#sp zombie au
blub-blub-bish · 3 months
Zombie Kenny, but every time he dies, he comes back and slowly becoming a zombie again
A very much self indulgent, Kenny centered, zombie au idea. Aka, a long ass idea that over uses the word “which “ and “HOWEVER “
Long ass idea below cut vvv
Basically, Kenny, who can’t stay dead, got bit in the zombie apocalypse. the first time he got bit, he became a normal zombie, like usual. After around a week, he lost consciousness and ended up in the afterlife.in hell he watched his body, still roaming around on earth, and thought “ oh, this must be it. I’m dead. For good.” Not really sure if he should feel sad or happy, but he’s dead for good. Right?
When his body, that for some reason decompose faster than others, decomposed enough and dies, he came back a normal human. HOWEVER, his body is slowly decomposing again, which has pros and cons.
The pros:
•He’s practically immune, considering he’s like…partially a zombie already
•The zombies think he’s one of them, so now, He can walk through a zombie horde or just wander around without getting chased and shit.
•He doesn’t need much sleep. He only needed around 2 hours of sleep to last 2 days, making him a great night guard.
•Cthulhu took pity on him and decided he would respawn around his allies every time he dies.
•He’s very light, people could pick him up like those school skeleton models and just carry him around.
The cons:
•His body is literally deteriorating, which hurts like a bitch. He feels constantly like he’s slowly dying (which he is)
•Because his body deteriorates over time, at some point, his body is wayyy too weak to function. So he had to either, kill himself, or wait until the virus kill him. Which can take months.
•He usually already have to kill himself every 2 weeks. If he does it over 2 weeks, he would literally lose control over his own body.
•When he lost control over his body (over 2 weeks), he is still conscious. But like watching a movie, he can’t do anything. Just watch. That’s why when he starts to feel like he’s loosing control over his own body, he kills himself.
•After finding allies, he would ask someone he trusted to make sure to kill him if he went over the 2 weeks mark. His allies usually remind him when this happens.
•After a week , he can’t cook for others. 1, because his tongue is usually dead, so he doesn’t taste shit, and 2, because his skin starts to peel, which might fell into the food. Which sucks because my headcanon is that his love language is cooking for others.
•Speaking of food, my guy could only eats meat and chocolate.
• If he doesn’t eat for over a day, he would literally go crazy and bite any meat (human, animal, don’t matter) which would turn the thing that he bites into zombies.(if he doesn’t eat the whole thing)
• The meat and muscles in his body rots, so he smells like shit all the time :v. Mf have to practically bathe in perfume so he doesn’t smell like a corpse.
Why does his body still deteriorates you may ask?
Because Im the writer and I say so./j
The somewhat more logical explanation of that is because he was still conscious for a while after he got bit, aka his body is still somewhat alive. If only the zombies ate him, he would have been able to comeback normal. But they didn’t. So now he had to live with his curse. Womp womp
“Oh, but his curse make people forget he died.” Yes. People still forget that he died. HOWEVER, they still remember that he got bit. They still remember him saying he can’t permanently die and genuinely believe him when he started to look like an actual zombie. Like, his skin starts peeling, his meat and muscles starts rotting (which he usually rips out with a knife bc it smells like shit. Ripping it out also slowed the deterioration process), and bone LITERALLY showing on his arms and legs, yet he still have control over his body.
When he kill himself, he usually comes back after 2-3 days, but if the virus kills him, aka the virus taking over, giving him around 3 very, VERY, painful months, he would come back around a month or 2 . Basically recovering mentally and physically in the afterlife.
Basically, his life sucked for the rest of his existence. Even satan and Damian took pity on him, but they can’t really do anything considering his curse is in Cthulhu’s hands.
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renoott · 5 months
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Redrew designs of the four boys from my zombie au I made back in 2022, this isn’t my usual style I just wanted to try and mimic the South Park storyboard style
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Shotgunning Crenny….
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teacookiesandpeace · 5 months
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waka laka
zombie kenny
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creek-dump-blog · 1 month
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This is the first part of my fanfiction 'To The Three of Us.' The rest of the fanfiction will be published on Wattpad and I will be making art for the fanfiction here
My Wattpad
Third Person/Kenny pov:
Whenever something good happens in South Park you’ll be foolish to think it’ll last long. That was Kenny’s mistake.
Kenny tries to steady his thoughts by removing himself from the frantic commotion that happens during the lunch period. He couldn’t let himself slip. He’s dealt with way worse situations but the feeling of isolation is corrupting his life.
Kenny hides behind the dumpster at the back of the school making sure no one is around. He takes out a lighter and cigarette, taking in the rush of smoke filling his lungs to ground his body to some feeling. He slowly recognizes quiet footsteps from his left leading in his direction and tries to stomp out the cancer stick, but the damage is done.
He turns his head to the person on looking at his form and immediately notices the mass of erratic blond hair and messily button-up olive shirt.
“Tweek, what are you doing here?”
Tweek looked down at the cigarette I stomped then replied to my question.
“You know, smoking at such a young age is going to make you die faster.”
I was going to make a joke, but for some reason, I decided to be honest.
“Heh, I don’t smoke for ‘that reason.’ Smoking can actually suppress your appetite, and well, my parents would rather waste money on cigarettes than feed the family.”
“Oh… Well- Do you think this could help?”
Tweek hands Kenny a brown bag with a Tweek Bros. logo filled with a sandwich and a muffin. I haven’t talked to Tweek since the whole “replacing me with him” fiasco so why is he suddenly worried about me?
“What’s with the special treatment?”, I ask Tweek.
Tweek replies saying, “Well, most people know Kyle and Stan give you some of their lunch. I noticed you haven’t been talking to them.”
God, why are people at this school so fucking nosy?! Kenny tried to ignore his resentment and responded.
“I’m fine. I just needed some space from them.”
“What did you eat today?”
“Uhhhh…” Why is it so hard to remember? “I think I had one-fourth of a waffle-”
Tweek is shaking frenziedly and pulls his hair hard enough to almost make bald spots on his scalp. Kenny already had a hard time handling Tweek’s uncontrollable frantic movements from afar so Kenny tried to say anything that he thought could help.
“Tweek! I’m okay! Really-”
Tweek dashed away from Kenny, with arms flailing and all, and left the school premises into town.
Kenny watches in awe for a couple of seconds until the bell rings. Kenny almost makes it to fourth period but is quickly interrupted by a dead-flat monotone voice.
“What the hell did you do to Tweek?”
Kenny turns his head to see Craig staring at him with his eyebrows frowning.
“What do you mean ‘what I did to Tweek?’”
“Tweek told me he was going to talk to you and I can’t find him anywhere.”
“Oh,” How the hell do I explain THAT situation? “Tweek gave me food, then he screamed, then he left school.”
“Okay.” Craig flips Kenny and walks to his fourth period class.
Why are they so weird? Eh, I guess that means they’re made for each other.
Kenny woke up the next morning with the mindset of ignoring the two boys. He honestly doesn’t know how to feel about them, especially Tweek, but it’s not like life has gone his way before so it doesn’t.
Kenny notices people staring at the erratic boy walking towards him. Tweek is lugging on his back an enormous backpack filled with who knows what while also trying to carry his school backpack. Kenny also observes Tweek’s face. Tweek somehow looks more tired than before with large eye bags hanging off of his eyes and he’s barely able to stay awake.
Tweek finally makes it to Kenny and says, “Hey Kenny.”
“Uh… hey to you too.”
“Um, I wanted to give you this.”
Tweek struggles to take off the backpack consuming his form and hands it over to Kenny. Kenny unzips the backpack to look at a backpack filled with homemade sandwiches, baked goods, and fruits.
Did he- did he run home screaming and stay up all night cooking and baking just to feed me and my family? That is simultaneously one of the strangest yet sweetest things someone has ever done to me.
“I’ll be out of your hair now,” Tweek trails to his homeroom but Kenny grabs his shoulder and brings them into a hug. Tweek is shaking profusely in Kenny’s arms, but this time Kenny doesn’t care.
“Thank you, Tweek. No one has done something like this to me before.”
Kenny pulls back and sees Tweek look at him anxiously. Kenny could practically hear Tweek doubting himself.
“Really, I mean it. Who knew someone so cute cared about me.”
Kenny wasn’t lying when he said that. Sure, Tweek was twitchy but he had nice soft yet masculine features and Kenny definitely wasn’t disappointed by Tweek’s face going red.
“ALRIGHT! I’ll SEE YOU LATER! BYE!!! Tweek covers his face and trips to his homeroom.
After Tweek’s intervention three months ago, Kenny started hanging out with Tweek and Craig. Kenny initially distanced himself from people because he was depressed about graduation. Pretty much everyone graduating would be leaving South Park (who can blame them, really?) and Kenny didn’t have any money to leave with them.
Despite Kenny’s concerns he still wanted to spend time with the two boys. He genuinely had a good time with them and they in turn somehow tolerated him.
Kenny was currently situated in Craig’s backyard at night, throwing pebbles at Craig’s window trying to get his attention. After a couple of seconds, he sees a light flicker on from one of the windows and hears the window slide open.
“Can I come in?” Kenny whispers to the familiar chullo silhouette.
Craig flips him off.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Kenny whispers back.
Kenny’s times as Mysterion helped him quickly climb Craig’s wall. He lands his feet on the floor and walks to Craig’s bed.
They’ve pretty much made this a routine at this point. Whenever Kenny’s parents would get into a fight (which was often) he would walk to Craig's house and use his telescope to distract himself. Tweek would sometimes join if his parents weren’t coddling him. Even though Kenny didn’t understand space, he did understand the appeal of looking at the vast space to fill your thoughts.
Craig puts Stripe #3 in his cage and sets up the telescope. Craig noticed that Kenny was being abnormally quiet so he decided to speak up.
“Just thinking about things.”
“Like what?”
“Like how I’m pansexual.”
Ah, there goes the classic Tucker charm.
“That’s really all you have to say,” Kenny replied.
“I don’t care.”
“Well, it’s kind of a big deal.”
“Why should it be a big deal? Sexuality is used by both sides as an excuse to ‘other’ each other and I don’t care to continue the trend.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s true.”
Craig finishes setting up the telescope and guides Kenny to the eyepiece.
Kenny continues the conversation by saying, “Do you have a crush on someone?”
“Why are we on this topic?”
“Oh come on! You gotta like someone unless you’re aromantic.”
“No. I’m not that.”
“Hmm… is it Clyde?
“Ew. No”
“Is it me?”
Kenny was a little disappointed that it wasn’t him even though he knew his real crush.
Kenny removed his right eye from the telescope to see Craig’s reaction to his next question.
“Is it Tweek?”
Craig’s cheeks and ears were quickly covered in a vibrant red. Craig tried to hide his face with his chullo even though his reaction was obvious.
“U-Uh… I don’t know…”
“Aww! Someone has a crush! I think you should tell him though. You guys work well together.”
Craig didn’t say anything, turning his back to Kenny and wanting to cut the conversation. Kenny didn’t push him and continued to look at the stars through the telescope.
Around midnight Kenny sneaks out of Craig’s house and takes out his phone to text in his group chat with Craig and Tweek.
Orange AirPod
hey guys. You wanna hang out tmw?
Space Cadet
dude you literally left my house like 2 secs ago and it’s fucking late. Stfu
Orange AirPod
meanie >:(
Coffee Bean 
aw ;-; I wish I was there
Orange AirPod
see Tweeky wants to hang out
Coffee Bean
Tweeky? really?!
Space Cadet
fine. We can talk about it at school. Night mcwhoremick. Night Tweekers
Orange AirPod
Space Cadet
Hey that’s my thing
Coffee Bean
what’s with the nicknames? :(
Kenny closes his phone and continues to walk home. He knows he should probably distance himself from them but there are only three weeks of school left so why not?
To make the walk a little more entertaining Kenny sings Butter’s song
“Lu Lu Lu, I’ve got some apples,
“Lu Lu Lu, you got some too!”
What? It was catchy. Don’t blame Kenny.
Kenny sees the outline of his house but then he hears someone running up to him. Kenny turns around and sees a zombie coming close to his face.
“THE FUCK-“ Weren’t zombies supposed to be slow?! His answer was confirmed when the zombie ripped on his flesh and the world went blank.
Huh… nothing ever goes right for me.
My Wattpad
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fennecfiree · 9 months
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tarantutax · 8 months
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What if you get stuck with your highschool rebound in the zombie apocalypse? Well Stan Marsh and Craig Tucker said slowburn! They are the boyfrienemies ever
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pirripfever · 5 months
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(I don’t want to Finnish the background anymore)
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roostertuftart · 1 year
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So I’ve been rly inactive lately bc I’ve been playing/rping South Park on project zomboid + in Canada. Um. Here’s some art based on that
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nickyacex · 1 year
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I call myself a Scyde artist yet I only drew them together like once but I digress
Anyways gang the character designs are from @milky-oatmeal18’s Zombie Au and all the character designs are so cool and sick guys
Also this brush is so good it looks like my art-style is wearing Make-up ONG
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fucksurass · 6 months
This was meant to be posted in the @normris blog but I was wayyyy to proud of it
P.s kenny started the apocalypse
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Idk what to make of this all I know is that me and @crsgarsstuff 's ocs are so fucking basic but I love it too much.
Its shit like this that gives me a chance to experiment with my art and make pieces I can actually say im proud of!!
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emberartz · 6 months
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I do actually have a whole plot and script planned for a comic but will I ever actually make it?? Probably not :3
Errmmm but don’t worry he won’t actually get stabbed id be too sad if that happened 🫶🫶
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spookymultimedia · 1 year
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Art trade piece for @timmyb2000
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zompark · 11 months
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working hard for this Au fr fr☠️‼️‼️ I have estella done and I’m workin on Craig rn lol. might do pip or Vampir after him. read bio or whatever it’s called for more information on my account ig.
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fennecfiree · 2 months
zombie twerk
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d4m1enth0rn · 8 months
“Dude, this class is so boring,”
Stan whispered to Kyle from his desk.
Kyle turned to Stan, shuffling his paper to the side. 
“We’re in the middle of a test, Stan…”
Stan groaned loudly enough to attract the attention of a few other classmates.
“Please be quiet, Stanley.” Wendy said, clearly annoyed.
Stan kicked his feet under his desk, looking out the window. There was nothing really interesting, just a few birds chirping on then and there so very often.
He didn’t want to do any more work, so he decided to skip a bit of class by using the bathroom.
Stan raised his hand.
“Can I uh…use the bathroom..”
“Make it quick.”
The teacher announced. 
Stan slowly got up from his desk and approached the hallway, slowly walking to the bathroom to waste as much time as he could.
Once he was in the bathroom, he noticed something. The lights were off. That wasn’t usual so he quickly flickered them back on. 
He carefully walked to a stall that wasn’t locked, assuming no-one was in it. When approaching it, he started getting an unusual feeling. Like, shivers down his back. He gently pushed on the stall door, pushing it open.
Someone was in there, and it was Butters.
He was panicking, blood all over the floor.
Stan looked shocked. His eyes darted around the stall before going to Butters’ arm. 
He had wrapped toilet paper around it, whilst there was blood leaking through it.
“Butters..?” Stan mumbled.
“O-oh hiya St-..Stan..!” Butters clenched his arm tightly.
Stan was speechless. He didn’t know what to say.
Butters was pale, extremely pale. Stan grabbed Butters arm.
He tried to force it back but he was so weak he couldn’t. 
Stan unraveled the toilet paper, noticing a deep wound. He completely took it off, before seeing a bloody bite mark.
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