#soup for ney
braisedhoney · 11 months
Can we request some more CheeseMelt or perhaps some Badger Cereal?
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this is their third attempt to teach dani how to tie her hair up. she’ll get it eventually!
(pls do not tag as ship, thank you o7)
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mrs-santoss · 1 year
High Fever - Neymar Imagine
heyyy can I request an imagine where I I sick and neymar takes good care of me ? ALSO I LOVE UR WRITTING that's why I ask U this request 💕💕💕💕
Someone's hand on my forehead and their whispers woke me up from my deep sleep. Every part of my body hurt, especially my head. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Neymar running his hand through my hair, looking at me concerned. "Y/N, wake up. You're burning up!" "Ney" I rubbed my eyes and examined the room, it was daylight. The sunlight coming from the window forced me to close my eyes again. "Yes, amor... I'm here, are you feeling okay? You have a fever." "My head hurts so bad, I also feel very cold." "Oh, bebê. I think you got sick from yesterday. Let's check your temperature and get some medicine." he kissed my forehead and left the room quickly. I grabbed everything on the bed including blankets, sheets and threw them on myself. I hate being sick. Neymar came back with a thermometer and some fever medicine. It turned out I had a slightly high temperature. I took the medicine and laid back on the bed closing my eyes. "Is there anything else you need, bebê?" he said while running his hands through my hair as he sat next to me. "Can you lay down with me, Ney? And keep playing with my hair?" "Of course, amor." He did what I asked and we stayed like that on the bed. I could tell my headache went away because of the medicine, but I still felt hot. I can't remember falling asleep at some point. Neymar's POV: I woke up this morning expecting her to be awake already because she usually wakes up before me. I turned around and hugged her when I felt her hot skin. After a few calls, she didn't wake up. That's why I decided to shake her harder to wake her up and check her state just in case we need to visit the hospital. I took care of her and gave her some medicine, she fell back to sleep. I put on a movie to watch in low volume as I laid next to my girlfriend. Halfway through the movie, Y/N began moving and talking in her sleep. She was sweating a lot, I could tell she was having nightmares because of the fever. I pulled the cover of her body to see her shirt wet from sweat. I was getting worried.
"Ney...No, let me g- Neyy..." I tried to wake her up softly at first, It made me sad to her scared whether it was a dream or not. I shook her shoulder softly. "Amor, wake up. You're having a nightmare. It's okay, I'm here." "Ney-" "Y/N? Come on, bebê. Open your eyes." She wasn't responding so I shook her harder this time. She opened her eyes quickly and scanned the room, gripping my hands tight. "Ney, is he go-gone?" She asked me in a scared voice. "No one's here, meu amor. It was just a nightmare, I'm here with you. Don't worry." I kissed her forehead and wiped her sweat. I had a bottle of water on the nightstand and I wanted her to drink it. After she drank the water, she fell back asleep. After two hours or so, I checked her temperature again and thankfully it went back to normal. I decided not to wake her up and let her sleep, it was almost the evening. I left the bedroom to eat some food and I prepared a chicken soup for Y/N to feed her once she wakes up. I finished the food and made my way back to the bedroom. I laid next to my beautiful girlfriend to seemed a lot better than before. I wrapped my hands around her and fell asleep. __________________________ I woke up and turned off the alarm. Y/N woke up seconds after me, she seemed a lot better now. "Morning, amor. How are you feeling?" I kissed her lips and placed her head on my chest again. "A lot better, Ney. Thank you so much for taking care of me." "Always, bebê. I'm always here for you!" "I love you so much" "I love you too, meu amor. Come on, let's get up. I prepared some soup for you yesterday and you didn't get to eat it."
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mcu-coworkers · 1 year
Sick days
Summary: Nursing your sick boyfriend back to health.
Pairings: Kylian Mbappe x reader
Warnings: N/A
A/n: Not a request this one was just something small and short that came to mind! Thank you guys for all of the love and I hope you guys like this one!xx
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You felt something was off when you woke up that morning and didn't have your usual text from Kylian before he left for his gym session.
He never missed a day, even when he traveled and was in a completely different time zone.
You were filled with more worry than anything else given he never forgets on purpose.
You’d texted him that morning instead but to no avail, there was no response.
After an hour with no response you decided to go check his home and make sure everything was okay.
As you were walking up to his door your phone began to ring.
“Ney” reading across the screen.
“Hey Ney, what’s up?” you said hoping he’d mention something Kylian did at practice and you worried for nothing.
“Hola bella, have you heard from Kylian? He was a no show in practice. The coach is looking for him. I just wanted to give him the heads up before he gets fined.” he chuckled, it wouldn't be the first time PSG fined him.
Sighing, you looked at the door once again.
“Nope,  I   was hoping he was at practice. I'm outside his house right now. Give me a sec  I‘ll call you back yeah?” you said reaching for the key he’d given you.
“Sale, thank you!” He said before hanging up.
Quietly you opened the door, you felt sneaky opening his door without telling him you were coming.
You know he wouldn't mind but still, you always gave a heads up.
“Ky?” you called out from the hallway.
You walked through his home looking for any signs of him until you made it to his bedroom door.
Opening it you came face to face with your sleeping boyfriend.
Your sick, sleeping boyfriend surrounded by tissues.
“Oh my love.” you chuckled relieved he didn't go missing.
Cleaning up the tissues you went into his pantry to pull out the medicine he’d need and some ingredients for soup and tea.
Once you finished you put everything in a tray and walked back up to Kylians room.
After setting everything down on the nightstand you pondered waking him up or letting him sleep more but the decision was made for you when he began tossing and turning.
“Ky, baby it's me.” you whispered gently, rubbing his back.
“Mon amour what are you doing here? What time is it?” he said, realizing the sun was out.
“You’re sick Kylian lay back down.” you chuckled,  pushing him down.
“But I have practice coach is gonna kill me.” he said looking for his phone.
“No he's not because Neymar  told him you were sick in bed and that makes the penalty fine void.” you said matter of factly.
Looking at you he smiled and fell back into his mountain of pillows.
“Bless my lawyer girlfriend.” He said, smiling at you.
“Now here drink this please.” you said, handing him the tea.
You took the chance to open his windows and unstuff his room and hopefully his nose too.
Kylian took the tea and the soup eventually beginning to feel like himself again.
“Mon ange  I   could kiss you all day for this, I'm sorry  you didn't wake up to a message from me.” he said reaching for you.
Pulling back  you smiled at your sick boyfriend, “While  I   love you with all my heart  I   do not want to get whatever it is you have amor.” you said collecting the empty dishes.
“I'm gonna go get you some orange slices.” you said picking up the tray.
“Okay but when  I‘m better I'm thanking you the right way.” he said, reaching over quickly to spank your butt.
Gasping you smiled, “Mbappé!” blush rising to your cheeks.
“Je t’aime mon bel ange!” he yelled from his room.
Yup, he was definitely feeling better alright.
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liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
footballers when theyre sick
requested by my homie @rubybecker-rb2 !!! ty so much for requesting <3
leo: he recognizes that he should take it easy so he takes the day off from training, but what he DOESNT do is text his teammates saying hes sick n wont be there, so later that day when hes watching tv n eating soup he hears his doorbell ring, only to be greeted with a very worried neymar whos like "I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOUUUU!!!!1!!!11!!!"
ney: oh he complains a lot. once he starts feeling unwell he calls up leo like "leeeeo i feel like shit!!" n naturally leos like "what do you want me to do about that -_-"
luka: oh hes the one who gets sick EASILY. fifty degree weather with a slight breeze is all it takes to do him in. like on a particularly cold day, he'll start sneezing (oh n he sneezes like a little bunny you cant tell me otherwise) n sniffling n be like "AGAIN??!?!!?"
zlatan: has never gotten sick once in his entire life. his temperature is a perfect 98.6 at ALL times n has never changed.
gavi: ok idk why i get this vibe but he becomes a whiny little bitch when hes sick (IM NOT INSULTING HIM IM EXACTLY THE SAME WAY). like if he starts getting sick at training he is gonna make it EVERYONES problem. you KNOW hes whipping out those big brown puppy dog eyes at every given opportunity. "i feel so terrible can you get me some ginger ale🥺"
sergio: this stubborn bitch wakes up feeling sick n what does he do?? haul ass to training anyways. as the day progresses n it becomes increasingly obvious hes unwell the team will tell him hes gotta sit out n take it easy. luka nags the SHIT outta him n ends up taking care of him even tho hes still salty he came to training in this condition, and sergio considers it the best day of his life.
mbappe: see at first hes a stubborn bitch who goes to training despite being sick, however he CANNOT pull through n ends up sitting out after warmups
joão: oh boy. he gets so sick he decides to go to the doctor, n while hes there he takes some kinda picture n posts it online captioned "feel awful, wish me luck" n then NEVER follows up on it, so his comments are filled w ppl being concerned for his well being
pep: wakes up, realizes hes sick, texts kevin "youre in charge today. dont fuck it up" n goes back to sleep
klopp: decided to still go to training, but lfcs practically a family so everyone knows somethings up within like five minutes. when the boys realize the boss isnt feeling well they give him a rant abt self care n milly drives him home.
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jeanniebug623 · 2 months
🕸️🕷️ Weaving the Web 🕷️🕸️
Chapter 17: Let No One In & No One Gets Out
TW: Mention of Suicide
Spider spent the next three days not leaving the apartment for anything. He’d covered the mirror in the bathroom with a towel after washing it multiple times. As if there was any way for him to forget the cryptic words from Eywa knew who... 
He was afraid to go to sleep, worried whoever wrong the message might come back. Whoever wrote the message made him feel something he’d never experienced before... 
Despite losing energy from not sleeping, Spider wasn’t making up for it with his appetite. The day after he found the message, he was so stressed he forgot to eat entirely. The stomach pangs were suppressed by thoughts and theories about who could have written it. He had no friends on base with the recoms out on mission. But he hadn’t showered since before they left, so could one of them have written it? Did one of the alters write it? Or did HE write it and completely forget? 
Could Spider not even trust himself anymore...? Was he losing time or memories, even when he was in control? 
His stomach growled angrily and he growled right back at it. 
Letting out a frustrated sigh, Spider slammed his feet down on the floor and wandered the few feet into the kitchen to look through the cabinets for the eighth time that day. And he would likely go back to the next of blankets on the couch empty-handed for the eighth time too. On top of not knowing who wrote the message, the teen didn’t trust anyone not to sneak into the apartment while he slept so the couch it was. At least it was a comfortable couch... 
Walking made his stomach really hurt now. When did he last eat? Was it last night or yesterday morning? And what DID he eat? He sure as hell hadn’t cooked anything as evident by the protein wrappers strewn about the countertop. His eyes roved over the same cabinet contents from before; nothing new magically appeared. But something did jump out... 
Spider stared at an unassuming can with a bright red tomato on it. Why did that suddenly look so good...? 
As appealing as tomato soup suddenly looked, Spider’s head jerked to the right and he rolled the shoulder for it. Maybe later...just water for now for the headache. 
Defeated in his hunt for food, Spider went back and flopped into the tangled blankets on the side of the couch against the wall so he could stare at the door. There was only one way into the apartment and he wasn’t going to miss anyone who might creep in. 
“They’re just fucking with you, Spider...” he reassured himself quietly, rubbing the heel of his palm into his right temple. That had to be it. Without Quaritch and the rest of the squad around, those RDA sons of bitches had to be messing with him. He didn’t think his alters had the capacity to just write that message without causing any other problems...but that was a hell of a presumption. 
He took a slow breath and closed his eyes. The first person to come to Spider’s mind was Kiri. She would know what to do. She’d know how to make him feel better with how fucked up everything had become. His chest felt tight and a pang shot through his head, causing him to drop his head forward and clutch the right side of his head in a mess of tangled locs. 
Spider missed her so goddamn much...and Lo’ak...Tuk and Neteyam...all the science guys...Jake...even Ney-... 
Before he had a chance to register it, a sharpy cry escaped Spider and was followed by a hiss of pain through his teeth. His head dipped lower and his other hand wove into his wild hair to clutch the other side of his head. It felt like his whole brain got zapped by a static shock. When he opened his eyes again, he was embarrassed to see tiny beads of tears on his eyelashes. 
He tried to wipe them away with the back of his hand, but this seemed to just allow more to escape and stream down cheeks. Spider felt overwhelmed by the silence of the apartment. He could hear the almost silent hum of the lights and appliances plugged in the kitchen, but it was still silent compared to what he was used to at Hell’s Gate or High Ground. 
Spider’s head shot upright, causing a flashing behind his eyes from the inevitable headache, at the sound of beeping. It didn’t sound like the normal door alert, but were the guards coming in? They’d left him alone...why would they come in now? Did they hear him? Fucking hell...just what he needed... 
He heard the beeping again and looked around for the source before realizing it was muffled and coming from beneath the blanket. Pulling back the blanket, Spider pulled the tablet from where it slipped between the couch cushions and thought maybe it was alerting him the battery needed to be recharged or something. Instead, the icon that looked like a projector was blinking green. 
“What the hell...?” Spider said to himself. He thought this thing only let him read comics and watch old Earth movies. The elation he felt when he pressed it and a screen turned on to the colonel staring back at him was indescribable. The recom was looking around the screen as if waiting for his end of the call to connect. Wainfleet was on one side, poking at some buttons he couldn’t see. 
“Hey, hey!” Wainfleet said, confirming the tablets had connected, “There he is! What’s up, Spider-Man?” 
Quaritch shook his head and focused on the stunned kid staring back at him, “Hey, tiger.” 
“Qua-...Koaktan?” Spider asked, course corrected his name for Quaritch. 
“In the blue flesh, kid, why do you look so surprised?” the colonel said with a smirk. Spider could see Wainfleet mock being offended off to the side. He could see an olive-green tarp so they must be set up at camp somewhere. 
“Um...” Spider said, unable to form words. 
“Spider?” Quaritch asked, his smirk dropping and a look of concern taking its place. Even though the screen, Spider could see how the recom looked over how he swallowed hard while biting his upper lip and his brows knit together as they rose up. Even Wainfleet caught the strange response and looked concerned, but he didn’t get to ask before Quaritch dismissed him with a wave of his hand. “Spider? You alright there, son?” 
“I, um...” he started, failing miserably to form more words. His heart started beating faster and his breath caught in his throat, causing his chest to heave slightly. He blurted out suddenly and unprompted, “Are you ok?” 
“I just asked you that, kid, what’s wrong?” Quaritch said, his minor concern turning serious. He leaned closer to the tablet and spoke quieter to make the conversation as private as possible. Though, the squad was family and they’d find out eventually. 
“I, uh...yea. I don’t know...” Spider said quickly with a nod. 
Quaritch stared at the boy for a second then ran his hand over his chin before asking again, “Spider. Are you alright? What’s wrong?” 
“I’m fine...I just, uh...” Spider said with a shrug and tick to the right that Quaritch did NOT miss, “I don’t know.” 
“Did somethin’ happen? Anyone givin’ you a hard time?” Quaritch said, his ears pinning back in anger at the thought of any of the security detail he handpicked for this task not performing to his expectations. He was ready to rip a new one into anyone putting the boy through any shit... 
“No...” Spider said, his eyes dropping. His cheeks started to feel hot with shame when he couldn’t say what was wrong. He didn’t WANT to tell Quaritch about the message on the mirror. At least not until Spider was sure HE wasn’t the one who’d actually written it to himself. His brain was already fractured, but he was holding out hope he wasn’t going legitimately insane. “Are you coming back soon?” 
“Yea, few more days.” Quaritch said, serious worry for his boy taking root. 
“You promise?” Spider said quickly, sounding more desperate than he thought. 
“Promise, kid.” Quaritch answered firmly. This was Spider he was dealing with, right? The surveillance mission had been just that. Observation and no contact. Maybe he could call it a mission complete early? He stayed patient and asked a third time, “Spider. Answer my question, ya hear? Are you alright? Because you sure hell don’t seem it.” 
“I-I don’t know, ok?!” Spider suddenly blurted out, his breath shaking as he answered truthfully, “I don’t feel right.” 
“Tell me what doesn’t feel right.” Quaritch said, signaling for Ja to come close enough to hear the kid’s response and what he was experiencing in his own words. 
And then the damn burst... 
“I’m all fucked up and I don’t know what to trust!” Spider said, closing his eyes tightly and letting the fears he’d been poorly keeping in check with little sleep, eating, and little physical activity. It was like self-imposed solitary confinement. “I’m tired! I don’t want to be here! Fuck this place! I want to go home! But I CAN’T because I’ll hurt someone! I can’t take the risk, I should just fucking kill myself before I hurt anyo-...!” 
“Spider, eyes on me!” Quaritch ordered, barking it out loud enough that everyone at the camp heard. Dread seized his chest when he heard his son mention suicide. Spider did his best to not let his lip quiver as he followed the command but couldn’t stop the tremble in his breathing. The recom could see how exhausted, in every definition of the word, the boy was. “I’m comin’ back tonight. But it’s gonna take me a couple hours.” 
“But the general said-...if I got in the way-...” Spider sputtered, instantly regretting how his outburst was going to threaten the arrangement Quaritch had worked so hard to set up. 
“To hell with the general!” Quaritch shouted before he could reason with his own flaring emotions, “I’m comin’ home, kid!” 
None of the squad got in his way as Quaritch stormed out from under the shelter to where Cupcake was almost asleep for the night. He shoved the tablet into Wainfleet’s hands and his second immediately went to calmly talk to the kid. He’d stay on the call as long as he needed to... 
And he did. 
Quaritch was going to owe Cupcake a long rest after the effort she put in to get him back to Bridgehead. It still took a while and it was in the early hours of the morning when he shocked the security detail outside the apartment. They dismissed themselves seeing how fast the colonel passed them into the apartment; it was obvious they weren’t needed anymore. 
Stepping just past the threshold, Quaritch laid his golden eyes on the terrified teen who was still sitting in the same spot he saw on the screen and holding the tablet with shaking hands. Spider looked up at him, pale and sickly. He looked worse now than he did when he first called to see what trouble the kid had gotten up to while they were gone. Goddamn it, why didn’t he call to check in sooner?! 
“Spid-...?” Quaritch barely started. 
“I’m gonna be sick!” the kid blurted out before dropping the tablet and vaulting over the couch to the bathroom. That was one way to end a conversation and the call disconnected. The recom crossed the room in quick strides and into the bathroom after Spider. The teen didn’t even make it to the toilet, opting to drop and vomit the bile from an empty stomach onto the shower floor instead. 
Quaritch dropped a knee next to him and pulled back his wild locs. All that time spent trying to hold back a panic attack on top of whatever was chipping away at his sanity the last few days? He rubbed a large hand in a circle on the boy’s back but did not get the response he was expecting. 
“Don’t touch me!” Spider shrieked, slipping on the tile to get away from the recom and falling against the wall in a heap. 
“Ok, ok. I ain’t gonna touch you.” Quaritch said quickly. He didn’t know if this was about to turn into a night with Miles instead of Spider if he pushed him. Wouldn’t be the first time... 
“I’ll...leave you to your thoughts, ok? I’ll wait out ther-...” Quaritch said calmly, thinking he was offering the best solution until the boy whipped his head up. 
“No, no! Please don’t go!” Spider pleaded but recoiled when Quaritch thought this was a green light to help him off the hard tile floor, “No, don’t touch me!” 
Quaritch slowly lowered his hands and made direct eye contact with the now crying child, “Mawey.” 
“Mawey...” Spider repeated, actually feeling a sliver calmer with Quaritch speaking in Na’vi. 
“Yea...mawey. I’m just going to stay over here, ok?” the colonel said soothingly as he sat back against the opposite wall under the sink. As he did, he noticed a towel draped over the mirror. He looked back to Spider hunched over next to the wall, trying not to get sick again and covering his eyes with his hand. 
“...irayo...” Spider said through the growing migraine. 
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mebiselfandi · 1 year
Title: You’re So Good To Me
Summary: Leo gets sick and Neymar takes care of him
Pairings: Neymar x Leo Messi, Neymessi
Tags: fluff, sick fic
Small authors note: it might have taken me over three weeks to get here but I’m finally here. It wasn’t even writers block just laziness. Also took a lot of artistic liberties with Leo’s characterization here. And uhm yeah in my head all rich people have a piano in their house so just go with it.
Anyways this is the song Ney plays:
It wasn’t often that Leo got sick but when he did it hit him hard. However when Neymar stepped into Leo’s house that morning(using his spare key) like he’d promised he certainly wasn’t expecting to enter a completely darkened house. All the curtains were drawn shut and there was no sign of Leo anywhere.
“Leo I’m here!” He called out loudly but he was only met with silence. He frowned slightly at that considering Leo never ignored him even when he wasn’t feeling all too great. He placed the container of chicken noodle soup he’d brought on the kitchen counter then climbed up the stairs to Leo’s room. “Leo?” He calls out again as he raised a hand to knock on Leo’s door. Still he was met with silence, “okay I’m coming in,” he warned before slowly turning the handle and entering the room and shutting the door behind him.
The first thing he noticed was how dark Leo’s room was. Even darker than the rest of his house. The next thing he noticed was the unmoving lump in Leo’s bed. His worry skyrocketed at the sight of the small mop of hair peaking out of the covers. In two long strides he was by Leo’s bedside trying to assess just how sick he was. Neymar could hear the heavy wheezes Leo let out with each labored breath. His chest barely rose and fell with each strangled intake of air and his face seemed swollen in certain places. Stray strands of brown hair shielded his closed eyes and he could see the edges of a beard already starting to grow. Neymar cursed himself for being unable to come two days earlier when Leo had initially called him telling him he’d somehow got a sinus infection and was on his way to the doctor. Of course he’d downplayed it when Neymar had insisted on cutting his trip short and flying all the way back to Paris just to take care of Leo. But with each moment of fun Neymar had, he couldn’t help the guilt that began to eat away at him at the thought that Leo was all by himself and sick so he ended up cutting his trip short anyway. And seeing his Leo like this, paler than usual and disheveled the guilt and worry he’d been trying to keep at bay came in full force.
“Hey sleepy head,” he whispered as he carded his hands through Leo’s tangled locks hoping it would be enough to wake him up. Groggily a tired pair of eyes peaked open over the multiple comforters and duvets and blinked blearily at him. He almost felt terrible for waking up the sleeping man but it had to be done.
Slowly Leo pulled one hand out of the blankets to weakly rub the sleep out of his eyes, “Ney?” He muttered nasally as he sat up slightly. Neymar cringed at how dry and scratchy Leo’s voice sounded.
“Surprise,” he laughed out lightly trying to quell the nervousness that was building up in him at the realization that Leo was even sicker than he’d previously thought.
“What are you-” a fit of coughs and sneezes interrupted Leo before he could finish his question . Neymar quickly turned to the messy bedside table and picked up a couple tissues from the box, handing them to Leo. He blinked away the tears in his puffy eyes then loudly blew his nose a couple times and threw the tissues into the trash can next to the bed before flopping back down onto the pillow and closing his eyes. Neymar ran his hand through Leo’s hair once more then placed the back of his hand onto Leo’s slightly damp forehead and he could feel how hot he was.
“You’re burning up meu amor.”
Leo let out a noncommittal hum of agreement as he tried to regain his breathing. Neymar turned to the bedside table again and picked up the bottle of water he’d seen lying there. He lifted up Leo’s head slightly and raised the bottle to his lips. He took a few sips before weakly pushing away Neymar’s hand. “Why’re you here?” He finally managed to get out after Neymar had let laid him back down in that same nasally voice. It wasn’t as dry and scratchy as before but it still made Neymar worry.
“What, you thought I’d leave you here by yourself? You can’t get rid of me that easily,” he tried to joke as he resumed stroking Leo’s hair but that only seemed to make Leo frown.
“I’m not tryi- you should be enjoying your holiday,” he muttered lowly as he grabbed Neymar’s hand in a weak grip, pulling it out of his hair. Neymar frowned at the action. “I swear I’m gonna be okay. The doctor gave me the medicine I need to get better. You didn’t have to come all the way here just for me,” he muttered again.
Now it was Neymar’s turn to frown at his words, “Leo you’re halfway dead, stop being difficult,” he intertwined his hand with Leo’s, “besides if you did die I’d want my pretty face to be the last one you see,” he joked as he threw a wink and a shining smile at Leo.
Leo simply sighed and rolled his eyes at the man’s poor attempt at humor.
“Have you taken your medicine yet?”
“Not yet.”
“Have you eaten?”
“I was about to.” Neymar gave him a disbelieving look.
“Come on,” Neymar sighed as he stood up and began to pull back all the blankets and duvets Leo had burrowed himself under. The older man looked tinier than usual in his oversized pajamas and fluffy socks. If he didn’t look so far gone, Neymar probably would have buried him in a bear hug at how cute he looked. Leo groaned as Neymar pulled him to sit up at the edge of his bed, “I brought you some soup. You’re gonna eat, take your meds, then take a bath.” Neymar gave him a small smile and smoothed his hair out of his tired eyes before placing a soft kiss on his forehead. He grabbed one of the blankets on top of the bed and wrapped it around Leo’s slightly shivering form then grabbed onto his hands and pulled him up till he was standing. He wobbled slightly on his legs and began to tip back onto the bed but Neymar was quick to catch him, “woah, I’ve got you,” he said as he steadied Leo in front of him.
“…mm tired. Everything hurts,” Leo mumbled into his collarbone as he fell forwards into Neymar’s arms. He pulled the blanket tighter around his body and huddled closer into Neymar who in turn wrapped his arms snug around Leo’s waist holding him up slightly.
“I know, I know but you won’t get any better if you keep lying in bed,” Neymar whispered as he once again stroked Leo’s hair soothingly, “c’mon I’ll carry you,” he muttered as he squeezed his waist slightly.
“W-what, Ney don’t be silly,” he sputtered.
“What? You think I can’t do it? Cause I can,” he sputtered back indignantly.
“Yeah I know but I can walk just fine,” Leo argued stubbornly. Neymar gave him a highly doubtful look then let him go and took a couple steps back.
“Fine then walk towards me.”
Leo took a deep wheezy breath in and took one shaky step forward before almost face planting straight into the floor. Luckily Neymar was once again quick to catch him, sending him a silent I told you so. Leo flushed deeply at his little tumble and flushed even deeper when Neymar quickly swooped him up into his arms bridal style. Neymar cooed at him as buried his burning face in his neck.
“Shut up,” he murmured uselessly. Neymar just laughed and began to walk the two of them towards the door.
“Get that will you?”
Leo opened the door and Neymar kicked it wider with his foot and continued out and downstairs to the kitchen. He set him down gently on one of the chairs at the kitchen island before picking up the container of soup, pouring it into a bowl and putting it in the microwave to warm up. He opened one of the drawers and dug around a little then pulled out the thermometer he’d been looking for. He walked in between Leo’s legs and gave him a small encouraging smile as he slowly caressed his cheek, “open up amor,” he coaxed sweetly as he placed the thermometer in Leo’s mouth. He let it sit for a few moments then pulled it out and frowned at the number. “What was your temp before?”
“Well it’s at 37.8 now. Clearly the meds are working but we need to bring it down a bit more,” he muttered thoughtfully. Just then the microwave beeped and he set the small device down and headed to the microwave grabbing the steaming bowl and a spoon. He sat down opposite Leo and dipped the spoon into the warm liquid and blew on it slightly then brought it up to Leo’s lips.
“What are you doing?” Leo asked somewhat incredulously.
“I’m feeding you,” Neymar replied obviously.
“Ney I can do that myself,” he muttered bashfully, his face flushing once more.
“You’re so stubborn! Why won’t you just let me take care of you?” Neymar laughed disbelievingly. Leo was always stubborn but it seemed his sickness was amplifying his stubbornness tenfold.
“I…” he trailed off for a second, “I don’t know,” he mumbled shyly. Neymar’s gaze softened as the older man retreated slightly into himself, drawing the blanket tighter in the process.
“I’m sorry meu amor,” he sighed apologetically as he stood up, “if you say you can then I trust you.” He tapped the side of Leo’s face once before handing him the bowl and spoon and began walking away. Leo’s hand was quick to catch him by the wrist before he’d managed to get far, “I’m just going to change the sheets on your bed. I’ll be right back.”
He loosened his grip looking slightly sheepish, “oh,” he muttered as he looked away and his flush deepened further, “okay.”
“Just eat up, okay?” Neymar asked before placing one final kiss on Leo’s burning cheek and disappearing upstairs. He really didn’t want to leave Leo alone but he needed to organize that room slightly before Leo came back. He quickly threw open the windows and allowed some of the fresh morning air to come in but left the curtains drawn. He made work of understanding the dosage of Leo’s meds and changing the sheets then picking out a pair of baggy sweatpants and a large sweater for Leo to wear after his bath. Lastly he picked up the few socks and discarded tissues on the ground, putting them where they should be. When he was happy with the room he gathered the meds in his arms and went back downstairs where he found Leo taking a slight nap on the kitchen counter. Placing the meds next to Leo’s head, he took a quick peak into the bowl which was now half full. He frowned slightly but he’d figured Leo wouldn’t be able to finish it anyways. Once again he felt terrible for waking up the sleeping angel but the wheeze of each breath spurred him on to lightly rub his back in an effort to wake him up, “Leo it’s time for your meds,” how did the man always manage to fall into such deep sleeps so quickly?
Finally groaning awake Leo blinked at him once more through heavy lids before sending him the smallest of smiles, “hey,” he wheezed out as Neymar helped him sit up. Neymar quickly pulled out a glass of water and handed him the painkillers and antibiotics he’d been prescribed followed by a full measuring spoon of the cherry cough syrup. When he was finally satisfied he placed a small kiss on Leo’s temple.
“Now this one,” he gestured to a small circular container, “is supposed to be rubbed on your chest so I’ll do that once you’ve taken your bath, okay? Okay,” he answered, not waiting this time for Leo to argue about how capable he is. He got rid of the remaining soup and washed the dishes and the thermometer before gathering up the medicine again and quickly rushing upstairs and putting it back where it should be then rushing back down once again. He drew the blanket tight around Leo’s shoulders again then scooped him up in his arms and carried him back upstairs, this time to the bathroom. He gently placed him down onto the large sink counter before turning to the bathtub, opening the faucet and pouring in some bubble bath. He let the tub fill up with warm water and bubbles making sure it didn’t get too hot for Leo and when he was satisfied he turned back towards Leo who was now sitting half awake against the bathroom mirror.
Neymar sighed before walking towards Leo and standing in between his legs again, “I know you’re tired amor but we’re almost done then you can go back to sleep. You just need to stay awake a little longer,” Neymar tried to soothe Leo’s groaning and mumbling by rubbing his thighs in what he hoped was a comforting gesture.
Leo rubbed at his eyes sleepily then blinked blearily at Neymar before mumbling a small begrudging, “okay.” Neymar sent him a smile again and lightly tapped his knees at his agreement to comply. Leo shivered slightly as Neymar unwrapped the blanket from his body and set it aside.
“Right, now let’s get you undressed,” he grinned throwing a wink at Leo.
“You’re so annoying,” Leo groaned out as he raised his arms.
“Don’t act like you don’t love it,” he laughed back as he took of Leo’s shirt.
They quipped back and forth slightly longer as Neymar pulled off Leo’s socks and sleep pants, setting them aside with the blanket and shirt. Finally Leo was in just his boxers with his arms encircled tight around himself trying to keep in whatever little body heat he could.
Neymar faltered for a second, “d-do you want me to take those off for you? Cause you can do it yourself if you want…but I don’t mind! I- not like that though I just…” he trailed off as he mentally tried slapped himself. His cheeks burned with embarrassment and so did Leo’s.
“Ney, you’ve seen me naked before,” Leo muttered as he turned his head down to face his dangling feet. They both turned even more impossibly red at the insinuation. It was silly but there was no way Neymar would be taking them off when they could barely even look at each other now.
“I-I’ll just…okay,” he quickly turned around, really more to gain courage for when he’d eventually turn back around, “just tell me when you’re done.”
He heard Leo slightly shuffle behind him as he tried to think of how he’d possibly carry him into the bath without either one of them dying of embarrassment on the spot but quickly turned around when he heard a soft sigh behind him. Somehow Leo had saved them both the trouble and not only taken his boxers off but also lowered himself into the steaming water. He let out another loud sigh as he laid back in the tub, the hot water and bubbles coming up to his chest. Leo’s eyes widened slightly as he watched Neymar step forward and kneel next to the tub, reaching for the shampoo.
“Ney you really don’t have to,” he said as he caught Neymar’s hand before it could go any further.
“But I want to Leo,” he gave Leo a small sad smile at his unwillingness to be taken care of, “please let me.”
At this point even Leo was tired of fighting Neymar’s care but seeing how sad his stubbornness was making Neymar he couldn’t help but feel doubly terrible. So he let Neymar’s hand go.
Neymar poured a generous amount of shampoo into Leo’s hair and began to work it through his hair. The only sound in the bathroom was the occasional sound of Leo’s wheezy sighs as Neymar massaged his scalp, making sure to properly detangle each knot. Slowly with the combination of the meds and each passing minute of this, Leo could feel his guard drop until he was all Neymar’s.
“Lean forward, I need to rinse it out. Make sure to keep your eyes closed amor.” Gently Neymar cupped and poured the hot water over Leo’s head, making sure to get it all out and avoid any soap going into his eyes. He slicked back his hair from his eyes and admired how peaceful he looked then placed a sweet kiss on his temple. Leo opened his eyes lazily and gave him a sleepy, blissful smile. Neymar sent him back a dazzling one then grabbed the soap and loofah and began to scrub Leo down. He made sure to take his time and really take extra care of his Leo. It wasn’t often that Leo let his guard down so easily, forgetting everything that bothered him, and gave himself entirely to Neymar so he always made sure he’d appreciate every single second when he did. He worked the soapy suds in between each finger and up his arms. Down his back, taking extra care to massage his shoulders slightly which prompted a small whimper from Leo. He worked the soap into his aching muscles under the water, lifting each leg up and scrubbing it clean. The whole time Leo watched him through half lidded eyes and Neymar occasionally glanced back to meet his gaze but otherwise there was a comfortable silence that had settled between them.
Finally he finished and rinsed off all the soap suds on his body. He turned around and grabbed the big white fluffy towel of the rack and handed it to Leo who stood up on two still slightly shaky legs in the tub. He wrapped it around his shoulders trying to dry himself off and keep the heat of the bath with him. Neymar couldn’t help placing a few kisses on his cheek at how adorable he looked. He quickly pulled the plug on the tub and picked Leo up once again who easily nestled his face into his neck. He placed a small kiss there and mumbled out a small “thank you” as he got comfortable in Neymar’s arms who flushed slightly at the gesture. Finally he set Leo down on the edge of the bed.
Leo watched as Neymar got out the lotion and kneeled down in front of him. He lifted each leg rubbing the lotion back and forth deeply into Leo’s skin. He inched higher and higher focused on covering every bit of slightly goose-bumped skin. Leo was still warm and his skin was soft from the bath. He let the towel drop and pool around his waist and Neymar continued with his face, back and arms, placing a kiss on each palm when he was done. He grabbed the clean socks, boxers and sweatpants and helped Leo get into them before swearing lightly under his breath.
“Shit, I almost forgot,” he stood up and walked around to the bedside table then came back with the VapoRub, “lie down,” Leo looked at him slightly skeptically, “what, don’t you trust me?” Neymar laughed as he sat down behind Leo.
“Of course I do, cariño. I always do,” he said matter of factly.
Neymar’s laughter simpered slightly and he flushed at Leo’s sudden bluntness and affection. Luckily Leo didn’t see it as he lied back into Neymar’s lap and closed his eyes. He unscrewed the tiny container and grabbed some of the strong smelling medicine and began to rub it into Leo’s chest. He listened intently to Leo’s breathing as his wheeze almost disappeared entirely with each movement of his hands.
“Your wheeze is almost gone,” he muttered into the quiet of the room. He finally grabbed the large sweater and, after making Leo sit up facing him, tugged it over his head, “see we’re done now. Wasn’t so hard was it meu amor,” he teased as he placed a soft kiss to his still damp hair, ruffling it a little in the process. He giggled when the older man batted away his hand from his hair but seeing the small smile on Leo’s face at his actions he couldn’t help but pull the man into a huge bear hug. Making sure not to be too rough seeing as the man was still sick. Leo wrapped his legs and arms around him and Neymar scooted back till he was sitting comfortably against the headboard.
He closed his eyes and stroked Leo’s back and neck soothingly as they both began to relax. However he quickly opened them when he felt something wet on his neck. The slight tremors running through Leo’s body told him he was crying softly. Leo didn’t cry a lot so Neymar’s worry quickly began to build up.
“Hey, hey amor what’s wrong? Are you hurt?” But this only seemed to make Leo let out a particularly strangled sob as he shook his head and wrapped himself even tighter around Neymar’s body, digging his face deeper into the crook of his neck. “Leo please, you’re scaring me. Can you please talk to me? Or face me? Please meu amor,” he pleaded as he brought one hand to Leo’s hair, softly tugging at the locks until Leo slowly removed his head from his neck. He took in a shuddering breath and wiped his face with the edge of the sweater before opening his glistening eyes and meeting Neymar’s worried, searching gaze.
“It’s nothing really, I just…” Leo turned his head down and took another deep breath as one more lone tear rolled down his face which Neymar was quick to swipe away with his thumb. He picked up Leo’s head in his hands and gently turned his face up to look him in the eye.
“Take your time amor. I’ll be right here waiting for you,” Neymar tried to encourage him as he swiped away another tear that rolled down Leo’s slightly puffy face.
Leo wasn’t sure whether it was the haziness of the meds or the tiredness brought on by the fever but he was feeling particularly vulnerable for once, “you’re just so good to me, cariño. I don’t know what I did to deserve you,” another tear dropped, “gosh I wish I could kiss you right now but I don’t want to make you sick,” he laughed humorlessly as he sniffled lightly, rubbing at his face with his hand.
Neymar’s heart was beating so hard in his chest it felt like it had stopped altogether. He blindly pulled Leo into a soft kiss which Leo promptly pulled away from, “stop you’ll get sick.”
“I don’t care,” he muttered as he gently pulled Leo’s face back into another soft kiss. This time Leo didn’t pull away. He dug his hands into Neymar’s shirt as the other man kissed him tenderly trying to pour all his loyalty, love and devotion into a single kiss. Tears continued to trail down Leo’s face as he took in all of what Neymar felt. He broke the kiss lightly and pulled Leo closer to him, “you’ve done everything and more to deserve me amor and even if you hadn’t, I’d still be here with you.” He whispered as he placed a kiss to Leo’s neck. The older man once again resumed his previous position and buried his face into the crook of Neymar’s neck.
“Te amo Neymar,” he whispered as the tears started flowing harder at Neymar’s words.
“Shh it’s okay Leo. I’ve got you,” he whispered back as he tried not to get too emotional at Leo’s confession. He continued to stroke his back until slowly his shuddering intakes of breath evened out into slow breaths. Neymar maneuvered the both of them under the sheets and laid down on his back, still holding Leo close and fell into a deep sleep.
When Neymar woke up a couple hours later he felt slightly panicked when he realized Leo was gone. But quickly relaxed when he heard the sound of the TV playing softly downstairs. He rubbed at his eyes then got out of bed and headed down stairs where, as expected, he found Leo wrapped up like a cherub in the living room quietly watching some movie in the dark, “hey,” Leo startled slightly at his voice but quickly relaxed, “why didn’t you wake me up?” He asked as he walked into the room and sat down next to Leo on the sofa.
“You looked tired, I figured I’d let you sleep. Besides I haven’t been up for too long,” he leaned into Neymar’s side who wrapped his arm around his shoulder, “don’t worry though. I already ate and took my meds. I even took my temperature again and it’s down to 36.8. I feel loads better now. Listen,” he switched off the TV, grabbed Neymar’s hand and placed it on his chest then sat absolutely still.
“You’ve stopped wheezing,” Neymar grinned widely at the realization pulling Leo into a huge bear hug. Leo laughed at Neymar’s contagious joy, “see, I’m a fantastic nurse.” He winked at Leo as he pulled away. They settled into a comfortable silence. “Come on let’s go back to sleep. You may be feeling better but you still need to keep resting.”
“I’m not sleepy yet.”
Neymar brightened up, “I could sing you to sleep,” he suggested gleefully.
“I thought we’re trying to sleep, not wake up the neighbours,” he teased which earned him a slight poke in his dimple.
“Shut up,” Neymar muttered playfully as he rolled his eyes. He glanced at the piano in the corner of the living room, “actually I’ve been practicing something for you,” he mumbled shyly, “I could play it for you now…if you want?”
“I’d love that,” Leo smiled at the thought of his Ney practicing something just for him. Neymar grinned widely and pulled Leo up by the arm, noting how he didn’t wobble on his legs anymore and lead them to the small seat in front of the sleek, black piano. Leo laid his head on Neymar’s shoulder as he opened up the lid to reveal the glossy keys within.
He took a deep breath in then began to play out a soft, slightly solemn tune. His fingers danced nimbly across the keys with a learned agility. Leo let his eyes flutter close and focused on each key Neymar played. The song was beautiful. Almost hauntingly so but it brought a certain sense of calming comfort to him. He could feel himself relaxing as the tune played out then finally it tapered off as Neymar finished playing.
They both sat in silence for a couple minutes before finally Neymar nervously asked, “what do you think? Did you like it?” He fidgeted slightly as he waited for Leo’s response.
He smiled lightly at the younger man’s anxiousness and placed a small kiss on his cheek, “it was perfect cariño.”
Neymar wrapped his arms around Leo tight and they sat silently for a couple more minutes before they both finally headed back up to bed.
For @dykemar … @gabrieljayzoos idk which one to tag?? But yeah as promised, a Neymessi sick!fic I hope you like it bestie🫢
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vixlenxe · 2 years
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Name: Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche Alias: Ril, Rin, Princess of Lucifenia, The Daughter of Evil, Princess of Lucifer, The Prideful Princess, Yellow Princess Gender: Female Age: 14 Years Old Species: Human(Irregular) Zodiac: aquarius / aries / cancer / capricorn / gemini / leo / libra / pisces / sagittarius / scorpio / taurus / virgo / unknown Abilities/Talents: Some political savvy & skill in manipulation, horseback riding, some fencing
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true Religion: Levin(Held sect; formerly Levia) Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience Languages: French, Common speak(English), Japanese Family: Arth Lucifen d’Autriche(father, deceased), Anne Lucifen d’Autriche(mother, deceased), Alexiel Lucifen d’Autriche(twin brother, presumed missing) Friends: Allen Avadonida, Chartette Langley, Ney Phutapie, Mariam Phutapie, Kyle Marlon Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual  / asexual / unsure / other Relationship status: single / dating(engaged to Kyle Marlon) / married / widowed / open relationship / other Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other Eyes: brown / blue / green / black / other Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other Height: under 3 foot / 3-4 foot / 4-5 foot / 5-6 foot / 6-7 foot / above 7 foot Weight: under 100 pounds / 100-150 pounds / 150-200 pounds / 200-250 pounds / above 250 pounds Scars?: N/A Facial Features?: N/A Tattoos?: N/A
Dogs or Cats? Birds or Hamsters? Snakes or Spiders? Red or Blue? Yellow or Green? Black or White? Coffee or Tea? Ice Cream or Cake? Fruits or Vegetables? Sandwich or Soup? Magic or Melee? Sword or Bow? Summer or Winter? Spring or Autumn? The Past or The Future?
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neadivana · 1 year
TWST OC/Sona info
“A hardworking student with a strong personality. She enjoys communicating with others and loves giving and receiving praise, although, it’s hard to tell if shes being genuine.”
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Close up and more information below
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Technical Information
Name: Nea (Unknown/Unrevealed surname)
Japanese: ネア
• Other names:
Mademoiselle Ney (Rook)
Herbivore (Leona)
Kaigara (貝殻 - Seashell) (Floyd)
Potato (Vil)
Biographical Information
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: Unknown
Star sign: Virgo
Height: 160 cm (5’2)
Eye color: Dark Brown
Hair color: Black-brown
Homeland: Unknown
Family: Mother (Alive) , Father (Alive)
Professional Status
Dorm: Pomefiore Dorm
School year: Second
Class: 2-B
Occupation: Student, Part-time Waitress (Mostro Lounge)
Club: Film Studies
• This is closest to what she’s interested in. The other clubs don’t really interest her, not even the club she's in right now.
Best Subject: Flying, Potionology
Fun Facts
Dominant hand: Right
• She’s right handed but can also use her left (still not as well as the right though). She can draw with her right hand and color with the left hand at the same time.
Favorite food: Buttered Shrimp
• This is her favorite because its very easy to cook and is just a simple dish. Her father often cooks this for her on her birthday before she got in NRC.
Least Favorite Food: Ampalaya
• Ampalaya is a bitter vegetable that’s usually put in pumpkin soup in her hometown. She always leaves in out on the side of her plate.
Dislikes: Being Late
• She dislikes being late since she could miss out a lot just from being a minute late. Despite disliking it, it’s "kind of" a habit of hers.
Talent: Drawing:
• She started to take drawing seriously around second grade after she saw her classmate gaining attention from their drawing skills. Growing up she always wanted that kind of attention to herself.
She’s a very short person. It’s her family’s genes but she also likes teasing others who are only the same height as her or shorter if they’re a boy. Her nails are painted black or purple to match with her uniform and eyeshadow. She has doe eyes and tries to make it siren eyes by the shape of her eyeliner. She wears her uniform without a necktie and opened up because she says its too tight and also wears a golden necklace underneath. She wears black stockings and 3 inch black heels. She also has a mole on her right eyelid and has white fading to brown horns and fluffy ears. Also has a little tail that is the same color as her ears.
A very playful personality and a little (actually a lot more than a little-) dirty minded. She’s not a very open minded person and prefers doing things herself since she doesn’t expect others to be open to her ideas so she’d rather stay away. As tough as she looks on the outside she’s actually very sensitive and gets jealous very quickly. She would notice small details of a person, like the way they wear their clothes, facial expressions, tone in voice, posture— anything, really— whenever they talk to her so she can know if she should ignore this person or not.
She’s a more like a leader than a follower but despite that she doesn’t like being a leader. It has way too much responsibility and commitment for her that it overwhelms her so she’d rather just be an acting leader.
She has quite frequent mood swings and is not afraid to show it, but if she’s told to do something (If it’s important or necessary in her opinion) she will do it even if she’s not in the mood, but still, it depends. Her strong personality makes it impossible to manipulate her no matter how good at manipulating a person is. That also connects to her stubbornness. If she has an opinion it will be hard to convince her to believe in something else.
Unique Magic
Her unique magic is going through shadows or the dark or manipulating it's form. It's called "Disperse the Shadows.". Will go under any shadow and disappear then reappear in a different shadow. It’s like teleportation but in shadows or the dark. She can even stand on someone’s shadow and next thing you know she’s behind another person’s shadow, doesn't need to say the incantation for teleportation. She can also control the shadows as like her ‘extra hands’ and carry things as if it were her own hands. Can also make a shadow larger (Or smaller) and increasing its opacity and making it possible to touch, it is a shadow clone (Can also make the clone larger/smaller) and can multiply the clones. Basically, she can control and move shadows in every shape and form.
When she touches the shadow clone it will go back to it's original form. Only she can do this. When she multiplies the shadows to more than six and make it too large ('Too large' being about fifteen times her size) this can lead to her falling or stumbling or sometimes even fainting.
INCANTATION: "Keep your eyes peeled, for I am everywhere. Disperse the Shadows."
She was raised in a somewhat decent place and in a tropical country, meaning it was very hot, but she was very used to this. She wasn’t wealthy but she isn’t very poor either and her parents always made sure she was fed well and with proper clothes and a good school, they never put her in a public school and she even has a math tutor. She was very close with both her Mother’s side of the family and her Father’s and had a decent amount of friends but she got along more with her online friends despite not knowing their real identity. She always wanted a sibling and growing up she only had a pet then realized how much responsibility it took to keep the pet alive then thought of how much harder it would be if it were an actual person, she soon didn’t want a sibling anymore, and she never got one because her Mother just never got pregnant anymore.
- She always has her bluetooth earphones and her phone with her. These are always plugged in her ears after class.
- Can fall asleep anywhere no matter how loud the area is. Once there was a time her and her friends were having a karaoke night and she got bored and took a nap in the corner seat.
- The golden necklace she wears is from her Grannie.
- She wears 2 bracelets under her blazer on her left hand. One: A blue rosary with big heart shaped beads. Two: A colorful bracelet with her name on it. Its from her 6 year old niece.
- Floyd calls her Seashell because of her horns. He says they're hard and firm like seashells :D
- Only the teachers and head mage know her full name and age.
I got inspiration from this !!!
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subikshafoods · 3 days
Effortless Flavor Boost: Elevate Your Home Cooking with Top Quality Ghee
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Cooking at home is a delightful experience that brings families together and allows for culinary creativity. One simple yet powerful ingredient that can significantly elevate your home-cooked meals is top-quality ghee. Known for its rich, nutty flavor and numerous health benefits, ghee is a staple in many kitchens around the world, especially in South Asian cuisine. This article explores how you can effortlessly boost the flavor of your dishes with top quality ghee in tamilnadu, discussing its nutritional benefits, versatility in cooking, and ways to incorporate it into your everyday meals. By the end of this article, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of why ghee is the ultimate secret to delicious, healthy cooking.
The Nutritional Powerhouse of Ghee: Rich in Healthy Fats- Ghee is a superb source of healthy fats, particularly saturated fats, which are essential for maintaining cellular integrity and producing hormones. Unlike other cooking oils, ghee contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) that are easily digestible and quickly converted into energy, making it a great addition to any diet.
Packed with Essential Vitamins- Ghee is rich in fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K. These vitamins are crucial for various bodily functions, including vision, bone health, immune function, and blood clotting. Regular consumption of ghee can help ensure you get these essential nutrients in your diet.
Contains Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)- One of the standout benefits of ghee is its content of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), a fatty acid known for its potential health benefits. CLA has been linked to improved metabolism, reduced body fat, and enhanced immune function. Incorporating ghee into your diet can help you harness these benefits.
Supports Digestive Health- Ghee is also beneficial for digestive health. It stimulates the secretion of gastric acid, aiding in better digestion and nutrient absorption. Additionally, ghee contains butyric acid, a short-chain fatty acid that supports gut health and has anti-inflammatory properties.
The Culinary Versatility of Ghee: High Smoke Point- Ghee has a high smoke point of around 485°F (252°C), making it ideal for high-temperature cooking methods such as frying, sautéing, and roasting. Unlike other oils that break down and release harmful compounds at high temperatures, ghee remains stable and retains its nutritional properties.
Enhances Flavor- The rich, nutty flavor of ghee can elevate the taste of any dish. It is commonly used in Indian cuisine to enhance the richness and depth of flavors. Whether you’re making a simple vegetable stir-fry or an elaborate biryani, a dollop of ghee can make all the difference.
Ideal for Baking- Ghee’s unique texture and flavor make it an excellent alternative to butter in baking. It imparts a rich, buttery taste to baked goods while providing a healthier option. Try using ghee in your next batch of cookies, cakes, or bread for a delightful twist.
Versatile Ingredient Ghee is not limited to Indian cuisine; it can be incorporated into various culinary traditions. Use it as a base for soups and stews, drizzle it over popcorn, or even mix it into your morning coffee for a creamy, energy-boosting beverage.
Fresh ghee in traditional Madurai dishes: Ghee Fried Dosa- Ghee Fried Dosa is a crispy, golden brown dosa that is generously brushed with ghee. This dish is a staple in Madurai and is loved for its rich, buttery flavor and satisfying crunch. Serve with coconut chutney and sambar for a traditional South Indian breakfast.
Ghee Pongal- Nei Pongal is a comforting and aromatic dish made from rice and dal with ghee, black pepper, cumin and curry leaves. Expressing the essence of Madurai’s culinary tradition, this dish is often served on festive and special occasions.
Lentil Ball Gravy- Lentil ball gravy is traditionally cooked with ghee before being added to the dumpling gravy, which gives the dish a better taste and texture. This hearty dish is a testament to the versatility and depth of flavors that ghee can bring to traditional cuisine.
Ghee Sweets- Madurai is famous for its variety of sweets, many of which are made liberally with ghee. From mouth-watering Mysore Pak to creamy milk payasam, ghee plays an important role in the texture and flavor of these delicious desserts.
How to add fresh ghee to your diet? Start your day with ghee- Adding ghee to your morning routine is beneficial. Adding a teaspoon of ghee to your morning coffee or smoothie can boost energy and improve digestion. Ghee can be spread on toast or mixed with oatmeal to make a nutritious breakfast.
Use ghee in cooking- Replace your regular cooking oil with ghee for added flavor and health benefits. Whether you’re roasting vegetables, frying or frying eggs, ghee can be used in a variety of dishes, enhancing their flavor and nutritional value.
Frying in ghee- As mentioned earlier, ghee can be used as a substitute for butter in baking. Try using ghee in recipes for cookies, cakes and pastries to get a buttery flavor with a healthy twist. Ghee can also be used in pie crusts for a fluffy and tasty coating.
Add ghee to soups and stews- Adding a spoonful of ghee to soups and stews enhances their flavor and gives them a rich, creamy texture. Ghee can also be used to bring out the flavor of base ingredients for soups like onions, garlic and spices.
Drizzle ghee over the vegetables- Steamed or roasted vegetables can be enhanced with a drizzle of ghee. This simple addition enhances the flavor of vegetables and provides a satisfying, nutrient-dense side dish.
Health Conscious and Moderation: Temperance is key- Although ghee offers countless health benefits, it is high in saturated fats and calories. It is important to consume ghee in moderation to avoid the health risks associated with excess calorie intake and high saturated fat consumption.
Listen to your body- Everyone’s dietary needs and tolerances are different. If you are new to ghee, start small and see how your body responds. Some people may experience indigestion if they consume too much ghee at once.
Culinary tradition is deeply intertwined with the use of fresh ghee, a flavoring powerhouse that enhances the flavor and nutritional value of foods. From traditional recipes like ghee-fried dosa and lentil ball gravy to modern culinary uses, ghee offers versatility and health benefits, making it a valuable addition to any kitchen. By understanding how to properly store, use, and incorporate ghee into your diet, you can enjoy its rich, buttery flavor while reaping the health benefits it provides. Imbibe the essence of Madurai’s culinary heritage and make your cooking delicious and healthy with top quality ghee in tamilnadu.
0 notes
tamlindair · 4 months
your grandma’s a real one haha — we did live pretty close to the border, and i suppose a cuisine overlap is somewhat inevitable. and i imagine potatoes are a lot more common/available now so maybe that’s why i’ve had it in so many different places? what vegetables do you usually use?
i love a good neyroast - lactose intolerance be damned! it’s surprising to me that you find idlis easier to make! but that’s probably because i’m very impatient - dosas quick pretty quick, no? have you had both the crepe style dosas (like a ghee roast) and the pancake-y ones?
love an uzhunnu vadai, especially when it’s hot and crispy! thalippu is when you do the oil + mustard, chillies, curry leaves etc thing and add it to the soup like mixture, right? the thing i mentioned is more like a chutney paste thing? like if you were to make peanut butter by toasting the nuts, grinding it, and then mixing the dry powder with oil.
Yes I have asked around (It was a whole thing, I messaged my Indian coworker group who are from different parts of Tamil Nadu at 4 am ok. They were like girl you okay? But also some agreed potato sambar is vegetarian dalcha lol) and the verdict is that Tamil sambar have local veggies where as Kerala sambar tend to add more foreign veggies as well. I usually use anything that’s in hand, hence the carrot that day, but radish, drumstick, brinjal are most commonly used.
Idlis are definitely easier to make, you pour the whole lot and let it steam. I think dosai is only easier if maybe you’re making for one or two people. Otherwise you just have to stand by the stove making for everyone but idli is one pour and done, the stove does the work for you. But I also prefer dosai so like, I don’t make idli often really you caught me on a lazy day lol. Ney roast > Uthappam for sure.
Ah you mean the idli podi. Yes I do have that. It’s for lazier days though lol. You can even like spread the whole powder over the dosai while frying it and it’s 🤤🤤🤤 Add a fried egg to the combo and it’s 💯
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braisedhoney · 1 year
Ney: (posts iswm art)
Me: oh good soup
Ney: (posts other art)
Me: (not understanding at all but still very positive) oh more good soup
tumblr user inspacewithchica you are the light of my life and i appreciate you.
i've gotten myself into a couple more fandoms lately, but make no mistake there's more iswm cooking lol. old habits die hard, and if i haven't shut up about iswm eight months later (???) i probably never fully will. eclectic posting is the spice of life!
... the spice...
now i'm wondering what kind of soup my art would be.
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les-degustations-ugo · 5 months
🇫🇷❓❓Hello les amoureux du tire-bouchon. Et vous, aimez-vous les Haut Médoc ❓❓🇫🇷
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🍇🍷AOP Haut Médoc Cru Bourgeois 2020 rouge du @chateau_senilhac 🍇🍷:
🍇 :
41% Cabernet Sauvignon
49% Merlot
10% Petit verdot
Élevage en fûts neufs. Âgés moyen des Vignes 25 ans.
19,00€ / bouteille
👁️ :
Une robe de couleur pourpre soutenu
👃 :
Un nez expressif sur des notes de fruits noirs légèrement épicées
💋 :
En bouche, on a un vin avec un bel assemblage et une belle structure. Des tanins soupes et ronds en bouche avec du fruit. Sur des arômes de mûre, cassis, pruneaux, les épices sont plus prononcées, sur des notes de poivre blanc et lauriers. L'élevage est présent, mais très bien maîtrisé. Sans excès. Une bonne longueur en bouche avec une finale sur la vanille et les fruits à coque légèrement torréfiés.
📜En résumé📜 :
Un Haut Médoc de toute beauté, avec un excellent rapport qualité-prix plaisir. A ce prix là il ne faut surtout pas s'en priver. Peut également être conservé en cave quelques années pour notre plus grand plaisir.
🧆Dégusté sur du Canard rôti au miel 🧆.
🍷Quelques accords mets et vin possible avec cette cuvée🍷 : Carbonade de dinde, Chevreau grillé, Cuisses de poulet grillées au barbecue, Entrecôte à la bordelaise,....
📌N'oubliez pas, boire un canon c'est sauver
un vigneron. Allez voir le site internet du domaine pour voir toutes les cuvées et promotions du moment📌.
🔞« L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération »🔞 La plupart des
vins ont été dégustés et recrachés. Dégustation non rémunéré.
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #wein #foodie #wineporn #drink
🇫🇷🗣️Description du Domaine 🇫🇷🗣️
Sur la rive gauche bordelaise, entre la Gironde et les forêts Landaises, au nord de Saint-Estèphe, le Château Sénilhac s’étend sur 40,7 hectares dont 23,76 ha plantés en vigne. Le vignoble bénéficie d’un terroir argilo-calcaire, qui recèle dans son sous-sol, une importante réserve d’eau, si précieuse lors des années de sécheresse, conférant ainsi au vin harmonie et richesse.
D’un âge moyen de 25 ans, le vignoble est cultivé avec respect et observation permettant de mettre en valeur son excellence.
La combinaison terroir/encépagement fait du Château Sénilhac un vin rond, souple et charnu, agréable à déguster jeune, mais aussi, de part sa dominante Cabernet, un excellent vin de garde.
Chaque parcelle bénéficie d’un travail précis et adapté à son profil. Des suivis réguliers de maturité sont réalisés par analyses et dégustations. Les raisins sont cueillis à bonne maturité et dans le meilleur état sanitaire possible. Château Sénilhac est certifiée d’exploitation de Haute Valeur Environnementale.
⏬🇫🇷Français dans les commentaires🇫🇷🇮🇹Italiano nei commenti 🇮🇹⏬
🇬🇧❓❓Hello corkscrew lovers. And you, do you like Haut Médoc ❓❓🇬🇧
🍇🍷AOP Haut Médoc Cru Bourgeois 2020 red from @chateau_senilhac 🍇🍷:
41% Cabernet Sauvignon
49% Merlot
10% Petit verdot
Aging in new barrels. Average age of the Vines 25 years.
19.00€ / bottle
A deep purple dress
An expressive nose with notes of slightly spicy black fruits
On the palate, we have a wine with a beautiful blend and a beautiful structure. Soft and round tannins on the palate with fruit. With aromas of blackberry, blackcurrant, prunes, the spices are more pronounced, with notes of white pepper and bay leaf. Breeding is present, but very well controlled. Without excess. Good length on the palate with a finish of vanilla and lightly roasted nuts.
📜In summary📜:
A very beautiful Haut Médoc, with excellent value for money. At this price you shouldn't deprive yourself of it. Can also be kept in the cellar for a few years for our greatest pleasure.
🧆Tasted on Honey Roasted Duck🧆.
🍷Some possible food and wine pairings with this vintage🍷: Turkey carbonade, Grilled kid, Barbecue-grilled chicken legs, Bordeaux-style steak,....
📌Don't forget, drinking a barrel is saving a winemaker. Go to the estate's website to see all the vintages and promotions of the moment📌.
🔞“Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation”🔞Most
wines were tasted and spat out. Unpaid tasting.
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #wein #foodie #wineporn #drink
🇬🇧🗣️Domain Description 🇬🇧🗣️
On the left bank of Bordeaux, between the Gironde and the Landes forests, north of Saint-Estèphe, Château Sénilhac extends over 40.7 hectares, including 23.76 ha planted with vines. The vineyard benefits from a clay-limestone terroir, which contains in its subsoil, a large reserve of water, so precious during years of drought, thus giving the wine harmony and richness.
With an average age of 25 years, the vineyard is cultivated with respect and observation to highlight its excellence.
The terroir/grape variety combination makes Château Sénilhac a round, supple and fleshy wine, pleasant to taste young, but also, due to its Cabernet dominance, an excellent wine for aging.
Each plot benefits from precise work adapted to its profile. Regular monitoring of maturity is carried out by analyzes and tastings. The grapes are picked at good maturity and in the best possible health condition. Château Sénilhac is certified as a High Environmental Value operation.
🇮🇹❓❓Ciao amanti dei cavatappi. E a te, ti piace l'Haut Médoc ❓❓🇮🇹
🍇🍷AOP Haut Médoc Cru Bourgeois 2020 rosso di @chateau_senilhac 🍇🍷:
41% Cabernet Sauvignon
Merlot 49%.
10% Piccolo verde
Invecchiamento in botti nuove. Età media delle Vigne 25 anni.
Un vestito viola intenso
Un naso espressivo con note di frutti neri leggermente speziati
Al palato abbiamo un vino con un bel blend e una bella struttura. Tannini morbidi e rotondi al palato con sentori di frutta. Con aromi di mora, ribes nero, prugne secche, le spezie sono più pronunciate, con note di pepe bianco e alloro. La riproduzione è presente, ma molto ben controllata. Senza eccessi. Buona persistenza al palato con un finale di vaniglia e noci leggermente tostate.
📜In sintesi📜:
Un bellissimo Haut Médoc, con un eccellente rapporto qualità-prezzo. A questo prezzo non dovresti privartene. Può essere conservato anche in cantina per qualche anno per il nostro più grande piacere.
🧆Degustato su Anatra Arrosto Al Miele🧆.
🍷Alcuni possibili abbinamenti enogastronomici con questa annata🍷: Carbonata di tacchino, Capretto alla griglia, Cosce di pollo alla brace, Bistecca alla bordolese,....
📌Non dimenticare, bere una botte fa risparmiare un enologo. Vai sul sito dell'azienda per vedere tutte le annate e le promozioni del momento📌.
🔞“L'abuso di alcol è pericoloso per la salute, consumalo con moderazione”🔞Most
i vini venivano degustati e sputati. Degustazione non retribuita.
🗣️🇮🇹Descrizione i Dominio 🗣️🇮🇹
Sulla riva sinistra di Bordeaux, tra le foreste della Gironda e delle Landes, a nord di Saint-Estèphe, Château Sénilhac si estende su 40,7 ettari, di cui 23,76 coltivati ​​a vigneto. Il vigneto beneficia di un terroir argilloso-calcareo, che racchiude nel suo sottosuolo, una grande riserva d'acqua, così preziosa durante anni di siccità, donando così al vino armonia e ricchezza.
Con un'età media di 25 anni, il vigneto è coltivato con rispetto e osservazione per evidenziarne l'eccellenza.
Il binomio terroir/vitigno rende Château Sénilhac un vino rotondo, elastico e carnoso, piacevole da degustare giovane, ma anche, per la sua dominanza Cabernet, un ottimo vino da invecchiamento.
Ogni appezzamento beneficia di un lavoro preciso adattato al suo profilo. Il monitoraggio regolare della maturità viene effettuato mediante analisi e degustazioni. Le uve vengono raccolte a buona maturazione e nel miglior stato sanitario possibile. Château Sénilhac è certificato come azienda ad alto valore ambientale.
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tempi-dispari · 5 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.tempi-dispari.it/2024/01/22/rising-star-wedding-kollektiv/
Rising Star: Wedding Kollektiv
Il Wedding Kollektiv è un progetto musicale nato nel 2017 da un’idea di Alessandro Denni che, dopo un lungo periodo di inattività, decide di iniziare a comporre nuovi pezzi inediti e di sottoporli ai suoi più fidati collaboratori (Tiziana Lo Conte, Claudio Moneta, Inke Kueh). Inizia quindi un lavoro che porterà alla pubblicazione nel 2021 di Brodo, esordio discografico del collettivo che oggi si muove tra Roma, Berlino e Torino. 
Il progetto non perde tempo e si mette subito al lavoro per realizzare questo nuovo disco intitolato Il Wedding Kollektiv & female friends play SOUP, che contiene una serie di remix estratti dall’esordio e vede la collaborazione di diverse musiciste parecchie apprezzate dal collettivo. Ne viene fuori una serie di brani surreali e intriganti, che miscelano elettronica e pop generando una miscela semplice ma straordinariamente esplosiva. Tra i brani migliori troviamo sicuramente “L’astronomo”, un’invettiva elettropop che funziona al primo ascolto. Tra quelli più sperimentali risaltano parecchio “A proposito del tuo candore” e “Ipersfera relazionale”, due viaggi tra musica e parole che portano ai confini dell’assurdo. Nel disco è presente l’inedito strumentale “Piccola suite per lavare i pavimenti”, altro brano decisamente folle che chiude idealmente un lavoro già abbastanza estroverso. 
Sopra le righe, moderno, eccentrico. Il Wedding Kollektiv è sicuramente uno dei progetti più curiosi degli ultimi due anni. Il loro è un pop elettronico di confine che si muove tra l’avanguardia e un’estetica new wave di stampo anni ’80, ma incredibilmente radicato nell’attualità. Un ascolto decisamente consigliato a priori. 
Il Wedding Kollektiv si forma su idea di Alessandro Denni (autore, arrangiatore, produttore nei dischi di GRONGE, SONA, GOAH e in altri progetti). Alessandro dopo aver scritto una ventina di canzoni tra il 2017 e il 2018 le propone a Tiziana Lo Conte (voce inconfondibile in GRONGE, GOAH e attualmente ROSELUXX), Claudio Moneta (chitarrista, compositore in GOAH, ROSELUXX e in altri progetti), Inke Küll (violinista, sassofonista, pittrice, performer berlinese, anche lei per molti anni nei GRONGE). Tra tutti i pezzi ne vengono scelti cinque che fanno parte del primo lavoro del Kollektiv, si intitola BRODO ed e´ un mini Lp 33 giri stampato in edizione limitata in vinile e distribuito sulle principali piattaforme di streaming digitale. Ai quattro durante le registrazioni del disco (prodotto da neontoaster multimedia dept.) si aggiungono musicisti e musiciste del circuito indipendente rock e impro romano che arricchiscono la tavolozza sonora del lavoro, gia´ molto articolata in fase compositiva. Vuoi una tromba jazz? In BRODO c’è. Vuoi un violoncello classico? BRODO lo ha. Una batteria new wave? BRODO ha anche quella. Le parole delle canzoni vengono affidate a JLF, giovane scrittrice, autrice di testi intimi, violenti, crudi. Della grafica del lavoro si occupa Gianluca Cannizzo (Aka MyPosterSucks), grafico torinese, autore di poster, magliette, oggetti, disegnatore dal tratto inconfondibile, tra i piu´ ricercati attualmente nel panorama italiano.
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daniela--anna · 6 months
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A tasty soup with different vegetables and herbs.
• 1 liter of vegetable broth
• 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder
• 1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger
• 1 small clove of garlic, finely chopped
• 2 medium potatoes, peeled and cut into cubes
• 1 courgette, cut into slices
• 1 red pepper cut into cubes
• 500 g of fresh spinach leaves, washed and coarsely chopped
• 200 g of soya sprouts
• Salt and pepper to taste
Heat the vegetable broth in a large skillet over medium heat.
Add the turmeric, grated ginger and finely chopped garlic to the broth.
Mix well and let simmer for about 5 minutes.
Add the potato cubes and the courgette slices.
Let the soup cook for another 10-15 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender.
Add the diced peppers and let the soup cook for another 3-5 minutes.
Stir the chopped spinach leaves into the soup and cook for a few minutes until the spinach is wilted.
Finally add the bean sprouts and let them cook for just a minute so that they remain crunchy.
Season the soup with salt and pepper.
A drizzle of extra virgin olive oil if desired.
The soup is delicious as is or accompanied with slices of bread or a bowl of boiled white rice.
🍲Hot soup is ideal in the winter months because it reactivates digestion and prepares the stomach for protein intake.
Furthermore, containing turmeric and ginger, it has decongestant properties.
Una gustosa zuppa con diverse verdure ed erbe aromatiche.
• 1 litro di brodo vegetale
• 2 cucchiaini di curcuma in polvere
• 1 cucchiaio di zenzero fresco grattugiato
• 1 spicchio d'aglio piccolo, tritato finemente
• 2 patate medie, sbucciate e tagliate a cubetti
• 1 zucchina, tagliata a fette
• 1 peperone rosso tagliato a cubetti
• 500 g di foglie di spinaci freschi, lavati e tritati grossolanamente
• 200 g di germogli di soia
• Sale e pepe a piacere
Scaldare il brodo vegetale in una padella larga a fuoco medio. Aggiungere al brodo la curcuma, lo zenzero grattugiato e l'aglio tritato finemente. Mescolate bene e lasciate cuocere a fuoco lento per circa 5 minuti.
Aggiungere i cubetti di patate e le fettine di zucchine. Lasciate cuocere la zuppa per altri 10-15 minuti, o fino a quando le patate saranno tenere.
Aggiungete i peperoni tagliati a dadini e lasciate cuocere la zuppa per altri 3-5 minuti.
Mescolare le foglie di spinaci tritate nella zuppa e cuocere per pochi minuti finché gli spinaci non saranno appassiti.
Infine aggiungere i germogli di soia e lasciare cuocere giusto un minuto in modo che rimangano croccanti.
Condire la zuppa con sale e pepe. A piacere un giro d'olio extravergine d'oliva.
La zuppa è deliziosa tal quale o accompagnata con fette di pane o una ciotola di riso bianco bollito.
🍲La zuppa calda è l'ideale nei mesi invernali perché riattiva la digestione e prepara lo stomaco all'assunzione di proteine.
Inoltre contenendo curcuma e zenzero, esplica attività decongestionanti.
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enkeynetwork · 1 year
0 notes
mamagrizknamo · 1 year
Kreminė brokolių ir čederio sūrio sriuba
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Kai gimiau, močiutė man buvo numačiusi Kunigundos vardą. Ko gero, sakė, kad nuostabus ir išskirtinis, o dar, vienaip ar kitaip, su pačiu Dievuliu susijęs - niekada ta tema nesam kalbėjusios. Bet patyliukais, kai tik sužinojau apie prieš daug metų išreikštą močiutės bandymą įtakoti mano gyvenimą, iš to jos noro, vis bandydama įsivaizduoti kaip atrodytų kunigus gundanti moteris (aš), šaipydavausi.
Mano močiutė Emilija stovi dešinėje
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Bet kartą, nusprendusi pasidomėti to planuoto, bet niekad neturėto vardo reikšme, šaipytis nustojau. Pasirodo, vardas  Kunigunda yra kilęs iš senovės vokiečių kalbos žodžių „kuni“ (liet. - klanas, šeima, gentis, giminė) ir „gund“ (liet. kova, karas).  Taigi, viską sudėliojus į savo vietas, vardą reiktų aiškinti taip: „kilusi iš karingos genties arba karingoji“. 
Taip sakant, kad jau gimei po skorpiono ženklu, tai dar ir dovanėlę, vardo pavidalu, pridėsime. Dėkui Die, nepridėjo - tėvai išrinko kitą, kuriuo džiaugiausi net paauglystėje (o paauglystėje gi nesidžiaugi niekuo).
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Nesu vardų ekspertė - mano sąskaitoje tų, kuriuos vienaip ar kitaip užvadinau, ne tiek ir daug, bet iki šiol prisimenu labai mylėtos lėlės vardą. O kartais, nes man taip linksmiau, vardus, lyg kokias etiketes, prilipdau gaminamam maistui.  Pvz., prieš kurį laiką visai netikėtai atrastą daržovių-sūrio sriubą Brokole Čederyte pavadinau ir, garantuoju, prilips tas vardas mano namuose taip sėkmingai, kaip kad prie šlapio asfalto prikimba rudens vėjo nupurtytas ir vietos niekur kitur neradęs lapas.
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Nors tikrai neprieštaraučiau, Brokolė nėra mano kūrybos rezultatas (ir va šitaip jos niekas, išskyrus mane, nevadina) - gimė ji JAV.
Man nepavyko išsiaiškinti kaip dažnai šeimininkės smulkindavo brokolį tam, kad ant pietų stalo garuotų tirštoji sriuba, bet žinau nuo kada to darbo, dėka  Campbell's bendrovės, jos galėjo nebedaryti - grietinėlės-brokolių sriubos skardinėse prekyba prasidėjo 1990 m. sausio 2 deną. Šitoje vietoje jau buvo galima padėti tašką (tikslas pasiektas, veiksmas, t. y. prekyba, vyksta), bet kažkam dar toptelėjo mintis apie reklamą, todėl keliaujam toliau.
O buvo taip - pasirodo, prezidentas H. W. Bushas nemėgo brokolių. Ko gero, jokių - nei virtų, nei skrudintų ir net tų, kurie dar į lėkštę nukeliauti nespėjo ir gražiai parduotuvių lentynose gulėjo.
Tų pačių (kalbam apie 1990-uosius) metų rudenį Campbell's bendrovė, nusprendusi tą prezidento prisipažinimą panaudoti kaip reklamą, ėmėsi mažos gudrybės ir kartu su žurnalu ,,Woman's Day“ šalyje paskelbė konkursą  „Kaip priversti prezidentą Bushą valgyti brokolius“. Nugalėtojui (ar nugalėtojai) buvo pažadėta ne tik 7500 USD premija, bet ir apsilankymas Baltuosiuose rūmuose (kas nenorėtų?).  
Laimėtoja tapo Kalifornijoje gyvenanti telefonų bendrovės buhalterė Priscilla Yee, aplenkusi 3000 (!) pretendentų ir atsiuntusi brokolių-citrinų padažo, skirto troškintoms daržovėms, receptą (padažas kurtas  Campbell's Cream of Broccoli sriubos skardinėse pagrindu). Pinigus ponia pasiėmė, Vašingtone apsilankė, deja, prezidento Baltuosiuose rūmuose tuo metu nerado. Jei ne jo atostogos, net neabejoju, būtų nuoširdžiai apie brokolius pakalbėję. 
O tuo tarpu skardinėse patalpinta kreminė brokolių sriuba jau mušė rekordus - staiga visi panoro jos paragauti.
Beje, šiandien klestinčią bendrovę, tą pačią, kuri taip stengėsi dėl brokolių, Camden mieste, Naujajame Džersyje, 1869 metais įkūrė Joseph Campbell ir Abraham Anderson. Savo kūrinį tada pavadino paprastai, galvos per daug nelaužydami, Anderson & Campbell firma. Tokia buvo Campbell Soup Company pradžia, kuri, sprendžiant iš apyvartos ir populiarumo, niekada neturės pabaigos.
Jei sakote, kad niekada ir nieko nesate girdėję apie šią bendrovę, prisiminkite meno istoriją  - 1962 m. liepos 9 d. Andy Warholas Los Andželo Ferus meno galerijoje eksponavo 32 Campbell's Soup Can atvaizdus, kurie ( ačiū reprodukcijai), išsibarstė po platųjį pasaulį ir apsigyveno kone kiekvienuose namuose.
Savo ruožtu bendrovė, norėdama paminėti 50-ąsias menininko kūrybos metines, 2012m. vartotojams pristatė riboto leidimo Campbell pomidorų sriubos skardinių seriją su Andy Warhol įkvėptomis etiketėmis.
Va tokia vienos reklaminės kampanijos istorija, kuri greičiausiai neprivertė prezidento pamėgti nemėgstamo, bet užtat subūrė visą armiją tirštosios sriubos fanų, kurie, reik manyti, ženkliai paspartino sūrio pramonės plėtojimo ir brokolių auginimo tempus bet kokiomis sąlygomis, bet kokiu oru ir, aišku, bet kuriuo metų laiku. 
Taigi, susipažinkite - Brokolė Čederytė (dar kartą primenu, kad tai nėra tikras sriubos pavadinimas) - sriuba, kurios versijų internete rasite lygiai tiek, kiek matėte grįžtančių paukščių danguje, tarkim, šį pavasarį.
Ingredientai sriuboje keičiasi, bet nepasakyčiau, kad labai reikšmingai. Kai kurios šeimininkės dalį sultinio keičia pienu, šalia morkų atsiranda bulvių ar salierų, kartais ji paskaninama skrudintos šoninės kubeliais, bet esmė lieka ta pati - sūriu paįvairinta visa puokštė daržovių, kurioje, visgi, vyrauja prezidento taip nemėgti brokoliai. Tiesa, kartais sriuboje atsisakoma miltų ir visas turinys, norint suteikti dar daugiau kremiškumo ir tekstūros tolygumo, yra pertrinamas, bet, kaip ką tik minėjau, esmė nesikeičia - sultinys, daržovės ir sūris išlieka. 
Asmeniškai man skanu visaip, bet yra dalykas, kuris sriuboje man nepatinka. O nepatinka..brokoliai. Ne, nesu ta, kuri jų nemėgsta, nes valgau apsilaižydama. Bėda tame, kad sriuboje žalieji visiškai pameta savo gražiąją spalvą, tad jei norit ją turėti, nuoširdžiai rekomenduoju juos, atskirai apvirtus, sudėti jau į lėkštes. Bet tą daryti kitaip, nei kad esat gal įpratę - paprastai išvirti brokoliai perliejami šaltu vandeniu. Na, tipo, kad neprarastų spalvos. O bandėt daryt kitaip, t. y., nemaudyti jų šaltame duše? Pabandykit ir nustebkit - spalvos jie tikrai nepraras arba jei ir praras kokį lašiuką, tai tikrai ne tiek, kiek jos netenka virdami kartu su grietinėle. Reziumuojant: į išpilstytą sriubą, anot manęs, reikia dėti apvirtus ir dar šiltus brokolius.
Tiesa, kad ir kiek receptų perverčiau, topinambų nė viename neaptikau. Pagalvojau, kad jei jau pavasaris, reikia naudotis proga. Jei jums skaniau bulvės, dėkite jas.
Atvėsusi sriuba labai sutirštės ir beveik pavirs į košę - nesijaudinkit - pašildyta ji tikrai atgaus savo pradinį stovį.
Tumblr media
- 2-3 v. š. ghee sviesto;
- 1 didelio svogūno;
- 2 česnako skiltelių;
- 1 morkos;
- 3/4 brokolio;
- kelių topinambo gumbų;
- 2 v. š. miltų;
- 700 ml. daržovių ar vištienos sultinio;
- 300 ml grietinėlės (naudoju 10% riebumo);
- 1/2-1 a. š. maltų juodųjų pipirų;
- 150 g čederio sūrio (naudoju 18 mėn brandinimo).*
- po šaukštą (kiekvienai porcijai) tarkuoto čederio patiekiant;
- 1/4 vnt. sūdytame vandenyje virto brokolio.
Ketvirtadalį smulkinto brokolio išvirti sūdytame vandenyje (3 min.), nuvarvinti ir atidėti.
Pjaustytą svogūną apkepti įkaitintame svieste. Kai taps permatomas, dėti kubeliais pjaustytas morkas, žiemines bulves (šį kartą topinambus, kad nepakenkti spalvinei sriubos gamai, nulupau). Galiausiai suberti kapotas česnako skilteles, o kai pasklis aromatas, dėti miltus, gerai išmaišyti ir kiek apkepti. Supilti verdantį sultinį ir virti, kol daržovės suminkštės. 
Šliūkštelti grietinėlės ir, sriubai vėl užvirus, sudėti žiedynėliais išskaidytus brokolius, pagardinti pipirais ir virti kokias 3 minutes. 
Suberti tarkuotą sūrį, leisti jam išsilydyti, paragauti ar netrūksta druskos. Puodą nukaisti, uždengti dangčiu ir, kol bus ragaujama, palaikyti dar 5 minutes. 
Išpilsčius sriubą į lėkštes dėti apvirtus brokolių žiedynus. Paviršių, jei tik norisi, apiberti tarkuotu sūriu ir tada jau patiekti. Norit, duokit žmonėms baltos duonos, nenorit, neduokit - tirštoji bet kuriuo atveju bus soti ir ypatingai gardi.
* Jei mylite Ameriką, bet esate nusistatę prieš anglus ir jų čederį, velniai nematė, naudokit kitą sūrį. Bet faktas lieka faktu - teks keist pavadinimą ir sriubą pavadint kitu, pvz., Brokolės Gaudytės vardu. Bet anas man skamba kur kas geriau.
Pagrindiniai šaltiniai, kuriais rėmiausi rašydama apie sriubą: čia, čia ir čia
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