#specify if for an au <3
shima-draws · 7 days
Soooo twirls my hair out of pure curiosity and not for any other reason tee hee. What fandom would y’all like to see me do more art of 👉👈
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kommandonuovidiavoli · 6 months
A question that I have asked myself, What is sector 2.0 like in the negaverse?
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I hear ya, I hear ya, and I present you...
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Negative Sector V 2.0
Penelope: NEVER call her Penny or other stupid nicknames. She's a cold blooded kid who wants to bring the DNK back, or at least, she wants to help Wally rule the world. She will use Joey and Nigel to get close to the teen and enter his graces. Whether he wants it or not.
Simon: A coward, bone-less idiot who's afraid of his own shadow. He became Soopreme Leader just because everyone could give him a hard time and make fun of him, so he ended up quitting and they sent him to Sector V where he would have an even worse time.
Cole: Defines self as "manliest man alive". Hates all things girly, cute and cuddly. He's gonna rip to shreds any doll he finds. Someone might say he's insecure about something about himself, but not at all! He knows who he is... right?
Joey: A ball of rage and violence. Don't get close, he's gonna punch you if you try to talk to him. He's not gonna talk back anyway. He doesn't talk at all and no one can communicate with him but Penelope. He and Cole fight on a constant basis, they just can't stand each other. And NEVER talk about his brother if you want to go home alive!
Robbie: She's quiet, prefers to stay alone and never tries to go against anyone. She has a little rabbit plushie she adores, and she speaks through it most of the times "Mr. Rabbit thinks that---". It's a miracle Cole hasn't burnt it yet. But at least, she's good at doing whatever you ask her to do.
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stabbyfoxandrew · 3 months
I can’t remember if we are allowed to pick multiple (if not I’m sorry but take my appreciation for you anyway 💖) but could I possibly have some vampdrew? I love it so so much and the way you write his thoughts is such an interesting take. His interactions with the others changed by his vampiric attributes and his relationships with the others is very intriguing and I love it)
WIP Wednesday (6/19) | Vampire Andrew AU (Part 144)
Kevin turns over his wrist, rubs his finger along that soft skin. He knows his blood quells Andrew’s hunger the best. Keeps him full the longest. But he can’t make Andrew drink if he doesn’t want to. Their deal is for Saturdays and Andrew will not budge at all on that, the stubborn idiot. 
With a sigh Kevin twists Andrew’s ring on his thumb, remembering how badly he was affected by the barely-there blood of torn cuticles. He wonders… If he were to cut himself, would Andrew give into the temptation and drink—
“Do not!” Andrew shouts from the bedroom. Kevin freezes, fingers still messing with the ring. And the others share a look. 
“Don’t what?” Nicky calls. 
‘I wasn’t going to—’ Kevin thinks, cut off when the bedroom door swings open. Suddenly Andrew is there with glowing eyes and a finger pointed at him. 
“I mean it, Day,” He says, clearly pissed off. “If you try it, I’ll throw Nicky out the window.”
“Hey! What the fuck? Why me?” Nicky says, throwing his hands up. Everyone ignores him to stare at the threat-making vampire.
“Say you won’t.”
“Won’t what?” asks Aaron. 
Kevin looks down at the floor. ‘I won’t. It was just—’
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noitkot1 · 7 months
s4!Scar's base is so cool and shelters all the dead Scars
Or all Life Series Scar's respawn in Scar's Frontier Outpost- or or, oh god all 5 Scar's are stuck together.
All throughout s4 Scar mentions something-something that Scar's Frontier Outpost is "a place for all Scar's to go!" This au is that, but Scar's Frontier Outpost is quite literal in its description. All Scar's that have died go there to rest. And happen to meet some of the other universe's version of themselves in death.
3rd!Scar waking up completely alone as the first, only with the cats to accompany him as he slowly wanders through this very not well lit up town. Only gaping at the TERRIBLE train track construction. Even if he is no expert a train track should not have a 90 degree turn! Of course half shirtless with a cat on his shoulder, or well guiding him. The place is abandoned to his eyes and- well. He's dead isn't he? Passed when Grian murdered him in the cactus ring, so this is his afterlife...
Its nicer than he had imagined it to be.
Then one day months and months later, there's a silly wizard in his bed with green, depressed eyes. And as he stares into a mirror, this replica-Scar sits up slowly, hands shaking with winces and the biggest frown ever. Looking towards the other Scar, his voice cracks during the sentence, "am I dead?" 3rd!Scar only does a quick nod, because while he assumed this is the afterlife, why would the afterlife have multiple versions of himself? He shrugs it off, probably better not to question it. It'll be nice to have some company.
Meanwhile LL!Scar is pulling his hoodie over his head and trying his best to be small and hide away. Because he was unrightfully- totally rightfully, it was a death game. A death game he did not sign up for- murdered. And now he's dead and seeing other versions of himself. It'd be a shock to anyone's system truly, and LL!Scar stares blindly as 3rd!Scar goes on a long babble, sitting down and petting one of the cats with a smile as he talks all about the local train in the area. A week later, the two have settled in and just exist. Because they're dead now and all they can really do is make the world more pretty.
This repeats for each one. After DL 3rd!Scar stops sleeping in the bed they keep spawning in, changing that room out to be more welcoming in a sense. After the mess that is DL, the one who somehow stays farther away from the "group" than LL did, the two give little concerned glances and raises of the eyebrow. That room has a big banner over the door reading "WELCOME TO SCARS FRONTEIR OUTPOST(AKA YOUR DEAD)", streamers hanging from the ceiling, and a red carpet added to the bottom. The entire room is restructured, and they add a chest full of essential items and a little note reading, "DISCONT FOR ONE SANDWICH!" and on the back it read all horribly scribbled out, "if youd like one more glorius sandwich, that will cost you one shoe!" DL got scammed through this, the two longer dead Scar's putting on smiles and demanding two diamonds for the amazing tour they gave the other. And somehow DL couldn't help the laugh that crackled from his chest, the others couldn't stop their snickers either.
SL and LL get along well, but either refuse to acknowledge why or talk about their past. Just when the other appears they connect.
LiL!Scar being like the youngest child. Definitely does the most pranks and gets along like a fire with everyone, but 3rd!Scar encourages his chaos. These two have definitely set off fireworks for fun on the anniversaries of their own deaths(LiL starting this tradition because he simply can. Bdubs and Cleo would've loved to see the pretty lights).
DL being the dramatic middle child... somewhere in there. He ends up being the most reserved even when LiL arrives. He's scared of making many connections and accepts his cats as his soulmates and his only friends. Said cats are also how the other two bring DL out of his shell. Making tons of the toys for the kitters and bonding over their equal love of the little guys.
They all deserve a little happiness in their endings somehow! A nice afterlife where they can thrive together and enjoy some bits of it after realizing they all aren't out to get each other, they're simply just... dead. Now all they have are the alternate universe also dead versions of themselves(this being pointed out over a campfire would make them snort).
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izzydaninja · 5 months
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Future Chaos
Sonic: "After all these years... Who would've guessed you'd need my help?"
~In the future, when everyone's already gone, and Shadow's one of the last one's left... he finds it difficult to keep pushing forward, even when a new threat arises.
And yet, he's not alone.~
[An idea that was inspired by someone else's post. Something about Shadow giving up, and Sonic's voice/ghost tells Shadow he's more stubborn than that.
It literally gave me this idea for a Future AU. I already have a few ideas for it. :3 So, whoever posted that, THANKS FOR THE INSPIRATION! (Sorry I don't remember who you are.. :^)]
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fauvester · 2 years
how do garak and bashir feel about being grandparents?, also since theres a third elim (3lim) ((if i read tht right,,,,)
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garak and bashirs parenting styles are reversed for grandparenting. julian's a total sap for his grandkids, taking them on trips and buying them elaborate educational toys. garak is the reserved victorian grandfather smoking a pipe in the study talking about The Old Days and ordering them around (especially in the garden, his knees aren't what they used to be.)
Bashir is still annoyed at the passage of time seeing fit to give his children (who, in his mind, are still kids) children of their own. Rude!
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lavenoon · 2 years
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They are, aren't they?
@naffeclipse I thought about how post-reveal, hostile cryptids' last view might be of Y/N haloed by demonic sunrays, and illuminated by the red glow of their favorite demon's eyes, and then I took that visual and made it soft because I wanted them to be held <3
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chatdae · 5 months
The Great Gatsby (1974) au where Gatsby doesn't die and instead Nick takes on the no-paying job of trying to get Jay to move on from Daisy.
Bad ending is Gatsby never does & he and the Buchanans become a never-ending shitshow. Good ending is Jay moves on. Super special bonus ending is Jay and Nick fall in love (toxicity optional)
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advitameternal · 10 days
i  also  need  more  threads  for  guinevere  so  please  consider  this  a  starter  call!  all  verses  welcome.
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gamebunny-advance · 5 months
One More Note:
Nothing has come up that has conflicted with this yet, but I wanna add one more note about making a request:
If it's a character that has multiple forms, different designs across their home series, or if I personally have an AU version of the character, please specify which version of the character you want to see.
Ex. 1: If you were to request "Mr. G&W - Super Smash Bros", please specify if you want his original form or my humanization.
Ex. 2: If you were to request "White 1010 - NSR", please specify if you want his original form, otherwise it's 50:50 if I go with the DSYNC interpretation or not.
If you really don't have a preference, then I'll pick whichever version appeals to me most~
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ask-camp-campspell · 1 year
What does Max end up eating considering the boiling isles's food isn't very consumable to ordinary humans?
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David: He also really likes those pudding cups.
David: Plus, there's a lot of fruits and vegetables that grow here that he doesn't seem to mind.
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darth-does-stuff · 2 years
Better Things Yet To Come
(but darling, misfortune always has to arrive first)
Four superheroes in the city of Cyrin, a gilded and fantastical city full of exalted and wondrous powers, according to any outsider you asked. To the locals, it’s a city with destruction around every corner, villains rearing their heads in an attempt at building a reputation, and fighting daily. And if you asked the heroes…they’d say that it’s a city that has been their home for years on end and, deep inside them, they feel a need to protect it. But if you were to take a closer look at them, you’d see the heavy burden on their shoulders, for, ultimately, Cyrin is not a city without its prices.
[First] [Next] [AO3]
Chapter One: Inferno
Flames licking up the sides of buildings, rubble coating the ground as if it were a comforting blanket and not a hydraulic press, crush, crush, crushing those trapped under it. Smoke coated the air, seeping into the cracks of walls and lungs, tainting and staining all that it touched. 
The remnants of an explosion.
The crackling of fire was barely heard in the late morning air as screams and cries for help echoed throughout the city, sirens blaring noisily as vehicles raced to get to the disaster site. 
As if they hoped they still had time. 
The sound of water flowing through the air before combatting the fire, and the resulting hissing of the flames as they protested, as if saying, no, we’re not done yet. 
The water replied, it does not matter, for I say you are. 
Feet softly landed on the ground, a cobalt blue suit shining in the sunlight, for it was a beautiful day. Perfect blue skies with slight clouds drifting aimlessly, the sun warming one’s back, with the only hiccup being the shrill sounds of those in pain as they begged for help and the deathly silence of those who were rendered unable to. 
The figure in blue did not sprint to the people in need. To sprint is to imply desperation, a need for speed that envelops one’s mind, rendering any other thought useless, depleting any grace.
No, to the people trapped and injured, it looked like the blue figure glided over to them, every action perfected and controlled, no fear or uncertainty present at all. Like a guardian with the sunlight framing him as he crouched down to help.
Water swirled in the air, collecting around his arms and solidifying into ice as he bodily shoved a chunk of rubble off of a group of people, holding it up so they could abscond. If there was a tremor in his arms as the people struggled to get away, he did not allow it to show.
Sirens got louder and louder as they finally arrived, always appearing as late in a city of quick heroes. 
Smoke still remained, causing coughs, wheezes, and gasps to pierce the air, but the water had put the fire out, and the only danger currently was the one the exalted was in the midst of dealing with. 
He had moved on from the first bit of rubble after anybody trapped under it had hobbled off, and was now making headway in giving the helpless aid in surviving. 
News helicopters circled the skies, as they are wont to do. Nothing attracts the eyes of the people so much as a disaster, for it is one of the few things that we can never tear our eyes away from. 
Finally, finally, there was stillness. Not a stillness in movement, no, for there was certainly an abundance of that in the form of people hurrying about, affixing oxygen masks to those who needed them, people rushed away in ambulances, and those sobbing into the arms of their loved ones at having almost faced the certainty of death far earlier than they were ready to.
Not a stillness in movement, but rather a stillness in danger. 
However, as we all know, stillness is always broken, it is not a state of perpetual being, but a momentary pause. And in a city like Cyrin, those pauses were brief indeed. 
For now, though, stillness. 
“Riptide!” a voice rang out, a news van and camera crew also having arrived and a person with a microphone running up to the guardian. “Riptide, sir, you’ve just done an incredible job in saving these citizens! Do you happen to know what caused this disaster?” 
A microphone was shoved into the face, or rather mask, of the exalted. Riptide. 
“I am, as of right now, uncertain as to the cause of this scene. I can only guess an explosion of some kind, though further investigation will be required for finding out who is responsible.”
Every word from him was both measured and steely, as if every word was calculated before it came out of his mouth. The voice modulator likely helped in that avenue. 
“I see, I see. Do you have any plans once you find out who is responsible?”
Lenses affixed on the news reporter’s eyes, giving them his full attention. “Once I discover the culprit, I will act accordingly as I have always done.”
The reporter smiled and nodded their head. “Once again, just thank you, sir, for helping this city. If you weren’t here to help, no doubt the list of casualties would be far greater than it is right now.” 
Riptide nodded, now gazing at the charred and destroyed building with lines of sadness almost present in his stance. “It is the least I could do with my abilities.” 
As the exalted walked away, to the untrained eye, he would look untouchable, ephemeral, and every bit of the reputation he had built over the years. Only those who knew him well, extremely well, would see the weight of the world on his back and the burdens set on his shoulders.
Of course, he had no need to worry about that, for it wasn’t like anybody had ever been close to him at all. 
For some odd reason, that only seemed to add a weight to Logan’s back instead of lifting it.
a/n: not all chapters are gonna be this prose-y and short but idk i was in a certain mood when writing this i guess lmao
taglist (ask to be added!): @star-crossed-shipper, @flowercrownsandtrauma, @lesbian-pattonsanders
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tittysuckersworld · 9 months
why are you, as a man, bringing up a man thats not related to the conversation that youve only seen twice since he dissappeared for 4 years. why are you bringing him up? to angrily ramble about him? when hes not even in the conversation? when hes barely related to the topic? is it cause hes on your mind? huh?
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keytaryourheart · 1 year
No new shapes!
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ragecndybars · 2 years
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intertexts-moving · 2 years
anyway i'm gonna go work on art now but. !! feeling sooo affectionate towards the genre of fic that's just. most competent writer in the world spending hundreds of thousands of words scrapping & rewriting canon in their own way. literally everything 2 me.
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