#spaghetti diablo
danmonick · 1 year
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Spaghetti Diablo with Shrimp In this recipe, spaghetti and shrimp are served with a hot tomato sauce.
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cantsayidont · 6 months
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LISA FRANKENSTEIN (2024): Perplexingly tepid retro pastiche of HEATHERS and EDWARD SCISSORHANDS, about a teenage outcast (Kathryn Newton) who befriends a reanimated 19th century corpse (Cole Sprouse), leading to murder and mayhem as they try to get him the spare parts he needs to be a Real Boy.
The premise promises grisly fun, but Diablo Cody's hopelessly muddled script undersells the central romance, takes a weirdly ambivalent attitude toward its own violence (which fails as both horror and revenge fantasy), and awkwardly nerfs both the gore and the obviously necrophiliac overtones in pursuit of a misguided PG-13 rating (which I'm astonished it actually received, given the content).
It's clear that Cody and director Zelda Williams are big fans of the older cult classics the film endlessly quotes and paraphrases, but it's equally clear that they've failed to grasp what works (and doesn't) about those movies, much less how to combine their various homages into a coherent original story; LISA FRANKENSTEIN has no real satiric direction of its own and is only intermittently funny. (Also, despite the title, the film, which is set in 1989, includes no vintage Lisa Frank designs, the filmmakers having apparently blown their entire licensing budget on REO Speedwagon and Echo and the Bunnymen songs.)
This could have been a slam-dunk for people who grew up loving the movies it references, but you'd be better off just (re)watching HEATHERS instead.
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foodglorious-food · 2 years
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Black pasta lobster Fra diablo
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churchofthesluttyknee · 11 months
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A Series of Firsts
Author(s): A collaboration amongst smutty parishioners of The Church of the Slutty Knee
Pairing(s): Pedro x Oscar
Rating: E18+ MDNI
Word Count: pending
Series Warnings: explicit sexual content, including, but not limited to BDSM, choking, anal, oral, masturbation (self/mutual), toys, public sex
Chapter Summary: Pedro and Oscar discuss consensual power dynamics and safety. Oscar gives Pedro his first lesson.Takes place the day after chapter 3 concludes.
Notes: I know “cool slutty daddy” didn’t happen until 2023, and that Ash Crossan didn’t become an entertainment correspondent until 2022, so I’m taking some liberties (as if this whole story isn’t full of them 🤣)
Tag line: “Have you ever craved it? Craved it so badly… that it hurts?”
Chapter 4 - First Lesson
[Pedro narrates]: Al descubrirme totalmente entregado de cuerpo y alma a esta conexión, surge un nivel de confianza y complicidad que nunca habíamos experimentado. Nuestras miradas se encuentran, comunicando el ardiente deseo de olvidarse del mundo afuera, y solamente sumergirme en tus ojos inebriantes. Tus besos sellan este momento. No quiero que te vayas.
Upon discovering that my body and soul are totally devoted to this connection, there’s a level of trust and complicity that we never experienced before. Our gazes meet, communicating the burning desire to forget the world outside, and only dive into your inebriating eyes. Your kisses seal this moment. I don’t want you to leave.
ACT I: Toast and Coffee
Oscar stands in Pedro’s kitchen cooking lunch. Several pans are on hot burners and a delicious aroma fills the kitchen/living room area.
Oscar hums ‘Tuyo’ as he stirs boiling noodles in one pot and adds spices to a sauce in another. Just as he starts to strain the noodles Pedro pads into the living room wearing a pair of black boxer briefs and nothing else. His bed hair points in all directions. He yawns loudly and stretches his arms above his head.
Checking his watch, Oscar sees it’s a few minutes before noon.
“Good morning, sleepyhead. I was beginning to think you were going to sleep all day,” Oscar says cheerfully.
“How long have I been asleep?” Pedro asks as he stretches again.
“About ten hours, give or take. I guess I finally tired you out,” Oscar says with a sly grin as he begins to plate their lunch. “Did you want to eat inside or outside? It’s late enough that the sun is out and it's another beautiful LA day.”
“Let’s eat outside. I’ll show you the castle I told you about the other night.”
They take their plates, laden with a robust spaghetti in red sauce, out to the balcony.
A soft breeze blows and birds chirp cheerfully. As promised, Pedro points out the castle down the hill. They eat in a comfortable silence, savoring their meals, sipping on Casillero del Diablo. When they do speak the conversation is light and casual.
“About yesterday…" Oscar begins softly. "I’m so incredibly sorry if I hurt or scared you. That was not my intention at all,” he says, maintaining steady eye contact.
“My neck is still a little sore, but you didn’t hurt me. You just caught me off guard. Up to that second, everything had been so… sweet. When I found myself… pinned… to the shower wall, it was… well, it was hot, don't get me wrong. I love your passion. But it was also a bit sudden. I know I should have said something, but…”
“Mi Pedrito, mi tigre, mi amor… I dropped the ball on this, and I’m sorry. I should have been paying closer attention. The second you got on your knees, those sexy, slutty knees, I knew the dynamic of our relationship was changing. It was my responsibility to help you navigate that, and make sure I knew your limits. I know we said we were gonna talk about it when I got back last night, but seeing you lying naked in bed… I couldn’t help myself. But today this conversation is a top priority."
"Oh I know, I have been totally wrapped up in you myself. I don't blame you for getting carried away. I just want to try to do this right. It's all so new."
"It's something I've explored before, so let me guide you. Have you given any more thought to your safe words? I believe we decided that three would be a good starting point. Green, yellow and red.”
“I have! I know it’ll probably sound silly, but…” he laughs, then continues, “since we’ve both been dubbed ‘Space Daddies’, what if our words were astronomy related?” he asks enthusiastically.
“I like that. Did you have anything in particular in mind?”
“For green I think ‘moonlight’ would be good, because I’ve always felt safe in the moonlight. For yellow, I was thinking ‘starlight’, because sometimes stars look like they’re blinking, like caution lights. And for red, I was thinking ‘nova’, because it sounds like ‘no veh’, you know, no-go? But also because it’s an explosion, and things tend to stop pretty fast when they’ve exploded." Pedro laughs joyfully at his own joke.
“That they do, Pedrito, that they do,” Oscar says, his heart full and happy seeing Pedro back to his usual, goofy self. “I think those are excellent, mi vida. Let’s keep talking inside while I clean up the mess I’ve made in your kitchen,” he says, kissing Pedro tenderly on the forehead.
Collecting their empty dishes they go inside to clean up the kitchen. Pedro collects the cookware from the stove and stacks it neatly beside the sink. Oscar runs hot water and begins rinsing. Pedro wipes down the stove and surrounding countertops. Once he’s done all he can do, Pedro sits on a bar stool, facing Oscar, who is still rinsing dishes and putting them into the dishwasher.
“So… you mentioned yesterday wanting to do ‘truly depraved and brutal things with me…" Pedro begins, watching Oscar intently. “What sort of things do you imagine doing with me… to me?” he asks, his voice equal parts excited and timid.
Oscar smiles at Pedro and flicks water at him as he rinses the final dish.
“Well, since we’ve only just begun to explore our desires, let’s start off slow. What do you think about only being able to cum when I say you can?”
Pedro tilts his head slightly, considering what Oscar is asking him.
“You mean, like we did earlier, where you tell me to touch myself and to slow down so I don’t cum too fast?”
“Hmm, something like that. But let’s take it a step further. You can only touch yourself when I say you can, whether I'm here or not. And when I say you can touch yourself, know that I’m not giving you permission to cum. I might let you get close, so very close…” Oscar licks his lips at the thought of Pedro being desperate for release. “But until I give you permission, you’re not allowed to cum. And if you do… well, disobedience comes with punishment.”
“What… what sort of punishment?” Pedro asks, his eyebrows arching in fascinated curiosity.
“That’s something we’ll have to figure out together. What sort of punishment do you think you’d deserve for disobeying me, mi tigre?” he asks with a salacious grin.
Pedro bites his lip. “Well… since you’re talking about permissions, I suppose a fitting punishment for disobedience in this case would be not letting me cum at all?” he responds softly, looking at Oscar with a sad puppy expression, brows knitted together.
“If the disobedience continues, yes, that does seem a fitting punishment. Or perhaps I’ll overstimulate you, make you beg me to stop. You’ll be begging either way. Both sound equally delicious,” Oscar says, his smile devious.
Pedro’s eyes widen in shock. He’d never considered overstimulation before.
“But before it gets that far, you’ll be given warnings. The first warning may be verbal, but could also be something light, like a slap. I know you don’t really like harsh physical pain, so I’d never strike you hard… unless you wanted me to. But I think an open palm slap across the face, or on your ass, would be within your tolerance?”
“I think that would be ok. I definitely enjoyed it when you slapped my ass last night. As for my tolerance, I guess we’ll just have to discover it together.” A mischievous smirk tugs at his lips. “What other things did you want to do with me? Would these things be restricted to certain areas, like our homes? Or would we do stuff in public? Like… with the chance of being caught? The possibility of being caught… that… that actually sounds kind of exciting.”
“Oh, that turns you on, does it?” Oscar rubs his chin, contemplating the delightfully devious things he could make Pedro do while in the company of others.
“Yeah. My adrenaline always surges when the stakes are higher.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Speaking of public places, you’re going to the premier at the Dolby this evening, right?”
“Yeah, gotta support our fellow Space Sister, Diego!” Pedro replies enthusiastically.
“Space Sisters! I don’t know exactly where that name came from, but I love it! Did you want to go together in a ‘strictly platonic friends’ kind of way?”
“Yeah, that’s probably best. But maybe… we can fool around in the theater once the lights go down?” Pedro asks, winking playfully.
“Mi Pedrito travieso! What’s gotten into you? Have I awoken some sort of dormant beast in you?”
Pedro dismounts his stool as Oscar wipes down the counter a final time. Putting his arms around Oscar’s waist, Pedro nibbles Oscar’s earlobe.
“Si, papi,” Pedro purrs softly in Oscar’s ear.
Oscar shivers as the heat of Pedro’s breath causes a chill to run down his spine.
“Speaking of Space Sisters… Moon Knight and Din Djarin, who do you think would win in a fight?” Pedro asks cheerfully, resting his head on Oscar’s shoulder.
“Moon Knight, hands down! He’s got the power of Khonshu when he’s in his suit. No way Mando’s gonna beat that!”
“Excuse me, but Mando has a full suit of beskar! It’s impervious to everything. What’s Steven got? A mummy suit?” Pedro scoffs, laughing loudly and slaps Oscar’s shoulder.
Turning to face Pedro, Oscar says “Oh, you cheeky little minx. We’ve not even fully laid out the rules of play and you’re already begging for punishment. And I know just the thing. While you were sleeping I went into town and did a little shopping. Bring me the bag by the sofa and I’ll show you what I got,” Oscar says excitedly.
Pedro spots the bag by the sofa and brings it to the bar, handing it to Oscar, who is now sitting on a stool.
“It’s heavy. What’s in it?” Pedro asks, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.
Oscar rummages around in the bag, placing miscellaneous articles of clothing, rope and some industrial looking straps, onto the bar before finally pulling out a thin box. Pedro sits on the next stool, watching as the pile of mysteries grows. Pedro’s eyebrow arches as he tries to figure out exactly what he’s looking at on the bar and in Oscar’s hand. Oscar opens the box and pulls out a sleek black device with a ring attached. He also palms a small remote control.
“Uh… what the fuck is that Oscar?” Pedro asks, eyes wide, voice slightly raised.
“This, mi tigre, this is going to be your undoing. It’s a prostate massager with flexible teasers and internal warming. It’s remote controlled. That way, when you need… behavior modification, I can make adjustments discreetly. Let’s go try it on.”
ACT II: The Test
A few hours later Pedro and Oscar are in Pedro’s bedroom getting ready to head to the Dolby Theatre. Pedro stands in front of a full length mirror wearing an unbuttoned dress shirt and black boxer briefs. Oscar is dressed in a similar dress shirt and dress pants. Oscar buttons Pedro’s shirt while Pedro works on Oscar’s bow tie.
“Are you sure it feels ok? It’s not uncomfortable or poking anywhere it shouldn’t?” Oscar asks, his tone caring, full of concern.
“No, it’s fine. It doesn’t feel nearly as good as you do, but it’s still a pleasant sensation.”
“Want to test it out real quick, make sure everything is where it needs to be? Wouldn’t want to find out something’s wrong on the carpet.”
“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. Just keep it on low. I don’t want to become a Lonely Island song cliché,” Pedro quips with a smirk.
Oscar stifles a laugh and presses the power button. A Cheshire Cat grin manifests as Pedro’s breath catches and he moans softly. When Oscar doesn’t immediately turn the device off Pedro looks at him expectantly.
“Really? You’re gonna keep it turned on?” Pedro responds in a bratty tone, arching his eyebrow.
“Let’s test the range. I need to see how far away I can be and still have this thing function,” Oscar responds, ignoring Pedro’s sass for the time being.
Oscar steps out of Pedro’s bedroom and walks down the hallway. Every few feet he hits the up button and grins when he hears Pedro moan loudly. On his way back to the bedroom he can hear that Pedro’s moaning has softened, but comes in ragged gasps.
“I guess it’s got a pretty decent range, yeah?”
“Unless you want me to have to change, you need to turn that off, right now. I’m seriously going to cum any second,” Pedro pants, his tone a bit more commanding than he’d intended.
Oscar glares at Pedro for several seconds, maintaining unwavering eye contact, letting Pedro know that he overstepped by making demands. He finally switches the toy off, and Pedro sighs in relief when the silicone inside him stops vibrating.
"Did you just tell me what I NEED to do?" he says with a soft, menacing tone, eyes dark.
"Yep. And you did it, didn't you?" Pedro replies in a casually triumphant way, pursing his lips in a smirk.
"Testing me already? Tsk tsk tsk," Oscar clicks his tongue in disapproval, his harsh glare turning into a smirk of his own, which somehow makes him look even more threatening.
Stepping closer, invading Pedro’s personal space, Oscar wraps his right hand possessively around Pedro's straining erection. Oscar's other hand moves behind Pedro's hips to find the base of the toy, placed perfectly between his cheeks. Oscar pushes the toy into him in tiny pulses, each micro-movement causing Pedro to gasp. Oscar's right hand moves down to cup his balls firmly but not painfully.
"WHEN are you going to cum?" Oscar growls in his ear.
Pedro whimpers, "Please… I… oh my god," he barely manages between gasps.
"When?" Oscar demands, the grip of his right hand tightening slightly, just on the verge of becoming painful.
All trace of sass gone now, Pedro feels every part of his body electrified and aching with tension and excitement.
"When... when you give me permission, Daddy," Pedro pants.
"That’s my good boy. Don't forget," he warns, releasing Pedro from his grip. Pedro slumps in a combination of relief and longing for more. He can tell he’s in for a long evening.
ACT III: The Denial
Thirty minutes later they’re getting out of the studios private car in front of the Dolby Theater. A flurry of flashes momentarily blind them as they start walking towards the staging area near the start of the famous red carpet. They find Diego, exchange hugs, then get in line to walk down the long line of press. At each of the press stations, just as the interviewer is asking Pedro about his upcoming projects, Oscar hits the button on the remote nestled in his pocket. As the line progresses the intensity of the vibrations changes, up, down, never remaining consistent. Oscar delights when Pedro gasps just as he’s about to answer each reporter. The last reporter in line, their favorite, is Ash. Ash, the reporter who would eventually help birth Pedro’s title of “Cool Slutty Daddy” into the world. Oscar knows Pedro absolutely relishes the playful title and casual flirtation, but tries to play it down on Disney red carpets. That just isn’t a very Disney thing to talk about at one of the House of Mouse events.
Ash: “So Pedro, are you excited to see Diego in a Star Wars role?”
“Absolutely! I’m always happy to support a fellow…” He’s cut short as Oscar hits the button, increasing the frequency of vibrations of their new toy. Pedro coughs to cover the gasp. “Latino Space Sister!” he finishes quickly. Ash raises her eyebrow, silently asking if he’s ok. Pedro shakes his head, almost imperceptibly, urging her to continue.
Pedro answers a few more of Ash’s questions before being led off by Oscar into the venue. As other attendees are taking their seats Pedro notices that Oscar keeps glancing over his shoulder.
“What are you looking for, Oscar?” Pedro asks, trying to find where Oscar’s gaze keeps being drawn.
“I’m keeping an eye on the balcony. It looks like it’s closed off for the event. Once the lights go down I’m going to go up there and make sure it’s empty. I’ll text you when it’s all clear.”
Pedro nods and they both chit chat with other celebrities sitting around them as they wait. After about fifteen minutes the lights begin to dim and the theater goes dark. Another five minutes later Oscar taps Pedro’s hand and points up, indicating he’s going to check on the balcony situation. A few minutes later Pedro’s phone buzzes.
Pedro exits the auditorium, turns right, enters the first door on the right and mounts the stairs to the balcony. The path is lit by tiny running lights on either side of the steps. After a few moments Pedro finally sees light from the screen below. Oscar is sitting at the edge of the balcony, arms hanging over the rails, watching Diego tower over the audience on the projection screen.
“Hey,” Pedro says softly as he takes a seat next to Oscar.
Oscar turns to face him, cups Pedro’s face in his hands, and kisses him greedily. During the kiss Oscar presses the power button on the remote. Pedro moans into Oscar’s mouth as the sensation rocks him. Oscar gets up from his chair and stands before Pedro, his silhouette blocking the screen. Oscar places his left foot against the inside of Pedro’s right foot, and with his right he forces Pedro’s legs apart.
Oscar gazes into Pedro’s eyes as he works to undo Pedro’s belt buckle. Oscar can see Pedro’s eyes grow dark with desire as he works on the button and zipper. Pedro lifts his hips as Oscar moves to pull his pants and boxers down. A devilish grin spreading across his face, Oscar presses the up button on the remote in his pocket. Pedro gasps audibly. Crouching before him, Oscar grips Pedro’s shaft possessively and begins to stroke him slowly. After a few moments Pedro is gripping the arms of his seat, breathing heavily. With each moan Oscar changes his pace. Faster, slower, faster. He presses another button on the remote and Pedro groans in delight as the device he’s been fitted with begins to get warm.
“Fuck…” Pedro grunts hoarsely.
“Are you close, mi tigre?” Oscar asks.
“Yes, Daddy, I’m so fucking close. Can I cum, Daddy? Daddy, please?
“No, mi tigre, you cannot,” Oscar purrs.
Oscar gets up off his haunches, sits down beside Pedro, and turns off the device. His demeanor edging on boredom. Pedro whimpers at the loss of Oscar’s hand on his now throbbing, aching cock, and the loss of heat and vibration from the device embedded inside him. Pedro moves his hand to stroke himself to finish. Oscar slaps it away.
“Perhaps I wasn’t clear before,” Oscar says in a velvety tone. “I said you CANNOT touch yourself without my permission. And I do NOT give you permission to touch yourself, nor do I give you permission to cum, mi osito.” Oscar smiles sweetly at his pet.
Pedro whimpers again and moves to pull up his pants. Oscar reaches a gentle hand out to stop him. Pedro looks at him with glistening, sad eyes, which glint in the light from the screen below. Oscar just shakes his head, not looking at Pedro for more than a few seconds. When Pedro puts his hands on the armrests again he starts stroking them absentmindedly. Oscar places his left hand over Pedro’s right and gently strokes his fingers, letting his own trace over and move between Pedro’s restless fingers. Several minutes later, when he sees that Pedro has calmed down, and is no longer breathing heavily, Oscar reaches over and begins to stroke Pedro again. He’s almost instantly hard at Oscar’s touch. Moving deliriously slow, Oscar brings Pedro to the brink again, then stops, occasionally employing the prostate massager. This continues in 30 minute increments for the duration of the premier. Luckily for Pedro the screening is not longer than two hours. As the credits start to roll Oscar tells Pedro to make himself presentable because they have to be social before he can take Pedro home.
Pedro inhales sharply. “Please, Daddy. I’ve never been so desperate…” he moans, “as I am right now.”
Oscar moans softly in response. “You don’t know desperate yet, darling,” Oscar purrs softly.
“I’m so fucking horny, Daddy. Will you please let me cum when we get home?” Pedro asks softly. “Please?” he begs, barely above a whisper, desperation evident in his voice.
“Yes, mi osito, I’ll let you cum when we get home. If you behave.”
“Yes, Daddy.”
ACT IV: The Release
Oscar stands in front of the glass walls in Pedro’s bedroom, staring out over the twinkling city, as he removes his clothes. He turns around to face Pedro, who is sitting on the edge of the bed, awaiting instruction, looking a little nervous. Oscar crosses the room, takes Pedro’s hands, and pulls him to his feet. He begins to slowly undress Pedro.
“Do you remember the words, mi tigre?” Oscar asks, making direct eye contact with Pedro, his expression serious. He unbuttons Pedro’s shirt, shrugs it over his shoulders and tosses it onto the floor with his own. Pedro’s pants and boxer briefs soon join the pile.
“Yeah, I remember,” he nods and looks away, slightly embarrassed.
“Look at me. Say them. Tell me what they are. I want to be absolutely certain you understand before we start.” Oscar cups Pedro’s chin and gently turns his head so that Pedro has to look at him.
“Green is ‘moonlight’, yellow is ‘starlight’ and red is ‘nova’,” he responds, maintaining eye contact this time.
“Good. I don’t want you to forget once we get started. Use them if you need them, but don’t feel like you have to say them just to say them. Now, lie down in the middle of the bed and get comfortable… we’re gonna be here for a while,” he says, a mischievous smile slowly emerging.
Pedro does as instructed, propping himself up with a stack of pillows so that he’s reclining slightly. Oscar climbs onto the bed and straddles Pedro’s hips, sitting on his thighs.
“Have you ever done this before?”
“Not quite like this, no. I’ve changed pace before, but never prolonged it more than a few minutes. How… how long do you plan to stretch it out?” he asks, his brows knitting with concern.
“Until I feel like you’ve earned it. I’m going to stroke this beautiful cock of yours until you’re begging me to let you cum, mi Pedrito travieso (my naughty Pedrito). And when I feel you’re sufficiently desperate for it… that’s when I’ll let you cum for me. There are only three very simple rules you have to follow once we start. One, you can only refer to me as “Daddy”. Two, no touching. This means no touching me, and absolutely no touching yourself. I don’t want to have to restrain you, mi tigre, but I will if necessary. Three, you’re going to have to show me, beg me, to let me know just how badly you want it. But, if I see you’re getting too eager, too close to disobeying me… I’ll have to stop until you’ve regained control over yourself. Understood?”
“Yes, Daddy,” Pedro responds obediently.
Oscar reaches down and firmly clasps Pedro in his fist, but doesn’t begin to stroke yet.
“Do you feel that? My hand on your delicious cock?”
Pedro nods and sighs heavily.
“Good. I want to hear you tell me how good it feels,” Oscar whispers as he begins pumping Pedro slowly.
“That...” Pedro moans. “that feels so good, Daddy,” Pedro says with a shiver.
Oscar doesn’t respond verbally; he just strokes languidly, agonizingly so. Pedro’s hips buck gently under Oscar’s weight, causing Oscar to stop, realizing Pedro is already so close to disobedience.
“Oh no, this just won’t do. I’ve barely touched you and you’ve already started to buck. You’ve still got to earn it baby. Now focus, or this will be agonizingly slow,” Oscar says.
Pedro nods and Oscar resumes his slow stroking. His free hand gently traces lines across Pedro’s chest, pinching his nipples. Pedro moans softly.
Pedro moans loudly, “Have you ever craved it? Craved it so badly…” he gasps, “that it hurts?”
“I just wanna hear you say it, Daddy. I wanna hear you say I have to”, he moans, “beg you,” his breath hitches and he gasps, “to let me cum.”
“If you want to cum… you’re gonna have to earn it, mi puta (my whore).”
“Please,” Pedro begs.
“Please. Please. Please.” Pedro sighs in frustration. “Daddy, please.”
“Daddy loves hearing you beg,” Oscar moans. “Hearing you sound sooo fucking DESPERATE to please me.”
“You promised,” Pedro responds in a soft voice.
“Please! Please! Please…” he begs desperately.
“No! Not yet,” Oscar responds, impatience creeping into his tone.
“Baby,” Pedro pleads plaintively.
Oscar slaps Pedro across the face. The sound reverberates in the quiet room.
“No me digas baby, mi pecadorcito. No recuerdo haber dicho que podías dejar de suplicar, (don’t call me baby, my little sinner. I don't remember saying that you could stop begging)” Oscar says, his tone leaving no room for argument.
“Perdóname, Papi (forgive me, Daddy),” Pedro apologizes.
“Parece que no lo quieres tanto, tampoco suenas desesperado (it seems that you don't want it so much, you don't sound desperate either).”
“Daddy, Please! I want… need… you to let me cum. You promised.”
“I said no.”
Pedro sighs again, his frustration growing. “Daddy, please. Fuck.”
“Oh my god…” Pedro gasps out of breath.
“Please, Daddy, you promised you’d let me cum this time,” Pedro laments.
“Let me cum, Daddy! I need it! I need it… so fucking badly,” Pedro pleads desperately.
“Fuck, please,” Pedro begs.
“Fuck… you promised. Ooooh…”
Oscar’s cock twitches at Pedro’s last gasp. Pedro stares at it with unbridled lust. Oscar moans and reaches for the lube. After quick, liberal application to himself and Pedro he slowly slides into Pedro’s tight ass. They both moan as he moves deeper. Oscar moves slowly, almost imperceptibly, while continuing to stroke Pedro’s cock.
“Please… baby,” he whispers softly.
Oscar smacks Pedro across the face again.
Pedro’s entire body shudders from the sudden, but expected, contact.
“Fuck. Oh fuck.”
“I’m gonna… oh fuck.”
“I said no,” Oscar says again, his tone more forceful.
“Fuck. I’m…” Pedro moans, “I’m—”
“We’re almost there baby, almost there…” Oscar says encouragingly.
Pedro moans desperately, barely able to breathe.
“You look sufficiently desperate now. Do you think you’ve earned it yet, mi puta?”
“Yes, yes, I’m…”
“Yes! Fuck yes… yes!” Pedro exclaims.
“You’re so fucking sexy when you beg,” Oscar says softly.
“Cum for me, Pedrito,” Oscar says, finally granting his pet the permission he’s been begging so long for.
“I’m…” Pedro begins, but as soon as his brain registers that he’s finally been given permission he’s been longing for, he cums hard, almost on demand. His body trembles from his orgasm and he moans loudly. The sheer force of his release expels the air from his lungs, rendering him unable to speak momentarily.
Oscar cums as Pedro rides the wave of his own orgasm.
“Fuck,” Pedro sighs.
His body still trembling, Pedro says, “God, that was… fucking… incredible, Daddy. Thank you.”
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
6 notes · View notes
galaxy-lilies · 2 years
The dream/farfadox ship came out of nowhere, and I want to understand where it came from, but I don't understand Spanish all that well. Is the knowledge of Spanish necessary to watch.
it came from their interactions in squidcraft! despite the language barrier on both sides, there was a funny moment before hand on like day 1 or day 2 where everyone was throwing insults at each other but affectionately (i.e. "FUCK YOU" "WELL FUCK YOU TOO" "wanna be besties" "yeah" "cool. anyway FUCK YOU") but farfadox and dream were doing it early on
there was also the fact that farfadox approached dream and proceeded to greenscreen a bunch of things onto dream's skin DSJKHFJKDH (from spaghetti to another spanish cc vegetta's minecraft gameplays and just sat back to watch it)
on the third day, el rich and farfadox were the ones who teamed up together to kill dream and when both died on day 5 from the pictionary hangman game, dream had snuck into george's room and yelled into george's mic "FUCK YOU FARFADOX FUCK YOOOOOOOU"
proximity chat was still on and people heard, including farfadox who im pretty sure laughed even though he got eliminated. Dream proceeded to run around george's streaming room like "EL DIABLO IS DEAD LET'S GOOOOO"
In spreen's spinoff game afterwards where a lot of the squidcraft participants who got eliminated early on decided to participate in, dream and farfadox run into each other again, talking a little, throwing /aff /lh insults at each other before heading off to the parkour
i only watched about an hour of the event before i had to homework but the first part was a parkour course and dream was excited so he was up front and jumping against the barrier blocks. But without any context or even a countdown the barrier blocks disappeared and he and farfadox fell to the void early on.
now the event was supposed to have the theme of "if you survive, then you can return to earth but first you must go through the trials and tribulations of heaven and hell" so if you died in "heaven" you were sent to a parkour map in "hell." If they failed the first hell map then they were sent to easier hell maps. Q was also in this event and he was sent to the bottom of the barrel of easy hell maps because it was literally a pathway with no parkour
(and if you were curious this event is where the quackity yelling at dream "THIS IS WHERE YOU BELONG! IN HELL" clip comes from)
Either way dream failed the last jump on the hell map thinking he could just jump to the cliff and ignore the last expected block in the parkour map and ended up running into the barrier blocks blocking the cliff. he was promptly sent back to the beginning again. it's there farfadox ended up too and they talk a little. They start the parkour map together again but farfadox messes up and falls (there was the classic proximity chat "the screaming fades as you fall" situation LOL)
without missing a beat dream was like "well farfadox is an idiot"
later on farfadox would run back up to dream saying he also didnt realize there were barrier blocks on the cliff and fell, having to redo the map again
those are the moments i can think of off the top of my head LOL there are also a few twitter moments recently where farfadox introduced the shipname "dreamdox" and dream was like "um. i dont think that's a shipname we should use-"
farfadox took a second and just replied with "a"
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askthesancheztwins · 8 months
Cici: "Is the spaghetti okay? I know I'm picky on toppings and such do I just left whatever I could out for you two to use..."
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The table itself is plain, merely a wooden table with four seats but there's a decent array of options spread out for Rick and Diablo to choose from. You've got the typical toppings like pasta sauce, parmesan cheese, chives,relish, but there's a few others like turkey and ham, too.
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"Just a small portion, okay?"
"...fine Kinpa, only a little"
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jranon · 9 months
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Tonight, I made lobster fra diablo, over spaghetti. Also enjoyed a few glasses of my homemade 2020 Italian Barolo wine.
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localriverjournal · 1 year
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Spaghetti Diablo with Shrimp Spaghetti and shrimp are served in a spicy tomato sauce in this meal idea.
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now-we-say-c0ral · 1 year
June 8, 2023
Woke up around 6am without an Eddie because he already went to work early because he cycles. Got myself ready and cycled to the station. I arrived around 7.45am and attended the morning huddle which was pretty uneventful.
I was assigned in T14 downstairs in Ocean with Redwan and Elli. We did 2 cases. One was a spinal rod adjustment and the other was a lumbar facet joint injection. I was just observing them. It's been some time since I've scrubbed and it's really not a problem if I don't. I miss it but I'm not crazy to do it in a haste. The morning shift finished and I had my lunch at the cafeteria. Afterwards, I spoke with Elli for my return-to-work papers and she assigned me in T15 to observe a longer spinal fusion. It was my first time seeing one and the operation was really complex, I could tell. I met Eivan, Al, and Marta who was supposed to be my preceptor. They were really nice.
We went home around 5.45pm. I didn't go to the gym anymore because my feet was dead tired from using the lead gown all day and just proceeded home.
I cooked some pasta for Eddie and I had a banana and an apple. He really insisted that I eat too so I just had a bite. Played some D4 afterwards and had 2 edibles. I got super sleepy afterwards.
June 7, 2023
Still off sick today but this one would be my last as I cannot keep this charade up anymore. This day was again mostly spent on playing Diablo 4. Made some sea food fried rice along with the gyoza that was left in the freezer for both of our lunch tomorrow. Went to the gym today. Eddie bought some edibles and I had one for the first time. Felt nothing. Even after smoking the CBD vape three times. Still nothing.
June 6, 2023
I was still off sick today just because. I wasn't really sick but opportunities like this you cannot just put to waste because of the protocol here at work. Went to Tesco with Nico and bought some groceries. Played Diablo 4 mostly throughout the day. I did attend the Epic Training which was done online because I had to. I didn't turn-up during the initial session because I forgot all about it.
After Tesco, I did my brunch which was some sauteed mung bean sprouts in soy sauce and some scrambled eggs then proceeded to cook some dinner for later on. I made some Filipino-style spaghetti which me and Eddie had when he got home. I went to the gym afterwards.
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slaapkat · 2 years
listen I know the jonah hex movie bombed pretty horribly but reading and finishing trail of time and seeing jonah, bat lash, el diablo, and scalphunter meet after a bar fight and then break jonah out of jail and team up and travel just because they have nothing better to do made me want dc to make some kinda ensemble movie of all their western properties soooooooo bad. a kind of mix between the magnificent seven and cowboys vs aliens but with all the costumes and played completely straight like a spaghetti western. maybe someone like kalibak or other general or underling in darkseids army tries a preemptive attack on earth to earn his favor. maybe it’s the controllers. maybe it’s just vandal savage (as in trail of time). i wanna see it.
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biceblue-blog · 6 years
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Venire allo stesso archivio oggi ( ´∀`)
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little-fandom-dump · 2 years
if y’all do not start being nicer to travis mcelroy i’m going to stuff your mattress with uncooked spaghetti and replace your face wash with taco bell diablo sauce
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creepycute-puppy-gf · 3 years
So, apparently I forgot to post my updated and complete top 100 games??? Yeah I finished it & I THOUGHT I sent it out but u know,,, how it is with spaghetti.
So this is my very own personal top 100 games idga fffuck if I'm wrong in your book I will make you play the hobbit for the gamecube if you challenge me- list. I am feeling a lil high thank u bleach does that to me dw.
Final Fantasy VIII
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines
Mass Effect
Diablo 2 + LOD
Quake + Expansions
Life is Strange + Before the Storm
Silent Hill 3
The Cat Lady
Sonic The Hedgehog (1991)
Dark Cloud 2
Half life + Op. Force and Blue Shift
Runescape (Classic)
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Mass Effect 2
Tales of Berseria
Star Ocean 2
Killing Floor
Fallout: New Vegas
Final Fantasy VII
Half Life 2 + Eps
Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion
Geneforge 2
Summon Night Swordcraft Story 1 + 2
Devil May Cry 3
Arcade Spirits
Kingdom Hearts
Rainbow Six Siege
Dragon Age
Final Fantasy X
Jade Empire
Mirror's Edge
Dragon Quest VIII
Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Returns
Ratchet and Clank
Robot Arena 2
Megaman Legends 2
Twisted Metal 4
Final Fantasy V
Mass Effect 3
Kingdom Hearts 2
Yu-Gi-Oh Forbidden Memories
Final Fantasy XIII
Stardew Valley
Silent Hill
Wolfenstein 3D
Left for Dead 1 & 2
Cry of Fear
Resident Evil 4
Sonic 3
Sonic Mania
Hexen 2
Elder Scrolls V Skyrim
Dirty Bomb
Deus Ex
Gone Home
Spyro 3
DOOM (2016)
Final Fantasy III
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Harvest Moon Back to Nature
Baldur's Gate 2
Crash Team Racing
Fire Emblem Fates
Sonic Colors
Toejam and Earl
Ratchet and Clank 2
Crash Bandicoot 3
Chrono Trigger
Twisted Metal Black
Devil May Cry 2
Borderlands 2
The Forest
Counter Strike: Source
Digimon World 3
When The Night Comes
Fortress Forever
Dragon Quest V
Saints Row The Third
Civilization 3
Brutal Legend
Harvest Moon Magical Melody
Fatal Frame 2
Monster Rancher Battle Card Ep. 2
Brave Fencer Musashi
Long post so I just sectioned it off. I DID change some placements from my top 50 as my feelings have changed!! I even forgot a few back then and I hope this list is a good representation of my tastes n exposure.
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faux-fires · 3 years
Stitch Sunday#6
Another update on my massive project! It’s been uh, months since my last update but in fairness I haven’t actually been stitching so much as playing vidya games (ME:LE, WoW and the newly released Diablo 2 remaster).
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I’m trying a new method to tie off my loose stitches, which has resulted in something called ‘absolute madness’ and makes my project look like a bowl of blue spaghetti, love it. I’m about 1/3 of the way through this page and got most of the confetti out of the way first, which means I have just square after square of background colour to stitch in until my eyes cross.
Things (re)watched while stitching this week: The Good Place, the Matrix, Everybody’s Talking About Jamie (teared up at the drag queen history song, recommend), Shreds (bloody excellent and harrowing af).
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daisukoth · 3 years
I don't get how so many people enjoy Genshin Impact. Actually. it's so fucking boring, you stare at an anime behind all day mashing W, whatever that ability key was, and LMB. u run around collecting worthless boxes (unless you pay money), do even more mind numbing quests where you run around, mash e, then run around some more. then the distastefully added microtransactions just kill what litte "enjoyment" remains, if you can call it that. What is the most fun part of games like these? murdering a big boss, obtaining their fat loot and taking that burning mega zweihander to obliterate lvl 2 goons by the dozen. That is replaced by what? mindlessly running around the map collecting those stupid star things and once u get enough u spend them to open a lootbox and try to not have any expectations. then when it is inevitably hands you a useless 1 star piece of shit you realize you could be having so much more fun playing diablo 3 or roblox or minecraft or divinity or any other fucking game other than this one. and don't get me started on people defending the pity system. It's a slap to anyone's face. imagine going to a casino with 300 dollars. They promise you that you'll win atleast 3 dollars back. and then people point to that, and are like "hey atleast you'll get 3 dollars back" like no fuck you i'd rather spend that cash on a nice restaurant and savour the flavour of their steaks or sushi or spaghetti in my mouth.
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iloveyourfaves · 3 years
If the owner of @ihateyourfaves can’t say the word ‘diabolo’, then this adds to my theory that they have the mental age of an underdeveloped 5 year old.
This is supported by the tag that says, “I won’t be able to join the circus at this rate”, which is clearly an inaccuracy, as they have reached such a peak of clownery that they may as well be running the whole circus industry.
Despite this, I still want me and ihateyourfaves to summon Diavolo whilst playing with diabolos as we listen to el diablo eating spaghetti topped with fra diavolo sauce. Collaboration coming soon.
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