onlyrecycling · 2 years
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🔝♻️🇺🇸 We can help, be part of the solution, bring your plastic to us! #OnlyRecycling #Recycling #RRR #Environment #Eco #Ecology #Ecofriendly #SaveThePlanet #GoGreen #Sustainability #Sostenibility #SocialMedia #Miami #Florida #USA #Latinamerica #World (en Miami, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck1Mfj9unBr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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woodstarmilano · 9 months
Walnut Wood: The Natural Choice of WOODSTAR
Walnut wood is a precious material that perfectly aligns with the values of the WOODSTAR brand. It is a natural, sustainable, and versatile wood that can be used to create unique and durable objects that will last for generations.
WOODSTAR uses scrap walnut wood in the production of its products. This commitment to sustainability is in line with the brand's values, which are based on respect for the environment and the preservation of natural resources.
The beauty of walnut wood is reflected in the elegance and refinement of WOODSTAR products. Its intricate grain patterns and warm tones create a unique and eye-catching visual effect that gives WOODSTAR products a touch of class and distinction.
The strength of walnut wood translates into the quality and durability of WOODSTAR products. Products made from walnut wood are able to withstand mechanical stresses and the elements, ensuring a long and satisfying user experience.
The versatility of walnut wood allows WOODSTAR to create unique and personalized products. Walnut wood can be used to create a variety of objects, from jewelry to accessories, to furniture and home décor.
Walnut wood is a natural and sustainable material that perfectly aligns with WOODSTAR's commitment to environmental protection. The cultivation of walnut trees is a sustainable activity that can help protect forests and reduce environmental impact.
WOODSTAR is proud to use walnut wood in its products because it is a material that reflects the brand's values and can be appreciated by everyone.
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leparoledelmondo · 1 year
Barile di petrolio
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Un barile contiene circa 160 litri di petrolio, più o meno la quantità che ogni passeggero brucia per un viaggio entro i confini dell’Europa. Il petrolio diventa CO2, un gas invisibile e inodore. Ma in natura niente si distrugge. Una volta bruciato, il petrolio non è sparito né si è ridotto. Una tonnellata di petrolio diventa 2,3 tonnellate di CO2, quindi 160 litri diventano 350 chili di CO2.
“Buongiorno, come posso servirla?”
“Questo week end non abbiamo voglia di andare a Londra, ma perfavore mi dia due barili di petrolio. Vorremmo starcene a casa comodi e accendere un bel falò in giardino”.
Photo by Xarls R. on VisualHunt.com
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Creating a new colour palette for Air Europa based on sky and earth colours, to show the quality and excellence of our company having in count that we are the most sostenible airline and also to express our concern about the earth's health.
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laterrazzasorrento · 2 years
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L’autunno visto all’Oasi in Città a Sant’Agnello #paesaggio #postibelli #paesaggicampani #versosud #sorrento #sorrentocoast #costiera #costierasorrentina #familyexperiences #semplicità #familytime #sostenibilità #sostenibility #goodlife #oasiwwf #wwfitalia #santagnello #oasiincittà #colors #coloridellanatura #pianetaterra #fiori #piante #ecosistema #laterrazzafamilyholidays #casavacanze #vacationrental #santagnello #sorrentocoast (presso Oasi in Città - Sant'Agnello) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjVPGMQtajI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
'Children Are Not Mothers': What is at stake with Brazil bill that equates abortion after 22 weeks of pregnancy to homicide
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A bill signed by 32 deputies intends to equate any abortion performed in Brazil after 22 weeks of pregnancy with the crime of homicide.
The rule would even apply to cases in which the procedure is authorized by Brazilian legislation, such as pregnancy resulting from rape.
Bill 1904/2024, whose first author is congressman Sóstenes Cavalcante (Liberal Party - Rio de Janeiro), adds a few paragraphs to four articles of the Brazilian Penal Code, which was established in 1940.
Article 124 of the Civil Code, for example, already establishes as a crime "causing oneself to have an abortion or allowing someone else to do so."
But, according to the new proposal being discussed in the Chamber of Deputies, "when there is fetal viability, presumed in pregnancies over 22 weeks, the penalties will be applied in accordance with the crime of simple homicide."
On Wednesday night (June 12th, 2024), Brazil's Chamber of Deputies approved the urgency regime for processing the project, which was requested by congressman Eli Borges (LIberal Party - Tocantins) — who also signed the document.
This means that the proposal can be voted directly by the plenary of the Chamber, without the need for debates and opinions in thematic committees of Congress.
With this, the Plenary can vote on the project in the coming days. The urgent request was included on the agenda by the President of the Chamber, Arthur Lira (Progressive Party - Aladoas).
Victims of violence
Bill 1904/2024 intends to change some articles of the Penal Code, with the aim of preventing any abortion from occurring when the pregnancy exceeds 22 weeks.
Currently, Brazilian law allows abortion in three situations:
When the pregnancy is the result of rape;
If the pregnancy poses a risk to the woman’s life;
If the fetus is anencephalic, a condition characterized by the absence of the brain and skullcap.
In an article published on the website of the Brazilian Center for Health Studies (Cebes), doctor Ana Costa, executive director of the institution, classifies the bill as "a reissue of the 'Rapist Statute', which obliges women to become pregnant as a result of rape under penalty of imprisonment".
Cebes also highlights that late access to legal abortion "reflects inequality and inequity in health care, particularly impacting children (10-14 years old), poor women, black women, and those living in rural areas."
A group of 18 entities in the sector came together to create the "Children Are Not Mothers" campaign, which characterizes the changes proposed in the law as the "Child Pregnancy Bill".
According to the creators of the movement, the change in legislation will mainly harm children under 14 years of age, who represent the largest group that needs abortion services after the third trimester.
According to them, in this age group — in which any pregnancy is the result of presumed rape — it takes longer to discover or even identify a pregnancy.
Furthermore, in two thirds of cases, the perpetrator of the rape is from the girl's own family — which inhibits the victim from seeking health services or reporting the crime to authorities in the first weeks of pregnancy.
The campaign also highlights that the eventual change in the law will mean that those involved in abortion could be convicted of the crime of simple homicide, with a prison sentence of up to 20 years.
Meanwhile, the legislation establishes a sentence of around 10 years — or half the time — for the crime of rape.
According to the Brazilian Public Security Yearbook, 74,930 people were raped in Brazil in 2022. Of these, 88.7% of the victims were female and around 60% were at most 13 years old.
DataSUS reports that, in 2019, around 70 pregnancies were legally terminated in Brazilian children and adolescents under the age of 14.
The campaign warns that, if approved, the project "will force girls who are victims of violence to continue their pregnancy" and this will mean a setback "to the sexual and reproductive rights guaranteed by law since 1940."
What supporters of the bill say
The project being discussed in the Chamber argues that the Penal Code, established in 1940, does not establish this limit of 22 weeks because "a last-trimester abortion was an unthinkable reality [at that time] and, if it were possible, no one would call it an abortion, but homicide or infanticide".
The text of the project also argues that "to grant women the right to terminate pregnancy, regardless of gestational age, and whatever the weight of the unborn child, it was necessary to subvert the basic principles of the Rule of Law, the same ones that gave rise to to American Independence and modern democracy."
According to the deputies' proposal, people involved in an abortion after 22 weeks of gestation — such as the woman and the health professional — can be convicted of the crime of simple homicide.
Currently, sentences for simple homicide in Brazil range from 6 to 20 years in prison.
On social media, congressman Sóstenes Cavalcante wrote that Bill 1904 "aims to consider late-term abortion as homicide, reinforcing the protection of life from conception."
The project was filed on May 17th. That same day, the minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), Alexandre de Moraes, had suspended a resolution from the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) that prohibited the so-called fetal asystole.
This procedure, recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the stages of abortion resulting from rape in the last trimester of pregnancy, uses medications to stop the fetal heartbeat before it is removed from the uterus.
According to Moraes, the CFM resolution exceeded the regulatory competence of the council and imposed "both on the medical professional and the pregnant victim of rape a restriction of rights not provided for by law capable of creating concrete and significantly worrying embarrassments for women's health" .
The STF minister also recalled that Brazilian legislation does not stipulate any "circumstantial, procedural, or temporal" limitations for carrying out the abortion provided for by law.
Moraes's decision was preliminary and will be discussed in the future in the Supreme Court plenary. The CFM also appealed the minister's opinion.
Source, translated by the blogger.
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ya-no-la-quiero · 8 months
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ignorvnte · 7 months
El deseo mutuo de cuidarnos y sostenernos mutuamente.
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piensoenversos · 7 months
"...me atormenta tu amor que no me sirve de puente porque un puente no se sostiene de un solo lado..."
- Rayuela, Julio Cortázar
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worldbodybuilders · 1 year
Sóstenes Araújo
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onlyrecycling · 2 years
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♻️🌳✅ We contribute to the environment, our task, besides recycling, is to raise awareness to protect our planet from the over-production of materials. #OnlyRecycling #Recycling #RRR #Environment #Eco #Ecology #Ecofriendly #SaveThePlanet #GoGreen #Sostenibility #Sustainable #SocialMedia #Miami #Florida #USA #Latinamerica #World (en Miami, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClERb7ruc88/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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woodstarmilano · 9 months
Il legno di noce: la scelta naturale di WOODSTAR
Il legno di noce è un materiale pregiato che si sposa perfettamente con i valori del marchio WOODSTAR. È un legno naturale, sostenibile e versatile, che può essere utilizzato per creare oggetti unici e durevoli che dureranno per generazioni.
WOODSTAR utilizza parti dell'albero di noce di scarto per la produzione dei suoi prodotti. Questo impegno per la sostenibilità è in linea con i valori del marchio, che si basano sul rispetto per l'ambiente e la salvaguardia delle risorse naturali.
La bellezza del legno di noce si riflette nell'eleganza e nella raffinatezza dei prodotti WOODSTAR. Le sue venature intricate e i suoi toni caldi creano un effetto visivo unico e affascinante, che dona ai prodotti WOODSTAR un tocco di classe e distinzione.
La resistenza del legno di noce si traduce nella qualità e nella durabilità dei prodotti WOODSTAR. I prodotti realizzati in legno di noce sono in grado di resistere alle sollecitazioni meccaniche e alle intemperie, garantendo un'esperienza di utilizzo lunga e soddisfacente.
La versatilità del legno di noce permette a WOODSTAR di creare prodotti unici e personalizzati. Il legno di noce può essere utilizzato per realizzare una varietà di oggetti, dai gioielli agli accessori, fino ai mobili e agli oggetti di arredamento.
Il legno di noce è un materiale naturale e sostenibile che si sposa perfettamente con l'impegno di WOODSTAR per la salvaguardia dell'ambiente. La coltivazione di alberi di noce è un'attività sostenibile che può contribuire a proteggere le foreste e a ridurre l'impatto ambientale.
WOODSTAR è orgogliosa di utilizzare il legno di noce nei suoi prodotti, perché è un materiale che riflette i valori del marchio e che può essere apprezzato da tutti.
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leparoledelmondo · 2 years
Carbon free
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Anche per quest’anno le emissioni di CO2 in Italia sono destinate ad aumentare dell’1,6%, come conseguenza della ripresa della mobilità e delle attività economiche e in relazione all’aumento del Pil previsto. In particolare, le emissioni aumenteranno nel campo della produzione di energia (+4,6%), e nel settore dei trasporti (+6,3%), mentre per l’industria si stima una riduzione dell’1,6% a causa del minor uso di combustibili solidi e gas. 
Rispetto al 1990, le emissioni sono diminuite del 19% circa ma gli obiettivi legati all’European Green Deal prevedono una riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra del 55% nel 2030. Obiettivo difficilmente raggiungibile. 
Il contributo alla decarbonizzazione che l’Italia potrà mettere in campo è un risparmio di circa 44 milioni di tonnellate di CO2, più o meno il 25% del dovuto. Così possiamo dimenticarci di raggiungere un altro obiettivo: la piena neutralità carbonica entro il 2050.
Per decarbonizzare si deve agire innanzitutto sulle fonti di energia (mobilità elettrica, rinnovabili, gas naturale), e anche sull’efficienza nell'utilizzo dell’energia. Cioè ridurre al massimo le perdite e le inefficienze dei processi produttivi, siano essi il riscaldamento di un immobile, la copertura di una distanza con un veicolo o la produzione di acciaio, cemento, carta e tessuti. 
Fonti: Ispra e Zero Carbon Policy Agenda del Politecnico di Milano
Photo: https://etsy.me/3heDLrl
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malaparalosusername · 3 months
Pensé que había aprendido a amar la soledad. Que estaba bien con quién soy. Y hoy me duele el corazón, dándome cuenta lo vacia que estoy
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taquitosdeamor · 1 year
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Oyasumi Punpun vol. 5
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"Hogar" no es donde uno crece, ni duerme, ni vive. "Hogar" es donde uno quiere echar raíces, envejecer y morir. Puede ser un lugar o las manos de alguien que te sujeten.
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