vocalsynthbdays · 6 months
happy (late) birthday calne ca(fanloid) and miyamai moca(voicepeak) !!! [mar 15]
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(calne ca)
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calne ca is a fanloid made by deino/ Maeda Koutarou, and initially introduced in 2009. she is a derivative of Hatsune Miku, and is officially acknowledged by cfm. calne ca is only called "calne ca" when cosplaying Miku/ when she is wearing her miku shaped casing, her "base"(?) or original body is just called "calcium", and calcium is a original character of deinos
miyamai moca is a japanese synth developed by ah software, and released on 15 feb 2024. her character birthday is mar 15 however. she was created in collaboration with Akasako, the project developer of TOKYO6 ENTERTAINMENT, however moca is not a part of tokyo6. moca is voiced by Mayu Mineda and illustrated by Miko Fly. moca loves cats and has a cat called Watson-kun. moca is secretly a DJ on the internet. she is in development for a singing synthv vb
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thrilling-oneway · 2 months
The schoolidolradio blog hasn't posted in like 2 years I wonder if I should make a new one...
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xephia · 7 months
someone posted a link to my art in the comments on another artist's Tumblr post - please don't do this, I'm sure you mean well but it's very disrespectful to the original artist. If you want to support me you can like or reblog my posts
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ireallydohateyou2 · 4 months
watching fellow mutuals on here suddenly/progressively decide to start snapping back more harshly on anons,.. as well as newer users who've been overstepping their boundaries on here,.. is equivalent to watching nature healing/retaliating/reclaiming it's Own once more... so v refreshing + Proud of you All !! <33
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demonateher · 1 year
Today, a shit post
In response to negative comments about Kimetsu no Yaiba writing and production:
This makes me sad and I generally try to ignore it so it doesn't deplete from how much I enjoy and appreciate it. While there are some bad takes out there, a lot of criticism is valid and that stings, because I wish those wouldn't be the aspects people focus on. Everyone is entitled to view and interact with the material however they like, though, and I respect that.
In response to negative comments about Kamado Tanjiro:
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stellamancer · 1 year
i want.... yakiniku. or kbbq. meat. i want meat. 
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kittycatcarla · 1 year
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Image description:
Image 1: a T-Rex with pixelated sunglasses, with the word "Calculus" written on top of it
Image 2: a drawing of Autism Creature TBH with starry eyes and the caption "omg..."
\end ID
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zooophagous · 1 year
I don't like AI art or writing not necessarily for any grand notion of what art is or whether it counts as stealing I just am straight up not interested in what the AI has to say. I don't like spam, I dont like stories that are designed via a formula to appeal to the biggest amount of people for the most amount of money. I didn't like it when Marvel movies did it with human writers and I like it even less with the human component being downgraded any further. All it does it take the shitty process of designing something by committee and streamline it to make it easier to shit out even faster.
It's boring, by it's very nature it can only ever be derivative because it relies on data inputs scraped from somewhere else, and it's just not very good. It's spam.
I'm willing to concede a decent creative person could use it as a tool to make something cool but so far all it's being used by is people who are only interested in it from a money making standpoint. Finally the most money hungry among us can be creative too and they're limited only by their imagination, and their imagination predictably enough sucks and is ugly.
It's a sausage grinder where you force human creativity into one end and hotdogs come out the other. Prepackaged, predictable, salty, fatty hot dogs. I'm not morally opposed to hot dogs but I don't want to eat them every day.
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elk64 · 1 year
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JOIN MY NEWSLETTER MAILING LIST -> https://elk64.substack.com/ Hello everyone ! I'm moving my mailing list to substack; if you have already joined you don't need to do anything, but if you haven't, newsletter is best way to stay in touch and not miss anything important!
Why subscribe? In this day social media age have turned into a full dystopia, granting us artist both autonomy and dependance. As years goes on, it get harder and harder for independent creative and their communities to keep in touch by a nebulous plays of algorithms and luck. To ensure to not rely exclusively on tier owned space, newsletter appear itself as a key option. This more intimate space give me the option for free content, more complex thought and also vital communication like shop opening, product evolution or commission availability.
No spamming as this newsletter will be limited to a monthly update. It will be a good general way to follow both project, life and product in case you're interested to buy print or other derivative.
- Never miss an update anymore.
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ratiocowmilk · 16 days
I've been thinking of a Tokyo Ghoul AU. I know, kinda basic, but hear me out.
Just to preface: If you haven't seen/read Tokyo Ghoul before the basic setting is that people live alongside ghouls in fear. Ghouls are essentially super-human beings that feed on human flesh to survive. They can not eat regular people food no matter how hard they try. The good thing is that there are ghoul-friendly places that offer ethically sourced human meat. Other than that, the only way you would know if you're in the vicinity of one is if they reveal themselves, either by accident or on purpose. The weapons of the ghouls are called kagune.
More information and character stuff below!
There is a faction called Comission of Counter Ghoul (or CCG for short) that was created to solve Ghoul related crimes. And to detain them. The operatives are nicknamed Doves by the ghouls. Their weapons of choice are quinque, which are derived from the kagune. Most of this information is from season 1, so I'm aware that some things have changed, but this is the setting my AU is based on so I don't care.
Now that that's out of the way, I've been thinking of Ratio, Sparkle, and Ruan Mei as ghouls, while Aventurine, Topaz, and Robin work for and have family ties to the CCG respectively. Ratio and Ruan Mei are the careful types, while Sparkle is a little more wild with it. She will go out hunting for her own food, and if it's a bust, then she crashes at Ratio's place to lay low. Ratio, on the other hand, relies on the safer resources and will rarely go out to hunt. He will only do it if he's running low and is really desperate. Ruan Mei is similar, but she'd rather hire someone to do the dirty work.
Aventurine would be the type to use a defensive but brutal qinque, and at first, he doesn't see the ghouls as something worth mourning for. Whether it's a quick or painful death doesn't matter to him. The only missions he won't take are those involving kids. Topaz would opt for something quick, as she finds it a bit distasteful to make her opponents suffer more than they need to. If she kills a ghoul that was well loved by friends and family, then she'll buy a single flower to bring home to respect the dead. Her coworkers (cough Aventurine cough) think she's weird for applying humanity to them, but she's just doing what she believes in. Robin, on the other hand, simply has ties with the CCG. She finds it distasteful that the CCG treats the ghouls as weapons to be harvested. She can't voice her discontent, however, or she'll be punished by the Family.
On to the actual relationships:
Aventurine and Ratio first meet at a cafe. Real meet-cute vibes. Aventurine falls in love almost immediately. Ratio, however, is wary because Aventurine is a well-known Dove. And while he is flattered, he would rather not risk the chance of betrayal down the line. So, while they exchange numbers, Ratio himself rarely starts a conversation. It isn't until Sparkle steals his phone and texts Aventurine a time and place that things start rolling. They go on a few dates and have a fun time, but when the topic of Aventurine's work comes up, Ratio's words become slightly stilted. Aventurine, at first, thinks he's simply scared of ghouls. So he decides to bend a few rules here and there to show off his qinque! Unlucky for him, it makes it worse because Ratio recognizes whose kagune it came from. Aventurine is unaware of this, so he keeps trying to show off how he works in eliminating ghouls. It isn't until Aventurine walks in on Ratio having a snack while on patrol that he gets it. And for the first time in his life, he doesn't know if he'll be able to kill him. His hands start shaking, there's recognition in Ratio's eyes, and he doesn't know what to do. Ratio gets away in time just as back-up come crawling in. Topaz gets one good look at him and says, "You finally get it now, huh?" And walks away. As soon as he gets home, he's spam calling Ratio to get some answers, but he always gets sent straight to voicemail.
Robin and Sparkle first met while Robin was sneaking out of the house. Sparkle at the time was looking for a good hunt but decided to spare Robin for another day. They have a fun night on the town before Sparkle, the gentle soul she definitely is, escorts her back home. Honestly, who would she be if she let some nefarious ghoul take her away? They dont know who each other are, just that they had fun. So they keep meeting up, and sometimes Sparkle will just break in unannounced and scare poor Robin. Eventually, Sparkle slips up and accidentally reveals her status as a ghoul to Robin, but instead of scorn, she's met with compassion. She doesn't understand it, but she's learned not to take things for granted, so she moves on. They fall in love gradually, but they are both aware that things could end at any moment, so they decide not to make things official yet. Unfortunately, the Family takes notice, and they call the CCG on Sparkle. As she runs through the streets for her life, she runs into Aventurine. He recognizes her almost immediately and offers her safety in exchange for leading him to Ratio. She has no time to think things over, so she agrees. When they reach Ratio's residence, he has one second of looking betrayed before Aventurine starts spilling his guts. Sparkle walks away because if she stays long enough to see them reconcile, then she'll feel extra bitter. It's not fair that they get their happy ending while she gets to rot. (She'll be unaware that in the midst of the chaos, Robin ran too.)
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doukeshi-kun · 3 months
It is 2 am and I certainly don't have time to be spamming a tumblr's inbox...... but
The other anon commenting about Nikolai being romantic just gave me something to rant about omg. Because i've seen so many people misunderstand Nikolai and genuinely call him insane and a crazy sadist like... ahhsjkdaksjjdks it runs me up the walls
First of all Nikolai's philosophy partially derives off him being inherently good. He wants to escape the mind, emotions it gives, and to sum it up his humanity; so he does things that is against his own self. One is killing. Nikolai literally sees murder and torture as something that is opposite to what his humanity makes him. that's why he does it. And even after mutilating unknown amounts of people he still feels guilt, he still feels emotion (i've seen others say that he was lying to atsushi during that whole speech about his guilt but i don't think so?? He took off his eyepatch, which in every single scene he's done so he's shown to be telling the truth of his character. It's a signifier, a literal 'unmasking'. And he says to himself, when Atsushi says he doesn't get nikolai's ideology that "only dos-kun understands" inferring him being truthful. Plus how he reacts to Fyodor's death which will be covered, too), he still hasn't parted completely from his guilt, empathy, humanity.
And Nikolai loves dearly. Deeply he feels for those who GET him. Nikolai craves connection, another thing he attempts to distance himself from, and found that in Fyodor. And he loves so dearly that once he thinks Fyodor is dead he betrays going against his ideology to do something so human for him; getting down on his knees, bringing Fyodor's severed hand to his face, and mourning him. It took a man who knew him for a brisk time and had to only understand him to be enough for Nikolai to crumble for, at least just once. And it proves after all this mental anguish he's caused himself, he still isn't numb and he will probably never be "free". But I also think because of this all, Nikolai, if given the right set of circumstances, would be a deeply intimate and beautiful human being.
If this makes you lower your word count limits I am so sorry 😭 (i checked, this has (updated) 450...)
Final message: Nikolai is lovely, so so tragic, I need his backstory, need him to crush my head between his thighs and dry hump my face till he cums in his pants, I don't know how to make words on this app small, and your writing is amazing i'm going to sleep now goodnight
i do believe nikolai is a deeply sentimental person at heart. but i also think his insanity and sadism is a part of him. i like to think that, over time of trying to be as monstrous just to detach himself from being humane—perhaps he does feel some kind of euphoria when hurting someone, as he knows he's doing something that's beyond humane. but i also think that euphoria is just temporary, since we can agree that he does feel guilty for murdering and hurting people. and mayhaps, his sadism is also a way for him to cope with his guilt.
i definitely agree that if he's brought up in different circumstances, he could be a very empathetic person. i mean, he is already empathetic to his victims where he made them believe he's just a monster
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rainstormwrite · 3 months
Good news.
Hello, everyone! I come bearing incredibly good news…
I've finally finished writing the update.
Not only that, but I've also already rewritten POVs and adjusted clunky scenes, meaning that the update is ready to be released.
I would've probably released it without warning you all, so it would've been a surprise, but I just want to give you some heads-up.
Even though the whole project is now over 260k words, the actual amount of content that was added in terms of singular playthrough is somewhere around 15 - 25 full pages (very approximately since I've already lost count because of all that branching and re-reading the same content over and over again), depending on the route and some other variables. As you can guess, this is due to the overwhelming amount of branching, the different personalities of the MC, the changes between said personalities, and stuff like that. To add to that, a big cause for such a large word count increase is the number of times I had to copy and paste some parts of the scene to make slight changes. So, in many places, the content is not entirely new, but rather slightly altered because, at that moment, I couldn't find an optimized approach to make some scenes changeable depending on your choices without copy-pasting them.
So, this whole situation is not very typical, so to speak, because in some other cases, this amount of words would've sufficed for a whole book already. But, in my case, it's just… one conversation. Yes, you've heard that right.
Basically, all that this update contains is the encounter with the crowd that the MC sees after exiting the hut. The new content ends right after the said encounter ends.
After you choose your approach to said conversation (personality of the MC at that moment, put in other words) you then also choose one of the three routes (tell lie #1, tell lie #2, tell the truth). After that, you only get some choices when something that may compel your MC to change what they wanted to do mid-way happens.
I want to highlight that, you don't really get to decide what exactly your MC says on each page. The tone of how they speak and their opinions about subjects and people are all derived from the prior choices you made, starting from whether your MC shook Theo's hand and told the group the truth and ending with whether your MC went into the tunnel and what they thought of Philip's/Burchard death… The MC's behavior may change very drastically just because of one choice you made earlier.
I'll admit, this is a very experimental approach from my side, but that allows me to shape your MC into a full-fledged, believable character without it feeling like you don't have control over them. Maybe my words don't convey my point exactly, but I guess you'll see it with your own eyes.
There are different sets of choices to make in the routes, even though sometimes they may be similar. Each route uncovers some information that the others didn't, so it adds to the replayability.
All in all, this may be a somewhat polarizing update due to my decisions, but I fully understand that and am of course willing to hear your feedback about the new content.
Give me somewhere around 24 hours so that I can set everything up and roll out the update to you all.
Also, there were some old questions in my inbox that I couldn't answer because, quote 'your blog was restricted by our anti-spam control' (I found that out one month and a half later after sending a ticket to Tumblr's support), so here are those questions:
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Yeah, I'm okay. In fact, now I'm okay more than ever due to me finally finishing writing this update.
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Thanks for catching that! It's fixed now!
Sorry, you two, that I'm answering you only now.
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shakingparadigm · 6 months
Hello it's the anon who said about the Ivan collar thing 😭. I come with some little brainrots.
Mizi sang "Black Sorrow" as a solo cover for unrequited love, with Sua being dead.
But the cover made me think. What if somehow Sua, in a way, is the Till to Mizi's Ivan. What if Sua, even if she loves Mizi back, never really fully indulged in it.
Specially in "My Clematis" where Mizi regarded Sua as a god, all I can imagine is Sua who always kept a perfect image in front of everyone including Mizi. Sua who never really showed her vulnerability to Mizi even though the other girl bared her entire heart. Just the idea that she somewhat kept a mask of pretend, letting Mizi be as blissful as it can be before the inevitable.
Aka tragic Yuri breaking my heart that Sua had to keep her own planned death a secret from her beloved because of one (and only) little selfish wish, which is to let Mizi live.
(Also sorry for spamming asks this frequently! I've been going through ALNST hyperfixations and your blog have a great humor.)
DONT EVER BE SORRY FOR SPAMMING ASKS! they make me really happy! Thank you so much! Sorry it takes me a while to answer them sometimes, my brains been pretty messy as of late, and I keep losing track of time.
That's a really interesting perspective to see it from. Regarding their relationship as a whole, I actually think it was the opposite. Sua only ever opened up to Mizi, and to everyone else she was timid and closed off. That was one of the reasons why their bond was so strong, they clung to each other. Sua retreats into herself, avoiding others in an attempt to protect her soft-hearted feelings, only sticking to Mizi because she loved and trusted her most. Mizi loved Sua like a dog because she was a cure for her loneliness back when Mizi felt isolated and afraid of being away from her home. They gave each other everything, which is why the thought of Mizi dying filled Sua with so much anguish that she'd rather die herself.
But if we're talking about the few weeks leading up to the first round of ALNST (you probably meant this, my bad) then definitely. She spent the last of her life counting down the hours, putting on a brave face and trying to make the remainder of her time with Mizi the best it could possibly be. I assume it was Mizi that proposed a tie. Sua played along, or maybe even believed in it at first, because ALIEN STAGE was something that they both looked forward to their whole lives, something that was held over their heads like a reward instead of the death sentence it actually was. Sua most likely started planning her death after she realized the possible consequences. The thing is, according to the MiziSua interview, a tie had never happened before in ALIEN STAGE. Which means that we don't know what happens if a tie actually does occur. It seems unlikely that ALIEN STAGE, which derives its stakes from the deaths of the contestants, would let both go forward thanks to a tie. I mean, if that happened, then everyone else would just decide to tie in order to keep each other alive, and where's the fun in a deathless season? Where's the stakes in that? It goes against everything ALIEN STAGE is built on. If a tie did happen, they most likely would have forced a situation where one of them would have to die anyway. It just lengthens the process and makes it more complicated. I like to think that, at some point, Sua realized this. If they tie, there's no guarantee that they both stay alive. In a tie situation, they might even randomly pick the contestant to be eliminated. The circumstances are uncertain and unpredictable, and within those hypotheticals Mizi dying is always an option. But if Sua adjusts her own performance level without Mizi knowing, she can ensure that the only person who has to die is herself. As stated before, Sua is soft-hearted. Her blank demeanor is indeed a mask for overwhelming feelings that lie beneath the surface. Mizi worships Sua, but Sua loves Mizi an incredible amount too. She must have loved her so much that Ivan, an exceedingly observant asshole (affectionate), picked up on it and was able to discern her intentions. Ivan criticizes Sua for choosing to sacrifice herself, calling her out for "playing hero", but most importantly, accusing her of dying only because she herself cannot handle the pain of losing someone she loves. She cannot fathom living a life where Mizi is dead, so she "runs away" from it by any means possible. He accuses her of being a hypocrite because the future that pains her to think about is one that she is about to inflict on her beloved. Is it an act of love or an act of selfishness? Is Ivan twisting her genuinely pure intentions and chastising her into believing that it makes her a bad person? Despite being hit with this crisis and crying over it, Sua decides to sacrifice herself anyway. And her happy mask was so impressive that Mizi failed to notice she was digging her own grave.
Sua not "indulging" in her love for Mizi is actually really interesting, and I can see how it can come off that way because Mizi is much more affectionate. But I actually think otherwise!
I think it's not really that she refused to indulge in her love, rather she indulged in it so much that she died to ensure she'd never have to live without it.
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poly-mc · 19 days
I should probably introduce myself.
Hi🪷 I'm Poly MC, otherwise known as Fairwish, and I'm in polyamorous relationships with all 7 of the demon brothers in Obey Me!. This is my new Role Play account where I will be able to live out that dream🌼 Yay🎉
I would like to say hello to my role-play husbands @ask-belphegor, @stn-tmblr, @lucifer-morningst4r , @lord-of-burgers, @the-great-mammon-01, @asm0b4by, @l3v1uhthan (sorry for spamming and if I didn't add all of your different accounts). Hi🪻 I look forward to role-playing was your partner☺️ And hello to my sister-in-law, @8th-sisterlilith 🌻 I hope we can become good friends ☺️
Oh and my father-in-law, @celestial-realm-leader. Hi 🙂
And I would like to say hello to my role-play children, if you would do me the honour of having me as a parental figure (sorry, I couldn't quite figure out the colours thing and sorry for spamming you too) @cynthiathebettertwin, @aspenthetwin, @pridesson, @luv4j3llyfish , @moneyluvsdamien, @thestarandtheghost, @shu1ch1 and @joy-yeah. I look forward to role-playing as your Umi🌺 "Umi" is short for "umzali", which means "parent" in Zulu, which is one of my 2 cultures. My bio dad is Zulu and my other culture is Afrikaans.
IMPORTANT: This is not to be confused with the meaning of "umi" from any other languages (aside from the Japanese "umi", which means "sea". "Sea" is one of my pronouns. More on that in the next paragraph). I decided to use "umi" as a term for my children to refer to me, because it's derived from a gender neutral term for a parental figure (umzali = parent), in my culture. I also decided on this term, because it would be so much easier for a child to learn how to say when learning how to speak. So, it also makes sense for my children's developmental needs.
Speaking of which, I'm non-binary 💜🤍💛🖤 and my pronouns are sea/star. So in a sentence, it would look like: Sea is very happy to be here. Sea hopes you enjoy star poetry. So, me deciding to use "umi", along with my pronouns, works on multiple levels. Especially considering that I've always had a deep connection with the ocean, that I could never quite explain. But I think it's because my Zulu heritage originates from KwaZulu-Natal, a coastal province in South Africa.
Also whenever people refer to me, using these pronouns, it makes me feel like a fairy, sitting on a leaf and watching the ocean under a night sky😌 Like, I feel like a better version of myself. Like the me that I've always wanted to be🌌 That's right, bitch we're getting existential now! And I'm completely sober. It makes me feel like someone I can actually look up to, which I think is just absolutely insane🤯 I mean, I NEVER thought that I could feel that way. I've never seen myself as someone worthy of being looked up to, praised or admired by anyone, much less myself. But here I am! Making my inner child proud, just by using those pronouns, so ja☺️
Also, as I've mentioned, I'm Afrikaans and I LOVE Afrikaans music, so look forward to me posting English translations/interpretations for Afrikaans songs.
I also dabble in poetry, so look forward to that too. Though, some of my best poems I've written are in my old phone, which I spilled hot chocolate on. And now the motherboard is fucked😭
Here are the rules:
1. Asks are open.
2. No NSFW asks. I'm happily married, thank you. (Weed is fine, though)
3. Romantic asks are reserved for the brothers ONLY.
4. Please be respectful. No hate/bigotry will be tolerated here.
5. While I am NOT a mental health professional, despite what some of you may think, I am willing to listen to any struggles that you may have. So I can't give you any advice (because I don't know the full context of ypur situation and, once again I'm not a specialist) but if you need a friend who will listen, I'm here for you. However if you're looking for advice, then I suggest you go to a licensed professional.
And uh...what else?... Let's just have fun🤷🏽🎉
Oh! And if you have any asks about South Africa, please don't hesitate! I'd be happy to share🇿🇦 Who knows, I might actually learn something about my own country in the process ☺️
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yaeggravate · 9 months
What are your thoughts on the seer Kaeya theories that were going around? Cause apparently I have many thoughts that I'm trying to keep from spamming you with lmao basically there's him not being a seer and his network really is that good (but not good enough to tell him about the nations wide treasure hoarder scheme), him being a seer (same issue as before), having only vague premonitions (which is funny cause he uses them as stories to spook kids), or he DOES have seer information it just isnt his own (second hand and why he had to lure out Dain for confirmation). Each have some merits but all still have some pretty glaring issues as well that it's hard to tell which way the story is going to go.
oh i have MANY thoughts about this (warning: it's a long read)
from the very beginning we are told and shown kaeya is very knowledgeable.
勇敢的小伙子班尼特对这位无所不知的大哥信赖有加. Bennett, a brave young man, has a lot of trust in this big brother who knows everything.
in kaeya's official chinese profile, bennett trusts kaeya as his omniscient big brother.
kaeya's constellation is a peacock. the tailfeathers of peacocks have spots resembling eyes. kaeya's namecard in cn hints at kaeya having many eyes…
孔雀漂亮尾羽上的花纹很像是永不闭上的 眼睛。所���凯亚并非少了一只眼睛,而是 The patterns on the beautiful tail feathers of a peacock resemble eyes that never close. So Kaeya isn't missing an eye, rather... [he has many of them].
fischl's voiceline about kaeya is as follows:
Fischl: His nature is obscure, his fate a mystery, and his speech a vexing tapestry woven of both fact and fiction… Perhaps he and I share the burden of mystical sight…
NOW i want to make it clear that fischl is actually important to understanding kaeya. kaeya is in part based on the indian prince baby from midsummer night's dream. midsummer night's dream in german is mittsommernachtstraum, which is the inspiration behind the name of fischl's princess outfit, immernachtstraum. princess fischl seems to have existed in teyvat, as seen in the description for midsummer courtyard:
With the fall of the ancient lost civilization, the once prosperous and magnificent Sommernachtgarten was also buried underground, leaving only its ancient trees and stones to remember its past glory.
sommernachtgarten is in turn mentioned in the book flowers for princess fischl. this book is published by yae's publishing house just to add more to how suspicious this all is.
what the connection here is, i really cannot say, but for now fischl's voiceline about kaeya should NOT be taken for granted.
let's look into the possible meaning behind the name "kaeya".
MANDATORY DISCLAIMER: there are many possibilities for what "kaeya" might mean so please don't take any of this as fact. however, i have no doubt the creative team are aware of the many meanings behind his name and could possibly be playing around with that. i would too, if i were a writer.
some of sumeru's mythology draws inspiration from the shahnameh, the book of kings, which is a persian epic. in kaeya's hangout he plays prince qubad, opposite frasiyav. i have talked about this before, (see: the bottom reblog) and how i suspect frasiyav might represent irmin. i believe qubad's namesake is either kay qubad or kay qobad. however, the character kaeya is playing is based on siyavash, son of kay kavus, (and future son-in-law of frasiyav 👀 but let's leave that discussion for another time). these are all characters from the shahnameh. siyavash and qobad belong to the kayanians.
KAYĀNIĀN  (Kayanids), in the early Persian epic tradition a dynasty that ruled Iran before the Achaemenids, all of whom bore names prefixed by Kay from Avestan kauui
so, could "kaeya" actually be derived from this dynasty's epithet "kay"? let's take a look at what kauui can mean:
As an epithet of kings and the reason the dynasty is so called, Middle 𐭪𐭣 and New Persian kay(an) originates from Avestan 𐬐𐬀𐬎𐬎𐬌 kavi (or kauui) "king" and also "poet-sacrificer" or "poet-priest".
Kavi is the Indo-Iranian term for “(visionary) poet.”
i'm oversimplifying it but basically kay can stand for seer, poet, king (not to be confused with soldier, poet, king). all of these terms are connected to kaeya.
king: alberich literally means elf king, or ruler of elfs, and kaeya has been foreshadowed to be royalty
poet: kaeya has taken poetry "lessons" from venti and this even comes back up again in his hangout…with venti again
so if we follow the pattern the seer part would also apply to him, right?
Their poems are made by their thoughts (mati, etc.), and they send their “poetic visions” (dhī) into the divine world.
this is very interesting because it reminds me of the venti route in kaeya's hangout titled: Poems Dedicated to the Wind AND of dainsleif's character description. the text is a prophecy in the form of a poem given by a self-proclaimed prophet.
The confluence between the past and future. The original calamity had been overturned, yet the island in the sky set the earth to burn. Chalk pursues gold, in this time inopportune, the eclipse is swallowed by the crimson moon. The future must atone for bygone mistakes, as the bond familiar falters and breaks— of the same blood, elders and the youth… Such is the cycle of the world, in truth. Dain, what is that strand of blonde hair to you? Someone you must kill? Or the object of your penitence? —A self-proclaimed prophet.
now, i'm NOT claiming kaeya wrote this or will say this to dainsleif, but my point is that there is a connection between seers and poetry.
(HOWEVER, the fact that the text refers to dainsleif as dain denotes a friendship between the speaker and dain, (remember dainsleif is literally named after kaeya's sword, there's no way they won't become friends), and self-proclaimed prophet implies the speaker isn't well-established as a prophet yet 👀. furthermore, kaeya references the second part of the prophecy (which is likely about him) in his hangout.
Kaeya: History always repeats itself. Kaeya: Perhaps there's an inept god out there deciding everyone's fates… much like the Akademiya student drafting Darbil's scripts. Kaeya: Yep, "inept" is a good word for it. Honestly, it might even be a little too civil to describe a god who turns fathers against their sons and is bent on endless warmongering… don't you think?)
now, because kaeya tends to lie a lot, it's hard to tell if he's actually good at writing poetry. the poem he wrote to venti sucked major ass, but since kaeya likes to mess with venti bc he knows he's barbatos, this was most likely on purpose.
the talent books kaeya uses are the same as venti's: the ballad books. here's the description for philosophies of ballad:
Poetry is the soul of the land of the wind. Poetry is the manifestations of the desire to spread the word.
SOUNDS AWFULLY SIMILAR TO WHAT WE JUST ESTABLISHED ABOUT "KAY" AND POETIC VISIONS… getting waaay off track here but i think we can safely connect kaeya to seer, poet, king.
bet you're probably thinking, "seer kaeya needs more evidence than hearsay and etymology". let's think back on it: has kaeya ever shown any hints if foresight? well, that's a bit harder to figure out. it certainly does seem as if kaeya knows more than he should. before we go any further, i propose two interpretations of seer: a prophet OR someone who can see beyond the limitations of the world, like a melusine.
alright, let's list all the times kaeya showed off his huge brain:
a) he knows venti is barbatos. to be fair, this isn't that hard to figure out for anyone who looks too closely; venti is complete shit at hiding his identity. but the question of how and when exactly kaeya came to this conclusion remains unanswered.
b) kaeya could sense the abyss mage in the temple of the wolf but the traveler and paimon did not. in the same vein, he could also sense dainsleif spying on him. this might have something to do with the corruption or some type energy inside of them, but who knows, maybe kaeya has eyes in the back of his head. edit: muted-honey pointed out that back in the windblume festival, kaeya could sense a suspicious individual (rosaria) behind him from his right side 😮‍💨
c) kaeya probably knew alice was the one who was behind the golden apple archipelago from the start. also not that hard to figure out, plus he's met her before so he knows what she's like. but then why did he pretend to be in the dark the entire time?
Kaeya: Huh? Did I ever guess what was going on, you ask? Kaeya: Haha… not a chance. I'm much too naive, I was in the dark the whole time.
d) the tcg cards. hoo boy. kaeya left a deck of cards inside the cat's tail for the traveler to use, apparently he didn't even touch the cards.
Diona: Uh, a customer left it behind a few days ago. But he wasn't even playing the game while he was here. Diona: Eh, it's already been a few days and he still hasn't come back to claim them. Who knows, maybe he left them here on purpose…
this is never explained or brought up again. how did he know the traveler would need a deck of cards??? WHY DID HE EVEN DO THIS???!
e) kaeya knew idyia was an oceanid all along. nothing groundbreaking here, but kaeya's attempts to downplay his perceptiveness is reminiscent of the alice situation.
Kaeya: So our General was the first to notice? It seems like she's more perceptive than she lets on… Eula: I'd say the same about you, Kaeya.
f) kaeya was expecting the the traveler to show up in the caribert quest. this is also never explained or brought up again. he even went so far as to wait every single day for them to show up. this is interesting because it could mean that whatever foresight kaeya received simply isn't detailed enough. think the stone slates from the fontaine prophecy; it only showed the stopping points but not the journey.
g) if you pay close attention, kaeya mentions luck/chance/fate a LOT. especially when he runs into the traveler, like 'how unexpected', 'didn't expect to see you here' etc. i'm not going to go back to collect every instance, but trust me it's enough that it reaches mona levels. even his death voicelines reference this…
Fallen II: That was unexpected…
yeah why was that unexpected kaeya? because you already know you're not supposed to die yet or what?
now let's go back to the kayanians again, because there is something very interesting about them…
The word is also etymologically related to the Avestan notion of kavaēm kharēno, the "divine royal glory" that the Kayanian kings were said to hold.
kavaēm kharēno means khvarenah. the kayanians possess khvarenah! i already go a bit in depth here about the in-game notion of khvarena and how kaeya or his mother could've possessed this.
the tl; dr is that khvarena are born from nabu malikata's body. this was then fashioned into a divine bird which i only recently found out could've been a peacock. (see the post i linked, specifically the addition.)
this is important, not only because kaeya's constellation is a peacock, but because NABU MALIKATA was a prophet, nabu even means prophet!
IF kaeya has the khvarena inside him, could he be able to divine the future as well, albeit to a lesser extent than a visionary?
so that's the nabu malikata of it all, let's move on to nicole. as you know, nicole's teacups are found in dawn winery. i do believe this a deliberate choice: every other witch is given an incredibly elaborate looking teacup but for nicole they chose to reuse the dawn winery teacups.
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then they even put kaeya in the same shot with the teacup during his hangout! could not have dropped a bigger hint here!
nicole is a visionary, a guide, a disembodied voice, could it be that she is actually whispering in his ear, occasionally providing him information? it doesn't seem likely as nicole only shows herself when a significant change has occured, but we can't rule out the possibility just yet. or is the teacup simply a hint that like nicole, kaeya is omniscient?
now about khaenri'ah… don't take my word for it but i believe khaenri'ah could be derived from "priestess/priest of the winds" in arabic.
priest of the winds (kahin riah) كاهن رياح priestess of the winds (kahinat riah) كاهنة رياح
most likely they chose this because of the anemoi gods (the cardinal winds) being attested as "priestess/prophetess of the winds" in mycenaean-greek.
The earliest attestation of the word in Greek and of the worship of the winds by the Greeks, are perhaps the Mycenaean Greek word-forms 𐀀𐀚𐀗𐀂𐀋𐀩𐀊, a-ne-mo-i-je-re-ja, 𐀀𐀚𐀗𐄀𐀂𐀋𐀩𐀊, a-ne-mo,i-je-re-ja, i.e. "priestess of the winds".
it says priestess but ijereja can also mean PROPHETESS. does this also not remind you of what we discussed before, of the poems/visions written to the wind?
khaenri'ah does have connections to divination. king irmin is based on odin. odin hung himself from the world tree yggdrasil to gain extensive knowledge about the world, sacrificing his eye in the process. the description for the quest item silver twig references this legend;
"Trees" also symbolize wisdom. In one of the legends, a sage hanging upside down on a tree had acquired the knowledge of how to inscribe runes and control sacred words, and thus followed the kingdom established along the tree's roots, eventually gaining a glimpse of the secret of the cosmos.
now based on what we know of odin, i think this sage was irmin and not deshret. HOWEVER, we should take note of how the sage's gender is made unclear… 👀 in any case, this makes it likely irmin posesses foresight, or at least acquired the means to divination. is kaeya covering his eye a hint that he's in a similar situation?
looking at the other khaenri'ahns we have in game, it seems pierro is also quite knowledgeable. however, one explanation could be that he's using columbina to divine the future since she's a seelie like nabu malikata.
dainsleif claims to have knowledge of fate itself and i think it has to do with the blue irminsul lines on his body… these lines resemble the branches of irminsul and the dragon queller, azhdaha's tail. in the description for the dragon-queller, they call this energy moonlight.
A strange tree whose branches flow with clear, cold moonlight.
we've established kaeya attracts crystalflies towards him, and crystalflies are drawn to elemental energy and leylines… should be noted that a TON of crystalflies can be found in the vourukasha oasis, which is filled with khvarena. if dainsleif is infused with this irminsul "moonlight", could kaeya also possess this then?
if he does could this be why he has extensive knowledge of many things? why he could sense dainsleif and the abyss mage? why he was placed in mondstadt (moon city)?
back to your original question: is kaeya a seer? let's review the evidence presented to us:
characters call him omniscient or suspect he is
kaeya's name could mean seer
kaeya is VERY observant, to the point where it seems like he has 4D vision, but attempts to downplay it
kaeya is connected to several important figures who are prophets
that being said, i can't confidently say kaeya is a seer… but based on all of this, it would be pretty weird if he wasn't.
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orphanedinstoryville · 3 months
I run a blog where I share paintings I like. For the past few months there’s been a certain type of grifter popping up in my feed using bots to share AI art with the name of a “painter” at the bottom. I’ve been slowly keeping track of these types and filtering them from my feed and I just thought I’d name and shame them here so you can do the same.
Fake painters spamming tumblr with fake paintings
kaoru yamada
jeff stanford
juan brufal
inge schuster
seji tomoda
thiemo tausendfarben
Pass this list on, help block their definitionally derivative “art” help me add any more of these to my list of names to filter
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The problem I have with these isn’t even a philosophical one about wether or not AI images are art (although they aren’t) or an ethical one about how they are autogenerating the same image over to sell cheap prints to people who don’t know any better. (Although it is definitely unethical) My problem isn’t an economic one that they’re taking revenue away from working artists. (Although they definitely are and I hate that too.)
No, my problem is just a simple aesthetic one. Their art sucks and I hate seeing it. I like looking at paintings because the more I look the more I see. With a real painting you get a first impression after a split second and then look deeper, the painting directs your attention around the page, you notice background details, brush strokes, you can see the story the painter was trying to tell, guess at their mood as you see how every little detail adds up, the more you look the more you see the humanity.
With AI it’s the opposite. It’s all first glance. (And some of these are legitimately nice on the first glance) but then the closer you look the less human it gets. The faces are all the same. you can’t tell if it’s an oil painting or a print or a photograph. Clothing details become background details, background details look impossible. Hair strands move like some lovecraftian monstrosity. Instead of brush strokes and ink blots it resolves to little bacterial strands of randomly generated noise. It’s not just bad art, it’s the opposite of art, the closer you look the more alien it becomes.
I hate it just because every time I see one it’s one less real painting I get to see so I’m blocking them all and I’m blocking any blog I see them on.
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