#special gift
tokogung19 · 1 year
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A special gift!🎁🎉
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breelynnxoxoxoxo · 14 days
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So Thoughtful! What Do Want From Me? 🤨🤨🤨
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vixen525noms · 9 months
Special Gift Part 1
Another story that started out on my deviantart page. Like DCD it will be continued. A G/T story with a much more wholesome giant, but there will be vore.
It occurs long while after Defying Certain Death, but in the same world and both stories do eventually tie together.
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“Sir? The... ah... smaller guests have arrived. You probably should go out and join the celebration before one of the less friendly guests gets it in their head that one or two won’t be missed.” Connor nodded as he stood and turned away from his desk. He tended to dislike formal gatherings, especially when there was a large number of guests or if there were guests that could be in conflict. And this event had both. He had been grateful the coronation had only a small crowd, but it meant that the next event would have a large crowd. Not to mention gifts. No telling what some people would consider an appropriate gift to a new leader. He would have to greet and speak with the representatives of many peoples, both those representing the Syorians and Syors from different areas and those representing different races in the neighboring land. That’s what had him most concerned. They were so small by comparison... what would they consider an appropriate gift?
He sighed as he made his way to the great hall. No matter what they brought, he would have to feign pleasure at receiving the gift. It wouldn’t do to offend them, especially when the occasion was meant to celebrate the anniversary of the treaty between their people. It had been quite some time since the treaty was signed, and the laws enacted to ensure that no one did anything to ruin that treaty. He had been very young at the time, but not so much that he couldn’t remember what lead to it. Giants, primarily the Syors, had hunted the terrans, and the nearly identical humans for ages. He was no historian, but he doubted there was a time they ever hadn’t. Until the treaty anyway. A treaty made because the terrans had finally had enough and decided to strike back. Not with a few giant hunters, there had always been a few of those pests around, but as a people. An army.
At first, most giants had found the idea laughable. It didn’t seem like such comparatively small people could be any sort of a threat. But they soon learned they had underestimated the power of terran magic. They could never have guessed the terrans would find a way for individuals to merge their magic to strengthen it into an incredible force. It was after an entire town was wiped out that they began negotiations. They quickly met with the terrans on their terms, and had a treaty written in a matter of hours. It had only taken so long because of the challenge in writing it in a size that wouldn’t be too difficult for the terrans to read, but large enough for the giants to still make it out.
It had only taken the terrans half that time to eliminate an entire town. Half that time to create the Forest of Death, a place where every tree was the corpse of a giant.
Connor considered the different aspects of the treaty. If he was going to be meeting with representatives of their people, he would be expected to be familiar with most, if not all aspects of the treaty. He also had to be familiar with customs regarding interactions, as a leader he was expected to know everything necessary to avoid anything that might be seen as rude or insulting. But above all else to have full understanding of the treaty.
Writing and enforcing the treaty had been difficult. The biggest problem to follow was getting the Syors to give up their favorite prey. While as a group, the terrans had been quite formidable, most individuals stood little chance against a giant. There was also the complication that many Syorians, and some Syor hybrids, kept humans or terrans as pets. Luckily, the terrans hadn’t been too harsh on that matter, accepting it as long as the companion was well taken care of and had occasional interaction with people of the same size. They insisted on setting a duration limit, after a certain amount of time the pet would have to be offered the opportunity to return to their people. While Syor hybrids had complained about it, most Syorians were open to the idea, it already was common for Syorians to offer at least some degree of freedom after a while, and cared for their pets well enough that they would stay with their ‘owner’ or at least remain friends. And there were exceptions, certain circumstances where it was expected the ‘pet’ would not be released...
His train of thought was interrupted when he heard his arrival being announced as he neared the Great Hall where the guests were gathered. “Announcing the arrival of the new King, Connlaodh Rourke Kenrich...” Connor mostly tuned out the introduction, rather disliking the tradition for members of the royal family to have long names. He would have greatly preferred a much shorter name, and he couldn’t count the times he had requested they shorten his introduction. Now that he was in charge, he’d have to have that discussion again. He’d be far more likely to be successful in that request now that he had taken the throne.
Upon entering the Great Hall, he immediately was having to meet the various representatives, many having suggestions on things he might change, requests on certain matters, as well as several wanting a meeting at a later time. He was glad his royal steward stayed close, taking notes on everything said to him. He did his best to make a path toward the area set up for the little folks, knowing a number of them would be eager to leave this environment. Who could blame them for being a bit intimidated when surrounded by giants? At least there were elevated paths attached to the wall, leading to balconies and tables set up to accommodate them. There were even platform paths hanging from the ceiling for when any smaller guests were around for an extended stay. Simple teleportation charms could take them there, eliminating the need for a long climb. He couldn’t help but wonder if those paths were in use at all today. Most likely, this event was to celebrate the treaty, so some of the humans, terrans, and even other species had probably travelled great distance to get here, too far to make the trip home this evening. He’d ask his steward to double check that all accommodations were set for overnight stays.
When he reached the area where the terran and human representatives were, they bowed, and he immediately waved it off, “That’s unnecessary. I prefer keeping a more casual environment. Please, make yourself comfortable while you’re here. Is there anything in particular that needs to be discussed today?” The smaller people were clearly surprised by his open, friendly demeanor. He knew his father had been a bit of a stickler for tradition at times, insistent on typical formalities. It had caught them off guard, but before long they were past the tension and able to talk to him more openly. He made sure his steward took notes as they discussed various matters. A caravan of performers had vanished while en route to perform on his side of the border. It wasn’t surprising that some would perform for giants, he knew several borderland towns welcomed the smaller people, knowing talent came in all sizes. A rogue Syor had caused trouble and been injured by their mages. He made sure to get a detailed description of both the missing performers and the troublemaker.
The terrans were ecstatic when he told the steward to put a priority on those matters, glad to see he was taking their matters seriously. Some giants would be dismissive of their troubles... This new ruler was clearly going to be an improvement. The steward dismissed himself to retrieve more paper, and just after he stepped away, the little folks brought up a new topic, one of the things he had been concerned about.
“We have a gift for you,”
Whatever it was, he had to act grateful, if only to make sure everything stayed on good terms.
“...something to show we are willing to put effort into maintaining positive relations with you and your kingdom.”
Oh gods, with the size difference, what if he accidentally broke whatever it was? That would be a disaster! They may take it as a show of disrespect, and there was no telling where that could lead!
“We have a few contacts here, and we’ve talked with them a great deal to find out what we could get you that you would actually like. It wasn’t easy.”
Connor went from worried to puzzled ... he didn’t have many interests, and he couldn’t think of anything they could provide. He read a lot, but they couldn’t possible get any books his size. He liked music, perhaps some enchanted object that played songs? He’d heard of statuettes of birds enchanted to sound like them, and self-playing instruments... but nothing compared to actually hearing a skilled musician or singer. But his greatest interest had always been in terrans themselves; he was fond of the idea of perhaps getting to know some of them or even befriend them, but there were no real gifts that could be given having to do with that interest.
Or so he thought.
His eyes widened when a couple of them escorted a clearly frightened girl to stand before him. While she was dressed up nicely, he was almost certain she had originally been lower class. If there had been some sort of lottery for this, a noble could easily bribe their way out. If not by some lottery, was she a criminal of some sort? Perhaps her family had sold her to pay off a debt? He couldn’t think of many alternate ways someone could end up in this situation. He remembered suddenly that their attention was on him, they were waiting for his reaction to this ‘gift’. He had wanted a companion... but he was a little uneasy at the idea of taking someone against their will. And with that look of fear, there was no doubting she was not here by choice. But no matter what he thought of the situation, he couldn’t offend the visiting diplomats.
He reached forward slowly, watching her attempt to back away, but the others holding her put. He gently closed his hand around her, slowly picking her up. She struggled to get loose and he had to tighten his grip slightly, if only to make sure she wouldn’t end up falling the long, and potentially deadly drop to the ground. Terrans, or humans, if that’s what she was, were a bit fragile in some ways. Long falls were dangerous for them. He brought her near his face, closing his eyes briefly and inhaling her scent. Lingering instinct from long ago surfaced, and before he realized what he was doing, he’d gently licked her, getting her arm and the side of her face wet. He blinked and lowered her slightly as he realized what he’d done, then looked back down at the small visitors. They didn’t look surprised, they knew enough about Syorians to know that even if they had been peaceful before the truce, they had never fully lost the predatory side of their nature, especially a hybrid like him. They were confident he wouldn’t hurt her, but also were fairly certain it wouldn’t be a one-time thing.
Connor finally found his voice again, “Thank you for such a.... thoughtful gift. She’ll be well cared for here.” His mind raced as he analyzed the situation. She’s a gift, and as such, they’ll expect me to keep her in my room. “I’ll have my people start setting up accommodations for her in my room.” He’d have to genuinely do that, some of the visitors would stay overnight and it had to look like he was pleased with his gift.
Was he? Was he happy with this kind of gift? He was somewhat torn on it. He had always wanted a terran companion; this should be a dream come true! And yet... seeing how scared she was... that wasn’t what he wanted at all. He didn’t want a companion that was terrified of him. Where was she even from? Her tan skin tone made her look somewhat more... exotic than the visiting diplomats. Or was that tan from working in the fields? He didn’t want to make her more nervous by looking for tan lines, the poor girl needed some time to calm down. What if she had come from far away? She may have never seen a giant before... or even known they exist!
Now that he knew what to do about where she would stay, what about during the celebration? He would have preferred to have let her ride on his shoulder, see what was going on, ever participate... but she was bordering on panic. If he put her there, she’d surely try to get away, and with how tall he was, that would lead to injury or even death. So he did the only thing he could think of. Grateful the jacket he wore had a pocket on the chest; he opened it and gently set her inside. Hopefully she’d be relatively comfortable in there. With luck, she’d calm down and he could talk to her later. Reassure her that she’d be okay with him, that he’d take care of her.
He listened to the terrans explain they had a chest of clothes in her size they would leave here for her, as well as other things he may lack despite his terran-friendly accommodations in part of the castle. Things like a hairbrush and other personal care items. They were quick to reassure that his accommodations were more than adequate; there wasn’t much they had to supply aside from clothing. His steward finally returned with more paper for notes as they praised how well prepared the accommodations were. Connor was grateful to have the man around again to assist with this, he always worried he might make a mistake dealing with small folks, but he could count on his steward to help if he made a mistake.
One of the visiting diplomats that brought the girl spoke up, “Since your new... friend... may be a bit too nervous to talk at first, her name is Naomi. Honestly, we half expected you to just eat the girl. We all know all too well your kind can do that without causing harm, and seeing your initial... reaction... it was a surprise when you put her in your pocket instead.“
Crap. He should have known the visiting diplomats would be well educated on his kind and know what was normal for them and what they enjoyed. He thought quickly on how to respond, “Well, she seemed a bit scared, I didn’t want to overwhelm her too much, and thought it would be better to talk with you rather than have my mouth full for a time tasting her.” The diplomat seemed to consider this, “Well the banquet is supposed to begin soon, is it not? So we’ll likely be taking a break from the discussion soon anyway, and on the same note, for that same reason the duration would be brief for her.”
Connor glanced briefly at his steward, hoping the man could help fill in a different excuse to not frighten the girl. The response was just an arched brow. Connor quickly guessed what that meant. He needed to play along. Needed to make sure the diplomats were convinced he was pleased with what they chose to give him, especially since it was something so different from normally done at such events. So he reached back in his pocket and gently scooped the girl out of his pocket again.
The diplomats and his steward were watching him. The girl had almost immediately tried to bolt off his hand, so he made sure to have enough grip that there was no risk of her falling. He could see she was scared, and he didn’t like the idea of scaring her more. But he also needed to appear enthusiastic about his ‘gift’. Diplomatic relations were extremely important... Maybe he could get away with just part of it.
He looked over the girl in his hand again. She really was pretty, and now that he looked closer, he noticed that while the dress was high quality, it had seemingly been designed to not cover as much skin as most outfits. He realized the dress had been designed specifically for this situation; to make her look fancy and appropriate to the event while also allowing him a good taste. He brought her close and inhaled her scent again. She smelled lovely... Her smell definitely made it tempting, despite the fact he disliked the idea of scaring her more. But it seemed he had little option in this particular situation, so he opened his mouth and gently placed her inside, immediately purring at her taste. He closed his lips quickly to assure she wouldn’t try to get out, mainly so she wouldn’t potentially fall.
As he closed his teeth and started to taste her, he noticed the diplomats talking amongst themselves a bit, then to his steward. They could all hear him purring, and apparently that was the indication they had been looking for as proof he enjoyed his gift. He wasn’t sure who he heard said it, but he definitely heard one of them comment on his purr. Then he heard his steward speak, “As you can no doubt hear now, King Connor is quite pleased with the gift. If none of you mind, I can continue to take notes on anything else you wish to discuss while he steps away to take his time... enjoying the gift. Perhaps you can even give me a bit more information on the girl.”
Thank goodness, an opening to step away. He didn’t want to swallow this poor girl... They said her name was Naomi, right? He nodded to the small diplomats politely and walked away, soon making his way to the back room again. He could feel the saliva building in his mouth from her taste... He didn’t want her to be too much of a mess, so he pinned the frightened, squirming girl with his tongue and swallowed the extra saliva. Once that was done, he opened his mouth and caught her as she scrambled out of his mouth. The girl seemed a bit overwhelmed by the experience, and was limp in his hand as he held her, so he tried to reassure her. “It’s alright... I’m sorry about that. Politics and all that... maintaining good relations is essential so I had to make sure I looked pleased with whatever gift was offered... I am sorry about tasting you like that.”
He wasn’t sure how much she was paying attention. He pulled out a handkerchief to set over her so she could start to clean up, and gently set her down on his desk. “Wait here a moment and I’ll go look up a cleaning charm... much more efficient than water. Should only take a moment.” He turned to his book shelf, looking over the books and finding the right one. “Here we go... You’ll be cleaned up in no time...” He pulled the book from the shelf and turned to face the girl... She was gone.
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starclast · 10 months
Soooo...as I stated before: after finishing playing *Swooning over Stans* I really, really wanted to watch gravity falls but...sadly, there was no available way for me to do it 😭 When I talked about this with my best friend, she told me she knew someone who could get the series for me, and so, she asked them! This person even took the trouble to get the series in the best video quality and the original English dub, which made me extremely happy!!! 🤗🤗🤗 I wanted to meet this person and thank them personally but...my friend is settled in not letting me know who they are (she thinks it is funnier that I don't know anything about them 😅). Still, I really wanted to thank them, so I made this drawing as a gift for them!
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It was a work of two days which I put all my effort on and I have to say...it is definitely one of the very BEST drawings I have made so far in my life 😊 It was a little sad to let it go, but I will always keep these photos as a proof of one of my most precious works, and the memory that I made someone really happy!! 🤗🤗🤗
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lysarria · 9 months
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Hi everyone! Sorry I've been MIA for little over 2 months. I wanted to share what my amazing friend gave me in October for my birthday. She knows that small gifts mean a lot to me and of course knows my love for Sy 🥰. I thought it was perfect.
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denim-bias · 5 months
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sweetfreyja · 2 years
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Merry Christmas, folks! I wanted to do a little Animaniacs fanart in Christmas themed and here we are, our little Warners during the final preparations for the Great escape in the old toon explosive-style. And yes...they want "hitch a ride" on Santa's sleigh XD
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starlightgirl242 · 2 years
The First Illustration of 2023!
Here’s a colorful gift for @benjaminthewolf.
It’s a vibrant piece of art I made with them in mind. Not only did I drew Soul BF, I also drew the little angelic wolf, who is now resting comfortably within the rainbow healing liquid. 😊🌈❤️🧡💛💚💙💜✨
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(To note: I kind of went overboard with the rainbow colored hearts around Soul BF. 😅👉👈)
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angela-the-fox · 11 months
For a special gift for my very close friend and lovable brother @destinylightsup-2006
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For you,my boy and you're welcome.^^
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i-j0s · 1 year
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Special Gift ~ by ryky
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sashkacobracelets · 1 year
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There's no love quite like a Mother's. Happy Mother's Day!💐
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patiak · 1 year
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New Journal with colorful paper and title trust my heart! one of kind. click to buy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/778139338/trust-my-heart-fabric-journal-notebook?click_key=911d335539f0b52a625214550dab419f151c3f5c%3A778139338&click_sum=12e09952&ref=shop_home_active_22&frs=1
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vixen525noms · 8 months
Special Gift Part 4
Another story that started out on my deviantart page. Like DCD it will be continued. A G/T story with a much more wholesome giant, but there will be vore.
It occurs long while after Defying Certain Death, but in the same world and both stories do eventually tie together.
Proofreader and creator of Dani: @vore-scientist
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Naomi was a bit tense about being alone with this unfamiliar giantess, but it was better than being surrounded by them. She was carried to a room and set down on an area with a bed and reading area and a large painting of a beach. Naomi stared in shock as the giantess put her hands on the surface as if to pull herself up to sit on it, and began to rapidly shrink as she muttered a word in some foreign language. The giantess continued her action as she shrank, soon sitting on the edge of the surface. Naomi knew her mouth was open but was so shocked by the giantess shrinking it took her a moment to correct it. Lana chuckled a bit as she stood, “I had a feeling that would surprise you. I hope you are more comfortable now that I don’t tower over you. Perhaps now we can have a more relaxed conversa...”
Lana was interrupted by a human sized door flying open as a cute, pudgy young woman kicking open the door shouting, “I just heard the news! Connor got a- Your Majesty!” Then seeing the giantess shrunk, jogged over to hug Lana, giving a kiss on the cheek. Lana sighed, hugging the young woman back, “Hello Dani, good to see you too. This is our new arrival, Naomi. She comes from the Ruby Isles.” “Oh, right!” Dani chimes, turning to face Naomi with the biggest smile on her face, accented with deep dimples. "I heard Connor got a new treat! And wow, she is just as cute as the rumors said! Naomi was it? I’m Dani! I’ve been a paid treat for years; you’re going to love it here! "
“I… am not so sure about loving this place… it’s… a lot to adjust to…” Naomi said, nearly inaudible, kind of overwhelmed. Dani giggled in response, "Well sure! It was a bit scary; I’d actually never been eaten before! First time is sooooo terrifying, but now it's thrilling. So what was it like when Connor ate you? It's been ages since he's called on my services, but I suppose now he's got his own personal snack he won’t need me much at all. It's wonderful! He deserves it, he's such a sweetheart and really, kings should have more exclusive treats!"
Naomi looked horrified, “You mean he’s going to actually eat me? He’s eaten you? It was scary enough being put in his mouth!” Lana tried to interrupt, to explain to Dani about the situation, “Dani please, I think you need to know a bit more…”
"Of course he has, and he pays well, I got so many books... wait..." she faltered "I heard he ate you, the whole courtroom saw it!" Naomi replied, “I… was just in his mouth…” Naomi muttered, “This… has been extremely overwhelming…”
"Really? I mean you were there so you'd know but I am very surprised!" Dani finally noticed the look on Lana's face, "Hold on... I’m missing something. Is... Naomi not Connor's new treat? She's certainly dressed like one. She smells like one, smells like the special salt blend I made specifically for Connor!"
Lana sighed, glad to have Dani’s attention, “Naomi did not volunteer.” At that Naomi quickly added, “Volunteer? I thought giants were a myth before today!” Dani looks insulted at what Lana said, "Vo..." she gasps, "Volunteer!?" Dani said more shrilly, "Lana! You insult me! I am a paid professional! We all are! I cannot believe you would make such an error!" Dani was being intentionally dramatic. Lana’s hand rested over her forehead as she tried to get Dani on track again, “Did you completely miss what she said about not even knowing giants were more than a myth? And I didn’t call either of you a volunteer. I merely said she didn’t.” Naomi, hopeful the conversation now had the two distracted, began to examine her surroundings. She was hoping to figure out how to get away still.
Dani looked confused. "I... don’t know what you are talking about,” Dani said, having managed to miss the important part of what was said,"I think I did miss something," she looked down in a bit of shame and her cheeks got a bit red. "That happens..." but then looked up determined, "so, uh, repeat it, please?" Lana realized it would be best to go for blunt, and clarified the situation to Dani, “Naomi did not choose to be here. Before today, she thought giants were a mainland myth. I overheard the diplomats referring to her as a political prisoner that knows too much…”
Naomi, thinking the two were distracted by the conversation, carefully started to move towards the edge of the dresser. However, the movement immediately caught Dani’s attention, "Hey! Don’t go that way, you'll fall!" Dani called out, not realizing what Naomi was about to do. She even grabbed Naomi's wrist and pulled her back "First thing to learn about living amongst the giants! Stay away from the edges of things, we are very high up!" Naomi sighed, unsure if Dani meant to keep her safe or keep her from escaping, “I’m used to jumping down from the masts of ships. I know all about heights.”
Dani considered briefly and said, "Well still, don't? One does not just... fall off things in front of the queen. It is very rude."
Lana chuckled, “I think she meant to try to run away, Dani.”
Dani replied, "Well maybe you should get big again so she can’t do that!"
Lana sighed, “If it becomes necessary. For now I want to calm her down.”
Dani guided Naomi back to a seating area meant for humans. Naomi was visibly shaky, “They are so big…”
"Well, they are called giants, for a reason," Dani giggled and guided Naomi to sit down in a very plush chair.
Naomi’s voice was a bit higher, stressed, “They look to be as big as the statues of the great sea guardians… and he put me in his mouth! And you said he will surely eat me!”
“Well sure, I thought he already had, we all think that! Well, Everyone in the castle! That’s what giants do with treats. We just taste so good, and they like how it feels to have us in their bellies!” She turns to Lana, “Isn’t that right!”
Lana placed her hand on her forehead, “Of course we love it, but Connor wouldn’t do that to someone scared!”
 “And like I said, you smell like you were doused in Connor’s favorite salts! I made them myself to make his treats taste even better! And you’re dressed as a treat, how was I to know you were… um… forced into this. Do you need some ice water? You’re sweating a lot. ”
“They dressed me as a sacrifice… they want to get me killed! Over a freaking accident!”
Dani laughed again “Killed!? Did you miss the part where I’ve been eaten? Do I look dead to you?” Dani then realized that she should be more mindful and patted Naomi on the shoulder, “You’re not gonna die. I don’t know why you ended up here but whoever dressed you like this didn’t want you to die. They know Connor wouldn’t ever kill a human! Unless you’re an assassin, but I don’t think you are.” Then more seriously she added, “But if you try to run, that might happen. There are some giants around who would happily have you as a snack for real. Connor isn’t one of them. And neither is Lana.”
“You mean like that really scary chef…”
Dani immediately knew who that is and looked like she might laugh again but stopped herself and glanced to the side, “I’ve worked with a lot of Syor... and Birgit… she seems the type, but she knows better. She’s been here for decades. We can both promise you she’d never kill you, she likes her job too much.”
“Syor? You mean giants? She’s the scariest I’ve seen so far…”
“Yes, Birgit is a Syor, the more um… scary kind of giant. And I won’t deny that Birgit is one of the scariest and yet one of the least likely to hurt a human. Oh and her majesty is Syorian. I ask again, do you want some water?”
“Honestly I want fig wine from my home, but water will do.”
“Oh, we don’t have fig wine, but we have figs! I like them with goat cheese and honey! Or just roasted with honey. We can get you some!”
 “Figs would make me feel better… they are a cultural food to us.”Naomi said softly.
 So Dani called for a servant to bring that snack and some juice to drink, having previously read islanders are fond of fruity drinks "Feel any better?"
 “These aren’t like the ones from the islands… but they aren’t bad… this place is so scary…” Naomi said again.
"Repeating that won’t make it less so. You need to think about something else,” Dani suggested.
 Naomi sighed, “Easier said than done... This place is so overwhelming.”
 Lana spoke up, “I would assume it would be to someone unfamiliar with giants. But as Dani and I have both said, Connor won’t hurt you. How about we try to talk about something else. What led to you leaving the islands? It’s not all that common from what I know.”
Naomi was hesitant, but sighed, “I... was starting my new job as an ambassador... I already had worked on careful negotiations at home and it was decided I was ready to negotiate trade with Naterhu.”
She paused to fidget with a fig, trying to think straight. Trying to focus on what she was good at. “We had heard there was a kingdom north of Naterhu called Yorsani, but we wanted to focus on good relations with the one closer before sending ships further north...”
Having peeled off all the skin and removed the stem, Naomi had started removing some of the small, soft seeds, her hands getting juices from the fig on them as she did so, “I always dreamed of working in politics, especially international... even though the islands don’t interact with other nations much it sounded so interesting... I guess... I guess if I’m some sort of... gift... to the king here... I’m just going to be a pet now instead.”
Dani smiled, “Don’t look so glum! This place is great! The giants love us treats so much they will give us the best things. I have gotten language tutors and rare books... You’ll still have access to stuff to learn about other cultures just like you would as an ambassador... you’ll probably have access to learn even more unique things!”
Naomi frowned, “Treats? That’s what I’m to be to the king?”
Lana chimed in immediately, “Connor would never do that against someone’s will. You are not a treat unless you make the choice to be. You are a guest. Someone to talk to... A companion. Not just some treat to sample or some simple source of entertainment.”
The nervous island girl went quiet for a moment before continuing, “Dani you sound so happy with how you live... but this is a far cry from what I wanted for my life. I wanted not just to learn about other cultures, but interact, to handle the challenging situations that arise... to make a difference at the very least for my people, maybe even in the world as a whole.”
Lana arched a brow, “You have a very strong idea of what you planned for your life. Not many know that in their youth. Not many can state it so strongly when stressed.”
One fig now plucked of seeds, Naomi picked up another, “With everything that’s been going on, the lack of information while I was being transported... it’s all I focused on. I didn’t want to think about where I was being taken or what might happen... so I focused on that instead. I thought how even though by family has very different ways of making a living I studied the species of the islands, worked on cultural exchanges to resolve the ongoing issues with the werejaguars and have them more welcome on the big island. I was going to resolve the hostilities with a neighboring island to make ships like my father’s safer. That would increase the hauls of fish and being able to follow the migrations would eliminate the bad season for fishing. I studied the beastfolk of Naterhu, which I learned you call nemeran, and would arrange trade deals that would suit each of their needs instead of just focusing on human trade. I even made sure before my first trip to Naterhu that I knew exactly what body language and even ways of dressing may be seen poorly so that I would make a good impression and seal an important trade deal... and eventually make a name for myself, someone important, and all of this... all of this ruined by a stupid dog!”
"Wow... that... um. That sucks. I do love my life, but I chose it. You had yours taken from you by those... those assholes! Connor should eat them!"
Lana immediately interjected, “Absolutely not.”
Naomi stared at Dani with a horrified expression.
In response to both reactions, Dani added, "He wouldn’t kill them!"
Lana shook her head, “Still no, Dani.” 
Naomi sighed, “I have a lot to think about.”  Lana smiled warmly at Naomi, “Indeed you do. Let’s get you to a washroom, get the fig juice off your hands, get the bath salts off that are meant to flavor you off, maybe some floral scented soaps instead. And a different outfit... Maybe something colorful that covers you a bit better so you feel less exposed.” Lana stood from her seat, making a gesture for Naomi to follow. “Maybe the hot water will help you relax,” Lana said as she opened the door to the human sized passageway in the wall, “We’ll take this path so you don’t have to see any giants at full size… or be carried.”
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starclast · 11 months
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"Phew! That was incredible! I cant believe it was just our first show!"
"Yeah... ... ...hey"
"A-Ah, so...Sorry if this seems too much to you but...here"
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"That is..."
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"Y-Yeah, w-well...You came up with the gloves for us so...I wanted to give you something special...you know?..."
"AWSOME!! hey! how do I look?"
"...Amazing as always, guitarist."
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yomaenwere · 1 year
Mother's Day Greeting Card
Mother's day is around the corner so get her this unique printable card and make her day Awesome!
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artsystudiofinds · 8 months
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Czech moldavite ring handcrafted in silver in tree theme..
Unique Valentine's gifting ideas by @artsystudiofinds
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