#specifically in 1x21
weird but i love the way mac punches people. the way he tucks in his inactive arm and he doesn’t really extend his punching arm he just twists his body and just fucking pounds people, helmeted or not
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queenofglassbeliever · 9 months
Finished watching the "Comet Chasers" episode. The one with Halley's comet. Did you know irl, we can predict when the comet will pass Earth again? The predicted date is July 29, 2061.
So is that the date of the comet chasers episode? So far it's the only specific date, aside from August 15 Virgil's birthday. Which occurred during "Breakdown." And that episode came before "Comet Chasers." It would have hade to gave been the August before July 2061. That would be August 2060.
That would mean there's roughly 11 months between "Breakdown" (1x16) and "Comet Chasers" (1x21)
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hii I have a community question so I thought I'd reference your encyclopedia
are there any references to music that abed listens to? I know they do it for other characters sometimes (like I'm pretty sure britta said she liked the pixies but maybe I made that up) anyway I'm trying to make a playlist about him
hey! thanks for the ask 💯
after sitting here and scanning my brain’s database (and searching the internet) unfortunately I haven’t come up with much… I did remember about this:
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which is part of the whiteboard Abed had set up in 1x21 Contemporary American Poultry, on which he says he likes banjo music lmfao
the only other things I can think of are probably not very helpful at all, but I’m writing them down anyway lmao. he participated in defending The Barenaked Ladies from Jeff’s criticism (although, the entire group does that, and it probably doesn’t speak much to abed’s specific music taste), and maybe there’s a song he put into one of his documentaries or something? although, I’m pretty sure most of, if not all, the scoring for those is the same as the scoring for the actual show itself. he also dances to Roxanne by The Police in Remedial Chaos Theory, but, again, the whole group does, and everyone knows that song. also, at the end of 1x14 Interpretive Dance, he is shown tapdancing, and Merry Happy by Kate Nash is playing. but, I don’t think he put on the song himself— in fact I don’t think he can hear it at all, I think it’s just score. so, again, probably doesn’t speak to his actual music taste. but, in my personal opinion, that kind of music fits him the best, so I might look more into Kate Nash and related artists if I was making an Abed playlist.
so, yeah… his pop culture references don’t really seem to include music lol. there’s a chance he listens to movie soundtracks sometimes? movies like Back to the Future have some more commercialized songs on their soundtracks, so maybe he’s into that. looking more into soundtracks from classic 80’s films might help you a bit.
I did find this on his twitter (if you don’t know about the twitter character accounts lmk that’s a whole other can of worms that I am happy to open with you all) so obviously he has music he listens to, but I scrolled through all his tweets and he never mentions any specific artists or songs. lame
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but yeah. sorry that this was all I could do, dude. I’m gonna open the floor to anyone who has any Vital Information™ that I missed, or for anyone who just has some headcannons or opinions on what they think Abed might listen to. thanks again for the ask and I hope this was at least semi helpful o7
(also, you’re right about Britta liking Pixies! she has a poster up in her room in the cold open of the season 2 premiere, and also there’s this Jeff quote from Digital Estate Planning: “this place is twenty cat turds and a Pixies poster away from being your apartment.” she also likes Natalie is Freezing, but they only exist in the Community universe unfortunately lol. but at least those two things give us a handle on what music Britta likes. Abed remains an enigma lmao)
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eldrai · 1 year
I’ve been reading lots of stuff about autistic Hotch. How do you think Hotch stims? Are there any gifs/examples from episodes?
OKAY so this is going to be a long list because I just went back through the episodes I've seen up to specifically looking for examples! But thank you for asking. I've been meaning to collect examples somewhere.
(I'll preface this with saying that everyone stims and just because I mention something here doesn't mean anyone is automatically autistic because they do that too.)
The main thing I can think of is what I very descriptively call "the hand thing" he does.
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This is probably the clearest example of it in a gif I could find. What I mean is the way he rubs his thumb over the ends of his fingers. I see it as a fairly subtle way to stim and it tends to come up mostly when he's either thinking or stressed. That's the main thing I've picked up on because he does it quite a lot; I haven't gone over the earlier episodes specifically yet - only skimmed certain parts based on the incidences of it I found going through screencaps from @masterwords - it seems most prevalent in the earlier seasons.
A few more examples - they don't all have the actual motion in them but you can see his fingers curled up like that. He also brings his hand up near his face somewhat often, again usually when he's thinking.
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He also does it a ton while walking and standing in general. Some more screenshots (thanks again @masterwords)
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Two occasions stick out to me, both when he was distressed or highly worried at least. First is in Omnivore (4x18). It isn't strictly the thumb-over-the-fingers but it is similar, with his hand balled up and almost hiding his face at first.
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And the second I really like because we get the hand stim very clearly but also rocking! It's in 2x08, when Derek refuses to step away from the lady with a bomb under her car. Please ignore the choppy editing and audio lol I just needed to show this:
Here we also see the same thing he does in the above gif of 4x18 - the teeth grinding. I think that's only when he's under a fair bit of distress though.
I've been keeping track of it from now on partly because one day I'm going to compile everything into one absurdly long meta. So I've undoubtedly missed many times and my timings might be a little off but here's some if you want to see examples:
LDSK - 11:23
3x15 - 3:00
1x08 - bomb + rocking
2x15 -
5x03 - start + middle
7x07 - tapping
3x12 - 6min
3x11 - 22min
2x23 - 6min + 30min
2x19 - 39min
2x08 - 31min + earlier
2x05 - 29min
2x02 - 37min
1x21 - 30min
1x16 - 17min
4x18 - after bus
9x06 - 24min with pen
9x08 - 8min 10s
9x09 -5min 30s, 7:57, 22:40
9x11 - 29:46
9x13 - 6:55
9x14 - 4:40, 29:50
As you can see, it's the most noticeable for me in the early seasons. 9x06 was around when I started keeping track as I watch, not retrospectively, for context.
Not all of these are the hand thing! Some are things like when he picks up a pen he tends to keep it in hand even when he's not actually writing anything, just slightly fiddling with it constantly. And again that's nowhere near JUST an autistic thing but I notice it in addition to the main hand thing.
Another thing is, mostly when he's anxious and holding something like a phone, he'll tap his fingers lightly against it. I have a clip of him somewhere on my blog doing it in 7x07.
There's also what he does with his hands when he isn't stimming that's interesting to me.
Hotch spends a lot of time with his arms either crossed or his hands in his pockets. Often the hand thing and the crossed arms happen at the same, where he'll have his right arm across his chest and with his left running his thumb over his fingers.
I find it really interesting because I read that as trying not to stim. Because if his hands are in his pocket, he can't. If he's got his arms folded, he can't. I'd imagine it fits well with him and his backstory. He's quite reserved in general so it makes sense he wouldn't want to stim very openly even if it's a subtle thing, and then you add in the implications from 1x08 and it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine he was discouraged, whether consciously or not, not to.
Then again, it could also simply be a comfort thing to do something with his hands rather than not stimming. Could be counted as stimming itself - something like pressure.
But in order of most to least frequent, the canon stimming I see from him is
The hand thing
Fidgeting with pens, etc.
Teeth grinding
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jadelotusflower · 9 months
Stargate rewatch: 1x21 Within the Serpent's Grasp
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We’re back in tarp city, quite a circle back to the pilot.
Daniel sans glasses once again, urging the team to go through the gate to the address he got in the AU. Jack still doesn’t believe him and Sam is concerned about a court martial, but Teal’c is immediately on board.
“In the other reality by the time I left Sara was dead, Carter your whole family was dead, hell I was dead, everyone was dead.” Interesting that Daniel specifically mentions Sara here, I wonder if the Jack/Sara relationship was something they were considering revisiting at some point.
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The first use (I think) of the black BDUs by the team.
Is Daniel wearing contacts? At least in the earlier scene he had his glasses hooked on his shirt. I realise I’m harping on this but there doesn’t seem to be any continuity to Daniel’s vision.
Story by James Crocker (his only Stargate credit), teleplay by Jonathan Glassner, directed by David Warry-Smith.
Our first use of the Zat’nik’tel - unpopular opinion maybe but I love the Zats, they become somewhat of a crutch as an all purpose stun gun rather than the “extreme pain” they’re introduced as inflicting, but that’s how it goes.
Jack, Daniel, and Sam being floored by the ship accelerating but not Teal’c is a nice touch.
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It’s Ferretti! Confirmation that he took over from Kawalsky leading SG-2. I always liked Ferretti, it’s a shame he wasn’t more of a supporting/recurring character in the show. In fact I don’t think we see him again after this episode? He’s off to get into prosthetics on Andromeda.
Some continuity issues with what Teal’c knows about the Ha’tak vessels in this episode compared to later on - his knowledge/experience really is dictated by the episode requirements.
The Jaffa turn on the big ol’ silver ball of communication and Apophis dials in to introduce his son Klorel. It’s a bit of a retcon from the pilot but I discuss my headcanon explanation in that episode writeup.
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Daniel shifting into rage mode at seeing Apophis.
Also lol at everyone in their beanies but Jack. RDA really said nope, caps only for O’Neill, no exceptions.
The discussion the team has about whether to try and capture Klorel/rescue Skarra is actually a nice mirror of the one they have in The Nox - Jack and Daniel, being emotionally invested, are keen to do it despite the risk and are quick with justifications (Jack - it would be a strategic advantage, Daniel - they could try and reach Skaara), Teal’c supports them with his own tactical logic, while Sam appropriately questions the plan and makes sure there’s a contingency.
It’s part of why they make such a good team - each of them bring a different skillset and pov to each situation, and they have the respect for each other to talk it through.
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Sam and Daniel plant the C4, and apparently Daniel’s glasses were clipped to his shirt after all, because he takes them out and puts them in a vest pocket for some reason.
For Daniel's snark about "uploading a virus to the mothership" the previous episode, it's kind of lol that their solution ends up being just blowing up the mothership - uploading a virus in the form of explosives.
Jack and Teal’c actually nab Klorel pretty easily in the end - it’s holding onto him that’s the problem.
“He is my father. He seeded the queen mother. He chose the host in which I will live out eternity. Apophis gave me life.” I suppose we’re meant to assume Amaunet is the queen in question but I really wish they’d done more with the familial relationships - both of the Goa’uld and human sides.
Alexis Cruz gives a great performance as Klorel, really pushing Jack’s buttons.
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After Jack shoots him with the Zat, Skaara calls for both Sha’re and Daniel 🥺
Skaara is able to maintain a degree of influence over Klorel even when he regains control - afteraffects of the zat, Skaara’s strength, or because Klorel is a young Goa’uld not yet experienced in controlling a host? Perhaps all three.
Klorel gets Daniel in the hold of the ribbon device (but of course!), and Jack has to make the agonising decision to shoot Skaara to save Daniel’s life.
I mean, if I had a nickel every time a member of SG-1 has to shoot one of Daniel’s family to stop the Goa’uld that possesses them from killing him with the ribbon device…
Maybe it’s not that weird it happened twice, since Jonathan Glassner also wrote Forever in a Day.
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“O’Neill, you must take action!” Why doesn’t Teal’c take action? Someone run over there and tackle Klorel instead of standing around watching Daniel’s brain get fried!
But of course it has to be Jack - Jack who brushed by Daniel in the pilot to greet Skaara, but has grown closer to Daniel since he joined SG-1; they started out only united by a common goal (find Sha’re and Skaara) but have started to develop a real bond. It’s the emotional climax not only of the episode, but the whole season in forcing Jack to chose between the lives of his surrogate son and his comrade and friend.
Added to this is the trauma of Jack being forced to stop Skaara with a gun - Charlie died in part due to Jack’s negligence around his gun, but Jack actively had to shoot Skaara here and that’s heartbreaking.
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A nice mirror to the end of the last episode, with our team staring down at the Stargate framed by the control room of the SGC, and now they're staring down at Earth framed by the Pel'Tak.
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kiss-my-freckle · 1 year
I was watching the Stefan/Katherine kiss where she pretends to be Elena and so many Stefan fans claim that Stefan was more respectful of Damon's feelings than Damon was about him and Elena. In that season 5 kiss Stefan initiates a kiss after Katherine does and continues to go at it. Even after they pause and he says they shouldn't because she just broke up with Damon he doesn't say you dated my brother. It seemed somewhat similar to the motel kiss between Delena where Damon was questioning why Elena kissed him given the circumstances. Also Stefan checks out Elena multiple times after he knows she's not in love with him and they've broken up, including trying to check her out while she's nude multiple times. Damon never desperately stared at her while she was nude like Stefan did. He barely checked Elena out while she was dating Stefan. He did a little at the beginning of season 1, but he mostly just flirted but his flirting was more subtle and natural as he got to know her. Elena checked Damon more while dating Stefan than he ever did. He kissed Elena months after she broke up with Stefan in 3x10. In 3x06 it was obvious that he wanted to kiss her but held back because of his brother. He looked more guilty in the first aid scene after Elena leaves his bathroom and they look at each other.
The conversation Stefan has with Katherine at the motel is discussed between Delena about their 3x10 kiss. That's why Damon doesn't kiss her at first. Mostly, his motel scene with Katherine was meant to show Stefan what happened between Damon and Elena in Denver, something he was ready for because he sent Elena to Denver for that purpose.
Damon doesn't make a move on Elena until he's given reason. Even his first initial kiss in 1x22 was the result of Stefan challenging him in 1x21. He would make a move on her when he was ready for it. His kiss in 3x10 is similar to that of Elena's kiss in 6x12. He realized that he could die at any moment, and he didn't want to waste another minute feeling guilty simply for wanting her.
3x19 is specific in the fact that it's written around 3x14. She's not there to figure out her feelings, she's expecting him to screw it up. But their bump in the road isn't with them in Denver, he's at home with Alaric. You then see that shift with Damon's character. He knows Stefan manipulated his way back to Elena, and he's taking her to the 20s dance, but he doesn't lash out. He calmly walks away. He doesn't lash out again until after she dies, and so much as supports her relationship with Stefan, that's how dedicated he is.
When she feeds on him, he allows it because it's made clear that she won't turn to Stefan for it, and he won't let her starve. When he dances with her at the party, he fully expects she'll tell Stefan about it, but she doesn't. Absolutely nothing he does with Elena is a secret for him, it's a secret for her. As far as Damon is concerned, if Elena wants him, she will have him whenever and wherever that happens to be because it is her choice.
Stefan was like this with Katherine. He outwardly told Elena that he knew Damon wanted Katherine and didn't care how much it hurt him, he was gong to have her because he wanted her. Unlike Damon, Stefan felt no guilt for his relationship with Katherine. He so much as laughed at Damon, who was very much in pain at the sight of them dancing together. Damon is the more respectful brother, but fans tend to ignore Stefan's bs for the sake of their ship.
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samanddeanwerehere · 1 year
Terminal City Iron Works, Vancouver
Terminal City Iron Works is a bit unusual when it comes to repeat locations as it was almost more of a back lot than a location. Once upon a time, it was actually an iron works foundry that manufactured fire hydrants and man hole covers. 
When it closed down in the late 90s, film productions started to take advantage of the space. Most notably, Dark Angel (yes, the one that Jensen was in!) came in and developed it extensively into its own Terminal City (if you’ve watched the series, you’ll know they used the name in the show). That production, which incidentally had the same production designer as Supernatural, build numerous facades in the space that made the location almost as much film set as it was a foundry. Those facades remained when Dark Angel ended and made the space desirable as a location that productions could use almost like a back lot for industrial settings. There were large warehouse and factory type spaces, a tunnel that Dark Angel had turned into a sewer set, an office space that played many a police station. And the location was host to literally hundreds of television series and movies. Anything that shot in Vancouver between 2002 and 2014 probably filmed at Terminal City at one time or another. 
Sadly, in 2015 the site was sold and all the sets demolished. The land where it once sat is now home to a modern (and boring) office park. 
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I want to preface the SPN specific portion of this post by noting that the episodes I am about to list are the ones that I know of that shot at Terminal City. It is HIGHLY likely that there were even more that filmed there that I’m just not aware of and/or didn’t pick up on because I don't tend to hunt for interiors that are obviously not public.
SPN’s first Terminal City visit was right out of the gate in 1x03 Dead in the Water. That office space I mentioned that played many a police station, was used for, you guessed it, the police station where the boys first meet the sheriff and Andrea and Lucas. 
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Production was back again shortly after for all the sewer scenes in 1x06 Skin, using that tunnel that Dark Angel had made into a sewer set. 
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In 1x15 The Benders, Terminal City does double duty, first as the site of the first kidnapping (the Tavern sign in the second shot is a notable feature of the Terminal City set). 
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And then both the exterior and interior of that office space are back as yet another police station where Dean meets Kathleen. 
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John ends up back in the sewer in 1x21 Salvation while trying to thwart Meg and her demon brother. 
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In 2x17 Heart, the streets of Terminal City are the site of a werewolf attack. 
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2x20 What Is and What Should Never Be sees Dean getting trapped by a djinn in one of the Terminal City warehouses. 
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Terminal City again does double duty in 3x07 Fresh Blood, first as the location where the boys find Lucy the vampire. 
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And then later both the exterior and interior of the Terminal City buildings are used for the warehouse where the boys track down vampire Gordon. 
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In 5x13 The Song Remains the Same, the interiors are used as the warehouse where Cas and Anna meet and the garage where Anna attacks John and Mary. 
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In 6x21 Let It Bleed Dean rescues Ben and Lisa from one of the Terminal City warehouses. 
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8x12 As Time Goes By uses Terminal City for the final confrontation with Abbadon.
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Terminal City is apparently the happening place for djinn to hang out, because they are back in 8x20 Pac-Man Fever, capturing Charlie. 
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The last known appearance of Terminal City was in 9x20 Bloodlines, where the gang sneaks in to rescue Violet. (Humorously, at least to me, the exterior of this location is in Chicago, thousands of miles away). 
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Unless there was a Season 10 appearance I missed, that most likely is the end of Terminal City’s journey on Supernatural as it was torn down between S10 and S11. Somewhere out there, some lucky fans probably have some great photos of this set because it was one of the stops on a Russ Bus tour in 2009.
Next up in the repeat locations series, the Delta Barber Shop in Ladner!
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brinleyparke · 1 year
Hawaii Five-0 Fic Ideas
Based on Specific Episodes:
Post-pilot – Kono goes to Steve's house to check on him.
Post-pilot – How do Steve's superiors react when they hear he's transferring to the Reserves?
1x12 AU – What if Steve and Kono didn't steal the money? What if Steve borrowed from a friend, perhaps Josef Kostan or Lucifer? When Steve can't give him the money back, Steve owes him a favor.
Post 2x03 – Danny reconsiders letting Steve around Grace now that he has really seen what he is capable of.
Post 2x07 – Steve apologizes to Max. They become BFFs.
Post 2x07 – Steve gets payback on Lori for the Sandy costume
Costume ideas:
Angel, Captain America, Clark Kent, cop, cowboy, dark angel, devil, firefighter, gladiator, Greek god/Adonis, handyman/mechanic, lifeguard, lumberjack, pirate, sailor, soldier/SEAL, wrestler.
Post 2x09 – Steve tells Joe what happened with Nick Taylor. Joe tells him it wasn't his fault.
Post 2x10 – Joe tells Doris about Steve being tortured.
Post 2x16 – McRollins h/c
Post 2x22 AU – Kono ends things with Adam after he almost killed Steve.
Post 3x07 – h/c for Steve. Can be McKono, McRollins, or Gen. Maybe Doris or Mary notices the roadrash on Steve's back
3x08 – Steve is upset that his team didn't trust him
Post 3x15 – Chin and Kono's thoughts after seeing the bullet with their boss's/friend's name on it
Reacher (TV show) x-over: Post 3x20 – Reacher decides to go to Hawaii because why not? He ends up getting framed for murder again because that's just his luck. Five-0 gets the case. Steve sees Reacher and looks like he's seen a ghost. Steve believes that Reacher didn't do it. The Five-0 team thinks Steve isn't thinking straight. It's up to Steve, Reacher, and Catherine to prove Reacher's innocence.
4x07 – Danny thinks Steve would actually make a good father.
4x08 – hurt/comfort; what if it wasn't just a graze?
4x08 – Grover starts to consider that maybe steve isn't such a bad guy after all
Post 5x18 – Steve feels guilty that he wasn't the one to get Chin out and that he had to choose between Chin and Danny. Steve goes to apologize to Chin. Chin assures him there's no hard feelings and that he understands why he had to get Danny first (Danny was an American cop in a Colombian prison, while Chin was in America).
6x04 AU – Steve pulls up his shirt to prove the abs are accurate. See evidence below.
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Post 6x19 – Steve tells Lou about his mom faking her death and his dad sending him and Mary away.
6x25 AU – What if Chin was the one who gave Steve half his liver instead of Danny?
Post 6x25 – Lou and Chin realize that on all those nights that Steve would call Chin, Steve wasn't sleeping either. (Malia died at the same time that Steve found out his mother was still alive.)
Post 6x25 – Steve is struggling with his medical discharge from the Navy.
Kirk Emerson (the Marine with no legs from 4x20) hears about the plane crash-landing on the news. Maybe he makes some calls or something to see if Steve survived and somehow finds out about the transplant (idk how). Kirk makes a trip to Hawaii because knows what Steve is going through.
Or maybe Joe hears about it and helps Steve adjust to no longer being in the Navy.
7x16 – Insecure!Steve based on the scene where Steve mentions his crow's feet
Post season 7 finale – Steve has one of his spells during a meeting with the governor.
Based on 8x24 – John is worried when he finds out Steve was hurt. He's also grateful to Joe for saving his son and making sure he got out of there...alive.
Post-finale – Steve and Cath visit some people
Chin, Abby, and Sara
Mary and Joanie
Sam Hanna
MacGyver (they talk about Jack)
Reggie Cole and his son (from 1x21)
Danny's family
Harry Langford
Wade Gutches
Post-finale – Steve thinks about the stranger from the hospital chapel all those years ago (from 6x25)
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channelrat · 4 years
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kollok 1991, 1x20/1x21
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: Links to My Recaps
So, I finished 3 year long rewatch of ouat & ouatiw a few weeks ago and I thought I’d post links to my live reaction posts of each episode. If anyone’s interested in anything specific you can find it here. It’s also just to have them all in one place. I would love to see your comments about the episodes or in regards to any questions I raised, or anything really if you would like to add anything! I’d love to talk Ouat with you!
All Episodes Tag
Chronological Order | Last To First Order
Season One
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1x01 Pilot | 1x02 The Thing You Love Most | 1x03 Snow Falls | 1x04 The Price of Gold | 1x05 That Still Small Voice | 1x06 The Shepherd | 1x07 The Heart is a Lonely Hunter | 1x08 Desperate Souls | 1x09 True North | 1x10 7:15 A.M. | 1x11 Fruit of the Poisonous Tree | 1x12 Skin Deep | 1x13 What Happened to Frederick | 1x14 Dreamy | 1x15 Red-Handed | 1x16 Heart of Darkness | 1x17 Hat Trick | 1x18 The Stable Boy | 1x19 The Return | 1x20 The Stranger | 1x21 An Apple Red as Blood | 1x22 A Land Without Magic
Season Two
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2x01 Broken | 2x02 We Are Both | 2x03 Lady of the Lake | 2x04 The Crocodile | 2x05 The Doctor | 2x06 Tallahassee | 2x07 Child of the Moon | 2x08 Into the Deep | 2x09 Queen of Hearts | 2x10 The Cricket Game | 2x11 The Outsider | 2x12 In the Name of the Brother | 2x13 Tiny | 2x14 Manhattan | 2x15 The Queen is Dead | 2x16 The Miller's Daughter | 2x17 Welcome to Storybrooke | 2x18 Selfless, Brave and True | 2x19 Lacey | 2x20 The Evil Queen | 2x21 Second Star to the Right | 2x22 And Straight on 'til Morning
Season Three
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3x01 The Heart of the Truest Believer | 3x02 Lost Girl | 3x03 Quite a Common Fairy | 3x04 Nasty Habits | 3x05 Good Form | 3x06 Ariel | 3x07 Dark Hollow | 3x08 Think Lovely Thoughts | 3x09 Save Henry | 3x10 The New Neverland | 3x11 Going Home | 3x12 New York City Serenade | 3x13 Witch Hunt | 3x14 The Tower | 3x15 Quiet Minds | 3x16 It's Not Easy Being Green | 3x17 The Jolly Roger | 3x18 Bleeding Through | 3x19 A Curious Thing | 3x20 Kansas | 3x21 Snow Drifts | 3x22 There's No Place Like Home
Season Four
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4x01 A Tale of Two Sisters | 4x02 White Out | 4x03 Rocky Road | 4x04 The Apprentice | 4x05 Breaking Glass | 4x06 Family Business | 4x07 The Snow Queen | 4x08 Smash the Mirror, Part 1 | 4x08 Smash the Mirror, Part 2 | 4x09 Fall | 4x10 Shattered Sight | 4x11 Heroes and Villains | 4x12 Darkness on the Edge of Town | 4x13 Unforgiven | 4x14 Enter the Dragon | 4x15 Poor Unfortunate Soul | 4x16 Best Laid Plans | 4x17 Heart of Gold | 4x18 Sympathy for the De Vil | 4x19 Lily | 4x20 Mother | 4x21 Operation Mongoose, Part 1 | 4x22 Operation Mongoose, Part 2
Season Five
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5x01 The Dark Swan | 5x02 The Price | 5x03 Siege Perilous | 5x04 The Broken Kingdom | 5x05 Dreamcatcher | 5x06 The Bear and the Bow | 5x07 Nimue | 5x08 Birth | 5x09 The Bear King | 5x10 Broken Heart | 5x11 Swan Song | 5x12 Souls of the Departed | 5x13 Labor of Love | 5x14 Devil's Due | 5x15 The Brothers Jones | 5x16 Our Decay | 5x17 Her Handsome Hero | 5x18 Ruby Slippers | 5x19 Sisters | 5x20 Firebird | 5x21 Last Rites | 5x22 Only You | 5x23  An Untold Story
Season Six
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6x01 The Savior | 6x02 Bitter Draught | 6x03 The Other Shoe | 6x04 Strange Case | 6x05 Street Rats | 6x06 Dark Waters | 6x07 Heartless | 6x08 I'll Be Your Mirror | 6x09 Changelings | 6x10 Wish You Were Here | 6x11 Tougher Than the Rest | 6x12 Murder Most Foul | 6x13 Ill-Boding Patterns | 6x14 Page 23 | 6x15 A Wondrous Place | 6x16 Mother's Little Helper | 6x17 Awake | 6x18 Where Bluebirds Fly | 6x19 The Black Fairy | 6x20 The Song in Your Heart | 6x21 The Final Battle, Part 1 | 6x22 The Final Battle, Part 2
Season Seven
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7x01 Hyperion Heights | 7x02 A Pirate's Life | 7x03 The Garden of Forking Paths | 7x04 Beauty | 7x05 Greenbacks | 7x06 Wake Up Call | 7x07 Eloise Gardener | 7x08 Pretty in Blue | 7x09 One Little Tear | 7x10 The Eighth Witch | 7x11 Secret Garden | 7x12 Taste of the Heights | 7x13 Knightfall | 7x14 The Girl in the Tower | 7x15 Sisterhood | 7x16 Breadcrumbs | 7x17 Chosen | 7x18 The Guardian | 7x19 Flower Child | 7x20 Is This Henry Mills? | 7x21 Homecoming | 7x22 Leaving Storybrooke
Once Upon A Time In Wonderland
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1x01 Down the Rabbit Hole | 1x02 Trust Me | 1x03 Forget Me Not | 1x04 The Serpent | 1x05 Heart of Stone | 1x06 Who's Alice | 1x07 Bad Blood | 1x08 Home | 1x09 Nothing to Fear | 1x10 Dirty Little Secrets | 1x11 Heart of the Matter | 1x12 To Catch a Thief | 1x13 And They Lived…
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TNG Guide: Picard/Crusher Edition
Someone did a guide like this for Elliot and Olivia from Law and Order and I’ve been thinking about these two lately so here we are.
This guide is obviously coloured by my personal opinion and some of the things are really subtle, but there’s also way less to get through here than something like SVU.
Of course, there are still many good episodes of TNG that don’t revolve around Picard and Crusher, but for the purposes of this guide, I tried to stick to the important ones or ones with some good interactions. Also, feel free to suggest things I may be missing.
1x01/02 - Encounter at Farpoint
1x03 - The Naked Now
1x05 - The Last Outpost
1x07 - Lonely Among Us (This is on here for one scene really)
1x09 - The Battle (This one doesn’t really have moments between them as much but it’s got some good Picard backstory)
1x12 - The Big Goodbye
1x19 - Coming of Age (Again, mostly here for one scene where Beverly is being interviewed)
1x21 - The Arsenal of Freedom
1x24 - We’ll Always Have Paris
Due to a conflict between Gates McFadden and a writer on the show, Beverly doesn’t appear in season 2. It is said she took the position to head Starfleet Medical on Earth. However, due to a huge fan campaign led by Patrick Stewart himself, Gates came back in season 3 and stayed for the rest of the series.
I’d suggest watching 2x17 - Samaritan Snare as it gives some really good Picard backstory, but for P/C purposes, that’s the only one that’s necessary.
Season 3
3x01 - Evolution
3x05 - The Bonding (No moments here exactly, but the themes present are super important to their relationship)
3x12 - The High Ground
3x18 - Allegiance
3x23 - Sarek (This is here for the mind meld scene, which I think speaks to their relationship, but is also one of the best scenes in the entirety of Star Trek)
3x26 - The Best of Both Worlds Part I (This is mostly here for a specific brief scene, but the events of this episode really affect Picard so it’s important)
Season 4
4x01 - The Best of Both Worlds Part II (Here for continuity purposes)
4x02 - Family (No specific scenes but the storylines here are very much important)
4x05 - Remember Me
4x09 - Final Mission
4x20 - Qpid
4x21 - The Drumhead (This is here specifically because of the trial scene where Jonathan Frakes made some really interesting directorial choices)
4x23 - The Host
Season 5
5x12 - Violations (Massive warning for what is essentially mind rape in this episode)
5x18 - Cause and Effect
5x19 - The First Duty
5x21 - The Perfect Mate
5x25 - The Inner Light
Season 6
6x10/11 - Chain of Command, Part II & II (Massive warning for psychological and physical torture)
6x15 - Tapestry (Mostly here for Picard backstory purposes)
6x19 - Lessons
6x20 - The Chase (This is specifically here for the last scene where again Jonathan Frakes makes some interesting directorial decisions)
6x22 - Suspicions
6x25 - Timescape (This is here for a specific interaction between Deanna and Picard)
6x26 - Descent Part I
Season 7
7x01 - Descent Part II
7x08 - Attached (If you are only going to watch one episode about these two, this is the one to watch)
7x14 - Sub Rosa (This episode is atrociously bad but there’s still some good PC content here)
7x22 - Bloodlines
7x25/26 - All Good Things…
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juicenet · 3 years
which "h2o: just add water" episodes centered each character? a quantitative analysis
hello, 2021 h2o enjoyers! lately, i've been thinking about how many h2o episodes focus on a specific mermaid. naturally, i wondered—which main mermaid (cleo, rikki, emma, and bella) has the most episodes dedicated to their character arc? and what percent of the show focuses on that character? so i wrote up this quantitative analysis and... yeah.
-there are many h2o episodes that don’t center any specific character, which is why these episodes are not included on the list.
-there are some episodes that focus a lot on on lewis, charlotte, will, et cetera. however, i decided to only compile episode lists for the four main mermaids.
-there’s no perfect methodology for this type of analysis. some episodes that i included in one character’s category also included a substantial plot point for another character. i just tried to use my best judgement; typically, if an episode mainly revolved around [insert character], significantly contributed to a character’s arc, and/or if that character had the most screen time in that episode, i labeled it as [insert character]-centric.
under the cut, you’ll find each character’s episodes!
list of cleo-centric episodes:
season 1
1x02 pool party
1x03 catch of the day
1x08 the denman affair
1x12 the siren effect
1x14 surprise!
1x16 lovesick
1x19 hurricane angela
season 2
2x05 hocus pocus
2x06 pressure cooker
2x07 hot water
2x10 missed the boat
2x16 double trouble
2x19 the gracie code, part one
2x25 sea change
season 3
3x03 keep your enemies close
3x07 happy families
3x09 the sorcerer’s apprentice
3x13 to have and to hold back
3x17 a magnetic attraction
3x24 too close for comfort
total: 19 episodes
divided by the number of episodes in the series*: 19/78 or ≈24%
list of rikki-centric episodes:
season 1
1x06 young love
1x09 dangerous waters
1x10 the camera never lies
1x18 bad moon rising
1x22 fish out of water
1x23 in too deep
season 2
2x03 the one that got away
2x08 wrong side of the tracks
2x11 in over our heads
2x24 three’s company
season 3
3x05 big ideas
3x12 crime & punishment
3x16 the dark side
3x18 into the light
3x21 the jewel thief
total: 15 episodes
divided by the number of episodes in the show: 15/78 or ≈19%
list of emma-centric episodes:
season 1
1x04 party girls
1x07 moon spell
1x11 sink or swim
1x15 the big chill
1x21 red herring
season 2
2x04 fire and ice
2x12 fish fever
2x14 get off my tail
2x17 moonstruck
total: 9 episodes
divided by the number of episodes in which emma appeared: 9/51 or ≈18%
divided by the number of episodes in the series: 9/78 or ≈12%
list of bella-centric episodes:
season 3
3x02 jungle hunt
3x06 secrets & lies
3x08 kidnapped
3x10 revealed
3x11 just a girl at heart
3x20 queen for a day
3x23 beach party
total: 7 episodes**
divided by the number of episodes in which bella appeared: 7/26 episodes or ≈27%
divided by the number of episodes in the series: 7/78 or ≈9%
overall, 50 episodes (or ≈64% of all h2o episodes) focus more on a specific character’s arc, leaving 28 episodes (or ≈36%) that focus more on the group as a whole.
what does this analysis tell us? well, unsurprisingly, far fewer episodes center emma or bella. but 18 episodes center cleo—does this mean that she's the main main character of the series? i'd argue that the writers framed her character this way. still, rikki, emma, and even bella are hardly minor characters. after all, h2o is about the Power of Friendship in this trio of girls who have been brought together by the mermaid secret—and each girl is supposed to play a roughly equal role in all of this.
*cleo and rikki were the only mermaids to appear in all 78 episodes of h2o. therefore, i didn’t break their screen time down any further like i did with emma and bella, who appeared in 51 and 26 episodes, respectively. (no, emma wasn’t in all 52 episodes of her two seasons—she didn’t appear in “the gracie code, part one”.)
**i feel like i should add that most of bella’s episodes are also will-centric. while she has more episodes dedicated to her in season 3 than cleo or rikki, this doesn’t necessarily translate to more character development or meaningful plot lines. i’ll let you form your own opinions on that, though.
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guzmapkmn-archive · 2 years
Hi what are your favorite ep(s) of Gotham :)? And why are they your favorite?
I really like 2x17, which is the episode where oswald breaks free from his conditioning from arkham.... I like it when he's violent JSHDHDJSJ also the acting... *chefs kiss* I have all his lines from the ending of the episode memorized so I usually say them along with him jdhdjdjs
AND I really like 4x01, s4 isn't the BEST but I enjoy the beginning, and 4x01 is just really fun, plus thinking abt me n oswalds relationship is real nice, bc that's when we Officially make it public we're together. Also he wears 3 different suits in that episode and he looks so good in all of them
Those are the 2 I can think of off the top of my head!!! Im really bad at choosing specific favorites </3 I do also like 1x21, specifically the very end bc its super cool to see oswalds plans to get falcone and maroni destroy themselves so he doesn't have to Really start amping up, and how it just ends with him laughing to himself.... good shit.
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Ok, I’m about to go off on a GIANT rant about a specific issue I have with John Winchester & how the show intentionally & canonically portrays him as an ableist, homophobic asshole through his portrayal by JDM, so buckle up.
For the record, this is something I’ve always believed, but after listening to podcast episodes from @otrsupernatural & Carrying Wayward, one super clear example of why has just snapped into place & I feel compelled to share it.
So I want to start by noting a couple things that stand out. First & foremost, I think JDM is an incredible actor & I think he brings his A game with his portrayal of John. John Winchester is undeniably an asshole, & yet JDM balances that so well against the idea of loving parent, to not only make the character more realistic, but also to give real authenticity & depth to the trauma his children experienced at his hands & answer why they act the way they do in regards to him as their parent.
John is someone who, on the surface, appears to be a loving and concerned father, who makes mistakes, but does so because he’s in shitty circumstances & doesn’t have a lot of options or has his own trauma to battle that limits the choices he believes he has.
However, the show also gives us other content that proves there is more to John than that caring but broken man from as early as S1 & into the beginning of S2, & this content screams the truth of his ableism & homophobia, & gives some really strong evidence as to why these are two of the primary struggles of his children through the end of the series.
To explain, we 1st have to look at characters from earlier in S1. In 1x10, Asylum, we are introduced to Dr. Ellicott. He is shown to be someone who is canonically ableist to people with MHI. He sees them as less human, he does unethical experiments on them, he tortures them, just, lots of gross stuff there. On top of that, we see him as a ghost using what appears to be electrical shocks to Sam & Dean to possess & harm them, which resembles electroshock. There are also strong echoes of conversion therapy in this episode.
After this, we have 1x12, Faith, where Sue Ann is using dark magic to attack & murder people she hates, which specifically includes a woman who was pro choice & a gay man. This not only shows that she was homophobic, but that she condemned sexual freedom & bodily autonomy for women as well, which is in relation to homophobia, as well as deeply rooted in misogyny.
So essentially, we are shown a doctor who tries to force people to be less mentally ill or queer by “curing” them, & then a woman who took it a step further & murdered them to “cleanse” the town. We are given two different, but very interwoven ways with which society has tried to get rid of queers & disabled people, & it’s not subtext, it’s literally stated.
Now, in the show, both Dr. Ellicott & Sue Ann are the villains, & while the show demonstrates their ableism & homophobia, it also clearly condemns them for those actions. They are both dead/gone by the end of the episode & their actions are shown as evil. This is SO important, especially for a show that has failed in other episodes to truly state what exactly is the problematic action in the episode (looking at you, Bugs & Route 666).
That said, if Dr. Ellicott & Sue Ann are villains, then we must also extrapolate that ableism & homophobia are intentionally being written as evil in the show, so other characters who demonstrate these actions are also bad. (Yes, I know I’m being super redundant right now, but I just want to be really damn clear on this to demonstrate why I believe John’s characterization is intentional).
Now, in 1x21, John finally “learns” about Sam’s psychic abilities, & I say that in quotes bc there’s reason to believe he knew about it already from Missouri & was just in denial until confronted with the evidence, at which point he has a very strong reaction. As Ali pointed out, it’s interesting that he has such a strong negative reaction, as he clearly doesn’t have an issue with Missouri as a psychic, & yet he’s upset about Sam being one. He demonstrates the mindset of “othering” people outside of his family, which is a common treatment of both people w/ MHI & queer people - the mentality that “those people” are fine in general, but “not my son/daughter/family/me”.
So here in that episode, we are already getting an attitude from him that clearly parallels ableism & homophobia, & that is on top of other comments he made that are clearly rooted in misogyny, like his “that’s my man” to Dean in the flashback in Something Wicked This Way Comes (1x18).
THEN - the final nail in the coffin is the “secret” he tells Dean before he dies in 2x1; that Dean needs to either save Sam or stop him. By now it’s crystal clear he views Sam as something “other”, something not fully human, & his response? It’s literally “cure or cleanse”. Either make him “normal” or get rid of him.
To repeat, John LITERALLY uses ableist & homophobic language & tactics towards him son because he is different, & also tries to force Dean to do the same, passing on that legacy, by trying to erase anything about Sam thats not his personal definition of “normal”, all out of FEAR of who his son is & what he might do.
And the show CONDEMNS this behavior from the very beginning, even before we ever see him act this way!! They make it clear that ableism & homophobia are BAD, show John act that way, & then condemn him AGAIN when Dean tells Sam & it is made clear to the audience that what John asked of him was wrong.
Like… holy fuck. There is literally no way I can watch this & not believe that his characterization was not 100% intentional with him being set up as a bad person & his actions as condemnable. It’s just not narratively possible. John Winchester was intentionally written to be an asshole & we are supposed to see him as one, & any love we see from him is only meant to validate the complicated feelings Sam & Dean have towards him, not undermine the knowledge that he is a bad person. It’s literally in the text.
*Edit - Im adding a point here, since it’s been brought to my attention. John’s concern about Sam being infected with demon blood & possibly corrupted does not detract from the parallel being made between his actions & those of IRL people who are homophobic or ableist. In fact, this is another argument for that in interpretation, & here is why -
For literal thousands of years, mental illness has been viewed as demonic. People w/ MHI were thought to be possessed, evil incarnations, or even just sinfully corrupt & given to wickedness. People w/ physical disabilities were believed to be punished for moral failings, not faithful enough, etc, etc. Queer people were believed to be sexually deviant, witches, destroyers of families, etc.
These beliefs carry across many religions, but especially Christianity, & are present even today in some more extreme sects. And the people that believed these things? Well many of them were parents who “loved” their child & were trying to protect them from evil by purifying them. They too believed they had valid fears & good reasons to torture, maim, & even kill their children.
So to anyone who would argue “well it’s not the same because John had a good reason to be afraid of Sam” - shut the fuck up, because no, he didn’t.
Sam hadn’t hurt anyone. He wasn’t doing anything worth killing him over. He was a good kid who was hurt by someone outside his control & yet he only started doing anything that was truly wrong when he was pushed to it by circumstances that were again, beyond his control, & only then bc he was trying to do what was right!!
Anyone would do that, not just a kid w/ some demon blood powers. So let’s not act like he was inherently dangerous just BC he was different, bc guess what? That’s part of that mindset too. Sam was a good fucking person & John seeing him as less was John’s failing, not Sam’s.
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j-reau · 3 years
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[I’m sorry I took forever to answer this because I kept saying I was going to come back and finish it so for now you get part one.]
The reality is, Criminal Minds is 15 seasons of television. And in this show that means roughly 15 years of these character’s lives. A LOT happens. But at the same time, this is a pretty old show and it’s a CBS procedural. It’s designed to be digestible even if you don’t follow the main plots. Unlike some other procedurals, it tends to have more of a serialized (week to week) plot going through in terms of the characters’ individual developments and the occasional bigger arc. But that said, when I say an episode is a “good JJ episode” that may mean it’s an episode where she has a good scene or two. It may mean it’s an episode where she has a defining character moment. It does not necessarily mean she will be the entire focus of the episode. The character development in a show like CM is slow and really, really built over time. And the moments you’ll see me piece together on my blog and talk about as important moments for JJ, may often feel like blips on the radar of an episode. Do not expect a 2019, golden age of TV, stop your heart kind of plot and drama. It’s just not that kind of show. It’ll do that now and then, but not all the time. 
So without further ado, I plan to break this episode list up into three subsections: *** means the episode is a must watch to know JJ’s plot and development. This will be saved for Major JJ episodes. ** is for episodes that are JJ focused or have good JJ content but may be simply a good emotional episode, and are not required in order to follow plot moments. Lastly, * means that the episode is just one that I love. It may be another character’s big arc. It may be a mystery I just think is great, or an episode that is considered classic CM. So start at the top. If you don’t have a lot of time at all, stick with the three stars. If you want a full JJ adventure, do three and two. If you want a little bonus stuff because you’re having fun and you like the other characters too, do the three stars, two stars, and ones. 
*1x01: Extreme Aggressor - JJ isn’t even in this episode. But it’s the pilot. It gives you the backstory and establishes the team.  ***1x02: Compulsion - While not extremely plot relevant as most of my other three start episodes, this is in fact JJ’s first episode. So especially if you’re not going to watch 1x01, give this one a go.  [JJ is not an incredibly important character in season 1. So she’s not in much of it. But with that said, I’d suggest bopping around and watching a few random episodes just to get a feel for the team/vibe/etc] **1x14: Riding the Lightning - JJ is so awesome in this episode. It’s also considered a CM classic so def watch it. It’s not on my must watch list because rules say it’s not plot relevant to JJ’s story specifically but I’d still call it a must watch.  *1x21: Secrets and Lies - not plot relevant but it does have some delightful JJ and Garcia friendship scenes and we love them here.  *1x22: Fisher King Pt 1 - Finale. Not relevant to JJ beyond the fact that it’s the season finale. I will likely put most finales and season premieres on this list because they tend to include the big, team wide, more personal cases. 
*2x01: Fisher King Pt 2 - like I said, all finales and premieres. This one is a two parter.  **2x06: Boogeyman - a CM Classic. Elle Fanning guest stars. JJ has some great moments with kids because that’s her thing. Not plot relevant.  ***2x07: North Mammon - Not SUPER plot relevant but this is the first time JJ really gets an episode of her own, that’s her arc and feels like her case. It’s a good look into her character and provides some insight into who she is. Also it’s a wild case straight out of a CW show.  *2x09: The Last Word - not important for JJ but it is Emily Prentiss’s intro episode and we just love Emily in this house and she’s a very important character in JJ’s life.  *2x12: Profiler, Profiled - again like most early season episode, not JJ centric. This is a Morgan centric episode and is really a CM classic. Goes into Morgan’s backstory and is heartbreaking and well done. If you’ve gotten this far and find yourself into him, watch this.  ***2x14-2x15: The Big Game/Revelations - This is a two parter with a case that goes in CM fandom history books. It also features some important plot stuff for JJ and some real heartbreaking trauma for the team.  ***2x18: Joneses - JJ has some romance related stuff in this episode that is p important for her arc and life in general.  **2x21: Open Season - Not super plot heavy but a good JJ episode with good scenes a decent case. Does a lot to show what JJ does in her part of the job. AND features Criminal Minds iconic girls at the bar scene. 
**3x01: Doubt - I left out the season 2 finale so take it or leave it but the Season 3 premiere is good fun. Has some good JJ emotions in it.  *3x02: Name in Blood - Not JJ relevant but a good Emily episode and a case that weirdly becomes relevant in a JJ/Emily episode WAY THE FRICK in season 14 or something.  **3x04: Children of the Dark - No big plot things just a great JJ and Emily episode of them being great together acting like moms.  **3x05: Seven Seconds - No big plot things again but a good perspective of the extent of what JJ’s side of the work deals with.  *3x09: Penelope - HUGE episode, very important. For the team, For JJ, for Garcia. Watch it. [Also maybe watch the last 5 minutes of the episode before it] **3x15: Higher Power - Not that big plot wise but always assume if a plot description/case has suicide in it that it’ll have good JJ content. ***3x18: In Heat - JJ and Will stuff. You need it to know who JJ is.  *3x20: Lo-Fi - it’s a finale so it goes on the list.
*4x01: Mayhem - again it’s a premiere so it goes on the list *4x03: Minimal Loss - not JJ related but a good CM classic, guest starring Luke Perry and a great Prentiss episode - JJ goes on Maternity leave / AJ goes on Maternity leave mid season 4 so there’s a big gap in JJ content But she has her baby i 4x11 if you want to see it. She returns in 4x14 *4x17: Demonology - no JJ but a huge backstory ep for Emily. Really pretty, really good. I highly recommend.  **4x23: Amplification: Not hugely plot important but a good JJ episode. Deals with her getting used to being both a mother and an agent.  *4x24-4x25: To Hell / And Back - Very disturbing season finale. Not JJ focused but a CM classic. 
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 years
Damon’s name is always coming out of Stefan’s mouth, but at least he mixes it up. His jealousy of Damon, his slamming Damon, or using Damon to avoid facing his own faults. It’s any one thing at any given moment. From mere body language to comments like, “Yeah, I'm sure Damon has a revenge plan cooked up.” Trust when I say, Elena pays mind to every Damon-comment Stefan makes, and responds in her own way. 1x21 and 1x22 is specific in that regard. Elena had her own, “There’s no risk, you do” moment with Stefan, but she covers it just like Damon covers his. 
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