#special bs with liz
altruistic-meme · 2 years
3, 13, 68 <3
oscar my dearest <3 I'm sorry this turned into a disaster jcjsjz
03: Do you regret anything?
oh for sure. there are things I regret saying and not saying, things I regret agreeing to, things I regret missing. regret is part of life. i am trying to learn to love with regret and to try to limit how much more of it I have.
getting philosophical it's the lack of sleep
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
so I wanted to be the Bigger Person and say no bc hate is a heavy word etc. but also like. My sister. I hate her so much. I have to interact with her and pretend I don't but a lot of my regrets are related to her, and a lot of my anxiety, and a lot of strain on my relationships with others, and a lot of my insecurities. and nothing she has ever done has made any of that worth it. so yeah. I've wasted a lot of my time hurting myself over her and she never cared. so I hate her.
and now I'm being angsty jsjfjaj I also blame this on lack of sleep. it is true tho.
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
my friend, who is also my sister's gf! she enjoys deep conversations and their are few people I feel comfortable enough with to have them, so its often that we'll end up talking about things.
[ ask game ]
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lizaluvsthis · 6 months
"Hey Liz how'd that new christmas episo-"
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Consider on Smg3 having a good point for hosting his own party (why cant he just throw a party with the dead memes? Like invite them in his cafe right aw-) thats exactly why. Dead memes cant re-enter the living realm. (Also the reason what happened during the 10th year anniversary episode because we DONT want that mess again?
So instead of dead memes he literally chose to host it WITH his new friends this time. Smg4's crew.
"But why tho? Didn't he hated them?" YES. but at the same time. Please dont forget his mere messages during IGBP on the line he says "But I've met your friends man..." again. Ask me WHY theres another reason he moved in next to four's castle?
(He doesn't want to feel alone again not only four was the reason but his friends too)
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Okay but when after the castle and three's coffee shop got burned down by santa clause, where do you see that bright explanation from the crew.
AND LITERALLY. SMG3 IS ON TSUNDERE MODE ACTIVATION WHERE HE- BLUSHED- I mean its okay- its totally fine its perfectly normal.
Not for three. He never celebrated christmas in the early 2020 not even after the arc but four was kind enough to invite three in the recent years to make him have to experience whats special about it.
But three was too embarrassed from four's crew because they've shown alot of kindness towards him that he'd never experienced at all and this was his first time hearing it all out on them.
After he says "f-friends?!" He continues on playing "I'd rather die than have you guys as friends"
Which also meant he did. Almost. Die. Saving four.
Did you notice smg4 in this scene? Did you see the way he looked at three? Did you SEE how he giggled and laughed just by seeing his expression?
Heart tingles you know? And this IS also the first time he's done that.
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Wait for it...
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Not only was it delicious- Three too was smiling at four, supporting his idea and not even LEAVING by his side. (Like have you noticed right after both of their places got destroyed- these two completely HAVE NEVER SEPARATED AND STUCK CLOSE TOGETHER?)
This also provens he's on the right role after all. His character development did improve his changing around his friends even after 2020th - 2022nd
Who knows that maybe four's crew knew that three wasn't so bad after all? That he was just in need of friends because he'd been so alone from time to time?
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Still. He smiles. Not just for the holiday spirit, but to his new friends, and four to have on. (Mention of mario makes turkey for upcoming xmas episode four convinced EVERYONE from the crew including three, BUT HE NEVER LEFT BY HIS SIDE. Literally the moon is stuck with the sun)
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Four and three? They both contacted atleast EVERYONE from town they know. (Even three never considered belle, whimpu, or the so called fake-other-versions of theirs who became his crew during 2020th wotfi he still has a heart to consider them all as being in part of his life.)
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We never get a mistletoe scene sadly but we had a precious smg34 collection here...
Even after this hand taking, Three and Four looked at eachother together before they start to sway and celebrate the christmas holiday.
"Liz it's just two of them looking whats so important from that?"
You dont see these fruits being like that often, so its a very rare one in the new episodes. (Considered again. Three has gone soft. TOO soft for being with four's crew and being with... smg4...)
He wasnt even angry or done with this bs he still had that christmas spirit and all that matters is celebrating it with four and his other new friends.
*insert audio losing pulse*
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not-souleaterpost · 4 months
Did BlackStar turn into a Mary Sue after the Arachne Arc in the Soul Eater Manga?
Anyways, if I'm already in this mood of starting shit, guess I wonder if anyone else feels me on this:
When reading the manga through in one go, I kinda started feeling that - cause yeah the Mifune rematch was great and all, a fitting conclusion to his arc - and thats the problem - he kinda, in the middle of the story, seemingly became his endform, atleast in charachter and competence - so then we get weird stuff like him trashing Crona with no effort even if that scene seemingly should be about how Crona was fucked up by darkness into some hideous strength, but nah BS wins and everyone says how strong he is, and its not like Im either crying about my cinammon bun or whatever not having the highest powerlevel (anime Crona is way weaker by the end and I dont care) - it just makes the scene be convoluted cause BS cant just catch Crona, it would mess up the story, but still he has to be super competent so he actually catched Eruka.
But this is small frys, compared to the part that sparked my previous weird plot suggestion:
Patty and Liz, charachters whose whole arc is connected to Kid, who are shown to train to save him, who have the whole ironic thematic resonance of "Oh he saved us from the madness of the chaos of the streets, we will save him from the madness of Order of the letter" - but naaaah, its more important BS gets in and wins by some nonsense "My power is power" thing lol
And then there is the whole flying thing or shit on the moon like eating lazers and fighting with a broken spine - but that maybe is cool, but the biggest offender is when Asura goes out of the way to say:
"Wow BS is actually THE strongest, and he is like a WARGOD!" - like I dunno, maybe it was "epic" in the moment but combined with everything else, with the fact that not Kid with 3 lines could compete with that even after the charachter development of overcoming his insecurites and distrust of his dad, still BS MUST be the center of attention, as if he was Ohkubos special little guy...
But idk, maybe I should just have kept this too a way deep iceberg entry, still gotta see if anybody else has a simmilar take.
Anyways, to make it more controversial, I think Arthur from FF is what BS tried to be - idk it works for me with Arthur, you kinda get taken by the ridicolousnes and fools faith that transceds reason into the divine, while BS is just the generic anime "Aaaaah Im gonna surpass the gods and slay them with my humanity!!!!"
Oh, also Tsubaki got also shafted by all this too.
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olsenmyolsen · 1 year
Part 19 of On The Inside With Elizabeth Olsen
Word Count: ~8.9K
My mom stayed for four more days.
That first day with my mom in the city consisted of getting lunch in said city because my mother demanded it. So Liz took us to a place called Marc Forgine. It was basically overpriced and deconstructed foods. We enjoyed what we got but catch me missing it next time. I know Liz took us there to try and woo my mother, and it worked. Like a charm.
Next, we walked. Yes walked. To the 9/11 Museum and the memorial pools. Which my mom was grateful for. It was eerily silent while walking around. It's like there was a bubble around us at all time with how quiet it became. Liz talked about how she only came here twice. Once while she was at NYU and again when the museum opened up, that led to a line of questioning from my mother about Liz's time at NYU. Luckily the conversation steered away from the typical "Y/N, when are you going back to school?" Bs that I got.
After that, we decided to make our way back up towards Soho. Like the true tourist my mom was being, she stopped at almost every little bodega and mom-and-pop shop. She claimed they were "cute" and "historic." While she's not wrong, she sure knew how to waste time. But it made me happy to see my mom dawn a smile I hadn't seen in a while.
Even though this was the first day of many we spent with my mom, this day had an excellent memory tied to it. My mom found out about my very famous girlfriend and seemed to deal with it very well. Not that should wouldn't have. I mean, she knows I'm gay. And she loves that Liz got us into some exclusive places for dinner. But it's just nice not to hide someone special to me. I only bring that up because later that Tuesday night, when it was just Liz and I before Max came over for Avengers, Liz shyly told me she'd be speaking to her mom about us soon.
At first, I didn't know what to say. But when the words came to me, I told her I'd be there to support her no matter what.
By the way. Yes, I enjoyed Avengers. I would've enjoyed it more, but from the moment Natasha Romanoff came on screen, Liz's eyes were on me. It didn't help that her first scene is what it is!
Don't worry once Max went home after the movie, Liz made sure to let me know who I should have eyes for.
I have marks to prove it!
Anyways! Every day after the first day played out very similarly. We'd get up early, and either have breakfast at my apartment or join up with my mom and have brunch somewhere in the city. Then we'd visit museums, parks, and other touristy things my mom wanted to do. Times Square and Katz Deli were two bucket list items for my mom, so we made sure to do that as soon as possible.
Without a doubt, this whole thing was a blast, and despite Liz only getting recognized a handful of times, these days were some of the happiest I've had in a while.
And yes, I got the time off for all of this from Max; however, this time, it costed more than a phone call with Chris Evans.
Max: Dude, come on!
Y/N: You can't be serious!
M: Says the employee who has days off like that's her job! Plus, I know you'll be asking for more in the future.
I groaned into the phone, knowingly how frustratingly accurate my best friend can be.
Y: Fine!!!
M: You'll do it?
Y: Yes, I'll ask her.
M: Ask her what?
Y: I'll ask my girlfriend. Elizabeth Chase Olsen. If you, my best friend Max, could get tickets to the premier of Multiverse of Madness.
M: It won't be that hard.
Y: You're insufferable.
M: And yet you love me.
Y: I'm starting to question why.
After a couple more minutes of banter, I end the call promising the whiny redhead that yes, I'll ask Liz and try and convince her to give Max a ticket. How that will happen? I have zero idea.
Anyways it's now Saturday. I still haven't asked Liz, and we just got done saying goodbye to my mom after dropping her off at the airport when Liz received a call. I turned the volume for the AUX down and let Liz peacefully take the call as I continue the drive.
Even though I couldn't determine what was happening, it sounded good. My thoughts were only confirmed when I saw my Lizard start smiling. That smile could do wonders. I manage to pull my eyes away since I'm the one driving. I would hate for Liz to end up in an accident and forget who I am.
Could you imagine?
After a few minutes of inching closer to home, Liz ends her call and looks towards me. I glance at her and smile at the sight before me. Liz has her bottom lip pulled into her mouth as she beams a big toothy grin at me.
"Yes, my love?" "I have news!" She squeals. "I can see that! Do you want to tell me now or not when I'm behind the wheel?" I ask that jokingly but Liz takes careful thought of my question before turning back to me. "Now!" She shoots out before kissing me on the cheek. That has to be some news! I reach my hand over and give her thigh a little squeeze. "Good ahead!"
"That was my agent-" "Marla?" Liz lets out a little huff. "No, she's my publicist! Rhonda is my agent." I roll my eyes. It's all the same thing. "Okay, sorry." I sarcastically reply, earning a slap on the arm before she continues. "She told me that HBO is wondering if I'd be interested in being a lead in their new show! Isn't that exciting!"
I mean, yes. That's so exciting! But that means the real world is coming back, and Liz will have to be apart. I can feel myself getting worked up, and I'm too busy letting my own thoughts clog my brain that I forgot to even reply to Liz.
"If you don't want me to take it, just say so," Liz says, hurt pulling me from my mind. I turn towards her with panicked eyes. "No, Liz, I'm sorry, I jus-" She doesn't bother listening; instead, she turns up the volume drowning me out. Feeling defeated, I turn and focus on the road letting my dumb brain try to think of ways to explain myself and how to apologize.
When we pulled up to my apartment, the tension in the car only got worse.
Liz was quick to unbuckle herself, but I was faster to lock the doors from my side of the car trapping Liz in so we could talk.
"Y/N, let me out." She sternly tells me while not bothering to look at me. "Liz." I reach my hand out to her and calmly place it on her high. I watch her body relax to my touch, but she refuses to turn to me. "I-" Shit. I really should've thought about what to say.
"I- I think this is a great opportunity! It's exciting, Lizard. I meant to respond to you earlier, but I just got so wrapped up in my own head. I love to see you succeed! I love knowing that people want to work with you and have you as the face of their projects. But.. I-" Liz finally turns to face me. She can look into my eyes and see I'm telling her the truth, not just something she wants to hear. "I'm enjoying what we have now. I just don't want you to go back to your life and realize that I can't keep up or.. or worse. You realize that I don't deserve you..." Those last couple of words have been dancing around my mind for a while. I didn't mean to let them slip out. But it's too late now. I open my mouth to say more, but the words I want to say are stumbling over one another.
I didn't notice that I went quiet and was staring at my cup holders until Liz placed a hand under my chin and lifted it so I could see her face. Correction. So I can see her eyes. Her kind green eyes that make me melt. Liz doesn't say anything. Instead, she wraps herself around me and lets our embrace do the talking for now.
I don't know how long we sat like that, but eventually, Liz pulls back and cups her hands around my face. "Why do you think I told you about the gig in the first place?" She asks me in almost a whisper like she's afraid I'll break from loud noises. Silly but caring.
I don't know why Liz asked me, so I answer with a shrug earning a tight-lipped smile from her. "I told you about it because I wanted to talk to you first. I wanted to know what you thought. How you felt? What you think I should do." Okay? Liz knows I'm a little slow today, so she leans in and kisses my nose. "You're my girlfriend, Y/N. I wanted to talk about this opportunity with my girlfriend. I want to know what my girlfriend thinks." I put my hands on top of her hands, which are still resting on my face. "I'm sorry. I just got scared for a second and-" "We're both over-thinkers." I smile. Liz and I get each other. But we're also like Liz said. Over-thinkers. We let ourselves get trapped in our heads. So conversation like this needs to happen.
Liz pulls me in for a soft kiss on the lips. I still smile into her lips from time to time because it's so outrageous who I'm kissing.
After a couple of seconds of silence pass, Liz breaks the air.
"Y/N. I enjoy what we have." I look up at her; her eyes, but to my surprise, their shut. "I don't want you ever to feel or think that I wouldn't. I also never want you to feel or think that you don't deserve what we have. What we're building too." She opens her glossy eyes. "I love you. I feel you. You deserve this happiness that you feel. You deserve to be loved. I am willing to give that love to the stars in the sky and back. You deserve us. You're more than enough. Okay?" I don't trust myself to speak because I know my voice will crack and the tears will start. So instead, I just nod and let my head fall against Liz. She begins to shower me with kisses. "We're in this together."
"I love you, Lizard." I look up to see Liz wipe away some of her tears and chuckle at the nickname she still receives.
It takes a bit more time, but I eventually unlock the car door, and before Liz steps out, I stop her one more time. "Take the job. I'm serious. I don't care where it takes you. I'll be there. We're in this together, my love." I step out of the car before seeing Liz's reaction, but I still catch a glimpse of it when she hops out of the vehicle. She scrunches her nose up and shines a big smile. Yep, this is the woman of my future.
The rest of the morning is spent relaxing and movie-watching in cozy clothes. Liz has slowly been educating me on the things I should've seen years ago. It's been fun! But we've concluded that she's more artsy and old school than I am in our movie choices. We're both still a little tired from earlier, so it wasn't long before we ended up crashing on the couch.
When I open my eyes, the sun is still out and shining on us, so I know it's still Saturday. Or I hope it is. I go to lift myself, but my body reminds me of the weight on my chest. I dart my eyes down and see the dirty blonde hair of a certain sleeping beauty. She has her arms on each side of my body and her mouth slightly open. She looks so cute that I take this opportunity for a little "payback." I manage to grab my phone from my pocket and take a picture of her sleeping.
After cooing over the photo, I set it as her contact photo for me and sent it to the Y/N & Twins group chat. Since I'm awake but can't move, I decide to spend some time on my phone catching up on things I've missed since Liz and my mom visited.
Not surprisingly, the news being tailored to me is now full of Marvel news and lifestyle updates.
I didn't even know they were releasing a Black Widow movie! I remember Max crying about Natasha for weeks, but I don't remember why... I bet she's happy she's getting her own movie.
I keep my volume low as I watch the latest trailer for Black Widow. I keep the volume low for two reasons. One, I don't want to wake Liz. Two, I'm not only afraid of what would happen if I woke her but what would happen if she woke up because I was watching a thing about Natasha. However, the question remains Should I since I just watched The Avengers? Probably not. But I'm bored at the moment, and this is here.
However, as soon as I start this New Trailer, it starts showing me scenes from movies I haven't seen. So maybe this isn't a good idea. I watch it cut to multiple movies before it's a scene of her and arrow guy. I quickly close out the video before anything else could happen. Or get spoiled for me.
I open the Y/N & Twins group chat, and before I can even think about what to stupidly do next, I get a call from the MK. Without thinking, I answer it, and before I can even share a greeting, MK interrupts.
MK: Where are you??
Does she sound stressed?
Y/N: At home?
M: With Liz? Why are you whispering?
Y: Yeah, who else would that be? And she's sleeping.
M: Wait, so she's back in the city, and neither of you told me?! Bitches.
I stifle a laugh as I squeeze myself out from under Liz. I make sure she is unbothered and comfortable before heading into my room.
Y: She surprised me earlier this week. We've just been enjoying our time.
M: Wait, did she meet your mom?
Y: Yes, and before you ask, everything is good. It all went well.
I hear MK let out a sigh of relief.
M: How long is she in town?
Y: My mom left this morning
M: Not your mom Y/N.
Y: Oh. Uhhh, it's kind of TBD.
I hear MK let out a small squeal.
M: Okay, the three of us are going out tonight! Wear something nice!
I go to try and argue, but I hear shuffling coming from MK's phone before she comes back.
M: Gotta go! Bye Y/N!
She draws out my name before she hangs up.
The call ends, and my phone returns to my group chat with the twins. They're both awwing over the photo, and MK thanks me for the new piece of blackmail.
"Babe?" I hear a groggy Liz call out. I put my phone away and walk back into the living room. Liz is now sat up. Her hair covering half of her tired pouty face. "Hi, love," I whisper to her as I kneel in front of her.
"Where'd you go?" She asks with a frown. "Your sister called-"
"Which one?"
She seems more awake and slightly worried. "She wants us to hang out tonight?" Confusion forms onto my girlfriends face. "Just you two?" I shake my head and sit next to her on the couch. "No. Us three." I pull Liz close to me so she can lean her body onto mine.
Liz thinks about it for a moment before she nods to herself. "Okay." She buries her head into my side, causing me to lift my arm and gently place it down her body. I lean my head back and close my eyes, just enjoying this relaxing aftern-
"Wait.. she knows I'm here?" Liz looks up with wide eyes. I look down at her in a duh-like fashion before the dots connect.
"Oh. Yeah... I might have sent them a pic of you without thinking about it." "Them?" Liz leans up, so she's sitting next to me. "Your sisters?" "How? What pic?" I pull my phone out and show Liz the group chat with the pics. I watch as her eyes scan the words in front of her before she hits the pictures. I see a quick smile appear on her face before she looks at me and tosses my phone at me. The second I catch my phone, a pair of lips are on my own, along with a body straddling me. What starts as a quick kiss turns into a steamy minute make-out session.
Once we pull apart for air, Liz scrunches her face up at me. "Payback, huh?" I smile at her, and without saying anything, I show her that the pic is indeed her new contact photo. Her eyes peer over to my phone, and I watch her face drop. She slowly moves her eyes back to my own and gives me a vicious smile that is happy and shocked. I don't have to wait too much longer until once again I'm being showered in kisses.
Once Liz gives me mercy, she stops and pulls back. "I love it."
"Good, because I love you." I boop Liz's nose earning a laugh from her. "What time did my sister say to meet her?" I tilt my head in thought. "Uhh, I'm pretty sure she didn't give me a time or place." Liz rolls her eyes and slides off me and onto the couch. "Great. That means it's going to be somewhere fancy." "Are you sure?" Liz moves her head to face me. "Positive. But I'll double-check with her."
Liz reaches in her pocket for her phone, but I guess she remembered that she had left it in the kitchen when we returned from the airport. "Need me to call it?" Liz shakes her head. "No, I'll find it." I watch Liz huff before getting off the couch looking for her phone.
I find my phone, and thankfully I only have a couple of texts and none of them urgent.
I click on the texts from Robbie I find myself smiling down at them.
"Got this earlier this week! (picture attached) Thank you for being my worry detective all these years. Your support still means the world.
Now go enjoy your time with Y/N."
I can feel myself getting a little teary-eyed, and I know Y/N felt the air in the room change because, soon enough, I have a pair of arms wrapped around me with a body pressed up against my back.
"Hey, baby, what's wrong?" I turn around to face Y/N. "Nothings wrong." I shove my phone into her left hand so she can see what I see. I bring her right hand into my own and pull myself closer to her.
"Wow." My ears catch Y/N's whisper. "That's amazing." I feel Y/N kiss the top of my head. "I'm proud of him, Liz." I look at my girlfriend. "Me too."
She positions my phone back in front of me. I grab it and look back down at the picture.
Robbie's One Month Sobriety Chip.
I feel Y/N squeeze me, pulling me from my phone. She has her jaw clenched, and I notice she does that when she is holding in a question or a concern.
"What's up?" I put my phone in my pocket and focus my attention on Y/N. "How often do you and Robbie talk?" She asks in a calming tone. We've talked about Robbie still being in my life, but I guess we never did talk about how much he's still in my life. Does that make sense?
"Once or twice a week?" I think about it. "But It's mainly check-up texts on one another. Does that bother you?"
Y/N takes a moment to think about her following words. Which is something I've come to respect about her. She never wants to be rash or rude. Although sometimes she gets trapped in her own mind.
I grab her by her hands and lead her into her bedroom. I bring her to her bed and playfully push her onto it, with me following suit and sitting down next to her. I hope she doesn't think I am cheating or would cheat on her.
"Talk to me, Y/N/N." I poke her forehead. "What's going on up there?" She gives to a small laugh and grabs my hands. "Is he really okay with us?" That wasn't the question I was expecting.
I nod at her. "Of course. He's made it very clear multiple times. Y/N, as long as I'm happy, he's happy. And trust me." I break free of her and put my hands onto her shoulders. "I'm happy. I'm grounded. I'm safe. I'm loved. I'm happy." I look into her eyes, and there isn't a hint of sadness. "Than I am too." She leans forward and places a kiss on my lips that just means more.
When we break apart, I let my hands drop from her and grab my phone. I hold it up to her, causing her to look at me, confused. "You can look if you want."
That look of confusion I got was even worse than the one before. "Liz." She grabs my phone and sets it on her desk beside her bed. "I trust you. I trust your words. I don't need to look through your phone to prove that. All I need is you. Seriously Lizard. Just you. Got it?" I nod my head and let the smile I have hurt my cheeks. "I got it, my Coffee Girl." Y/N grabs my phone and hands it to me. "Text him back. Tell him you're proud of him, and you'll be there for him. And if you want to let him know that I'm there for him too, then that's fine. But no pressure or anything, my love."
I can get over how perfect my Y/N is. Who does this kind of thing for their partners ex? I smile and do what Y/N tells me to. In addition to that, I decide to call MK. I put her on speaker so Y/N and I could both ask questions. It warms my heart how comfortable my sisters are with Y/N. I know MK is closer to her, and I had suspicions for a while, but after this week with Y/N, it all went away. I'll never tell Y/N that, though.
The call went just how I suspected. MK wants us to have a high-end dinner at 7. So that means we have to wear something nice and fancy. Y/N visibly gets concerned when she realizes that as well. I give her a look, but she ignores it. But I know the reason.
Once I'm off the phone, Y/N immediately gets up and starts searching her closet. I instantly follow her into her closet and turn her around, so she's facing me.
"Stop." "But-" "No buts. Step out of the closet." She gives me a cheeky smile making me roll my eyes. "Come on." I stick my hand out to her, and she grabs on. I pull her into the living room, making sure to grab a tote placing our wallets, phones, and whatever else for tonight in it.
"Where are you going?"
"We are going to my place!" I give her a cheery smile while placing her Dodgers hat on her. I admire her and give her a quick peck before she asks, "What for?"
"You were about to spend countless time in that closet going over everything you own. I know what we can wear tonight. But it's at my place, so we're going there. Plus, it'll be good to be there, and who knows, maybe we can stay there tonight."
Liz gives me a wink and another quick kiss on the lips. "Now come on. Get your shoes on, and let's go." Liz turns her back to me to put on her pair of chacos while I slip on a pair of my vans. Once Liz is done, I scoop her up and spin her around, listing to her squeal and yelling at me to put her down.
Once her feet hit the floor, she tries her best to look upset, but she only ends up looking cuter, earning a shower of kisses from me, causing us both to laugh.
Before I know it, Liz has my keys in her hand as we walk out of my apartment building hand in hand.
It hit me while we were on the road that I had never been in a car with just Liz. Like no one else with us. This was also the first time Liz or I had driven each other around.
She's very safe behind the wheel, but I see why she usually has drivers. NY can be hectic, and that's why she prefers LA. Speaking of that, when is she going back?
I quickly get that thought out of my head and keep a hold of Liz's right hand whenever it's not on the wheel. I rub my thumb along her knuckles and catch myself staring at her side profile. She's so beautiful, and I can't believe I get to call her mine.
But the world still doesn't know...
Ugh, why do these thoughts keep invading my head today?
"Y/N." I lift my eyes to Liz's before she shifts them back to the road. Apparently, I was just caught staring at her neck. "You okay?" She asks with a smile. I nod and kiss her hand. "Just thinking."
I don't want to bring it up, but I guess I should.
Just as I'm about to open my mouth, Liz curses and yanks her hand out of my own, grabbing hold of the wheel, shifting it quickly to the left, and slamming on the brakes, causing me to make that "hgghhh" noise. 
I didn't have time to register what had happened before Liz was out of the car and running towards a kid that had fallen onto the road.
Once I got out of the car, Liz already had the kid sitting on the curb. I got a good look. I can see that it was a young boy, maybe six or so. He was holding onto Liz's side crying. I was about to rush over, but the number of people yelling and honking at me to get my car "out of the fucking way" was too much to ignore. Luckily I recognized we were near Liz's building, about two blocks down. Liz looked up and nodded to me that I could go. She mouthed a quick "I love you," warming my heart and making me do the same.
After I parked the car at Liz's building with help from Mr. Madison, I made my way back to Liz. By the time I made it, the boy was standing next to another woman talking to Liz. I assume this is the boys mother, but I have no clue. I'm just going to guess it's his mother.
The closer I got, the more I could see Liz peering her eyes. She was looking for me. I didn't quite get why until I saw her fidgeting with her rings and fingers. I quickened my short walk and made it to Liz's side before she knew it. Liz grabbed onto one of my hands and gave it a big squeeze.
The little boy seemed frightened by my sudden appearance causing him to grab hold of his mom's legs. My heart broke at that sight. Liz saw this while the mother was completely oblivious. Or maybe she was used to it?
Liz made sure to position herself in front of me while maintaining eye contact with the mom. As the conversation between the two grown-ups was coming to an end, I watched as Liz shined the boy a smile. The boys face instantly lit up before he looked away. I went to move, but Liz stopped me as she crouched in front of the boy.
"Jack, can you look at me?" Liz quietly asked the boy, who I can guess is named Jack. Jack looked up to his mom, who nodded at her son. He turns his gaze to Liz. "Are you feeling better?" The boy shook his head yes while looking away from her. It was then that I noticed that this kid did take a nasty spill. He has a scrap up one of his arms and on his knee. They aren't bleeding at the moment, but I know they probably sting hence why he was bawling earlier. "Now, I know you got scared earlier, but that doesn't mean you should just run away. Okay?" Liz keeps her voice and tone calm and gentle as she talks to Jack. "Jack?" The boy lets go of his mother's leg and hugs Liz. Something the mother and Liz weren't expecting but being the perfect person she is, my Lizard allows the hug to happen.
"I promise I won't run away again," Jack says as Liz pulls him out of the hug. "Thank you, Jack." The boys mother quickly scoops him up and places him on her hips. Liz gets up from her crouched stance and gets in front of me once again. I try to listen to the goodbye between Liz and the boys mother, but Jack is looking at me like he's studying me. I'm not sure what to do in this moment. Clearly, there's something going on behind the scenes with this kid, and I don't want to do or say anything that will be wrong. But something must've gone right because as Jack and his mom start walking away, I get a little wave from Jack. I go to wave back, but Jack has already looked away.
I watch the smile on Y/N's grow as Jack gives her a wave. She raises her hand up to wave, but Jack got bored of her and looks away, making me laugh.
"What?" Y/N looks at me, confused. I shake my head. "Nothing. You're just cute." "Pretty sure that's you." I feel Y/N's arms wrap around me and pull me into a quick hug. "You were amazing." I give Y/N a look. "With the boy. You were amazing." I don't exactly know what to say. "You okay?" Y/N now looks at me with concern.
I nod. Because yes, I am okay. I mean, I was scared that I did hit that kid, but the relief that came over me when I saw how far he was from Y/N's car was astronomical. Before I thought about what to do, my mind took over. I quickly scanned over Jacks body and assessed what was hurt. I knew he was going to cry no matter what I did, so I took him over to the curb as quickly as I could. We couldn't just hang out in the middle of the road. Thankfully he latched onto me. Maybe it was because he thought I was safe, or perhaps he just needed to hold something or someone.
Giving Y/N that nod to tell her to move the car was the scariest part of the whole thing. I didn't want her to leave, but I knew she had to. I also didn't know who this boy was or where his parents were. And selfishly, I was worried about myself. I didn't want anyone to recognize me and for pictures to be taken of this moment.
So eventually, when a worried woman came around the corner calling for her son, I felt better.
I nod to Y/N and pull her into a kiss. "Shall we get going?" I ask as I feel her lips form a smile. "Lead the way."
The walk to my place was quiet, and I think Y/N knew I just needed to destress because the whole walk, she let me play with her hands and fingers as she held me close. Every once in a while, I'd feel a quick peck on the top of my hat. Every time it happened, I'd smile and let a quiet giggle slip out. I didn't even care that we were in public.
Speaking of which, that's a conversation for another time.
As I close the door to my apartment, I hear Y/N let out a "wow." She turns to me, embarrassed knowing I heard, but I walk up next to her and rub her back. "It's okay to let an inside thought out." I tease her earning an eye roll. "I'm just saying I forgot how beautiful your place is. It's perfect." Y/N smiles at me, and the look in her eyes is pure. She loves this place, and so do I. "Come on." I smack her ass and set my hat and tote down on the kitchen counter before pulling her into the bedroom.
"I thought we were here for clothes, not this." My mouth drops a bit at Y/N's sassy tone. "Don't be naughty! We are here for clothes! That, however." I point to her and the bed that she is sitting on. "Is for later. Now stay there!" I watch Y/N blush as I walk into my closet, which I haven't seen in a month.
After a few minutes of searching and going through every possible fit for Y/N and I, I believe I have found something suitable. But just to be sure. "Dress or suit?" I yell out from the closet. I get no response. So I ask the question one more time, once again earning silence.
"Y/N!" I walk out of the closet, and my girlfriend is gone. I then try my best to hunt for her. She's not in the living room, kitchen, guest room, or either bathroom. There's only one other place.
I open the door at the top of the steps, and it's like the outside world stops existing. I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful sight. I'm watching the woman I love talking to my plants. It's adorable, and damn I'm so happy I asked Scarlett to come by and take of my garden. She's so unique and tender with my plants. It's probably because last year, when she was over, I scared her half to death when she started picking my fruits too early. How and why? I don't know.
I continue watching Y/N. I don't want to disturb her because she looks so happy. She says she has a grey thumb, but I know I will change that.
"It's rude to stare. You, of all people, know that." Y/N turns to me with a wide-ass smile on her. "How'd you know?" Y/N walks to me, extending her arm to pull me up. "I heard you coming up." I place her lips on top of mine. "So, were you just checking on the garden?" I ask with kid-like glee. Y/N wraps her arm around my waist, turning me around so we both face my garden. "I remember that this jungle was up here and you hadn't asked me once to go and check on it, so I was worried that it'd all be dead, but it's thriving more than ever! How?" Y/N turns to me. "I have friends Y/N! But I never asked because you told me they'd die under your care. So that kinda warns me off!" She opens her mouth to argue, but she knows I'm right. "I can learn!" Her saying that makes me happier than she realizes. "I know you will, my Coffee Girl!" I pull her into a long passionate kiss.
"So, did your friend leave this?" Y/N holds up a Black Widow action figure. I grumble at seeing it. "Yes, my friend's kid left it." "Is the friend who I think it is?" Y/N shyly asks. I know Y/N loves me, but there is something that lights a fire in me whenever we've seen Scarlett on screen. And I know Y/N once commented about Natasha Romanoff, but I can't help it. "Yes, it is." I pull away from Y/N, wanting to end this conversation as soon as possible, but Y/N catches my wrist. "Lizard, my love, you know I have eyes for you!" I sigh. "I know. I know. I'm trying." I kiss her cheek before running up to the plant I was talking to the first time she came here.
"Did you name her yet!?" Y/N asks excitedly. "Umm, yes, I did." I'd forgotten the name until just this moment, but yes, I did name it. I named it that day she was last here. "Do you want to guess?" "Planty?" Y/N asks in all seriousness. "Nope." I reply, popping the P. "Leigh?" I smile at the thought that she thought I named a plant after one of my characters. "Nu-uh. Last guess." "Murray?" I shake my head, confused at that last guess. "Noah," I reply. "I think it's a cute name for a boy or girl, so why not give it to a plant." Y/N's face lit up hearing me. "I agree. It's beautiful." Y/N then reaches her hand out to Noah and shakes its leaves. "Nice to meet you, Noah." I laugh and look over at my Coffee Girl, realizing how goofy she is and how lucky I am.
"Are you sure this about this?" I ask Liz for probably the millionth time since exiting the car. I know she's getting annoyed, but she looks back at me, smiles, and reassures me that I look flawless as we leave the elevator onto the restaurant floor. She's fast walking because we may have had a bit of a hiccup getting her, and by hiccup, I mean Liz and I couldn't keep our hands off each other once we both saw each other in our first.
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(Y/N's fit)
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(Liz's fit)
But anyways, it's that kind of fancy tonight. And the restaurant is at the top of a New York skyscraper. What is my life?
I look over Liz as we get closer to the opening of the restaurant, and she takes my breath away again. She must've felt my gaze on her because the next thing I know, I'm getting scolded as she hooks her arm around me and pulls me to a table with an already waiting MK.
"Nice of you two to make it!" MK stands up from the table and sprints to me first. "Y/N!" I can practically feel Liz burning a hole into MK. I politely hug MK back before she moves on to her sister. Liz lets MK wrap her up into a tight squeeze as MK gushes about how much she's missed her. "Okay, let's sit!"
We're sitting at a typical-sized square table. MK is in the middle with Liz and I across from one another. I notice that all the seats have water waiting for them, including the fourth unoccupied seat. Weird.
"So tell me everything! What have you two been up to? How was Y/N's mom, and what is up with your guys' look tonight? Black and White? Bride and Groom?!" Liz chokes on her water at the sound of that. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. It has to be good, right? Meanwhile, MK is nothing but smiles as she looks between the two of us.
"Babe, you wanna take this one?" I wink over to Liz as MK gags at the sound of "babe."
"This is going to be a long dinner, isn't it, Mary-Kate?" Liz bluntly asks her older sister. MK gives a teasing smile and grabs Liz's hand "what are sisters for!"
We're now halfway through our appetizer, and everything is going smoothly. The waiter just left with our orders. MK and I have been hitting it off while catching up. Y/N has been keeping it light and fun. We have also brought up Y/N's mom, and MK was delighted at how much she loved New York City and me. However, that led to this: "So when is Y/N meeting Mom and Dad?"
I physically watched Y/N fix all her attention on me. "Soon," I replied. "I've already texted mom about Y/N, so she knows-" "But not Dad?" I see Y/N shift in her seat as she goes to stop my sister.
"No, it's alright." I hold out my left hand to Y/N. "Dad will find out when I feel comfortable." I calmly let MK know. But I can feel my adrenaline spike. She nods at me, but we both know what might happen when Y/N and my Dad meet. I hope it doesn't. I close my eyes briefly to try and ca-
"What about the world?" "What?" I look at my sister, confused. "When will the world find out about this one?" She points her thumb at Y/N like she can't speak for herself. "I mean, everyone thinks you and Robbie are still together. Don't you think that's a little unfair?"
I glance over to Y/N, who looks just as shocked as I feel. "Where is this coming from?"
"It's not coming from anywhere, Lizzie. I'm just saying tha-"
"That what?! That everyone should know my fucking business all the time?"
I'm getting louder, and I don't mean to. I can feel the lid about to pop off.
"Liz, I-" I once again stop my Y/N. "You hated everyone knowing all your shit all the time. Why would you want that for me?" I spit back to MK, who is surprisingly being calm about this. Or maybe she's doing it for Y/N.
"Lizzie. I understand that, and I'm sorry. You know I don't want the media in your life like that. I just think." She looks from me to Y/N and back to me. "I just think that it's kind of unfair for Y/N to be... hidden? I don't know if that is the right word or not."
What is she talking about? Y/N isn't being hidden from the world. She's just-
"MK." Y/N stops my sister, who turns and looks at my girlfriend. "I appreciate you for always looking out for me. For us. Liz and I. But her and I have somewhat talked about this. Think about it like this." Y/N leans forward in her seat to be closer to the table. "Does the world know about me? No, they just assume. Now, does the world know that Liz is bisexual? Once again, people assume." Y/N takes a pause. "Now would I love to be out and have people know that I'm dating THE Elizabeth Olsen and that she is my girlfriend, yeah to a certain extent, but the bottom line is, is that this is all new for Liz. I'd wait a thousand lifetimes until she was ready to let people know about her, Robbie, us, whatever" I watch Y/N smile as she says that, but she doesn't look at me; instead, she looks down and at her lap almost as if that realization hurts her...
"Plus." Y/N looks up to MK. "She's there for Robbie right now. And I am too. We'd just hate for the news of their separation to happen for him at a time like this. I mean, imagine-"
"The media would tear him apart," MK says as she gets it. Y/N nods and gives her a short smile before darting my eyes to me and then away.
"Fuck. I'm sorry, Lizzie. I wasn't trying to worry you or stress you out or anything. You too, Y/N." My sister looks between the two of us, and we know she means it. She has this twinkle in her eyes right now that she only gets when she's either really drunk or sincere. Wait, maybe that's both at the same time?
The tension has simmered down a bit by the time the waiter comes around and tops our waters and wine off, allowing Y/N to excuse herself.
I'm happy. I'm happy. Don't cry. Don't cry.
I keep repeating this inside of my head the whole trek to the granite-coated bathroom.
It's so stupid. I don't know why I'm letting myself get so worked up about this. Of course, Liz wants to share me with the world someday. No, this isn't just a phase. She made that clear earlier today, so why am I being an idiot about it now? I said what I said at the table, so why do I feel like that is a lie? Why does my brain do this to me?
It's not too long until I'm standing in the middle of a stall with my head resting on my arm, holding in my tears.
"Y/N?" I lift my head. I didn't even hear the door open up. "Y/N? Please tell me you're here." I stand up straight and wipe whatever water I had surrounding my eyes away before taking a deep breath in and unlocking the stall door.
"Y/N?" Liz appears in front of me, and her smile quickly shrinks when she sees my face. I guess I didn't do a good job at hiding my emotions. "What's wrong?" Liz cups her hands around my face as she pushes us back into the stall.
I bite my lip and look into the worried green eyes of my Liz. "I'm sorry." Liz shakes her head, confused at me. "Sorry, what are you sorry for?" I watch her eyes slowly begin to scan my body, and I didn't know why until I remembered what had happened with Robbie. "For leaving." I clarify so she doesn't have to look for cuts or anything.
"I just thought you really had to pee, but minutes upon minutes went by, and we got a little worried." Liz chuckles to try and lighten the mood.
Minutes? I swore I just got here.
"I'm sorry." Liz grabs hold of my face, so I have to look directly at her. "Stop apologizing and tell me what's going on, my Coffee Girl."
Where do I start?
"Everything I said at the dinner table, I believe. It's just..." I take a deep breath in because I need it, and I'm still holding my tears. "I think what MK said got to me a little. Because I'd be lying if I said that I don't feel hidden." Liz is intently listening, and her eyes tell me what's going through her head. She blames herself.
"But Liz, listen to me. I would wait a thousand lifetimes. Hell, I'd wait a thousand of a thousand lifetimes because I'd be with you. At the end of the day, it's you and I. You got that? I love you. And I won't stop." I chuckle a little bit, making Liz look at me. "What's funny?" She quietly whispers to me.
"I think that's another reason why I needed air or to calm down or to do whatever the hell I'm doing in here." I look around the stall as I say that. "It made me realize how much I do love you." I smile at Liz, who looks like she is about to break. "Does that scare you?" I wrap my arms around her and pull her close to me, kissing the top of her head before moving out of the big, so I'm face to face with her.
"Not at all." Liz crashes her body onto mine to avoid the tears slipping out because we both know that the last thing we want to do is look like a mess when we return to the table, whenever that is.
Okay so they've been gone for like fifteen minutes. So either they both fucked off and left me with the bill or Liz couldn't control herself and is having her way with Y/N.
Could you blame her?
Sorry is that inappropriate?
Anyways the waiter is finally placing with our meals and the girls have yet to be seen. I swear if they left.
I'm about to say screw it and dig in when I notice the fourth meal across from me. I know Liz whispered something to the waiter. Did this bitch really order a second meal? This place ain't cheap.
I'm so caught up that I almost don't notice a short haired blonde walking up to my table.
"Seat taken?"
I'm not quite sure what I was expecting to happen when Y/N opened up her bathroom stall but this conversation wasn't one of them. Hearing what she had to say hurt but I completely get it.
Not only is it hard to date a celebrity but it's hard to date one that isn't out and is technically still in a relationship with someone else. It's tricky and hard but hearing her say all the things she said just made one thing clear.
I love this woman with all my heart, and I'll do my hardest to let her know that. She's my rock. My supporter. She's my soulmate.
Which is going to make this next part a little fun.
Before we step out of the bathroom door Y/N and I give ourselves a look over. We definitely don't look the same as when we entered but we look close enough. As long as we don't have make up running down our face and spilled wine on our outfits I think we're okay.
"Okay so." I take a look at my phone to double check the time. Yep. She's here. "Liz what-"
"When we get back to our table there's going to be an additional person there. I called someone when you got dressed earlier and decided to surprise you. This was before how the last twenty minutes have gone but honestly you might need this right. And watching you will make me feel loads better. Just don't be nervous."
"You do realize that makes me even more nervous right?"
I give Y/N a cheeky smile before pulling her into a kiss. A kiss that starts of innocent before my lips leave hers and trail down to her neck. "Liz." Y/N moans out as I start sucking on the skin of her collarbone. "What are you doing?" That's the question I was waiting for. I stop and give Y/N a devious smile.
"Just making sure she knows what's mine."
I went to pull my shirt closed but Liz slapped my hands away and opened it back up. "Let her see."
What the hell did Liz mean by that. Who is this other person? The fast walk back to the table was filled with questions like these and with the memories of the conversation prior forgotten.
As we got closer I could see MK talking to short haired blonde but that's all I could see the back of this blondes head.
It wasn't until I sat Liz down at her seat and moved to my own that I saw who it was.
"Are you going to introduce yourself?" The raspy blonde spoke to me. She spoke to me!
"Oh uh Y/N." I extended my hand out and try my best to keep my nerves inside.
"Scarlett." The Black Widow herself shook my hand.
I darted my eyes to Liz who just so happens to be in the middle of a conversation with MK.
Once Scarlett and I got done with our pleasantries I made sure Liz had her attention on me when I mouthed the words "you're dead." To which only got an eye roll and a heart she formed with her hands making sure no one saw.
"So Y/N." Oh God Scarlett's talking to me again. "Liz says you're watching the Marvel movies for the first time." I nod. "That's correct."
"So I was wondering if you had a favorite character yet? And don't say Wanda because I'd know you'd lying." Scarlett smirks at me while I look from her to Liz and back.
"You want me to be honest?"
"I'd want nothing more."
Scarlett's going to get me killed.
Part 20
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gimletagain · 2 years
Well Netflix finally has released the trailer of their BS. I have agreed with everything you said about how odd this deal was/is.
But I don’t know, today I have been thinking a lot and something odd happened between the CUT article and the Variety article. In the first she was happy saying it was their love story, a historical documentary. Then at variety she threw Liz Garbus under the bus saying that it wasn’t the way she would have portrayed it.
Do you think there is a possibility Netflix blindsided them? I’m going to be a tin-hat theorist and perhaps the duo saw the final product, they don’t like it and wanted to change it , Netflix knew was a waste of time and more money to edit it. So they were like ‘yes, we won’t release it until the next edition. Then the a Harkles pressure them to release it on December with their changes and demands and Netflix take revenge about her comments against Liz Garbuss during the Variety interview ? And release it exactly the date they knew the Waleses will be in Boston to add more fuel to the fire? (I know the Harkles will love to overshadow the Waleses by choosing this date, but Netflix too, they knew what they are doing, they have an entire team knowing the better PR or controversy this trailer would have while the Waleses are in Boston, perhaps this is more Netflix than the Harkles).
I’m just having allucinations, I know 😂 but it’s odd AF. Specially after her comments against the documentary.
your guess is as good as mine. the trailer release is definitely timed to poke at the PPoW. And just her luck, along with Netflix’s marketing dept’s luck, that whatever happened yesterday transpired with such perfect timing. (Still fully the RF’s fault for letting a bunch of randoms in a room with royalty honestly, when they have a psycho in-law and we’re in the world of TikTok stunts that involve throwing tomato juice at priceless paintings.)
I’m very curious about when it’s actually coming out, whether the 8th, this month, or January.
As to the actual trailer … LOL….lord. I didn’t watch it but saw enough screenshots. Seeing the one of her sobbing on her Hermes blanket literally had me snort in laughter during a zoom meeting. I was feeling quite bad about W+C having to put up with her stunts until the trailer.
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gra-sonas · 2 years
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A new episode of Roswell New Mexico titled “Missing My Baby” airs tonight (August 1) at 8PM ET/PT on The CW, and to promote this week’s episode, we were able to speak with actress Rekha Sharma who plays Dr. Shivani Sen in the current season. Sharma is no stranger to TV audiences, especially fans of genre television, having been seen on such series as Smallville, Supernatural, Star Trek: Discovery, Battlestar Galactica, V, and The 100; she was also recently seen on Showtime’s Yellowjackets and is in the upcoming series The Imperfects.
“Missing My Baby” aims to be a big one for her character of Shivani and you can read our interview below.
KSITETV’S CRAIG BYRNE: Would you say that tonight’s episode of Roswell New Mexico is where Shivani is finally out with it about why she is in Roswell working with Liz?
REKHA SHARMA: It does seem like she’s much more open, and certainly, it has the most exciting moments that we’ve had so far, in terms of making this discovery and acquiring this technology.
How much of Shivani’s story arc was laid out for you when you signed on?
REKHA SHARMA: I had a really rough sketch of the whole thing, and I was looking forward to seeing the specifics on how it unfolded as we went along. These scripts are so fun.
Is it rewarding as an actor to play a role that can see through other people’s BS?
REKHA SHARMA: She does! She really looks, and listens, and sees where people are coming from, I think.
You’ve been in so many acclaimed TV programs. What made this show and this character special for you?
REKHA SHARMA: There was something about it that just leapt off the page for me when I got the audition. This woman is so full of life. She felt like a female Tony Stark to me, with all the money and the intelligence and the desire to help forward humanity by working with incredibly intelligent people. And she’s just got a drive to her and a wit. That’s really fun. I hope that all comes across.
For those unfamiliar with Shivani, what has she done in the current season of Roswell New Mexico so far?
REKHA SHARMA: She has made an alliance with Liz that was not welcome at first, but she has through her sincerity and her ability to listen, and her warmth and kindness, been able to forge a real connection and some trust, even though she’s doing some strange things and riling people up a little bit.
How frustrating is it for her that with all of her money and connections, there are certain things that she cannot save?
REKHA SHARMA: Absolutely heartbreaking. I think it’s part of her wisdom and her intelligence, but it’s her blind spot all at once if that makes any sense. That’s life. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, there are things you can’t change, and certainly not with money. You might be able to change more with other things.
How far would she go to save her daughter?
REKHA SHARMA: I think she’s willing to go further than she even knows.
Would she possibly put the aliens in danger to save her?
REKHA SHARMA: I think she has a true enough heart that she would never choose anything like that on purpose. But in her heartache, grief is intense… the possibility of losing somebody you love is absolutely blinding, and I think she might miss some things.
What was it like to film in New Mexico?
REKHA SHARMA: I loved it. It was challenging with the elevation and the lack of humidity, so climate-wise, it was quite an adjustment coming from Vancouver. The people in the town of Santa Fe are so lovely. I did a lot of hiking; the nature there is gorgeous, and I’m definitely a nature-oriented person. The crews on this show, and the cast… everyone was just such a breath of fresh air. Really authentic, warm people. It was a really special time.
Will we see Shivani’s wife again before the series is over?
REKHA SHARMA: You’ll have to wait and see!
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winged-fool · 2 years
I have come with more salt aka I need to rant 🤭
Ok just a spite thing about 4x10 and specifically about the bartender: how the actual FUCK did she just find the console spot and that rock arch??? Just like.... her whatever BS powers aside (it should've been Rosa LIKE WE READY KNOW SOUND IS JUST VIBRATIONS AND THUS ROSA SHOULD BE ABLE TO HEAR THAT OTHER DIMENSION OR BE ABLE TO CONNECT WITH IT AND-) that is a really unique and not really hidden spot, it's literally just out in the open HOW THE HELL DID JONES OR SOMEONE ELSE NOT FIND IT??? IT WOULD 100% BE ANOTHER TOURIST TRAP LIKE COME ON! Again even with the scenes I was able to watch with her, her being able to find this random ass arch and console spot thing only does make sense with her conveniently having these specific powers just now and the only thing for her to honestly do like what now? Now that she's found it what else is she going to do? I'm gonna say this point blank: what else is she good for?
S2 was the start of her character being ruined for me because of well you know just the whole season in general, then continued on to S3 with that whole waste of a vision plot that amounted to nothing and ya know almost getting Rosa and herself killed via a hate crime and almost killing max and- you get it, and now this season where she "lost her visions" and is no longer special and then her mom dies out of nowhere (RIP Mimi at least you will be missed) which she makes all about herself and like when was she even able to connect with her past lineage????... but wait no she keeps getting these blatant signs and messages that she ignores until Liz points out one of the signs and THEN GUESS WHAT SHE ACTUALLY DOES HAVE POWERS NOW WOW!
Anyway does this mean we're finally done with her because I honestly don't know what else she could do now. I know the writers probably already have like 2-3 things planned just to include her somehow and she'll be the one to "*!^! #%*!@" (I'm not voicing it because I'm scared to be right) also they should've let Michael jump in the hole to Alex because now they just did all the hard work for Clyde 🙄 let Malex stay in the pocket dimension even if that still might not be far away enough.
The Alex reaching out plot could've easily been given to Rosa or you know connected to Michael who it should've been originally because they're. literally. Cosmic. We know Vlamis would've pulled it off!
We've got only 3 more episodes to go 🙃 where a certain someone directs 11 😮‍💨 and then whatever the hell 12 and 13 will be 🤡
Ok rant over!
Your ranting and salt is always welcome here my friend hahaha I don't really have much to add other than to say you've made some excellent points and when I think about the way they've wasted so much time and potential on characters I get so angry.
I'm bracing myself for whatever happens in 4x11, I just know it's going to annoy me... Three my episodes and then we're free...
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thekracken · 3 years
listen,, the way m*ffat hated rose is so embarrassing
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
The First
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Rita Calhoun x fem!reader a piece of the SSS the early years. Warnings: talks of ptsd/nightmares and that kinda bs, some talk of SVU related shit. Also….she long…like over 5000 words… #sorrynotsorry…..
Rita’s phone buzzed on her desk and she nearly rolled her eyes at the movement as she picked it up, not recognizing the number as she slid the message open.
‘Hey, stole your number from Mom. It’s Y/n. I had to testify in a Brooklyn case and I happen to have an extra coffee if you’re at the D.A’s office?’
She smiled at the sentiment. She’d been toying with your business card for nearly a week since you’d given it to her at Liz’s place, she’d simply been so wound up in her head that she wasn’t sure if reaching out to someone “new” was a good idea right now. Work surprisingly hadn’t been dragging her down, but her head was in a fog as she started to try and figure out what the right next move in her life and career path was. She hummed for a moment as she thought about her reply, it wasn’t like she had much to do right now, Rafael could tell something was off and was taking the higher work load of cases as they came in.
‘I am. Sixth floor, office 208. That coffee better have hazelnut creamer in it.’ She added a wink emoji to make sure you didn’t think it was a snarky remark, clicking a few more buttons to save your number in her phone.
‘Fuck! I thought you were vanilla?! I could’ve sworn that’s what we kept in the Hampton’s house for you?’
‘Vanilla is my back up option, I guess I must’ve graduated to hazelnut a couple of years ago.’
She almost began to worry at your lack of reply, hoping that you weren’t headed back to the coffee shop to swap it out, but it was only a moment later there was a brief knock on her office door before you pushed it open.
“Sorry.” You winced as you entered the room, crossing to her desk and placing the coffee down, “I guess I should’ve asked beforehand.”
“You’re bringing me caffeine in the middle of the day, I’m never not going to thank you.”
“Noted.” You smiled, dropping down into one of the chairs, “and I’ll remember the hazelnut for next time.”
“Were you really just in the neighbourhood?” She cocked a brow over a sip of coffee.
“Yeah.” You gestured down to your more professional than normal attire, “though…I did want to check in…”
“Hamptons?” You replied, taking a swig of your drink, “and I’m not just asking because Liz insisted, you really are more than welcome to come join us, it’d be nice to catch up.”
“You know…it is slightly strange hearing you refer to your Mother by her first name.” Rita commented and you snorted.
“It comes with the job.” You shrugged, “another reason I don’t use her last name. Separates us, makes everyone know there’s no special treatment going on, besides, she was the one insisting I don’t use the Donnelly name for my safety growing up. I mean…would you want your kids out there using the Calhoun name while you’re on the wrong side of some of the perps?”
Rita barked out a laugh at your words, nearly doubling over over her desk before she glanced up at you,
“Kids? Seriously? Me? With kids?!”
“I dunno.” You laughed with a shrug, “it’s been a while, I mean you were a decent enough baby sitter…”
“I nearly burnt down that beach house three times…and your Mother will never let me hear the end of it.”
“That lasagna was disastrous.” You teased with a smirk, “but I mean, you don’t have to do the cooking? Your partner could easily handle that.”
“Crotch goblins are not up my alley, believe me.” She assured you and it was your turn to bark out a laugh.
“Jesus.” You laughed, “you sound like my Mom.”
“Has she called you that?!” Rita’s eyes widened for a moment in surprise.
“No!” You laughed again, “just…I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t exist if she hadn’t been roped into marrying my Dad. She never wanted kids, I mean, don’t get me wrong, she loves me and is super happy I exist…most days…but…she’s more than aware that the Donnelly name is dying with her.” You took another swig of coffee, “anyways! I’ve gotta get back to the precinct soon, but…Hamptons?” You raised a brow in her direction, “trust me…it’ll be a bit of a chaotic mess, but a ton of fun. Mom said you needed a break? Vacation or something?”
“Work has me all of three days away from burnout.” She admitted and you frowned.
“Then you should definitely come. I mean…I can’t promise a long weekend free of legal talk considering there’s two cops and four lawyers, but…it’s something?”
“Your partner’s fiancée’s a lawyer too?”
“Yeah.” You laughed, “how did you think they met?” You grinned, “super cute too. Denise is defence, she subpoena’d Ayanna to testify on a case and they just couldn’t get enough of each other.”
“That doesn’t get in the way of the job?”
“Nah. They make it work. They don’t take a lot of the same cases, but like, I guess….love prevails all and some shit?” You joked, groaning as your phone started to vibrate with a message, “fuck, duty calls.” You stood from her desk, “so?” Rita smiled softly,
“I will pack a bag and be prepared for the chaos.”
“Perfect.” You grinned, “if I remember correctly you don’t drive? Or has that changed too?”
“Car services are wonderful things.”
“Alright. Well, now that you have my number….text me your address and what time you’ll be done Friday and I’ll pick you up?”
“Sounds great.”
Rita shot you one last smile as you turned, leaving her office before the door swung shut behind you. She couldn’t deny the confusion in her brain right now, the slight fluttering within her body that she couldn’t quite get a grasp on yet. She’d always liked you, even when you were six and drawing on the walls, you were spunky, she said yes to babysitting you because you always had a glimmer in your eye, an adventure that you needed her help to complete. Over the years you’d obviously grown up, made a name for yourself, but that spunk and chaos was still there, the glimmer in your eye had never faded, and she was curious what kind of trouble you currently got into considering you were an NYPD detective. She tried to put that thought aside for the rest of the afternoon as she focussed on work until the weekend rolled around.
While you left the office you didn’t think too much of it, Rita had always been someone who was part of your life. Sure, it had started out with a considerable age gap, but eight years was substantial when you were nine and she was seventeen. But now, in your thirties? It barely meant shit. You realized just how attractive she was, and, you were on the same page about kids without actually having to really talk about it….stop…you were getting way too far ahead of yourself.
Rita was just coming to the Hamptons get out of a bad spot, a rough couple of weeks. No matter how cute you thought she was, you would respect boundaries and make sure that this long weekend was exactly what she needed.
Rita was happily surprised when you actually showed up outside her apartment door rather than just texting that you were there, greeting her with an excited smile and helping her with her bag as you lead her to the car. You told her not to mind Alex being in the backseat, she was still working through a couple of cases that were coming up and figured she’d use the ride to finish up what she needed. Though that didn’t mean that the trip wasn’t filled with sass and a hint of chaos, Alex requesting specific songs and playlists the entire time, claiming certain ones were giving her bad vibes for her work. You simply rolled your eyes, but skipped whatever she didn’t want.
You explained that Casey was stuck in court later than intended and would be meeting you out there later, and obviously Ayanna and Denise would be driving out themselves. The car ride was filled with lots of laughter, sass and genuine relaxation, even with Alex spouting random legal knowledge or questions pertaining to the case every so often.
By the time you’d reached the house in the Hamptons everyone was relaxed, happy, laughing and ready for a weekend away from the city and away from work, thankful for the extra couple of days you’d each managed to get off. You did a brief tour to Rita, reminding her where things were, and showing her what room she’d be staying in, dropping you own bags in yours. You were barely begun a half flirtatious conversation when Alex’s voice echoed up the stairs,
“Y/N! There’s no fucking booze here!” You rolled your eyes, gesturing to Rita to follow you back downstairs as you moved through the house.
“Lex!” You called back to her, “my Dad’s been retired to Florida for five years…..and I love how you completely glossed over the fact that there’s also no food in the house. I figured once Ayanna got here we’d hit the shops, she wasn’t too far behind us.”
“But I wanted a drink now.” She pouted and you laughed, reaching into a not used cupboard, retrieving a very old wine cooler.
“This is your only option.”
Surprisingly, but reluctantly, Alex took the wine cooler, chugging it back before two more of your party made it to the beach house. You made a couple of runs, everyone splitting off to make sure you grabbed everything you’d need for the weekend that you didn’t bring with you. You left Alex and Rita in charge of the liquor, knowing they’d come back with the highest class and variety of wine, liquors and beers while you, Ayanna and Denise hit up the grocery store considering you’d be doing most of the cooking. Though you had sent a text to Casey letting her know that she should pick up pizzas at you faved local place on the way in.
Your first night was filled with relaxation, pizza and drinks as you indulged in a marathon of 90’s comedies, sprawled across the couches and chairs in the living room. Everyone was having a good time and not worried about work for once and it really was something that all of you needed. One by one you started to tidy up the place before retiring to their appropriate rooms for a well deserved sleep.
You weren’t totally surprised when you got up the next morning to find Rita out on the back porch, watching the waves crash against the beach with a cup of coffee. You settled in beside her with not much more than a quiet ‘morning’ as you sipped at your own mug. It was only after there was some commotion inside from the others that she finally spoke.
“You know…I forgot how peaceful it is out here.”
“When was the last time you were here?” You asked softly.
“God….probably…Harvard graduation?” Rita nearly laughed.
“That was years ago! Jesus! You that busy with work?” She let out a soft sigh, her eyes focussed on the horizon.
“After Mom died I guess it felt kinda strange coming out here? I own the house now but…with both of them gone? Why bother really?”
“I’m so sorry.” You gently reached over, squeezing at her hand and she squeezed it back, glancing up at you.
“You don’t need to be, but thank you.” She took another sip of coffee and you felt your pulse begin to race at the fact that she hadn’t dropped your hand, “I guess it felt weird to be here without you or your Mom or cousins around.”
“All you had to do was ask.” You smiled warmly at her and she returned it. Suddenly the door to the porch flew open and you dropped each other’s hands, looking up at Alex.
“Casey says breakfast is ready and then she wants to go surfing. But I’m voting for the yacht.” She half pouted. You both laughed, following Alex back inside, reminding her that the yacht had been relocated down to Florida with your dad before you indulged in your meal.
You managed to balance the rest of the day between all of you, Casey and Denise wanted to surf, you and Ayanna enjoyed the water while Alex and Rita became the beach bums. They laid out blankets for everyone and stashed the booze in soda bottles as they relaxed under the sun (and Alex reminded everyone how important sunscreen was). Rita practically couldn’t tear her eyes off of you as you frolicked around in a bikini, laughing with your friends. She wasn’t quite sure when this attraction began, but at this point, she definitely couldn’t deny it. Every so often your gaze would turn back to the two of them, as if you could feel her eyes on you, shooting them a wicked grin, or trying to convince them to join you. Alex warned Rita of the dangers going anywhere near the water when you and Casey were involved, smirking as she watched the other woman’s eyes graze over your body as you were yelling back to them.
They both vehemently declined, knowing that the spark in your eye was matching the one in Casey’s for chaos reasons. It didn’t take long for them to fall into a comfortable conversation, both being sex crimes prosecutors it was easy to start off with work topics before they slipped into more personal things. Despite having not crossed paths much in the professional field, they had met years ago through you and Liz, and had a lot of similar life experience. Halfway through the afternoon Alex commented on how happy she was that Rita was there, how nice it was to have someone around to talk to instead of just being left on her own while the rest of you played, and that she hoped Rita would end up joining in on future trips too.
The rest of the day sped by smoothly, you and Ayanna whipped up a magnificent dinner for everyone, while Alex stayed on top of making sure everyone’s wine glasses were regularly refilled. There were a few rounds of different card games played, a large and very fiery debate of whether pineapple belonged on pizza or not (you, Casey and Denise sided for yes against Rita, Alex and Ayanna’s hard no) and a few movies were watched until people started peeling off to head to bed.
Rita wasn’t sure how much time had passed when she jolted awake, her heart pounding in her chest as she came back to reality and realized it had been another nightmare. Not wanting to close her eyes and have her brain take her right back to where she’d been, she pushed up to sitting, rubbing at her eyes as she let out a shaky sigh. She understood the nightmares right after it happened, but hated that they were coming back now that she was burnt out and drained, though she was sure seeing Chip hadn’t helped. Figuring it couldn’t hurt, she slipped from her room, heading downstairs to get a glass of water, when she entered the kitchen she noticed that the back door was open. Moving to close it, a suspicious smell wafted through the screen and she noticed you sitting on the wicker couch, staring out to the ocean. Your eyes darted up to your intruder as Rita pushed the door open, stepping out onto the porch, raising a brow in your direction.
“Don’t tell my Mom.” You muttered, glancing toward the joint.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” She replied, sitting next to you on the bench as you offered it to her, she took a drag of it before passing it back to you, “how does a cop exactly go about buying weed?”
“Swiped it from evidence.” You admitted with a small laugh, “been having a bit of trouble sleeping recently, figured it would help.”
“Everything alright?” Rita asked softly, taking the joint from you again.
“Yeah.” You let out a sigh, “last case was a hard one. Found a dirty cop, the sex ring we busted had a couple of girls who were barely thirteen already hooked on heroin selling their bodies and getting abused. It was rough convincing them into testifying, I dunno how you guys do it, sex crimes seems like an untameable monster.”
“Tell me about it.” She huffed, passing the joint back to you as you took another hit.
“That why you’re up? Stressed about what you’re doing next?” You asked, offering the joint back to her once more, after she took a hefty hit you stubbed it out in the ashtray to save for later. “Mom said you wanted out?”
“Yeah.” She hummed as the breeze from the ocean filled the air, “it’s just too much day in and day out, dealing with live victims is way harder than I would like to be dealing with.”
“You think homicide would be better?” You mused, the arm that had been supporting your head on the back of the couch dropped down straight, coming to rest at the base of her neck.
“There’s no openings. The only slot available right now is a junior attorney position in narcotics.”
“Ooo don’t do that. Way too dangerous.”
“That’s what your Mom said.” Rita laughed and you grinned.
“You’ll figure something out, I know you will. And none of us are going to think you’re evil or the bad guy if you swap to defence.” As the weed started to sink in, your hand absentmindedly shifted to play with the roots of Rita’s hair, tickling at her skin ever so softly.
“I thank you for that. I know there are some dick ass defence attorney’s out there, but they’re not all bad.”
“Not at all. Casey hangs out with Sophie all the time, and Langan’s a pretty decent guy. I’m sure if I was straight my Mom would’ve not so subtly shoved me in that direction.” Rita snorted, “what?”
“You saying Langan’s your type?” She teased and you laughed,
“I said if I was straight.” You prodded at her arm with your free hand, “Mom just wants the best for me, I guess. I mean, after living through a crappy marriage herself she just doesn’t want me to settle unless it’s meant to be.”
“You think that exists?” She asked quietly and you hummed, your gaze redirecting out to the beach.
“Yeah. I really do.” You cast her a soft smile, “I think there’s someone out there for everyone, it just takes longer to discover them in some cases. Life has a funny way of leading us to the people we love, sometimes it turns out they’ve been sitting right under our nose the entire time and we had no idea.”
You had no intention with your choice of words, the weed was just helping them tumble out of your mouth. It was like those late night conversations as parties died down back in college, the philosophical life talks when you weren’t anywhere near your right mind but somehow everything made perfect sense. You sometimes missed those nights, and that was why you loved weekends in the Hamptons with this crew so much, it brought back a sense of youth, the days you weren’t quite literally responsible for citizens of New York City, it had a sense of freedom that you lacked in your every day lives.
“I never thought about it that way.” Rita murmured in reply, “I guess I just figured I’d end up a cat lady who was married to the job.” You snorted.
“You need to stop hanging out with Rafael so much. There’s more to life than work.”
“I think I definitely need to be reminded of that.”
“I take it you’re not seeing anyone then?”
“No. It’s been….incredibly hard finding someone who understands my job, and after…everything…I find myself unable to really trust a lot of people.”
“I can imagine.” You murmured, “Casey was telling me about one of her cases the other week, how the perp had been married for twenty years, his wife could never believe the horrible things he’d done, by the end of the trial she was a fucking wreck.”
“It’s exhausting.” Rita’s eyes fluttered shut briefly as she tried to wash away the thoughts of returning to work after the week was up. “Which is why I wanted to thank you.”
“Hmm?” You turned your gaze back to her, your hand still softly tickling at her hair.
“For ensuring that I came this weekend.”
“Of course.” You insisted, “you’re always invited.”
“Thank you. It really has been an incredible break from everything, some time to reflect, and just the company I needed.” She added with a small grin as she glanced your way and you huffed a laugh.
“We are a nice balance of chaos and legal conversation.” You teased, “and I’m sure Alex has loved having someone to hang out on the beach with.”
“She did mention that earlier.”
“You know everything’s gonna work out, right?”
“What?” She raised a brow in confusion over the change of subject, wondering if she’d missed something.
“With work.” You assured her, “I know it feels like the world is crashing down a bit right now, but I also know you’ll figure it out. Inside that pretty little head of yours is a very smart brain who will know exactly what your life path is, the universe will definitely help guide you the right way.”
“You always get this woo-woo when you smoke?” She teased and you scoffed.
“And here I was thinking I was giving you proper encouragement.”
Rita laughed, her hand moving to squeeze at your knee softly, “I appreciate it. I really do. And I want you to know how proud I am to see you moving through the ranks, you’re really making a name for yourself.”
“Thank you.” You felt your cheeks heat as you ducked your gaze from her.
“Oh now she’s playing the shy card?” She teased, her finger curling under your chin to raise it and you felt your breath catch in your throat at the gesture.
“I…it…means a lot…coming from you.”
“Really?” Her brow furrowed for a moment.
“I mean…I always looked up to you. My Mom always raved about you, you were like…the daughter she wished she had.”
“Oh don’t say that…” Rita’s head titled in sympathy.
“I don’t mean it in a bad way.” You shrugged, “just…you’re part of the Upper East Side team, you go to all the galas and events and make it look like a breeze, you went to law school like she wanted me to, and you kick literal ass in court…God, you really would make a bad ass defence attorney…”
“Thank you.” She mused and you sighed softly. She watched carefully as you appeared to get lost in your thoughts, your lip tugged into your teeth as your eyes swept over the beach, watching the waves crash against the sand.
“Can I ask you something?”
You turned to her, your head titled, “feel free to say no, I won’t be offended or anything…”
“Okay…” she laughed.
“Can I kiss you?”
For the briefest second Rita’s eyes widened with surprise, she’d been expecting a question related to work, or having something to do with your Mom, not you asking for explicit consent before making a move. It was bold. But it was also incredibly respectful. Her mind raced as she tried to think of a single time that anyone had ever actually asked in the past and she couldn’t think of one. It made her feel suddenly much stronger toward you, knowing that you would probably extend that attitude into everything, never convincing her into something that she may not be interested in. It was the sheer fact that you were more interested in making sure she felt safe, and that the action was welcomed that made her want it even more.
“Yes…” she breathed out, not missing the smile that crept onto your cheeks in return.
The hand you had playing with her hair slid to her cheek, cupping it incredibly tenderly as you closed the space between the two of you. You could feel your heart thundering in your chest, nearly nervous about it, and Rita would admit she felt the same, her pulse skyrocketing as you got closer. There was something that made it feel like it was your very first kiss, like you were an anxious kid who had a crush that they thought would be the end of the world if you didn’t get a kiss.
The moment your lips touched it was like the entire rest of the world melted away, absolutely nothing else mattered. It was soft, nearly hesitant as your hands settled on each other’s bodies, getting comfortable, making sure the other person was okay with everything. Your lips moved with an easy grace, a dance that you felt like you’d always known but never gotten to perform before, like this was exactly where you were meant to be. Your tongue slid across Rita’s lips gently and she eagerly opened them, accepting you into her mouth. Her arm wound around you, pulling you practically into her lap and you laughed into the kiss as you nearly toppled off the couch before your legs settled around her hips. Your hands came up to cup her cheeks, thumbs stroking soothingly at her skin, sighing softly against her lips as her tongue began to explore your mouth.
By the time you had to come up for air you were both nearly breathless, your little make out session leaving your skin flushed, hair slightly out of place, but shy smiles on both of your cheeks. You leant down, leaving a tender kiss on her lips before you spoke,
“How would you feel about going to dinner tomorrow? Just the two of us?”
“You asking me out on a date detective?” She teased with a quiet laugh.
“I most definitely am Counsellor.” You smirked and she leant up to capture you in another kiss.
“I’d love to.”
“Perfect.” You leant to kiss her again, only a clunk from inside the house pulling your attention to the door as a light was flicked on and you huffed, scrambling off Rita’s lap just in time before the door swung open.
“You’re out here!” Casey sighed heavily, “please tell me you brought edibles?”
“Technically no, but would I ever let you down?” You asked, reaching for the abandoned joint and holding it up for her.
“Oh thank fucking god.” She crossed the porch, settling into a chair across from you and Rita.
“Nightmare?” You asked.
“Yeah.” She huffed, lighting the joint and taking a pull of it.
“Which one?” You asked quietly, accepting the joint from her.
“Office attack.”
“You okay?”
“Just shaky…this should help.”
“You wanna sleep in my bed?” You offered, knowing Casey slept better when there was someone with her.
“I think I’ll be okay, but thank you.”
“You wanna talk about it?” Rita asked softly and Casey sighed.
“I think it’s just being back at the D.A’s office full time. I mean, I’m not in the same office so that helps, but the case I just wrapped my second chair was in my old office, so I spent way too much time in there, including late at night…”
“Security’s a world better than it was seven years ago.” You assured her, “Mom fought like hell for it after that happened.”
“Really?” Casey’s head shot up to you and you nodded, “she…never told me that…”
“Just because she thinks your chaotic as all hell doesn’t mean she doesn’t care about you.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
It was only a moment, the joint having been passed around once more between the three of you, before the door opened once again, revealing Alex.
“Ah…so we’re all cursed with the trauma of not being able to sleep thanks to ptsd from our jobs. Wonderful.”
“You okay?” You asked and she huffed, swiping the joint from Casey.
“Yeah.” She dropped down into the chair beside the redhead, “it’s just too fucking quiet out here, reminds me of Wisconsin, which….brings up bad thoughts.” She took a hit of the joint, passing it over to Rita as her eyes fell on you, “this from evidence? This is good shit.”
“Supplier’s still out there and the dealer got off with a slap on the wrist.”
“So what you’re saying is you still have an in.” She smirked as you passed it back to Casey.
“I have their info, I can pass it along to my cousin if you want more of this weed.”
“Please do.” Alex replied as she took another hit.
“Just don’t tell Ayanna, it was her collar.”
“Yeah, why do those two get the privilege of sleeping through the night? This is bullshit, they have the same jobs as us.” Alex half laughed in return, gesturing towards the house.
“Maybe it’s cause they have each other.” Casey murmured.
“Case…” your head tilted, your voice soft as you addressed her.
“No she’s right.” Rita cut in with a sigh, “it’s like…statistically proven. People in relationships, who feel loved, are happier, their bodies release more endorphins from the physical contact and shit.”
“And happy people don’t kill their husbands.” You and Casey quoted in synch with each other, a small laugh echoing off your lips as you made eye contact and Rita rolled her eyes with a groan.
“God what is it with people and that movie?! It’s horribly inaccurate.” She asked and you laughed,
“It’s top tier comedy.” You prodded at her arm.
“Maybe you should hang out with Rafael more often.”
“Wait, does he like Legally Blonde?” Alex asked, suddenly sitting forward in her chair.
“Yeah.” Rita laughed, taking a puff off the joint before handing it to the blonde, “he’d probably kill me if he knew I told you but he watches it every year when they host the bar exam.”
“Oh my god.” You laughed, “maybe I will start hanging out with him more often, give you a break from his sarcasm and sass.” You teased, resisting the urge to lean in and kiss her quickly, you didn’t need to reveal your potentially new dynamic to Casey and Alex quite yet.
“Oh but life would be so boring without that.” She sassed back with a grin, you laughed, your gaze settling on the beach once more, noticing the slight glow on the horizon. You nudged at Casey with your foot,
“Hey….you lonely asses…come over to this side, watch the sun rise.” You suggested, happily squeezing closer to Rita as Alex and Casey sandwiched the two of you on the couch.
It was still comfortable, but the less personal boundaries diminished as Casey immediately snuggled into your side and you felt free to drop your head onto Rita’s shoulder, feeling the feather light, silent kiss she left on your hair.
“This is really nice.” Alex murmured softly as she let herself fall against Rita’s other side, “thank fuck we came out here this weekend.”
“Yeah.” You replied, “we should have a bonfire tomorrow.”
“You mean today?” Rita teased as the sun started to come over the horizon.
“I mean it’s not like any of us will be asleep anyways.” You shifted your head on here shoulder, looking up at her and she smiled softly back at you, the unspoken words coming through clearly.
“I’m definitely going to need an afternoon nap.” Casey commented.
“Yeah I’m not gonna lie…” Alex cut in, “I really miss sun naps on the yacht.”
“I guess I’ll have to call my driver and get mine over here then.” Rita nearly teased, laughing at the way Alex shot off her shoulder.
“You have one?” She nodded, “this entire time, I could have been on a yacht and you were what, conspiring against me?”
“Oh stop it!” You cut in with a yawn, “and if I remember correctly, you were the one that crashed my dad’s yacht.”
Laughter overtook the porch as the four of you began to fall into a comfortable silence, watching the way the sun cascaded over the ocean and the beach. There was something about that weekend that made you feel like you were exactly where you were meant to be, that life had directed you to this exact moment. Your head shifted, rolling up on Rita’s shoulder to gain her gaze and she smiled down at you, the gleam in her eyes warm and welcoming as yours was. The arm she had across the back of the couch moved up to play with your hair and you knew you’d made the right move in kissing her earlier, that your request for a date would be a wonderful one.
It was only when the sun had fully risen that you guided Casey back into the kitchen, making breakfast for everyone before Ayanna and Denise woke up. The dynamic between all of you settled into an amazing one, and Rita smiled, knowing that this was exactly where she wanted and needed to be, that this group of people would be one that she valued for the rest of her life. She knew it just wasn’t an inkling as you cast her a gaze at the breakfast table, the gleam in your eyes present more than ever. You were excited for the one on one date with her that night, and honestly, she couldn’t wait either.
________ @natasha-danvers @veteranwerewolf95 @laurenhope13 @randomthingssss @beccabarba @imlike-so-gaydude @thatesqcrush @bisexual-dreamer02 @altsvu @svulife-rl @svushots @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @paulson-hargitay @whispered-tear-drops @wannabe-fic-reader @lawandorderimagines @gaylorrds @solemnnova @whimsicallymad @disaster-and-disgrace @oliviaswifey @thatgaygiraffesquirrelgirl @screenee @nocreditinthestraightworld @cmmndrwidw @bumblebear30 @jamiethetrans @molllss @wosoimagines @snowsgay19 @michael-rooker @alexbllake@infernumlilith @yourtaletotell @australiancarisi @cerberus-spectre @emskisworld @wandas-wife @addictedtodinosaurs @lawandorderuswnt @ex-uallyactive @rosiewritesagain @wandasbrat @lustvolle-liebe @disn3y7 @hbkpop @samwithnoplan @multifandomlesbianic @muscatmusic18 @ladysc @alexusonfire @season4scullyhair @Annieray2020 @dxtery
141 notes · View notes
sillydg · 3 years
Mistake 01: Underestimating him
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Book: Open Heart (Book 2, starting from chap. 5 Influence)
Rating: 18+
Pairing: Tobias X MC ((Elisabeth Sarah Hughes (Liz))
Word count: 4.200
Summary: Dr. Tobias Carrick: “Which leaves plenty of other mistakes you could make with me!”
He might be a Casanova and professional jerk… But at least we can trust him on his word!
Category: Slow-burn, edgy rewrite book 2 with Tobias as LI, with some extra’s.
Series “The mistakes they make.”
Mistake 01: Underestimating him;
Tension rising through the roof between her and Ethan after she decided to invite influencer Gwyneth Monroe, even after he told her not to. Liz finds out that Bryce has been hiding something from her during an unexpected encounter with Tobias Carrick. And the presence of Tobias Carrick in Edenbrook is going to stir things up even more.. Because Ethan is not happy to see him… Or rather.. to see them.
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A/N: First of all: Special thanks to @kachrisberry for prereading, editing and feedback! @jerzwriter for prereading and sharing thoughts!
A/N: So I decided to give my Tobias a real edge. Yes, he is a ladies man and absolutely not subtle. I hope you love him as much as I do. 😊
A/N: Disclaimer: Characters and some dialogue owned by Pixelberry.
A/N: If you decide to read this; Thank you! Thank you! Please share your thoughts with me!
Episode Warnings: Language (Swearing and sexual terms), Implied sexual situations
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Mistake 01: Underestimating him
Liz lets out a deep sigh. After Rafael being suspended this morning and her biggest fallout with Ethan yet, it feels like she already worked a double, even though her shift just started two hours ago.
"Rookie, do you have to say anything for yourself?"
His outburst about her reaching out to Gwyneth Monroe is playing over and over in her head, and it's certainly not a nice one to have on repeat.
As she arrives at the nurses' station to file some paperwork, there's a noticeable lot of giggling and more nurses around than usual. She expects Bryce to be in the middle of all the buzz, but to her surprise, she finds another handsome man at the center of attention, who greets her with two bright aqua eyes and an incredible smooth smirk;
“Ahhh, Dr. Elisabeth Hughes, what a sight for sore eyes.”
She moves behind the counter. "Well, what do you know, Tobias Carrick, holding court here at Edenbrook. Care to send me a warning note next time?"
“And miss the opportunity to accidentally bump into you? No way. But color me impressed Dr. Hughes, you remembered my name after our brief moment at the deli."
She shrugs casually. “It's hard to forget someone's name when they have a face like yours.”
“Oh, is that right?”
She rolls her eyes and smiles. “Yeah; but even though I absolutely love to stand here and talk about all of your good features..."
An extremely arrogant, million-dollar smirk appears on his face, making her stop mid-sentence. It was a hundred percent clear that there was no spark of modesty to be found in the man in front of her. And that smirk was every piece of evidence she needed.
She can't help herself and tries to hide a smile by hiding her face into her hands, murmuring through her fingers; "For god's sake, Carrick, how is it possible that your huge ego fits in that head of yours?"
He shrugs casually; "I guess I'm just a scientific miracle. And I’m always in for field research if you want to get into the miracle that is me, Hughes."
She looks up from behind her hands, and he wiggles his eyebrows, making her burst into laughter; "Oh, God...Ohh no, no, no." It doesn't take long before tears are running over her cheeks.
"Oh God, hahahahaha...This is gold!" She slowly stops laughing, wiping away the tears from her cheek; “Given the day I'm having, thank you for that Carrick, but please tell me. Does anyone ever fall for that BS, because that is literally the worst pick-up line I've ever heard and I've heard many!" In the corner of her eyes, she sees a few nurses turn red with shame, and they quickly walk away. She immediately loses the smile on her face. "Nooooo…” She hides her head briefly in her hands. “Oh God. Don’t tell me they fell for it, while I just.. Ohh noo."
Tobias starts laughing at the guilty expression on her face; "Yeah, you better believe it. But this might leave a few bruises on my ego, Hughes since I was dead serious."
"Well, I'm sorry, but I'm dead serious when I tell you; you really need to work on those lines."
"Yeah, I kind of figured it out while you were laughing your ass off, tears streaming, all that. That's kind of a clear sign."
"Okay, Carrick. We... I mean I had a good laugh, you probably got some phone numbers, now let's get to business; What the hell can I do to get you out of here as soon as possible? Ethan is already in a bad mood and as far as I know, it is not going to be any better with you around. ”
"Oh right, Ethan is your boss! Aurora told me that you’re one of the poor souls in the diagnostic team. I bet he only told you great things about me.” Liz snorts, remembering the look of pure horror on Ethan’s face after she told him who she and Aurora ran into at the deli and that he gave Aurora a job offer.
“You should’ve seen the look on his face when I told him that I ran into you T. Oh, it was gold! And yes, he told me all about how your little feud came to be. Actually…”
She frowns and stares into the distance as scans through her mind. “I don't think I ever heard him rambling before, but he went on and on for about an hour.”
Tobias shakes his head laughing; “I bet he urged you to ask me out.”
“Yes, that he did! He even wanted to pay for the cab ride, if we would go on our first date to the police station to get you a ‘better safe than sorry’ restraining order.”
“Sounds like a great plan to me! No one loves breaking the rules more than me, Liz!”
She starts laughing; “Yeah I expected that answer, given all the rumors in our hospital about you, Carrick, so I actually told Ethan that it would be far more effective to drive us towards a chapel to get married. I bet you're long gone before we even reach the front door.”
Tobias swallows at her words and remains silent and Liz starts laughing. “Oh Carrick, and I thought I saw horror on Ethan’s face. But again, we… No, I had fun. But I also have a lot on my plate right now and even more since I just added; 'apology round for the nurses I just unknowingly insulted' to my to-do list.
So, just spill the tea, T. Like I said; Ethan will have my head if he sees me talking to you, or seeing just you might be enough after everything I already pulled today, for that matter. So state your business and get the hell out of here.”
“Well, it would be a crying shame if he would take that beautiful head of yours, so..." He casually leans on the counter. "I'm looking for Bryce.”
“Bryce? Why?" She eyes him suspiciously. "Are you going to steal him away from us too?"
"Unfortunately he already said no. And believe me, I tried my best."
"Oh, that I do believe. There is no sense of honor in that gorgeous head of yours, is there?” And she let out a sigh loaded with un-approval, moving her attention down to a pile of folders with results.
The few nurses who were still casually hanging around, are now slowly returning to their rounds, given Tobias's undivided attention towards Liz.
"You really need to work on those mixed signals you are giving me, Hughes. It's extremely confusing. I'm not sure if I should hide in a supply closet from you or drag you into one with me.”
She looks up with a smirk; "Isn't that half the fun though, Carrick? But noted! And as soon as I make up my mind about which side I'm leaning more towards, you'll be the first to know.
So why ARE you looking for Bryce?”
“Well, I'm here to deliver a fresh pair of clothes." He holds up a plastic bag with clothes. "See, Bryce has a hot date tonight, but he also has an emergency meeting, so there will be no time to change at home. And Voila, here I am, bringing him a set of fresh clothes, like the good friend I am.”
"Ohh, right. Bryce has a third date with Kim!"
Tobias frowns; "You know about that? I didn't know that you two are...Uhm, close. Or did the news of him being taken off the market, finally reach hospital gossip?"
"Bryce and I?? We're..."
She falls silent as she repeats Tobias' words in her head. Her eyes snap up, staring directly in his blues. "Wait, what. Carrick, did you say home?”
Tobias gives her a questionable look. “Well, I believe that was a while back in our conversation, but why do I get the feeling that I shouldn't have said that in the first place?" He sees how confusion is practically dripping from her face.
"Yeah, Final answer: I'm going with noooo!”
She composes herself as far as possible; “Nah ah. You're not getting away that easy, mister. Now, why would Bryce be living with you? He has his own apartment.”
“Well, because at that time he was two weeks away from being homeless?”
“What the hell are you talking about, Bryce would have told me if he was on the brink of being homeless."
Right? Because, why would he hide something that big for me? Liz's thoughts are running all over the place and suddenly the pieces fall in place. Bryce living with Tobias would make sense though.
Bryce has always been a private person when it came to his apartment, only Rafael and herself had ever seen it, since they really needed a place for their weekly movie nights, without being disturbed by others. So for the past year, they've been weekly guests at his bachelor pad. Well, until he started to make excuses a few months ago.
She sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose; "Let me guess, about two months ago?"
"Yeah, round and about."
“I heard enough. Carrick, give me those clothes.”
Tobias eyes her carefully, surprised by the sudden shift of energy between them; “I'm not sure...”
He swallows and gives her the bag. “Alright, alright miss Bossy. Here you go.”
“Thank you. Now, Bryce is in surgery so I will see that he gets his clothes after. Now I suggest you leave before...”
“Well, well, well, who do we have here?”
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," she murmurs under her breath.
"Rooting with the enemy again, Rookie? First the board and now Carrick."
She shoots Tobias a glare, but he just smirks at her, and she frustratedly smacks him with a folder.
“Yeah, just how I like it, Hughes.” Tobias winks cheekily.
She shakes her head; “For god’s sake. You’re impossible, Carrick.“
“I believed I asked you a question, Dr. Hughes.”
She folds her arms and snaps her head towards Ethan.
"I don't have the time or the energy for your empty and petty accusations, Ramsey. Now, excuse me, I have more important things to do, so you either tell me something useful to solve this case, you start listening to my reasoning, or I'm going to walk away right now."
He stays silent, his jaw clenching.
"That's what I thought” Liz turns towards Tobias; “It was nice to see you again, T. Now, off to some damage control." She brushes past Ethan, in the direction the nurses stormed off earlier.
Tobias whistles and claps Ramsey on the shoulder. "You've clearly got your hands full with that one Ramsey, good luck." As Tobias goes to move towards the exit, he is stopped by a hand on his shoulder.
"You're not going anywhere, Tobias. What the hell were you doing over there, talking to Dr. Hughes?"
"I was just bringing Bryce a pair of clean clothes. Damn, what is it with everyone expecting me to have ulterior motives?"
"Because you always have Tobias. But the two of you looked way too comfortable, for just delivering a bag of clothes for Lahela. I thought we talked about this on the phone, the day after you stole Aurora."
"Yeah, I do remember you calling with the pity excuse that you were upset about me making Aurora a job offer. But I also recall you awkwardly twisting the conversation towards Liz, letting me know that I should stay the hell away from her. Now, let's go back to the fact that you clearly were spying on us for at least a few minutes." He puts on a megawatt smile. "You really thought that it looked comfortable? So, what do you think, do I have a chance with her?" Oh, I love pushing this man's buttons.
Ethan sets his jaw; his hands clenched in fists as he turns red. "For fuck sake, Carrick. Just get the hell out of here."
"You realize that I was actually on my way out before you decided to make a scene? Jeez, Ethan, when did you become so touchy-feely when it comes to a woman anyway? Are you guys secretly dating or something? Or maybe an angry boss with benefits thing?"
Ethan stays silent, draws in a sharp breath, and his eyes are hitting the brink of catching fire. "Are you done, Dr. Carrick? Did you have your fun? Because I suggest that you crawl back to that pit where you climbed out and stop bothering me and especially Liz."
Tobias frowns as he sees Ethan walking away. Annoyingly protective much.
"Oh God, Why are you still here?"
Tobias jumps at the sudden stern voice behind him. He turns, looking straight into the eyes of Liz.
She looks at him with her arms crossed, just catching the sight of Ethan before he disappears around the corner.
"And why the hell is Ethan walking in his 'I’m so angry, the first intern who is going to talk to me is going to die' pace?"
Tobias cocks up an eyebrow; "He does what now?"
"You know what, never mind. Please don't answer the question. This might be a 'the lesser I know, the better kind' of situation."
She brushes past him with firm steps, calling out; "But I swear Carrick if he's worse than before I left the two of you unattended, ohhhhh... you better find a way to make it up to me, or I'll take you, with that way too tasty head of yours, down with me."
He raises his voice a bit as she walks away from him; "Double signals, Hu.." Tobias sighs, hands in his pocket turning to leave as she clearly did not hear him, and disappears around the corner. He mutters under his breath; "Hughes"
Liz makes her way towards the diagnostic office, to talk through some of the results and next steps. Her stomach twists as she only finds Ethan in the office. Dammit.
His eyes snap up the moment she walks in and she tries to hand him the results. "All negative, I'm not sure where to go from here, Ethan."
Ethan ignores her outstretched hand and nods at the bag under the table, clearly not listening and sunken in thought; "So he really came here to drop off some clothing for Bryce."
Liz cocks up an eyebrow; "Yes, of course, what did you think?"
"It doesn't matter, Hughes. Let's find June and Baz, they are busy running more tests on YOUR patient, so they might have a clue." He gets up from his desk and together they walk towards the patient room where Gwyneth has been admitted.
She looks at him as he refuses to meet her eyes. He seems tired, troubled, and hurt; "Ramsey, are yo..." His eyes snap up in her direction, making her stop talking.
"Don't even finish that question, Dr. Hughes."
After consulting and running some more tests, she makes her way back to the diagnostic room, relieved to notice that Ethan, Baz, and June are walking each towards another direction, giving her some breathing space in the diagnostic room.
She grabs her phone, to see if Bryce finally responded to her after she texted him about the clothes and inviting him for one of their signature supply closet conversations. Usually, they have at least three a day, today they are stuck at one emergency hug.
She sighs. He did read it though...This is so unlike him, he always responds the second he reads it.
With a sigh, she sits down and lets the conversation with Tobias run through her head.
"And Voila, here I am, bringing him a set of fresh clothes, like the good friend I am!"
"Ohhhhh, that son of a bitch." And she smacks her hand on the table as she realizes what happened.
He so gave Bryce a heads-up that she found out about them living together! She stares at the bag in the corner with Bryce’s clothing in it. He probably also helped him avoiding me by delivering Bryce a set of fresh clothes outside the hospital. That way he could at least delay their conversation for a few days and still have the fresh clothes for his date. God, he is an annoyingly good friend.
She looks at her watch. His emergency meeting has just begun, and he probably will be out of there right after, so the earliest opportunity for her to talk to him is tomorrow. Well, unless he manages to avoid her again. It's a huge hospital and it's easy to dodge someone if you're not directly working together.
She leans back in her seat. Time to let it go for now. There is nothing I can do about it. Well, I can do one thing;
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She rubs her eyes. Her shift officially ends in three hours, but she will not be able to go home just yet. She expects tonight to be a late nighter, since she will be doing beauty product research for Gwenth, to see if there might be some allergies at play here. That means going through hundreds and hundreds of ingredients.
Baz and June had other important things to do, and well she was not really keen right now on working directly with Ethan.
She and Ethan have been close ever since Dolores, where they watched over little Ethan and talked all through the night. They grew closer and closer, and of course, she found him an extremely attractive man, out and eventually in, but... she also knew that there was nothing more in it for her than only lust. It would never be a relationship and to be in a friends with benefits relationship with an attending... Yeah not smart. So she rejected him in Miami and she gently turned him down after the hearing, when he told her about his feelings for her.
After his three months in the Amazon, they talked about it and he told her that he felt better after the distance they had.
She never felt that he held it against her; or that her rejecting him was a disadvantage in any way, but it just made some things a bit harder and more intense from time to time, just because they were comfortable enough to share their thoughts and feelings.
And things were especially tense between them, ever since the announcement of the trouble Edenbrook is in.
They clearly had different thoughts about handling this situation. Where Liz is trying to come up with things to save the team and hospital, Ethan rather focuses on continuing the work he is doing, almost desperately holding onto the values that Naveen once built the team upon. And of course, she got where Ethan is coming from.
He wants to do nothing more than continue the work Naveen started, and make him proud. And it must feel so scary to be on the brink of losing all of that, but he just refused to talk to her about it.
She jumps up with a sigh to finish her rounds and soon it is 7 pm, time to get comfortable behind her laptop.
She walks into the office and once again she finds Ethan alone behind his desk. He greets her without looking up. "Dr. Hughes,"
"Dr. Ramsey." She sits down at the table and sets up her laptop as she hears a deep sigh. She turns her head and after the day she just had, it was hard to hide the irritation in her voice.; "What?"
"Nothing, why?" Ethan looks innocently up from his work.
"You just sighed like your life depended on it, Ethan. Don't play dumb with me."
"I was wondering how long you will be here since you probably will be typing a lot and I like to think in silence."
"Well; you're always welcome to come over and help me, Ramsey. The sooner I solve this, the sooner I'm ready to go home."
"Well, you can always ask Carrick to help you."
"What did you just say?"
"Oh, don't give me that Liz, the two of you looked quite comfortable around each other. So, how often did the two of you meet up?"
"Well, Dr. Ramsey, it was the first time we met again after the deli, but not that I think that's any of your goddamn business, though."
"Well, things looked kind of cozy. Even after the conversation you and I had about him. I thought you were honestly smarter than that Liz. Though I don't know why I'm still surprised to find out that you don't value my words."
Liz takes a few deep breaths; trying so hard to remain calm.
What a fucking day. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
"Yeah, I heard that, Liz."
"Please tell me this is you finally admitting that you actually are Dr. Terminator, and able to read minds through artificial intelligence! Because, damn I've got some graphicly thoughts I would like to share right now."
"Dr. Hughes, That's no way of speaking towards, let me remind you, YOUR attending."
She slams her laptop shut. "Oh, and our conversation about Tobias is appropriate though? You know what, I'm done, Ethan. You've given me so much shit the past few weeks. And you know what, all June, Baz, and I have done is make the most out of a shitty situation, trying to prevent being shut down. Because when that happens, no one will be getting our help anymore, Ethan."
"Dr. Hughes. You might want to watch that tone."
"Well, then fucking fire me for all I care, Ramsey, because as long as your going to be an entitled jackass, sticking your head in the sand like the coward you are, I see no reason to not talk to you like this." She throws her laptop in her bag. "I'm leaving, Damn, I hope you're happy now, Ramsey."
Ethan sets his jaw, his eyes piercing into hers. "I'm everything but happy, Dr. Hughes, but I don't feel like talking about it to you since you're a huge part of the problem. So please, go or stay. I don't care. Just stop bothering me."
Liz grabs her phone; dialing Aurora's number as she slings her bag over her shoulder. "Whatever Ramsey."
"So mature. Please take that phone call outside of the office and say hi to your new boyf.."
And something snapped inside her.
She holds up her hand as Aurora picks up the phone and an idea comes to mind. Ohh, he is going to get it now! And she puts her finger to her lips. "Ssssshhhhh."
Ethan's eyes widen as he turns dangerously red, his hands turning into fists; "What..." and Liz could swear that she sees a bulging vein appear on his forehead. Liz puts on a stern face as she pretends to call Lisette, one of the childcare workers of the day-care located in the hospital.
"Hi, Lisette, do you have by any coincidence a spot available for tomorrow in the toddler group?... "
A death silence falls as she pretends to listen, staring directly into Ethan's eyes. She hears a confused Aurora whisper through the phone. “Liz, have you dialed the wrong number? Or are you in some kind of trouble?”
Liz completely ignores Aurora and starts to answer like Lisette just told her that there was still a spot available for the next day. "Ahh, Good! Because I'm aching to get some work done without having a crying, tantrum hungry, rolling over the ground two-year-old around, only because he doesn't get what he wants for once in his fucking life.
Oh and Lisette, please no sour apples as a noon snack this time, okay? It rubs off on his face."
She pretends to hang up. If I'm about to die, may Aurora be my witness.
Ethan just stares at her in disbelief, still processing that she just called him a raging toddler, not sure if she even had Lissette at the other end of the line.
She cocks up an eyebrow as she sees that the message is clearly received. She shrugs, high on adrenaline, and without looking back, she slings her bag over her shoulder and walks out of the office without looking back once. Leaving a totally flustered Ethan behind.
She puts her phone back on her ear when she's out of hearing reach.
"Omg Aurora! What the hell did I just do."
"Liz! Oh, thank God you're still alive. I swear I could hear Ethans face twitch through the phone."
"Yeah, sorry to have you put through that conversation. I was just going to call you to ask you a favor, but then... argh... he pushed me right over the edge.
Sooo, do you think Kenmore has an open position? Because I might get fired after this, or even have to move and take on a completely new identity."
"Well, I'm sure Tobias will be glad to have you! And well, it wouldn't be such a punishment for me to have you around."
"Ahhh there we go, you were secretly waiting on this day, weren't you, Emery? But Tobias is why I initially was calling you, I need his address."
Aurora falls silent; "You need Tobias's address? Why? I'm not sure I can give it to you like that."
"Don't worry, Aurora, the last thing on his mind will be you, because he has something to make up for, and I'm not letting him get off that easy."
Mistake 02: Underestamating her. (Coming soon)
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Taglist: Please let me know if you want to be added or removed! @schnitzelbutterfingers @jennieausten
@kachrisberry @jerzwriter @gkittylove99 @pixelberrygirl
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altruistic-meme · 2 years
quite literally how can you be THAT stupid.
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thegeminisage · 2 years
Hi ms liz! This morning i was reflecting that im lucky i consider most of representation discourse to be bs, because as an aspec woman in a poly relationship i’m unlikely to see any representation, like, ever. And then later i was like HEY WAIT
So uh. You guys are so good at writing that instead of thinking, “cool, that’s me”, i went “cool, this character is nuanced and real and relevant enough that I can learn from her”. Which is like. the point.
I’m happy to have been reminded about cambionverse, and look forward to reading more eventually! (Also, if you don’t at some point get ben into appropriate shape for claire’s happy ending, i may commit violence. cheers lol)
HELLO a week later...i am so sorry it took so long to answer but this ask made me so happy!!!!! and also cally too when i showed her. ty so much for loving cambion, My Baby, The Best Thing I've Ever Worked On. and most of all for loving claire <3 she is so very special and important!!!
no promises about ben either way >:) but i am so thrilled you are invest. ty again wah this was such a sweet message
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lovecolibri · 3 years
The implication that the Team Human is too human for them to fully understand Maria now that she knows shes part alien but apprently Pod Squad in arent too alien for her to fit in? She is inbetween these two groups but instead of accepting that and working with it (by idk putting Maria with a character who also grew up being an ordinary human only to now be alienish like Rosa? her bff? rings any bells?) the show chose to push her towards the aliens to make her special which is bs. Her strength could be the fact that she is part of both worlds, but the show reluctance to have humanity be seen as a strength (similarly to og maria) stops them from doing that
Okay, but YES! Rosa is the perfect person for m*ria to be connecting with over the new reveal about her heritage and should have been what was happening LAST season instead of having them each individually spend time with Isobel. And as I've said before, the show made it clear that during this year-long time jump, the Pod Squad have been working on rebuilding their own relationships with each other and I doubt that would be helped by Isobel bringing around Michael's ex, and Max's ex's best friend. And yeah, part of this is just that I'm a petty bench and I don't like m*ria's character but also like, watching the show calling out other characters for their behaviors while simultaneously going SO HARD on Alex still being best friends and totally enamored with her has been so frustrating so them trying to garner sympathy for her character in all these other ways that don't address the actual issues with her character is just...not working for me. Hard pass.
"but the show reluctance to have humanity be seen as a strength (similarly to og maria) stops them from doing that" the thing that is so frustrating about this is that the show DOES have humanity seen as a strength! Just...not for m*ria. Alex and Liz are both considered Super Smart and badasses in their fields but even excluding that since you could deem them "special" (also they have "special" status being they are (known) soulmates to aliens, my sweet son Kyle is the epitome of "human". He's made mistakes, big ones, and has learn and grown and become a better person. He's strong, and compassionate, and helpful, he lends and hand while still making sure to tell people hard truths that they need to hear, and he is willing to do the right thing, even when it's hard. Kyle's strength lies in his humanity and because of how well the show has written that for his character, it makes it pretty glaring that they just do not know what to do with m*ria.
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oscars-wifeyyy · 4 years
Chapter 6 (The Innocent)
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Today was the football game that determined whether they were going to playoffs, but Elizabeth couldn’t care less. The day consisted of students wearing Freeridge High colors, teachers wishing the football players good luck, and the players wearing their jerseys. Lunch came around so Elizabeth began walking to the table that the crew usually sits at, but stopped when she saw that no one was talking to each other so she switched direction. She avoided them at all costs and started doing homework that was assigned that day so she didn’t have to worry about them when she got home. By the end of lunch, Elizabeth was done with her homework and texts were coming in from Oscar and the crew, all of them asking if she was going to go to the game. She replied to all of them, telling them she was going.
School had ended and the crew went to their respective homes to drop their bags off then meet at the stadium. Elizabeth decided to hitch a ride with Oscar and the Santos so she dropped her bag in her room and ran out to Oscar’s place to see that they weren’t leaving yet so she sat on the porch steps next to Cesar. “What’s up with the crew, salad?” “I don’t know, honestly,” Cesar sighed, “all I know is that I want to be with Monse,” “Do you, Salad?” Elizabeth gave him a sad smile, “why did you kiss Olivia if you wanted to be with Monse?” The two sat in silence, but Elizabeth knew the feeling so she wrapped an arm around Cesar’s shoulder and leaned her head on his shoulder. She silently hoped that everything worked out for the better and the group was gonna go back to the way it was except Monse and Cesar were gonna be together. Both were in too deep with their thoughts when Oscar and Santos came out of the front door. Oscar saw the position they were in and felt a sense of jealousy and anger. Oscar cleared his throat causing Cesar to stand up in a rush and stuff his hands into his pockets, shuffling his feet because the younger brother felt the older brother’s glare. The Santos were chuckling and made their way to the car. “Oscar, it ain’t like that. I swear,” Cesar cleared his throat. “‘Scar, chill. He’s just bummed because he and Monse aren’t getting together and it’s gonna take awhile for them to even date,” Elizabeth put a hand on his forearm before jumping in the front. The ride there was short and the moment they arrived, Olivia was there waiting so Elizabeth rubbed Cesar’s back in and attempted to comfort and encourage him before going with Oscar to the area that some Santos were occupying. In the span of two months that Elizabeth knew Oscar and started talking to him, she got closer to a few Santos that were like her brothers now, Sad Eyes especially. Nobody could decipher the sibling connection that they had when they met; however, his girl had gotten jealous, but soon saw that it was like a sibling bond. His girl now had gotten to know the girl and felt like Elizabeth was her little sister. Rico, Sad Eyes, and Lorca were there so she felt less lonely. “Sad Eyes!” Elizabeth yelled, running to him and jumping to hug him, “Rico! Lorca!” “We don’t get a hug, puta?” Rico crossed his arms. “Of course you do, drama queens,” Elizabeth rolled her eyes with a smile, moving to Lorca to give him a hug, but he held a hand out. “Spooky, get your girl,” Lorca pointed to Elizabeth, “she’s being a puta,” “I swear y’all like children,” Oscar rolled his eyes as he sat down on the stands. “Aye, hermanita,” Sad Eyes rested an arm on her shoulder, “I’m going to the snack shack, you want anything?” “Nah, I’m good, hermano,” Elizabeth pushed his arm off, “thank you though. Where is guerita?” “ella tenía trabajo hoy,” Sad Eyes said, leaving the gang to go to the shack. “Liz, ain’t that your homie on the field?” Rico pointed to Jamal on the field. “It is,” Elizabeth looked confused, “I’ll be back y’all,” she walked away to find the crew and when she saw them, she ran up the stairs two at a time, “why is Jamal on the field? How?” “Me,” Ruben said, “Ruben made a special appearance in the coach’s office and got him on the team,” “For what reason?” Monse asked. Jamal’s parents made an appearance with a full face of makeup and foam fingers along with other cheering instruments, “isn’t this exciting? Are you excited?” “Yeah! Excited, stunned, surprised,” Monse faked a smile. “It’s been a long time coming after that record breaking run of injuries,” Cesar said. “I know. I thought we would have to put that boy in a bubble,” Dwayne laughed. “Still might,” Elizabeth muttered. Time passed to the fourth quarter and Elizabeth was back with the Santos sitting next to Oscar, feeling the heat. She leaned back onto the seat behind her and groaned at how hot it was. Oscar looked back at her and turned his body to face her. “Wassup, mamita?” Oscar lifted an eyebrow. “It’s so hot,” Elizabeth groaned, “why is it always hot?” “It’s Cali, babe. It’s always gonna be hot,” Oscar chuckled. A fight broke out which broke Oscar’s focus on her and Elizabeth looked at the commotion that caused the whole team to get ejected. The coach was trying to argue with the referee that he couldn’t eject his whole lineup, but he dejectedly went to the bench and started putting in the benchwarmers. All the benchwarmers were on the field now and getting ready to start a play. When the play started Jamal was able to catch the ball and he started running as if his life depended on it because it did. “Let’s go, J!” Elizabeth cheered while laughing, unaware of the stare that belonged to the Los Santos leader. The crew ran to her and cheered along side of her as Jamal had reached the end-zone and did All Fall Down. Once the hype was down and the football players went into the locker room, the crew walked out after Oscar told Cesar and Elizabeth that he had to take care of something. Elizabeth decided to stay back because she knew that Cesar and Monse had to talk so she went to the bathroom and did her business. However, when she left and went to the duo she saw Monse leave and start crying so she ran to her and put an arm around her. “It’s gonna be ok, Mon. You let him go, didn’t you?” Monse nodded, “give me an hour and a half. I’ll be at your place in my pajamas with ice cream, junk food, and Netflix ready for us,” “You don’t have…” Monse started, but Elizabeth interrupted her. “Shut up, bitch. I’m doing it,” Elizabeth smiled at her friend. “Thank you, Eli,” Monse hugged her, “you’re the best girlfriend I could ever ask for,” “Anything for the love of my life,” Elizabeth winked at her. “I love you for this,” Monse chuckled. “Babygirl, I got you. Now go home and cry ‘cause I know you want to. Be there soon and stay safe. Don’t open the door to strangers and all that bs,” Elizabeth kissed Monse’s cheek. The two separated ways as Elizabeth jogged to the red Impala that was waiting to go to the Diaz household. Once all of the Santos that rode with them were dropped off and were finally on their way to the Diaz house, Elizabeth turned to her Santo, “‘Scar, can you take me to the store after I dress in my pajamas? I gotta get some things for a girls’ night with Monse tonight,” Oscar nodded and went to Elizabeth’s house after dropping Cesar off at their house. Elizabeth saw that no one was home so she let Oscar get in the house while she went to change. He looked around the main room and saw pictures of Elizabeth and her parents, noticing that she looked like a perfect mix of her mom and dad. Footsteps were heard coming so he turned to see what was Elizabeth’s pajamas, seeing spandex shorts and one of Oscar’s hoodies that she stole on Halloween. She grabbed her overnight bag that had her extra clothes and necessities, as well as her Polaroid camera, extra films, and face masks. The sophomore had put her bag on the couch to see Oscar looking through all the pictures that her and her parents had put up around the house, “Ready?” Oscar turned to look at her, “yeah, you have the same eyes as your madre,” Elizabeth nodded with a smile as the two exited the house and into the car. She had quickly sent a text to her mother telling her that she was gonna spend the night at Monse’s because she was heartbroken over Cesar. Her mother sent a quick ok and the duo left to go to Walmart and get the best deals as well as get as much stuff as they could get. When they got there, Elizabeth sat in the cart and waited for Oscar to push her to get the stuff that she wanted and the stuff that Monse liked. It took awhile for the two to be done, but it happened after 30 minutes so they went to the self service check-outs. Elizabeth got out of the cart and started scanning the items, watching the numbers go up to two hundred dollars worth of food and filled up three bags. She took out her wallet to pay, but she got beaten by the man that had pushed her around in the cart who paid by bills. “Oscar! I was gonna pay,” Elizabeth glared at the older man. “Don’t be a pendeja,” Oscar smirked at the girl, “we aboutta be together anyways so get used to it, princesa,” “I’m getting the next one,” Elizabeth pouted. “Don’t be a baby,” Oscar smirked at the younger girl. She ignored him and walked to the Impala with him following, but he was occupied with the thoughts of her actions being funny. When Oscar got inside the car, Elizabeth stayed quiet and silence filled the car. “Eli, come on,” Oscar tried to grab her hand, but she pulled away, “don’t be a brat,” “Oscar, I don’t like when you spend that much money on me. I can pay for these things myself,” Elizabeth crossed her arms. “Yo se pero I want to. You don’t have to or need to spend your money because you got other things to worry about,” They finally arrived at Monse’s house so Elizabeth opened the door and grabbed her overnight bag, slinging it over her shoulder, then grabbing the three grocery bags. She got out of the car, but put her stuff down and went over to the driver’s side to kiss Oscar’s cheek through the open window. “Thank you, Oscar,” Elizabeth softly smiled, “you’re a sweetheart when it’s just us. Don’t worry I’ll keep that information to myself,” Elizabeth winked and went back to the sidewalk, grabbing her stuff and making her way into the house. When she made it into the house, she saw Monty and Monse having a moment so she stood outside for a moment before making her presence known, “Welcome back, Monty,” Elizabeth held up the bags, “ready for girl’s night?” “I’ll leave you girls to it,” Monty stood up to leave, “Eli, thank you for being there for Monse,” “Anything for my best friend,” Elizabeth hugged Monty, “now go sleep,” Once Monty closed the door to his room, Elizabeth closed the door to Monse’s room and jumped onto the bed. She pulled her overnight bag onto the bed and unzipped it, revealing her clothes, face masks, and the Polaroid camera. Elizabeth pulled Monse’s hair band from her wrist and pulled back her hair to put it back and apply the peel off mask to her face. Once everything was set and they took a few pictures, Elizabeth sat across from Monse. “Now, tell me what happened,” “I let Cesar go and made him go with Olivia,” Monse’s eyes teared up. “Oh, honey,” Elizabeth hugged Monse, “this calls for a romcom and junk food,” The two spent the night watching movies while eating the snacks and drinking the drinks. It was a night needed for the two girls to catch up and console.
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laufire · 4 years
Roswell NM 2x07
I felt so so much for Rosa. I always do, but even more in this episode. Seeing her dragging the pod people is always great, ofc* (”I don’t speak bored rich lady at yoga” aslñkdfjasdf). And I lost it when she berated Liz over her red jacket LMAO (why are little sisters always stealing our stuff without permission smh xDD). I have a lot of Thoughts on how she’s reacting to Liz’s changes and harder exterior (when she told Rosa she’d taken “her advice” wrt their mother... my heart :(. And it wasn’t lost on me that Liz’s put on red lipstick for the dinner, aka “armor”). My heart constantly breaks for her when it comes to her addiction issues, but I do like that the show is tackling them this way, making her relapse etc. It feels real, given EVERYTHING she’s going through (and I also like that Liz is canonically bad at helping her with them, btw).
*Though I want to point out, in my books she and Max (but especially not the other two, who have acted worse in s2 ofc) aren’t “good”, because like I’ve said before, the damage Max & co caused wasn’t Rosa’s actual death. They’re “good” in the sense that Rosa doesn’t owe him anything now: his life was too high a price for undoing the damage he did and she fixed that. But that still leaves everything else: destroying Rosa’s memories, putting a target on the Ortechos, even endangering other PoC in the town that became collateral victims of the Conspiracy(TM). So yeah, like I say, these people still have a huge debt with Rosa (more Michael and ESPECIALLY Isobel, since she’s hurt her in the present too). I am glad that she’s not making nice with them (though the fact that she’s pushed into storylines with Isobel --who KEEPS INVADING HER PHYSICAL SPACE LIKE IT’S NOTHING. She’s now even been invited to Rosa’s “place” and I can’t tell you how much it disgusts me ¬¬-- gives me the creeps sns) and retaining her anger, because that can only be good for her narrative --the last thing I’d want is for her to become their prop ugh.
The one thing I didn’t like about the Helena-Liz-Rosa story... was Helena’s actress LOL. I just... don’t see her for the part? IDK, but it did put a damper on it for me. Otherwise, I did love it. I loved seeing Liz so affected --specially, I loved that Liz BELIEVED Helena, in a way Rosa didn’t, not really; that Liz was touched thinking Helena’d been sober since Rosa’s death. And I love that Rosa still wanted to “protect” Liz from it: that she didn’t tell her about the drugs she found on Helena’s car, and that her reaction to seeing their fight was “I couldn’t rescue you.” I loved the “Rose is looking down at us from above” *Rosa’s powers act out* scene LMAO (does Arturo know about that? Because it seems he got WHY it was happening but I can’t imagine these people actually be forthcoming with him about anything...). And I got ~feels when Liz mentioned Helena’s last time in town was at Jim Valenti’s funeral --I want more Rosa & Valentis stuff, okay? The only reason that isn’t explored as much seems to be that it’s not as easy to make it All About The Pod Siblings as the Ortecho family relations, tbh (which, btw, I HAAAAAAATE seeing Max act all buddy-buddy with Arturo. Haaaaaaate it. I hate how tainted Arturo’s relationships are for me).
I LOVE Maria for how she reacted to finding out she has genuine powers! I love how excited she was about saving a life (that she makes Isobel pay double makes her even MORE my hero xDD). And you know what? Between actually seeing them have meaningful interactions this episode (it is possible! Kyle and Maria CAN be in the same one! Wow), and her “and not just ANY life. Kyle Valenti’s. Who’ll go on to save MORE lives” has made me genuinely ship Kyluca LMAO (ofc while still side-eyeing everyone who convenience-ships it lmao). Add that my fave Kyle ship was already Kyle/Michael (mostly because I have Issues(TM) with all others lol), and that I ofc love Miluca (I love how proud he’s of her hustling and his heart eyes xD)... guess what I ot3 now LOL (their interactions all three together this ep obviously only add to that). I loved seeing Kyle bragging about his science advancements too LMAO. I love it when my faves have talents, know it, and value them as they should, no false-modesty bs.
I saw some promo pics for next episode and a.) it seems Rosa will be flirting with some girl, yay!, and b.) JAMIE CLAYTON IS ON IT. I’m guessing she’ll be Cameron’s sister, which might mean I actually care about that storyline now LOL. It would fit with how hard this show goes *SOMETIMES* with RL analogies (I mean. Trans activist, state secrets, prison, etc. It’s not subtle). I say sometimes because they do tackle racial issues directly with, for example, Maria’s family (the experiments), the Ortecho’s... but then ofc there’s the whole mess with the pod siblings + Noah, so.
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echoapothecary · 4 years
Why did they make the fake ass scene from the special place at prom where Liz asks Max to run away with her? That was literally just made to mess with us for no reason as if the break up wasn't bad enough. Such such BS.
As soon as I saw that scene 15 minutes into the show, I knew we were doomed lol.
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