#sparks tour 2022
So I saw this post by @taintmansion:
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Followed by these tags from @dinkydiamond:
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...and I knew my time had come. Behold:
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bawnjourno · 1 year
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Sparks 2022 Tour poster
(scanned and lightly touched up by me)
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cilogram · 2 years
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Sparks a few hours ago at THING Festival Port Townsend, Washington, USA Aug 27th 2022
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nedison · 2 years
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Sparkstember Day 29!
Today I'll join the chorus in declaring that RIGHT NOW is the best time to be a Sparks fan. Allow me to humbly submit my one true piece of Sparks history: the setlist from their show last March at the Fitzgerald Theater in St. Paul--complete with Russell footprint!
I mean, look at this thing--I couldn't have crafted a better set if I tried. A mix of classics, sleeper surprises, and recent material that rivals, even surpasses some of their finest songs!
Thanks for everything R&R.
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Sparkstember Day 30: Sparks Tour 2022
I became a Sparks fan a mere 16 days too late to see them live this year T_T (Of course the show nearest to me had to be the first one of the tour… *kicks things*)
So maybe it’s weird that I chose this as my final Sparkstember piece, considering I wasn’t actually there. But! I still wanted to commemorate this year’s tour, because it almost felt like I was there—keeping up with Sparks’ tour posts on instagram, seeing everyone’s photos and videos from the shows, sharing in the excitement of my friends who did get to see them live, being around at the creation of all the Sparks Lore ™ that arose from this tour—it was an incredible time to be just delving into Sparks, and obviously the first event in the Sparks story that I have some claim to ‘being a part of’ so it will always have a special place in my heart.
Anyway, I had a blurry reference photo that was calling for a digital painting as soon as I saw it—I just love the light and the colors in this shot. It was my first time painting on an iPad and rather rushed, so it’s far from perfect, but as with the rest of Sparkstember, I’m so glad that this band and this fandom have inspired me to rediscover my artistic side and contribute to this event. It’s truly been a joy seeing everyone’s creations throughout the month!
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churippu · 2 years
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✨Sparks✨ @ This Ain’t No Picnic/2022
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jamboreeofsurprises · 2 years
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I didnt really take good pics yesterday, but the memories will soldier on:
-eating at a fancy italian restaurant and trying minestrone for the first time. yay! almost ate too much bread but knew better!!
-death metal band Deafheaven playing before sparks, me not knowing, me fighting for my life in the pit
-someone in said pit saw my wrist brace and tried to actually protect my arm. some metal fans are considerate!
-all of us laughing at ron's face eating that banana before the show
-russell having The Russell Moment Ever trying to make smalltalk early on in the show and then just giving up - it's okay my guy you gave it your best try
-he absolutely made up for it by remembering all the words to the bridge in my baby's taking me home this time which i was sad about in seattle, more than made up for here with easily the most epic performance of the song i have ever heard
-ron breaking open the emergency glass to wear those beautiful air jordans (that i couldn't see too well from the tall stage but nevertheless were there)
-otter gave us all really sweet gifts!!!!! i now am a proud owner of moomin socks, making me a step closer to being russell mael
-there exists video documentation of me screaming HORNY at ron during shopping mall of love.
While i was a bit worried initially that they'd be tired, this being the very last show of the tour after so much work and traveling, i genuinely think these were 10/10 performances, maybe even tighter and more impactful than the ones in seattle. i wish they'd done more songs of course, but they absolutely made those 45 (more like 50) minutes count! I really hope they can get some sufficient rest then get back in the studio when they want. it's great knowing there's another exciting year ahead of us ^^
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Let's go!
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bawnjourno · 4 months
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was reading for art history and this just hit me like a ton of bricks bc uh. venue of first show of sparks tour 2022 aka the night where i first looked up a new sparks setlist
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cilogram · 2 years
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adreamofroses · 2 years
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ylly22-2 · 2 years
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everythingcalypso · 1 year
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Apple Music user here, this is the closest thing they have to a recap so here was mine!
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bawnjourno · 2 years
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Sparks have arrived in Japan! 🇯🇵✨
#SparksTour2022 (x)
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cilogram · 2 years
The Sparks 2022 Japan Tour Extravaganza
(AKA. my time spent Sparks-ing for 4 days in a row)
Friday, Aug 19th:
Sonic Mania, Chiba
For this festival show I had a friend with me, and I regret that I was too embarrassed to pull him away from another band he knew to get to Sparks unreasonably early. We ended up arriving 20 mins early, which was not enough, haha.
Still, I was smiling like an idiot about 5 rows back, thankfully well within the front zone of the keyboard. I think from my blog you may have noticed that I like Ron. Obligatory keyboard photo before the show began:
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In any case, Sparks came on at 11pm. When I saw the moving stage cameras, I was so excited to realize they'd be filming the performance professionally. You've probably all seen the video of this show by now and, if so, you'll know they did an abridged version of the 2022 US & Europe setlist.
I had sent my friend a playlist of Sparks songs the day before so he'd be ready for the show, including Shopping Mall Of Love, giving the caveat that "they probably won't play this one to a festival crowd." I was so happy to be proven wrong! That track was a personal highlight.
Other highlights of the Friday show for me include Tips For Teens (an all-time favourite) and Angst In My Pants, as well as, of course, every other track.
(And, lest we forget, Russell's banana dance.)
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All That was a beautiful closer to a stellar show. The energy both on- and off-stage was so high, and my friend (who stayed til 5am when the festival ended) said that Sparks gave the best performance of the whole event :')
I felt pretty mesmerized hearing their songs live for the first time, seeing Sparks being real in front of me...
Everything I love about their music was just all coalescing and it was such a fun experience. The crowd was also great, as you can see in the video. What a night!
Saturday, Aug 20th:
Ginza Tsutaya book shop: the Q&A
This particular book shop is really beautiful, and has a very impressive arts section. You can't see its beauty from the Q&A video because the event space is a small, screened-off area, but please enjoy this image from their website:
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When we went in at first we got our blu ray or dvd of the documentary, signed by Ron and Russell.
(Not very relevant, but adorably one of the staff members tested sitting on the interview chairs and failed at least 6 times to get on one, such was the tight arrangement of the furniture)
The MC explained that they'd taken audience questions beforehand and would pick 'the good ones' (a bold lie!) to ask Sparks. I say that just because a few were quite inane questions, and some they've been getting asked since the band's inception. Poor Sparks, they can't seem to escape such things... but the answers they gave were all very thoughtful, and they politely answered even the not-great ones with patience and tact. Russell especially steered a few awkward questions into something a bit more worthwhile. Ron did most of the talking, though, if I remember correctly.
Edit: if you haven't seen it, you can watch it here.
And if you fear the bad questions, I suggest at least watching the very end for amusing parting words from Sparks. (Out of respect for Ron and Russell, I obviously cannot disclose details of the depraved scene that took place after the camera was switched off.)
Admittedly, I wish it had been a more intellectually-themed talk about their career and living an artistic life, as the event description seemed to suggest, but with it also being a promo for the release of The Sparks Brothers on DVD, I understand it was mostly aimed towards new fans.
I was glad that I went, anyway. Getting to hear them talk normally in person was really nice. They seem very personable, (and patient, I say again!).
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Sunday, Aug 21st:
Summer Sonic in Osaka.
A mostly-outdoor festival, at which Sparks played on the only indoor stadium stage (thank you, Sparks, it was a humid 36° outside).
This was much wilder than the Chiba version of the festival on Friday. Learning my lesson from that day, I made sure to go to Sparks' stage eeeaaarly. 2 whole acts early. And it paid off! I got to stand in the front row, something I'd never done before at any gig, and the experience was really... incredible. Obligatory keyboard photo before the show began, #2:
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I've never danced so much in all my life. I'm not kidding when I say I almost threw up on the way back to the hotel from how much jumping around I'd done.
The audience were great in Osaka, too. Impressive synchronization with the songs, so many hands in the air at all times. The setlist that day was pared-down to just the big hit, danceable songs, which I very much understand for this kind of festival. At the end of the set, while Russell was blowing kisses to the audience, Ron dramatically wiped his mouth in disgust instead. Peak Sparks activity.
On the way out of the stadium, I met (Instagram user) satokina_2, whose illustrations you've maybe seen, and who showed me this incredibly impressive album art kimono made by (fellow IG user) ready.Freddie.1977
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It's so well-made and vibrant... really something else!
The final day of the tour, Monday, Aug 22nd
WWWX Shibuya in Tokyo: the solo show
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On the way to Tokyo, I of course listened to Bullet Train on the bullet train, and many giggles were had. I also watched the official video of Friday's show and relived all those good moments. I only wish the audio sounded as good as it had in real life, but that's to be expected. As someone who can't bear to bring out a camera/phone when artists are onstage, it means a lot that the festival recorded one of them in full.
When I got into the venue on Monday night, I did want to get some merchandise, but it meant queueing for it then and there and sacrificing a place near the front... I just couldn't do it.
Instead, I made it to about the 3rd row, again in direct Ron-view. Obligatory keyboard photo before the show began, #3:
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The stage at WWWX is quite low, so although I wasn't front row, I was still so close to that glorious keyboard. I can't say how lucky I feel to have gotten ideal locations at all these shows.
Ron walked on with an umbrella up over his head and then... threw it away, still open. Yeahh! Russell walked on cheerfully, sans umbrella. He had on a black jacket instead of the full banana ensemble, with Hello Kitty badge and a rosette usually worn by event MCs.
The setlist this time was even closer to the US & Europe tour one, just without Edith Piaf and Get In The Swing. That meant we got 8 songs we hadn't heard until that night!
Hearing I Predict live for the first time was such a joy! One of my loves.
Same for Under The Table With Her. Russell's voice on that one, especially, was transcendental. Unbelievably perfect vocals... I wish I could hear it again!
(Truly the only way it could have been improved was if Ron had come in with the 'Dinner for 12. Thank you' XD)
Again, I may have danced and jumped too hard this time, but I had (reluctantly) skipped dinner so I wouldn't be in danger of throwing up again from all the jumping.
Speaking of danger, Ron took a step back near the end of Shopping Mall Of Love and tripped over the lights by the drum kit, but he yet lives. He proceeded to replace the 'yeah's in the song with a gently rueful, 'small stages...'
(The stage was indeed very small. The venue was, too)
Russell's performance during I Married Myself was so great, it was one of the best crowd-pleasers of the night, judging by the reaction it got. He really sells the 'hey baby!' looking into that mirror (another first for us at the 2022 Japan shows).
And how many times have I sat in my car, listening to the dramatically drawn-out "wonder boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiíiiiiiiiiii" line, dreaming that I might one day hear it live? The answer is: many. And on Monday my dream was fulfilled, with an impeccable vocal performance!
We Love Each Other So Much was equally impeccable (impeccable impeccable, yeah)... I'm in awe when Russell does that song. I was so grateful to hear it live because the only studio versions available to listen to are of course from Annette, with just the actors singing. They deliver it well for the movie, but they're not Russell ;_; This is unrelated to everything else, but after one of the songs he almost thanked us in French and then stopped himself. Amazing.
We also got the 'boyfriend' version of Lawnmower, which I consider a grand and auspicious blessing.
For the encore, Ron came out wearing a t-shirt for his beloved film series, 'It's rough being a man' (男はつらいよ), and Russell stood behind him and held up the fabric at his arms so it was easier to see.
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When the encore was over, Russell announced that their new, upcoming album is finished(!). Then he thanked us for supporting them and their work so much, and professed Sparks' Japan-love a little more, which was touching.
At the very end, he gave a cute 'see you later!' in adorably American-sounding Japanese, and then Ron said 'I love you!' in Japanese as he left the stage.
Such a cute, lovely way to end the show. All the gigs just had this incredible positive energy... such a great experience getting to hear all those songs live and see Ron and Russell up there playing for us. Their whole approach to creativity is so inspiring, and it just... feels good to be here on the earth at the same time they are. I'm so happy I made it to these shows.
Well, if you read this far, I really applaud you and thank you for indulging me in my tedious retelling/feelings.
After the show, I was lucky enough to meet our very own @adreamofroses, who surprised me with some wonderful, hand-made Sparks pin badges. Thank you so much! I'll cherish them forever :')
And satokina_2 was giving out these beautiful commemorative art cards, and kindly held onto mine for me until the show was over (I didn't have a bag to keep them safe in). Thank you, satokina, for your great friendliness!
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Enjoy the upcoming US festival shows, everyone! I can't wait to see photos and hear all about them. ✨
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