#sounds like dmitri
ranexpositioning · 7 months
A review said they didn't like how Xie Lian sort of immediately fell in love with Hua Cheng. Because "there's no basis". Which is, I'm sorry, rather stupid?
Because does anyone really think about basis before getting a new crush? Does anyone get introduced to someone and immediately start thinking about their qualities before deciding to get a crush?
"Hm. Nice hands, sounds smart. Sounds like enough basis to get a crush. I've made a conscious decision to like you. Please sign here. I am now attracted to you, thank you."
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myewt · 9 months
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Playing games at 1am with your girlfriend (Olya hasn’t come back yet)
What are they playing???????? Doesn't matter, pretty sure they suck anyways
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izloveshorses · 9 months
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anya + flinching at loud noises and sudden movements (vs dmitry noticing, adjusting his behavior, and becoming a source of comfort)
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ratatatastic · 3 months
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the dmen portion of the lockerroom is superior
edmonton oilers @ florida panthers game 2 | 6.10.24
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calmthefrontdoor · 5 months
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What if Everyone Had a Normal Job and Just Played D&D Together on the Weekends AU
Hera is the panicked DM
Kepler (Aasimar Oath of Conquest Paladin) and Jacobi (Halfling Artillerist Artificer) are having a macho pissing contest
Maxwell (Elven School of Enchantment Wizard) and Lovelace (Tiefling Mastermind Rogue) are actually strategizing and putting a plan together
Hilbert (Lizardfolk Knowledge Domain Cleric) and Eiffel (College of Eloquence Bard) are having a rules debate that will be absolutely meaningless in 2 turns
and Minkowski (Dwarven Battlemaster Fighter) is not so patiently waiting for her turn
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karamazovposting · 5 months
Okay so there's a post in my drafts about how some TBK characters could sound like based on the brief descriptions of their voices and/or speech patterns that are given in the book and honestly I don't think I'll ever post it but I want it to be known that said post was prompted by the funniest realization Saint Paul on the road to Damascus style I've ever had.
I'm one of those people who have an inner monologue, which also means everything I read I read in my own voice, and I was going over Rakitin's lines and damn, my voice fits him incredibly well. Since his voice is briefly described as deep and booming when talking to Grushenka at her place (which is how my realization came to be as sometimes I am bitchy like that with my friends, sue me) yeah, my deep ass bass-baritone voice is a close match, so in my mind Rakitin sounds like me and it's the funniest thing ever since his personality and my own couldn't be more different.
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It’s actually very fitting that Fred Hechinger is playing Dmitri Smerdyakov (aka The Chameleon) in Kraven the Hunter because he is in fact a real life chameleon. What the fuck do you mean these are all the same person?!?
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Starting the Fred Hechinger for Best Supporting Actor at the 97th Academy Awards campaign!!
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viiinz · 1 year
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I'm obsessed with her
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loathsome-sickness · 1 month
do you think the current state of discourse is ready to hear about false accusation ocd or will we all just get accused if we open our mouths about it lmao
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t4tdanvis · 11 months
My Gene is evil in the way where his moral compass is all the fuck over the place and it causes him immense confusion. Torturing/murdering people to turn them into shadow knights? Woohoo! Kidnapping a baby for the shadow lord? Okay! Slaughtering rebel knights? Hell yeah!!
Kidnapping his nephew to use him as bait for Laurence? W..wooho- why isn’t he feeling all devious and evil all of a sudden. Give him a minute, he needs to go torture some guys to feel normal again.
his moral compass is so fucked even he doesnt know whats right and wrong anymore
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artimidas · 2 years
My Obligatory Spotify Wrapped
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shrekyaoi · 2 months
Would zverev have actually gone through with having Yuri kill and replace Makarov in the program? I imagine it would be very awkward for everyone involved. For Zverev to explain to Yuri's mother and cousin, for Zverev and Yuri, for Yuri and his former coworkers. Man if I got promoted to non human and my former coworkers were now my captors and I had to let one ride on my back id be pissed. Like imagine being Zverev and having to write back to Yuri's mom that yeah I turned your son into a dog. He's in a cage now.
the joy of it is that you need to put yourself into their mentalities, not just the scenarios. i never go into full depth of how much zverev knew makarov before, either, and he forced that guy to be a dog for almost a decade. imagine you have distrust sewn into you as a rule and loyalty stitched right onto the back; imagine you know you need to have a damn good reason to keep your position. imagine if this shithead nephew of yours who had already been sent to prison for what amounts to treason decided to, after you already stuck your neck out for him (in zverev’s head), went “okay i am going to ask this bonkers thing of you with the expectation that you will say yes.” then he invokes your fucking sister? jesus christ, man. here is another thing—how many people aside from the two of you would know if yuri was force shifted and made to take makarov’s place? the people that get his file, sure, but who else? people do also disappear not infrequently, too. that’s just how it goes. zverev wouldn’t even need to look at this asshole again if he didn’t want to. if this sounds unbelievably ruthless to you, imagine being makarov and putting yuri in this position in the first place. there’s a whole lot of cards on the table, but blood relation does not rule out winning
and besides, why would zverev bother to tell his sister to begin with?
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nopanamaman · 6 months
How do mutants in the Facility live?
Patreon Loredump. August 2023
One of the most frequent types of questions I get are about life in the Facility. So it seems like a good topic to start my loredumping series with! 
Apologies in advance for all the photo examples, I hope they work fine for getting the vibes across.
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The facility dome is visible in the distance.
The facility in general – or, as it’s officially known, the Zh. I. Alferov National Institute of Anomalous Research – is a large structure located on the border of the Zone. Its most notable feature is the massive dome surrounded by an outside wall.
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The wall. In real life, the famous building of НИЦЭВТ.
The latter is a building in itself, containing offices, lecture halls, resting and dining quarters for researchers, as well as minor labs. All entrances are supervised, though not totally closed off to the public. Excursions, official meetings, TV reports – all of those happen within the wall.
But you will not find any mutants here. As you may have already guessed, all the major laboratories, anomalous artefacts, and, of course, mutants are housed in the dome. The entrances to the dome are monitored and equipped with anomaly scanners, allowing only authorised personnel and mutants to travel between its sectors.
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Mutants cannot traverse the facility unsupervised.
What is the mutant classification system?
Depending on their anomalous characteristics, cooperability and method of containment, mutants are sorted into types and numbered groups. Individual mutant numbers usually look like XT000-000.
Let’s use Dmitry as an example.
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Dima’s serial number is DT001-319.
The type constitutes the first part of the mutant’s number. Dima’s mutation is Directional Type, hence the letters DT at the start (for the record, KT stands for Kernel Type).
Next we have the 00X number. Mutants are assigned a 001, 002, 003 or 004 class depending on the potency and containability of their mutation – kinda like SCPs, yeah. Dima has a very powerful mutation he has good control over, plus he is sound of mind, making him suitable for 001 containment.
The last three digits are the overall number of the mutant within their type. So if Dima’s are 319, the facility has had 318 directional-type mutants on record prior to his arrival. This does not mean they were as powerful or had the same level of control over their telekinesis, just that they possessed a similar mutation to some extent.
How do different mutant classes live?
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001 quarters example. Not too different from a hospital or sanatorium
Subjects ranked as 001 are extremely powerful, have good control over their powers and are, most importantly, docile. Since their mutations are very potent and difficult to forcefully contain, the go-to approach is making them not want to leave.
001s spend most (if not all) of their conscious lives surrounded by doctors. The latter foster a particular mindset in their subjects, where the world outside is presented as a place that is unanimously hostile to mutants. This is done by means of propaganda, reminders about their family’s supposed mistreatment and, in case a mutant has some favourable recollections of their childhood, gaslighting. Additionally, subjects are never left alone with each other.
001s get very luxurious treatment by facility's standards, with much bigger, more comfortable rooms than other mutant types. They're even allowed to have gaming consoles, TVs with VHS and video players, and their own bookshelves. Each mutant has their own separate room, which is kept under constant camera surveillance with the toilet being the only blind spot.
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Special folders are issued to 001s before experiments with lower-ranked mutants.
Experiments held on 001s are relatively humane so as not to discourage them from staying at the facility. They do undergo daily checkups mostly designed to monitor their mental state. 001s are also active participants in experimentation on lower-ranked mutants, who they are taught and encouraged to treat as lesser beings.
001s are a high-risk investment, so their numbers are far smaller than those of 002 and 003-class mutants. Additionally, because of the potential danger they present, the institute is quick to dispose of 001 subjects by either termination or reclassification to 004. Though, if a 001 manages to stay cooperative long-term, they can become a very valuable asset for the facility.
002 and 003
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002 and 003 quarters example. Though, they’re typically not as well-kept
002 and 003 mutant classes can be grouped together, since their treatment is largely the same. Both of these types’ mutations are easy to forcibly contain. The difference is their danger levels. 003s require close monitoring to not be harmful to others, while 002s are borderline harmless. Both types are characterised by general cooperability.
002s live in wards for 2 to 4 people, while 003s are more commonly placed in single-person wards to prevent accidents. A standard room includes a bed, a desk and a small bathroom (multiple beds and two desks in bigger wards).
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KT got to take a dinosaur plushie to her room for good behaviour.
Mutants are allowed to borrow books from the library, as well as get drawing and writing materials. If they behave well, they can get a toy or even be lent a handheld console for a few days. 
002s and 003s have breakfasts, lunches and dinners together, and can spend some time in the playroom with other mutants (that’s also where they can play computer games and watch TV) – all under very strict surveillance, of course.
In some ways, their treatment is much less cruel than that of the elite 001 subjects.
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KT before the DT experiment.
Though, not when it comes to experiments. 002s and 003s are very common, and are thus treated as disposable material in a scientific sense. The people holding experiments on them are a lot less concerned with minimising the subject’s pain or discomfort. Consequently, it’s not uncommon for mutants of these classes to sustain serious injuries or die as a result of experimentation.
That said, 002s have the highest likelihood of getting released from the facility, given they meet the conditions for it (more on that below).
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004 quarters example. Basically a prison bunker
004 is a special category reserved for powerful mutants that refuse or physically cannot cooperate. This number can also be issued as a temporary or permanent punishment to misbehaving mutants. The 004 quarters are located underground and have the highest level of security, acting as a sort of bunker for the most dangerous subjects the facility has.
004 rooms are even more barebones than those of 002 and 003s. They have no access to entertainment (unless it is somehow required to contain their mutation) and cannot leave their room under any circumstances. They are more weapons than test subjects.
Do mutants receive education?
All mutants from class 003 and above receive basic education, learning to read, write and count. They additionally get curated history and sociology lessons. Some mutants, namely 001s, attend mandatory classes in certain disciplines to better apply their mutation. For example, Dmitry studied anatomy to know the precise positioning of internal organs.
Mutants are also free to study whatever sciences interest them in their free time by asking for educational materials at the library. Needless to say, most kids aren’t too interested in that, and are very uneducated compared to their outside peers.
Is there censorship in the facility?
All the media mutants are exposed to at the facility is strictly controlled.
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6 y.o. Dima and his politically correct PSP.
The only movies, cartoons, comics, books and games allowed are those that either don't feature the Zone or mutants at all, those that show the discrimination mutants face outside, or those that are very obvious anti-mutant propaganda.
In essence, there are no positive depictions of human-to-mutant interaction, aside from ones between mutants and noble scientists. And, of course, nothing that goes against the general government ideology.
Can mutants be released from the facility?
It is generally assumed that mutants that go into the dome do not come out.
While they are largely dehumanised, the facility is still publicly presented as a sort of scientific sanatorium and hospice for those that cannot safely exist in society. Releasing mutants that know the truth behind the institute’s experiments into the wild is simply of no benefit to the government. So the majority are terminated once their scientific potential is exhausted or if they become too expensive to contain. As a result, few mutants live to adulthood.
Though, there are exceptions to the rule. Occasionally, mutants deemed non-hazardous can be released back into society. This is applicable to mutants that have not experienced significant mistreatment from the facility, lack the ability to talk about their experiences and optimally have been brainwashed by an appropriate 001 subject.
Have other mutants before DT and KT ever escaped?
The funny thing is, escapes aren’t a particularly rare occurrence.
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Dmitry and Katya’s escape in KT’s Official Guide to Coolness.
Despite getting a lot of funding, the facility itself is very disorganised. Most of the money is blatantly pocketed by the higher-ups, so a lot of its structures and equipment are subpar – this includes its outdated safety systems. To top it all off, the security staff isn’t especially well-paid, so their diligence is highly questionable.
With all that piling up, there are around 3 cases of low-level escapes every year. Because of tight budgets and plenty of work to do as is, these escapes are generally brushed under the rug. The institute still keeps tabs on the escapees in case they happen to show up on the radar, but it rarely organises active searches or alerts the public for that matter.
DT and KT’s escape stood out because it was anything but low-level, and pretty bombastic at that. But even that didn’t warrant a public announcement for fear of panic and reputational damage. So if you’re an 003 mutant looking for an opportunity to sneak out… Hell, man, just go for it.
That’s about all I can say about mutants’ life in the research centre, scratch some small factoids here and there. I tried to answer the most common questions regarding the topic, so I hope your curiosity was satisfied!
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Dmitri Hayes, Master of Nature. He's just a silly guy. A goofball, even.
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andvys · 9 months
I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss | part 25
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Warnings: angst, mentions of heartbreak, mentions of unrequited love. love triangle. not proofread
Pairings: Steve Harrington x fem!reader | Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Summary: As the summer is starting to come to an end, you begin to understand your feelings a little more. While Steve and Eddie struggle with their own.
Word count: 4.8k
A/N: So, I know I said that this would be the birthday chapter but I decided to split it! Do the angst first and give you the fluff later. I'd need much more time to finish it and I really wanted to give you guys something, so here ya go, enjoy it. Next chapter is gonna be silly, it’s gonna be fun (after a little angst in the beginning hehe)
Also for those who forgot who Dmitri is, it’s ‘Enzo’ from season 4.
oh and also, listen to this one while you read this chapter :')
series masterlist
The strong smell of oil lingers in the air, loud noises fill the large hall, laughter and chatter from the break room, the music from the radio at the front desk, yet none of the sounds manage to distract Eddie from the storm that is taking place in his mind. 
Your words keep repeating themselves over and over again. 
I wish I met you first, Eddie. 
That night, he laid next to you and watched you sleep, thinking about your words, over and over again. He could not make sense of them. 
What does it mean? 
He could not even ask you what it meant, after you had said it, he was too shocked to even say anything, at that moment. He could only stare at you, his heart racing, his eyes wide as he watched you stare at his lips. His first instinct was to swoon over these few simple words, over the way you had looked at him, over the way you had showed up at his place because you missed him, over the way you rather wanted to be with him than at a party or somewhere else. 
I wish I met you first, Eddie. 
Does that mean that you would’ve been with him if you met him first? 
Does that mean that he would’ve been the one for you? 
Does that mean that you could’ve fallen for him instead? 
That he could’ve had a chance?
In some way, you must feel something for him. It’s something that he never fully allowed himself to question, if you have feelings for him or not, he can’t get his hopes up, not when it comes to you. You are too perfect, too out of reach. You love Steve, you still love Steve, he knows it. Yet, your words made him question everything. Your friendship, the intimacy, the lingering touches, the stolen glances, your affection. But, that is all something that has been there from the start. It has always been so natural for you to be so close with him. It’s not something new, it might not even be anything special to you. Eddie might not be anything special to you, not the way Steve is, at least. 
He could’ve been the one for you if it wasn’t for Steve. 
He could’ve been. 
You could’ve loved him. You could’ve. 
“What’s with that long face?” Dmitri asks, his voice thick with the russian accent that everyone keeps teasing him for. With a slap on Eddie’s shoulder, he snaps him out of his thoughts, “pass me the screwdriver, boy.”
Eddie nods, not answering the question. He reaches for the tool, he hands it to the older man. Dmitri looks curious as he eyes the expression on his face but Eddie knows that he won’t ask. He’ll wait for him to speak up himself. But, that is something that Eddie usually never does. He’s never one to talk about his feelings, to ask for help or even advice, until now. 
“Can I ask you something?” 
“Sure,” Dmitri mumbles, pulling away from the chevy, he flips the tool in his hand, leaning against the truck.
As Eddie thinks about the question that has been lingering in his mind, all weekend, he suddenly feels stupid. No answer will be one that he wants to hear. 
“Forget it,” Eddie mumbles.
Dmitri raises his brows. 
“Spit it out, come on.”
Eddie sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. He hates this. He hates talking about his feelings, but he needs to. 
“There’s uh, there’s this girl.” 
“Ah, I knew it,” he chuckles. “It’s always about some girl when someone mops around all day and looks like this.”
Eddie rolls his eyes. 
“She’s not some girl, she’s my best friend.”
“And you have feelings for her,” he says, stating the obvious. 
Eddie licks his lips, he had never admitted it to anyone before, he had only admitted it to himself. He looks at him and nods weakly, afraid to say these words out loud. 
“Yeah, but uh, she’s still in love with her ex boyfriend, who she’s friends with again,” he rolls his eyes. “Last Friday, she came to me, drunk and high and telling me how much she missed me and then she said something that’s been messing with my mind all fucking weekend!” 
Eddie isn’t sure why he is telling him all that. Dmitri is friends with Wayne, a colleague and not even someone he’d consider a friend. But, maybe that’s what he needs, to talk to someone who is not a friend. 
He considered talking to Robin but, knowing her, she’d only pick Steve’s side again and tell Eddie to take a step back. 
Then, there is Gareth, who would only tease him about his crush on you and not be of any help. 
Jeff would only give him false hope and encourage him to make a move on you, that is something that could potentially ruin your friendship, and that is something that is way too important to him. Chrissy would do just the same. The girl who had been snappy with him at first, won’t stop teasing him about his crush on you now. 
Then there is Heather. He is scared of Heather. 
“She told me that she wished that she met me first. What does it even mean? That we could’ve been something if we met first?” He asks, throwing his hands up as he voices his questions out loud for the first time. “We can’t be anything now because she’s already in love with him? Because she could never love me after loving him?” Eddie buries his hands in his curls, huffing. “Jesus Christ, I made peace with the fact I can never have her but fuck, she goes and says this.”
“You are way too negative, boy. Has anyone ever told you that? Who says that you can’t have her?” 
“I’m not negative, I’m just seeing things the way they are.” 
Dmitri shakes his head, scrunching his face up in disapproval. 
“No, you are seeing things the way you want to see them because you refuse to believe that she could ever love you,” he says, pointing at him with the screwdriver. “You see her words negatively without even knowing what she actually meant.”
Eddie shakes his head, stubbornly. 
“Tell me,” Dmitri sighs. “That guy, her ex boyfriend, did he break her heart?” 
“Fucking crushed it,” Eddie frowns. “He left her for another girl. She was – she was so heartbroken, I think she still is.”
He nods, “alright, well, she went through heartbreak and a lot of hurt. But, now she has you. Maybe, she loves you, maybe she is even in love with you but she’s scared just like you are. She’s scared of losing you as a friend, of getting her heart broken again, the trust isn’t there anymore after she’s been left for someone else. Maybe she wants to be with you but she is struggling. If she met you first, she would’ve never been with him, in the first place, she wouldn’t have gotten her heart broken, she would’ve loved you fearlessly and you would’ve loved her too, you wouldn’t have left her for someone else, would you?” 
No, Eddie would never do this to you. Eddie would rather get his heart broken than be the one to break yours. 
“See, things could’ve been so simple if she met you first, that’s what she was trying to say. But now, she has all these fears and all these trust issues and probably thinks she isn’t good enough – just what you are dealing with too, Eddie. I don’t know your girl but I’m sure she’s worth fighting for. And, from what Wayne told me about you two, you seem to make each other happy.” 
Eddie’s eyes widen, he is stunned. 
Wayne talks about the two of you? 
He doesn’t know how to feel about Dmitri’s words, knowing that they might hold more false hope than the actual truth for him. 
But, Eddie knows, he feels that there is something. And yet, even if, your feelings for Steve will always be stronger. 
“But she still loves him.”
“Was he her first love?” 
“Ah,” he nods. “Well, you know what? First love is always gonna be something special. I would know.”
Eddie raises his brows at him. 
“I used to be married.” 
Eddie’s head snaps up, he looks at him in surprise, “wait, really? I never knew.”
Dmitri chuckles, shrugging, “well, it’s not important anymore.”
“Why aren’t you together anymore?” 
Dmitri sighs, he places the tool back on the table, reaching for the hanky in his pocket, he looks down at his oil stained hands and begins to clean them.
“Things just didn’t work out. She met someone else, fell in love and uh our marriage was just history.” 
“Oh,” Eddie frowns. 
“Yeah, and you know what? I hated her for a while, she hurt me. But I let go, I moved on and I accepted that I will always love her, despite how much I hated her for the first few months after she left. You can’t erase the past, we used to have something good before it all went wrong. She was special to me and even now, it’s something special when I look back on the good moments. But, never in a million years would I go back to it again or leave my girlfriend for her if she ever wanted me back. The past is the past. And first love is rarely ever true love.” 
Eddie understands what he is trying to say, yet somehow, he struggles to believe that you could ever move on from Steve. 
“Don’t give up, Eddie. She won’t always be hung up on him.” 
“Yeah,” Eddie mumbles. Though, he can’t help but struggle to believe it. Maybe it’s his stubborn mind that can’t let go of the idea of you being unable to let go of Steve for someone like him or maybe, he is just too afraid to get his hopes up only to lose not only his heart but also his mind at the end of it all. 
“Have you ever been in love? I mean, besides with her?” Dmitri asks Eddie, who furrows his brows and shakes his head. 
“Nah, not really,” Eddie mumbles, snorting as he thinks back to his younger self. The one who closed himself off completely, never letting anyone in to even see a glimpse of the real Eddie. “It was never for me, love. I mean, I had a few crushes here and there but it was never anything serious, you know? But shit, I always watched her when we were still in high school,” Eddie says, not even feeling the smile that is creeping up on his face as he thinks back to those days. “I’m pretty sure I failed math class because of her, she was always next to me – she always chose the seats next to me, I’m certain that she wasn’t even aware that she was doing it but she was there and I was there, and she was so focused on class while I spent the whole hour just staring at her. We weren’t friends back then but she always smiled at me even though we never really talked until last summer. We spent a night together after she had gotten into a fight with her boyfriend and then, she started paying more attention to me in school and then we became friends and then we got closer and closer and my plan to never catch feelings flew out the window,” he says, dramatically. 
Dmitri chuckles at Eddie, shaking his head. 
“What’s life without love, Eddie?” 
“Less suffering?” He mumbles. 
“Well, yeah. Some people get lucky though.”
Eddie fears that he won’t be one of those who will ever get lucky, especially when it comes to love. 
But maybe, maybe there is just the smallest sliver of hope inside of him. 
August is coming to an end, the summer days are slowly passing, fall is coming closer and so is Steve’s birthday. It’s tomorrow. It’s been a while since you had last seen him. It’s been a while since you had hung out with him in a group, let alone. The past few weeks, you have spent a lot of time by yourself, you needed it, you needed it to collect your feelings. Robin was right. 
Though, you could not stay away from Eddie for too long. He is your best friend, you can’t be without him and you won’t let your feelings ruin yet another friendship. 
Despite the distance between you and Steve, you made it a mission to go on a hunt for the perfect birthday present for him. It���s something that Heather rolled her eyes at when you told her about it, this morning. ‘Who in their right mind would buy their ex boyfriend a birthday present?’ She had asked, scoffing. Really, no one would do that, no one except for you. But you and Steve, you have a history that you can’t and don’t want to erase. Not only was he your best friend, once. He was also there when you needed him, when he didn’t even have to be there. 
He gave you a birthday present and he kept up the tradition the two of you had. 
You know that he isn’t alone anymore, that he has Dustin and Robin now, people who care for him, people who love him and won’t leave him hanging on a day like this, but you still want to do something that you used to do when you were still.. friends. 
“I’m telling you, y/n, the Star Wars movie collection would be the best decision ever!” 
Dustin exclaims as he walks through the downtown streets next to you. 
“Dustin, I know you’re a little Star Wars geek but there’s just no way that he will be happy to unwrap a collection of movies that he’s not even a fan of!” 
Dustin rolls his eyes at you, “listen, if there’s someone that can turn him into a ‘Star Wars geek’ then that’s you!” 
“But I’m not a Star Wars geek,” you mumble, furrowing your brows at the boy. 
“Then you and Steve can become geeks together,” he smiles enthusiastically. “You could have movie nights, just watch Star Wars together,” he winks. 
You shake your head at him. 
“I see what you’re trying to do and you’re really no help, Dustin.” 
“I’m not doing anything,” he feigns innocence. “You need a birthday present for Steve and asked for help, so that’s what I’m doing, I’m trying to help.” 
“Well, I was thinking I’d get him a cool bracelet–” “Boring!” He yawns. 
“Hey!” You frown, raising your hand, you ruffle his curls, making him groan in annoyance. 
You chuckle at him when he slaps your hand away. Pointing at you with a stern look on his face, “you really need to stop ruining my hair!” 
“Don’t worry, the Farrah Fawcett spray holds your perfect hairstyle together, Dusty bun.” You giggle. “How’s Suzie doing, by the way?” 
He rolls his eyes again, sighing, dramatically. 
“You’re like the older sister I never wanted.” 
You gasp, putting your hand over your heart, “ouch, I thought you liked me.” 
“I do, and I don’t even know why,” he jokes, giggling when you pretend to cry. 
“You only like me cause I drive you around when your mama Steve is working.” 
He laughs, throwing his head back. 
“If he is the mom, then what does that make you and Eddie?” 
You furrow your brows, looking up as you pretend to think, “hmm, Eddie is the chaotic dad and I’m uh, I dunno, the cool babysitter.”
“The babysitter who is secretly dating both the mom and the dad,” he says with a smirk. 
“Dustin!” You exclaim as you halt in your tracks, while he keeps walking, laughing when he turns around to look at you, he keeps working backwards. 
“You should’ve seen your face!” 
“Very funny!”
He stops walking when he notices something in the window at the video store, “ooh, look, Star Wars! I’m gonna check it out, you should too!” He says before he turns around and rushes into the store. 
You roll your eyes, groaning. You’re about to follow him inside the store, when your eyes fall on the couple leaving the restaurant across the street. Enzo’s. You have only been there once. Steve took you there on a date, it was an amazing night, you remember every detail of it. How he gave you the prettiest bouquet of flowers that you had ever seen when he picked you up, how he kissed you and told you how beautiful you looked when you wore a midnight blue dress, how sweet and nice he was, so different from the night before when you fought at his party. He was a gentleman that night, he held you softly, he kissed you gently, he held your hand at the restaurant and he only looked at you, not at the young waitress that kept trying to throw him glances. He only looked at you because you were the one he wanted. That night, he had put a ring on your middle finger, promising that the next one would be on your ring finger, only to crush your heart weeks later when he told you that he wasn’t in love with you anymore, that he fell in love with her. 
That night has haunted you for weeks and months after he had dumped you. Every night, you glared at the ceiling, thinking about the things he had said to you that night, the promises he made, the hope he gave, the love he gave. How you had sat there so pathetically in love not knowing that only days later he would meet her. 
You feel even more pathetic now because it still hurts, because it still shakes the ground beneath you, because it still feels like it just happened yesterday when you think back to that day. It shouldn’t hurt anymore, at least not like this but you get sucked back into the past so easily. 
All it ever took was to hear his name to feel the pain all over again. But months have passed, things have changed, you have changed and it all got a little easier. You’re even friends again. 
But now, it’s the memories, the one that you have locked away, the ones that are still holding you back. 
As you stare at the restaurant, realization floods through you like a cold wave that would make you gasp and shudder. 
You haven’t let go of them, of the memories, of the past, of the old him. Even after so many months, even after making yourself and everyone else believe that you had let go, you never really did. And that is the cause of all of the messes in your head and in your heart. The past keeps calling for you, the past keeps pulling you back. 
You feel stuck. You are stuck. You are still stuck in the past. 
It’s why you can’t move on, it’s why you can’t find happiness, it’s why you can’t find yourself in this timeline because you are stuck in a time that no longer exists. 
You never let go, you never let go of him, you never let go of the anger and the pain that is rooted so deeply inside of you. It’s not even his fault, it’s your own, because you couldn’t let go of all the memories you have made with him, good and bad. 
You have a second chance with him now, you gave him one, despite how wrong it was to do so, you gave him and your friendship a second chance because you did not want to lose him again. He is right in front of you and he is trying, he is trying to be good, he is trying to be your friend. Yet, you kept holding onto something that died a long time ago.
Dustin calls your name, but you are still staring at the restaurant. 
“Hey,” Dustin waves his hand in front of you, watching you in concern, “you… okay?”
You snap out of your thoughts, blinking. You clear your throat, looking into Dustin’s worried eyes, “y-yeah!” 
He looks back, checking out what you’ve been staring at for so long. 
“You uh, don’t plan on buying him a restaurant do you?” 
You crack a smile, shaking your head at the young teen. 
“Come on, I gotta show you something, you’re gonna love it!” He grins as he grabs your hand and drags you into the store, pulling you away from something that had thrown your world upside down, yet again. 
The window is open in his room, the cold breeze kisses his skin, distant thunder crashes through the sky but lighting is yet to be seen. The room is silent, as is the rest of the house, as always. Steve is sitting on his bed, his eyes keep flickering back and forth between the watch on his nightstand and the telephone. 
He is waiting, waiting for something that might not happen this year. 
It’s almost midnight. It’s almost his birthday. 
He is willing you to call. He needs you to. He needs to hear your voice, it’s been too long since he had last heard you, since he had last seen you. You had distanced yourself from everyone for a moment, but especially from him. Robin had told him that you needed it, that you needed some time to yourself. And while he understood why, he still felt sad when you stopped showing up at Scoops Ahoy every lunch break. 
He glances at the watch. The clock strikes 12, but the phone isn’t ringing and he fears that it won’t at all. He knew it wouldn’t. He knew you wouldn’t call. Yet, he can’t help but feel disappointment sinking through him. This will be the first year without a call from you at midnight on his birthday. 
He closes his eyes. 
His parents aren’t here, and they won’t be when he wakes up in the morning. They won’t be here, he already knows it. Despite the promise that they had made, he knows they won’t show up. And this time, you won’t be here either. 
For the first time in a while, he feels like crying again. 
It’s 12:01 when the shrill sound of the ringing telephone almost makes him jump up from his bed. He opens his eyes, staring at it for a second before he picks up the phone with a pounding heart and hope in his eyes. 
For a moment, he can only hear his racing heart and silence on the other line. 
It’s you. 
You called him, after all. 
“Happy birthday, Steve,” you whisper in a way that mends his hurting heart in an instant. 
He blinks the tears away that have threatened to fall just seconds ago. 
“T-Thank you, Dolly,” he whispers. “I didn’t think you’d call.”
“I always call.” 
“Yeah, but.. things are different now. I’d understand if you didn’t call,” he says, though he wanted nothing more than to hear your voice. For weeks, he had craved to see you, to hear your voice, to feel your presence. But especially tonight, because this used to be something special to you and him. 
You are quiet. For a long minute, you don’t say anything. Steve can tell that you are struggling. 
“But we’re friends, right?” 
“Yes, we’re friends,” he whispers, sadly. 
He pictures the look on your face, right now. He thinks that it matches the sad one on his.
“I missed you,” Steve whispers. 
He can hear your breath hitching in your throat. 
“I missed you too.”
That alone, is enough to make his heart flutter in his chest. You missed him.
You clear your throat. 
“S-So are you throwing a big party tomorrow?” 
Steve lays back, letting himself fall into the soft pillows. 
“No, I think I’m done with those.” 
There haven’t been many parties that ever brought him anything good. Most of them ended badly for him. 
“Oh, but you always used to throw birthday parties.”
He can hear the frown in your voice and he can’t help but smile at that. 
“I’m getting old,” he jokes. 
You laugh at his words, not knowing that the sound of it causes his heart to beat wildly. 
“Oh yeah, you’re such an old man, Harrington,” you tease. “How’d you manage to keep the good looks?” You ask with a giggle. 
His eyes widen and his cheeks heat up. He can feel the blush on his cheeks now. 
“I uh– well, I eat healthy and I work out,” he mumbles, scrunching his face up. 
“You work out, huh? Just when you leave the basketball team, you start working out even more.”
He chuckles. He raises his hand towards his hair, running his fingers through it. 
“Well, I get bored after work and when Robin and Dustin aren’t around to be little shitheads, I use the gym that my dad built for no reason. That old man never uses it.” 
You snort. 
“You should start playing DnD with the guys.” 
“You mean with Eddie?” Steve asks, rolling his eyes. 
“Uh, well, Eddie rarely plays nowadays, he’s busy with work and the band but yeah, sure. You two should spend some time together.” 
Steve raises his brows.
Him and Eddie, spending time together?
Eddie hates his guts. And, Steve doesn’t even blame him for it. But, he’s not a big fan of him either. Eddie has something that he wants back. 
The thought of spending time with him seems like something out of a fever dream. 
“I think you’d actually get along if you both tried.” 
He frowns at your words, shaking his head as though you can see him. 
“Uh, yeah, I’m sorry but no.” 
“You’re both so stubborn, I swear. Trust me, you’re not that much different from each other – Eddie also loves KFC.” 
Steve snorts at your words, rolling his eyes. 
“Did it traumatize you when he took you to KFC for the first time? You know, cause you always hated it so much when I took you there?” 
You giggle. 
“Oh, it was so traumatizing, Steve. I almost had a panic attack.” 
“Always so dramatic, honey,” he says so naturally. 
“You know me.”
You are both smiling, both laying in your beds as you talk on the phone for the first time in forever. This used to be a regular thing a long time ago.
“How are you?” He asks the question that has been lingering on his mind forever. “I haven’t seen you since we met up for lunch.” When Robin had crushed the ‘date’ that he was looking forward to. 
“I’m... good.” 
“Are you?” 
“Yeah,” you whisper. “I’m good.” 
Steve had wondered what went wrong. That day you had met up with him, you seemed so nervous, so anxious and worried. He could not ask you back then, he didn’t want to pressure you. And then, you and Robin had disappeared. When she came back without you and she told him that you needed some time to yourself, that he should stay away from you for a little while, he couldn’t help but feel sick with worry. 
“Robin said you needed some time to yourself, are you okay?” 
“Yeah. I-I uh, I just needed to be alone for a little.”
Alone. Alone but with Eddie. 
“So, what are you doing for your birthday if you’re not throwing a party?”
“I’m gonna have dinner with my parents.” 
“Oh! They’re gonna be there?” You ask, surprised. 
“Yeah,” Steve says, knowing that they won’t be there. He wishes you would be there. He wishes that he could spend the day with you. But he can’t ask, knowing that you will say yes only because you won’t be able to say no. 
“That’s nice, Steve.” You say. In a way, it sounds like there is something else you want to tell him. 
“D-Do you remember when we went to Enzo’s, last year?” You ask after a beat of silence.
“Yes, of course, I remember,” he says so simply, like he didn’t crush your heart weeks after giving false hope and promises he never kept. 
You’re quiet, again. And despite not seeing you, he knows that you’re sad when he feels his heart clenching. 
“It was.. one of the best dates I’ve ever been on, Steve.” 
Your voice has changed so suddenly, it sounds sick with sadness. 
He remembers it, he remembers it just the way you do. 
Right now, he wants nothing more than to go back to that night, just to see you smile again, just to feel your touch again, just to be with you again. He wants to go back to a night where you had still loved him, where he hadn’t ruined anything yet. 
“Maybe we can go back there sometime,” he whispers with hope in his heart. 
“Yeah, maybe…”
Though, while he sounds hopeful, you sound uncertain.
And he knows, the reason isn't your past. But something, someone else.
next chapter
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@taintedcigs @hellfire--cult @mysticmunson @littledemondani @wroteclassicaly @succubusmunson @trashmouth-richie @xxhellfirebunnyxx @corrodedcorpses @corrodedseraphine @somethingvicked @sherrylyn628 @take-everything-you-can @nemesis729 @chrissymjstan
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bucoliqves · 6 days
Karamazov Trial Dashboard Simulator
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⚱️ nameinajar Follow
dni if you defend dmitri karamazov he's literally suspected of parricide and elder abuse
🎩 mityussy Follow
maybe that's why i like him
⚱️ nameinajar Follow
you're literally so immature. even if he wasn't a murderer he's still a violent threat to the community and you're all acting like he's your toxic book boyfriend of smth. if I have to hear that he's got a great rack another time I'm gonna start reporting people.
🎭 master-of-none Follow
hey op not to be rude but this is what you sound like
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3859 notes
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🌙 moonyverse Follow
#istg if this poll ends up in history books
245 notes
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🦢 living-vicariously Follow
if mitya ends up in jail im consoling his gf
#agrafena svetlova please be sapphic
46 notes
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🎠 liselottw Follow
all you "rpf is immoral" mfs have been really quiet since alyosha karamazov was on the news
8.759 notes
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🧅 onion-queen Follow
that one annoying witness at the karamazov trial that's just gotta go. god please take her. she's ready.
🧅 onion-queen Follow
🧅 onion-queen Follow
lord please take mitya karamazov's suffering and put it on that witness
1.589 notes
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👁 the-eyewitness Follow
Recently my asks have been flooded with people asking for my take on the Karamazov trial. An in-depth explanation would require a long meta that I am not in the conditions to write as of right now, so to put it short: sometimes we just have to let old people die.
🧄 m-rakitin-author Follow
I think I know the culprit
👁 the-eyewitness Follow
your receding hairline has been on national television enough times for everyone to see your brain might be damaged by uv radiations
6378 notes
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