#spahron cotta arc
darksaiyangoku · 1 year
RWBY/Swords of Fate: Arc Kingdom
Chapter 1: The Beowolf Hunt
Fairy tales. Myths. Legends. Stories with ever evolving characters and events. Many share a common source and many diverge from their original tellings. No two versions of one story are ever exactly the same. This is one such a story. A young man desired to cherish and protect. He never imagined that he would be the one to pull the legendary sword from the stone. In this tale, you will witness the trials and tribulations that shaped him from a simple huntsmen to the King of Vale. So begins the path to a new era of Remnant; the Arc Kingdom.
5th January, 734 AC
Jaune: *swinging his sword* Ha! Yah! Fwooo!!!
Rogue: Gh! *chops firewood* Gah!
Saphron: Verte! Have you seen where Noir and Blanc have gone?
Verte: They're in the kitchen. They're gonna be the ones cooking dinner tonight.
Rouge: *eyes gleaming* Is it lamb stew again?
Verte: *smiles* Yep!
Saphron: Alright! Come inside, Jaune!
Jaune: You three go on ahead. Let me finish practicing out here.
Saphron: Oh come on! All you ever do is practice. A little break isn't going to kill you.
Rouge: If he wants to freeze to death, let him. More stew for us.
Verte: And I get his room!
Jaune: Wha- hey! Get back here! *runs inside*
An hour had passed and Noir and Blanc carried the pot over to the table. A large puff of steam escaped as soon as the two of them took off the lid. Everyone's eyes sparkled with hunger. The mouthwatering meat, crunchy carrots, hearty leaks and fluffy potatoes were swimming in a sea of delicious stew. They wasted no time in digging into the meal.
Jaune: Mmmmm!!! Guys, this is incredible!
Noir/Blanc: Thanks! *beams*
Rouge: So Jaune, tomorrow you'll be returning to Beacon. Have you packed everything you needed to.
Jaune: Mmhmm. My weapons, spare clothes, Dust and all of my books. I'm all set.
Rouge: Good to hear. *smiles and headpats him*
Jaune: Rouge, come on! I'm not a kid anymore.
Noir: Awwww, big brother's blushing!
Blanc: He likes it!
Jaune: Ack! I do not! *blushes* Hmph.
Two hours had passed and Rogue, Saphron and Verte were getting ready for bed. Jaune, meanwhile, popped outside. Near the house was a small gravestone. He knelt to it and clasped his hands together.
Jaune: I'll be heading to Beacon again soon, master. *chuckles* I can't believe that it's already been 4 months. You should've seen me in the Initiation, I was terrible. *laughs* But somehow, I managed to impress the headmaster and now I have a team of my own. We're called JNPR, like the berries. *touches the ground* I've written to Shirou as well, and I've made sure he's okay. He's taken up a part time appretinceship as a blacksmith in the Kingdom of Mistral, says he's working on forging two exceptional swords. Anyway, goodnight.
Jaune rose up from the snow and shivered. The cold really hurt his knees. As he was about to open the door, he heard a loud scream.
Jaune: What the-?
The scream became louder, followed by snarls and howls.
Jaune: Grimm...
Jaune burst open the door and rushed to his bedroom. Taking his father's sword and shield, he hurried outside and ran into the direction of the chaos.
[Vin Village]
Shadowy black wolves growled and snarled at the villagers. Atop their faces were bone-like masks and their eyes were a burning red. Men and women tried their hardest to fight back against the pack, but they were too strong. The beasts fought back and slashed at the people as if they were defenceless lambs. Many tried to run, but they weren't fast enough.
From within a small shrubbery, Jaune could see the attacks unfold. Grabbing his sword, he drew it and ran. With a mighty yell, he slashed at one of the beasts and chopped its arm clean off. It screeched in pain. Taking his sheath, he pushed a small button and it changed into a shield, with the emblem of the Arc Family at the front. The rest of the grimm set their sights on Jaune and surrounded him.
Jaune: Try and get as far away from here as you can. I'll hold them off.
Villager: Are you crazy? There's 7 beowolves there!
Jaune: I've handled these creatures before. I've got enough Dust with me. Just do what I say and get everyone to safety as quick as you can!
Villager: Alright. Good luck. *runs*
Jaune: *deep breath* Okay Jaune, just remember your training.
Two beowolves lunged at him, baring their sharp claws and fangs. Immidiately, Jaune blocked them with his shield. His feet dragged against the snow as he was pushed back slightly. Raising his sword, he struck at one of them.
Jaune: Hah!!
He managed to land a scratch on its chest. The other beowolf tried to attack Jaune, but he dodged just in time.
Jaune: *grins* Yaah!
He thrusted his sword into its chest and yelled out in pain. Suddenly, Jaune noticed 3 of the beowolves running away from the village.
Jaune: Oh no you don't! *pushes beowolf with shield*
Before he could catch up to them, someone dropped down in front of the beowolves, armed with a scythe. They wore a bright red cloak and their face was obscured with a hood. In a single stroke, they slew the 3 beowolves. Jaune was impressed.
???: Behind you!
Jaune: *turns around* Woah!
He narrowly avoided being scratched by a stray beowolf, losing his footing and falling to the floor. Instantly, the cloaked warrior dashed towards the grimm at top speed and blocked an incoming attack. Pushing the grimm back, they decapitated it with their scythe. Jaune shook his head and stood up. Gripping his sword as tight as possible, he and the cloaked warrior stood back to back was they were surrounded by the remaining 3 beowolves.
???: When I say 'now', we strike. Got it?
Jaune: Yeah.
The beowolves slowly moved closer, growling. Jaune could feel his spine tingling.
???: Now! Sah!!! *slices beowolf*
Jaune: Hah! *stabs beowolf*
Jaune/???: YAAAAH!!! *chops beowolf in half*
The threat was over and the grimm crumbled into ash. Jaune turned to the cloaked warrior.
Jaune: *smiles* Thanks for the help, Ruby.
Ruby: *takes off hood* No problem, Jaune.
Jaune: How come you didn't tell me that you were in Charlemagne?
Ruby: *nervous laughter* Sorry about that, it kind slipped my mind. I was at a tavern with mom and dad when I heard about the attack.
Jaune: Huh. I heard about the attack before I was gonna go to bed.
Ruby: I gotta say, you did look a little rusty. Have you been slacking off.
Jaune: Wha? No! I just... *shifts eyes* haven't fought any grimm in a while.
Ruby: Yep, that's a given. *chuckles* I'm looking forward to going back to Beacon tomrrow.
Jaune: Me too! It'll be great to see our friends again. *sighs* Though I'm not looking forward to seeing CRDL.
Ruby: You still upset about the sparring match?
Jaune: I can handle losing a sparring match. But breaking my sword was crossing the line! Anyway, um, I never thanked you for helping me back then.
Ruby: There's no need to worry about it. After all, what are best friends for? *smiles*
Jaune: Yeah, that's true. *chuckles* Still, you're amazing.
Ruby: Thanks Jaune.
Jaune: Anyway, we should check on the villagers. See if they're okay.
Ruby: Yeah *nods*
The two of them walked near the gate, where the villagers were gathered. Many of them thanked Jaune and Ruby and tried to give them gifts, much to their embarrassment. From afar, the wizard Ozpin was watching them.
Ozpin: And so it begins. *smokes pipe*
[Castle Vale]
In the throne room, King Vortigern sneered at the black crystal ball next to him.
Vortigern: You musn't worry so much.
Crystal ball: You made a dangerous mistake, Your Majesty. Making a deal with Ozpin? Are you trying to incur my wrath?
Vortigern: He won't win.
Crystal ball: How can you be certain?
Vortigern: Because I saw to it personally. Uther doesn't have any living heirs. Without him, the bloodline has ended. That sword will remain in the stone for eternity.
Crystal ball: What of Ozpin, then?
Vortigern: I'll see to his demise myself. After all, *eyes turn draconic* you blessed me with this power. He doesn't stand a chance.
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
What are those: Side Story: How does Saphron and Terra react to their son being a Dragon Faunus just like his father?
He’s What?
Jaune: Okay… (Sniff sniff!) Hmm… Seems like i’m all alone this time… Like make the call…
Jaune: …
Jaune: …
Jaune: Pick up, come on please pick up…
: Cotta Arc Residence, to who… Oh! Hey, Jaune!
Jaune: Hey, Saphron.
Spahron: How’s my favourite little brother doing?
Jaune: I’m lright, most things considered. Is, Terra there?
Saphron: Yeah, one moment; Terra?!
Terra: Yeah?
Saphron: Jaune’s calling, he wants to speak to you!
Terra: Jaune’s calling~! Jaune? Hi, Jaune!
Jaune: Hi, Terra. And, hello, Adrian, hows my favourite little nephew?
Adrian: Bwua~!
Jaune: Sounds like he was trying to say my name.
Terra: Sounds like he was.
Saphron: Mommy should be his first words, not, Jaune you little rascal~!
Adrian: Ah-haha!
Terra: No he’ll be saying, Mom first.
Saphron: We’ll see… Nice outfit by the way.
Terra: And, horns? When did you get those?
Jaune: Oh, well my teacher wanted to test my capacity to breath fire; So he had me push my flame to the limits, and well, these happened. I’m not sure why, or how, but they did. As for the clothes, well they set me on fire…
Saphron: They set you on fire?!
Jaune: It was to test my ability to withstand fire. They incinerated all my clothes… I lost my, Pumpkin Pete’s hoodie in the fire…
Saphron: Not the hoodie?! You spent months trying to get that!
Jaune: Yeah, luckily my girlfriend is, Pumpkin Pete’s poster girl, she told me she would get me a replacement. One with a zipper, I can’t wear anything that is an overhead shirt because of these things. Hehe.
Saphron: Girlfriend?
Terra: And, it’s that girl on the cereal?
Jaune: Yeah, her name is, Pyrrha Nikos. She actually my partner here at, Beacon. She basically claimed the spot as first chosen.
Terra: First chosen?
Jaune: If a faunas develops a harem, there is this hierarchical set up in it. It doesn’t mean anything, bar she was the first picked.
Saphron: Harem? Jaune, are you making a harem?!
Jaune: Uhh… Yeah… I am. It wasn’t my plan to, I would have been more than happy for it to be just me, and Pyrrha. But, since I can, and dozens of faunas are chasing after me…
Terra: You started a harem.
Jaune: There’s only the three of us. Honestly I haven’t done anything, Pyrrha is actually the one who started it. I was just teasing a girl, Pyrrha was the one who pulled her into a supply closet.
Terra: And, suddenly she in your harem?
Jaune: No… That… that happened after our little tryst in a changing booth…
Saphron: A changing booth? That reminds me of our times in a changing booth. Spending all that time ‘trying on’ clothes was so much fun~!
Terra: I had more fun ‘trying on’ those clothes as home~! So, Jqune, since Pyrrha is your, ‘First Chosen,’ what does that make me?
Jaune: W-What are you talking about?
Terra: She’s your first girlfriend, first chosen, harem member, whatever you want to call her. I’m the mother to your first child, what does that make me?
Jaune: O-Oh… T-T-That… I don’t know… I’ll have to ask around…
Terra: Please do so, I would like to have a title that better then, ‘Baby Mommy.’
Jaune: Don’t say that again.
Saphron: But, its true. She is your baby mommy.
Jaune: Quit referring to your wife like that.
Saphron: But, it’s hot!
Jaune: Okay… So speaking of, Adrian. I wanted to call to see if you had any news if, Adrian is a… is a faunas?
Terra: No, no he isn’t.
Jaune: He isn’t?
Terra: He has, nor will have any faunas traits in the future.
Jaune: Haaa… That’s a relief.
Saphron: What���s was the problem with, Adrian potentially being a faunas though? You are a faunas, I wouldn’t care if my son was a faunas, I only care he is a healthy baby boy.
Jaune: Because, I have the wife of the chieftain of Menagerie hovering about me, High Leader to the White Fang breathing down my neck, a fantical faction of the, White Fang who wants to start a ‘holy’ race war in my name, and lastly I have the knowledge that a group of zealot faunas have started a cult worshiping me as a god. Do you have any idea how scared I am, how worried I am if they learn about my son? I may be putting on a smile, and easily accepting my place as some sort of messiah figure, but, Saphron… I’m scared as all hell about what the future may bring. It’s spiralling out of control, and I have no idea what’s happening, let alone what may happen. And, that’s not saying it will be the faunas that hurts my family, could be the, Schnee Dust Company, Jacques Schnee has had a beef with me for years. Atlas is a bunch of paranoid lunatics so they may try something. Being paranoid myself is the only thing I’ve got to defend myself against what may happen. I’m scared… There’s nothing else to it.
Saphron: Oh… I didn’t know.
Terra: I’m sorry to hear that, Jaune. If there is anything we can do to help you?
Jaune: Just stay safe, and make sure nothing bad happens to, Adrian. Okay?
Saphron: Don’t worry, Jaune; I’m a, Arc, and I’m a mother. You know how we, Arc’s get when it come to protecting our young. Don’t worry, I’ll keep him safe.
Jaune: That’s all I can ask for… But, if you need anything, anything at all just let me know. You know I’m filthy rich, so money won’t be an issue.
Saphron: You already payed for this house as our wedding present, we don’t need any money.
Terra: But, there is something else we do need… Well, it’s more of a want than a need really.
Jaune: And, what is…? (Sniff, sniff!) Oh no…
Saphron: What is it?
Terra: Is that person who was spying on you, are they back?
Jaune: No, I dealt with her, but this is worse.
Terra: Worse…?!
Saphron: What is it?
Jaune: It’s…
: Jauney~!
Jaune: It’s mom…
Juniper: There you are, I’ve been looking…? Oh, Hello, Saphron, Terra, wittle Adrikins~!
ST: Hi mom~!
Adrian: Bwah-haha!
Juniper: Why are you calling your sisters, Jaune? Something faunas related?
Jaune: You could say that.
Juniper: Does it have to do with, Adrian being your son?
Jaune: You knew?!
Juniper: I’ve know for years. Especially now since, Adrian looks just like his father when he was his age.
Jaune: He does?
Juniper: Of course. Here, look at this photo.
Jaune: Oh shit, he does look like me…
Saphron: Aww~! He’s adorable!
Terra: They look like splitting images of each other.
Juniper: Yes, so you don’t need to hide this, at least from your family anymore.
Terra: Oh good, because there is something we, mostly I want from you, Jaune.
Jaune: And, that is…?
Terra: Do you… Do you want to give, Adrian a sibling?
Jaune: What?!
Haa… At last, I’m free…
This has been stuck in my draft box for months. It just wasn’t continuity appropriate to do it. But, it’s finally done.
Do enjoy~!
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howlingday · 3 years
Here's a headcannon: The only reason that Saphron and Terra are together is because Jaune has ruined Spahron of all other men. Terra of course doesn't believe that and so one night Saphron tells Jaune to show her what he's got.
Saphron: He's just the sweetest guy ever! Trust me, we spend one night with him, and you'll swear all other guys can't compare.
Terra: (Rolls her eyes, Smiling) If you say so. (Rings the doorbell)
Jaune: (Opens the door) Saph! (Hugs her, Lifts her up and twirls her) It's been so long!
Saphron: (Laughs) Put me down, you dork! (Jaune sets her down) Jaune, this is Terra.
Terra: (Extends her hand) Hi, Terra Cotta.
Jaune: (Shakes her hand) Jaune Arc, and may I say, you are just as lovely as my sister described you.
Terra: (Blushing) O-Oh! Really?
Jaune: (Nods) You sound a lot better than those exes of hers. Bunch of slimy scumbags if you ask me. Oh, but enough about that! Come inside, won't you?
Terra: (Steps in, Whispers to Saphron) Okay, he's polite, but I don't see how he's different from any other guy.
Saphron: (Whispers) Just wait. He gets better.
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Terra FMK: Jaune, Winter, Ilia
Terra: FMK
Jaune: So, Uhhh… Should I take part of this one?
Winter: Should you? I don’t mean to be rude. But, you are a guy, and she is a lesbian.
Ilia: You’re a lesbian?
Terra: Well… actually, I’m bisexual.
Ilia: Oh… well it still works for me!
Winter: Then why were you asking whether, or not you should take part of this?
Terra: Well, its because he has an unfair advantage…
Winter: That being?
Terra: Well… We’ve already done it together… a lot at that…
Winter: Wait… You two have already done it?!
Ilia: You cheated on your own wife, with your brother?!
Jaune: You can look at it like that, but it isn’t like that…
Ilia: The hell does that mean?
Terra: Haa… Everyone, say hi to, Adrian.
Adrian: Bwah!
Winter: Awww~! He’s adorable~!
Ilia: He’s cute I guess but, what does this have to do with…?! No?!
Winter: Wait, you’re the father, Jaune?!
Jaune: Yeah, I am…
Terra: Saphron wasn’t keen on adopting, and we both wanted to have a, Arc. So we asked for, Jaune’s… help. And, well, here’s the adorable results of our union.
Winter: He is so adorable~!
Terra: Yeah so… in the fairness of the others, i’m gonna have to kill you.
Jaune: It’s fair. So who’s gonna be the other ones?
Terra: Well… I do have an idea on what to do~!
Winter: And, what would that be?
Terra: I am a happily married woman. Key words: Happily married~! So, I can’t marry anyone.
Ilia: Then what are you going to do?
Terra: Well, as I can see. Someone is pretty jealous of me having little, Adrian here~! And, since, Jaune’s available; why don’t you marry him, Winter~!
Winter: W-W-What?!
Jaune: Excuse me?!
Terra: Just think of it, Winter? You, Jaune wed, making as many adorable little, Adrians of your own as you want~!
Winter: How many could we have…?
Jaune: Uhh… Winter…?
Terra: as many as you want~!
Winter: Jaune~?
Jaune: Winter…? Why are you staring at me like… Ahck?! W-Where are you taking me?!
Winter: The spare bedroom~!
Jaune: What, why?!
Winter: I’ll tell you later, Daddy~!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Oh no…
Ilia: …
Terra: …
Ilia: So… I guess you, and I are gonna fuck then…?
Terra: No, the three of us are gonna fuck~!
Ilia: Three of us? Ahh~!
: Hmm~? She’s a little on the thin side, but I can work with this~!
Ilia: Mmm~! W-Who are… Ohh~! Who are you~?
: I’m, Saphron, Terra’s darling wife. Hi~!
Ilia: Ahh~! Saphron, your hand?!
Terra: Is just where you want it to be~!
Saphron: Oh~! Look, she’s pink, literally?
Terra: Ilia’s a faunas, a chameleon faunas. Her ability is to change change colours.
Spahron: Oh, really~? I wonder what colours will you show us, when your new Mommies, are finished with you~!
Terra: I don’t know, lets find out~!
Ilia: Uhh…?! H-Help…?
Okay, imagine the art of, Saphron, and Terra, ‘Ara Ara’ ing, Ilia. And, yeah. Cotta-Arc’s domming the sub, Ilia.
Also, do you guys mind when I take the stories like this?
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
They Know?!
Saphron: Hey… S-Since were alone… You interested in having some fun~?
Terra: Oh, how naughty of you~! But, isn’t your family still here, you wouldn’t want them to catch you? I mean, they don’t even know you’re gay, let alone that we’re dating.
Saphron: Oh don’t worry, I asked them all to leave us alone so we could talk about some stuff.
Terra: What stuff?
Saphron: Hehe~!
Terra: Saph, what are you?! Oof?! Why did you jump me?!
Saphron: Because I have some stuff to do~!
Terra: Ohh! Well then, by all means lets work on this stuff then~!
Saphron: Hehehe~!
Jaune: Holy Shit?!! Saphron we…
Saphron: …?!
Terra: …?!
Jaune: …
Saphron: Uhh…?!
Terra: H-Hey, Jaune… H-How’s it going…?
Jaune: Pretty good how about you guys?
Saphron: It was going well… T-Then some stuff happened… B-Because…
Jaune: Because I suddenly cock-blocked ya?
Terra: I think its clam-jam for lesbians…
Jaune: Oh, so you are gay then… okay…
Saphron: Uhh…
Terra: Yes…
Jaune: Okay… Imma go then.
Saphron: Wait, Jaune!
Jaune: Yes?
Saphron: Y-You can’t tell our sisters about us!
Jaune: Okay.
Saphron: Or, Dad!
Jaune: Alright.
Saphron: Or, Mom!
Jaune: Can do.
Saphron: Or, else I’ll…?!
Terra: Saph! Jaune’s already agreed, he won’t tell anyone, right…
Jaune: Pfft, I won’t to tell them your gay.
Terra: You won’t…?
Jaune: Nope!
ST: …
Saphron: Why not; you aren’t going to use this as blackmail against me…?
Jaune: Can I even use this as blackmail against you…? I can’t of a reason how I could… Can you, Dad?
Saphron: Eh…?
Acheius: Mmm… Nope, can’t think of any; Can you dear?
Terra: W-What…?
Juniper: Mmmm… Money?
Jaune: But, Saph’s broke…
Juniper: Fair point… Girls, any ideas?
Saphron: H-Hold up now…?!
Luna: Ehh… no.
Carol: Nope.
Jeanne: I’ve got nothing.
Angela: Nada.
Thiriana: I’ve got squat.
Sapphire: Why would we blackmail her, I mean we all knew, so…?
Saphron: Wait?! You all knew?!
Arc Family: Yep!
Saphron: Why didn’t you say anything then?!
Angela: Because of the bet.
Saphron: Bet, what bet?
Jaune: The bet on what day you’d come out, or when one of us accidentally catch you in the act, and we’d all find out you’re gay.
Saphron: You guys knew the whole time I was gay?! And, were betting on what I’d come out?!
Arc Family: Yep!
Jaune: Speaking of the bet… I WON!!! Whoo! Pay up everyone!
Thiriana: Wait, what?!
Sapphire: Gods dammit?!
Jeanne: You couldn’t wait one day?! One day?!
Acheius: I could have won yesterday…
Juniper: Haa… You win some you lose some…
Carol: My money…
Saphron: This is insane?!
Terra: Well… At least we don’t have to keep it a secret anymore right…?
Saphron: …
Saphron: Meh… I’ll take what I can get then…
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arc-misadventures · 3 years
The only reason that Saphron and Terra are together is that Jaune has ruined Saphron of all other men. Terra of course doesn't belive that, and so Saphron has Jaune demonstrate his skill on Terra.
Beg Pardon?
Terra: Wait, hold up! The reason your gay, is because your brother?
Saphron: Yeah, I know hard to believe… But, yeah, my brother totally turned me off all other men…
Terra: Are you… are you a Brocon?!
Saphron: What, no! How could you think that?!
Terra: Because it sounds like you’ve slept with him!
Saphron: What?!
Terra: You’re in love with your brother! And, because you can’t be with him, you won’t love any other man, but him!
Saphron: What?! No! I do love my brother, but not like that?!
Terra: Then what the hell do you mean, your brother turned you off men?!
Saphron: Just… Okay, lets get, Jaune and he’ll show you what I mean.
Terra: Oh gods…
Saphron: Yeah…
Terra: That was fantastic…
Saphron : I know right…
Terra: His hands feel amazing.
Saphron: It’s been years since I last felt that good…
Terra: Should, I be jealous?
Saphron: Are you?
Terra: A little mad that you hid such pleasure from me. But, I can forgive you.
Saphron: Aww… Thanks dear.
Jaune: Okay… the full body massage, and hair washing are done. Since its nearly four, I’m going to make dinner, anything particular you had in mind?
Terra: Surprise us.
Saphron: Yeah, what ever it is I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.
Jaune: Alright, you ladies just enjoy these chocolates, and these fruity drinks until I’m done. Don’t eat too much, or you’ll ruin your appetite. Enjoy!
Terra: So, that’s why you were turned off by all other men?
Saphron: Yeah, for years me, and my sisters would, Jaune give us massages, wash our hair and pamper us to such extents. I knew I’d never meet another man like him that would treat me like he did, so, I no longer found men sexually attractive. Woman on the other hand, well, that never changed.
Terra: I perfectly understand how you feel. I had no plans to ever be with any man before, or any other. Well, until now…
Saphron: Beg pardon?
Terra: Jaune’s your forbidden fruit, Saphron. However, unlike you, Saphron, I’m not his blood related sister~!
Saphron: What…?
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arc-misadventures · 3 years
There were a lot of people stuffed into Saph's and Terra's place. I wonder if people heard Jaune and his sister's wife go at it, or if they noticed the two acting different towards one another the next morning.
Friends XVI
Saphron happily hummed a tune as she made a mountain of pancakes for, Nora. She was amazed that such a small girl could eat so much. And more envious that all the weight seemed to go anywhere but her belly. But, she was a hyperactive ball of energy, she probably burned it like a forest fire in a drought. She busied herself with the meal until she felt a tap upon her shoulder.
Saphron: Hmm…? Oh, hi, Blake! You okay… You’ve got some bags under your eyes…?
Blake: Yeah uhh… C-Can we talk…?
Saphron: Uhh… Sure, about what?
Blake: N-Not here… privately…
Saphron: Okay, Ren, do you mind taking over for me?
Ren: Not at all.
Saphron: Thanks, Ren. Come on, Blake.
Blake led them up stairs to the room that the members that Team RWBY shared. Blake’s body twitches randomly as she nervously locked the door behind her.
Saphron: Uhh…
Blake: I’m sorry, I don’t want anyone walking in while we talk… this isn’t something that anyone, least of all I should know about…
Saphron: Okay…? What is it then?
Blake: Well, as you can see, I’m a faunas, cat faunas.
Saphron: Yeah, so?
Blake: Well, my cat ears allow me to pick up more sounds than most humans can… So… How would you feel if overheard something rather… unnerving…?
Saphron: I find your vague uncertainty and indecisiveness to what ever it is you’re trying to say, unnerving. Just spit it out already.
Blake: Okay! So, last night I over heard some people getting it on…
Saphron: Having sex?
Blake: Yes…
Saphron: I’m not some blushing virgin like that, Yang girl is. All bark, no bite. Just tell me it straight or I’m leaving…
Blake: Okay, okay! I heard some people having sex last night! I thought it was you and Terra at first, because I heard someone who sounded like, Terra. So I thought it was you two, but then I heard her say… say, Jaune’s name…
Saphron: …
Blake: Saphron… I think, Terra’s cheating on you…
Saphron: No she’s not.
Blake: Saphron, I know its heard to think but…
Saphron: Terra’s not cheating on me, I know she was with, Jaune, last night.
Blake: You knew?!
Saphron: Yep.
Blake: Then you know they were…?!
Saphron: Yep.
Blake: And, you’re okay with it?!
Saphron: …
Saphron: May I ask you a question?
Blake: Of course.
Saphron: Why are you poking your nose where it doesn’t belong…
Blake: Eh?
Saphron: This is something, that’s between, my wife, my brother and me! You don’t want even care about my brother. Are you poking your nose where it doesn’t belong because you smell something juicy?
Blake: W-What! N-No! I’m not! I was just worried that something might… happen…?
Saphron: Well… hopefully something will happen… just not what your thinking…
Blake: What are you hoping for…?
Saphron: Blake…
Blake: Yes?
Saphron: They say: ‘Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.’ But, I can assure you, nothing will bring you back…
Blake: I’m sorry I…!
Saphron: Am putting your nose in personal, family, business! I don’t even see why you care! You don’t even like, Jaune! Why are you busying yourself with us!
Blake: I was just worried about you! I-I…?!
Saphron: Stop. Stop talking and mind your own business. You are guests at my place, I’m only involved in yours because my brother is a part of it. You, and the rest of you, are not involved with ours. I understand where you were coming from, but you’re asking too many questions, that do not concern you.
Blake: I’m sorry, I’ll stay out of what’s your personal business.
Saphron: Thank you, I will try and stay out of yours in return, but since it involves my brother, I may get involved.
Blake: I understand.
Saphron: Good, now, you better come down stares and grab something to eat, before Nora eats everything and some.
Blake: I’ll be there in a bit.
Saphron leaves the room, and Blake stayed behind as she looks to the ceiling with a wide eyed stare.
Blake: Can he really do that with his…? Nono, stop thinking about that! Stop it!
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arc-misadventures · 3 years
Adrian: Dada!
Jaune: ...
Saphron: ...
Terra: ...
Jaune: Told you not to call me that...
Terra: It just came out, okay?!
Saphron: What's wrong with that, I mean, it's technically true?
Jaune/Terra: Not helping!
186 notes · View notes
arc-misadventures · 3 years
Simple Really
Jaune: So… I found her.
Saphron: Found who?
Jaune: The girl of my dreams, the one you said I’d always find.
Saphron: R-Really?!
Jaune: Yep.
Saphron: Oh my gosh! That’s wonderful, Jaune!
Jaune: Its not as cracked up as it seems…
Saphron: Oh come on! *The* girl of your dreams?! Its gotta be the greatest thing to ever be!
Jaune: Not for me it is…
Saphron: Why the hell not!
Jaune: Simple really: She hates me.
145 notes · View notes