thefandomchaos · 7 months
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Y’all say Jared Padalecki isn’t talented? This are all different characters-
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Hey remember when Sam Winchester lost his soul for a bit and he was like hella sassy, kinda rude, snapped easily, and horny as fuck?
I do be feelin just like that during this quarantine...
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lmrourke · 6 years
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Newest Funko Pop creation-Death giving Sam Winchester back his soul in Supernatural Season 6 Ep. 11 "Apointment in Samarra" This is my first lighted Custom Funk Pop with base. I'm pretty pleased how he turned out.😁 #supernatural #season6 #death #julianrichings #soul #soulesssam #appointmentinsamarra #customfunkopop #funkopopvinyl #funko #funkopopcustom #ledlights #funkopop
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legaciesspnvr-blog · 7 years
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Dean Winchester: Nipples? #youfightthosefairies #fairies #fairiesarereal #supernatural #spnfandom #superwholock #soulesssam #spnseason6 #deanwinchester #samwinchester #microwave #alienabduction #alien #notreally #leprechaun #sugarcounting #smallteacups #elwoodindiana #cropcircle #cornmaze #cornfield #hilarious #lol
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clonewifey49 · 8 years
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To Hell and Back (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/93DZg4DXnA
It’s been a year since Sam fell into hell with Lucifer, and Dean has been barley passing by. Along with the older Winchester, Sam’s old girlfriend Jen has been taking it the hardest trying to come to terms with his apparent demise, running off to handle her grief. But it turns out her grief has come to its end as Sam comes back from perdition. H…
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kittennovak · 5 years
Let’s Play A Game
It’s the night of the season premiere and while everyone is either bawling, cawing, or praising the boys [who will always be ‘the boys’ FIGHT ME]…I thought we’d discuss all the reasons why we came to be this Supernatural Family!
I was tagged by: no one. I saw it and wanted to play
Please create your own post, don’t clog up the dash!
Answer me any of the following:
What’s your favorite season and why? 1-5? No, really, if I had to pick a specific one, I’d probably say season 1. To me it’s what the core of the show is: brothers bonding and fighting monsters. It was the “scariest” season by far in my opinion.
Least favorite episode and why? The first one that really popped in my mind with this question was Time Is On My Side, I just couldn’t get into it for some reason
The moment, scene, line of dialogue that hooked you and you kept coming back? I don’t think there was anything specific. Except maybe the music lol. I actually didn’t care for the series when it was first introduced to me (but that’s probably because it was recommended by my douche bag ex). I think it was the episode Scarecrow where I started looking up from my Kindle more often to check out what was going on while my hubby was watching it. And I think Provenance was where I really started paying attention to what was happening on screen, rather than reading. 
The moment you thought, “finally!” When Chuck was revealed to be God. I knew that was coming.
The scene that made you scream, “oh for Chuck’s fuck’s sake!” Any Ghostfacer episode, those guys are a bunch of dweebs
The character you relate to the most and why? Charlie! Basically because I’m just as geeky as she is
The one character you’d wish they’d bring back? Crowley
The character you love to hate? Ketch
That scene you hate to love? Dean becoming a demon. I hate that the Mark did that to him, but I have to admit he’s pretty bad ass as a demon
Do you think this season will end in a blaze of glory? I hope like hell it does. I want the boys going out fantastically, then reunite with Mom and Dad in Heaven (my theory on the ending at least)
Your favorite nickname for Sam or Dean? Moose and Squirrel, I guess? I haven’t really heard any other nicknames for them
If you could put yourself in any character’s shoes whose? Charlie, because, again, I feel like we have a ton in common
The death you’ll never get over? Crowley =( I cry every time
The resurrection you’ll always appreciate? Sam getting his soul back. Maybe it’s not a typical resurrection, but I can’t stand SoulessSam
One thing you’ll take away from the show after 15 years? “Family don’t end with blood”; family is what you make it. 
Tagging: @seljepw and @lucifer-in-leather for sure, but anyone else who sees this and is a Supernatural fan
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spntvdhunger · 6 years
Lost Souls 2: Dean Winchester
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Summary: Dean Winchester had been in Y/N for as long as she can remember, her dad and John were friends and frequent hunter buddies and she got used to hang out with the Winchester boys. While they grew up, Y/N slowly developed a crush for the older brother… But Dean Winchester broke her heart, not only once, but three times; the first time when she was fifteen, then when she turned twenty-one and later when she was twenty-three. That night she promised herself that not only she will keep Dean away from her heart, but she will make him feel the same pain she felt. That was the plan, but will Y/N be capable of keeping her promise or she will fall in love again?
Warnings: Implied smut, cursing… Lots of angst GIF NOT MINE CREDIT TO OWNER/CREATOR
Characters: Dean Winchester, Young!Dean, SoulessSam Winchester, Young! Sam, John Winchester, Castiel, Bobby Singer, OC! Rixon Carter, Female! Reader.
Chapters: 8-10 chapters. Chapter one
A/N:  All  mistakes are mine, feedback is appreciated. Please let me now if you want to be tagged! Italics are flashbacks.
Tags: @shut-ur-face-and-get-in-the-car​ @theashofwkm​  @strawberryjuiceboxxx DEAN’S TAGS: @belparons @hufflepuff4everandeverandev-blog​ @justalwaystired​ @sisterwinchesterwriter​ Lost Souls tags: @choosemyname​ @bobasheebabyficlibrary​  @missnvncy @smalltowndivaj​ @tatertot1097​
Y/N had to take a few minutes to let all that information sink in… She knew something happened the last year, she saw the craziness with her own eyes, but she never thought it was because of the apocalypse. She somehow felt hurt again, that they didn’t call her for help back then… “We didn’t want to drag you into a fight that wasn’t yours.” Dean explained to her. Of course, the fucking world was ending, and it was only Winchester’s business.
“So… Sam held Lucifer and then went to hell.” She resumed, Dean swallowed. “Then…Somehow, he is back, but without his soul.” She knew weird, hell she was weird but that… That was something that her mind couldn’t imagine. “And he’s been like that for a year now?” Both men nodded. “And what the hell you were doing that you didn’t know your brother was back?” She spat. She cared of Sam Winchester, and she was surprised, to say the least, that his own brother was doing something until now. Dean’s mouth opened, pain reflected in his eyes.
“I… I got out.” He admitted. “I was with somebody.” She hated herself for feeling something in her guts when his words filled her ears. Dean Winchester didn’t care of her, one more time life was showing her that and yet, she managed to feel something for him.
Suddenly a sound interrupted them, someone knocking at the door. The three hunters exchanged weirded looks. “You were waiting for somebody?” Dean asked Bobby and he shook his head. There was the knock again and Y/N was the first to stood up, taking her gun out. Another knock. She opened the door and…
“Sam…” She gasped. It was like looking him through a mirror, a reflection of the boy she once knew. The last time she saw him, he was twenty-one, a very thin and tall guy but now his shoulders were bigger, his hair was longer, and his eyes were darker. “Y/N?”  She wanted to hug him so bad, even though it wasn’t the Sam she missed. “Well… If you are here it means my brother told you, didn’t he?” Sam looked away and entered the house, giving a look to his brother and his adoptive father.
“What are you doing here?” Dean growled. “Relax, I just need something… Bobby, I’m hunting a banshee, I believe you have something I can use to kill her.” The man nodded. “Perfect, I’m gonna need it.” Bobby rolled his eyes and left the room followed by Sam.
“We definitely need to get his soul back… That guy is creepy.” She said to Dean, taking a sip of her liquor.  “Why don’t you call your angel friend?” Dean looked at her and felt a little relieved, now he wasn’t the target of her rage. “Castiel? Nah… He is not answering. You see why I had to call you.”
“Yeah… But I don’t even know where to… Wait a minute, I think I have an idea.” She stopped her words as Sam and Bobby appeared back. “Y/N don’t listen to my brother, I’m hunting better than ever. I think you could go back hating him now.” Sam said, with a creepy ass smile in his face. “Or do whatever you want, I don’t really care… And thanks for the knife, Bobby.” He waved him. “Whatever.” And as fast as he came, he left.
“You were saying?” The older Winchester said, Y/N eyes going back at him. “Ugh… Well, it’s kinda stupid but it may work.”
Two hours later Y/N was in Baby’s seat again. Her plan was running, no time to waste. It was weird, being in the same space as Dean Winchester again, even if Bobby Singer was with them at the back seat. “Y/N…” Dean started, lowering his voice. “Look… I know you hate me and I know that I deserve It but…”
“Don’t” She interrupted him. “I’m doing this for Sam. Whatever happened between us don’t matter know.” He agreed, his green eyes going back at the road while a little smirk made it way to his face. Why he was smiling? He asked himself when he felt his heart filling, he only felt that when Y/N was around, not even Lisa had that effect on him and now he realized that.
Meanwhile Y/N tried to think in anything but Dean, but just by seeing his smile she remembered old feelings. Like when she was fifteen and she saw Dean with other eyes… That mysterious vibe around him, and how he changed when she was around. She knew he was attractive, but she didn’t know how much until that night.
That seventeen-year-old Dean Winchester, mocking around with his brother, while Y/N was staring at him. The three of them were left alone by John and Rixon. “A very dangerous hunt.” They said, and decided it was a good idea to leave two and a half teenagers in Y/N’s small house.
“Hey Y/N, coming or what? Or are you afraid your boyfriend will come and see us?” Dean yelled. Y/N frowned, that didn’t make sense at all. She shook her head and walked down the porch to get closer to the boys. “You are incredibly dumb, you know?” He smiled, his perfect white teeth showing up. “And I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“Why not? You are not a popular girl in that little high school of yours?” She rolled her eyes, she was anything but the popular girl. Even though she and her father had a house they were barely there, always living on the road, jumping from school to school. “Oh, and you for sure are popular with girls.” She said back. But well, it was friggin Dean Winchester, he was extremely hot, and she was sure that if she could see that, others could see it too. Slim but fit, a smile that would light an entire room, two pair of green eyes brighter than emeralds.
“Yeah, where? In bars? Dad don’t let him go…” Little Sam step closer, making fun of his brother. “Girls think he’s a creep.” The older brother looked down at Sam, piercing through his soul, making Y/N laugh. “Yeah, thanks, Sammy.”
It was almost midnight, Y/N with a bottle of beer on her hand, sitting at the porch simply watching the stars when Dean found her. “What are you doing?” He asked, pointing the bottle. “You are not supposed to drink that you know?” She looked at him and smiled. “Dean c’mon my father is not here.” He got closer and took the beer off her hand, but he took a sip too. For a single second Y/N fantasized about his lips being in the same place hers touched. “How is that you don’t have any boyfriend?”
“What?” She let out a nervous laugh. What she didn’t know and probably never did was that something happened to Dean, the same way it happened to her. The way Dean looked at her changed, she was no longer that little awkward girl that could kill a vampire by her own. Her body was changing, the same way his did and she moved as a woman, making his eyes roam all over her body. “You have pretty eyes, you know?” He said, softly, giving her back the beer.
“Dean, I think you are drunk…” He could be seventeen, but he could drink the same as a grown man. “Well, at least tell me you’ve been kissed.” She frowned and laughed again. “Yeah, why? You haven’t?” She didn’t notice, but Dean was so close he could smell the beer in her breath. “Nothing worth remembering…” He purred. And before any of them could know what has happening, their lips found each other, needy hands touching each other.
“Dean…” She sighed. “Have you done before?” His lips left her neck and kissed hers once more. “No… But I want to do it with you.” She took his face in her hands while she smiled. “Me too.”
That night they lose their virginity to each other, even though it was his first time, it made her feel loved, in a way that no one else had ever done before and a way no one else would. She asked herself multiple times how somebody as Dean was virgin, and why he decided to lose his virginity with her… A question that will hunt her for years.
In her still innocent mind, she thought that something changed between Dean and her, that was the beginning of a cheesy love story. But the very next day he made it clear. While they were in an arcade with Sammy, Dean suddenly disappeared, and Y/N left Sam playing a videogame to look for him.
She ended up in the restrooms, the door slightly open. She peered inside and what she saw broke her heart for the first time. A redhaired girl sitting on the sink, her skirt pulled up, her mouth opened, and her eyes closed while Dean’s lips kissed her neck the same way he did to Y/N the night before. Y/N heard his belt flying opened and she ran away, tears falling down her face.
Of course, Dean Winchester only used her just to have sex, so he could do it whenever he wanted. He used her, he didn’t care about her.
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Y/N looked her reflection in the window. Yeah, being around of Dean Winchester wasn’t being easy, already making her remember of everything he did to her. She looked at him once more. He was a man and he was, undeniably handsome. And something came to her mind, something mean… Maybe.
If Dean used her before, she could use him too. Yeah, saving Sam Winchester was her priority but if she could break Dean’s heart in the process she will do it. She wasn’t the same fifteen-year-old that believed his lies, she was different, and she would make him feel the same she felt.
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Supernatural and Cry should be the new Netflix and Chill except you cuddle up against each other and cry your hearts out until you’re soulless.
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lox-hello1 · 9 years
Idk why all girls of SPN fandom says that souless Sam is hot. I think it´s a dick omg
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val-cisn-112 · 9 years
#deanmon #winchester #SPN #dean #soulesssam #squirrel #moose #wings #sam #castiel #season11 #supernatural "souless sam X demon dean 💸💸"
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all--things · 10 years
Does anyone else think that Souless!Sam was freaking sexy. Like oh my gosh asdfghjkl
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