#spanky speaks
peacesmith · 3 months
pls ramble about juuri and kano 👁️👁️🤲
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i love kano and juuri man 🫶😔
anyways rambling under the cut
juuri met kano when he was out on a mission to assassinate someone, but unfortunately kano got to his target first. and from then on they kept bumping into each other.
which irritated juuri because kano was stealing all of his kills. so then one day, juuri beats him to his target. and kano, who watched the whole thing, asks juuri to join the black dragon and be his right hand man. which at first he says no then realizing he had nothing better to do, he joined.
kano was admittedly at first mostly just using him for his stealthiness before genuinely forming a relationship with him.
juuri didn’t like kano very much, but that was only because he was borderline down bad for him. which kind of just leads to a hookup and then dating (how? idk they’re bad at asking each other out), they didn’t exploit their relationship but it wasn’t a secret
with juuri acting extra protective and kano being extra touchy, calling him ‘love’, ‘babe’, ‘fella/my fella’ etc.
they definitely do drinking games together at bars and stuff, which kano always wins cause he can hold his alcohol better.
and then leads to a makeout session or something
also, listen they’re both not good guys okay, juuri having slightly more morals than kano but still insane. but they totally go on some sort of murdering spree together, especially if the other is feeling down.
which they probably go harass sonya together when they get the chance to.
juuri is actually really soft he just has a resting bitch face. and kano likes to press kisses all around his face, tickling his face with his facial hair.
and like juuri likes to bite kano, why? no reason, but kano doesn’t mind. they probably wrestle for fun as a love language
they’re just two gay maniacs and i love them omg
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powderblueblood · 16 days
They both give me major switch energy. Like I'm fully with you that some days Lacy needs Eddie to dom it up and throw her around a bit, maybe throw in a little spanking because idk that shit's a big stress reliever for me ngl BUT ALSO
Lacy spanking Eddie?? hoooooboy the thoughts i am thinking right now hehe
i let this sit in my inbox for a couple of days because i absolutely needed to let it percolate because. because. because.
please enjoy 1.5k unedited words of spanky edlacy smut.
he's been getting on her nerves all day, let's say that much. corroded coffin have managed, by some small miracle, to score an audition for some battle of the bands thing that lacy is refraining to comment on.
it's not that she doesn't think they'll crush. if it's a competition where noise is the driving factor, of course they will. they'll blow everyone's eardrums out of their skulls.
it's that lacy's neutrality is enough to keep eddie so on edge that he'll have to outperform himself, out of sheer spite. this is how this works. she knows where to push and where to soothe.
what she didn't anticipate is just how goddamn annoying he would be in the run-up, anxious tension getting the better of him and making him boisterous in a way she's finding hard to find charming.
he's been a pest at the bookstore all day, but it's when he purposely de-alphabetizes her bestsellers in order to bait her that...
well, that works.
"jesus christ! alright, fuck this, i'm taking my break. you can explain the mess you just made to ivana when she gets back."
lacy grabs her copy of baby driver by jan kerouac and disappears to the back--the mention of ivana puts eddie hot on her heels. that old bitch makes his blood run cold and she knows it.
"wait, baby--"
"get out of here, this is staff only."
"--please, i'm sorry! i was just dickin' around!"
she pivots on him as they cross the threshold of the break room. dinky, dingy, green-tinged light. misery guts bomb shelter basement shit, one of the only places on the planet that lacy feels completely at peace. you get the idea.
"dicking around?" she says, met with his mocking puppy-dog eyed dimpled half frown, the asshole, the fucking asshole.
"lace. come on. no need to pull priss rank on me," and he leans in, but she dodges around him.
"you wanna dick around?"
eddie's head tilts as she reaches around, twisting the lock on the door behind them. there's a lock on the break room door because the fridge in the break room isn't a fridge, it's a safe and-- you know what, let's get into the machinations of the bookstore at another time.
eddie's lips puff out in a little, "whuh--" as lacy steps up on him. her voice, dropping low, for only the two of them to hear.
"dicking around has consequences, you know."
eddie just blinks his big dark eyes at her. amusement tugs at the corners of his mouth in a way she's just dying to wipe off.
"do you hear me?"
"... yeah?"
"what did i say?"
"dickin' around has consequences."
he tuts, eyes rolling and arms crossing at her little tough guy act. he hunches himself down to her level, which she haaaates. "jeez, what are you gonna do, lace? punish m--"
smack! the hardcover of her book meets with his clothed thigh and he jumps. eddie's mouth pops open, a chuckle of disbelief filtering through.
lacy lets it hang. lets him register the way she's staring up at him, the way she seems to be seizing the air from the room.
something throbs in eddie's brow. something throbs in eddie's belly.
"ow," he repeats, softer, a hairline crack running through his voice.
"that's nothing," lacy says, "you deserve a lot worse."
"i do?" the words come out wanting.
she nods all slow and his heartrate picks up. he swallows hard, about to speak through a throat that's suddenly incredibly parched--
but lacy turns him around, his body limp and malleable in her hands. eddie faces the dinky formica table, not unlike the kitchen table in both of their trailers. familiar. featured in many of his lacy-related fantasies. but none of them like this.
she shoves him square in the center of the spine and eddie folds in half over the tabletop. it shakes on its spindly chrome legs, squeaking against old linoleum.
his palms brace the surface, his hips curl a touch. he breathes out a little, "uh."
uh for unexpected. uh for the way his brain is fizzing into static between his ears already.
"lights, baby?" he hears lacy breathe from behind him. she's got him.
of course. green. yellow. red. even if eddie had scoffed at safe words once upon a time. but lacy, the more experienced of the two of them, had insisted--she wanted transparency. when they tried things.
'no more hiding behind what we think people want from us. right?'
"right," he nods, noticing a tremble in his forearms. a curiosity pulling deep from his abdomen. "... green."
"oh." eddie's breath catches as he feels the flat of one palm curving over his ass. "so now you wanna pretend like you're good, hm?"
smack! eddie jerks as the hardcover of her book makes contact with his rear. a little groan leaving him. his jeans tightening, and not just from the angle.
with two fingers, lacy taps at the base of his spine. the book in her hand still rests against him--does she feel him lean into it?
"green, green-- i'm good," eddie says and expels another breathy hahh! as the book comes down against him again.
"the fuck you are. behaving the way you do."
eddie's face devolves into an open-mouthed grin, near drooling, as he grips onto the table. the only sounds, for a while, are the sharp snaps of her hands or her book against his ass and his high, appreciative groans.
he wants so badly to look over his shoulder, see her standing over him with that hard line circling her irises and her lips pouted from frustration and exertion. but when he tries, she snaps, "no. you haven't earned that yet."
fuck. fuck. fuck, this is good, why is this good? he is such a filthy freak for wanting this, for loving this, for feeling these pangs of pleasure race through him as he tries not to arch his ass in the air for her.
eddie nearly loses it when he feels lacy's knee separate his legs a little more, the firmness of her thigh coming into contact with his taint and balls, trapped in the constraints of his jeans.
she takes her sweet time reaching around and unbuckling him--it's all he can do not to try and buck into her hand, but it seems an untoward move like that would piss her off, make her stop. and she can't stop. he needs her to keep going.
"finally got a hold of yourself?"
not for long. lacy shoves eddie's jeans and underwear down his thighs and he yelps at the sensation of his cock hitting against the cool chrome trim of the table.
"christ, please, lace--" he whimpers, cheek pressing against the tabletop. he can barely tell if it's him manipulating his hips or her; her hands have melded into his skin, groping the plumpish flesh of his ass like she wants to devour it.
eddie has a thought he's never had before, at least not localized in that area.
i want her mouth.
it doesn't disappear completely when her hand makes a mark against his bared skin, but it fizzes out some. once, twice, thrice, each snap stinging more than the last. eddie can feel the singing outline of lacy's palm on his ass cheek and his mouth attempts a laugh--lands somewhere halfway between that and a moan.
"that's more like it. good boy."
because lacy's hitched her leg over his rear now. he can feel the silky scratch of her tights and the heat of her crotch sitting on him. he throbs, listening to her chastened moan as she grinds down against him. lacy's fingers web into his hair and she hauls his neck up. her other hand reaches to ghost along the swell of his balls. his hot, hardened cock in her grip.
a broken sound of pitiful wanting echoes out of eddie's glistening lips, drool catching in the corners.
yet he still manages to gather himself enough to attempt a grin, because he can see her now. flushed. pupils obliterated. speeding off how fucking hot this is.
god, he loves her.
"ambidextrous?" he breathes, canines showing.
lacy's hand slips around to his throat. a little squeeze. "shut up," but the way she says it feels like a kiss.
eddie's face hits the formica again, the only appropriate response to the way she's handling his cock from behind. that yanking thread of desire is pulled so taut in lacy's hands.
"fuck lace, i need y--i need you to fuck me. i need you, i need you, i need y--... hah-uh, jesus christ--..."
her trigger finger rubs his sputtering head.
"you're doing so well for me, though... all pink-cheeked and pretty for me, huh?"
her other hand smooths over the smarting, reddening, tender skin on his ass.
"such a darling boy."
eddie's knees buckle as he cums in long, violent, messy ropes that splatter against the break room linoleum.
lacy holds him up, keeps him steady. pets his hair until he's ready.
"but i can't fuck you 'til you nail that audition," she whispers. "you're late for practice."
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anemonelovesfiction · 8 months
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Kinktober 4- Choking/ Spanking
Avatar! Jake Sully x Human! Fem Reader
Warnings ⚠️: Smut bro. MDNI or I’ll block you.
So there is a special someone I wanted to dedicate this for getting her blog back! I hope you can read and enjoy on your own time My Love 🌙 ❤️ @pandoraslxna
Sul’Eyanos is not something that is in Na’Vi vocabulary but something I had actually come up with… it means the binding of three souls, aka three soulmates. I did it when I was writing a shifting script for myself to be in a relationship with both Jake and Neytiri because I couldn’t break them up 🫣
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
Word count: 6k words (sorry I got carried away but I included both choking AND spankies 🤭)
One of the strangest things about being on Pandora, was the fact that I had been born amongst them as a total surprise, sure my parents knew they were expecting, but I was an accident. We lived in an already confined space, but I’d always been a good listener, making sure I appeased my parents and wasn’t much of a nuisance, taking interest in what they called ‘work’ and going along with it. I found myself sticking beside Max’s side, which is how I knew that there was a new batch of scientists arriving, I was thirteen around the time that Jake and Norm had arrived on the planet.
I’d felt drawn to the ex-marine, for some reason, stunning half the staff when I’d bothered making an effort into saying hello to him, his smile spreading on his lips as I seemed to talk to him normally, not bending down or in his face. I was often shy in nature and never bothered speaking unless spoken to and that had been out of character for me.
I had been very close with my mother, but she had developed cancer in her brain, dying about three weeks prior to the next batch’s arrival, so I’d mostly been with my dad -who already buried himself in his work to forget about mom- and Max, who’d claimed he’d seen me reading a lot of medical books, taking me under his wing and teaching me everything he knew. Although Max was a scientist, he doubled as a Doctor for the humans, and somewhat of a medic for the Avatar’s as well. Since he’d taken me under his wing I’d been joined at the hip, essentially becoming a Doctor alongside him without the official title.
There had been very few things I had done on purpose within those three months since Jake’s arrival. One of them having been conspiring with Max and Trudy on how to sneak the trio out of the jail cell they were being held in, Max telling me he had to go with them and entrusted the care of the other humans and Avatars to me- a thirteen year old with no medical degree, taking care of adults- one of them having just given birth about three days ago.
Another thing I’d done on purpose was making sure that the other scientists hadn’t caught on that I had been without Max and attempted to make it seem like everything had been alright, until Paz had bumped into me and asked where Max was since she claimed she needed to be given a green pass to start working again, it had been about ten minutes since we had broken the others from their cell and my heart was beating erratically at the woman before me. She cut her losses with me and struggled to keep a steady gait while attempting to stomp away, knowing I had to place a couple of stitches on her tears after her son’s delivery.
Max appears not even a second later telling me Jake needed us to stay on the inside and be his lookouts in case any other thing happened. Another thing I had blindly agreed to and purposely done, I was a kid, I’d do anything for the people I’d grown to call my friends, even though I knew thats not how the real world worked.
But one of the things I hadn’t done on purpose was the crush that developed from having found it easy to talk to the ex-marine, I felt like an idiot for feeling as if I had been getting any kind of special treatment from him. Even when he’d always take the time to show me the pretty flowers that grew in the forest whenever he’d managed to sneak me out alongside Grace. Pointing out the many different kinds that grew in clusters while Grace and Norm took samples a couple miles away from hells gate and still very far from the Omatikaya. During the small period between him getting accepted as one of the people and before the war.
I did find him attractive in either form, but I should have known better than to let that shit stay in my head, knowing that there was no way he would feel the same for a thirteen year old. And I was proven right when I’d overheard him talking to Norm and Max at one point and stating that Neytiri was pregnant. I’d obviously had to congratulate him alongside the other men and I did feel happy to know he had finally seemed to have found his purpose, but I had cried so much that night. Taking it upon myself to follow in my fathers footsteps and drowning myself in my work and slowly detaching any kind of relationship I had developed with him, barely speaking to Norm unless it involved work, and not needing Max to hover over my shoulder anymore.
But that was fifteen years ago, I’m twenty-eight now, the same age Jake was when he’d given up his human life and permanently passed through the eye of Eywa, truly becoming a Na’vi and having woke up in his blue body, burying the body he’d once inhabited. I could feel a pull toward him any time I’d see him come in through hells gate but always pulled myself away from any room he had entered or pretended to act busy, I didn’t need to put myself through the same depressed puppy love I had when I was younger.
“Hey there stranger.”
My head snaps up at the sudden familiar baritone voice I’d taken to avoid any time I could, removing the one earbud that had been in my ear as I took my late night leisurely walk to give myself a break before diving my head back into my books, back already stiff as I turn around slowly, praying it was just my imagination. I just stupidly stared up at him.
“After all this time and you’re still quiet, huh?” He lowers his body as he squats on his toes and meets my height, I take a step back to give him his personal space so he doesn’t feel like I was invading it and he eyes me warily.
“Do I smell?” He jokes with a glimmer in his eyes and a half smile, showing his pointed canines, thats right, I have to act like I’m not losing my shit or going to embarrass myself.
“Sorry, just a bit tired. Was there something I could do for you?” I asked and watch him lift a brow and eye me warily.
“C’mon, kid, you treat me like you don’t know me.” Another playful smile but I internally grimace at the nickname, Kid, thats all he’d ever see me as and I thin my lips without meaning to and nod my head a big and turn to place the earbud on the stack of books I’d come back with.
“Life has changed the both of us, I knew you a long time ago and you have changed, you may as well be a stranger to me.” I shrug lightly but force a smile to imply that I had been joking. “What brings you in, shouldn’t you be off doing Olo’eyktan duties?” I attempt to redeem myself by adding the bit of sass I used to have for him, but I could tell by the flash in his eyes he knew I was putting on an act.
“I wanna show you somethin’.” He tilts his head back as if also asking me to go with him somewhere and I knew I had to decline. I was practically in love with a man I met as a child even though I knew he had been married and he had children, I knew nothing would happen if I decided to oblige and head out with him, but I knew I had to stay here for my own sanity.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t.” I stated firmly and felt some pride blossoming through me.
“You have something more interesting going on in here?” He asks simply, taking a glance around the lab as if trying to understand what I had found worthy of my attention at that moment, eyes coming back to meet mine.
“Well it’s not interesting but-“ This had been my first mistake.
“Then lets go.” He urges but remains on his toes and watching me intently.
“It’s my job-“ Second mistake.
“ The humans that stayed don’t work for the RDA and you aren’t your father.” He stated and my face falls at that comment.
When the RDA had arrived with General Frances Ardmore, they had essentially told all of the staff that they could have been arrested for treason, since my father had gone through everything on Earth, they had a file on him as well as every human Scientist and Doctor that remained on this planet. Had they voluntarily come back and assisted the RDA they would be dropped of said charges and receive the full time pay and compensation for ‘doing the right thing’. I’d grown upset at this statement but was reminded by Max and Norm that I had been born on Pandora and no record had ever been kept on me on Earth, they didn’t know of my existence and I was free to choose whatever it was I wanted, so I chose to stay. Unbeknownst to me, my father decided to leave as if everything he’d ever worked for had meant nothing, like abandoning me was the better option, another one of the reasons I buried myself in my work so I wouldn’t be reminded of how easy it was for him to betray the humans and myself.
“It’s still my job to find remedies to cure anyone who gets sick.” My third mistake was to attempt to keep this conversation going and I watch him roll his eyes.
“Who gets sick on Pandora anymore, if anything you could always learn from Mo’at, lets go.” He’d asked nicely before but this sounded more demanding. I hesitantly look back at the stack of books I had brought to read. To be fair, I’d read these books several times and I wasn’t looking forward to reading them again or adding notes onto my notes. My eyes glide over to his before I sigh.
“Fine, where are we going?” I asked him and see his smile grow before standing tall again, extending his comically large hand over toward me, and I take it as he turns and starts walking.
“You won’t need a mask.” He continues walking just a bit further before reaching a closed door in which you needed badge access to get through, but I was never really bothered walking anywhere I didn’t need to be and was pretty sure my badge wouldn’t slide the doors open, but he turns to take it and scans it in, and I watch the doors part, a circular room in front of us encased in glass.
My eyes widen slightly to take in the room, there are floor-to-ceiling windows where the curvature was, noticing most of the mountain we were encased in covering about five foot off the floor, the rest of it uncovered and showing the night sky above, the stars shining beautifully. I had no idea this place existed beyond the doors and hearing the whirr of the mechanics of the door shutting again.
“What is this place?” I asked and felt myself stepping closer to the glass, placing my hands on the window in awe, staring up at the sky and feeling like a little nerd all over again.
“It connected to the old observatory when this building was still a part of Hell’s Gate. Crazy how it fit perfectly in here.” I could see his body come into view from my peripheral and he’s gazing up at the stars, like he’s trying to find one, before smiling and pointing it out, although its hard to tell which one he’s looking at.
“Do you see that pale yellow star off in the distance, it has three blue ones around it.” He specifies and I let my eyes wander and actually manage to see the star he’d been talking about, all three stars shared a different hue of the color but the pale yellow shone brightly against it.
“Yeah?” I ask.
“Thats where I come from.” He stated proudly, almost nostalgically.
“Do you miss it?” I asked while allowing my eyes to stare at the stars in the sky, many of them were white, very few were blue, and only one was that pale yellow color. A small insignificant dot in the sky suddenly bringing on more meaning to my life.
“No, I found my place here.”
“I’m sure you feel accepted here more than you did on Earth.”
“Sure I did, it’s not every day you’re welcomed by the thirteen year old who is said to be shy by every crew member, only to realize she had a crush on the cripple.” He lightly pushes my shoulder, the beautiful expanse of space now being long forgotten as my widened eyes turn to meet his.
“You knew?” I had been too focused on avoiding him after a while and felt that it had been enough distance to make it seem like I’d outgrown him, as if he were a phase in my life I was no longer interested in. Far too invested in his answer to allow myself to blush or feel any shame from it, what he didn’t need to know is that I still felt this way, even now in his blue body.
“It wasn’t hard to decipher.” He shrugs while speaking and I could feel the embarrassment settle as I hunch my shoulders at the ick I could feel crawling up my body.
“I’m sorry.” I stated rather sourly, my eyes finding a deep interest in the floor below me, this was starting to get awkward and I needed to leave, I should have known the night was going to be spoiled by my own feelings.
“I should probably go,” I pointed back over my shoulder and turned pretty quick not bothering to meet his eyes. I was hoping he wasn’t as observant as he had been before and wouldn’t notice that the feeling persisted on my end, the last thing I needed was to be teased about how I’d felt about a mated man, but if he were to see through it, would he see my attempts at staying away from him and the respect I had for Neytiri and his children? Would he see that I willingly avoid him at all costs?
“So she was right.” His voice rings out and snaps me out of my thoughts, his big hand had wrapped around my bicep to stop me from walking further, and my head whipped around to stare at him.
Just when I think I know everything about the Na’Vi and have found my understanding in their culture, there always seems to be something added on to it and more customs I had been unaware of. One of them was the binding of three souls, something Neytiri told me is quite rare, she had been open at explaining that she only taught me the basics while teaching me her ways, but since I had been Olo’eyktan now, I must know of everything in order to properly fulfill my duties.
She explained the binding of the three souls, better known as Sul’Eyanos, is a pull from someone toward an already mated pair, something that is initiated by Eywa when she feels the three are compatible and better off together. She had stated she often found herself checking in on Y/n to see where the younger woman had been and if she didn’t see her anywhere she’d feel sadness. Neytiri could tell that the human was attracted to me from the moment she had met her, mentioned that Y/n had purposely avoided me, but harbored those feelings deep inside.
“Who was right?” Her voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I could tell she’d been embarrassed by the situation, tears weren’t exactly threatening to escape but her eyes had become glossy, and it felt like the puzzle piece had finally snapped into the right place. Without another word I’m quick to pull at her arm to turn her back to face me, release my hold on her, and place my hand on her lower back as I squat on my toes, bringing her even closer and connecting our lips.
I remember when I first kissed Neytiri, I could feel a warmth rapidly spreading through my body, a primal need to face plant her on the forest floor and fuck her had guided me to doing just that, not that she had minded, that same urge surging through my body at this moment. I could feel her tiny hands push against my chest and I’d backed away from her even though I hadn’t wanted to.
“Wait, you’re mated, what are you doing, what would Neytiri think?” I could see the panic settling on her face, her gaze downcast and I knew she’d attempt to slide out of my grasp at any moment.
“Hey, hey, look at me-“ I use my hand as gently as I can to caress her cheek, making her refocus on me, feeling pride at managing to get her to look back up, smiling gently.
“This was her idea.” I admit and watch her shock resurface. “We were given the opportunity to have a third mate, Eywa has chosen you for us, but we don’t want to force it on you.”
The confusion starts changing into hurt as her eyes fill up with tears, some already falling onto her cheeks, I could only watch as she starts to frantically pull herself away from my hold, her small cries reaching my ears and my own chest starting to feel heavy. I did not intend for her to cry and had no idea how to calm her at the moment, but I knew the second she’d get out of my grasp it would be game-over, she’d work overtime in avoiding us and refuse to be near us.
“Babygirl, stop it.” I huffed but she listens, slumping over and letting her tears fall like a river, I sigh and work on swiping them with my thumb. “I know you think this might be a prank or some stupid shit like that, but it’s not.”
“I’ve never wanted anything more in my life, but this is-“
I didn’t bother waiting for her to finish her words and placed my lips over hers once more, one hand on her cheek and the other on the back of her head to hold her steady, but also to prevent her from pulling away this time. Her smaller hands had pressed against my chest and applied pressure to steady herself, never pushing harder to get me off of her, but the primal urge surges through me again and the need to claim her was making my head feel stuffy.
I swipe my tongue over her bottom lip while sliding the hand that had been on her head down toward the back of her neck to cradle it, the hand on her cheek sliding down toward the small of her back to pull her closer.
“Mmph-“ I’m assuming she tried to say something but wasn’t protesting much when I shoved my tongue in her mouth. I could taste the fruit she’d been eating earlier and remember Max saying she had been obsessed with yovo when she was younger, I could tell from the taste she still had been, swiping my tongue over hers and feeling it go limp, allowing me to do whatever I pleased.
I could feel myself pulling her body closer against mine, glad I’d managed to build up my endurance for this pose while tending to my own children, thankful I had the use of my legs again. My ears flicker at the sound she’d made and feel a craving to want to hear it again, tongue and lips disconnecting from hers and quickly kissing along her neck, ensuring my fangs were dragging alongside her skin and hearing her breath come out in short pants.
“Jake~” She whines, the hands that had been on my chest showing my just how much she was enjoying it as her nails dug into my skin.
“I can smell you babygirl, oh fuck, can’t keep myself off you.” I grunt out as my hands were quick to tug on her shirt, silently asking for permission to take it off, catching her open her eyes and nodding frantically, sliding it off and attaching my mouth back on her neck, kissing down her chest.
“Are you sure we should-“
“Yes.” I groan as I felt the weight of her chest in the palms of my hands, looking back up at her angelic face. “We go as far as you want, hmm.” I hummed to catch her attention and she meets my eyes with a nod.
“I want to, but-“
“Then we will.” I stated while simultaneously running my thumbs across her nipples and hearing her gasp lightly, her face turning downward to look at my hands encasing her chest, planting myself on my knee’s and covering her body with mine and placing one of her breast in my mouth, flicking the nipple with my mouth and teasing the other one with my hand. Feeling her tiny hands grab onto my scalp to keep my face cradled in her arms and chest.
“Jake~” She moans lightly as I switch between her breasts, ensuring I plant a kiss between them before placing the other in my mouth, the other one being rolled between my pointer finger and thumb, gently pushing her down on the cold metal floor. A small hiss leaving her lips as her back comes into contact with it.
I’d knelt myself down on the floor, sliding myself between her legs, scooting close enough to have the backs of her thighs meet my shoulders as I got myself settled in, hearing a slight squeak as my hands grab her ass to slightly lift her, resisting my urge to take her at this moment and groaning at her scent.
“You done any of this before?” I asked and see her bite her lip, nervously looking away and nodding her head, feeling relief flood through me, knowing I wouldn’t hurt her and she’d be used to some stretch.
“Good.” I bring my mouth to kiss her exposed thigh, the skirt she’d been wearing wasn’t covering much from this angle, but that was a reward, I had to work my way toward it. My arms had wrapped themselves around them, the tips of my fingers gently squeezing the inner thigh and pulling them apart as I kissed, licked, and nipped at them. Hearing her breath hitch as I got closer, she’d been subtly moving her hips over, hearing a groan of frustration once I switched over to the other thigh and repeating the process.
“For the love of Eywa-“ She huffs and brings her head up and this had been the first time I’d ever seen the fire blazing in her eyes, nipping the skin just right while staring at her, her head falling back down.
“You wanna finish that thought?” I ask as my head feels dizzy from being this close to her clothed cunt and wanting to devour her.
“No-“ She mutters weakly, her head shaking, and eyes closed tightly. I take it upon myself to nuzzle my nose on her clothed cunt, skirt having been thrown on her belly carelessly, eyes closing and a loud groan emitting from my throat as I take the first sniff straight from the source, my cock hardening fully.
“Fuck.” I stated loudly, taking in another sniff, my head feeling dizzy as the logical part of my consciousness was getting muted, my primal urges surfacing as my finger hooks toward the side of her underwear, and swiping it to the side, her scent and leaking cunt making me groan, not bothering to check in with her before my face is shoved into her sweet petals, tongue pulling her lips apart and finally tasting her.
“Fuck-“ Her breathy gasp follows along the slightest thrust of her hips, I squeeze my hold on her thighs slightly tongue starting to work in overdrive for two reasons, to get to taste her deliciousness and to be able to hear her moan.
“Oh fuck!” She gasps while panting, hands finding comfort in my hair and holding on for dear life, the slightest of tugging toward where she wanted me had my logic slipping further, not caring if her thighs were attempting to close around my head and wanting to drown myself in her scent.
“Stop fuckin’ moving, babygirl.” I protested, feeling the cool breeze hitting my face wherever her juices decided to stick, knowing it had ran past my lips, her eyes shooting open and ready to say something. But I slid my finger into her cunt and all that comes out is a choked moan, head falling back to the floor.
“Please, please use another.” She begs silently, eyes slightly open, head lolled to the side just to look at me, my pride swelling since she had refused to lift her head.
“Only because you asked so nicely,” I oblige and place another finger in her warmth hearing her draw in another gasp and broken moan as I did so.
“Talk to me.” I stop all thrusting and keep my fingers buried inside her, my cock straining against my loincloth, but refusing to continue until she tells me if she’d fine or if I’m hurting her.
“Feels like a dick- just your fingers, please move, move now.” She rambles in hushed whispers that I barely catch as the sound of the blood traveling impossibly fast through my body- mostly down South- is roaring loudly in my ears. I slowly work on drawing my fingers back out of her cunt and slide them back in, hearing her first loud moan. Soaking up the sound with my ears turned toward her, wanting to not waste any of this experience.
“You won’t be left unsatisfied again, babygirl, I can promise you that.” I grunt and find myself captivated to pull my wet fingers out of her cunt, her whines rippling through my brain, telling me to get back to work, but I just had to take her clothes off. Tapping her hips with one of my wet fingers and feeling her understand my command right as I settle on my knees, the heels of her feet settling on the floor once more to lift her hips, finally taking off her skirt and underwear in one swoop, her bottom falling back onto the floor beneath her, legs spreading greedily to welcome me back into my spot.
“Hands and knees,” I stated as I untied my loincloth, dick springing upward and she freezes, looking at it as if she’d never seen one before.
“Thats huge.” Her eyes appear widened, mouth slightly open as she stares at it.
“Thought you said you’ve done this before.” I smirk with my teasing tone, some clarity returning back to me.
“With another human- is that going to fit?” I can hear the worry in her voice, and take the time to stroke her cheek again, placing a gentle kiss on her lips, connecting our foreheads.
“I’ll make it fit, babygirl, get in position.”
She nods before placing her knee’s on the floor with her hands bent at an angle, pushing her ass in the air as if presenting herself to me and I groan at the sight, taking the fingers I’d previously shoved in her cunt and do it again, exploring her from the new angle and hearing her moans return louder this time.
“Fuck, you look delicious.” I mutter through my lips as I focus on thrusting my fingers into her sopping cunt and not wanting to fight against my own urges, and finally giving into them.
A stinging sensation spread like wildfire on my bottom, but his fingers continuing their ministrations were driving me wild, a loud moan escaped my lips when another slap is reverberating in the empty room, my cunt instinctively squeezing on his thick fingers. With only two of his fingers in I felt like I was getting fucked, humans must be pretty small in comparison to Na’Vi.
A third slap was done to distract me from the third finger being inserted, the stretch was absolutely welcomed, his thrusts having slowed down a bit to help me accommodate for the extra digit but my hips were starting to meet his thrusts as I pushed myself back onto his hands.
“Your pussy is such a greedy thing, yeah? Rocking back to meet my fingers like the hungry cock-slut you are.” Another slap resonates within the semi-circular room, not bothering to respond verbally as my moans and whimpers were telling him everything he needed to know. He slips his fingers out and I can hear him grunt, turning my head back and biting my lip as I see him rubbing his slick covered hand over his cock, eyes locked with mine.
“You ready?”
“Fuck me.” I mumble under my breath at his cockiness, his lazy smile cut off by a whimper and that catches my attention.
“I will.” Fuck me indeed. He places his left hand on my hip while continuing to stroke himself as he lines up to me.
“I hope I stretched you out enough.” He whispers and I can feel the head of his cock slip in, the sting that I’d only felt when losing my virginity starting up again and I suck in a breath.
“Fuck babygirl, don’t clamp down like that-“ Jake grunts and sneaks the hand covered in my juices snaking around my hip, placing a large finger on my bud, heavily rubbing the nervous tissue and I buck my hips at the feeling, taking more of him in.
“Thats it,” I could practically hear the smirk in his voice as he keeps the same pace, taking the time to slide the head of his cock in and out cautiously, if I could think without my horny brain I’d be bursting at the seams at his realization and quick thinking.
“You’re so fuckin’ tight, such a good girl for me, huh?” He asks rhetorically.
“Yes~” I moan out and slide myself further down his shaft, taking in the pleasure of him paying attention to my sensitive clit once more, feeling used to the head and craving more, but he was right about one thing, I don’t think I’d be unsatisfied anymore.
“You should see what I see,” His hand abandons my clit and another slap, this time a wet spot left from his fingers cooling down the stinging cheek right as he draws himself out and shoves himself all the way in, the breath getting knocked out of my lungs at that moment.
“Move, move, move, move, move-“ I chant toward him, needing to feel that friction again, not caring if the slightest sting was there, wanting to feel the way his head and shaft glide in so smoothly that it sets all my nerves on fire, another wet smack on my ass as he obliges, repeating the movement.
“Jake, please, again-“ I pant as I say those words and feel another smack on the opposite cheek, releasing a frustrated moan as he stays still, I can feel his arms leave my hips and I whine at the loss, a thud implying they’d been placed in front of me due to his size.
“Hush ya’ mouth, kid,” He comments in my ear, straining his voice as he attempts to thrust slowly, dropping some of the weight of his chest into my back to prevent me from moving my hips back.
“I don’t wanna hold back, please, just go at your pace, I don’t care, please.” I moan between words, I didn’t care if I couldn’t walk from the mind blowing dick he was giving me, I just needed to come.
“Shut up, babygirl.”
I feel a hand circle around my neck from his position, his thumb and fingers squeezing gently at my neck as he says that and I could feel a flutter in my pussy, heat pooling down my lower belly, and I felt a deep desire to be filled with his come.
“You like being choked hmm I can feel your sweet cunt squeezing my cock.” His voice is driven my lust that I didn’t think this was the same man talking to me earlier. “I’ve wanted to take care of this sweet pussy for a while now, watch it swallow my cock, hear you beg for it.” Jake pauses and I felt the orgasm that had been approaching stop with his movement.
“Please let me come, I was so close, please-“
“Mm, you could do better than that, you did so good for your colleague last week, do I need to repeat the words you told him?”
I could feel my pussy drench in juices as he stated that. I’d heard the sound of someone closing the door right after I’d almost reached an orgasm with Jensen but he told me I was just imagining everything- of course right after he’d gotten to come and left me high and dry- I had to finish myself off in my room, I wonder if he-
“Shame you had to finish yourself off, but that won’t happen again, just beg.”
“In the-“ I pant as I feel the heat on my face “-nicest way possible, I don’t wanna walk after.” I stated with a gasp as he picks up his speed.
“S’what I fuckin’ thought.” He mutters in my ear and squeezes the sides of my neck once more, I believed he’d already been going as fast as possible, only to feel him lift me from my neck as he settled myself on his knees, making sure my thighs were spread over his knee’s, still squeezing my neck.
The shock of him lifting me, settling me on his lap, and thrusting his hips at lightning speed had my orgasm approaching faster than it had been when he was moving at a turtles pace. I could feel my thighs shaking at the feel of the head of his dick rubbing every spot inside I had no idea existed. My feet hadn’t exactly been touching the ground, but I could feel them ghosting over the floor with every thrust, the idea of being manhandled like this turned me on so much.
“Jake, I’m coming, I’m-“ I didn’t have time to finish the sentence as he squeezes the side of my neck and reaches over his other hand to rub my clit, speeding the process along nicely and making my orgasm crash over me.
The words he’d been saying were incoherent at the time, but I did feel warmth, everywhere. He’d wrapped his hands around my chest, the other on my hip to keep me steady, and another type of stretch was filling my pussy, his cock buried deep in me as he comes inside, most of it being dumped out due to it’s limited space.
“Holy fucking shit.” I stated tiredly, thighs still shaking as I manage to slowly bring myself out of my orgasmic mind-fuck. Mind suddenly reeling back and realizing what we’d done. “Holy fucking shit-“ I repeated in a different tone.
“You are ours, babygirl, you don’t need to freak out. It was her idea, remember?” He stated while kissing my temple and I could feel my heart rate picking up.
“I’m still scared to face her now. I fucked her husband.”
“She is also your wife.”
“But does she want to be-“
“Would I be here getting you off if she didn’t want to?”
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endlessnightlock · 4 months
So all I could think of was a continuation of the THG/New Girl fusion that exists in my head. Katniss and Peeta are Nick and Jess. I guess Joanna is Winston? but the piece de resistance (sorry french-speaking friends, that is probably misspelled as fuck) is Finnick as Schmitt. Finnick (flirty, silly, self-absorbed, but it works for him somehow) is 1000% Schmitt and what keeps this universe alive inside my head.
warning: mild sexual content/innuendo
Peeta had the apartment to himself. None of his roommates were due home for a while, and since the sweet rolls he'd promised to bring in tomorrow were in dough form and still had to rise, and the dirty dishes were loaded into the dishwasher, he flopped down on the couch and grabbed the remote. He intended to relax for a few minutes but must've dozed off in the middle of The Joy of Painting (because when didn't that happen?).
The apartment door flew open, rattling the No, Finnick jar so hard it startled him awake. He leaped off the couch like someone caught him taking Spanky for a walk. Awkward and guilty, like he'd done something wrong. He didn't think he'd done anything to justify this sort of entrance, but the unwarranted shame hung over him like a storm cloud.
In the apartment doorway stood Katniss, anger radiating from every pore. She scanned the living room before slamming the door shut behind her. "Where is he?" she demanded.
Peeta sighed, able to breathe again. Not his screwup. It must've been a big one, though. He'd rarely seen Katniss this angry, although she could get pretty hot from time to time. "Fin?" he ventured.
Katniss frowned. "Who else would send me naked pictures while I was in a meeting?"
Peeta scratched his head. "Uh, Johanna would totally do that, too," he said. He wanted to laugh, but now was not the time.
She dropped onto the couch and covered her face in disgust. "Well, it definitely wasn't Johanna today."
"Did you get a wrong-number dick pick?"
Katniss laughed. "No. Just his ass."
Peeta let himself laugh too.
"He asked me if his mole looked any bigger. Said he was worried it might be melanoma."
Peeta sat down beside her. "He knows you're not a doctor, right?"
"Apparently not."
They fell quiet, and Katniss reached for his hand. "You know, you could always send me some nudes. Just warn me ahead of time."
As she crawled into his lap, Peeta thanked his lucky stars they were together now. He was so fucking lucky to have her. "How about if I show you some nudes now?" he murmured.
"That's exactly what I was thinking."
Finnick got an eyeful of his own when he unlocked the apartment door ten minutes later but, fortunately, had the discretion to ease the door shut behind him before Katniss and Peeta noticed he was there. Katniss and Peeta were idiots, but they were his idiots. He'd get their opinion on that mole later.
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killerairpods · 1 year
Toot has ADHD
Spanky likes emo and webcore things
Wooldoor likes kidcore thingz
He’s also autistic and he has ADHD too!
Foxxy sometimes dresses up like a scene foxgirl
Xandir likes lovecore things
Clara would prob like cottagecore? Idk lol
Toot is a goth girl (big surprise)
She’s bi…idc what you say she’s bi
She also likes playing BATIM, Cuphead and those kind of rubber-hose style games
And she also sometimes wear stuff thtz not just black ‘n white! (She would prob change her white-grayish skin)
Ling Ling speaks Cantonese and Putonghua (Mandarin) because why not lol (btw he’s got a Chinese female name lol) (And ik that Pokémon is Japanese, but plz it’s my hc so plz don’t argue with me)
He’s kinda annoyed at Pokémon-like shows too (Digimon, Yo-Kai Watch)
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age regressors: omg dni if you post: ed/thinspo/self harm. cause those aren't good coping strategies (okay true... But I'm feeling like public age regression is also NOT healthy at this point.) Age regressors: omg don't reblog bras because like those are sexual cause they go on your sex parts! (um...? my what parts. So.. are you saying then mammograms are sexual? ultra sounds? breast biopsies? breast surgeries...? bruh wtf) & also they are scary and they totally heighten my experience of age dysphoria!! So please don't!!! I'm a baby! protect me! Age regressions: oh yeah! we should totally normalize smoking, vaping, weed, drinking, tattoos and piercings! cause cute babies need this stuffs! (the only reason why I highlight this one is these are things adults legally can do, however they have fucking hissy fits over BRAS, which is something people in their teens and preteens wear and need.... but like, omg one is for sex parts! there for its sexual! but like yeah nipple piercing? cool uwu thats totally a baby thing! you do you baby! its baby safe! uwu; we need to normalize all the baby things!) Age regressions: WHAT this is healthy! okay! Unlike junkies i'm not like shooting up& wasting money on drugs!! and like unlike people who self harm I'm doing so much better!!! and I don't have UGLY scars!!! ... BUT I'm actually coping! oh but don't you dare critique me, I'm actually a baby and I got trauma! & if your say anything mean to me, I'll tell you i'm crying, experiencing *ACTUAL* panic attacks and its not fair and i have trauma! So don't YOU dare. (... you realize that there's maladaptive coping... right? Like this isn't to say its healthy or good, but it's to say there's a term for this& a therapist would point this out to someone who might feel ashamed. Just like if someone went to a therapist and said 'I keep spending money when i'm sad, i've spent over $1000 this month, on things I don't actually want or like or need, i want to stop." - a therapist would say something delicate like: 'okay... well have you heard of maladaptive coping? *Explains what it is* You said you do this when your sad. Would you be curious in trying other methods to emotional regulate...? Lets do this and also can you keep track of the urge to spend and how you emotions are when they pop up okay...? *home work*" - Your also belittling people society has enjoyed belittling for a long time. And these same people are actually aware of the harm there doing to themselves and there bodies, and they feel guilt and shame but it's also hard to stop due to different habits& emotions like fear, not to mention prior treatment from therapy might frighten them off.... Equally those same people, also have trauma. The same word you enjoy yeeting around. They actually *have* it. And those same people, they deserve a lot of respect and more respect then your giving them. These are still people at the end of the day& have families. And your extremely ignorant and fucking rude. So maybe don't use your trauma to kick down others who are unable to defend themselves. Cause trauma isn't an excuse to be an asshole. Thanks.) Same age regression blogs: *reblogs childrens underwear and will go on and on about age dysphoria and how there just coping& age regression is just oh so beautiful& super duper pure and super duper healthy and super duper adorable* Hey! WHY ARE DDLG/ERS FOLLOWING ME! I don't understand!?!1 don't you get it!1!1! there's a BaBy running this blog! I demand baby safe blogs only!! (your 24 years old, posting you 24 going on 2, reblogging kids underwear, and speaking about needing a cg, sfw "spankies" when your "naughty" & you say your a "baby brat", and you need someone to lead you around this 'world'... etc. wtf do you expect? your showing off in the very least is kink, its also borderline fucking uncomfortable stuff like reblogging kids underwear, & Is extremely triggering and wonders into areas I shouldn't have to fucking mention. But oi, your a "baby".)
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arathergrimreaper · 7 months
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Trying to come up with a name for this character. What I can tell you about her so far is she's a 56yo witch who specializes in speaking to the dead and fire magic. She lives with her wife, Violet (52), and their sleepy old tom cat, Spanky or Lord Spankimus Fernhugger The Second. She likes cocktails, desserts, and fucking shit up. also, she's trans. Any suggestions? She looks a little silly because she's trying really hard not to laugh at her and Violet's boyfriend. He's upset that the three of them seem to have gotten lost on the way to the devil's sacrament. Can that even happen? How does that happen? They have a map and everything...
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legend-collection · 6 months
Père Fouettard
Père Fouettard (French for 'Father Whipper' / 'Old Man Whipper') is a character who accompanies Saint Nicholas on his rounds during Saint Nicholas Day (6 December) dispensing lumps of coal and/or beatings to naughty children while St. Nicholas gives gifts to the well behaved. He is known mainly in the far north and eastern regions of France, in the south of Belgium, and in French-speaking Switzerland, although similar characters exist all over Europe. This "Happy Father" was said to bring a whip with him to spank all of the naughty children who misbehaved.
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The most common depiction of Père Fouettard is of a man with a sinister face dressed in dark robes with scraggly unkempt hair and a long beard. He is armed with a whip, a large stick, or bundles of switches. Some incarnations of the character have him wearing a wicker backpack in which children can be placed and carried away. Sometimes he merely carries a large bundle of sticks on his back.
The most popular story about the origin of Père Fouettard was first told about the year 1252. An innkeeper (or a butcher in other versions) captures three boys who appear to be wealthy and on their way to enroll in a religious boarding school. Along with his wife, he kills the children in order to rob them. One gruesome version tells that they drug the children, slit their throats, cut them into pieces, and stew them in a barrel. St. Nicholas discovers the crime and resurrects the children. After this, Père Fouettard repents and becomes St. Nicholas' partner. A slightly different version of this story claims that St. Nicholas forced Père Fouettard to become his assistant as a punishment for his crimes.
Another story states that during the Siege of Metz (a city in Eastern France) in 1552, an effigy of king Charles V was burned and dragged through the city. Meanwhile, an association of tanners created a grotesque character (also a tanner) armed with a whip and bound in chains who punished children. After Metz was liberated, the charred effigy of Charles V and the character created by the tanners somehow assimilated into what is now known as Père Fouettard. Events surrounding the city's liberation and the burning of the effigy coincided with the passage of St. Nicholas, hence Père Fouettard became his "bad cop" counterpart.
In the 1930s, Père Fouettard appeared in the United States under the translated name Father Flog or Spanky. Although almost identical to the original French personification, Father Flog had nothing to do with Christmas and also had a female accomplice named Mother Flog. The two doled out specific punishments for specific childhood crimes (e.g. cutting out the tongue for lying).
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fayrobertsuk · 7 months
So it turns out that my old website - no, not the one I patiently hand-crafted from basic HTML and latterly some cannibalised javascript a few years ago; the fucking Geocities one from 20+ years ago - still lives on in the Wayback Machine. And folks, it's a mess. Oh, not the aesthetics, though they're... definitely basic, but the uncomfortable blend of arrogance and deep-seated insecurity on display.
(How I got to find this out was convoluted; I'm not sure I remember all the steps...)
And now I'm looking at my spanky new website, thinking: damn, is this just a more hi-tech, slightly prettier version of the same damned thing? Queerer and less prone to random acts of elitism, but still, fundamentally, an identical trip into the dissonance between how we're told we should present ourselves to get along in the world and how the world has repeatedly told us we should perceive ourselves?
There's conflict at the core of every word we speak aloud, isn't there? Huh... Obviously here as well. Obviously.
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🎨 Calling all artists! 🖌️
🌟 Art Contest: Demon Slayer Corps x Cartoon Network All-Stars 🌟
Are you ready to witness an epic clash of worlds? We're hosting a one-of-a-kind art contest featuring the iconic characters from "Call of Duty: Zombies" and the zany cast of "Drawn Together" as they join the ranks of the fearsome Twelve Demon Moons! 🌙
🌆 Tank Dempsey - Upper Moon 1: The American Soldier with an iron will and relentless aggression.
🍺 Nikolai Belinski - Upper Moon 2: The Russian Soldier known for his love of vodka and stoic demeanor.
🎌 Takeo Masaki - Upper Moon 3: The Honorable and Disciplined Japanese Warrior.
🔬 Edward Richtofen - Upper Moon 4: The German Scientist and the enigmatic leader of the group.
🧠 Samuel J. Stuhlinger - Upper Moon 5: The Paranoid and Delusional former Broken Arrow member with a mysterious connection to Richtofen.
🔧 Marlton Johnson - Upper Moon 6: The Socially Awkward and Highly Intelligent Engineer who feels out of place in dangerous situations.
💪 Abigail "Misty" Briarton - Lower Moon 1: The Farm Girl with tough and aggressive personality, known for her survival skills and resilience.
🧟 Russman - Lower Moon 2: The Old and Unstable former soldier with a dark history involving Broken Arrow.
🦸 Captain Hero - Lower Moon 3: The Narcissistic Superhero Parody.
👑 Princess Clara - Lower Moon 4: The Stereotypical Disney-style Princess with conservative values.
💩 Spanky Ham - Lower Moon 5: The Vulgar and Crude Internet Download.
⚡ Ling-Ling - Lower Moon 6: The Pikachu-like character who speaks in pseudo-Japanese gibberish.
🎤 Foxxy Love - Lower Moon 7: The Sassy African American Musician and Mystery Solver.
🍺 Toot Braunstein - Lower Moon 8: The Overweight and Alcoholic Former Cartoon Sex Symbol.
🧽 Wooldoor Sockbat - Lower Moon 9: The Zany, SpongeBob-like Character.
Let your imagination run wild as you depict these unforgettable characters in their new roles within the Twelve Demon Moons. Create stunning artwork, share your unique vision, and win fantastic prizes!
🏆 Prizes:
- 1st Place: A Collaboration with me
- 2nd Place: a mention in a au
- 3rd Place: idk what to put here
🎉 How to Enter:
1. Create your artwork featuring these characters as Demon Moons.
2. Submit via Tumblr, tikok or Twitter or discord
3. Tag @1andxrea1tge1bisexual1here1, tikok is @ xxandrea_leo_new_acc2.0, to enter.
📅 Deadline: Entries accepted until
October 10 2024.
Get ready to unleash your creativity and join this epic crossover event! Good luck, artists! 🎨✨
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x-ghostwagon-x · 11 months
hii im amon! i am happily taken by @jimmersthl ! i have 2 cats, spankie (orange) and dante (black)!
im queer and AuDHD and disabled!
dni if you're a terf/radfem, trumed, queerphobic/LGBTQ+ phobic, racist, ableist, swerf, antisemitic, zionist
i have many special interests and no social skills to speak of them
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triviareads · 2 years
HR Sleepover Asks: Compare and contrast your new fave HR heros list with your old one 👀
EXCELLENT. Here is a link to my original list from April.
So top hero-wise, I'd say Ralston, Rhys Winterborne, and St. Vincent remain consistent. But to ADD to the list:
Lysander Blackstone ("Stone") from Always Be My Duchess by Amalie Howard: So underrated, classic Outwardly Proper Man who is just so deeply affected by the heroine, a ballerina and wow does the longing pay off. He's a gentleman but will bend you over a desk (not his desk; A desk).
Duke of Clayborn from Heartbreaker by Sarah MacLean: Gentleman, and again outwardly proper, another hero that's just obsessed with the heroine (like right off the bat; we're talking kissing about 20 minutes into their acquaintance, and doesn't hesitate to make that known in a variety of most excellent ways.
Crispin from Duke of Depravity by Scarlett Scott: What a MESS this man is. Falls drunkenly asleep on the heroine's tits after calling them "bubbies". Steals her fichu and uses it for unspeakable things. Cries. Eventually cleans up his act enough to become delightfully spanky near the end. A+ redemption arc.
Duke of Gracewood from A Lady For A Duke by Alexis Hall: Another (initially) messy man, but infinitely more sympathetic. I remember Viola thinking something along the lines of Gracewood "being pleasing towards women and women pleasing him" or something like that and that tracks; he's like, very comforting/reassuring and just really really romantic.
Grey from The Millionaire Marquess by Scarlett Scott: Basically imagine a hottie marquess who's chasing after his friend's housekeeper and asks her to be his mistress for a month, but he's so smooth and hot enough so you're not at all insulted by his indecent proposal.
Sterling from Surrender to the Devil by Lorraine Heath: idk, a man who immediately propositions a woman upon meeting her just speaks to me as a concept. Similar to Grey, actually, and is that right level of persistent while not being uncomfy.
Clay Madden from Prince of Broadway by Joanna Shupe: It's always fun to see a hero lean into the "bit o' rough" bit and this man absolutely does when he's all like "I gotta warn you Florence, I'm not one of your pampered uptown gentlemen" and she's just like "yes plz". Excellent dirty talker, even when it takes a weird turn into satyrs (?).
So I think compared to my previous list, I've a) diversified in terms of authors, and b) leaned into the hot mess express heroes. They don't need to be Val (from Duke of Sin)-level problematic but they're messy men and I'm down for that as a concept.
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fanficdumbchic · 2 years
Thank you for the funniest hc I’ve ever read with curly bills “no just no”. Could I have expanded hcs where he tries to ask reader out and she’s “no ur toxic lmao” please?
Turning Down Curly Bill and Shitting on His Life
Headcanon - Curly Bill x Fem Reader (Rejection) - SFW
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AN: Thank you Anon, will never turn down an opportunity to shit on Curly Bill. Enjoy! :)
Curly Bill is one of the most obnoxious assholes in Tombstone.
He has been after you since day one. He catcalls every time he sees you and swaggers about like he actually has something to offer when he obviously doesn't.
He smells like booze sweat and filth.
He is absolutely unhinged, and not in like a fun, spanky way.
Many of the local working girls turn him down no matter how much he offers to pay. It was rumored by one of the few who did that his dick was upsettingly small.
Curly Bill is literally worthless in every sense of the word. He has not stopped propositioning you since the day you came to Tombstone.
He usually laughs it off when you respond with witty barbs and well-thought out insults. But lowkey, he ends up crying about it like a little bitch the minute he's sobby drunk or really strung out on opium. Many of his fellow cowboys, Johnny Ringo included, have on multiple occasions told him to stfu and stop whining about you.
One night, you spotted him wallowing in the alley way between two saloons on the main-stretch. He was so intoxicated he couldn't even walk. All he could do was lay there in the dirt and sob about how no woman wants him.
He spots you and is immediately mortified, wiping the tears from his eyes quickly and trying to save face. From the ground he tried to schmooze you through his slurring. It was indecipherable, but you could tell from his tone it was probably crude.
You looked down at him, speaking firmly in a voice loud enough to resonate through his thick skull, "You are the most hideous, vile, odious thing I have ever seen in my life. You are the most obnoxious ass of a man I have ever met. Stay down there in the dirt and filth where you belong." With that, you kicked dirt and rocks into his face, stinging his eyes.
You walked away triumphant as cowboys shuffled out of the bar to help him out of the dirt. You could hear his pathetic wailing well down the stretch as you walked home with a smirk on your face.
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dreamsofalifeold · 9 months
((Shy's favorite sandwich is grilled cheese with a pickle. They serve it at the diner near where she works and she has one at least once a week.))
((Speaking of the diner near where she works, it's called Spanky's. Ridiculous name aside, she knows most of the staff there by name and they know her order by heart at this point.))
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ninaweinerxo · 1 year
Part 3 of the Tessy Wessy Woo Hoo fanfic 🫦
You follow her into the kitchen, wondering what she has planned for her wittle boo boo.
She turns to face you and smirks.
“What are you up to now alpha baby buddy?” you ask.
She doesn’t respond, but she frowns disapprovingly.
“Do not speak unless i permit you to do so.” she replies.
“Sorry babs, yes daddy.” you say afraid she’ll give you a spanky wanky if you misbehave.
To Be Continued…🦶🦶
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g4yr4t · 1 year
can’t post any of their lyrics bc I don’t know them bc I don’t speak japanese but the main vocalist for glim spanky has a great voice
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