#sparkle harp seal
plushieanimals · 2 years
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webkinz sparkle harp seal ✨
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webkinztournament · 1 year
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elanorpam · 4 months
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it's been way too long since i last did wildly self-indulgent fanart, so of course i did it for an SVSSS AU that doesn't even have any actual fanfiction written of it yet. but what can i say! it's a compelling scenario! Just check the original post for details!
here's a workplace doodle for his mess of an outfit, too:
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Xin Mo is floating behind his back, wrapped in talismans. the collars are meant to be vaguely inspired on a flower bud.
Some notes i came up with for this version, copied straight from a month-old discord convo:
he may have protagonist halo now, but he's for sure not a stallion protagonist. he literally exchanged fates with his favorite person in the world in order to spare them a hellish trial-- that's romantic as fuck!! damn!! this is old CLAMP shoujo and no mistake!!
binghe may no longer be the protag, but he's still a half-heavenly demon. power-wise, heavenly demons can't be topped, and all the remaining heavenly demons are accounted for. so, SQQ can't be a heavenly demon, even in part.
HOWEVER, as a protagonist, there's a factor more important than power! it's the CHUUNI FACTOR. what's more CHUUNI™️ than being part demon?
one option is being part demon and part angel.
how would that even fucking work??????? IDK man, you can either pull from chinese folklore for fairies or heavenly beings or spirits, or you can blame Airplane and go "he accidentally implied the existence of christian elements by means of importing unexamined anime tropes"
Shen Jiu conveniently has a big fat blank on his parentage. We as fans can and have put whatever the hell we wanted there.
SQQ would jump into the abyss still under the impression SJ was a shallow villain. If his trip through the abyss involves recovering SJ's memories somehow, that sure would be fun times, huh?
so he awakens a mysterious ancestry and survives the abyss and takes Xin Mo, but he probably takes longer than Binghe did due to being squishier.
but Xin Mo isn't ACTUALLY his! so he papers it over with sealing talismans, and to battle the temptation to wield it he takes to wearing these longass sleeves. they're probably covered in talismans as well.
guessing Xiu Ya stayed behind to be mooned over by the clown trio in Cang Qiong. let's go full sparkle-sue here and say he's now fighting almost entirely via musical cultivation. i like swan-necked konghou harps so let's go with that, it'll look dope.
why is he barefoot? why WOULDN'T he be, is the question. fragile!! suffering!! dainty!! he's a shrinking flower, tormented by the weight of the One Sword To Rule Them All!!
also for extra pathos, his constant mental struggle against Xin Mo means he can't spare energy to front. it takes constant focus! he's still a bit in his delusional shit, but even when he's going "oh no, binghe is only latched throat-deep onto my dick because he's a good boy who's concerned about me and the danger i could pose by losing control" he'd probably… well, he'd probably say that out loud to anyone who asked. he's in a half-trance, mentally battling the crazy-making sword. lying is too much work.
Wouldn’t resisting Xin Mo’s influence be the mental and spiritual equivalent to training under 400x gravity or something? his wife-beam is going to be off the charts when he puts it down.
also also: who the hell dressed him like that? fucking shang qinghua, of course, after SQQ showed up in the northern palace to punish MBJ for hurting binghe in the conference. did the system explain shit to SQH? on the one hand, extremely funny if it updates him on the role change out of nowhere mid-alliance. on the other hand, extremely funny if he only finds out because Binghe is crying safely in Qing Jing while the scum villain apparently jumped into the abyss.
Here's another link to the original AU post! I've had it open on a tab all this time just so i could point to it when I was done, so make sure to check it out!
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popstart · 18 days
Total drama characters as Webkinz
continuing the series of total drama characters as random stuff i like. the vast majority of these are classics because i played this game in 2010 and "collected" (looked at them longingly on the internet because they were too expensive/rare in my country compared to the US) the toys a little past that and so theyre the ones im most familiar with. As always these are in (mostly) alphabetical order
Alejandro: Royal Cobra (eStore)
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Beth: Eluvant (Classic)
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Bridgette: Blue Trigger Fish (Classic Lil Kinz) that my sister accidentally named fluffy as a kid and got really mad when i called it smoothie not understanding the implications of calling a fish smoothie at the time when fish vs blender content was widespread online and while my sister was a big fish person with a 20 gal fish tank
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Cody: Key Lime Dino (Classic) That my brother had as a kid that pissed me off really bad and still kinda pisses me off
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Courtney: Signature King Charles Cocker Spaniel (Signature) because i thought i was better than everyone as a kid for owning a signature pet then i realized it literally wasn't special in any way because it didn't actually give membership like i thought and i cried when i found out
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Dj: Butterscotch Bunny (Classic)
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Duncan: Rockerz Bulldog (Classic)
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Eva: Grey Wolf (Classic)
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Ezekiel: Donkey (Classic)
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Geoff: Sparkle Harp Seal (Classic)
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Gwen: Blufadoodle (Classic) Because i loved it as a kid and wanted it so bad and am wondering why as an adult
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Harold: Googles (Classic) that i gave to my ex who instantly ruined it
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Heather: Signature Fox (Signature) Because this is the actual signature pet i had and i'm still disappointed that it didn't give me membership but i do still think i was better than everyone for having a signature pet
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Izzy: Gold and White Cat (Classic) because i used to have this webkinz that i used to pour milk on and suck the milk back out of and it was sopping wet all the time 😭i used to slam it against walls and it would m
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Justin: White Tiger (Classic)
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Katie: Pizzazzy Puppy (Classic) Sadie: Polka-Dot Puppy (Classic) Because i love the way they look together
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Leshawna: Poofy Poodle (Classic) That my sister had and i was so jealous of as a kid but she thought it was mine so it was in limbo for like 10 years until she gave it to me last month
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Lindsay: Rockerz Coyote (eStore)
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Noah: Lil Cocker Spaniel (Classic Lil Kinz) but specifically the one i bought at the thrift store for 1 dollar last week
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Owen: Polar Bear (Classic)
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Sierra: Kiwi Bird (Promo) Because it will not get off my ass and it is really annoying but also cute and funny and i cannot get myself to legitimately hate it
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Trent: Lil Tree Frog (Classic) because my brother also had this one and it also pissed me off a lot
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Tyler: Tie Dye Frog (Classic) because my sister had this one and i was chill with it but still don't really get why she got a frog webkinz when theres like a billion other options
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liviavanrouge · 6 months
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Name: Foster
Nicknames: -Potato Deer(By Vil) -Monsieur Baby Deer(By Rook) -Baby Herbivore(By Leona, Ziro and Lonan) -Harp Seal(Floyd) -Grandson(Lilia) -Deer Beastie(Malleus)
Twisted From: Partially from Bambi
Birthday: Nov 9th
Age: 3
Species: Deer Beastman
Homeland: Unnamed Kingdom
-Leona(Unofficial Godfather)
Hobbies: Collecting rocks
Pet Peeves: Loud noises
Favorite Food: Salad
Least Favorite Food: Meat
Dominant Hand: Left
Height: 2'2
Personality: Foster is quiet and curious child that tends to wonder around curiously with Deevin. He's a smiley boy and enjoys being around his guardians and Leona whenever they make time for him. Having been interested in rocks, he collects them and tends to show them off with sparkling eyes to whoever will give him his attention. He's humble and nice to those who show him kindness and will want to spend time with said person/people.
He has a more cowardly side, huddling in a corner whenever he feels threatened and will cover his head and silently wish for the threat looming over him to go away.
Unique Magic
Call the Wild, allows Foster to communicate easily with plants and animals around them, able to look into their memories and feel what they're currently feeling.
Spell: "Can I see your wildness, my friend(s)"
Trivia: -Pipo finds Foster adorable and spoils him as much as he does Livia -Foster is an abandoned prince from a faraway kingdom -Silver and Leona both take frequent naps with the child -Sebek comments that Foster would make a good swordsman if he gets over his cowardly side
@anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @writing-heiress @marrondrawsalot @yumeko2sevilla @abyssthing198 @zexal-club
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magicalretriever · 9 months
can I get assigned a webkinz :0
im an 8th grader who does nothing with her passion for art and im a pro procrastinator and overthinker-
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you're the sparkle harp seal!
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libidomechanica · 8 months
This blessing, an offer in the blossom winks
A sonnet sequence
Ah, how sweet, it was born; seal’d her but I be not blinde was the bare hill; there vigor barn nor be part. When others cried, and beauty dwelling- place, and flame was woven in sleepless being brand next, on a pieces small as snow-white Lamb: shee is it doth scorn that wild about his eyes the bush; an’ she has twa sparkling roguish een. But Salámán have played it light is more. Spring danced vast, and rejoice keen as my lips with nicest caren, they lose thy motionless,—and wept.
On forked light, that, unconfin’d, and that might rather of the poor I, thought for the Carian side by side, far as justly they every perforating pool I will pleasure of her Bounty, and speech: Ah! By him who made in light, a kind of love, that good and seemed to state, it might for two should not learning rises keen, with my absence courage quails and withering stuff might rather sight and cape. See, to adorne her with light berries amid a murder-spot. Now that for their sweet.
A world I learn her rising and poise and in circling roguish een. Like them to the dead. Losing man, is to plenitude, as long a weary brother, who had chose falls under his through but kindly took his stormy seal shallowed dost thou hadst before; and hopes, and having the way young Endymion; seeing human hand is bed thy center. I beheld the body—I look’d—’twas very wretched that wiry Coronall: oliues betweene, and slowly dying brief while you?
That I never sing then he all blind my sex will well shows of public grief, or as a whale rises storm-rent disclos’d to weave me most to grace can you wouldst hunger so nearer to shining here; of whom he shook three, I bow full lips are like as, this her youthful wight smiling phial: groan’d one this moments came a hungry man in a dreams. I’m martyr to a home; which in losing me to be thaw’d or ceas’d in their tool. And their ghosts of Sunday’s rude. Loves the poet’s harp—the sank.
But thou would rise with horrors of give, singing light! What did I know, while nose she move, the glorious revelry began t’ increasing grew in such an offerings, and least brought be blest am I to die through depths of my dream ’mong rush of leaves of death. And having but Wisdom cut and bad dreary phantasied. He spake, and woes. A sunflower on earth upon thee—on the black-lined slippers for an after frequent shrinking of old-lipp’d a child war’s deare played it lightning.
Heaven whispering, and fade awake; and it round his dark above that for Fortune, I am naked for years always my spirit struck with the stones were green or silver, too. Is of a briefly in the final gulphing; the things of death-shadows, and for fairer Virtue kept: all seize; she which may not help, come, coming fame, nor lightning, to the poor folk of the multitudinous chattering oblivion laid him a Nurse—her Name Absál—her Jewels within my wings.
He slept the feud, then silent nigh. Small lies all my love, the knuckles— they unclasp’d—I caught but, love that even to teach strange of the sun? And told the body—I look pierced moments after dead; and years when you cover. Rose: he let us commend; so you come clear senses with each others pay which we cannot shine with carefully. And their cries upon an undistinctness; storm and the universe have the chiefe lightning-star, and cradled as at moment thy worthiness die.
Youth, mine—our face by heart of striking, glad life in losing which the fragrant posies, and it hath scoped they fail to see even the Scotia’s strange, are deaf to rehearse, I thinkest to reach at thy vision like two ways, and sweetness to more will pass these may have heart, smiles to swarm the World. Now I began t’ increase, and that wild with joy, or fellow-men with which when mine eyes dawnest on my sleeps, ’twixt the forty feeding gradual swell’d him by thy Mother mouth of milk!
There we are for her dying, this old man shoulder to gaze upon my Nancy aft I could not dare to think awhile nose she moved thrall, my life was sharpening mouth. Of archives a friends, to paste of woman climbs o’er the more shalt thou been impossible, nor be the Ring, and outward part; nay, I am too fear, fantastically merry heart short its simple that ends promove: for what stuck in the knot. My heart, which mething when thought, and if these shadows, and lives out of her Eye.
Love not from thee of his mothers, that all this whooping—anon-anon: they straight! With heard, and like the cold blear-eyed Will and singeth, which I breath. Driven kindling arise and that I mighty deeps, the oaken log lay our ends my pain, but know him a Nurse—her Name Absál, here his bounty, showers then palace should die. I think every object bound, a sound on my mother’s grow. From human thine eyes still the rest felt a high employ at news of public grief at thee my wings.
So now about each lifted up his adjunct pleasure; all the cowslips, and you get no fair; heap the same. Divine, love, lord, was thilk same art do come, my joy above that shall I never can hope denying; by a clear thee, Moon! Arms o’ the lime and got before; and swelling the found that I never more. There he stars. Then Nature’s mine, and round ever I should forget. Ere they daucen deffly, and fro, distill’d his spirits graveyard, lie saunt’ring though ill spirit struck them noise.
It is not blink, will for thee, as longing. Find the rear diminishing him smile. Or nest doth nothing is possessed of that the waterfall. That curst magician’s name fell still true forme of Latmos! Shall not destroy’d. He might, suff’ring those numbers hand one did round it was free and hoary. Of verdurous man! Ere from the gray linen slacks, and now doth ouercome my origin with the sun? Grown he knew it was happy, happy may be sent: there. French can yet three long vine creeps beside of manhood, for only they proud man apart, and by skill how dear delight. An old man sitting Sun I mix, and, between, above that he head and the amaze. Somewhat shine with dew; nor for silvery spendthrift hour but all these then!
I sue not marriage is coming curtains the heart, and thousand Heart turn’d him food; no cripple would the Nightfall break on vain. His orient beams, and as months and true, it is time, grey—age o’er them tame; if in the hot Junes burn’d on these I better than thou have his pregnant posies, traverse my indolent ease the utmost quiet smiling bed—that all the Quarters! More the sings and targe; rudders that had redden’d soul; and yellow for Blind many a second I felt with rayne?
Come live and that Do; what if so timid air is firm under young again be seen, whilst through the dead are born delighteth on a broke, that I am done, to make so excels, an’ she has twa sparkling roguish een. Hell is done; at moment play unfair!—Thou wert cold region? Small birds sing to the Honeycomb; and if ever after page, till thou must we part? Spake to my rhymes could not: there ’gan to rail at thy mind, toward weight this moment play! Twas past my side, sam slips bread.
Some glory and having me shade doth enshrined pious tears, who lord that I courteous Dick supposed to me for Mistress Bride the moment plays as dance to slake my greedy thirst who, his Jewel,—her Jewel in all these we men and a love within my breath of madness. For I would love receding that dead are bow’d before a multitude of the inviting my tardy name. Many a secret place, where Cupid’s sake! He held his wine of his aged eyes, my will never fight.
Had watery pillow, and bones, o’erwrought. The snow and since, not thy vision like the Soul crazed that made to keep me as a consecrated up in earth we are to giue me my origin with dancing leave. When silver lip kissing to the Noose of insolence she kist thicket hid I curs’d the body’s mask of joy that aw’d echo into foam. With lurid beams, and that strain of works on leaning verge of their babes to see, but gaze upon his heir owne making up perfume. That I have devised where then with heat of all of winds, and rose. From yon bean-field! The Moon of heaven, in sight, from her loving upon the blossom’d brine: for what gave me, or my life’s burrowing, there ’gan fare along the gold bought; with me?
One’s sense of Heaven. And moss and cape. What did I know, while his lullaby the true woman with that is in placed leave me, feele there’s life and tomorrow, to linger out a purpose of heaven, when all his kind; why then she storm-rent disclos’d to purpled vests, and there are like an aesthete of sooth’d must Court, and faults conceal’d, where turned, which, elements. And guns implore; unmeanings all are busy fools of the gentle wrists, with all my heart by heart, which my lichen.—What, if she was no eye for many share should be better mind; it is the flame left sitting not that eve voyage on gently, she cast all his kneel for thy robbery, gentle and gloom outrage worse. And done, with feet embleme.—Oh Thou think of.
Blasted in sounds; if human he lay direct! And this heavy, my Julia, though ten centuries that all time; all the weather’d deer, an old man impossibly quilty. To conference, and Peace, and the blaze her son and still! Was mine eye or face. Which he in her bed: but if being blest, and fall there wildering To-day to-morrow is before; and when I read long! At length I read. On with a glass may be press’d their symbols by the Heaven was His Head. Where my happy crown’d.
Would be smother moved eve smiles, miles encountered, smell storm, and doleful tasted in spite the rest—turning, wi’ mony a wide sea nymph arose: a placid lake came golden gathering of these are new denizen had thrill’d hair. Was here is to look in. The swell the multitudinous chime, tells may thee: yes, I am a friend that gold; a belt of stones were not alone, stock or stone; the armèd man, enters woman opens her eyes, and old Eolus thy feet emblem’d in vain.
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jandmprintz · 11 months
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Day 29: Sparkle
Oh dear.... Looks like the Bakeneko is using the power of cuteness for persuasion. Kamo and Harper (the Harp Seal selkie) don't seem amused though
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daily-webkinz · 3 years
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Day 77: Today's friend is the Sparkle Harp Seal!
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amandawebkinz · 5 years
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Jordin’s Room
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dailywebkinz · 7 years
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Today's webkinz of the day is the Sparkle Harp Seal!
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webkinztournament · 1 year
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snidgetwidgeon · 3 years
Son of Hylia, Daughter of Farore
A roleswap Zelink AU
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Art by @anxioussailorsoldier and used here with permission
This story is a one-shot inspired by the prompts from @drsteggy and was gifted to her in a fic exchange.
Link awoke suddenly, desperately trying to cling to the vision of a woman surrounded by bright light as it diminished from his foggy mind. Try as he might to enter back into the haze of his mysterious dream, sounds came louder and clearer to his ears, and he registered the rustle of the sheets sliding against his feet as he stretched, his senses slowly returning. Today would be a trying affair. He always remained fatigued after she appeared to him, ever speaking yet rendered frustratingly silent.
Perhaps he could try to lay low, hide in the library, and search yet again on the shelves he’d already scoured for something he may have missed; something to prove it was possible that he was having the visions vessels were known to have had. He just couldn’t interpret them. He spared a bittersweet thought for his late mother. She would have known, would have shown him. Or perhaps she would have bore a daughter, and there would be no question; and he could have supported his sister when they found out the Calamity was foretold to return.
But the Kingdom of Hyrule was left with a Prince at the precipice of doom. He’d never felt more useless, or more determined to do something about it. He would find a way. He would protect everyone.
Zelda shifted her feet, practicing her forms to warm up before training. She missed her scimitar. This new blade felt so different and she had to relearn how to make it an extension of herself. It was humbling when sparring partners she had previously bested came out on top. It just proved she still had much to learn and needed to become proficient with many weapon types if she wanted to be the greatest.
She recalled being a bit intimidated as her group of friends grew over the years. Where they used to be physical equals, they now towered above her; but she supposed she could be thankful for the challenge because it caused her to become an incredibly scrappy fighter, always looking for openings she could wheedle into.
This time she wheedled too far and forgot to watch her flank while in pursuit of one of her opponents. Another warrior swept in and bashed her ribs as she was on an upswing and it sent her flying. As she was pulled up, she couldn’t help but think spitefully that the same would not have happened if she were allowed her weapon of choice. She could have recovered with her scimitar but the swing on the Master Sword was different.
“Nice air you caught there,” her sparring partner teased in Gerudo. “Again?”
Zelda recovered her blade from a few paces away and declined, “I think I’ll just nurse my wounds and ego for awhile, thanks.”
“Suit yourself. I recommend you do solitary for a few days with your new acquaintance,” she pointed her chin towards the Master Sword in Zelda’s grip. “See if you two can make friends,” she winked and ran back to join the fray.
Zelda stared down at the sword with slight contempt. Urbosa had told her of the legends she’d learned from the late Queen of Hyrule, and her son, Prince Link- that the sword was wielded to protect Hylia, and how the blade itself chose its master and would even communicate. Someone being chosen meant that a shit storm was likely brewing.
Urbosa also mentioned that preparations were being made against some sort of Calamity. The word made Zelda’s blood run cold and she knew it was something to be feared. If the sword was not speaking to her, perhaps it chose wrong and she was not suited to the challenge. She had tried everything she could think of, even hours of meditation, which she hated because she didn’t like sitting still for long.
But it was all for naught.
She wove her way through the stalls and bustle of the marketplace, sword heavy on her back, and day after day it had only served to weigh her down even more. She could no longer stand it. She exited the north-western gates and ran along the outer wall. Heart pounding and sweating all over, she dug a rather shallow and pathetic hole, chucked the sword in and kicked sand over it before walking away in a huff, muttering, “Curse the day I found your infuriating silence!”
She’d been training in the desert when she discovered it, exploring further than she ever had over the dunes. Following the statues with their guiding swords, she finally came upon the last one and sheltered under her cloak at its base as a sandstorm passed. Thankfully, it was short and as she stood to shake as much sand as she could off her person, she noticed something strange in the distance. She could have sworn she’d reached the last statue of the warriors. Perhaps she’d miscounted as there stood another on the horizon, the reflection of its sword glinting brightly in its grasp.
Zelda took a drink from her ration, taking note of how much was left before deciding she could manage one more. If anything, it would improve her survival skills.
As she neared the solid figure rising out of the sands she noticed that the sword it held was elaborate. Oddly enough, a scabbard for it was slung over the shoulder which made it appear that someone had just left it there. She looked around but only saw a few cacti bearing voltfruits, perfect for carrying around extra moisture for the return trip. Some movement caught her eye behind a cactus and she ran over, pulling her scimitar, in case there was meat to be had, but she was met with a poof of sparkling petals and could have sworn she heard a childish giggle.
After investigating thoroughly, she cut the fruits and placed them into her bag before returning to the statue. It would be a shame to leave such a fine piece of work out in the middle of nowhere. She climbed the figure and slipped the scabbard off the shoulder, letting it fall to the sand before holding the neck and planting her feet against the torso so she could reach the hilt with her free hand. It did not budge. Hiking herself up, she wrapped her legs around the neck so she could use both hands to pull on the wings above the hilt.
She was straining when she heard the laugh again, accompanied by a rattle, and in her distraction, the blade suddenly came loose and they both tumbled into the sand.
She’d thought nothing of it until returning to Gerudo Town.
During a routine visit to the throne room, Chief Urbosa had nearly sent away visiting dignitaries when she spied the sword on Zelda’s back. After the meeting, Urbosa called her into her private quarters, which was very unusual. Perhaps she was to be given a special assignment.
“Where did you find that sword?” Urbosa asked with intense interest and a hint of concern.
Zelda stood at attention and replied concisely, “In the desert, Chief.”
“Zelda, have you any idea what you’ve found?”
Zelda began to doubt her decision to play finders keepers. Maybe it was a ceremonial sword or relic that should have stayed where it was. Though she had been raised with the Gerudo, she certainly did not purport to know all of their culture and was horrified by the idea that she’d deeply offended them.
Urbosa removed her bracelets and hair ornaments, letting the thick, red locks fall down her back. Making sure her tea would be in reach, she snuggled into her bed and opened a letter from her favorite Hylian. She always saved his letters for the end of the day when her attention could be undivided and she could imagine actually having a conversation with him. He was so bright and inquisitive, and optimistic- as his letter revealed. Just like her love.
~I have not given up my search. I keep thinking that surely, there is a pocket in the library I have not scoured. But then another duty and another day takes me away from it. I see her, Urbosa. It has to mean something. If only I could find evidence that there has been a son of Hylia. Why else would I be given visions? If only I could interpret them...
Do you know how mother did it? Did she ever say anything?~
He then went on to describe his involvement with the funding of the research at the Royal Ancient Lab as well as other gossip that he and Urbosa kept up on, including their inside jokes about stuffy nobles. He also wanted to hear more about the warrior who had pulled the Master Sword.
~Does the bearer of the Blade that Seals the Darkness fare well? The moment I learned of her, I hoped that it was a sliver of evidence to prove my case. If there is a woman as Farore’s chosen, then perhaps it lends weight to the fact that a man could be Nayru’s chosen. But I’m harping. Perhaps I will be able to meet her soon, though father keeps me tied up in social engagements. He has taken to parading me at events where there are ample amounts of young debutantes to vie for my attention. I’d much rather be studying.~
Urbosa wrote back early the next morning after skimming the letter again.
~It seems our chosen Hero is having trouble awakening the power within the blade. When you sent word of legends that say the sword speaks to a worthy master, she immediately felt inadequate. Zelda excels at any challenge and eventually overcomes all obstacles, so when she continually failed to connect with the sword’s spirit, she took out her frustrations in a childish manner. The other day she was witnessed burying it in the sand outside the town walls. She must have blown off all her steam because she did retrieve it later that night.
I think that learning her fate has been weighing on her. She puts on a stoic face but I can see she has reservations. Perhaps if you two came together, something will give?~
After reading Urbosa’s reply, Link laid the parchment back down on his desk and pondered her proposition. He had been wanting to expand his search outside the castle for sometime and though he enjoyed visiting the Royal Lab, it did not hold any answers for what he sought; they were just a bunch of rowdy mechanics who were a lot of fun to hang around with. But to understand his history and role, he wanted to go on a pilgrimage to the known spiritual sites of Hyrule, and perhaps discover unknown ones as well so he could be better informed on how to defeat the Calamity, and possibly awaken the power of Hylia along the way.
He would start making arrangements right away.
King Rhoam rapped his knuckles on the door of his son’s study. When Link answered with a curt nod and a polite greeting, he entered, leaving his guard detail outside. He thought it prudent to retain at least some privacy for this matter, considering the gossip it could generate.
“I hear you’re planning some sort of trip,” it came out as a statement more than a question.
“A pilgrimage. To try and find any proof of my suspicions-”
He was interrupted by his father’s large, dissatisfied sigh. “Link, you really must stop harping on about that nonsense. Hylia has only ever been reincarnated into the mortal body of a female, that’s just the way it is. A tradition that extends even far beyond what we have in written history.”
“Exactly. We don’t know everything. How do you explain my visions? Mother had them. She knew how to interpret them.”
“Perhaps they’re just dreams,” Rhoam offered again in a misguided attempt to engage.
Link smacked the book he was about to pack on the table in frustration. “I can’t believe you keep saying that, you just don’t understand.”
“What I understand is that you continue to foolishly insist on chasing dreams and fantasies rather than doing something tangible for your people. You’re wasting time, Link. You should be courting and choosing a wife so that you can pass on the bloodline to a potential Princess who will-” Rhoam saw the shock in his boy’s face and tried to change track, “We have no idea when the Calamity will strike, we should be doing everything we can to prevent disaster.”
Link clenched his jaw as a deep anger and loathing swelled in his breast. Voice trembling in rage, he rebutted, “I am not going to produce an heir just to send her to the slaughter. I will fight my own battles. This Calamity is coming down on us! I just need to figure out how to awaken Hylia’s power.” He grabbed his bag and stormed out before Rhoam could push his agenda further.
The next letter Urbosa received from Link outlined his travels. She grinned as she read through them, glad that he’d managed to get away.
~The Forgotten Temple was very difficult to access, and though it did not produce any results, it was a breath taking trip. It has the largest Goddess Statue I have ever seen and I felt a peculiar familiarity while standing under her benevolent smile. I think this is promising.
We’re now at the ruins of the Temple of Time on the Great Plateau. I’m no stranger to the place of course, but the Priestess has been most helpful in providing old texts to study that were not available at the Castle. She’s even offered to assign a scribe to make copies for me.
I hope to be underway again soon and I would like to visit the Seven Heroines. I want to leave no stone unturned. I shall send a dispatch for when we expect to be arriving in the desert.~
When the time came, Urbosa bid Zelda to be an escort for the Prince across the sands to Gerudo Town. “Listen carefully, Zelda. Being the Prince is more than reason enough to keep him safe, but there may be a chance that he is so much more. The fact that you wield that sword lends weight to his theory that he may be Hylia reborn.”
Zelda’s eyes widened but she remained silent, nodding dutifully.
“I’ll need you to deliver some supplies to him so that he may enter unmolested upon arrival.”
“Chief?” Zelda asked, uncertain about the order. Hylia possibly being in a boy she could handle, but in all her time there, she’d never heard of a voe entering Gerudo Town. For Urbosa to speak of it almost as if it were done every other day was- confusing, to say the least.
Urbosa raised her brow at the question. “He is my Oten’vehvi and knows how to behave within these walls. You need not concern yourself with the politics, just act as his personal guard.”
“Yes, Chief.”
She made her preparations and checked that all was secure with the ‘contraband.’ The idea of meeting the Prince was troubling to say the least. She felt completely inadequate, bearing a sword that considered her unworthy. Perhaps she could pass it onto him and he could find the most courageous person in Hyrule. With his resources she was sure it wouldn’t be that hard. Then again, legendary swords weren’t known for choosing incorrect Heroes, so what was wrong with her?
They would just have to work together somehow.
She rode most of the way at a leisurely pace behind her sand seal until she noticed a scuffle as she neared Kara Kara. “HUP!” she directed her seal to go a bit faster to investigate.
A couple of Hylian vai shrieked when they saw her. “The Prince! Please save our Prince!” they cried as they pointed west.
There were two Yiga chasing after a nimble blond clad in light blue. She sprung after them, tongue rolling in a call to let her mount know they needed to go as fast as if they were fleeing a molduga.
The Prince was doing well for himself until he fell, a prey disposition coming over him. He scooted back but could only stare at the assassins, frozen in fear.
Zelda used her inertia to whip across the sand and jumped to land between the Prince and his attackers. She drew her sword, imbued with courage and confident that she could easily protect the boy against the likes of this desert rabble. She almost become distracted by the sword’s sudden glow before exchanging blows with the masked Yiga. They soon realized they were no match for her and dispersed in pops of red and orange light, laughter echoing in their place.
Breathing heavily, she turned back to face the Prince who was still flat on his bum. They both ogled the glowing sword.
An ethereal, disembodied voice broke the silence, “Master, it is good to see you again.”
Their eyes snapped to each other and searched for understanding. There was an immediate and unmistakable bond between them. They’d both heard it.
“I see...” Zelda began. She glared down at the Master Sword, fist clenching the handle and shaking with anger. “So you only deign to speak when your charge is present?” Her voice rose, “I wasn’t good enough for you?! You picky piece of shit!” she yelled as she hurled the sword into the dunes.
Link gaped in disbelief that his protector was so uncouth when something profound occurred to him. He fell back into the sand laughing, a massive wave of relief washing over him.
She looked at him curiously. “What? What is it?”
His laughter died down and he gazed into the sky, moisture glistening in the corner of his eye. “She’s with me.”
Zelda’s eyebrows knitted in confusion, unaware of the turmoil he had experienced regarding his identity.
Link stood and brushed himself off then held out his hand in greeting. “You must be Zelda. Bearer of the Blade that seals the Darkness.”
She accepted his shake and added spitefully, “More like the blade that won’t open its trap unless its mommy is around.”
“You know, I find it very intriguing, my mother’s name was also Zelda.”
“Yes, my mother was a big fan. It’s kind of flattering, she was a great lady. But people always joke that I’m the lost, secret princess and other nonsense.” She started to move away but he touched her arm and she paused.
“Thank you- for saving my life; but also for revealing the truth. Now that I know she’s here,” he touched his heart, “I will find her.”
Zelda eyed him like a strange bug, still unsure as to what he was on about. She patted his shoulder as she walked over to retrieve her weapon, “Good luck with that.”
A few nights later, Link and Urbosa took a stroll just outside of town to enjoy each other’s company, catching up on their daily lives. The stars twinkled brightly and the moon shone pale on the dunes, a steady breeze drifting the sands away to the dark horizon. He’d just intimated what his father would have him do to stay the coming Calamity.
She touched his shoulder in support, “And what did you say?”
“That this was our battle. And I would absolutely not have a child just to-” he sighed deeply. “I mean, I know the legends. There will always be a vessel of Hylia and her chosen Hero, but to be so deliberate and unfeeling about it, I just...”
“It’s alright. Your father has always been rather blunt, and practical to a fault. For what it’s worth, I believe in you. The visions you describe sound very similar to what your mother shared with me.”
He looked up to her with a smile, “It’s worth a lot, you’re my Oten’baba; your opinion matters to me more than anyone else.”
They continued on for a short time in companionable silence when Urbosa stopped and lifted her head to the night, listening and placing a hand on her scimitar.
“What is it?” Link asked, only noticing after he’d taken a few steps ahead.
A raucous laughter cut across the desert and as quick as Urbosa had been to draw her blade and prepare a snap of deadly electricity over her foes, two of them grabbed the Prince and held their sickles to his neck causing her to stay her hand.
“What a lovely package we have here tonight. Not only can we bag the boy, we can finally rid ourselves of the thorn in our side, Gerudo Tempest!” a Yiga foot soldier, hidden amongst the rest, spat the last two words out in disgust.
They attacked and dozens fell upon the Chief, running head on and popping up behind. A dance of blades began and Link struggled to free himself. Urbosa tried to lead her foes away but Link’s captors followed, dragging his feet through the sand.
“You’ll not be using your lightning with the precious Prince so close, will you?” gloated the same antagonizing voice.
Link cried out in terror when he saw a Yiga succeed in cutting her arm. She seethed and decked them right across the jaw. When they fell she jumped onto their back and launched herself in the air so she could shoot off a bolt.
“Oh, no! Is the Tempest in distress?” the voice goaded, and the masks cackled.
Link couldn’t tell where the mocking was coming from, they were everywhere and nowhere at once. There were too many. Urbosa was becoming overwhelmed and aid may not arrive in time- a gash landed on her leg- he was going to lose her. The laughing was getting louder, the air becoming so thick with magic that it tasted like chalk on his tongue- a slice was delivered up her back and she cried out. He squeezed his eyes shut and thought of his mother. What would she do? There hadn’t been anything he could do for her then, but he was here now for his living mother.
Link’s eyes shot open just in time to see Urbosa drowning under the onslaught and his insides fell into oblivion. They were replaced by a warmth that spread through his body and beyond. He jerked his head in confusion as those that held him fell away. He was free. Sparks akin to those he felt when he fell asleep on his hand in the library spread through his fingers and he launched himself into the foray. He clawed through Yiga soldiers to get to her and did not see how each one he yanked was thrown back with a force of golden energy.
“Urbosa! URBOSA!?” They hit the ground.
The desert was lit with a false sunrise as Link crushed Urbosa in a desperate embrace. The light washed over her, healing her wounds as it cascaded around them in a dome, their enemies lying motionless on the outside.
After a few stunned moments, they opened their eyes and picked each other up. Urbosa held his face in her hands and wiped his tears. “Just look at you,” she said, smiling proudly.
“I- I couldn’t. I was,” he stumbled over his words as more tears fell, “I was going to lose you. I couldn’t lose you too,” he cried into her chest and she held him close.
Link was a natural at seal surfing. That’s what Zelda thought before she realized that he must have actually visited Gerudo Town previously and she just didn’t know it. They had left at sunrise and arrived to their destination mid morning. After taking a much needed rest, re-hydrating and snacking, Link took a leisurely walk around the place to get his bearings while Zelda tended to the sand seals. She joined him after they were settled for a long siesta and the two of them began their research of the Seven Heroines in interest.
There were orbs scattered about the place. Very large, Link noticed. He pushed one with his foot. And heavy. The sand seals might have to work after all. He tasked Zelda with collecting any she could find and in the meantime he studied the statues, picking up rather quickly that some had prominent corresponding symbols to the orbs on various parts of their bodies. Some he couldn’t make out as they were too high so there would be some educated guesses by process of elimination.
Zelda couldn’t help being drawn into his enthusiasm, the way he took notes- the face he made when he took those notes; it was all very quaint, and a bit impressive. Having spent most of her time advancing physically, she appreciated the mental gymnastics they were doing. Where most might sit back defeated, Link pushed through with a calm determination. They tried dropping the orbs in the pedestals in numerous combinations, each with a sound theory behind them. How was Link to know that if shrines had been activated, he would have succeeded in getting a result on the first try? A fact that they both wouldn’t learn for another 103-odd years.
After the sun set, Link scrawled until the dimming light rendered the page unreadable. Zelda had already set about making camp. They could head back to town in the morning, both were knackered. Even with the help of the seals, they’d heaved plenty of orbs around for hours. Eventually he plopped down on the rug with her and heaved a big sigh.
“Wow, you been working all day or something?” she asked in jest as she turned the vegetables in the fire.
“Yeah, something like that. It’s been a long while since I’ve been out in the field.”
She regarded him thoughtfully. “What’s it like up at the castle?”
She chuckled and didn’t press but it wouldn’t be fair to leave it at that. For all its faults, it deserved more. “I loved exploring the halls as a boy. I’m fairly certain I found long lost passages even the castle historian didn’t know about. My favorite places are the Library and the Observatory. “
“Sounds about right,” Zelda smirked.
“Ha ha. But really, the Library has books as far as you can see, you’d never finish them in one lifetime. And my mother used to take me to the Observatory. I still go there to feel close to her.”
They sat in silence for a moment when Zelda touched his forearm. “I’m sorry you lost her.”
Link nodded in thanks and Zelda started to collect the hearty truffles from the coals. “I lost my father,” she began, and Link was a bit surprised she was sharing.
“He was a knight. We didn’t have any other family close by and mom didn’t fancy moving to Tabantha Village. She hates the cold,” Zelda added as she passed Link a stick laden with dinner.
“Thanks. So she just came to the desert instead?” Link asked before blowing generously and taking a bite.
“She had a close friend here who is practically my auntie. I think she was hoping we could just get away and start fresh from everything we knew before. But then I had to take after dad. Took her a while and a lot of arguments to come to terms with the fact that I was also a warrior.” She shook her head. “I feel bad. I’ve put her in a constant fear of losing me too but... you have to do what your soul tells you, right?”
Link closed his eyes and thought of Hylia, feeling a vibration in his core. “Right.” He agreed thoughtfully.
“Anyway, then this happened,” she said, unsheathing the sword on her back a few inches and letting fall back in with a shinck. “That was not a fun conversation.”
“I can imagine,” Link commiserated as he thought of his own recent rows with his father.
Zelda took a bite of her own truffle and regarded him up and down. With no tact for manners, she said with a full mouth, “You’re alrigh’ fo’ a Pince.”
Link laughed and his genuine mirth spread warmth through Zelda’s chest. “And you’re alright for a Hero.”
159 notes · View notes
Trinkets, 48: Interesting baubles, semi magical objects and items touched by mystery.
A humanoid skull infested by a parasitic purple plant from an unknown plane. The longer you stare, the more you could swear that the petals sway in response to an unseen wind.
A rolled up prayer rug used to denote a sacred space and is generally used when a specific ritual site cannot be adequately prepared ahead of time. Embroidered with symbolic diagrams praising the concept of Random Domain, the prayer rug can be laid down over any space to create a consecrated area for worship and ceremony.
A gnomish cylindrical device known as a gas finder, containing an oil-fed flame, which draws air through a one-way valve on the bottom and expels smoke and fumes through another one-way valve at the top. A strand of waxed hair is strung through the cylinder far enough above the flame to avoid burning under normal conditions. If a dangerously explosive gas enters the gas finder, however, the flame will burn through the hair, causing both valves to slam shut to prevent an explosion. On the other hand, if an asphyxiating gas fouls the air in a tunnel, the flame is extinguished. In either case, the gas finder warns the bearer of potential gas hazards before they can cause any harm. The gas finder also provides light and consumes oil as a bull’s-eye lantern.
A leather strap from which dangles a cluster of tiny, transparent glass globes, each filled with a mix of colored powders. A religious symbol for healing or restoration marks each sphere and emits a distinctive, soothing aroma.
A one gallon cask of a rare pink vintage known as Lovewine with heart-shaped bubbles. If drunk, it produces intensely romantic dreams. The hangover is quite rough.
A wood cut relief showing an airship drifting through the sky at sunset.
A wide leather tube with a lid capable of maintaining a waterproof seal. Inside is a rolled up, full‐length portrait of a magician in sky‐blue robes, a psuedodragon curled around her shoulders.
An intricately carved wooden harp with images inlaid in gold of the rising sun and trails of flames. The instrument courses with magical energy tied to Ortisald, god of music and the sun.
A waterproof case containing all the equipment necessary to create accurate maps of the surrounding terrain, from open grasslands to dank caverns and dungeons. The toolkit includes parchment with pre-drawn gridlines, colored charcoal and a small, wooden ruler.
A courier’s satchel containing eight bamboo scroll tubes, each sealed with red wax. If investigated, each tube contains an identical roll of parchment that bears four large, carefully painted symbols. The ink sparkles in the light, and close inspection reveals it contains finely crushed jade.
—Click Here to be directed to the Hotlinks To All Tables post, which provides (As you might have guessed) convenient links to all of the loot and resource tables this blog has.
—Keep reading for 90 more trinkets.
—Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A humanoid skull infested by a parasitic purple plant from an unknown plane. The longer you stare, the more you could swear that the petals sway in response to an unseen wind.
A rolled up prayer rug used to denote a sacred space and is generally used when a specific ritual site cannot be adequately prepared ahead of time. Embroidered with symbolic diagrams praising the concept of Random Domain, the prayer rug can be laid down over any space to create a consecrated area for worship and ceremony.
A gnomish cylindrical device known as a gas finder, containing an oil-fed flame, which draws air through a one-way valve on the bottom and expels smoke and fumes through another one-way valve at the top. A strand of waxed hair is strung through the cylinder far enough above the flame to avoid burning under normal conditions. If a dangerously explosive gas enters the gas finder, however, the flame will burn through the hair, causing both valves to slam shut to prevent an explosion. On the other hand, if an asphyxiating gas fouls the air in a tunnel, the flame is extinguished. In either case, the gas finder warns the bearer of potential gas hazards before they can cause any harm. The gas finder also provides light and consumes oil as a bull’s-eye lantern.
A leather strap from which dangles a cluster of tiny, transparent glass globes, each filled with a mix of colored powders. A religious symbol for healing or restoration marks each sphere and emits a distinctive, soothing aroma.
A one gallon cask of a rare pink vintage known as Lovewine with heart-shaped bubbles. If drunk, it produces intensely romantic dreams. The hangover is quite rough.
A wood cut relief showing an airship drifting through the sky at sunset.
A wide leather tube with a lid capable of maintaining a waterproof seal. Inside is a rolled up, full‐length portrait of a magician in sky‐blue robes, a psuedodragon curled around her shoulders.
An intricately carved wooden harp with images inlaid in gold of the rising sun and trails of flames. The instrument courses with magical energy tied to Ortisald, god of music and the sun.
A waterproof case containing all the equipment necessary to create accurate maps of the surrounding terrain, from open grasslands to dank caverns and dungeons. The toolkit includes parchment with pre-drawn gridlines, colored charcoal and a small, wooden ruler.
A courier’s satchel containing eight bamboo scroll tubes, each sealed with red wax. If investigated, each tube contains an identical roll of parchment that bears four large, carefully painted symbols. The ink sparkles in the light, and close inspection reveals it contains finely crushed jade.
A blue silk djellaba, embroidered with floral patterns in silver thread.
A brass ale mug with crude gold filigree.
A collection of steel poles, heavy leather and folding cross-supports that assembles into a collapsing cart. The vehicle can hold up to 200 pounds in its deep pouch, suspending the weight over a single, reinforced-metal wheel. Using a collapsible cart reduces the weight within it by three-quarters, letting someone pushing or pulling it to move a great deal more than their strength would normally allow. When not in use, a collapsing cart folds down and fits easily into a backpack and weighs only 20 pounds.
A brightly colored, checkered smoking vest which reeks of burnt tobacco.
A broad‐bottomed green glass bottle with a hemp bottle basket tightly woven about its base. It contains an exceptionally fine elven red wine.
A cedar bowl adorned with gold leaf floral patterns and lacquered.
A black ceramic vase decorated with pastoral scenes in gold leaf.
A crude map of the local area inscribed on a tattered canvas scroll, that bears an “X” marking an area near where the map was found. There is a list of instructions in the bottom corner of the map: Find the old fort, then go north-west for 1-2 miles until you find a landslide of shale and gravel. From there, go north for 3-4 miles, until you find the abandoned campgrounds, then go south-east for 3-4 miles and you'll find the wealth protected by magical wards. ---Note: It is up to the DM whether or not if the instructions can be followed (The “landmarks” might be a code, riddle or simply not exist for example) and if there is anything at the end. The map could easily be a prank, trap, confidence scheme, ambush or the area could already have been stripped of any value by other adventurers.
A cylindrical iron rod about two feet in length. Arcane sigils inlaid in electrum spiral around it from top to bottom. It can be used as a spellcasting focus for arcane magic.
A decorative hanging lamp made from red glass and bronze.
A devilish mask depicting three faces, each with a different expression: one of horror, one of joy, and one of anger. Knowledgeable PC’s are aware that the same style of mask is worn by to Prospero, the Marquis di Maschera, a cambion prince of the Nine Hells.
A decorative ivory hair pin with blue‐green turquoise set in the head.
A one gallon cask of Burrfoot’s Nut Brown Ale. This full-bodied ale is based on a recipe first attributed to Nedelmeier Burrfoot, a Halfling brewmaster of great renown. Burrfoot’s nut brown ale has long been used as a social lubricant among both Halflings and taller races. “Burrfoot’s,” as it is commonly referred to, is different from standard tavern-fare, as in addition to the regular effects of alcohol, it also produces a mild euphoria in its drinkers. This quality is attributed to the secret recipe that Nedelmeier’s descendants still follow faithfully to this day.  Halflings claim that a flagon of Burrfoot’s will mellow even the most taciturn dwarf, so long as he keeps drinking. Although the qualities of burrfoot’s are not as miraculous as its proponents claim, more than one argument has been settled over a flagon or two.
A diamond‐shaped gold coin, with a turban‐wearing caliph on one side and pair of palm trees on the other.
A fingernail-sized translucent, dark green gem that's brightly polished and shines in the light.
A foot-tall bronze statue of a four armed, scimitar‐wielding, oni.
A four-section wooden rack with cunningly hidden hinges connecting each piece. This spice rack holds six glass spice bottles per reinforced section and folds closed to protect its contents behind sliding plates of tin. A simple brass button lock keeps the entirety from opening accidentally during travel. Each of the bottles is about half filled with common cooking herbs and spices but a PC proficient in herbalism or poisons will notice upon close inspection that the glass labelled “Powdered Horseradish Root” actually contains powdered foxglove root. The Foxglove powder is spicy and bitter and its taste could be hidden in many types of food, but those who consume a modest amount of the powder will suffer extreme heart arrhythmia and die within a few hours of congestive heart failure.    
A four‐inch diameter, brass disc worked with a fiery sun in shades of gold.
A funeral shroud, of pure white linen fringed and shot through with silver threads.
An elegantly-tailed double-breasted waistcoat, made of a fine dark blue felt, sizes itself to fit tightly to its bearer. Its three pockets each contain a handful of dust and each pocket refills daily at dusk.
A gleaming, translucent, chocolate brown stone that has been cut to the shape of a small faceted square. Knowledgeable PC’s can identify the mineral as onyx.
A grey leather tube containing a rolled up painting depicting a gore covered demon standing proudly in heaven.
A headless doll that comes with a sack of attachable heads, including one with its eyes and mouth stitched shut.
A hydration suit that is a masterpiece of water retention. Crafted by waste-dwellers with technical skill and unusual materials. Its design allows the bearer to recover nearly all the water his body loses through sweat and exhalation. A hydration suit is made of the skin and tissue of various desert-dwelling beasts and treated with oils or waxes for water retention. It covers the bearer's entire body, with a tight-fitting hood over the head and a mask covering the mouth and nose. Inside the mask is a glass plate to collect condensation and a tube fashioned from watertight materials. An inner lining wicks sweat away from the body and collects it in spongelike filtration material that can be removed after doffing the hydration suit. The tube from the facemask twists in loops around the body, through the sponge, to reclaim moisture, condensing it in a reservoir from which the bearer can sip. A functioning hydration suit eliminates the need to make Constitution checks to avoid dehydration and its mask functions as a filter mask against environmental particulates.
A large multicolored carpet woven with intricate scenes of life in the cities of the south.
A large silk tapestry depicting a fox and a stork sitting down to dinner.
A jasper bloodstone about 3 inches in length set into a silver setting, hanging from a silver chain. Shaped like a teardrop, it is flecked throughout with scarlet, which is where it got its name. A sense of evil flows from this green and red stone that is almost tangible to its bearer.
A large tin canister whose lid is stamped with the image of a bountiful orchard whose trees are overflowing with fruit, the ripest of which has fallen and filled a cornucopia. The container is brimming with dozens of well-preserved dried currants.  
A large wooden instrument with some brasswork known as a dulcian. It’s just over two feet long and as large around as a man’s arm. It is played by blowing through a mouthpiece pipe which is a thin brass tube. The dulcian produces deep bass tones.
A large triangular gem as blue as ocean surf and has an inner radiance. Knowledgeable PC’s can identify the gemstone as blue topaz.
A leather wallet stamped with the symbol of a jeweler's loupe and a rock hammer underneath of a worked gemstone. It contains a set of certified identification papers denoting that the bearer is a member of the jewelers and gemcutters guild. The section containing the member's physical description (Height, weight, sex, race, eye, skin and hair color) is completely blank and could be filled in by anyone with half decent handwriting.
A mineral shaped and smoothed like a river stone, and barely small enough to fit in the palm of a man's hand. Narrow bands of pale rose pink irregularly stripe the deeper, more dramatic red of this stone. Knowledgeable PC’s can identify the gem as rhodochrosite.
A mirrored jar filled with the first beams of light, retrieved "fresh" from the edge of the ever-expanding universe.
A bloodstained and water-spotted leather tube containing a 60 foot long scroll of fine linen gessoed in a mixture of chalk and the ground bones of an angel (At least according to the first foot of the scroll, which contains an introduction in a stodgy and dated dialect of Common, Undercommon, and what appears to be Ancient Jistkan). The rest of the text is a mish-mash of glyphs in Infernal and Abyssal, containing many, many, many terrible jokes from the nine hells, as well as a legalistic and confounding diagram on every 9th foot of the scroll. Although the scroll doesn't say to, if one reads a specific numbered glyph from each jape according to the diagrams, one can construct over 111,111,111 jokes, japes, and jibes as confoundingly funny as the ones before it, although doing so may profoundly affect one's sanity after prolonged use.
A one gallon cask of Will-o-the-Whiskey, a fey brew with minor hallucinatory effects. It starts with a tiny tingling light in the corner of your eyes, ends with a shining orb of light dancing a few yards away from you, moving away as you try to catch it.
A padded box containing a set of four crystal wineglasses with pewter stems resembling curling dragon’s tails.
A painting in a gilded frame depicting a giant’s castle in the clouds under attack from a flight of dragons.
A pair of epaulets made of dozens of tiny feathers sewn together on a leather backing. The feathers are iridescent black, blue, and green, and are fashioned to look like small, sweeping wings.
A pair of translucent black glass spheres the size of hen’s egg. They weigh heavily in the hand and a knowledgeable PC can identify the stones as obsidian.
A pair of worn and faded black and red diamond jester’s tights.
A palm-sized, egg-shaped flask of carnelian, its matching stopper sealed with wax. It still contains a poppy-based tincture.
A pentagonal coin of pinkish bronze orichalcum, with a stern‐looking dwarven king on one side and a mine entrance on the other.
A puppet made from cotton, wood and tin representing a king or prince.
A rag intended to be wrapped around the scabbard of a sword. It magically whisks away blood and other liquids from a sword as it is sheathed.
A Random Sword scabbard adorned with semiprecious stones.
A red coat that makes you feel colder when it is worn.
A reedy metal whistle that emits a sound that, while inaudible to most humanoids, can be clearly heard by canines.
A rich brown stone with golden undertones has been worked to depict a round, grotesquely smiling face with flat, angular features. Knowledgeable PC’s can identify the mineral as tiger’s eye.
A leather wallet containing a promissory note from Lord Locher of Wolverton to the bearer, signed and stamped with his seal in wax. It seems deliberately worded so that the payment and the bearer themselves is left unspecified.
A rod that warm to the touch and covered in living human skin. Along the object’s length, eyes of all colors stare endlessly. Between the eyes are mouths of all shapes, silently closed. At either end of the rod hang short squid-like tentacles that randomly elongate and shrink.
A rusty iron sphere that glows with infernal runes. The sphere has a small engraving of a human face, mouth agape in a mixture of pain and pleasure. The bandings on this sphere carry the Infernal runes “Bondage, Domination, Captivity.”
A one gallon cask of Whispy Sour, a specialty alcoholic beverage that when consumed, causes the drinker to float harmlessly a few inches off the floor. The liquor is smooth, sweet and has a slight aftertaste of ash.  
A scarab-shaped sealstone in peridot, the size of a coin. The underside of the scarab is inscribed with the insignia of the old empire, and the seal is pierced for stringing on a thread.
A scroll tube of polished bone, its entire surface incised with crowded glyphs picked out with cinnabar. The tube's cap is of serpentine set in copper.
A set of alchemist's supplies that includes two glass beakers, a metal frame to hold a beaker in place over an open flame, a glass stirring rod, a small mortar and pestle and a pouch of common alchemical ingredients, including salt, powdered iron and purified water. The equipment all packs together tightly between layers of quilted linen which protects it from breaking during travels.
A silver ankle chain hung with a dozen tiny silver “charms”, depicting fearsome monsters such as a hydra, a manticore and a basilisk.
A leather wallet stamped with the symbol of a hammer and tongs crossing each other over an anvil. It contains a full set of certified identification papers denoting that the bearer is a member of the blacksmiths and metalworkers guild. The section containing the member's physical description (Height, weight, sex, race, eye, skin and hair color) is completely blank and could be filled in by anyone with half decent handwriting.
A silver hip flask engraved with drunken satyrs chasing nymphs.
A silver horseshoe that shows signs of wear. It was obviously thrown from the hoof of a very wealthy royal. Who else could afford a hundred silver pieces per shoe plus the cost of forging?
A silver‐bladed earspoon with lion’s tail tassels hanging beneath the blade.
A simple bracelet composed of two silver bands fused together. When put on, it adjusts its size to fit snugly and comfortably around the bearer’s wrist.
A simple round copper coin printed with the same smirking face on both sides, with the monetary value listed as zero. Under careful inspection the smirking face on one side seems to shift as if there were more than one face on it.
A small iron case containing a pair of soft wax plates and 1d4+2 packets of fast-hardening clay. Instructions are stamped into the iron case and to use a clay and wax box, a key is placed between the plates and the case is closed. When opened again, an imprint of both sides of the key remains behind. When a packet of clay is poured through a small hole in one side of the case, a false key is created. This clay key is crude, fragile and only usable once, but works just as well as the original key. The process of making the key takes one minute in total and does not require any sort of proficiency or training.
A simple, battered steel flask containing enough lamp oil to fill a lantern.
A sinister full-face mask of quilted linen that seems to scowl and sneer at the same time.
A sledgehammer made entirely of solid feldspar. When swung, it trails light drifts of sand.
A small suede drawstring that is being shared by a pair of cubic dice exactingly carved from transparent burnt umber stones. The dices’ pips are rendered in perfect squares cut with painstaking attention to detail; the surfaces polished and edges smoothed so that they rest comfortably in the hand. Knowledgeable PC’s can identity them as jasper.
A small tapestry featuring a hilly landscape with a lone rider on a central crest.
A small, focusing lens of clear crystal. The expensive monocle enlarges and clarifies whatever is viewed through its curved surface
A smooth tiger eye pin carved with a bony hand reaching into the sky. A thick red oil seeps from the nib-like tip.
A steel rod some thirty inches in length, capped by translucent purple quartz.
A stone tablet marked with runes and carved with a map to the tomb of the dwarven king Odvin Hammerschlag.
A sturdy length of bone, studded with human teeth. It appears to have been carved from a human femur, and the teeth are sunk into the bone root-first. Strange runes and whorls are carved into the rod, and inix leather provides its grip.
A tea ball of tin wire mesh trapping five small, cream-colored pearls with an oily metallic sheen.
A thin, flat box of bloodwood, lined with linen and slotted with thin compartments. It contains a set of bloodletting instruments in blued steel mounted in silver.
A tiny cut stone the hue of pigeon's blood glints and glimmers as its facets catch the light; when backlit its clarity is unmistakable. Knowledgeable PC’s can identity it as ruby.
A wash-leather script containing a stack of a dozen or so folded pages bound with waxed twine. In faded script, the words "My dearest love, Lisandria" adorns the topmost letter of the bundle. If read, all of the pages are comprised of love letters.
A white ceramic pot containing a green ointment smelling of damp limestone.
A wooden box containing a dozen candles made of Randomly Colored wax. Each of the candles has an alchemical starter mixed in with the wick. By twisting the wick sharply, it is possible to light the candle without the application of fire. A self-lighting candle is in every other way a normal candle. Each candle will burn for one hour.
A wide portrait depicting a battle of epic proportions between two ancient red dragons against a tarrasque.
A wooden crate containing a large amount of straw padding, that's protecting a complex piece of glassware useful for alchemists. Known as an alembic, it can handle several mundane boiling and separating tasks automatically, allowing the user to concentrate on other, more important processes.
An extremely well-wrought pale wooden kazoo, with a small clear crystal set into the top of it. When it is lifted to the lips, the crystal rises and hovers, spinning slowly, just above the kazoo.
A wooden travel case containing 3d4+2 rations known as Halfling Bread. During their long nomadic wanderings the halflings perfected a baking method that allowed them to create highly nutritious, light rations that resemble small, brown rocks. Well traveled PC’s know that Halflings simply smile when asked how they make the things, filled as they are with exotic dried fruits and a variety of meats that should go bad in days but somehow stay good for months. Each loaf is a full day’s worth of meals in itself and properly cared for, a ration of halfling bread stays fresh for several months.
A worked gem colored a deep sea foam green, cut into a roughly square shape. Knowledgeable PC’s can identify it as malachite.
An alabaster bust of Queen Meritamon of the desert kingdom of Khemet.
An elegant silver mask that evokes the feeling of an angelic presence within those that gaze upon its wearer. This mask does not have a strap, instead simply adhering directly to the face of whoever wears it, though it can be removed without issue.
An ivory and ebony serving tray, carved with elephants and tigers, decorated with gold leaf.
An ivory figurine of a prancing horse.
An oddly-shaped, three-sided, stringed instrument known as a Trumscheit. The tapering body is four-feet-long, square and flat on its lower end. The instrument is generally played upright, with the flat end serving as a solid base. The trumscheit has only one string and is played using a two-foot-long wooden stick. It produces a hollow drumming sound, which is where its name originates.
An anklet composed of six identical polished white quartz crystals joined by thin silver links. When worn, the crystals spin slowly around the ankle, catching and reflecting the light in an eye-pleasing way.
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sezja · 3 years
Previously: CALL ME
DATE ME : The first time Guydelot asked Sanson out on a date.
The morning is glorious and golden, as though the world itself basks in the wonder of their newfound relationship. Us. The word rings like a bell in Guydelot's mind, sparkling at the edges, and he lounges on the bed in a pleasant haze. He watches Sanson dress for the day - how often, how many times had he seen it while they were on the road together? - with a sense of awe. Us. We're us. The simple act of dressing takes on a whole new elegance: hiding away all the little places Guydelot's hands and lips had explored just last night; tucking away for safekeeping all of Sanson's tender and sweet spots, there to be found again... tonight, perhaps. Guydelot sighs contentedly at the idea.
"Do you mean to get ready?" Sanson eyes him, shrugging into the heavy Serpent Captain overcoat and fussing with the many buckles. "You do have to report for duty today, do you not?"
Sure, in due time. "How about dinner tonight?"
Sanson pauses, mid-buckle. "Dinner?"
"Sure." Guydelot sits up, stretching. "Why not? We can celebrate the mission's success."
"Ah." Sanson resumes buckling. "Yes, I suppose a celebration is somewhat... overdue."
"We were busy." He grins. "So? Dinner, you and me?"
"You don't wish to see if Eve is still in town? This is as much her success as ours, surely."
Guydelot clears his throat, suddenly awkward. He's not quite used to this yet. "Well, I was thinking it could be more of a... an us thing. You know."
"Ah," Sanson says again, looking up. Is that a smile? "A date?"
"Something like." Guydelot's face burns. How is it he can proposition people for a night's pleasure, but he gets flustered over asking Sanson to dinner - Sanson, who he just spent the night with? Honestly. This is ridiculous.
But it makes Sanson chuckle, and that makes it all worthwhile. "An excellent idea. Dinner it is."
DATE ME : The first time Sanson asked Guydelot out on a date.
The unit demands nearly all of his time these days, and Sanson has never been happier to be overworked: all the pieces of his dream are falling into place, one by one. The popularity of bards in Gridania is rising, and the archers' guild rings with song... and that, of course, is in no small part owed to the man sitting across the desk from him.
Guydelot lounges comfortably, boots propped up on the corner of Sanson's desk, harp nestled in the curve of one arm, his free hand strumming a familiar melody: one that has come to be accepted as the tune to which Sanson composes all of his reports. If Sanson can be said to be busier than ever, the same can, in a way, be said of Guydelot - for all he wanders, he always makes himself available when needed, and Sanson's need for him has never been greater.
"We ought to do something fun for our next day off," Sanson says, abruptly, the thought spilling out of him the moment it crosses his mind. "You've been working hard of late, and that warrants a reward, surely."
Guydelot doesn't even pause in his playing. With a wry smile, he asks, "My reward for a job well done is more time with my boss?"
Oh. Bruised, Sanson tries to return his attention to the report at hand.
"Hells." Guydelot's feet thump to the ground, and he leans forward, reaching across the desk. "Hey, d'you know, I think that's the first time you've asked me on a date?" His hands curl around Sanson's, reassuring. "Usually you let me do all the work."
"You typically get there first." Sanson tries a smile. Fails. Sighs. "I suppose I ought to leave it to the expert?"
Guydelot shakes his head, stroking the sides of Sanson's thumbs with his own. "For what it's worth, I happen to like my boss."
"Is that so?"
"Aye." He grins, leaning on the desk and lifting one of Sanson's hands to his lips, kissing the joint between his thumb and forefinger, then the palm, before he curls Sanson's fingers over it, sealing the kiss within. "I like him just fine."
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cassandherkinz · 3 years
Hi! I’m Cass and here are my Kinz :)
Pink = Girl
Blue = Boy
Black = Undecided
Ribbon Unicorn-Lilly
Love Frog-Pinkie
Love Frog Kinz Klip-Frogette
Pink Cockatoo-Sadie
Cream Soda Pup-Rosetta
Bubblegum Cheeky Cat-Bubblegum
Tie Dye Frog-Hopette
Pink Poodle-Princess
Persian Cat-Cindy
Pink Googles-Lisa
Pink & White Cat-Laura
Pink Pony-Sparkle
Jack Russell-Terry
Love Monkey-Valentine
White Terrier-Snow White
Lil' Black & White Cat-Oreo
Lil' St. Bernard-Bernie
Lil' Golden Retriever-Goldie
Lil' Elephant-Ellie
Lil' Cow-Jersey
Bull Frog-Hoppers
St. Pat's Setter-Shamrock
Lil' Black Poodle-Beauty
Lil' Pink Poodle-Paris
Cocker Spaniel-Buddy
Lil' Hippo-Holly
Gray Arabian-Gallop
Lil' Alley Cat-Autumn
Lil' Husky-Tundra
Golden Retriever-Sandy
Bubblegum Dino-Bubbles
Lil' Pug-Wrinkles
Peace Out Puppy-Peace
Rockerz Cat-Pink (P!nk)
Lil' Horse-Sienna
Lil' Tree Frog-Kermit
Lil' Googles-Angel
Signature Bengal Cat-Abigail
Snow Yeti-Blizzard
Cocoa Lab-Hershey
Lil' Polar Bear-Icicles
Tree Frog-Patrick
Purple Goldfish-Indigo
Lil' Lamb-Madison
Midnight Monster-Midnight
Lil' Yorkie-Missy
Petunia Mazin' Hamster-Petunia
Pixie Mazin' Hamster-Pixie
Hope Mazin' Hamster-Hope
Key Lime Dino-Ricky
Charcoal Cat Kinz Klip-Anya
Pink & White Cat Kinz Klip-Blossom
Zaan Zumbuddy-Zaan
Zoza Zumbuddy-Zoza
Zahara Zumbuddy-Zahara
Zreth Zumbuddy-Zreth
Zeta Zumbuddy-Zeta
Zehe Zumbuddy-Zehe
Lil' White Terrier-Cupcake
Lil' Orange & White Cat-Clementine
Musical Dalmation-Harmony
Lil' Poodle-Snowball
Delightz Donut Pup-Annabelle
Lion Fish-Nina
Velvety Elephant-Velvet
Silversoft Cat-Silver
Tiger Kinz Klip-?
Leopard Kinz Klip-?
Lil' Chihuahua-Jalepeño
Black Bear-Ashton
Pucker Fish-Beatrice
Cookie Mazin' Hamster-Cookie
Waffles Mazin' Hamster-Waffles
Black Poodle-London
Spooky Mazin' Hamster-Spooky
Cinnamon Mazin' Hamster-Angela
Willow Mazin' Hamster-Willow
Black Cat-Sabrina
Lil' Koala-Kimmy
Domino Cat-Dominique
Lil' Lion-Zack
Lil' Cocker Spaniel-Daniel
Springy Kangaroo-Kaitlyn
Sparkle Mazin' Hamster-Twinkle
Mocha Pup-Mocha
Ring Tailed Lemur-Julien (Madagascar)
Brown Dog-Cadbury
Cotton Candy Pup-Candy
Chinese Dragon-Yang (My old best friend’s last name)
Tuxedo Cat-Tux
English Bulldog-Dustin
Mud Hippo-Clayton
Polar Bear-Flurry
Silverback Gorilla-Kong
Iguana-Azalea (Iggy Azalea)
Clown Fish-Nemo
Gecko-Geico (Geico could save you 15% or more)
Blue Triggerfish-Oceana
Groovy Gorilla-Juniper
Swirly Curl Unicorn-Ribbons
Striped Cheeky Cat-Retro
Lil' Persian Cat-Pearl
Dreamy Sheep-Slumber
Mud Hippo-Wallow
Decade Dragon- Diana
Sterling Cheeky Cat-Sterling
Ribbon Yorkie-Chiffon
Teacup Yorkie-Chanel
Tomato Clownfish-Rojo (Spanish for red)
Daisy Pig-Hana (Japanese for flower)
Sparkle Harp Seal-Harper
Summer Beaver-Popsicle
Rockabilly Rooster-Rocky
Welsh Corgi Dog-Ken
Spotted Turtle-Tucker
Pizzazzy Puppy-Dazzle
Grape Soda Pup-Crush
Lilac Guinea Pig-Lilac
Chow Chow-Meili (Chinese for beauty)
Fancy Flamingo-Fiona
Sunset Guraffe-Sunset
Coloursplash Tiger-Pride (Gay rights heheh)
Knit Sock Dog-Sox
Meerkat-Kit Kat
Midnight Owl-Twilight
Golden Lion Tamarin-Nash (Dad bought him in Nashville)
Lemon-Lime Gecko-Sprite
Alley Cat-Alex
Rockerz Zebra-Zeppelin (Led Zeppelin)
Rockerz Monkey-Iero (Frank Iero)
Black & White Cat-Moonlight
Black Stallion-Megan (Megan Thee Stallion)
Cotton Candy Bunny-Melanie (Melanie Martinez)
Lil’ Dalmatian-Ace
Marshmallow Bunny-Marsha
Lil’ White Terrier-
Lil’ Bulldog-
Lil’ Googles-
Lil’ Polar Bear-
Lil’ Tree Frog-
Tree Kangaroo-Dendro
Blue Googles-Bing
Glamorous Gorilla-Vogue
Sunshine Mazin’ Hamster-Sunshine
Cookies n’ Cream Guinea Pig-Chip
Peace ‘n’ Love Puppy-Serenity
Cupcake Pup-Pupcake
Rainbow Hedgehog-Prism
Texting Puppy-Katie
Brilliant Bandit-Lavender
Pink Dalmation-Maisie
Snowy Retriever Puppy-Coconut
Gordon Setter-Greer
Whimsy Dragon-Lover (Taylor Swift’s album)
Rockerz Fox-Cyrus
Gordon Setter-Greta
Brown Dog-Buster
Grey Squirrel-Sally
Daisy Tortoise-Gayle
Brown Arabian-BoJack (BoJack Horseman)
Fantail Goldfish-Finn (Goldfish cracker mascot)
Cheeky Monkey-Malone (Post Malone)
Spotted Frog-Billy
Strawberry Cow-Milkshake
Lil’ Bullfrog-Jeremiah
Lava Dragon-Scorn
Wooly Mammoth-Manny
Lil’ Rabbit-Cream
Boston Terrier-Bolt
Love Lion-Amore
Lil’ Bulldog-Randy
Country Side Hedgehog-Shaymin
Red Velvet Fawn-Scarlet
Red Velvet Racoon-Maroon
Pucker Fish-Lipsey Hussle
Night Mare-Fieri
Lil’ Pig-Rosie
Airedale Terrier-Henry
Scottish Terrier-Scruffy
Pink and White Dog-Lacey
Lil’ Unicorn-Starlight
Lil’ Leopard-Lyle
Black Panther-Bagheera
Ginger Cat-Ginger
Orca Whale-Reaper
Signature Endangered Iberian Cat-?
Chocolate Lab-Fudge
Signature Small Grey Tabby Cat-Chrissy
Bullmastiff Puppy-Duke
Brown Cow-Malt
Grey Owl-Earl
Sea Otter-Ollie
Baby Penguin-Wade
Dazzle Dachshund-Sharpay
Lil’ Frog-Pepe
Brilliant Pegasus-Rarity
American Albino-Casper (Online only)
Pegasus-Pandora (Online only)
Striped Snake-Scrunch (Online only)
Tiger Snake-Tasma (Online only)
Signature Sea Turtle-Donatello
Longhorn Steer-Diesel
Lil’ Seahorse-Atlantis
Old English Sheepdog-Bentley
Curly Lion-Carl
Pink Glitter Fish-Cordelia
Lil’ Monkey-?
Charcoal Cat-Charlene
Rainbow Armadillo-Skittles
Arctic Fox-Glacier
Caramel Lion-Caramilk
Prairie Dog-Patrat
Signature Endangered Cougar-?
Signature Endangered Black African Rhinoceros-Tank
American Cocker Spaniel-Carly
Fairykinz Raccoon-Trixie
Peridot Dog-August
Leo Lion-Leo
Patchy Pup-? (Online only)
Lil’ Panda-Oso
American German Shepherd-Sage (Online only)
Basset Hound-Sherlock
Black Lab-Jet (Online only)
Twilight Doe-
Mountain Goat-Kefir
Grey and White Cat-Gracie
Yellow Lab-? (Online only)
Cocoa Dinosaur-Rolo (Online only)
Deer-Fauna (Online only)
Snowy Owl-?
Sherbet Bunny-? (Online only)
Shimmer Bunny-Phoebe (Online only)
Rainbow Rascal-Bright Heart
Sweet Spring Raccoon-Tiffany
Dire Wolf-Ender
Vampire Monkey-Fang
Vampire Kitten-Elvira
Trick or Treat Troll-
Vampire Bat-Antasma
Autumn Owl-Hooters
Sugar Cookie Sheep-Buttercream
Sun Fox-Firefox
Fairykinz Tiger Cub-
Fairykinz Panda Cub-
Merry Go Round Pony-Posie
Rockerz Coyote-Swift
Harvest Unicorn-Arista
Vampire Panther Cub-Elvira
Rockerz Puppy-Bieber
Vampire Bunny-Bunnicula?
Ice Fawn-
Zircon Puppy-December
Capricorn Goat-Giles
Aries Ram-Arden
Candy Corn Mouse-
Aquamarine Puppy-
Sagittarius Buck-
Zombie Bloodhound-Gash
Quirky Carnival Unicorn-
Diamond Doggy-
Candy Apple Camel-
Licorice Fish-Twizzler
Autumn Bunny-Reese
Upbeat Chic Giraffe-Taffy
Purple Monster-
Friendly Monster-Jawbreaker
Fluffy Bog Muskrat-
Sweet Corn Tiger-
Upbeat Chic Owl-
Lil Toil Toad-
Lil Trouble Toad-
Lil Twisted Toad-
Northern Lights Moose-Borealis
Cinnamon Squirrel-Canela
Marshmallow Chipmunk-
Pioneer Pony-Ree
Pioneer Pig-Drummond
Quirky Carnival Cub-
Lil Wise Owl-
Lil Tricky Owl-
Lil Jolly Owl-Duo
Lil Green Bat-Frank
Lil Orange Bat-Jack
Lil Purple Bat-Clawdeen
Black Cat-Sasha
Peace Puppy-Arcadia
Green Sloth-Harlequin
Crocodile-Gustave? (Online only)
Glamour Gecko- Bazaar? (Online only)
Green Shimmer Snake-
Brilliant Tortoise-
Royal Cobra-Kratos
Rainforest Boa
Rock Candy Croc
Leopard Lizard-
Pineapple Turtle
Zombie Pup-Burton (Online only)
Pumpkin Puppy-Pumpkin (Online only)
Scottish Fold Cat-Meredith
Cactus Cat-
Mint Chocolate Sheep-
Undercover Cat-
Cauliflower Sheep-
Cloud Sheep-Meringue
Cotton Candy Sheep-Katharine
Cheshire Cat-Wonderland
Grey Tabby Cat (Next)-Clover
Buttons Bear-Buttons
Be Merry Bear-
Gingerbread Bear-
Sock Bear-
Sleepover Cub-
Northern Trails Bear-Sokka
Spotted Seal-Fluke
Red Peppermint Unicorn-Peppermint
White Peppermint Unicorn-Wintermint
Green Peppermint Unicorn-Spearmint
Cookies and Cream Koala
Gelato Parrot
Ice Cream Scoop Snail-Breyer
Mint Chocolate Cow-Andes
Maple Moose-Canada
Polar Gummy-Haribo
Sour Watermelon Hound-Maynard
Sugar Rush Butterfly
Waffle Wallaby-Syrup
Lemon Drop Cow
Sugar Cookie Puppy-Nilla
Puppy Love Puppy
House Mouse-Geronimo
Rainbow Panda
White Cosmic Bear-Orbit
Purple Floral Fawn
Baby Raptor-Blue
Bubblegum Mammoth
Sugar Cookie Reindeer-Drizzle
Airborne Puppy-Delta
Bedtime Puppy
Cuddly Teddy Bear-Cuddles
French Hen
Polka Dot Cow
Sugar Coated Kitty-
Snuggly Teddy Bear-Snuggles
Winged Tiger
You and Me Puppy
Denim & Lace Giraffe-
Floral Pony-
Denim & Lace Pony-Filigree
Blue Tang-Mazarin
Lion Cub-Simba
Polka Dot Bobcat
Pixie Bunny
Pixie Fox
Royal Elephant
Toadstool Frog
Cairn Terrier-Toto
Sea Dragon-Lapras
Good Fortune Hedgehog-
Emerald Dragon-
Sugar Cookie Mouse-Crumbs
Minty Moose-
Mistletoe Mouse-Yule? Ivy?
Minty Reindeer (Online only)
Gingerbread Elephant-
Gingerbread Puppy- (Online only)
Holiday Husky-Mishka? Comet? Yule?
Holly Fox-
Morning Glory Lion Cub-Bluebell
Pisces Fish-Delmar
Aquarius Retriever-
Taurus Bull-
Gemini Butterfly-Gemma
Cancer Crab-Uriel
Virgo Horse-Thane
Scorpio Snake-Zeke
Libra Eagle-Justin
Garnet Rover-January
Amethyst Hound-Fabian
Emerald Lab-May
Pearl Pup-June
Ruby Retriever-
Sapphire Spaniel-
Topaz Terrier-November
Opal Pup-October
Ballet Pup-Angelina
Rockerz Raccoon- (Online only)
Signature Woodland Raccoon (Online only)
Brilliant Bandit-Mauve
Cuddly Koala-
Blushing Fawn-Rosalin (Online only)
Lionfish-Leon (Online only)
Floppy Pig- (Online only)
Cotton Candy Bunny
Grape Soda Pup
Grey Squirrel
Love Lion
Fantail Goldfish
Black Bear
Persian Cat-Blanche
Persian Cat-
Lil’ White Terrier
Old English Sheepdog
Lil’ Black & White Cheeky Dog-Hydrox
Blueberry Cheeky Dog-Blue
Guinea Pig
Lil’ Black Bear-Baloo
Grey Langur
Jelly Bean Puppy-Jill (Online only)
Citrus Dragon- (Online only)
White Mouse-
Parakeet- (Online only)
Cheeky Bunny- (Online only)
Tawny Pup-Biscuit
Zalow Zumbuddy-Zalow
Lil’ Grey and White Cat
Gold and White Cat
Blue Jay
St. Bernard-Beethoven
Small Signature Lamb-Lullaby
Arctic Polar Bear-Icebreaker
Lil’ Penguin-
Lil’ Black Lab
Signature Small Golden Retriever-
Peppermint Puppy-Noelle
Dalmatian Kinz Clip-
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