lay on the floor sigh and go "seven and thirteen" and wait for the two resident nat20 shippers on here go "yea" and that's my nutrients
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frobby · 1 year
Happy disability pride month everyone
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fubbytime · 10 months
hi sorry on mobile i don't know how titles work?? it wont show up properly
Hi! I wanted to do a proper intro to my blog, as well as a list of my furbies and tagging system. My name is James/Jamzy (he/they), I'm 19. I've had an interest in furbies for years, but only recently was able to break free from years of bullying and be able to own without shame. I am not new to tumblr, i AM, however, new to community posting. ive been a lurker for the 10ish years I've been on here. the only other interesting thing to note is that i have autism and i name my furbies via a "ritual" where i stare into their eyes for minutes at a time until i get their name and pronouns. this blog is a place for me to post about my furbies and to consume furby media (i love saying hi to other people's furbies!! please tell yours i said hi [if you want to /nf])
(furbies and links under cut!!)
F:Mango : Mango is a small painted McFurby boom from. roughly 2013? I think?? I don't remember. Mango uses they/it pronouns. They were properly adopted on October 7th, 2023, but that's because I found it in a bin of old toys. For more Mango information, please click here, or click on the f:mango tag
F:Meepy : Meepy is a 2023 issue coral furby and uses he/him pronouns. Adopted on October 20th, Meepy had to be sent back to Hasbro due to having "Furby autism". I originally said that as a joke, due to him acting like how I would under stress or while overstimulated. However, there was no fix for Meepy, something was wrong with his actual "brains" and his sensors. I like to believe that instead of being sent back to Hasbro, he is following the vague 1998 model lore and has moved back to Furbyland with his original clan. He deserves it and I am constantly upset when I remember he is no longer with me. One post about Meepy exists, and that is his farewell post. You can find it here.
F:Mee-loh : Mee-loh is the replacement furby for Meepy from Hasbro. Mee-loh uses they/he/she pronouns in no specific order. They are a 2023 model coral furby. I have just recently gotten her, so I cannot say much about him. More info about Mee-loh can be found here (link not yet active), as well as in the f:mee-loh tag
f:mango : posts including mango
f:mee-loh : posts including mee-loh
originals : original posts
<<<< tags from op : separates the tags from the original post from my own thoughts. I believe preservation of tags is important for reach, as if i remember correctly (or it was an urban myth), tagging a post with a tag it already has increases the likelihood it shows up
reblogs : all the posts i reblog
furby/all furby/furby community/furby fandom/safe furby : tags for reach. safe furby is only used if i believe the post is suitable (i.e. nothing too unsettling/the post is chill) OR if the op has it tagged
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adrianicsea · 2 years
“Okay, this might sound kinda crazy, but just hear me out, okay?”
“Always, Adam,” Lawrence replied. “Go for it.”
“Alright, so— the rook  knew that Daniel was gonna be here, which we know because the rook is the one who took Danny. And he knew about my apartment, which we know because of the photos taken on my camera. And now, all of a sudden, Team Jigsaw knows about this FBI business. What’s the connection between all of that, Larry?”
Lawrence frowned as the gears turned in his head. He saw almost right away what Adam was getting at, but he stayed silent; if Adam was right, then things were even worse than Lawrence feared. If he said nothing, then perhaps the inevitable could be delayed, if only a bit longer.
“Someone with access to the police would know all of those things,” Adam continued. “Eric Matthews probably wouldn’t shut the fuck up about his kid coming to visit, right? And a cop would know if someone else in the precinct was talking to the feds. And I mean— the cops  said  they never had a case open for me before, but what if they did and they just never announced it? Maybe they had some sort of internal investigation going on.”
Lawrence felt his palms turn cold and clammy. He swallowed and gripped the arms of his computer chair.
“You think the rook is an MPD officer,” Lawrence said, speaking slow and quiet. Adam’s jaw was tight as he nodded back at Lawrence.
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trainerdisguise · 2 years
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can someone tell her what marriage is and why everyone is fighting over it
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
tadc cast with a s/o who hates touch.
BUT when they finally get comfortable with the characters they get soooo touchy (as in hugs ,hand holding etc)
Sorry if i didnt make myself clear
And thank you for your work!! ;)
TADC cast x reader who's warming up to touch!
So sorry for taking so long to get to this anon <\3!! I recently went back to writing on mobile due to back pain from sitting at my computer and it's really done a number on my efficiency <\3
That said I hope you enjoy!
Side note does anyone know any tips on how to soothe sore throats? Preferably not with honey because honey naoes my throat swell and itch 😭😭
This post ended up being waaaaaay longer than I first intended so I hope yall are ready to eat up
LAST MINUTE NOTE I misread/misinterpreted this as "reader finally taking a step towards initiating affection for the first time" and not "they're already comfortable and LOVE touch" I am so so dumb but I already have this written <\3 I hope you enjoy this regardless anon 😭😭😭
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I think Caine would struggle with the no touching thing especially since I see him being very affectionate both verbally and physically. That said I do think he eventually gets the hang of it and stops himself from throwing his arms around you for a hug... he amps up the verbal affirmations to make up for it though! He doesnt wanna make you unhappy so hes gonna respect your boundaries and take things slow!
As for when you start easing yourself into it, I think he would try to not make a big deal out of it, as not to risk embarrassing you. As someone who doesnt like touch as well as being hesitant to initiate it, I think I wouldnt want a big hoorah about it you know? But that's just me
He does subtly know hes proud of you for being able to take that step, even if you two are only holding hands via linking your pinkies together
I dont think pomni would be crazy about touch imo, she seems like the type to seize up when you touch her without warning. And I'm not saying that as something to be ashamed of because honestly me too. So I think this is one where you both need to have heavy communication in order to push past that and get used to touching one another ! Team work makes the dream work or however the saying goes
That said imagine you two grab each others hands bc something startles you/you both run from something (be it a prank from jax or an IHA or an abstracted) and you both just
Stare down at your interlocked hands. Experimentally squeezing each other before both relaxing into it
I think that would be a cute idea
Just like caine she is so so understanding. But unlike caine, she doesnt struggle all that much with trying go restrain from giving you physical affection. Ragatha naturally shows her love through quality time and gift giving, so she doesnt often feel the urge to wrap her arms around you, much less unprompted. Especially with your discomfort in mind
In the event that you come over to her, maybe lay your head on her shoulder while shes reading, I think she would stiffen up a little out of surprise, before gently leaning her heads against yours. Its nice, its quiet, and its comfortable. You two both peacefully exist like that for a while... good thing you guys probably dont have organs because ragathas heart would be pounding so fast, shes just so proud of you that the adrenaline kind of gets to her
I think this might be the main one where there may be conflict.
Not because jax belittles your discomfort or tries to push the boundaries. No, I dont think he would, especially when you two get serious. Like would he probably poke you in the beginning before realizing it genuinely brings great discomfort? Yes. Would he stop when he finds out it's an issue for you? Also yes. Again, hes an asshole but I dont think he would be outright ab*sive
No, the reason why I think kay there may be conflict is because behind closed doors, jax can be very clingy and physically touchy, he would want to lay on top of you and hold you and that kind of stuff. That one ask with clingy jax hcs changed me
I think, if you ever try to initiate touch first he would say something kind of mean before he can stop himself. "About time" or something. Like he means it lightheartedly but like. He immediately regrets it, especially since that can just be so... eidkcmc.. when you're trying to come out of your shell in regards to something
Easily has the worst reaction, make him sleep on the metaphorical couch
I think he would do anything to fix that though, you're his lil bun afterall
Kinger is big on touch, he likes handholding and putting his hand on your shoulder. But ultimately he would respect you and not touch you.. honestly kinger can be the same way depending on the day. Either he hates touch and doesnt want anyone or anything touching him, or he needs to be held in order to keep his mind set straight. Poor guy. He just like me frfr.
Honestly gets a little spooked when you gently set your head on his lap, announcing you're going to take a nap while you two hang out in the pillow fort. Kind of gives a soft and surprised "oh!" Before going as still as a statue. Does he stay put? Does he run his hand through your hair? Does he keep up his bug ramble? Does he pipe down?
Ultimately he sits there quietly while you sleep
Expects that to be a one time thing, but he notices you're slowly becoming more physically affectionate. He outwardly shows his support and pride for you
Another one who doesnt really like touch, but instead of it being a discomfort it's just a "I dont like it" thing you know? I mean what did you expect? Zooble doesnt interact much with people unless they're forced to, so it makes sense that touch isnt their thing. So this actually works out very well for you two.
Just like the pomni segment, you guys are going to have to do a lot of communication in regards to introducing stuff like cuddling and hand holding ect into the relationship and finding what works for you while keeping both parties satisfied. I think in the end zooble would be supportive, and even try to esse themselves into the whole thing. So you dont have to do it alone, you know?
Honestly I think shes too shy and/or unconfident to initiate physical affection herself so the topic never really came up. Which... is a bit odd since it regards a comfort thing for you as well as gangle possibly thinking that you dont enjoy her company; assuming you never really tell her that touch brings you discomfort
But because we love healthy stuff here, let's assume you guys set down boundaries and stuff before getting together
I still think gangle would have some teeny tiny feeling that they arent the best for you. She knows its unfair to think that for both of you, but like. Its one of those nagging mean voices we all have/get at some point, you know?
Probably lets out a little squeak when you slowly wrap one of her arms around your hand and wrist. Kind of just stands there frozen. Too scared to speak up or move, fearing she would ruin the moment
Honestly I think gangle isnt used to touch (that isnt neutral or in passing), so this is going to be a little experience for her. You're both in this together now, basically
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slushglow · 1 year
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just want to start by saying sorry it took me eighty five yrs to even post this thats super my bad hahaha
this basically explains how yuichi lost his markings and came to run away from his family, i just did this little comparison drawing of when he's a kid (age 11) to when he's a little older (age 17) and then word vommed everything i could into two pages HAHAHA
i know my handwriting is so shit im so sorry, i meant to find the original google doc and/or procreate file to copy and paste the text or at least retype it here BUT I CANT FIND EITHER OF THEMMMM i am literally going insane, i'm on my phone rn or i would be typing all of this out asap but tumblr hates me on mobile and it's also like 3 am but i PROMMY i will get around to retyping everything in a much easier to read format instead of yall zooming in three thousand times to read the hieroglyphs that is my handwriting HAHAHA i'll def edit this when i get the chance and do just that so pls bear w me </3 when i finally find the google doc i will also include it bc it has a ton more info !!!!!
anyways if y'all have any comments questions or concerns pls don't be afraid to drop an ask i would also love to just word vom abt my version of yuichi + leo and yuichi + the others bc they r very dear to me !!!
there's a bonus image under the cut that shows child yuichi moments after getting his scar, just warnin y'all again !!!! don't worry it's not super graphic tho, u also cant see the actual injury !!
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this is the following moment after he gets his scar
the overall shock from the events of the day (losing his brother, watching him die, having to face his grandfather) means he barely even reacts when it happens but at the same time it's kinda like this epiphany hits him that he can't stay anymore u know :/ idk i didn't intend on making him such a tragic character but here we are !!! LMAO
ANYWAYSSS thanks so much for sticking around guys i uber appreciate u all B) again if u have any questions comments or concerns don't be afraid to hit up my ask box !! okay i'm finally done now HAHAHA
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tinyreploid · 1 year
HI my name's Cris and i recently came into a position where i'm gonna need some extra money for future proofing household stuff. There's only so many times u can fix things before they become unusable or rot completely. #oldhousethings
SO i am offering sketch commissions thru kofi (its a lil barren sorry) for right now, maybe longer... it depends on how things go. I have examples and prices on my carrd linked also in my bio, if u need more i have my art tag tab here on this blog! (#my art in search on mobile) I dont only do megaman but its my big main interest rn, so thats all i have to show hehe.
If u aren't able to comm a piece u can still leave a little tip if u want! Jic the link breaks or w/e its under crisrobo. (:
If u intend on placing a commission w me please contact me first using the email mentioned on my carrd. (do not dm me please)
Only 5 slots are available at a time. I also work 8hrs full-time in retail, even if theyre sketches they will take a bit to do btwn breaks and my time at home.
Also please don’t tag as donations, boost, or mutual aid.
Thank u for reading thru this and for any possible interest! I hope yall have a good day!!
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Was putting this off but now I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna share with yall my Kaisarion theory which I shared with my friends on discord a few days ago. I'm sure someone else has already thought of this but I've not seen anyone talk about it yet so here it is.
I'd put the read more below here but I'm on mobile and when I've tried in the past it's not worked so sorry for the long post!!
So, back in 2022 Tobes did an interview with Metal Hammer about Impera and talked about what each song is about. Kaisarion he said was a call to arms and also loosely about/inspired by Kaisarion, the illegitimate child of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra. My theory suggests that Copia is the Kaisarion of the clergy.
To look at it this way, in this theory Nihil would be Julius Caesar and Imperator would be Cleopatra. Both powerful figures in their own rights. They have their illegitimate child, who is strongly implied to be Copia on more than one occasion. Nihil died just as Caesar died, tho the circumstances are different. However, there's more to it than just that.
In the year 30BC, Cleopatra ends her life with an asp bite to the breast and not long after her son Kaisarion is killed by Octavian. You wanna know what Kaisarion was doing during that time before he was killed and before his mother killed herself? He was ruler of Egypt. Much like how Copia is currently "ruler" of Ghost.
Tobias is smart. He's real fucking clever, loves to read, interested in history. Impera was inspired by a book he read on the rise and fall of empires and I'm willing to bet my ass that this book included the Roman and Egyptian empires and may have talked about Caesar, Cleopatra, and their illegitimate son. He could easily, with this knowledge, have written the song Kaisarion with the story of Kaisarion himself hinting to what will become of Imperator and Copia.
Imperator will either die or kill herself just as Cleopatra did. Very soon after, the next Papa or perhaps Saltarian (I'm more inclined to believe it'll be the new Papa myself) will kill Copia and that person will take his place as ruler of Ghost. Much like how Octavian became emperor of Rome.
In other words, we could be about to see the deaths of not just Imperator and her illegitimate son but the death of the empire that she has clearly built up in the form of Ghost.
After all, Impera is about the rise and fall of empires...
@stressghoul I leave this theory in your hands.
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russeliarat · 10 months
Yall wanna see some misc HMSW stuff I've been doodling over the past few weeks? Too bad you're seeing them anyway.
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Instinct and Desire, the fusions of Heart and Mind and Heart and Soul respectively. I actually drew these a bit ago but I redraw them today and made a Soul and Mind fusion called Morality, but couldn't find the images on my phone so I'll take the photos tomorrow at some point and post it individually then.
Here's a dumb doodle I did of Desire a while back:
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Misc doodles with varying inspiration. The Soul and Heart is the top right corner are based on the two outfits for Frank from Rocky Horror Picture Show, the Chonny in the bottom left is pose practice from Shut Up You're Stupid mv (the part at the end where he start swaying), the top left is a Heart inspired by something I found on Pinterest that I got to practice feathers, mild body horror, and posing, and the bottom right corner Mind and Heart are pose + expression practice with outfits I mixed together from Pinterest.
Yes the Mind doodle in the bottom right is my favourite.
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Drone bee Mind. Not really much to say other than 'what if I gave him four arms and a cunty outfit'. I just liked the idea of insect designs.
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For the SCP AU on tumblr and CJFS that I've become obsessed with. (Made by starry_hologram, sorry tagging won't work on mobile fsr) I've had a recent obsession with SCP Foundation in general and this basically latched onto both my special interests. I've been playing with the idea of Simon not being as entirely human as everyone thought and him having this uncanny-ness to him that no one can pinpoint. I elaborate further on sketches below, but I'm putting them at the end of the post since it's very horror themed. Me when SCP leans way into a very good setting for every kind of horror imaginable (I am not sleeping tonight after the scroll through Pinterest, you can find anything on there if you know how to get to it :'D)
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Staying true to my roots and putting Heart in ballgown of a dress. Got lazy and only gave him one wing though, I had plans to put the other two in dresses but Heart's long ass skirt made me leave it. I used silver and purple metallic gel pens to add dimension but you can't really see it in a photo ngl.
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For my partner's comfort AU! Jellyjash as we call him. Put him in the beach fit coz it suits the vibe.
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Not really HMSW but this is the design I've been using for the past 8 or 9 months for the Haiku/HitS love interest, of whom I call Venus. I've been practicing drawing people with more weight lately, I'm tweaking how I draw Venus' proportions atm.
Here's the horror stuff for Simon:
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harborarmored · 7 months
My thoughts on every new Fortnite Battle Pass skin this season since I am hellenic polytheist ~
Ok, so... I've been a hellenic polytheist (a person who believe and worships the greek gods and follow the philosophy) for almost two years, but I've already started worshipping them a long time ago, just got back and strong last year. And, I'm hyperfocused on Fortnite. If you put them together, you'll guess I'm hyped and crazy about this season. So, I thought I would "rate" and give my thoughts on each battle pass skin, both as a devotee of the greek gods and as a Fortnite fan.
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6/10. He is Cerberus. I mean, a big black dog that takes care of underworld gates; it's him. He doesn't really have three heads as some people were complaining (ik he does but it doesn't look like it), but would you really be willing to have a 300% higher chance of gettin headshoted? I don't think so. I'll definitely not use his skin, as I don't like animalistic/animal skins (sorry, furries). But I think he is fine.
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When I tell yall I SCREAMED. 10/10, fav skin from this bp.
She is SO pretty. She would totally like this. I saw people saying "oh but she wasn't like this in the arts" ok, so? Who told you Aphrodite is like the arts? The gods AREN'T human, and I can't say that enough! They can, indeed, take humanoid/human forms, but they aren't human nor have a humanlike figure naturally. They are cosmic figures! So, technically, any greek gods representation would be right. They don't have gender either!
A fun fact: I worship Aphrodite mainly, she is my regent goddess and has been protecting me since I was born (or even before that). And I give her a human form in my head when worshipping her (and all other gods), usually based on the art depictions of her (like Birth of Venus), but EVERY devotee will depict her different – she is the god of beauty, and everyone's perception of beauty is different.
And, apart from that, she is resembling Aphrodite. White hair? Not unusual, I can see her with it; tanned skin? Alright! She was born on the beach, after all; clothing? Ohh boy she would ROCK that! The gold and white is very Aphrodite-like, the pinkish/red nails, the belts with little hearts... she is so cool and pretty, AAAAHHHH!!!
(I will not talk about every skin style, but just to give Immortal Aphrodite style its justice: it's pretty, SO PRETTY, and she would like it too.)
Slurp..... Poseidon!
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Oh boy he is cute. 7/10. I don't understand the hate he's getting. Just because yall see Poseidon as a bodybuilder older guy from the seas, doesn't mean he is. He isn't human! And this definitely isn't disrespectful, if you are thinking about it – I'm pretty sure Poseidon would have a laugh at this.
On the Fortnite skin side... I hate it. Like, I don't hate it. But I'll definitely not be wearing this ever. Same reason as Cerberus; I don't like animalistic skins (he isn't animalistic... I think. But I think yall can get what I'm saying), and he is BIG boi. I don't like wearing man skins usually, only Shadow Midas – the only Midas I have till now 😭 – and Montague, because they are slim. Many of the manly skins I have are more thick, have muscles. I don't like the playability they have, and don't like them in general (not characters, the looks/functionality/mobility/etc). But he is cute. I can't lie.
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She is here for the girlbosses! 9/10. Not a goddess, but she has a big role in the mythology and she could be an essential part of the lore, if we look at her story and myths, Epic can really win on that.
I just love her eyes, dark makeup, clothes... It's all soooo her! And I like the snakes too. Saw someone saying that they could be green and it would be better – yeah, I can see the point. But I like the purpleish look on them too, and maybe, just maybe, her special style or the style we win by completing the memory missions is the 'green look'. I mean, if it isn't, Epic has missed a big opportunity! But yeah, I like her. I just didn't like the bottom part of her clothes very much, idk, it gives me a strange odd feeling, maybe because there is TOO many white. Maybe if her pants weren't white, or if her dress (?) was longer so she could wear it alone, without pants, it would be better. At least it's what I think.
Father of mortals, Zeus!
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10/10. BEST SKIN along with Aphrodite. Maybe a bit of favoritism, as he is one of my protectors too. But speaking in a "he resembles Zeus so much" way, too! A friend told me about people complaining that he has ammo and grenades on him, are yall SERIOUS? THIS is what yall complaining? If yall are complaining about this you should complain about all bp skins this season, lol. They are in a BATTLE ROYALE. You want them to change all the BR weapons to meele? You wouldn't like it, trust me, I'm a ninja main in Save The World. I really like these additional details on him, bringing the Fortnite into his skin.
And I didn't mention any of the skins' pickaxes or backblings nor other items, but I just gotta talk about the SAVE THE WORLD reference on this. HE HAS A GUITAR????? IS THIS A LARS FROM SAVE THE WORLD WHO HAS ZEUS TATTOOS AND VAN? AND RIDES THE LIGHTNING? METALLICA? ZEUS? OLIMPUS? OH MY GOD I'M GOING CRAZY. And his pickaxe is really cool too
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8/10. I like her, and the points I don't like aren't "oh she doesn't look like Artemis at all" points (as you could guess based on my other points on other skins). I mean, I'll prob not use her as much as I will use Aphrodite and Medusa. And Zeus (yeah I'll pretty much use his skin despite him being big). She is cute, and pretty. And I like her skin having a little tan, too, even if I think it would be great if she had just a little more tan, as she 'lives' in the woods. But oh boy, aren't her clothes PRETTY??!?!?!? I think they are very bow user if I'm being honest.
I can't lie, I don't like her BLUE eyes. They are REAAAALLYYY BLUE. And lipstick too, I don't think she would really use it, especially pink, if you see her myths and story. But I guess it would look a bit strange if her lips didn't have color.
Another point in her that I absolutely DISLIKE is this F*CKING GALAXY THING. THIS RUIN ANY SKIN! This is a really personal opinion, but I SAID WHAT I SAID. I think they are so ugly and 2014 gamer girl vibes (like I was). And in Artemis? I don't think it fits that much. She is much more related to Moon AND FOREST! They could have done this galaxy nasty thing as a superstyle on the extra rewards since almost all superstyles are ugly anyway. Maybe an all black and silver clothing with a silver moon in her top would be better yk. And her hair, WITH THIS EFFIN GALAXY OH MY GOD I HATE THIS F GAME. And I think it's SO spiky too, for some reason, the "top" of her hair looks so artificial and not curly at all, unlike her back hair. And I think it could suit her better if she had her hair in a bun, as, you know, SHE IS A HUNTER!! But galaxies are my biggest complaint.
Finally... Hades.
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Isn't my boy, Hades? He's cool. 7/10 I think. I mean, I wouldn't really think of him and think of neon green (maybe a deep purple), but it fits him AND Cerberus. Cerberus looks so cool with the neon green, and Hades, being his "dad" (lol), has to match, speaking in a skin-wise way.
I can see the gas mask, too. I mean, he lives in the underworld afterall, it prob doesn't smell very good in there. And there is miasma too (I'll not elaborate on this, but for me, it makes sense the gas mask). I just think his hand fingers would look better if they were black and shadowish, like with some smoke/shadow in them. I'll prob never use his skin. But it's cool and it resembles a boss, specifically a underworld boss.
Final toughts
As you can see, I'm still really hyped, and I like this season very much already. I haven't played any matches yet. I was waiting yesterday – in my country, the updates are usually released at 11AM, so I wake up and download to play after the download. But as you can imagine, it didn't work like that yesterday. I had college (yeah, Fortnite players are at university too), and I just skipped classes so I could play all day the new season. I JUST GOT TO OPEN FORTNITE TODAY. Yestarday, it was 11:50PM in my area when they OPENED the servers (may I remember you I am used to the servers opening 11AM), and I tried launching the game. First I got a key chain error after just 5 minutes of queue, had to reopen the game; 20 minutes of queue, and when it finished, SERVER ERROR; reopened for the last time and it was a 50 MINUTE QUEUE WAITING TIME. I gave up and went to bed, was already feeling bad because of other things. Today I woke up at 10AM, prob because of anxiety, hyperfocus is a messed up things sometimes. And it's when I opened the game for the first time, FINALLY!
Yesterday, I had just woken up, ready to update Fortnite, and one of my friends sent me the MIDAS skin that is set to release sometime in this season. Oh gosh, when I tell you that I WOKE UP with his message, I REALLY woke up. I LOVE MIDAS!!! He's been my obsession since mid last year, and because of him I started really hyperfocusing in Fortnite. I was already hyperfocused, but not really caring that much about the lore or characters. And in these past months, all I've been wanting is his Midsummer skin to come back to the item shop (and summer in my country is almost getting over, it's a bit depressing that Epic doesn't change seasonal items according to match the countries/emispheres. I'll only be able to get his SUMMER skin at WINTER, as USA summer is in the middle of the year, when it's already winter here). Now I have a reason to be even more hyped for this season – he can be released at any moment! Oh my man, I've been waiting patiently for you. And I'm happy.
Well, I already talked much. It's not my fault, it's autism. Yeah. If yall have any questions about this season, regarding especially the greek mythology (hellenic religion/philosophy), you can contact me, leave an ask, a comment, whatever. I'll be SO happy to answer!
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some offering I made to Lady Aphrodite last year :)
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gith-egg · 11 months
I still have no finished art of my lil gith dude but I want to share him with yall so fuck it I'm making a post about him anyway
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Drik ▪︎ Githyanki ▪︎ Ranger
Pronouns: He/They
Age: 22
Height: 6'0 / 184cm
Build: Scrawny, even by Gith standards
Alignment: Chaotic Tired™
Weapon: Heavy crossbow that looks comically way too big for him to use (and almost is)
Companion: Barley, his "cat"*
*half-undead half-gremishka half-cat
Long backstory below cut
In a crèche nestled deep in the Sunset Mountains, a young githyanki was condemned to death. Barely into its fourth year of living, the child had been frail and sickly almost from the start, and would not have been coddled even this long were it not for a particularly lenient custodian. It had become clear the child would not be fit to work, much less fight; to cull it now was as much mercy as it was pragmatism.
And then the child disappeared.
The ability to skim the boundary of the Astral Plane to achieve feats of great mobility is hallmark of githyanki warriors. This is a skill honed through years of disciplined training. Little wonder, then, that the toddler accidentally accomplishing it for the first time in the sheer panic of impending slaughter did so directly into a freezing river.
Perhaps a greater miracle that a dwarven merchant caravan was passing close enough for the sorry thing to be retrieved still alive. With no common language and no knowledge of the nearby crèche, the traders did the only thing they could and took the child along with them.
By the time they reached the next destination on their route - the city of Scornubel - it had become plainly apparent this would not be a permanent addition to their family. Even if the open road had been a suitable stage to raise a young one, 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 one ate enough for three and kept getting into places that should have been impossible. Everyone knew the stories of "lost" fey children finding their way under a friendly roof and effecting utter chaos. The child had to go.
Conveniently the issue proceeded to solve itself: the child, again, disappeared.
* * * * *
Almost a decade later, a headstrong adolescent prepared to seek his independence. He was weary of life in this city - tired of the hostile gazes and quickened strides he was met with on a good day, while the others his age found work and opportunities. Drik (as his caretaker had dubbed him: a bug, a meager and invasive crawling thing, how astute) was keenly aware he was not welcome here.
Aishnak, the designator in question, seemed to regard this as a matter of little importance. The kindly old baker assured him there was no need to attain a job or an apprenticeship as there would always be space at his table. This was patently untrue - it seemed like every other week a new orphan showed up on his doorstep - and also, beside the point. Drik did not want to stay in a city that did not want him.
Just give it a few more years, said the old man, you'll find your niche. Just be patient. You're not ready to fend for yourself yet, you're still a kid, the wilderness is no place for one so young, you take the safety of civilisation for granted. Drik had heard it all. He'd also been training with a crossbow for a whole year now, and he knew how to butcher an animal and how to cook and follow a map and, not to be vain, but he was really very good at staying hidden when he didn't want to be found. Better than anyone else he knew. He was ready, and he wouldn't hear otherwise.
Within a week he was back at Aishnak's door. In Drik's defense, which he was very ready to give, this was not because he lacked the skill to keep himself alive. It was because he'd been careless with the life of another.
A feral cat, shot for dinner without difficulty. A litter newly born, discovered after the fact. A heart much less hardened than he'd given himself credit for. Now here he stood with an armful of kittens and a faceful of tears, begging relief from consequences like the child he was.
Aishnak had the grace to refrain from stating the obvious. He promised the kittens would be cared for - save one, as he picked out the runt, the tiny creature already limp and unresponsive. Keeping it with the others will make them ill, he explained; there's naught to do but bury it.
Drik understood. It was a miracle any of them had survived, being so small and left untended. He asked to take the dying kitten back, put it to rest himself. It was only right. Aishnak let him go.
He bundled it against his chest, walked it all the way back out to the place he'd found it, the nest its mother had made in the remains of an old farm shed. He dug a hole, deep enough so that only the worms and plant roots would have the body. He held the sad little scrap of meat in his hands, over its grave. And he cried. He cried and cried and he curled up on the dirt and cradled the thing he'd come here to dispose of and he couldn't do it.
Of course, there was really no alternative, and eventually he had no tears left in him to shed. He had no choice but to pick himself up and finish his work. It was then that he became aware of two things: firstly, that standing up was proving difficult, which was frustrating but not especially out of the ordinary. Secondly, and much more unexpected, the lump of fluff enclosed in his hands was wiggling and making quite a bit of noise.
Drik chanced a peek at the dead kitten and immediately confirmed it was not, in fact, dead, by the metric of it being able to prise its way past his fingers and stumble mewling across his thorax. He didn't have a chance to consider what to do about this though because the next thing he did was fall unconscious.
* * * * *
Another decade come and gone. Lounging in a forest clearing, Drik admired his most recent prize in the morning sunlight: a lavishly jewelled pendant, sparkling not just with the lustre of the gold and stones but with the unmistakeable radiance of magic. Barley corroborated his assessment with greedy scrutiny from where she perched atop his knees. The traveller they'd filched it from hadn't seemed anyone special at a glance, but that just went to show the folly of judging books by their covers.
Offering Barley a quick mental apology - for disturbing her seat and for denying her custody of this latest find, to both of which she shot back a tepid psychic grumble - Drik rolled to his feet and pocketed the necklace. It'd be worth a small fortune, to the right buyer. He was due for a visit home.
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couchie · 1 year
as an on-and-off elbow crutch user, lemme tell yall abt my experiences
it got kinda long so im putting it in the read-more
it slows you down
especially in stairs, you have to put both your feet in one step to go to the next. that means it takes me twice the time to go up or down stairs than an abled bodied person, and that is when they're not speeding
you really cant speed much, be it on flat road or on stairs. it doesnt speed u up much and the only thing that happens is you get tired from using so much effort
people having to wait for you makes you self-conscious, even if they are understanding about it
carrying anything is a nightmare. backpacks can throw your balance off. you cannot hang a bag on the handles of your crutches cause you have to LIFT those bitches. and if you're only using one crutch, carrying the bag in the empty hand also throws you off balance
you only have a maximum of one hand available at all times
you need people to get out of the way. you need more moving space and standing space for moving with crutches
the crutches make your hands sore. you're carrying your weight with them after all. you can need to take a moment to rest only to soothe your palms, even if your legs arent tired
sitting is always a hassle with leg injuries, and that becomes a bigger mess when you need to also find a non-obstructive place to put your crutches to. they need to be easily accessible to you
standing up is also very hard. it depends on what your disabilities are but the faster you find a way to comfortably stand up, the better
people *will* try and take your crutches. Do Not do that. i dont care if you're fascinated by them or if you wanna play around and swing urself or if u wanna hold onto them while i sit. unless i explicitly ask you to, do Not take my crutches. and if you do, don't set it down anywhere, hand it off to somebody else, or leave it somewhere i cant get to. wait for further instructions. do i want you to put them at somewhere specific? do i want you to give them back to me? do what i want you to with them, nothing more and nothing less
people get curious and it gets really tiring to answer the same questions. i dont owe you an explanation and i dont want your curiosity or your pity
yes it's real sad that your distant relative also had one accident so they had to use crutches too. yeah there are canes and underarm crutches and wheelchairs but this is what i am using. yes people may need them for different reasons and it's not your place to judge or question it. can i please keep walking?
crutches get dirty from being used everywhere and the handles sweaty from your palms and they need cleaning
you will get looks no matter what aid you are using
idk if it's just me but going downhill is very hard with crutches. uphill too but when it's downhill i'm also afraid of falling and rolling downhill 😭
getting in and out of cars is a hassle. btw, for safety, you should put your crutches on the ground under your feet
acquiring a shower stool might just be what you need. also get non-slip plastic rugs to lay on the bathtub/shower floor. getting someone to help you shower isnt shameful
if you drop something, woe is you. where do you put your crutches? how do you crouch to get them? the best thing to do, in that case, is to ask for help. people wont mind, believe me. and if you're alone, be careful and take your time
creaky crutches are the worst💔💔
being able to walk without crutches doesnt mean ur faking. not having more pain without crutches doesnt mean ur faking. stop being so hard on yourself
it's not our duty to educate people. if you're so curious go do a basic google search before questioning me. because, consider how many times i get the same questions in the same day
seeing another mobility aid user brings a sense of belonging and you bring the same feeling to people without visible disabilities
be unapologetically yourself. take up space. dont be sorry for needing aid
take care. i love you 🫶
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