#source @suplosers
sabansbabes · 7 years
Eddie: I don't want you to think that Richie and I are dating, because we're not. That was purely accidental intercourse.
Mike: You had intercourse, accidentally? What were you trying to do, Eddie?
Eddie: Return his Calculus notes
Mike: And what? Your pants fell off?
778 notes · View notes
my-sugarskull-me · 5 years
Billy: I don't want you to think that Steve and I are dating, because we're not. That was purely accidental intercourse.
Max: You had intercourse, accidentally? What were you trying to do, Billy?
Billy: Return his calculus notes.
Max: And what? Your pants fell off?
296 notes · View notes
coldlittlecuties · 4 years
Bundle Up
The boys are on an early season 1 hunt in Michigan but aren't quite used to how cold it is. (Words: 2086)
I might continue this if anyone is interested.
Dean shoved Sam through the entrance of the nearest store, the little bell above jingling. The younger hunter was shaking so harshly from the frigid Michigan air that Dean feared it was a seizure. He steered Sam over to the nearest vent, then began brushing off the snow while hot air blew over him.
"You okay?" Dean checked.
"F-F-FFF-F-Fi-Finnne," Sam stuttered.
"You're not fine, you're frozen! The Hell were you thinkin', man?!" Dean scolded. Sam looked at him with the most heart-wrenching puppy eyes he'd ever pulled. Of course him being all huddled up and shivery made it all the more effective.
Dean sighed. He brought his brother's icy hands out from his jacket sleeves to check for frostbite. "Look: I don't care how close you think the library is. When it's this freakin' cold, you call me to pick you up. You don't walk! Man, look at you! You better have all your toes."
"*fffffuhuhuhuhuh* N-N-NN-NN-No-ot th-th-that *buh-buh-buh-buh*bad," Sam denied. He then shuddered so hard Dean had to stop him from falling.
"Yeah, tell that to your teeth," Dean interrupted. "Geez, Sammy! If you're gonna be so underdressed, at least wear gloves."
"D-D-D-Do-on't ha-ha-avvve 'nnnny-y," Sam explained. Dean lightly smacked him upside his head.
"You should've said something! I told you we'd be close to Canada this hunt! Are these the warmest clothes you have?" He berated. Sam's lack of eye contact was all the answer Dean needed. He sighed, washing a hand over his face. "You trying kill me, Sammy?"
"Y-Y-You-u'd c-c-c-co-co-com*mmm*ee b-b-bb-back a-a-an *huhuhuh*haunt m-m-m-me."
"Damn right I'd haunt your ass," Dean smirked. "Now let's see if this place has anything to keep you from turning into the abominable snowman."
The brothers have stayed in some pretty awful places: motels that reek of cigar smoke, empty houses infested with pests, even outside on cold concrete if the situation was dire enough. This cabin might be their least favorite place. Sure it looked beautiful, was clean, and free from rodents or bugs, but it was not built for winter.
It's insulation is nonexistent, the windows are single paned which let the chill seep into the cabin, there is no fireplace, and no matter where they are, there is always a draft to send shivers up their spines. Dean was convinced that the cabin was colder than the snowy forest outside. He was tempted to sleep in the Impala, but since she was made of metal, she would be even colder (though he doubted it was possible for colder temperatures to exist).
Their father trained them to withstand cold temperatures and how to deal with cold weather emergencies. Dean kept trying to regulate his breathing like he was taught. Every inhale felt like a brain freeze to his sinuses, even inside! Despite all of this, Dean was still more worried for his brother.
Sam has never been very cold tolerant. His skinny body just didn't hold in enough heat. Living in the warmer climate of the Bay Area made him even less tolerant. Dean's stomach clenched at the memory of his baby brother shivering through cold weather training, his teeth clacking together so intensely that even their father allowed him to wear another layer. It was excruciating to see his little brother freezing without helping him.
This time wasn't cold training. This is one of the circumstances they trained for. Only this time, Dean won't sit idly by while Sammy freezes to death. He'll do whatever it takes to keep him warm. Whatever he did, he knew he'd have to do it quickly. Dean could already see his brother shaking from the cold, even in his new winter clothes.
"Why don't you go find some more blankets and I'll see if I can pump some heat into this place," Dean suggested. Sam nodded, rubbing his arms as he walked away. Dean examined the cabin, trying to find a thermostat or a furnace: anything. He nearly cheered when he found the water heater. All he had to do was relight the pilot light and... done! In an hour, it would be warm enough for a hot shower or two.
"D-D-Dean!" The older brother sprinted to where he heard Sam call. "We d-d-don't have p-p-p-p-power."
"Hang tight, Sammy! I'll try to find the generator. Stay here!" Dean ordered before running off. He checked the kitchen, the living room, the hallway, the bedrooms, the closets, even the bathroom. It must be outside. Dean rushed outside and around the perimeter of the cabin. Finally, he found the generator piled under a mountain of snow. His gloved hands made opening the control panel very difficult, but if he took them off, he'd lose fingers to frostbite. Dean's hopes fell when the door opened to reveal every piece either rusted or frozen.
"Sonovabitch...," he grumbled, slamming the door shut. Hopefully whatever they had in the Impala could help, just until they could drive back into town for supplies. Dean ruffled through the trunk, the hidden compartment, the interior: all he found were a few more scraps of clothing and a lighter. He sighed.
"Generator's busted. We'll pick up stuff to fix it tomorrow. I did find a few more gloves and socks though," Dean explained, shaking off the snow from his jacket before putting it back on again.
"Don't worry, Dean. The stove's gas powered with a full tank of propane. It's kinda cozy," Sam replied, holding his gloved hands close to the lit burner. Dean was glad Sam wasn't shivering anymore. He knew from experience that it made his muscles sore as Hell.
"You wanna roast marshmallows and chestnuts?" The older brother teased.
"I know you're joking, but I could seriously use some hot chocolate right about now," Sam smirked, rubbing his arms again.
"You said it. We should get some mix. And some milk! Watery hot chocolate is disgusting," Dean added.
After a couple of hours researching, Dean heated up a few cans of soup over the fire. It was getting dark, especially with the increasing snowfall. It wasn't too bad thanks to the candles they lit. They also provided some much needed warmth. Both boys divided the remaining clothes and blankets among themselves, Dean making sure Sam got whatever was warmest. His kid was bundled up in as many layers as he thought he could wear without Dean noticing. Of course, he did. But he wouldn't say anything.
Out of the corner of his eye, Dean watched Sam blow into his gloved hands and bounce his legs. While waiting for the soup to warm up, he rifled through the cabinets in search of something that could help Sam. He found a few heat packs and even one of those aqua bead pouches that could be heated or cooled. There was also some tea and sugar. Dean started to heat another pot of water for the tea and to heat up the aqua pouch.
"*huh-huh'PSHH! h'NSHuuh! hih-GISHhuuh!*"
"Hey, Sammy. Why don't you take a break for a bit. Stretch thise freakishly long legs of yours," Dean suggested, hoping to lure his brother closer to the heat source.
Sam happily left the dining room chairs, taking the long route to the kitchen so he wouldn't be too obvious.
"*HISHhuuh! tchSHOO! Heh-hih-ihHSHSH!*"
"You getting sick?"
"No. My nose is just running 'cause it's cold in here. And my scarf tickles sometimes," Sam explained, hugging himself.
"Wanna try one of these hot pack things? They're suplosed to be for injuries but they advertise heat," Dean offered, already preparing a pack. Sam nodded, but Dean would've put the pack on him anyways. The younger hunter shuddered violently when his shirt was pulled up in the back. He felt the pack stick to him, then Dean let go of him.
As upset as Sam wanted to be with Dean for invading his personal space, the glorious warmth of the pack started to kick in. He sighed contentedly, almost purring, as it helped his shivery muscles loosen.
"It's so warm," he thought aloud.
"That's why it's called a hot pack, Sammy. Here, eat up," Dean explained as he handed Sam a bowl of soup. The brothers stood by the stove as they ate the soup and drank the tea. Both were savoring the warmth from the dishes as well as their contents.
"You think you're gonna be warm enough, tonight Sammy?" Dean checked, handing him the warmed aqua pouch.
"Yeah, I'm good. What about you, though?" Sam worried.
"I'm too hot to freeze!"
Dean let out another shuddery breath as a chill wracked him. He tried to curl himself into a tighter ball, but it wasn't helping. The hunter was so cold he couldn't stop shivering. His teeth kept making that annoying chattering sound no matter how much he wrapped himself in the blankets. He even used some spare towels from the closets!
"S-S-S-S-Sa-ammmy's w-ww-wwarm-m-m," Dean kept telling himself. "*huhuhuh*He's wwwwa-warm a-a-and s-s-s-s-sa*fffff*fe." He then shivered so hard it rocked the bed. Dean was wearing every piece of clothing he could. Everything else (minus the Fed Suit) was mingled in with the towels and covers. How was he still this cold?!
Finally fed up with turning into a popsicle, Dean eased himself out of the blankets to stand by the stove for a while. He was amazed to feel how much colder the room was outside of his cocoon. All his shivering reminded him to check on Sam. Dean shuffled around the corner and into the kitchen. He turned on the gas for the stove, but couldn't work the lighter with his gloves. He took them off then shuddered impossibly harder.
He dropped his lighter with a loud *THUNK!*. Dean winced, hoping the noise didn't wake his little brother. He decided to turn off the gas until he could find another way to light the stove. No sense in poisoning them both. While he waited for an idea to come, he saw one of the hot packs on the counter. Dean took off his gloves on the other hand so he could open their package. But he was shaking too much to properly grasp it.
"I knew it!"
Dean whipped around as Sam came out of his room with a blanket wrapped around him.
"You lecture me about the importance of of staying warm and wearing plenty of layers while you go and do the exact opposite!"
"M'f-f-ff-fi-ine S-S-S-Sam," Dean assured.
"You're not fine, you're frozen!" Sam echoed, wrapping the blanket around his brother. He grabbed the dropped lighter, then lit the front burners. Dean gave a shuddery sigh as he felt the warmth and held his palms out.
"Here: put these back on." Sam watched Dean struggle to put the gloves on for a few seconds before doing it himself. Dean looked away as he huddled into the blanket. Sam opened the hot pack and slipped it onto his brother's back before he had a chance to protest.
"Why didn't you tell me you were freezing? I could've added more layers and given you more blankets!" Sam demanded, preparing a pot of water for tea.
"Y-Y-Y-You wwwere *cuh-cuh-cuh*co-old a-all ddday," Dean explained.
"And you've been freezing all night. Maybe even longer!"
"*muh-muh-muh-muh*my-y j-j-jjjob-b... p-p-p-prot-tect y-y-yo-ou...."
"What's my job then? Sit around all warm and cozy while my big brother freezes to death? I can deal with being cold. I can't deal with losing you too." Sam looked away and took a breath to compose himself.
"I'm fine!"
Dean unhuddled from the blanket so he could pull his brother into a hug. Sam burried his face in Dean's shoulder as he relaxed into the embrace.
"S'ok-k-kay S-Sammy. I-I'm g-g-getting warm-m-mer nno-ow. M-M-M'ok-k-k-kay."
Sam nodded into his shoulder. Dean's shivering slowed to a stop after a few minutes. Neither brother was willing to let go of the other just yet.
"You wanna try to sleep a bit more?" Sam offered, suppressing a yawn. "You can stay in my room 'cause it's warm."
"Yeah. Let's get'cha to bed, Sammy," Dean chuckled. Reluctantly, they let go to walk into Sam's room. They crawled under the covers on opposite sides of the bed, but they ended up gravitating towards each other. Their chilly and sleepy minds only registered the soft warmth and the presence of his brother.
Sam was snuggled up against Dean's chest, his head tucked right under the older hunter's chin. Dean wrapped his arms around his kid and nuzzled his soft hair. That was how they fell asleep: warm, cozy, and protected.
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spideychelleforever · 5 years
K but I gotta adapt this post from @spideyxchelle
So MJ hasn’t ever been in a relationship before, but she knows from secondhand sources that you definitely don’t wanna spoil and baby your significant other to the point you’re the only one putting effort into the relationship. That said, she quickly found one of her favorite pastimes was now relaxing with her new boyfriend - her first boyfriend - Peter Parker’s Head pillowed in her lap, as she gently stroked and scratched his head.
Peter was utterly happy in this position, feeling all his cares dissolve as he got to look up at the most beautiful wonderful woman in the world smiling down at him. He loved how comfy MJ’s lap was, how good it felt to have MJ scratching his head, how warm he felt even though he wasn’t wearing a blanket or anything. It was perfect.
This was often how MJ would be told stories of Peter’s superheroics. She’d hear about little old ladies and churros, how cute the kittens were, and today, she was hearing what happened after he disappeared from field trip to MOMA.
MJ didn’t remember that day fondly, the day Thanos invaded New York, and now knowing that the bus was where Peter left his civilian life behind to become an Avenger fighting for the universe, and that she couldn’t get to him in time? It hurt. She was at the back of the bus, her favorite place, and now she knew that if she’d been up front with the others, she’d have seen Peter leave.
She didn’t have any claim to him back then. She wasn’t his girlfriend, she wasn’t sure if he’d even noticed her yet back then. But if she could’ve, she’d have fought her way through the crowd of scared classmates to at least hug Peter if not beg him to stay with her. Because the following day or so between Thanos’s arrival in New York and.. Well, their deaths? It was torture for MJ, not knowing where Peter was in the face of what would indeed be the end of the world.
She didn’t remember her death, no one really remembered dying, just coming back in a world that went on for five years. She couldn’t remember what her last thoughts were. She was sure she’d panicked, granted, anyone would panick if they were watching themselves and others die. But she was pretty confident that some of, if not her last thoughts, were of Peter. It was so sudden that she couldn’t be sure what her last thoughts were, but she knew who she wanted right to the end, at least.
So to hear Peter detail fighting Thanos’s henchmen in New York, to hear how he nearly asphyxiated in the upper atmosphere, to seeing how he was now out of Earth’s orbit, to how he nearly was sucked into the vacuum of space, encountered friendly and unfriendly aliens, and witnessed Thanos utterly clobber his team... that was enough to overwhelm MJ. Her heart was weighing her down like a lead balloon. She was feeling some sort of frantic distress, a wave of nausea even though she hadn’t eaten anything out of the ordinary. Uneasy wasn’t enough to describe how she felt. And Peter kept going on a hundred words a minute, as bright and cheerful as ever. Damn him for being so cute.
Peter got to where some of the friendly aliens suddenly got dusted in front of him. Peter grew more respectful and serious at this part, but otherwise he didn’t seem too overwhelmed. Not like his girlfriend.
He was looking at the ceiling describing the last thing he remembered, him getting dusty as Doctor Strange said something about this being the only way. And MJ had surmised that this was it: this was when Peter started to die.
Peter described the very faint memories he had as Strange spoke his last words - or what he believed was Strange’s last words - when he felt something drip on his face. He refocused on the ceiling, straining his eyes to see if there was some sort of leak, but then he heard a sniffle.
Peter turned his eyes back to his girlfriend to see her lip quivering.
“MJ?” He carefully eased up to sit next to her. “What’s wrong?”
MJ looked at him, lost, before replying, “you... you died.”
Peter’s grimace turned to a look of horror. “I.. I did..” he nervously agreed.
“I mean, I did too,” MJ’s voice broke. “But it just.. I.. Ive tried so hard to keep it out of my mind.”
“The fact that you died?” Peter asked timidly.
“The fact that you died,” MJ sniffled. “And we.. we hadn’t... had.. this...” MJ looked between them. “Peter, you died and I hadn’t told you how I felt about you. We almost didn’t get our chance, we almost didn’t get the happiest time of my entire life.. I almost died without ever getting to have you..” MJ sobbed.
Peter’s eyes were red by this point. “I know.” He leaned his forehead against MJ’s, slowly, delicately. “And I hate it too.”
They embraced each other, not needing to say anymore.
“Peter,” MJ eventually whispered, “I know we’ve only had this for a few months, but.. Peter, I think I’m in love with you.”
Peter stared at MJ in awe. “I think I’m in love with you too.”
MJ smiled weakly through her sniffling. “I want.. this to last. I really do. And if we.. if say we both get blipped by the next Thanos, Peter I- I don’t know how, but I... god this is so corny... “
“I don’t know where we went when we died. But if it happens again, I promise I’ll find you there.”
“I’ll find you there too,” Peter weakly mumbles, before he pulls her into a kiss tender enough to make MJ moan. “But we’re not gonna die again, MJ. We’re here. And we did find each other. And we’ll... we’ll stay together. Always.”
Tagging: my crush @you-guys--are-losers @spiderman-homecomeme @spideychelle @spideychelle-romanogers @peterjonesparker @suplosers @here-be-spideychelle @acastleintheair @wandrlust-stark @lovely-iris-west-allen @miranduh1 @sodafizzyart
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Girl I seriously cannot wait to read the next chapter !!! Ahhhhhhhhh when’s it coming?
If you were tagged in this, don’t bother reading this thing I just complain about you having talent in a very sarcastic way, comments you’ve likely heard from me in the last week or that I will be spamming you with when I’m done writing. 
Be ready for some rambling because days where I’m writing means days where literally no one, except you precious anons, is talking to me and my thoughts start driving me mad and make me want to talk a lot on tumblr.
Let’s note: I literally talked so much in warning you that I’m talking so much.
ANSWER YOU ACTUALLY ASKED FOR: Soon. I’m working legit full time on it so that I don’t keep you guys waiting too long. I promise I really really am trying. I know I’ve bullshited accidentally in the past, but you have to trust me. :)
A wanted ad will be posted soon about readers/advisors/betas/etc that I DESPERATELY need so I can cut the wait time shorter bc there’s so much work to do. And catching up on a story that I haven’t written in months has been difficult so I could use a little help.
I’m a needy ho.
I love my successful writing wives and crushes who are fancy ass celebs. I’m hopefully cute enough to be their trophy wife. 
Go read their stuff while you wait for me.
I know I’m being needy to y’all. I won’t apologize for it until after the stress of getting this story finished is gone, bc I don’t like to apologize for something that I won’t change immediately after. Gonna have to hold off on changing this until I’m done writing. At least my mental health crises are gone for now, so you only have to put up with my neediness and not my random depressing posts that I AM deeply sorry about.]
Long version of updates regarding A Cold and Broken Hallelujah:
I’ve made progress today on a huge scene. I think I’m gonna write all day since I’ve been snowed into this restaurant and at least I have my laptop and wifi even if I am here with nosy fam. And I don’t have a lot of plans so I’ll have the time to write all day today.
So hopefully that means a lot of progress will be made. I’m not gonna promise a day for this posting but I will say I’m dedicating as much time as I can to it without actually getting too anxious (since I did promise putting my mental health first and that means I need some free time). But literally all of my “buckle down and work” time is going into writing this. So I can at least assure you it will get to you as soon as I get done and get it reviewed.
Meanwhile, CALLING ALL READERS(/spideychelle fans), if anyone wants to shorten the wait at all:
I do occasionally need advice about the story bc I can’t read it from another person’s perspective so I occasionally need to ask questions about the first two chapters and what impression certain things left off.
Also I ask a lot about what expectation I set up.
And for those who don’t care too much about reading things ahead of time, I do occasionally want some advice on what I’ve written so that I don’t rewrite something that doesn’t need rewriting. I’m also trying to cut scenes that don’t need to be in this chapter so that I can just save those for later in the deleted scenes I’m posting. 
A beta reader for when I finish this shit
Also just general word from any of you anons who want to say literally anything about this story
A real post about all this will go up soon.
Even if you can generally chat about spideychelle in general, that’s like such a big help you don’t even understand.
Normally I wouldn’t ask for these bc I had a whole chat of writers and I used to live post these scenes as I finished them to get feedback but…
Well the story got too complex for me to post them before the finished product is ready.
BUT ALSO SOME PEOPLE JUST HAD TO GO AND BE SUCCESSFUL AND BUSY WRITERS THEMSELVES AND CAN’T ANSWER TO MY NEEDY, DEMANDING AND OVERDEPENDENT SELF….All said with full sarcasm and hyperbole of course bc I don’t judge myself for being weird, and more importantly I support the shit out of these babes and I was screaming and hollering about them not feeding my fandom heart enough with their beautiful voices. Wow, I’m so gay for my wives and their words. Idk if you can be attracted to works of art but wow am I sexual for their stories lmao. Plz go read their shit while you wait for me. @aqhrodites, @peterjonesparker, @suplosers, @duhmj are my wives. My secret embarrassing crushes @softboyholland, @spideychelleforever, @spideyxchelle, @here-be-spideychelle, @letstrysomefanfic all also decided to be annoying, famous, and talented writers, and their blogs give me life. There are so many more people but if I keep listing I’m gonna never go back to writing.
Anyway, sooooo I’m needy. I explained this mostly in the TLDR. But to be fair some TV shows write like this and that is where my training is when it comes to writing. I’m used 24/7 to sitting at a table of writers and being like “does this part of this story match the other chapters” “What is your feedback” “how can I meet audience expectations”.
More than anything this is my hardest chapter to date bc this is not a fun story to wait for and I’ve had you guys waiting practically all semester. So this NEEDS to meet expectations. Maybe y’all don’t mind but I do. I have this weird thing about making y’all proud in exchange for making up for being the worst.
And don’t worry, none of this self-criticism is coming from a dark place. I like being blunt about things I need to improve about myself and how I improve them. We good fam 👍🏽 I’m good, and happy. The only source of stress for me rn is my feelings about my writing, and that improvement-based stress can be good for you.
Your asks have been SO CRUCIAL to keeping me going so I just want to say thank you. Even/especially to those of you who are rushing me. I answer privately a lot just so no one gets upset with you for doing this bc I really, really appreciate it. Truth be told with my severe ADHD, I kinda need to be nagged to keep going sometimes, and sometimes I run out of steely self-control. You’re beautiful and selfless for talking to me. Especially since when I’m writing I can’t really talk to most people since they’ll drag my mindset elsewhere.
So send me an ask, talk to me, answer the posting I’m putting up later, tell me to shut up and write, whatever you want. You can even ignore this post entirely ;) have fun with your freedom. Happy New Year, it’s 2018, don’t let anyone pressure you or put you down or compel you. You do you, babes.
Not that you have to listen to me, you can also be totally not free and listen to what everyone says all the time. Kinda a catch 22 to be doing that tho, lmao.
Wow, I’m rambling.
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sabansbabes · 7 years
Kim: I'm cold
Trini: Here, take my jacket
Billy: I'm also cold
Jason: What? *taking off jacket* I told you to bring more layers but I guess you didn't hear me and now *piling scarves onto Billy* I've got to make sure you don't FREEZE to death and *taking Zack's hat* how long have been cold you should've said something
Billy: *is flustered and warm*
Jason: Here, take a couple of these *bundles Billy in some big puffy jackets* and some of this *gives him a bunch of those little heating packets* honestly I can't having you getting frostbite or something so here *stuffs some pillows into Billy's jacket*
Billy: Umm Jason I-
Jason: Drink this too *suddenly produces a Yeti of hot soup* and here have this too *gives him a few more pairs of super thick and wooly sweats*
Billy: *is so equipped with stuff by this point that he can barely waddle, is now a round ball of wool and sweaters and sweats* Jason this is a lot
Jason: ONE MORE THING to make SURE you're warm
Billy: Jason please-
Jason: *smiles at him and gently kisses his cheek*
Billy: *a flustered mess* I suppose that last one was nice
Trini: Yeah, I'm not that extra so..
Kim: Thank god!
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sabansbabes · 7 years
Trini: Once in Kindergarten, I had a crush on this girl. So I bought her a bag of candy
Jason: Aww, that's sweet Trin
Trini: Yeah, until I saw her underneath the tree on the playground. I threw the bag at her and ran away as fast as I could
Kim: THAT WAS YOU?!?!?!
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sabansbabes · 7 years
Trini: Look, I'm really sorry, Jason. Let me make it up to you
Trini: *pulls him into a hug*
Jason: Wow, thanks. This really means a lot.
Trini: No problem
*several hours later*
Jason: Where the fuck is my wallet?
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sabansbabes · 7 years
Zack: Did it hurt when you fell?
Trini: From heaven? No, I'm not giving you my numbe-
Zack: No, I mean when you fell out of Billy's van. I saw you trip on your foot and just kind of lay there on the pavement for about ten minutes
Zack: We all saw that
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sabansbabes · 7 years
Kim: Still Short, I see.
Trini: Still pretending you're not hopelessly in love with me, I see
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spideychelleforever · 5 years
As Peter and MJ went over their budget and who was spending what, MJ felt a weight begin to bring down the sides of her mouth as she soon began to tune out her husband of three years.
And she started to remember old times. Back when she had less to worry about, back when her parents were her primary sources of food, back when a cheeseburger didn’t immediately pile up as indestructible fat on her hips, back when she and Peter could spend their weekends off just relaxing and sleeping.
Peter noticed his wife’s dwindling attention and stopped and asked if she was okay. “I’m just... stressed, Peter..” MJ admitted.
Peter nodded as he scooted over next to her and wrapped his arms around her. “I know.”
“I guess I just miss the days when all we had to worry about was swinging to the roof to watch the sunset in time,” MJ sighed. “Obviously we had bad times back then but man, those days feel so carefree now. I miss them.”
Peter gently kissed MJ’s forehead as he embraced her more snugly. She didn’t see it, but he started to grin as he got an idea.
Soon, MJ oohed and ahhhed at the glow of the sunset as it danced on the New York skyline, as if this was the first time she’d ever seen it. It was far from it, but it was a mile away from how the sunset looked on the commute between her job and their home.
Peter hummed happily as this time, MJ wrapped her long arms around him. They felt so dainty and comfty, and wrapped around him, they felt like a blanket he never wanted to take off.
“You know, I may never get those carefree days back,” MJ sighed as she pressed a kiss on Peter’s cheek, “but one thing that hasn’t changed is that I get the dork I somehow fell in love with.”
“And I get the dork I fell in love with too.,” Peter grinning.
Tagging: my crush @you-guys--are-losers @spiderman-homecomeme @spideychelle @spideyxchelle @spideychelle-romanogers @lovely-iris-west-allen @wandrlust-stark @acastleintheair @miranduh1 @here-be-spideychelle @suplosers @peterjonesparker @sodafizzyart
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spideychelleforever · 6 years
Peter arrives outside MJ’s dorm, breathes, and... croons in a really god-awful falsetto
Peter: Lets take our tiiiiiime tonight, giiiiiiirl.. above us all the stars are watching!
MJ comes to her window to look down at him
MJ: you. Are. Not.
Peter: There’s no place I’d raaaather be in this woooorld, your eyes are where I’m lost in-AUGH
A big dog comes barking and chases Peter, who squeals “no no get away get away!!!!” as he runs off. MJ watches, amused.
A few minutes later, Peter comes back, his hair all messed up
Peter: Underneath the chaaaaaandelier, we’re dancing alllll aloooooone
Peter gestures to MJ and then back
Peter: There’s no reason to hide, what we’re feeling inside, right nooooooo-OUCH!!
One of MJ’s neighbors has thrown a shoe at Peter, and then throws another one. And she throws other junk at Peter as he flees once again
Peter drags himself back to where he was, noting MJ is still on her dorm’s balcony
Peter: So baby lets just turn down the lights, and close the door! Ooh, I love that dress but you won’t neeeed it anymooooore! No you won’t need it no more, let’s just kiss till we’re naked, ooo-ACK
This time someone clocked Peter in the face with a football, and he falls back on his ass and groans, dizzy. He blacks out, and then he comes to, and then there’s...
Peter’s vision returns and he sees MJ has pulled him up into a sitting position, and is stroking his messy hair and smirking at him
She kisses him. A quick, tiny one, but it still makes him want to scream. She stands up, leading him to his feet with her, and takes him by the hand and leads him into her dorm for the first time.
Peter is getting excited - is this really happening? But he looks down at himself and sees how dirty he’s gotten from the dog attack and falling over and having trash thrown at him. MJ has prepared for this, clearly, as she leads him to her walk-in shower.
MJ runs to her office space and returns with an electric disco ball of some sort. She turns it on, and Peter notices a faint purple glow, but when she turns the bathroom light off, Peter finally gets it
With the light off, and the disco ball being the only source of light - that is, gorgeous purple, shiny light - it made the bathroom an infinite space of purple, with countless stars surrounding them. Just like... ohhhh, he begins to grin as he gets it
And then his mind blanks when he turns around to see MJ without clothes for the first time
Now MJ may be taller than Peter, but she’s not THAT much taller. There’s no reason why Peter feels so small seeing her curvy, beautiful, undressed bod striding towards him other than the fact that Peter is gone. So, utterly gone for her.
Once she reaches him, she gently guides him to take off his own clothes, and there’s nothing more gorgeous than the smirk on her heavily contrasted face in the dim, purple light when she sees him without clothes for the first time as well.
After she starts the water and makes sure it’s an alright temperature, nice and steamy, she once again leads him, this time into her shower
They stare at each other for a few moments, before MJ rolls her eyes, smirks, and finally finishes it with four words
“Versace on the Floor”
And as soon as she said “floor”, her lips were on his, her hands on his body, and Peter found himself basically pinned against the wall by this beautiful godsend. It was a miracle he didn’t die by asphyxiation right then and there, everything was so damn... well, so damn right.
Things got chaotic from there. The feeling of his hands grabbing her thick thighs. The way her hands ran up his abs. Their mouths busy AF the whole time. The steam filling the room, making the purple cosmos of the bathroom hazier. The duet of moans and sighs. The way Peter cried out and how MJ outright screamed. The fact that years and years of pining now felt like appetizers compared to this moment
Nothing could’ve prepared them for this, when the figurative Versace hit the Floor
Tagging: @acastleintheair @peterjonesparker @suplosers @here-be-spideychelle @lovelyshuri @spideychelle-romanogers
166 notes · View notes
sabansbabes · 7 years
Richie: I know, I dressed up.
Eddie: [looking Richie Up and Down] Okay, what did you dress up as?
Richie: Your future boyfriend
Richie: [intense eyebrow wriggling]
228 notes · View notes