#marshal babeys
elisabeth515 · 9 months
Just reposting this on my tumblr from my Tiktok
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afarcryfrommymain · 10 months
Far Cry OC Tournament Round 2! Wesley Beltran v Deputy Calahan Hartley
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Wesley Beltran (@stacispratt)
About: wes beltran considers himself a generally calm person, and this is true until his friends are in danger. staci and joey are his only family in hope county, and he'd do anything for them. after the seeds take them from him, his singular goal is to rescue them at any cost. at first, he agrees to help the resistance, because the more people fighting the cult the better, but the second any task doesn't directly help him get joey back from john (his first goal), he'll ditch it. he doesn't want to waste time, he wants to get right to joey, and also get his hands bloody punishing the people who have hurt her. after he gets accustomed to his brand new bloodlust, he prefers to use knives/blades/shovels to kill cultists over guns. it's more personal and painful for them. this is especially so with john seed! killing him from a distance with a gun would take all the reward out of killing john. also, it turns out that john seed's obsession with him scratches a very particular, desperate, life-long need inside wes to find someone who loves him more than anything, and his priorities after he rescues joey starts to blur into something that includes soaking up john's obsessive love forever and ever so he can (maybe, possibly) finally feel so full of love he'll never starve for it again! that's not to say john and wes don't beat the shit out of each other, because they do, most notably at wes's confession where wes beats john over the head with a metal pipe to rescue joey, and at wes's atonement, where john tattoos wes and then wes hunts john down until john gets the upper hand and steals him away to his bunker where, you guessed it, they beat the shit out of each other again. when marshal burke dies, wes blames the resistance. staci suffers near-death torment at the hands of jacob seed, and wes can't reconcile this with the idea that the resistance cares at all, because he's so sucked up in the well-being of his own two best friends. eventually, consumed with his mutual obsession for john seed, wes joins the cult and becomes john's right hand man and favorite chosen. he doesn't particularly take pleasure in torturing or killing innocents, but his loyalty to john has cemented itself and he'd do anything for him, just as he'd do anything for joey & staci. plus they still get to make each other bleed without politics also boomer is his bestie :)
Anything else we should know?: corruption arc through obsessive love babey.
Art for Wesley by @bybats (sorry for forgetting it in the first round TvT)
Deputy Calahan "Rookie" Hartley (@inafieldofdaisies)
About: Calahan is 23, the main source of Sheriff's Whitehorse headaches and occasional bane of John Seed's existence. A destructive pretty boy that ends up wreaking havoc anywhere he goes and quite often finds himself in trouble thanks to his cockiness and daredevil nature. Still, this is just the way he likes things anyway. What's a party without a little fire?
Does your OC have anything to share?: "Strategy? Pfft. Like I'd reveal my secrets."
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montammil · 2 years
Hai again ! And thank you so muchhhhh for linking the part one ! I loved it its amazing and Marshall is a sweet cinnamon bean and the nicknames marshmallow is so adorable fbjfjdjfjdjdjdjdjd
thank you!! Marshall truly is babey, and i'm so glad you liked the nickname part, too! A little fun fact, Lawrence gives everyone he knows a nickname, but of course, marshmallow is used the most fondly (from Lawrence's perspective, at least,,,)
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the essay on sparks' dreams is coming eventually but for now
I need to know more about how you see sparkscroach. Stat.
Also!!! I learned during my relisten of the bits with Cactoid Jim in them that my fave USSA guy, Gene Peeples, iconically Space Jewish was Space CATHOLIC in his second appearance and Space Jewish was a retcon. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. They should just give Joshua Malina all the Space Judaism jokes he seems to know what he's doing.
Also also do you remember when Billy the Bot said "I'm a metal robot wearing a hat" after a brief line flub where he and Croach swapped lines kind of? Because I think about that a lot.
I am moving so pardon the disorganized thoughts. They also used my questions for the trivia game and NOBODY REMEMBERED SPARKS' MIDDLE NAME and said MEJ wouldn't even remember. Are you kidding? MEJ would remember. Marc Evan Jackson IS Sparks Nevada. They have the same birthday!! (Proven by Danger 2.0 in which his password is August 21st which is MEJ's birthday) -Tintissi
first of all, sorry for the late response! i promise i have not been ignoring you, just very busy and wanted to take the time this deserves to respond to.
sparkscroach is just so real and true to me. in the first recorded episode they bodyswap. in the second recorded episode there is egg sac stimulation that is explicitly sexual. and it just gets worse from there. sparks impregnates croach. for anyone who hasn't listened to sparks nevada, marshal on mars, that is not a joke or exaggeration in any way. he got that martian pregnant. i love whenever they "break up" and are so fucking lost without the other. and when croach dies in sparks' arms? fuck off!!! and then off course the egg dreams. my opinion of sparkscroach is essentially "they are in love and will never admit it due to being horribly disgustingly stubborn." it's one of the first "ships" that i got really into—i was 15 when i started listening—so it has a lot of nostalgic value to me.
i wish i remembered more of these details, it's been at least 5 years since i last relistened in full... i barely remember gene peeples unfortunately, though i do remember the ussa stuff! i don't remember the "i'm a metal robot wearing a hat" either, though i do love when they fumble lines or start laughing or when things go wrong in some way. live theatre babey!!!!
also i have to be real i didn't remember sparks' middle name until i looked on his wiki page. that's really cool they used your questions for a trivia game!!! also omg his birthday is coming up...happy early space birthday sparks nevada my friend..
best of luck with moving!! :)
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epicflyingtaco17 · 3 years
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Why did I draw this. 
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mutodaes · 3 years
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Here’s a mock eZine cover I did for an elective class! Over the course of 10 weeks, I was tasked with building up an eZine that covered one of my favorite genres: survival horror!  For the cover, I used an old OC of mine, Marshall. This class gave me a chance to develop him and his storyline further, and I’m glad that I chose it as the final step to completing my degree. 
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schrodingers-fag · 3 years
Haha what if we dated and you didn’t break up with me out of the blue because you lost feelings for me haha jk jk ... unless 👀
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lucindarobinsonvevo · 4 years
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I'm here on your doorstep and I planned it out for weeks now but, it's finally sinking in. Right now is the last time I can dream about what happens when you see my face again The only thing I wanna do is make it up to you.
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moonlmoon · 4 years
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Since the game doesn't allow us to sit next to our villagers, I just plop a cushion next to them. You can't tell me what to do game!! Also, Marshall is so smoll... i lov him... ♡
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elisabeth515 · 1 year
Happy deathday. I got you flowers at your grave.
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Picture taken in May 2022
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muchmoremarsh · 3 years
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naurbody cares but i updated my main sona cuz im a lil bitch and i wanna move on from th would design for somethin a bit more simplified
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yuriio · 4 years
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liddol sailor boy 
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Thank you to @pepperonyscience for this first sentence prompt! It got to be... a little more than five sentences. A bit of an introduction to an oc from that space series I have in the concept stages that I told myself I wouldn’t write right now. His name is Jade Marshall, he’s half human and half an aquatic based alien race I haven’t come up with a name for yet.
(there may be another bit I use this same prompt for because it’s what it was originally intended to be and I got an idea, but we’ll see...)
"I wonder how long these puny human lungs of yours could last underwater."
“Stop, I’m not- I’m not even a human,” Jade muttered and lowered his head, trying to push past the crowd of taller people even as they closed on him, pushing him closer to the railing.
“Might as well be. You certainly sympathize enough with ‘em. Didn’t ever get those gills you always told us you would, either.” One of the others reached out to run fingers roughly up the side of his neck, digging them into light scarring there where his gills were meant to have opened up. “You know, those normally develop around seventeen. Fifteen years late is a little too late to be a ‘late bloomer’ don’t you think?”
He dug fingers against the scars until Jade flinched away, holding up hands protectively around his neck. He didn’t say a word.
“The question still stands though,” the first chimed in again. “Aren’t you curious how long you can hold your breath, jewel boy?”
“I’m... really not. Just let me through. We’re not children anymore; this is uncalled for--”
“Always so serious, Jaden!” the strongest of them laughed, a hand reaching out to grasp his chin and tilt it upwards. When he twitched and tried to jerk away, sharp claws tightened and dug into his skin. “We just wanna have some fun with our friend who nearly ruined earlier’s proceedings with his idiocy… and let him know what we think about him taking this chance away from us,” he purred, pulling Jade’s chin up and back until he had no choice but to bend. His lower back leaned against the railing, but he was well aware of how the rest of his upper body was balancing precariously above the rushing river below.
He knew it wouldn’t be so bad. He could swim. He wouldn’t have to find out how long he could hold his breath because he would make it to the surface for air. He was still a half breed, after all. But at the same time, he could see the crystal clear water in his mind’s eye, the sharp rocks coating the bottom of the river. If by chance he hit one of those… he swallowed involuntarily as he was bent further back above the water.
He felt hands around his ankles and he fumbled to get a grip on the edge of the rail, preparing to leverage against the sickening, dizzying feeling of being flipped on his head. Jade’s eyes flicked back up to one holding him back, usually blank eyes sparking with the pain of old wounds.
“Anything like this happens again,” he started, tightening his grip even further, “and you land down there. Do anything to jeopardize the trial? We don’t stop at drowning you. Got it?”
Shakily, Jade nodded and swallowed again when the hands retracted from his face and ankles. He could feel the points where nails had dug in, carving divots and breaking skin.
The rest of the group backed away, chattering among themselves and snickering as he lay still for a few moments, steadying his breathing, before heaving himself back to his feet. He checked his old telepager, squinting at the cracked display--if only they’d replace the progenerator then the cracks wouldn’t be a problem--to see the time. He was already late for his next rotation.
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babey-of-the-day · 4 years
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Today's Babey of the Day is: Marshal from Animal Crossing
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maraczeks · 4 years
p+r s5 thread pt 1
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