#spaghetti punch
betseyswardlick · 1 year
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IT'S THAT TIME.... C H I C A G O....
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....spaghetti time i guess. BONGIORNO SPAGHETTATA!
I'll be at CAKE in Chicago this weekend with a new book! This one has wrestling, inadvisable methods of acquiring audio samples, and satanic sound engineering.
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Spaghetti Punch #4 is another one-shotter about some more of the fabulous freaks of Cuddy, Oklahoma (previously seen in SP#1's "Blood Magic Ice Cream Store," and SP#3's short story "The Fixer's Quick Mart.") COME ON DOWN AND CHECK IT OWWWWT.
Chicago Alternative Comics Expo (CAKE)
June 3-4, 2023 11 am – 6 pm Saturday 11 am – 5 pm Sunday
Broadway Armory 5917 N Broadway Chicago, IL 60660 FREE and open to the public! http://www.cakechicago.com
I'll have Spaghetti Punch #1-#4, Penina Gal next to me, and a can-do attitude SO COME SAY HI.
All four spaghettis will be available afterwards from Radiator Comics.
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rascal-rose · 25 days
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ngl announcement side swiped me anyway he should check out that pizza in a tower
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scrufftuna · 11 months
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darkita11 · 1 year
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to answer the question in ur tags on the anime music post: jojo’s bizarre adventure
Wait since when did jojo's bizzare adventure have such good taste in music
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snowyfrostshadows · 1 year
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My one and only personal headcanon is that Luigi will consume THE most disgusting **** known to man with ZERO side affects due the whole. Perfect Vessel for the Chaos Heart thing he's got going on
Mario, meanwhile fears for his brother's life each and every time he catches him with one of his Death Concoctions
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I made this while I had a fever. You're welcome, person who comes here to take a reddit screenshot
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lazzarella · 1 month
Still always thinking about that single emphatic pushup Boom did in the We Are behind the scenes after the first love scene with Aou 
And if I'm not thinking about that, I'm thinking about their high five moments later lol
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jamearts · 1 year
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It's the crumbling tower of pizza, everybody! A fanart i was cooking since late february but haven't finished until now Pizza Tower © Tour de Pizza If you're reading this, support me on Ko-fi if you want <3 https://ko-fi.com/jamearts
Posted using PostyBirb
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thedorfmirrin · 2 years
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rascal-rose · 1 year
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fluffygiraffe · 1 year
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he's standing there... MENACINGLY!!!! TY SO MUCH!!! I appreciate the love for him, the little goofy!
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bucketspammer4life · 10 months
I wonder how the other boxers would react to Joe & Aran dating- Especially if they haven't seen Aran's softer side at all.
im gonna have too much fun with this
Von Kaiser - pure confusion, its the same kind of confusion you get when you try to read a long paragraph when nauseous
Disco Kid - didnt expect it but has a "whatever floats your boat" attitude
King Hippo - He doesnt like to dabble in others relationships so he doesnt do much other than be a bit suprised
Piston Hondo - Just feeling very "i need to study these bitches under a microscope" about the whole situation, how is joe still sane? How is he still intact? How is aran still managing to keep him tolerant of his bs??
Bear Hugger - couldnt care less, Just happy that aran found someone to calm him down a bit and stop him from causing chaos
Great Tiger - never really saw them together so he has a lot of questions, how?? When?? Why??
Don Flamenco - bullying joe about it because haha funny rat man
Soda Popinski - "ok"
Bald Bull - laughs when he first hears it then his jaw drops when he realizes its true
Super Macho Man - gossips about it with literally everyone
Mr Sandman - ok 2: Electric Bogaloo
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darkita11 · 2 years
Speed paint of the title card I drew some time ago 🥊🍕
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warrior-of-z · 2 years
Some years back:
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"His name is Peppino Spaghetti, absolutely phenomenal guy."
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wvbaandtheboys · 1 year
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“WOO-HOO! KEEP IT UP PEPPINO! KEEP IT UP! THAT’S THE WAY TO GO!” Hiya so I like Pizza Tower now if it wasn’t obvious already AHDKAHDKH so here’s a neat crossover with PO!! and PT with a bit of story cause why not. “After reaching the next floor of the tower, an aggravated Peppino finds himself in the spotlights of an infamous boxing legion: The WVBA! With absolutely no boxing experience ever, the chef teams up with the lightweight scrapper, Little Mac, to make it through the beloved characters of the ring and claim the key to the elevator at his final challenger. However, little did Mac and the boxers know, the anxious Peppino proves to be no easy picking.” “With his blazing, passionate Italian anger, impressively tanky body and a careless outlook when in the heat of rage... Peppino’s going to bring about an even more nightmarish freakshow to the bracket than ever seen before.” “’Wow, Peppino... I-I’ve never seen someone fight so... aggressively like you... Not even Bear Hugger hits that hard and he’s the heaviest boxer we have...!’ The young scrapper gasped in slack-jawed awe at the decimated remains of the punching bag. The middle-aged Italian simply sighed and let his destructive anger leave his arms, resting in his core. ‘Y-You can definitely go against Mr. Sandman with that kinda drive, y’know that...?’” “’Paisano...’ Peppino spoke in a low voice. It sent a jolt of fear through Mac. ‘Yeah...?’ ‘I’m-a not scared of-a Mr. Sandman.’ Peppino turned around slowly, and with the tension building round them, Mac stared as Peppino cracked his knuckles one finger at a time. His mouth was contorted into a threatening, toothy smile, his eyes wide with his pupils forming into spirals. If looks could kill, Mac would have dropped dead right there.” “‘You-a told me he was-a almost untouchable. A monster in the ring-a...” Mac sheepishly nodded. He didn’t know if he liked where this was going. ‘...Sandman, huh...?’ Peppino let out an ironic chuckle. ‘A huge brute-a, I’ll-a give him-a that. But he’s-a going to get a very... once-in-a-lifetime offer-a. You know-a what that is, Mac?’ ‘..What?’” “‘I’ll get-a through every single-a one of those-a boxers... I’ll-a climb to the top-a... And when I do-a... he’s-a going to get my special dish...’“ “‘A full course of pain.’”
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