#speaking of spirals lmao
smokestarrules · 1 year
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I've 100% made a post like this before but sometimes I think about how these lines are so much more controlling than if they had flat-out just said no to Amity. 
Amity’s wants are seen childish, yes, but they’re also given validation by her parents, only if she chooses the right people. She wants a friend? Fine, so long as they’re one of the kids her parents approve of. She wants a girlfriend? Fine, so long as it’s someone Odalia approves of. It gives her the allusion of meeting in the middle when in reality it’s Amity having exactly zero control over her own life. and it’s really well-written. 
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shima-draws · 9 months
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zeb-z · 8 months
Listen all I’m saying is this really is Purgatory for Cellbit, specifically. The whole reason he’s been going on his ‘give into anger and take revenge’ arc is because the Federation is responsible for taking him as a child and putting him into wars exactly like this. Now he’s back in such a similar situation, needing to fight to survive, kill to win, and it’s just re-traumatizing him again. Like the whole reason he’s out murdering is because he went through all this when he was like thirteen. It especially doesn’t help that Bad, who was with him before, is the one targeting him and his team members so badly. Like yeah of course he snapped so quickly, immediately confessing to killing the workers. In a literal hell for him, with no other idea of how to escape this, he confesses his sins, because he might as fucking well - nothing could be worse than what he’s reliving.
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undefeatablesin · 8 months
I love them so much and it is Not Fair!!
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singsofecho · 6 months
the fanon sibling perception of a seven sibling fam re: the Feanorians is really funny from the perception of one of seven, particularly Maedhros and Maglor. No I will not elaborate
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neonpigeons · 3 months
so like is it even possible to start feeling happy and good again. to even be able to absorb dopamine correctly. am I stuck feeling numb and ashamed for the rest of my life
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spiralneko · 9 months
rlly gotta make more human characters but consider: fucked up and whimsical monsters
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xannerz · 7 months
I want to strangle this old man oh my godddd
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paigemathews · 11 days
Okay, but you know who would've been such an interesting fucking kid? A Kyra/Drake de Mon kid, like. Hot as fuck, powerful as hell, and just so earnestly in love with humanity. I mean. Tell me I'm wrong, their kid would've been fucking legendary, man.
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kastillia · 15 days
Thanks for the Fuuka! I was influenced by you in that I asked for a God Eater character because I know you love GE3, though I didn't realise it's the only one you've played.
I have GE Resurrection and GE2 in my Steam library but haven't actually played them yet ^^; My familiarity with Alisa is actually from Project X Zone on 3DS
it is true that i never shut up about 3 sfjsjfj thank you for thinking of me! maybe if bandai wants to port those other games to the switch... 👀
oh i'm terrible at fighting games but it's nice to see a character from god eater make it into a crossover
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tethered-heartstrings · 10 months
what if I turned the reply to that last ask into a fic. what then
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coridallasmultipass · 3 months
#it turns out that watching saw while snacking and knitting is indeed very good for your mental health#my body knew what i needed lmao#i got so many rounds done so i feel productive too and the irony of knitting a red and white scarf in the round...#...(meaning as a spiral - helical knitting) is not lost on me but the hidden spirals of the knitting project came after the spirals on saw#((its yoko's cowl from gurren lagann lol))#idk how im gonna block this thing bc it has wild floats showing on the front so im gonna need like 60 pencils to slide in there...#...before i start pinning it down and spraying it and idk how thats gonna go but it 100 percent needs to be blocked#tension? who the fuck knows what that is lmao#also the floats were a bad idea but like i didnt wanna knit 10 bobbins in the round for my first time knitting w bobbins#theyd tangle every time the project twists lmao but whatever im making the extra stripes caused by the floats to work#i wasnt sure how to stagger them in a way that wouldnt look weird and i had already unknit the project like 5 times so i committed#speaking of its 240 stitches each round lol its killer but its going so whatever.#im at about 6.5 inches and i want probably around 14 (im gonna connect the top and bottom to make it reversible/hide the back)#so yeah my night was better than the day i had thankfully#im so tired tho lol#i havent worked out yet today and i dont know if im gonna force myself to lol hashtag no days off lololol#ill see how i feel after i brush my teeth if im up for it i guess but im pretty tired from being mentally stressed all day#anyway good night ill prob#delete later / /
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stormbreaker101 · 6 months
Savannah Wildreamer - Firestarter and A+ Student Scholar
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Age: 14
Level: 31/118 Fire & Ice Wizard
Personality: Inquisitive, experimental, gentle, tenacious, ambitious, practical
Status: Doing well, but things have gotten incredibly busy at the Arcanum recently. She'll offer all the help she can.
Story: The Spiral used to be a game, and its players had lives outside of it. Savannah is the adopted younger sister of Emma and Star, and when she was old enough, she started playing it alongside them and her cousin Nora. Savannah was one of those players who tried to figure out good strategies, but never quite got a grasp on meta. She started playing as a pyromancer but spec'd into Ice magic because those shields looked nice and the game suggested dual-schooling as a strategy. As Savannah played further, she became more comfortable with the mechanics and was making steady progress, making it to level 31 before Nora corrupted the Spiral.
Savannah stayed in Wizard City, too young to quest with how dangerous the Spiral had become. The Aberrant magics that Nora unleashed were a far more visceral and risky threat to tackle than Malistaire had ever been! Ravenwood Academy had to stop its classes; the professors and senior students were deemed vital to handling the Undead swarm that the Aberrant Death upon Wizard City roused. This left Savannah with little she could do, and the inaction frustrated her, but... the alternative to sitting still was throwing herself out into danger. Which was stupid and not something she'd do.
Savannah would not be forced to sit still for long. The Arcanum sought Star out, because of the sisters' connections to Nora and Emma. They offered Savannah the opportunity to continue her studies, if she and Star chose to join them. With Professors Falmea's and Greyrose's blessings, Savannah accepted, and Star was more than willing to stay by her side.
Savannah was primarily mentored by Ignus and Tarrak, though almost all of the Arcanum faculty became folks she could rely upon. The scholars didn't let her go out on missions across the Spiral for fear of her safety, but they let her study past any curriculum Ravenwood would've had.
As Savannah studied more, she became a bit of an experimentalist, wondering if it'd be possible to use Fire and Ice magic at the same time, rather than simply using one or the other in any given spell. She and her mentors dug into deeper theory than ever before, trying to figure if these opposing schools could ever be united by their mortal hands. Savannah dubbed this study thermancy, based upon the word thermo- for temperature.
The Arcanum got a call for help from Nora after years of silence. Savannah, still too young in the Arcanum's opinion, wasn't allowed to accompany Tarrak and most of the other scholars (including her two older sisters). And it was a damn good thing she didn't come with; Nora called for help against the Abyss, a horrific and corruptive source of magic from outside the Spiral that may have somehow sunk its teeth into all of Fire magic, as well as summoning legions of nightmarish monsters that wanted nothing more than to hunt and destroy.
Star suggested that perhaps it was time for the three sisters, as well as their baby cousin Iridian, to find a home that wasn't the Arcanum. They'd still be able to study and help out there, of course, but growing in the middle of a zone of crisis wasn't gonna be healthy for Savvy or Iri. A friend of Star's from another Spiral, Owen Macheca (@saturniidaze) offered to let the girls move in with their own family in the (Multiversal) Reconstructed AU (@clockwork-fiends).
Savannah had to admit it was nice having parents again. As supportive as her professors and the scholars have been, they were folks that she felt she had a responsibility to as a student, and having a space where she, still a kid, could let go of that responsibility and just be a kid, was something she hadn't realized she'd been missing ever since she was trapped in the Spiral, unable to log off and go back to mom on Earth.
After a period of relative peace, living a good and stable life in the Macheca family and studying magic safely in the Arcanum, things began to stir. The Arcanum got entangled in some multiversal nonsense of their own. Savannah was tired of sitting out, and eventually she was allowed to get involved! The multiversal madness gave the Arcanum ties to another group of scholars and wizardly apprentices, called the Astral Alliance (@klaraflamez). Savannah was allowed to volunteer with the Alliance to foster a bond between the two stronger than just one man (who was presumed dead at the time).
Recently, times became tumultuous in this second Spiral, and the Astral Alliance have had to flee Conatus. They're currently taking refuge in the Arcanum. Now more than ever, it'll take level heads, open hearts, and determination for the two groups to not clash in such tight quarters. Savannah will do all she can to help her two circles of friends.
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Spiral Domain but you are playing ROBLOX and reading whatever the fuck is going on in the chat.
As someone who has played a coop video game ever, sprinkle in some Slaughter and this is too accurate.
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mieczyhale · 7 months
one of the guys that runs a reaction channel i've been watching for ages just announced that they're ending the channel next year bc he got a job offer and he's getting married and he's thinking about his family and his future and like...
my son in christ you are 21
i literally want to fucking die
#dont get me wrong! good for him! i'm happy for him#but he really said he started the channel when he was younger (turns out that was 18) and it felt like time to move on#i am 31 and only got the job i love a year and a half ago#i have been dating and living with the same person for... 10 years in 11 days and all i've ever wanted is to get married#(and be a mom but i dont think im ever getting that one but im gonna go ahead and focus on that one zero percent or i'll cry)#i say. like all of this doesnt make me want to cry lmao#i am so incredibly blessed to have what i have. like truly i ended up with the perfect sort of life for my awkward mentally ill ass#but i cannot NOT spiral just a little when people younger than me have the things i want so so bad and then also talk as if their young age#is older than it is. i know you feel mature and older but you are still so fucking young. and okay honestly - now that im rambling - thats#just part of it huh?? i mean a lot of the spiral is actually Wow. I really lost so much of my life (so much time. so many opportunities) to#mental illness and other shit i couldn't control and there are people who didn't fucking have that. there are people who didn't have to#deal with any of that!!! honestly!!! and you just.. dont do anything to prepare for the future when you do not expect there to be one for#so long and then you can't stop fucking everything up and then oh look! you're in your 30s and-#god i cannot fucking do this#it is 1:35 in the morning and im tired but now i feel really stubborn about going to bed. i should. i want to. but also i dont.#actually going to bed is where The Horrors are so#this really was the dumbest fucking shit i think im gonna go to bed & play p.m on my phone and try to be a little less pathetic#maison speaks
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the-acid-pear · 7 months
i hope the next saw pseudo spin off focuses on the childless Kramer sibling picking up their brother's legacy and going on a killing spree (sorry i forgot john doesnt kill) now that their brother is dead. Which is actually kind of interesting now that i write it out. I really wanna know who tf his sibling is , , ,
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