#sory that it didn't match up to yours :[
bugflies00 · 4 months
ok so this isnt a particularly profound headcanon or anything but its been sitting in the back of my mind for like, two years now. you know how ctubbo is technically blonde in canon, but everyone draws him with dark brown hair? ok, so, as people get older, their hair tends to get darker (if its not already dark brown)
(sciencey explanation for this if youre interested: basically, you have two melanin types contributing to your hair color--eumelanin (makes hair darker) and pheomelanin (makes hair redder). as you get older, the melanocytes (cells that produce melanin) start to change behavior and produce more eumelanins. i dont think we're entirely sure why, but it has to do with hormonal changes, among other things)
but anyway. do you think that, in the early days of the dsmp, in the early days of L'manburg, Tubbo's hair was bright, bright blonde--a mop of hair to match Tommy's, even rival it? From a distance, it wasn't hard to mistake one from the other.
Through the pogtopia arc, Tommy's hair stays as blonde as ever, but Tubbo's starts to darken noticeably, and by the time Wilbur's put a crater in the heart of L'manburg, it's a full-on dirty blonde.
I don't remember how long exactly it was between Tommy's exile and the next time he saw Tubbo, (call me cranboo the way i. uh. forget), but do you think that when he did, he almost didn't recognize him--Tubbo's hair was as dark as Wilbur's, as Schlatt's. what if, like, his hair got darker a lot faster once Manburg happened and once his becoming president happened--he was put in a position where he was forced to grow up fast, to grow into his boots. i mean that wouldnt happen in real life but whateverrrr
wait actually i just had another idea have you ever seen those pictures of us presidents before and after their presidency and they look like wayyyy older even if they only served a four year term? do you think it was like that? like, it was still tubbo, sure, but that small bit of stubbornly remaining baby fat was gone from his face. the scar from his execution at the festival was no longer that angry red; it had long since resolved itself into something calmer: a bitter, pale pink. When Tommy looks at him, it's hard to reconcile what he sees with the Tubbo he remembers.
this got really long. uh. sory. thank you for coming to my ted talk. my tub[bo] talk if you will. thumbs up emoji
oh i do know about the blonde darkening thing, it happened to me!! i had hay blonde hair as a kid and now im a light-medium brown lmao. but YESSS ABSOLUTELY oh my god the idea of ctommy leaving ctubbo looking almost like twins and coming back to see him looking an entirely different person..... grown up even physically.... GOD and the fact that ctubbo changes while ctommy remains the same always and forever is AHJWHGHJE literally right on theme . god . im obsessed with this ur so right this is canon now
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nothorses · 1 year
Oh god, thank you, like if we did assume anon comes from a good place we understand where anon comes from but also like...yea nothings going to help if we don't like, Have A Replacement and you definitely know more than us about this one.
If it's alright to ask: we're wondering if you have any sort of knowledge that could be passed onto us (and others in a situation like ours) to mitigate that?
For more specific context, people definitely sing their praises to IEPs a lot and we saw someone mention them somewhere, but we have very unfortunately been on the end of it where it has been used as a vehicle for oppression and ableism anyways (WE PROMISE those twitter threads will be moved here to Tumblr we just haven't done it yet sory sksksk), because we had abusive parents who were "only" emotionally abusive if that makes sense.
We understand IEPs are helpful to lots of folks but it can be isolating as all fuck when praise is all people do rather than look at some of the tiny nuances or the ways people use it to keep the status quo instead of helping folks. Like how it was used as an extension of Autistic conversion "therapy" / applied behavioral analysis "therapy" when we had to put up with it.
Nutshell/TLDR: how do people use what they have learned to improve education when they didn't really. Learn anything. And how to bring attention to some of the things that nobody wants to talk about without sounding like we're being dismissive. We're so burnt out here when it comes to discussing any education system before university. Please share your wisdom (but only if you want to)!
I am not like, The Expert here, but I will offer some thoughts! Just take them with a grain of salt; I don't know everything, and I could always be missing things.
I will say that IEPs/504 plans are of particular interest to me right now, and imo, the problem is pretty broad and pretty deep.
My own personal context is that my brother was diagnosed with ADHD before even starting school, was put in SpEd early on, and had some pretty traumatic experiences because of that (we picked him up from school once to find him in an isolation room- a closet with one bulletproof window in the door carpeted floor-to-ceiling- because he had acted out in class. In first grade). He believed wholeheartedly that he was incapable of controlling himself, and he developed extremely low self-esteem. I don't know if no diagnosis would have been any better for him, but his diagnosis and "accommodations" (iirc he had an IEP) actively did him harm.
I, on the other hand, was not diagnosed with ADHD until I was 22, and I had to go out and do it myself. I had struggled with school my whole life, I had been in shouting matches with my mom about it, I have trauma about it, and I developed a different kind of low self-esteem around being told I was "choosing" to fail. Once I was medicated, my grades suddenly shot up, my GPA shot up, and I got into a pretty damn good grad school about it. I'm left wondering how things might have been different for me if I'd been understood as someone who was trying but struggling, and who needed support, rather than someone who was not trying at all.
I also don't think it's reasonable to expect that every disabled kid is going to be identified by the system, which is what most teachers seem to think is the issue: that they aren't good enough at armchair diagnosing 6-year-olds yet. It's just not gonna happen. Someone will be missed, and they shouldn't have to struggle alone because nobody else realized what they were struggling with.
Imo, what we need to be pushing for most urgently is universal accommodations, available without any need for diagnosis, disclosure, or anything else: Buckets of fidgets kids can grab whenever, alternative seating options, built-in breaks and frequent snacks, no penalties for late work/tardiness/absences, no graded tests, etc. (I would also like to see more project-based learning & growth-oriented grading, personally!)
As far as learning more: I can recommend some readings to start, and I'll link them here. They're also pretty dense; the grad school recommendation is to read the intro and conclusion in full, and just read the first and last sentence of every paragraph aside from that.
Here's the big folder (which I need to update) of all of the education-related readings I have ever been assigned. I recommend specifically searching "disability" and "democratic"/"democracy"; those will probably be the most relevant to what you're interested in.
Some good starting points:
Leonardo, Broderick (2011) - Smartness as Property: A Critical Exploration of Intersections Between Whiteness and Disability Studies
Carolen, Guinn (2007) - Differentiation: Lessons from Master Teachers
Alverman (2001) - Reading Adolescents' Reading Identities: Looking Back to See Ahead
Veletsianos, Houlden (2020) - Radical Flexibility and Relationality as Responses to Education in Times of Crisis
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breninarthur · 1 year
Happy Friday! :) I have a prompt for Kallian and Shianni; “you are perfect the way you are. you don’t need to change for anybody, sweetie.” Platonic or romantic, entirely your choice. ^^
happy friday! ooh thank you!! i haven't written shianni very much :3
rated t. kallian & shianni tabris for @dadrunkwriting. 631 words. set the night after unrest in the alienage; kallian takes shianni up on her offer of wine.
[content warning and spoiler: shianni blames herself for the events of the city elf origin, though rape is not explicitly mentioned.]
* * *
The fire had dulled to a low crackle. Kallian and Shianni basked in its glow in a way that only the very drunk and very tired could.
They had both changed. As their conversation waned with the moon, Kallian took the time to look at her cousin. Really look.
The bags under Shianni's eyes matched her own, and spoke of longer nights of exhaustion than the one they shared. She seemed... older. It had barely been a year, but the youngest Tabris cousin looked as though she'd aged several. She had bruises here and there. Not too bad, not too many, but they were noticeable enough to Kallian.
"How did you get those?" she asked, slurring.
"Oh, you know," Shianni responded around a giggle. "Troublemaking, as per usual. Plus I'm hardly gonna let Soris get beat up on, am I?"
Kallian couldn't help her grimace.
"...It's not your fault," Shianni said.
"I know," Kallian muttered, surprised that it was honest. "But it's not fair. I wish I could be around to help you."
"You're doing more than enough, Cousin," Shianni smiled. "Besides, I owe it to him; to everyone. I can't do nothing."
It took a moment for her words to sink in, but when they did, Kallian frowned and squinted at her blearily.
"What do you mean, you owe it?" she asked, brow furrowed.
"I don't know," Shianni slurred, but her eyes were downcast and her shrug noncommittal. "It doesn't matter."
"No, what?"
"Ugh, you know!" Shianni insisted, waving her hand.
"No I don't, what?" Kallian pressed, leaning forward in the ratty old armchair.
"It was my fault."
Kallian stared.
Shianni didn't even look bothered. It was a punch to Kallian's stomach, but her cousin looked as though she had made a casual statement of fact.
"No it wasn't," Kallian said, dumbfounded.
"I'm the one who bottled him, Kall," she laughed.
"So? That doesn't–"
"Honestly, it's fine. I've come to terms with it. If I wasn't so... I don't know, aggressive... obnoxious... jumped up–"
The chair nearly fell over with the force of Kallian getting to her feet. She ignored her watering eyes and stormed over to Shianni, crouching to her level and holding her by the shoulders.
"You are perfect," Kallian said emphatically, moss-green eyes boring into hazel. "You are brave, and fierce, and I know you know your worth. You're better than any monster that struts in here, no contest, and you don't need to change for anyone. You can't change."
Shianni didn't respond right away, but her eyes were wide and shining in the firelight. Kallian held her ground, the set of her jaw as determined as it was in any battle.
Then, her cousin's bottom lip began to tremble. Kallian grabbed her into a tight hug before the tears could fall.
When Shianni finally did start to cry, Kallian joined her. They held onto each other in earnest, and the wine probably didn't help, but the build up of everything just wouldn't stop. They cried, and cried, until they didn't have it in them anymore.
"You know, I thought it was my fault too," Kallian said, leaning away and wiping her face. "And I spoke to Soris earlier. He thought it was his fault."
Shianni laughed wetly. "Your dad thinks that too."
"What, that it was Soris's fault?" Kallian joked.
"No!" Shianni snorted, batting her with a lazy hand. "That it was his."
"Ah, fucking hell," Kallian sighed, but she was smiling. "What are we like?"
"Maybe we shouldn't have had the whole bottle," Shianni chuckled. "I swear Alarith's wine is illegally alcoholic."
"Yeah, that's the problem." Kallian rolled her eyes.
There was a pause. Shianni was looking at her, smiling softly.
"I'm proud of you, Cousin," she said warmly.
"...I'm proud of you too, Shianni."
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bumblewarden · 2 years
Looking through the soundsets for some alienage pals, and i have spoils to share!
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First up is Shianni. I'll be honest, i thought this was her Bad Idea comment at first because she can be so sarcastic, but it is fun to imagine her saying this approvingly. Most of these i've never heard in the game, and i don't know where i could find the actual audio files
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I just love her sass
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And here's a cute little parallel between Shianni and Soris's battle cries. I'm picturing the childhood wrestling matches already. Shiannii's probably around 2-4 years younger than him but kicking his ass more often than not
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Soris also has a pair of delightful figures of speech for his Good Idea and Bad Idea comments
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The existence of a Spell Failed comment for Soris had me 👀 for the half minute before i remembered that every companion has one. I assume it's in case any talent regardless of class gets interrupted, but i did start to think about that AU potential for a hot second. Might have to write a fic about it someday. Apostate Soris AU is just ripe for the presses
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This one i just really want to know what his line of thinking was. While he's in the party, his only other party member is the Warden. If the Warden goes down, there's no "we" to help them unless you are in that conditional and very narrow window before f!Tabris finds Nelaros. Even while active, that would still mean running across the map to find him. Maybe it was originally planned to have someone else also join you during the break in or for Nelaros to live? Idk. Could just be a regular oversight since it's such a generic line
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Moving on to Cyrion with something that is so simple yet would fill my Tabris with so much shame
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Also we've got Valendrian coming in with the fire in his belly! He's so much more vicious than i expected! "Such a pathetic creature you are." Hello??? Does he actually know how to fight? Am i going to have to actually play Darkspawn Chronicles for a chance to maybe hear some of this now? What other possible combat scenario could this be intended for except that the toolset doesn't include anything DLC except Shale? I might go insane about this
(Yes, there's also a note that he'll never be in combat or controlled by the player, but at least his threaten and 5th battle cry don't look to be generic. Idk i have thoughts and questions about this, but Alistair's character sheet says he's 32, so it's not like it'd be the first or biggest retcon from the toolset)
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We've also got quite a bit of elven coming from Valendrian! I don't think "Mur ta tanalla" even has a known canon translation but whatever it means clearly works as a battle cry
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And to close out, some pickpocket reactions in the order of Shianni, Soris, Cyrion, Valendrian. Why did you attempt to steal from your father? Now, he's confused and disappointed
Soris's is definitely written with the CE Warden in mind, but i'd wager Shianni's is written with a non-CE Warden in mind. It's not that i don't think she'd say it, but (considering the VO note is "threatening") i do think that she'd instead take to it more as a poor joke if it were cousin instead of a near-stranger, especially if this cousin didn't accept Vaughan's bribe
Valendrian's line here also doesn't seem like he's speaking to a Warden Tabris considering he's described as a surrogate uncle to the alienage. But also him threatening anyone seems out of character. What happened to "the world has far more use of those who know how to stay their blades"? I'd expect exasperation, admonishment, maybe a little shaming. Can you imagine him saying this to a Cousland armed to the teeth? Combined with what i've already shown from him, it really makes you wonder how much his character changed over the course of development
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And, uh, Nelaros. Either this line is miscategorized, or he doesn't quite get the concept of a war cry
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suncakie · 3 years
[Celebrating Christmas With Karasuno]
Karasuno x gn!reader(platonic)
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Day twenty-two
31 Days of Haikyuu Masterlist. [🏐]
Theme. Celebrating Christmas with them
Warnings. cussing.
Notes. Look, I promised fics but i have five fics rn, two of which aren't finished.
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It's not Christmas anymore but who tf cares? Christmas is everyday>:D
We're doing headcanons bc my brain is not in the right mind to do a drabble or fic.
You, Yachi, Kiyoko, Suga, Daichi, and Asahi would definitely be the ones in the kitchen.
More or less the ones making the cookies and other Christmas pastries, except for gingerbread houses.
The rest of the first years + Noya and Tanaka would be in charge of the gingerbread houses.
Tsukishima would've just left if you didn't mention the best gingerbread house gets a free food they want or money.
Although, you would be the one switching from both sides as i feel like you would've just wanted to taste test or eat the leftovers.
The golden trio, aka Ennoshita, Narita, and Kinoshita, would be the ones in charge of decorating.
Speaking of which house you're using.
It's yours.
And for plot purposes(no ur parents are not ded) you're living in those modern-ish houses that don't fit the Japanese feel at all, prolly like Daichi's house or Hori's apartment in Horimiya(but a house, not an apartment.
And for your parents, they just let it happen, it's rare to let strangers decorate your house for you and cook, Although the mess is none of their business.
Ofc all of these events will happen before Christmas bc yes.
Totally did secret Santa and you got chopsticks and a shirt that just says "cool" in Katakana
(Its sugoi or kakkoii i think in Romanji)
Now let's talk about costumes.
Tsukishima was forced to wear a Santa costume and give gifts to kids who do Christmas carols on your doorstep.
Noya definitely wore a Rudolf costume just because both you and Yachi find his nose amazing.
Hinata, You, Yachi, and Kiyoko definitely wore matching onesies with different colors.
Kageyama would just wear a pair of joggers and a shirt.
Yamaguchi would definitely wear those thick sweaters that's just a little, by means of a little an inch bigger than him.
The rest would just wear something thick but comfortable, prolly like Yams too.(I'm lazy im sory)
The house after your thing would be a mess.
And so, you cleaned up yourselves bc you definitely don't want a scolding from your parents and the others just wanted a good first impression.
(Yamaguchi won the gingerbread house contest btw)
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suncakie · 3 years
[Writing Essays is fun]
w/ Tendou Satori x fem!reader (ft. Shiratorizawa Vball club)
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@randomarmy19: I was wondering if you could write for Satori Tendou in high school, where you have an unrequited crush on him. He doesn’t want to acknowledge your feelings cause he feels like “the feelings will fade, cause how can anyone stick around him” kind of thing. So he’s insecure despite you constantly confessing to him, but then you keep reassuring him and he finally sees his self worth and stuff?! Basically tooth rotting fluff/comfort/slight angst I guess…
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Warnings. VERY SHORT(around 800 words), Fluff, Crack, angst if u squint, comfort??, not proofread.
Notes. Ngl- i rlly wanted to rewrite this to a headcanon instead a fic- but school said no, so here's the draft of the fic that i completed 2 days ago- AND IM VERY SORY IF U DONT LIKE IT- ISTG FEEL FREE TO SHARE FEEDBACKS LOL
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Writing essays is fun if your writing about the one you love. You caught feelings for Tendou during your second year together, and bc of that, you will never forget the hectic things you did to convince Tendou to date you.
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You had caught Tendou's eye when the two of you were partnered up during Arts class ,with your bubbly and respectful personality who wouldn't? Though what really Tendou first noticed about you was how excited you were when you introduced yourself to him.
The pure enjoyment you showed while talking to the boy behind the canvas was intoxicating at first, because the redhead thought you were trying to be friends with him so that you could manipulate him or to leave him after you got bored with him.
Though it turns out, you were a talented artist, Tendou never asked the question out loud but you answered anyways, saying something about you being excited to actually draw him up close and his unusual style of hair.
"You know? i am grateful to be partnered up with you! I hope you don't mind if i ask you your number? Or email at least?" You grinned up at him, your own phone in your hand.
"Hm? Asking me out already? Sorry, Im not interested" Tendou chuckled but took your phone and typed both his email and number on your contacts anyways. You on the other hand, had your cheeks fairly dusted up with a soft pink tint but your smirk says otherwise "what a bummer, I guess ill play lazer tag with someone else" 
Tendou panicked when you snatched your phone from his hand and clung himself onto you like a koala, while repeating the phrase  "you know you love me, let me join with you!
It was in your second year when you realized you had caught feelings for your bestfriend, you had thrown hints here and there and your not sure if the redhead notices heck you even went to Ushijima for advice to only get a response like " just tell him"
And you know what you did? You told him when the two of you were alone- who am i kidding, you told him during the match between seijoh and shiratorizawa, midway through the game when Tendou was switched in from his senpai you had shouted the words Tendou wanted to hear since he met you.
"I like you Tendou Satori<3" which made all his teammates look at you then at he redhead, as Ujishima had a faint grin on this face, Tendou himself smiled and raised both of his arms to his head making a heart while screaming an "I like you more!"
When the game ended you didn't know what are you smiling about, the fact that your school will go to nationals again, or the fact the feeling you held were neutral, but at the end of the day you had the thought that the two of you were now a couple.
Which was stupidly false "what? Why?" Tendou shifted his eyes anyware but to yours as he spoke "you deserve someone more than me yeah? So how about we go  to an arcade after practice hm?" Your eyes held a shimmer of hope "as a date?" Successfully sitting you on the bench Tendou laughed "what? No! As a friendship restoration hangout!"
And so, after the 'friendship restoration hangout' you had somehow dedicated yourself to covince the redhead that he is perfect for you- by of course leaving love letters in his shoe locker, your name proudly written in the envelope with an 5000 word essay about why he is perfect for you.
Istg, your timidness said 'bye-bye' and made room for your newly filled confidence.
Whenever Shiratorizawa had a match nor a practice match, you would scream all your love and support for both the team and the redhead while your friends tries to drag you out of the gym out of embarrassment.
"Istg Y/n shut up"
During class you would pass out notes to the boy and whenever the teacher caught you, you would explain to them that Its for your french class and they would let it go easily, just don't get caught frequently.
"L/n-san care to explain what are you doing with Tendou-kun?" 
"Its notes for French class, we have a quiz today" 
And finally after the two hectic years of you practically convincing Tendou that he's the perfect boyfriend and reasons why he shouldn't be scared to date someone for the first time, around his third year you saw him waiting by his shoe locker waiting for you to send out your 5000 word essay on why he is worth your love.
"Tendou-chan! Hey! Your early"
"Y/n-chan pls go out with me"
"I- wah-"
"Pls go out with me"
"*sobbing* OF COURSE BBY"
Ig 2 years of compliments and reassurance and of course, loyalty really does the trick
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