guillemelgat · 1 year
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Hello everyone, @minglana and I have been working on trying to compile a playlist of all the incredible folktronica-adjacent music coming out the Iberian Peninsula in the past couple of years, and it's finally here and ready for your listening pleasure! Including everything from electro-fado and trance-like muiñeiras to arrangements of 14th century liturgical chants and revamped jotas, and spanning from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, the playlist is roughly ordered by geographical location, starting in Portugal and moving up across the north from Galicia and Asturias through the Basque Country to Aragon and the Catalan Countries, then south to Andalusia and Extremadura. Languages include Portuguese, Galician, Asturian, Basque, Aragonese, Catalan, and Spanish. If there's any artists or song you'd like to see included, let us know and we'll add them!
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guillemelgat · 2 years
Happy Halloween! Have a very, very last-minute, untested playlist of witch- and magic-related songs which I definitely didn’t make an hour ago, and enjoy your evenings, whether you celebrate or not! 🎃
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guillemelgat · 3 years
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The Evening of the Year - A November Playlist
Our twilight month November is The evening of the year The brilliant summer noontide left A pallor soft and clear
I put together a little playlist of songs in multiple languages (the goal was as many as possible) which captured all the different feelings that November makes me feel. It’s a lot of indie and folk, and I tried to make it as chill as my music taste would allow. Hope you guys enjoy it!
ROMANTICIDI | Pantaleó & Anaïs Vila (Catalan)
Lo Berde | Rewşan (Kurdish)
Veleno | Baiuca & Rodrigo Cuevas (Asturian)
Aeode | Mashrou’ Leila (Arabic)
Sebi | zalagaspar (Slovenian)
Zigzan | Bombino (Tamasheq)
Cançó | Marala & Xarim Aresté (Catalan)
Tyrd yn ôl | Plu (Welsh)
Fioled | Sŵnami (Welsh)
I Barval Pudela | Šaban Bajramović (Romani)
Torna a casa | Måneskin (Italian)
Kea | Zea Mays (Basque)
Quart de Lluna Minvant | Blaumut (Catalan)
La Canción del Pensador | Ciudad Jara (Spanish)
Dh'éirich mi moch, b'fheàrr nach do dh'éirich | Julie Fowlis (Scottish Gaelic)
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guillemelgat · 3 years
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Got tagged by @minglana to post my top albums of 2021, here they are! The first three are ones that I literally built my entirely personality out of and the rest are just ones that I listened to a lot (and also loved ofc <3 they’re all masterpieces):
Llepolies by Zoo
Jaja salu2 by El Pony Pisador (yes it’s a meme album yes it’s literally perfect)
Rosa permanent by Roba Estesa
Carrer by Ebri Knight
Gioventù bruciata by Mahmood
Supernova by Valira
Embruxo by Baiuca
Fotosíntesi by La Fúmiga
Anyways, I’d highly recommend them all to you guys! I’m going to tag @espanhois @chatwiththeclouds @alvallah @res--publica @langsandlit @euryalus @anthropologicle and anyone else who wants to, the more music the better <3
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guillemelgat · 3 years
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Good Summer Vibes - A Summer 2021 Playlist
Hey everyone! This is definitely just a summer playlist and not an excuse to play “Non é verán de Estrella Damm”, “Imperfeccions”, and “Alacant per interior” on repeat but whatever. I originally made this playlist for myself, but I figured it would maybe be a thing some other people would enjoy so I thought I’d share it. Here’s to a good summer because we all really need one <3
Non é verán de Estrella Damm | Ezetaerre (Galician)
Imperfeccions | Zoo ft. Los Chikos del Maíz & At Versaris (Catalan & Spanish)
Alacant per interior | Smoking Souls & Feliu Ventura (Catalan)
Aske maitte | Gatibu ft. IZARO (Basque)
Sebona Fi | Yws Gwynedd (Welsh)
Voy a celebrarlo | L��grimas de Sangre (Spanish)
Milano Good Vibes | Mahmood (Italian)
Celébrate | Miki Núñez (Spanish)
Iñundik Iñoare | Huntza (Basque)
Esbarzers | La Gossa Sorda (Catalan)
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guillemelgat · 4 years
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The first of the playlists is ready! This one is for @azfellandcobooks​, who requested a playlist in Malayalam, Finnish, and Spanish that gave off the vibes of Gregorian Chant. It’s kind of all over the place but I hope you like it!
Donde nace el infarto | Ciudad Jara (Spanish)
La canción del pensador | Ciudad Jara (Spanish)
Me miras pero no me ves | María Jose Llergo (Spanish)
De mí | Camila (Spanish)
One Last Time | Nijil Dhinakar, Roshan Sebastian, Aishwerya Radhakrishnan (Malayalam)
Anuraaga | V Sreekumar, Shreya Ghoshal (Malayalam)
Levoton sydän | SibA Folk Big Band (Finnish)
Mieleni Alenevi | Värttinä (Finnish)
Ruhtinaan tyttäret | Tuuletar, Fredrink Arvidsson (Finnish)
En silti ampunut | Sarah Palu, Maija Pokela, Tero Pajunen (Finnish)
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guillemelgat · 4 years
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I made a Christmas playlist! It’s basically just songs that I like but I tried to pick things in a variety of languages and musical styles. Let me know if you want to see things added, I’d love to learn about new songs ^-^ (also not all of these are explicitly “Christmas carols” but all of them are more or less Christmas-related)
Aguinaldo Jíbaro | Cristóbal Santiago - Instrumental Ríu, Ríu, Chíu | Chanticleer - Spanish Los Set Gotxs | Ensemble Unicorn - Catalan, Latin Libera Me Domine | Cuncordu e Tenore di Orosei - Latin Nevijska Kolenda | Lado - Croatian Fum, Fum, Fum | Música Nostra - Catalan Gloucestershire Wassail | Loreena McKennitt - English El Noi de la Mare | Steve Schuch & The Night Heron Ensemble - Instrumental Deffrown, Deffrown | The Revels - Welsh Noel Nouvelet | DruidStone - French Manx Jezebel Carol | Áine Minogue - Instrumental Rise Up Jock | Nowell Sing We Clear - English Huron Carol | Heather Dale - Wendat/French/English Zan Vevede | Angelique Kidjo - Mina St. Nicholas | Sheryl Cormier & Cajun Sounds - Lousiana French Blanca Navidad | Los Reyes - Spanish Masters in This Hall | Pete Seeger - English Schedryk | Orpheus Vocal Group - Ukrainian El Cant dels Ocells | Sílvia Pérez Cruz - Catalan Maria Anava Partera | Tornaveus - Catalan
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guillemelgat · 3 years
Romanian, Spanish and German for the song asks :)
Romanian: I only know one song which is "Dragostea Din Tei" (a classic and a bop)
Spanish: There's a lot of these, so I'll just "El Último Pasillo" by Ciudad Jara because I was really into belting that out in my dorm room :p
German: I think "Moscau" is the only one I can think of sdhfjshdfkjhsdf
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guillemelgat · 4 years
I am a simple man, Valira releases a new song and I listen to it on repeat for 2 months straight
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guillemelgat · 5 years
I got tagged by @ohshelearns, thank you!
rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! put your music on shuffle and list the first ten songs, then tag ten people. no skipping!
This is from the playlist of things that I’ve gotten obsessed with over this year, so hopefully it’s more relevant than the last time I did this:
El último pasillo - Ciudad Jara (fav!!!!!!)
D’aon Ghuth Amháin - Seo Linn
El camí cap a la lluna - Ebri Knight
The Rocky Road to Dublin - Kings of Connaught
Alacant per interior - Smoking Souls & Feliu Ventura
Spanish Ladies - The Longest Johns
Right All Right - Kings of Connaught
Ball de rojos (live version) - La Gossa Sorda
La presó de Lleida - Roba Estesa
Guerra fría - Valira
This is actually a fairly accurate representation of me rip
Thanks for tagging! I’ll tag @bouzhi @no-passaran @reyneclaw @azfellandcobooks @langsandlit @ichthyounicorn @chatwiththeclouds @gwendolynlerman and anyone else who wants to! (also sorry if you’ve just done this, you don’t have to do it again)
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guillemelgat · 5 years
I know I’ve been posting a lot of song translations recently and not much else, but Esteman and Javiera Mena literally premiered this song two days ago and screamed GAY RIGHTS for all Latin America so how could I not translate it here?? (Also they’re both amazing human beings so please listen to their other songs if you need more gay music in Spanish.) I also haven’t done anything for Pride Month here, so consider this my annual post!
Me vi incrustado en ese lugar I saw myself stuck in that place De mentiras y de irrealidad Of lies and false realities Maquillado para lo perfecto Made-up flawlessly ¿A caso es real? Maybe it’s real?
Pues la vida es mucho más Well, life is much more Que una oda para lo normal Than an ode to the everyday Y un mundo robotizado And a roboticized world No es natural Isn’t natural
Y dije no, no And I said no, no Ese no soy yo That’s not me Ya no quiero condición I don’t want conditions Solo amor libre Just free love
[ CORO: Libre corazón Free hearts Libre sensación Free sensations Libres tú y yo Free, you and me Somos amor libre We’re free love
Libres para amar Free to love Libres para no pensar Free not to think Libres para improvisar Free to improvise Somos amor libre We’re free love ]
Y me pongo a pensar And I stop to think Lo que trae la noche What the night brings Lo que me hace fluir What makes me flow Encontrar libertad Finding freedom
Esa lluvia de fuego That rain of fire Que nos dé más calor Let it give us more heat Que nos dé más calor Let it give us more heat
Los rebeldes se sienten The rebels feel it Y las reglas se van And the rules disappear No me importa que hablen It doesn’t matter to me that they’re talking Y que hablen de más And that they’re talking too much
Pues que miren al cielo Well, let them look at the sky Que nos dé más calor Let it give us more heat Que nos dé más calor Let it give us more heat
Y por eso yo dije no, no And because of that I said no, no Ese no soy yo That’s not me Ya no quiero condición I don’t want conditions Solo amor libre Just free love
[ CORO x2 ]
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guillemelgat · 6 years
I know I’m a day late, but here’s my annual song for International Women’s Day! This time it’s by the Basque band Huntza, led by Josune Arakistan (accordion and voice) and Uxue Amonarriz Zubiondo (tambourine and voice), who are the two amazing musicians appearing at the beginning of the video. It also features the band Tremenda Jauría, who are from Madrid and make lots of amazing feminist music in genres that traditionally haven’t been very welcoming to women. I really like this song (and also Huntza, but you probably know that already), and I hope y’all enjoy it too!
Tradizioak traizionatzean, Betraying traditions ileak puntan jartzean, Putting hairs on end erratzak utzi ta mikrofonoak hartzean, Leaving behind brooms and taking up microphones hegan egitean… ez digute esango! Flying… they won’t tell us...
[ ERREPIKA: Zer egin, nola esan, nola egin (e)ta zer izan. What to do, how to talk, how to do things, and how to be Zer egin, nola esan, nola egin, (e)ta zer izan… What to do, how to talk, how to do things, and how to be ]
Nacimos preparadas, We were born ready más fuertes en manada. Stronger in a pack Se acabó tu juego: Your game is up ya no tenemos miedo! We’re not scared anymore
Entre hechizos y runas Between spells and runes organizadas verás a las hijas del agua. You’ll see the daughters of water organized Entre sombras y lunas, su poder. Between shadows and moons, their power
Como una enredadera que te atrapa aunque no quieras, Like a vine that traps you even though you don’t want it to cumbia, reggaeton, auto-tune y carretera. Cumbia, reggaeton, auto-tune, and highway Como una enredadera que te atrapa aunque no quieras, Like a vine that traps you even though you don’t want it to seguimos salvajes, rompiendo barreras! we’ll continue wildly, breaking down barriers
Siguiendo los pasos que otras andaron, Following the steps that others took codo con codo, micrófono en mano; arm in arm, microphone in hand abriendo caminos, tejiendo alegrías, opening paths, weaving joys aquí estamos, sí, here we are, yes con fuerza, con power. with strength, with power
Siguiendo los pasos que otras andaron, Following the steps that others took codo con codo, micrófono en mano; arm in arm, microphone in hand abriendo caminos, tejiendo alegrías, opening paths, weaving joys aquí estamos, sí, here we are, yes con fuerza, con power, con todo el descaro! with strength, with power, with all our nerve
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guillemelgat · 6 years
I’ve been reading Kropotkin for class while listening to a lot of La Raíz, and this is what happened. Corrections to the Catalan translation would be very welcome!
Me has dejado sin techo y sin cama, M’has deixat sense teulada i sense llit You’ve left me without a roof or a bed me has dejado sin cama y sin casa m’has deixat sense llit i sense casa You’ve left me without a bed or a home y ahora lamentan las vecinas i ara lamenten les veïnes and now the neighbors are mourning en fin, son cosas que pasan. en fi, són coses que passen basically, these things happen
Me has dejado sin las ambulancias M’has deixat sense les ambulàncies You’ve left me without ambulances me has robado el bocata y ni gracias m’has robat l’entrepà i ni gràcies you’ve stolen my sandwich without a word of thanks y me dejas sin medicinas i em deixes sense medecines and you’re leaving me without medicine son cosas sin importancia són coses sense importància they’re things without importance
Has robado a mi gente y mi suerte Has robat a la meva gent i la meva sort You’ve stolen from my people and my luck ya no depende de los dados ja no depèn dels daus no longer depends on the dice y me has dejado sin presente i m’has deixat sense present and you’ve left me without a present sin futuro y sin pasado. sense futur i sense passat without a future and without a past
Ni me dejas soñar que viví Ni em deixes somiar que he viscut You won’t even let me dream that I lived pero vivo, ..., y quiero soñar. però visc…i vull somiar but I live…and I want to dream
Que esta noche me quedo a dormir Que aquesta nit em quedo a dormir Tonight I’m staying over to sleep bien caliente y bien cerca de ti ben calent i ben a prop de tu nice and warm and nice and close to you en el camarote de tu yate a la cabina del teu iot in the cabin of your yacht o en el dormitorio de tu avión. o al dormitori del teu avió or in the bedroom of your airplane
Esta noche me quedo a cenar Aquesta nit em quedo a sopar Tonight I’m staying over for dinner con ministros y algún cardenal amb ministres i algun cardenal with ministers and the odd cardinal esa mousse de caviar al champagne aquesta mousse de caviar al xampany this caviar mousse with champagne que me ofrece tu harén junto al mar. que m’ofereix el teu harem al costat del mar offered to me from your harem by the sea
Esta noche me quedo a aprender Aquesta nit em quedo a aprendre Tonight I’m staying over to learn ese arte sutil de evadir aquesta art subtil d’evadir that subtile art of evasion esa gracia para encarecer aquesta gràcia per encarir that grace at raising prices esas mañas para conseguir aquestes manyes per aconseguir that aptitude for obtaining
verás solo quiero de ti veuràs que només vull de tu you’ll see that I only want from you todo lo que por ti perdí. tot el que he perdut per culpa de tu everything that I lost because of you
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guillemelgat · 6 years
Because I finally finished watching all of Merlí, here’s a song which is inspired by the show. It’s honestly pretty cool because the band who made it is from Madrid but they actually put Catalan in the lyrics, which is a level of effort that a lot of bands from outside of the Catalan Countries rarely make. That being said, it’s also just a good song. I’ve translated it into Catalan and English, with the Catalan parts being translated into Spanish. 
"Estúpido, tú ¿cómo vas a ser único?" “Estúpid, tu, com arribaràs a ser únic?” “You idiot, how are you supposed to be unique?” gritan los escaparates de esta ciudad criden els aparadors d’aquesta ciutat Yell the storefronts of this city Rugen desde sus jaulas, histéricos Rugeixen des de les seves gàbies, histèrics They roar from their cages, hysteric si te apartas un milímetro si t’apartes un mil·límetre If you move away by a millimeter "Estúpido, tú ¿cómo vas a ser único?" “Estúpid, tu, com arribaràs a ser únic?” “You idiot, how are you supposed to be unique?” sé lo que escribes cuando te encierras en tu habitación sé el que escrius quan et tanques dins l’habitació I know what you write when you shut yourself up in your room Además, te he pillado mirándome A més a més t’he agafat mirant-me Anyways, I’ve caught you looking at me si estás preparado, avísame si estàs preparat, avisa’m If you’re ready, let me know Y sin instrucciones I sense instruccions And without instructions las preguntas crecen por millones les preguntes creixen per mil·lions The questions are growing by the million i què fem? ¿y qué hacemos? And what do we do? Merlí, què fem? ¿Merlí, qué hacemos? Merlí, what do we do? viure, viure, viure, nen! ¡vivir, vivir, vivir, chaval! Live, live, live, kid! He perdido el tiempo He perdut el temps I’ve wasted my time buscando en los demás buscant en els altres Looking in others for lo que no me deja ser libre el que no em deixa ser lliure What won’t let me be free He buscado excusas He cercat excuses I’ve looked for excuses para no mirar per no mirar In order not to look at lo que hay aquí dentro el que hi ha aquí dins What’s here inside Veo que no soy el único Veig que no sóc l’únic I see that I’m not the only one que no quiere dejar que no vol deixar Who doesn’t want to let que sus palabras se mueran que les seves paraules es morin Their words die en sus labios als seus llavis On their lips Suena “peripatético” Sona “peripatètic” It sounds “peripatetic” Pero la sinceridad es un boomerang Però la sinceritat és un boomerang But sincerity is a boomerany Cuando las verdades Quan les veritats When the truth nos desnuden las fragilidades... despullen les nostres fragilitats Makes bare our weaknesses què fem? ¿qué hacemos? What do we do? va, Merlí, què fem? va, Merlí, ¿qué hacemos? Come on, Merlí, what do we do? Riure, riure, riure, nen! ¡Reír, reír, reír, chaval! Laugh, laugh, laugh, kid! He perdido el tiempo He perdut el temps I’ve wasted my time buscando en los demás buscant en els altres Looking in others for lo que no me deja ser libre el que no em deixa ser lliure What won’t let me be free He buscado excusas He cercat excuses I’ve looked for excuses para no mirar per no mirar In order not to look at lo que hay aquí dentro el que hi ha aquí dins What’s here inside Si tiene algún sentido puede que sea Si té algun sentit pot ser que sigui If it makes any sense it might be that it’s encontrar la diferencia trobar la diferència finding out the difference entre pasar y dejar huella. entre passar i deixar petjada Between passing through and leaving a footprint He perdido el tiempo He perdut el temps I’ve wasted my time buscando en los demás buscant en els altres Looking in others for lo que no me deja ser libre el que no em deixa ser lliure What won’t let me be free He buscado excusas He cercat excuses I’ve looked for excuses para no mirar per no mirar In order not to look at lo que hay aquí dentro el que hi ha aquí dins What’s here inside
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guillemelgat · 6 years
Sorry for the terrible translation but I really like this song and I wanted to do it for the Música Diversa en Castellano Challenge!
Song: Tú que vienes a rondarme  Genre: indie   Band/singer: Maria Arnal i Marcel Bagés Where they’re from: Catalonia
En la periferia brillante In the brilliant periphery de una galaxia mediana, of a mid-sized galaxy en medio de un mar oscuro in the middle of a dark sea donde flota nuestro mundo where our world floats
tú, que vienes a rondarme you, who come to encircle me como los nueve planetas, like the nine planets parece que cuando bailas when you dance it seems as though llueven miles de cometas it’s raining thousands of comets
Tú que vienes a rondarme You who come to encircle me amárrate a mí tie yourself to me Tú que vienes a rondarme You who come to encircle me arrímate aquí shelter yourself here
magia negra entre tus manos black magic between your hands mil caballos desbocados a thousand horses spurred on corren con el morro en llamas they run with muzzles on fire el fuego baila y tú cantas the fire dances and you sing
lamen lunas desorbitadas lapping the shores of moons out of orbit las mareas mareadas are dizzied tides así me sigues al trote just the way you follow me at a trot y de cabeza al galope: and then into a gallop
magia negra entre mis formas black magic between my forms suben hormigas, se enraman up come ants, hiding between branches romeros de sierras altas rosemary from high peaks fresco el aire que me canta fresh the air that sings to me
se han abierto las ventanas the windows have been opened beben cientos de gargantas hundreds of throats drink mientras alzas con la mano while you raise in your hand el vino que todo sana the wine that cures everything
Tú que vienes a rondarme You who come to encircle me amárrate a mí tie yourself to me Tú que vienes a rondarme You who come to encircle me arrímate aquí shelter yourself here
En los aposentos del universo In the bedrooms of the universe estás tú que me esperas, you’re there waiting for me mi piel se llena de chispas my skin fills with sparks que saben a flores y a lenguas which taste of flowers and tongues
magia negra entre tus manos black magic between your hands altos jazmines se enzarzan tall jasmine tangles among itself amarran nuestras caderas our hips join together vuelan hacia las esferas flying towards great celestial bodies
fuentes de estrellas antiguas fountains of old stars santiguan nuestros jaleos bless our mayhem arden en llamas azules burning in blue flame todas las voces del universo are all the voices of the universe con nosotros with us
río de ti rayo de mí river of you, ray of light me no siento ninguna pena I don’t feel any pain rayo de tí río de mí ray of light you, river of me esta es nuestra verbena this is our dance
Tú que vienes a rondarme You who come to encircle me amárrate a mí tie yourself to me Tú que vienes a rondarme You who come to encircle me arrímate aquí shelter yourself here
En la periferia brillante In the brilliant periphery de una galaxia mediana, of a mid-sized galaxy en medio de un mar oscuro in the middle of a dark sea donde flota nuestro diminuto mundo where our tiny world floats nuestro diminuto mundo our tiny world
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guillemelgat · 6 years
I think the time has come for someone to post this, since I haven’t seen it anywhere here. Basically, Spain has sent several rappers to prison for supposedly “glorifying terrorism” and “insulting the king”, or in other words, saying things the Spanish government doesn’t want to hear. In response to this, a bunch of rappers and artists from across Spain (especially from the Catalan Countries, which is where the two most recently condemned rappers are from) came together and made this song, denouncing the repression and calling out the Spanish government for their hypocritical actions.
Rapear no es delito. Rapping isn’t a crime¹ En las cárceles los débiles, los más pobres, ¿es o no? In the prisons, the weak, the poorest, yes or no? En Ginebra los patriotas escondiendo el montón. In Geneva the patriots hiding their piles of gold Va Sofía y Leonor, plebeyos a un lado del cordón. Here come Sofía and Leonor², with the plebs cordoned off to the side No veo nada que pegue más que monarquía y condón. I don’t see anything that sticks more than the monarchy and condoms
Contar quien es y qué hace es delito. Telling it like it is about who’s responsible is a crime Mira el caso de Valtonyc, a los hechos me remito. Look at the case of Valtonyc³, I’ll let the facts speak for themselves Los pobres hablan y a prisión, se ríen los ricos. The poor speak and off they go to prison, the rich laugh Libertad de expresión, díselo a gritos. Freedom of speech, tell them nice and loud
El bofetón de sopetón de este que vive en Torrejón That idiot, the one who lives in Torrejón⁴ ha puesto roja la fachada y la corona del Borbón. has made a fool of the Borbons and their crown Avergüéncense por dar cabida en leyes falsedad Be embarrassed about using the law to shelter lies y fulminar con el castigo del encierro a la verdad. yet striking down the truth with a sentence of solitary confinement
És simple: desobeïm perquè creim que un canvi és possible. It’s simple, we disobey because we believe change is possible Mos voldrien tenir a tir a tots en fila. They wanted to line us all up and shoot us down Resistir com resesteix un nin als carrers de Síria. Resisting like a child on the streets of Syria Insomni quan sa realitat te pessiga. Unable to sleep when reality gnaws at you
Hacen falta scratches, faltan pintadas, We need more record scratches, we need more graffiti falta gente que no se agache por nada. we need people who don’t bow down for anything Hacen falta ganas para saltar los baches. We need more desire to overcome obstacles No sueño con Versace, sino con barricadas. I don’t dream about Versace, I dream about barricades
El Estado legitima al heredero de Franco. The State recognizes the heir to Franco⁵ En tu techo y en el juego siempre gana el banco. Under your roof and in the game of life the bank always wins Un apoyo proletario de los barrios de Madrid. Proletariat support from the neighborhoods of Madrid Nietas de guerrilleras en la Guerra Civil. Granddaughters of the guerrilla fighters of the Spanish Civil War
A la cárcel van los pobres, no la Infanta Cristina, To jail with the poor, but not Princess Cristina⁶ pero medio país le desea guillotina. even though half the country wants to send her to the guillotine El Rey no sabe ni hablar: “Porqué no te callas?” The King doesn’t even know how to talk: “Why don’t you be quiet?” pero a mi no me cierra la boca semejante canalla. but they won’t shut me up if they keep acting like bastards¹
Por la guerra perdida de nuestras abuelas, For the war our grandmothers lost, por la poesía que aún duerme en las cunetas. for the poetry that’s still sleeping in the mass graves⁷ Tomaremos su calle estilo Black Block. We’ll take their street black-bloc style Ocuparem Marivent amb un Kalashnikov. Foc! We’ll occupy Marivent⁸ with a Kalashnikov. Fire!⁹
Se ríen de su impunidad en un chalet de Suiza. They’re laughing about their impunity in a Swiss chalet Imagínalo borracho diciendo: “Que el pueblo me elija”. Imagine him, drunk, saying, “Let the people elect me” Con la pija de su amante, recuerda cazas de elefantes, With that bougie he sleeps with, he looks back on elephant hunts¹⁰ mientras aumenta el hambre y no hay justicia que lo cace. While outside hunger is growing and there’s no justice to hunt him down¹
Hace falta amor para las oprimidas. There’s a lack of love towards the oppressed Hace falta mucho odio para esos genocidas. And there’s a big lack of hate for those purveyors of genocide Hace falta acción en contra de empresas nocivas. There’s a lack of action against malicious businesses También carteles combativos en las avenidas. And a lack of combative posters on our avenues
Sa situació em preocupa bastant. The situation worries me a lot⁹ Menystinguts els qui sempre hem mantingut a sa Casa Real. The ones we’ve kept in the Royal Palace are being disregarded Antisistema es un sistema que condemna a un cantant The real ones outside the system are the ones sentencing a singer i que defèn a un assassí d’elefants. and defending an elephant killer¹⁰
Si rapear es delito, chico, no le des al play. If rapping is a crime, kid, stop playing your videogames Te vendan los ojitos aquí te roba hasta el Rey, Don’t let them fool you, here even the King is stealing from you Dentro de muy poquito, y si sigue así la ley, Soon enough, if the law continues in this way, habrá más rappers en España presos que en las cárceles de USA. There’ll be more imprisoned rappers in Spain than in jails in the USA
Porque vivimos a golpes, Because living is a constant fight porque a penas si nos dejan quejarnos Because even if they let us complain de la opresión por frases de arma simbólica About oppression with sentences as a symbolic weapon terminando a las rejas una cosa no es simbólica: Ending up behind bars, something isn’t symbolic: La sangre que corre es roja, es mentira la realeza. ¡Es mentira la realeza! Blood runs red, royalty is a lie. Royalty is a lie!
Esto es por la libertad de expresión. This is for freedom of expression Por todos aquellos y aquellas rappers For all those rappers que están escribiendo su rabia en una canción. Who are pouring their rage into the lyrics of a song No callarem, no callarem, no callarem, no callarem, no callaremos. We won’t be silenced, we won’t be silenced, we won’t be silenced Per La Insurgencia, per Valtonyc, per Pablo Hasel. For La Insurgencia, for Valtonyc, for Pablo Hasel³
¹ - “Juan Carlos el Bobón” - Pablo Hasél
² - Spanish royal family
³ - Articles about the cases of Valtonyc, Pablo Hasél, and La Insurgencia - [ENG] [CAST] [CAT]
⁴ - Audiencia Nacional
⁵ - Fundación Francisco Franco [ESP]
⁶ -  Caso Nóos - [ENG] [CAST]
⁷ - Mass graves from the Spanish Civil War [ENG] / Federico García Lorca [ENG]
⁸ - Palau de Marivent - [CAST] [CAT]
⁹ - “No al Borbó” - Valtonyc
¹⁰ - Controversy over elephant hunt [ENG]
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