djcanipe99 · 11 months
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kitcat992 · 2 years
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allkinds-oftrash · 2 years
Rewatching Tangled to self soothe after a messy day and it's SUCH a classic! Disney really popped off with it's very first 3D animation movie
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twothirdsgenius · 1 year
so was anyone gonna tell me that the ep version of kids went so fucking hard or was i supposed to find that out from a random twitter thread!!
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
Man, I hope people don’t mind random-ass perspective shifts in a chapter because this one has like swapping back and forth between Jaster and Myles pretty shamelessly. I tend to TRY and stick with one POV per chapter but if I can’t, I’ll generally try and swap it at like a major chapter break.
This chapter though it starts out very much from a Myles POV for like….a short bit and then I was like ‘whelp swapping to Jaster. -has him wander out of the room to make a phonecall to Plo- then have him wander back in, speak with Myles and now it’s swapping over to Myles POV for this next part for very important plot reasons.
I myself as a reader, I don’t really care. I DO notice when it’s like a co-written fic where I think people were pretty much just RP’ing and then they just altered it to be a fanfic after the fact. When you can see those major POV shifts from where one author hands off to another. And they don’t quite make the transition as smooth as it could be then I’ll notice cause it stands out sorta like a sore thumb. Again, it’s not anything I’m going to put down a fic for but I do notice those kinds of things.
And typically just for coherency’s sake, I’ll try and stick with one POV for a scene or even an entire chapter.
Then I get outlier chapters like this and get randomly paranoid people are going to notice and or care. And realistically? Who is REALLY going to care about that but me? The neurotic, chronic over-thinking self-catastrophizer that I am?
No one cares, Karen.
And sometimes, you just gotta tell yourself that over and over again until you either believe it or bully yourself into getting out of your own head. Or at times, make it worse and you get stymied cause that 1,000% can happen as well. Ask me how I know?
Seriously, the amount of needless self-doubting and overthinking I will do, ya’ll don’t even see a sliver of that shit show. I will grind to a FUCKING DEAD STOP mid-scene and spend an hour needlessly researching one little point that literally no one but I will notice or care. But can I stop myself from having that almost compulsive need to research and make sure I’m using the right medical term or describing something correctly in hopes one person who might work in that field will notice and appreciate my obsessive need for correctness? Or worse, they are in said field, I fucked it up and then it stands out to THEM as much as a sore thumb?
I cannot be the only person who does this, right?
EDIT: Also? Fanfic writing is not going great this morning, mainly because I am not a morning person so it's hard to fucking FOCUS especially when I'm going on life five hours of sleep to boot.
My brain is an ADHD dragonfly that flits from one topic to another seemingly on a whim. As anyone who looks at my blog and the random amount of reblogs and random bullshit I've been posting the past hour or two can attest.
I'm debating giving up and just taking a shower to try and fully wake up for work because I can barely keep my eyes open and I keep yawning like crazy.
Bleh, sometimes you just can't write and I am trying to get better about being kind to myself when ADHD brain kicks in and I cannot simply sit down and focus on my fic long enough to get more than a few words at a time written.
And that's perfectly okay. It does not make me bad a author or a failure as a writer. I just need to put the fic away and go do something else instead. The words will come eventually.
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hardstraykidshours · 2 years
stray kids fic-mas: day 3
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pairing: hyunjin x afab!reader
genre: smut, 18+ (minors dni)
summary: a cute cafe date turns a little steamy when you find a candy cane in your hot cocoa.
length: 1k
warnings: christmas mention, slight food mention, profanity, sexual/suggestive content, teasing, mentions of blow job, nsfw 18+ (minors dni)
a/n: this piece was requested by a lovely and wonderful anon! this idea is spectular, like wow! hope you enjoy!
ficmas 2022 masterlist
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“two peppermint cocoas please,” you chirp sweetly at the barista, rubbing your hands together for warmth. you and hyunjin have been window shopping to look at all the christmas displays for the last hour or so, and you’re absolutely freezing. 
it’s been a super fun evening, you absolutely love dates like this with hyunjin. you’ll walk hand in hand, aimlessly strolling down whatever street looks interesting, just enjoying looking at everything and being together. but it is the middle of winter and even as bundled up as you are, the cold eventually seeped through all the layers. 
so you convinced hyunjin to take a pitstop at a café that you stumbled upon to get some cocoa and warm up a bit before continuing your walk. when your drinks are ready, you grab them and pick a cozy little table by the front window.
“look at how cute these holiday mugs are!” you say excitedly to hyunjin, wrapping your hands around the cup for warmth. “and they put actual candy canes in the peppermint cocoa! this is literally the cutest little café ever!”
he smiles softly at your excitement, pulling out his phone to snap a few candid photos of you as you chatter on about all the festive decor.
“loves, look, it’s starting to snow,” he interrupts when you pause to take a sip of your drink. you immediately whirl in your seat to watch the soft flakes fluttering outside the window. he takes a few more photos of you admiring the view before slipping his phone back in his pocket and sampling his own cocoa.
“oh, this is so good.”
“yes!” you agree wholeheartedly, taking another big drink. “peppermint cocoa never misses, but this is especially excellent. it’s gotta be the real candy canes they use.” you take yours out of your drink to taste it, and hyunjin’s eyes zero in on your lips. he completely forgets everything else that was going on, able to do nothing but watch the way you innocently drag your tongue up the side of the candy cane before pulling it into your mouth and sucking.
a million filthy thoughts run through his brain and he swallows hard, his throat suddenly thick and his pants a little tighter than moments prior. at first, you don’t notice the way he starts shifting in his seat, eyes glued to your mouth while he imagines you sucking his now aching dick the same way you’re enjoying that candy. but you quickly realize that he hasn’t said or done anything in a while. you also don’t miss the sort of glazed look in his eyes, the one you’re all too familiar with seeing on him in the bedroom.
“don’t you think so?” you ask, knowing he’s not listening to a thing you’re saying. “jinnie?”
“huh?” hearing his name snaps him out of his trance and he blinks rapidly a few times, trying to clear his mind of the dirty images of you on your knees with your plush lips wrapped around his cock. “sorry, i was…uh…distracted.”
“oh? now what could possibly have such a hold on your attention?” you taunt before flattening your tongue and slowly running it up the candy cane, never breaking eye contact as you do.
his pupils dilate as he watches the action, and you notice the blush starting to creep up his neck. “uh…it was…nothing…umm…sorry, what were you asking?”
you can’t help the way your lips tip up into a small smirk at how flustered he is. you love how easy it is to get him all hot and bothered. pulling the candy out of your mouth slightly, you swirl your tongue sensually around the tip before sucking on it again. “oh nothing important, i was just talking about how the snow makes all the lights look so much prettier.”
he swallows thickly, and you watch the way his throat rolls as he continues staring at the candy in your mouth.
"uh yeah, uh huh. i agree," he says absentmindedly in response before wetting his lips slightly, causing a bolt of hot arousal to shoot through you. his reaction is starting to get you worked up as well, and you can feel your panties growing wetter with every second that he continues to stare at your tongue and lips. 
neither of you says anything for the next few minutes as you continue to taunt him. the tension grows higher and higher between you two until you can’t take it anymore. you were just trying to tease him, making him needy and desperate for you, but somehow you feel like you’re the one who’s about to start begging. 
you pull the candy cane from your mouth, quickly draining the rest of your cocoa before standing up. “well, i don’t know about you, but i’m certainly warm enough now. should we get back to our walk?”
hyunjin clears his throat and blinks a few times before responding. “umm, yeah. we can do that. or, uh, i was thinking we should just head home.”
“are you sure? i know you wanted to go down that one street with the little art shops that we saw on the way here," you have to admit, the thought of going straight home is extremely appealing, but you also would hate to cut your date short just because all you think about is licking and sucking on every inch of his body like you did that candy cane.
he stands up to join you, and you don’t miss the way he immediately shoves his hands deep in his pockets in an attempt to hide how tight his pants have become over the last few minutes. “we can go another time, it’s getting kind of late. plus, it’s snowing now. i’d hate for you to get colder, we should just call it a night and head home now.”
“whatever you say, lover boy,” you say teasingly, throwing him a wink as you head towards the door together. “do we have any candy canes at home? i could definitely go for another one.”
hyunjin immediately picks up on your suggestive tone and a devilish smile crosses his face. “i don't know if we do or not, but i’m sure we can find something sweet to keep that mouth of yours occupied.”
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a-being-of-chaossss · 5 months
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alien-til-i-stage · 1 month
hehehehaha i hope you don’t mind me slipping into your inbox but . . may i ask what inna thinks of my girls asahi, zhuli, and cinnabar ? ( though you’re free to skip one or 2 of them if you don’t want to do all of them ^^ ! )
HI APRI!!! TYSM dw Inna has plently to say about your girls!!!
Hmmmm, Asahi? She’s really nice once you get to start talking with her, however we aren’t really that close. NOT TO SAY I DON’T LIKE HER!!! I DO!!! Either way I haven’t really had many one on one time with her, I really oughta spend more time with her shouldn’t I?
Some of the fews times was when I learned she was apparently a matchmaker!!! I didn’t expect that from her at the time!!! I will admit, I may or may not have tried to use Asahi’s spectular matchmaking abilities on a certain someone… who’s name begins with T and ends with I…. That cost me a good bit of my snacks… Even if I did give her way more than she asked for. (✿˘̩̩̩̩̩̩ᗜ˘̩̩̩̩̩̩)
When I first met Zhuli, I thought she was going to be a singer like me and Macbeth. I didn’t realize that she was on the path to be an announcer!! I didn’t even know you could do that!! I wanna know more about her!!!
I don’t think she remembered me too well when we first met, like everytime I would walk up to her when we both got into Anakt, she would just look at me weirdly like I was a stranger!!! It probably wasn’t personal, since I noticed it happening with other kids, did she just not remember anyone? I’m sure we’ll have more interactions in the future!!! (。◕‿◕。)
As for Cinna… I notice she’s not as social as everyone else. She’s usually with Yuna most of the time I see her, which is nice that she has a friend, but I worry sometimes. It’s kind of like Macbeth is a weird way, not really going out and making friends?
I don’t know, Macbeth doesn’t do it because he’s weird like that, but maybe Cinna is just too shy to be friends with someone else? THAT MUST TO BE IT!!! ( ; ´ ᗩ`)
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kururu418 · 2 months
So a Bee Insectoid character? Or a Bee Witch (if you go with the Growing Up Creepie concept) for Spectular Wolf based on this theme song itself?
I thought either a Bee insectoid or maybe a daughter or Dorian in the future au? Either way I could see them being a streamer/performer. (I also think it would just be hilarious if Dorian ended up having a daughter fawning over Olivier's son).
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debonairboys · 6 months
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windsweptinred · 1 year
I’m on a ladies of Sandman appreciation kick and currently delving into:
Dream x Lucienne
Morpheus x Calliope
Hob x Eleanor
# 2, 4, and/or 7
And really, I’ll read anything with these characters that isn’t romantic. Feeling like there’s a lack of character studies/gen fics on these ladies. And I’d pair Johanna Constantine or her ancestor with pretty much anyone.
Oh marvellous! I fully support some Sandman ladies loving! You rarely see such a host of amazing female characters in one show/comic. And sadly they do often play second fiddle when it comes to fics and ships.
2.Do you ship them?
So let's see, Dream x Lucienne.
It's not on my personal ship list. But I can easily see the appeal and would happily read fics for it. Nearly every Dream ship is about giving him someone loyal and true, who will love and believe in him no matter what. A stalwart supportive type who will stand up to him for his own good when need be. Well... (pushes Lucienne forward). There she is. You don't have to get creative with Lucienne to prove it either. She is, always has been and always will be that being for Dream. To paraphrase her. When she says Dream is never without his raven. On a whole deeper meaning, he never has been. She has NEVER abandoned him....You know I'm think I'm talking myself into this ship. 😅
Dream x Calliope and Hob x Eleanor.
I've put these two together because my answer is the same for both. Are they my favourite parings for these characters, no. But do I ship them... Absolutely! These canon lady loves deserve their realtionships explored in greater detail! The only women in their long lives, Hob and Dream went so far as to wed and start families with. How spectular these women must be!
I cannot describe what an absolute tower of strength and beauty I find Calliope. And Eleanor, when you consider how much of huge risk it would have been for Hob to settle down to that extent. He must have seen something truly special in her. I'd love to see these two realtionships explored further.
4. Would I consider writing for them?
If the mood takes me, I'm pretty sure I'd have a bash as writing for any ship. 😅 But the history enthusiast in me would love to delve into the two marriages, especially Hob's. To explore the late Tudor/ Elizabethean period.
7. What are some good fics...
Ah now, if I don't ship it, I can usually hand you over to someone who does. 😅 For Dream x Lucienne recs I shall hand you into the capable hands of @lucienne-thee-librarian. I have just read the most beautiful fic here on Tumblr by @two-hands-toward-the-sun about Morpheus and Calliope which is platonic but heart meltingly good. If I ask very nicely they might tag it. 😅 Have Hob and Eleanor ever been explored outside of side notes for other ships? If you find anything, please let me know. I'd love to read them!
And my god you're right! Johanna Constantine has truly missed her calling as the disaster bi, fandom bicycle she was born to be!
And thank you so much for your ask! 😁❤️
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valorxdrive · 10 months
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"I-I heard someone talk about Santa. Can I-I tag along, Sora?" Gwen asked, already decked out in a Christmas outfit.
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"And isn't that quite the spectular look you've set up there! Looks like as someone to help ol' Nick pick up the slack, we're gonna have to double down, Ohhhhh hohoho!" Sora adds in, wiggling that completely fake beard as he grasps her hand.
"Let's ensure the treats are at the ready! Weary souls, freezing ones, we'll make sure no one is left behind in these cases!
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probayern · 2 years
switching from bayern to f1 is like. bayern is my wonderful amazing spectular wife i will brag about her forever. f1 is my toxic boyfriend who i keep coming back to for some reason
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salad-bolg · 2 years
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✨Rata Sum✨
The main cities are all spectular, but Rata Sum is top tier
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alexbkrieger13 · 2 years
If you ever saw a pissed off journalist before this is one. A rant I agree with. Fully!
that is a spectular rant
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wanderella-w · 1 year
⚠️BLOG HIJACK⚠️ (day 50)
Everybody, please stay calm, raise your hands in the air and one-by-one leave a like in the comment section in an orderly fashion. Roger is taking over! 🚨
Yesterday (25 april) began with another trip to the Spar in Abbotsbury. As I, Roger, had forgotten to buy bread as Ella requested and opted for cider instead, we were among the first customers of the lovely neighbourhood supermarket in this pittoresque town at 7 am.
The town looked like something straight out of a BBC murder detective. Luckily, no bodies were found, but spending the night on the chapel hill was rather creepy, especially since we were sleeping next to a forest full of crows. For your information, a group of crows is called a "conspiracy" 👀.
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We set off well-motivated to reach Portland around 2 pm. The day before we pushed ourselves to our limits, or atleast mine, to ensure we could. A few passerby told us Portland was beautiful, and since the peninsula looked densily populated on the map and there were many holiday parks nearby, we thought it would be a tourist heaven — perfect for our well-deserved afternoon off.
As we were walking to Portland, a pretty yet not as spectular scenary as compared to the landscapes we had seen in the days before, we were dreaming of an AirBnB with a bathtub. We walked through fields, saw a pheasant (a bird I had never seen in real life before) and even spotted a herd of fully-wooled sheep.
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The path became increasingly muddy the further we got. I was particularly excited to walk trough a "danger zone", a military practice area. Ella mentioned she had seen quite a few of them already, but since it was my first time, I didn't know what to expect. Except for a few danger signs and an abandoned military post there was nothing to see. No shells or unexploded bombs on the ground :(.
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We pushed ourselves to walk as far as possible before our break around 12 pm. After all, the further we would walk, the earlier we could drink piña coladas in the sun on the white sandy beaches of Portland!
We contacted an AirBnB in the historical center of Portland, and with 12 km behind us and our bellies full after lunch, we set out to the peninsula. However, the more we approached Portland, the more industrial it looked. The bridge connecting Portland with the mainland was full of traffic, and instead of the palm trees we conjured in our head by that time, we saw a Lidl and an industrial port on the other end of it...
When we arrived in Portland, we were a bit, how to put this nicely, dissapointed. There was no city center, let alone a historical one, no attractive beaches, no palm trees and no sun-tanned girls dancing the hula.
What we did find was a nice, yet avarage, English working-class town decorated with the occasional St. George flag. Disillusioned, we entered a pub called The Britania which was already inhabited by a few locals having their Tuesday 2 pm Guinness. The AirBnB host canceled the reservation, and my leg started to hurt quite badly from the strain of the last few days. Quite the situation we had to deal with, as we still didn't know where to sleep.
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After going through some options, we decided to camp out in the wild again, no matter how tired and unshowered we were. We bought some food in the supermarket and got back on the trail.
At least we thought so. Portland doesn't have any architectural eye candy, but does have some bueatiful cliffs. Beautiful, if you are on the right side of them. Sadly, we had walked the wrong way, along the beach and not on top of the cliffs, and my left leg was hurting more and more.
Ella lent me her walking poles and we made our way up to the top of the cliffs. As we strolled through a statue park, I hobbled alongside her, my leg aching more and more. After a while, we finally stumbled upon an even patch of ground where we could pitch our tent. I must admit, as soon as we saw the location, we fell in love; It was only 10 metres from the cliffs edge and boasted a breathtaking view of the sea, the cliffs and the stretch we hiked that day.
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In the end, it was a challenging day that ended on a high note. Though we didn't get the afternoon of we had anticipated, we managed to cope with the situation together. All's well that ends well.
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